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Cómo escribir sobre los asentamientos del Reino Unido cubre un conjunto de pautas del proyecto relacionadas con la estructura de los artículos de Wikipedia sobre los asentamientos del Reino Unido según se desarrolló en la geografía de WikiProject UK y WikiProject Cities . Agradeceríamos sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar estas pautas en la página de discusión , pero absténgase de realizar cambios sustanciales en este artículo sin primero discutirlos y llegar a un consenso primero.

Edición de artículos sobre asentamientos en el Reino Unido [ editar ]

Los artículos sobre asentamientos en el Reino Unido normalmente deben seguir las pautas que se describen a continuación y también el WP: UKGUIDE y el Manual de estilo . Sin embargo, estos no están "escritos en piedra" y pueden ajustarse cuando el sentido común sugiere que una excepción es apropiada con un objetivo general de profesionalismo, simplicidad y mayor cohesión de los artículos de Wikipedia.

Consulte Wikipedia: convenciones de nomenclatura (asentamientos) al elegir un título para el artículo y Wikipedia: desambiguación para saber cómo distinguir entre varios lugares con el mismo nombre o nombres similares. Los títulos de las secciones generalmente no deben comenzar con la palabra The (consulte WP: HEAD ).

Los artículos sobre partes de Londres deben seguir Wikipedia: las pautas del proyecto de WikiProject London , y los nombres deben seguir Wikipedia: WikiProject London / Convenciones de nomenclatura con el cliente potencial que usa el formato X es un lugar en el distrito londinense de Y en las secciones principales sin "Inglaterra" (o el Reino Unido). Además, el transporte y el gobierno local en Londres, junto con la Autoridad del Gran Londres y otras funciones administrativas y ceremoniales, utilizan métodos de redacción y organización diferentes a los recomendados en este artículo.

Manejo de la ambigüedad y la incertidumbre [ editar ]

Los asentamientos en el Reino Unido son muy diversos y el significado de "asentamiento" en sí mismo está sujeto a debate. Hay varios tipos de áreas administrativas oficiales que podrían describirse como asentamientos, pero no siempre corresponden a lo que los residentes considerarían como su propio pueblo o ciudad. De manera similar, un pueblo o ciudad puede extenderse más allá de sus límites administrativos; cuando esto ha ocurrido, los suburbios y los lugares importantes de interés y empleo fuera de la frontera deben mencionarse en el artículo, aunque debe tenerse en cuenta que se encuentran dentro de diferentes áreas administrativas.

Escribir sobre los asentamientos más pequeños del Reino Unido puede resultar difícil debido a la falta de material de origen. Si no hay probabilidad de que un artículo pueda expandirse más allá de un trozo , el lugar debe tratarse en el artículo del área notable más pequeña en la que se encuentra, como el barrio del consejo , la parroquia civil , la comunidad (en Gales) o ciudad, etc. En la mayoría de los casos, debe dejarse una redirección para ayudar a los lectores (consulte Crowden, Devon para ver un ejemplo).

Se puede usar un solo nombre para una parroquia civil, una parroquia eclesiástica , un barrio del consejo y un área coloquial informal, cada una con límites ligeramente diferentes. Por otro lado, un área puede tener dos o tres nombres diferentes: los de un barrio, parroquia de la iglesia y nombres locales sin uso oficial, por ejemplo. En ambos casos, todas las variantes deben fusionarse en un solo artículo, a menos que una de las alternativas sea lo suficientemente notable como para tener un artículo propio.

Asentamientos despoblados [ editar ]

Una ciudad o aldea desierta que alguna vez tuvo su propia parroquia eclesiástica (o equivalente) puede, sujeto al consenso con respecto a su estatus como un antiguo asentamiento independiente, tener su propio artículo si hay suficiente material para hacer un buen artículo . Algunos ejemplos son Silchester y Gatton, Surrey.. Sin embargo, si una ciudad, pueblo o aldea posterior se encuentra cerca del centro del antiguo asentamiento y lo absorbe casi todo, entonces es justo describirlo bajo la historia del nuevo lugar y crear una redirección para el nombre anterior, si fue diferente. Si el lugar no es un pueblo o aldea, entonces no debe tener su propio artículo, sino que debe estar cubierto en una sección de arqueología o historia dentro del lugar apropiado del nombre actual, a menos que sea lo suficientemente notable por alguna otra razón.

Técnicamente, el término "despoblado" es desagradable porque la mayoría de las aldeas se redujeron durante un período de años y pueden haber tenido, o seguir teniendo, algún tipo de supervivencia vestigial; en este caso, se denominan correctamente "despoblados" en lugar de "antiguos".

En el Reino Unido, el término "pueblo fantasma", de uso poco común, describe un lugar sin más comercio y muchas casas vacías ( Tyneham es un ejemplo). Los principios importantes son si el asentamiento tenía su propia parroquia (en el norte de Inglaterra, que se extiende para cubrir los municipios ) y si hay restos sustanciales (en pie o arqueológicos).

