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El Principado de Cataluña ( catalán : Principat de Catalunya , América : Principatus Cathaloniæ , occitano : Principat de Catalonha , español : Principado de Cataluña , francés : Principauté de Cataluña ) era un medieval y moderno temprano estado [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] en el noreste de la Península Ibérica . Durante la mayor parte de su historia estuvo en unión dinástica con el Reino de Aragón, constituyendo en conjunto la Corona de Aragón . Entre los siglos XIII y XVIII limitaba con el Reino de Aragón al oeste, el Reino de Valencia al sur, el Reino de Francia y el señorío feudal de Andorra al norte y el mar Mediterráneo al este. El término Principado de Cataluña se mantuvo en uso hasta la Segunda República Española , cuando su uso declinó debido a su relación histórica con la monarquía . [ cita requerida ] Hoy en día, el término Principat (Principado) se utiliza principalmente para referirse a la comunidad autónoma deCataluña en España, a diferencia de los otros países catalanes , [7] [8] y generalmente incluye la región histórica de Rosellón en el sur de Francia.

La primera referencia a Cataluña y los catalanes aparece en el Liber maiolichinus de gestis Pisanorum illustribus , una crónica pisana (escrita entre 1117 y 1125) de la conquista de Mallorca por una fuerza conjunta de italianos, catalanes y occitanos . [9] En ese momento, Cataluña aún no existía como entidad política, aunque el uso de este término parece reconocer a Cataluña como una entidad cultural o geográfica.

Las comarcas que finalmente componían el Principado de Cataluña se fueron unificando paulatinamente bajo el dominio del conde de Barcelona . En 1137, el Condado de Barcelona y el Reino de Aragón se unificaron bajo una sola dinastía, creando lo que los historiadores modernos llaman la Corona de Aragón ; sin embargo, Aragón y Cataluña conservaron su propia estructura política y tradiciones legales, desarrollando comunidades políticas separadas a lo largo de los siglos siguientes. Durante el reinado de Alfonso I el Trovador (que reinó entre 1164 y 1196), Cataluña fue considerada una entidad jurídica por primera vez. [10] Aún así, el término Principado de Cataluña no se utilizó legalmente hasta el siglo XIV, cuando se aplicó a los territorios gobernados por las Cortes de Cataluña.

Su sistema institucional evolucionó a lo largo de los siglos, estableciendo cuerpos políticos análogos a los del resto de reinos de la Corona (como las Cortes , la Generalitat o el Consell de Cent ) y legislaciones ( constituciones , derivadas de los Usos de Barcelona ) que en gran medida limitó el poder real y aseguró el modelo político del pactismo . Cataluña contribuyó a desarrollar aún más el comercio y el ejército de la Corona, sobre todo su armada. El idioma catalán floreció y se expandió a medida que se agregaron más territorios a la Corona, incluidos Valencia , las Islas Baleares , Cerdeña y Sicilia., Nápoles y Atenas , constituyendo una talasocracia a lo largo del Mediterráneo. La crisis del siglo XIV , el fin del gobierno de la Casa de Barcelona (1410) y una guerra civil (1462-1472) debilitaron el papel del Principado en la Corona y los asuntos internacionales.

El matrimonio de Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla en 1469 sentó las bases de la Monarquía de España . En 1492 comenzó la colonización española de América y el poder político comenzó a desplazarse hacia Castilla . Las tensiones entre las instituciones catalanas y la Monarquía, junto con las revueltas campesinas, provocaron la Guerra de los Segadores (1640-1659). Por el Tratado de los Pirineos, el Rosellón fue cedido a Francia. Durante la Guerra de Sucesión española (1701-1714), la Corona de Aragón apoyó al archiduque Carlos de Habsburgo . Tras la rendición de Barcelona en 1714, el rey Felipe V de Borbón , inspirado en el modelo francés, impuso el absolutismo y una administración unificadora en toda España, y promulgó los decretos de Nueva Planta para todos los reinos de la Corona de Aragón, que suprimieron las principales instituciones políticas catalanas, aragonesas, valencianas y mallorquinas. y derechos y los fusionó en la Corona de Castilla como provincias. Sin embargo, el Principado de Cataluña se mantuvo como unidad administrativa hasta el establecimiento de la división provincial española de 1833, que dividió Cataluña en cuatro provincias.

Historia [ editar ]

Orígenes [ editar ]

Como gran parte de la costa mediterránea de la Península Ibérica , fue colonizada por los antiguos griegos , que optaron por establecerse en Roses . Tanto griegos como cartagineses interactuaron con la principal población ibérica . Tras la derrota cartaginesa pasó a formar parte, junto con el resto de Hispania , del Imperio Romano , siendo Tarraco uno de los principales puestos romanos en la Península Ibérica y capital de la provincia de Tarraconensis . [11]

Wilfredo el Peludo, representado en la Genealogía de los reyes de Aragón , c. 1400

Los visigodos gobernaron después del colapso del Imperio Romano Occidental cerca del final del siglo quinto. El morisco Al-Andalus ganó el control a principios del siglo VIII, después de conquistar el reino visigodo en 711–718. Tras la derrota de las tropas del emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqiwas en Tours en 732, los francos ganaron gradualmente el control de los antiguos territorios visigodos al norte de los Pirineos, que habían sido capturados por los musulmanes o se habían aliado con ellos, en lo que hoy es Cataluña bajo Administración francesa. En 795, Carlomagno creó lo que llegó a ser conocido por la historiografía y algunas crónicas francas como elMarca Hispanica , una zona de amortiguamiento más allá de la provincia de Septimania , formada por condados separados administrados localmente que sirvieron como barrera defensiva entre los omeyas de Al-Andalus y el reino franco . [12]

Una cultura catalana distintiva comenzó a desarrollarse en la Edad Media a partir de varios de estos pequeños condados en la parte más septentrional de Cataluña. Los condes de Barcelona eran vasallos francos nombrados por el emperador carolingio, entonces rey de los francos, de quienes eran feudatarios (801–988). En 878, Wilfredo el Peludo , conde de Urgell y Cerdanya, fue nombrado conde de Barcelona, ​​Girona y Osona. Desde entonces, estos tres últimos condados siempre fueron gobernados por la misma persona, convirtiéndose en el núcleo político del futuro Principado de Cataluña. A su muerte en 897 Wilfred hizo hereditarios sus títulos y así fundó la dinastía de la Casa de Barcelona., que gobernó Cataluña hasta la muerte de Martín I, su último gobernante, en 1410. Numerosas abadías fueron fundadas entre el siglo IX y el XII mientras que en las ciudades se restauraron las sedes episcopales, formando importantes centros artísticos e intelectuales. Estos centros religiosos contribuyen a una importante difusión del arte románico en Cataluña (monasterios de Santa Maria de Ripoll y Montserrat , colegiata de Cardona, catedral de Girona ...) así como al mantenimiento de ricas bibliotecas alimentadas por el clasicismo, el visigodo. y obras árabes. El erudito y matemático Gerbert d'Aurillac (futuro Papa bajo el nombre de Silvestre II) Estudió en Vic y Ripoll y se introdujo en el conocimiento árabe de las matemáticas y la astronomía . [13]

