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El Estrecho de Ormuz separa Irán al norte y la gobernación de Musandam de Omán y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos al sur.
El Estrecho de Ormuz visto desde un avión a 35.000 pies. Musandam está en primer plano.
Mapa del Estrecho de Ormuz con límites políticos marítimos (2004)

El estrecho de Ormuz ( / h ɔr m ü z / persa : تنگه هرمز Tangeh-ye Hormoz escuche Árabe : مضيق هرمز Madiq Hurmuz ) es un estrecho entre el Golfo Pérsico y el Golfo de Omán . Proporciona el único paso marítimo desde el Golfo Pérsico hasta el océano abierto y es uno de los puntos de estrangulamiento más importantes estratégicamente del mundo . [1] En la costa norte se encuentraAbout this sound  Irán , y en la costa sur los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Musandam , un enclave de Omán . El estrecho tiene aproximadamente 90 millas náuticas (167 km) de largo, con un ancho que varía de aproximadamente 52 millas náuticas (96 km) a 21 millas náuticas (39 km). [2] [3]

Un tercio del gas natural licuado del mundo y casi el 25% del consumo mundial total de petróleo pasa por el estrecho, lo que lo convierte en una ubicación estratégica de gran importancia para el comercio internacional. [3] [4]

Etimología [ editar ]

La apertura al Golfo Pérsico se describió, pero no se le dio un nombre, en Periplus of the Erythraean Sea , una guía de navegantes del siglo I:

En el extremo superior de estas islas Calaei hay una cadena montañosa llamada Calon, y no mucho más allá, la desembocadura del Golfo Pérsico, donde se bucea mucho en busca del mejillón perla. A la izquierda del estrecho hay grandes montañas llamadas Asabón ya la derecha se eleva a la vista otra montaña redonda y alta llamada Semiramis; entre ellos, el paso a través del estrecho es de unos seiscientos estadios; más allá del cual ese inmenso y ancho mar, el Golfo Pérsico, se adentra en el interior. En el extremo superior de este golfo hay una ciudad comercial designada por la ley llamada Apologus, situada cerca de Charaex Spasini y el río Éufrates.

-  Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Capítulo 35

En los siglos X-XVII d. C. , se ubicó aquí el Reino de Ormus , que parece haber dado nombre al estrecho. Eruditos, historiadores y lingüistas derivan el nombre "Ormuz" desde el local Pérsico palabra هورمغ Hur- mogh significa palmera datilera. [5] [ dudoso ] En los dialectos locales de Hurmoz y Minab este estrecho todavía se llama Hurmogh y tiene el significado antes mencionado. [ cita requerida ] El parecido de esta palabra con el nombre del dios zoroástrico هرمز Hormoz (una variante de Ahura Mazda) ha dado lugar a la creencia popular [ cita requerida ] [ se disputa la neutralidad ] de que estas palabras están relacionadas.

Jodocus Hondius etiqueta el estrecho Basora fretum ("Estrecho de Basora ") en su mapa de 1606 del Imperio Otomano .

Navegación [ editar ]

Para reducir el riesgo de colisión, los barcos que se mueven a través del Estrecho siguen un Esquema de Separación del Tráfico (TSS): los barcos entrantes usan un carril, los barcos salientes otro, cada carril tiene dos millas de ancho. Los carriles están separados por una "mediana" de dos millas de ancho. [6]

Para atravesar el estrecho, barcos pasan por las aguas territoriales de Irán y Omán bajo las paso en tránsito disposiciones de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del mar . [7] Aunque no todos los países han ratificado la convención, [8] la mayoría de los países, incluidos los EE. UU., [9] aceptan estas reglas de navegación habituales codificadas en la Convención.

