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Public Enemies es una película de drama criminal biográfico estadounidense de 2009dirigida por Michael Mann , quien coescribió el guión con Ronan Bennett y Ann Biderman . Se trata de una adaptación de Bryan Burrough 's no-ficción libro Public Enemies: Greatest Crime Wave de Estados Unidos y el nacimiento del FBI, 1933-34 . Ambientada durante la Gran Depresión , la película narra los últimos años del famoso ladrón de bancos John Dillinger ( Johnny Depp ) mientras es perseguido por el agente del FBI Melvin Purvis ( Christian Bale ), la relación de Dillinger con Billie Frechette ( Marion Cotillard ), así como la persecución de Purvis de los asociados y compañeros criminales de Dillinger Homer Van Meter ( Stephen Dorff ) y Baby Face Nelson ( Stephen Graham ).

Burrough originalmente tenía la intención de hacer una miniserie de televisión sobre la ola de crímenes de la era de la Depresión en los Estados Unidos, pero decidió escribir un libro sobre el tema. Mann desarrolló el proyecto y algunas escenas se filmaron en el lugar donde ocurrieron, aunque la película no es del todo históricamente precisa. Lanzada el 1 de julio de 2009, la película recibió críticas generalmente positivas de los críticos y recaudó 214 millones de dólares en todo el mundo.

Trama [ editar ]

En 1933, John Dillinger se infiltra en la Penitenciaría del Estado de Indiana y ayuda en la fuga de su equipo. Durante el tiroteo, su mentor Walter es asesinado a tiros por los guardias de la prisión. Dillinger y compañía se dirigen a una granja cercana, donde se cambian de ropa y comen antes de conducir hasta una casa segura en el lado este de Chicago.

Después de matar a Charles Floyd , el agente del FBI Melvin Purvis es promovido por J. Edgar Hoover para liderar la búsqueda de Dillinger. Purvis comparte la creencia de Hoover en el uso de métodos modernos para combatir el crimen, que van desde catalogar huellas dactilares hasta intervenir líneas telefónicas.

Entre una serie de robos bancarios, Dillinger conoce a Billie Frechette en un restaurante y la impresiona comprándole un abrigo de piel. Frechette se enamora de Dillinger incluso después de que él revela su identidad, y los dos se vuelven inseparables.

Purvis lidera una emboscada fallida en un hotel donde cree que Dillinger se aloja, y un agente del FBI es asesinado por Baby Face Nelson , quien escapa con Tommy Caroll . En consecuencia, Purvis solicita a Hoover que permita agentes adicionales con experiencia para lidiar con los asesinos empedernidos. En respuesta, el oficial de inteligencia Charles Winstead , de origen militar, llega para ayudar a Purvis.

La policía arresta a Dillinger y su pandilla en Tucson, Arizona , luego de que estallara un incendio en el Hotel Congress donde se hospedan. Dillinger es extraditado a Indiana, donde la alguacil Lillian Holley lo tiene encerrado en la cárcel del condado de Lake en Crown Point . Dillinger y otros presos usan una pistola falsa para escapar; no puede ver a Frechette, quien está bajo estricta vigilancia policial. Dillinger se entera de que Frank Nitti asociados 's no están dispuestos a ayuda porque sus crímenes están motivando el FBI para perseguir el delito estado a otro, lo que pone en peligro de Nitti apuestas raqueta . Esto corta las conexiones de Dillinger con el equipo de Chicago , incitándolo a él yRed Hamilton para buscar dinero en otra parte.

Carroll incita a un Dillinger desesperado a robar $ 800,000 de un banco en Sioux Falls con Baby Face Nelson. Durante su fuga, tanto Dillinger como Carroll reciben un disparo, y el grupo se ve obligado a dejar atrás a Carroll. Se retiran al Little Bohemia Lodge en Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin, y se dan cuenta de que su botín (~ $ 46,000) es significativamente menor de lo que Nelson dijo que sería. Dillinger espera poder liberar al resto de su pandilla de la prisión, incluidos Pierpont y Makley , pero Hamilton lo convence de que es poco probable. Dillinger anhela volver a ver a Frechette.

