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Esta es una lista incompleta de personajes del universo expandido de Star Wars , ahora renombrado como Star Wars Legends . Las obras que las acompañan fueron declaradas no canónicas para la franquicia de Star Wars por Lucasfilm en 2014. [1]

Esta lista se aplica solo a los personajes que aparecen completamente en los medios de Legends y que, por lo tanto, no existen en la continuidad del canon. Para los personajes que pertenecen a la continuidad del canon, consulte la Lista de personajes de Star Wars .

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Un droide que trabaja con Jerec en Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II .

A [ editar ]


Una entidad del lado oscuro, Abeloth comenzó como una mujer mortal que se encontró con las entidades inmortales de la Fuerza, los Unos, en su misterioso mundo natal. Tomando el manto de la Madre, Abeloth ayudó al Padre a mantener la paz entre su Hijo y su Hija en guerra durante muchos años. Sin embargo, temiendo su propia mortalidad, la Madre se bañó en la Piscina del Conocimiento y bebió de la Fuente del Poder, con la esperanza de permanecer con su familia inmortal. El resultado fue que se convirtió en la entidad del lado oscuro Abeloth. Trabajando con la raza insectoide Killik , los Unos trabajaron juntos para construir la Estación Centerpoint, que usaron para aprisionar a Abeloth en su planeta, rodeándolo con un grupo de agujeros negros., más tarde conocido como las Fauces. Después de esto, la familia de Abeloth se mudó al misterioso planeta Mortis, dejándola en su prisión solitaria. Milenios después, siguiendo las acciones del Lord Sith Darth Caedus , los Jedi (liderados por el Gran Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker ) lanzaron un ataque contra Centerpoint y destruyeron la antigua estación espacial. Esto resultó en la eventual destrucción de la estación Sinkhole, lo que le permitió a Abeloth salir finalmente de su prisión. Usando sus poderes del lado oscuro, Abeloth poseía al carismático Senador Rokari Kem, a quien solía asumir el control de la Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres , así como de la Tribu Perdida de los Sith (después de su asesinato del Gran Señor SithDarish Vol). Finalmente fue destruida por los esfuerzos combinados de Skywalker y su homólogo Sith, Darth Krayt , líder del One Sith .

Rey Adas

Rey de Korriban durante la época del Primer Imperio Sith. Su reinado duró casi trescientos años y empuñó dos enormes hachas.

Darth Andeddu
El autoproclamado "Dios-Rey Inmortal de Prakith" que reinó como el Señor Oscuro de los Sith durante los Cien Años de Oscuridad. Dejó un holocrón que supuestamente guardaba el secreto de la inmortalidad . Apareció en el canon de Star Wars, pero fue una mención muy breve. Una de las legiones de Tropas Sith en la película canónica Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker recibió su nombre.
Nom Anor
Un personaje yuuzhan vong prominente en la serie de novelas The New Jedi Order , publicada de 1999 a 2003. Fue responsable de la mitad de la invasión yuuzhan vong en la galaxia de Star Wars . En la segunda mitad de La Nueva Orden Jedi , se convirtió en un antihéroe al liderar un movimiento herético entre su gente para derribar a su gobernante, el Supremo Overlord Shimrra. Al final de la serie, después de haber visto la muerte de Shimrra y su maestro títere Onimi, Nom Anor eligió la muerte antes que vivir en la galaxia de posguerra.
Fianza Antilles
Un senador alderaaniano ; como es el padre de Breha Antilles, esposa de Bail Organa , Antilles es el abuelo adoptivo de la princesa Leia Organa . [2]
El hijo de Valkorion, hermano de Thexan y Vaylin, y gobernante temporal del Trono Eterno en el videojuego Star Wars: The Old Republic .
Seti Ashgad
Un ingeniero de hiperimpulso que trabaja para la Corporación Incom que también sirvió en el Senado Galáctico durante los días de las Guerras Clon . Era conocido como "El Tentador Dorado", y también era conocido por su extrema ambición y quería reemplazar a Palpatine como Canciller Supremo.
Atris  - expresado por Elizabeth Rider
Un miembro del Consejo Jedi que junto con sus colegas exilió a Meetra Surik , supuestamente porque siguió a Revan a la guerra. Ella estableció una Academia Jedi en Telos y es servida por un séquito de guerreros Echani Handmaiden en Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords .
Tavion Axmis
Antagonista en Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy .
Aprendiz de Kadann que sirvió en la Orden Secreta del Imperio. Azrakel era conocido por su inquietante y sádica inclinación por matar. Tras la muerte del Emperador Palpatine, se convierte en un mercenario que opera en el Borde Exterior.
Familia Azzameen
Protagonistas del videojuego Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance , incluido el personaje jugador Ace y su padre y el patriarca de la familia Tomaas.

B [ editar ]

El droide administrativo que trabaja para Czerka en Telos en el Borde Exterior. Es posible controlar B4-D4 en Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords mientras se ayuda a los ithorianos con su proyecto de restauración.
Darth Bandon
Aprendiz de Darth Malak . Asesinado por Revan durante los eventos de Caballeros de la Antigua República .
Bao-Dur  - expresado por Roger G. Smith
Un técnico zabrak de Iridonia que sirvió bajo Meetra Surik durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Fue el inventor del Mass Shadow Generator que causó los eventos catastróficos en Malachor V, y luego se reúne con Surik como un compañero jugable en Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords .
Garm Bel Iblis
Senador de la República y miembro inicial de la Alianza Rebelde . [3]
Jolee Bindo
Un ex miembro de la Orden Jedi y personaje jugable en Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República . Un conocido compañero de Revan que lo ayudó en su búsqueda para encontrar y destruir la Forja Estelar.
Deliah azul
Un compañero de Cade Skywalker y Jariah Syn durante la Guerra Sith-Imperial en la serie de cómics Legacy .
Azul Max
Droide que forma parte de la tripulación de Han Solo en Las aventuras de Han Solo de Brian Daley . [4]
Droide que forma parte de la tripulación de Han Solo en Las aventuras de Han Solo de Brian Daley. Renombrado a Zollux para impresiones del Reino Unido. [5]
Marca Empatojayos
Antiguo Jedi, introducido en la serie de cómics Star Wars Dark Empire , que se sacrifica para ayudar a destruir el alma del resucitado Emperador Palpatine.
Malcor Brashin  - expresado por David Warner
Gran General del Ejército Imperial que estuvo muy involucrado en las Batallas de Tatooine y Yavin 4. Fue destacado en Star Wars: Force Commander .
Senador Bana Breemu  - interpretado por Bai Ling
Representante del sector Humbarine en el Senado Galáctico durante la República Galáctica.
Shira Brie
Un operativo de Inteligencia Imperial que se infiltró en la Alianza Rebelde. Después de casi ser asesinada, Brie se sometió a extensos implantes cibernéticos para convertirse en Lumiya .
Noa Briqualon  - interpretada por Wilford Brimley
Abandonado en Endor en Ewoks: The Battle for Endor . [6]
Maris Brood  - interpretada por Adrienne Wilkinson
Jedi en The Force Unleashed que luego se vuelve hacia el lado oscuro. Starkiller le perdona la vida en Felucia. [7]

C [ editar ]