En abril de 1959, Irán modificó el estatus legal del estrecho al expandir su mar territorial a 12 millas náuticas (22 km) y declarar que reconocería solo el tránsito por paso inocente a través del área recientemente expandida. [10] En julio de 1972, Omán también amplió su mar territorial a 12 millas náuticas (22 km) por decreto. [10] Así, a mediados de 1972, el Estrecho de Ormuz estaba completamente "cerrado" por las aguas territoriales combinadas de Irán y Omán. Durante la década de 1970, ni Irán ni Omán intentaron impedir el paso de buques de guerra por el estrecho, pero en la década de 1980, ambos países afirmaron afirmaciones que eran diferentes del derecho consuetudinario (antiguo). Al ratificar la CONVEMARen agosto de 1989, Omán presentó declaraciones confirmando su real decreto de 1981 de que sólo se permite el paso inocente a través de su mar territorial. Las declaraciones afirmaron además que se necesitaba un permiso previo antes de que los buques de guerra extranjeros pudieran atravesar las aguas territoriales de Omán. [10]Tras la firma de la convención en diciembre de 1982, Irán formuló una declaración en la que declaraba "que sólo los Estados partes en la Convención sobre el Derecho del Mar tendrán derecho a beneficiarse de los derechos contractuales creados en ella", incluido "el derecho de paso de tránsito a través de los estrechos utilizados para fines internacionales navegación". En mayo de 1993, Irán promulgó una ley integral sobre áreas marítimas, varias de las cuales entran en conflicto con las disposiciones de la UNCLOS, incluido el requisito de que los buques de guerra, submarinos y buques de propulsión nuclear obtengan permiso antes de ejercer un paso inocente por las aguas territoriales de Irán. no reconoce ninguna de las afirmaciones de Omán e Irán y ha impugnado cada una de ellas. [10]

Omán tiene un indicador de calidad de enlace de sitio de radar (LQI) para monitorear el TSS en el Estrecho de Ormuz. Este sitio está en una pequeña isla en la cima de la gobernación de Musandam . [ cita requerida ]

Flujo de comercio de petróleo [ editar ]

Comercio de petróleo a través del estrecho por origen y destino, 2014-2018

Un informe de 2007 del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales también indicó que 17 millones de barriles salen del Golfo Pérsico diariamente, pero que el petróleo fluye a través del Estrecho representa aproximadamente el 40% de todo el petróleo comercializado en el mundo. [11]

Según la Administración de Información Energética de EE. UU. , En 2011, un promedio de 14 petroleros por día salieron del Golfo Pérsico a través del Estrecho con 17 millones de barriles (2.700.000 m 3 ) de petróleo crudo. Se dijo que esto representaba el 35% de los envíos de petróleo por mar del mundo y el 20% del petróleo comercializado en todo el mundo. El informe indicó que más del 85% de estas exportaciones de petróleo crudo se dirigieron a los mercados asiáticos, siendo Japón, India, Corea del Sur y China los principales destinos. [7] Solo en 2018, 21 millones de barriles por día pasaban por el estrecho, lo que significa $ 1,170 millones en petróleo por día, a precios de septiembre de 2019. [12]

Eventos [ editar ]

Guerra de petroleros [ editar ]

La fase de guerra de los petroleros de la guerra Irán-Irak comenzó cuando Irak atacó la terminal petrolera y los petroleros en la isla Kharg de Irán a principios de 1984. [13] El objetivo de Saddam Hussein al atacar el transporte marítimo iraní era, entre otras cosas, provocar a los iraníes. tomar represalias con medidas extremas, como cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz a todo el tráfico marítimo, trayendo así la intervención estadounidense. [13] Irán limitó los ataques de represalia a la navegación iraquí, dejando el estrecho abierto. [13]

Operación Mantis Religiosa [ editar ]

El 18 de abril de 1988, la Marina de los Estados Unidos libró una batalla de un día contra las fuerzas iraníes en el estrecho y sus alrededores. La batalla, denominada Operación Mantis Religiosa por los Estados Unidos , se inició en represalia por el ataque del USS Samuel B. Roberts contra una mina colocada en el canal por Irán el 14 de abril de 1988. Las fuerzas estadounidenses hundieron una fragata , una cañonera y hasta seis lanchas rápidas armadas, además de dañar seriamente una segunda fragata.

Derribo de Iran Air 655 [ editar ]

El 3 de julio de 1988, 290 personas murieron cuando un Airbus A300 de Irán Airbus fue derribado sobre el estrecho por el crucero de misiles guiados de la Marina de los Estados Unidos USS Vincennes (CG-49) cuando fue identificado erróneamente como un caza a reacción.

Colisión entre USS Newport News y el petrolero Mogamigawa [ editar ]

El 8 de enero de 2007, el submarino nuclear USS Newport News , que viajaba sumergido, chocó contra MV  Mogamigawa , un petrolero de crudo muy grande de bandera japonesa de 300.000 toneladas , al sur del estrecho. [14] No hubo heridos y no se filtró aceite del petrolero.

