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Airdrie ( / ɛər d r i / ; escoceses : Airdrie ; gaélico escocés : Un t-ARD Ruigh ) [2] es una ciudad en North Lanarkshire , Escocia . Se encuentra en una meseta aproximadamente a 400 pies (130 m) sobre el nivel del mar , y está aproximadamente a 12 millas (19 km) al este del centro de la ciudad de Glasgow . A partir de 2012 , la ciudad tenía una población de alrededor de 37,130. [3] [4] [5] Históricamente parte de Lanarkshire, Airdrie forma parte de una conurbación con su vecino Coatbridge , en lo que comúnmente se conoce como Monklands, anteriormente un distrito . (población aproximada de 90.000, incluidos los asentamientos periféricos). [6]

Nombre [ editar ]

El nombre de Airdrie apareció por primera vez en el Registro del Gran Sello de Escocia (Registrum Magni Sigilii Regum Scotorum) en 1373 como Ardre. En 1546 se había convertido en Ardry y en 1587 se conocía como Ardrie. En 1630 apareció finalmente en el Registro como Airdrie. Dada la topografía de la zona, la interpretación más probable es que el nombre deriva del gaélico An Àrd Ruigh, que significa una altura llana o un pastizal alto. Otra posibilidad es que sea del gaélico An Àrd Àirighe, que significa sheiling , un pastizal de verano / cabaña de pastores. Una tercera posibilidad es el gaélico Ard Reidh que significa una llanura alta. [7] Otra alternativa no gaélica es el Brythonic , es decir, Cumbrico galés del norte , ard tref (que se convierte en ardre por proceso de asimilación), que significa una gran propiedad o granja, que se remonta a la época del Reino de Strathclyde , antes de la expansión del habla gaélica o inglesa en la región. El castillo de Airthrey en Stirlingshire puede tener una derivación similar. [8]

Geografía [ editar ]

Pueblos satélite [ editar ]

Chapelhall , Calderbank , Caldercruix , Gartness , Glenmavis , Greengairs , Longriggend , Plains , Stand , Upperton , Newhouse y Wattston generalmente se consideran pueblos satélites de Airdrie.


Since the most recent major reorganisation in 2006, North Lanarkshire Council divides Airdrie into the following wards, each electing four councillors since the 2017 election:

  • Ward 7 – Airdrie North (2019 population 20,137): Glenmavis, Caldercruix, Plains, Burnfoot, Thrashbush, Rochsoles, Holehills, Clarkston, Greengairs, Longriggend[9]
  • Distrito 8 - Airdrie Central (población de 2019 16,354): Airdrie Town Center, Whinhall, Coatdyke, Gartlea, North Cairnhill, área de Central Park, Rawyards [10]
  • Distrito 11 - Airdrie South (población de 2019 19,934): Craignuek, Petersburn, Moffat Mills, Chapelhall, Calderbank, Brownsburn, South Cairnhill, Gartness [11]

Historia [ editar ]

Historia temprana [ editar ]

Mapa de Blaeu [12] basado en el mapa original de Pont [13] "Glasgow y el condado de Lanark" c.1596 que representa a Ardry (Airdrie), Burnsyd (Burnfoot), Carnhil (Cairnhill), Gartly (Gartlea) y Ruchsols ( Rochsoles) entre otros.
Arms of Airdrie: el lema de la ciudad es la palabra latina Vigilantibus (estar atento). Viene de Aitcheson de Rochsolloch [14]
"Sea Airdrie lo que quiera, todavía está en el piso". cita anónima en Graham Street
Casa de la ciudad de Airdrie

No hay evidencia para apoyar la afirmación ( George Chalmers , Caledonia [15] ) de que Airdrie es el sitio de la antigua batalla de Arderyth . [16] Bajo el patrocinio del rey Malcolm IV de Escocia, los monjes cistercienses establecieron una abadía en Melrose en 1136. Cinco años más tarde se fundó una casa hija en Newbattle Abbey en Lothian. En 1160, Malcolm otorgó tierras en el centro de Escocia a los monjes de Newbattle. Estos se conocieron como los "Munklands" (Registro del Gran Sello 1323). [17]

Malcolm's Charter constitutes the oldest documentary record of place-names in the Monklands. The area of land granted by the Charter is clearly defined by direct reference to geographical and topographical features thus: Dunpeldre by its right boundaries, namely with Metheraugh and Mayeuth and Clarnephin as far as Dunduffes in the east. The name Dunpeldre is found in the modern name Drumpellier, Metheraugh is Medrox; Mayeuth is Myvot and Clarnephin refers to the North Calder Water in the east of the parish (from old Brittonic name claur n afon meaning plain of the river). Dunduffes has become directly translated into the modern Black Hill que, como establece la Carta, se encuentra en el extremo oriental de la parroquia. La Carta no menciona nada parecido a Airdrie, aunque aquí es donde se encuentra Airdrie.

