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El cosmódromo de Baikonur (en kazajo : Байқоңыр ғарыш айлағы , romanizado:  Baıqońyr ǵarysh aılaǵy ,[bɑjxɔˈnər ɣɑˈrəʃ ɑjlɑˈɣə] ; Ruso : Космодро́м Байкону́р , romanizadoKosmodrom Baykonur ,[kɐsməˈdrom bɐjkəˈnʊr] ) es un puerto espacial en un área del sur de Kazajstán arrendado a Rusia .

El Cosmódromo es el primer puerto espacial del mundo para lanzamientos orbitales y humanos y la instalación de lanzamiento espacial operacional más grande (en área) . [1] El puerto espacial se encuentra en la estepa desértica de Baikonur , a unos 200 kilómetros (120 millas) al este del mar de Aral y al norte del río Syr Darya . Está cerca de la estación de tren de Tyuratam y está a unos 90 metros (300 pies) sobre el nivel del mar. El cosmódromo de Baikonur y la ciudad de Baikonur celebraron el 63 aniversario de la fundación el 2 de junio de 2018 [2].

El puerto espacial está actualmente arrendado por el gobierno de Kazajstán a Rusia hasta 2050, y es administrado conjuntamente por la Corporación Estatal de Roscosmos y las Fuerzas Aeroespaciales de Rusia .

La forma del área alquilada es una elipse , que mide 90 kilómetros (56 millas) de este a oeste por 85 kilómetros (53 millas) de norte a sur, con el cosmódromo en el centro. Fue construido originalmente por la Unión Soviética a fines de la década de 1950 como base de operaciones del programa espacial soviético . Bajo el actual programa espacial ruso , Baikonur sigue siendo un puerto espacial ocupado, con numerosas misiones comerciales, militares y científicas que se lanzan anualmente. [3] [4] Todos los vuelos espaciales rusos tripulados se lanzan desde Baikonur. [5]

Tanto el Sputnik 1 , el primer satélite artificial, como el Vostok 1 , el primer vuelo espacial humano , fueron lanzados desde Baikonur. La plataforma de lanzamiento utilizada para ambas misiones pasó a llamarse Start de Gagarin en honor al cosmonauta soviético ruso Yuri Gagarin , piloto de Vostok 1 y primer ser humano en el espacio.

Historia [ editar ]

Era soviética [ editar ]

Una fotografía del avión espía U-2 de la plataforma de lanzamiento del R-7 en Tyuratam, tomada el 5 de agosto de 1957.

El gobierno soviético emitió el decreto para el campo de pruebas de investigación científica n. ° 5 (NIIP-5; ruso : 5-й Научно-Исследовательский Испытательный Полигон, Pjáty Naúchno-Isslédova Polinestel'ny en realidad se fundó el 12 de febrero de 19 ). el 2 de junio de 1955, originalmente un centro de pruebas para el primer misil balístico intercontinental (ICBM) del mundo , [6] el R-7 Semyorka . La NIIP-5 pronto se amplió para incluir instalaciones de lanzamiento para vuelos espaciales. El sitio fue seleccionado por una comisión dirigida por el general Vasily Voznyuk , influenciado por Sergey Korolyov, el diseñador jefe del misil balístico intercontinental R-7, y pronto el hombre detrás del programa espacial soviético. Tenía que estar rodeado de llanuras, ya que el sistema de radiocontrol del cohete requería (en ese momento) recibir señales ininterrumpidas de estaciones terrestres a cientos de kilómetros de distancia. [7] Además, la trayectoria del misil tenía que estar lejos de áreas pobladas. Además, es ventajoso colocar los sitios de lanzamiento espacial más cerca del ecuador, ya que la superficie de la Tierra tiene una velocidad de rotación más alta en tales áreas. Teniendo en cuenta estas limitaciones, la comisión eligió Tyuratam, una aldea en el corazón de la estepa kazaja.. El gasto de construir las instalaciones de lanzamiento y los varios cientos de kilómetros de nuevas carreteras y líneas de tren hicieron del Cosmódromo uno de los proyectos de infraestructura más costosos emprendidos por los soviéticos. [ cita requerida ] Se construyó una ciudad de apoyo alrededor de la instalación para proporcionar vivienda, escuelas e infraestructura para los trabajadores. Se elevó a la categoría de ciudad en 1966 y se llamó Leninsk (en ruso : Ленинск ).