Purvis y sus hombres apresan a Carroll y lo torturan para conocer la ubicación de la pandilla. Purvis organiza una emboscada en Little Bohemia. Dillinger y Hamilton escapan por separado del resto de la pandilla. Los agentes Winstead y Hurt persiguen a Dillinger y Hamilton a través del bosque, participando en un tiroteo que deja a Hamilton herido de muerte. Tratando de escapar, Nelson, Shouse y Van Meter secuestran un auto de la Oficina, matando al socio de Purvis, Carter Baum en el proceso. Después de una persecución en coche, Purvis y sus hombres matan a Nelson y al resto de la pandilla. En otra parte, Hamilton muere a causa de sus heridas después de advertir a Dillinger que debe dejar ir a Frechette.

Dillinger conoce a Frechette, diciéndole que planea cometer un robo más que pagará lo suficiente para que escapen juntos. Cuando Dillinger la deja en una taberna que cree que es segura, es arrestada y golpeada por negarse a revelar el paradero de Dillinger. Purvis finalmente interviene para detener el interrogatorio violento y abusivo de Frechette. Dillinger acepta participar en el robo de un tren con Alvin Karpis y Barker Gang , con la intención de huir del país al día siguiente. Recibe una nota de Frechette a través de su abogado, Louis Piquett , indicándole que no la saque de la cárcel, ya que será liberada en dos años.

Purvis solicita la ayuda de Anna Sage , una "señora", conocida de Dillinger, amenazándola con la deportación a Rumania, a menos que coopere para establecer Dillinger, para esconderse en su burdel. Salen a ver el Melodrama de Manhattan, pero cuando salen del teatro, se encuentran con Purvis y otros agentes que los esperaban. Dillinger ve la unidad de policía, pero recibe un disparo antes de que pueda apuntar su arma. Winstead se arrodilla a un lado del agonizante Dillinger, tratando de escuchar sus últimas palabras. Purvis va a informar a Hoover de la muerte de Dillinger cuando los espectadores comienzan a amontonarse alrededor del cuerpo de Dillinger.

Winstead se encuentra con Frechette en prisión; ya ha sido informada de la muerte de Dillinger. Winstead le dice que cree que las últimas palabras de Dillinger fueron: "Dile a Billie de mi parte, 'Adiós, Blackbird'". Frechette derrama lágrimas cuando Winstead se va.

Transmitir [ editar ]

