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Ferguson en 2013

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson es un programa de entrevistas nocturno estadounidensepresentado por el actor y comediante estadounidense nacido en Escocia Craig Ferguson . Fue la tercera iteración de la franquicia Late Late Show , que se transmitió de 2005 a 2014. Siguió al Late Show con David Letterman en laalineación nocturna de CBS , que se transmitió los días de semana en los EE. UU. A las 12:37 am. audiencia de estudio de lunes a jueves (con dos episodios grabados los jueves) en CBS Television City en Los Ángeles, California , directamente encima del Bob Barker Studio (Studio 33), fue producido porDavid Letterman productora 's Worldwide Pants Incorporated y CBS Television Studios .

La franquicia de Late Late Show se había emitido previamente como The Late Late Show con Tom Snyder , luego como The Late Late Show con Craig Kilborn . Durante la transición de los anfitriones invitados a finales de 2004 después de la partida de Craig Kilborn, Craig Ferguson presentó una serie de espectáculos en octubre y noviembre, que culminaron con ser anunciado el 7 de diciembre como la elección para el nuevo anfitrión. Después de lanzar The Late Late Show con Craig Ferguson el 3 de enero de 2005, Ferguson logró las calificaciones más altas desde el inicio del programa en 1995. Si bien la comedia peculiar se enfatizó en la mayoría de los episodios, Ferguson también abordó temas difíciles, como las muertes. de sus padres, sus luchas con el alcoholismoy comentando sobre tragedias nacionales. Ferguson realizó entrevistas serias, como una con el arzobispo Desmond Tutu , que le valió al programa un premio Peabody en 2009 . [1] A pesar de no tener inicialmente un compañero , el comediante y actor de voz Josh Robert Thompson se unió al programa el 5 de abril de 2010 y le dio voz al compañero Geoff Peterson , un esqueleto humano animatrónico. A menudo se hace referencia a Geoff como un "esqueleto de robot" o "esqueleto de robot gay", es un esqueleto de títere robótico animatrónico controlado por radio con un peinado Mohawk metálico , fue diseñado y construido por Grant Imahara de los " Cazadores de mitosGeoff se quedó como compañero de Craig hasta el final del programa, después de lo cual Craig se llevó a Geoff a casa.

El 28 de abril de 2014, Ferguson anunció que terminaría el programa a fin de año. El último episodio se emitió el 19 de diciembre de 2014. [2] Posteriormente, Late Late Show comenzó una serie de episodios con presentadores invitados; [3] El nuevo anfitrión permanente James Corden comenzó su iteración de la franquicia el 23 de marzo de 2015.

Mostrar formato [ editar ]

El espectáculo comienza con una apertura fría que consiste en un breve monólogo improvisado o un comentario de Ferguson, ya sea como él mismo o con sus diversas marionetas. Más tarde, el programa contó con bromas con Geoff Peterson , su compañero robot (con la voz de Josh Robert Thompson ) y Secretaría, un caballo de pantomima , interacciones con miembros de la audiencia del estudio, u ocasionalmente un fragmento pregrabado. [4] A la apertura en frío le siguen los créditos de apertura y una pausa comercial .

Después de la pausa y su presentación por la locutora Shadoe Stevens , Ferguson comienza con "Bienvenido a Los Ángeles, California, bienvenido al Late Late Show. Soy su presentador, Craig Ferguson de TV"; a esto pronto le sigue "¡Es un gran día para Estados Unidos, todos!" mientras lanza caramelos a la audiencia, lo que lleva a un monólogo de forma libre y en gran parte improvisado . Después de otra pausa comercial, Ferguson está sentado detrás de su escritorio, donde generalmente lee y responde los correos electrónicos de los espectadores y (desde febrero de 2010 [5] ) tweets de su proclamado "ejército de esqueletos de robots". [6]

Generalmente, se entrevista a una o dos celebridades. A partir de 2008, Ferguson comenzó cada uno rompiendo dramáticamente las tarjetas de notas escritas para la entrevista, "indicando a la audiencia y al invitado que esta conversación no necesita ser manejada rígidamente". [7] A veces, actúa un comediante , un segmento de cocina o un invitado musical, el último de los cuales suele estar pregrabado. [8]

Ferguson ha tenido muchos chistes . Estos han incluido semanas temáticas como "Semana del cangrejo", " Semana mágica " y " Semana del tiburón "; [9] y la broma de larga duración "foto de Paul McCartney ", en la que Ferguson pedirá una foto de McCartney, que en realidad es una foto de la actriz Angela Lansbury y viceversa. El programa usa con poca frecuencia variaciones de la última mordaza con otros pares de celebridades parecidas, como Cher que se muestra como Marilyn Manson . [10] El programa también usa parodias breves como "Dear Aquaman " (en la que Ferguson se viste como el superhéroe y da consejos),"Michael Caine in Space ", y varias imitaciones absurdas de Sean Connery , entrando y saliendo de cortes comerciales, y bocetos más largos utilizados con menos frecuencia a medida que avanzaba el espectáculo.

El programa termina con "¿Qué aprendimos en el programa de esta noche, Craig?", Un segmento que comienza con una animación de un gatito y en el que Ferguson "se quita la corbata, pone los pies en su escritorio y resume la hora anterior de TELEVISOR". [11]

Hitos de producción [ editar ]

Intertítulo de los créditos iniciales originales del programa.