Inicialmente un droide de protocolo normal de la serie 3PX, se convirtió, en el 33 ABY, en el droide asesino reprogramado de Darth Maul , pero, con la aparente muerte de Darth Maul en el 32 ABY, junto con el transbordador Sith Scimitar , fue confiscado por el Canciller Supremo Palpatine .
Darth Caedus
Lord Sith nació como "Jacen Solo", el hijo mayor de Han Solo y Leia Organa Solo y el hermano gemelo de Jaina Solo . Jacen era un héroe de la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong, habiendo terminado personalmente matando a su verdadero Señor Supremo Onimi, pero años más tarde se convirtió en el malvado Lord Sith Caedus. Sus acciones como Sith durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica obligaron a su hermana, Jaina, a matarlo.
Yomin Carr
Un personaje yuuzhan vong que sirvió como uno de los antagonistas en la primera novela de la serie The New Jedi Order , Vector Prime . Fue asesinado en combate por Mara Jade Skywalker.
El droide de protocolo Jabba el Hutt solía cumplir su voluntad. Después de su muerte poco antes de la Batalla de Endor, Zorba el Hutt, el padre de Jabba, reclamó el testamento de Jabba y todo lo que poseía a través del droide. Apareció por primera vez en la novela Zorba the Hutt's Revenge .
Jorus C'baoth
Maestro Jedi de la República Galáctica que ideó y dirigió el Proyecto Vuelo de Expansión, un esfuerzo por explorar más allá de la galaxia. La enorme nave utilizada para este intento fue atacada por el futuro Gran Almirante Imperial Thrawn , a quien C'baoth intentó asesinar después de que la locura lo condujera al lado oscuro. Fue detenido y asesinado por un Jedi Padawan a bordo de la nave condenada; Posteriormente, el emperador Palpatine lo hizo clonar.
Joruus C'baoth
Clon loco del Maestro Jedi Jorus C'baoth y en la trilogía Thrawn de Timothy Zahn . [8]
Tycho Celchu  - expresado por Timothy Omundson ( Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike ) y Jess Harnell ( Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast )
Piloto de caza TIE que desertó a la Alianza Rebelde y se convirtió en miembro del Escuadrón Pícaro, y luego se convirtió en general de la Nueva República. Él es un personaje central de Michael A. Stackpole 's -Ala-X serie de libros.
Antagonista de la hermana de la noche que empuña la fuerza en Battle for Endor . [9]
Nas Choka
Maestro de guerra yuuzhan vong que sucedió a Tsavong Lah. Se rindió en nombre de los yuuzhan vong después de la muerte de Shimrra y Onimi, poniendo fin al conflicto.
Shok Choka
Un guerrero yuuzhan vong que apareció en Edge of Victory II: Rebirth , una novela de The New Jedi Order ; asesinado en un duelo a muerte por Anakin Solo.
Maestro Jedi Mon Calamari y miembro del Consejo Jedi que apareció originalmente como Senador de Dac en la Trilogía de la Academia Jedi con aptitud para la ciencia y la curación; sobrina de Gial Ackbar.
Darth Cognus
Lord Sith entrenado por Darth Bane y Darth Zannah. Más tarde entrenaría a Darth Millennial.
General Airen Cracken
Oficial de inteligencia rebelde y de la Nueva República. Los suplementos de juegos de rol de Star Wars de West End Games a veces se publicaban como guías de "Cracken" sobre su tema.
El padre de Bossk que lidera el Gremio de Cazarrecompensas. Su muerte a manos de Bossk, como se describe en la novela The Mandalorian Armor , divide al Gremio de Cazarrecompensas en el Comité de Reforma del Gremio y el Gremio Verdadero.

D [ editar ]

Almirante Natasi Daala
Antagonista introducido en la trilogía de la Academia Jedi , regresando en Darksaber , Planet of Twilight y Death Star . [10] En la serie Legacy of the Force, Daala se convierte en el jefe de estado de la Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres.
Un personaje yuuzhan vong que sirvió como uno de los antagonistas en la primera de las novelas de La Nueva Orden Jedi , Vector Prime . Fue asesinado cuando el mundo de Helska IV, en el que se encontraba, explotó debido a las acciones de la Nueva República.
Joclad Danva
Caballero Jedi humano de El ataque de los clones . Usa un sable de luz verde en la Batalla de Geonosis, donde muere.
General Oro Dassyne  - expresado por Terrence Carson
Un general separatista y un agente de la Alianza Corporativa que comandaba las fuerzas de la CEI en Bomis Koori IV.
Gizor Delso
Un separatista geonosiano que sobrevivió a la masacre de Darth Vader de los líderes separatistas restantes y creó su propio ejército de droides. Tenía planes de hacer un nuevo droide de batalla hasta que los soldados de asalto imperiales de la Legión 501 asaltaron su fábrica en Mustafar y destruyeron sus planes. Gizor nunca logró salir del planeta.
Desann  - expresado por Mark Klastorin
Antagonista Jedi oscuro en Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast .
Darth Desolous
Un señor oscuro de los Sith pau'an masculino. Una vez que fue un reverenciado Maestro Jedi, pierde su propia identidad después de caer en el lado oscuro de la Fuerza. Aparece en el videojuego Star Wars: The Force Unleashed .
Wookiee mujer que sirvió en la tripulación de Garris Shrike y más tarde se convirtió en madre sustituta de Han Solo.
Cazarrecompensas Niordi que se sometió a una mejora cibernética para convertir su cabeza en un cañón láser. Socio desde hace mucho tiempo y aliado de Boba Fett .
Orgus Din  - expresado por Robert Pine
Jedi que sirvió como maestro del Héroe de Tython durante el prólogo Jedi en Star Wars: The Old Republic . También fue el antiguo maestro de Bengel Morr, el líder de los Flesh Raiders.
Gran Moff Vilim Disra
Antagonista imperial en la duología Hand of Thrawn y en la novela Allegiance .
Teneniel Djo
Bruja de Dathomir que aparece en El cortejo de la princesa Leia . Casada con Isolder, madre de Tenel Ka.
Hiram Drayson
Oficial militar de Chandrilan que lidera la Flota de Defensa de Chandrila. Más tarde se convirtió en un oficial superior en la Armada de la Nueva República como comandante de la Flota de la Guardia Nacional.
Antares Draco  - Representación de Dan Rodríguez
Antares Draco era un hombre humano que dirigió a los Caballeros Imperiales durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Imperial. Un hábil piloto y duelista con sables de luz, Draco era ferozmente leal y estaba dispuesto a morir por Roan Fel, Emperador del Imperio Galáctico y más tarde el Imperio en el exilio. Antares Draco apareció en la serie de cómics Star Wars Legacy de Dark Horse.
Gran Moff Dunhausen
Un oficial imperial de alto rango y miembro del Comité Central de Grandes Moffs. Dunhausen es conocido principalmente por dos cosas: su naturaleza intrigante y por llevar siempre un par de pendientes en forma de bláster. Es dueño del droide 3B6-RA-7. Aparece por primera vez en la novela The Glove of Darth Vader .
Capitán Dunwell
Ayuda a Trioculus en su búsqueda del guante de Darth Vader . Muerto después de que explotara su submarino. Aparece por primera vez en la novela El guante de Darth Vader .
Durge  - expresado por Daran Norris
Durge, un cazarrecompensas Gen'Dai, es uno de los pocos miembros violentos de su especie. Como se muestra en la miniserie Clone Wars , Durge se enfrentó a Obi-Wan Kenobi en Muunilinst antes de ser derrotado por los Jedi. [11] Murió en los cómics debido a estar en una cápsula de escape que fue arrojada a una estrella.
Kyp Durron
Maestro Jedi que aparece por primera vez en Kevin J. Anderson 's Academia Jedi Trilogy como uno de los alumnos de Luke. Se volvió brevemente hacia el lado oscuro bajo la influencia del espíritu del Lord Sith Exar Kun, pero luego se convirtió en un miembro líder, aunque problemático, de la Nueva Orden Jedi. [12]

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Capitán Juno Eclipse  - expresado por Nathalie Cox
Piloto imperial femenino e interés amoroso de Galen Marek en The Force Unleashed . [13]
Bant Eerin
Amiga de la infancia Mon Calamari de Obi-Wan Kenobi; originalmente aprendiz del Maestro Jedi Tahl, más tarde aprendiz de Kit Fisto después de la muerte de Tahl.
Un yuuzhan vong en la novela Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial . Fue enviada por sus superiores para infiltrarse en la Orden Jedi y matar a tantos de ellos como fuera posible con un virus mortal. Sus esfuerzos fueron frustrados por Han Solo y ella murió como resultado.
Un droide de la serie M-3PO que sirve a Rogue Squadron en la serie de libros X-Wing .