Las categorías disponibles son: pueblos medievales desiertos en Inglaterra , antiguos lugares poblados en Inglaterra y pueblos fantasma en Inglaterra . También hay una lista de asentamientos perdidos en el Reino Unido .

Encabezados y contenido de la sección principal [ editar ]

Los artículos casi siempre deben ajustarse a la estructura básica de un prospecto / infobox seguido de historia, gobernanza, geografía, demografía y economía, ya que esas secciones contienen gran parte de la información básica sobre cualquier asentamiento. Más allá de eso, se recomienda a los editores que lleguen a un consenso que funcione mejor para el acuerdo en cuestión. Los encabezados adicionales o alternativos se enumeran en la sección "Encabezados opcionales" a continuación.

Cuadro de información [ editar ]

Use Template: Infobox UK lugar en la parte superior del artículo para todos los asentamientos del Reino Unido, con dos excepciones para las cuales se debe utilizar Template: Infobox para asentamientos :

  • aquellos en los que el límite es aproximadamente colindante con un distrito de gobierno local; los ejemplos incluyen Liverpool , Leicester y Bristol , consulte WP: UKDISTRICTS .
  • parroquias civiles y áreas de consejos comunitarios en Inglaterra y Gales que incluyen más de un asentamiento notable; los ejemplos incluyen Ingatestone y Fryerning y Askam e Ireleth . En este caso, debe usarse 'setting_type = Civil parish'.

Cuando se utilicen varios infoboxes en un artículo, se recomienda que Template: Infobox UK se coloque a la cabeza. Por ejemplo , Bath, Somerset, que contiene un segundo cuadro de información en la sección Arquitectura que describe su estado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO .

Contenido del cuadro de información:

  • nombre oficial: el nombre oficial del asentamiento. No utilice adiciones redundantes como "Ciudad de ..." a menos que sea necesario para distinguir el asentamiento de otros asentamientos con nombres similares (por ejemplo, Ciudad de Londres ).
  • static_image_name: consulte la sección de imagen principal a continuación
  • static_image_caption: Una breve descripción de la imagen con enlaces wiki adecuados.
  • población: La población del asentamiento.
  • ... también se pueden configurar otros detalles. Consulte la plantilla del cuadro de información para obtener una lista completa de posibles entradas.

Imagen principal [ editar ]

Se debe utilizar una imagen principal para representar el asentamiento dentro del cuadro de información del artículo principal. En el caso de un asentamiento pequeño, debería ser una imagen de un punto de referencia local notable, como una iglesia, una calle principal, un mercado u otro paisaje urbano.

Para asentamientos más grandes, como ciudades, se puede usar un montaje , sujeto al consenso entre los editores del artículo, sin embargo, se debe tener cuidado de evitar crear montajes que creen una mala impresión visual del artículo.

  • Todas las imágenes utilizadas en un montaje deben estar disponibles con una licencia gratuita y deben acreditarse, con enlaces a las imágenes originales.
  • Los subtítulos de los montajes deben identificar los temas de las imágenes individuales, con wikilinks a artículos relacionados.
  • Las imágenes dentro de un montaje deben tener una disposición ordenada, utilizando un diseño regular basado en filas y proporciones de imagen consistentes siempre que sea posible.
  • Los montajes dentro de los infoboxes normalmente aparecerán con un ancho de 250px y cambiarán de tamaño de acuerdo con el dispositivo de visualización y las preferencias del usuario cuando no se especifique un tamaño, como lo recomienda WP: Imagesize . Evite crear un montaje que sea excesivamente grande cuando se muestre con este ancho. Se recomienda una relación de aspecto máxima de 1: 1,5.
  • La primera y más grande imagen con el montaje debe ser un paisaje urbano representativo, como un horizonte, un panorama o un paisaje urbano significativo.
  • Se deben seleccionar otras imágenes para que sean distintivas y ampliamente representativas del asentamiento, siempre que sea posible, incluidos los hitos más reconocidos del asentamiento, los tipos de edificios característicos, una variedad representativa de estilos y períodos arquitectónicos y una representación de diversas áreas dentro del asentamiento.
  • Evite incluir demasiadas imágenes. Una pequeña cantidad de imágenes en negrita, identificables y bien elegidas representará el asentamiento de manera más efectiva que una mayor cantidad de imágenes menos distintas que aparecen a resoluciones más bajas. Incluso los asentamientos más grandes no deberían tener más de 6 a 8 imágenes.
  • Las imágenes de los montajes aparecen a baja resolución. Para que sean inteligibles se recomienda utilizar imágenes compuestas por formas sencillas, reconocibles, que llenen el recorte y con altos niveles de color y contraste tonal.
  • Evite duplicar imágenes que aparecen en otras partes del artículo.