El primer programa de Ferguson como presentador fue el 3 de enero de 2005. Durante aproximadamente los dos primeros meses, continuó con el formato de monólogo de su predecesor, leyendo de 5 a 10 chistes de tarjetas de referencia . [8] Él improvisaba entre las bromas, y pronto notó que las "cosas intermedias" obtuvieron la mayor reacción de su audiencia; después de darse cuenta, decidió que él y sus escritores dejarían de escribir chistes. [8]

En mayo de 2006, Studio 58, el lugar de CBS Television City desde el que se graba el programa, se había actualizado con una consola de mezclas Solid State Logic de transmisión digital , necesaria para 5.1 Channel Surround . [12] [13]

Un nuevo set debutó en el episodio del 24 de julio de 2006. [ cita requerida ] Incluía una aeronave CBS en miniatura que flotaba sobre el telón de fondo que representaba a Los Ángeles. En la semana del 17 de marzo de 2008, The Late Late Show estrenó un nuevo set con un área de escritorio para entrevistas en una plataforma elevada; el telón de fondo también se cambió a una representación detallada de Los Ángeles. [ cita requerida ]

Cuando comenzó la huelga del Gremio de Escritores de Estados Unidos de 2007-08 , el programa tuvo reposiciones. Se reanudó la producción el 2 de enero de 2008, después de que Worldwide Pants y la WGA llegaran a un acuerdo. [14] [15]

En 2008, Worldwide Pants Incorporated firmó un acuerdo de colocación de productos con Ford para promover el Ford Flex durante The Late Late Show . Ocho episodios ("con una repetición") del programa incluyeron parodias escritas a medida en las que Ferguson interpretó al líder de una banda de rap escocesa llamada The Highlanderz (compuesta por Angus "Big Ginger" Ferguson, Philip "The Howler" McGrade y Shannon "Bubbles" McGee), viajando en un Flex mientras viajaban desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles al CBS Studio. [16] Las parodias se proyectaron los jueves sucesivos a partir del 4 de septiembre. [17]

Creo que mi programa probablemente esté más cerca de Pee-wee's Playhouse que cualquier otra cosa que haya visto, y esa es una aspiración.

-  Craig Ferguson (agosto de 2009) [18]

El 31 de agosto de 2009, el programa comenzó a transmitirse en alta definición , con un estudio e instalaciones de producción remodelados, junto con un nuevo logotipo del programa, nuevas luces, una secuencia de título de apertura que "presenta a Ferguson en lugares emblemáticos de Los Ángeles" y un nuevo arreglo del tema musical del programa. [19]

Conferencia de prensa de Craig Ferguson

El contrato inicial de Ferguson como anfitrión fue por seis años, hasta finales de 2010; en agosto de 2007, les decía a los críticos de televisión que podría no estar interesado en una renovación de contrato, [8] aunque en febrero de 2008, profesaba públicamente su lealtad a David Letterman, diciendo: "Me sentaré detrás de Dave mientras él se siente allí." [20]

El 15 de diciembre de 2009 marcó su episodio número 1000 como presentador. Para la ocasión, los títeres se apoderaron del espectáculo; [21] Ferguson dirigió todo el espectáculo como su títere Wavy Ranchero, y los bocetos recurrentes también presentaban reemplazos de títeres. Los invitados, que no eran marionetas, incluían a Kristen Bell , Maria Bello y Jason Schwartzman . Jason Segel también hizo una aparición como su títere Drácula, interpretando un número musical con la banda The Broken West . [22] [23]

El 31 de marzo de 2010, el Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication de la Universidad de Georgia anunció que el Late Late Show había ganado el Premio Peabody a la Excelencia en Televisión por su episodio "Velada con el Arzobispo Desmond Tutu ". [24] Según la Junta de Peabody, "Ferguson, nacido en Escocia, ha vuelto a hacer que la televisión nocturna sea segura para las ideas". [25]

El 3 de abril de 2012, CBS anunció que Ferguson acordó una extensión de contrato hasta 2014. Como parte del acuerdo, CBS coproducirá el programa con Worldwide Pants y CBS Television Studios y el programa se trasladará a un estudio más grande. [26] Aunque no se revelaron los términos financieros, la extensión probablemente incluyó un aumento más allá de lo que Variety informó que había sido su salario de 13 millones de dólares. [27]

Últimas temporadas y salida [ editar ]

Geoff Peterson : Ese es nuestro programa: redundante y oportuno.
Craig Ferguson : Soy redundante, [Geoff] oportuno ... bueno, en cierto modo lo es. Quiero decir, represento la forma redundante del comediante nocturno, y él representa la muerte inminente, como ve, hay un subtexto alegórico de lo que estamos haciendo aquí.

-  "¿Qué aprendimos en el programa de esta noche Craig?", Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson , 7 de febrero de 2012.

Tras la salida de Jay Leno de The Tonight Show y la reorganización nocturna en NBC, tanto Late Show como The Late Late Show lucharon en las calificaciones contra Jimmy Fallon y su sucesor a las 12:30 am ET / PT, Late Night con Seth Meyers . En abril de 2014, Letterman anunció sus planes de jubilarse. CBS pasó por alto a Ferguson para elegir a Stephen Colbert como el nuevo presentador de Late Show a partir de 2015, según los informes, viendo a Ferguson como un artista demasiado especializado para suceder a Letterman. El contrato de Ferguson, que expiró en junio de 2014, [28] [29] [30] [31]estipuló que él era el sucesor de Letterman a las 11:30 y que si no se le asignaba el puesto, se le pagaría una compensación de hasta US $ 10,000,000. [32] El contrato de Letterman incluía el derecho a controlar el horario que sigue al suyo y producir el Late Late Show y fue su compañía de producción, Worldwide Pants, la que seleccionó a Ferguson como anfitrión y con quien se negociaron sus contratos. Con la salida de Letterman, CBS se convertiría en el único productor del programa y es la cadena la que determina qué se hace con la franja horaria y con la que se negocia cualquier contrato. [32] CBS había sido ambiguo con respecto al futuro de Ferguson como presentador de The Late Late Show . La directora ejecutiva de CBS, Leslie Moonvesdijo en una entrevista: "12:30 está en el aire [...] Obviamente, estamos considerando todo tipo de candidatos y las mujeres están entre ellos. Una mujer sería genial en la noche". [33] Sin embargo, la presidenta de CBS Entertainment, Nina Tassler, dijo que la gerencia de CBS son "grandes admiradores de Craig" y que "Craig está aquí y presenta su programa a las 12.30 am, y nos encanta tenerlo allí". [34]