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Keyan Farlander
Piloto de caza estelar de la Alianza Rebelde y Jedi. Los papeles de Farlander adjuntos con algunas copias de Star Wars: X-Wing proporcionaron una historia de fondo para el protagonista anónimo del juego.
Vil dentado
Piloto de caza estelar e hijo del barón Soontir Fel, que aparece en la serie New Jedi Order y Legacy of the Force. Comprometido y luego casado con Jaina Solo en la serie Fate of the Jedi.
Roan Fel
Emperador galáctico depuesto en la serie Star Wars: Legacy .
Barón Soontir Fel
Piloto de caza estelar imperial de élite en Dark Horse Comics y la serie New Jedi Order. Cuñado del comandante Wedge Antilles . Padre de Jagged Fel.
Davin Felth
Soldado de asalto imperial 1023 que descubrió que la cápsula de escape que el Imperio busca contenía droides . Mata a su oficial superior Mod Terrik en Docking Bay 94 después de disgustarse con la tiranía del Imperio, lo que le da al Halcón Milenario el tiempo necesario para escapar de Tatooine.
Borsk Fey'lya
Político bothan , introducido en la trilogía Thrawn de Timothy Zahn , que asciende para convertirse en jefe de estado de la Nueva República. [14] Sacrifica su vida durante la captura yuuzhan vong de Coruscant , ganándose así un lugar entre los mártires bothan.
Estafador empleado por Moff Disra en la duología de la Mano de Thrawn para hacerse pasar por el difunto Gran Almirante Thrawn .

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Mirta Gev
Nieta de Boba Fett , que aparece por primera vez en Bloodlines .
G0-T0  - expresado por Daran Norris
Un droide que estableció una exitosa organización de contrabando luego de los eventos de los Caballeros de la Antigua República para ayudar a reconstruir la República, y luego se une a Meetra Surik en Caballeros de la Antigua República II - Los Señores Sith .
Janus Greejatus
Amigo y socio de Palpatine desde hace mucho tiempo ; sirvió como ayudante de Palpatine durante su tiempo como Senador de Naboo y el Sector Chommell, y lo reemplazó en el puesto después de que Palpatine fuera elegido Canciller Supremo. Después de ser expulsado del Senado Galáctico debido a prácticas cuestionables, Greejatus se convirtió en el consejero de Palpatine. Continuó sirviendo en esta capacidad cuando el Imperio Galáctico llegó al poder y Palpatine se declaró Emperador. Sirvió en esta capacidad hasta bien entrada la Guerra Civil Galáctica, y murió cuando la segunda Estrella de la Muerte fue destruida durante la Batalla de Endor.
Falon Grey
Padawan al Maestro Rahm Kota; Se crearon dos clones sensibles a la Fuerza, X1 y X2, a partir de su ADN en Kamino .

H [ editar ]

Un cazarrecompensas wookie y un personaje jugable en Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords .
Harra r
Un personaje yuuzhan vong recurrente en La Nueva Orden Jedi . Al final de la serie, traicionó el imperio destructivo de su especie y se puso del lado de la Alianza Galáctica para poner fin a su reinado de terror.
A'Sharad Hett
Un Maestro Jedi cuyo padre era Sharad Hett, otro famoso Maestro Jedi. Después de que el padre de A'Sharad muriera con su gente nativa (gente de arena), heredó el sable de luz de su padre y ahora usa tanto a él como a sus padres. Cientos de años después, se convierte en Darth Krayt e instituye "el Único Sith", aboliendo la Regla de Dos.
Gran Moff Bertroff Hissa
Figura principal en un intento de derrocar a Ysanne Isard como líder del Imperio Galáctico. Hissa fundó el Comité Central de Grandes Moffs, que instaló a Trioculus como su figura decorativa. Aparece por primera vez en la novela El guante de Darth Vader .
HK-47  - expresado por Kristoffer Tabori
El leal compañero droide asesino de Revan y un personaje jugable tanto en Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic como en Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords .
Corran Horn
Piloto de Ala-X y Maestro Jedi. [15] Yo, Jedi se narra desde su perspectiva en primera persona. [15] Michael Stackpole, quien creó el personaje de la serie X-Wing , representa a Horn en el juego de cartas personalizable de Star Wars . Casado con Mirax Terrik. [15] Aparece en varias novelas sobre la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong y la Segunda Guerra Galáctica, la última de las cuales es miembro del Consejo Jedi.
Héroe de Tython
Fue un caballero Jedi que salvó a Tython de Darth Angral que tenía una súper arma. Lord viciado le lava el cerebro y se vuelve brevemente hacia el lado oscuro. Mata la voz del emperador y mata al emperador Valkorian de una vez por todas.

Yo [ editar ]

Un Maestro Jedi blanco y peludo. Fue entrenado por Yoda y luego salvó su planeta. Durmió varios siglos para que Anakin Solo lo despertara. Ikrit se parece a un conejo y un panda rojo. Aparece en Junior Jedi Knights y Edge of Victory: Conquest .
Armand Isard
Padre de Ysanne Isard. Miembro del Círculo Interno de Palpatine desde las Guerras Clon, y se desempeñó como Director de Inteligencia de la República. Se convirtió en Director de Inteligencia Imperial después de que el Imperio reemplazara a la República. Más tarde fue traicionado y ejecutado por su hija o el emperador Palpatine  , probablemente el primero.
Ysanne Isard
Ex director de Inteligencia Imperial y líder del Imperio en la serie de libros X-Wing . [16] Ella traicionó y ejecutó a su propio padre, Armand. Isard y su clon mueren en Isard's Revenge .
Irek Ismaren
Antagonista en Children of the Jedi and the New Jedi Order's Enemy Lines duology.
Príncipe Isolder
Personaje que corteja a la princesa Leia en El cortejo de la princesa Leia . [17] Asesinado por Darth Caedus en Invincible . Casado con Teneniel Djo, padre de Tenel Ka.

J [ editar ]

Mara Jade Skywalker  - interpretada por Shannon McRandle
"Mano del Emperador" a Palpatine durante su reinado; Esposa de Luke Skywalker. [18]
Shimrra Jamaane
El Señor Supremo del Imperio Yuuzhan Vong que resultó ser nada más que una marioneta por el Onimi Vong Shamed One sensible a la Fuerza. Al final de La Nueva Orden Jedi , Luke Skywalker lo mató en combate.
Wes Janson
Un piloto de combate y miembro fundador del Escuadrón Pícaro de élite, que apareció durante una escena en El Imperio Contraataca como el artillero del deslizador de nieve T-47 de Wedge Antilles . También aparece en gran medida en la serie X-wing y se menciona con frecuencia por su comportamiento alegre, casi infantil.
Una joven Arkanian en la serie de cómics Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República .
Carnor Jax
Miembro de la Guardia Real del Emperador que sobornó al médico del Emperador para que envenenara los clones de Palpatine. Antagonista de la serie Crimson Empire .
Aprendiz de Kadann que se convirtió en el líder de los Profetas del Lado Oscuro después de la muerte de Kadann.
Clon Sith creado por el Conde Dooku; exclusivo de los cortos de Lego Star Wars, comenzando en The Yoda Chronicles.
Jerec  - interpretado por Christopher Neame
Dark Jedi y antagonista principal en Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II .
J ubnuk
Uno de los guardias gamorreanos de Jabba el Hutt . El Rancor se lo comió vivo .
Un caballero Jedi cátaro y un personaje jugable en Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República .
Bardan Jusik
Caballero Jedi que luchó en las Guerras Clon, luego dejó la Orden Jedi para convertirse en médico y finalmente se unió a los Mandalorianos .

