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El Ejército Popular de Vietnam ( PAVN ; vietnamita : Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam ), también conocido como Ejército Popular de Vietnam ( VPA ), es la fuerza militar de la República Socialista de Vietnam . El PAVN es parte de las Fuerzas Armadas del Pueblo de Vietnam e incluye: Fuerza Terrestre , Armada , Fuerza Aérea , Guardia Fronteriza , Guardia Costera., Operaciones del Ciberespacio y Fuerza de Defensa del Mausoleo. Sin embargo, Vietnam no tiene una Fuerza Terrestre o una rama del Ejército por separado. Todas las tropas terrestres, cuerpos de ejército, distritos militares y armas especializadas pertenecen al Ministerio de Defensa , directamente bajo el mando de la Comisión Militar Central , el Ministro de Defensa y el Estado Mayor del Ejército Popular de Vietnam . La bandera militar de la PAVN es la bandera de la República Socialista de Vietnam, con las palabras Quyết thắng (Determinación de ganar) agregadas en amarillo en la parte superior izquierda.

Durante la guerra de Indochina francesa (1946-1954), el PAVN a menudo se conocía como Việt Minh . En el contexto de la Guerra de Vietnam (1955-1975), el ejército se denominó Ejército de Vietnam del Norte ( NVA ). Esto permitió a los escritores, al ejército de los Estados Unidos y al público en general distinguir a los comunistas del norte de los comunistas del sur, llamados Viet Cong o Frente de Liberación Nacional. Sin embargo, ambos grupos trabajaron en última instancia bajo la misma estructura de mando. El Viet Cong tenía su propio ejército llamado Ejército de Liberación de Vietnam del Sur (LASV). Los norvietnamitas la consideraban una rama de la PAVN. [4]En 2010, la PAVN asumió el papel de liderar el Desfile del 1,000 Aniversario en Hanoi realizando su desfile más grande en la historia.

Historia [ editar ]

Antes de 1945 [ editar ]

The first historical record of Vietnamese military history dates back on the era of Hồng Bàng, the first recorded state in ancient Vietnam to have assembled military force. Since then, military plays a crucial role on developing Vietnamese history due to its turbulent history of wars against China, Champa, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.

La expansión del sur de Vietnam resultó con la destrucción de Champa como nación independiente a un nivel que ya no existía; destrucción total de Luang Prabang ; el declive de Camboya que resultó en la anexión del Delta del Mekong por parte de Vietnam y las guerras contra Siam. En la mayor parte de su historia, las Fuerzas Armadas Reales de Vietnam a menudo fueron consideradas como uno de los ejércitos más profesionales, curtidos en la batalla y fuertemente entrenados en el sudeste asiático , así como en Asia en gran medida.

Establecimiento [ editar ]

General Võ Nguyên Giáp en la fecha de establecimiento de la PAVN en 1944. Jefe de Estado Mayor Hoàng Văn Thái con casco de médula y sosteniendo la bandera.

El PAVN se concibió por primera vez en septiembre de 1944 en la primera Conferencia Militar del Partido Revolucionario como Ejército de Liberación de Propaganda de Vietnam ( Việt Nam Tuyên truyền Giải phóng Quân ) para educar, reclutar y movilizar a los vietnamitas para crear una fuerza principal para expulsar a los ocupantes coloniales franceses y japoneses. de Vietnam. [5] Bajo las directrices de Hồ Chí Minh , Võ Nguyên Giáp recibió la tarea de establecer las brigadas y el Ejército de Liberación de Propaganda de Vietnam. came into existence on 22 December 1944. The first formation was made up of thirty one men and three women, armed with two revolvers, seventeen rifles, one light machine gun, and fourteen breech-loading flintlocks.[6] The United States' OSS agents, led by Archimedes Patti – who was sometimes referred as the first instructor of the PAVN due to his role, had provided ammunitions as well as logistic intelligence and equipments and they had also helped training these soldiers which was later become the vital backbone of the later Vietnamese military to fight the Japanese occupiers as well as the future wars.