Chelsea Handler habría comenzado las negociaciones para hacerse cargo de la presentación de The Late Late Show cuando expiró el contrato de Ferguson; [35] Sin embargo, tanto Handler como CBS lo negaron más tarde, diciendo que de hecho estaba en negociaciones con el brazo de distribución de CBS para un programa diurno. [36] [37] CBS también se acercó a John Oliver como posible presentador de Late Late Show antes de firmar un contrato con HBO , [38] al igual que Neil Patrick Harris [39] y James Corden . [40]

El 28 de abril de 2014, Ferguson anunció que dejaría el programa en diciembre de 2014. [2] Había tomado la decisión antes del anuncio de Letterman, pero acordó retrasar la publicación de su propia decisión hasta que la reacción a la decisión de Letterman se hubiera calmado. [41] [nota 1] Originalmente también tenía la intención de irse en el verano de 2014, pero acordó quedarse hasta fin de año para darle a CBS más tiempo para encontrar un sucesor. [42] En una declaración posterior a su anuncio, Tassler dijo que en su década como presentador, Ferguson "infundió a la transmisión una energía tremenda, una comedia única, entrevistas perspicaces y algunos de los monólogos más sinceros vistos en televisión". [43] En una entrevista con Larry King, Ferguson declaró que el episodio final de The Late Late Show con él como presentador saldría al aire el 19 de diciembre de 2014. [44]

En septiembre de 2014, el comediante James Corden fue anunciado como presentador de The Late Late Show with James Corden , a partir de 2015. [45] En noviembre de 2014, CBS anunció que Jay Leno sería el invitado de Ferguson en su último programa; durante diciembre, los "amigos notables del programa" programados para apariciones en diciembre incluyeron a Kristen Bell , Steve Carell , Jon Hamm , Rashida Jones , Mila Kunis , Thomas Lennon , Tim Meadows (cuyas 41 apariciones establecieron el récord del programa), Jim Parsons , Michael Sheen , Ariel Tweto, Betty White y Henry Winkler . [46] Mientras tanto, varios de los episodios finales de Ferguson se ocuparon de su disgusto por el expresionismo abstracto - Mark Rothko en particular - y las reacciones del público a esa postura. [47]

El episodio final de Ferguson comenzó con la habitual apertura fría, pero esta vez mostrando un montaje de amigos del programa mientras interpretaban la canción de Dead Man Fall "Bang Your Drum".

Cameos incluidos: Kevin Bacon , Kristen Bell , Jack Black , Pierce Brosnan , Steve Carell , Don Cheadle , Kristin Chenoweth , Marion Cotillard , Tenacious D , Jeff Daniels , Ted Danson , Kat Dennings , Julia Louis-Dreyfus , Carl Edwards , Cedric the Entertainer , Tony Hale , Jon Hamm , Sean Hayes , Samuel L.Jackson , Rashida Jones ,Toby Keith , Jimmy Kimmel , Larry King , Angela Kinsey , Lisa Kudrow , Mila Kunis , Thomas Lennon , Justin Long , Jane Lynch , James Marsden , Matthew McConaughey , Mary McCormack , Joel McHale , Tim Meadows , Metallica , Kunal Nayyar , Geoff Peterson , Regis Philbin , Ray Romano , Bob Saget , Kyra Sedgwick (más el perro Lily),William Shatner , Michael Sheen , Dax Shepard , Quentin Tarantino , Josh Robert Thompson , el arzobispo Desmond Tutu , Betty White , Henry Winkler , Shailene Woodley , Weird Al Yankovic y varios amigos. [48] [49] El montaje pregrabado pasó al estudio con Ferguson continuando la canción respaldada por la ocasional banda semi-house Bone Patrol, el guitarrista de Sex Pistols Steve Jones , [50] un coro completo, varias celebridades, músicos y amigos del show. [49]

El monólogo comenzó con un breve lapso de tiempo en el que Craig comenzó a aparecer durante los últimos 10 años, desde su primer día (3 de enero de 2005) hasta el último. Craig agradeció a su compañero de comedia Josh Robert Thompson , a los espectadores, al equipo y explicó:

A lo largo de los años, yendo con este programa y dando vueltas, o yendo y haciendo stand-up con Josh, he entrado en contacto con muchas personas que son espectadores de este programa, y ​​aunque me despedí del equipo, las personas que hicieron este programa son ustedes. Viniste a un programa que, seamos honestos, fue un poco reparador. En cierto modo se quedó así, pero lo que espero que hayamos hecho [...] tal vez arte sea una palabra grandiosa, pero creo que lo que logramos hacer aquí es hacer algo que antes no estaba aquí. Entonces, en ese sentido, tal vez sea una obra de arte, no existía y ahora sí. Lo que hemos hecho aquí, no se va porque dejé de hacerlo, dejamos de hacer esto y empezamos a hacer otra cosa [...] tal vez [...] más tarde, o tal vez me vaya y esto es ¡eso! Pero creo que lo que fue más abrumador que cualquier otra cosa en la experiencia de hacer este programa fue hacer una conexión con un país del que me convertí en parte, lo cual es asombroso para mí. Incluso en el transcurso de este programa me convertí en estadounidense, oficialmente y particularmente para mis amigos del IRS., Ahora soy un estadounidense de pleno derecho. Sin embargo, lo que no puedo ser es un miembro de un club, al que realmente no pedí que me uniera, quería hacer este programa [...] y ahora hemos hecho este programa, y ​​si me complacen en lo que sea que esté haciendo ahora y llegar a lo que sea que haga a continuación, estaría muy agradecido, porque mis hijos aún son pequeños.