  • Johnny Depp como John Dillinger , un famoso y carismático ladrón de bancos a quien el FBI declara ser el "Enemigo público número 1". Depp participó en una adaptación cinematográfica de Shantaram que se pospuso a finales de 2007, lo que le permitió protagonizar Public Enemies . [4] [5] Fue elegido oficialmente ese diciembre. [6] Depp describió a Dillinger como un "... hombre del pueblo ... John Dillinger tiene un toque de Robin Hood ". [7] y "la estrella del rock and roll de esa época. Era un hombre muy carismático y vivía de la manera que quería y no se comprometía". [8] Sintió "una especie de conexión inherente" con Dillinger a través de uno de sus abuelos, que dirigía la luz de la luna, y su padrastro, que cometió robos y robos y pasó un tiempo en la misma prisión de la que Dillinger ayudó a escapar. [8] Depp no ​​pudo encontrar una grabación de la propia voz de Dillinger, pero sí encontró grabaciones del padre de Dillinger. Dijo que cuando escuchó la voz del padre de Dillinger: "Empecé a hacer los cálculos y pensé: 'Bueno, se crió básicamente como un granjero en el sur de Indiana". [...] Nací y crecí en Owensboro, Kentucky, que está a unas 70 millas de donde nació Dillinger y ahí fue cuando todo encajó para mí. Sabía cómo se movía. Sabía cómo hablaba ". [9]
  • Christian Bale como el agente especial del FBI Melvin Purvis . Bale no estaba familiarizado con quién era Purvis antes de hacer la película [10] y "pasó mucho tiempo" con el hijo de Purvis, Alston, y conoció a otros familiares y amigos de Purvis, quien murió en 1960. [11] Bale dijo que " Nunca vio a Purvis como alguien que tuviera un celo personal real por acabar con Dillinger. Creo que fue alguien que fue muy comprensivo al reconocer por qué el público sentía que Dillinger era casi un héroe. No ignoraba los problemas del día y el terrible privación de la mayoría de la población ". [11] Pensaba que la motivación de Purvis era que realmente creía en Hoover y tenía un gran deseo de realizar la brillante visión de Hoover. Eso es realmente con lo que jugué en mi mente a lo largo de esta película: el conflicto entre querer lograr esa visión pero reconocer la propia visión de Hoover. compromisos que Purvis no estaba del todo contento con hacer. De hecho, muy descontento con hacer ". [11]
  • Marion Cotillard como Billie Frechette , una cantante y chica de abrigo que inmediatamente se convierte en el interés amoroso de John Dillinger. Cotillard fue elegido después de que Nine (2009) se pospusiera. [5] Varias actrices estadounidenses también querían el papel; Mann encontró a Cotillard "enfocado y artísticamente ambicioso". [4] Se entrenó a sí misma para hablar en un acento francés-canadiense- Menominee -Wisconsin-Chicago [12] y sólo habló inglés durante tres meses durante la filmación. [13] Cotillard "realmente quería saber sobre la infancia [de Frechette]" y se reunió con familiares de Frechette en el norte de Wisconsin. [12] "De joven la enviaron a un internado, y fue un lugar muy difícil donde intentaron borrar todo lo que era indio en ella. Y creo que allí se encontró con una gran injusticia, y compartió con Dillinger un sospecha de autoridad. Creo que los dos vieron eso en el otro y se enamoraron de inmediato, y había una conexión muy fuerte entre ellos ”, dijo Cotillard. [14]
  • Billy Crudup como J. Edgar Hoover . Crudup fue elegido como el futuro director de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones en abril de 2008. [15]
  • Stephen Dorff como Homer Van Meter , uno de los asociados de Dillinger y un compañero ladrón de bancos.
  • Stephen Lang as Texas lawman Charles Winstead, one of the men who shot Dillinger.
  • Michael Bentt as Herbert Youngblood, who helped Dillinger in his Crown Point jailbreak.
  • Stephen Graham as Baby Face Nelson
  • Jason Clarke as Red Hamilton
  • David Wenham as Harry Pierpont
  • Spencer Garrett as Tommy Carroll
  • Christian Stolte as Charles Makley
  • Giovanni Ribisi as Alvin Karpis
  • John Ortiz as Phil D'Andrea
  • Domenick Lombardozzi as Gilbert Catena
  • Bill Camp as Frank Nitti
  • Rory Cochrane as Agent Carter Baum
  • Richard Short as Sam Cowley
  • Carey Mulligan as Carol Slayman
  • John Michael Bolger as Martin Zarkovich
  • Branka Katić as Anna Sage
  • Emilie de Ravin as Barbara Patzke
  • Shawn Hatosy as Agent John Madala
  • Don Frye as Clarence Hurt
  • Matt Craven as Gerry Campbell
  • Channing Tatum as Pretty Boy Floyd
  • Lili Taylor as Sheriff Lillian Holley
  • David Warshofsky as Warden Baker
  • Peter Gerety as Louis Piquett
  • Michael Vieau as Ed Shouse
  • Casey Siemaszko as Harry Berman
  • Adam Mucci as Harold Reinecke
  • Leelee Sobieski as Polly Hamilton
  • James Russo as Walter Dietrich
  • Chandler Williams as Clyde Tolson
  • John Hoogenakker as Hugh Clegg



