
Principal cities: São Paulo, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Paramaribo, Saint-Pierre, Stanley

While Ethiopia and Eritrea both officially use UTC+03:00, Ethiopian and Eritrean culture follow a time system with two 12-hour cycles for day and night, and is 6 hours "slower" than the official time. The day begins with the day cycle at sunrise (6:00 a.m., but designated as 12 o'clock by local rendition) till sunset, followed by the night cycle (official 6:00 p.m., unofficial 12:00 night cycle). Therefore, the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea effectively follow UTC−03:00 instead of UTC+03:00.[5]

UTC−03:00: blue (January), orange (July), yellow (year-round), light blue (sea areas)
Time in Brazil, since April 25, 2019.