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El Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York es el tribunal más alto del Sistema de Tribunales Unificados del estado de Nueva York . El Tribunal de Apelaciones consta de siete jueces: el Juez Jefe y seis Jueces Asociados que son nombrados por el Gobernador y confirmados por el Senado del Estado por períodos de 14 años. El Juez Jefe del Tribunal de Apelaciones también dirige la administración del sistema judicial del estado y, por lo tanto, también se lo conoce como el Juez Jefe del Estado de Nueva York. Su palacio de justicia neoclásico de 1842 se encuentra en la capital de Nueva York, Albany .

Nomenclatura [ editar ]

En la mayoría de los estados de EE. UU. Y en el sistema judicial federal, el tribunal de última instancia se conoce como el "Tribunal Supremo". Nueva York, sin embargo, llama a sus tribunales de primera instancia y de apelación intermedios el " Tribunal Supremo " y al tribunal de última instancia el Tribunal de Apelaciones. Esto a veces genera confusión.

Además de los malentendidos, se encuentra la terminología de Nueva York para los juristas en sus dos tribunales superiores. Quienes forman parte de los tribunales supremos se denominan "jueces", título reservado en la mayoría de los estados y el sistema judicial federal para los miembros del tribunal más alto, mientras que los miembros del tribunal más alto de Nueva York, el Tribunal de Apelaciones, se titulan " Jueces ".

Jurisdicción [ editar ]

A room with ornate brown wooden paneling and oil portraits on the walls. At the left seven people wearing black robes sit behind a similarly decorated wooden bench, elevated slightly from the red-carpeted floor. On the right are several people in suits sitting at chairs behind tables. In the rear is a large window with red drapes.
La Corte se encuentra en Albany . Aquí escucha argumentos orales en un caso de 2009 sobre el desarrollo de Atlantic Yards en Brooklyn.

Las apelaciones se llevan desde los cuatro departamentos de la Corte Suprema de Nueva York, División de Apelaciones al Tribunal de Apelaciones. En algunos casos, una apelación se basa en el derecho, pero en la mayoría de los casos, se debe obtener permiso (o "permiso") para apelar, ya sea de la propia División de Apelaciones o del Tribunal de Apelaciones. En casos civiles, el panel de la División de Apelaciones o el Tribunal de Apelaciones vota las peticiones de autorización para apelar; en la mayoría de los casos penales, sin embargo, la petición de autorización para apelar se remite a un solo juez o juez, cuya decisión de conceder o denegar la autorización es definitiva. En algunos casos penales, algunas decisiones de apelación emitidas por un período de apelación o un tribunal del condado también son apelables ante el Tribunal de apelaciones, ya sea por derecho o por permiso.

En algunos casos, se puede presentar una apelación del tribunal de primera instancia al Tribunal de Apelaciones, sin pasar por la División de Apelaciones. Las apelaciones directas están autorizadas a partir de decisiones finales de los tribunales de primera instancia en casos civiles donde el único problema es la constitucionalidad de un estatuto federal o estatal. En los casos penales, la apelación directa al Tribunal de Apelaciones es obligatoria cuando se impone una pena de muerte, pero esta disposición ha sido irrelevante desde que la ley de pena de muerte de Nueva York fue declarada inconstitucional.

Las decisiones del Tribunal de Apelaciones son autoridad vinculante en todos los tribunales inferiores y autoridad persuasiva para sí misma en casos posteriores. [1] Todas las opiniones, memorandos y mociones del Tribunal de Apelaciones enviados al New York State Reporter deben publicarse en los New York Reports . [2] [3]

Administración de los tribunales [ editar ]

El sistema judicial unificado del estado de Nueva York es un sistema judicial estatal unificado que funciona bajo el mando del juez principal del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York, quien es el juez principal ex officio de Nueva York. El Juez Jefe supervisa el Tribunal de Apelaciones de siete jueces y es presidente de la Junta Administrativa de los Tribunales . [4] Además, el Juez Jefe establece normas y políticas administrativas después de consultar con la Junta Administrativa y de la aprobación del Tribunal de Apelaciones. [4] El administrador principal(o Juez Administrativo Jefe si es un juez) es designado por el Juez Jefe con el consejo y consentimiento de la Junta Administrativa y supervisa la administración y el funcionamiento del sistema judicial, con la asistencia de la Oficina de Administración de Tribunales . [4] [5] [6] La Comisión de Conducta Judicial del Estado de Nueva York, de once miembros, recibe quejas, investiga y toma determinaciones iniciales con respecto a la conducta judicial y puede recomendar amonestación, censura o destitución del cargo al Juez Principal y al Tribunal de Apelaciones. [7] [8] La Corte de Apelaciones promulga reglas para la admisión para ejercer la abogacía en Nueva York. [9] (ElLa Corte Suprema de Nueva York, División de Apelaciones es responsable de las admisiones reales. [10] ) El Reportero del Estado de Nueva York es el reportero oficial de decisiones y es designado por el Tribunal de Apelaciones. [3]

