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Likud ( hebreo : הַלִּיכּוּד , translit. HaLikud , lit. La Consolidación ), oficialmente conocido como Likud - Movimiento Nacional Liberal , es el principal partido político de centro-derecha a derecha en Israel . [23] [16] [24] [25] Un secular partido, [26] que fue fundada en 1973 por Menachem Begin y Ariel Sharon en una alianza con varios partidos de la derecha. La aplastante victoria del Likud en las elecciones de 1977fue un importante punto de inflexión en la historia política del país, marcando la primera vez que la izquierda perdió el poder. Además, fue la primera vez en Israel que un partido de derecha ganó la pluralidad de votos. [27] Sin embargo, después de gobernar el país durante la mayor parte de la década de 1980, el partido perdió las elecciones de la Knesset en 1992. Sin embargo, el candidato del Likud, Benjamin Netanyahu , ganó la votación para Primer Ministro en 1996 y se le dio la tarea de formar un gobierno después de la Elecciones de 1996 . El gobierno de Netanyahu se derrumbó después de un voto de censura, que llevó a que se convocasen elecciones en 1999 y que el Likud perdiera el poder ante el Único Israel.coalición dirigida por Ehud Barak .

En 2001, Ariel Sharon del Likud , quien reemplazó a Netanyahu tras las elecciones de 1999, derrotó a Barak en una elección convocada por el Primer Ministro tras su dimisión. Después de que el partido obtuviera una convincente victoria en las elecciones de 2003 , el Likud vio una gran división en 2005 cuando Sharon se fue para formar el partido Kadima . Esto resultó en que el Likud cayera al cuarto lugar en las elecciones de 2006 y perdiera 28 escaños en la Knesset. Después de las elecciones de 2009 , el Likud pudo obtener 15 escaños y, con Netanyahu nuevamente en control del partido, formó una coalición con los partidos de derecha Yisrael Beiteinu y Shas.para tomar el control del gobierno de Kadima, que obtuvo una pluralidad, pero no una mayoría. Netanyahu ha sido Primer Ministro desde entonces y el Likud había sido el principal votante en cada elección hasta abril de 2019 , cuando Likud empató con Azul y Blanco [28] y septiembre de 2019 , cuando Azul y Blanco ganaron un escaño más que el Likud. [29]

Un miembro del partido se llama Likudnik ( hebreo : לִכּוּדְנִיק ). [30]


Años de formación y comienzo

El Likud se formó como un partido secular [26] por una alianza de varios partidos de derecha antes de las elecciones de 1973 : Herut , el Partido Liberal , el Centro Libre , la Lista Nacional y el Movimiento por el Gran Israel . Herut había sido el partido de derecha más grande de la nación desde que surgió del Irgun en 1948. Ya había estado en coalición con los liberales desde 1965 como Gahal , con Herut como socio principal. Herut siguió siendo el socio principal de la nueva agrupación, a la que se le dio el nombre de Likud, que significa "Consolidación", ya que representaba la consolidación de la derecha israelí.[31] Funcionó como una coalición bajo el liderazgo de Herut hasta 1988, cuando los partidos miembros se fusionaron en un solo partido bajo el nombre de Likud. Desde su creación en 1973, el Likud contó con un gran apoyo de los sefardíes obrerosque se sentían discriminados por el Alineamiento gobernante.

El Likud tuvo una gran actuación en sus primeras elecciones en 1973, reduciendo la ventaja del Alineamiento a 12 escaños. El partido ganó las elecciones de 1977 , terminando 11 escaños antes de la Alineación. Begin pudo formar un gobierno con el apoyo de los partidos religiosos, relegando a la izquierda a la oposición por primera vez desde la independencia. Begin, ex líder del paramilitar paramilitar Irgun , ayudó a iniciar el proceso de paz con Egipto , que resultó en los Acuerdos de Camp David de 1978 y el Tratado de Paz Egipto-Israel de 1979 . El Likud fue reelegido con un mandato significativamente reducido en 1981 .

