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Beverly Hills, 90210 (a menudo referido por su título corto, 90210 [2] [3] [4] ) es una serie de televisión dramática para adolescentes estadounidense creada por Darren Star y producida por Aaron Spelling bajo su compañía de producción Spelling Television . La serie se emitió durante diez temporadas en Fox desde el 4 de octubre de 1990 hasta el 17 de mayo de 2000, y es la primera de las seis series de televisión de la franquicia de Beverly Hills, 90210 . La serie sigue la vida de un grupo de amigos que viven en la comunidad exclusiva y repleta de estrellas de Beverly Hills, California., a medida que pasan de la escuela secundaria a la universidad y al mundo de los adultos. "90210" se refiere a uno de los cinco códigos postales de la ciudad . [5]

La premisa inicial del programa se basó en el ajuste y el choque cultural que los gemelos Brandon ( Jason Priestley ) y Brenda Walsh ( Shannen Doherty ) experimentaron cuando ellos y sus padres, Jim ( James Eckhouse ) y Cindy ( Carol Potter ), se mudaron de Minneapolis. , Minnesota , a Beverly Hills, California . [6] [7] Además de hacer una crónica de las amistades y relaciones románticas de los personajes, el programa abordó temas de actualidad como el sexo , la violación en una cita , la homofobia , los derechos de los animales , el alcoholismo ,abuso de drogas , la violencia doméstica , trastornos de la alimentación , el antisemitismo , el racismo , el suicidio adolescente , el embarazo adolescente y el SIDA . [8] [9]

Después de bajos índices de audiencia durante su primera temporada, la serie ganó popularidad durante el verano de 1991, cuando Fox emitió una "temporada de verano" especial del programa, mientras que la mayoría de las otras series estaban en reposiciones. [10] La audiencia aumentó drásticamente y 90210 se convirtió en uno de los mejores programas de Fox cuando regresó ese otoño. El programa se convirtió en un fenómeno mundial de la cultura pop con sus miembros del elenco, en particular Jason Priestley y Luke Perry , quienes se convirtieron en ídolos adolescentes ; la serie también hizo actrices Shannen Doherty y Jennie Garthnombres familiares en los EE. UU. Al programa se le atribuye la creación o la popularización del género de telenovelas para adolescentes que muchos otros programas de televisión exitosos siguieron en los años venideros.

El programa tuvo muchos cambios de reparto; Jennie Garth , Tori Spelling , Brian Austin Green e Ian Ziering fueron los únicos actores que aparecieron durante toda su carrera y aparecieron en el primer episodio del spin-off Melrose Place .

El 27 de febrero de 2019, se anunció que Fox ordenó un reinicio de seis episodios y que el programa simplemente se titularía BH90210 . [11] [12] El 8 de mayo de 2019, se anunció que el reinicio se estrenaría el 7 de agosto de 2019, a las 9 / 8c en Fox. [13]

Resumen de la serie [ editar ]

La serie comienza con la presentación de la familia Walsh, Jim, Cindy, Brandon y Brenda, quienes se han mudado recientemente de Minneapolis , Minnesota a Beverly Hills , California, como resultado de la promoción laboral de Jim. En el primer episodio, Brandon y Brenda comienzan a asistir a West Beverly Hills High School, donde se hacen amigos de varios compañeros de clase: la egocéntrica y promiscua Kelly Taylor, el despreocupado y mimado Steve Sanders, la inteligente y motivada Andrea Zuckerman, la tonta y virtuosa Donna Martin, inquieta el solitario Dylan McKay, y los estudiantes más jóvenes e ingenuos David Silver y Scott Scanlon. El programa sigue a los hermanos mientras son testigos y participan en las vidas dramáticas que llevan sus compañeros ricos y privilegiados. [14] [15]

Episodios [ editar ]

Reparto y personajes [ editar ]

