Wikipedia:Talk pages project

The Talk pages project is a project to improve how contributors communicate on Wikipedia using wikitext talk pages. It is the result of the Talk pages consultation 2019, a 5-month long effort that brought volunteers from 20 wikis (including the English Wikipedia) together with staff from the Wikimedia Foundation to define a product direction for building better tools for on-wiki communication. This product direction was documented in Phase 2 of the Talk Pages Consultation:

Wikitext talk pages should be improved, and not replaced.We will build a new design on top of wikitext talk pages that changes the page's default appearance and offers key tools. This new design should communicate to the user that this is not a content page, and help the user interact appropriately with the tools.

The Editing Team is using this product direction as our guiding principle for developing improvements to wikitext talk pages. To make sure these new tools work in the ways you expect, we need your help testing them.

To stay up to date about the project, we recommend adding this page to your watch list: mw:Talk pages project/Updates. Updates are typically posted monthly.

We use the mw:Talk pages project/Updates page to share information about new feature development, deployment plans and questions the team would value your input on.

The Reply tool is similar to existing user scripts. It detects user signatures and timestamps, and adds a "Reply" button. If you click the reply button, it gives you a box into which to type your reply.

A star with the text "150,000"
As of February 2022, more than 150,000 comments have been posted with the Reply tool at the English Wikipedia alone.
A screenshot showing the Reply tool's visual mode
A screenshot showing the Reply tool's wikitext source mode and advanced options
The New Discussion Tool has separate places to type the subject and body of your message.
A screenshot showing the location of the button, at the end of the section heading
Click the [subscribe] button at the top of the section.
A screenshot showing the notifications someone will see when new comments are posted in a talk page section they have subscribed to.
Notifications for new comments posted in a talk page section someone has subscribed to.