Chasle Tourbillon

The Chasle YC-12 Tourbillon ("Whirlwind") was a single-seat light sporting aircraft developed in France in the mid-1960s and marketed for homebuilding via plans. It was a low-wing cantilever monoplane of conventional configuration. As designed, it featured fixed tailwheel undercarriage, but it could also be fitted with fixed tricycle gear.

The Tourbillon flew for the first time on 9 October 1965. Though fifteen sets of plans were sold, only two other Tourbillons were built,[1] both in the UK.[2] The prototype remains on the French Civil register[3] but the two UK aircraft are now deregistered. Their engine types are not recorded in the registration documents.[2]

The prototype Chasle Tourbillon at Chavenay-Villepreux airfield near Paris in June 1967