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Paul John Keating (nacido el 18 de enero de 1944) es un político australiano que se desempeñó como el 24 ° Primer Ministro de Australia y el líder del Partido Laborista de 1991 a 1996. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Tesorero de Australia en el gobierno de Hawke de 1983 a 1991 y como viceprimer ministro de Australia y vicepresidente del Partido Laborista de 1990 a 1991.

Keating nació en Sydney y dejó la escuela a la edad de 14 años. Se unió al Partido Laborista a la misma edad, cumpliendo un período como presidente estatal de Trabajo Joven y trabajando como asistente de investigación para un sindicato. Fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de Representantes a la edad de 25 años, ganando la División de Blaxland en las elecciones de 1969 . Keating sirvió brevemente como ministro para el norte de Australia de octubre a noviembre de 1975 en las últimas semanas del gobierno de Whitlam . Después de que los laboristas perdieran el poder, ocupó cargos de alto nivel en los gabinetes en la sombra de Gough Whitlam y Bill Hayden. Durante este tiempo llegó a ser visto como el líder de la facción de la derecha laborista y desarrolló una reputación como un actor parlamentario feroz y talentoso.

Después de la aplastante victoria del laborismo en las elecciones de 1983 , Keating fue nombrado tesorero por el primer ministro Bob Hawke . La pareja desarrolló una poderosa asociación política, supervisando importantes reformas destinadas a liberalizar y fortalecer la economía australiana. Estos incluyeron el Acuerdo de Precios e Ingresos , la flotación del dólar australiano, la eliminación de aranceles , la desregulación del sector financiero, lograr el primer superávit presupuestario federal en la historia de Australia y la reforma del sistema tributario , incluida la introducción de ganancias de capital. impuestos , impuestos sobre beneficios complementariose imputación de dividendos . Keating se convirtió en viceprimer ministro en 1990, pero en junio de 1991 renunció al gobierno para desafiar sin éxito a Hawke por el liderazgo, creyendo que había renegado del Acuerdo de Kirribilli . Se montó un segundo desafío exitoso seis meses después.

Keating fue nombrado primer ministro a raíz de una recesión que describió como "la recesión que teníamos que tener". Esto, combinado con una encuesta de opinión pobre inicial, llevó a muchos a predecir que los laboristas seguramente perderían las elecciones de 1993 , pero Keating luchó en una fuerte campaña y logró aumentar la mayoría del gobierno. El gobierno de Keating promulgó la histórica Ley de títulos nativos para consagrar los derechos territoriales indígenas , introdujo la jubilación obligatoria y la negociación empresarial , creó un programa nacional de desarrollo de infraestructura , privatizó Qantas y el Commonwealth Bank, estableció la reunión de líderes de APEC y promovió el republicanismo mediante el establecimiento del Comité Asesor de la República .

En las elecciones de 1996 , después de 13 años en el cargo, el laborismo sufrió una aplastante derrota ante la Coalición Liberal-Nacional dirigida por John Howard . Keating se retiró del Parlamento poco después de las elecciones, pero desde entonces se ha mantenido activo como comentarista político, al tiempo que mantiene una amplia serie de intereses comerciales, incluido el servicio en la junta internacional del Banco de Desarrollo de China . Desde que dejó el cargo, Keating ha recibido grandes elogios de historiadores y comentaristas por su papel en la modernización de la economía australiana como tesorero, mientras que las revisiones de su período como primer ministro han sido más variadas.

Educación y vida temprana [ editar ]

Keating nació en el Hospital St Margaret en Darlinghurst, Sydney, Nueva Gales del Sur , el 18 de enero de 1944. [1] Fue el primero de cuatro hijos de Minnie (de soltera Chapman) y Matthew John Keating. Su padre trabajaba como calderero para los Ferrocarriles del Gobierno de Nueva Gales del Sur . [2] Todos los abuelos de Keating nacieron en Australia. Por parte de su padre, descendía de inmigrantes irlandeses nacidos en los condados de Galway , Roscommon y Tipperary . [3] Por parte de su madre, era de ascendencia mixta inglesa e irlandesa. Su abuelo materno, Fred Chapman, era hijo de dosconvictos , John Chapman y Sarah Gallagher, quienes habían sido transportados por robo en la década de 1830. [4]

Keating grew up in Bankstown, a working-class suburb in western Sydney. His siblings include Anne Keating, a company director and businesswoman. Leaving De La Salle College—now known as LaSalle Catholic College—at the age of 14, Keating left high school rather than pursuing higher education, instead working as a pay clerk at the Sydney County Council's electricity distributor. Keating also attended Belmore Technical High School to further his education.[5] He then worked as research assistant for a trade union, having joined the Labor Party as soon as he was eligible. In 1966, he became President of New South Wales Young Labor.[6]Durante la década de 1960, Keating también dirigió una banda de rock llamada The Ramrods. [7]

Carrera política temprana [ editar ]

Keating en 1970, poco después de su primera elección al Parlamento.