El nombre fue cambiado a Ejército de Liberación de Vietnam ( Việt Nam Giải phóng Quân ) el 15 de mayo de 1945. [7] La República Democrática de Vietnam fue proclamada en Hanoi por Ho Chi Minh y Vietminh el 2 de septiembre de 1945. Luego, en noviembre, el ejército pasó a llamarse Ejército de Defensa Nacional de Vietnam ( Việt Nam Vệ quốc Quân ). [7] En este punto, tenía alrededor de 1.000 soldados. [7] El 22 de mayo de 1946, el ejército fue llamado Ejército Nacional de Vietnam ( Quân đội Quốc gia Việt Nam ). Por último, en 1950, se convirtió oficialmente en elEjército Popular de Vietnam ( Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam ).

Võ Nguyên Giáp se convirtió en el primer general de pleno derecho de la PAVN el 28 de mayo de 1948, y fue famoso por liderar la PAVN en la victoria sobre las fuerzas francesas en la batalla de Dien Bien Phu en 1954 y estar al mando general contra Vietnam del Sur respaldado por Estados Unidos en la Liberación de Saigón el 30 de abril de 1975.

Guerra de Indochina francesa [ editar ]

El 7 de enero de 1947, se creó su primer regimiento, el 102º Regimiento "Capital", para las operaciones en los alrededores de Hanoi . [8] Durante los dos años siguientes, la primera división, la 308ª División , más tarde conocida como la División Pioneer, se formó a partir del 88º Regimiento Tu Vu y el 102º Regimiento de la Capital. A finales de 1950, la 308ª División tenía tres regimientos de infantería completos, cuando fue complementada por el 36º Regimiento. En ese momento, la 308ª División también estaba respaldada por el 11º Batallón que más tarde se convirtió en la fuerza principal de la 312ª División . A finales de 1951, después de lanzar tres campañas contra tres puntos fuertes franceses en el delta del río Rojo., la PAVN se centró en fortalecer aún más sus fuerzas terrestres, con cinco nuevas divisiones, cada una de 10 a 15.000 hombres, creadas: la 304a División de Gloria en Thanh Hóa , la 312a División de la Victoria en Vinh Phuc, la 316a División de Bong Lau en el noroeste región fronteriza, la 320ª División del Delta en el norte del Delta del Río Rojo, la 325ª División de Binh Tri Thien en la provincia de Binh Tri Thien. También en 1951, se formó la primera División de Artillería, la 351a División , y más tarde, antes de la Batalla de Dien Bien Phu en 1954, por primera vez en la historia, se equipó con 24 obuses estadounidenses capturados de 105 mm suministrados por el Ejército Popular de Liberación de China.. The first six divisions (308th, 304th, 312th, 316th, 320th, 325th) became known as the original PAVN 'Steel and Iron' divisions. In 1954, four of these divisions (the 308th, 304th, 312nd, 316th, supported by the 351st Division's captured US howitzers) defeated the French Union forces at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, ending 83 years of French rule in Indochina.

Vietnam War[edit]

Vietnamese troops in Vietnam War, 1967

Poco después de los Acuerdos de Ginebra de 1954 , las Divisiones 330 y 338 fueron formadas por miembros del sur del Viet Minh que se habían trasladado al norte de conformidad con ese acuerdo, y para 1955, se formaron seis divisiones más: la 328, 332 y 350 en el norte del país. Vietnam del Norte , el 305 y el 324 cerca de la DMZ , y la 335 División de soldados repatriados desde Laos . En 1957, los teatros de la guerra con los franceses se reorganizaron como las primeras cinco regiones militares, y en los dos años siguientes, varias divisiones se redujeron al tamaño de una brigada para satisfacer las necesidades de mano de obra de las granjas colectivas.

Para 1958, se estaba volviendo cada vez más claro que el gobierno de Vietnam del Sur estaba solidificando su posición como república independiente bajo Ngô Đình Diệm , quien se opuso firmemente a los términos de los Acuerdos de Ginebra, que requerían un referéndum nacional sobre la unificación del norte y sur de Vietnam bajo un gobierno nacional único. Vietnam del Norte se preparó para resolver la cuestión de la unificación por la fuerza.

