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El edificio de Barclay's Bank en la zona comercial de Sutton

Sutton is the principal town of the eponymous London Borough of Sutton in South London, England. It lies on the lower slopes of the North Downs, and is the administrative headquarters of the Outer London borough. It is 10 miles (16 km) south-south west of Charing Cross, and is one of the thirteen metropolitan centres in the London Plan. The population of the town was counted as 41,483 in the 2011 census, while the borough overall counted 204,525.

Sutton, una antigua parroquia originalmente en el condado de Surrey , se registra en el Libro de Domesday de 1086 con dos iglesias y alrededor de 30 casas. Su ubicación en la autopista de peaje de Londres a Brighton desde 1755 condujo a la apertura de posadas para entrenadores, lo que estimuló su crecimiento como pueblo. Cuando se conectó con el centro de Londres por ferrocarril en 1847, comenzó a convertirse en una ciudad y se expandió aún más en el siglo XX. Se convirtió en un distrito municipal con Cheam en 1934 y se convirtió en parte del Gran Londres en 1965. [2]

Sutton tiene la biblioteca más grande del municipio, varias obras de arte público y cuatro áreas de conservación . Es el hogar de varias grandes empresas internacionales y la sexta zona comercial más importante de Londres, centrada en Sutton High Street . La estación de tren de Sutton es la más grande del distrito, con servicios frecuentes al centro de Londres y otros destinos, incluido Horsham. Sutton es un centro de rodaje en el sur de Londres . [3] Es el hogar del Hospital Royal Marsden y el Instituto de Investigación del Cáncer , donde hay planes para crear el segundo campus de investigación del cáncer más grande del mundo.

Los niveles de delincuencia se encuentran entre los más bajos de Londres .

El distrito de Sutton se encuentra entre las autoridades educativas de mayor desempeño en el país. En 2011, fue el distrito con mejor desempeño en los resultados de GCSE en Inglaterra. [4]

Historia [ editar ]

Sir Nicholas Carew

Origen del nombre [ editar ]

El nombre de lugar Sutton se registra en el Libro de Domesday 1086 como Sudtone . Se forma a partir del inglés antiguo 'sūth' y 'tūn', que significa 'granja del sur'. [5]

Antes de 1700 [ editar ]

Los hallazgos arqueológicos en la región se remontan a miles de años, incluida la excavación de una villa romana en Beddington . Se encontró un implemento de la época neolítica en el centro de la ciudad de Sutton. [6] La calzada romana de Stane Street formaba parte del límite norte de la parroquia.

Sutton se registró como Sudtone en una carta de la Abadía de Chertsey que se cree que data de finales del siglo VII, cuando Frithwald, gobernador de Surrey, concedió la mansión al abad de Chertsey. Algunas fuentes indican el nombre como Suthtone o Sudtana.

El Libro de Domesday 1086 registra que Sutton abarca aproximadamente 800 acres y tiene aproximadamente 30 casas y 200 personas. [7] Afirma que el abad de Chertsey tenía la mansión. En 1538 fue vendido al rey Enrique VIII y concedido a Sir Nicholas Carew de Beddington. Cuando Sir Nicholas fue condenado a muerte, el Rey tomó la mansión. La reina María se la devolvió a Francisco, hijo de Sir Nicholas. Más tarde volvió a ser posesión de la Corona hasta que el rey Carlos II se la concedió al duque de Portland , quien la vendió en 1669. A partir de entonces, cambió de manos con regularidad. [8]

The Cock Hotel en 1789. [9]

Desde la época de Domesday hasta el siglo XIX, Sutton formó una parroquia en Wallington cien de Surrey en el sistema feudal . [10] [11]

1700 a 1900 [ editar ]

La carretera de Londres a Banstead Downs , a través de Sutton, era un refugio para los salteadores de caminos en el siglo XVIII. [12] En 1755, se construyeron dos carreteras de peaje , que se unían en Sutton: una de Londres a Brighton (Brighton Road), la otra de Carshalton a Ewell (Cheam Road). Las barras de peaje de las carreteras estaban ubicadas originalmente en el Cock Hotel, una posada en el cruce. El letrero de la posada estaba a horcajadas sobre la carretera de Brighton. [13]

La diligencia de Londres a Brighton comenzó en 1760, y el Cock Hotel era la parada de las 9 am para los autocares que salían de la ciudad. El contacto regular más allá de la ciudad trajo expansión y sofisticación. Se abrieron pequeños negocios, al principio relacionados con los viajeros y luego para proveer de bienes a las áreas vecinas. [7] Las barras de peaje se alejaron del cruce cuando Sutton se expandió, permaneciendo en uso hasta 1882. [8]

El pub Nightingale (anteriormente Jenny Lind)

La estación de tren de Sutton se inauguró en 1847. Tras la llegada del nuevo y rápido enlace al centro de Londres, la población de Sutton se duplicó con creces entre 1851 y 1861, y el pueblo se convirtió en una ciudad. Se construyó una nueva vivienda en el área de Lind Road, y se la llamó "Ciudad Nueva". Un pub construido en 1854 en la esquina de Lind Road se llamó Jenny Lind , en honor a la famosa cantante de ópera sueca Johanna Maria Lind, que estaba visitando a unos amigos en la zona en 1847 y encantó a los lugareños con su canto. Recientemente ha sido rebautizado como Nightingale, también en honor al cantante, que era conocido como Swedish Nightingale. [7]

In about 1852 a residential school was built alongside the Sutton to Epsom Downs railway near Brighton Road. The building was designed by Edwin Nash and contained administrative, dining, dormitory and teaching areas. Boys were taught manual skills like shoemaking and metal working. Girls were taught such skills as needle work, laundry work, and ironing with a view to making them good servants, wives and mothers. Up to 1856, when large parts of it were destroyed by fire, the boys’ and girls’ sections were on the same site but after 1856 the girls’ were moved into a new building on the other side of the railway in Banstead Road (now called Cotswold Road).[14]

Sutton Water Company se incorporó en 1863 y la provisión de tuberías principales permitió construir casas fuera del área de Thanet Sands . El señor de la mansión, el señor Thomas Alcock, vendió terrenos para viviendas, y la población de Sutton se duplicó de nuevo entre 1861 y 1871, [8] impulsada por el desarrollo de la lujosa Benhilton en el norte de Sutton.