El avión de reconocimiento de gran altitud estadounidense U-2 encontró y fotografió el rango de prueba del misil Tyuratam por primera vez el 5 de agosto de 1957.

Nombre [ editar ]

Hay fuentes contradictorias sobre los orígenes del nombre Baikonur . Algunas fuentes dicen que el nombre fue elegido deliberadamente en 1961 (alrededor de la época del vuelo de Gagarin) para desviar [7] [8] el Bloque Occidental a un lugar a unos 320 kilómetros (200 millas) al noreste del centro de lanzamiento, la pequeña ciudad minera de Baikonur cerca de Jezkazgan .

Otras fuentes afirman que Baikonur era el nombre de la región de Tyuratam incluso antes de que existiera el cosmódromo. [8] Leninsk, la ciudad cerrada construida para apoyar el cosmódromo, fue rebautizada como Baikonur el 20 de diciembre de 1995 por Boris Yeltsin .

Impacto ambiental [ editar ]

El científico ruso Afanasiy Ilich Tobonov investigó las muertes masivas de animales en la década de 1990 y concluyó que las muertes masivas de aves y vida silvestre en la República de Sakha se observaron solo a lo largo de las rutas de vuelo de los cohetes espaciales lanzados desde el cosmódromo de Baikonur. [9] La vida silvestre y el ganado muertos generalmente se incineraban, y los participantes en estas incineraciones, incluido el propio Tobonov, sus hermanos y habitantes de su pueblo natal de Eliptyan, comúnmente morían de un derrame cerebral o cáncer. En 1997, el Ministerio de Defensa de la Federación de Rusia cambió la ruta de vuelo y eliminó las etapas del cohete expulsado cerca del distrito de Nyurbinsky , Rusia. [ cita requerida ]

La literatura científica recopiló datos que indicaron efectos adversos de los cohetes sobre el medio ambiente y la salud de la población. [10] El UDMH , un combustible utilizado en los motores de cohetes rusos, es altamente tóxico. Es una de las causas de las lluvias ácidas y los cánceres en la población local, cerca del cosmódromo. Valery Yakovlev, jefe del laboratorio de investigación de ecosistemas de la unión de producción científica y estatal de ecología aplicada "Kazmechanobr", señala: "Los científicos han establecido el carácter extremo de la influencia destructiva del centro espacial" Baikonur "en el medio ambiente y la población de la región: 11 000 toneladas de chatarra espacial, contaminada por UDMH especialmente tóxico, todavía se encuentran en los terrenos de caída ". [11] La recuperación de chatarra es parte de la economía local.[12]

Importancia [ editar ]

Muchos vuelos históricos despegaron de Baikonur: el primer misil balístico intercontinental operativo ; el primer satélite artificial, Sputnik 1 , el 4 de octubre de 1957; la primera nave espacial que viajó cerca de la Luna, Luna 1 , el 2 de enero de 1959; el primer vuelo tripulado y orbital de Yuri Gagarin el 12 de abril de 1961; y el vuelo de la primera mujer al espacio, Valentina Tereshkova , en 1963. 14 cosmonautas de otras 13 naciones, como Checoslovaquia , Alemania Oriental , India y Francia , comenzaron sus viajes desde aquí también bajo el programa Interkosmos . En 1960, un prototipo de misiles balísticos intercontinentales R-16explotó antes del lanzamiento , matando a más de 100 personas. Baikonur es también el sitio desde donde se lanzaron Venera 9 y Mars 3 .