El condado de Barcelona (en azul grisáceo) a la muerte de Ramon Berenguer III (1131)

En 988, el conde Borrell II no reconoció al rey franco Hugo Capeto ni a su nueva dinastía, lo que efectivamente sacó a Barcelona del dominio franco. [14] A partir de ese momento, los condes de Barcelona a menudo se referían a sí mismos como princeps (príncipe), para mostrar su preeminencia sobre los demás condes catalanes. [15] Durante los siglos IX y X, los condados se convirtieron cada vez más en una sociedad de aloers , campesinos propietarios de pequeñas granjas familiares, que vivían de la agricultura de subsistencia y no debían feudales formales.lealtad. A principios del siglo XI, las comarcas catalanas sufren un importante proceso de feudalización, ya que los kilómetros forman vínculos de vasallaje sobre este campesinado previamente independiente. Los años intermedios del siglo se caracterizaron por una lucha de clases virulenta. La violencia señorial se desató contra los campesinos, utilizando nuevas tácticas militares, basadas en la contratación de soldados mercenarios bien armados montados a caballo. A finales de siglo, la mayoría de los aloers se habían convertido en vasallos. [16] Durante la regencia de la condesa Ermesinde de Carcasona (1017-1057), que recibió el gobierno de Barcelona tras la muerte de su marido, el conde Ramón Borrell , [17] se hizo evidente la desintegración del poder central.

Petronilla de Aragón y Ramón Berenguer IV, Conde de Barcelona , unión dinástica de la Corona de Aragón . Pintura del siglo XVI de Filippo Ariosto

La respuesta de la Iglesia católica a la violencia feudal fue el establecimiento de los sagreres en torno a las iglesias y el movimiento de Paz y Tregua de Dios . [18] La primera asamblea de Paz y Tregua fue presidida por el abad Oliba en Toulouges , Rosellón en 1027. [19] El nieto de Ermesinde, el conde Ramon Berenguer I , inició la codificación del derecho catalán en los Usos escritos de Barcelona [20] que se convertiría en la primera compilación completa de derecho feudal en Europa Occidental. La codificación legal fue parte de los esfuerzos del conde para avanzar y de alguna manera controlar el proceso de feudalización.

Con el conde Ramón Berenguer III , el Condado de Barcelona vivió una nueva fase de expansión territorial. [21] Esto incluyó una cruzada conjunta catalana y pisana contra la Taifa de Mallorca (1114) y la conquista de Tarragona (1116), restaurando en la última la sede arzobispal de la ciudad (1119), disuelta tras la conquista musulmana. Eso significó la independencia de la Iglesia catalana del obispado de Narbona . [22]

Unión dinástica [ editar ]

En 1137 el conde Ramón Berenguer IV de Barcelona se casó con la reina Petronilla de Aragón , estableciendo la unión dinástica del condado de Barcelona y sus dominios con el Reino de Aragón , que iba a crear la Corona de Aragón . [23] El reinado de Ramón Berenguer IV supuso la conquista catalana de Lleida y Tortosa. Su hijo, Alfons , fue el primer rey de Aragón que, a su vez, fue el conde de Barcelona, ​​títulos que heredaron a partir de entonces todos los reyes de la Corona de Aragón. [24]Durante el reinado de Alfons, en 1173, Cataluña fue delimitada legalmente por primera vez, mientras que en el proceso se realizó la primera recopilación de Usos de Barcelona para convertirlos en la ley de Cataluña ( Consuetudinem Cathalonie ). [10] Aparte de los Usos, entre 1170 y 1195 se recopilaron y redactaron el Liber feudorum maior y la Gesta Comitum Barchinonensium , considerándose en conjunto como los tres hitos de la identidad política catalana. [25]

Jacobo I el Conquistador

Su hijo, el rey Pedro II de Aragón , se enfrentó a la defensa de los territorios occitanos, adquiridos desde la época de Ramón Berenguer I en adelante, a partir de la Cruzada albigense . La batalla de Muret (12 de septiembre de 1213) y la inesperada derrota del rey Pedro y sus vasallos y aliados, los condes de Toulouse, Comminges y Foix, contra los ejércitos franco-cruzados, provocaron la desaparición de la fuerte fuerza humana, cultural y económica. los lazos existentes entre los territorios antiguos de Cataluña y el Languedoc. [26]

En el Tratado de Corbeil de 1258, Jaime I de Aragón , descendiente de Sunifred y Bello de Carcassonne y por tanto heredero de la Casa de Barcelona , renunció a sus derechos familiares y dominios en el Languedoc y reconoció al rey Capeto de Francia Luis IX como heredero de la dinastía carolingia . A cambio, el rey de Francia renunció formalmente a sus pretensiones de señorío feudal sobre todos los condados catalanes. [27] Este tratado confirmó, desde el punto de vista francés, la independencia de los condados catalanes establecidos y ejercidos durante los tres siglos anteriores, pero también supuso la separación irremediable entre los pueblos de Cataluña y el Languedoc.

Como territorio costero dentro de la Corona de Aragón y con la importancia creciente del puerto de Barcelona, ​​Cataluña se convirtió en el principal centro del poder marítimo de la Corona, promoviendo y ayudando a expandir su influencia y poder mediante la conquista y el comercio en Valencia, Islas Baleares. , Cerdeña y Sicilia.

Constituciones catalanas (1283-1716) y siglo XV [ editar ]

Recopilación de las Constituciones catalanas de 1702

Al mismo tiempo, el Principado de Cataluña desarrolló un complejo sistema institucional y político basado en el concepto de pacto entre los estamentos del reino y el rey. Las leyes (llamadas constituciones) tuvieron que ser aprobadas en el Tribunal General de Cataluña, [28] uno de los primeros órganos parlamentarios de Europa que prohibió el poder real de crear legislación unilateralmente, compartiéndola con los estamentos representados en la Corte (desde 1283 ). [29] [30] Las primeras constituciones catalanas , derivadas de los usos de Barcelona, son de los más de las cortes catalanas ( Corts ) de Barcelona desde 1283. Los últimos se promulgaron por los tribunales de 1705-1706, presidida por el disputado rey de los HabsburgoCarlos III . Las recopilaciones de las Constituciones y otros derechos de Cataluña siguieron la tradición romana del Codex. Estas constituciones desarrollaron una recopilación de derechos para la ciudadanía del Principado y limitaron el poder de los reyes.