El Likud ha sido durante mucho tiempo una alianza flexible entre políticos comprometidos con preferencias e ideologías políticas diferentes y, a veces, opuestas. [32] [33] Las elecciones de 1981 destacaron las divisiones que existían entre el ala populista del Likud, encabezada por David Levy de Herut, y el ala Liberal, [34] que representaba una agenda política de la burguesía secular. [32]

Shamir, el primer mandato de Netanyahu y Sharon

Begin renunció en octubre de 1983 y fue sucedido como líder del Likud y Primer Ministro por Yitzhak Shamir . Shamir, un ex comandante de la clandestinidad de Lehi , era ampliamente visto como un intransigente con un compromiso ideológico tanto con los asentamientos en Cisjordania y la Franja de Gaza , cuyo crecimiento alentó, como con la idea de la aliá , que facilitaba la inmigración masiva de judíos a Israel desde Etiopía y la ex Unión Soviética . Aunque Shamir perdió las elecciones de 1984, el Alineamiento no pudo formar un gobierno por sí solo. El Likud y el Alineamiento formaron así un gobierno de unidad nacional, con Peres como Primer Ministro y Shamir como Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Después de dos años, Peres y Shamir cambiaron de puesto. Este gobierno permaneció en el poder hasta 1990, cuando la Alineación se retiró y Shamir formó una coalición de derecha que se mantuvo hasta su derrota en 1992 por los laboristas.

Shamir se retiró poco después de perder las elecciones. Su sucesor, Benjamin Netanyahu, se convirtió en el tercer primer ministro del Likud en mayo de 1996, tras el asesinato de Yitzhak Rabin . Netanyahu demostró ser menos estricto en la práctica de lo que se mostraba retóricamente, y se sintió presionado por Estados Unidos y otros para entablar negociaciones con la Organización de Liberación de Palestina y Yasser Arafat , a pesar de sus duras críticas a los acuerdos de Oslo y de su actitud agresiva. postura en comparación con el Laborismo.

En 1998, Netanyahu accedió a regañadientes a ceder territorio en el Memorando de Wye River . Aunque muchos en el Likud los aceptaron, algunos diputados del Likud, liderados por Benny Begin (el hijo de Menachem Begin), Michael Kleiner y David Re'em , se separaron y formaron un nuevo partido, llamado Herut - El Movimiento Nacional , en protesta. Yitzhak Shamir (quien había expresado una dura decepción por el liderazgo de Netanyahu), dio su apoyo al nuevo partido. Menos de un año después, la coalición de Netanyahu se derrumbó, lo que resultó en las elecciones de 1999 y Ehud Barak del Partido Laborista ganó el cargo de primer ministro en una plataforma de solución inmediata de los problemas del estatus final. El Likud pasó de 1999 a 2001 en los escaños de la oposición.

Sin embargo, la estrategia de "todo o nada" de Barak fracasó y se convocaron elecciones anticipadas para primer ministro para marzo de 2001. Sorprendentemente, Netanyahu declinó ser el candidato del Likud a primer ministro, lo que significa que el cuarto primer ministro del Likud sería Ariel Sharon. Sharon, a diferencia de los anteriores líderes del Likud, se había criado en un entorno laborista sionista y durante mucho tiempo se la había considerado una especie de rebelde. Frente a la Segunda Intifada , Sharon siguió un conjunto variado de políticas, muchas de las cuales fueron controvertidas incluso dentro del Likud. La división final se produjo cuando Sharon anunció su política de retirada unilateral de Gaza y partes de Cisjordania. La idea resultó ser extremadamente divisiva dentro del partido.

División de Kadima

El cambio percibido de Sharon hacia el centro político, especialmente en su ejecución del Plan de Separación, lo alejó de algunos partidarios del Likud y fragmentó el partido. Enfrentó varios desafíos serios a su autoridad poco antes de su partida. El primero fue en marzo de 2005, cuando él y Netanyahu propusieron un plan presupuestario que encontró una feroz oposición, aunque finalmente fue aprobado. El segundo fue en septiembre de 2005, cuando los críticos de Sharon en el Likud forzaron una votación sobre una propuesta para una elección de liderazgo anticipada, que fue derrotada por 52% a 48%. En octubre, los opositores de Sharon dentro de la facción Likud Knesset se unieron a la oposición para evitar el nombramiento de dos de sus asociados al gabinete, demostrando que Sharon había perdido efectivamente el control de la Knesset y que era poco probable que se aprobara el presupuesto de 2006.