  1. ^ Jason Priestley se va en "Brandon Leaves" (episodio 9.05)
  2. ^ Luke Perry se va en "Una boda y un funeral" (episodio 6.10)
  3. Perry, aunque es una serie regular desde su regreso en "Dices adiós, te digo hola" (episodio 9.07), se le acredita como una "estrella invitada especial".
  4. ^ Tiffani-Amber Thiessen se va en "Dices adiós, yo digo hola" (episodio 9.07)
  5. Jamie Walters se va en "Courting" (episodio 6.13) y regresa para un episodio como invitado: "Ray of Hope" (temporada 6.30).
  6. ^ Hilary Swank dejó la serie en "El padre del elefante" (episodio 8.17)
  7. Vanessa Marcil aparece por primera vez en "You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello" (episodio 9.07) y se aparta de la serie en "Doc Martin" (episodio 10.17).

Casting [ editar ]

Torand Productions fue utilizada por la productora durante varias temporadas en el programa. "Torand" se deriva de las primeras letras del primer y segundo hijo de Aaron Spelling, Tori y Randy. [ cita requerida ]

El nombre original del programa, utilizado durante el rodaje del piloto original en marzo y abril de 1990, era Doing Time en Beverly Hills ; [1] más tarde, el título provisional del programa cambió a Clase de Beverly Hills . Los episodios del programa se basaron originalmente en temas hasta que los productores decidieron que debería convertirse en una telenovela para adolescentes. En la primera temporada, se dijo que los personajes adolescentes (aparte de David Silver y Scott Scanlon) estaban en el undécimo grado, pero debido al éxito del programa, sus edades se volvieron a ajustar para ser un año más jóvenes en la segunda temporada, lo que ellos estudiantes de décimo grado en el primero.

Jennie Garth tuvo que hacer una audición cinco veces para el papel de Kelly Taylor [16] y fue la primera en ser elegida para el programa. [17] Gabrielle Carteris sintió que era demasiado mayor para interpretar a una estudiante de secundaria. Primero audicionó para Brenda porque pensó que ser una gemela en la vida real mejoraría sus posibilidades, pero los productores sintieron que ella sería mejor para el papel de Andrea. [18]

Cuando Tori Spelling (la hija de Aaron Spelling) hizo una audición para el programa, usó el nombre de Tori Mitchell y audicionó para el papel de Kelly Taylor, pero finalmente fue reconocida y fue elegida como Donna Martin . [19] Tori Spelling llamó la atención de su padre sobre Shannen Doherty después de ver la película Heathers de Doherty y quedar impresionada con su actuación. [20]

Lyman Ward fue originalmente elegido como Jim Walsh en el piloto, pero fue reemplazado por James Eckhouse , y las escenas de Ward se cortaron y volvieron a filmar con Eckhouse. Kristin Dattilo también estaba lista para el papel de Brenda Walsh, pero lo rechazó. Más tarde actuó como estrella invitada como Melissa Coolidge en un episodio de la primera temporada.

Además, Luke Perry había hecho una audición para el papel de Steve Sanders, pero el papel finalmente fue para Ian Ziering antes de que Perry fuera elegido como Dylan McKay. El personaje de Perry no era un miembro del elenco original del programa, y ​​apareció por primera vez en el segundo episodio del programa. Originalmente estaba destinado a aparecer solo en un arco de la historia, durante uno o dos episodios. Inicialmente, Fox se mostró reacio a que lo incluyeran como un habitual, pero Aaron Spelling se sintió diferente y le dio a Perry un papel más importante durante los primeros dos años hasta que se ganó la cadena.

En la primera temporada, cuando Donna intenta ser DJ de la escuela, se la conoce como Donna Morgan. Durante el resto del programa, su nombre es Donna Martin.

Además, en la primera temporada la madre de Donna se llamó Nancy Martin e interpretada por la actriz Jordana Capra. Cuando fue reintroducida en la segunda temporada, se llamó Felice Martin y fue interpretada por la actriz Katherine Cannon .

En el episodio piloto, el papel de Jackie Taylor fue interpretado primero por Pamela Galloway y luego por Ann Gillespie durante el resto de la serie. Terence Ford y Arthur Brooks interpretaron al padre de Dylan, Jack McKay, en dos episodios antes de que Josh Taylor asumiera el papel.