Banco en la encrucijada histórica

High Street cerca de la cima se conocía como Cock Hill hasta la década de 1880; las tiendas del lado este se construyeron en 1880, diez años después de las del lado oeste. [15] El grandioso y decorativo edificio London and Provincial Bank (ahora sede del Barclays Bank) fue construido con vistas al histórico cruce de caminos en 1894. Diseñado en el estilo arquitectónico del Renacimiento francés , tiene cuatro pisos de altura y forma un destacado hito local. Hay una serie de arcos a nivel del suelo y una entrada ornamentada donde se encuentran los caminos. [6] [9] [16]

En 1884, Sutton High School for Girls fue fundada por el entonces Girls 'Public Day School Trust.

En 1899 se inauguró la escuela secundaria del condado de Sutton (ahora Sutton Grammar School for Boys ).

Salón Masónico Sutton

En 1897 se construyó Sutton Masonic Hall en Grove Road. Los masones se han reunido allí desde su fundación, salvo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando los militares lo requisaron y sirvió como refugio para personas desplazadas. [17] [9]

En 1898, un Cock Hotel nuevo y más grande reemplazó al original. [18]

Siglo XX [ editar ]

Sutton High St., Navidad, 1910

En 1901, la población de la ciudad había llegado a 17.223 habitantes, ya que se construyeron más viviendas y se desarrolló High Street. [19]

En 1902, el Metropolitan Asylums Board compró el sitio de Banstead Road de la escuela South Metropolitan Industrial . El sitio más tarde se convirtió en las Escuelas de Downs y luego en el Hospital de Downs. Ahora se comparte entre los hospitales Royal Marsden y Sutton, el Instituto de Investigación del Cáncer y el sitio de una nueva escuela que se abrirá en 2019. [14]

El reloj Thomas Wall Center

La Escuela e Instituto de Adultos Sutton abrió sus puertas en 1910 en un gran edificio eduardiano en Benhill Avenue. Más tarde se convirtió en el Thomas Wall Center , [20] llamado así por el benefactor del área de la fama de las salchichas y los helados de Wall . La falta de educación de Thomas Wall llevó a un deseo de fomentar el aprendizaje en los demás, lo que resultó en el establecimiento de una confianza y la construcción del instituto. Se dice que la escuela de adultos tenía las mejores instalaciones del Reino Unido: en 1915 había clubes sociales, una biblioteca, clubes de maternidad y horticultura, sociedades de debate y templanza , un comité de asesoramiento legal, estudios bíblicos y clases de literatura inglesa , y qué se decía que era el mejor gimnasio público del sur de Inglaterra.[21]

Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los bombardeos no fueron tan pesados ​​como en el centro de Londres: se lanzaron 434 bombas en total sobre Sutton y Cheam, y la Comisión de Tumbas de Guerra de la Commonwealth enumera 187 víctimas civiles. [22]

En 1950, para ampliar High Street, se demolió el Cock Hotel. Sin embargo, el letrero de la posada y sus pilares sobreviven, con vistas al histórico cruce de caminos. [23] El 18 de abril de 2018, English Heritage otorgó el estatus de Listado de Grado II al letrero y los postes digitales. [24]

En 1959, un residente local, George Edgar Alcock, inició una campaña para preservar una avenida única de hayas de cobre. Esta campaña condujo el mismo año a la formación de Sutton and Cheam Society, un grupo de servicios locales. Una placa que conmemora la vida del Sr. Alcock se encuentra en el cruce de Christchurch Park con Brighton Road. [25]

Gobernanza [ editar ]

Oficinas cívicas de Sutton , la sede del distrito londinense de Sutton

Sutton entró en el área del Distrito de la Policía Metropolitana en 1840. La parroquia de Sutton adoptó la Ley de Gobierno Local de 1858 en 1882 y se formó una junta local para gobernar el área. La Ley de Gobierno Local de 1894 lo reformó como Distrito Urbano de Sutton .

En 1928, el área del distrito urbano se amplió para incluir la parroquia de Cheam y se renombró Sutton and Cheam. La ciudad se convirtió en un distrito municipal en 1934, y las parroquias civiles se fusionaron en 1949. [10] El distrito municipal fue abolido en 1965 y su área anterior pasó a formar parte del distrito londinense de Sutton en el Gran Londres .

Para las elecciones de Westminster, Sutton es parte de la circunscripción de Sutton and Cheam , formada en 1945. El miembro del Parlamento es Paul Scully , del Partido Conservador , y lo ha sido desde 2015.

A nivel local, el London Borough of Sutton Council ha sido dirigido por una mayoría liberal demócrata desde 1990.

Población y demografía [ editar ]

La mayor parte de Sutton, incluido el centro de la ciudad, pertenece al área de código postal SM1 , aunque los lugares al sur de la estación de tren de Sutton son parte de SM2, y la parte occidental de Sutton Common está en SM3.

La población de la ciudad, que comprende los distritos Sutton Central, Sutton West, Sutton North y Sutton South, fue de 41.483 en el censo de 2011 . [27]

La mayoría de la población de la ciudad pertenece al grupo social ABC1 de clase media . [28]

Geografía [ editar ]

El arroyo Pyl Brook
Narcisos en Rosehill Park East

Geología, suelo y elevaciones [ editar ]

Sutton es una de varias ciudades ubicadas en un estrecho lecho de Thanet Sands que se extiende desde Croydon en el este hasta Epsom en el oeste. Al sur de este cinturón hay tiza de North Downs, y al norte hay arcilla . [29] El cinturón de arenas de Thanet permitió que los pozos proporcionaran agua limpia, y esto atrajo asentamientos desde una fecha muy temprana. Sutton and Cheam Water Company comenzó a operar en 1864 y en 1900 había construido 142 millas de tuberías principales. La compañía se fusionó con East Surrey Water Company en 1996 para formar Sutton y East Surrey Water . [30]

Las elevaciones dentro y alrededor de la ciudad varían desde 115 metros (377 pies) AOD en Belmont hasta 23 metros (75 pies) en Sutton Common , al comienzo del arroyo Pyl Brook .

Ubicación [ editar ]

Sutton ha formado parte del Gran Londres desde 1965. [2] "Sutton, Surrey" se utiliza a menudo para las direcciones en la ciudad, siendo Surrey el antiguo condado postal (y el condado histórico o tradicional) en el que se encuentra. La política de direcciones flexibles de Royal Mail lo permite. [31] Hay otro Sutton mucho más pequeño en Surrey , cerca de Dorking . [8] La estación de tren principal de Sutton es conocida como "Sutton (Surrey)" por Southern Railway Ltd. [32]

Su ubicación es 4,2 millas (6,8 km) al oeste de Croydon , 3,8 millas (6,1 km) al noreste de Epsom y 5,8 millas (9,3 km) al sureste de Kingston upon Thames .

