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En la arquitectura x86 , la instrucción CPUID (identificada por un CPUID código de operación ) es una instrucción suplementaria del procesador (su nombre se deriva de CPU IDentification) que permite al software descubrir detalles del procesador. Fue introducido por Intel en 1993 con el lanzamiento de los procesadores Pentium y 486 mejorados con SL . [1]

Un programa puede utilizar CPUIDpara determinar el tipo de procesador y si se implementan funciones como MMX / SSE .

Historia [ editar ]

Antes de la disponibilidad general de la CPUIDinstrucción, los programadores escribirían código de máquina esotérico que explotaba diferencias menores en el comportamiento de la CPU para determinar la marca y el modelo del procesador. [2] [3] Con la introducción del procesador 80386, EDX en el reinicio indicaba la revisión, pero esto solo se podía leer después del reinicio y no había una forma estándar para que las aplicaciones leyeran el valor.

Fuera de la familia x86, los desarrolladores todavía deben usar procesos esotéricos (que involucran tiempos de instrucción o desencadenantes de fallas de la CPU) para determinar las variaciones en el diseño de la CPU que están presentes.

En la familia Motorola 680x0, que nunca tuvo una instrucción CPUID de ningún tipo, ciertas instrucciones específicas requerían privilegios elevados. Estos podrían usarse para diferenciar a varios miembros de la familia de CPU. En el Motorola 68010 se privilegió la instrucción MOVE de SR . Este notable cambio de instrucción (y máquina de estado) permitió que el 68010 cumpliera con los requisitos de virtualización de Popek y Goldberg . Debido a que el 68000 ofrecía un MOVE sin privilegios de SR, las 2 CPU diferentes podían distinguirse mediante la activación de una condición de error de la CPU.

Si bien la CPUIDinstrucción es específica de la arquitectura x86, otras arquitecturas (como ARM) a menudo proporcionan registros en el chip que se pueden leer de formas prescritas para obtener el mismo tipo de información proporcionada por la instrucción CPUID x86.

Llamando CPUID [ editar ]

El CPUIDcódigo de operación es 0Fh, A2h (como dos bytes o A20Fh como una sola palabra ).

En lenguaje ensamblador , la CPUIDinstrucción no toma parámetros ya que CPUIDimplícitamente usa el registro EAX para determinar la categoría principal de información devuelta. En la terminología más reciente de Intel, esto se denomina hoja CPUID. CPUIDdebe llamarse con EAX = 0primero, ya que esto almacenará en el registro EAX el parámetro de llamada EAX más alto (hoja) que implemente la CPU.

Para obtener información de función extendida, se CPUIDdebe llamar con el bit más significativo del conjunto EAX. Para determinar el parámetro de llamada de función extendida más alto, llame CPUIDcon EAX = 80000000h.

Las hojas de CPUID mayores que 3 pero menos de 80000000 son accesibles solo cuando los registros específicos del modelo tienen IA32_MISC_ENABLE.BOOT_NT4 [bit 22] = 0 (que es así por defecto). Como sugiere el nombre, Windows NT 4.0 hasta SP6 no arrancaba correctamente a menos que se estableciera este bit, [4] [ enlace muerto ] pero las versiones posteriores de Windows no lo necesitan, por lo que las hojas básicas superiores a 4 se pueden asumir visibles en Windows actual sistemas. A julio de 2014 , las licencias básicas válidas van hasta las 14h, pero la información devuelta por algunas licencias no se divulga en la documentación disponible públicamente, es decir, están "reservadas".

Algunas de las hojas agregadas más recientemente también tienen subhojas, que se seleccionan a través del registro ECX antes de llamar a CPUID.

EAX = 0: Parámetro de función más alto e ID de fabricante [ editar ]

Esto devuelve la cadena de identificación del fabricante de la CPU, una cadena ASCII de doce caracteres almacenada en EBX, EDX, ECX (en ese orden). El parámetro de llamada básico más alto (el valor más alto al que se puede establecer EAX antes de llamar CPUID) se devuelve en EAX.