Salidas [ editar ]

La partida de Shannen Doherty al final de la temporada 4 se produjo después de un período de disputas entre Doherty, los otros miembros del elenco y los productores del programa. El productor ejecutivo Charles Rosin comentó en 2000 que Doherty "tenía retrasos habituales, su retraso era espantoso y tenía una actitud insensible e indiferente". [21] Los problemas entre Doherty y sus coprotagonistas, Jennie Garth en particular, también fueron ampliamente informados en los medios. [22] [23] [24]Doherty, que estaba luchando en su vida personal con la enfermedad de su padre, llegó a un acuerdo con los productores para eliminarla del programa al comienzo de la temporada 4, cuando Brenda regrese a Minnesota para la universidad. Se planeó reducir sus apariencias a partir de ese momento, pero Doherty cambió de opinión y solicitó permanecer como miembro principal del reparto. [25] Sin embargo, a medida que avanzaba la cuarta temporada, la actitud de Doherty se deterioró y su fricción con los otros miembros del elenco se intensificó. Cuando causó problemas de continuidad al cortarse el cabello a la mitad de la filmación de un episodio, los productores y el elenco solicitaron a Aaron Spelling que la despidieran. [26]

En la temporada 5, la producción acomodó el embarazo de Gabrielle Carteris escribiendo a regañadientes una historia de embarazo para Andrea. Los productores no estaban contentos con la dirección más adulta del personaje, y Carteris fue descartado del programa al final de la temporada. [26] [27] También en la temporada 5, Jamie Waltersfue presentado como el novio de Donna, Ray, quien luego comienza a abusar de ella. Los guionistas tenían la intención de "rehabilitar" al personaje en la temporada 6, y Walters firmó un contrato de $ 1 millón. Sin embargo, el programa recibió una avalancha de correos negativos de los fanáticos quejándose de que Donna era "estúpida" por quedarse con su abusador, que Aaron Spelling, enojado, ordenó que se despidiera a Walters. El productor Larry Mollin dijo sobre el incidente que "él [Walters] pudo irse con su dinero. Pero aún así fue devastador para él. Lo dejamos como un golpeador, que se quedó con él, desafortunadamente. La gente pensó que era un golpeador . Fue simplemente terrible ". [27] En la temporada 8, Jason Priestley estaba preocupado de que Brandon y Kelly terminaran juntos, así que decidió dejar el programa.

Ubicaciones [ editar ]

Torrance High School se utilizó como lugar de rodaje principal para la ubicación ficticia de West Beverly High School.

La serie fue producida en Van Nuys , Los Ángeles , California. Durante los 10 años que la serie estuvo en producción, se filmó en un complejo de almacenes en Van Nuys, los interiores de la serie, así como los exteriores del estacionamiento de Peach Pit y la entrada del club PPAD, se ubicaron en la cuadra 15000 de Calvert Street. . Una entrada de estudio cerrada sin marcar ahora se encuentra en esta dirección, pero el revestimiento exterior de ladrillo del PPAD todavía es visible en el callejón, en el costado del edificio.

Desde entonces, el complejo de edificios del estudio ha sido el hogar de varios proyectos, incluida la serie Jericho de CBS de 2006 , protagonizada por James Eckhouse en un episodio. Hasta febrero de 2010, la serie de CW Melrose Place también se produjo en los estudios originales 90210 Calvert. [28] Los servicios de posproducción para Beverly Hills, 90210 fueron proporcionados por LaserPacific para todas las temporadas. [ cita requerida ]

Se realizaron muchos cambios después del episodio piloto. Los productores usaron por primera vez una ubicación que se usó solo una vez durante el episodio piloto de la casa Walsh, que estaba ubicada en una comunidad cerrada de Brentwood . [ cita requerida ] Después del episodio piloto, la casa de Walsh se trasladó a Altadena, California . [ cita requerida ] La casa utilizada para la casa de Dylan en el programa está ubicada en el mismo vecindario de Altadena. [ cita requerida ]