Espacios verdes [ editar ]

Árboles otoñales en Sutton Green

Además de los terrenos de la iglesia de San Nicolás, hay dos áreas de espacios verdes dentro del centro de la ciudad, Sutton Green y Manor Park.

Sutton Green en la primavera, visto desde arriba

Sutton Green se encuentra en el extremo norte de Sutton High Street, cerca de la Iglesia de Todos los Santos . Está rodeado por una hilera de villas victorianas independientes al oeste, High Street al este y Bushey Road al sur. El verde data de 1810, cuando fue otorgado a los residentes de Sutton bajo el premio Sutton Common Enclosure Award. Victoria Gardens, un área más pequeña de espacio verde que alguna vez incluyó un estanque, se encuentra al otro lado de la carretera de Sutton Green. [33]

Al norte de Sutton Green se encuentran Rose Hill Park East y Rose Hill Park West, al este y al oeste respectivamente de la vía principal Angel Hill / Rosehill. Rose Hill Park East contiene Greenshaw Woods, por lo que recibe el nombre de Greenshaw High School .

Fuente, Manor Park

Manor Park se encuentra frente a la estación de policía. Fue inaugurado por el presidente del entonces Consejo del Distrito Urbano de Sutton en 1914, y su fuente se agregó en 1924-1925. Una placa en el borde de la piscina dice: "Esta fuente fue entregada a la ciudad por el concejal Chas Yates, presidente de Sutton UDC1924-25" [34]

El parque es el sitio del Sutton War Memorial, que fue inaugurado en 1921 por Sir Ralph Forster, un residente cuyo hijo había muerto en la guerra. [35] [36] El monumento, en piedra de Portland , consiste en una gran cruz ornamental sobre un pedestal. [37] El monumento conmemora a 524 hombres que murieron en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Hay cuatro ángeles en el pedestal con vista al parque. [37]

Monumento a la guerra de Sutton

El actual Manor Park Café abrió en octubre de 2010. Es ecológico y tiene una variedad de características ambientales, incluida su construcción con balas de paja , lo que le da al edificio una vida útil potencial de más de 200 años. Fue diseñado por Amazonails Architectura y construido por un equipo mixto de constructores. [38] Fue el primer edificio energéticamente eficiente de Londres en utilizar este método de construcción. [39]

En el sur de Sutton comienza Banstead Downs, que se extiende alrededor de una milla al sur hacia la vecina Banstead . Banstead Downs es un gran sitio de especial interés científico , que cubre 430 acres (170 ha). El campo de golf Banstead se encuentra en la ladera norte.

Reservas Naturales Locales

Sutton contiene dos reservas naturales locales . [40]

  • La reserva del humedal Anton Crescent tiene estanques, carrizos de sauce y cañaverales. Proporciona un hábitat para aves como la lavandera verde y la agachadiza común . [41]
  • El área natural de Devonshire Avenue es un sitio de importancia municipal para la conservación de la naturaleza , grado II. Se trata principalmente de pastizales neutrales. Una especie notable es la pequeña mariposa azul , que es rara en el municipio. [42]

Arquitectura [ editar ]

Sutton Lodge
Arquitectura ornamentada en Sutton High Street

Sutton is mainly the product of the railways, which arrived in the town in the mid-19th century. So, although it already existed (as a village with coaching inns) in the horse and carriage era, most of the town's earliest architecture is Victorian.[citation needed]A few buildings date from before the Victorian era. The Georgian Sutton Lodge on Brighton Road is thought to be the oldest fully surviving building in the former parish of Sutton. The lodge was initially the farmhouse of the former Sutton Farm. Later, the farmland around the lodge was sold off for house building.[43] The lodge itself survived and was bought by Sutton Council, for use as a day centre.[44] During its early history it may have served as a hideaway for the future King George IV and his mistresses.[7][45] The building is Grade II listed.[46]

Sutton's Edwardian Police Station

The High Street and the central area housing has a majority of Victorian architecture; Edwardian architecture is also represented, especially among the town's housing stock. Of architectural interest because of its particularly varied style is the Victorian residential quarter east of the high street known as Newtown, where no single developer was in overall charge.[7] The town features more recent architectural styles from the 1930s (including some art deco and moderne).

The most prominent examples of 21st century architecture include the Aspects and Lamborne apartment buildings and the new police station extension. Aspects was created out of a former office building; it was reclad in a terracotta colour and three additional floors were added at the top for penthouses. With a total of eighteen floors, it can be seen from across Sutton. By contrast, the Lamborne was newly built.

In 2003 the extension to Sutton Police Station was completed and officially opened the following year by Commissioner Sir John Stevens. The extension, which is far larger than the original Edwardian listed building to which it is attached, is used by Sutton CID, the criminal justice unit and the borough intelligence unit.[7]

Conservation areas[edit]

Intricate detailing on the pediment above the entrance to the Barclays Bank building in the Sutton town centre conservation area

There are four conservation areas in the town of Sutton (among several others within the wider borough of Sutton). One is in the town centre and the other three are residential. The areas are:

Landseer Road Conservation Area: ornate Edwardian homes in Bridgefield Road (above); and Cheam Rd (below)
  • The Sutton Town Centre High Street Crossroads Conservation Area, which is noted for the "vivid, Victorian, polychrome brick and stone façades" of the High Street buildings.[47]
  • The Landseer Road Conservation Area of grand, finely detailed, Edwardian villa houses.[48]
  • The Grove Avenue Conservation Area of mainly modernist houses.[47]
  • The Sutton Garden Suburb Conservation Area, whose homes in the Arts and Crafts style contributed to the garden city movement.[49][47]


Russettings is a large house built in 1899 on a 34-acre plot at 25 Worcester Road. It was among the last of several similar upper-middle-class houses built in the vicinity. It was originally occupied by George Smith and his wife Mary, who was the sister of local benefactor Thomas Wall. Smith had his initials GS put on the façade of the red-brick building, which was designed by Frederick Wheeler in an Arts and Crafts style.

Features include gabled roofs, large chimneys, bay windows, a green copper dome and a porch with a tiled roof and marble floor. With the newly formed London Borough of Sutton in 1965, the house became the Sutton Register Office.[50]

Places of worship[edit]

There are three churches in the town centre: Trinity Church and St Nicholas Church on St Nicholas Way and Sutton Baptist Church on Cheam Road.