Era rusa [ editar ]

Un cohete Soyuz se coloca en posición en la plataforma 1/5 del cosmódromo de Baikonur (inicio de Gagarin) el 24 de marzo de 2009. El cohete lanzó la tripulación de la Expedición 19 y un participante del vuelo espacial el 26 de marzo de 2009. [13]

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian space program continued to operate from Baikonur under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia wanted to sign a 99-year lease for Baikonur, but agreed to a US$115 million annual lease of the site for 20 years with an option for a 10-year extension.[14] On 8 June 2005, the Russian Federation Council ratified an agreement between Russia and Kazakhstan extending Russia's rent term of the spaceport until 2050. The rent price—which remained fixed at US$115,000,000 per year – is the source of a long-running dispute between the two countries.[15] In an attempt to reduce its dependency on Baikonur, Russia is constructing the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast.[16]

Baikonur has been a major part of Russia's contribution to the International Space Station (ISS), as it is the only spaceport from which Russian missions to the ISS are launched. It is Baikonur's position at ~46° N latitude that dictates the 51.6° orbital inclination of the ISS – this is the lowest inclination that can be reached directly by Soyuz boosters launched from Baikonur that do not involve flying over China.[17] With the conclusion of NASA's Space Shuttle program in 2011, Baikonur became the sole launch site used for crewed missions to the ISS[5][18] until the launch of Crew Dragon Demo-2 in 2020.

In 2019, Gagarin's Start hosted three crewed launches, in March, July and September, before being decommissioned by the Russian government due to lack of funds.[19] The final launch from Gagarin's Start took place 25 September 2019.


Baikonur is fully equipped with facilities for launching both crewed and uncrewed spacecraft. It supports several generations of Russian spacecraft: Soyuz, Proton, Tsyklon, Dnepr, Zenit and Buran.

Downrange from the launchpad, spent launch equipment is dropped directly on the ground where it is salvaged by the workers and the local population.[20]

List of launchpads[edit]