Infiltrados en movimiento en Laos por el sendero Ho Chi Minh.

En mayo de 1959, se dieron los primeros pasos importantes para preparar rutas de infiltración en Vietnam del Sur ; Se estableció el Grupo 559 , una unidad logística encargada de establecer rutas hacia el sur a través de Laos y Camboya , que más tarde se hizo famoso como el Camino Ho Chi Minh . Aproximadamente al mismo tiempo, se creó el Grupo 579 como su contraparte marítima para transportar suministros al sur por mar. La mayoría de los primeros infiltrados eran miembros de la 338ª División, antiguos sureños que se habían establecido en Xuan Mai desde 1954 en adelante.

Regular formations were sent to South Vietnam from 1965 onwards; the 325th Division's 101B Regiment and the 66th Regiment of the 304th Division met U.S. forces on a large scale, a first for the PAVN, at the Battle of Ia Drang Valley in November 1965. The 308th Division's 88A Regiment, the 312th Division's 141A, 141B, 165A, 209A, the 316th Division's 174A, the 325th Division's 95A, 95B, the 320A Division also faced the U.S. forces which included the 1st Cavalry Division, the 101st Airborne Division, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the 4th Infantry Division, the 1st Infantry Division and the 25th Infantry Division. Many of those formations later became main forces of the 3rd Division (Yellow Star Division) in Binh Dinh (1965), the 5th Division (1966) of 7th Military Zone (Capital Tactical Area of ARVN), the 7th (created by 141st and 209th Regiments originated in the 312th Division in 1966) and 9th Divisions (first Division of National Liberation Front of Vietnam in 1965 in Mekong Delta), the 10th Dakto Division in Dakto – Central Highlands in 1972.

El 20 de diciembre de 1960, todas las fuerzas antiamericanas en Vietnam del Sur se unieron para formar un frente unido llamado Frente de Liberación Nacional de Vietnam del Sur ( Mặt trận Dân tộc Giải phóng Miền Nam Việt Nam ) o simplemente conocido como el Vietcong en los Estados Unidos. El 15 de diciembre de 1961, el NLF estableció su propio ejército llamado Ejército de Liberación de Vietnam del Sur (LASV) para luchar contra los estadounidenses y el Ejército de la República de Vietnam . El LASV fue controlado y equipado por el PAVN.

El general Trần Văn Trà , ex comandante del cuartel general del Frente B2 (Saigón) confirma que aunque el PAVN y el LASV confiaban en su capacidad para derrotar a las fuerzas regulares del ARVN, la intervención estadounidense en Vietnam los obligó a reconsiderar sus operaciones. Se tomó la decisión de continuar con los enfrentamientos de la "fuerza principal" a pesar de que "había otros en el Sur, no eran militares, que querían volver a la guerra de guerrillas", pero los objetivos estratégicos se ajustaron para cumplir con la nueva realidad. .

We had to change our plan and make it different from when we fought the Saigon regime, because we now had to fight two adversaries — the United States and South Vietnam. We understood that the U.S. Army was superior to our own logistically, in weapons and in all things. So strategically we did not hope to defeat the U.S. Army completely. Our intentions were to fight a long time and cause heavy casualties to the United States, so the United States would see that the war was unwinnable and would leave.[9]

Captured photo shows VC crossing a river in 1966.

During the Vietnamese Lunar New Year Tết holiday starting on 30 January 1968, the PAVN/VC launched a general offensive in more than 60 cities and towns throughout south of Vietnam against the US Army and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), beginning with operations in the border region to try and draw US forces and ARVN troops out of the major cities. In coordinated attacks, the U.S Embassy in Saigon, Presidential Palace, Headquarters of the Joint General Staff and Republic of Vietnam Navy, TV and Radio Stations, Tan Son Nhat Air Base in Saigon were attacked by commando forces known as "Dac Cong". This offensive became known as the "Tet Offensive". The PAVN sustained heavy losses of its main forces in southern military zones. Some of its regular forces and command structure had to escape to Laos and Cambodia to avoid counterattacks from US forces and ARVN, while local guerrillas forces and political organisations in South Vietnam were exposed and had a hard time remaining within the Mekong Delta area due to the extensive use of the Phoenix Program.