A través de sus contactos en los sindicatos y en el Young Labor Council, Keating conoció a futuras figuras laboristas de alto nivel como Laurie Brereton , Graham Richardson y Bob Carr . También desarrolló una amistad con el ex primer ministro de Nueva Gales del Sur, Jack Lang , a quien Keating asumió como mentor político. En 1971, logró que Lang volviera a ser admitido en el Partido Laborista. [8] Keating ganó con éxito la nominación laborista para la sede de Blaxland en los suburbios del oeste de Sydney, y fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de Representantes en 1969 cuando solo tenía 25 años. [6] Inicialmente era mássocialmente conservador ; en su discurso inaugural declaró que el Gobierno Liberal "se había jactado del creciente número de mujeres en la fuerza de trabajo. Más que algo de lo que estar orgulloso, creo que es algo de lo que deberíamos avergonzarnos". [9] Más tarde votó en contra de la moción del ex primer ministro John Gorton para despenalizar la homosexualidad en 1973. Según Tom Uren , originalmente era un "joven de mente muy estrecha", que más tarde "maduró" y se volvió mucho menos conservador socialmente. [10]

Keating, de 34 años, segundo desde la izquierda, con figuras laboristas (desde la izquierda) Colin Jamieson , Peter Walsh y Stewart West en Wickham , 1978.

Después de la victoria laborista en las elecciones de 1972 , Keating fracasó por poco en ser elegido para servir en el gabinete , en lugar de ser un segundo de la mayoría del gobierno de Whitlam . Finalmente, fue nombrado ministro para el norte de Australia en octubre de 1975, pero ocupó el cargo sólo hasta que el gobernador general John Kerr destituyó al gobierno, controvertidamente, el mes siguiente. En una entrevista de 2013 con Kerry O'Brien , Keating calificó el despido como un "golpe de Estado" y planteó la idea de "arrestar a [Kerr]" y "encerrarlo", y agregó que no lo habría "[tomado] acostado". si era primer ministro. [11] Después del parto 's derrota en elEn las elecciones de 1975 , Keating fue agregado rápidamente al Gabinete en la Sombra, sirviendo como Ministro en la Sombra de Minerales, Recursos y Energía hasta enero de 1983. [5] Durante este tiempo logró una reputación como un actor parlamentario extravagante y feroz, adoptando el estilo de un agresivo polemista. En 1981, fue elegido presidente del Partido Laborista de Nueva Gales del Sur , convirtiéndose así en el líder de la influyente facción de la derecha laborista . En este momento, inicialmente apoyó al ex Tesorero Bill Hayden para Labor Leader sobre el ex presidente de ACTU Bob Hawke.a medida que las tensiones de liderazgo entre los dos hombres comenzaron a aumentar; Más tarde explicó que parte de su razonamiento era que, en privado, esperaba suceder al propio Hayden en un futuro próximo. [12] Sin embargo, en 1982, los miembros de su facción se habían puesto detrás de Hawke, y Keating respaldó su desafío. El anuncio formal del apoyo de Keating a Hawke fue escrito por un compañero político laborista, Gareth Evans . [13] Although Hayden survived the challenge, pressure continued to mount on him; in an attempt to shore up his position, Hayden promoted Keating to the role of Shadow Treasurer in January 1983. However this did not prove sufficient, and Hayden resigned a month later, after a poor by-election result. Hawke was elected unopposed to replace him, and he subsequently led Labor to a landslide victory in the 1983 election just six weeks later.[13]

Treasurer of Australia[edit]

Early days[edit]

Tras la victoria de los laboristas en las elecciones de 1983, Keating fue nombrado Tesorero de Australia por el primer ministro Bob Hawke ; sucedió a John Howard en el cargo. Él y Hawke pudieron utilizar el tamaño del déficit presupuestario que el gobierno de Hawke había heredado del gobierno de Fraser para cuestionar la credibilidad económica de la Coalición Liberal-Nacional en los próximos años. [14] Según Hawke, el déficit presupuestario históricamente grande de $ 9.6 mil millones dejado por la Coalición "se convirtió en un palo con el que pudimos vencer justificadamente a la Oposición". [14]Aunque Howard era ampliamente considerado en este momento como "desacreditado" por el déficit oculto, de hecho había argumentado sin éxito contra Fraser que las cifras revisadas deberían ser reveladas antes de las elecciones. [15]

En los años siguientes, Hawke y Keating desarrollaron una asociación extremadamente poderosa, que resultó ser esencial para el éxito de los laboristas en el gobierno; Varias figuras laboristas en los años transcurridos desde entonces han citado la asociación entre los dos como la más grande del partido. [16] Los dos hombres demostraron ser un estudio de contrastes: Hawke era un erudito Rhodes; Keating dejó la escuela secundaria antes de tiempo. [17] Los entusiasmos de Hawke eran los puros, las apuestas y la mayoría de las formas de deporte; Keating prefería la arquitectura clásica , las sinfonías de Mahler y coleccionar antigüedades de la Regencia británica y del Imperio francés . [18]A pesar de no conocerse antes de que Hawke asumiera el liderazgo en 1983, los dos formaron una relación personal y política que permitió al Gobierno llevar a cabo un número significativo de reformas, aunque hubo puntos ocasionales de tensión entre los dos. [19]

Keating, junto con Hawke, supervisó una "Cumbre Económica Nacional" en su primer mes en el cargo, con Keating dirigiendo varias sesiones delineando la agenda económica del Gobierno. La Cumbre, que reunió a un número significativo de personalidades empresariales e industriales de alto nivel junto con líderes sindicales y políticos, dio lugar a la adopción unánime de una estrategia económica nacional, que generó suficiente capital político para que el Gobierno pudiera iniciar un amplio programa de reforma económica. anteriormente resistido por gran parte del Partido Laborista. [20]

Reformas macroeconómicas [ editar ]

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Informe de ABC News sobre el primer día de negociación con un dólar australiano flotante.