Aquí hay una lista de procesadores y la función más alta implementada.

Las siguientes son cadenas de ID de fabricante de procesador conocidas:

  • "¡AMDisbetter!"  - muestras de ingeniería temprana de AMD K5 procesador
  • "AuthenticAMD"  : AMD
  • "CentaurHauls" – IDT WinChip/Centaur (Including some VIA CPU)
  • "CyrixInstead" – Cyrix/early STMicroelectronics and IBM
  • "GenuineIntel" – Intel
  • "TransmetaCPU" – Transmeta
  • "GenuineTMx86" – Transmeta
  • "Geode by NSC" – National Semiconductor
  • "NexGenDriven" – NexGen
  • "RiseRiseRise" – Rise
  • "SiS SiS SiS " – SiS
  • "UMC UMC UMC " – UMC
  • "VIA VIA VIA " – VIA
  • "Vortex86 SoC" – DM&P Vortex
  • "  Shanghai  " – Zhaoxin
  • "HygonGenuine" – Hygon
  • "E2K MACHINE" – MCST Elbrus

The following are ID strings used by open source soft CPU cores:

  • "GenuineAO486" – ao486 CPU[5]
  • "GenuineIntel" – v586 core[6] (this is identical to the Intel ID string)

The following are known ID strings from virtual machines:

  • "bhyve bhyve " – bhyve
  • "Microsoft Hv" – Microsoft Hyper-V or Windows Virtual PC
  • " lrpepyh vr" – Parallels (it possibly should be "prl hyperv ", but it is encoded as " lrpepyh vr" due to an endianness mismatch)
  • "VMwareVMware" – VMware
  • "XenVMMXenVMM" – Xen HVM
  • " QNXQVMBSQG " – QNX Hypervisor
  • "VirtualApple" – Apple Rosetta
  • "GenuineIntel" – Apple Rosetta 2 [7]

For instance, on a GenuineIntel processor values returned in EBX is 0x756e6547, EDX is 0x49656e69 and ECX is 0x6c65746e. The following code is written in GNU Assembler for the x86-64 architecture and displays the vendor ID string as well as the highest calling parameter that the CPU implements.

.datas0:.asciz"CPUID: %x\n"s1:.asciz"Largest basic function number implemented: %i\n"s2:.asciz"Vendor ID: %.12s\n".text.align32.globlmainmain:pushq%rbpmovq%rsp,%rbpsubq$16,%rspmovl$1,%eaxcpuidmovq$s0,%rdimovl%eax,%esixorl%eax,%eaxcallprintfpushq%rbx // -fPICxorl%eax,%eaxcpuidmovl%ebx,0(%rsp)movl%edx,4(%rsp)movl%ecx,8(%rsp)popq%rbx // -fPICmovq$s1,%rdimovl%eax,%esixorl%eax,%eaxcallprintfmovq$s2,%rdimovq%rsp,%rsixorl%eax,%eaxcallprintfmovq%rbp,%rsppopq%rbp//	retmovl$1,%eaxint$0x80

EAX=1: Processor Info and Feature Bits[edit]

This returns the CPU's stepping, model, and family information in register EAX (also called the signature of a CPU), feature flags in registers EDX and ECX, and additional feature info in register EBX.[8]

  • Stepping ID is a product revision number assigned due to fixed errata or other changes.
  • The actual processor model is derived from the Model, Extended Model ID and Family ID fields. If the Family ID field is either 6 or 15, the model is equal to the sum of the Extended Model ID field shifted left by 4 bits and the Model field. Otherwise, the model is equal to the value of the Model field.
  • The actual processor family is derived from the Family ID and Extended Family ID fields. If the Family ID field is equal to 15, the family is equal to the sum of the Extended Family ID and the Family ID fields. Otherwise, the family is equal to value of the Family ID field.
  • The meaning of the Processor Type field is given by the table below.

The processor info and feature flags are manufacturer specific but usually the Intel values are used by other manufacturers for the sake of compatibility.