Jueces [ editar ]

  • Para obtener una lista completa de los jueces en jefe, consulte la Lista de jueces en jefe del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York .
  • Para obtener una lista de jueces asociados, consulte la Lista de jueces asociados del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York .

Vacantes y nominaciones pendientes [ editar ]


The 1842 courthouse of the New York Court of Appeals in Albany, Henry Rector, architect

The Court of Appeals was created by the New York State Constitution of 1846 to replace both the Court for the Correction of Errors and the Court of Chancery, and had eight members. Four judges were elected by general ballot at the State elections, the other four were chosen annually from among the Supreme Court justices. The first four judges elected at the special judicial state election in June 1847 were Freeborn G. Jewett (to a term of two and a half years), Greene C. Bronson (to a term of four and a half years), Charles H. Ruggles (to a term of six and a half years), and Addison Gardiner (to a term of eight and a half years). They took office on July 5, 1847. Afterwards, every two years, one judge was elected in odd-numbered years to an eight-year term.[14] In case of a vacancy, a judge was temporarily appointed by the Governor,[15] and at the next odd-year state election a judge was elected for the remainder of the term.[16] The Chief Judge was always that one of the elected judges who had the shortest remaining term. Besides, the Court had a Clerk who was elected to a three-year term.

In 1869, the proposed new State Constitution was rejected by the voters. Only the "Judicial Article", which re-organized the New York Court of Appeals, was adopted by a small majority, with 247,240 for and 240,442 against it. The Court of Appeals was wholly re-organised, taking effect on July 4, 1870. All sitting judges were legislated out of office, and seven new judges were elected by general ballot at a special election on May 17, 1870.[17] Democrat Sanford E. Church defeated Republican Henry R. Selden for Chief Judge. The tickets for associate judges had only four names each and the voters could cast only four ballots, so that four judges were chosen by the majority[18] and two by the minority.[19] Martin Grover was the only sitting judge who was re-elected. The judges were elected to a 14-year term, which most judges did not complete, since the Constitution mandated the retirement of the judges at the end of the calendar year in which they reached the age of 70. In case of a vacancy due to death or resignation, a judge was appointed by the Governor until a successor was chosen at the next State election. To replace retiring or appointed judges, all substitutes were elected to full 14-year terms.

A view of the courthouse's neoclassical portico

In 1889, a "Second Division" of the Court of Appeals was established temporarily to help to decide the large number of cases. Its seven members were designated[20] by Governor David B. Hill, chosen from the New York Supreme Court's General Term benches. Chief Judge was Daniel L. Follett. Among its members were Alton B. Parker and Joseph Potter.[21] The Second Division was continued through 1890.[22] In 1891, the State Constitutional Commission, headed by William B. Hornblower drafted an amendment to abolish the Second Division.[23]

A constitutional amendment adopted in November 1899 permitted the Governor, at the request of a majority of the judges of the Court of Appeals, to designate up to four justices of the Supreme Court to serve as associate judges of the Court of Appeals until the Court's calendar was reduced below two hundred cases. This goal was reached only in 1921, and henceforth no more Supreme Court justices were designated under the amendment of 1899 to serve on the Court of Appeals.

Jacob D. Fuchsberg and Lawrence H. Cooke were the last judges elected by general ballot at the State election in November 1974. Afterwards the judges have been appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the New York State Senate.

Notable cases[edit]

The Court of Appeals has decided some of the most important cases in American jurisprudence.[24]

Conflict of laws[edit]

  • Babcock v. Jackson (Fuld, J.): holding that the law of the jurisdiction governs that has the strongest interest in the resolution of the particular issue presented.

Statutory interpretation[edit]

  • Riggs v. Palmer (Earl, J): used the "social purpose" rule of statutory construction, the process of interpreting a will.


  • Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon (Cardozo, J.): was both a minor cause célèbre at the time and an influential development in the law of contract consideration.
  • Jacob & Youngs v. Kent (Cardozo, J.): held that expectation damages arising from a breach of contract are limited to the diminution of the property's value if the undoing of the breach was an economic waste.
  • Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Co. (Bergan, J.): the court granted an injunction against the cement plant for nuisance, but permitted the plant to pay permanent damages after which the court would vacate the injunction. In essence, the court permitted the plant to pay the net present value of its effects and to continue polluting.


  • Berkey v. Third Avenue Railway Co (Cardozo, J.): held that the Third Avenue Railway Co was not liable for the debts of the subsidiary. It was necessary that the domination of the parent company over the subsidiary was required to be complete, in order for the parent company to be treated as liable for the debts of the subsidiary. It was needed that the subsidiary be merely the alter ego of the parent, or that the subsidiary be thinly capitalized, so as to perpetrate a fraud on the creditors.
  • Meinhard v. Salmon (Cardozo, J.): held that managing partner in a joint venture had a fiduciary duty to inform the investing partner of an opportunity that would arise after the scheduled termination of the partnership.
  • Walkovszky v. Carlton (Fuld, J.): refused to pierce the veil on account of undercapitalization alone.

Criminal law[edit]

  • People v. Molineux (Werner, J.): held that using 'evidence' of an unproven previous act of murder against the defendant in a subsequent unrelated trial violated the basic tenet of presumption of innocence, and, therefore, such evidence was inadmissible
  • People v. Onofre (Jones): held that it is not the function of the penal law to provide for the enforcement of moral or theological values.
  • People v. Antommarchi (Simons, J.): affirming the statutory rights of a defendant to be present during any sidebar questioning of a prospective juror concerning his or her impartiality.
  • People v. Goetz (Wachtler, CJ): held that 1) The defense of justification, which permits the use of deadly physical force, is not a purely subjective standard; the actor must not only have the subjective belief that deadly physical force is necessary, but those beliefs must also be objectively reasonable. 2) The mere appearance of perjured testimony given before the Grand Jury is not sufficient to sustain a dismissal of an indictment.
  • People v. Scott (Hancock, J.), held that the protections against unlawful search and seizure in the state constitution are broad enough that, contrary to the open-fields doctrine affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Oliver v. United States, a landowner can assert a reasonable expectation of privacy against a warrantless search of all property, not just that within the curtilage of the house, as long as they have made some effort to exclude the public such as posting or fencing the property or gating roads. New York is one of five states where courts have declined to adopt the doctrine.
  • People v. LaValle (G.B Smith, J.):The current statute of capital punishment in the state of New York was unconstitutional as it violated article one, section six of the state constitution.


  • Devlin v. Smith: The Court held that a duty to third parties "exists when a defect is such as to render the article in itself imminently dangerous, and serious injury to any person using it is a natural and probable consequence of its use." The Court further held that scaffolding to be used in the painting of a courthouse was an inherently dangerous article.
  • Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital (Cardozo, J.): established principles of informed consent and respondeat superior in United States law
  • MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. (Cardozo, J.): helped signal the end of the law's attachment with privity as a source of duty in products liability. This is the foundational doctrine underlying nearly all modern product liability lawsuits.
  • Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. (Cardozo, J.): was important in the development of the concept of the proximate cause in tort law.
  • Martin v. Herzog (Cardozo, J.): holding that the unexcused violation of a statutory duty is negligence per se and a jury does not have the power to relax the duty that one traveler on the highway owes under a statute to another on the same highway.
  • Chysky v. Drake Bros. Co. (McLaughlin, J.): The Court held that a plaintiff cannot recover from a defendant based on implied warranty when she does not have contractual privity with him; thus, a plaintiff cannot recover from a defendant who sold her employer food unfit for consumption, because the defendant's implied warranty extended only to the employer.
  • Tedla v. Ellman (Lehman, J.): the court held that because the violation occurred in a situation not anticipated by the drafters of the statute and was in keeping with the spirit of the statute, it did not constitute negligence.
  • Akins v. Glens Falls City School District (Jasen, J.): The Court held that the Baseball Rule, an exception to tort law under which spectators at sporting events cannot hold teams, players or venues liable if they are injured by a ball leaving the field as long as some protected seating was available, is still valid under comparative negligence, the first time it was challenged under that doctrine.
  • Trimarco v. Klein (Fuchsberg, J): held that custom and usage is highly relevant evidence related to the reasonable person standard but it does not per se define the scope of negligence.