Tensiones en 2008 [ editar ]

Conflicto naval entre Estados Unidos e Irán de 2008 [ editar ]

A series of naval stand-offs between Iranian speedboats and U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz occurred in December 2007 and January 2008. U.S. officials accused Iran of harassing and provoking their naval vessels, but Iranian officials denied the allegations. On 14 January 2008, U.S. Navy officials appeared to contradict the Pentagon version of the 16 January event, in which the Pentagon had reported that U.S. vessels had almost fired on approaching Iranian boats. The Navy's regional commander, Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff, said the Iranians had "neither anti-ship missiles nor torpedoes" and he "wouldn't characterize the posture of the US 5th Fleet as afraid of these small boats".[15]

Iranian defence policy[edit]

On 29 June 2008, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Mohammad Ali Jafari, said that if either Israel or the United States attacked Iran, it would seal off the Strait of Hormuz to wreak havoc in the oil markets. This followed more ambiguous threats from Iran's oil minister and other government officials that an attack on Iran would result in turmoil in the world's oil supply.

Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff, commander of the U.S. 5th Fleet stationed in Bahrain across the Persian Gulf from Iran, warned that such Iranian action would be considered an act of war, and the U.S. would not allow Iran to hold hostage nearly a third of the world's oil supply.[16]

On 8 July 2008, Ali Shirazi, a mid-level clerical aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was quoted by the student news agency ISNA as telling the Revolutionary Guards, "The Zionist regime is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a stupidity, Tel Aviv and U.S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned."[17]

Naval activity in 2008[edit]

In the last week of July 2008, in the Operation Brimstone,[18] dozens of U.S. and foreign naval ships came to undergo joint exercises for possible military activity in the shallow waters off the coast of Iran.

As of 11 August 2008, more than 40 U.S. and allied ships reportedly were en route to the Strait of Hormuz. One U.S. carrier battle group from Japan would complement the two which are already in the Persian Gulf, for a total of five battle groups, not including the submarines.[19]

Collision between USS Hartford and USS New Orleans[edit]

On 20 March 2009, United States Navy Los Angeles-class submarine USS Hartford collided with the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock USS New Orleans in the strait. The collision, which slightly injured 15 sailors aboard Hartford, ruptured a fuel tank aboard New Orleans, spilling 25,000 US gallons (95 m3) of marine diesel fuel.[20]

U.S.–Iran tensions in 2011–2012[edit]

On 27 December 2011, Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi threatened to cut off oil supply from the Strait of Hormuz should economic sanctions limit, or cut off, Iranian oil exports.[21] A U.S. Fifth Fleet spokeswoman said in response that the Fleet was "always ready to counter malevolent actions", whilst Admiral Habibollah Sayyari of the Iranian navy claimed that cutting off oil shipments would be "easy".[22] Despite an initial 2% rise in oil prices, oil markets ultimately did not react significantly to the Iranian threat, with oil analyst Thorbjoern Bak Jensen of Global Risk Management concluding that "they cannot stop the flow for a longer period due to the amount of U.S. hardware in the area".[23]

The guided-missile destroyer USS Porter transits the Strait of Hormuz in May 2012. Porter is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet

On 3 January 2012, Iran threatened to take action if the U.S. Navy moves an aircraft carrier back into the Persian Gulf. Iranian Army chief Ataollah Salehi said the United States had moved an aircraft carrier out of the Persian Gulf because of Iran's naval exercises, and Iran would take action if the ship returned. "Iran will not repeat its warning...the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Gulf of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf", he said.[24]

The U.S. Navy spokesman Commander Bill Speaks quickly responded that deployment of U.S. military assets would continue as has been the custom stating: "The U.S. Navy operates under international maritime conventions to maintain a constant state of high vigilance in order to ensure the continued, safe flow of maritime traffic in waterways critical to global commerce."[25]

While earlier statements from Iran had little effect on global oil markets, coupled with the new sanctions, these comments from Iran are driving crude futures higher, up over 4%.[citation needed] Pressure on prices reflect a combination of uncertainty driven further by China's recent response – reducing oil January 2012 purchases from Iran by 50% compared to those made in 2011.[citation needed]