Se utilizaron tres ubicaciones para la fachada de The Peach Pit durante los diez años de historia del programa. La ubicación original, en Pico Boulevard en Los Ángeles, solo se usó en los primeros episodios de la temporada uno y luego se cambió a una ubicación diferente durante el resto de esa temporada. Cuando el Peach Pit fue remodelado de manera ficticia durante la segunda temporada, los productores usaron Rose City Diner en Pasadena , California, para filmar el exterior del lugar de reunión de la pandilla, y permaneció igual durante el resto del programa. [ cita requerida ]

Most of the filming during the second season of the summer season at the Beverly Hills Beach Club took place in Santa Monica, at the old Sand and Sea Beach Club. The beach club used in the show was the very same beach club that was used during one summer season of Saved by the Bell.[citation needed]

The filming location for West Beverly High School was in the middle class community of Torrance at Torrance High School, located in the 90501 zip code. Torrance High can also be seen in other shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

When the 90210 characters began attending the then-fictitious California University in the show's fourth season, the scenes around campus were actually filmed at Occidental College in Eagle Rock. Kelly and Donna's beach house used in the show is located in Hermosa Beach.[29] The Golden Oak Ranch, outside Santa Clarita, was also used for filming.[30]


Beverly Hills, 90210 originally aired from October 4, 1990, to May 17, 2000, on Fox in the United States.

The show aired Thursday at 9:00 pm for the first two seasons and Wednesday at 8:00 pm for the rest of its run.

Prior to the premiere of Beverly Hills, 90210, Glory Days was airing on Thursdays at 9:00 pm. After the show had moved to Wednesday, where Fox did not have regular programming, The Heights took over the timeslot. After Beverly Hills, 90210 left Fox in 2000, it went to air reruns on syndication and was replaced by Malcolm in the Middle and Normal, Ohio.

Seasons 2 and 3 featured all new summer episodes that aired during July and August before the regular fall episodes started in September. At the beginning of the third season, in July and August 1992, all new summer episodes of Beverly Hills, 90210 were playing during the series new time slot of Wednesdays at 8pm but viewers could see repeats from Beverly Hills, 90210's first season in the original time slot of Thursdays at 9pm. The Fox Network was heavily promoting the new time slot so viewers could find the show. The seventh season started earlier than usual because of the 1996 Olympics and the MLB Playoffs on Fox during the month of October.[citation needed]

At various times since 1998, reruns of the show have aired in syndication, on FX until 2005. Later SoapNet aired reruns of the show seven days a week until 2013. The syndicated episodes featured the show's original music, unlike the DVD and Hulu releases. Since 2014, Pop airs reruns of the show with two back-to-back episodes, sometimes three or four. The syndicated episodes that are featured on this network however, do not use the show's original music with the content mostly taken from the DVD releases.


A number of specials were produced during and after the show's run.


U.S. ratings[edit]

After poor ratings in the first season, the episodes' average ratings per season increased, constantly maintained above 11% from season two until season five, despite Shannen Doherty's departure at the end of season four. From season six until the end of the series the average rating gradually decreased, and the final blow to the show was the early ninth season's departures of Jason Priestley and Tiffani Thiessen (both season peaks at 8.1%). Since then no episode reached 8% again in ratings until the series finale, despite Luke Perry's return, with average ratings falling to 6.9% in season nine and 5.9% in the last season. During the entire series, the episodes with the highest ratings peaked at 14.1%, and included the closing episodes of seasons two and three, and the opening episode of season five.

  • Debut: Class of Beverly Hills/Pilot – 7.2 rating
  • Series Finale: 16.8 million viewers; 9.6 rating (8-10pm)
  • Specials:
    • Behind the Scenes (Season 3): 8.2 rating
    • Best Moments of 90210 (Season 6): 8.4 rating
    • Our Favorite Moments of 90210 (Season 9): 5.3 rating
    • Final Goodbye (Season 10): 6.8 rating
    • 10-Year High School Reunion (7 million viewers, 4.5 rating) (repeat on August 7, 2003: 3.3 million; 2.1 rating)

Series finale[edit]