Keating utilizó la autoridad y la relativa autonomía que le había proporcionado Hawke para convertirse en una de las principales fuerzas impulsoras de las diversas reformas macroeconómicas extensas del Gobierno. [21] En diciembre de 1983, Hawke y Keating aprobaron la flotación del dólar australiano en 1983, sin tener en cuenta el consejo del Secretario del Tesoro, John Stone, de mantener el marco monetario fijo. El éxito de la medida, que fue alabada por los comentaristas económicos y de los medios de comunicación, le dio confianza a Keating para llevar a cabo aún más reformas. Durante el primer y segundo mandato del gobierno de Hawke, Keating supervisó la eliminación gradual de los aranceles a las importaciones, la privatización de varias empresas de propiedad estatal comoQantas , CSL Limited y el Commonwealth Bank , la desregulación de secciones importantes del sistema bancario, incluida la autorización para que numerosos bancos de propiedad extranjera comiencen a operar en Australia por primera vez, y la concesión de autonomía en la toma de decisiones al Banco de la Reserva de Australia .

Keating también jugó un papel decisivo en el establecimiento de la política de salarios y relaciones laborales distintiva del Gobierno de Hawke, el Acuerdo de Precios e Ingresos . Este fue un acuerdo directamente entre el Consejo Australiano de Sindicatos (ACTU) y el Gobierno para garantizar una reducción en las demandas de aumentos salariales, a cambio de que el Gobierno proporcione un aumento significativo en los programas sociales, incluida la introducción de Medicare y la Asistencia Familiar. Esquema; al hacerlo, el Gobierno pudo reducir la inflación y el desempleo durante la década. [22] La gestión de Keating del Acuerdo y la estrecha relación de trabajo que desarrolló con el secretario de ACTU, Bill Kelty., became a source of significant political power for Keating, who negotiated multiple versions of the Accord with Kelty throughout the Hawke Government. Through the power given to him, Keating was often able to bypass the Cabinet altogether, notably in exercising monetary policy, and he was regularly referred to as "the most powerful Treasurer in modern times".[23]

In the wake of the raft of macroeconomic reforms introduced by Keating throughout the first term of the Hawke Government in particular, in 1984 he was awarded the Euromoney Finance Minister of the Year,[24] an award which became colloquially known in Australia as the "World's Greatest Treasurer", becoming the first Australian Treasurer to be presented with the award.

Microeconomic reforms[edit]

Keating with OECD Secretary-General Jean-Claude Paye, 1985.

Throughout the second and third terms of the Hawke Government, Keating led a significant overhaul of the long-stagnant Australian taxation system. In 1985, he became a passionate advocate within the Cabinet for the introduction of a broad-based consumption tax, similar in nature to the goods and services tax that was later introduced by the Howard Government, as a means of addressing Australia's chronic balance of payments issue.[25][26] In the build-up to the 1984 election, Hawke promised a policy paper on taxation reform to be discussed with all stakeholders at a "National Taxation Summit". Three options – A, B and C – were presented in the paper, with Keating and his Treasury colleagues fiercely advocating for C, which included a consumption tax of 15% on goods and services along with reductions in personal and company income tax, a fringe benefits tax and a capital gains tax. Although Keating was able to win the support of a reluctant Cabinet, Hawke believed that the opposition from the public, the ACTU, and the business community would be too great. He therefore decided to abandon any plans for a consumption tax, although the remainder of the reforms were adopted in the tax reform package. The loss of the consumption tax was seen a defeat for Keating; he later joked about it at a press conference, saying, "It's a bit like Ben Hur. We've crossed the line with one wheel off, but we have crossed the line."[27]

Whilst the remainder of the package represented the biggest overhaul of the Australian taxation system for decades, Keating continued to agitate for further changes to address the balance of payments problems faced by Australia. On 14 May 1986, frustrated at the slow pace of dealing with the issue, Keating caused considerable public comment and a degree of controversy when he declared on a radio programme that if Australia did not address the problem, it risked degenerating to the status of a "banana republic".[28] Although the remark was quickly disowned by Hawke in public, the Government increased efforts to deal with the growing balance of payments crisis. With no consumption tax to generate a significant increase in incomings, Keating and his ministerial colleagues led a process to significantly reduce Government outlays instead, resulting in some criticism from the grassroots of the Labor Party, who opposed cuts to spending.[28] Despite the criticism, the Government was able to produce a national budget surplus for the years 1988, 1989 and 1990, with the surplus of 1988 proving to be the largest budget surplus in Australian history.[29]

During the campaign for the 1987 election, Keating was credited as dealing a "fatal" blow to the Liberal-National Coalition's hopes for victory, after giving a press conference in which he exposed a significant accounting error in the costings the Liberal Party had released to demonstrate how its economic policies would be paid for.[30] Then-Opposition Leader John Howard accepted the error, and subsequent opinion polling reported that the mistake greatly contributed to Labor's vote in what proved to be a landslide victory.