Other churches in the town include All Saints Church in the north, St Barnabas in the east and Christ Church in the south (all Anglican); and two Roman Catholic churches, Our Lady of the Rosary to the east, and the Church of the Holy Family by Sutton Green. The Salvation Army have a centre in Benhill Avenue. Most recently, Hope Church Sutton was established in November 2015 and meets at Sutton Grammar School.

Sutton Synagogue is located on Cedar Road, south of the town centre.[51]

Trinity United Reformed and Methodist Church[edit]

Trinity Church

The Grade II listed Trinity Church is in the Gothic style, with its exterior in Kent ragstone. Its tall, square tower is the most striking architectural feature and makes the building a landmark.[52] Its "crown and lantern" spire is a very unusual feature, shared with two cathedrals — St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh and Newcastle Cathedral.[53]

The present building, officially opened in 1907, was renamed Trinity Methodist Church following the Methodist Union in 1932. In 1972 the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches united, and the Congregational and Methodist congregations in Sutton also united, with Trinity becoming a joint United Reformed and Methodist church.[53]

Sutton Baptist Church[edit]

Trinity Church (left) and Sutton Baptist Church (right), Cheam Road

In contrast to the other two town centre churches, the Baptist Church is relatively modern—it was designed by the architect Nugent Cachemaille-Day (1896–1976) using mainly traditional materials, such as brick and tile, in a style influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement. Built by Messrs. Pitchers Ltd of Holloway in 1934, the church took little more than half-a-year to build, and its design aroused interest not only locally, but also in church and architectural circles nationwide.[54]

The church is noted within the borough for its contemporary brick design with long walls and concave sweeps in the moderne style. The windows are in simple clean lines, in a simplified Gothic style. The interior has much exposed brickwork and sweeping pointed arches, which are highlighted by the directions in which the bricks are laid.[55]

St Nicholas Church[edit]

St Nicholas churchyard
St Nicholas clocktower

The Grade II listed St Nicholas Church[56] is the oldest of the three town centre churches, and is surrounded by a small ancient graveyard, which is wooded. It is in ecumenical partnership with other denominations and in a Team Ministry with other Anglican churches.

Many of Sutton's notable historic residents are buried in the churchyard. These include Mr Horward Orme, the final owner of the manor house; Dorothy Mason, wife of Sir William Brownlow, 4th Baronet; William Talbot, 1st Earl Talbot; and 185 orphans from the Metropolitan District School. The orphans' graves are marked by a memorial put up by the church's Sunday school children in 1921. A large World War II bomb landed on the churchyard in 1940. It destroyed several graves, but the church building itself remained intact.[15]

All Saints Church[edit]

All Saints Church

Just to the north of Sutton town centre at the foot of Angel Hill in All Saints Road is All Saints Church, Benhilton. Its large size and prominent location make it a local landmark. Its parish was created in 1863, and the foundation stone of the Grade II* listed building was laid in the same year, designed by Samuel Sanders Teulon in the Gothic Revival style. The then lord of the manor, Thomas Alcock, gave £18,000 towards the building, plus the land for the church, the vicarage and a school. The church was conceived as an amenity for an estate of upper class Victorian housing which Alcock was developing on the land to the east.[57]

There is a historic churchyard around the church, which includes several significant tombs. It is wooded, including yew trees beside the path to the north porch.[58]

English Heritage describe the church as "a very fine building in the decorated style of the early 14th century".[59]

St. Barnabas Church[edit]

To the east of the town centre is St Barnabas Church, which was built between 1882 and 1884 by architects R H Carpenter and Benjamin Ingelow. Its purpose was to serve the Newtown area of Sutton, which was developed in the second half of the 19th century.

Architecturally, the church is a red brick building with stone dressings, and is in the Gothic Revival style. Its nave has five bays, and is supported inside by columns with clustered shafts and a timber scissors truss roof.[60][61]

Christ Church[edit]

Christ Church from the road
Christ Church from the grounds

To the south of the town centre in Christchurch Park sits Christ Church, Sutton. It was built in 1888 by architects Newman & Jacques. Additions were made c. 1910 to 1912 by J D Round.[62]

The church was built as part of the 19th century expansion of the town. With the growing population to the south of the parish church of St Nicholas in the town centre, the need was recognised for the people living in the south to have a more local church. The building was sited among the then lavender fields east of Brighton Road. The church has the largest auditorium in Sutton, and comprises a nave of five bays, a chancel, apse, north and south aisles, chapel, narthex and vestries.[63]

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and Church of the Holy Family[edit]

To the east of the town centre, in St Barnabas Road, is the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. It was built and consecrated in 1892, enlarged in 1912, and in 1932 the church's current altar was consecrated by the then Roman Catholic Bishop of Southwark, Peter Amigo.[64]

The Church of the Holy Family, though closer to the town centre, is more recent, starting as Holy Family Church Hall in the 1960s. The current church was built in 1988, two years after being given its own parish.[65]


Sutton has a range of public art, a large library, a music venue and a cinema and theatre. It is a hub for filming in south-west London.[3]

Mosaic on the side of the Sutton Centre for Independent Living and Learning (Scill)

Sutton Central Library’s Art Gallery Space[edit]

Sutton Central Library's Art Gallery aims to provide the London Borough of Sutton's residents with a wide range of contemporary art, heritage and history experiences. The gallery space is available for hire to professional artists, collectives and non-profit groups wishing to exhibit their work individually or as a group. Entrance to the gallery and access to the exhibition is free for all members of the public, except for specific events.

Imagine festival of arts[edit]

In 2006 the annual Imagine festival of arts was launched. It has since gained Arts Council England funding.[66]

Public art[edit]

Sutton town centre contains six main works of public art, as well as several other works. Of the main works, three are murals and three are sculptures.

Wall art, Manor Place, Sutton

Sutton heritage mosaic[edit]

The Sutton Heritage Mosaic

There is a large town centre mosaic measuring 9 metres (30 ft) high and 5 metres (16 ft) wide covering the whole of a three-storey wall in the town square near the Waterstone's bookshop. One of the largest examples of wall art in Britain, it was commissioned by the London Borough of Sutton to celebrate the borough's heritage.[67] Created by artists Gary Drostle and Rob Turner, the mosaic was made from vitreous ceramic tesserae (small tiles made of glass and clay), and put in place in 1994.[7]

It was designed by Rob Turner, and shows several aspects of Sutton's heritage and local history. The centre-piece is the depiction of Henry VIII's palace at Nonsuch.[68]

A plaque describing the panels was installed in 2011, and unveiled by Councillor Graham Tope, who said:

This beautiful mosaic has been a much-loved feature of our High Street for the past 17 years.....I hope this plaque will help [people] to appreciate it even more."[67]

Wellesley Road mural[edit]

Art in Wellesley Road, Sutton

There is a large mural in Wellesley Road, about a hundred yards south of the railway station. It was created by the street artist, Eva Mena, who is from Bilbao, Spain and a leading practitioner in the urban art movement. The mural dates from 2008,[69] and was completed in three days.[70]

It was commissioned by the owner of a cleaning firm keen to promote local art, and depicts an image of Erykah Badu, the American singer-songwriter. The painting covers the entire side wall of Indepth House, a small office building occupied by the firm.