Reserved fields should be masked before using them for processor identification purposes.

EAX=2: Cache and TLB Descriptor information[edit]

This returns a list of descriptors indicating cache and TLB capabilities in EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX registers.

EAX=3: Processor Serial Number[edit]

This returns the processor's serial number. The processor serial number was introduced on Intel Pentium III, but due to privacy concerns, this feature is no longer implemented on later models (the PSN feature bit is always cleared). Transmeta's Efficeon and Crusoe processors also provide this feature. AMD CPUs however, do not implement this feature in any CPU models.

For Intel Pentium III CPUs, the serial number is returned in the EDX:ECX registers. For Transmeta Efficeon CPUs, it is returned in the EBX:EAX registers. And for Transmeta Crusoe CPUs, it is returned in the EBX register only.

Note that the processor serial number feature must be enabled in the BIOS setting in order to function.

EAX=4 and EAX=Bh: Intel thread/core and cache topology[edit]

These two leaves are used for processor topology (thread, core, package) and cache hierarchy enumeration in Intel multi-core (and hyperthreaded) processors.[14] As of 2013 AMD does not use these leaves but has alternate ways of doing the core enumeration.[15]

Unlike most other CPUID leaves, leaf Bh will return different values in EDX depending on which logical processor the CPUID instruction runs; the value returned in EDX is actually the x2APIC id of the logical processor. The x2APIC id space is not continuously mapped to logical processors, however; there can be gaps in the mapping, meaning that some intermediate x2APIC ids don't necessarily correspond to any logical processor. Additional information for mapping the x2APIC ids to cores is provided in the other registers. Although the leaf Bh has sub-leaves (selected by ECX as described further below), the value returned in EDX is only affected by the logical processor on which the instruction is running but not by the subleaf.

The processor(s) topology exposed by leaf Bh is a hierarchical one, but with the strange caveat that the order of (logical) levels in this hierarchy doesn't necessarily correspond the order in the physical hierarchy (SMT/core/package). However, every logical level can be queried as an ECX subleaf (of the Bh leaf) for its correspondence to a "level type", which can be either SMT, core, or "invalid". The level id space starts at 0 and is continuous, meaning that if a level id is invalid, all higher level ids will also be invalid. The level type is returned in bits 15:08 of ECX, while the number of logical processors at the level queried is returned in EBX. Finally, the connection between these levels and x2APIC ids is returned in EAX[4:0] as the number of bits that the x2APIC id must be shifted in order to obtain a unique id at the next level.

As an example, a dual-core Westmere processor capable of hyperthreading (thus having two cores and four threads in total) could have x2APIC ids 0, 1, 4 and 5 for its four logical processors. Leaf Bh (=EAX), subleaf 0 (=ECX) of CPUID could for instance return 100h in ECX, meaning that level 0 describes the SMT (hyperthreading) layer, and return 2 in EBX because there are two logical processors (SMT units) per physical core. The value returned in EAX for this 0-subleaf should be 1 in this case, because shifting the aforementioned x2APIC ids to the right by one bit gives a unique core number (at the next level of the level id hierarchy) and erases the SMT id bit inside each core. A simpler way to interpret this information is that the last bit (bit number 0) of the x2APIC id identifies the SMT/hyperthreading unit inside each core in our example. Advancing to subleaf 1 (by making another call to CPUID with EAX=Bh and ECX=1) could for instance return 201h in ECX, meaning that this is a core-type level, and 4 in EBX because there are 4 logical processors in the package; EAX returned could be any value greater than 3, because it so happens that bit number 2 is used to identify the core in the x2APIC id. Note that bit number 1 of the x2APIC id is not used in this example. However EAX returned at this level could well be 4 (and it happens to be so on a Clarkdale Core i3 5x0) because that also gives a unique id at the package level (=0 obviously) when shifting the x2APIC id by 4 bits. Finally, you may wonder what the EAX=4 leaf can tell us that we didn't find out already. In EAX[31:26] it returns the APIC mask bits reserved for a package; that would be 111b in our example because bits 0 to 2 are used for identifying logical processors inside this package, but bit 1 is also reserved although not used as part of the logical processor identification scheme. In other words, APIC ids 0 to 7 are reserved for the package, even though half of these values don't map to a logical processor.