Although the PAVN lost militarily to the US forces and ARVN in the south, the political impact of the war in the United States was strong.[10] Public demonstrations increased in ferocity and quantity after the Tet Offensive. During 1970, the 5th, 7th and 9th Divisions fought in Cambodia against U.S., ARVN, and Cambodian Khmer National Armed Forces but they had gained new allies: the Khmer Rouge and guerrilla fighters supporting deposed Prime Minister Sihanouk. In 1975 the PAVN were successful in aiding the Khmer Rouge in toppling Lon Nol's U.S.-backed regime, despite heavy US bombing.

After the withdrawal of most U.S. combat forces from Indochina because of the Vietnamization strategy, the PAVN launched the ill-fated Easter Offensive in 1972. Although successful at the beginning, the South Vietnamese repulsed the main assaults with U.S. air support. Still North Vietnam retained some South Vietnamese territory.

Nearly two years after the full U.S. withdrawal from Indochina in accordance with the terms of the 1973 Paris Peace Accords, the PAVN launched a Spring Offensive aimed at uniting Vietnam. Without direct support of the U.S., and suffering from stresses caused by dwindling aid, the ARVN was ill-prepared to confront the highly motivated PAVN, and despite the paper superiority of the ARVN, the PAVN quickly secured victory within two months and captured Saigon on 30 April 1975, effectively ending the 70 years of conflict stemming from French colonial invasion of the 19th century and unifying Vietnam.

After national reunification, the LASV was officially merged into PAVN on 2 July 1976.

Sino-Vietnamese conflicts (1975–1990)[edit]

Towards the second half of the 20th century the armed forces of Vietnam would participate in organised incursions to protect its citizens and allies against aggressive military factions in the neighbouring Indochinese countries of Laos and Cambodia, and the defensive border wars with China.

  • The PAVN had forces in Laos to secure the Ho Chi Minh Trail and to militarily support the Pathet Lao. In 1975 the Pathet Lao and PAVN forces succeeded in toppling the Royal Laotian regime and installing a new, and pro-Hanoi government, the Lao People's Democratic Republic,[11] that rules Laos to this day.
  • Parts of Sihanouk's neutral Cambodia were occupied by troops as well. A pro US coup led by Lon Nol in 1970 led to the foundation pro-US Khmer Republic state. This marked the beginning of the Cambodian Civil War. The PAVN aided Khmer Rouge forces in toppling Lon Nol's government in 1975. In 1978, along with the FUNSK Cambodian Salvation Front, the Vietnamese and Ex-Khmer Rouge forces succeeded in toppling Pol Pot's Democratic Kampuchea regime and installing a new government, the People's Republic of Kampuchea.[12]
  • During the Sino-Vietnamese War and the Sino-Vietnamese conflicts 1979–90, Vietnamese forces would conduct cross-border raids into Chinese territory to destroy artillery ammunition. This greatly contributed to the outcome of the Sino-Vietnamese War, as the Chinese forces ran out of ammunition already at an early stage and had to call in reinforcements.
  • While occupying Cambodia, Vietnam launched several armed incursions into Thailand in pursuit of Cambodian guerrillas that had taken refuge on the Thai side of the border.

Modern deployment[edit]

The PAVN has been actively involved in Vietnam's workforce to develop the economy of Vietnam, to co-ordinate national defence and the economy, as for the result of its long-relationship of Vietnamese economic development within military history. The PAVN has regularly sent troops to aid with natural disasters such as flooding, landslides etc. The PAVN is also involved in such areas as industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery and telecommunications. The PAVN has numerous small firms which have become quite profitable in recent years. However, recent decrees have effectively prohibited the commercialisation of the military. Conscription is in place for every male, age 18 to 25 years old, though females can volunteer to join.

International presence[edit]

The Foreign Relations Department of the Ministry of National Defence organises international operations of the PAVN.