The U.S. led sanctions may be "beginning to bite" as Iranian currency has recently lost some 12% of its value. Further pressure on Iranian currency was added by French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé who was quoted as calling for more "strict sanctions" and urged EU countries to follow the US in freezing Iranian central bank assets and imposing an embargo on oil exports.[26]

On 7 January 2012, the British government announced that it would be sending the Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring to the Persian Gulf. Daring, which is the lead ship of her class is one of the "most advanced warships" in the world, and will undertake its first mission in the Persian Gulf.[27] The British Government however have said that this move has been long-planned, as Daring will replace another Armilla patrol frigate.[28]

U.S. Navy convoy in the Strait of Hormuz on 21 July 2016

On 9 January 2012, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi denied that Iran had ever claimed that it would close the Strait of Hormuz, saying that "the Islamic Republic of Iran is the most important provider of security in the strait... if one threatens the security of the Persian Gulf, then all are threatened."[29]

The Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed on 16 January 2012 that it has received a letter from the United States concerning the Strait of Hormuz, "via three different channels." Authorities were considering whether to reply, although the contents of the letter were not divulged.[30] The United States had previously announced its intention to warn Iran that closing the Strait of Hormuz is a "red line" that would provoke an American response.[31] Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said this past weekend that the United States would "take action and re-open the strait", which could be accomplished only by military means, including minesweepers, warship escorts and potentially airstrikes. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta told troops in Texas that the United States would not tolerate Iran's closing of the strait. Nevertheless, Iran continued to discuss the impact of shutting the Strait on world oil markets, saying that any disruption of supply would cause a shock to markets that "no country" could manage.[32]

By 23 January, a flotilla had been established by countries opposing Iran's threats to close the Hormuz Strait.[33] These ships operated in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea off the coast of Iran. The flotilla included three American aircraft carriers (the USS Carl Vinson, the USS Enterprise and USS Abraham Lincoln) and three destroyers (USS Momsen, USS Sterett, USS Halsey), seven British warships, including the destroyer HMS Daring and a number of Type 23 frigates (HMS Westminster, HMS Argyll, HMS Somerset and HMS St Albans), and a French warship, the frigate La Motte-Picquet .[34]

On 24 January, tensions rose further after the European Union imposed sanctions on Iranian oil. A senior member of Iran's parliament said that the Islamic Republic would close the entry point to the Persian Gulf if new sanctions block its oil exports.[35] "If any disruption happens regarding the sale of Iranian oil, the Strait of Hormuz will definitely be closed," Mohammad Kossari, deputy head of parliament's foreign affairs and national security committee, told the semi-official Fars News Agency.

2015 seizure of MV Maersk Tigris[edit]

On 28 April 2015, IRGCN patrol boats contacted the Marshall Islands-flagged container ship Maersk Tigris, which was westbound through the strait, and directed the ship to proceed further into Iranian territorial waters, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department. When the ship's master declined, one of the Iranian craft fired shots across the bridge of Maersk Tigris. The captain complied and proceeded into Iranian waters near Larak Island. The US Navy sent aircraft and a destroyer, USS Farragut, to monitor the situation.[36]

Maersk says they have agreed to pay an Iranian company $163,000 over a dispute about 10 container boxes transported to Dubai in 2005. The court ruling allegedly ordered a fine of $3.6 million.[37]

2018 threats of strait closure[edit]

In July 2018, Iran again made threats to close the strait. Citing looming American sanctions after the U.S withdrew from the JCPOA deal earlier in the year.[38] Iran's Revolutionary Guards reported they were ready to carry out the action if required.[39]

In August 2018, Iran test-fired a ballistic missile for the first time in 2018. According to the officials, the anti-ship Fateh-110 Mod 3 flew over 100 miles on a flight path over the Strait of Hormuz to a test range in the Iranian desert. "It was shore-to-shore", said one U.S. official describing the launch, who like the others requested anonymity to discuss sensitive information.[40]

2019 threats of strait closure[edit]

On 22 April 2019, the U.S. ended the oil waivers, which allowed some of Iran’s customers to import Iranian oil, without risking financial penalties as part of the U.S. economic sanctions against Iran. Again, this had implication playing out in the Strait of Hormuz, as Iranian threats of Strait closure was put forward in April 2019.[41]