Cotillard at the film's Paris premiere

Public Enemies is based on Bryan Burrough's 2004 non-fiction book, Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–34. Burrough had originally begun researching the subject with the aim of creating a miniseries. The idea was accepted by HBO and Burrough was made an executive producer, along with Robert De Niro's Tribeca Productions, and was asked to write the screenplay.[16] However, Burrough had no experience in screenwriting, and says his drafts were probably "very, very bad. Ishtar bad." He began simultaneously writing a non-fiction book, which he found easier, spending two years working on it while the interest in the miniseries disappeared.[16] Burrough's book was set to be published in the summer of 2004 and he asked HBO to return the movie rights. They agreed and after the book was released, the rights were re-sold to production companies representing Michael Mann and Leonardo DiCaprio, the latter of whom was interested in playing John Dillinger. Burrough met with a representative and then heard nothing for three years.[16] The actor eventually left the project to appear in Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island.[17]

Mann had written a screenplay about Alvin Karpis in the 1980s which was never produced. After reading an excerpt from Burrough's book in Vanity Fair, he eventually worked to develop a film based on the book with producer Kevin Misher.[18] Novelist and screenwriter Ronan Bennett had written a screenplay about Che Guevara which Mann had intended to develop, but the project was shelved as Steven Soderbergh was already working on his two-part biopic about Guevara. Starting in 2006, Bennett worked for over 18 months on adapting Burrough's book,[19] writing several drafts.[4] Former NYPD Blue writer and Southland creator Ann Biderman rewrote the screenplay with Mann,[20][21] who polished it before shooting began.[5][19] Of the screenplay, Burrough has said "it's not 100 percent historically accurate. But it's by far the closest thing to fact Hollywood has attempted, and for that I am both excited and quietly relieved."[22]


Principal photography began in Columbus, Wisconsin on March 17, 2008[23] and continued in the Illinois cities of Chicago, Aurora, Joliet and Lockport; and the Wisconsin cities of Oshkosh, Beaver Dam, Darlington, Milwaukee, Madison and several other places in Wisconsin; including the Little Bohemia Lodge in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin, the actual location of a 1934 gun fight between Dillinger and the FBI.[24] Some parts of the film were shot in Crown Point, Indiana, the town where Dillinger was imprisoned and subsequently escaped from jail. The actual 1932 Studebaker used by Dillinger during a robbery in Greencastle, Indiana was also used during filming in Columbus, borrowed from the nearby Historic Auto Attractions museum.[25]

The decision to shoot parts of the film in Wisconsin came about because of the number of high quality historic buildings. Mann, who had been a student at University of Wisconsin–Madison,[26] scouted locations in Baraboo and Columbus as well as looking at 1930s-era cars from collectors in the Madison area.[27] In addition, the film was shot on actual historical sites, including the Little Bohemia Lodge, and the old Lake County jail in Crown Point, Indiana, where Dillinger staged his most famous escape where legend has it he fooled jail officers with a wooden gun[28] and escaped in the sheriff's car.[22] Scenes were shot at places that he frequented in Oshkosh. The courthouse in Darlington is the location for the courthouse scenes. A bank robbery scene was shot inside the Milwaukee County Historical Society, a former bank in Milwaukee that still has much of the original period architecture.[29]

In late March 2008 portions of the film were shot at Libertyville High School. Footage includes one of the school's science labs, an office, the school's front entrance, and the locker rooms.[citation needed]

In April 2008 the production filmed in Oshkosh.[30] Filming occurred downtown and at Pioneer Airport, including scenes shot using a historic Ford Trimotor airliner owned by the Experimental Aircraft Association.[31] Later that month, filming started at the Little Bohemia Lodge. In April and May 2008, film crews shot on the grounds of Ishnala, a historic restaurant in the Wisconsin Dells area.

The film became a flash point in the public debate about the "film tax credits" that are offered by many states.[32] The state of Wisconsin gave NBC Universal $4.6 million in tax credits, while the film company spent just $5 million in Wisconsin during filming.[33]

Michael Mann, the director, decided to shoot the movie in HD format instead of using the traditional 35mm film. Public Enemies would be Mann's first all-digital feature.[citation needed]

  • The Biograph Theater and (adjoining businesses) redressed for the film.