El mes siguiente, el laborismo anunció su retirada de la coalición gobernante de Sharon tras la elección del izquierdista Amir Peretz como líder. El 21 de noviembre de 2005, Sharon anunció que dejaría el Likud y formaría un nuevo partido centrista, Kadima . El nuevo partido incluía a partidarios del Likud y del Laborismo de la desconexión unilateral. Sharon también anunció que se celebrarían elecciones a principios de 2006. Al 21 de noviembre, siete candidatos se habían declarado contendientes para reemplazar a Sharon como líder: Netanyahu, Uzi Landau , Shaul Mofaz , Yisrael Katz , Silvan Shalom y Moshe Feiglin.. Landau y Mofaz se retiraron más tarde, el primero a favor de Netanyahu y el segundo para unirse a Kadima.

El segundo mandato de Netanyahu

Netanyahu ganó las elecciones a la presidencia en diciembre, obteniendo el 44,4% de los votos. Shalom quedó en segundo lugar con un 33%, lo que llevó a Netanyahu a garantizarle el segundo lugar en la lista de candidatos de la Knesset del partido. La moderación percibida de Shalom en cuestiones sociales y de política exterior se consideró una ventaja electoral. Los observadores notaron que la participación de votantes en las elecciones fue particularmente baja en comparación con las primarias anteriores, con menos del 40 por ciento de los 128.000 miembros del partido emitiendo sus votos. Los medios se centraron mucho en que el candidato de extrema derecha Moshe Feiglin consiguiera el 12,4% de los votos.

La fundación de Kadima fue un gran desafío para el estatus de generación del Likud como uno de los dos partidos principales de Israel. Las políticas centristas percibidas de Sharon han atraído un apoyo popular considerable, como se refleja en las encuestas de opinión pública. El Likud ahora está dirigido por figuras que se oponen a más evacuaciones unilaterales, y su posición en las urnas se ha resentido. Después de la fundación de Kadima, se llegó a considerar que el Likud tenía una tendencia más de derecha que de centro derecha moderada. Sin embargo, existen varios partidos en la Knesset incluso más derechistas que el post-Ariel Sharon Likud.

Un camión solicitando el Likud en Jerusalén antes de las elecciones de 2006

Antes de las elecciones de 2006 , el Comité Central del partido cedió el control de la selección de la lista de la Knesset a los miembros de "base" a instancias de Netanyahu. [35] El objetivo era mejorar la reputación del partido, ya que el comité central se había ganado una reputación de corrupción. [36]

En las elecciones, el voto del Likud se derrumbó ante la división de Kadima. Otros partidos nacionalistas de derecha como Yisrael Beiteinu obtuvieron votos, con el Likud ocupando solo el cuarto lugar en el voto popular, superando a Yisrael Beiteinu por solo 116 votos. Con solo doce escaños, el Likud estaba empatado con los Shas por el estatus de tercer partido más grande.

In the 2009 Israeli legislative election, Likud won 27 seats, a close second-place finish to Kadima's 28 seats, and leading the other parties. After more than a month of coalition negotiations, Benjamin Netanyahu was able to form a government and become Prime Minister.

"Pride in the Likud", a political advocacy group of LGBT conservatives affiliated with the party, was founded in 2011. Following the appointment of Amir Ohana as the Likud's first openly gay member in the Knesset, in December 2015, Netanyahu said he was "proud" to welcome him into parliament.[37]

A leadership election was held on 31 January 2012, with Netanyahu defeating Feiglin.[38]

Partnership with Yisrael Beiteinu

On 25 October 2012, Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman announced that their respective political parties, Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu, would run together on a single ballot in Israel's 2013 parliamentary election. "A joining of forces will give us the strength to defend Israel from military threats, and the strength to spearhead social and economic changes in the country", Netanyahu said.[39] In January 2013, Lieberman said the Yisrael Beitinu merge with the Likud party will end within one month of the election.[40]

The Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu merger led to speculation that Lieberman would eventually seek the leadership of Likud. "Every soldier must strive to be chief of staff, just as every politician wants, eventually, to stand at the top of the system. I'm not obsessed with this, but that is my goal", Lieberman said.[41]

In the 2013 election, the Likud-Yisrael Beiteninu alliance won 31 seats, 20 of which were Likud members. Netanyahu continued as Prime Minister after forming a coalition with Yesh Atid, the Jewish Home and Hatnuah.