Keating's later tenure as Treasurer was heavily criticised by some for consistently high interest rates, which Keating argued was necessary to reduce economic growth gradually so that demand for imports did not grow out of control. Throughout the 1980s, both the global and Australian economies grew quickly, and by the late 1980s, inflation had grown to around 9%. By 1988, the Reserve Bank of Australia began tightening monetary policy, and household interest rates peaked at 18%. It is often said that the Bank was too slow in easing monetary policy, and that this ultimately led to a recession. In private, Keating had argued for rates to rise earlier than they did, and fall sooner, although his view was at odds with the Reserve Bank and his Treasury colleagues.[23][31] Publicly, Hawke and Keating had said there would be no recession – or that there would be a "soft landing" – but this changed when Keating announced the country was indeed in recession in 1990, several months after the Hawke Government had won an unprecedented fourth consecutive term in office. Announcing the recession, Keating memorably stated that the recession was a "recession Australia had to have". The remark was referred to by political journalist Paul Kelly as "perhaps the most stupid remark of Keating's career, and it nearly cost him the Prime Ministership." Kelly did also concede that, "...however, it is largely true that the boom begat the recession."[32]

The economic reform package throughout the 1980s has been claimed by numerous economic commentators and journalists to have been the basis for an unprecedentedly long period of economic growth, with Australia's gross domestic product increasing unbroken every year for 30 years, and the end of chronic inflation and balance of payments difficulties, along with the increasingly globalised domestic economy, enabling long periods of stability and growth.[33][34]

Leadership challenges[edit]

At the end of 1988, Keating, who had long believed that he would succeed Hawke as Prime Minister, began to put pressure on Hawke to retire in the new year. Hawke rejected this advice, but reached a secret agreement with Keating that he would remain as leader through to the 1990 election, and that he would resign in Keating's favour shortly after the election, which he convinced Keating he could win.[23] Hawke subsequently won that election, albeit narrowly, and appointed Keating his Deputy Prime Minister to replace the retiring Lionel Bowen. However by the end of 1990, frustrated at the lack of any indication from Hawke as to when he might retire, Keating delivered a provocative speech questioning the direction of the Government. As a result, Hawke told Keating he would renege on the deal on the basis that Keating had been publicly disloyal.[35]

Although tensions between the two remained private for some time, Keating eventually resigned from the Cabinet in June 1991 and challenged for the leadership. Hawke won the ballot by 66 votes to 44, and in a press statement afterwards Keating declared that he had fired his "one shot" as regards the leadership.[36][37] Publicly, at least, this seemed to spell the end of his leadership ambitions. Having failed to defeat Hawke, Keating realised that events would have to move very much in his favour for a second challenge to be even possible, and he strongly considered retiring from politics altogether.[38] However, Hawke's leadership was regarded by many as being "wounded" as a result of losing his long-term political partner and the growing confidence of the Liberal-National Coalition under the new leadership of John Hewson.[39][40] After Hawke was forced to sack John Kerin, the man appointed to replace Keating as Treasurer, for a public gaffe in attempting to combat the Coalition's new 'Fightback!' policy, Keating took the opportunity to challenge a second time in December 1991, this time emerging victorious by 56 votes to 51. Keating paid tribute to Hawke's nine years as Prime Minister, and stated that he would provide a robust challenge to Hewson.[41]

Prime Minister of Australia[edit]

On 20 December 1991, Keating was sworn in as Prime Minister by the Governor-General Bill Hayden. On becoming Prime Minister, Keating thought of becoming Treasurer again, noting that state premiers had often served as their own Treasurers but quickly conceded that it wasn't possible. [42]John Dawkins was appointed Treasurer instead.

Keating entered office with an extensive legislative agenda, including pursuing reconciliation with Australia's Indigenous population, deepening Australia's economic and cultural ties with Asia, and making Australia a republic. The addressing of these issues came to be known as Keating's "big picture."[43] As well as beginning a national debate about whether Australia should change its national flag, Keating laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the 1999 referendum on Australia becoming a republic.

Indigenous land rights and domestic policy[edit]

Play media
ABC News footage of Keating visiting Indonesia in 1992 and meeting with Indonesian President Suharto.

Shortly after Keating became Prime Minister, the High Court of Australia handed down a judgment in a long-running case on Indigenous land rights; the judgement would come to be known as Mabo, and declared that a right to native title did exist in Australia, overturning terra nullius, but not clarifying exactly who had the right to access the title.[44] Keating led the Government's response to the ruling, beginning a high-profile public campaign on raising awareness of the issue, and advocating repeatedly in favour of the judgment and for an expansion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land rights. On 10 December 1992, Keating delivered a major address which came to be known as the Redfern Park Speech on Aboriginal reconciliation, a speech which has since regularly been cited as among the greatest in Australian political history, in which he explicitly noted the responsibility of settler Australians for destroying much of Indigenous society.[45][46]

This work culminated in the passage of the Native Title Act in 1993, which "provide(d) a national system for the recognition and protection of native title and for its co-existence with the national land management system".[44] As well as creating the legal field of native title, the Act established an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, who was required to prepare an annual report to the Attorney-General on the operation of the Native Title Aact and its effect on the exercise and enjoyment of human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to report, when requested by the Attorney-General, on any other matter relating to the rights of Indigenous people under the Act.[47]

Elsewhere in domestic policy, Keating established and promoted the first Commonwealth cultural policy, known as 'Creative Nation'.[48] The policy allocated AU$250 million over four years to promote the cultural and creative arts sectors in Australia. Keating had frequently espoused the benefits of the arts in public, and used the policy as an opportunity to develop the Australian cultural sector.[48] During the Keating Government, mandatory detention for asylum seekers was also introduced for the first time.[49]

Superannuation and economic policy[edit]

Keating and his Cabinet, 1994.

Arguably Keating's most far-reaching achievement as Prime Minister was the full introduction of the National Superannuation Scheme, implemented to address Australia's long-term problem of chronically low national savings. This initiative built on policies that Keating had pursued whilst Treasurer, and was aimed at ensuring that most Australians would have enough money to retire. In 1992, the compulsory employer contribution scheme became a part of a wider reform package addressing this retirement income dilemma. It had been demonstrated that Australia, along with many other Western nations, would experience a major demographic shift in the coming decades, due to ageing population, and it was claimed that this would result in increased pension payments that would place an unaffordable strain on the Australian economy.