  • Farmer's & Merchants Bank, redressed for the film.

  • First National Bank during filming

  • The alley where John Dillinger was killed, redressed for the film.


Elliot Goldenthal composed the score of Public Enemies. Before Goldenthal wrote any music, he and Mann "sifted through tons and tons of American blues" as the director had talked about Billie Holiday's music "from the very beginning." Goldenthal said, "My job was chiefly composing dramatic music that didn't necessarily have to sound like it came from 1931 or 1933. It could be timeless." Goldenthal previously worked with Mann on Heat (1995). He commented that Mann "doesn't like too many twists and turns in the music's structure. He really responds to things that evolve very, very slowly. He wants music that the images, the edits, the dialogue can float above without it corresponding too much."[34]


A preview of Public Enemies was seen at the end of the 81st Academy Awards, with the first trailer being released shortly after on March 5, 2009. Public Enemies had its world premiere in Chicago on June 19, 2009,[35] and was screened at the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 23, 2009.[36] The film was given wide release in the United States on July 1.

Home media[edit]

Public Enemies was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in the United States December 8, 2009. The two-disc special edition features a commentary track by the director and featurettes about the making of the film and the historical figures depicted in the film.[37][38] In promotion of the home media release, the multiplayer browser game Mafia Wars featured collectible "loot" from characters in the film.[39]


Box office[edit]

Public Enemies opened at number three behind Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs with $25.3 million. The following weekend it had a 45.5% drop to $13.8 million for a running total of $66.2 million. The next three weekends the film would go on to have decent drops of 46% or less.[40] It went on to gross $97.1 million domestically with a worldwide gross of $214.1 million in revenue, against its production budget of $100 million.[41]

Critical response[edit]

Depp at the film's Paris premiere.

Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 68% based on 277 reviews, with an average rating of 6.38/10. The site's critics consensus states: "Michael Mann's latest is a competent and technically impressive gangster flick with charismatic lead performances, but some may find the film lacks truly compelling drama."[42] At Metacritic the film has a weighted average score of 70 out of 100, based on 35 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews."[43] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B" on an A+ to F scale.[44]

Rob James from Total Film gave the film 4/5 stars, stating: "This superstar crime thriller emerges as something surprising, fascinating and technically dazzling."[45] Most critics reviewing the film praised individual performances, specifically Depp as Dillinger. Roger Ebert, who gave it a 3.5/4 stars, stated: "This Johnny Depp performance is something else. For once an actor playing a gangster does not seem to base his performance on movies he has seen. He starts cold. He plays Dillinger as a fact."[46] Billy Crudup's performance was also praised, with his performance being described as "disarmingly good" by Variety's Todd McCarthy.[36]

Critics also gave praise to the film's cinematography and set pieces. Manohla Dargis of The New York Times stated: "Michael Mann's 'Public Enemies' is a grave and beautiful work of art. Shot in high-definition digital by a filmmaker who's helping change the way movies look, it revisits with meticulous detail and convulsions of violence a short, frantic period in the life and bank-robbing times of John Dillinger."[47]

While most critics praised the film, others expressed displeasure. Critic Liam Lacey, of The Globe and Mail, believed the film was missing "any image of the economic misery that made Dillinger a folk hero", and, "the most regrettable crime here is the way that Mann, trying to do too much, robs himself of a great opportunity."[48] Similarly, Richard Corliss of Time claimed the film's emphasis on docudrama allowed for "precious little dramatic juice".[49]

Public Enemes has been described as a neo-noir film by some authors.[50]

Keith Uhlich of Time Out New York named Public Enemies the seventh-best film of 2009.[51]

Historical accuracy[edit]