Líder [ editar ]

El encabezado (ver también WP: LEAD ) es el texto antes del primer encabezado. No debe exceder de cuatro párrafos y normalmente debe cubrir lo siguiente:

  • Nombre del asentamiento, tipo de asentamiento (por ejemplo, suburbio, pueblo, ciudad, parroquia civil), su distrito actual del gobierno local / área del consejo, condado actual / ceremonial (consulte Wikipedia: Convenciones de nomenclatura (lugares) , para el uso de condados) y país constituyente.
  • Distancia desde la ciudad o pueblo principal del distrito o condado (a menos que sea la ciudad del condado o tal, en cuyo caso debe indicarse), y / o si se encuentra a lo largo de un río o en una confluencia o desembocadura de río.
  • Si el asentamiento se encuentra dentro de un distrito con estatus de ciudad , pero no es un centro de la ciudad , intente utilizar el siguiente formato o un formato compatible:
    • Exampletown es un lugar dentro del distrito metropolitano de la ciudad de Bradford , en West Yorkshire , Inglaterra
    • Exampletown es un lugar dentro del área del consejo de la ciudad de Glasgow en Escocia
    • Exampletown es un lugar en el distrito londinense de Y (solo en Londres)
  • Población residente total.
  • Condado histórico (si está en Inglaterra o Gales y si es diferente del condado actual) y un breve párrafo sobre las raíces históricas / fundación
  • Apodos, si son notables
  • Industrias primarias que apoyan su economía (por ejemplo, servicios, manufactura, turismo, etc.)
  • Características únicas notables y características comúnmente asociadas con él.
  • Iglesias importantes o monumentos importantes.

Plomo: Example1 - Chew Stoke

Chew Stoke es un pequeño pueblo y parroquia civil en Chew Valley , en Somerset , Inglaterra, a unas 8 millas (13  km ) al sur de Bristol . Se encuentra en el extremo norte de Mendip Hills , una región designada por el Reino Unido como Área de Excepcional Belleza Natural , y se encuentra dentro del Cinturón Verde de Bristol / Bath . La parroquia incluye la aldea de Breach Hill, que está aproximadamente a 2 millas (3,2 km) al suroeste de Chew Stoke.

Chew Stoke tiene una larga historia, como lo demuestra el número y la variedad de sus edificios catalogados como patrimonio . El pueblo está en el extremo norte del lago Chew Valley , que fue creado en la década de 1950, cerca de una presa, una estación de bombeo, un club de vela y un albergue de pesca. Un afluente del río Chew , que nace en Strode, atraviesa el pueblo.

La población, aproximadamente 900, cuenta con una tienda, dos bares , una escuela primaria y un club de bolos . Junto con Chew Magna , forma el barrio de Chew Valley North en la autoridad unitaria de Bath y North East Somerset . Chew Valley School y su centro de ocio asociado están a menos de una milla (1,6 km) de Chew Stoke. El pueblo tiene algunas áreas de industria ligera pero es principalmente agrícola; muchos residentes viajan diariamente a las ciudades cercanas en busca de empleo.

Plomo: Example2 - Neilston

Neilston es un pueblo en East Renfrewshire , entre las tierras bajas centrales del oeste de Escocia. Se encuentra en el valle de Levern , 2 millas (3,2  km ) al suroeste de Barrhead , 5,7 millas (9,2 km) al sur-suroeste de Renfrew y 3,8 millas (6,1 km) al sur de Paisley , en el extremo suroeste de la conurbación del Gran Glasgow . Neilston es un pueblo dormitorio que comprende una población residente de poco más de 5.000 personas.

Mencionado en documentos desde el siglo XII, la historia temprana de Neilston está marcada por su estatus como una parroquia eclesiástica importante vinculada con Paisley Abbey al norte. La iglesia parroquial de Neilston, un edificio catalogado de categoría B, se encuentra en el centro de la comunidad desde 1163. Antes de la industrialización , Neilston era una comunidad agrícola y de tejedores compuesta por una serie de casas de una sola planta, muchas de ellas con techo de paja .

La urbanización y el desarrollo de Neilston coincidieron en gran medida con la Revolución Industrial . Procesamiento textil a escala industrialfue presentado a Neilston a mediados del siglo XVIII con la construcción de varias fábricas de algodón . Neilston se convirtió en un centro de blanqueo e impresión de algodón y percal en el siglo XVIII, que se convirtió en una industria de hilado y teñido y continuó hasta principios del siglo XX. Aunque hoy se conoce como una antigua aldea de molienda , la agricultura ha desempeñado y sigue desempeñando un papel económico para Neilston. El Neilston Agricultural Show anual es un importante evento comercial y cultural para los agricultores del suroeste de Escocia cada primavera.