Major launchpads at Baikonur Cosmodrome
  • Pad 1/5 (Gagarin's Start): Soyuz-Soyuz, Soyuz-Progress, Soyuz-Ikar – 45°55′12″N 63°20′31″E / 45.920°N 63.342°E / 45.920; 63.342
  • Pad 31/6: Soyuz-Kosmos, Soyuz-Fregat – 45°59′46″N 63°33′50″E / 45.996°N 63.564°E / 45.996; 63.564
  • Pad 41/3: R-16 (Destroyed in 1960 explosion) – 45°58′30″N 63°39′36″E / 45.975°N 63.660°E / 45.975; 63.660
  • Pad 41/4 : R-16 (1961–67) – 45°58′34″N 63°39′54″E / 45.976°N 63.665°E / 45.976; 63.665
  • Pad 41/15: R-16, Kosmos 3 (1963–68) – 45°58′34″N 63°40′08″E / 45.976°N 63.669°E / 45.976; 63.669
  • Pad 45/1: Zenit-2, Zenit-2M, Zenit-3M – 45°56′35″N 63°39′11″E / 45.943°N 63.653°E / 45.943; 63.653
  • Pad 45/2 (Destroyed in 1990 explosion): Zenit 2 – 45°56′24″N 63°39′18″E / 45.940°N 63.655°E / 45.940; 63.655
  • Pad 51: R-9 (1961–62) – 45°55′26″N 63°20′28″E / 45.924°N 63.341°E / 45.924; 63.341
  • Pad 60/6: R-16 (1963–66) — 46°01′08″N 64°00′58″E / 46.019°N 64.016°E / 46.019; 64.016
  • Pad 60/7: R-16 (1963–67) — 46°01′05″N 64°01′05″E / 46.018°N 64.018°E / 46.018; 64.018
  • Pad 60/8: R-16 (1962–66) — 46°01′01″N 64°01′05″E / 46.017°N 64.018°E / 46.017; 64.018
  • Pad 67/21: Tsyklon, R-36M, R-36O, MR-UR-100 Sotka (1963–72) – 45°59′20″N 63°42′18″E / 45.989°N 63.705°E / 45.989; 63.705
  • Pad 67/22: Tsyklon, R-36, R-36O (1964–66) — 45°59′24″N 63°42′25″E / 45.990°N 63.707°E / 45.990; 63.707
  • Pad 69: Tsyklon-2
  • Pad 70 (Destroyed in 1963 explosion): R-9 – 46°01′59″N 63°05′46″E / 46.033°N 63.096°E / 46.033; 63.096
  • Pad 75: R-9 — 45°57′49″N 63°12′07″E / 45.963600°N 63.201922°E / 45.963600; 63.201922
  • Pad 80/17: Tsyklon (1965) — 46°00′25″N 64°01′12″E / 46.007°N 64.020°E / 46.007; 64.020
  • Pad 81/23 (81L) (inactive >2004): Proton-K – 46°04′26″N 62°58′41″E / 46.074°N 62.978°E / 46.074; 62.978
  • Pad 81/24 (81P): Proton-M – 46°04′16″N 62°59′06″E / 46.071°N 62.985°E / 46.071; 62.985
  • Pad 90/19 (90L) (Inactive >1997): UR-200, Tsyklon-2 – 46°04′52″N 62°55′55″E / 46.081°N 62.932°E / 46.081; 62.932
  • Pad 90/20 (90R): UR-200, Tsyklon-2 – 46°04′48″N 62°56′06″E / 46.080°N 62.935°E / 46.080; 62.935
  • Pad 101: R-36M (1973–76) — 45°57′05″N 63°25′38″E / 45.951504°N 63.427341°E / 45.951504; 63.427341
  • Pad 102: R-36M (1978) — 45°55′58″N 63°26′06″E / 45.932813°N 63.435014°E / 45.932813; 63.435014
  • Pad 103: R-36M (1973–77) — 45°57′07″N 63°26′42″E / 45.952°N 63.445°E / 45.952; 63.445
  • Pad 104: R-36M (1972–74) — 45°59′17″N 63°25′12″E / 45.988°N 63.420°E / 45.988; 63.420
  • Pad 105: R-36M (1974–77) — 45°57′00″N 63°29′46″E / 45.950°N 63.496°E / 45.950; 63.496
  • Pad 106: R-36M (1974–83) — 45°57′04″N 63°29′49″E / 45.951°N 63.497°E / 45.951; 63.497
  • Pad 107: R-36 — 46°14′15″N 63°53′31″E / 46.237492°N 63.892040°E / 46.237492; 63.892040
  • Pad 108: R-36 — 46°14′20″N 63°53′41″E / 46.238912°N 63.894699°E / 46.238912; 63.894699
  • Pad 109/95: Dnepr – 45°57′04″N 63°29′49″E / 45.951°N 63.497°E / 45.951; 63.497
  • Pad 110/37 (110L) (inactive >1988): N-1, Energia-Buran – 45°57′54″N 63°18′18″E / 45.965°N 63.305°E / 45.965; 63.305
  • Pad 110/38 (110R) (inactive >1969): N-1 – 45°57′43″N 63°18′36″E / 45.962°N 63.310°E / 45.962; 63.310
  • Pad 130: UR-100 (1965) – 46°05′09″N 62°54′56″E / 46.085924°N 62.915518°E / 46.085924; 62.915518
  • Pad 131: UR-100N, UR-100, Rokot (1965–90) — 46°04′19″N 62°57′22″E / 46.072°N 62.956°E / 46.072; 62.956
  • Pad 132: UR-100NU (2001–02) — 46°02′12″N 63°02′52″E / 46.036724°N 63.047795°E / 46.036724; 63.047795