Keating's solution was a "three pillars" approach to retirement income, requiring compulsory employer contributions to superannuation funds, permitting further contributions to superannuation funds and other investments, and introducing, where this was insufficient, a safety net consisting of a means-tested government-funded age pension.[50] The compulsory employer contributions were branded "Superannuation Guarantee" (SG) contributions.[51] As a result of this policy, along with the gradual increases in the minimum contribution amount, Australia grew to become the fourth largest holder of pension fund assets in the world, with a balance of nearly AU$3 trillion in superannuation assets by 2020.[52]

In the aftermath of the 1990 recession, Keating appointed his close ally John Dawkins as Treasurer, and together the two developed an economic package to counter the Liberal-National Coalition's 'Fightback!' proposals; this package came to be known as 'One Nation', and involved using funding from the budget surplus to produce new welfare-to-work programmes, as well as introducing a new degree of competition within the telecommunications and communications industries and creating the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA).[53] 'One Nation' also proposed a series of further tax cuts for middle-income workers coming in two tranches, in 1993 and 1995, although these would later be deferred to 1995 and 1998, a move which cost the Government considerable political support among the public.[53] A further major economic policy development was the introduction of an enterprise bargaining scheme as part of the final stage of the Prices and Incomes Accord, intended to allow for greater flexibility and economies of scale within industrial wage arbitration, although much of this was curtailed by the Howard Government after 1996.[53]

Foreign policy[edit]

Keating with U.S. President Bill Clinton (left) in 1993.

Throughout his time as Prime Minister, Keating took a number of steps to strengthen and develop bilateral links with Australia's closest neighbours; he frequently said that there was no country in the world that was more important to Australia than Indonesia, and undertook his first overseas visit to the country, becoming the first Australian Prime Minister to do so.[54] Keating made a conscious effort to develop a personal relationship with Indonesian President Suharto, and to include Indonesia in multilateral forums attended by Australia. Keating's friendship with Suharto was criticised by human rights activists supportive of East Timorese independence, and by Nobel Peace Prize winner José Ramos-Horta. The Keating Government's cooperation with the Indonesian military, and the signing of the Timor Gap Treaty, were also strongly criticised by these same groups. It was alleged by some that Keating was overlooking alleged human rights abuses by the Indonesian government as part of his effort to dramatically increase Australia's cultural, diplomatic and economic ties with Asia.[55]

Following the creation of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Forum by Bob Hawke, Keating developed the idea further, winning the support in 1993 of recently-elected US President Bill Clinton and Chinese Premier Li Peng to expand APEC to a full Leaders' Meeting. This led to APEC becoming one of the most significant high-level international summits, and at the 1994 APEC Leaders' Meeting, hosted by Indonesia, members agreed to the Keating Government's proposals for what became known as the Bogor Declaration, which set targets for a significant increase in free trade and investment between industrialised APEC countries by 2010 and between developing APEC countries by 2020.[56] In December 1993, Keating became involved in a diplomatic incident with Malaysia when he described Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad as "recalcitrant". The incident occurred after Mahathir refused to attend the 1993 APEC summit. Keating said, "APEC is bigger than all of us – Australia, the U.S. and Malaysia, and Dr. Mahathir and any other recalcitrants." The translation of the word "recalcitrant" into Malaysian rendered the word a more egregious insult, and Mahathir demanded an apology from Keating, threatening to reduce diplomatic ties and trade drastically with Australia, which became an enormous concern to Australian exporters. Some Malaysian officials talked of launching a "Buy Australian Last" campaign; Keating subsequently apologised to Mahathir over the remark.[57]

1993 and 1996 elections[edit]

Keating at the White House in 1993

As Prime Minister, Keating maintained his aggressive debating style. When asked by Opposition Leader John Hewson why he would not call an early election, Keating replied, "because I want to do you slowly." He referred to the Liberal Party as "a motley, dishonest crew", and the National Party as "dummies and dimwits; desperadoes". During an opposition debate that sought to censure Keating, he described being attacked by Peter Costello as "like being flogged with warm lettuce". Despite this renewed attack on the Opposition, and a busy legislative agenda, many commentators predicted that the 1993 election was "unwinnable" for Labor.[58]

During the campaign, Keating focused a great amount of effort on attacking the Coalition's proposed goods and services tax (GST), arguing that it would prove "a dead weight" on the economy, and stating that "every time you put your hand in your pocket, Dr. Hewson's will be in there with you". He was helped by Hewson struggling towards the end of the campaign to explain exactly which products would have the GST levied on them, and which would not. Having begun the campaign far behind the Coalition in opinion polls, on 13 March Keating led Labor to an unexpected and record-breaking fifth consecutive election victory, picking up a two-seat swing. The speech Keating delivered at the victory celebration has been described as one of the great Labor speeches.[59][60][61][62] Opening with "This is a victory for the true believers; the men and women of Australia who, in difficult times, have kept the faith", the speech has been described as providing a source of inspiration for Labor Party faithful to the present day.[63]