The cache hierarchy of the processor is explored by looking at the sub-leaves of leaf 4. The APIC ids are also used in this hierarchy to convey information about how the different levels of cache are shared by the SMT units and cores. To continue our example, the L2 cache, which is shared by SMT units of the same core but not between physical cores on the Westmere is indicated by EAX[26:14] being set to 1, while the information that the L3 cache is shared by the whole package is indicated by setting those bits to (at least) 111b. The cache details, including cache type, size, and associativity are communicated via the other registers on leaf 4.

Beware that older versions of the Intel app note 485 contain some misleading information, particularly with respect to identifying and counting cores in a multi-core processor;[16] errors from misinterpreting this information have even been incorporated in the Microsoft sample code for using cpuid, even for the 2013 edition of Visual Studio,[17] and also in the page for CPUID,[18] but the Intel code sample for identifying processor topology[14] has the correct interpretation, and the current Intel Software Developer’s Manual has more clear language. The (open source) cross-platform production code[19] from Wildfire Games also implements the correct interpretation of the Intel documentation.

Topology detection examples involving older (pre-2010) Intel processors that lack x2APIC (thus don't implement the EAX=Bh leaf) are given in a 2010 Intel presentation.[20] Beware that using that older detection method on 2010 and newer Intel processors may overestimate the number of cores and logical processors because the old detection method assumes there are no gaps in the APIC id space, and this assumption is violated by some newer processors (starting with the Core i3 5x0 series), but these newer processors also come with an x2APIC, so their topology can be correctly determined using the EAX=Bh leaf method.

EAX=6: Thermal and power management[edit]

EAX=7, ECX=0: Extended Features[edit]

This returns extended feature flags in EBX, ECX, and EDX. Returns the maximum ECX value for EAX=7 in EAX.

EAX=7, ECX=1: Extended Features[edit]

This returns extended feature flags in EAX.

EAX=80000000h: Get Highest Extended Function Implemented[edit]

The highest calling parameter is returned in EAX.

EAX=80000001h: Extended Processor Info and Feature Bits[edit]

This returns extended feature flags in EDX and ECX.

AMD feature flags are as follows:[23][24]

EAX=80000002h,80000003h,80000004h: Processor Brand String[edit]

These return the processor brand string in EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX. CPUID must be issued with each parameter in sequence to get the entire 48-byte null-terminated ASCII processor brand string.[26] It is necessary to check whether the feature is present in the CPU by issuing CPUID with EAX = 80000000h first and checking if the returned value is greater or equal to 80000004h.

#include <cpuid.h> // GCC-provided#include <stdio.h>#include <stdint.h>int main(void) {   uint32_t brand[12];   if (!__get_cpuid_max(0x80000004, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Feature not implemented."); return 2; }   __get_cpuid(0x80000002, brand+0x0, brand+0x1, brand+0x2, brand+0x3); __get_cpuid(0x80000003, brand+0x4, brand+0x5, brand+0x6, brand+0x7); __get_cpuid(0x80000004, brand+0x8, brand+0x9, brand+0xa, brand+0xb);   printf("Brand: %s\n", brand);}

EAX=80000005h: L1 Cache and TLB Identifiers[edit]

This function contains the processor’s L1 cache and TLB characteristics.

EAX=80000006h: Extended L2 Cache Features[edit]

Returns details of the L2 cache in ECX, including the line size in bytes (Bits 07 - 00), type of associativity (encoded by a 4 bits field; Bits 15 - 12) and the cache size in KB (Bits 31 - 16).