  • Pad 140/18: R-36 (1965–78) — 45°59′48″N 63°33′13″E / 45.996640°N 63.553517°E / 45.996640; 63.553517
  • Pad 141: R-36 — 45°54′36″N 63°20′57″E / 45.910054°N 63.349123°E / 45.910054; 63.349123
  • Pad 142/34: R-36 (three silo complex) — 45°56′26″N 63°27′44″E / 45.940690°N 63.462309°E / 45.940690; 63.462309
  • Pad 160: R-36O — 46°04′40″N 62°56′32″E / 46.077709°N 62.942152°E / 46.077709; 62.942152
  • Pad 161/35: Tsyklon (1967–73) — 46°02′02″N 63°03′47″E / 46.034°N 63.063°E / 46.034; 63.063
  • Pad 162/36: Tsyklon (1966–75) — 46°01′55″N 63°04′01″E / 46.032°N 63.067°E / 46.032; 63.067
  • Pad 163: R-36O — 46°00′49″N 63°10′09″E / 46.013689°N 63.169115°E / 46.013689; 63.169115
  • Pad 164: R-36O — 45°56′40″N 63°03′50″E / 45.944321°N 63.063822°E / 45.944321; 63.063822
  • Pad 165: R-36O — 45°59′28″N 62°55′07″E / 45.991019°N 62.918739°E / 45.991019; 62.918739
  • Pad 170: UR-MR-100 (1976–79) — 45°56′53″N 63°01′32″E / 45.948045°N 63.025630°E / 45.948045; 63.025630
  • Pad 171: UR-100, UR-100N — 46°06′13″N 63°00′29″E / 46.103711°N 63.008046°E / 46.103711; 63.008046
  • Pad 172: UR-MR-100 (1978–81) — 46°03′54″N 63°05′31″E / 46.065°N 63.092°E / 46.065; 63.092
  • Pad 173: UR-MR-100 (1972–78) — 46°01′46″N 63°07′51″E / 46.029481°N 63.130727°E / 46.029481; 63.130727
  • Pad 174: UR-100, UR-100K — 46°04′54″N 62°55′05″E / 46.081768°N 62.918076°E / 46.081768; 62.918076
  • Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 175|Pad 175/2: UR-100NU, Rokot, Strela – 46°03′04″N 62°59′13″E / 46.051°N 62.987°E / 46.051; 62.987
  • Pad 175/59: Rokot (1994) — 46°03′07″N 62°59′10″E / 46.052°N 62.986°E / 46.052; 62.986
  • Pad 176: UR-100 — 46°01′22″N 63°02′48″E / 46.022748°N 63.046610°E / 46.022748; 63.046610
  • Pad 177: UR-MR-100, UR-MR-100U (1973–78) — 45°58′47″N 63°06′02″E / 45.979856°N 63.100512°E / 45.979856; 63.100512
  • Pad 178: UR-100 — 46°01′31″N 62°53′28″E / 46.025231°N 62.891115°E / 46.025231; 62.891115
  • Pad 179: UR-100 — 45°59′22″N 62°57′50″E / 45.989370°N 62.963890°E / 45.989370; 62.963890
  • Pad 181: UR-MR-100U (1978–79) — 46°03′25″N 63°01′55″E / 46.057032°N 63.031970°E / 46.057032; 63.031970
  • Pad 191/66: R-36O (1969–71) — 45°58′12″N 63°11′49″E / 45.970°N 63.197°E / 45.970; 63.197
  • Pad 192: R-36O — 46°01′27″N 63°17′59″E / 46.024256°N 63.299723°E / 46.024256; 63.299723
  • Pad 193: R-36O — 45°57′11″N 63°23′21″E / 45.953101°N 63.389145°E / 45.953101; 63.389145
  • Pad 194: R-36O — 45°51′55″N 63°17′11″E / 45.865265°N 63.286486°E / 45.865265; 63.286486
  • Pad 195: R-36O — 45°47′35″N 63°16′29″E / 45.792929°N 63.274628°E / 45.792929; 63.274628
  • Pad 196: R-36O — 45°49′41″N 63°08′51″E / 45.828128°N 63.147363°E / 45.828128; 63.147363
  • Pad 200/39 (200L): Proton-M/Proton-K – 46°02′24″N 63°01′55″E / 46.040°N 63.032°E / 46.040; 63.032
  • Pad 200/40 (200R): Proton-K (inactive >1991) – 46°02′10″N 63°02′17″E / 46.036°N 63.038°E / 46.036; 63.038
  • Pad 241: R-36O — 45°51′30″N 63°27′20″E / 45.858357°N 63.455686°E / 45.858357; 63.455686
  • Pad 242: R-36O — 45°56′43″N 63°28′53″E / 45.945334°N 63.481266°E / 45.945334; 63.481266
  • Pad 243: R-36O — 45°51′18″N 63°44′13″E / 45.854873°N 63.736967°E / 45.854873; 63.736967
  • Pad 244: R-36O — 45°50′25″N 63°38′04″E / 45.840238°N 63.634400°E / 45.840238; 63.634400
  • Pad 245: R-36O — 45°49′03″N 63°31′37″E / 45.817592°N 63.526831°E / 45.817592; 63.526831
  • Pad 246: R-36O — 45°45′56″N 63°25′24″E / 45.765601°N 63.423444°E / 45.765601; 63.423444
  • Pad 250 (inactive >1987): Energia – 46°00′29″N 63°18′18″E / 46.008°N 63.305°E / 46.008; 63.305