Palau de la Generalitat , antigua sede de la Diputación del General, ubicada en Barcelona
Pedro III de Aragón en el Coll de Panissars durante la Cruzada aragonesa

El Tribunal General de Cataluña (o Tribunales Catalanes), con raíces que datan del siglo XI, es uno de los primeros parlamentos de Europa continental. Las Cortes estaban compuestas por los tres estamentos del reino y estaban presididas por el rey como conde de Barcelona. [31] [32] El actual Parlamento de Cataluña es considerado el sucesor histórico y simbólico de esta institución. [33]

Para recuperar el "impuesto de la General", los Juzgados de 1359 establecieron una representación permanente de diputados, denominada Diputación de la General (en catalán: Diputació del General ) y más tarde habitualmente conocida como Generalitat , que adquirió un importante poder político durante los próximos siglos. [34]

El Principado vivió un período de prosperidad durante el siglo XIII y la primera mitad del XIV. La población aumentó; La lengua y la cultura catalanas se expandieron a las islas del Mediterráneo occidental. El reinado de Pedro III de Aragón ("el Grande") incluyó la conquista de Sicilia y la exitosa defensa contra una cruzada francesa ; [35] su hijo y sucesor Alfonso III ("el Generoso") conquistó Menorca; y el segundo hijo de Pedro, Jacobo II, conquistó Cerdeña; Cataluña fue el centro del imperio, expandiéndolo y organizándolo, estableciendo sistemas institucionales similares al suyo. [36]Barcelona, ​​entonces la residencia real más frecuente, se consolidó como el centro administrativo de los dominios con la creación del Archivo Real en 1318. [37] [38] La Compañía Catalana , mercenarios liderados por Roger de Flor y formada por veteranos de Almogávar de la Guerra de las Vísperas Sicilianas, fueron contratados por el Imperio Bizantino para luchar contra los turcos, derrotándolos en varias batallas. Tras el asesinato de Roger de Flor por orden del hijo del emperador Michael Palaiologos (1305), la Compañía se vengó del saqueo del territorio bizantino y conquistó los ducados de Atenas y los neopatras.en nombre del Rey de Aragón. El dominio catalán sobre tierras griegas duró hasta 1390. [39]

Esta expansión territorial estuvo acompañada de un gran desarrollo del comercio catalán, centrado en Barcelona, ​​creando una extensa red comercial a lo largo del Mediterráneo que competía con las repúblicas marítimas de Génova y Venecia . [36] [40] En esta línea, se crearon instituciones que darían protección legal a los comerciantes, como el Consulado de Mar y el Libro del Consulado de Mar , una de las primeras compilaciones de derecho marítimo . [41]

El segundo cuarto del siglo XIV fue testigo de cambios cruciales para Cataluña, marcados por una sucesión de catástrofes naturales, crisis demográficas, estancamiento y declive de la economía catalana y el aumento de las tensiones sociales. El año 1333 fue conocido como Lo mal cualquier cartilla (catalán: "El primer año malo") debido a la mala cosecha de trigo. [42] Los dominios de la Corona aragonesa se vieron gravemente afectados por la pandemia de la peste negra y por los brotes posteriores de la peste. Entre 1347 y 1497 Cataluña perdió el 37 por ciento de su población. [43]

En 1410, el rey Martín I murió sin descendientes sobrevivientes. Con el Compromiso de Caspe (1412), Fernando de la casa castellana de Trastámara recibió la Corona de Aragón como Fernando I de Aragón . [44] El sucesor de Fernando, Alfonso V ("el Magnánimo"), promovió una nueva etapa de expansión catalán-aragonesa, esta vez sobre el Reino de Nápoles , sobre el que finalmente se impuso en 1443. Sin embargo, agravó la crisis social en el Principado de Cataluña, tanto en el campo como en las ciudades. Durante el reinado de Juan II , las tensiones sociales y políticas provocaron la Guerra Civil Catalana(1462-1472) y la Guerra de los Remences (" Remença " era una forma de servidumbre ), 1462-1485. En 1493, Francia devolvió los condados de Rosellón y Cerdaña, que había ocupado durante el conflicto. El hijo de Juan, Fernando II , recuperó sin guerra los condados del norte de Cataluña y se aprobó la Constitució de l'Observança (1481), que establece el sometimiento del poder real a las leyes aprobadas en las Cortes catalanas. [45] [46] Después de décadas de conflicto, los campesinos de remença fueron liberados de la mayoría de los abusos feudales por la Sentencia Arbitral de Guadalupe. (1486), in exchange for a payment.[47]

Catalonia during the early modern period[edit]

The Catalan's Revolt "Corpus of Blood" (7 June 1640)
The Battle of Montjuïc (1641), a decisive victory of the Franco-Catalan armies
Pau Claris, president of the Generalitat during the Reapers' War
The color shading shows the division between the Principality of Catalonia (present-Spain) and the counties of Roussillon and Cerdagne (present-France) divided in 1659

The marriage of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon (1469) unified two of the three major Christian kingdoms in the Iberian peninsula, while the Kingdom of Navarre was incorporated later following Ferdinand II's 1512 invasion of the Basque kingdom.

This resulted in the reinforcement of the concept of Spain, which was already present in the mind of these kings,[48] made up by the former Crown of Aragon, Castile, and a Navarre annexed to Castile (1515). In 1492, the last remaining portion of Al-Andalus around Granada was conquered and the Spanish conquest of the Americas began. Political power began to shift away from Aragon toward Castile and, subsequently, from Castile to the Spanish Empire, which engaged in frequent warfare in Europe striving for world domination. In 1516 Charles I of Spain became the first king to rule the Crowns of Castile and Aragon simultaneously by his own right. Following the death of his paternal (House of Habsburg) grandfather, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, he was also elected Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, in 1519.[49] The reign of Charles V was a relative harmonious period, during which Catalonia generally accepted the new structure of Spain, despite its own marginalization.

For an extended period, Catalonia, as part of the late Crown of Aragon, successfully retained its own institutional system and legislation against the trend observed in southern and central Europe throughout the early modern age, which eroded the importance of representative institutions,[50] until they were finally suppressed as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession defeat at the beginning of the 18th century. The prolonged absence of the monarchs, who resided most of the time in Castile, led to the consolidation of the figure of the viceroy as the representative of the king in the Principality.

Over the next two centuries, Catalonia was generally on the losing side of a series of wars that led steadily to more centralization of power in Spain. Despite this fact, between the 16th and 18th centuries, the role of the political community in local affairs and the general government of the country was increased, while the royal powers remained relatively restricted, specially after the two last Courts (1701–1702 and 1705–1706). Tensions between the constitutional Catalan institutions and the gradually more centralized Monarchy began to arise.[51] In 1626 the Count-Duke of Olivares, minister of Philip IV, tried to establish the military contribution of the states of the Monarchy, the Unión de Armas (Union of Arms),[52] but the resistance of Catalonia to the project was strong. This events, alongside other factors such as the economic crisis, the presence of soldiers and the peasants' revolts led to the Reapers' War, also called Catalan Revolt (1640–1652), in the context of the Franco-Spanish War, in which Catalonia, led by the president of the Generalitat, Pau Claris, briefly declared itself as an independent republic under French protection in January 1641, and later joined the Monarchy of France, appointing king Louis XIII as count of Barcelona,[53] but, after the first military successes the Catalans were finally defeated and reincorporated into the Crown of Spain in 1652.[54]

In 1659, after the Treaty of the Pyrenees signed by Philip IV of Spain, the comarques (counties) of Roussillon, Conflent, Vallespir and part of la Cerdanya, now known as French Cerdagne, were ceded to France.[55] In recent times, this area has come to be known by nationalist political parties in Catalonia as Northern Catalonia (Roussillon in French), part of the Catalan-spoken territories known as Catalan Countries. Catalan institutions were suppressed in this part of the territory and, in 1700, public use of Catalan language was prohibited.[56] Currently, this region is administratively part of French Départment of Pyrénées-Orientales.