Like Hawke before him, Keating was able to benefit from disunity in the Liberal Party. Fourteen months after the March 1993 election, John Hewson was replaced as Liberal Leader by Alexander Downer, whose leadership was quickly marred by gaffes and controversies within months. Keating routinely succeeded in outwitting Downer within Parliament, and in early 1995, Downer resigned to be replaced by John Howard, who had previously led the Liberals from 1985 to 1989. Howard was able to give the Coalition renewed momentum after Labor lost the seat of Canberra in a by-election. In contrast to Hewson, Howard adopted a "small target" campaign strategy for the 1996 election, publicly committing to keep numerous Labor reforms such as Medicare, and defusing the republic issue by promising to hold a constitutional convention.[64] This combined with a narrative of "time for a change" led to a heavy defeat for the Keating Government on 2 March 1996, suffering a five percent two party preferred swing and losing 29 seats, making it the second-worst defeat of a sitting government in Australian history. Keating announced he would retire as Labor Leader and from Parliament, and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister on 11 March, 13 years to the day after Bob Hawke had first taken office.[65]

Post-political career[edit]

Keating in 2007

After leaving Parliament in 1996, Keating moved to the affluent eastern Sydney suburb of Woollahra.[66] He accepted appointment as a director for various companies, and also became a senior adviser to Lazard, an investment banking firm.[67][68] Keating was also appointed to the Advisory Council to the Chinese Government Development Bank.[69] He was also appointed a Visiting Professor of Public Policy at the University of New South Wales and was awarded honorary doctorates in law from Keio University in Tokyo (1995), the National University of Singapore (1999), the University of New South Wales (2003) and Macquarie University (2012).[65]In 1997, Keating declined appointment as a Companion of the Order of Australia, an honour which has been offered to all former Prime Ministers since the modern Australian Honours System was introduced in 1975.[65]

In 2000, he published his first book since leaving office, Engagement: Australia Faces the Asia-Pacific, which focused on foreign policy during his time as Prime Minister.[70] In 2002, Keating's former speechwriter and adviser, Don Watson, published Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM. The book first drew criticism from Keating's by then-estranged wife, Annita Keating, who said that it understated her contribution, a complaint Watson rejected.[71] Keating himself was so unhappy with the book that it brought the two men's friendship to an abrupt end.[72]

Keating initially avoided public political comment during the Howard Government, although made occasional speeches criticising his successor's social policies. Ahead of the 2007 election, Keating joined former Labor Prime Ministers Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke to campaign against Howard, describing Howard as a "desiccated coconut" who was "Araldited to the seat", as an "...old antediluvian 19th century person who wanted to stomp forever...on ordinary people's rights to organise themselves at work...he's a pre-Copernican obscurantist".[73] He also described Howard's deputy, Peter Costello, as being "all tip and no iceberg" when referring to an alleged pact made by Howard to hand the leadership over to Costello after two terms.[74]

In February 2008, after Labor's victory in the 2007 election, Keating joined former Prime Ministers Whitlam, Fraser and Hawke in Parliament House to witness new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd deliver the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.[75] In August 2008, he spoke at the book launch of Unfinished Business: Paul Keating's Interrupted Revolution, authored by economist David Love. Among the topics discussed during the launch were the need to increase compulsory superannuation contributions, as well as to restore incentives for people to receive their superannuation payments in annuities.[76]

Keating in 2017

In 2013, Keating took part in a series of four-hour-long interviews with Kerry O'Brien which were broadcast on the ABC in November of that year. The series covered Keating's early life, his entry into Parliament, his years as Treasurer and Prime Minister, and canvassing his academic, musical and artistic interests, economic and cultural vision for Australia, and commitment to Australia's integration into Asia. O'Brien used these conversations as the basis for a 2014 book Keating: The Interviews. Keating repeatedly declared he would not write a memoir, so his cooperation with O'Brien was perceived as the closest he would come to producing an autobiography. In 2016, Troy Bramston, a journalist for The Australian with an interest in Labor Party history, produced a lengthy authorised biography titled Paul Keating: The Big Picture Leader. It was described as "the first [biography] by an individual not from inside the Keating bunker, and it is the first with which Keating has co-operated, even if not fully".[77]

In 2019, during campaigning for that year's federal election, Keating spoke out against the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation by calling them "nutters."[78] His remarks attracted media criticism, and Labor Leader Bill Shorten distanced himself from Keating's views.[79] Keating later issued a joint statement with Bob Hawke endorsing Labor's economic plan as part of the election campaign, and condemning the Liberal Party for "completely [giving] up the economic reform agenda". They stated that "Shorten's Labor is the only party of government focused on the need to modernise the economy to deal with the major challenge of our time: human induced climate change"; it was the first joint press statement released by the two since 1991.[80] After Hawke's death in the same month, Keating gave an address at Hawke's state memorial service at Sydney Opera House on 14 June, where he reflected on the "great friendship and partnership" the two had enjoyed.[81]

Personal life[edit]

In 1976, Keating married Annita van Iersel, a Dutch-born flight attendant for Alitalia. They had four children, who spent some of their teenage years in The Lodge, the Prime Minister's official residence in Canberra. The couple separated in November 1998. While they did not formally divorce until 2008, Annita had resumed her maiden name long before then. Before his marriage to van Iersel, Keating had in 1972 announced his engagement to fashion consultant Kristine Kennedy, but they did not marry.[82] Since 1998, Keating's partner has been the actress Julieanne Newbould.[83]

Keating's daughter, Katherine Keating, is a former adviser to former New South Wales Minister Craig Knowles as well as former New South Wales Premier Bob Carr. In 2020, she was alleged to have been an associate of Prince Andrew.[84]

Keating's interests include the music of Gustav Mahler and collecting French antique clocks.[6][85] He currently resides in Potts Point, in inner-city Sydney and has a holiday home on the Hawkesbury River.