Airdrie debe su existencia a su ubicación en el 'Hogs Back', una cadena de tierra que corre de este a oeste. [18] Un aspecto muy importante de la historia de la ciudad fueron los monjes cistercienses de Newbattle Abbey , razón por la cual la zona se llama Monklands. Los monjes eran agricultores y algunos de sus nombres de lugares sobreviven, por ejemplo, Ryefield y Whifflet (las llanuras de trigo). Gran parte de la tierra que utilizaron se conoce hoy como 'Las Cuatro Islas' (una urbanización que lleva el nombre de cuatro islas escocesas): Mull , Islay , Iona y Luing en el área de Petersburn de la moderna Airdrie. Los monjes de Newbattle tenían numerosos establecimientos en toda la zona, incluido ungranja grange en Drumpellier, Coatbridge, un palacio de justicia en Kipps , una capilla en el área de Chapelhall y varios molinos de maíz . Los Monjes también eran expertos en la construcción de carreteras. En el siglo XII, establecieron la carretera original de Glasgow a Edimburgo a través de Airdrie y Bathgate , para conectar con sus tierras en Newbattle en East Lothian .

El monumento a Robert Hamilton

En aquellos días, viajar era a menudo peligroso. Los caballos todavía eran poco comunes y solo los ricos podían pagarlos. Los terrenos bajos solían ser extremadamente difíciles de navegar debido a los numerosos pantanos , bosques y quemaduras , sin mencionar la posibilidad de una emboscada por parte de un pisoteador o un ladrón. Por lo tanto, se volvió mucho más práctico viajar en terreno elevado (el 'Camino Alto') donde se podía evitar el barro y los ladrones. Estas carreteras (o más bien pistas) se conocieron como la Carretera del Rey.

Definitive evidence of the existence of Airdrie as a tenantry was only made clear in 1503. The old monks' road was via Cliftonhill (an area now in neighbouring Coatbridge), Airdrie House (now the site of Monklands Hospital), Aitchison Street, High Street, Hallcraig Street, Flowerhill Street and Colliertree Road. The first houses in Airdrie were built along this road. Development was slow and it was only around 1650 that evidence of the number of inhabitants was known at around 500 for the Airdrie area. A large contingent of Airdrieonians fought at the Battle of Bothwell Brig during the Covenanter Rebellion of 1679; their banner can still be viewed at the local library.

Un evento significativo en la historia de Airdrie fue la aprobación en 1695 de una ley especial del Parlamento en el Parlamento escocés que permitió a Robert Hamilton de Airdrie celebrar cuatro ferias al año y un mercado semanal en la ciudad de 'Airdry'. Esto ayudó a que Airdrie pasara de ser una "ciudad agrícola" a una próspera "ciudad comercial". [19]

Sin embargo, Airdrie realmente saltó a la fama a través de su industria del tejido . Airdrie Weavers Society se fundó en 1781 y el lino se cultivaba en dieciséis granjas en el burgo y sus alrededores . En la última década del siglo XVIII, la minería del carbón estaba en marcha y se emplearon alrededor de treinta mineros . El tejido continuó floreciendo y representó una parte sustancial de la población de más de 2500 a principios del siglo XIX. [20]

Dada su gran cantidad de tejedores, su ubicación geográfica y una gran cantidad de soldados desempleados después del final de las Guerras Napoleónicas , Airdrie se convirtió en un importante centro de apoyo para la Guerra Radical de 1820. El rápido ritmo de crecimiento de la población continuó y en 1821 eran 4.862 habitantes. En este momento, el número de casas en construcción aumentó dramáticamente y en 1821, por una ley privada del Parlamento , Airdrie se convirtió en un Burgo de Baronía libre e independiente . Debido al hecho de que era "independiente", tenía todos los poderes de un Royal Burgh .

Votar a principios del siglo XIX fue bastante impredecible, ya que no solo se permitía votar a los lugareños, sino también a los residentes fuera del burgo. En 1821 se llevó a cabo la primera elección de un ayuntamiento y en agosto se había designado un asesor, un fiscal , un maestro de policía y un pregonero . Cualquiera que hubiera pagado sus 3 guineas podía votar; incluso hay un registro de una votación de John Mackay a pesar de tener menos de 10 años. [21]

En 1824, se decidió construir Airdrie Town House , originalmente diseñado por Alexander Baird y ahora un hito local conocido como el "reloj de la ciudad". [22] En 1832, el Town House fue utilizado como hospital debido al brote de cólera de este año. [22]

En 1850, la población había aumentado a 12.418.

1850 a 1920 [ editar ]

Ayuntamiento de Sir John Wilson

El enorme crecimiento de la población no se debió a la alta tasa de natalidad, sino a la afluencia de residentes de las Highlands y predominantemente de Irlanda. Esto siguió a la hambruna de la papa en las tierras altas de mediados de la década de 1840 y también reflejó el cambio de la industria artesanal a la industria pesada en el área. La mayor parte de la población inmigrante irlandesa estaba involucrada con la minería y el trabajo. Esto provocó un aumento de las fundiciones de hierro en la zona. Debido a esta explosión en la industria, los enlaces ferroviarios se establecieron a partir de 1826. [23]En 1862, Airdrie y Bathgate Junction Railway proporcionaban un enlace directo a Edimburgo con la estación Airdrie South que proporcionaba el punto de partida para los trenes a Glasgow. [24]

En agosto se aprobó la Ley de Bibliotecas Públicas (Escocia) de 1853 , y en noviembre la Biblioteca Pública de Airdrie se convirtió en la primera en Escocia. [25] [26]

