File:20211228 Cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by country and region - bar chart.svg

The following files relate to cumulative greenhouse gas emissions, some by country, some grouped by region:

Uploader determined data values by physically measuring extent of bars in source's bar chart, and used Microsft Excel to convert to the following values that are represented in the above graphic.

Aside: so many significant digits are generated as an unintended result of Microsoft Excel's calculations; actual precision is much less than the following numbers indicate!

A B C D Total
USA 164.6437995 180.474934 136.1477573 123.4828496 604.7493404
China 63.32453826 101.3192612 129.8153034 281.7941953 576.2532982
EU27 145.646438 189.9736148 107.651715 104.4854881 547.7572559
Russia 34.82849604 91.82058047 53.82585752 39.57783641 220.0527704
Rest of SE Asia 39.57783641 53.82585752 50.65963061 69.65699208 213.7203166
Rest of Africa 41.16094987 56.99208443 47.49340369 66.49076517 212.1372032
India 31.66226913 34.82849604 37.99472296 79.15567282 183.6411609
Indonesia 25.3298153 44.32717678 53.82585752 44.32717678 167.8100264
Rest, Latin Amer 28.49604222 50.65963061 37.99472296 47.49340369 164.6437995
Brazil 18.99736148 47.49340369 34.82849604 41.16094987 142.4802111
Middle East 6.332453826 25.3298153 34.82849604 47.49340369 113.9841689
Japan 11.0817942 34.82849604 28.49604222 25.3298153 99.73614776
Canada 14.24802111 18.99736148 15.83113456 18.99736148 68.07387863
AUS/NZeal 11.0817942 18.99736148 15.83113456 15.83113456 61.7414248
Ukraine 6.332453826 22.16358839 11.0817942 11.0817942 50.65963061
Mexico 6.332453826 12.66490765 12.66490765 15.83113456 47.49340369
Other EU 6.332453826 12.66490765 9.498680739 9.498680739 37.99472296
South Korea 1.583113456 4.749340369 11.0817942 17.41424802 34.82849604
South Africa 3.166226913 9.498680739 9.498680739 12.66490765 34.82849604
Turkey 4.749340369 4.749340369 6.332453826 12.66490765 28.49604222
Rest of Asia 0 7.915567282 6.332453826 12.66490765 26.91292876
Nigeria 3.166226913 6.332453826 6.332453826 9.498680739 25.3298153
Saudi Arabia 0 3.166226913 6.332453826 12.66490765 22.16358839

VERSION 2 (29 Dec 2021): (re-ordered based on historical empirically based data = sum of first three numerical columns)