Aunque la industria pesada desapareció durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la población ha seguido creciendo como una comunidad de viajeros , apoyada por su posición entre Paisley y Glasgow , de aproximadamente 1.000 personas en 1800 a 5.168 en 2001. Neilston, parte de Escocia densamente Cinturón central poblado , ha continuado expandiéndose debido a varios nuevos desarrollos de viviendas.

Historia [ editar ]

La sección de historia normalmente debería incluir:

  • Una nota sobre el origen del nombre del asentamiento. El Instituto de Estudios de Nombres de Lugar de la Universidad de Nottingham ahora tiene un recurso útil en línea. [1] Si hay suficiente material para justificar un encabezado de subsección, entonces puede titularse como etimología o toponimia. Si un asentamiento tiene un nombre en otro idioma regional o nacional reconocido , esto se puede presentar aquí.
  • Una nota sobre la historia más antigua conocida del asentamiento (cualquier artefacto de la Edad del Bronce o romana, por ejemplo), y las primeras menciones conocidas del asentamiento (por ejemplo, en el libro de Domesday ).
  • Considere la prosa (o subtítulos) sobre historia industrial , historia social o historia política cuando corresponda.
  • Historia señorial. Cuando la aldea formaba parte de una antigua mansión , casi siempre es el caso de las aldeas inglesas, el tema puede tratarse resumidamente como una subsección dentro de la sección de historia, o cuando dicho texto se ha expandido para desequilibrar el artículo, como una base detallada. -artículo único, que debe estar vinculado al inicio de la subsección con una etiqueta de artículo principal .
  • Evite el uso de títulos que ordenen la historia de un asentamiento según el siglo o la década.
  • Evite organizar la prosa en líneas de tiempo . Si existen (o están desarrollados), considere colocarlos en un artículo [[Historia de _]] o [[Cronología de _]]. Cuando exista un artículo de este tipo, incluya {{main | History of _}} en la parte superior de la sección del historial que enlaza con este artículo más detallado.

Gobernanza [ editar ]

Incluya lo siguiente

  • Autoridad Unitaria o Consejo del Condado y Consejo de Distrito / Municipio , más, si aplica, su (s) parroquia (s) civil (es) / ayuntamiento (es) ¿Puedes nombrar sus salas ? ¿Es una sala? ¿Tiene un alcalde o donaciones reales (cartas)? etc.
  • Representantes: solo enumere los números de las partes si es un lugar grande.
  • Cambios en la gobernanza realizados a lo largo de la historia del asentamiento: ¿cuál era su estado anterior? su antiguo distrito administrativo y / o condado? etc.
  • Parliamentary constituency (both UK and, if other than England (minus London), its devolved/assembly level constituencies). If it is of sufficient importance relative to the constituency then identifying the local MP, MSP, MWA, MLA may be worth including here as well as on the existing page for that constituency.
  • For whole council districts, or where a place figures in local council heraldry, a note on any grants of arms to the council.
  • For London, see also the Wikipedia:WikiProject London/Naming conventions.


The geography section should normally include the following:

  • Where the settlement is in relation to others.
    • Include the distance and direction from the constituent country's capital, or London, or both.
    • Include the distance and direction from the settlement's relevant regional or district capital, or county town.
  • A note on the topography of the settlement, including its elevation above sea level, mentions of notable rivers, mountains or natural landmarks.
  • A note on the geology of the territory.
  • A note on the built environment of the settlement, including how the land is used, if there is any notable infrastructure (a heavy rail line, motorway etc.), and a note on how the urban structure of the settlement is shaped and lies in relation to administrative boundaries and its central business district (if any).
  • A note on any divisions or suburbs of the settlement.
  • A note/section on the settlement's climate (where figures are available).
  • Consider using Template:Geographic location.
  • If local data is available, consider using Template:Climate chart.
  • Where there is extensive information, it may be appropriate to create a new more detailed article titled 'Geography of ...' or 'Climate of ...' and move most of the detail to this article. Where this is done include {{main|Geography of _}} ''OR'' {{further|[[Geography of Example-shire]]}} ''AND/OR'' {{seealso|Climate of _}} at the top of the section.


{{main|Demography of _}} ''OR'' {{further|[[Demography of Example-shire]]}}Demography: Include the following only if data is available

  • Current population and where the figure is taken from.
  • The ethnic composition.
  • The religious composition.
  • Economic activity of the population.
  • The population change over the last century.
  • A note on social class (strictly where citation allows).
  • Consider including a statistic comparison table.


{{main|Economy of _}}Economy: Include the following

  • A note on major employment sectors.
  • A note on major employers.
  • A note on traditional or former sectors.
  • A note on regeneration/gentrification projects is encouraged here if applicable.

Culture and community[edit]

  • This section may be split into Culture and Community facilities as below, or may cover both


  • A note on any local customs or traditions.
  • A note on any cultural events (such as an annual parade, sport or market).
  • This section could also encompass "cultural references", "landmarks" and "media" where standalone sections are unfeasible (see Wormshill example).
  • A note on twinning arrangements and activities.