K [ editar ]

Droide de protocolo azul y negro de la serie 3PX y asesino que es el secuaz de Darth Vader en su búsqueda de Luke Skywalker en la serie Marvel Comics Star Wars de los años 70 y 80 , números 74-76 y 80 (1983).
Tenel Ka
Hija de Isolder y Teneniel Djo, Tenel Ka era amiga de la infancia de Jacen y Jaina Solo en la Academia Jedi. Después de perder un brazo durante su entrenamiento Jedi, Tenel Ka serviría a la Orden Jedi como Caballero durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong antes de renunciar debido a su compromiso como Reina Madre del Consorcio Hapes de Hapes. Más tarde se convirtió en madre con el nacimiento de Allana , de quien Jacen Solo fue el padre. Los dos tenían un amor secreto, debido al odio de la población hapana por los Jedi, y después de que Jacen se volviera al Lado Oscuro y se convirtiera en Darth Caedus, Tenel Ka retiró a Hapes de la Alianza Galáctica. Después de la derrota de Caedus, Tenel Ka envió a Allana a vivir con sus abuelos, Han y Leia Solo, por su propia seguridad.
Jedi oscuro que lideró a los Profetas del Lado Oscuro durante el reinado del Imperio Galáctico y sirvió como el Profeta Supremo de Palpatine. Colaboró ​​brevemente con Trioculus antes de lanzar su propio plan que involucraba al nieto del Emperador.
Capitán Kael  - expresado por Bruce Robertson
Capitán de las Fuerzas de Seguridad Reales de Naboo durante la invasión de Naboo. Aparece en Star Wars: Episodio I: Batalla por Naboo .
Kir Kanos
Antihéroe de la serie Crimson Empire . [19] También usa el seudónimo de cazarrecompensas Kenix Kil .
Almirante Saul Karath
Almirante de la Armada Sith durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Karath sirvió anteriormente a la República durante las Guerras Mandalorianas.
Nomen Karr  - expresado por Michael Gregory
Jedi que sirvió como Maestro Jedi de Jaesa Willsaam. Era el némesis personal de Darth Baras y uno de los veteranos más experimentados de la Orden Jedi durante la Guerra Fría. Se sabía que tocaba el lado oscuro de la Fuerza mientras se encontraba dentro de las líneas del Imperio Sith, pero se mantuvo fiel al Código Jedi.
Talon Karrde
Contrabandista introducido en la trilogía Thrawn de Timothy Zahn . [20]
Jodo Kast
Un cazarrecompensas que viste una armadura mandaloriana . Es confundido y luego asesinado por Boba Fett . Adam Rosenburg, de UGO Networks, incluyó a Kast como el noveno peor personaje del Universo Expandido de Star Wars , llamándolo un "aspirante a Boba Fett". [21]
Kyle Katarn  - interpretado por Jason Court ( Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II )
El personaje del jugador en los primeros tres videojuegos Jedi Knight y Dark Forces . [22]
Owen Kenobi
El hermano de Obi-Wan, originalmente destinado a ser Owen Lars, pero más tarde retconned en un personaje por separado después del lanzamiento de Star Wars: Episodio II - El ataque de los clones . [23] [24]
Gavar Khai
Sith Saber en la serie Fate of the Jedi ; Padre de Vestara Khai.
Vestara Khai
Aprendiz Sith en la serie Fate of the Jedi ; interés amoroso de Ben Skywalker.
Kleef  - expresado por Kristoffer Tabori
Mercenario gungan que opera como miembro de la banda mercenaria de Chop'aa Notimo; secuestró al senador Garm Bel Iblis por orden de Notimo. Fue asesinado por Starkiller en Cloud City .
Hijo de Triclops y nieto de Palpatine . Nacido en Kessel y llevado a vivir en la Ciudad Perdida de los Jedi debajo de Yavin 4 . Fue encontrado por Luke Skywalker, quien luego lo incorporó a la Alianza Rebelde . Aparece por primera vez en La ciudad perdida de los Jedi .
Jaden Korr  - expresado por Phillip Tanzini
Aprendiz de Kyle Katarn . Protagonista principal de Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy .
General Rahm Kota  - expresado por Cully Frederickson
Maestro Jedi que sirvió como General durante las Guerras Clon ; logró sobrevivir a la Orden 66 y escapar a Nar Shaddaa. En The Force Unleashed , ataca una instalación de caza Imperial TIE con una banda de milicia. Originalmente un enemigo del aprendiz de Darth Vader , Starkiller, pero luego se convierte en su mentor. También se le considera miembro fundador de la Alianza Rebelde.
Traficante de esclavos que a menudo realizaba redadas en Tatooine . Asesinado por Anakin Skywalker en una misión a Nar Shaddaa.
Darth Krayt
El principal antagonista de la serie de cómics Star Wars: Legacy . Anteriormente conocido como A'Sharad Hett, sirvió durante las Guerras Clon. Se las arregló para sobrevivir a las primeras etapas de la Gran Purga Jedi y se exilió a Tatooine, pero huyó de Tatooine después de encontrarse con Obi-Wan Kenobi . Huyó a Korriban , donde fue entrenado como Lord Sith. Después de varios cientos de años en períodos prolongados de estasis, Krayt formó el One Sith y derrocó a la Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres, formando un nuevo Imperio Sith en su lugar.
Ludo Kressh
Lord Sith que vivió durante la Gran Guerra Hiperespacial . Era el mayor rival de Naga Sadow y luchó contra él por el título de Señor Oscuro de los Sith tras la muerte de Marka Ragnos.
Ganner Krieg:  representación de Thomas Spanos (legado)
Ganner Krieg era un Maestro humano de los Caballeros Imperiales que sirvió en el Imperio en el exilio del Emperador Roan Fel durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Imperial. Conocido por su comportamiento tranquilo y serio, Krieg era un amigo de confianza de su compañero Caballero Antares Draco y a menudo lo emparejaba con él en misiones durante la guerra. Ganner Krieg apareció en la serie de cómics Star Wars Legacy de Dark Horse.
K'Kruhk  - expresado por Kevin Michael Richardson
Whipid Jedi Master que luchó durante las Guerras Clon y sobrevivió a la Gran Purga Jedi. Vivió desde el final de la República Galáctica hasta la época del One Sith y la Segunda Guerra Civil Imperial.
Exar Kun
Los Jedi caídos que lideraron la Hermandad de los Sith contra los Jedi y la República Galáctica durante la Gran Guerra Sith , luego establecen una presencia del lado oscuro en Yavin 4 . [25]
An'ya Kuro
También conocida como "la Mujer Oscura", Kuro fue un Maestro Jedi que luchó en las Guerras Clon. Ella era la Maestra de Aurra Sing antes de que Sing dejara a los Jedi para convertirse en cazarrecompensas, y también fue la segunda Maestra Jedi de A'Sharad Hett. Tiene la distinción de ser la última Jedi asesinada durante la Gran Purga Jedi.
Kira Carsen

Kira Carsen vivió en la era de la antigua república. Ella era la padawan del héroe de Tython. También era hija del emperador que escapó de Korriban y fue encontrada por la Orden Jedi. Cuando The Hero of Tython se entera, se lo dice al consejo y The Hero of Tython recomienda al consejo que la promueva como caballero. Ella es ascendida. Cuando el héroe de Tython intenta detener una súper arma, el emperador toma el control de Kira. El héroe de Tython la detiene. Luego se resiste y se libera del control del emperador.

