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Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello ( pronunciación portuguesa:  [feʁˈnɐ̃du aˈfõsu ˈkɔloʁ dʒi ˈmɛlu] ; nacido el 12 de agosto de 1949) es un político brasileño que se desempeñó como el 32º presidente de Brasil de 1990 a 1992, cuando renunció en un intento fallido de detener su juicio político. juicio por el Senado brasileño . Collor fue el primer presidente elegido democráticamente después del fin del gobierno militar brasileño . Se convirtió en el presidente más joven en la historia de Brasil, asumiendo el cargo a la edad de 40 años. Después de que renunció a la presidencia, el juicio político por cargos de corrupcióncontinuado. Collor fue declarado culpable por el Senado y descalificado para ocupar un cargo electo durante ocho años (1992-2000). Posteriormente fue absuelto de los cargos penales ordinarios en su juicio judicial ante el Tribunal Federal Supremo de Brasil , por falta de pruebas válidas.

Fernando Collor nació en una familia política. Es hijo del exsenador Arnon Affonso de Farias Mello  [ pt ] y Leda Collor (hija del exministro de Trabajo Lindolfo Collor , encabezada por su padre, exgobernador de Alagoas y propietario de la Organización Arnon de Mello, rama de Rede Globo en el estado. "Collor" es una adaptación portuguesa del apellido alemán Köhler, de su abuelo materno Lindolfo Leopoldo Boeckel Collor.

Collor se ha desempeñado como senador por Alagoas desde febrero de 2007. Ganó las elecciones por primera vez en 2006 y fue reelegido en 2014 . En agosto de 2017, Collor fue acusado por el Tribunal Federal Supremo de Brasil de recibir alrededor de US $ 9 millones en sobornos entre 2010 y 2014 de la subsidiaria BR Distributor de Petrobras .

Carrera temprana [ editar ]

Collor se convirtió en presidente del club de fútbol brasileño Centro Sportivo Alagoano (CSA) en 1976. Después de ingresar a la política, fue nombrado sucesivamente alcalde de la capital de Alagoas , Maceió en 1979 ( Partido Alianza Nacional para la Renovación ), elegido diputado federal ( Partido Social Democrático ) en 1982 , y finalmente elegido gobernador del pequeño estado nororiental de Alagoas ( Partido del Movimiento Democrático Brasileño ) en 1986.

Durante su mandato como gobernador, atrajo publicidad al supuestamente luchar contra los altos salarios de los servidores públicos, a quienes etiquetó como marajás ( maharajás ) [2] (comparándolos con los antiguos príncipes de la India que recibieron un estipendio del gobierno como compensación por renunciar a sus tierras ). Se discute qué tan bien sus políticas redujeron el gasto público, pero la posición política ciertamente lo hizo popular en el país. [3] Esto ayudó a impulsar su carrera política, con la ayuda de apariciones en televisión en transmisiones a nivel nacional (bastante inusual para un gobernador de un estado tan pequeño).

Presidencia (1990-1992) [ editar ]

Collor durante una reunión con ministros y líderes gubernamentales en el Palacio Planalto , 1990

En 1989 Collor derrotó a Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva en una controvertida carrera presidencial de dos vueltas con 35 millones de votos. En diciembre de 1989, días antes de la segunda vuelta, el empresario Abílio Diniz fue víctima de un sensacional secuestro político. El acto es reconocido como un intento de sabotear las posibilidades de victoria de Lula [4] al asociar el secuestro con la izquierda. En ese momento, la ley brasileña prohibía a cualquier partido dirigirse a los medios de comunicación en los días previos al día de las elecciones. Por tanto, el partido de Lula no tuvo oportunidad de esclarecer las acusaciones de que el partido (PT) estaba involucrado en el secuestro. Collor ganó en el estado de São Paulo contra muchas figuras políticas prominentes. [ enlace muerto ] [5]Collor, primer presidente de Brasil elegido por voto popular en 29 años, pasó los primeros años de su presidencia luchando contra la inflación , que en ocasiones alcanzaba tasas del 25% mensual.