After reading his last Tweets & E-mails and doing his final interview with guest Jay Leno, the show ended with his final segment: What Did We Learn on the Show Over the Last 10 Years Craig? Craig tells Geoff he wants to finally find out who the real identity of Secretariat is. Asked to lift up his mask, it's revealed to be Bob Newhart. Craig asks, "Bob Newhart?! What are you doing here?" to which Newhart replies, "Hey, guy, it's your dream." Craig wakes up next to Drew Carey as Nigel Wick and proceeds to spoof the finales of Newhart (the show was all a dream), St. Elsewhere (he imagined it all from a snowglobe), and The Sopranos (cut to black with Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'").[51][52][53]

Show elements[edit]

Cold open[edit]

Most nights, he introduces himself as "TV's Craig Ferguson", and pronounces it a "great day for America." After that, no one knows what might come next, not even the host himself.

— TV Critic Eric Deggans of the St Petersburg Times[8]

Ferguson starts with a cold open, which is a two-minute segment before the first commercials, theme song, and actual show. Originally, it was a miniature monologue and to talk about the guests on the show. Over time, this segment expanded to include short skits and musical sessions often involving puppets, and occasional interaction with members of the studio audience. In actual practice, the cold open was the second segment presented when the show was recorded at the CBS studios. The open was actually recorded after the monologue but aired before it, something Ferguson originally thinly disguised, but later openly mocked.

On November 22, 2010, Ferguson opened the show with evidence that a French talk show called Ce Soir Avec Arthur had stolen his show's opening sequence, as well as some of his puppet and song-and-dance concepts.[54] On November 29, 2010, Ferguson introduced Arthur in the cold opening of the show; they joked back and forth for about two minutes, and then Arthur returned to help Ferguson answer viewer emails and again at the end of the show.[55]

Theme song[edit]

When he was hired as the full-time replacement for Craig Kilborn, Ferguson co-wrote and recorded a theme song. The theme tune was re-recorded for the show's switch to HD, premiering on August 31, 2009 and produced by Andy "Stoker" Growcott. Except for when the show traveled (i.e. Paris, Scotland, New Orleans), the lyrics to this theme were the same during the entire 10-year run.


Geoff Peterson[edit]

Geoff Peterson, voiced by Josh Robert Thompson

On April 5, 2010, Ferguson began featuring a robot skeleton sidekick, Geoff Peterson, voiced by Josh Robert Thompson. The robot was created by former Mythbuster Grant Imahara.[56] According to a web article by Jeremy Kaplan, when Imahara became aware of Ferguson's idea to have a robot sidekick, he responded with a March 1, 2010 tweet:

@CraigyFerg I hear you are looking for a robot sidekick. I think I can help... for a price: get me 100,000 [Twitter followers]. If you can.[57]

Ferguson subsequently came through with the followers and Imahara came through with the robot.

While Geoff began with pre-recorded phrases, Thompson voiced him live in studio for almost every episode since late June 2011,[58] including those filmed in Paris, France and Scotland. Three people are often given screen credit at the end of the show as being responsible for Geoff: Imahara, writer Tom Straw (and later Bob Oschack), and voice actor Thompson.[59][failed verification]

Ferguson has said that the robot is "my metaphor for deconstructing the dead art form of the late night talk show", and that he selected the name because of its commonness.[60] Ferguson has jokingly referred to Geoff as an "appliance" who is being used because the show's small budget does not permit a typical (and living) sidekick or band.[56] But as the years progressed, mainly due to Thompson's performance, even Ferguson would admit that Geoff Peterson came to fully embody the very sidekick cliché that they intended to mock.[61]

Geoff has a running "feud" with recurring guest Kristen Bell, who claims that she had wanted to be Craig's sidekick and was upset when Geoff was selected.[62]



Secretariat is a pantomime horse which first appeared on October 11, 2010, as a joke reference to the Disney film Secretariat which was based on the life of the 1973 triple-crown winning racehorse, Secretariat. By December 2010, he had become a regular on the show.

Secretariat has appeared in some sketches, including one on January 7, 2011, when a clip was shown of Secretariat traveling to New York City to deliver a Christmas present to Jimmy Fallon, who competed against Ferguson in the same time slot on NBC. In the clip, Secretariat makes appearances on Live with Regis and Kelly, The View, CBS News (where Katie Couric did the Secretariat Dance), and Late Show with David Letterman.[63]

When Ferguson hosted the show from Paris, France during the week of August 1, 2011, Secretariat played a role in several locations. He again accompanied the show during its week of programs taped in Scotland, airing in the summer of 2012. Secretariat also appeared in several background shots of ESPN remote shows during the show's visit to New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII in 2013.

A following has been built around the false horse, with multiple fan pages existing on Facebook,[64] and several websites selling Team Secretariat T-shirts.[65][66][67][68] The people playing Secretariat were Joseph Bolter and Ryan McGowan.[69] As part of the finale's last sketch, Secretariat unmasks himself and reveals himself to be Bob Newhart.

Alfredo Sauce and the Shy Fellas[edit]

Over the course of his run as host, Ferguson wished to have a house band. As a substitute, Alfredo Sauce and the Shy Fellas were created,[when?] billed as "the Shyest Band in Late Night." The leader of the fictional band had a strong Italian accent, and his hand made an appearance in one episode when it reached out from behind the curtain.[70]

Impersonations and characters[edit]

Impersonations and sketch characters frequently done by Ferguson on the show include Prince Charles (usually hosting "The Rather Late Programme"), Wilford Brimley, Sean Connery, Bill Clinton, Queen Elizabeth II, Andy Rooney, Aquaman, Michael Caine, David Bowie, Elton John, Bono, and Mitt Romney. He claims that he developed his imitation of Caine after an eight-hour-long plane ride on which he sat behind Caine, who "gabbed" with his wife the entire trip.[citation needed]

Less frequent impersonations include Dr Phil, Simon Cowell, Kim Jong-il, Mick Jagger, Morgan Freeman, Regis Philbin, Angela Lansbury (as "Jessica Fletcher" on Murder, She Wrote), Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Larry King ("of the Jungle"), Arnold Schwarzenegger, and J. K. Rowling.[citation needed]


Beginning in 2008, the show began incorporating puppets in the cold open; many were given to Ferguson by Folkmanis Puppets.[21] Ferguson stated in an interview with Playboy magazine that the impetus behind starting to do the puppets is hearing an episode of Jonesy's Jukebox during his drive in to work where "The Lonely Goatherd" was played. Upon arriving he decided to lip synch the song on air that night using some hand puppets that were already on hand.[71] The cloth puppets have been phased out of the series since its move to the new studio in the fall of 2012, and are no longer featured in the show's new opening that premiered in September 2013, but marionettes of Drew Carey and Morgan Freeman have been used frequently in cold opens during the fall of 2013.