The electoral alliance was unpopular among both Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu.[42][43] In November 2013, it was reported that both parties would be holding discussions on whether to end their partnership. According to Haaretz, "the alliance stoked anger among senior Likud politicians, both because of the historic change and the high price the party ostensibly paid...."[44] Efforts by Yisrael Beitenu to formally merge with Likud after the election were rebuffed by Likud activists who worried about the effect an influx of organized new power centers could have on their own influence in the ruling party.[45]

2019–2021 elections

During the course of the April 2019 Israeli legislative election campaign, Likud facilitated the formation of the Union of Right-Wing Parties between the Jewish Home, Tkuma and Otzma Yehudit by providing a slot on its own electoral list to Jewish Home candidate Eli Ben-Dahan.[46] In the aftermath of the election, Kulanu merged into Likud.[47]

During the September 2019 Israeli legislative election campaign, Likud agreed to a deal with Zehut, whereby the latter party would drop out of the election and endorse Likud in exchange for a ministerial post for its leader, Moshe Feiglin, as well as policy concessions.[48]

Prior to the 2020 Israeli legislative election, Gideon Sa'ar unsuccessfully challenged Netanyahu for the Likud leadership.[49] In December of that year, Sa'ar left Likud, along with four other Likud MKs, to form New Hope.[50]

Prior to the 2021 Israeli legislative election, Gesher merged into Likud, receiving a slot on its electoral list.[51] Likud also facilitated the formation of a joint list between the Religious Zionist Party, Otzma Yehudit and Noam by providing the Religious Zionist Party a slot on the Likud list.[52]

Ideological positions

Likud founder Menachem Begin

Likud emphasizes national security policy based on a strong military force when threatened with continued enmity against Israel. It has shown reluctance to negotiate with its neighbors whom it believes continue to seek the destruction of the Jewish state, that based on the principle of the party founder Menachem Begin concerning the preventive policy to any potential attacks on State of Israel. Its suspicion of neighboring Arab nations' intentions, however, has not prevented the party from reaching agreements with the Arabs, such as the 1979 peace treaty with Egypt. Likud's willingness to enter mutually accepted agreements with the Arabs over the years is related to the formation of other right-wing parties. Like other right-wing parties in Israel, Likud politicians have sometimes criticized particular Supreme Court decisions, but it remains committed to rule of law principles that it hopes to entrench in a written constitution.[16]

As of 2014, the party remains divided between moderates and hard-liners.[53]

Likud is considered to be the leading party in the national camp in Israeli politics.[54]


  • The 1999 Likud Party platform emphasizes the right of settlement.

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."[55]

Similarly, they claim the Jordan River as the permanent eastern border to Israel and it also claims Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.

  • The 'Peace & Security' chapter of the 1999 Likud Party platform rejects a Palestinian state.

"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration, and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel's existence, security and national needs."[55]

With Likud back in power, starting in 2009, Israeli foreign policy is still under review. Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, in his "National Security" platform, neither endorsed nor ruled out the idea of a Palestinian state.[56] "Netanyahu has hinted that he does not oppose the creation of a Palestinian state, but aides say he must move cautiously because his religious-nationalist coalition partners refuse to give away land."[57]

On 14 June 2009, Netanyahu delivered a speech[58] at Bar-Ilan University (also known as "Bar-Ilan Speech"), at Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, that was broadcast live in Israel and across parts of the Arab world, on the topic of the Middle East peace process. He endorsed for the first time the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, with several conditions.