El mismo día que asumió el cargo, Collor lanzó el Plano Collor ( Plan Collor ), implementado por su ministra de Finanzas, Zélia Cardoso de Mello (no relacionada con Collor). El plan intentó reducir la oferta monetaria convirtiendo por la fuerza grandes porciones de las cuentas bancarias de los consumidores en bonos del gobierno no canjeables , mientras que al mismo tiempo aumentaba la impresión de billetes, una medida de contrapeso para combatir la hiperinflación . [6]

Libre comercio, privatización y reformas estatales [ editar ]

Collor saluda a la gente
Collor hablando en el palacio presidencial de Planalto, 1991

Bajo el mandato de Zélia como Ministra de Finanzas de Brasil, el país atravesó un período de grandes cambios, con lo que la revista ISTOÉ llamó una "revolución sin precedentes" [7] en muchos niveles de la administración pública: "privatización, apertura de su mercado al libre comercio, modernización, control temporal de la hiperinflación y reducción de la deuda pública ". [8]

En el mes anterior a que Collor asumiera el poder, la hiperinflación era del 90 por ciento mensual y estaba aumentando. Todas las cuentas de más de 50.000 cruzeiros (unos 500 dólares en ese momento) se congelaron durante varias semanas. También propuso congelaciones de salarios y precios, así como importantes recortes en el gasto público. Las medidas fueron recibidas sin entusiasmo por la gente, aunque muchos sintieron que eran necesarias medidas radicales para acabar con la hiperinflación. A los pocos meses, sin embargo, la inflación se reanudó y finalmente alcanzó tasas del 10 por ciento mensual.

Durante el curso de su gobierno, Collor fue acusado de tolerar un plan de tráfico de influencias . Las acusaciones pesaron sobre el gobierno y llevaron a Collor y su equipo a una crisis institucional que llevó a una pérdida de credibilidad que alcanzó a la ministra de Finanzas, Zélia. [7]

Esta crisis política tuvo consecuencias negativas en su capacidad para llevar a cabo sus políticas y reformas. [9] El Plano Collor I , bajo Zélia, se renovaría con la implementación del Plano Collor II ; la pérdida de prestigio del gobierno haría que ese plan de seguimiento fuera de corta duración y en gran medida ineficaz. [8] El fracaso de Zélia y Plano Collor I provocó su sustitución por Marcílio Marques Moreira y su Plano Collor II. El plan de Moreira intentó corregir algunos aspectos del primer plan, pero ya era demasiado tarde. La administración de Collor quedó paralizada por el rápido deterioro de su imagen, a través de una sucesión de acusaciones de corrupción. [10]

During the Plano Collor, yearly inflation was at first reduced from 30,000 percent in 1990 (Collor's first year in government) to 400 percent in 1991, but then climbed back up to 1,020 percent in 1992 (when he left office).[11] Inflation continued to rise to 2,294 percent in 1994 (two years after he left office).[12]Although Zélia acknowledged later that the Plano Collor didn't end inflation, she also stated: "It is also possible to see with clarity that, under very difficult conditions, we promoted the balancing of the national debt – and that, together with the commercial opening, it created the basis for the implementation of the Plano Real."[7]

Parts of Collor's free trade and privatization program were followed by his successors:[13] Itamar Franco (Collor's running mate), Fernando Henrique Cardoso (a member of the Franco cabinet) and Lula da Silva.[14] Collor's administration privatized 15 different companies (including Acesita), and began the process of privatizing several others, such as Embraer, Telebrás and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce.[8] Some members of Collor's government were also part of the later Cardoso administration in different or similar functions:

  • Pedro Malan
  • Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL)
  • Antônio Kandir [pt] (PSDB-SP)
  • Pratini de Moraes [pt]
  • Celso Lafer
  • Reinhold Stephanes [pt]
  • Armínio Fraga
  • Pedro Parente

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, a minister in the previous Sarney and the following Fernando Henrique Cardoso administrations, stated that "Collor changed the political agenda in the country, because he implemented brave and very necessary reforms, and he pursued fiscal adjustments. Although other attempts had been made since 1987, it was during Collor's administration that old statist ideas were confronted and combated (...) by a brave agenda of economic reforms geared towards free trade and privatization."[15]According to Philippe Faucher, professor of political science at McGill University,[16] the combination of the political crisis and the hyperinflation continued to reduce Collor's credibility and in that political vacuum an impeachment process took place, precipitated by Pedro Collor's (Fernando Collor's brother) accusations and other social and political sectors which thought they would be harmed by his policies.[8]


In 1991, UNICEF chose three health programs: community agents, lay midwives and eradication of measles as the best in the world. These programs were promoted during Collor's administration. Until 1989, the Brazilian vaccination record, was considered the worst in South America. During Collor's administration, Brazil's vaccination program won a United Nations prize, as the best in South America. Collor's project Minha Gente (My People) won the UN award Project Model for the Humanity in 1993.