Community facilities[edit]

  • A note on any parks, health centres (including hospitals), libraries etc.


Landmarks: Include the following

  • Note on any war memorials.
  • Notable buildings or architecture.
    • Grade I / Category A listed buildings are highly recommended to be mentioned here, though other listed buildings are also suitable for inclusion.
  • Notable sites of tourism.
  • Notable natural landmarks (such as a waterfall, or landform).


Transport: Include the following

  • A note on the transport infrastructure in place in and around the settlement.
    • If a settlement lies within a Passenger Transport Executive area, this should be mentioned.
  • Any heavy rail or light rail stations and lines.
  • Any airports/ferryports that are associated with the settlement can be mentioned, but a detailed description of any of them should be placed in their own article, or else in the article dealing with the local government article that contains them.


{{seealso|List of schools in Constituent country subdivision}}

  • If a village, write about the local library and primary school or museums if any exist.
  • If a town, write about the local secondary school and any grammar, public or specialist schools. A list of primary schools is not usually appropriate (especially if there are more than three); although a total number of how many may be useful.
  • If a city, write about any universities or further education colleges, museums and any other educational institutions. Notable public schools may also be included. Listing the secondary schools should be discouraged if there are more than about three and primary schools should definitely not be listed. A total of how many primary schools and secondary schools there are can be useful, however.
  • If there is no notable people section, then list notable people associated with the field of science and engineering or notable people who attended local institutions for their education.

Religious sites[edit]

Religious sites (NOTE: May also use the alternative heading of "Religion" should the content extend to material beyond the places of worship themselves): Include the following

  • Any churches or other such religious sites, and, where applicable, if and whom they are dedicated to (i.e. which saint).


Sport (NOTE: May also use the alternative heading of "Sport and leisure"; alternatively this may be a sub-section of "Culture" (below)): Include the following

  • A note on notable sports teams or sports centres.
  • A note on any proposals involving leisure in the area

Sport and leisure: Example London Borough of Croydon

The borough has been criticized in the past for not having enough leisure facilities, maintaining the position of Croydon as a three star borough. At the moment only three leisure centres are open for public use and two of these are expected to be closed down in the near future, with plans for only one of them to be re-built. Thornton Heath's ageing sports centre was recently knocked down, and replaced by a newer more modern leisure centre. South Norwood Leisure Centre was closed down in early 2006 so that it could be knocked completely down and re-designed from scratch like Thornton Heath, which would cost around £10 million. In May 2006 the Conservative Party became in charge of Croydon and decided that doing this would cost too much money, so they came up with another idea of just re-furbishing the centre, although this decision did not come without controversy.

Purley Pool is to close soon, but a new "super-pool" is planned in Coulsdon. The ageing New Addington Leisure Centre is also set to close but is to be re-built. A new leisure centre is also going to be built on the A23, southern end of Purley Way in Waddon. Sport Croydon is currently the commercial arm for leisure in the borough and the logo is seen somewhere in each of the centres. Fusion currently provides leisure services for the council which previously used Parkwood Leisure which itself provides services for nearby Lewisham.

Football teams include Crystal Palace F.C., which plays at Selhurst Park, in the Coca-Cola Championship. Coulsdon United F.C. (formerly Coulsdon Town F.C. before the merge with Salfords F.C.) currently play in the Combined Counties League Division One. Croydon Athletic F.C., whose local nickname is The Rams, is a football club based in Thornton Heath's Keith Tuckey Stadium and play in the Isthmian League Division One South, with Croydon F.C. who play at Croydon Sports Arena and Holmesdale, who were founded in South Norwood but currently playing on Oakley Road in Bromley, currently in the Kent League. Non-football teams that play in Croydon are Streatham-Croydon RFC, an historic rugby union club in Thornton Heath who play at Frant Road, as well as South London Storm Rugby League Club, based at Streatham's ground, who compete in the Rugby League Conference. The London Olympians are an American Football team that play in Division 1 South in the British American Football League.

Notable people[edit]

Provide information of notable individuals that were born, or lived for a significant amount of time, in the settlement. Prose is preferred, though a bulleted list noting the connection the person has with the settlement as indicated in Wikipedia:Manual of Style (embedded lists)#"Children" may be used if appropriate. Simple lists of names add little of value and may be subject to abuse. More developed articles, especially those which have gone through WP:GA and WP:FA, tend to have this section written out as prose. The talkpage may be used in the early stages of an article's development to simply list people who are connected with a settlement.

If the section grows then it may be split out per WP:Summary style into a stand alone article or list which can be linked to via the {{main}} template placed at the top of the section – example: {{main|List of people from Foo}}.

Relevant guidelines are: WP:EMBED, WP:NLIST and WP:Source list, and should be consulted for up to date advice.