However, on 16 March 2015, Netanyahu stated in the affirmative, that if he were elected, a Palestinian state would not be created.[59] Netanyahu argued, "anyone who goes to create today a Palestinian state and turns over land, is turning over land that will be used as a launching ground for attacks by Islamist extremists against the State of Israel."[59] Some take these statements to mean that Netanyahu and Likud oppose a Palestinian state. After having been criticised by U.S. White House Spokesperson Josh Earnest for the "divisive rhetoric" of his election campaign, on 19 March 2015, Netanyahu retreated to "I don't want a one-state solution. I want a peaceful, sustainable two-state solution. I have not changed my policy."[60]

The Likud Constitution[61] of May 2014 is more vague and ambiguous. Though it contains commitments to the strengthening of Jewish settlement in the West Bank, it does not explicitly rule out the establishment of a Palestinian state.[failed verification][failed verification]


The Likud party claims to support a free market capitalist and liberal agenda, though, in practice, it has mostly adopted mixed economic policies. Under the guidance of Finance minister and current party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud pushed through legislation reducing value added tax (VAT), income and corporate taxes significantly, as well as customs duty. Likewise, it has instituted free trade (especially with the European Union and the United States) and dismantled certain monopolies (Bezeq and the seaports). Additionally, it has privatized numerous government-owned companies, e. g., El Al and Bank Leumi, and has moved to privatize land in Israel, which until now has been held symbolically by the state in the name of the Jewish people. Netanyahu was the most ardent free-market Israeli finance minister to date. He argued that Israel's largest labor union, the Histadrut, has so much power as to be capable of paralyzing the Israeli economy, and claimed that the main causes of unemployment are laziness and excessive benefits to the unemployed."[citation needed] Under Netanyahu, Likud has and is likely to maintain a comparatively fiscally conservative economic stance. However, the party's economic policies vary widely among members, with some Likud MKs supporting more leftist economic positions that are more in line with popular preferences.[62]


Likud has historically espoused opposition to Palestinian statehood and support of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, it has also been the party that carried out the first peace agreements with Arab states. For instance, in 1979, Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, which returned the Sinai Peninsula (occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967) to Egypt in return for peace between the two countries. Yitzhak Shamir was the first Israeli Prime Minister to meet Palestinian leaders at the Madrid Conference following the Persian Gulf War in 1991. However, Shamir refused to concede the idea of a Palestinian state, and as a result was blamed by some (including United States Secretary of State James Baker) for the failure of the summit. On 14 June 2009, as Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech at Bar-Ilan University in which he endorsed a "Demilitarized Palestinian State", though said that Jerusalem must remain the unified capital of Israel.

In 2002, during the Second Intifada, Israel's Likud-led government reoccupied Palestinian towns and refugee camps in the West Bank. In 2005, Ariel Sharon defied the recent tendencies of Likud and abandoned the policy of seeking to settle in the West Bank and Gaza. Though re-elected Prime Minister on a platform of no unilateral withdrawals, Sharon carried out the Gaza disengagement plan, withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, as well as four settlements in the northern West Bank. Though losing a referendum among Likud registered voters, Sharon achieved government approval of this policy by firing most of the cabinet members who opposed the plan before the vote.

Sharon and the faction who supported his disengagement proposals left the Likud party after the disengagement and created the new Kadima party. This new party supported unilateral disengagement from most of the West Bank and the fixing of borders by the Israeli West Bank barrier. The basic premise of the policy was that the Israelis have no viable negotiating partner on the Palestinian side, and since they cannot remain in indefinite occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel should unilaterally withdraw.

Netanyahu, who was elected as the new leader of Likud after Kadima's creation, and Silvan Shalom, the runner-up, both supported the disengagement plan;[63][64] however, Netanyahu resigned his ministerial post before the plan was executed. Most current Likud members support the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and oppose Palestinian statehood and the disengagement from Gaza.