Apart from its occupation of half of the disputed Spratly Islands, which have been claimed as Vietnamese territory since the 17th century, Vietnam has not officially had forces stationed internationally since its withdrawal from Cambodia and Laos in early 1990.

The Center for Public Policy Analysis and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as Laotian and Hmong human rights organisations, including the Lao Human Rights Council, Inc. and the United League for Democracy in Laos, Inc., have provided evidence that since the end of the Vietnam War, significant numbers of Vietnamese military and security forces continue to be sent to Laos, on a repeated basis, to quell and suppress Laotian political and religious dissident and opposition groups including the peaceful 1999 Lao Students for Democracy protest in Vientiane in 1999 and the Hmong rebellion.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Rudolph Rummel has estimated that 100,000 Hmong perished in genocide between 1975 and 1980 in collaboration with PAVN.[24] For example, in late November 2009, shortly before the start of the 2009 Southeast Asian Games in Vientiane, the PAVN undertook a major troop surge in key rural and mountainous provinces in Laos where Lao and Hmong civilians and religious believers, including Christians, have sought sanctuary.[25][26]

In 2014, Vietnam had requested to join the United Nations peacekeeping force, which was later approved.[27] The first Vietnamese UN peacekeeping officers were sent to South Sudan, marked the first involvement of Vietnam into a United Nations' mission abroad.[27] Vietnamese peacekeepers were also sent to the Central African Republic.[28]


PAVN's structure

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is the President of Vietnam, though this position is nominal and real power is assumed by the Central Military Commission of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam. The secretary of Central Military Commission (usually the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam) is the de facto Commander and now is Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

The Minister of National Defence oversees operations of the Ministry of Defence, and the PAVN. He also oversees such agencies as the General Staff and the General Logistics Department. However, military policy is ultimately directed by the Central Military Commission of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam.

Insignia of the General Staff
  • Ministry of Defence: is the lead organisation, highest command and management of the Vietnam People's Army.
  • General Staff Department: is leading agency all levels of the Vietnam People's Army, command all of the armed forces, which functions to ensure combat readiness of the armed forces and manage all military activities in peace and war.
  • General Political Department: is the agency in charge of Communist Party affairs – political work within PAVN, which operates under the direct leadership of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Central Military Party Committee.
  • General Military Intelligence Department: is an intelligence agency of the Vietnamese government and military.
  • General Logistical Department: is the agency in charge to ensure the full logistical and military unit.
  • General Technical Department: is the agency in charge to ensure equipped technical means of war for the army and each unit.
  • General Military Industry Department: is the agency in charge guide task to defence perform and production.

Service branches[edit]

The Vietnamese People's Army is subdivided into the following service branches:

  • Vietnam People's Ground Force (Lục quân Nhân dân Việt Nam)
  • Vietnam People's Air Force (Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam)
  • Vietnam People's Navy (Hải quân Nhân dân Việt Nam)
  • Vietnam Border Guard (Bộ đội Biên phòng Việt Nam)
  • Vietnam Coast Guard (Cảnh sát biển Việt Nam)
  • Cyberspace Operations (Tác chiến Không gian mạng)
  • President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Defence Force (Bảo vệ Lăng Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh)

The People's Army of Vietnam is a "triple armed force" composed of the Main Force, the Local Force and the Border Force. As with most countries' armed forces, the PAVN consists of standing, or regular, forces as well as reserve forces. During peacetime, the standing forces are minimised in number, and kept combat-ready by regular physical and weapons training, and stock maintenance.

Vietnam People's Ground Force[edit]

Within PAVN the Ground Force have not been established as a full separate Service Command, thus all of the ground troops, army corps, military districts, specialised arms belong to the Ministry of Defence, under the direct command of the General Staff. The Vietnam Strategic Rear Forces (Lực lượng dự bị chiến lược) is also a part of the Ground Force.