Corruption charges and impeachment[edit]

Protesters call for Collor's impeachment in front of the National Congress in September 1992
Impeachment: Fernando Collor leaves Planalto Palace for the last time as president, 2 October 1992

In May 1992, Fernando Collor's brother Pedro Collor accused him of condoning an influence peddling scheme run by his campaign treasurer, Paulo César Farias. The Federal Police and the Federal Prosecution Service opened an investigation. On 1 July 1992, a Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, composed of Senators and members of the Chamber of Deputies, formed in Congress to investigate the accusation and review the evidence uncovered by police and federal prosecutors. Senator Amir Lando [pt] was chosen as the rapporteur of the Commission of Inquiry, chaired by Congressman Benito Gama [pt]. Farias, Pedro Collor, government officials and others were subpoenaed and gave depositions before it. Some weeks later, with the investigation progressing and under fire, Collor asked on national television for the people's support in going out in the street and protesting against "coup" forces. On 11 August 1992, thousands of students organized by the National Student Union (União Nacional dos Estudantes – UNE), protested on the street against Collor. Their faces, often painted in a mixture of the colors of the flag and protest-black, lead to them being called "Caras-pintadas" ("Painted Faces").[17]

On 26 August 1992, the final congressional inquiry was approved 16–5. The report concluded that there was proof that Fernando Collor had had personal expenses paid for by money raised by Paulo César Farias through his influence peddling scheme.

As a result, a petition to the Chamber of Deputies by citizens Barbosa Lima Sobrinho and Marcelo Lavenère Machado, respectively the then President of the Brazilian Press Association and the then-president of the Brazilian Bar Association formally accused Collor of crimes of responsibility (the Brazilian equivalent of "high crimes and misdemeanors", such as abuse of power) warranting removal from office per the constitutional and legal norms for impeachment. In Brazil, a formal petition for impeachment of the President must be submitted by one or more private citizens, not by corporations or public institutions.

The formal petition, submitted on 1 September 1992, began impeachment proceedings. The Chamber of Deputies set up a special committee on 3 September 1992 to study the impeachment petition. On 24 September 1992, the committee voted (32 votes in favour, one vote against, one abstention) to approve the impeachment petition and recommend that the full Chamber of Deputies accept the charges of impeachment. Under the Constitution of Brazil, the impeachment process required two thirds of the Chamber of Deputies to vote to allow the charges of impeachment to be escalated to the Senate. On 29 September 1992, Collor was impeached by the Chamber of Deputies, with more than two thirds of its members concurring. In the decisive roll call vote, 441 deputies voted for and 38 deputies voted against the admission of the charges of impeachment.[18]

Collor campaigning for Senate in Maceió, 2006

On 30 September 1992, the accusation was formally sent from the Chamber of Deputies to the Senate, and proceedings for impeachment began in the upper house. The Senate formed a committee to examine the case file and determine whether all legal formalities had been followed. The Committee issued its report, recognizing that the charges of impeachment had been presented in accordance with the Constitution and the laws, and proposed that the Senate organize itself into a court of impeachment to conduct the trial of the president. On 1 October 1992, this report was presented on the floor of the Senate, and the full Senate voted to accept it and to proceed. That day the then-president of the Federal Supreme Court, Justice Sydney Sanches [pt], was notified of the opening of the trial process in the Senate, and began to preside over the process. On 2 October 1992, Collor received a formal summons from the Brazilian Senate notifying him that the Senate had accepted the report, and that he was now a defendant in an impeachment trial. Per the Constitution of Brazil, upon receipt of that writ of summons, Collor's presidential powers were suspended for 180 days, and vice president Itamar Franco became acting president. The Senate also sent an official communication to the office of the vice-president to formally acquaint him of the suspension of the President, and to give him notice that he was now the acting president.

By the end of December, it was obvious that Collor would be convicted and removed from office by the Senate. In hopes of staving this off, Collor resigned on 29 December 1992 on the last day of the proceedings. Collor's resignation letter was read by his attorney in the floor of the Senate, and the impeachment trial was adjourned so that the Congress could meet in joint session, first to take formal notice of the resignation and proclaim the office of president vacant, and then to swear in Franco.

However, after the inauguration of Franco, the Senate resumed sitting as a court of impeachment with the president of the Supreme Court presiding. Collor's attorneys argued that with Collor's resignation, the impeachment trial could not proceed and should close without ruling on the merits. The attorneys arguing for Collor's removal, however, argued that the trial should continue, to determine whether or not the defendant should face the constitutional penalty of suspension of political rights for eight years. The Senate voted to continue the trial. It ruled that, although the possible penalty of removal from office had been rendered moot, the determination of the former President's guilt or innocence was still relevant because a conviction on charges of impeachment would carry with it a disqualification from holding public office for eight years. The Senate found that, since the trial had already begun, the defendant could not use his right to resign the presidency as a means to avoid a ruling.