Sutton twin towns mural[edit]

The painting of Gagny
Sutton twin towns mural
The painting of Minden

The twin towns mural is a set of seven individual paintings inset within seven mock window frames on the side of a Victorian commercial building at the junction of the High Street with Sutton Court Road. The paintings depict scenes of the London Borough of Sutton and its four European twins:[71] Gagny, a suburb of Paris; Gladsaxe in Copenhagen; Minden in Germany; and Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in Berlin.

The paintings were designed and painted on to plywood by public artists, Gary Drostle and Rob Turner and were unveiled in 1993 on the 25th anniversary of Sutton's twinning with Wilmersdorf. The five twins are each painted with their heraldic shield above images of their key features. Each twin also has its own plant to symbolise environmental awareness; for Sutton this is a beech tree, from which Carshalton Beeches in the borough gets its name.[72][73]

Sutton armillary[edit]

The Sutton armillary

The Millennium Dial armillary was dedicated to the town in the year 2000 by the Rotary Club. It is in the form of an historical timepiece, and it serves three purposes: first, to tell the time; secondly, to commemorate time through various inscriptions including the Rotary motto "Service Above Self" and distances to nearby areas such as Kingston upon Thames; and thirdly, to commemorate the work which the Rotary Club has done.[74]

The armillary is a popular feature of the town, and it continues to provide a focus for the town centre.[75] It marks not just the new millennium but also the central part that the Rotary has played in the welfare of Sutton since 1923.

It was originally installed in the former "Millennium Garden", but was slightly re-positioned in 2011 to the edge of the central square, in front of the Waterstones bookshop.

The Messenger[edit]

The Messenger

The Messenger statue is a sculpture in bronze with very dark patination completed by David Wynne, OBE in 1981 of a large horse and rider. The horse, with a slightly raised left leg, looks towards the railway station. The rider, seated bareback, raises his left hand in the air above his head and his right hand to his mouth, as if calling. It is fully life-size and mounted on a 7-foot plinth of marble and granite slabs. The total height is 150 inches.[76]

The statue was commissioned by the then Business Press International Ltd, and upkeep of the work now falls to Reed Business Information, who occupy Quadrant House.[76] It was a major commission for the sculptor, which took four years from his first idea and inspiration, through to roughing out, refining and foundry to the final unveiling and installation. The company wanted him to illustrate its fundamental business, communication, but to convey the idea of it, rather than simply represent it in a completely obvious way.[77] The statue is located by the main entrance to Quadrant House, adjacent to Sutton station.

Transpose 2002[edit]

Transpose 2002

Transpose 2002 is a sculpture by Michael Dan Archer, located at the junction of Carshalton Road and Langley Park Road, about 250 yards from the town's historic central crossroads. It is 7 metres (23 feet) in height, 1.5 metres (5 feet) in width and 1.5 metres in depth, and made of Chinese granite and stainless steel. It is composed of a steel blade-like structure next to a granite form. The blade contains a grid allowing the sun to shine through on to the granite.[78][79]

The sculpture was commissioned jointly by Chartwell Land, B&Q and the London Borough of Sutton.[80][81] As its name suggests, it dates from 2002. Archer says his sculptures "primarily invoke the massiveness and physicality of stone and its relationship to architecture, humanity and landscape".[82][83]

The design, location and dimensions of Transpose 2002 all combine to make it a significant landmark for those entering Sutton town centre from an easterly direction along Carshalton Road.

The Rainbow crossing in St Nicholas Way, Sutton
Mural of ladybird in Robin Hood Lane on the side wall of the path leading to St Nicholas Church

Diversity mural[edit]

Sutton Council is planning to create a large mural in the town centre celebrating diversity in the borough. Using local artists, it will be installed on the wall of Sutton College on St Nicholas Way. Completion is expected in the Summer of 2021.[84]

Rainbow Crossing[edit]

In mid-2020, a permanent rainbow pedestrian crossing in honour of the borough's LGBT+ community was installed in St. Nicholas Way, adjacent to the Sutton Civic Centre in Central Sutton. This makes Sutton one of fewer than ten London boroughs to have permanent LGBT+ rainbow crossings.[85][86]

Literary facilities[edit]

Sutton Library is situated close to the top of the town, near St Nicholas Church, and is part of a complex which contains the Civic Offices and Sutton College. It is the largest library in the borough. Opened in 1975, it was extensively refurbished in 2004 to meet changing customer needs. It was the first public library to appoint a library writer-in-residence; the first to establish a CD and video lending library; and the first to offer a full public library service on Sundays. The library is arranged over four storeys, and the lending and reference facilities extend to a reader's lounge; café and shop; IT facilities; opportunities to listen to music; and a children's library themed around the world's environments.[87]

Art exhibitions are held in the library's Europa Gallery.

Sutton Life Centre[edit]

Sutton Life Centre

The Sutton Life Centre situated in Alcorn Close, just off Sutton Common Road, is an £8 million facility designed to improve life chances for younger people and encourage good citizenship. Aiming to encourage community engagement and involvement, the centre was opened on 27 October 2010 by the then Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.[88]

The centre's key feature – The Lifezone – is a virtual street, a room with giant projection screens on all walls using film-set technology. It aims to provide an "immersive learning environment" through the use of surround sound, evocative lighting and interactive features. Using these media, pupils are shown real-life scenes from Sutton's streets to teach them about citizenship, personal safety and the environment.[89][90][91]

Theatre and cinema[edit]

The Secombe Theatre, night and day

The Secombe Theatre[92] (named after Sir Harry Secombe) was in Cheam Road, adjacent to the Holiday Inn Hotel. The theatre was opened by Sir Harry, who lived in Sutton for over 30 years.[93] The theatre was created in 1984 out of a former Christian Science church building dating from 1937.[94] The theatre was operated together with the Charles Cryer Studio Theatre in Carshalton, formerly by the London Borough of Sutton.[95]In 2014 Sutton Council requested bids to take over the running of the theatres, and in January 2015 the bid by the new "Sutton Theatres Trust" was given approval by the council's environment and neighbourhood committee to take over the theatres.[96] In August 2016 the trust went into administration and the theatre closed permanently.[97]


The former Granada Cinema opened in 1934 as the Plaza Theatre in Carshalton Road, where Sutton Park House now stands.[98] The ten-screen Empire Cinema, opened in 1991 opposite the St. Nicholas shopping centre.