In the last decades of the 17th century during the reign of Spain's last Habsburg king, Charles II, despite intermittent conflict between Spain and France and new internal conflicts like the Revolt of the Barretines (1687-1689), the population increased to approximately 500.000 inhabitants[57] and the Catalan economy recovered. This economic growth was boosted by the export of wine to England and the Dutch Republic, as due to the trade war of French minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert against the Dutch and later to the participation of these countries in the Nine Years' War against France were not able to trade with the French. This new situation caused many Catalans to look to England and, especially, the Netherlands as political and economic models for Catalonia.[58]

At the dawn of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Bourbon Duke of Anjou claimed the throne of Spain as Philip V, and the Principality initially supported his claim. However, repressive mesures of the viceroy Francisco de Velasco and authoritarian decisions of the king (some of them contrary to Catalan legislation), as well the economic policy and distrust to the French absolutism provoked that Catalonia to change sides in 1705, when Habsburg candidate, the Archduke Charles of Austria (as Charles III of Spain) landed in Barcelona.[59] Previously, the same year, the Principality of Catalonia and the Kingdom of England signed the Treaty of Genoa, receiving the first one protection to its institutions and liberties, entering in the pro-Habsburg Grand Alliance. The Treaty of Utrecht (1713) put end to the war, and the allied armies withdrew from Catalonia which, nonetheless, remained fighting with its own army by decision of the States-General until the fall of Barcelona after a long siege on 11 September 1714. The victorious army of Philip V occupied the capital of Catalonia and (as happened to the kingdoms of Aragon and Valencia, also loyals to Charles) in 1716 the king enacted the Nueva Planta decrees. The decrees abolished the main Catalan institutions and laws (except the civil and mercantile laws), establishing absolutism as the new political system, and imposed the administrative use of Spanish language, progressively displacing Catalan.[60][61]

After Nueva Planta[edit]

Fall of Barcelona, 11 September 1714

Apart from the abolition of the Catalan institutions, the Nueva Planta decrees ensured the imposition of the new abolutist system by reforming the Royal Audience of Catalonia, making it the highest governmental body of the Principality, absorbing many of the functions of the abolished institutions and becoming the instrument with which the Captain General of Catalonia, the supreme authority of the province (replacing the viceroy), appointed by the king, would govern.[62] The division in vegueries was replaced with Castilian corregimientos. So late as in the 18th and 19th centuries, despite the military occupation, the imposition of high new taxes[63] and the political economy of the House of Bourbon, the Catalonia under Spanish administration (now as a province) continued the process of proto-industrialization, relatively helped at the end of the century from the beginning of open commerce to America and protectionist policies enacted by the Spanish government (although the policy of Spanish government during those times changed many times between free trade and protectionism), consolidating the new economic growth model that was taking place in Catalonia since the end of the 17th century, becoming a center of Spain's industrialization; to this day, it remains one of the more industrialized parts of Spain, along with Madrid and the Basque Country. In 1833, by decree of minister Javier de Burgos, all of Spain was organized into provinces, included Catalonia, which was divided in four provinces without a common administration: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona.

On several occasions during the first third of the 20th century, Catalonia gained and lost varying degrees of autonomy, recovering the administrative unity in 1914, when the four Catalan provinces were authorized to create a commonwealth (Catalan: Mancomunitat)[64] and, after the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931, the Generalitat was restored as an institution of self-government, but as in most regions of Spain, Catalan autonomy and culture were crushed to an unprecedented degree after the defeat of the Second Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) which brought Francisco Franco to power. Public use of the Catalan language was again banned after a brief period of general recuperation.[65]

The Franco era ended with Franco's death in 1975; in the subsequent Spanish transition to democracy, Catalonia recovered political and cultural autonomy. It became one of the autonomous communities of Spain. In comparison, Northern Catalonia in France has no autonomy.

The term Principality[edit]

The Principality of Catalonia in 1608 by Jan Baptist Vrients

The counts of Barcelona were commonly considered the princeps or primus inter pares ("the first among equals") by the other counts of the Spanish March, both because of their military and economic power, and the supremacy of Barcelona over other cities.

Thus, the Count of Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer I, is called "Prince of Barcelona, Count of Girona and Marchis of Ausona" (princeps Barchinonensis, comes Gerundensis, marchio Ausonensis) in the Act of Consecration of the Cathedral of Barcelona (1058). There are also several references to the Prince in different sections of the Usages of Barcelona, the collection of laws that ruled the county since the early 11th century. Usage #64 calls principatus the group of counties of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona, all of them under the authority of the count of Barcelona.[66]

The first reference to the term Principat de Cathalunya is found in the dispute between Peter IV of Aragon and III of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Mallorca in 1343,[67] and it was used again in the convocation of the Catalan Courts in Perpignan in 1350, presided by Peter IV. It was intended to indicate that the territory under the laws produced by those Courts was not a kingdom, but the enlargement of the territory under the authority of the Count of Barcelona, who was also the king of Aragon, as seen in the "Actas de las cortes generales de la Corona de Aragón 1362–1363".[68] However, there is an older reference, in a more informal context, in Bernat Desclot's chronicles, dating from the second half of the 13th century.[69]

As the Count of Barcelona and the Courts added more counties under his jurisdiction, such as the County of Urgell, the name of Catalonia, which comprised several counties of different names including the County of Barcelona, was used for the whole. The terms Catalonia and Catalans were commonly used to refer to the territory in Northeastern Spain and western Mediterranean France, as well as its inhabitants, and not just the County of Barcelona, at least since the beginnings of the 12th century, as shown in the earliest recordings of these names in the Liber Maiolichinus (around 1117–1125).

The name "Principality of Catalonia" is abundant in historical documentation that refers to Catalonia between the mid-14th century and early 19th century.[70] According to research carried out in recent decades, is considered to be in the second half of the 12th century when the Catalan counties form a unified and cohesive political entity, -although jurisdictionally divided- called "Catalonia". This happens because the counts of Barcelona became the one hand, the majority of sovereigns Catalan Counties and the other hand kings of Aragon, which helped them prevail in the rest of autonomous Catalan counts (Pallars, Urgell and Empúries) if they were not in their feudal vassals, while also incorporated its extensive domain the Islamic territories of Tortosa and Lleida. The political entity resulting from this process since the 13th century, was repeatedly mentioned the term "kingdom" as a medieval state, i.e. public domain political regime monarchist government.