Military regions[edit]

The following military regions are under the direct control of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defence:

Vietnam Map with eight Military Districts and four Corps
PAVN soldiers during a parade in 2015.
  • 1st Military Region: responsible for the North East of Vietnam. Headquarters: Thái Nguyên
  • 2nd Military Region: responsible for the North West of Vietnam. Headquarters: Việt Trì, Phú Thọ
  • 3rd Military Region: special command responsible for the defense of the Red River Delta. Headquarters: Hai Phong
  • 4th Military Region: responsible for North Central Vietnam. Headquarters: Vinh, Nghệ An
  • 5th Military Region: responsible for South Central Vietnam including the Central Highlands and Southern Central coastal provinces. Headquarters: Da Nang
  • 7th Military Region: responsible for Southern Vietnam. Headquarters: Ho Chi Minh City
  • 9th Military Region: responsible for the Mekong Delta. Headquarters: Cần Thơ
  • Hanoi Capital City Special High Command: special command tasked for the defense of the Greater Hanoi area. Headquarters: Hanoi

Main force[edit]

PAVN military vehicles roundel.
Main battle tanks of PAVN - the T-90S, the upgraded T-54M and the traditional T-54/55 tanks
PAVN reconnaissance troops in 2015.

The Main Force of the PAVN consists of combat ready troops, as well as support units such as educational institutions for logistics, officer training, and technical training. In 1991, Conboy et al. stated that the PAVN Ground Force had four 'Strategic Army Corps' in the early 1990s, numbering 1–4, from north to south.[29] 1st Corps, located in the Red River Delta region, consisted of the 308th (one of the six original 'Steel and Iron' divisions) and 312th Divisions, and the 309th Infantry Regiment. The other three corps, 2 SAC, 3 SAC, and 4 SAC, were further south, with 4th Corps, in Southern Vietnam, consisting of two former LASV divisions, the 7th and 9th.

From 2014 to 2016, the IISS Military Balance attributed the Vietnamese ground forces with an estimated 412,000 personnel. Formations, according to the IISS, include 8 military regions, 4 corps headquarters, 1 special forces airborne brigade, 6 armoured brigades and 3 armoured regiments, two mechanised infantry divisions, and 23 active infantry divisions plus another 9 reserve ones.

Combat support formations include 13 artillery brigades and one artillery regiment, 11 air defence brigades, 10 engineers brigades, 1 electronic warfare unit, 3 signals brigades and 2 signals regiment.

Combat service support formations include 9 economic construction divisions, 1 logistical regiment, 1 medical unit and 1 training regiment. Ross wrote in 1984 that economic construction division "are composed of regular troops that are fully trained and armed, and reportedly they are surbordinate to their own directorate in the Ministry of Defense. They have specific military missions; however, they are also entrusted with economic tasks such as food production or construction work. They are composed partially of older veterans."[30] Ross also cited 1980s sources saying that economic construction divisions each had a strength of about 3,500.

In 2017, the listing was amended, with the addition of a single Short-range ballistic missile brigade. The ground forces according to the IISS, hold Scud-B/C SRBMs.[31]

1st Corps – Binh đoàn Quyết thắng (Corps of the Determined Victory):

First organised on 24 October 1973 during the Vietnam War, the 1st Corps had a major role in the Ho Chi Minh Campaign that ended the war. It is stationed in Tam Điệp District, Ninh Bình. The combat forces of the corps include:

  • 308th Division
  • 312th Infantry Division
  • 390th Division
  • 367th Air Defence Division
  • 202nd Tank Brigade
  • 45th Artillery Brigade
  • 299th Engineer Brigade

2nd Corps – Binh đoàn Hương Giang (Corps of the Perfume River):

First organised on 17 May 1974 during the Vietnam War, the 2nd Corps had a major role in the Ho Chi Minh Campaign that ended the war. Stationed in Lạng Giang District, Bắc Giang. The combat forces of the corps include:

  • 304th Division
  • 306th Infantry Division
  • 325th Division
  • 673rd Air Defence Division
  • 203rd Tank Brigade
  • 164th Artillery Brigade
  • 219th Engineer Brigade

3rd Corps – Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên (Corps of the Central Highlands):