  • Everyone under this section must satisfy Wikipedia:Notability (people).
  • A note on what people from this settlement are called, (e.g. people from Manchester are called Mancunians).
  • A note on any notable births in the settlement.
  • A note on any notable residents in the settlement.
  • Do not use a list format in this section. Please write this as prose, reference each person, and do not use the word "famous" or synonyms.

See also[edit]

See also (this heading is not mandatory): Include the following:

  • Only list articles here that are directly related to the settlement.
  • In most cases, articles that are already referenced within the body of the article should not be included.


NOTE: Reference sections may follow a number of styles, including separate "Footnote" and "Further reading" sections; please refer to WP:REF for more information.

  • Every article of Wikipedia must provide reliable citation, and thus this section is mandatory per policy.
  • Please use {{reflist}} for a standalone "Reference" section.
  • Try to avoid over-using citation in lead sections.
  • Consider using an approved citation template to better organise and present references.
  • When providing a reference, please note that the word or punctuation goes before the reference, with no space in between. Full stops should not appear after a reference (e.g., "this is a quote".<ref>Smith J. (1234), Example book</ref>).

External links[edit]

External links should be added only rarely, and in accordance with the guidelines found in WP:EL. Consequently, this section should only rarely be found in most articles. In particular, the use of links as described in WP:SPAM should always be avoided.

If any links are deemed appropriate for this section, they should always be accompanied by an appropriate description of (a) what they are, (b) their justification, and (c) the date on which they were added in the form "Accessed: 7 July 2007" (WP:EL#External links section gives some more information about this).

A link to any Wikivoyage article on the area may be added with the appropriate template: Template:Wikivoyage

External links used as a form of verification for facts found in the text of the article should be treated as references and not be added to this section (see WP:EL#References and citation).

Optional headings[edit]

Some settlements' entries may be dominated so much by a specific landmark, person or movement (such as a terrorist attack or natural disaster) that it may require its own section (rather than just a sub-section). Where this applicable, try to insert it beneath the heading to which it is most related. Similarly some of the smallest settlements may be lacking in extensive notability and source material, and so some of the latter sections may be suitable for amalgamation (such as a "Culture and community" section).

There is broad diversity in the settlements of the UK, and as such, some settlements may require extra or alternative headings. These could include:

Industry and commerce[edit]

(Note: consider if material for this section is more suitable for the "Economy" section).

  • A note on notable shopping centres (of regional or national notability).


(Note: this should be about political figures and political events, not local and national government arrangements)

  • A note on any notable political figures or events (such as the first successful election of an MP who later became Prime Minister, or a high-profile council strike or political movement which took place in the settlement).
  • A local election result breakdown table from available data.


  • A note on any notable local newspapers, radio stations or other media productions.

Invention and discovery[edit]

(Note: this section may be suitable as a sub-section of "History")

  • A note on any notable inventions and/or discoveries made within the settlement, whether they be scientific, sporting, engineering or any other field of knowledge.

Future plans[edit]

(Note: this should not be of a speculative nature, but be referenced from published material as to certain development, regeneration or gentrification is set to occur)

Cultural references[edit]

  • Any references to the settlement in works of fiction, books, paintings etc.


  • Any appearances in notable television productions, or movies.

Public services[edit]

  • A note on which of the United Kingdom water companies supply water.
    • A note on any notable reservoirs which form part of the local supply of water.
  • A note on which body/authority is responsible for waste management and/or sewerage.
  • A note on which company is the Distribution Network Operator for electricity.
    • A note on any notable energy arrangements in the locality (i.e. wind farm, power station)
  • A note on any hospitals, surgeries, or other health centres in the settlement (with the possibility of elaborating where the nearest NHS hospital may be).
    • A note on which NHS Trust serves the area.
    • A note on which ambulance service operates in the area.
  • A note on which of the police forces serves the settlement, and if any stations are in the area.
  • A note on which fire service serves the settlement and if any stations are in the area.
  • A note on any other notable public services (telecommunications, social housing, and local businesses are not generally suitable).

Public services: Example Oldham

Home Office policing in Oldham is provided by the Greater Manchester Police. The force's "(Q) Division" have their headquarters for policing the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham at central Oldham. Public transport is co-ordinated by the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive. Statutory emergency fire and rescue service is provided by the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, who have two stations in Oldham; at Hollins on Hollins Road, and at Clarksfield on Lees Road.

The Royal Oldham Hospital, at Oldham's northern boundary with Royton, is a large NHS hospital administrated by Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. It was opened under its existing name on 1 December 1989. Formerly known as Oldham District and General, and occupying the site of the town's former workhouse (named Oldham Union Workhouse in 1851), the hospital is notable for being the birthplace of Louise Joy Brown – the world's first successful In vitro fertilised "test tube baby", on 25 July 1978. The North West Ambulance Service provides emergency patient transport to and from this facility. Other forms of health care are provided for locally by several small clinics and surgeries.