The former presidents Fernando Collor (center), Fernando Henrique Cardoso (left), and José Sarney (right), 2008

Later, in the early hours of 30 December 1992, by the required two-thirds majority, the Senate found the former president guilty of the charges of impeachment. Of the 81 members of the Senate, 79 took part in the final vote: 76 Senators voted to convict the former president, and 3 voted to acquit. The penalty of removal from office was not imposed as Collor had already resigned, but as a result of his conviction the Senate barred Collor from holding public office for eight years. After the vote, the Senate issued a formal written opinion summarizing the conclusions and orders resulting from the judgement, as required by Brazilian law. The Senate's formal written sentence on the impeachment trial, containing its conviction of the former president and disqualification from public office for eight years, signed by the president of the Supreme Court and by the Senators on 30 December 1992, was published in the Diário Oficial da União (the Brazilian Federal Government's official journal) on 31 December 1992.[19]

In 1993, Collor challenged before the Brazilian Supreme Court the Senate's decision to continue the trial after his resignation but the Supreme Court ruled the Senate's action valid.

In 1994, the Supreme Court tried the ordinary criminal charges stemming from the Farias corruption affair; the ordinary criminal accusation was presented by the Brazilian federal prosecution service (Ministério Público Federal). The Supreme Court had original jurisdiction under the Brazilian Constitution because Collor was one of the defendants and the charges mentioned crimes committed by a President while in office. If found guilty of the charges, the former president would face a jail sentence.[20] However, Collor was found not guilty. The Federal Supreme Court threw out the corruption charges against him on a technicality,[20] citing a lack of evidence linking Collor to Farias' influence-peddling scheme. A key piece of evidence, Paulo César Farias' personal computer, was ruled inadmissible as it had been obtained during an illegal police search conducted without a search warrant.[21] Other pieces of evidence that were only gathered because of the information first extracted from files stored in Farias' computer were also voided, as the Collor defense successfully invoked the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine before the Brazilian Supreme Court. Evidence that was only obtained because of the illegally obtained information was also struck from the record.

After his acquittal in the criminal trial, Collor again attempted to void the suspension of his political rights imposed by the Senate, without success, as the Supreme Court ruled that the judicial trial of the ordinary criminal charges and the political trial of the charges of impeachment were independent spheres. Collor thus only regained his political rights in 2000, after the expiration of the eight year disqualification imposed by the Brazilian Senate.[citation needed]

Collor's version of the impeachment[edit]

For several years after his removal from office, Collor maintained a website which has since been taken offline. In discussing the events surrounding the corruption charges, the former website stated: "After two and half years of the most intense investigation in Brazilian history, the Supreme Court of Brazil declared him innocent of all charges. Today he is the only politician in Brazil to have an officially clear record validated by an investigation by all interests and sectors of the opposition government. Furthermore, President Fernando Collor signed the initial document authorizing the investigation."[22]


Collor's official photo as senator
Collor speaks at the Federal Senate in August 2015

In 2000, Collor joined the Brazilian Labour Renewal Party (PRTB) and ran for mayor of São Paulo. His candidacy was declared invalid by the electoral authorities, as his political rights were still suspended by the filing deadline.[23] In 2002, with political rights restored, he ran for Governor of Alagoas, but lost to incumbent Governor Ronaldo Lessa [pt], who was seeking reelection.[24]

In 2006, Collor was elected to the Federal Senate representing his state of Alagoas, with 44.03% of the vote, running again against Lessa. The following year he abandoned PRTB and switched to the Brazilian Labour Party (PTB).[25] Collor has been, since March 2009, Chairman of the Senate Infrastructure Commission. Collor ran again for Governor of Alagoas in 2010.[26] However, he lost the race, finishing a narrow third after Lessa and incumbent Teotonio Vilela Filho, thus eliminated from the runoff. This was Collor's second electoral loss.

In 2014, Collor was re-elected to the Senate with 55% of the vote.[27]

On 20 August 2015, Collor was charged by the Prosecutor General of Brazil with corruption, as a development of Operation Car Wash (Portuguese: Operação Lava Jato). Details of the charge were kept under wraps so as not to jeopardize the investigation.[28]

In 2016 Collor abandoned PTB and joined the Christian Labour Party (PTC), a small Christian democratic party which had no representatives in the Congress at the time. Collor also voted to impeach Rousseff as Senator.

In 2019 Collor left PTC and joined the Republican Party of the Social Order.