Ratings for the tenth season declined to an average of 10 million viewers per episode (according to a May 2000 issue of Us Weekly). The ratings were small compared to previous seasons. The lower ratings, along with the high costs associated with any television show in its later seasons, led Fox to end the series in January 2000. Though there were many cast changes, over 25 million people tuned in to watch the final episode, which aired in May 2000. Tiffani Thiessen returned in the series finale.[35]


Entertainment Weekly named the show #20 on its list of top 100 TV shows in the past 25 years.[36] The magazine also named the theme song #15 on its list of top 25 TV theme songs in the past 25 years,[37] and the "90210 Sideburns" #50 on its list of Pop Culture Moments that Rocked Fashion.[38] The show was named one of the Best School Shows of All Time by AOL TV.[39]

The first-season episode "Spring Dance" caused outrage from many parents after the character of Brenda loses her virginity to Dylan. Parents were offended by the fact that Brenda suffers no consequences and shows no remorse for having had sex, something unusual for network television in 1991.[40] After a slew of angry phone calls to the network, Fox decided to placate upset viewers by featuring a pregnancy scare for Brenda and Dylan in the second season, as a means of "punishing" the teenagers for their decision.[41] Executive Producer Charles Rosin criticized this decision, saying "Someday I will write a long article about the censorship that occurred after Brenda lost her virginity at the Spring Dance to her boyfriend (who had been AIDS tested) because she was happy and not full of remorse."[42]

In February 1992, at the height of the show's popularity, the three main stars, Jason Priestley, Shannen Doherty and Luke Perry, were featured on the cover of Rolling Stone. Read the article and see the cover.


The rap duo Insane Clown Posse released an EP titled Beverly Kills 50187 which featured a song titled "Beverly Kills" describing member Violent J killing the series' characters for being rich and prejudiced toward the "lower class".

The short-lived The Ben Stiller Show did a parody of this show, The Heights and Melrose Place called Melrose Heights 90210-2420 that portrayed the cast as superficial, self-absorbed, and self-pitying, as well as introducing each of the stereotypical cast along with "Akeem, the black guy". A typical episode's "issue" was a character getting a headache, which affected all the other characters. Each episode would end the same upbeat song (resembling The Heights hit single "How Do You Talk to an Angel") performed by the whole cast with new lyrics for each episode.

A cutaway gag in an episode of Family Guy parodied the fact that a number of the show's cast members were in their mid-to-late 20s and not teenagers. In the gag, Andrea is portrayed as a senile elderly woman.[episode needed]

When Jason Priestley guest-hosted Saturday Night Live in 1992, one of that episode's sketches, which parodied Beverly Hills 90210 involved that town's zip code being changed to 90218 due to the 1990 Census redistricting. Several of the characters take offense to the fact that Beverly Hills will be absorbed into poorer communities and convene at the Peach Pit, where a Hispanic busboy expresses pride that his native community of Reseda now shares the same zip code as the 90210 cast. The gang lashes out in different ways, with Dylan getting drunk and Donna and Kelly going impulse shopping. Priestley, in his role of Brandon, confiscates all their keys and puts them in a lockbox and gives them a tag to reclaim them when they regain self-control. The sketch ends with the zip code "Beverly Hills, 90210" retained as their rich and powerful parents lobbied the US government not to redistrict.

The Fox sketch show The Edge did a parody of 90210 that mocked Tori Spelling. During the sketch, the character of Tori constantly says, "I can do whatever I want because this is my Daddy's show." Aaron Spelling took offense to this, and asked for an apology from the producers of the show.[43] Saturday Night Live also did a Tori Spelling parody as well, where Melanie Hutsell spoofed Spelling, which was met with less protest.

The Mickey Mouse Club did a parody sketch called Beverly Hillbillies 90210, combining the characters of both 90210 and The Beverly Hillbillies. In 1999, Christina Aguilera from the Mickey Mouse Club made a cameo performance on Beverly Hills 90210 as herself performing at the PPAD for David Silver's surprise birthday party, season 10 episode 2: "Let's Eat Cake". Music from former MMC members Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez of 'N Sync also was originally used during several opening title sequences during the mid-to-late seasons of 90210.