See also[edit]

  • Judiciary of New York
  • Judicial Conference of the State of New York
  • Clerk of the New York Court of Appeals
  • New York State Courts Electronic Filing System


  1. ^ Birnbaum, Edward L.; Belen, Ariel E.; Grasso, Carl T. (2012). New York Trial Notebook (6th ed.). James Publishing. pp. 1–23. ISBN 978-1-58012-104-0.
  2. ^ Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 149.
  3. ^ a b Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 153.
  4. ^ a b c Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 130.
  5. ^ Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 131.
  6. ^ "Office of Court Administration". New York State Office of Court Administration. Retrieved 13 July 2013.
  7. ^ Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 132.
  8. ^ Gibson & Manz 2004, pp. 133–134.
  9. ^ Gibson & Manz 2004, p. 135.
  10. ^ 22 NYCRR § 520.1
  11. ^ Tarinelli, Ryan (2021-03-23). "Feinman Retires From New York Court of Appeals, Effective Immediately, to Focus on Health Concerns". New York Law Journal. Retrieved 2021-03-23.
  12. ^ "Judge Leslie Stein to retire from Court of Appeals". Times Union. 2020-11-03. Retrieved 2020-11-04.
  13. ^ a b Farinacci, Michael; Faridi, Muhammad U. (November 10, 2020). "Two Court of Appeals Judges to Retire in 2021". Retrieved November 18, 2020.
  14. ^ Elected were: 1849 Freeborn G. Jewett, 1851 Alexander S. Johnson, 1853 Charles H. Ruggles, 1855 Samuel L. Selden, 1857 Hiram Denio, 1859 Henry E. Davies, 1861 William B. Wright, 1863 Henry R. Selden, 1865 Ward Hunt, 1867 Martin Grover, 1869 John A. Lott
  15. ^ Appointed were: 1851 Samuel Alfred Foot in place of Greene C. Bronson resigned, 1853 Hiram Denio in place of Freeborn G. Jewett resigned, 1862 Henry R. Selden in place of Samuel L. Selden resigned, 1865 John K. Porter in place of Henry R. Selden resigned, 1868 Lewis B. Woodruff in place of John K. Porter resigned, and Charles Mason in place of William B. Wright deceased
  16. ^ Elected were: 1853 Hiram Denio for 4 years, 1855 George F. Comstock for 6 years, 1865 John K. Porter for 6 years, 1869 Robert Earl for 2 years
  17. ^ "The special election" (PDF). New York Times. May 17, 1870.
  18. ^ Elected were Democrats William F. Allen, Charles A. Rapallo, Martin Grover and Rufus W. Peckham, Sr.
  19. ^ Elected were Republicans Charles J. Folger and Charles Andrews. Defeated were Charles Mason and Robert S. Hale.
  20. ^ A "designation" is an appointment that does not require confirmation by the State Senate.
  21. ^ "Commission of Appeals: Organization of the Second Division on the Court" (PDF). New York Times. January 24, 1889.
  22. ^ "Court of Appeals Work: Probability that the Second Division will be Retained" (PDF). New York Times. December 17, 1890.
  23. ^ "The Court of Appeals: The Commission wants the Second Division Abolished" (PDF). New York Times. January 25, 1891.
  24. ^ "Legal History by Era". Historical Society of the New York Courts. Retrieved September 8, 2014.

Further reading[edit]

  • Galie, Peter J.; Bopst, Christopher (2012). The New York State Constitution (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-986056-2. LCCN 2011051555.
  • Gibson, Ellen M.; Manz, William H. (2004). Gibson's New York Legal Research Guide (PDF) (3rd ed.). Wm. S. Hein Publishing. ISBN 1-57588-728-2. LCCN 2004042477. OCLC 54455036.
  • Lincoln, Charles Z. (1906). The Constitutional History of New York. Lawyers Co-operative Publishing. OCLC 1337955.
  • "New York State Constitution". New York State Department of State.
  • "The Historical Society of the Courts of the State of New York".

External links[edit]

  • New York State Court of Appeals
  • Court of Appeals in the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
  • Slip opinions from the New York State Office of Court Administration
  • Slip opinions from the New York State Law Reporting Bureau
  • New York Slip Opinion Service from the New York State Law Reporting Bureau
  • New York Official Reports Service from West
  • Slip opinions from the Cornell Legal Information Institute
  • New York State Unified Court System
  • New York Court of Appeals index of politicians by office held or sought from Lawrence Kestenbaum

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