Shortly before the theatrical release of Public Enemies, Burrough wrote that director Michael Mann "impressed [him] as a real stickler for historical accuracy. Yes, there is fictionalization in this movie, including some to the timeline, but that's Hollywood; if it was 100% accurate, you would call it a documentary." Dillinger's jailbreak from Crown Point, Indiana, the gunfight at the Little Bohemia Lodge, and Dillinger's death near the Biograph Theater in Chicago were all filmed where they actually happened.[52] Burrough's non-fiction book on which the film is based details the demise of multiple infamous criminals in a 14-month period in 1933–34, including Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, the Barker-Karpis gang, the Kansas City Massacre, and Machine Gun Kelly. In focusing on Dillinger, Mann and co-writers Biderman and Bennett omitted Bonnie and Clyde entirely, briefly included only one member of the Barker gang (Alvin Karpis), and left out Pretty Boy Floyd except for his death.[21]

In the film, Dillinger is shown participating in a 1933 prison break from Indiana State Prison and frees some of his associates in a shootout. In reality, Dillinger did help smuggle weapons into the prison for his associates,[52] however it is unclear how: Burrough's book reports that some believed Dillinger tossed the weapons over the prison fence, while other accounts (and the film) suggest that the guns were smuggled in boxes of silk sent to the prison shirt factory. Also, Dillinger was not present during the escape, because he was imprisoned in Lima, Ohio at the time, and "few shots were fired" according to historian Elliott Gorn (the only injury was a clerk shot in the leg, and no guards were killed).[53] Dillinger's preexisting friendship with those he helped break out, like Pierpont and Makley, who had taught Dillinger how to rob banks while he was in prison with them previously,[54] is not presented. Mann explained that "[Dillinger and his associates] employed techniques picked up from the military by a man [...] [who] mentored Walter Dietrich, the man who died at the beginning of the movie, who mentored Dillinger. So Dillinger's time in prison was really a post-graduate course in robbing banks, but what really interested me was he doesn't so much get out of prison when he's released but he explodes out".[55]

Contrary to the film, “Pretty Boy” Floyd (full name Charles Arthur Floyd) was not shot in an apple orchard as suggested. After the death of John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd subsequently became public enemy No. 1. Floyd was shot and killed three months later. The location of his death was in East Liverpool, Ohio in a cornfield. While Melvin Purvis was present at the time of Floyd’s death he was one of several agents present at the time, Floyd died of two gunshot wounds. Floyds last words are believed to have been "I'm done for; you've hit me twice."[56]

During a phone call with Hoover, Purvis requests assistance from experienced cops in the film, a decision that Hoover actually made on his own.[53] In reference to Dillinger's escape from Crown Point, Mann said "[Dillinger] didn't take six or seven people hostage, he took 17 officers hostage with that wooden gun he had carved. It wouldn't be credible if you put it in a movie, so we had to tone it down."[55] In the course of Dillinger's 1933–34 crime spree, he is depicted as killing multiple people; Gorn writes that Dillinger himself "probably murdered just one man": William Patrick O'Malley, a cop who had been shot during a holdup in East Chicago, Indiana.[53] Although Purvis was in charge of the Bureau of Investigation's office in Chicago as depicted in the film, fellow agent Samuel Cowley led the Dillinger investigation in its final months before Dillinger's death.[53] Homer Van Meter and Baby Face Nelson are shot to death by Purvis after a vehicular pursuit from the Little Bohemia Lodge in the film. Van Meter was actually killed by St. Paul police a few weeks after Dillinger's death, and Nelson was killed on November 27, 1934 in a gunfight with Cowley.[citation needed]

In the film, Dillinger and Purvis have a brief conversation in person while Dillinger is incarcerated.[53] In reality, they came close to seeing each other (right before Dillinger died), but never actually exchanged words. In the film, Dillinger walks into the detective bureau of a Chicago police station unrecognized and asks an officer for the score of a baseball game being broadcast on the radio, something he actually did according to Mann and Depp. However, the game being broadcast is anachronistic for the time period.[9] Additionally, Winstead hears Dillinger's last words – "Bye, bye, blackbird" – and later relays them to Frechette in the film. Burrough wrote that Dillinger's lips were reportedly moving just after he fell from being shot outside the Biograph Theater and that "Winstead was the first to reach him", but what he might have said is unknown (not to mention that his speech may have been slurred due to his injuries).[57]