Buran facilities[edit]

As part of the Buran programme, several facilities were adapted or newly built for the Buran-class space shuttle orbiters:

  • Site 110 – Used for the launch of the Buran-class orbiters. Like the assembly and processing hall at Site 112, the launch complex was originally constructed for the Soviet lunar landing program and later converted for the Energia-Buran program.
  • Site 112 – Used for orbiter maintenance and to mate the orbiters to their Energia launchers (thus fulfilling a role similar to the VAB at KSC). The main hangar at the site, called MIK RN or MIK 112, was originally built for the assembly of the N1 moon rocket. After cancellation of the N-1 program in 1974, the facilities at Site 112 were converted for the Energia-Buran program. It was here that Orbiter K1 was stored after the end of the Buran program and was destroyed when the hangar roof collapsed in 2002.[21][22]
  • Site 251 – Used as Buran orbiter landing facility, also known as Yubileyniy Airfield (and fulfilling a role similar to the SLF at KSC). It features one runway, called 06/24, which is 4,500 metres (14,800 ft) long and 84 metres (276 ft) wide, paved with "Grade 600" high quality reinforced concrete. At the edge of the runway was a special mating–demating device, designed to lift an orbiter off its Antonov An-225 Mriya carrier aircraft and load it on a transporter, which would carry the orbiter to the processing building at Site 254. A purpose-built orbiter landing control facility, housed in a large multi-store office building, was located near the runway. Yubileyniy Airfield was also used to receive heavy transport planes carrying elements of the Energia-Buran system. After the end of the Buran program, Site 251 was abandoned but later reopened as a commercial cargo airport. Besides serving Baikonur, Kazakh authorities also use it for passenger and charter flights from Russia.[23][24]
  • Site 254 – Built to service the Buran-class orbiters between flights (thus fulfilling a role similar to the OPF at KSC). Constructed in the 1980s as a special four-bay building, it also featured a large processing area flanked by several floors of test rooms. After cancellation of the Buran program it was adapted for pre-launch operations of the Soyuz and Progress spacecraft.[25]

Baikonur Railway[edit]

A Soyuz TMA-16 launch vehicle being transported to launchpad at Baikonur in 2009.

All Baikonur's logistics are based on its own intra-site 1,520 mm (4 ft 11+2732 in) gauge railway network, which is the largest industrial railway on the planet. The railway is used for all stages of launch preparation, and all spacecraft are transported to the launchpads by the special Schnabel cars. Once part of the Soviet Railroad Troops, the Baikonur Railway is now served by a dedicated civilian state company. There are several rail links connecting the Baikonur Railway to the public railway of Kazakhstan and the rest of the world.

Baikonur airports[edit]

The Baikonur Cosmodrome has two on-site multi-purpose airports, serving both the personnel transportation needs and the logistics of space launches (including the delivery of the spacecraft by planes). There are scheduled passenger services from Moscow to the smaller Krayniy Airport (IATA: BXY, ICAO: UAOL), which however are not accessible to the public. The larger Yubileyniy Airport (Юбилейный аэропорт) (IATA: UAON) was where the Buran orbiter was transported to Baikonur on the back of the Antonov An-225 Mriya cargo aircraft.

ICBM testing[edit]

Although Baikonur has always been known around the world as the launch site of Soviet and Russian space missions, from its outset in 1955 and until the collapse of the USSR in 1991 the primary purpose of this center was to test liquid-fueled ballistic missiles. The official (and secret) name of the center was State Test Range No. 5 or 5 GIK. It remained under the control of the Soviet and Russian Ministry of Defense until the second half of the 1990s, when the Russian civilian space agency and its industrial contractors started taking over individual facilities.[citation needed]

In 2006, the head of Roskosmos, Anatoly Perminov, said that the last Russian military personnel would be removed from the Baikonur facility by 2007. However, on 22 October 2008, an SS-19 Stiletto missile was test-fired from Baikonur, indicating this may not be the case.[26]

Future projects[edit]