However, it consolidated this denomination officially, because, for various historical reasons, the rulers of the Kingdom of Aragon never use the title "King of Catalonia." This is where comes in the use of the term "principality", since at least since the 12th century, the word was synonymous total term "kingdom" which alluded generically political entities which categorize historiographically the expression "Medieval States". Yet it was not until the 14th century -specifically, since 1350- that, greetings to work of Peter III of Aragon, the Principality of Catalonia became an official and popular name. This political entity was part of some composite monarchies or dynastic conglomerates as the Crown of Aragon, the Spanish Monarchy and the Kingdom of France (1641–1652), being on an equal footing with other political communities of the time, or external in relation to such great empires, as were the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Valencia, England, Scotland or the Duchy of Milan, for example.[71]

Following the Nueva Planta decrees of 1716 at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) and the subsequent dismantling of Catalan institutional system, the territory being annexed to Castile became a province of the new and more unified Kingdom of Bourbon Spain, but "principality" continued to be the definition of the territory, as witness the Nueva Planta decrees created the Royal Audience of the Principality of Catalonia in 1716. This situation remained until the Kingdom of Spain was transformed permanently, despite several Carlist Wars, into a liberal state in 1833, when Secretary Javier de Burgos eliminated the province of the Principality of Catalonia, dividing the territory in four provinces that still exist. Thus, the term disappeared from the administrative and political reality of the country. In 1931, Republican movements favoured its abandonment because it is historically related to the monarchy.

Neither the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, Spanish Constitution nor French Constitution, mention this denomination, but, despite most of them being republican, it is moderately popular among Catalan nationalists and independentists.

Government and law[edit]

The political system of the Principality of Catalonia and the other realms of the Crown of Aragon has been defined by historyography as "pactism". It designate the explicit or tacit pact between king and kingdom (in its organic and estamental representation), which decisively limited the royal power.


The Catalan Courts (parliament) in the 15th century, presided over by Ferdinand II of Aragon
Seal of the Deputation of the General or Generalitat of Catalonia, showing Saint George, the patron saint of this institution
  • Cort General de Catalunya or Corts Catalanes (General Court of Catalonia or Catalan Courts): parliamentary body and main institution of the Principality, created during the 13th century. Summoned and presided by the king, it was composed by the three estates of the realm and approved the legislation and the economic donation to the crown. Also served as monarch's council and as the place where the king could administer justice.[72]
  • Diputació del General or Generalitat de Catalunya (Deputation of the General or Generalitat of Catalonia): permanent council of deputes, created in 1359 by the Courts in order to collect the "taxes of the General",[73] and later gained political power and tasks of prosecutor, becoming the most relevant Catalan institution during the early modern age. It consisted of three deputies and three oïdors (auditors of accounts), there was one deputy and one oïdor by estate.[74]
  • Consell de Cent de Barcelona (Council of One Hundred of Barcelona): institution of government of the city of Barcelona, created during the reign of James I. The municipal authority rested on five, later six, counselors (led by the Conseller en cap, Head Counselor) elected by a Council of hundred individuals (jurats).
  • Reial Audiència i Reial Consell de Catalunya (Royal Audience and Royal Council of Catalonia): supreme court of justice of Catalonia and seat of the government. Its members were elected by the king, and it was presided by the Chancellor (Canceller) during the absence of the king and the viceroy.[75]
  • Conferència dels Tres Comuns (Conference of the Three Commons): joint meeting of the most dynamic institutions of the Catalan constitutional system during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Deputation of the General, the Military Estate and the Council of One Hundred, in order to discuss the political problems of the Principality.
  • Junta de Braços or Braços Generals (States-General): extraordinary council convened by the Generalitat, composed by the representatives of the Catalan Courts who at that time were in Barcelona. The Junta operated like the Courts, but it lacked formal legislative powers.[76]
  • Tribunal de Contrafaccions (Court of Contraventions): court of justice established by the Courts of 1701–1702 in order to ensure the application of the constitutions, as well as solving and prosecuting any actions contrary to the Catalan legislation, including the ones performed by the king or his officers. Its members were elected in parity by the institutions of the land and the king. It represented an important advance in the guarantee of individual and civil rights, even in the European context.[77]


  • Usatges de Barcelona (Usages of Barcelona): compilation of customs and legislation based on the Roman and Visigothic law of the County of Barcelona, applied in practice to the entire Principality, that form the basis for the Catalan constitutions.
  • Constitucions de Catalunya (Catalan constitutions): laws promulgated by the king and approved by the Catalan Courts. They had pre-eminence over the other legal rules and could only be revoked by the Courts themselves.
  • Capítols de Cort (Chapters of Court): laws promulgated by the Courts and approved by the king.
  • Actes de Cort (Acts of Court): minor legislative and other rules and decrees promulgated by the Courts, which didn't need the formal approval of the king.

Royal Officers[edit]

  • Lloctinent or Virrei de Catalunya (Lieutenant or Viceroy of Catalonia): representative of the king in the Principality from the 15th to the 18th centuries. As the alter nos of the monarch, he received the same treatment and honours.[78] Catalan constitutions allowed to appoint non-Catalans as vicerois.
  • Portantveus de General Governador: highest official of the ordinary royal administration. The main reponsabilites comprised the administration of justice throughout the territory. Legally, when the king died, he assumed the royal faculties and replaced the viceroy, an event known as vice regia, until the new king swore the constitutions.[79]
  • Batlle General de Catalunya
  • Mestre Racional: royal official who was in charge of the accounting of the Principality. There were one Mestre in every realm of the Crown of Aragon. He recorded the accounts indicating the expenses and income of the royal patrimony. The Mestre Racional of the Principality of Catalonia also had jurisdiction over the kingdoms of Majorca and Sardinia.


Vegueries of Catalonia in 1304. Yellow and brown territories were lordships without a veguer

The vegueria was a territorial organization of Catalonia headed by a veguer (Latin: vigerius). The origins of the vegueria go back to the era of the Carolingian Empire, when vicars (Latin: vicarii, singular vicarius) were installed beneath the counts in the Marca Hispanica. The office of a vicar was a vicariate (Latin: vicariatus) and his territory was a vicaria. All these Latin terms of Carolingian administration evolved in the Catalan language.

The veguer was appointed by the king and was accountable to him. He was the military commander of his vegueria (and thus keeper of the publicly owned castles), the chief justice of the same district, and the man in charge of the public finances (the fisc) of the region entrusted to him. As time wore on, the functions of the veguer became more and more judicial in nature. He held a cort (court) del veguer or de la vegueria with its own seal. The cort had authority in all matter save those relating to the feudal aristocracy. It commonly heard pleas of the crown, civil, and criminal cases. The veguer did, however, retain some military functions as well: he was the commander of the militia and the superintendent of royal castles. His job was law and order and the maintenance of the king's peace: in many respects an office analogous to that of the sheriff in England.