  1. ^ "Public Enemies (2009) - Financial Information". The Numbers. Retrieved 21 March 2021.
  2. ^ Kirk Honeycutt (June 24, 2009). ""Public Enemies" a missed opportunity". Reuters. Retrieved June 1, 2020.
  3. ^ a b "Public Enemies (2009)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  4. ^ a b c Harris, Mark (June 25, 2009). "Dillinger Captured by Dogged Filmmaker!". The New York Times. Retrieved July 21, 2010.
  5. ^ a b c Fleming, Michael (January 27, 2008). "Michael Mann rounds up 'Enemies'". Variety. Retrieved 2008-01-28.
  6. ^ Garrett, Diane; Michael Fleming (December 5, 2007). "Johnny Depp goes 'Public'". Variety. Retrieved 2010-07-22.
  7. ^ Reynolds, Dean; On the trail of John Dillinger, CBS News, retrieved on 28 June 2018
  8. ^ a b Hiscock, John (June 25, 2009). "Johnny Depp interview for Public Enemies". London: Telegraph. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  9. ^ a b Walker-Mitchell, Donna (July 24, 2009). "Smooth criminal". Melbourne: The Age. Retrieved July 19, 2010.
  10. ^ Rencher, Jasmine (July 9, 2008). "Christian Bale Keeping It Real For 'Public Enemies' Role Opposite Johnny Depp". MTV. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  11. ^ a b c Topel, Fred (June 30, 2009). "Interview: Christian Bale on Public Enemies". CanMag. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  12. ^ a b Phillips, Michael (July 2, 2009). "Accent on experience for Cotillard as Dillinger's girl". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved July 24, 2010.
  13. ^ Hodson, Heather (June 22, 2009). "Marion Cotillard interview: Public Enemies". London: Telegraph. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  14. ^ Dobuzinskis, Alex (June 25, 2009). "Just a Minute With: French actress Marion Cotillard". Reuters UK. Retrieved July 24, 2010.
  15. ^ Fleming, Michael (April 2, 2008). "Crudup to play Hoover in 'Public'". Variety. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  16. ^ a b c Burrough, Brian (March 12, 2008). "Bryan Burrough: From Page to Screen". Vanity Fair. Archived from the original on March 19, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-13.
  17. ^ Mayberry, Carly; Borys Kit (December 4, 2007). "Depp casing Mann's Public heist". The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on 2008-05-10. Retrieved 2007-12-04.
  18. ^ Goldstein, Patrick (June 15, 2009). "Michael Mann: The inside scoop on 'Public Enemies'". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  19. ^ a b Fox, Killian (June 21, 2009). "Dicing with Dillinger". The Guardian. London. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  20. ^ Goldstein, Patrick (July 17, 2008). "Depp as Dillinger: Mann kills on 'Public Enemies'". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 19, 2010.
  21. ^ a b Patterson, John (June 26, 2009). "Number one with a bullet". The Guardian. London. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  22. ^ a b Burrough, Brian (March 7, 2008). "Bryan Burrough: Behind the Book, Not the Camera". Vanity Fair. Archived from the original on May 18, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-11.
  23. ^ Burrough, Brian (March 6, 2008). "Bryan Burrough: Public Enemies, Take One". Vanity Fair. Archived from the original on March 6, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-11.
  24. ^ Pitsch, Mark (January 28, 2008). "Collectors hope classic cars will get movie role". Wisconsin State Journal. Archived from the original on July 18, 2009. Retrieved 2008-01-28.
  25. ^ Baxter, Rob (March 7, 2008). "Rob Baxter: Car from Roscoe to star in Gangster Movie". Rockford Register Star. Retrieved 2008-03-11.[permanent dead link]
  26. ^ "Stars with Wisconsin Connections". Film Wisconsin. 1993-08-16. Archived from the original on April 18, 2009. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  27. ^ Bauer, Scott (February 26, 2008). "It's official: Johnny Depp is coming to Wisconsin". Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on September 7, 2008. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