Although settlement activity has continued under recent Likud governments, much of the activity outside the major settlement blocs has been to accommodate the Jewish Home, a coalition partner; support within Likud to build outside the blocs is not particularly strong.[65][66]

In the 2019 election, Likud was widely criticized as a "racist party" after scaremongering anti-Arab rhetoric by its members as well as Netanyahu who claimed minority Arabs and Palestinians in Israel as "threats" and "enemies,".[67][68][69]


Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Likud generally advocates free enterprise and nationalism, but it has sometimes compromised these ideals in practice, especially as its constituency has changed. Its support for populist economic programs are at odds with its free enterprise tradition, but are meant to serve its largely nationalistic, lower-income voters in small towns and urban neighborhoods.[70][71]

On religion and state, Likud has a moderate stance,[71] and supports the preservation of status quo. With time, the party has played into the traditional sympathies of its voter base, though the origins and ideology of Likud are secular.[72] Religious parties have come to view it as a more comfortable coalition partner than Labor.[71]

Likud promotes a revival of Jewish culture, in keeping with the principles of Revisionist Zionism. Likud emphasizes such Israeli nationalist themes as the use of the Israeli flag and the victory in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In July 2018, Likud lawmakers backed controversial Nation-State bill into law which declaring Israel as 'nation-state of the Jewish people'.[73][74]

Likud publicly endorses press freedom and promotion of private sector media, which has grown markedly under governments Likud has led. A Likud government headed by Ariel Sharon, however, closed the popular right-wing pirate radio station Arutz Sheva ("Channel 7"). Arutz Sheva was popular with the Jewish settler movement and often criticised the government from a right-wing perspective.

Historically, the Likud and its pre-1948 predecessor, the Revisionist movement advocated secular nationalism. However, the Likud's first prime minister and long-time leader Menachem Begin, though secular himself, cultivated a warm attitude to Jewish tradition and appreciation for traditionally religious Jews—especially from North Africa and the Middle East. This segment of the Israeli population first brought the Likud to power in 1977. Many Orthodox Israelis find the Likud a more congenial party than any other mainstream party, and in recent years also a large group of Haredim, mostly modern Haredim, joined the party and established The Haredi faction in the Likud.


Current MKs

Likud currently has 30 Knesset members. They are listed below in the order that they appeared on the party's list for the 2021 elections.

  1. Benjamin Netanyahu
  2. Yuli Edelstein
  3. Israel Katz
  4. Miri Regev
  5. Yariv Levin
  6. Yoav Galant
  7. Nir Barkat
  8. Gila Gamliel
  9. Avi Dichter
  10. Haim Katz
  11. Eli Cohen
  12. Galit Distel
  13. Tzachi Hanegbi
  14. Ofir Akunis
  15. Yuval Steinitz
  16. Dudi Amsalem
  17. Gadi Yevarkan
  18. Amir Ohana
  19. Ofir Katz
  20. Eti Atiya
  21. Yoav Kisch
  22. David Bitan
  23. Keren Barak
  24. Shlomo Karhi
  25. Miki Zohar
  26. Orly Levy-Abekasis
  27. Keti Shitrit
  28. Ofir Sofer
  29. Fateen Mulla
  30. May Golan

Party organs

Likud Executive[75]

  • Director General of the Likud: Gadi Arielli
  • Deputy DG, head of the Municipal Division: Rafi Dwek
  • Director of Foreign Affairs: Eli Hazan
  • Manager of the Likud Chairman's Office: Hanni Bleiweiss
  • Head of the Computer Division: Tsuri Siso
  • Likud Spokeswoman: Noga Katz (Rappaport)
  • Head of Internet & New Media: Shai Mordov

Likud Central Committee

Likud Secretariat

Likud Bureau

Likud Court

Legal Advisor of the Likud Movement

Likud Youth Movement

  • Member group of the International Young Democrat Union[76][77]