Some of the larger vegueries included one or more sotsvegueries (subvigueries), which had a large degree of autonomy. At the end of the 12th century in Catalonia, there were 12 vegueries. By the end of the reign of Peter the Great (1285) there were 17, and by the time of James the Just, there were 21. After the French annexion of the vegueries of Perpignan and Vilafranca de Conflent in 1659, Catalonia retained a division of 15 vegueries, 9 sotsvegueries and the special district of the Val d'Aran. These administrative divisions remained until 1716 when they were replaced by the Castilian corregimientos.[80]


2014 reenactment of the Regiment of the Deputation of the General, part of the Army of Catalonia (1713-1714)

The Usage Princeps namque, dating from the 11th century, regulated the defense of the prince and the Principality,[81] and became the basis of the organization of self-defense and paramilitary units throughout Catalan history, materialized in mutual-protection agreements known as Sagramental,[82] while the militia corps was known as Sometent. The feudal system allowed to lordships, institutions and corporations to raise its own armies, as well as to be convened by the king due to feudal agreements, alongside to the vassals and subjects of the other realms, however, there was no standing army. Catalan soldiers played an important role in the expansion of the Crown to Valencia, Majorca and the Mediterranean. Catalan Galleys contributed to expand and secure the hegemony along the sea, while the army invested much of its resources in the conquest of Sardinia and in the War of the Sicilian Vespers. After the last one, most of the Almogavers (light infantry) became mercenaries of the Great Catalan Company created by Roger de Flor in 1303.

Due to the outbreak of the Catalan Civil War (1462–1472), the Council of the Principality of Catalonia organised different military forces to fight against the king John II. The Civil War saw one of the first generalised use of firearms in a military conflict of Western Europe. In the Catalan Courts of 1493, king Ferdinand II confirmed the Usage Princeps namque.

After the establishment of the Monarchy of Spain in the 16th century, Catalans were found in Habsburg military, however, the Usage Princeps namque and the lack of a large Catalan manpower limited their presence in comparasion to the other polities of the Empire. Some cities like Barcelona gained recognition of self-defense and established urban militias, known as the Coronela. While the military conflicts with France aroused, many Catalan militias took part in the fight, as happened in the siege of Salses, in 1639, alongside the regular army.[83]


As state under royal sovereignty, Catalonia, like the other political entities of the period, didn't have an own flag or coat of arms in the modern sense. However, a variety of royal and other symbols were used in order to identify the Principality and its institutions.


In grey, lands where Catalan is currently spoken

Catalonia constitutes the original nucleus where Catalan is spoken. The Catalan language shares common traits with the Romance languages of Iberia and Gallo-Romance languages of southern France, it is regarded by a minority of linguists as being an Ibero-Romance language (the group that includes Spanish), and by a majority as a Gallo-Romance language, such as French or Occitan from which Catalan diverged between 11th and 14th centuries.[85]

By the 9th century, Catalan had evolved from Vulgar Latin on both sides of the eastern end of the Pyrenees. From the 8th century, the Catalan counts extended their territory southwards and westwards, conquering territories then occupied by Muslims, bringing their language with them.[86] In the 11th century, feudal documents written in macaronic Latin begin to show Catalan elements. By the end of the 11th century, documents written completely or mostly in Catalan begin to appear, like the Complaints of Guitard Isarn, Lord of Caboet (ca. 1080–1095), or The Oath of peace and truce of count Pere Ramon (1098).[86]

Fragment of the oldest existing copy of the Llibre dels Fets written in the original Catalan, dating from 1343. The scene depicts James I of Aragon with his lords planned the conquest of Majorca (1229)

Catalan lived a golden age during the Late Middle Ages, reaching a peak of maturity and cultural plenitude, and expanded territorially as more lands were added to the dominions of the Crown of Aragon.[86] Examples of this can be seen in the works of Majorcan Ramon Llull (1232–1315), The Four Great Catalan Chronicles (13th-14th centuries), and the Valencian school of poetry which culminated in Ausiàs March (1397–1459). Catalan became the language of the Kingdom of Majorca, as well the main language of the Kingdom of Valencia, particularly in coastal areas. It was also extended to Sardinia and it was used as an administrative language in Sardinia, Sicily and Athens. Between the 13th and 15th centuries this language was present all over the Mediterranean world, and it was one of the first basis of the Lingua Franca[87]

The belief that political splendor was correlated with linguistic consolidation was voiced through the Royal Chancery, which promoted a highly standardized language. By the 15th century, the city of Valencia had become the center of social and cultural dynamism. The novel of chivalry Tirant lo Blanc (1490), by Joanot Martorell, shows the transition from medieval to Renaissance values, something than can also be seen in the works of Bernat Metge and Andreu Febrer. During this period, Catalan remained as one of the 'great languages' of medieval Europe. The first book produced with movable type in the Iberian Peninsula was printed in Catalan.[86]

With the union of the crowns of Castille and Aragon (1479), the use of Castilian (Spanish) gradually became more prestigious and marked the start of the relative decline of the Catalan. Along the 16th and 17th centuries, Catalan literature came under the influence of Spanish, and the urban and literary classes became largely bilingual. After the defeat of the pro-Habsburg coalition in the War of Spanish Succession (1714) Spanish replaced Catalan in legal documentation, becoming the administrative and political language in the Principality of Catalonia and the kingdoms of Valencia and Majorca.

Today, Catalan is one of the three official languages of autonomous community of Catalonia, as stated in the Catalan Statute of Autonomy; the other two are Spanish, and Occitan in its Aranese variety.[88] Catalan has no official recognition in "Northern Catalonia". Catalan has official status alongside Spanish in the Balearic Islands and in the Land of Valencia (where it is called Valencian),[89] as well as Algherese Catalan alongside Italian in the city of Alghero and in Andorra as the sole official language.[90]


  • Traditions of Catalonia
  • Catalan art
  • Religion in Catalonia
  • Cuisine of Catalonia
  • Category:Catalan culture

See also[edit]

  • Catalan constitutions, from 1283
  • List of Counts of Barcelona
  • List of Presidents of the Generalitat de Catalunya
  • List of Viceroys of Catalonia
  • Royal Archives of Barcelona
  • Palau Reial Major
  • Catalan Countries
  • Famous Catalan people
  • Catalan nationalism