Aljazeera quoted Major-General Mohammad Baqeri of the Iranian Armed Forces, stating "We are not after closing the Strait of Hormuz but if the hostility of the enemies increases, we will be able to do so".[42] Baqeri is also quoted for stating "If our oil does not pass, the oil of others shall not pass the Strait of Hormuz either".[41]

2019 U.S.–Iran tensions and attacks on oil tankers[edit]

On the morning of 13 June 2019, the oil tankers Front Altair and Kokuka Courageous were both rocked by explosions shortly before dawn, the crew of the latter reported seeing a flying object strike the ship; the crew were rescued by the destroyer USS Bainbridge while the crew of the Front Altair were rescued by Iranian ships. That afternoon, U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo issued a statement accusing Iran of the attacks. Iran subsequently denied the accusations, calling the incident a false-flag attack.[43]

In July 2019, a Stena Bulk Tanker, Stena Impero, sailing under a British flag, was boarded and captured by Iranian forces.[44] The spokesman for Iran's Guardian Council, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, was quoted as describing the seizure as a "reciprocal action." This was presumed to be in reference to the seizure of an Iranian Tanker, Grace 1, bound for Syria in Gibraltar a few days prior.[45]

In 2020, France deployed about 600 troops at sea and in the air under the CTF474 to protect maritime trade, regional business, and to ease local tensions. Since the first week of April 2020, the operation combines the Dutch frigate Ruyter, the French frigate Forbin, and one french airplane ATLANTIC2 (ATL2).[46]

2020 Iranian military activity[edit]

In May 2020, Iran launched missiles at one of their own ships in a friendly fire accident, killing 19 sailors.[47]

2021 Iranian ship seizure[edit]

On 4 January 2021, the partially official[clarification needed] news agency of Iran, Tasnim News Agency, reported that a South Korea-flagged oil vessel headed from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates was seized for allegedly causing pollution violations. The cargo was said to be roughly carrying ethanol in 7,000 tonnes of quantity. South Korea refused to comment on the accusation of causing oil pollution in the Strait of Hormuz. The ship, Hankuk Chemi, was headed to the UAE port Fujairah after loading oil from Jubail, Saudi Arabia on 2 January 2021, as per ship-tracking data gathered by Bloomberg.[48]

Iranian threats of Strait closure[edit]

Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz on multiple occasions, most notably in 2008, 2012, 2018 and 2019.[49] Traditionally, the motivations of the threats have been as a response to U.S. provocations, and a number of economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the U.S. targeting both the Iranian oil market and other economic sectors.[50][51]

It is widely acknowledged[weasel words] that even a partial closure of the Strait would wreak havoc on the global oil markets and pose a severe threat to energy security. Additionally, a closing of the Strait would also have severe consequences for Iran itself. Economically, Iran would face consequences in terms of their own dependency on oil revenues and commerce through the Strait, such as medical products and food.[52] In terms of international opinion, the threat of closing the Strait would severely damage Iran’s relations with states who are engaging with them economically. If Iran were to block maritime traffic through the Strait, the violation of international norms and damage to the global economy would likely result in international support for the U.S. acting against Iran. Iran’s use of its territorial advantages in the Strait of Hormuz is therefore more effective as a threat than if a complete or partial closure of the Strait were to be actually executed.[53]

Iran has a number of options regarding the threats of blocking the Strait of Hormuz: (1) A full closure of the Strait, which is an immense threat to global oil markets, and would likely result in a significant rise in oil prices. (2) Harassment of tanker traffic and damage to infrastructure, as was seen in the Iran–Iraq war in the 1980s. Again, this action would be a risk to energy security, and the steady flow of oil through the strait. (3) Continue threats of Strait closure in response to U.S sanctions, or conduct more naval exercises, displaying Iranian naval capabilities.[54]

Ability of Iran to hinder shipping[edit]

Millennium Challenge 2002 was a major war game exercise conducted by the United States armed forces in 2002. According to a 2012 article in The Christian Science Monitor, it simulated an attempt by Iran to close the strait. The assumptions and results were controversial. In the article, Iran's strategy beats the materially superior US armed forces.[55]

A 2008 article in International Security contended that Iran could seal off or impede traffic in the Strait for a month, and an attempt by the U.S. to reopen it would be likely to escalate the conflict.[56] In a later issue, however, the journal published a response which questioned some key assumptions and suggested a much shorter timeline for re-opening.[57]