L [ editar ]

Maestro de guerra Tsavong Lah
El primer Señor de la Guerra durante la invasión Yuuzhan Vong . Tras su desaparición en la novela Destiny's Way , fue reemplazado por Nas Choka. [26]
Bisel Lemelisk
Noted engineer and architect who was known particularly for his creation of superweapons; he designed six, five of them for the Galactic Empire, including both the first and the second Death Stars.
Xamuel Lennox — portrayed by John Dicks
Imperial navy captain who served in Darth Vader's Death Squadron as captain of the Star Destroyer Tyrant.
Wookiee Jedi Knight and Chewbacca's nephew. UGO Networks listed the character as the 11th worst Expanded Universe character, saying that while they did not have any problems with the character as a whole, his name "has got to go".[21]
Introduced in Marvel's Star Wars comics as an Imperial Intelligence operative called "Shira Brie" who serves a foil for Luke Skywalker after the fall of the Empire. She returns in the Legacy of the Force series, where she trains Jacen Solo in the ways of the Sith and turns him to the dark side of the Force.[27]


The first (romanceable) companion in the Bounty Hunter storyline of the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Darth Malak — voiced by Rafael Ferrer
Darth Revan's apprentice; the main antagonist of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Darth Malgus — voiced by Jamie Glover
A Sith Lord and central character featured in Star Wars The Old Republic.[28]
Kento Marek — voiced by Tom Kane
Jedi knight and the father of Starkiller. Darth Vader discovers him hiding on Kashyyyk and kills him at the beginning of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, then takes his young son as his secret apprentice.
Mallie Marek
Jedi knight and wife of Kento Marek. She is killed by Trandoshan slavers shortly after the birth of her son.
Darth Marr
A Human male Dark Lord of the Sith who served on the Dark Council of the resurgent Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the Galactic War. He headed the Sphere of Defense of the Empire.
Visas Marr — voiced by Kelly Hu
A Miraluka Dark Jedi and the former apprentice of Darth Nihilus. She later defected and becomes a playable companion of Meetra Surik in Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
Darth Maul's dopplegänger
A dopplegänger of Darth Maul created through Sith alchemy dueling Darth Vader on Kalakar Six in the comic strip "Resurrection" in Star Wars Tales #9.
Mira — voiced by Emily Berry
A bounty hunter and a playable character in Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
A medical droid serving Trioculus that first appears in The Glove of Darth Vader.
Darth Millennial
A three-eyed mutant Sith Lord who could see into the future. He believed that he was a prophet chosen by the will of the Force and would become the founder of the Prophets of the Dark Side.
Callista Ming
A Jedi spirit Luke encounters in Children of the Jedi; she is revived and becomes Luke's lover. Prequel era books establish that her surname was originally Masana, and she fought in the Clone Wars.
General Rom Mohc — voiced by Jack Angel
Creator of the Dark Trooper program in Dark Forces and the game's final boss.
Kasan Moor — voiced by Olivia Hussey
Former commander of the 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron, member of Rogue Squadron. Featured in the video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.
Bengel Morr — voiced by Victor Slezak
Nautolan Dark Jedi who was originally Orgus Din's Padawan. He was initially thought to have been killed during the Sacking of Coruscant, but instead was left insane. He later becomes the leader of the Flesh Raiders on Tython, and plans to rebuild the Jedi Order into a weapon to destroy the Sith. He serves as the main antagonist of the Hero of Tython's prologue in Star Wars: The Old Republic. He is later cured of his insanity.
Kud'ar Mub'at
The only known fully developed member of the Assembler species. He served as a go-between and middleman for many of the less legal activities of the galaxy. Prominent character in The Bounty Hunter Wars series.
Karness Muur
One of the first Sith Lords, a former Jedi who turned to the Dark Side during the Hundred-Year Darkness. He served as the main antagonist of the comic series Vector, which spanned Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Times, Rebellion and Legacy. He was the inventor of the Rakghoul Plague.
Grand Moff Muzzer
an Imperial Grand Moff featured in the novel The Glove of Darth Vader. He is shot in the leg by Tibor, Zorba the Hutt's personal bounty hunter, when the Moffship pulls the Zorba Express into the moffship, but survives.


Darred Janred Naberrie
Husband of Sola Naberrie and father of Ryoo Naberrie & Pooja Naberrie. He is also the uncle of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.
Freedon Nadd
A Jedi turned Sith in the Tales of the Jedi series. He was the main instigator in Exar Kun's fall to the dark side.[29]
Darth Nihl
Nagai warlord who became a member of Darth Krayt's One Sith, and later became his chief enforcer. Following Krayt's death and the dissolution of his empire, Nihl assumed leadership of the surviving members of the One Sith.
Darth Nihilus
One of the antagonists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, and a member of the Sith Triumvirate. The sole survivor of his planet's destruction, Nihilus became singularly focused on draining the Force from all living beings to satisfy his eternal hunger for the Force.
Ona Nobis
Sorrusian bounty hunter who primarily captured test subjects for Jenna Zan Arbor so Zan Arbor could conduct her experiments on the Force. She used the alias "Reesa On".
Chop'aa Notimo — voiced by Billy Brown
Mandalorian mercenary and crime lord who orchestrated the kidnapping of Senator Garm Bel Iblis. He was killed by Starkiller in Cloud City.


Astri Oddo
Friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi and ally of the Jedi Order. She is a prominent character in all of the Star Wars book series written by Jude Watson
Ferus Olin
Former Jedi Padawan who joined Obi-Wan Kenobi in searching for any Jedi who survived Order 66 and the subsequent Great Jedi Purge. Main protagonist of Jude Watson's The Last of the Jedi series and former rival of Anakin Skywalker.
Cal Omas
Politician and leader of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in the New Jedi Order and Legacy of the Force series.
Omega Squad
A four-man Republic Commando unit featured in the books Star Wars Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Star Wars Republic Commando: Triple Zero, Star Wars Republic Commando: True Colors, and Star Wars Imperial Commando: 501st .
Granta Omega
The son of the Dark Jedi Xanatos who wanted revenge on the Jedi Order, blaming them for the death of his father. He became enemies with Obi-Wan Kenobi in particular, battling him multiple times. He is one of the central antagonists of the Jedi Quest book series.
Carth Onasi — voiced by Raphael Sbarge
Companion of Revan who aided him in his quest to find and destroy the Star Forge. He is the pilot of the Ebon Hawk and a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Depicted throughout most of the New Jedi Order series as a "shamed one", The Unifying Force reveals that Onimi in fact controls Overload Shimrra. Jacen Solo kills Onimi in the series' final book.
Canderous Ordo
Voiced by John Cygan: A Mandalorian warrior who fought in the Mandalorian Wars, and later becomes ruler of Mandalore under the name "Mandalore the Preserver". He is a playable character in both Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
a male Neimoidian ally of the CIS during the Clone Wars.
Jan Ors
Voiced and played by Angela Harry (Jedi Knight), Julie Eccles (voice, Dark Forces), Vanessa Marshall (voice, Jedi Outcast): Kyle Katarn's pilot and love interest.
General Otto
Voiced by Tom Kane: Imperial officer who deserted the Empire. First appears in the game Star Wars: Demolition and appears later in Star Wars Galaxies.
The outlander was a character from Star Wars: The Old Republic. The outlander defeated Valkorian the immortal emperor and killed the emperor once and for all. It has been proven that the outlander is the Hero of Tython due to a prophecy in the Revan books.


Ajunta Pall
Leader of the Dark Jedi of the Hundred Year Darkness and the very first Dark Lord of the Sith. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, his spirit continues to haunt his tomb on Korriban before being redeemed by Revan.
Kazdan Paratus — voiced by Larry Drake
Aleena Jedi Master and survivor of the Great Jedi Purge living in exile on the junk world Raxus Prime. He descended into insanity after Order 66 was carried out, and was killed by Starkiller on Darth Vader's orders.
Jax Pavan
Male human survivor of Order 66 and protagonist in the Coruscant Nights series.
Gilad Pellaeon
Imperial officer introduced in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy who rises to lead the Imperial Remnant.[30] He also appears in the Clone Wars novel No Prisoners as a captain for the Republic.
Rosh Penin
The student of Kyle Katarn in the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy game.
Sate Pestage
Longtime advisor and right-hand of Palpatine, serving as his advisor during his days as a Senator and Supreme Chancellor and later as the Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire. Following Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor, Pestage took his place as Emperor, but was later betrayed by the other Imperial Advisors when he agreed to turn Coruscant over to the New Republic. He was executed by Ysanne Isard's agents.
PROXY — voiced by David W. Collins
Starkiller's personal holodroid; Starkiller used PROXY for training and for sending and receiving messages. Despite PROXY and Starkiller's friendship, PROXY would routinely attempt to kill Starkiller on a regular basis, as it was his primary directive.
He is the grandson of legendary podracing champion Sebulba.