  1. ^ Sabaté 1997, p. 341
  2. ^ Ryder, Alan (2007). The Wreck of Catalonia. Civil War in the Fifteenth Century. Oxford University Press. p. v. ISBN 978-0-19-920736-7. This group of states comprised the kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, and Majorca, the principality of Catalonia, and the counties of Roussillon and Cerdagne; further afield it embraced the kingdoms of Sicily and Sardinia. These states had no common institutions or bonds save allegiance to a common sovereign
  3. ^ Chandler, Cullen J. (2019). Carolingian Catalonia: Politics, Culture, and Identity in an Imperial Province, 778-987. Oxford University Press. p. 22. The region is only unique in its later statehood and conjunction with the kingdom of Aragon in the high Middle Ages, while other former Carolingian territories were eventually reabsorbed by the French crown.
  4. ^ Ferro 1987, p. 442
  5. ^ Eliott 1963, p. 4.
  6. ^ Sesma 2000, p. 14
  7. ^ Conversi, Daniele (2014). "Modernity, globalization and nationalism: the age of frenzied boundary-building". In Jackson, Jennifer; Molokotos-Liederman, Lina (eds.). Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries: Conceptualising and Understanding Identity Through Boundary Approaches. Routledge. p. 65. ISBN 978-1317600008. Retrieved 17 June 2017.
  8. ^ Conversi, Daniele (2000). The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilisation. University of Nevada Press. p. xv. ISBN 0874173620. Retrieved 3 January 2017.
  9. ^ "Latin text of the Liber maiolichinus with Spanish introduction" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-09-29.
  10. ^ a b Sesma 2000, p. 62.
  11. ^ Chaytor 1933, pp. 5–6
  12. ^ Ramos, Luis G-G (2002). Las Invasiones Barbaras en Hispania y la Creación del Reino Visigodo. Barcelona: Ariel. pp. 3–30. ISBN 978-84-344-6668-5.
  13. ^ Larané, André. "Gerbert d'Aurillac devient Sylvestre II". Retrieved 25 April 2020.
  14. ^ Salrach, Josep Mª. Catalunya a la fi del primer mil·leni. Pagès Editors, (Lleida, 2004) p. 144–49.
  15. ^ Cingolani 2015, p. 143
  16. ^ Bisson, Thomas Noël. Tormented voices. Power, crisis and humanity in rural Catalonia 1140–1200 (Harvard University Press, 1998)
  17. ^ Albertí, Elisenda (2007). Dames, reines, abadesses, 18 personalitats femenines a la Catalunya medieval. Albertí Editor, pp. 17-21.
  18. ^ Head, Thomas F.; Landes, Richard Allen (1992). The Peace of God: Social Violence and Religious Response in France Around the Year 1000. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-8021-3
  19. ^ Fontana 2014, p. 19
  20. ^ Kagay 1994, p. 47
  21. ^ Viñamata, J.R. Julia (1992). La situazione politica nel Mediterraneo Occidentale all'epoca di Raimondo Berengario III: La spedizione a Maiorca del 1113-1115. 16: pp 41–84.
  22. ^ History of the Archdiocese of Tarragona. The Middle Ages Archdiocese of Tarragona Official Website.
  23. ^ Bisson 1986, p. 31
  24. ^ Busch, Silvia Orvietani (2001). "Medieval Mediterranean Ports: The Catalan and Tuscan Coasts, 1100 To 1235". The Medieval Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill. 2. ISSN 0928-5520.
  25. ^ Cingolani, Stefano Maria (2006). "Seguir les Vestígies dels Antecessors. Llinatge, Reialesa i Historiografia a Catalunya des de Ramon Berenguer IV a Pere II (1131-1285)", Anuario de Estudios Medievales, p 225.
  26. ^ A Global Chronology of Conflict, Vol. I, ed. Spencer Tucker, (ABC-CLIO, 2010), 269.
  27. ^ C. Petit-Dutaillis (5 November 2013). The Feudal Monarchy in France and England. Routledge. p. 324. ISBN 978-1-136-20350-3.
  28. ^ Sánchez 2004, pp. 91–98
  29. ^ "Las Cortes Catalanas y la primera Generalidad medieval (s. XIII-XIV)". Archived from the original on 19 October 2010. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
  30. ^ Sánchez 2004, p. 92
  31. ^ Sabaté 1997, p. 341
  32. ^ Verde i Llorente, J. (2019). "General o Generalitat, Cort general i república. El Principat de Catalunya fins a 1714 en comparació als altres regnes d’Espanya i d’Europa", Res Publica 22.2, 365-392, p 385.
  33. ^ History of the Parliament of Catalonia.
  34. ^ Eliott 2002, p. 26.
  35. ^ Chaytor 1933, p. 103.
  36. ^ a b Eliott 2002, p. 25.
  37. ^ López Rodríguez, Carlos (April 2007). Mira Editores (ed.). Qué es el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón?. pp. 32–33, 35–38, 41. ISBN 978-84-8465-220-5.
  38. ^ Baydal, Palomo 2020, p. 116
  39. ^ Miller 1908, pp. 303–325.
  40. ^ Fontana 2014, p. 59
  41. ^ History of maritime law
  42. ^ Eliott 2002, p. 30.
  43. ^ According to John Huxtable Elliott, "Between 1347 and 1497 the Principality [Catalonia] had lost 37% of its inhabitants, and was reduced to a population of something like 300,000." John Huxtable Elliott (1984). The revolt of the Catalans: a study in the decline of Spain (1598–1640). Cambridge University Press. p. 26. ISBN 0-521-27890-2.
  44. ^ Ryder 2007, pp. 11–12
  45. ^ Ferro, Víctor: El Dret Públic Català. Les Institucions a Catalunya fins al Decret de Nova Planta; Eumo Editorial; ISBN 84-7602-203-4
  46. ^ Palos Peñarroya, Juan Luis: Quin va ser el paper dels juristes catalans en el debat entre absolutisme i constitucionalisme?
  47. ^ César, Alcalá (2010), Les guerres remences, Editorial UOC, p. 86, ISBN 978-8497889261
  48. ^ Nieto Soria; José Manuel (2007). "Conceptos de España en tiempos de los Reyes Católicos" (PDF). Norba. Nueva Revista de Historia. Universidad de Extremadura. 19: 105–123. ISSN 0213-375X.
  49. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica online. "Charles V". Retrieved 3 October 2012.
  50. ^ J. L. Van Zanden, E. Buringh & M. Bosker, The rise and decline of European parliaments, 1188-1789. Economic History Review, vol. 65 num. 3, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, August 2012, p. 836
  51. ^ Jon Cowans, ed. (2003). Early modern Spain: a documentary history. Philadelphia, Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 158–160. ISBN 978-0-8122-1845-9.
  52. ^ J.H. Elliott, The Count-Duke Olivares: The Statesman in an Age of Decline. New Haven: Yale University Press 1966, pp. 244-77.
  53. ^ Gelderen, Martin van; Skinner, Quentin (2002). Republicanism: Volume 1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe: A Shared European Heritage. Cambridge University Press. p. 284. ISBN 9781139439619
  54. ^ Florensa i Soler, Núria (2004). La declinación de la monarquía hispánica en el siglo XVII. Univ. de Castilla La Mancha. ISBN 8484272966.
  55. ^ Maland M.A., David (1991). Europe in the Seventeenth Century (Second ed.). Macmillan. p. 227. ISBN 0-333-33574-0.
  56. ^ Sanabre, José (1985). La Resisència del Rosselló a incorporar-se a França. Trabucaire, p. 177. ISBN 2905828013.
  57. ^ Simon i Tarrés, Antoni. La població catalana a l'epoca moderna. Síntesi i actualització. Barcelona, 1992 p. 217-258 (in Catalan)
  58. ^ Fontana 2014, pp. 192–198
  59. ^ Fontana 2014, pp. 207–210
  60. ^ Mercader, J. Felip V i Catalunya. (Barcelona, 1968)
  61. ^ Cowans, p. 203–206.
  62. ^ Fontana 2014, p. 227
  63. ^ Fontana 2014, pp. 230–231
  64. ^ Balcells, Albert, ed. (2015). La Mancomunitat de Catalunya (1914); centennial symposium (in Catalan). Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. ISBN 978-84-9965-252-8. Retrieved 10 June 2019.
  65. ^ Burgen, Stephen (22 November 2012). "Catalan: a language that has survived against the odds". The Guardian. Retrieved 18 January 2017.
  66. ^ See Fita Colomé, Fidel, El principado de Cataluña. Razón de este nombre., Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, Vol. 40 (1902), p. 261. (In Spanish)
  67. ^ Bofarull, Manuel de, ed. (1866). Colección de documentos inéditos del Archivo General de la Corona de Aragón,vol. 30. Barcelona: Imprenta del Archivo. pp. 303–308.
  68. ^ "Philobiblon - University of California, Berkeley".
  69. ^ Cingolani 2015, p. 175
  70. ^ Baydal, Palomo 2020, p. 110
  71. ^ Baydal, Palomo 2020, p. 109
  72. ^ Sánchez 2004, p. 72
  73. ^ Adam J. Kosto (3 May 2001). Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000-1200. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-79239-4. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
  74. ^ Eliott 2002, p. 29.
  75. ^ Ferro 1987, pp. 108–110
  76. ^ Ferro 1987, pp. 286–288
  77. ^ Albareda Salvadó, Joaquim (2010). La Guerra de Sucesión de España (1700–1714). pp. 182–183.
  78. ^ Ferro 1987, pp. 53–57
  79. ^ Ferro 1987, pp. 96–98
  80. ^ The borders of the corregimientos were originally set by the edict of the Captain General of Catalonia Francisco Pío de Saboya titled:"Edicto, que explica la division y confines de los doze corregimientos del Principado de Cathaluña y distrito del Valle de Aran con los puntos tocantes a los salarios de los corregidores y de sus tenientes ó alcaldes mayores." signed January 2, 1719
  81. ^ Escartín, Eduard. «El usatge "princeps namque" en la edad moderna». A: Ramón Casterás Archidona. Profesor Nazario González: una historia abierta. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat Barcelona, 1998, p.103. ISBN 9788447519514
  82. ^ Alcoberro, Agustí (March 2013). "10 arguments per rebatre els equívocs històrics més habituals sobre Catalunya". Sàpiens. 127: 24–35.
  83. ^ Fontana 2014, p. 155
  84. ^ Casals, Àngel. "Del nom i la identitat de la Corona d'Aragó a l'edat moderna". L'Avenç núm 275. desembre 2002. p. 31