  28. ^ Erickson, Matthew, and Bill Thornbro (28 March 2008). "A Year in the Life" (PDF). The Times of Northwest Indiana.
  29. ^ "Johnny Depp Coming To Milwaukee". WITI-TV. 28 February 2008.
  30. ^ "Oshkosh Public Enemies". Unknown. 8 March 2009.
  31. ^ "EAA Plays Prominent Role In Public Enemies". Experimental Aircraft Association. 13 April 2008. Archived from the original on 1 January 2010. Retrieved 19 July 2009.
  32. ^ "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on film tax credits".
  33. ^ According to a study by Wisconsin's Department of Commerce.
  34. ^ Fusilli, Jim (July 4, 2009). ""Public Enemies" Composer Elliot Goldenthal on Working With Michael Mann, Defining Dillinger". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved July 19, 2010.
  35. ^ "Public Enemies Premiere". Chicago Business. Retrieved 2009-04-15.
  36. ^ a b McCarthy, Todd (2009-06-24). "Public Enemies Review – Read Variety's Analysis Of The Movie Public Enemies". Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  37. ^ Monfette, Christopher (December 2, 2009). "Public Enemies DVD Review". IGN. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  38. ^ Krauss, David (December 11, 2009). "Blu-ray Review: Public Enemies: Special Edition". High-Def Digest. Retrieved July 18, 2009.
  39. ^ Morrissey, Brian (January 11, 2010). "Game on for Brands". Adweek. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  40. ^ "Public Enemies – Box Office Data, Movie News, Cast Information". The Numbers. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  41. ^ "Worldwide Box Office Grosses". 2010-03-28. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  42. ^ "Public Enemies". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 2014-04-20.
  43. ^ "Public Enemies reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  44. ^ "Find CinemaScore" (Type "Public Enemies" in the search box). CinemaScore. Retrieved May 30, 2020.
  45. ^ "Public Enemies Movie Review". Total Film. Future Publishing. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  46. ^ Rorger Ebert. "Public Enemies". Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  47. ^ Dargis, Manohla (2009-07-01). "Movie Review – Public Enemies – Seduction by Machine Gun –". Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  48. ^ Canada (June 30, 2009). "Public Enemies". Toronto: The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  49. ^ RICHARD CORLISS (2009-07-06). "Johnny Depp as John Dillinger in 'Public Enemies'". TIME. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  50. ^ Spicer, Andrew (2010). Historical Dictionary of Film Noir. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. p. 434. ISBN 978-0-8108-5960-9.
  51. ^ "Best (and Worst) of 2010". Time Out New York. 18 December 2009. Retrieved 21 June 2020.
  52. ^ a b Borrough, Bryan (June 28, 2009). "'Public Enemies' No. 1 (in historical accuracy, writer says)". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  53. ^ a b c d e Gorn, Elliott (July 1, 2009). "Is Michael Mann's Public Enemies historically accurate". Slate. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  54. ^ Burrough, Bryan (June 13, 2009). "Johnny Depp plays John Dillinger as public enemy No 1 returns". The Times. London. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  55. ^ a b Carnevale, Rob. "Public Enemies – Michael Mann interview". IndieLondon. Retrieved July 18, 2010.
  56. ^ "Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd". Biography. Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  57. ^ Burrough, Bryan (2004). Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–34. London: Penguin Books. p. 409.

External links[edit]

  • Public Enemies at IMDb
  • Public Enemies at AllMovie
  • Public Enemies at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Public Enemies at Metacritic
  • Public Enemies at Box Office Mojo
  • Apple: Public Enemies trailers Retrieved 2012-12-11
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: Mirror Lake Retrieved 2012-12-11
  • Chasing the Frog: The truth behind "Public Enemies" Retrieved 2012-12-11