Popular culture[edit]

In 2005, Keating!, a musical based on Keating's life and career, premiered at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. It went on to run until 2010, winning a number of awards and eventually being broadcast on ABC2.[86]

See also[edit]

  • Keating Government
  • Hawke–Keating Government
  • First Keating Ministry
  • Second Keating Ministry
  • Redfern Speech


  1. ^ David Day (2015). Paul Keating: The Biography. Fourth Estate. p. 17.
  2. ^ Day (2015), p. 10.
  3. ^ Day (2015), p. 8.
  4. ^ Day (2015), p. 3.
  5. ^ a b "Paul Keating: before office". Australia's Prime Ministers. National Archives of Australia. Retrieved 16 October 2020.
  6. ^ a b c "Civics | Paul Keating (1944–)". Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  7. ^ "". Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  8. ^ "Former PM Paul Keating and historian Frank Cain discuss Jack Lang's life, legacy and the Depression". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 17 November 2005. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  9. ^ "Dread and dry mouth: first speeches in Parliament". Sydney Morning Herald.
  10. ^ "Parliament 1973: baby steps on Australian gay law reform". Q News.
  11. ^ "Keating, on life, politics, and the day he suggested arresting the Governor-General". The Conversation.
  12. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 153
  13. ^ a b Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 159
  14. ^ a b Hawke, Bob, The Hawke Memoirs, William Heinemann Australia, 1994, p. 148
  15. ^ Errington, W., & Van Onselen, Peter, John Winston Howard: The Biography, Melbourne University Press, 2007, Errington, W.,& Van Onselen, Peter, John Winston Howard: The Biography, Melbourne University Press, 2007,
  16. ^
  17. ^ Edwards, J.,(1996), p.44
  18. ^ Edwards, J.,(1996), p.6, p.48
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^ Toner, Kieron, The Cart Before the Horse: Australian Exchange Rate Policy and Economic Reform in the 1980s, Earlybrave Publications, 2000.
  22. ^ The Hawke Government: A Critical Retrospective, edited by Susan Ryan & Troy Bramston
  23. ^ a b c Kelly, Paul (1994). The End of Certainty: Power, Politics, and Business in Australia. Allen & Unwin. ISBN 1-86373-757-X. Retrieved 5 October 2007.
  24. ^ "SPEAKER ORATEUR: HON. PAUL J KEATING". European Speakers Bureau. Archived from the original on 5 December 2008. Retrieved 26 November 2007.
  25. ^ Eccleston, Richard (2007). Taxing reforms: the politics of the consumption tax in Japan, the United States, Canada and Australia. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 202. ISBN 9781782543404.
  26. ^ Malone, Paul (2006). Australian Department Heads Under Howard – Career Paths and Practice. ANU Press. p. 136. ISBN 9781920942830.
  27. ^ D'Alpuget, Blanche (2011). Hawke: The Prime Minister. Melbourne University Publishing. ISBN 9780522858518.
  28. ^ a b Jericho, Greg (1 January 2014). "Cabinet papers show Paul Keating had a 'budget emergency' of his own". The Guardian.
  29. ^;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber/hansards/1987-09-17/0039;query=Id:%22chamber/hansards/1987-09-17/0087%22
  30. ^
  31. ^ "Keating still casts a shadow". The Sydney Morning Herald. 31 August 2004. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  32. ^ McFarlane, Ian (2 December 2006). "The real reasons why it was the 1990s recession we had to have". The Age. Archived from the original on 6 August 2016. Retrieved 6 October 2011.
  33. ^ "Paul Keating on the lead-up to the federal election". Lateline – ABC. 7 June 2007. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
  34. ^ "Australia's record-breaking economic growth continues". The Wall Street Journal. 4 September 2018.
  35. ^ Gordon, Michael (16 July 2010). "True rivals". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 11 March 2018.
  36. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p.435
  37. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 438
  38. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 439
  39. ^ Hawke, Bob, The Hawke Memoirs, William Heinemann Australia, 1994, p.544
  40. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 440
  41. ^ Edwards, John, Keating: The Inside Story, Viking, 1996, p. 442
  42. ^ Edwards, John, Keating - The Inside Story, pp. 458-9
  43. ^ Fast Forward, Shaun Carney, The Age, 20 November 2007
  44. ^ a b Mabo v Queensland (No 2) [1992] HCA 23, (1992) 175 CLR 1 (3 June 1992), High Court.
  45. ^ Phillip Adams (5 May 2007). "The greatest speech". The Australian. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  46. ^ "Keating's Redfern Address voted an unforgettable speech". Archived from the original on 3 September 2007. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  47. ^ "Native Title". Australian Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 4 August 2020. Text was copied from this source, which is available under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. (Statement here.)
  48. ^ a b "Paul Keating's Creative Nation: a policy document that changed us". The Conversation. 30 October 2014.
  49. ^ Detention timeline, Special Broadcasting Service, 17 June 2008
  50. ^ "Chapter 2: Australia's three-pillar system", Retirement Income Strategic Issues Paper, Australian Government, archived from the original on 28 February 2015
  51. ^ Cook, Trevor (28 March 2012). "Compulsory super: it's good, it works and we want more of it". The Conversation. Archived from the original on 13 September 2015.
  52. ^ "Superannuation Statistics". The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia.
  53. ^ a b c Murphy, Damien (20 December 2016). "Cabinet papers 1992-93: Paul Keating's One Nation and the economy". Sydney Morning Herald.
  54. ^ Sheriden, Greg (28 January 2008). "Farewell to Jakarta's Man of Steel". The Australian. Archived from the original on 22 March 2016. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  55. ^ "The World Today – 5/10/99: Howard hits back at Keating over criticism". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 5 October 1999. Retrieved 31 July 2012.
  56. ^ "Back to Canberra: Founding APEC".
  57. ^ Shenon, Philip (9 December 1993). "Malaysia Premier Demands Apology". The New York Times. Retrieved 16 June 2008.
  58. ^ Dyster, B., & Meredith, D., Australia in the Global Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 309
  59. ^ Bramston, Troy. (2012). For The True Believers: Great Labor Speeches that Shaped History. Federation Press. ISBN 9781862878310.
  60. ^ Warhaft, Sarah. (7 August 2004). "The power of speech – Talking Point", The Age, p8.
  61. ^ Gordon, Michael (1996). A True Believer: Paul Keating. University of Queensland Press. p. 257. ISBN 0702229407.
  62. ^ Gahan, Peter (December 1993). "Solidarity Forever? The 1993 ACTU Congress". The Journal of Industrial Relations. 35 (4): 607. doi:10.1177/002218569303500406. S2CID 153901163.
  63. ^ Watson, Don. (6 May 200) "The Keating we never knew", Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 31 December 2014.
  64. ^
  65. ^ a b c "Paul Keating: after office". Australia's Prime Ministers. National Archives of Australia. Retrieved 16 October 2020.
  66. ^ "Keating to quit Woollahra home". Daily Telegraph. 28 March 2017.
  67. ^ For example "ASX listing for Brain Resource Company Ltd". Australian Stock Exchange. Archived from the original on 7 June 2007. Retrieved 21 August 2007.
  68. ^ Lazard (2010). Advisory Team. Retrieved 11 September 2010.
  69. ^ "Foreign interference laws: Paul Keating may have to declare as foreign agent". 6 December 2017.
  70. ^ "Books in Print". Archived from the original on 6 July 2011. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
  71. ^ Michelle Grattan, "Annita Keating Draws Ire", The Age, 22 April 2004, p. 3.
  72. ^ Michael Gordon, "Loves Lies Bleeding: The PM and the Pen", The Age, 20 August 2011.
  73. ^ "Middle-of-the-road fascists can't compose IR policy". The Australian. 2 May 2007.
  74. ^ "The World Today – Keating criticises ALP over compulsory super plan". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2007. Retrieved 14 March 2007.
  75. ^ Welch, Dylan (13 February 2008). "Kevin Rudd says sorry". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  76. ^ Video of speech, part 1Video of speech, part 2 Archived 2 December 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  77. ^ James Curran (10 December 2016). "Paul Keating biography by Troy Bramston a hymn of praise to former PM". The Australian. Retrieved 19 March 2018.
  78. ^ Greene, Andrew (6 May 2019). "Former PM Paul Keating Attacks Security Agencies On China Stance". ABC Radio AM. Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  79. ^ Mitchell, Neil (6 May 2019). "The China 'conflict' Paul Keating has you 'need to be aware of'". 3AW Radio. Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  80. ^ "Bob Hawke and Paul Keating reunite for the first time in 28 years to endorse Labor's economic plan". The Canberra Times. 8 May 2019. Retrieved 8 May 2019.
  81. ^
  82. ^ "Parliamentarian to marry beauty". The Biz. 2 March 1972.
  83. ^ Sharp, Annette (8 June 2013). "Coy Keating must publicly 'fess his love". The Daily Telegraph.
  84. ^ Brown, Lee (20 August 2019). "Identity of woman filmed with Prince Andrew at Jeffrey Epstein's house revealed". New York Post. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  85. ^ "Keating promoted culture as something to celebrate". The Sydney Morning Herald. 15 September 2009. Retrieved 5 December 2010.
  86. ^ "Bleeding heart songs from the 'arse end'". The Age. 11 August 2007. Retrieved 6 October 2008.