#include <cpuid.h> // GCC-provided#include <stdio.h>#include <stdint.h>int main(void) { uint32_t eax, ebx, ecx, edx;   if (__get_cpuid(0x80000006, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx)) {       printf("Line size: %d B, Assoc. Type: %d; Cache Size: %d KB.\n", ecx & 0xff, (ecx >> 12) & 0x07, (ecx >> 16) & 0xffff); return 0; } else { fputs(stderr, "CPU does not support 0x80000006"); return 2; }}

EAX=80000007h: Advanced Power Management Information[edit]

This function provides advanced power management feature identifiers. EDX bit 8 indicates support for invariant TSC.

EAX=80000008h: Virtual and Physical address Sizes[edit]

Returns largest virtual and physical address sizes in EAX.

  • Bits 07-00: #Physical Address Bits.
  • Bits 15-8: #Linear Address Bits.
  • Bits 31-16: Reserved = 0.

It could be used by the hypervisor in a virtual machine system to report physical/virtual address sizes possible with the virtual CPU.

EBX is used for features:

  • Bit 0: CLZERO, Clear cache line with address in RAX.
  • Bit 4: RDPRU, Read MPERF or APERF from ring 3.
  • Bit 8: MCOMMIT, commit stores to memory. For memory fencing and retrieving ECC errors.
  • Bit 9: WBNOINVD, Write Back and Do Not Invalidate Cache.

ECX provides core count.

  • Bits 07-00: #Physical Cores minus one.
  • Bits 11-8: Reserved = 0.
  • Bits 15-12: #APIC ID Bits. 2 raised to this power would be the physical core count, as long as it's non-zero.
  • Bits 17-16: Performance time-stamp counter size.
  • Bits 31-18: Reserved = 0.

EDX provides information specific to RDPRU (the maximum register identifier allowed) in 31-16. The current number as of Zen 2 is 1 for MPERF and APERF.

EAX=8FFFFFFFh: AMD Easter Egg[edit]

Specific to AMD K7 and K8 CPUs, this returns the string "IT'S HAMMER TIME" in EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX,[27] a reference to the MC Hammer song U Can't Touch This.

CPUID usage from high-level languages[edit]

Inline assembly[edit]

This information is easy to access from other languages as well. For instance, the C code for gcc below prints the first five values, returned by the cpuid:

#include <stdio.h>/* This works on 32 and 64-bit systems. See [[Inline assembler#In actual compilers]] for hints on reading this code. */int main(){ /* The four registers do not need to be initialized as the processor will write over it. */ int infotype, a, b, c, d; for (infotype = 0; infotype < 5; infotype ++) { __asm__("cpuid"           : "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) // The output variables. EAX -> a and vice versa. : "0" (infotype)); // Put the infotype into EAX. printf ("InfoType %x\nEAX: %x\nEBX: %x\nECX: %x\nEDX: %x\n", infotype, a, b, c, d); } return 0;}

In MSVC and Borland/Embarcadero C compilers (bcc32) flavored inline assembly, the clobbering information is implicit in the instructions:

#include <stdio.h>int main(){ unsigned int InfoType = 0; unsigned int a, b, c, d; __asm { /* Do the call. */ mov EAX, InfoType; cpuid; /* Save results. */ mov a, EAX; mov b, EBX; mov c, ECX; mov d, EDX; } printf ("InfoType %x\nEAX: %x\nEBX: %x\nECX: %x\nEDX: %x\n", InfoType, a, b, c, d); return 0;}

If either version was written in plain assembly language, the programmer must manually save the results of EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX elsewhere if they want to keep using the values.

Wrapper functions[edit]

GCC also provides a header called <cpuid.h> on systems that have CPUID. The __cpuid is a macro expanding to inline assembly. Typical usage would be:

#include <cpuid.h>#include <stdio.h>intmain (void){ int a, b, c, d; __cpuid (0 /* vendor string */, a, b, c, d); printf ("EAX: %x\nEBX: %x\nECX: %x\nEDX: %x\n", a, b, c, d); return 0;}

But if one requested an extended feature not present on this CPU, they would not notice and might get random, unexpected results. Safer version is also provided in <cpuid.h>. It checks for extended features and does some more safety checks. The output values are not passed using reference-like macro parameters, but more conventional pointers.