Foreign honours[edit]

  •  Malaysia:
    • Honorary Recipient of the Order of the Crown of the Realm (1991)[29]
  •  Portugal:
    • Grand Cross of the Order of the Tower and Sword (1991)
  •  Spain:
    • Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic (10 May 1991)[30]

See also[edit]

  • List of mayors of Maceió


  1. ^ "Fernando Afonso Collor de Mello - Biografia". UOL Educação.
  2. ^ Solingen, Etel (1998). Regional Orders at Century's Dawn. p. 147.
  3. ^ Bezerra, Ada Kesea Guedes; Silva, Fábio Ronaldo. "O marketing político e a importância da imagem-marca em campanhas eleitorais majoritárias" (PDF). Biblioteca On-line de Ciências da Comunicação (in Portuguese).
  4. ^ Chauí, Marilena (29 October 2010). "Um alerta". Carta Maior. Archived from the original on 6 July 2011. Retrieved 31 October 2010.
  5. ^ Lattman-Weltman, Fernando. "29 de Setembro de 1992: o impeachment do Collor" [September 29, 1992: the impeachment of Collor]. Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil. Archived from the original on 14 August 2007.
  6. ^ "A História do Plano Collor" [The History of the Collor Plan]. Archived from the original on 28 November 2010.
  7. ^ a b c "Zélia está voltando" [Zélia is returning]. ISTOÉ Dinheiro. 25 October 2006. Retrieved 28 July 2017.
  8. ^ a b c d Anuatti-Neto, Francisco; Barossi-Filho, Milton; Carvalho, Antonio Gledson de; Macedo, Roberto (June 2005). "Os efeitos da privatização sobre o desempenho econômico e financeiro das empresas privatizadas". Revista Brasileira de Economia. 59 (2): 151–175. doi:10.1590/S0034-71402005000200001.
  9. ^ "" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 March 2009.
  10. ^ [1] Archived 1 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ "The Hyperinflation in Brazil, 1980–1994".
  12. ^
  13. ^ Pimenta, Angela (27 June 2006). "Lula segue política econômica de FHC, diz diretor do FMI". BBC Brasil. British Broadcasting Corporation.
  15. ^ Silvando da Silva do Nascimento, Rangel. A POLÍTICA ECONÔMICA EXTERNA DO GOVERNO COLLOR: LIBERALIZAÇÃO COMERCIAL E FINANCEIRA Archived 26 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 30 August 2007.
  16. ^ "Philippe Faucher". McGill University. Archived from the original on 15 January 2008.
  17. ^ Rezende, Tatiana Matos. "UNE 70 Anos: "Fora Collor: o grito da juventude cara-pintada"". União Nacional dos Estudantes. Archived from the original on 3 September 2007. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
  18. ^ Lattman-Weltman, Fernando. September 29, 1992: Collor's Impeachment Archived 14 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine(in Portuguese) Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Retrieved 17 August 2007.
  19. ^ Imprensa Nacional – Visualização dos Jornais Oficiais[permanent dead link]. (31 December 1992). Retrieved on 12 August 2013.
  20. ^ a b "Fernando Collor é eleito senador por Alagoas". O Globo. Grupo Globo. 1 October 2006.
  21. ^ "Como foi a ação contra Collor". O Globo. Grupo Globo. 18 April 2006. Archived from the original on 19 November 2007 – via Senado Federal.
  22. ^ Did You Know? Archived 21 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  23. ^ Percival Albano Nogueira Junior, José. Sentença de indeferimento do registro da candidatura de Fernando Collor à Prefeitura de São Paulo Jus Navigandi. 4 August 2000. Retrieved on 18 August 2007.
  24. ^ Simas Filho, Mário (13 September 2006). "Elle Voltou". ISTOÉ. Retrieved 18 August 2007.
  25. ^ "Após 14 anos de sua renúncia, Collor volta a Brasília como senador". Folha de S.Paulo. 10 October 2006. Retrieved 17 August 2007.
  26. ^ "Fernando Collor confirma pré-candidatura ao governo de Alagoas". O Globo. Grupo Globo. Retrieved 12 August 2013.
  27. ^ "Fernando Collor, PTB, é reeleito senador pelo estado de Alagoas". G1. Grupo Globo. 5 October 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2015.
  28. ^ "Brazil House Leader, Ex-President Hit With Corruption Charges". The New York Times. 20 August 2015. Retrieved 21 August 2015.
  29. ^ "Senarai Penuh Penerima Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan Tahun 1991" (PDF).
  30. ^ "Real Decreto 775/1991, de 10 de mayo". Boletín Oficial del Estado. Retrieved 30 August 2020.

External links[edit]

  • Fernando Collor - O Senador de Alagoas Archived 10 November 2019 at the Wayback Machine