Further reading[edit]

  • Carew, Edna (1991), Paul Keating Prime Minister, Allen and Unwin.
  • Edwards, John (1996), Keating: The Inside Story, Viking.
  • Gordon, Michael (1993), A Question of Leadership. Paul Keating. Political Fighter, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Queensland. ISBN 0-7022-2494-4
  • Gordon, Michael (1996), A True Believer: Paul Keating, UQP.
  • Keating, Paul (1995), Advancing Australia, Big Picture.
  • Keating, Paul (2011), "After Words", Allen & Unwin, ISBN 978-1-74237-759-9
  • Lowe, David (2008), Unfinished Business: Paul Keating's interrupted revolution, Scribe.
  • Watson, Don (2002), Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM, Knopf.
  • Paul Keating (2011), After Words: The Post-Prime Ministerial Speeches, Allen & Unwin.

External links[edit]

  • Paul Keating's official website
  • "Paul Keating". Australia's Prime Ministers. National Archives of Australia. Retrieved 29 June 2010.
  • "Prime Ministers of Australia: Paul Keating". National Museum of Australia. Retrieved 29 June 2010.
  • Paul Keating Insults Archive
  • Paul Keating at the National Film and Sound Archive
  • Video – Re: The Great Motion on YouTube
  • Video – Floating the dollar on YouTube
  • Photo – Delivering the annual John Curtin Prime Ministerial Lecture 2009
  • Text – 2009 John Curtin Prime Ministerial Lecture
  • Painting – Paul Keating
  • Watch a recording of the Redfern Address on australianscreen online
  • The Redfern Address was added to the National Film and Sound Archive's Sounds of Australia registry in 2010
  • Appearances on C-SPAN