First organised on 26 March 1975 during the Vietnam War, 3rd Corps had a major role in the Ho Chi Minh Campaign and the Cambodian–Vietnamese War. Stationed in Pleiku, Gia Lai. The combat forces of the corps include:

  • 10th Infantry Division
  • 31st Infantry Division
  • 320th Infantry Division
  • 312th Air Defence Regiment
  • 273rd Tank Regiment
  • 675th Artillery Regiment
  • 198th Commando Regiment
  • 29th Signal Regiment
  • 545th Engineer Regiment

4th Corps – Binh đoàn Cửu Long (Corps of the Mekong):

First organised 20 July 1974 during the Vietnam War, 4th Corps had a major role in the Ho Chi Minh Campaign and the Cambodian–Vietnamese War. Stationed in Dĩ An, Bình Dương. The combat forces of the corps include:

  • 7th Infantry Division
  • 9th Infantry Division
  • 324th Infantry Division
  • 71st Air Defence Regiment
  • 24th Artillery Regiment
  • 429th Commando Regiment
  • 550th Engineer Regiment

Local forces[edit]

Local forces are an entity of the PAVN that, together with the militia and "self-defence forces," act on the local level in protection of people and local authorities. While the local forces are regular VPA forces, the people's militia consists of rural civilians, and the people's self-defence forces consist of civilians who live in urban areas and/or work in large groups, such as at construction sites or farms. The current number stands at 3–4 million reservists and militia personnel combined. They serve as force multipliers to the PAVN and Public Security during wartime and peacetime contingencies.

Vietnam People's Navy[edit]

A few surface ships of Vietnam People's Navy

Vietnam People's Air Force[edit]

Vietnam People's Air Force's fleet of Sukhoi Su-30MK2 fighters

Vietnam Border Guard[edit]

Vietnam Coast Guard[edit]

A Vietnam Coast Guard patrol vessel

As mentioned above, reserves exist in all branches and are organised in the same way as the standing forces, with the same chain of command, and with officers and non-commissioned officers. It is modeled after the United States Coast Guard with some Vietnamese characteristics.

Ranks and insignia[edit]


From the 1960s to 1975 the Soviet Union, along with some smaller Eastern Bloc countries, was the main supplier of military hardware to North Vietnam. After the latter's victory in the war, it remained the main supplier of equipment to Vietnam. The United States had been the primary supplier of equipment to South Vietnam; much of the equipment left by the U.S. Army and the ARVN came under control of the re-unified Vietnamese government. The PAVN captured large numbers of ARVN weapons on 30 April 1975 after Saigon was captured.

Russia remains the largest arms-supplier for Vietnam; even after 1986, there were also increasing arms sales from other nations, notably from India, Turkey, Israel, Japan, South Korea, and France. In 2016, President Barack Obama announced the lifting of the lethal weapons embargo on Vietnam, which has increased Vietnamese military equipment choices from other countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries, which could enable a faster modernization of the Vietnamese military.

Despite Russia remaining Vietnam's largest weapon supplier, increasing cooperation with Israel has resulted in the development of Vietnamese weaponry with a strong mixture of Russian and Israeli weapons. For examples, the PKMS, GK1, and GK3 guns are three Vietnam-made indigenous guns modeled after the Galil ACE of Israel.[32] Many new Vietnamese weapons, armor, and equipment are also greatly influenced by Israeli military doctrines, due to Vietnam's long and problematic relations with most of its neighbors.[32]