    "Pels catalans aquesta preeminençia (la del Regne d'Aragó on es produïa la coronació) es compensava amb l'adopció de l'escut de Catalunya com a comú per la Corona: «Car jatsia lo nom e Rey sia de Aragó, les armes emperò que aquell fa són del Principat de Catalunya», van dir els diputats a l'emperadriu Isabel el 1528"

  85. ^ Riquer, Martí de, Història de la Literatura Catalana, vol. 1. Barcelona: Edicions Ariel, 1964
  86. ^ a b c d Costa Carreras 2009, pp. 6–7.
  87. ^ "La "lingua franca", una revolució lingüística mediterrània amb empremta catalana, Carles Castellanos i Llorenç" (PDF).
  88. ^ "Títol preliminar (articles 1-14)".
  89. ^ "TÍTOL PRIMER La Comunitat Valenciana". Corts Valencianes.
  90. ^ "The constitution of the Principality of Andorra".


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  • Bonnassie, Pierre (1975-1976). La Catalogne du milieu du Xe à la fin du XIe siècle. Croissance et mutations d'une société. Toulouse: Publications de l'Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail.
  • Morales Roca, Francisco José (1983). Próceres habilitados en las Cortes del Principado de Cataluña, siglo XVII (1599-1713). Ediciones Hidalguia. ISBN 9788400054311.
  • Bisson, Thomas N. (1986). The Medieval Crown of Aragon: a short history. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780198219873.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Ferro, Víctor (1987). El Dret Públic Català. Les Institucions a Catalunya fins al Decret de Nova Planta. Vic: Ed. Eumo. ISBN 84-7602-203-4.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • The Usatges of Barcelona: The fundamental law of Catalonia. Translated by Kagay, Donald J. U.S.A.: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1994. ISBN 0-8122-1535-4.
  • Sabaté, Flocel (1997). El territori de la Catalunya medieval: percepció de l'espai i divisió territorial al llarg de l'edat mitjana. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau. ISBN 9788423205134.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Sesma Muñoz, José Ángel (2000). La Corona de Aragón. Una introducción crítica. Zaragoza: Caja de la Inmaculada. ISBN 84-95306-80-8.
  • Sánchez, Isabel (2004). La Diputació del General de Catalunya (1413-1479). Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. ISBN 9788472837508.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Bisson, Thomas Noël (1998). Tormented voices. Power, crisis and humanity in rural Catalonia 1140–1200. Harvard University Press
  • Cingolani, Stefano Maria (2006). Seguir les Vestígies dels Antecessors. Llinatge, Reialesa i Historiografia a Catalunya des de Ramon Berenguer IV a Pere II (1131-1285). Anuario de Estudios Medievales. ISSN 0066-5061
  • Ryder, Alan (2007). The Wreck of Catalonia: Civil War in the Fifteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199207367.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Torres i Sans, Xavier (2008). Naciones sin nacionalismo. Cataluña en la monarquía hispánica. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València ISBN 978-84-370-7263-0
  • Costa Carreras, Joan; Yates, Alan (2009). The Architect of Modern Catalan: Selected Writings/Pompeu Fabra (1868–1948). Instutut d'Estudis Catalans & Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Jonh Benjamins B.V. pp. 6–7. ISBN 978-90-272-3264-9.
  • Capdeferro, Josep and Serra, Eva (2014). La defensa de les constitucions de Catalunya: el Tribunal de Contrafaccions (1702-1713). Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Justícia ISBN 978-84-393-9203-3
  • Fontana, Josep (2014). La formació d'una identitat. Una història de Catalunya. Ed. Eumo. ISBN 9788497665261.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Cingolani, Stefano Maria (2015). La formació nacional de Catalunya i el fet identitari dels catalans (785-1410). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. ISBN 9788439392590.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Salrach, Josep Maria (dir.) (2017). Naixement de la nació catalana. Orígens i expansió. Segles IX-XIV. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. ISBN 9788441231061.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Serra, Eva (2018). La Formació de la Catalunya Moderna. 1640 - 1714. Vic: Ed. Eumo. ISBN 978-8497666435.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Baydal, Vicent; Palomo, Cristian (coord.) (2020). Pseudohistòria contra Catalunya. De l'espanyolisme a la Nova Història. Vic: Ed. Eumo. ISBN 978-84-9766-689-3.

External links[edit]

  • Catalonia in Hiperenciclopedia
  • General Archive of the Crown of Aragon
  • Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert
  • History of the Generalitat of Catalonia

Coordinates: 42°19′09″N 3°20′00″E / 42.31917°N 3.33333°E / 42.31917; 3.33333