Puppets used on air include:

  • Sid: A cute, yet vulgar white rabbit, with a North London accent.
  • Wavy Rancheros: A crocodile with a Cajun accent prone to waving his left hand at the audience (hence his name), Wavy "hosted" the show's 1,000th episode.
  • The Pig/Gustave Flaubert: Used during the initial outbreak of swine flu,[citation needed] a pig with sideburns and a tuft of hair who has a "contempt for the bourgeoisie".
  • Kronos: A monkey who wears a bellhop's uniform and claims to be from another planet.
  • Brian: A shark with a wonderful singing voice.
  • Punxsutawney Phil: A groundhog that speaks in a German accent.
  • Sebastian Trousers: A wolf objecting to the portrayals of wolves in the movies.
  • George: A slow talking French snail.
  • Craig Ferguson: A highly satirized version of the host, with a giant Liza Minnelli cut-out for the head. Voiced by Josh Robert Thompson in scenes with Craig portraying Tiny Drew Carey
  • Evangeline: A female ferret with a deep, male voice who is on steroids in preparation for the Olympics.
  • Sandra Peterson, a remote-controlled rhino head that hangs over the fireplace; originally voiced by Dana DeLorenzo[72] (who also portrayed "Beth", a bespectacled "CBS executive"), Sandra "returned" in 2014, voiced and operated by Josh Robert Thompson[73][note 2]
  • Tiny Drew Carey: A small marionette of Drew Carey (though the body and head reflect Carey before his weight loss in 2010). A miniature desk is sometimes featured for Tiny Drew Carey to "sit" behind.
  • Morgan Freeman: A large Morgan Freeman marionette who usually interacts with Tiny Drew Carey; voiced by Josh Robert Thompson.
  • In one episode, Lauren Graham operated Nadine, a cat puppet, which appeared to have a romantic relationship with Wavy.[74]

Musical performances[edit]

The Late Late Show tapes musical performances separately from the rest of the show. For example, the noise rock band No Age was videotaped on October 2, 2008 for an appearance scheduled to air October 27. That performance was also the subject of an equal-time rule controversy in which guitarist Randy Randall was not allowed to wear a pro-Barack Obama T-shirt. Randall, not wanting to cancel the appearance, chose instead to turn the T-shirt inside out.[75]

Interview ending activities[edit]

Starting in 2010, Ferguson began ending interviews by variously offering the guest a choice between two or three activities. These have included:

  • Mouth Organ: Ferguson and the guest play the mouth organ (harmonica) briefly. Guests that can play the instrument properly are awarded the Golden Mouth Organ.‡
  • Awkward Pause: Ferguson and the guest act out an awkward pause together. Occasionally Ferguson and the guest would agree on a particular subtext for the awkward pause, for instance 'sexual tension awkward pause' or 'smell my finger awkward pause'.
  • Big Cash Prize: Ferguson will offer the guest $7.50 in nickels for either answering a question (which always start with factoids about Iceland's capital city), or guessing 'What's in My Box?', an imaginary box that only Geoff knows the contents of. Prior to August 27, 2012, the prize was $50 in $1 bills or in quarters. Ferguson explained that the reduced prize was necessary to help pay for the new studio. During episodes taped in Scotland, the prize was awarded in pounds sterling.
  • Fruit: Ferguson asks the guest if they would like a piece of fruit, selected from a basket on the desk containing tropical fruit such as mangoes, cherimoyas, and other exotic offerings. When a coconut is chosen, Ferguson proceeds to smash it open on his desk and drink the coconut milk with the guest.
  • Throw Frisbees at the Horse: Ferguson and the guest attempt to hit Secretariat with frisbees.
  • Guess What Her Majesty The Queen Is Thinking: A variation of the Big Cash Prize, Ferguson states that they have imagined a scenario where her majesty the queen has been wrongly imprisoned, and the guest must guess what she is thinking. He then proceeds to impersonate the queen and tell whether or not they were correct.
  • True or Not True?: Another variation of the Big Cash Prize, where Ferguson utters a short story (of any matter) and the guest has to decide if it's true or not true. As with "What's in My Box", the real answer is only known to Geoff Peterson.
  • Touch My Glittery Ball: The guest is encouraged to touch a small, spinning disco ball on Ferguson's desk. By mid-October 2011 Ferguson had only occasionally offered this option.
  • Haggis in a TARDIS/Touch My Haggis: the guest is offered the option to touch a vegetarian haggis, supplied by Neil Gaiman,[76] which has been stuffed into the model TARDIS which sits on Craig's desk.
  • Freeze-frame High Five: Craig and guest high-five and keep pose. Only used a few times before being phased out.