MADtv made its own parodies of the show as Beverly Hills, 90210 B.C. set in prehistoric Beverly Hills. When Luke Perry made his high-profile return to the series, MADtv did a second parody titled Beverly Hills 9021-H20 which had the characters being stalked and killed off by Luke Perry (Pat Kilbane), who had rejoined the cast as a masked killer who was a parody of Michael Myers of the Halloween film series.

The Czech TV Nova parody show Tele Tele made parody of the show known as Heverly Debils. Three mini-episodes (about 10 minutes each) were filmed.

GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan released a song called "Killah Hills 10304", a reference to the show's title in a song about crime and a rough neighborhood.

A VH1 promo for I Love the 90s featured Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black sitting in the Peach Pit, with Beverly Hills, 90210's theme music playing. Joe E. Tata also appears in the promo as Nat.

In 2009, The Simpsons aired an episode called "Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D'oh", which features Lisa wanting to go to a better school and finding it in the very posh town of Waverly Hills.

On the 9th season of RuPaul's Drag Race, the contestants acted in a parody of the show, called "Beverly Hills, 9021-HO". The episode was guest judged by Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling.

Soundtracks releases[edit]

Home media[edit]

The following is a list of all home video releases for Beverly Hills, 90210:



CBS DVD (distributed by Paramount) has released all ten seasons on DVD in Regions 1, 2 & 4. Due to music licensing issues, most of the original music has been replaced on these DVD releases.[44] Deleted songs include "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover", "Losing My Religion", and "In The Mood". Starting with Season 2, some episodes are edited from their original broadcast versions.

For reasons that were never made clear, the first three season releases used promotional pictures from their succeeding seasons instead of the actual promotional pictures that were taken while the seasons aired. Due to the group pictures from the fourth season being used on the third season DVD and the absence of Shannen Doherty in later seasons, a collage of still photos was used on the fourth season. Jamie Walters was not featured on the covers of any of the seasons that he regularly appeared in (although he did appear in some of the DVD menu still shots for seasons 5 and 6). Kathleen Robertson was only featured on the cover of the seventh season, even though she had been a regular since season 6, recurring in the entirety of season 5 and made her first appearance towards the end of season 4 (her photo was, however, used in one of the inner cases for the season 6 release).

Hilary Swank, who was cast as a main star in the eighth season, is featured on the cover of the DVD, even though she left halfway through her only season on the show, while Vincent Young, who joined the cast that same year, is not on the cover at all, or on the cover of the ninth season (he is, however, featured on the tenth season cover), but Lindsay Price, Vanessa Marcil and Luke Perry were all featured on the cover, as were Jason Priestley and Tiffani-Amber Thiessen who both departed the series after a few episodes. Daniel Cosgrove was not featured on the Season 9 cover either even though he was a regular also (he is featured on the season 10 cover).

For seasons 1-8, the DVDs were packaged in individual slim plastic cases which were then housed in a large outer cardboard box. Beginning with season 9, the discs were fitted into a singular standard-sized DVD case. Initial copies came with an outer cardboard slipcase.

The ninety-minute pilot episode was released separately on June 15, 2004.

On November 5, 2013, Paramount released Beverly Hills 90210 - The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1, with extra bonuses not available on the season sets.[45]

Spin-offs and other media[edit]

Melrose Place[edit]

The series Melrose Place was a spin-off from the show, as actor Grant Show (who played Jake on Melrose Place) appeared for a multi-episode run at the end of the series second season as Kelly's love interest, and a friend of Dylan's. Jennie Garth, Tori Spelling, Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering made appearances as their Beverly Hills, 90210 characters in the first few episodes of Melrose Place.

Models Inc[edit]

Models Inc., a series about the personal and professional struggles of several young models, spin-off from Melrose Place. The series was introduced via the characters Hillary Michaels, the mother of Melrose Place's Amanda Woodward, and model Sarah Owens—both of whom had appeared in a multi-episode run on MP. In addition to his role in Melrose Place, Jake Hanson was the only character to appear in both Beverly Hills, 90210 and Models Inc.