In December 2011, Iran's navy began a ten-day exercise in international waters along the strait. The Iranian Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, stated that the strait would not be closed during the exercise; Iranian forces could easily accomplish that but such a decision must be made at a political level.[58][59]

Captain John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, was quoted in a December 2011 Reuters article: "Efforts to increase tension in that part of the world are unhelpful and counter-productive. For our part, we are comfortable that we have in the region sufficient capabilities to honor our commitments to our friends and partners, as well as the international community." In the same article, Suzanne Maloney, an Iran expert at the Brookings Institution, said, "The expectation is that the U.S. military could address any Iranian threat relatively quickly."[60]

General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in January 2012 that Iran "has invested in capabilities that could, in fact, for a period of time block the Strait of Hormuz." He also stated, "We've invested in capabilities to ensure that if that happens, we can defeat that."[61]

In May 2012, a learned article concluded that both the UNCLOS and the 1958 Convention on the High Seas would be violated if Iran followed through on its threat to block passage through the Straits of vessels such as oil tankers, and that the act of passage bears no relation in law to the imposition of economic sanctions. The coastal state is limited in its powers to prevent passage: 1) if threat or actual use of force against its sovereignty, its territorial integrity, or its political independence; or 2) the vessel in any other way violates the principles of international law such as embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.[62]

Iran's Anti-Access/Area-Denial capabilities[edit]

If Iran were to follow through on its threats to completely or partially close of the Strait, one of the world’s most strategically important maritime choke points, the most effective way would be through the use of its anti-access/area-denial capabilities.[63] These capabilities are meant to prevent advanced navies or other opponents to operate in the Strait and the Persian Gulf, and would be of particular concern to the U.S.[64] In 2016, it was assessed that Iran’s military strength was weak, even compared to regional rivals. However, since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, a significant part of Iran’s military spending has been allocated to the asymmetric warfare approach of its naval capabilities, the anti-access/ anti-denial (A2/AD) systems.[65] The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have a number of these capabilities available, and in short reach of the Strait. Examples of these are as follows:

• Coastal air defences, long-range artillery and anti-ship missiles.[64]

• Kilo-class submarines and midget submarines.[64]

• A significant fleet of small boats and manpower available, which can be used to manoeuvre around larger vessels in swarming (military) tactics. These small attack crafts can be armed with machine guns, torpedoes and anti-ship missiles.[63]

• Naval mine-laying capabilities. Iran possess and produces a variety of naval mines, e.g. bottom-moored contact mines; moored and bottom-influence mines; drifting mines and remotely controlled mines.[66] In 2010, Iran was estimated to have at least 2,000 moored and drifting contact mines from Soviet, Western and Iranian sources.[63]Iran’s fleet of small vessels, speedboats and submarines can be used for its rapid and covert mine-laying capabilities.[64]

However, Iran’s anti-access/area-denial capabilities are filled with operational difficulties, and the use of these tactics would prompt a military response from the U.S.

The United States Navy and United States Air Force in the Gulf region is far stronger than that of Iran, and while an Iranian attempt to close of the Strait can cause damage, the U.S. is able to defeat it.[67][64] A key interest to the U.S. in the Persian Gulf, is the free flow of oil and natural gas through the Strait of Hormuz.[68] This is why the U.S relies on a substantial navy and air-force presence, which secures the traffic through the Strait, and are prepared to counter Iranian attempts to blockade it. Most notably, this includes the United States Fifth Fleet based in Bahrain, and the Al Udeid Air Base, housing troops from the United States Air Force[69][70]

Alternative shipping routes[edit]

Map of the Habshan–Fujairah oil pipeline and the East-West Crude Oil Pipeline

In June 2012, Saudi Arabia reopened the Iraq Pipeline through Saudi Arabia (IPSA), which was confiscated from Iraq in 2001 and travels from Iraq across Saudi Arabia to a Red Sea port. It will have a capacity of 1.65 million barrels per day.[71]