Along with Wimbledon Studios, Sutton is a hub for filming in south-west London.[3][99]

The Return of Mr Bean was filmed in Sutton High Street.[100]

Episodes of The Bill were filmed in Sutton.

The E4 sitcom Phoneshop, was filmed in a vacant shop unit in Sutton High Street.

Scenes for the Hollywood film Black Sea were shot outside Sutton Grammar School in 2013. Jude Law is seen getting in and out of a car, while pupils leave the school.[101]


Sutton Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1946. It has given an average of three concerts every season.[citation needed]

The 300 capacity Boom Boom Club in West Sutton host rock gigs.[102][103]

The Sound Lounge[edit]

The Sutton Sound Lounge in October 2020, prior to opening

The Sound Lounge, a grassroots concert venue, opened in December 2020 in Sutton High Street in the former premises of Royal Bank of Scotland. It hosts live performances of blues, Americana, folk and roots music. The venue includes a plant-based, carbon-neutral café, and hosts visual art exhibitions, theatre and dance.[104][105][106]

The Rolling Stones[edit]

The Sutton pub where the early Rolling Stones gigs took place

The Rolling Stones were first spotted at the Red Lion public house (now the Winning Post) in Sutton High Street. The band played several early gigs there in 1963, and, during one, the audience included impresario/music manager Giorgio Gomelsky, who spotted the band and signed them up for a residency at Richmond's Crawdaddy Club, months before they made the charts.[107][108][109]It was at the pub that Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman, on 23 January 1963, became permanent members of the band:[110]

January 23, 1963: Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman become permanent members of the Rolling Stones with this day's gig at the Red Lion Pub in Sutton, Surrey.

In 2011, the Winning Post was added to a list of buildings and structures of local significance.[111][112]


Sutton town centre

Sutton is one of the eleven major metropolitan centres identified in the London Plan[113] in a borough that benefits from very low crime by London standards. The town contains a major retail district, centred on Sutton High Street.

Sutton has over 6,800 businesses, an increase of about 19% since 1994.[114] 863 new companies were formed in Sutton in 2012, the highest number since records began.[115] Most of these were small or medium-sized, but several large businesses, such as Reed Business Information, the media publishing company, are also present and have substantial office space in the town: Reed occupies the large Quadrant House office building next to the station, and is a major local employer.

G4S has offices in the large Sutton Park House building opposite Manor Park. Crown Agents Bank, a provider of the wholesale foreign exchange and cross-border payments services, is headquartered in Quadrant House, in the town centre.[116] Another important business locally is subsea engineering company Subsea 7.

There is a town centre manager, who works in partnership with local businesses, the police and transport providers to promote the centre and its economic development. The manager acts as the focal point for a range of initiatives funded by the council and other partners. "Opportunity Sutton"[117] and Sutton Chamber of Commerce[118] also play a part in the local economy.

Health and research[edit]

Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research[edit]

The Royal Marsden Hospital has a longstanding presence in Sutton, on a site at the southern end of the town acquired in 1962. The Institute of Cancer Research is located next to the hospital, and in 2012 the institute's Centre for Molecular Pathology opened.[119]

The Institute of Cancer Research

In 2014, The Royal Marsden Hospital, the Institute of Cancer Research and the co-located St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust set out a vision for a "world class" life sciences cluster ("Sutton for Life") on the site, focusing on the provision of enhanced facilities for drug discovery.[120] The then Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, visited the facility that year, and lent his support to the plans for what would be the world's second biggest cancer research campus.[121]

In December 2014, the Institute was named in The Times Higher Education league table the country's leading university, ahead of Oxford and Cambridge, in recognition of its contribution to society.[122]

London Cancer Hub[edit]

In February 2016, further plans for the site were released: the "London Cancer Hub", a partnership between the Institute of Cancer Research, the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and the London Borough of Sutton, will bring together 10,000 scientists, and clinical and support staff and provide space for biotech and pharma companies to carry our research and development. The aim is to increase the number of clinical trials and innovative drugs, and to work in partnership with industry to increase treatments for patients.[123][124][125][126][127]

The London Cancer Hub includes a new secondary school, which specialises in the life sciences.[128] Leisure facilities in the form of shops, cafés and hotel space for patients and families are also planned.[124] The Hub is expected to be twice the size – at 265,000 square metres – of the existing research and treatment space. It will facilitate collaboration between different scientific fields. By 2018 the Institute of Cancer Research will develop the first phase of the plans with 20,000 square metres of drug discovery facilities.[129]

In September 2016 Sutton Council's housing, economy and business committee approved a provisional framework of the plans. It was noted that site's transformation would attract a total investment of £1 billion over its lifetime.[130]

In March 2021 it was announced that a new "Innovation Gateway" was expected to open in the London Cancer Hub in Sutton in late 2021, whereby innovative life science companies will have the opportunity to collaborate with world-class scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research. Professor Paul Workman, Chief Executive at the Institute, said:

“The creation of the Innovation Gateway is a really significant step forward in realising the vision of The London Cancer Hub, an ambitious partnership that aims to create a leading district for cancer research, treatment and commercial enterprise in Sutton.

“The ICR is a world leading academic centre for cancer drug discovery and we already collaborate with more than 100 companies to take new treatments to patients. This new development represents the first opportunity for companies to work directly with our scientists and clinicians from a base on site, and we are very excited about bringing in new tenants to further enhance our work in collaboration with industry to create new treatments for cancer patients.”[131]

Town centre regeneration[edit]

The new headquarters of Subsea 7
Art deco High Street building
Grand Parade, Sutton High Street

Several major building projects are underway or have recently been completed in the town centre:

Sutton Point, at the southern end of the town centre, will include a hotel, apart-hotel, apartments (with a car club), a health club, shops, restaurants and office space. Construction of the £90 million scheme was awarded by the developer CNM to the building firm Ardmore, and was due for completion in December 2018.[132][133]

The Old Gas Works,[134] a major development by LXB Retail Properties at the north end of the High Street, including apartments, a Sainsbury's supermarket, retail units and a landscaped square with fountain[135] was completed in 2016.[136] The scheme represented a £50 million investment in the town.[137]