Parte trasera de la biblioteca Airdrie con cúpula del observatorio

El dramático aumento de la población y la industria impulsó la necesidad de suministros de agua más accesibles. Hasta mediados del siglo XIX, se instalaron varios pozos que se alimentaban de los arroyos circundantes en el área. Estos sirvieron para dotar a muchas casas de pozos privados. En 1846 se fundaron Airdrie y Coatbridge Water Company para construir (junto con Forth and Clyde Canal Company) el embalse de Roughrigg. [27]

El periodismo en Airdrie comenzó con "The Airdrie Literary Album" en 1828. Varios periódicos locales comenzaron a aparecer en esta época, notablemente el Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser en 1855, que sigue siendo el periódico local más popular en la actualidad. [28] La prisión fue legalizada en 1859 y tenía 51 celdas. [29]

Airdrie Working Men's Club se estableció en 1869. [30] También en esta época, el fútbol y el cricket comenzaron a surgir como deportes populares. Siguiendo la codificación de las reglas del fútbol de asociación, se formó un equipo local llamado Excelsior en 1878, que más tarde pasaría a llamarse Airdrieonians . También se llevaron a cabo reuniones de carreras de caballos en la ciudad (1851-1870), pero esta tierra se convirtió en el campo de golf del recién formado Airdrie Golf Club en 1877.

Education posed a major problem with severe overcrowding in the few schools available, therefore three new school boards were established. In the early 1830s there were about 800 pupils while the town had about 7000 residents.[31] Fees were routinely charged within the schools with the belief they should be self-supporting until a parliamentary act of 1889 relieved some of the infant classes in schools of this burden. Airdrie Academy was built in 1849 and by 1919 all school boards were dissolved and Lanarkshire Education Authority took over responsibility for education throughout Lanarkshire.[32]

El Observatorio Público Airdrie , uno de los cuatro únicos observatorios públicos en el Reino Unido (el segundo más antiguo y el más pequeño), todos en Escocia, fue fundado en el primer edificio de la biblioteca en 1896, y todavía es operado en el edificio actual por la Asociación Astronómica Airdrie, un astronáutico escocés. y sociedad de astronomía y caridad registrada. [33]

Para el cambio de siglo, los espectáculos de variedades se estaban volviendo populares en el área y en 1911 se construyó el Pabellón en Graham Street, que después de ser utilizado inicialmente como un salón de música comenzó a mostrar imágenes cinematográficas. Desafortunadamente, fue destruido por un incendio en 1917, pero fue reconstruido en 1919 y finalmente cerrado en 1970. El New Cinema se inauguró en 1920 en Broomknoll Street, pero también ha cerrado desde entonces. La ciudad no tenía un lugar adecuado para funciones más grandes, por lo que en 1912 se abrió el Ayuntamiento de Sir John Wilson (después de una oferta de £ 10,000 de Sir John Wilson). [34]

El 9 de julio de 1918, diecinueve mineros murieron en el desastre de Stanrigg Pit. El pozo estaba situado en un terreno pantanoso y se derrumbó después de ser saturado por fuertes lluvias. [35]

1920 en adelante [ editar ]

Monumento de la guerra de Airdrie

Al final de la Primera Guerra Mundial , Airdrie sufrió un duro golpe con muchas bajas en la guerra. El desempleo alcanzó el 30% en el área local. [36] Después de años de mudarse de un sitio a otro, la primera biblioteca construida especialmente en Airdrie se abrió en Anderson Street en 1895. Sin embargo, esto solo duró 30 años hasta que se erigió el edificio actual de la Biblioteca Airdrie en 1925. [37]

El primer edificio de la Biblioteca Pública de Airdrie, una biblioteca Carnegie abrió en 1894.

Conditions in the town did not really improve until well after the Second World War but in 1949 the Boots pharmaceutical company and Banner Textiles Ltd were attracted to the town (between them employing 1200). With this impetus, new companies began to consider Airdrie as a viable option for business and in 1958 Pye opened employing over 1000 people. The emergence of industrial estates was also prevalent around this time (Newhouse, Chapelhall, and Brownsburn). The Airdrie Arts Centre opened in 1967 in the former Airdrie Library building, and was a popular venue for concerts and plays, but was closed in 2012 by North Lanarkshire Council.[38]

The Holehills Flats

La década de 1970 vio la apertura del Hospital Monklands , que reemplazó a un hospital más antiguo en la finca Airdrie House. [39]

Deporte [ editar ]

Pesca con caña [ editar ]

Airdrie es un destino popular para los pescadores de todo el Cinturón Central, debido a sus lagos y embalses. Éstas incluyen:

  • Airdrie & District Angling Club con sede en Hillend Loch , uno de los principales lugares de pesca de truchas de Escocia .
  • The Lilly Loch, dirigido por Clarkston Angling Club.
  • Embalse de Roughrigg, dirigido por la Asociación de Pesca de Roughrigg.