In July 2012, the UAE began using the new Habshan–Fujairah oil pipeline from the Habshan fields in Abu Dhabi to the Fujairah oil terminal on the Gulf of Oman, effectively bypassing the Strait of Hormuz. It has a maximum capacity of around 2 million barrels per day, over three-quarters of the UAE's 2012 production rate. The UAE is also increasing Fujairah's storage and off-loading capacities.[71][72] The UAE is building the world's largest crude oil storage facility in Fujairah with a capacity of holding 14 million barrels to enhance Fujairah's growth as a global oil and trading hub.[73] The Habshan – Fujairah route secures the UAE's energy security and has the advantage of being a ground oil pipeline transportation which is considered the cheapest form of oil transportation and also reduces insurance costs as oil tankers would no longer enter the Persian Gulf.[74]

In a July 2012 Foreign Policy article, Gal Luft compared Iran and the Strait of Hormuz to the Ottoman Empire and the Dardanelles, a choke point for shipments of Russian grain a century ago. He indicated that tensions involving the Strait of Hormuz are leading those currently dependent on shipments from the Persian Gulf to find alternative shipping capabilities. He stated that Saudi Arabia was considering building new pipelines to Oman and Yemen, and that Iraq might revive the disused Iraq–Syria pipeline to ship crude to the Mediterranean. Luft stated that reducing Hormuz traffic "presents the West with a new opportunity to augment its current Iran containment strategy."[71]

See also[edit]

  • Abu Musa island
  • Bandar Lengeh
  • Hormozgān Province
  • Kingdom of Hormuz
  • Musandam Peninsula
  • Hormuz Peace Initiative


  1. ^ Viktor Katona. "How Iran Plans To Bypass The World's Main Oil Chokepoint". Archived from the original on 11 September 2018. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  2. ^ Jon M. Van Dyke (2 October 2008). "Transit Passage Through International Straits" (PDF). The Future of Ocean Regime-Building. University of Hawaii. p. 216. doi:10.1163/ej.9789004172678.i-786.50. ISBN 9789004172678. Retrieved 6 July 2019.
  3. ^ a b "The Strait of Hormuz is the world's most important oil transit chokepoint". U.S. Energy Information Administration. 4 January 2012. Archived from the original on 11 September 2018. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  4. ^ "2 oil tankers were damaged in possible attacks in the Gulf of Oman". Vox. 13 June 2019.
  5. ^ Municipality of Minab, (in Persian). Retrieved 30 December 2011.
  6. ^ "World Oil Transit Chokepoints" (PDF). U.S. Energy Information Administration. 25 July 2017. Retrieved 13 June 2019.
  7. ^ a b Alejandra Roman & Administration. "Strait of Hormuz". The Encyclopedia of Earth. Retrieved 2 June 2015.
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  • Mohammed Kookherdi (1997) Kookherd, an Islamic civil at Mehran river, third edition: Dubai
  • [Atlas Gitashenasi Ostanhai Iran] (Gitashenasi Province Atlas of Iran)

Further reading[edit]

  • Wise, Harold Lee (2007). Inside the Danger Zone: The U.S. Military in the Persian Gulf 1987-88. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. ISBN 978-1-59114-970-5.
  • Diba, Bahman Aghai (2011). Is Iran legally permitted to close Strait of Hormuz to countries that impose sanctions against Iran's oil?. Cupertino, California: Payvand Iranian-American Website.
  • Waehlisch, Martin. The Iran-United States Dispute, the Strait of Hormuz, and International Law. The Yale Journal of International Law Online, Vol. 37 (Spring 2012), pp. 23-34. Archived from the original on 25 August 2012.CS1 maint: location (link)

External links[edit]

  • "Strait of Hormuz" by the Robert Strauss Center: background on political, economic, business, technical, and military issues
  • "Strait of Hormuz": links to various resources, including antique maps.
  • "Abu Musa Island" by the Federation of American Scientists
  • 1580-pixel-wide excerpt from "Strait of Hormuz – U.K. Admiralty Chart 2888"
  • "How Great a Concern? Iranian Threats to Close the Strait of Hormuz": Briefly describes offense/defense balance in the Strait and links to articles in the journal, International Security; offers a map of the Strait and surrounding region
  • "Transit Passage Rights in the Strait of Hormuz and Iran’s Threats to Block the Passage of Oil Tankers": The American Society of International Law
  • Politics of Strait of Hormuz: PressTV (2012)
  • VIDEO: Iran shoots down U.S. military drone over Strait of Hormuz (CBS)