On 22 December 2004, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a contract establishing the "Russia–Kazakhstan Baiterek JV" joint venture, in which each country holds a 50% stake. The goal of the project is the construction of the Bayterek ("poplar tree") space launch complex, to facilitate operations of the Russian Angara rocket launcher.[27] This will allow launches with a payload of 26 tons to low Earth orbit, compared to 20 tons using the Proton system. An additional benefit will be that the Angara uses kerosene as fuel and oxygen as the oxidiser, which is less hazardous to the environment than the toxic fuels used by older boosters. The total expenditure on the Kazakh side will be US$223 million over 19 years.[28] As of 2010, the project was stalling due to insufficient funding. It was thought that the project still had good chances to succeed because it will allow both parties – Russia and Kazakhstan – to continue the joint use of Baikonur even after the Vostochny Cosmodrome is commissioned.[29] The first scheduled launch of the Baiterek Rocket and Space Complex is scheduled for 2025.[30]

Baikonur Museum[edit]

Buran at Baikonur Museum

Baikonur Cosmodrome has a small museum, next to two small cottages, once residences of the rocket engineer Sergei Korolev and the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. Both cottages are part of the museum complex and have been preserved. The museum is home to a collection of space artifacts. A restored test artifact from the Soviet Buran programme sits next to the museum entrance. The vehicle that flew a single orbital test mission in 1988 was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002;[31][32][33] For a complete list of Buran artifacts, see Buran (spacecraft).

The museum also houses photographs related to the cosmodrome's history, including images of all cosmonauts. Every crew of every expedition launched from Baikonur leaves behind a signed crew photograph that is displayed behind the glass.

Baikonur's museum holds many objects related to Gagarin, including the ground control panel from his flight, his uniforms, and soil from his landing site, preserved in a silver container. One of the museum rooms also holds an older version of the Soyuz descent capsule.

See also[edit]

  • Plesetsk Cosmodrome


  1. ^ "Baikonur Cosmodrome 45.9 N 63.3 E". Federation of American Scientists (FAS). Retrieved 19 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Baikonur cosmodrome celebrated 63rd anniversary". Dispatch News Desk. 3 June 2018. Retrieved 19 October 2018.
  3. ^ Wilson, Jim (5 August 2000). "Safe Launch For Critical Space Station Module". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 12 August 2009.[permanent dead link]
  4. ^ "Baikonur Cosmodrome". International Launch Services.
  5. ^ a b "Baikonur Cosmodrome". NASA. Retrieved 24 December 2011.
  6. ^ Wade, Mark. "R-7". Encyclopedia Astronautica. Archived from the original on 29 June 2011. Retrieved 4 July 2011.
  7. ^ a b Suvorov, Vladimir (1997). The first manned spaceflight: Russia's quest for space. Nova Publishers. pp. 16–17. ISBN 978-1-56072-402-5.
  8. ^ a b "The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project". NASA.
  9. ^ "Group – Afanasiy Ilich Tobonov". Archived from the original on 23 July 2011.
  10. ^ Abdrazak, P. Kh; Musa, K. Sh (21 June 2015). "The impact of the cosmodrome "Baikonur" on the environment and human health". 8 (1): 26–29. Retrieved 2 August 2016 – via Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  11. ^ "GREEN WOMEN". Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  12. ^ Cooper, Paul (7 June 2018). "In Russia's Space Graveyard, Locals Scavenge Fallen Spacecraft for Profit". Discover. Retrieved 19 June 2018.
  13. ^ "Expedition 19". NASA. Archived from the original on 24 May 2011. Retrieved 9 June 2011.
  14. ^ "Russia, Kazakhs reach Biakonur lease deal". Defense Daily. 30 March 1994. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 28 May 2015 – via HighBeam Research.
  15. ^ "Kazakhstan Finally Ratifies Baikonur Rental Deal With Russia". 12 April 2010.
  16. ^ "Kazcosmos chief Talgat Musabaev: Baikonur is Still the Core of Kazakh-Russian Cooperation in Space". February 2008.
  17. ^ Curry, John (8 October 2002). "Mission Control Answers Your Questions: Why is the space station in a 51.6° inclined orbit instead of something less or something more?". National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved 28 March 2017.
  18. ^ "Russian Craft Docks at International Space Station". Radio Free Europe. Retrieved 24 December 2011.
  19. ^ Berger, Eric (23 April 2019). "Russia may soon decommission the world's most historic launch pad". Ars Technica. Retrieved 23 April 2019.
  20. ^ Baikonur Downrange,
  21. ^ "Energia-Buran processing complex at Site 112 and 112A". Archived from the original on 6 July 2015. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  22. ^ "Buran The end". Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  23. ^ "Buran landing facility at Site 251 in Baikonur". Archived from the original on 25 February 2015. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  24. ^ "UAON pilot info @ OurAirports". Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  25. ^ "Buran processing facility at Site 254 in Baikonur". Archived from the original on 9 August 2015. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  26. ^ "Russia test-fires old missile to extend lifespan". Reuters. 22 October 2008.
  27. ^ ""Baiterek" Space Launch Complex". Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Archived from the original on 30 June 2006. Retrieved 10 May 2006.
  28. ^ "Kazakh President Signs Law Re Baiterek Rocket Center". 24 October 2005. Retrieved 5 August 2015.
  29. ^ Vorontsov, Dmitri; Igor Afanasyev (10 November 2009). "Angara getting ready for launch". Russia CIS Observer. 3 (26). Archived from the original on 1 January 2010. Retrieved 3 January 2010.
  30. ^ "Baiterek Rocket and Space Complex set to launch in 2025". The Astana Times.
  31. ^ Whitehouse, David (13 May 2002). "Russia's space dreams abandoned". BBC. Retrieved 14 November 2007.
  32. ^ " Photo of collapsed hangar".
  33. ^ " Remains of Buran photo with right front windscreen still visible under the debris".