Ulic Qel-Droma
Jedi/Sith in the Tales of the Jedi series.[31]
Ooryl Qrygg
A Gand member of Rogue Squadron in Michael A. Stackpole's X-Wing series.
Danni Quee
New Jedi Order scientist whose research helps in the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong in the New Jedi Order series.
Sarcev Quest
Former Jedi initiate who later became Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's personal spy, and later, one of the very first Emperor's Hands following the rise of the Galactic Empire.
Malavai Quinn — voiced by Richard Teverson
The second companion that the Sith Warrior gains in the MMORPG Star Wars The Old Republic This character is also romance-able.


Vuffi Raa
Lando Calrissian's droid companion in The Adventures of Lando Calrissian.
Ahri Raas
A Keshiri male. Childhood friend of Vestara Khai.
Marka Ragnos
Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the time of the first Sith Empire. Following his death, he lived on as a force ghost and decreed that only the most worthy could succeed him as Dark Lord of the Sith.
Qu Rahn — portrayed by Bennett Gilroy
Jedi Master killed by Jerec in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II; his ghost appears to and guides Kyle Katarn later in the game, offering guidance.
Atton Rand — voiced by Nicky Katt
A companion of Meetra Surik who once fought in the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. He is the pilot of the Ebon Hawk and a playable character in Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
Alema Rar
A female Twi'lek Jedi who falls under the control of the insectoid Killiks during the Dark Nest trilogy. She betrays the Jedi and is nearly defeated by Leia Organa. An increasing unstable and vengeful Alema hunts Leia throughout the rest of the Dark Nest novels and much of the Legacy of the Force series.
Kybo Ren (Gir Kybo Ren-Cha) — voiced by Don Francks
A Ropagu space pirate from Tarnoonga and main antagonist in some episodes of Star Wars: Droids.
Dash Rendar — voiced by John Cygan
A smuggler developed for the Shadows of the Empire multimedia project, prominently appearing as the protagonist of the Shadows of the Empire video game.[32][33]
Gault Rennow
The second companion that the Bounty Hunter in SWTOR gains.
Revan — voiced by Rino Romano
A Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord who was betrayed by his own apprentice, Darth Malak. He later returns to the Jedi Order and seeks out and destroys the Star Forge. He is the main protagonist of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Rookie One — portrayed by Jamison Jones (Rebel Assault II)
The player's character in Rebel Assault and Rebel Assault II.
Darth Ruin
Umbaran Sith Lord during the New Sith Wars.


Naga Sadow
Dark side magician and Dark Lord of the Sith during the first Sith Empire. He attempted to conquer the Republic, but ultimately failed after he was betrayed by Gav Daragon. He entered stasis on Yavin 4, and was reawakened 600 years later by Freedon Nadd, who killed him after his training was finished. The junior novelization of The Rise of Skywalker references Sadow.[34]
Young female briefly mentioned in the books as the first Twi'lek Jedi.
Sarkli — voiced by Robin Atkin Downes
Former Rebel pilot who defected to the Empire, where he served on the second Death Star and participated in the Battle of Endor. He is Admiral Piett's nephew.
Admiral Sarn — voiced by Gary Martinez
Leader of the Phantom TIE program in Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire.
Saba Sebatyne
A female Barabel who joined Luke Skywalker's reformed Jedi Order, as a Jedi Knight she served in the Yuuzhan Vong War, fighting in several important campaigns against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. After the war she was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. During the Dark Nest Crisis about 10 years after the Yuuzhan Vong War she took Leia Organa Solo as her apprentice. After the Second Galactic Civil War Natasi Daala became Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, Daala, a former admiral of the Imperial Navy, fostered widespread Anti-Jedi sentiment, and had Grand Master Luke Skywalker exiled from the Jedi Order and made Kenth Hamner Grand Master in his stead.
Moff Kohl Seerdon — voiced by Neil Ross
The main antagonist in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.
Shedao Shai
A supreme commander and the advance leader for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Star Wars galaxy at the beginning of The New Jedi Order series. Corran Horn defeats Shai in a duel.
Bastila Shan — voiced by Jennifer Hale
Love interest of Revan and a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.; she rescues him after Darth Malak destroys his ship. She is the ancestor of future Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan.
Satele Shan — voiced by Jennifer Hale
Grand Master of the Jedi Order in Star Wars The Old Republic, a newly released video game.[35]
Echuu Shen-Jon
Former Padawan to Mace Windu who served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. Went into hiding after Order 66 was given, and re-emerged during the Galactic Civil War to fight for the Rebel Alliance.
Garris Shrike
Corellian criminal and former bounty hunter who raised Han Solo, introduced in Ann C. Crispin's 1997 novel The Paradise Snare.
Darth Sion — voiced by Louis Mellis
One of the three concurrent Dark Lords of the Sith in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
Kal Skirata
Mandalorian mercenary hired to train clone commandos on Kamino, featured in the Republic Commando novels.
Fenn Shysa
Mandalorian mercenary who fought for the Separatists in the Clone Wars and later led a resistance against the Imperial occupation of Mandalore. Appears in Star Wars comics and Star Wars Republic Commando (series).
Ben Skywalker
Luke Skywalker's and Mara Jade Skywalker's son. Jedi Knight. Former student of Jacen Solo, his cousin. Former GAG (Galactic Alliance Guard) member. In Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, he voluntarily accompanies his father into exile. He proves himself as both a fighter and as an investigator. His love interest is Vestara Khai [Sith Apprentice in Abyss-Conviction] [Jedi Apprentice Ascension] [Sith Lady Apocalypse].
Cade Skywalker
Descendant of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker and protagonist of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. Allegedly had the power to bring back the dead (Suspicion of Darth Krayt).
Kol Skywalker
Father of Cade Skywalker. Member of the Jedi Council during the Star Wars: Legacy comic series.
Luuke Skywalker
A clone of Luke Skywalker, created by Joruus C'baoth in the Thrawn Trilogy. Luuke was chosen by UGO Network's Adam Rosenburg as the worst Star Wars Expanded Universe character, heavily criticising his name and calling him a "stupid clone".[21]
Anakin Solo
Youngest son of Han and Leia Organa Solo.[36]
Allana Solo
Jacen Solo's and Tenel Ka's daughter in the Legacy of the Force series. Adopted by Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo at the end of Invincible and given the name Amelia in public to keep her true parentage a secret.
Jaina Solo
The daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and Jacen Solo's twin sister.[37] Jedi Knight.
Thrackan Sal-Solo
Han Solo's cousin and an antagonist in the Corellian trilogy.[38] His parents are Randil Sal and Tiion Gama Sal-Solo.[39]
Kam Solusar
former Dark Jedi apprentice of Darth Vader, one of Luke Skywalker's first apprentices, and later a Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order. He is married to Tionne, with whom he serves as one of the instructors at the Jedi academies on Yavin 4 and Ossus.
Tionne Solusar
Chief librarian of the New Jedi Order, the wife of Kam Solusar, and one of the instructors at the Jedi academies on Yavin 4 and Ossus
Uta S'orn
Senator who represented the planet Belasco in the Galactic Senate. In the novel Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue, she secretly worked with her friend Jenna Zan Arbor to poison Belasco's water supply; the Jedi Order foils this plot and she is sent to a prison planet.
Starkiller / Galen Marek
The former apprentice of Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Also the name of Marek's clone, who serves as the main playable character in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.
Maarek Stele
An Imperial starfighter ace.
Captain Ozzik Sturn — voiced by Tom Kane
Commander of the Imperial forces on Kashyyyk in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Kidnaps Princess Leia Organa in an attempt to prevent her father from causing rebellion against the Empire.
Nomi Sunrider
A Jedi in several Dark Horse Comics Old Republic-era series.
Meetra Surik
A Jedi that followed Revan into the Mandalorian Wars, becoming a Jedi Crusader and General in Revan's army. She ended the War by activating the Mass Shadow Generator on Malachor V, nearly destroying the planet and killing most combatants on both sides. Her quest for redemption, regaining her connection to the Force, defeating the Sith Triumvirate and restoring the Jedi Order is told in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.