Atletismo [ editar ]

  • Airdrie Harriers, el club de atletismo más grande de North Lanarkshire.
Club de bolos Airdrie

Fútbol [ editar ]

El estadio Excelsior
Penal en Central Park

El club de fútbol más importante de la ciudad es el Airdrieonians FC , que juega en la Scottish League One y tiene su sede en el Excelsior Stadium . Se formaron como reemplazo de los Airdrieonians originales., who folded in May 2002; in the immediate aftermath of the liquidation of Airdrieonians, a local consortium quickly formed to establish a new club named Airdrie United. Its application to join the Scottish Football League, playing in the traditional Airdrieonians colours at the Excelsior Stadium (now also known as New Broomfield after the club's former home from 1892–1994), was rejected in favour of Gretna. The owning consortium swiftly devised a Plan B, and bought Clydebank FC from its administrators. Clydebank's sole asset of any value was its place in the third tier of Scottish professional football. The new owners gained permission to move that club to Airdrie and change the name to Airdrie United, which latter club formally inherited the short life history of Clydebank rather than Airdrieonians. The United part of the name was dropped informally in July 2012, but the club was still officially known as Airdrie United F.C., until a move back to the Airdrieonians name was finally achieved in June 2013.

The award-winning Gartcairn Football Academy fields a number of teams, including a junior team, Gartcairn F. A. Juniors.

In addition there are a number of teams competing in the various Scottish Amateur Football Association leagues.


Airdrie Golf Club was established in 1877. It is a wooded parkland par 69 course with tight fairways and well-protected greens. [40]

Motor sport[edit]

The Monklands Sporting Car Club runs it events at the Forrestburn Hillclimb situated about 5 miles east of Airdrie.

Rugby union[edit]

Airdrie was home to its own rugby union team called Waysiders RFC. This team was amalgamated to form Waysiders Drumpellier RFC which currently play out of Drumpellier RFC's traditional home ground in Langloan, Coatbridge.

They presently play in the West Regional Leagues Division One (Level five).


The Monklands Sailing Club is based at Hillend Loch by Caldercruix.


  • Airdrie Skatepark and BMX track are located at Airdrie Leisure Centre.


  • Airdrie and Monklands ASC, based at the John Smith Pool, Airdrie.


  • Springwells Lawn Tennis Club. A member of the West of Scotland District and LTA County, divisions of Tennis Scotland.


  • Airdrie hosted the National Mòd in 1993.[41]

Places of interest[edit]

  • Airdrie Public Library
  • Airdrie Public Observatory – home to a 6" Victorian telescope.
  • Arran View - villa built by Alexander Thomson in 1867.
  • Black Hill transmitting station – the tallest structure in Scotland.
  • Centenary and West End Parks – including the Airdrie Cenotaph and the Centenary Railway Viaduct (1866).
  • Drumbowie World War II Anti-aircraft battery – site number N12, part of the Clyde AA defences. Situated just outside Glenmavis.
  • Monkland Canal – where the Vulcan (barge), the world's first iron boat, was constructed and launched in 1819.
  • New Monklands Parish Church
  • The Wallace Stone – legend tells that William Wallace sharpened his sword on this stone on his way to the Battle of Falkirk.
  • Sir John Wilson Town Hall


  • Airdrie and District Round Table
  • Army Cadet Force – Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion
  • Boys' Brigade – Airdrie, Coatbridge and District Battalion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th companies.
  • Girls' Brigade, 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th companies.
  • Girl Guides (and Brownies) – County of North Lanarkshire
  • The Moira Anderson Foundation, a national charity providing support for those affected by childhood sexual abuse
  • The Royal Scottish Geographical Society maintains a regional centre at the Airdrie Arts Centre
  • The Scout Association – Clyde Region, Calder District, 5th Lanarkshire, 88th Lanarkshire and 126th Lanarkshire Troops
  • Sea Cadet Corps – T.S. Enterprise


Airdrie is represented by several tiers of elected government. North Lanarkshire Council, the unitary local authority for Airdrie, is based at Motherwell, and is the executive, deliberative and legislative body responsible for local governance. The Scottish Parliament is responsible for devolved matters such as education, health and justice,[42] while reserved matters are dealt with by the Parliament of the United Kingdom.


The town forms part of the burgh constituency of Airdrie and Shotts, electing one Member of Parliament (MP) to the House of Commons. In 2005, changes to the constituency boundaries saw part of its area transferred to Motherwell and Wishaw, offset by the addition of part of Hamilton North and Bellshill.

Pamela Nash was MP for Airdrie and Shotts, elected at the 2010 general election and was the youngest member of the House of Commons at that time. The location has been represented by several prominent Labour MPs in recent years:

  • John Smith, MP for North Lanarkshire 1970–1983 and Monklands East 1983–1994 (Eastern Coatbridge and Airdrie area). Former Shadow Chancellor and then leader of the Labour Party until his untimely death in 1994.
  • Helen Liddell, MP for Monklands East 1994–1997, Airdrie and Shotts 1997–2005, Secretary of State for Scotland and subsequently Britain's High Commissioner to Australia.
  • John Reid, MP for Airdrie and Shotts 2005–2010, a high-profile minister including as the first Roman Catholic to be appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

The current MP for the constituency is the Scottish National Party's Neil Gray. He won the seat in 2015's general election from the Labour party, which was always seen as a safe seat for Labour.