In 2006, clips of The Late Late Show began appearing on the video sharing website YouTube. Subsequently, Ferguson's ratings "grew seven percent (or by 100,000 viewers)."[98]

During the week ending March 31, 2006, The Late Late Show attracted an average of 1.9 million total viewers,[99] a number that increased to 2.0 million a year later.[100]

During the week ending April 4, 2008, The Late Late Show attracted an average of 1.88 million total viewers; that week, for the first time since Ferguson began hosting, the show's "five-night week of original head-to-head broadcasts", which was later discovered to actually be four nights due to a difference in title,[101] drew a larger audience than Late Night with Conan O'Brien.[102] Reuters noted that "Ferguson's bigger accomplishment seems to be that he has merely lost fewer viewers this season, with his total audience slipping 12% from a year ago, compared with a 24% drop for O'Brien"; the year-to-year decline in viewership was attributed to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike.[102]

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson encountered new competition in March 2009, the first night of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. During Fallon's first week, the new show averaged 2.4 million viewers, a half million more viewers than Ferguson's show.[103] Fallon maintained his lead over Ferguson during the show's second week, but by March 16, The Late Late Show had attracted a larger audience.[104] In July 2009, Ferguson led Late Night in total viewers by a 25% margin.[105] On September 22, 2009, the night Ferguson followed the Letterman interview of President Obama, his audience reached 3.24 million, the show's biggest ever; Ferguson attracted two million viewers more than Jimmy Fallon and almost a million more than Conan O'Brien attracted an hour earlier.[106]By the end of 2009, The Late Late Show topped Late Night with Jimmy Fallon in the ratings with a 1.8 rating/6 share and 1.6 rating/6 share, respectively.[107]

By May 2010, Late Late Show and Late Night were roughly tied in the ratings, with Ferguson leading in total viewers (1.7 million compared to 1.6 million for Fallon) and Fallon having a narrow edge in ratings.[108]

During November sweeps in 2011, The Late Late Show was third in late-late night broadcasting; its 1.7 million views were well ahead of Last Call with Carson Daly but behind the 2 million viewers of Jimmy Kimmel Live! and the 1.8 million viewers of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.[109]

The 2012 November sweeps saw Jimmy Kimmel Live! edge ahead of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Late Late Show with 2.1 million total viewers, compared to Fallon's 1.75 million and Ferguson's 1.6 million.[110]

The April Fools' stunts of 2014 featured a swap of cast between the show and The Price Is Right; Craig, Shadoe, and the cast did that day's episode of Price, while Drew Carey hosted The Late Late Show with George Gray working as announcer.

Notable episodes[edit]