Subsea 7 has expanded in Sutton, making it the site of its new world headquarters. The firm moved within the town to a new, purpose-built, five-storey, 17,500 square metre office building. Four hundred jobs were created, mainly by relocation, taking the workforce in Sutton to 780.[138] Construction of the £39 million development by Galliford Try started in 2014, and was completed in late 2016.[139]

In September 2015 the council appointed a design team led by Bilfinger GVA to produce plans covering the next 15 years for the central area of the town. The plans include identifying sites for new housing and commercial space, a possible new primary school and improved transport links, including the introduction in 2020 of trams to Sutton station. The plans require the retention of the "high-quality Victorian, Edwardian and Mock Tudor buildings that reflect the historic core of the town centre"[140]

In June 2016 a masterplan entitled "Sutton 2031: Planning for our Future" was published by the council. Its plans include new developments, enhanced public space and improvements to transport. It will include:

  • "A range of immediate High Street projects"
  • "Transforming the St Nicholas Centre"
  • "Creating a new south London destination with culture, leisure and restaurant activity"
  • "Redeveloping the Civic Centre"[141]

Heritage Action Zone[edit]

In March 2017 it was announced that Sutton town centre had been designated one of the first ten Heritage Action Zones by Historic England. Gaining this status will unlock resources to enhance the historic environment, including the conservation area, to encourage economic growth. Heritage will be made a central consideration for new developments in the area to retain the town's distinct architectural nature.[142][143][144]


Retailing history
Waterstone's Bookshop

Retailing has been a major part of the Sutton economy since the Victorian era. The oldest retail business currently operating in Sutton, Pearson Cycles, dates from the 1860s – it was originally a blacksmith shop, but in the 1890s changed to bicycle making and repair. The Pearsons have run the cycle business from the same High Street location ever since.[145] It has been recognised by Guinness World Records as the oldest bicycle shop in the world.[146]

Retail environment

Sutton is London's sixth most important retail centre, and attracts shoppers from a wide area.[147] Sutton High Street runs for nearly a mile from Sutton Green to Sutton station, and hosts many of the country's main high street names.[148]

It is often the chosen location for new retail ventures,[147] for example the Sutton branch of the Waterstones bookshop chain was the first to have a café installed.[149]

Shopping centres

There are two covered shopping centres, both situated near the middle of the retail area. The larger of these is the St. Nicholas Centre with three levels, and five levels for Debenhams, the anchor store. Times Square is the smaller one – it opened in 1985, and was re-launched in 2017 following a refit.[150] The refit was assessed as being of high quality and making a significant contribution to the regeneration of the town centre."[151]

All Bar One, Sutton
The Shinner and Sudtone pub on Sutton High Street
Restaurants and bars

Sutton has several restaurants, patisseries, coffee bars, gastropubs and bars, including the country's first branch of All Bar One.[152] The central area is pedestrianised, and the extra space encourages the provision of pavement seating.

Sutton's range of restaurants has expanded in recent years, and now includes examples of French, Lebanese, British, Mexican, Malaysian, Thai, Pakistani, Portuguese, Turkish, Sri Lankan and Japanese cuisine, in addition to the more longstanding Italian, Indian and Chinese establishments.[153][154] One French restaurant was in the 2013 Good Food Guide[155] and was Michelin-listed then.[156]

Pop-up market

A "pop-up" market is held every month at the northern end of Sutton High Street. It is part of a programme to support local entrepreneurs starting their own business. Products and crafts on sale include natural cosmetics, jewellery and handmade clothing.[157]

Street performance

The high street and town square host street performances, including music, arts and theatre. Markets are held from time to time, including French, Italian and Continental markets, as well as arts and crafts fairs.[158][159]

In August and September the high street hosts the outdoor "Sunset Cinema," where films are shown in the evening to an audience seated in deckchairs.[160][161] The scheme, the only one of its kind in London, aims to encourage greater use of local restaurants and bars.[162] The High Street has hosted a country music festival with live music and dancing for the last two summers.[163] A temporary mini-golf course is set up during August.[164]

Green wall

There is a green wall or "vertical garden" in the shopping area, designed both for aesthetics and to improve air quality and biodiversity. It provides additional breeding and nesting options in the vicinity and safeguards local flora and fauna. It helps to offset the carbon footprint, lowers the heat island effect of the urban area and reduces smog from traffic fumes. The green wall covers the façade of a large High Street store, and is in bloom all year round.[165][166][167]

  • Multicoloured High Street facades

  • The Sunset Cinema

  • The green wall on Sutton High St


Clock installed in 2015 opposite the mainline station
The former Sutton station c. 1905
Taxis by Sutton station in 2012

Sutton station is the town's major station, from where frequent direct trains run to several main central London stations − London Victoria, London Bridge, Blackfriars, City Thameslink and, for Eurostar services, St Pancras International. The station is served by both Thameslink and Southern.

The fastest of the Victoria-bound trains from Sutton station take 25 minutes (stopping at Carshalton and Clapham Junction).

As well as these direct trains to central London, there are also direct services to destinations outside central London including Banstead, Dorking, Epsom, Horsham, Leatherhead, West Croydon, Wimbledon, Luton and St Albans.

West Sutton and Sutton Common stations are both on the Thameslink lines to Wimbledon and on to central London direct. Being on the Thameslink line, they continue on to stations both within and the other side of London.

Local bus services are operated by London General, Quality Line, Abellio London and Metrobus. There are express coach services to both Heathrow Airport and Gatwick Airport.[168][169]

Road traffic is diverted away from a largely pedestrianised town centre, and there are many designated cycle routes in Sutton, along with links to neighbouring towns.[170] There are three main car parks in the town centre and a car club.[171]

In 2014 a consultation was held into options for the route of a proposed Tramlink extension from Wimbledon to Sutton.[172][173]

Notable individuals[edit]

Noël Coward
Quentin Crisp
Katie Melua

See London Borough of Sutton for complete borough-wide list. The individuals listed below are specifically linked to the town of Sutton.