A third spin-off premiered on The CW Network on September 2, 2008, focusing on a family from Kansas who move to Beverly Hills when the children's grandmother suffers from alcohol addiction.

In guest appearances, Jennie Garth, Shannen Doherty and Tori Spelling reprised their roles as Kelly Taylor, Brenda Walsh and Donna Martin, respectively. Joe E. Tata also reprised his role as Nat, owner of the Peach Pit, diner turned coffee house, for a couple of episodes at the beginning of the show's first season.

The series was canceled by The CW on February 28, 2013, after five seasons.

Melrose Place (2009)[edit]

A fifth series was officially picked up by The CW on May 21, 2009. The show is an updated version of Melrose Place, featuring a group of young adults living in a West Hollywood apartment complex. Smallville producers Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer wrote the pilot script and became the executive producers on the series. The series was canceled on May 20, 2010.


Several books based on the scripts were written by Mel Gilden.[46]

Unauthorized Story[edit]

On October 3, 2015, a television movie called The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story was first released. It told the behind the scenes making of story of the show.[47]


In December 2018 it was reported on Deadline Hollywood that a reboot of Beverly Hills, 90210 was being shopped around to different networks.[48] The project was initially developed by Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth in conjunction with CBS Television Studios, and was first hinted at by Spelling on her Instagram page the previous March.[49] The bulk of the original cast is attached, including Garth, Spelling, Shannen Doherty, Jason Priestley, Ian Ziering, Brian Austin Green and Gabrielle Carteris. CBS confirmed on December 18 that the project was in "early development", adding "We aren't confirming much detail except that it is an untraditional take on a reboot with some of the original cast".[49]

On February 1, 2019, Spelling confirmed that a reboot of the show was underway, stating,

It is the OG crew back together, and we’re playing heightened versions of ourselves. The fans will be pleasantly surprised, though, because we will intercut that with scenes from the show. So it'll be a whole ensemble cast.[50]

She added that "almost everybody" from the original cast was set to return, with Luke Perry's participation initially presumed to be limited because of his work on Riverdale until his death on March 4.

Following Perry's death, CBS Television executive David Stapf said the new series would honor him in some way.[51] Stapf also confirmed Spelling pitched the idea of a new TV show reuniting the original cast.

On February 27, 2019, it was announced that a six-episode reboot had been ordered by Fox.[11] According to a press release on April 26, 2019, the revival — retitled as BH90210 — will feature the cast playing "heightened versions of themselves" in an irreverent drama "inspired by their real lives and relationships with each other."[52] On May 8, 2019, it was announced that the reboot will premiere on August 7, 2019, at 9/8c on Fox.[13] It was announced on November 7, 2019, that there would not be a season 2 of the reboot.

Awards and nominations[edit]


  1. ^ Brennan, Patricia. Its on চ্থঠ্ফদদফ. "Beverly Hills, 90210". The Washington Post. December 23, 1990. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on April 25, 2018. Retrieved June 21, 2017.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. ^ Martel, Jay. "Scenes From the Cast Struggle in Beverly Hills 90210". Rolling Stone. Retrieved August 31, 2020.
  3. ^ McLaughlin, Katle. "Jason Priestley: I regret leaving '90210'". CNN. Retrieved August 31, 2020.
  4. ^ Fretts, Bruce. "The prodigal stars return". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 31, 2020.
  5. ^ "DARREN STAR, creator, 'Beverly Hills 90210'". The New York Times. August 31, 2008. Archived from the original on August 19, 2017. Retrieved August 10, 2010.
  6. ^ "Beverly Hills, 90210 – The Complete First Season". DVD Talk. Archived from the original on May 10, 2011. Retrieved August 25, 2010.
  7. ^ Quintanilla, Michael (October 3, 1991). "Trends: Real Beverly Hills kids say they like '90210' and its plots. What they don't like is being portrayed as snobs". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on August 24, 2010. Retrieved August 24, 2010.
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External links[edit]

  • Beverly Hills, 90210 at IMDb
  • Beverly Hills, 90210 at
  • Classics Beverly Hills 90210 at
  • 90210 locations
  • BH90210 on IMDb