Festival de Cine de los Hermanos Manaki

The International Cinematographers Film Festival "Manaki Brothers" (known short as Manaki Film Festival) is an annual international film festival organized by the Macedonian Film Professionals Association (MFPA). The festival is held in Bitola, the town where most of the activities of the Aromanian brothers Yanaki and Milton Manaki were organized. They were the filmmakers, who in 1905 filmed in Avdela the first motion pictures in the Ottoman Balkans.[1] Each year the festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Macedonia and the President of North Macedonia. The award of the festival is Camera 300el otorgado a las mejores películas del año elegidas por el comité de cine del festival. El Festival de Cine de Manaki se ha alojado en el Centro de cultura, con proyecciones en el Gran Salón, ubicado en el centro de Bitola y ha contado con la presencia de celebridades como Michael York , Charles Dance , Victoria Abril , Daryl Hannah , Catherine Deneuve , Isabelle Huppert , Julliette Binoche , Aleksei Serebryakov , Bruno Ganz , Claudia Cardinale , Fatih Akin . [2]

Embajador de EE.UU. en Macedonia, Reeker y Labina Mitevska , directora del festival, Vilmos Zsigmond y Kirstin Wilder en el festival de cine de Manaki 2010
Daryl Hannah, invitada exclusiva de Manaki en 2010