Scottish Parliament[edit]

For the purposes of the Scottish Parliament, Airdrie forms part of the Airdrie and Shotts constituency. This has slightly different boundaries than that of the UK Parliament constituency of the same name. The current member of the Scottish Parliament for Airdrie and Shotts is Alex Neil MSP (Scottish National Party), who won this seat in the 2011 Scottish Parliament from the Labour Party who had held the seat since the instatement of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

In addition to this Airdrie is represented by seven regional MSPs from the Central Scotland electoral region.[43]

European Parliament[edit]

Before Brexit, it was part of the Scotland European Parliament constituency.

Local government[edit]

Up until 1975, Airdrie had its own Burgh Council. Between 1975 and 1996, Airdrie came under Monklands District Council operating in conjunction with Strathclyde Regional Council. Monklands District Council was headquartered in the Coatbridge Municipal Building. Many Airdrieonians felt short-changed by MDC's actions and a significant political scandal known as Monklandsgate greatly tarnished the Council's reputation. After 1996, it came under the authority of the unitary North Lanarkshire Council. North Lanarkshire has many councillors; currently, the council is in control of the Labour group and the leader of the council is Jim Logue, councillor for Airdrie Central.[44]



Burgh of Airdrie Police helmet badge (Victorian Crown) pre 1902

Policing in Airdrie is undertaken by Police Scotland. Airdrie is part of Coatbridge Area Command[45] with Chief Inspector Kenny MacLeod as the Area Commander. Airdrie also forms part of NA (or Monklands) sub division which includes Coatbridge and the surrounding area. There is one police office in Airdrie and this is open 24 hours.[46]

Sheriff Court[edit]

Airdrie Sheriff Court provides a comprehensive local court service for the area including civil actions and criminal cases. It is administered by the Scottish Court Service and part of the South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway Sheriffdom headed by a Sheriff Principal.


  • The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, responsible for the prosecution of crime in Scotland, maintains an office in the town directly opposite the Court.
  • The Airdrie Hearing Centre holds Children's Hearings within the town. The Centre is part of the Central West Region of the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration.



As outlined in the history section Airdrie's traditional economic activities of weaving, coal mining, and heavy industry have ceased to exist. Whilst the Glenflagler Distillery is now closed the town still retains a strong involvement in the whisky industry. Airdrie was also home to a Crimpy Crisps factory. It is fair to say that, given its location near to Glasgow and other commercial or industrial areas, Airdrie might now be considered something of a commuter town. In fact housing construction in Airdrie has been very prominent in recent years with builders developing a number of brownfield sites following the closure of various factories such as Boots who closed their factory in 2004. Nonetheless it does retain significant economic activity.

Notable employers[edit]

  • Albert Bartlett & Sons, a supplier of root vegetables in the UK. The Bartlett brothers, Alan, 52, and Ronnie, 44 are jointly ranked in The Sunday Times Rich List 2008 as the 63rd richest persons in Scotland and the 969th richest persons in the UK with a worth valued at £80 million.[47]
  • Inver House Distillers Limited, headquarters and warehousing in Airdrie. Products include Old Pulteney, Balblair, Heather Cream and Coldstream Gin.
  • Monklands Hospital
  • Teleperformance, a telesales and technical support company.
  • The Holemasters Group, Diamond Drilling, Concrete Cutting & Passive Fire Protection company. Also major sponsor of local Airdrieonians.

There are two trading estates in the town, Brownsburn Industrial Estate and Osprey Trade Park.


Historical records of Airdrie's population are available from the 18th,[48] the early decades of the 19th century,[49] and into the early 20th century.[50]

According to the 2001 Census,[51] Airdrie's population of 36,326 was:

  • 47.31 male, 52.69% female.
  • 20.7% were under 16, 16.67% were pensioners.
  • 46.61% were married (first marriage), 29.81% were single.
  • 95.74% were born in Scotland or described their nationality as Scottish.
  • 0.42% spoke Gaelic.


ChristianChurch of Scotland – Airdrie's Church of Scotland churches are part of the Presbytery of Hamilton.

Cairnlea Church
  • Cairnlea Church - formed by the amalgamation of Broomknoll Church and Flowerhill Church in 2016 and housed in the former Flowerhill building (1875)
  • Clarkston Church (1837)
  • High Church
  • Jackson Church
  • New Monkland Parish Church (bef. 1698) – In nearby Glenmavis.
  • New Wellwynd (1834)
  • St Columba's Church
Saint Andrews Chapel

Roman Catholic Church – Airdrie's Roman Catholic churches are immediately governed by the Diocese of Motherwell, currently led by Bishop Joseph Toal. The Bishops' Conference of Scotland (effectively the Church's headquarters in Scotland) is situated in Airdrie.

  • St Andrew's Church (Whinhall)
  • St Edward's Church (Gartlea)
  • St Margaret's Church (Airdrie centre)
  • St Serf's Church (Rawyards)
Pilgrim Congregational Church

Congregational Church – Airdrie's Congregational churches are associated with the Congregational Federation.