World Likud

Election results

See also

  • List of Likud Knesset Members
  • New Likudniks


  1. ^ Daniel Tauber (13 August 2010). "Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)". Likud Anglos. Archived from the original on 22 February 2011. Jabotinsky's movement and teachings, which can be characterized as national-liberalism, form the foundation of the Likud party.
  2. ^ McGann, James G.; Johnson, Erik C. (2005). Comparative Think Tanks, Politics and Public Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 241. ISBN 9781781958995. The Likud Party, the party of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, is a national-liberal party, while the Labor Party, led by Shimon Peres, is more left-wing and identified as social-democratic.
  3. ^ "Israel - Political Parties". GlobalSecurity.org. 12 April 2014. Retrieved 26 January 2015. The two main political parties—Likud, essentially national-liberal and Labor, essentially social-democratic—have historical roots and traditions pre-dating the establishment of the State in 1948.
  4. ^ a b "Meet the parties - Likud". Haaretz. 2015. Retrieved 1 March 2015. A national-liberal political movement (center-right, in Israeli terms) that was established as an alliance of parties that united into a single party in 1984.
  5. ^ "Israel election: Who are the key candidates?". BBC. 14 March 2015.
  6. ^ Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce (2013). Principles of International Politics. SAGE. p. 69.
  7. ^ Utter, Glenn (2004). Conservative Christians and Political Participation. ABC-CLIO. p. 29.
  8. ^ El-Gendy, Karim (2018). The Process of Israeli Decision Making. Al-Zaytouna Centre. p. 192.
  9. ^ "Guide to Israel's political parties". BBC News. 21 January 2013. Retrieved 28 June 2015.
  10. ^ Shafir, Gershon (2002). Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship. Cambridge University Press. p. 30.
  11. ^ Moghadam, Valentine (2020). Globalization and Social Movements. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 201.
  12. ^ Langford, Barry (2017). All Together Now. Biteback Publishing. Netanyahu, leader of the right-wing populist party Likud, ran for re-election
  13. ^ Amnon Rapoport (1990). Experimental Studies of Interactive Decisions. Kluwer Academic. p. 413. ISBN 0792306856. Likud is a liberal-conservative party that gains much of its support from the lower and middle classes, and promotes free enterprise, nationalism, and expansionism.
  14. ^ Joel Greenberg (22 November 1998). "The World: Pursuing Peace; Netanyahu and His Party Turn Away from 'Greater Israel'". The New York Times. Retrieved 30 June 2015. Likud, despite defections, had joined Labor in accepting the inevitability of territorial compromise.... Revolutionary as it may seem, Likud's abandonment of its maximalist vision has in fact been evolving for years.
  15. ^ Ethan Bronner (20 February 2009). "Netanyahu, Once Hawkish, Now Touts Pragmatism". The New York Times. Retrieved 30 June 2015. Likud as a party has made a major transformation in the last 15 years from being rigidly committed to retaining all the land of Israel to looking pragmatically at how to retain for Israel defensible borders in a very uncertain Middle East....
  16. ^ a b c Baskin, Judith Reesa, ed. (2010). The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture. Cambridge University Press. p. 304. ISBN 9780521825979. Retrieved 30 June 2015. To overcome Labor Party dominance, the bulk of center-right parties formed Likud.... In the early twenty-first century, Likud remains a major factor in the center-right political bloc.
  17. ^ "Likud - political party, Israel". Britannica.com. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  18. ^ "Guide to Israel's political parties". Bbc.com. 4 November 2017. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  19. ^ "History & Overview of the Likud Party". Jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Retrieved 5 November 2017.
  20. ^ Ishaan Tharoor (14 March 2015). "A guide to the political parties battling for Israel's future". The Washington Post. Retrieved 28 June 2015.
  21. ^ Member parties European Conservatives and Reformists Party
  22. ^ "הג'ינגל של הליכוד: רק שרון יביא שלום שישמור עלינו". news.walla.co.il. Retrieved 8 August 2018.
  23. ^ "Likud". Ynetnews. 1 February 2008. Retrieved 30 June 2015.
  24. ^ "The Parties in Israel's 2019 Parliamentary Election". Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. 28 March 2019. Likud was founded as a secular, centre-right party.
  25. ^ David Seddon, ed. (2013). A Political and Economic Dictionary of the Middle East. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781135355616. Likud is centre-right, strongly nationalistic and assertive in foreign policy.
  26. ^ a b Itamar Rabinovich; Jehuda Reinharz, eds. (2008). Israel in the Middle East: Documents and Readings on Society, Politics, and Foreign Relations, Pre-1948 to the Present. Brandeis University Press. p. 462.
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External links

  • Official website
  • Likud Nederland (in Dutch and English)
  • Likud Knesset website