#include <cpuid.h>#include <stdio.h>intmain (void){ int a, b, c, d; if (!__get_cpuid (0x81234567 /* nonexistent, but assume it exists */, &a, &b, &c, &d)) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: CPUID request 0x81234567 not valid!\n"); } printf("EAX: %x\nEBX: %x\nECX: %x\nEDX: %x\n", a, b, c, d); return 0;}

Notice the ampersands in &a, &b, &c, &d and the conditional statement. If the __get_cpuid call receives a correct request, it will return a non-zero value, if it fails, zero.[28]

Microsoft Visual C compiler has builtin function __cpuid() so the cpuid instruction may be embedded without using inline assembly, which is handy since the x86-64 version of MSVC does not allow inline assembly at all. The same program for MSVC would be:

#include <iostream>#include <intrin.h>int main(){ int cpuInfo[4]; for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { __cpuid(cpuInfo, a); std::cout << "The code " << a << " gives " << cpuInfo[0] << ", " << cpuInfo[1] << ", " << cpuInfo[2] << ", " << cpuInfo[3] << '\n'; } return 0;}

Many interpreted or compiled scripting languages are capable of using CPUID via an FFI library. One such implementation shows usage of the Ruby FFI module to execute assembly language that includes the CPUID opcode.

CPU-specific information outside x86[edit]

Some of the non-x86 CPU architectures also provide certain forms of structured information about the processor's abilities, commonly as a set of special registers:

  • ARM architectures have a CPUID coprocessor register which requires EL1 or above to access.[29]
  • The IBM System z mainframe processors have a Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction since the 1983 IBM 4381[30] for querying the processor ID.[31]
  • The IBM System z mainframe processors also have a Store Facilities List Extended (STFLE) instruction which lists the installed hardware features.[31]
  • The MIPS32/64 architecture defines a mandatory Processor Identification (PrId) and a series of daisy-chained Configuration Registers.[32]
  • The PowerPC processor has the 32-bit read-only Processor Version Register (PVR) identifying the processor model in use. The instruction requires supervisor access level.[33]

DSP and transputer-like chip families have not taken up the instruction in any noticeable way, in spite of having (in relative terms) as many variations in design. Alternate ways of silicon identification might be present; for example, DSPs from Texas Instruments contain a memory-based register set for each functional unit that starts with identifiers determining the unit type and model, its ASIC design revision and features selected at the design phase, and continues with unit-specific control and data registers. Access to these areas is performed by simply using the existing load and store instructions; thus, for such devices there is no need for extending the register set for the device identification purposes.[citation needed]

See also[edit]

  • CPU-Z, a Windows utility that uses CPUID to identify various system settings
  • Spectre (security vulnerability)
  • Speculative Store Bypass (SSB)
  • /proc/cpuinfo, a text file generated by certain systems containing some of the CPUID information