  • Coatdyke Church
  • Ebenezer Church (Broomknoll Street) (1882)
  • Pilgrim Church


Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church (1838)
  • Airdrie Baptist Church (1843) – part of the Baptist Union of Scotland.
  • Airdrie Islamic Centre (mosque) – part of the UK Islamic Mission.
  • Airdrie Park – part of the United Reformed Church.
  • Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church – part of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, which is largely headquartered in Airdrie.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints Chapel
  • Ebenezer Church (Aitchison Street) – Evangelical Church – Airdrie's Evangelical churches are Brethren and associated with the Evangelical Alliance.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses' Kingdom Hall
  • The Salvation Army, Airdrie Corps
  • St Andrew's Hospice – operated by the Sisters of Charity.
  • St Paul & St John the Baptist – part of the Scottish Episcopal Church, governed by the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway.


Airdrie railway station is on the electrified North Clyde Line. This railway provides a frequent train service to Glasgow via Coatbridge Sunnyside and Easterhouse. In 2010, the Airdrie-Bathgate Rail Link re-opened providing Airdrie with a direct commuter train service to Bathgate, Livingston North and Edinburgh Waverley. Drumgelloch railway station serves the eastern end of the town. Including the satellite village of Caldercruix, Airdrie is served by four stations; Caldercruix, Drumgelloch, Airdrie, and Coatdyke, on the border of Airdrie and Coatbridge.

Airdrie has road links to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Livingston, Motherwell, and Cumbernauld and is situated close to the M8 motorway. Bus services are largely undertaken by local operators, and links to Glasgow are provided by First Glasgow and McGills. McGill's took over most of the local companies in 2016 to form its ‘Monklands’ network in Go Zone 8. The services link all the local neighbourhoods with longer distance services e.g. the 212 from Coatbridge - Caldercruix via Airdrie and Plains, or the 247 from Monklands Hospital - Kirkintilloch via Airdrie, Glenmavis, Cumbernauld and Blackwood.

Airdrie is connected to the UK National Cycle Network by National Cycle Route 75. This route provides a path between Glasgow and Edinburgh. According to the Sustrans website: "there is currently a gap in the National Cycle Network route at Devol Glen, Port Glasgow."[52] Other than the Sustrans path, there are no cycle lanes in Airdrie.

Historical transport links include:-

  • Monkland Canal, 1794, commenced by James Watt
  • Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways
  • Ballochney Railway, 1828
  • Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, 1826
  • Slamannan Railway
  • Monkland Railways, formed in 1848 by the merger of the aforesaid local "coal railways".
  • Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway
  • North British Railway
  • Caledonian Railway
  • London and North Eastern Railway (LNER)
  • London, Midland and Scottish Railway
  • British Railways/British Rail - Scottish Region of British Railways


Monklands District General Hospital with the medical tower, the surgical tower and the A&E entrance

NHS Lanarkshire is responsible for the healthcare of Airdrie residents. Airdrie is home to Monklands District General Hospital with a 24-hour Accident & Emergency department. The hospital has over 400 beds and provides a comprehensive service with specialist renal, infectious diseases and ENT departments. Wester Moffat Hospital provides long term care for the elderly.

Adjacent to Monklands Hospital is Maggie's Lanarkshire, part of the renowned Maggie's Centres cancer support charity whilst the Beatson Lanarkshire cancer treatment centre opened in 2015. St Andrew's Hospice is a palliative care unit with a strong emphasis on cancer care. It is operated by the Sisters of Charity and partly funded by NHS Lanarkshire.

The West Central division of the Scottish Ambulance Service provides accident and emergency, and patient transport services for the town.

If it wasn't for the weavers, where would the Parkinson's Self Help Group be?

The Parkinson's Self Help Group (North Lanarkshire) is based in the Weavers' Cottages (1780) and provides support for people with Parkinson's disease.

The SVGCA – Houses for Heroes, a charity providing suitable accommodation for permanently disabled armed forces, police and fire service personnel, maintains four houses in the town.

The Scottish Association for Mental Health and the Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health maintain offices in the town.

In addition there are several medical practices including the state of the art Airdrie Community Health Centre, dental surgeries, nursing homes and opticians throughout Airdrie.


There are three secondary schools, 13 primary schools, two dedicated nursery schools, and one special needs school in Airdrie, all of which are run by North Lanarkshire Council.

Secondary schools[edit]

Airdrie Academy
  • Airdrie Academy – Non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive school
  • Caldervale High – Non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive school
  • St Margaret's High – Roman Catholic, co-educational, comprehensive school

Primary schools[edit]

  • Chapelside Primary – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Clarkston Primary – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Dunrobin Primary – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Glengowan & St Mary's Primary Schools and Nursery – Joint campus, non-denominational and Roman Catholic, co-educational – in nearby Caldercruix
  • Golfhill Primary – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Greengairs Primary – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Petersburn Primary and Nursery – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • New Monkland Primary and Nursery – Non-denominational, co-educational – in nearby Glenmavis.
  • Plains Primary & St David's Primary – Joint campus, non-denominational and Roman Catholic, co-educational – in nearby Plains
  • Rochsolloch Primary and Nursery & All Saints Primary – Joint campus, non-denominational and Roman Catholic, co-educational
  • St Andrew's Primary and Nursery – Roman Catholic, co-educational
  • St Dominic's Primary and Nursery – Roman Catholic, co-educational
  • St Edward's Primary and Nursery – Roman Catholic, co-educational
  • St Serf's Primary and Nursery – Roman Catholic, co-educational
  • Tollbrae Primary and Nursery (including Gaelic nursery provision) – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • Victoria Primary and Nursery – Non-denominational, co-educational
  • St Aloysius Primary and Chapelhall Primary-Joint Campus

Nursery schools[edit]

  • Devonview Nursery
  • Richard Stewart Nursery
  • Rochsolloch Nursery Class

Private nursery schools[edit]

  • First Class Nursery
  • Grahamshill Private Day Nursery
  • Heathpark Nursery
  • Stepping Stones Nursery
  • Tiny Tots Academy

Special needs school[edit]

  • Mavisbank School and Nursery

Notable people[edit]

  • Anton Danyluk -Love Island 2019 Star
  • Ian Aitken - political journalist
  • Bill Adam – racing driver
  • Joe Allen - painter
  • Ian Bannen – actor
  • John Carmichael – soldier and recipient of the Victoria Cross
  • John Craig – geologist and lexicographer
  • Paul Craig - Mixed Martial Artist
  • Leo Cushley – Roman Catholic archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh
  • William Whigham Fletcher - biologist
  • Hugh de Largie – Australian politician
  • The Big Dish – pop/rock band
  • Ryan Dalziel – racing driver
  • Ross Davidson – actor
  • Nathan Evans - singer
  • Emily Gerard – writer, whose works inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula and coined the term Nosferatu
  • John Graham, 1st Viscount of Dundee – also known as 'Bluidy Clavers' and 'Bonnie Dundee'. Royalist and Jacobite soldier
  • Walker Hamilton – writer
  • Dee Hepburn – actress, best known for her role in Gregory's Girl
  • David Keenan – writer, musician
  • Jim Lambie – Turner Prize nominated artist.
  • David Ross Lauder – soldier and recipient of the Victoria Cross
  • Jason Leitch - National Clinical Director for Scotland. Dux of Airdrie Academy
  • Sir George G. Macfarlane, engineer, scientific administrator and public servant.
  • Alesha MacPhail, murder victim
  • John O'Neill – soldier and recipient of the Victoria Cross.
  • James Bell Pettigrew
  • William Robinson – swimmer, won silver in the Men's 200 metre Breaststroke at the 1908 Olympics in London.
  • Jim Traynor – sports broadcaster and journalist.
  • Sir John Wilson – Baronet (Wilson Baronetcy of Airdrie, which continues today with the 5th Baronet).
  • Amanda Hendrick – high-fashion model
  • Grant Harrold – broadcaster, and former Royal Butler to HRH Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall
  • Kenny Williams – Scottish professional wrestler with Insane Championship Wrestling


  • John Armstrong
  • Barry Bannan
  • Dick Black
  • Gary Love
  • George Brown
  • Jackie Campbell
  • Sandy Clark
  • Bobby Cumming
  • Torrance Gillick
  • David Hannah
  • Dick Hendrie
  • Drew Jarvie
  • Alan Lawrence – Nicknamed 'Nipper'.
  • Brian McClair
  • Bob McFarlane
  • Paul McGowan
  • John McGregor
  • Ian McMillan
  • Robert Main
  • Alan Morton – Nicknamed 'The Wee Blue Devil'.
  • Billy Neil - Olympian
  • John Rankin
  • Ally Roy
  • Matthew Scott
  • Jimmy Smith
  • Gardner Speirs
  • James White
  • Martin Woods


See also[edit]

  • List of places in North Lanarkshire


  • Begg, E. and Rich, D. (1991) On the Trail of Merlin. ISBN 0-85030-939-5
  • Geddes, C.M. (1995) Airdrie 300:A Souvenir Brochure. Motherwell: Monklands Library Services. ISBN 0-946120-29-3
  • Hutton, G. (1997) Lanarkshire's Mining Legacy. Catrine: Stenlake Publishing. ISBN 1-84033-015-5
  • McCutcheon, C. (1994) Old Airdrie. Catrine: Stenlake Publishing. ISBN 1-872074-34-0
  • Moir, H. (2001) Airdrie. Stroud: Tempus Publishing Ltd. ISBN 0-7524-2368-1
  • Scobbie, J.K. (1985) Book of Airdrie'. Motherwell: Monklands Library Services. ISBN 0-946120-08-0
  • Wilson, R. (1997) Old Airdrie Villages. Catrine: Stenlake Publishing. ISBN 1-84033-004-X

External links[edit]

  • Airdrie web page The Airdrie page (no longer maintained)
  • A collection of historic maps of Airdrie from the 1830s onward at National Library of Scotland


  1. ^ "Mid-2016 Population Estimates for Settlements and Localities in Scotland". National Records of Scotland. 12 March 2018. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  2. ^ "Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba ~ Gaelic Place-Names of Scotland". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 25 October 2011.
  3. ^ "Key Facts 2016 - Demography". North Lanarkshire Council. Archived from the original on 4 January 2018. Retrieved 3 January 2018.
  4. ^ "Estimated population of localities by broad age groups, mid-2012" (PDF). Retrieved 3 January 2018.
  5. ^ Not including outlying villages Calderbank, Caldercruix, Chapelhall, Glenmavis, Greengairs, Plains and Wattston which are recorded separately.
  6. ^ "Locality and settlement population 2016". North Lanarkshire Council. Retrieved 21 September 2019.
  7. ^ Drummond, Peter, John (2014). An analysis of toponyms and toponymic patterns in eight parishes of the upper Kelvin basin (PDF). Glasgow: Glasgow University. p. 322. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
  8. ^ Oxenham, William (2005). Welsh Origins of Scottish Place-Names. Llanrwst: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch. p. 97. ISBN 0-86381-957-5.
  9. ^ Electoral Ward: Airdrie North, Scottish Government Statistics
  10. ^ Electoral Ward: Airdrie Central, Scottish Government Statistics
  11. ^ Electoral Ward: Airdrie South, Scottish Government Statistics
  12. ^ Blaeu, Joan. "Glottiana Praefectura Inferior". National Library of Scotland. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  13. ^ "Glasgow and the county of Lanark - Pont 34". Maps of Scotland. Timothy Pont (16th century). Retrieved 31 December 2017.
  14. ^ "Airdrie". Heraldry of the World. Retrieved 5 January 2018.
  15. ^ Chalmers, George (1887). Caledonia : or, a historical and topographical account of North Britain, from the most ancient to the present times with a dictionary of places chorographical & philological (Vol 1 ed.). Paisley: Gardner. p. 246. Retrieved 5 January 2018.
  16. ^ Skene, William Forbes (1868). Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Vol VI ed.). Edinburgh: Neill and Co. pp. 91–98. Retrieved 5 January 2018.
  17. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. p. 3. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  18. ^ "Airdrie". Monklands Memories. Archived from the original on 11 January 2015. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  19. ^ "1986 AIRDRIE AN OPEN AIR MARKET". Domesday Reloaded. BBC. Retrieved 5 January 2018.
  20. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 73–85. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  21. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. p. 63. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  22. ^ a b Historic Environment Scotland. "Bank Street, The Townhouse (LB20926)". Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  23. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. p. 72. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  24. ^ "O.S. Map with zoom and Bing overlay". National Library of Scotland. Ordnance Survey. Retrieved 30 December 2017.
  25. ^ Mort, Frederick (1910). Lanarkshire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 151. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  26. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 117–119. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  27. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 110–112. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  28. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 125–129. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  29. ^ Groome, Francis Hindes (1882). Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland : a survey of Scottish topography, statistical, biographical, and historical (Vol 1 ed.). Edinburgh: T.C. Jack. p. 36. Retrieved 5 January 2018.
  30. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 150–151. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  31. ^ Begg, James (1845). The new statistical account of Scotland (Vol 6 ed.). Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. pp. 244–245. Retrieved 3 January 2018.
  32. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 112–116. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  33. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. pp. 120–121. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  34. ^ Historic Environment Scotland. "Stirling Street, Sir John Wilson Town Hall Including Gatepiers (LB20947)". Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  35. ^ "Stanrigg 9th July 1918". Scottish Mining Website. Retrieved 12 May 2017.
  36. ^ Gray, Alastair (1989). A History of Scotland in Modern Times. Oxford University Press. p. 66.
  37. ^ "Call to retain Airdrie Arts Centre for community use". Daily Record. 18 January 2012. Retrieved 15 April 2021.
  38. ^ "Airdie Arts Centre".
  39. ^ "HoC 11th Dec 1970". Hansard. Retrieved 29 August 2009.
  40. ^ "Airdrie Golf Club website". Airdrie Golf Club.
  41. ^ List of Mod's places for each year on Sabhal Mòr Ostaig website
  42. ^ "Reserved and devolved matters". Scotland Office. Archived from the original on 4 October 2006. Retrieved 2006-11-14.
  43. ^ Paterson, Colin (6 May 2011). "Scottish Election 2011: Seven MSPs on Central Scotland list". Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser. Archived from the original on 17 June 2013. Retrieved 10 August 2013.
  44. ^ "Member and Committee Information". North Lanarkshire Council. Retrieved 6 August 2016.
  45. ^ Police Scotland - Coatbridge Area Command
  46. ^ Airdrie Police Station - Police Scotland
  47. ^ "The Bartlett brothers' entry in The Sunday Times Rich List 2008". London. 27 April 2008. Archived from the original on 12 June 2011. Retrieved 28 January 2009.
  48. ^ Mack, William (1791). The statistical account of Scotland. Drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes (Vol VII, number XXV ed.). Edinburgh: William Creech. pp. 276–277. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  49. ^ Begg, James (1845). The new statistical account of Scotland (Vol 6 ed.). Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. pp. 244–245. Retrieved 3 January 2018.
  50. ^ Knox, James, Sir (1921). Airdrie, a historical sketch. Airdrie: Baird & Hamilton. p. 189. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  51. ^ "Profile of Airdrie from Scotland's Census 2001". Archived from the original on 25 March 2009. Retrieved 28 January 2009.
  52. ^ "Route 75". Sustrans. Retrieved 7 January 2018.
  53. ^ "Historical Weather for Airdrie, Scotland, United Kingdom". Weatherbase. Retrieved 23 March 2010.