  • On January 30, 2006, Ferguson eulogized his father, who had died the day before. He was nominated for his first Emmy Award for the episode.[citation needed]
  • On February 19, 2007, Ferguson announced he would do "no Britney Spears jokes", saying "comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it" and that it shouldn't include "attacking the vulnerable." He referenced his 15 years of sobriety and the struggle he had with addiction, almost ending in suicide.[111]
  • On September 10, 2008, he described his excitement about voting in his first U.S. Presidential election and ranted against American voter fatigue, stating, "If you don't vote, you're a moron!"[112]
Peter Lassally and Lisa Ammerman at the 69th Annual Peabody Awards for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson- An Evening with Archbishop Desmond Tutu
  • On March 4, 2009, he dedicated the entire show to his guest, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The cold open and monologue featured a brief history of South Africa and apartheid. The show was during a week of change in late night, with the premiere of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, a show competing with The Late Late Show, occurring two days earlier. The interview received critical praise from NPR's TV critic, David Bianculli, who called the episode's monologue "nothing less than an entertaining, understandable, shockingly thorough history of South African politics and colonization" and its interview "inspirational [...] almost beyond measure."[7] This show was given a Peabody Award March 31, 2010 for broadcasting excellence in news and entertainment.[113]
  • On October 27, 2009 during an interview with Alicia Silverstone, CBS lost power due to abnormally high gusts of wind in the area,[114] with Ferguson joking that "We've gone to radio, everybody!" before going to a commercial break. The power "returned" before the interview with Salman Rushdie (the interview was pretaped), only to "go out" again during the "What did we learn on the show tonight, Craig?" segment.[115] The next night, he commented in the cold opening that Wolf Blitzer reported on CNN that the lights went out on the show, "but how can that be news?"[116]
  • The December 15, 2009 episode was the 1,000th of Ferguson's tenure as host,[117] and to mark the occasion, the entire show was done with puppets.[118] "Wavy Ranchero" "filled in" as host, delivering a brief monologue and interviewing the celebrity guests, the shark puppet was used for the "Dear Aquaman" skits, and "Connery the Bull" appeared in the "A Sean Connery Holiday Memory" skits. Jason Segel appeared with a Dracula puppet, performing the song "Dracula's Lament" from his film Forgetting Sarah Marshall, accompanied by The Broken West. The only time Ferguson himself appeared on camera (aside from the opening title sequence and the "Dear Aquaman" intro) was during the closing segment in which he was on stage in his Prince Charles costume, along with many of his puppets and crew members, while Wavy "performed" to James Taylor's recording of Carole King's "You've Got a Friend". Ferguson was also seen during the closing credits which showed various captioned shots of behind-the-scenes action that took place during the episode's production.
  • On January 14, 2010, Ferguson said in the cold open that he would not talk about "the trouble at late night" at NBC, because there was an actual news story about the earthquake in Haiti. Commenting on Rush Limbaugh's statement "We already donated to Haiti, it's called U.S. Income Tax", he said "Rush Limbaugh has to fill a lot of air time with saying things and occasionally saying garbage, and God knows I do that every night here." He told Limbaugh that the way to take the sting out of his statement was to donate a million dollars of his money to the Red Cross "and we'll say no more about it."[119]
  • On February 23, 2010, Ferguson did a show with a single guest and without a studio audience, a format in part inspired by Tom Snyder, who had hosted Tomorrow and the first five years of The Late Late Show in such a format.[118] According to Ferguson, the Tonight Show host and time slot conflict got him to reflect on the "late-night traditions started by Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, and 'lovingly deconstructed' by David Letterman" and prompted him to try such an experiment.[120] Ferguson's guest for the hour was Stephen Fry.[120]
  • On April 4, 2010, the show introduced Geoff Peterson, Craig's robot skeleton sidekick. Previously, Craig had professed his desire to have his own "Robot Skeleton Army". To that end, Mythbusters' Grant Imahara volunteered to build Craig a robot skeleton sidekick if Craig got him 100,000 followers on Twitter. Originally, Craig provided the voice of Geoff, using a harsh, metallic voice in several short, pre-recorded phrases. Later that month, Josh Robert Thompson began providing Geoff's voice full-time. By mid 2011, Thompson would perform Geoff live in the studio.
  • On November 16, 2010, Ferguson dedicated an entire episode to the British science fiction program Doctor Who, complete with a Dalek and guest Matt Smith. The cold open was marred when a rehearsed dance number was forced to be scrapped due to CBS not receiving legal clearance to play the Doctor Who theme song five minutes before air, much to the anger of Ferguson. The dance number later leaked on YouTube on December 1.[121] Ferguson announced on January 3, 2011 that the dance number had finally been cleared to be shown and that it would air on the upcoming show which Alex Kingston (who plays "River Song" on Doctor Who) would guest on.
  • On February 1, 2011, the show was dedicated to an examination of African-American history and culture in honor of February being Black History Month in the United States. Ferguson stated at the top of the show that as a recent immigrant to the country he was not very knowledgeable about the topic and would use that night's episode to educate himself. He also declared at the top of the show that there would be "no skeleton" and "no horse" during that night's taping (in reference to Geoff Peterson and Secretariat). His guests that night were Cornel West and George Clinton, who also performed "One Nation Under A Groove" with his band Parliament-Funkadelic.[122]
  • In June 2011 Ferguson filmed an entire week of shows in Paris, France, featuring Kristen Bell as co-host. The episodes aired during the week of August 1.[123] Ferguson joked, "It's the first time in the history of this show that we've been allowed outside." For this week of shows, the program was temporarily re-titled Le Late Late Show avec Craig Ferguson à Paris, and Ferguson sang the show's theme song on-camera with help from two Parisian musicians: one playing a piano, the other a double bass.
  • On August 23, 2011, Ferguson received a white substance in the mail that was feared to be anthrax. Many people were held in isolation after being exposed to the substance, but they were released after the police discovered that the powdery substance was benign. Ferguson joked about the incident on his show, explaining, "Today someone sent an envelope packed with white powder to the show. I offered to taste it, but they said 'no'".[124]
  • On April 15, 2013, the show following the Boston Marathon bombing began with Ferguson, seated at his desk, talking to the audience about the bombing, his feelings about them, his personal relationship with the city of Boston, and the lack of a proper open and monologue for the show, stating that it would be "insensitive, at best" to open the show with "It's a great day for America." He also explained the bombing might come up again during the show, saying, "This is on my mind; I can't pretend it's not there." Along with the monologue, the show omitted the opening sequence, the usual "Tweets & Email" segment (going straight into the first interview following the first commercial), and the usual "What Did We Learn on the Show Tonight, Craig?" segment at the end of the show. Geoff Peterson and Secretariat were also absent. During the show, Ferguson talked briefly about the bombing to his guests, Rob Lowe and Larry King. To end the show, Ferguson addressed his audience in Boston, saying, "Our thoughts are with you, and we'll see how it goes. Good luck to you." Time magazine later placed Ferguson's monologue at number one on its list of the Top 10 Late Night Moments of 2013.[125]
  • On September 19, 2014, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson aired its 2,000th episode.
  • On December 19, 2014, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson aired its final episode with Jay Leno as the featured guest. In the cold open Ferguson performed Dead Man Fall's song "Bang Your Drum" accompanied by Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick (plus dog Lily), Jack Black, Kristen Bell, Pierce Brosnan, Steve Carell, Don Cheadle, Kristin Chenoweth, Marion Cotillard, Tenacious D, Jeff Daniels, Ted Danson, Kat Dennings, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tony Hale, Carl Edwards, Cedric the Entertainer, Jon Hamm, Sean Hayes, Samuel L. Jackson, Rashida Jones, Toby Keith, Jimmy Kimmel, Mila Kunis, Lisa Kudrow, Jane Lynch, Justin Long, James Marsden, Matthew McConaughey, Mary McCormack, Joel McHale, Tim Meadows, Metallica, Kunal Nayyar, Geoff Peterson, Regis Philbin, Ray Romano, Bob Saget, William Shatner, Michael Sheen, Quentin Tarantino, Josh Robert Thompson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Henry Winkler, Shailene Woodley, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Larry King, Angela Kinsey, Betty White, Thomas Lennon, Secretariat and Ferguson's bunny and alligator puppets[48][49] in a pre-taped montage which segued to the song continuing live in studio with Ferguson singing backed by occasional semi-house band Bone Patrol, Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones[50] and a choir and various celebrities, musicians and friends of the show accompanying on stage.[49] The What Did We Learn segment at the end of the show revealed Secretariat, the pantomime horse, to be Bob Newhart at which point the segment became a parody of the Newhart series finale with Ferguson as Mr. Wick from The Drew Carey Show waking up from a bad dream, in bed with Drew Carey revealing the 10 years of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson to have been a dream. References to the series finales of St. Elsewhere and The Sopranos were also made.[51][52][53]

International broadcast[edit]

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson aired in Australia on Eleven, first premiering on January 11, 2011.[126][127]

In Canada, the series aired on CHCH, Global, and Omni Television.[128]

See also[edit]

  • Late Show with David Letterman
  • The Late Late Show with James Corden
  • Celebrity Name Game
  • Join or Die with Craig Ferguson
  • The Craig Ferguson Show
  • List of late night network TV programs


  1. ^ Ferguson in his cold open for the April 28 broadcast noted that it was "my decision to go. This is not Jay [Leno] and Conan [O'Brien] at NBC, this is not Jay and Dave [Letterman] all these years ago, it's not that." Several unofficial uploads of the video are available at YouTube.
  2. ^ The character's return occurred during a Tweets and E-mails segment in January. Unofficial videos have been uploaded to YouTube.