Waste management is co-ordinated by the local authority via the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority. Locally produced inert waste for disposal is sent to landfill at the Beal Valley. Oldham's Distribution Network Operator for electricity is United Utilities; there are no power stations in the town. United Utilities also manages Oldham's drinking and waste water; water supplies being sourced from several local reservoirs, including Dovestones and Chew. There is a water treatment works at Waterhead.

Dos and don'ts[edit]

  • Per WP:TRIVIA, do not use a "trivia", "miscellaneous" or "other facts" section.
  • Per MOS:LISTBASICS, avoid using lists wherever possible (particularly for "notable people" or "subdivisions"); consider using tables, diagrams or prose.
  • Per WP:DATELINK, dates should only be linked if they have an independent significance in the article. The same applies to dates in the footnotes.
  • Avoid describing named areas that are verifiably part of a wider settlement as "districts" or "suburbs", unless citation supports this. Whilst these two terms have common usages, they also indicate a specific and technical geographic term to which an area may not actually conform.
  • Per WP:EL and WP:SPAM, be reluctant to add external links unless they are essential, and always restrict them to the External Links section, or to within an appropriately tagged reference.
  • Avoid one-sentence paragraphs wherever possible.
  • If wishing to promote an article to Good article status, it is recommended that it goes through the Wikipedia peer review process first.

Grammar and layout checklist[edit]


  • Only the first word in a section heading needs a capital letter (except in proper nouns).
  • "Century" does not need a capital, e.g. "15th century" rather than "15th Century"

Common words and phrases to avoid[edit]

  • Avoid weasel words, such as "it is believed that", "is widely regarded as", "some have claimed". (GA criteria)
  • The words "current", "recent" & "to date" should be avoided because they become outdated. Use "as of <year>" or, if the information should be kept up to date, the {{As of}} template. (GA criteria)
  • "While" should be used only when emphasising that two events occur at the same time, or when emphasising contrast. It should not be used as an additive link.
  • Using "with" as an additive link leads to wordy and awkward prose, e.g. "the town has ten councillors, with one being the district mayor" → "the town has ten councillors; one is the district mayor"
  • Beginning a sentence with "there", when "there" does not stand for anything, leads to wordy prose, e.g. There are ten houses in the villageThe village has ten houses. The same applies to sentences beginning with "it".
  • Avoid peacock terms, such as "beautiful", "famous", "popular", "well-known", "significant", "important" and "obvious". Precise descriptors such as country/county's "Most Beautiful Village", "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" and "National Park" is permitted but should be accompanied by sufficient, reliable and notable citations. (GA criteria)
  • Avoid contentious labels and peacock words, e.g. "Scotland's top-ranked golfer..." especially in a section that is a summary section only, e.g. in Notable People or in describing national/international history or any aspects of politics.
  • Avoid using "not" unnecessarily, e.g. "previously not developed" → "previously undeveloped"
  • Avoid contractions (such as "can't", "isn't" or "they're")
  • Avoid starting a sentence with "Its"; this is a possessive pronoun, its use can be in this way.
  • Avoid informal words, such as "pub", "carry out", "though", "tremendous" and "bigger".
  • Avoid vague words, such as "various", "many", "several", "long", "a number of", "just", "very" and "almost".
  • Avoid using overly formal words or wordy phrases, such as "circa", "utilise", "whilst", "upon", "commence", "the majority of", "generate", "due to the fact that" and "prior to".
  • Avoid redundant words such as "is located in", "the two are both", "they brought along", "they have plans to", "they were all part of", "the last ones to form", "both the towns", "outside of the town", "all of the towns", "received some donations", "still exists today", "it also includes others", "many different towns", "near to the town", "available records show", "to help limit the chance", "Christian church", "in order to", "first began", "joined together", "future plans" and "in the year 2007".
  • "Last few years" has ambiguous meaning; "past few years" is preferable in some contexts. However: avoid Relative time references
  • "Within" has a different meaning to "in". "Within" should be used only when emphasising that something is inside something, e.g. "the town is in the county", "the town is within the county boundaries"

Hyphens, dashes and spaces[edit]

  • Rather than hyphens, en dashes should be used for ranges, e.g. 5–10 years; unspaced em dashes or spaced en dashes should be used for punctuation, e.g. The building—now disused—was built in 1820. importScript("User:GregU/dashes.js"); may be used in your personal JavaScript page to fix dashes with one click.
  • Page ranges in the footnotes, and sports scores should also use en dashes.
  • "&nbsp;" (non-breaking space) should be typed between numbers and units, and other numerical/non-numerical components, e.g., "10 miles", which appears on writing 10&nbsp;miles, similarly for "Boeing 747"
  • A hyphen should not be placed after an -ly word if it is an adverb, e,g., widely used road; except if the -ly word is or could be mistaken for an adjective, e.g., friendly-looking man.
  • Periods and spaces are needed after initials in people's names, e.g. P. G. Wodehouse
  • Compound adjectives need hyphens, for example, the 1000-year-old tree, but, the tree was 1000 years old.
  • Ampersands should not be used except in company/partnership names, e.g. Marks & Spencer.