A loyal astromech droid companion and playable character in both Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords.
Siri Tachi — voiced by Corie Henninger (in Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter)
Jedi Knight who served as Padawan to Adi Gallia and later became Master to Ferus Olin. She was also a love interest of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the two having known each other as Padawans, but they chose to break off their relationship. She was also a very talented pilot, but died during the Clone Wars.
Tagge family
The powerful family of Imperial general Cassio Tagge, known as the House of Tagge. Cassio's brothers Orman, Silas, and Ulric are active in the Empire, particularly the family baron Orman, who wishes to take revenge against Darth Vader for taking his vision (for which he now has a cybernetic device), and wants to gain the emperor's favor by slaying Luke and his rebel friends. Orman, practiced with a lightsaber, is killed by Luke when Vader casts an illusion making it appear that Orman is him. Silas, a scientist, took over for Orman while he was temporarily incapacitated; Silas was later kept in an unconscious state by Vader. Ulric, the youngest brother, is an Imperial general and becomes the family baron after Orman's death. The youngest sibling, Domina, is the member of a nature cult, before being temporarily named its high priestess and trying to murder both Luke and Vader.[40]
First Jedi Master of Bant Eerin and a librarian of the Jedi Archives. Love interest of Qui-Gon Jinn who later died before he could come to her rescue.
Darth Talon
Twi'lek Sith Lord who served Darth Krayt as one of his two Hands, or enforcers. She also briefly served as Cade Skywalker's Sith Master before Cade renounced the One Sith.
Sev'rance Tann
A female Chiss and Dark Jedi; one of Count Dooku's dark acolytes who also became a general in the Separatist Droid Army. Was killed only a month after the beginning of the war.
Baron Merillion Tarko — voiced by Dee Bradley Baker
Imperial Moff who controls the Empire's operations on the planet Cato Neimoidia in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.
Darth Tenebrous
A Sith Lord and the mentor of Darth Plagueis, who was overthrown by his apprentice.
Booster Terrik
Smuggler who becomes Corran Horn's father-in-law in the X-Wing series and helps protect Jedi children in the New Jedi Order series.
Mirax Terrik
Smuggler who becomes Corran Horn's wife in the X-Wing series.
Mod Terrik
Imperial stormtrooper captain who was shot in the back by subordinate fellow stormtrooper Davin Felth while attempting to kill or capture Han Solo and his human and droid cargo.
Bria Tharen
Woman whom Han Solo rescues from slavery in The Han Solo Trilogy. Later joins the Rebel Alliance and helps the Rebels secure the plans to the first Death Star. After being captured by the Empire, Tharen commits suicide rather than risk betraying the Rebellion during interrogation.
Grand Moff Thistleborn
He was a loyal member of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs. He was first featured in the novel The Glove of Darth Vader.
Raynar Thul
Jedi whose personality is altered by joining with the Kiliks in the Dark Nest Crisis series.
A Barabel bounty hunter who assists Zorba the Hutt. First appears in Zorba the Hutt's Revenge.
Major Grodin Tierce
In Timothy Zahn's The Hand of Thrawn series, Tierce is the clone of a stormtrooper of the same name. Thrawn, who created the clone as part of an experiment, added some of his own DNA in an effort to create a brilliant tactician; the project was abandoned as Tierce possessed tactical intellect with a stormtrooper's brutish approach.
Rufaan Tigellinus
Imperial Grand Admiral and Grand Moff known for his political savvy and charisma. Following Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor, he attempted to join the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, but changed his mind and was executed under charges of treason.
Separatist Council member and Senator of the CIS-allied Quarren Isolation League on Mon Calamari. Led one of the Separatist assaults on Mon Calamari; killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar.
Sergeant Derek Torent
Senior watch trooper aboard the first Death Star. Recognizable by their wide black helmets, a Death Star Trooper was created from Kenner's first 12 action figures in 1977; Torent was depicted on the figure's packaging, although the actual figure was dubbed Death Squad Commander and later Star Destroyer Commander.
Darth Traya — voiced by Sara Kestelman
One of the three concurrent Dark Lords of the Sith in Knights of the Old Republic. She was formerly known as Kreia and was once a Jedi Master.
Si Treemba
One of Obi-Wan's Arconan friends.
Antinnis Tremayne
Dark Jedi Apprentice of Darth Vader; prominent member of the Inquisitorius.
Created from extracting the DNA from Palpatine and inserted into a woman named Niobi. He was born mutated with a third eye in the back of his head. Thought to be more powerful than his father, he was sent into exile. Has a son named Ken. Later found by Luke Skywalker and joined the Alliance. First appears in Mission from Mount Yoda.
The self-proclaimed son of Palpatine and the ruler of half of the Empire. First appears in The Glove of Darth Vader.
Longo Two-Guns — voiced by Tom Kane
Crime lord who was a rival to Jabba the Hutt. He was recognized as the "fastest blaster on Tatooine".


Draethos male Jedi Librarian who commissioned The Great Library of Ossus following the Great Hyperspace War, a massive library and training ground erected by the Jedi Order on the planet Ossus. Apprentice to the Celegian Jedi Master Ooroo, Odan-Urr studied history, ancient Jedi techniques, and the lore of the Jedi Order. Odan-Urr was particularly interested in the history of the Sith. Master Ooroo permitted him to study the lore of the Sith because he believed Odan-Urr would never stray from the Light Side of The Force. Odan-Urr became a Jedi Master four centuries after Ooroo's death and served the Jedi for another six centuries. During this time, Odan-Urr studied the Jedi Code in depth. He believed that the only way to truly master The Force was to first fully understand the Jedi Code. As such, he revised the Jedi Code so that it may serve as the avenue for true mastery of The Force.


Mission Vao — voiced by Catherine Taber
Twi'lek companion of Revan who aided him in his quest to find and destroy the Star Forge. She is the best friend of Zaalbar, and a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Shado Vao
Padawan of Jedi Council member Kol Skywalker at the time of the Sith's massacre of the Jedi on Ossus in the Star Wars: Legacy comics.
Walon Vau
Mandalorian mercenary who was hired to train clone commandos on Kamino. He was violent with his commandos. Delta Squad is one of Vau's squads. Featured prominently in the Republic Commando book series.
Morlish Veed
Grand Moff and Grand Admiral who acted as Lord Regent of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire. He served as Krayt's military commander and one of his best servants.
Tahiri Veila
Anakin Solo's best friend, love interest, a victim of Yuuzhan Vong brainwashing, and briefly Darth Caedus' apprentice. Brought back to the light by Ben Skywalker. She was raised by Tusken Raiders, after they killed her parents, and trained as a Jedi after being discovered by Luke Skywalker.
Ailyn Vel
Boba Fett's daughter, appears in Bloodlines. Designs to kill her father, Boba Fett, as she believes he abandoned both her mother and she when she is captured by Jacen Solo's Galactic Army Guard. She dies under interrogation by Jacen, further pushing him towards the Dark Side of the Force and his ultimate rebirth as Darth Caedus.
Sintas Vel
Boba Fett's wife, mentioned in Bloodlines. Appears in Revelation.
Jedi who lives among the Yuuzhan Vong and offers Jacen Solo insight into their culture and connection to the Force.[41] She is later revealed by Lumiya to have been a Sith Acolyte.
Vette — voiced by Catherine Taber
The first (romanceable) companion of the Sith Warrior class in the MMORPG video game Star Wars: The Old Republic (abbreviated as SWTOR or TOR by fans).
Fallen Old Republic Jedi introduced in Dark Empire. Regains her connection to the Force after aiding Leia Organa Solo in Dark Empire II and Empire's End./ V /
Lord Vitiate
Sith Lord who reconstituted the Sith Empire after its destruction in the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for over 1300 years. He is more commonly known simply as the Sith Emperor. To the people of the Eternal Empire he is known as Valkorion. He is the central underlying antagonist of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He gets defeated by the outlander who has been proven to be the Hero of Tython.
Komari Vosa — voiced by Tamara Phillips
Dark Jedi and leader of the Bando Gora cult. She is the main antagonist of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. After Jango Fett kills her, Count Dooku keeps her lightsabers and later gives them to Asajj Ventress.