  • Martin Adams, professional darts player, was born in Sutton.
  • Joan Armatrading, singer-songwriter and musician, lived in Sutton in the 1970s.
  • Ben Barnes, actor, attended Homefield Preparatory School.
  • David Bellamy, broadcaster and botanist, attended Sutton Grammar School.
  • Sally Bercow, wife of the former Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow.
  • Johnny Borrell, guitarist, singer and frontman of the band Razorlight.
  • Noël Coward, actor and playwright, lived in Lenham Road, Sutton between the ages of seven and ten.[174]
  • Constance Cox, playwright and scriptwriter, born in Sutton[175]
  • James Cracknell OBE, Olympic gold medallist in rowing.
  • Quentin Crisp, writer, author, raconteur was born in Sutton.
  • Clark Datchler, lead singer of Johnny Hates Jazz.
  • Leonard Fuller ROI, founder of the St. Ives School of Art, lived in Sutton from 1908 to 1938.[176]
  • Charles Hazell, recording artist better known by the stage name Sketchman, was born in Sutton in 1988.
  • Catherine Holman, actress, born in Sutton.
  • Jon Hiseman, drummer with the pioneering progressive jazz-rock band Colosseum, was born in Sutton
  • James Hunt, racing driver and 1976 Formula One World Champion, lived in Sutton as a child.
  • Penelope Keith, actress, and famous for her role in The Good Life, was born in Sutton.
  • Ruth Kelly, former Labour Party member of parliament and Transport Secretary, attended Sutton High School.
  • Rebecca Litchfield, photographer, was born in Sutton.
  • Bradley McIntosh, member of former chart topping band S Club 7, attended Greenshaw High School.
  • Robbie McIntosh, air guitarist first strummed his tennis racket in Sutton High Street.
  • Katie Melua, award-winning singer, songwriter and musician, lived in Gander Green Lane, Sutton.
  • Phyllis Mudford King (1906–2006), Wimbledon ladies doubles winner 1931[177] attended Sutton High School.
  • Brian Paddick, the British Liberal Democrat politician, attended Sutton Grammar School for Boys.
  • Peter Alfred Penfold, CMG, OBE, diplomat, attended Sutton Grammar School.
  • Sidney Richard Percy, painter, lived in Mulgrave Road, Sutton.[178]
  • Frank Potter, artist and art teacher, was born in Sutton in 1896.[179]
  • Michael Reeves, film director and screenwriter, best known for the 1968 film Witchfinder General
  • Gavin Roynon, cricketer and military historian, was born in Sutton.
  • Dora Russell (born Dora Black, 1894–1986), author, feminist and progressive campaigner, attended Sutton High School.
  • Sir Harry Secombe, the humourist, singer, comedian, entertainer and member of the Goon Show cast, was a local resident and personality. The Secombe Theatre in Sutton is named after him.
  • Paul Sexton, Country Music Association-nominated broadcaster, journalist and patron to the Sound Lounge, is a local resident of Sutton.[citation needed]
  • Ian Stewart, co-founder of The Rolling Stones.
  • Graham Sutherland, painter, etcher and designer, attended Homefield Preparatory School, Sutton.[180]
  • Baron Tope of Sutton.
  • Helen Young, BBC Weather Presenter and former BBC Weather Centre Manager
  • Zacron, born Richard Drew, designer of the Led Zeppelin III album cover.


Sutton High School for Girls
Sutton Grammar School for Boys
Eagle House School


Sutton is the principal town in the London Borough of Sutton, a top performing borough for education. The town is home to a significant number of the borough's schools, including one of its boys' grammar schools, its boys' preparatory school and its girls' private secondary school.

Primary schools

Secondary schools

In 2013 Sutton's GCSE performance was second across all boroughs in England.[181] In 2011 Sutton was the top performing borough in England.[182] For more performance information see London Borough of Sutton.

Adult Education[edit]

The main centre of Sutton College, originally named Sutton College of Liberal Arts, is based in Sutton. The college offers over 1000 part-time courses at its borough-wide centres.


Sutton United F.C. play in the National League at Step 5 of the English football pyramid. Nicknamed The U's, they famously beat Coventry City in the FA Cup in 1989. In 2016–17 they reached the 5th Round of the FA Cup for the first time, beating three Football League teams.[183] Sutton United's ground is Gander Green Lane.

Sutton Common Rovers F.C. play in the Combined Counties Football League Premier Division.

Sutton Cricket Club is based in Cheam Road. The club's 1st XI plays at the highest level of the sport available to it, the Surrey Championship Premier Division, which they won in 2009.[184]


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  176. ^ Beasley, Maureen (1989). Five Centuries of Artists in Sutton – A biographical dictionary of artists associated with Sutton, London. Sutton Libraries and Arts Services. p. 52. ISBN 0-907335-19-5.
  177. ^ "Phyllis King: Hard-hitting ladies doubles champion at Wimbledon in 1931". The Times. 2 February 2006. Retrieved 24 October 2007.
  178. ^ Beasley, Maureen (1989). Five Centuries of Artists in Sutton – A biographical dictionary of artists associated with Sutton, London. Sutton Libraries and Arts Services. p. 97. ISBN 0-907335-19-5.
  179. ^ Beasley, Maureen (1989). Five Centuries of Artists in Sutton - A biographical dictionary of artists associated with Sutton, London. Sutton Libraries and Arts Services. p. 100. ISBN 0-907335-19-5.
  180. ^ Beetles, Chris. "G Sutherland biography". Archived from the original on 27 November 2007.
  181. ^ "GCSE league tables: One in three London pupils leave school without". London Evening Standard. 23 January 2014.
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  183. ^ "Sutton's Deacon dares to dream but Arsenal finally end FA Cup fairytale". The Guardian. 20 January 2017. Retrieved 21 February 2017.
  184. ^ "Home". Sutton Cricket Club.
  • Charles J. Marshall (1971). History of Cheam & Sutton. S.R. Publishers Ltd. ISBN 0-85409-649-3.
  • Robert P. Smith (1970). A History of Sutton AD 675–1960. Published by Derek W. James, no ISBN.
  • Martin Andrew (2001). Around Sutton. Frith Book Company Ltd. ISBN 1-85937-337-2.

Further reading[edit]

  • Thorne, James (1876), "Sutton", Handbook to the Environs of London, London: John Murray
  • Walford, Edward (1883), "Sutton", Greater London, London: Cassell & Co., OCLC 3009761
  • H.E. Malden, ed. (1912), "Sutton", A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 4

External links[edit]

  • Manor Park (1927). Three-minute amateur film shot in 1927 from Sutton Local Studies and Archive showing various aspects of Sutton town centre, including people at leisure in Manor Park and a policeman directing traffic at the main crossroads.
  • Sutton Carnival Procession (1933). Three-minute film from 1933 covering spectators in Mulgrave Road near Sutton railway station and a carnival procession, which includes a fire engine and several floats from a range of organisations and businesses.
  • "Trolleybus Route 654 in Sutton Surrey, 1950s" Five-minute film shot in the late 50s, showing the trolloybus route