  • All fair-use images need a fair use rationale. (GA criteria)
  • An image caption should end with a full-stop only if it forms a complete sentence. (GA criteria)
  • Text should not be sandwiched between two adjacent images. (GA criteria)
  • Images need succinct captions. (GA criteria)
  • It is recommended not to specify the exact size of images. The sizes should be what readers have specified in their user preferences.


  • The lead should adequately summarise the content of the article. (GA criteria)
  • Anything in the lead should be mentioned elsewhere in the article. (GA criteria)


  • Wikilinks should be made only if they are relevant to the context. Common words do not need wikilinking.
  • A word needs to be wikilinked only once within each section.
  • Links within quotations should be avoided, if possible.
  • Logical quotation (British style) should be used on UK articles. That is, include within quotation marks only those punctuation marks that appeared in the quoted material, but otherwise place punctuation outside the closing quotation marks. For example – "Carefree", in general, means "free from care or anxiety". but "Today", said former Prime Minister Tony Blair, "I feel free from care and anxiety."
  • Dates should not be linked unless there is "reason to do so" per MOS:UNLINKDATES.
  • External links that are not references belong only in an External Links section.
  • Portal links such as to Wikimedia images are usually placed in the "See also" section.


  • Lists within articles should generally be turned into prose, unless they meet one of the criteria in Wikipedia:Embedded list. (GA criteria)
  • Short sections and paragraphs are discouraged. (GA criteria)


  • Imperial measurements (eg. miles, feet, acres) should be accompanied by the metric equivalent in brackets, and vice versa. If possible, use a conversion template, e.g. {{convert|5|mi|km|0}}. A further advantage of this is it inputs &nbsp; without having to type it.
  • Whole numbers under 10 should be spelled out as words, except for distances between settlements and in lists, tables or infoboxes.
  • Sentences should not start with a numeral. The sentence should be recast or the number should be spelled out.

References and citations[edit]

  • Statements that are likely to be challenged, quotations and statistics need inline citations. (GA criteria)
  • Publication references are preferred with author, title, publisher, publishing date and page number.
  • Book references may also include city of publication and ISBN, but this is not required.
  • Web references are preferred with the author, publisher, publishing date, website and access date.
  • Web references preferably should include the language if it is not English, and the format if it is not HTML e.g. |format=PDF
  • References with consistent formatting, e.g. consistent author format, abbreviations for "page number", etc are often requested for Featured Articles, but are not required for GA or other articles.
  • Blogs and personal websites are not reliable sources, unless written by the subject of the article or by an expert on the subject. See WP:BLOGS.
  • Dead web references should not be removed, unless replaced.
  • Inline citations belong immediately after a relevant punctuation mark.

See also[edit]

  • Wikipedia:WikiProject UK geography/Guide


  • Statistics: Office for National Statistics, Census related resources, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), Neighbourhood statistics (Parish data etc.)
    • Population data (see below for England): Ayrshire, East (PDF), Falkirk, Moray, Lanarkshire, North
    • 1997-2011 economic data, which includes gross value added (GVA) down to NUTS3 level as well as their industry sectors.
    • Church of England Resources, publications, and data including parish-level census and deprivation information.
  • Maps:
    • Multimap (can't copy)
    • Ordnance Survey: OS Get a map (can't copy) | Ordnance Survey OpenData | OS Maps of Scotland (and England) | Ordnance Survey for Northern Ireland (can't copy) | OS (Out of copyright) (open licensed!)
    • OpenStreetMap (open licensed!) Community built maps which are incomplete, but good coverage of some areas/cities. See wikiproject
    • out of copyright ordnance survey scans. Commercial restriction for direct image copying.
    • Ordnance Survey® Election Maps–boundaries of civil parishes, wards, boroughs etc., up to street map scale. The draconian terms and conditions don't seem to prevent GFDL licensing of research by Wikipedia editors, as long as the editors themselves don't use the information for financial gain, and no-one copies actual extracts, mapping data or layers from the maps (so... can't copy)
  • Books: There is a list of UK geography books and the Wikipedians who own them at Wikipedia:Library/Places#UK. You can request info from the owners of the relevant books. texts is a good source for copyright expired material.
  • Websites: 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica [1], Historical Directories A Vision of Britain through Time OpenGeoscience (Geological data) NERC Soil Portal National Heritage Listed Buildings
  • Photos
    • Geograph British Isles project
    • - Geotagged creative commons images from Wikimedia Commons, Panoramio, Picasa, Flickr
  • Distance : GENUK&I distance gazetteer, Postcode distance calculator
  • Archaeology: English Heritage Gateway 49 resources on England's historic sites and buildings. See also: Archaeological Data Services Search
  1. ^