  1. ^ "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  2. ^ "Detecting Intel Processors - Knowing the generation of a system CPU". Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  3. ^ "LXR linux-old/arch/i386/kernel/head.S". Archived from the original on 2012-07-13. Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  4. ^ "CPUID, EAX=4 - Strange results (Solved)". Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  5. ^ "ao486 CPUID instruction".
  6. ^ "v586: 586 compatible soft core for FPGA".
  7. ^
  8. ^ "Chapter 3 Instruction Set Reference, A-L" (PDF). Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual. Intel Corporation. 2018-12-20. Retrieved 2018-12-20.
  9. ^
  10. ^ Huggahalli, Ram; Iyer, Ravi; Tetrick, Scott (2005). "Direct Cache Access for High Bandwidth Network I/O". ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News. 33 (2): 50–59. doi:10.1145/1080695.1069976. CiteSeerX:
  11. ^ Drepper, Ulrich (2007), What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory, CiteSeerX:
  12. ^ "Mechanisms to determine if software is running in a VMware virtual machine". VMware Knowledge Base. VMWare. 2015-05-01. Intel and AMD CPUs have reserved bit 31 of ECX of CPUID leaf 0x1 as the hypervisor present bit. This bit allows hypervisors to indicate their presence to the guest operating system. Hypervisors set this bit and physical CPUs (all existing and future CPUs) set this bit to zero. Guest operating systems can test bit 31 to detect if they are running inside a virtual machine.
  13. ^ Kataria, Alok; Hecht, Dan (2008-10-01). "Hypervisor CPUID Interface Proposal". LKML Archive on Archived from the original on 2019-03-15. Bit 31 of ECX of CPUID leaf 0x1. This bit has been reserved by Intel & AMD for use by hypervisors, and indicates the presence of a hypervisor. Virtual CPU's (hypervisors) set this bit to 1 and physical CPU's (all existing and future cpu's) set this bit to zero. This bit can be probed by the guest software to detect whether they are running inside a virtual machine.
  14. ^ a b Shih Kuo (Jan 27, 2012). "Intel® 64 Architecture Processor Topology Enumeration".
  15. ^ "Processor and Core Enumeration Using CPUID | AMD". Archived from the original on 2014-07-14. Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  16. ^ "Sandybridge processors report incorrect core number?". 2012-12-29. Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  17. ^ "cpuid, __cpuidex". 2014-06-20. Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  18. ^ "x86 architecture - CPUID". Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  19. ^ "topology.cpp in ps/trunk/source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64 – Wildfire Games". 2011-12-27. Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  20. ^ Hyper-Threading Technology and Multi-Core Processor Detection
  21. ^ a b c d "Speculative Execution Side Channel Mitigations" (PDF). Revision 2.0. Intel. May 2018 [January 2018]. Document Number: 336996-002. Retrieved 2018-05-26.
  22. ^ "IBRS patch series []".
  23. ^ CPUID Specification (PDF), AMD, September 2010, retrieved 2013-04-02
  24. ^ Linux kernel source code
  25. ^ Lightweight Profiling Specification (PDF), AMD, August 2010, retrieved 2013-04-03
  26. ^ "Intel® Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction" (PDF). 2012-03-06. Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  27. ^ Ferrie, Peter. "Attacks on Virtual Machine Emulators" (PDF). Symantec Advanced Threat Research. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-02-07. Retrieved 15 March 2017.
  28. ^
  29. ^ "ARM Information Center". Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  30. ^ "Processor version codes and SRM constants". Archived from the original on 2014-09-08. Retrieved 2014-09-08.
  31. ^ a b "IBM System z10 Enterprise Class Technical Guide" (PDF).
  32. ^ "MIPS32 Architecture For Programmers, Volume III: The MIPS32 Privileged Resource Architecture" (PDF). MIPS Technologies, Inc. 2001-03-12.
  33. ^ "PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture, book III" (PDF).

Further reading[edit]

  • "AMD64 Technology Indirect Branch Control Extension" (PDF) (White paper). Revision 4.10.18. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD). 2018. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2018-05-09. Retrieved 2018-05-09.

External links[edit]

  • Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction (Application Note 485), last published version. Said to be incorporated into the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual in 2013, but as of July 2014 the manual still directs the reader to note 485.
    • Contains some information that can be and was easily misinterpreted though, particularly with respect to processor topology identification.
    • The big Intel manuals tend to lag behind the Intel ISA document, available at the top of this page, which is updated even for processors not yet publicly available, and thus usually contains more CPUID bits. For example, as of this writing the ISA book (at revision 19, dated May 2014) documents the CLFLUSHOPT bit in leaf 7, but the big manuals although apparently more up-to-date (at revision 51, dated June 2014) don't mention it.
  • AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions
  • cpuid.exe, an open source command-line tool for Windows, available in Ex: cpuid -v displays the value of every CPUID feature flag.
  • instlatx64 - collection of x86/x64 Instruction Latency, Memory Latency and CPUID dumps