  1. ^ "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson: An Evening with Archbishop Desmond Tutu (CBS)". Peabody Awards. May 2010. Retrieved September 22, 2014.
  2. ^ a b Goldberg, Leslie (April 28, 2014). "Craig Ferguson to Exit CBS' 'Late Late Show'". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved April 28, 2014.
  3. ^ Zuckerman, Esther (November 26, 2014). "'Late Late Show' guest hosts to include Drew Carey, Judd Apatow, and John Mayer". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 13, 2015.
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  5. ^ "With @CraigyFerg, Craig Ferguson leaps into the Twitter fray". The Christian Science Monitor. February 9, 2010. Retrieved 2010-02-12.
  6. ^ Weilage, Mary (February 11, 2010). "Video: Craig Ferguson's Twitter followers and his robot-skeleton army". TechRepublic. Retrieved May 17, 2016.
  7. ^ a b Bianculli, David (March 2009). "Late-Night TV Chess: Thanks to a Bishop, Craig Ferguson Is King". TV Worth Watching. Retrieved 2009-09-01.
  8. ^ a b c d e "Craig Ferguson a standout at standup". St. Petersburg Times. August 16, 2007. Retrieved 2009-09-01.
  9. ^ Shark Week was apparently a reference to Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, and that channel, saying that Ferguson has always loved Shark Week, scheduled him for an appearance on August 4, 2010. "Happy SHARK WEEK, SHARK BITES: ADVENTURES IN SHARK WEEK" (Press release). Retrieved 2010-07-30.
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  11. ^ Bianculli, David (March 2009). "Late-Night TV Chess: Thanks to a Bishop, Craig Ferguson Is King". TV Worth Watching. Retrieved 2009-09-01. The show actually ended, as usual these days, with "What Did We Learn on the Show Tonight, Craig?", a segment in which the host removes his tie, shoes and socks and puts his barefeet on his desk, and summarizes the preceding hour of TV.
  12. ^ "SSL Console Installed in CBS Studio 58". Mix. May 17, 2006. Archived from the original on November 7, 2009. Retrieved 2009-09-01. First and foremost, we were looking for a digital console that was 5.1-capable....[and one that would] interface with the rest of the building digitally through our digital routers and digital tape machines. We also wanted a lot of inputs without a tremendous footprint for the console.
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  107. ^ Weprin, Alex (2009-03-17). "". Retrieved 2014-03-06.
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  109. ^ Seltzer, Louisa Ada (December 5, 2011). "Sweeps upset: 'Late Show' beats 'Tonight Show'". Here & there. Benefiting from a first-place lead-in and an earlier start time than its rivals, ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" was first in late-late night during November sweeps with 2.0 million total viewers, the show's best number for any sweeps period in its nine-year history. NBC's "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" was second with 1.8 million viewers, CBS's "Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" third at 1.7 million and NBC's "Last Call with Carson Daly" fourth at 1.0 million. Among 18-49s "Kimmel," "Late Night" and "Late Late Show" each averaged a 0.6 rating, with the 1:37 am "Last Call" fourth with a 0.3.
  110. ^ ABC Ranks Number 1 in Late-Night for the Third Sweep in a Row. ABC press release (2011-11-30) via Retrieved 2013-10-20.
  111. ^ Craig Ferguson Refuses to Do Spears Jokes, Talk Show Host Who Battled Alcoholism Takes Heat Off of "Vulnerable" Pop Star from the CBS News website
  112. ^ My fellow Americans: Craig Ferguson tells viewers, "If you don't vote you're a moron"; read his monologue from Archived September 15, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  113. ^ "The Peabody Awards".
  114. ^ "Craig Ferguson Finishes Taping Via Flashlight During Power Outage". Access Hollywood. Retrieved 2009-12-03.
  115. ^ "E! online article". E! online article. 2009-10-28. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  116. ^ "The Late Late Show – 10/28/2009". CBS. Retrieved 2009-11-03.[dead link]
  117. ^ "Craig Ferguson and Friends Celebrate 1,000th Episode of 'Late Late Show'". CBS Studios Inc. Archived from the original on December 19, 2009. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
  118. ^ a b "Craig Ferguson ditches his audience, makes them love him more". USA Today. February 24, 2010. Retrieved 2010-02-25.
  119. ^ Sklar, Rachel (January 15, 2010). "Craig Ferguson Skips Late-Night Wars For Haiti, Slams "Dumb, Mean" Rush Limbaugh". Mediaite.
  120. ^ a b Tucker, Ken (February 24, 2010). "Craig Ferguson last night: no audience, one guest, a great hour of TV". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2010-02-25.
  121. ^ Barrett, Annie (2010-12-01). "The banned Craig Ferguson 'Doctor Who' cold open: See it here". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2011-11-05.
  122. ^ Holmes, Linda (2 February 2011). "Dr. Cornel West's Extraordinary Conversation With Craig Ferguson". NPR Monkey See blog. Retrieved 8 September 2011.
  123. ^ Tucker, Ken (1 August 2011). "Craig Ferguson's first show from Paris: A whimsical triumph, a potential classic". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 28 August 2011.
  124. ^ Hicks, Tony (24 August 2011). "People: Craig Ferguson receives white powder, threat, in mail". San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved 8 September 2011.
  125. ^ "Top 10 Late Night Moments | Top 10 Everything of 2013 - Pop Culture and Social Media |". 2013-12-04. Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  126. ^ Knox, David (January 11, 2011). "ELEVEN is on the air". TV Tonight. Retrieved December 25, 2014.
  127. ^ Joyce, James (December 18, 2014). "Late Late Show Host Craig Ferguson Signs Off". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  128. ^ "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson - Rogers Media". 16 February 2013. Archived from the original on 16 February 2013.

External links[edit]

  • Craig Ferguson on Twitter
  • The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Twitter
  • The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Facebook
  • The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson at IMDb