Iella Wessiri Antilles
Corran Horn's Corellian Security Force partner who later joins the Rebellion and becomes an agent for the New Republic Intelligence Service. She eventually marries Wedge Antilles, with whom she has two daughters, Syal and Myri.
Jaesa Willsaam — voiced by Rachael Leigh Cook
Jedi Padawan who was later turned to the dark side and became the apprentice of the Sith Warrior in Star Wars: The Old Republic. She had a very rare and unique power, similar to Force sight, that allowed her to see the alignment and personality traits of other people.
A Rebel agent known as "Targeter" who goes on to be an aide to Leia Organa Solo and Admiral Ackbar. In the expanded universe she marries Tycho Celchu. She cares for Admiral Ackbar as he gets old and is with him when he dies. She also, in the Fate of the Jedi Series, aids Jaina Solo and the Darkmeld in their missions. She also took care of Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo when they were little. They originally considered her their mother, not Leia, because she had taken care of them.
Darth Wyyrlok
Chagrian Sith Lord who served as Darth Krayt's second-in-command. Briefly replaced Krayt as Emperor after Krayt's apparent death, but was killed by Krayt after he was resurrected. He was the third generation of his family to take the name "Darth Wyyrlok".


Force-sensitive clone trooper and antagonist in Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron.
Force-sensitive clone trooper and protagonist in Elite Squadron.
In Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice series, Xanatos is the former padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn who turned to the dark side of the Force. Taken in for Jedi training at a higher age than most prospective Jedi, he remembered his wealthy father Crion and later became obsessed with the power of wealth and prestige. During his final mission as a Padawan, he was reunited with his father and sided with him during a war to take control of their planet, only for his father to be killed during the final battle of the war by Qui-Gon-who had sided with the people. Xanatos became obsessed with revenge, founding the Offworld Corporation and amassing a vast fortune and power. He engaged Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on numerous occasions before committing suicide in favor of being taken captive by them. He was later revealed to have a son, Granta Omega, who disappointed Xanatos due to not being Force-sensitive.
A character in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (graphic novel) Also, nicknamed "X". She was a female bounty hunter who, in 1 BBY, lived with Boba Fett on Nar Shaddaa and wore a customized armored-suit composed of pieces from both Mandalorian and Clone trooper armor. As Fett's occasional partner, she followed him to Cato Neimoidia, shortly after Fett received a mission from Darth Vader to apprehend a renegade clone of the late Galen Marek
Prince Xizor
A character in Shadows of the Empire. Little is known about his past. He is a Falleen and head of the Black Sun criminal syndicate, depicted "like the Godfather with a reptilian overlay". He puts a hit on Luke Skywalker, so that Darth Vader will suffer the emperor's wrath and he will become his apprentice and his grip on the galaxy will be supreme. He has the ability to secrete pheromones, which he can use to attract women. He tried this with only partial success on Leia.[42] According to Forces of Corruption, Xizor is apparently killed after the game's protagonist frames him. The character's name was inspired by a Portuguese name, Xico.[42]


Wookiee companion of Revan who aided him in his quest to find and destroy the Star Forge. He is the best friend of Mission Vao, and a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Demetrius Zaarin
Imperial Grand Admiral who served as the Imperial Navy's head of starfighter research and development. He later becomes dissastified with Palpatine's rule as Emperor and attempts to overthrow him, but is stopped by Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Jenna Zan Arbor
Megalomaniacal scientist who wanted to learn the secrets of the Force. To do this, she kidnapped and tortured Jedi, and later drained their bodies of their blood. During the Clone Wars she worked with the CIS.
Tyber Zann
Leader of the Zann Consortium, a criminal organization in the video game Empire At War: Forces of Corruption.
Darth Zannah
First featured in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction as a 10-year-old girl, in Darth Bane: Rule of Two she is apprenticed to Darth Bane, Finally in Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil she takes the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith from her Master.
Fang Zar — portrayed by Warren Owens
Senator who represented the Sern sector during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He was one of the senators on the Delegation of 2000. In Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, he went into hiding on the planet Alderaan, but was found and executed by Darth Vader.
Jedi friend of Jacen and Jaina Solo, appearing in Young Jedi Knights, The New Jedi Order, Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi series. He was discovered to be Force sensitive in the first series and was trained by the Shadow Academy as a Dark Jedi, but later joined the New Jedi Order. In Fate of the Jedi, he marries Taryn Zel, despite previously expressing romantic interest in Jaina.
Zorba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt's father[43] and baron of Cloud City after Lando Calrissian. First appears in Zorba the Hutt's Revenge.
Warlord Zsinj
An Imperial general who commands a splinter faction of the former Empire in The Courtship of Princess Leia.
Commodore Zuggs
An officer in the Imperial Starfleet and also later serves under Trioculus. First featured in The Lost City of the Jedi and later returns in Star Wars: Rebellion.

See also[edit]

  • List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters
  • List of Star Wars books


  1. ^ McMilian, Graeme (April 25, 2014). "Lucasfilm Unveils New Plans for Star Wars Expanded Universe". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved November 13, 2015.
  2. ^ "Organa, Bail". Archived from the original on June 29, 2011. Retrieved August 23, 2016.
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  15. ^ a b c "Horn, Corran". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
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  17. ^ "Isolder". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
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  21. ^ a b c Bricken, Rob (2014-04-03). "The 12 worst things in the Star Wars expanded universe". Retrieved 2015-12-24.
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  23. ^ Watson, Jude (1999). Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past. Scholastic. ISBN 0590519336.
  24. ^ "Rare Clone Wars Comics and Literature". Archived from the original on 2015-10-16. Retrieved 2015-12-24.
  25. ^ Sansweet 1998, p. 172.
  26. ^ "Lah, Warmaster Tsavong". Lucasfilm. Archived from the original on October 23, 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  27. ^ "Lumiya". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2009-03-10.[permanent dead link]
  28. ^ "Malgus, Darth". Bioware.
  29. ^ Tom Veitch; Chris Gossett; Janine Johnston; David Roach (1994). Knights of the Old Republic (trade paperback ed.). ISBN 1-56971-020-1.
  30. ^ "Pellaeon, Gilad". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
  31. ^ "Qel-Droma, Ulic". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
  32. ^ "NG Alphas: Shadows of the Empire". Next Generation. No. 23. Imagine Media. November 1996. pp. 127–8. ... Shadows introduces a new character, Dash Rendar, and elevates him to hero. Cut from the same roguish mold as Han Solo (even his ship bears a striking resemblance to the Millennium Falcon) Dash is no Jedi.
  33. ^ "Rendar, Dash". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
  34. ^ Johnston, Dais (25 April 2020). "'Rise of Skywalker' Easter egg teases the return of a forgotten Sith Lord". Inverse. Retrieved 28 April 2020.
  35. ^ "Shan, Satele". Bioware.
  36. ^ "Solo, Anakin". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
  37. ^ "Solo, Jaina". Lucasfilm. Archived from the original on 2011-06-22. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  38. ^ MacBride Allen, Roger (1995). The Corellian trilogy.
  39. ^ Crispin, Ann C. (1997). The Paradise Snare. Bantam Spectra. ISBN 0-553-57415-9.
  40. ^ Thomas, Roy; Goodwin, Archie (2015). Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years – Volume 1. New York: Marvel. pp. 666–68, 691, 697, 713. ISBN 9780785191063.
  41. ^ "Vergere". Lucasfilm. Retrieved 2008-10-08.[permanent dead link]
  42. ^ a b "Xizor, Prince". Lucasfilm. Archived from the original on 2011-06-28. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  43. ^ Herndon, Cory (2003-09-11). "Hutt! Hutt! Hutt!". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2009-06-02. Retrieved 2008-10-08.


  • Sansweet, Stephen J. (1998). Star Wars Encyclopedia (1st ed.). New York: Ballantine. ISBN 0-345-40227-8. OCLC 36960986.

External links[edit]

  • Star Wars Characters in the Encyclopedia