  1. ^ a b International Institute for Strategic Studies (3 February 2014). The Military Balance 2014. London: Routledge. pp. 287–289. ISBN 9781857437225.
  2. ^ a b "Military expenditure by country, in constant (2017) US$ m., 1988–2018" (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. 2019. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  3. ^ "History – The Hmong". Archived from the original on 12 October 2012. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  4. ^ Military History Institute of Vietnam,(2002) Victory in Vietnam: The Official History of the People's Army of Vietnam, 1954–1975, translated by Merle L. Pribbenow. University Press of Kansas. p. 68. ISBN 0-7006-1175-4.
  5. ^ Leulliot, Nowfel. "Viet Minh". Archived from the original on 5 November 2016. Retrieved 11 October 2016.
  6. ^ Macdonald, Peter (1993). Giap: The Victor in Vietnam, pp. 32
  7. ^ a b c Early Day: The Development of the Viet Minh Military Machine Archived 22 May 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ Conboy, Bowra, and McCouaig, The NVA and Vietcong, Osprey Publishing, 1991, p.5
  9. ^ "Interview with PAVN General Tran Van Tra". 12 June 2006. Archived from the original on 6 January 2014. Retrieved 7 October 2013.
  10. ^ "Political lessons – The Vietnam War and Its Impact". Archived from the original on 25 March 2012. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  11. ^ Christopher Robbins, The Ravens: Pilots of the Secret War in Laos. Asia Books 2000.
  12. ^ David P. Chandler, A history of Cambodia, Westview Press; Allen & Unwin, Boulder, Sydney, 1992
  13. ^ Centre for Public Policy Analysis Archived 6 April 2008 at the Wayback Machine, (CPPA),(30 August 2013), Washington, D.C.
  14. ^ The Hmong Rebellion in Laos: Victims of Totalitarianism or terrorists? Archived 14 January 2010 at the Wayback Machine, by Gary Yia Lee, PhD
  15. ^ "Vietnamese soldiers attack Hmong in Laos". Archived from the original on 3 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  16. ^ "Joint-Military Co-operation continues between Laos and Vietnam". Archived from the original on 3 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  17. ^ "Combine Military Effort of Laos and Vietnam". Archived from the original on 3 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  18. ^ "Vietnam, Laos: Military Offensive Launched At Hmong". Archived from the original on 28 November 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  19. ^ "Laos, Vietnam: Attacks Against Hmong Civilians Mount". 20 May 2008.[dead link]
  20. ^ "Laos, Vietnam: New Campaign to Exterminate Hmong". Archived from the original on 30 August 2012. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  21. ^ "President Obama Urged To Address Laos, Hmong Crisis During Asia Trip, Student Protests in Vientiane". Archived from the original on 21 September 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  22. ^ "Hmong: Vietnam VPA, LPA Troops Attack Christians Villagers in Laos". 26 January 2010. Archived from the original on 7 July 2010. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  23. ^ "Laos, Vietnam Peoples Army Unleashes Helicopter Gunship Attacks on Laotian and Hmong Civilians, Christian Believers". 11 February 2010. Archived from the original on 28 November 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  24. ^ Statistics of Democide Archived 4 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine Rudolph Rummel
  25. ^ "Vietnam, Laos Crackdown: SEA Games Avoided By Overseas Lao, Hmong in Protest". 7 December 2009. Archived from the original on 6 October 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  26. ^ – Press Release Distribution (26 November 2009). "SEA Game Attacks: Vietnam, Laos Military Kill 23 Lao Hmong Christians on Thanksgiving". Archived from the original on 28 November 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
  27. ^ a b
  28. ^
  29. ^ See also "Modern Military of Vietnam". Defence Talk. Archived from the original on 29 April 2009. Retrieved 12 October 2016.
  30. ^ Russel R. Ross, "Military Force Development in Vietnam," Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1984, 17.
  31. ^ IISS Military Balance 2017, 338–9.
  32. ^ a b


  • Conboy, Bowra, and McCouaig, 'The NVA and Vietcong', Osprey Publishing, 1991.
  • Military History Institute of Vietnam,(2002) Victory in Vietnam: The Official History of the People's Army of Vietnam, 1954–1975, translated by Merle L. Pribbenow. University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-1175-4.
  • Morris, Virginia and Hills, Clive. 'Ho Chi Minh's Blueprint for Revolution: In the Words of Vietnamese Strategists and Operatives', McFarland & Co Inc, 2018.
  • Tran, Doan Lam (2012). How the Vietnamese People's Army was Founded. Hanoi: World Publishers. ISBN 978-604-7705-13-9.

External links[edit]

  • Ministry of Defence Vietnam
    • People's Army of Vietnam English Edition
  • Center for Public Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C.