Further reading[edit]

  • J. K. Golovanov, M., "Korolev: Facts and myths", Nauka, 1994, ISBN 5-02-000822-2
  • "Rockets and people" – B. E. Chertok, M: "mechanical engineering", 1999. ISBN 5-217-02942-0 (in Russian)
  • "A breakthrough in space" – Konstantin Vasilyevich Gerchik, M: LLC "Veles", 1994, – ISBN 5-87955-001-X
  • "At risk," – A. A. Toul, Kaluga, "the Golden path", 2001, – ISBN 5-7111-0333-1
  • "Testing of rocket and space technology – the business of my life" Events and facts – A.I. Ostashev, Korolev, 2001.Bibliography 1996–2004
  • "Baikonur. Korolev. Yangel." – M. I. Kuznetsk, Voronezh: IPF "Voronezh", 1997, ISBN 5-89981-117-X
  • "Look back and look ahead. Notes of a military engineer" – Rjazhsky A. A., 2004, SC. first, the publishing house of the "Heroes of the Fatherland" ISBN 5-91017-018-X.
  • "Rocket and space feat Baikonur" – Vladimir Порошков, the "Patriot" publishers 2007. ISBN 5-7030-0969-3
  • "Unknown Baikonur" – edited by B. I. Posysaeva, M.: "globe", 2001. ISBN 5-8155-0051-8
  • "Bank of the Universe" – edited by Boltenko A. C., Kyiv, 2014., publishing house "Phoenix", ISBN 978-966-136-169-9
  • Mike Gruntman (2019), "From Tyuratam Missile Range to Baikonur Cosmodrome", Acta Astronautica, Elsevier Ltd, 155: 350–366, Bibcode:2019AcAau.155..350G, doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.12.021

External links[edit]

  • Baikonur Cosmodrome historical note (in Russian) and historical pictures (2002) on – NPO Molniya, maker of Russian space shuttle Buran.
  • on Baikonur
  • 360° interactive panoramas of Baikonur Cosmodrome
  • Baikonur: the town, the cosmodrome, the MetOp-A launch campaign
  • "World’s Oldest Space Launch Facility: The Baikonur Cosmodrome." Sometimes Interesting. 26 May 2014
  • Nedelin Disaster // (in English)
  • The official website of the city administration Baikonur // Baikonur commemorated a test rocket and space technology.(in Russian)
  • The Russian Union Of Veterans // Day of memory and grief.(in Russian)
  • Baikonur Cosmodrome at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki)