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La Batalla de Kapyong (en coreano : 가평 – , 22-25 de abril de 1951), también conocida como la Batalla de Jiaping (en chino :加 平 战斗; pinyin : Jiā Píng Zhàn Dòu ), se libró durante la Guerra de Corea entre el Mando de las Naciones Unidas (ONU ), principalmente canadienses, australianos y neozelandeses, y el Ejército de Voluntarios del Pueblo Chino (PVA). La lucha se produjo durante la ofensiva de primavera china y vio a la 27a Brigada de la Commonwealth británica establecer posiciones de bloqueo en el valle de Kapyong, en una ruta clave al sur de la capital.Seúl . Los dos batallones de avanzada, el Batallón, Regimiento Real Australiano (3 RAR) y 2. ° Batallón, Infantería Ligera Canadiense de la Princesa Patricia (2 PPCLI), fueron apoyados por cañones del 16º Regimiento de Campo (16º Regimiento Fd) del Regimiento Real de Nueva Artillería de Zelanda junto con una compañía de morteros estadounidenses y quince tanques Sherman . Estas fuerzas ocuparon posiciones a lo largo del valle y rápidamente desarrollaron defensas. Cuando miles de soldados del Ejército de la República de Corea (ROK) comenzaron a retirarse a través del valle, el PVA se infiltró en la posición de la brigada al amparo de la oscuridad y atacó a los australianos en la colina 504 durante la noche y hasta el día siguiente.

Aunque superada en gran medida en número, la 27ª Brigada mantuvo sus posiciones hasta la tarde antes de que los australianos fueran finalmente retirados a posiciones en la retaguardia de la brigada, y ambos lados sufrieron numerosas bajas. El PVA luego dirigió su atención a los canadienses en la colina 677, pero durante una feroz batalla nocturna no pudieron desalojarlos. Los combates ayudaron a frenar la ofensiva del PVA y las acciones de los australianos y canadienses en Kapyong fueron importantes para ayudar a evitar un avance en el frente central de la ONU y, en última instancia, la captura de Seúl. Los dos batallones soportaron la peor parte del asalto y detuvieron a toda una división PVA.durante la dura batalla defensiva. Al día siguiente, el PVA se retiró por el valle para reagruparse. Hoy en día, la batalla se considera una de las acciones más famosas libradas por los ejércitos australiano y canadiense en Corea.

Antecedentes [ editar ]

Situación militar [ editar ]

Contraofensiva de la ONU, febrero a abril de 1951

La contraofensiva de la ONU entre febrero y abril de 1951 había tenido un gran éxito, con el Octavo Ejército de los EE. UU. Empujando el PVA al norte del río Han durante la Operación Killer , mientras que Seúl fue recapturada a mediados de marzo durante la Operación Destripador y las fuerzas de la ONU se acercaron una vez más a la 38a. Paralelo . [3] Independientemente, la tensa relación entre el comandante de la ONU, el general Douglas MacArthur y el presidente estadounidense Harry S. Truman llevó a la destitución de MacArthur como comandante en jefe y su reemplazo por el general Matthew B. Ridgway . [4] En consecuencia, el 14 de abril de 1951, GeneralJames Van Fleet reemplazó a Ridgway como comandante del Octavo Ejército de los Estados Unidos y las fuerzas de la ONU en Corea. Ridgway voló a Tokio el mismo día para reemplazar a MacArthur. [5] Mientras tanto, la ofensiva continuó con una serie de ataques cortos. Operation Courageous , a fines de marzo, avanzó hasta la Línea Benton , 8 kilómetros (5 millas) al sur del paralelo 38, mientras que la Operación Rugged a principios de abril avanzó justo al norte del paralelo 38 hacia la Línea Kansas . Finalmente, a mediados de abril, un nuevo avance trasladó al Octavo Ejército de los Estados Unidos a la Línea Utah . [6]

Después de la Batalla de Maehwa-San, la 27ª Brigada de la Commonwealth británica había disfrutado de un período en la reserva del IX Cuerpo de Estados Unidos mientras las fuerzas de la ONU habían continuado avanzando constantemente hacia el norte. [7] En abril de 1951, la brigada estaba formada por cuatro batallones de infantería, un australiano, un canadiense y dos británicos, entre ellos: el 3er Batallón, Regimiento Real Australiano ; 2º Batallón de Infantería Ligera Canadiense de la Princesa Patricia ; 1er Batallón, Regimiento Middlesex y 1er Batallón, Argyll y Sutherland Highlanders . Brigadier Basil Coadhabía partido hacia Hong Kong con licencia compasiva el 23 de marzo y la brigada estaba ahora bajo el mando del brigadier Brian Burke . [4] En apoyo directo fue el decimosexto regimiento Field, Royal Nueva Zelanda artillería (16 RNZA) con su 3,45 pulgadas (88 mm) 25 libras cañones de campaña . [8] [9] 3 RAR estaba bajo el mando del teniente coronel Bruce Ferguson . [10] 2 PPCLI estaba comandado en ese momento por el teniente coronel James Stone . [11] Desplegada en el sector central, la brigada era parte del IX Cuerpo de EE. UU., Que también incluía a la 24 División de Infantería de EE. UU. , República de Corea.Segunda división de infantería , US séptima división de infantería y la República de Corea sexta división de infantería , bajo el mando del mayor general William M. Hoge . [12] [13]

3 RAR ocupando trincheras chinas en 'Salmon', 16 de abril de 1951

Durante este tiempo, la 27ª Brigada se incorporó a la 24ª División de los Estados Unidos, avanzando hacia el norte a través del valle de Chojong a finales de marzo, llegando a la Línea Benton el 31 de marzo. Luego, la brigada fue liberada, avanzando con el IX Cuerpo por el profundo y estrecho valle del río Kapyong, 10 kilómetros (6.2 millas) al este. [14] A partir del 3 de abril, la 27ª Brigada avanzó río arriba, avanzando 30 kilómetros (19 millas) durante los siguientes doce días como parte de la Operación Rugged. Aunque el valle no fue mantenido en fuerza por el PVA, fue hábilmente defendido por pequeños grupos de infantería atrincherados en las colinas que lo dominaban. Avanzando a lo largo de las colinas flanqueantes y las crestas, la brigada capturó posiciones sucesivas, mientras se encontraba con una fuerte resistencia antes de llegar a la Línea Kansas.el 8 de abril. [6] Tras una breve pausa operativa, el avance de 5 kilómetros (3,1 millas) a la Línea Utah comenzó el 11 de abril, el día después del despido de MacArthur. La resistencia del PVA se fortaleció notablemente y los objetivos iniciales de la brigada no fueron capturados por Middlesex hasta el 13 de abril. [15]

La aproximación a la Línea Utah estuvo dominada por dos colinas de 900 metros (3000 pies): la característica 'Sardina' se encuentra a 1 kilómetro (0,62 millas) al norte y 'Salmon' a 800 metros (870 yardas) más al norte. El Middlesex fue rechazado durante repetidos intentos de capturar Sardine el 14 de abril, antes de que la tarea fuera asignada a 3 RAR. [15] Una Compañía, 3 RAR posteriormente capturó la cresta, matando a 10 PVA e hiriendo a otros 20 por la pérdida de ocho australianos heridos. [16] A la mañana siguiente, Salmon fue capturado por la Compañía C sin disparar un tiro, en medio de una ligera resistencia. Los bombardeos del PVA después de su captura resultaron en dos hombres heridos, mientras que los ataques aéreos luego interrumpieron un intento de contraataque del PVA. [17]Mientras tanto, 2 PPCLI continuaron su avance por el flanco derecho, capturando el rasgo 'Turbot' (Colina 795) el 15 de abril. Frente a un enérgico PVA que retrasaba la acción en posiciones sucesivas, los canadienses no capturaron su objetivo final, la característica 'Trout' (Colina 826), hasta la mañana siguiente. [18]

Preludio [ editar ]

Fuerzas opuestas [ editar ]

Ofensiva de primavera china, finales de abril de 1951

Después de llegar a la Línea Utah , la 27ª Brigada se retiró del frente el 17 de abril, entregando sus posiciones a la 6ª División de la República de Corea. Posteriormente, Burke ordenó a sus batallones que se colocaran en posiciones de reserva al norte de la aldea de Kapyong, previamente destruida, en la carretera principal de Seúl a la costa este. [19] La inteligencia indicó que una nueva ofensiva del PVA era inminente, y mientras la brigada se acomodaba para descansar, permanecía con tres horas de anticipación para moverse en apoyo del IX Cuerpo. [20]Habiendo estado en operaciones continuamente durante los últimos siete meses, los británicos tenían la intención de relevar al grueso de la brigada durante su período de reserva. Los dos batallones británicos, Argyll y Middlesex, serían reemplazados por dos nuevos batallones de Hong Kong, mientras que Burke y el cuartel general de la 27ª Brigada serían reemplazados por el brigadier George Taylor y el cuartel general de la 28ª Brigada a finales de abril. Los canadienses estaban programados para transferirse a la 25ª Brigada Canadiense recién formada en mayo como parte del mayor compromiso de Canadá con la guerra. Los grupos de avanzada del Cuartel General de la Brigada y los Argyll partieron hacia Seúl en ruta hacia Hong Kong el 19 de abril, mientras que los batallones británicos restantes debían partir dos semanas después. [20] [21]3 RAR no se rotaría y permanecería como parte de la brigada durante toda la guerra, operando en su lugar con un sistema de refuerzo individual. [20] [22]

Mientras tanto, comenzó la planificación de la Operación Intrepidez , un recorrido de 30 kilómetros hacia el Triángulo de Hierro, un área clave de concentración de PVA / KPA y cruce de comunicaciones en el sector central entre Chorwon y Kumwha en el sur y Pyonggang en el norte. La planificación de contingencia también incluyó precauciones contra una nueva ofensiva del PVA, en la que el Octavo Ejército de los EE. UU. Llevaría a cabo una defensa dilatoria en posiciones sucesivas. [20] Otros indicios de una inminente ofensiva comunista, incluido el fortalecimiento visible de los sistemas logísticos y de artillería del PVA / KPA, llevaron a Ridgway a ordenar a Van Fleet que no aprovechara ninguna oportunidad más allá de la Línea Wyoming.. Sin embargo, confiado, Ridgway amplió el alcance de la ofensiva, designando una línea de objetivo secundaria en el sector oriental conocida como la Línea Alabama . El destino intervendría, sin embargo, y Van Fleet lanzó su ofensiva el 21 de abril solo para encontrarse con una ofensiva PVA / KPA mucho más fuerte la noche siguiente. [5]

Un tanque Centurion británico desactivado durante la batalla del río Imjin, a finales de abril de 1951

La Ofensiva de Primavera China, también conocida como la Campaña de la Quinta Fase de China, Primer Impulso, previó la destrucción total de los Cuerpos I y IX de los EE . UU. Sobre el río Han, involucrando a tres Grupos de Ejércitos del PVA (los Grupos de Ejércitos 3, 9 y 19) y tres KPA Cuerpo — el I , III y V Cuerpo — bajo el mando general de Peng Dehuai . [23] [24] [25] [nota 1] Con el objetivo inmediato de capturar Seúl, la ofensiva comenzó el 22 de abril en dos amplios frentes: la estocada principal a través del río Imjin.en el sector occidental en poder del I Cuerpo de EE. UU. que involucra a 337,000 soldados que se dirigen hacia Seúl, y el esfuerzo secundario que involucra a 149,000 soldados que atacan más al este a través del río Soyang en los sectores central y oriental, cayendo principalmente sobre el IX Cuerpo de EE. UU., y en menor medida en el sector de US X Corps . [26] Otras 214.000 tropas del PVA apoyaron la ofensiva; en total más de 700.000 hombres. [5] Como parte de la preparación, la batalla endurecida 39.º y 40.º Ejércitos del 13º Grupo de Ejércitos fueron transferidos al 9.º Grupo de Ejércitos bajo el mando general de Song Shi-Lun y el Comandante Wen Yuchen.del 40º Ejército recibió la misión de destruir la 6ª División de la República de Corea mientras bloquea los refuerzos de la ONU hacia el río Imjin en Kapyong. [27] [nota 2]

Frente a la ofensiva estaban 418.000 soldados de la ONU, incluidos 152.000 ROK, 245.000 estadounidenses, 11.500 de la Commonwealth británica y 10.000 soldados de otros países de la ONU. [5] Sin embargo, con el Octavo Ejército de los Estados Unidos no lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar grandes penetraciones a lo largo de su línea, masas de infantería PVA pronto barrieron sus flancos, rodeando formaciones enteras en un intento de cortar su retirada. [28] De pie directamente en el camino del ataque principal del PVA hacia Seúl en el sector del I Cuerpo estaba la 29ª Brigada Británica . La posición de la brigada en el río Imjin mantuvo a raya a dos divisiones del PVA durante dos días y, en última instancia, ayudó a evitar la captura de Seúl, pero provocó numerosas bajas en uno de los enfrentamientos británicos más sangrientos de la guerra. Durante la lucha, la mayor parte de losEl 1er Batallón del Regimiento de Gloucestershire fue asesinado o capturado durante una tenaz resistencia en la Batalla del río Imjin en la que el oficial al mando, el teniente coronel James Carne, recibió la Cruz Victoria después de que su batallón fuera rodeado. [29] En última instancia, la 29ª Brigada sufrió 1.091 bajas en su defensa de la Línea Kansas , y aunque destruyeron una gran parte del 63º Ejército del PVA e infligieron casi 10.000 bajas, la pérdida de los Glosters provocó una controversia en Gran Bretaña y dentro de la ONU. Mando. [30] Mientras tanto, más al este, en el sector del IX Cuerpo, la 118ª División del PVA , 40º Ejércitoy la 60ª División , 20º Ejército se preparó para atacar a la 6ª División de la República de Corea en la noche del 22 de abril. [31]

Batalla [ editar ]

Colapso de Corea del Sur, 22-23 de abril de 1951 [ editar ]

Frentes occidental y central, ofensiva de primavera china, finales de abril de 1951

La República de Corea mantenía posiciones en el extremo norte del valle de Kapyong, habiendo avanzado 10 kilómetros (6,2 millas) desde que relevó a la 27ª Brigada. [12] Sin embargo, anticipándose a un ataque del PVA, el comandante de la división, el general Chang Do Yong, detuvo su avance a las 16:00 y ordenó a sus dos regimientos avanzados, el 19 y el 2, regimientos de infantería, que se unieran y desarrollaran posiciones defensivas. . Mientras tanto, el 7º Regimiento de Infantería ocupó posiciones de reserva inmediatamente detrás de los regimientos de avanzada. [32] [33] Al sufrir una reputación de falta de fiabilidad en la defensa, la República de Corea se había visto reforzada por el accesorio de los cañones de Nueva Zelanda y una batería de obuses M101 de 105 milímetros (4,1 pulgadas).del 213 ° Batallón de Artillería de Campaña de los Estados Unidos. [34] [35] Independientemente, a la izquierda con sólo una hora para detener su avance y reforzar las defensas, las unidades de avanzada de la República de Corea sólo pudieron ocupar una serie de posiciones en la cima de la colina dejando los valles y flancos expuestos. [33] Dos divisiones del PVA, la 118 y la 60, atacaron a las 17:00, infiltrándose fácilmente a través de numerosos huecos entre las posiciones defensivas mal organizadas. [33] Bajo presión en todo el frente, los defensores cedieron terreno casi de inmediato y pronto se rompieron. Abandonando sus armas, equipo y vehículos, se desintegraron y comenzaron a fluir hacia el sur desde las montañas y a través del valle, y a las 23:00 Chang se vio obligado a admitir que había perdido toda comunicación con sus unidades.[36] A las 04:00 se tomó la decisión de retirar a los neozelandeses para evitar su pérdida; sin embargo, a raíz de los informes de que la República de Corea se estaba resistiendo, se les ordenó que regresaran por el valle a la mañana siguiente con Middlesex acompañándolos como protección. Al anochecer, estaba claro que la República de Corea se había derrumbado, y las armas fueron retiradas nuevamente. [34] [36]

Mientras tanto, la 1.ª División de Infantería de Marina de EE. UU. Se mantenía firme contra el 39.º Ejército del PVA al este, y la retirada de la República de Corea había dejado su flanco expuesto. [36] Sin embargo, con los 39º y 40º Ejércitos del PVA sólo encargados de proteger el flanco este del 9º Grupo de Ejércitos contra posibles contraataques de la 1ª División de Infantería de Marina, el PVA no aprovechó esta oportunidad y los estadounidenses permanecieron relativamente tranquilos. [36] [37] Sin embargo, con las posiciones de vanguardia de la ONU en los sectores del I Cuerpo de EE. UU. Y del IX Cuerpo de EE. UU. Cada vez más insostenibles a medida que el PVA explotaba las brechas entre las formaciones, Van Fleet ordenó una retirada a la Línea Kansas.a media mañana. Posteriormente, Hoge ordenó a los marines estadounidenses que formaran una nueva posición defensiva más allá del río Pukhan , entre el embalse de Hwachon y la nueva posición que ocuparía la 6.ª División de la República de Corea. El plan de Hoge se basó en que la República de Corea se reformara y ofreciera cierta resistencia, y aunque se estableció tardíamente una retaguardia de 2.500 hombres, no estaba en condiciones de luchar. [38] Temiendo un gran avance, Hoge ordenó a la 27ª Brigada, como reserva del cuerpo, que estableciera posiciones defensivas al norte de tarde del 23 de abril, como medida de precaución en caso de que la República de Corea no pudiera aguantar, les asignó la tarea de bloquear los dos accesos a la aldea y evitar que el PVA corte la Ruta 17, una ruta clave al sur de Seúl y un importante suministro principal ruta . [34] [39]

Las fuerzas chinas persiguen a las tropas surcoreanas cerca de Kapyong

La brigada estaba ahora reducida a tres batallones, ya que los Argyll se habían retirado a Pusan justo antes de la batalla, en preparación para su embarque. Los Middlesex también estaban en espera para el embarque y se mantuvieron en reserva. [40] Como tal, con el ancho del valle impidiendo el establecimiento de una defensa lineal continua, Burke se vio obligado a colocar sus dos batallones disponibles en los puntos altos a cada lado del mismo, con 3 RAR ocupando la colina 504 al este de la río y 2 PPCLI ocupando la colina 677 al oeste. Mientras tanto, Sudok San (Colina 794) al noroeste, una enorme colina de casi 800 metros (2.600 pies) de altura, quedó indefensa por necesidad. Juntas, estas tres colinas formaron una posición defensiva naturalmente fuerte, muy adecuada para bloquear un avance importante.[41] Independientemente, la posición de la brigada sufría de una serie de deficiencias, quedando expuesta sin protección de flanco, mientras que el sector central no estaba ocupado porque Middlesex estaba lejos hacia el norte con los cañones. Asimismo, hasta el regreso de los neozelandeses la brigada tendría poco apoyo de artillería; como tal, si llegaran grandes fuerzas de PVA antes de que regresaran estas dos unidades, las compañías de avanzada se quedarían sin apoyo y tendrían que aceptar la probabilidad de que fueran cortadas. 3 RAR, cuya línea de comunicaciones recorre 4 kilómetros (2,5 millas) a través del sector central expuesto del valle, estaría particularmente expuesto. [41]

Cada uno de los batallones se desplegó a lo largo de las cumbres y pendientes en posiciones defensivas separadas del tamaño de una compañía , creando una serie de puntos fuertes en un frente de 7 kilómetros (4,3 millas). Debido a la gran cantidad de terreno por defender, cada una de las empresas se extendió ampliamente y no pudieron ofrecerse apoyo mutuo. En cambio, cada pelotón se apoyaría mutuamente, y cada compañía adoptaría una defensa integral. El Cuartel General de la Brigada permaneció en el valle, 4 kilómetros (2,5 millas) al sur. [42] Con los artilleros neozelandeses todavía apoyando a la República de Corea, el IX Cuerpo de EE. UU. Colocó una batería de obuses de 105 milímetros (4,1 pulgadas) del 213 ° Batallón de Artillería de Campaña de los EE. UU. Y los doce morteros M2 de 4,2 pulgadas (110 mm)de la Compañía B, 2º Batallón de Morteros Químicos, al mando de la 27ª Brigada. Quince tanques Sherman de la Compañía A, 72º Batallón de Tanques Pesados ​​de los EE. UU., También estuvieron en apoyo. [8] [9]

Posteriormente, los canadienses ocuparon Hill 677 y comenzaron a excavar, desplegando sus seis ametralladoras Vickers en secciones para agregar profundidad y utilizando tareas de fuego defensivo para cubrir los huecos en sus posiciones. [43] Mientras tanto, los australianos ocuparon la colina 504, con la Compañía D sosteniendo la propia cumbre, la Compañía A la línea de derivación que corría hacia el noroeste y la Compañía B la pequeña colina junto al río, mientras que la Compañía C estaba en reserva. en el espolón trasero. [41]En respuesta a los requisitos del IX Cuerpo de EE. UU., Burke ordenó a Ferguson que ubicara su cuartel general en el terreno bajo del valle en las cercanías de la aldea de Chuktun-ni, para controlar la retirada de la República de Corea. Sin embargo, esto limitaría el conocimiento de la situación de Ferguson y su capacidad para controlar la batalla, al tiempo que los dejaría expuestos a la infiltración. [44] Pasamos la tarde en las laderas ligeramente cubiertas de matorrales excavando y construyendo sangars donde el suelo rocoso resultaba demasiado duro. [26] En solo unas pocas horas los australianos lograron preparar posiciones defensivas apresuradas, aunque las tareas de fuego defensivo no pudieron registrarse ya que los observadores de artillería avanzados no pudieron llegar a las posiciones de la compañía hasta después del anochecer.[45]

El tanque Sherman M4A3E8 estadounidense en Kapyong, pocas horas antes de la batalla

El comandante de la compañía de tanques estadounidense, el teniente Kenneth W. Koch, desplegó sus pelotones en apoyo de los australianos. El camino bordeaba el flanco oriental de la colina 504 y ofrecía la mejor zona para el empleo de armaduras. Un pelotón de cinco tanques ocupó una posición de avanzada norte al frente de la Compañía B para evitar que el PVA usara la carretera; otro pelotón ocupó el terreno elevado al oeste, con la Compañía B; mientras que el pelotón final y el tanque de mando de Koch se desplegaron cerca del Cuartel General del Batallón, cubriendo un vado por el cual la carretera cruzaba el río Kapyong, aproximadamente a 800 metros (870 yardas) al sur de la Compañía B. Quizás imprudentemente los tanques se desplegaron sin el apoyo de la infantería. [41]La relación de mando entre los australianos y su apoyo blindado también era complicada, ya que los estadounidenses no estaban bajo el mando como deberían haber estado normalmente, sino que Koch era libre de llevar a cabo su propia batalla. Independientemente, armados con un cañón de 76 milímetros (3 pulgadas) y un calibre .50 y dos ametralladoras de calibre 30 , los tanques M4 Sherman eran activos formidables y reforzaron la defensa considerablemente. Por el contrario, el PVA no tenía tanques en Kapyong, mientras que su infantería tenía solo unos pocos cohetes antitanque de 3,5 pulgadas (89 mm) con los que contrarrestarlos. [46]

A las 20:00 de esa noche, un gran número de Corea del Sur se retiraba en desorden a través de una brecha en la línea mantenida por la brigada, la mayoría de ellos moviéndose entre los australianos. [34] La 6ª División de la República de Corea se reagrupó más tarde en posiciones detrás de la 27ª Brigada, pero ahora se redujo a menos de la mitad de su fuerza original. [35] Mientras tanto, mientras el 20.º Ejército viró hacia el oeste como parte del esfuerzo principal del PVA contra Seúl, la 118.a División del PVA continuó su avance secundario por el Valle de Kapyong, persiguiendo de cerca a la República de Corea en retirada. Corriendo por el valle que corre hacia el noreste, el Regimiento 354 alcanzó las posiciones australianas alrededor de las 22:00. [35] [nota 3] Intent on capturing the important crossroads of Route 17 south of Kapyong, and most likely unaware of the location of the Australian blocking position, the PVA vanguard remained in the low ground, splitting as they approached a long, low north–south running ridge that rose like an island in the mouth of the valley.[35]

Night battle, 23/24 April 1951[edit]

The Battle of Kapyong, 22–25 April 1951

Having successfully prevented the US 1st Marine Division from reinforcing the Imjin River front, the PVA 40th Army turned its attention towards the 27th Brigade on 23 April.[37][47] The battle started during the night of 23/24 April, and continued until late the following day as the entire PVA 118th Division, totalling perhaps 10,000 men under the command of Deng Yue—engaged the two forward battalions of 27th Brigade.[2][45][48] The initial PVA attack at Kapyong engaged 3 RAR on Hill 504, while in the early part of the battle the Middlesex and New Zealand gunners were all but cut off. However, the resistance of the Australians ultimately allowed them to safely withdraw and the Middlesex then moved into a reserve position astride the western bank of the river in order to provide depth to the brigade defence.[26] The two battalions of the PVA 354th Regiment launched repeated attacks on the two forward Australian companies on the north-west spur of Hill 504. Assault after assault of massed PVA troops kept up the attack throughout the night, but the strong defence of the Australians on the brigade's right flank held them back, before they turned their attention to the Canadians the following day.[41]

Using the retreating ROK troops to cover their movements, the PVA had infiltrated the brigade position in the initial stages of the battle, penetrating between A and B Companies, 3 RAR astride the road, and largely surrounding the latter before moving into the rear positions.[26] The Australians struggled to distinguish the PVA from the ROK in the dark, although the Korean Service Corps porters attached to the battalion were able to provide valuable assistance to the defenders distinguishing the PVA by the sounds of their voices.[49] At 21:30 the PVA launched their first attack on the forward platoon of American tanks, which had been posted on the road without infantry support. The initial moves were easily repelled; however, a stronger attack an hour later forced the tanks to withdraw after two of the tank commanders were killed, including the platoon commander.[26] The PVA then proceeded to assault the Australians on two different axes: one against the two forward companies in front of Hill 504, and the other through the valley astride the road around Battalion Headquarters.[45] Finally, by 23:00 the New Zealand artillery had returned to the brigade, although they provided only limited support throughout the rest of the night.[7][50]

Probes began on the A and B Company positions, and a number of assaults occurred during the night. Utilising indirect fires, the PVA charged forward in waves, only to be beaten back by the Australians' Bren light machine guns, Owen submachine guns, rifle fire, and grenades, before again regrouping and attacking again.[26] B Company—under the command of Captain Darcy Laughlin—supported by tanks, drove off each assault, inflicting heavy casualties while emerging almost unscathed. Laughlin's command post was fired upon by a number of PVA that had infiltrated the company position, but they were swiftly driven out. An outpost on the northern knoll reported PVA massing on their flanks at 23:00, and although heavy artillery was directed against the attackers, the section was forced to break contact and withdraw to the main defensive position. The main PVA assault began at 00:50, falling on 4 Platoon but was broken up after an hour of heavy fighting. A second assault was mounted on 6 Platoon at 03:30, following a feint against 5 Platoon. With determination the PVA swept forward, penetrating the Australian perimeter before being ejected by an equally determined counter-attack by 6 Platoon with Sherman tanks in support. At 04:00 a small outpost to the rear of the company position was attacked by more than 50 PVA. Held by just four men under the command of Lance Corporal Ray Parry, the Australians fought off four separate attacks, killing more than 25 and wounding many more over the space of twenty minutes. Parry was later awarded the Military Medal for his actions.[51][52] A final assault on B Company was made just at dawn at 04:45 by about 70 PVA, and was again repulsed.[53]

Further up the ridge, A Company—under Major Ben O'Dowd—faced a tougher task, and came under heavy attack.[54] The first probes began at 21:30, targeting 1 Platoon which was the lowest of the three platoons on the west flank. The initial moves were then followed up by major PVA assaults from three sides over the next three hours. Despite suffering many casualties the PVA continued their attack, closing in and attacking the Australians with hand grenades. The Australians also suffered numerous casualties, with more than half the platoon killed or wounded, including all three Bren gunners. Fighting back with small arms fire, they held against repeated assaults, which increased in frequency and strength as the PVA assaulted over heaps of their own dead and wounded. By 01:00 O'Dowd ordered the survivors of 1 Platoon to withdraw through Company Headquarters into a new position in between 2 and 3 Platoons. For his leadership Lieutenant Frederick Gardner was later Mentioned in Despatches.[53][55] The PVA attacks then continued against 3 Platoon, lasting until 04:30, although they were not made with the same weight as the previous assaults.[56]

By dawn it was clear that the PVA had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter through a gap between the Australian platoons, and they began to engage them with machine guns from a defilade position covered from fire by a steep dip in the ridgeline, and concealed by thick scrub. In the growing light, 1 and 3 Platoon were soon pinned down and suffered a number of casualties as they attempted to gain better fire positions with which to engage their attackers. At 06:00 a fighting patrol was dispatched to make contact with Company Headquarters, and as the section passed over a false crest on their way down the spur line they encountered the PVA positions by chance. Attacking immediately, six PVA were killed for the loss of one Australian, and the threat to A Company was eliminated. O'Dowd then launched a counter-attack with 3 Platoon assaulting the PVA occupying the original 1 Platoon position. By 07:00 they had regained the feature and the PVA were forced to withdraw under heavy fire from the Australians on the high ground, who again exacted a heavy toll. The night's fighting had cost A Company dearly, however, and among the dead were the two New Zealand forward observers. In total they suffered more than 50 casualties—half their original strength.[56][57] Meanwhile, on the right flank, D Company—under Captain Norm Gravener—held the summit of Hill 504 and was not heavily engaged during the night, while C Company—commanded by Captain Reg Saunders—was attacked only once.[58]

Located 1,500 metres (1,600 yd) to the rear, Battalion Headquarters found itself heavily pressed, however. Protected only by a section of Vickers machine guns, two 17-pounder anti-tank guns, the Assault Pioneer Platoon, and the Regimental Police under the Headquarters Company commander—Captain Jack Gerke—the fighting flared around 22:00 as the PVA infiltrated the position among the retreating ROK. They bypassed the headquarters and the American tanks nearby, surrounding the defenders and establishing blocking positions on the road to the south. During the night the PVA attempted to mount the tanks and destroy them with grenades and satchel charges, but were driven off by fire. Later, one of the tanks received a direct hit from a 3.5 inch rocket, while the forward perimeter was struck heavily by attacking waves of PVA, and was forced back with heavy casualties. Receiving fire from PVA soldiers occupying several houses in the village of Chuktun-ni, the Shermans engaged the roadblock and several houses, killing more than 40 PVA in one house alone.[58] However, at 04:00 a company from the Middlesex battalion had to be dispatched to help restore the situation.[45]

At dawn the PVA intensified their attack on the headquarters' perimeter, killing and wounding the bulk of the Medium Machine Gun section and the Assault Pioneer Platoon and driving them off the high ground they had been occupying.[59] By 05:00 the PVA on the heights were able to fire directly into Battalion Headquarters below, and Ferguson made the decision to withdraw 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to a new position inside the Middlesex perimeter. Gerke ordered his men to withdraw gradually, moving one vehicle at a time back along the road, as those that remained provided covering fire. The withdrawal was successfully completed, and with Headquarters Company finally assembled inside the Middlesex perimeter, Gerke was then ordered to secure a key ford across the Kapyong River, 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) east, as a possible withdrawal route for the battalion should it later have to retire from Hill 504.[60] However, during the withdrawal two Australians were left behind and were subsequently captured by the PVA: Private Robert Parker, the battalion despatch rider, and Private Horace Madden, one of the signallers.[61] For his conduct while in captivity Madden was posthumously awarded the George Cross, following his death from malnutrition and ill-treatment.[62][63][note 4] Ferguson's caravan, a converted two-and-a-half tonne truck, became bogged during the withdrawal and had to be destroyed.[64] Meanwhile, the New Zealand gunline had also been probed during the early morning and was forced to redeploy at 03:00, while the American mortar company had simply fled, abandoning most of their weapons and vehicles.[65]

Communications between 3 RAR and Brigade Headquarters had failed early, while those with the forward companies were also poor. This was mostly due to the large number of ROK retreating through their position tearing out the line from the Command Post, as well the effect of heavy vehicle traffic and gunfire on the exposed line. Likewise, direct radio communication with the forward companies on the battalion command net with the new Type 31 VHF radios was obstructed by the rugged terrain due to the siting of Battalion Headquarters in low ground relative to the forward companies and the requirement for line-of-sight. The forward companies were able to maintain communications with each other, but not with Battalion Headquarters, while the company level nets also functioned well. Ultimately contact was maintained between Ferguson and Burke through a radio set in the Middlesex Battalion Headquarters, while messages to the forward companies relied on line and a slow relay through C Company.[45][66][67] These issues had only further complicated the conduct of the defence on the first night, with the co-ordination of the forward battle falling to O'Dowd.[56][67] The next morning, O'Dowd finally managed to get through on a radio phone to a general in the US 1st Marine Division. The officer was incredulous, thinking it was a Chinese agent speaking. He told O'Dowd that the unit no longer existed and that it had been wiped out the night before. O'Dowd replied "I've got news for you. We're still here and we're staying here."[68]

The PVA attacks had been launched quickly and aggressively, placing their light machine guns on the flank in support and attempting to close to attack the Australian perimeter with grenades. Contrary to some contemporary western accounts, the PVA did not use human wave tactics, rather, using a tactic known as 'one-point-two sides', they used massed forces and infiltration to achieve local numerical superiority and to penetrate the gaps between the forward companies, before attempting to envelop the Australians while drawing their fire to the front, away from their threatened flanks.[49] They would normally attempt to close with UN defensive positions using darkness or poor visibility to cover their movement and to counter American air superiority, before attacking using massed force, co-ordinated with close fire support. However, although normally well planned and closely supported by machine-gun, mortar, and artillery fire, PVA attacks in Korea were often inflexible in execution once launched. This was mostly due to the lack of radio communications below battalion-level, with the PVA instead relying on whistle blasts, bugle calls, and runners for command and control, and although their 60-millimetre (2.4 in) and 81-millimetre (3.2 in) mortars had provided particularly effective indirect fire support, these problems were again evident during the fighting at Kapyong.[49][69] Later, it was estimated that more than 500 PVA were killed by the Australians and the American tanks that supported them.[70]

Meanwhile, on Hill 677 the Canadians had spent the night of 23/24 April in their pits listening to the sounds of the fighting on the Australian front. However, by early morning PVA activity increased and, with the situation deteriorating on the Patricia's right flank, Stone withdrew B Company from their position forward of the feature's summit to strengthen this flank if the Australians were forced to withdraw. Under the command of Major Vince Lilley the company subsequently moved to occupy positions east of Battalion Headquarters on the high ground overlooking the valley road.[71]

Day battle, 24 April 1951[edit]

Chinese prisoners captured by B Company, 3 RAR, 24 April 1951

As daylight broke, the PVA now found themselves highly exposed in the open ground in front of the Australians. A and B Company supported by artillery, mortars, and tanks poured heavy fire onto the hapless Chinese, forcing them to withdraw leaving hundreds of casualties behind on the slopes. With the Australians remaining in possession of their original defensive locations the immediate situation had stabilised, although they were now effectively cut-off 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) behind the front.[65] Ammunition, food, and medical supplies were now extremely low throughout the forward area, and with casualty evacuation increasingly difficult, the battalion was at risk of being overrun unless it could be concentrated, resupplied, and supported.[60] As such, in order to avoid each company being isolated and overwhelmed in a series of PVA attacks, at 07:15 B Company was ordered to leave its position and join the other companies on the high ground to form a defendable battalion position. The Australians subsequently withdrew as instructed, taking several dozen PVA prisoners with them that had been captured earlier by a standing patrol.[65] The New Zealand gunners covered their movement across the open valley, laying a smoke screen to conceal the withdrawal, while the American tanks also provided support. As they moved across the valley the Australians exchanged a number of shots with a small groups of PVA who were still hiding in dead ground and in the riverbed, and saw numerous dead from the fighting the previous night.[72] One hundred and seventy-three dead PVA were counted on the B Company perimeter by the Australians before they departed.[73]

With B Company successfully occupying its new positions, Ferguson moved forward to the hillside below his forward companies aboard a Sherman tank.[74] Just after 09:00, a group of PVA launched an attack at the top of the spur held by C Company. The attack was repulsed, and no further assaults were made against C Company during the day, although they endured sniper fire and mortar bombardment for several hours. Realising the importance of B Company's previous position to a planned counter-offensive, two hours after their withdrawal, Ferguson ordered Laughlin to re-occupy the position which they had just vacated. 27th Brigade would now be reinforced by American troops and their move forward would be facilitated if the PVA were cleared from the small hill that commanded the road through the valley. Likewise, the defence of this position the previous evening had prevented a PVA assault on the western flank of Hill 504. As such, at 09:30 the order to withdraw was rescinded and B Company was tasked to re-occupy the position. In preparation for the company assault on the summit, Laughlin tasked 5 Platoon to assault a small knoll halfway between C Company and the old B Company position. A frontal assault was launched at 10:30, with two sections attacking and one in fire support. Strongly held by a PVA platoon well dug-in in bunkers, the defenders allowed the Australians to approach to within 15 metres (16 yd) before opening fire with machine guns, rifles, and grenades. 5 Platoon suffered seven casualties, including the platoon commander, and they were forced to withdraw under the cover of machine-gun and mortar fire.[72]

4 Platoon under Lieutenant Leonard Montgomerie took over the attack, while a number of American tanks moved in to provide further support. Conducting a right flanking attack, the Australians suffered a number of casualties as they moved across the open ground. Advancing to within 30 metres (33 yd) of the forward trenches, the PVA fire increased. Montgomerie launched a desperate bayonet charge, while a section under Corporal Donald Davie broke in on the right. Amid fierce hand-to-hand fighting the Australians cleared the PVA from the trenches, losing three men. Davie's section was then heavily engaged by machine guns from the rear trenches, and he moved quickly to assault these with his remaining men. Montgomerie reorganised the platoon, and they fought from trench to trench using bayonets and grenades. The Australians then began taking fire from another knoll to their front and, leaving his rear sections to clear the first position, Montgomerie led Davie's section onto the second knoll. Against such aggression the PVA were unable to hold and, although the majority bravely fought to the death, others fled across the open ground. By 12:30 the knoll had been captured by the Australians, with 57 PVA dead counted on the first position and another 24 on the second.[75] A large PVA force was now detected occupying the old B Company position and the Australians were effectively halted halfway to their objective. Before Laughlin could prepare his next move he was ordered to withdraw by Ferguson, and the attempt to dislodge the PVA was subsequently abandoned.[65] During the fighting the tanks had provided invaluable support, moving ammunition forward to B Company, and helping to evacuate the wounded. The entire operation had cost the Australians three killed and nine wounded. For his actions Montgomerie was awarded the Military Cross, while Davie received the Military Medal.[74][76]

New Zealand gunners firing a 25-pounder in Korea

Meanwhile, the PVA shifted their attention to D Company, launching a series of relentless assaults against the summit.[65] D Company's position was vital to the defence of Hill 504, commanding the high ground and protecting the Australians' right flank. Commencing at 07:00 the PVA assaulted the forward platoon—12 Platoon, launching attacks at thirty-minute intervals until 10:30. Using mortars to cover their movement, they attacked on a narrow front up the steep slope using grenades; however, the Australians beat the PVA back, killing more than 30 for the loss of seven wounded during six attacks. The New Zealand artillery again played a key role in defeating the PVA attempts, bringing down accurate fire within 50 metres (55 yd) of the Australian positions. However, throughout the fighting the supply of ammunition for the guns had caused severe problems, as the PVA offensive had depleted the stock of 25-pounder rounds available forward of the airhead in Seoul. Despite improvements, problems with the logistic system remained and each round had to be used effectively in response to the directions of the artillery forward observers who controlled their fire.[77] Although badly wounded, Corporal William Rowlinson was later awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his leadership,[52] while Private Ronald Smith was awarded the Military Medal.[76] Lance Corporal Henry Richey was posthumously Mentioned in Despatches after being fatally wounded attempting to evacuate the last of the Australian casualties.[76][78]

Despite their previous failures, the PVA launched another series of attacks from 11:30 and these attacks continued for the next two hours, again targeting 12 Platoon under the command of Lieutenant John Ward. Failing to break through again, the PVA suffered heavy casualties before the assault ended. From 13:30 there was another lull in the fighting for an hour and a half, although D Company continued to endure PVA mortar, machine-gun, and rifle fire. Believing that the battle may continue into the night, Gravener made the decision to pull 12 Platoon back in order to adopt a tighter company perimeter, lest his forward platoon be overrun and destroyed. The movement was completed without incident and, shortly after, the newly vacated position was assaulted by a large PVA force which had failed to detect the withdrawal. The PVA moved quickly as they attempted to establish their position on the northern end of the ridge, only to be heavily engaged by Australian machine-gun and rifle fire, and artillery.[79]

On the Canadian front, B Company, 2 PPCLI completed its redeployment by 11:00 hours. The battalion now occupied a northward-facing arc curving from the summit of Hill 677 in the west to the high ground closest to the river. D Company held the summit on the battalion's left, C Company the central forward slope, while A and B Company held the right flank. The high grass and severe terrain of Hill 677 limited the ability of each company to provide mutual support, however, while at the same time it afforded any attacking force limited avenues of approach, and even less cover or concealment for an assault.[80] 24 April passed with little activity, with the PVA continuing to focus on the Australians across the river. Meanwhile, the Canadians continued to strengthen their defences as reports of growing PVA concentrations came in from the forward companies. Each company was allocated a section of Vickers medium machine guns, as well as three 60-millimetre (2.4 in) mortars. Defensive fire tasks were registered, while additional ammunition was pushed out to the forward companies in the afternoon.[81]

3 RAR withdraws, evening 24 April 1951[edit]

Although originally intending on holding until the Australians could be relieved by the US 5th Cavalry Regiment, Burke had decided during the morning to withdraw 3 RAR, and this had prompted the cancellation of B Company's assault.[74][82] With the Australians facing encirclement, and mindful of the fate that had befallen the Glosters, Burke had ordered a fighting withdrawal back to the Middlesex area to new defensive positions in rear of the brigade.[83] Indeed, despite holding the PVA at bay throughout the morning and afternoon, the increasing difficulty of resupply and casualty evacuation made it clear that the Australians would be unable to hold Hill 504 for another night in its exposed and isolated positions.[83] Planning for the withdrawal had begun as the PVA renewed their assault on D Company around 11:30, while Ferguson and O'Dowd discussed the withdrawal by radio at 12:30.[84] With the PVA dominating the road south, Ferguson ordered his companies to withdraw along a ridge running 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) south-west from Hill 504, just east of the Kapyong River. The Middlesex position lay a further one kilometre (0.62 mi) south-west of the foot of the ridge and could be reached by the ford secured earlier by Gerke, which would act as the battalion check point for the withdrawal. O'Dowd, as the senior company commander, was subsequently appointed to plan and command the withdrawal.[74] Ferguson saw his role as ensuring that O'Dowd received the support he needed to achieve a clean break, and had as such decided not to move forward to lead the withdrawal himself.[85]

Command of A Company was temporarily handed over to the second-in-command, Captain Bob Murdoch. Present at the Battle of Pakchon in November 1950, O'Dowd understood first-hand the dangers of withdrawing while in contact. The challenge was to protect the forward platoons as they withdrew from being followed up by the PVA occupying the old B Company positions and from D Company's position after they broke contact. The Australians would also have to clear the withdrawal route of any blocking forces, while at the same time the evacuation of a large number of wounded and PVA prisoners would hamper their movement.[86] As such the timing of the withdrawal would be critical to its success. Consequently, the lead company would not move until mid-afternoon so that the rearguard would be able to use the protection of darkness to break contact, while at the same time offering good observation and fields of fire during the daylight to support the initial moves.[74][86] Orders were delivered at 14:30. B Company would lead the withdrawal down the ridge line, carrying any wounded that still required evacuation, as well as clearing the route and securing the ford near the Middlesex position. C Company would wait for the artillery to neutralise the PVA on the old B Company position, before moving to establish a blocking position behind D Company. A Company would then withdraw to a blocking position behind C Company, in order to allow Gravener and Saunders to establish a clean break. Finally, D Company would withdraw through both C and A Company and set up a blocking position to delay any follow up and allow those companies to withdraw.[87]

US Marine Corps Vought Corsairs over Korea, 1953

After 15:00 an airstrike was called in to dislodge the surviving PVA in front of D Company. However, the attack by two US Marine Corps F4U Corsairs was mistakenly directed at the Australians themselves after their positions were wrongly marked by the spotter plane. Two men were killed and several badly burnt by napalm before the attack was broken off after the company second-in-command—Captain Michael Ryan—ran out under PVA fire waving a marker panel.[65] The company medical orderly—Private Ronald Dunque—was subsequently awarded the Military Medal for his efforts assisting the wounded despite his own injuries.[52][88] The PVA quickly attempted to exploit the chaos, moving against D Company's long exposed eastern flank. 11 Platoon on the main ridge forward of the summit was subjected to a frontal assault; however, unaffected by the napalm, they broke up the PVA attack and inflicted heavy casualties on them. Regardless, further PVA attempts to infiltrate the Australian positions continued into the afternoon.[89][note 5]

The withdrawal was scheduled to begin shortly following the misdirected airstrike, and was to be preceded by an artillery bombardment with high explosive and smoke at 16:00.[note 6] The American tanks were subsequently moved forward to provide cover, and when the New Zealand artillery failed to fire at the appointed hour, they provided the direct fire support. Still in contact, the Australians began to pull back, fighting a number of well-disciplined rearguard actions as the companies leapfrogged each other. Meanwhile, the New Zealand artillery kept the PVA at bay, after it finally commenced firing.[86] B Company had taken 39 PVA prisoners during the earlier fighting, and unable to leave these behind, they were used to carry many of the Australian wounded and much of their equipment as well. O'Dowd's fear that the PVA might have blocked the withdrawal route was not realised, and B Company moved back along the ridge and down to the ford without incident, reaching the Middlesex area after dark. C Company was the next to withdraw, departing at 16:30, just after suffering another casualty from sniper fire. Saunders led his company up the spur and then south down the main ridge without incident, followed by A Company during the next hour with the PVA in close pursuit.[90]

Murdoch had been concerned lest he and his men should be engaged when they reached the Kapyong River in an exhausted condition and with little ammunition. Luck was with the Australians, and due to difficulties of communication and navigation along the ridge line in the dark, elements of A Company had become separated and the last two platoons descended to the river too early to strike the ford. However, reaching a deserted part of the bank they realised their mistake and immediately turned west again, following the river-bank to the ford. The PVA did not follow this sudden final turn and plunged on into the river, giving A Company an unexpected opportunity to break free. The PVA were subsequently detected by the Canadians on Hill 677 and were fired on. Fortunately for the Australians, the Canadian fire did not hit them. This possibility had been foreseen earlier; however, problems with the radio relay between the Canadians and Australians meant that there had been no guarantee that the withdrawing force would not be mistaken for PVA as they crossed the river.[91]

Only D Company—which had been holding the summit and had withdrawn last—was heavily engaged and was unable to move at the scheduled time. The PVA launched a determined assault, preceding it with heavy machine-gun and mortar fire, before attempting to overrun the forward pits. Once again the Australians repelled the PVA assault and Gravener decided to begin to thin out his position before the situation deteriorated further. With one platoon covering their movement, D Company subsequently withdrew, closely pursued by the PVA. During the rapid withdrawal after the final PVA attack, Private Keith Gwyther was accidentally left behind after being knocked unconscious and buried in a forward pit by a mortar round. He regained consciousness some hours later and was subsequently captured by the PVA who had by then occupied Hill 504 and were digging in.[92] Finally, the Australians succeeded in achieving a clean break after dark, and D Company was able to safely withdraw.[83][93] By 23:30 the battalion was clear, completing its withdrawal in good order and intact, and suffering only minimal casualties.[93] Regardless, the previous 24 hours of fighting had been costly for the Australians, resulting in 32 killed, 59 wounded and three captured; the bulk of them in A Company and Battalion Headquarters. Yet their stout defence had halted the assault on the brigade's right flank, and had inflicted far heavier casualties on the PVA before being withdrawn. Significantly for the Australians and New Zealanders 25 April was Anzac Day; however, following their successful withdrawal the PVA turned their attention to the Canadians on the left flank.[83]

Defence of Hill 677, 24–25 April 1951[edit]

Despite the withdrawal from Hill 504 that evening, 27th Brigade had been reinforced on the afternoon of 24 April by the arrival of the 5th US Cavalry Regiment. The Americans had been dispatched earlier in the day to ensure that Kapyong remained in UN hands, and one of the battalions was subsequently deployed to the southwest of the D Company, 2 PPCLI on the summit of Hill 677 in order to cover the left flank. A second American battalion occupied a position across the river, southeast of the Middlesex. Likewise, despite heavy casualties in one of the Australian companies and battalion headquarters, 3 RAR had emerged from the intense battle largely intact and had successfully withdrawn in an orderly fashion. Meanwhile, one of the replacement British battalions, the 1st Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers, had also arrived during the 24th and it took up positions with the Australians around Brigade Headquarters. With six UN battalions now holding the valley the PVA faced a difficult task continuing the advance.[81]

Having dislodged the defenders from Hill 504, the PVA 354th Regiment, 118th Division would attempt to capture the dominating heights of Hill 677 held by the Canadians.[94] Although unaware of the arrival of American reinforcements, the PVA had however detected the redeployment of B Company, 2 PPCLI and at 22:00 that evening they commenced an assault on the Canadian right flank.[95] Although the initial moves were easily beaten back by automatic fire and mortars, a second PVA assault an hour later succeeded in overrunning the right forward platoon. The Canadians successfully withdrew in small groups back to the company main defensive position, where they eventually halted the PVA advance.[96] During the fighting the Canadians' 60-millimetre (2.4 in) mortars had proven vital, their stability allowing for rapid fire out to 1,800 metres (2,000 yd) with an ability to accurately hit narrow ridgelines at maximum range.[81] The next morning 51 PVA dead were counted around the B Company perimeter.[96] Shortly after the second assault on B Company was repelled, another large PVA assault force was detected fording the river in the bright moonlight. Laying down heavy and accurate artillery fire, the New Zealand gunners forced the PVA to withdraw, killing more than 70.[97]

Canadian M3 Half-tracks during the Korean War

Meanwhile, a large PVA force of perhaps company strength was detected in the re-entrant south of B Company, moving toward Battalion Headquarters, and Lilley warned Stone of the impending assault. Six M3 Half-tracks from Mortar Platoon had been positioned there before the battle, each armed with a .50-calibre and a .30-calibre machine gun. Stone held fire until the PVA broke through the tree-line just 180 metres (200 yd) from their front. The Canadians opened fire with machine guns and with mortars at their minimum engagement distance. The PVA suffered severe casualties and the assault was easily beaten off.[96] The PVA had telegraphed their intentions prior to the assault by using tracer fire for direction, and had used bugles to co-ordinate troops in their forming up positions. Such inflexibility had allowed the Canadians to co-ordinate indirect fires and took a heavy toll on the attackers in the forming up positions.[98]

The PVA had been unable to successfully pinpoint the Canadian defensive positions, having failed to carry out a thorough reconnaissance prior to the attack. The severe terrain had also prevented the assaulting troops from adopting a low profile during their final assault, however in the darkness the Canadian rifle fire was ineffective, forcing them to resort to using grenades and rocket launchers.[98] The PVA mortars and artillery was particularly ineffective however, and very few rounds fell on the Canadian positions during the evening. Indeed, in their haste to follow up the collapse of the ROK 6th Division, the PVA 118th Division had left the bulk of its artillery and supplies well to the north. Meanwhile, what mortar ammunition they did have had been largely used up on the Australians during the previous evening. In contrast, the New Zealand gunners provided effective fire support and had been able to break up a number of PVA assaults before they had even reached the Patricias. The PVA now turned their attention to D Company holding the summit of Hill 677, on the battalion's left flank.[97]

At 01:10 a large PVA force was detected forming up on a spur to the west towards Hill 865 and they were engaged by Bren guns and defensive fires. Assaulting 10 Platoon under the cover of machine-gun and mortar fire, the PVA were soon effectively engaged by Vickers machine guns from 12 Platoon firing in mutual support. Switching their axis of assault to 12 Platoon, the PVA succeeded in overrunning one of the Canadian sections and a medium machine gun, killing two of its crew who had remained at their post firing until the last moment. The Canadians fought back, engaging the PVA as they attempted to turn the Vickers on them, rendering it inoperable before calling in pre-arranged defensive fires on to the newly lost position.[99] With the supporting artillery firing at the 'very slow' rate to conserve ammunition, the weight of the PVA assaults soon prompted the Canadians to request it be increased to the 'slow' rate of two rounds per gun per minute, so that 24 rounds fell every 30 seconds within a target area of 180 metres (200 yd).[100]

With the PVA infiltrating the Canadian perimeter through the gaps between platoons, D Company was close to being surrounded. The company commander, Captain J.G.W. Mills, was subsequently forced to call down artillery fire onto his own position on several occasions during the early morning of 25 April to avoid being overrun. The tactic succeeded and the exposed PVA were soon swept off the position, while the dug-in Canadians escaped unharmed. The PVA persisted however, launching a number of smaller attacks during the rest of the night, but these were again repulsed by artillery and small arms fire. By dawn the attacks on the Canadian positions had abated, and with D Company remaining in control of the summit they were able to recover the previously abandoned machine gun at first light. Meanwhile, on the right flank B Company was also able to re-occupy the platoon position it had been forced to relinquish earlier the previous evening.[100] The PVA had suffered heavily during the night, with perhaps as many as 300 killed by the Patricias.[101]

Fighting concludes, 25 April 1951[edit]

A C-119 similar to those used at Kapyong

Although the PVA had continued to mount small attacks, UN forces were now in control of the battle. Regardless, the PVA had succeeded in establishing blocking positions on the roads south of the Canadians, temporarily cutting them off from resupply. Anticipating that the battle would continue into the evening, Stone requested that food, ammunition, and water be airdropped directly onto Hill 677 and by 10:30 the required supplies—including 81-millimetre (3.2 in) mortar ammunition—were dropped by four American C-119 Flying Boxcars flying from an airbase in Japan. Anticipating a renewed PVA effort, the Canadians continued to improve their defensive position. Meanwhile, the Middlesex sent out patrols during the morning in order to clear the PVA that had infiltrated behind Hill 677 during the evening, and although the PVA blocking positions were relatively weak it was not until 14:00 that patrols from B Company, 2 PPCLI reported the road clear. Stone subsequently requested that further supplies and reinforcements be sent forward by vehicle as rapidly as feasible.[100]

The remainder of the day was relatively quiet for the Canadians, although they were subjected to periodic harassing fire from the PVA. D Company received heavy machine-gun fire from Hill 865 to the west, in particular. Regardless, the PVA made no further attempt to attack, and confined themselves to limited patrolling activities across the front. Later the Patricias, with American tanks in support, cleared the remaining PVA from the northern slopes of Hill 677, while several PVA concentrations were again broken up by heavy artillery fire and airstrikes. The American battalion on the south-west flank of the Canadians was subsequently relieved by the Middlesex, following which the 5th US Cavalry Regiment launched an assault to recover Hill 504. The PVA resisted until 16:00, before the 118th Division suddenly withdrew. American patrols north of the feature met no resistance, while the Americans were also able to patrol east along Route 17 to Chunchon without contact. By last light the situation had stabilised on the Kapyong Valley front.[101] Having left their supplies of food and ammunition far behind during the advance two days earlier, the PVA had been forced to withdraw back up the Kapyong Valley in the late afternoon of 25 April in order to regroup and replenish following the heavy casualties incurred during the fighting.[101][102]



With vastly superior numbers the PVA had attacked on a broad front, and had initially overrun a number of the forward UN positions. Regardless, the 27th Brigade had ultimately prevailed despite being outnumbered by a factor of five to one.[103] Indeed, despite their numerical advantage the PVA had been badly outgunned and they could not overcome the well-trained and well-armed Australians and Canadians.[68] The battlefield was littered with the corpses of PVA soldiers, a testament to the discipline and firepower of the defenders. And yet, despite their ultimate defeat, the battle once again demonstrated that the PVA were tough and skillful soldiers capable of inflicting heavy casualties on the Australians and forcing their eventual withdrawal, albeit both intact and orderly.[49] As a result of the fighting Australian losses were 32 killed, 59 wounded and three captured, while Canadian casualties included 10 killed and 23 wounded.[93] American casualties included three men killed, 12 wounded and two tanks destroyed, all from A Company, 72nd Heavy Tank Battalion. The New Zealanders lost two killed and five wounded.[41] In contrast, PVA losses were far heavier, and may have included 1,000 killed and many more wounded.[93][101] The Canadians were finally relieved on Hill 677 by a battalion of the 5th US Cavalry Regiment on the evening 26 April.[104]

General James Van Fleet inspects members of 3 RAR after awarding a Presidential Unit Citation to the Battalion in December 1951

2 PPCLI, 3 RAR and A Company, 72nd Heavy Tank Battalion were all subsequently awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation for their actions during the Battle of Kapyong. 16th Field Regiment, RNZA — without whom the Australians and Canadians may have suffered a similar fate to that of Glosters at the Imjin—were awarded the South Korean Presidential Unit Citation.[49] Although the Canadians and Australians had borne the brunt of the fighting, the Middlesex—despite the imminence of their replacement—had shown no evidence of hesitancy or lack of aggression when recalled into the fighting early in the battle.[40] For their leadership, Ferguson and Stone were both awarded the Distinguished Service Order, while Koch was awarded both the American Distinguished Service Cross and the British Military Cross for the vital part his tanks had played in the fighting.[77][note 7] The Royal Australian Regiment, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and the Middlesex Regiment were subsequently granted the battle honour "Kapyong".[7][105] Today, the battle is regarded one as the most famous actions fought by the Australian and Canadian armies in Korea.[26]

Subsequent operations[edit]

By 29 April, Chinese Spring Offensive was halted by UN forces at a defensive line north of Seoul, known as the No-Name Line; in total a withdrawal of 56 kilometres (35 mi) in the US I and IX Corps sectors, and 32 kilometres (20 mi) in the US X Corps and ROK III Corps sectors.[106] Although the main blow had fallen on US I Corps, the resistance by British Commonwealth forces in the battles at the Imjin River and at Kapyong had helped to blunt its impetus, with the defence mounted by the 27th Brigade stopping the PVA from isolating US I Corps from US IX Corps, thereby helping to halt the PVA advance on Seoul and preventing its capture.[68][107] The PVA had now nearly exhausted their resources of men and material, and were approaching the limit of their supply lines. Many PVA soldiers were now tired, hungry and short of equipment and during the fighting at Kapyong they had demonstrated a greater willingness to surrender than in previous encounters, with 3 RAR alone taking 39 prisoners, only eight of them wounded. Contingent on the rapid attainment of its objectives, the attempted PVA coup de main ultimately failed amid heavy casualties and they had little recourse but to abandon their attacks against US I and IX Corps.[49][108] The PVA had suffered at least 30,000 casualties during the period 22–29 April.[109] In contrast, US casualties during the same period numbered just 314 killed and 1,600 wounded, while Commonwealth, ROK and other UN contingents brought the total to 547 killed, 2,024 wounded and 2,170 captured; the disparity highlighting the devastating effect of enormous UN firepower against massed infantry.[110][111] Undeterred by these setbacks, the Second Phase of the Spring Offensive began on 16 May to the east of Kapyong, only to suffer their worst defeat at the Battle of the Soyang River.[112]

27th Brigade was replaced by the 28th British Commonwealth Brigade and Brigadier George Taylor took over command of the new formation on 26 April. With the PVA offensive losing momentum, the new Commonwealth formation was subsequently pulled back into IX Corps reserve to the southwest of Kapyong, near the junction of the Pukhan and Chojon rivers. 3 RAR was transferred to 28th Brigade, while the 1st Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers and the 1st Battalion, The King's Shropshire Light Infantry replaced the Argylls and Middlesex regiments. Later, the Patricias were transferred to the newly arrived 25th Canadian Brigade on 27 May.[113][114] After protracted negotiations between the governments of Australia, Britain, Canada, India, New Zealand and South Africa, agreement had been reached to establish an integrated formation with the aim of increasing the political significance of their contribution, as well as facilitating the solution of the logistic and operational problems faced by the various Commonwealth contingents.[113] The 1st Commonwealth Division was formed on 28 July 1951, with the division including the 25th Canadian, 28th British Commonwealth and 29th British Infantry Brigades under the command of Major General James Cassels, and was part of US I Corps.[115] For many of the Australians Kapyong was to be their last major battle before completing their period of duty and being replaced, having endured much hard fighting, appalling weather and the chaos and confusion of a campaign that had ranged up and down the length of the Korean Peninsula. Most had served in the Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) during the Second World War and this combat experience had proven vital.[116] Regardless, casualties had been heavy, and since the battalion's arrival from Japan in September 1950 the Australians had lost 87 killed, 291 wounded and five captured.[117]

See also[edit]

  • Gapyeong Canada Monument
  • Kapyong (2011) – documentary about the battle
  • United Nations Memorial Cemetery, Busan, South Korea – where many of the Australian and Canadian casualties are buried



  1. ^ The Chinese military did not have ranks during the 1950s, except for the title of "Commander" or "Commissar".
  2. ^ In Chinese military nomenclature, the term "Army" (军) means Corps, while the term "Army Group" (集团军) means Field Army.
  3. ^ O'Neill identifies the PVA 60th Division; however, the 60th Division maintained its south-westerly course as part of the 20th Army and had not pursued the ROK 19th Infantry Regiment after routing it in the Kapyong valley. The division next contacted the US 24th Division in the I Corps sector. See Mossman 1990, p. 402 and O'Neill 1985, p. 134.
  4. ^ During his captivity Madden resisted repeated Chinese and North Korean attempts to make him collaborate, despite repeated beatings and being deprived of food. He remained cheerful and optimistic for six months, sharing his meagre food with other prisoners who were sick. He grew progressively weaker though and died of malnutrition on 6 November 1951. For his conduct he was posthumously awarded the George Cross. See O'Neill 1985, p. 147.
  5. ^ Controversy surrounds the circumstances of this accident. While the Australian official historian states that Gravener requested the airstrike, it seems neither Gravener nor O'Dowd called for air support that afternoon, and it is more likely the request came from either Ferguson or Brigade Headquarters. See O'Neill 1985, p. 153 and Breen 1992, p. 97.
  6. ^ There is some disagreement between sources on the timing of the withdrawal, with some sources nominating 15:30, while others claim it began at 17:30. The time of 16:00 is based on an account by O'Dowd himself. See Breen 1992, p. 93.
  7. ^ For Stone it was his second such award, winning his first DSO at the Battle of Ortona in Italy in 1943. See Johnston 2003, p. 30.


  1. ^ Chinese Military Science Academy 2000, p. 377.
  2. ^ a b Hu & Ma 1987, p. 51.
  3. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 121.
  4. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 123.
  5. ^ a b c d O'Neill 1985, p. 132.
  6. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, pp. 125–127.
  7. ^ a b c Horner 1990, p. 444.
  8. ^ a b Breen 1992, p. 12.
  9. ^ a b Butler, Argent and Shelton 2002, p. 103.
  10. ^ Butler, Argent and Shelton 2002, p. 77.
  11. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 107.
  12. ^ a b O'Neill 198, p. 134.
  13. ^ Varhola 2000, pp. 88, 278.
  14. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 125.
  15. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 127.
  16. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 128.
  17. ^ Breen 1992, p. 20.
  18. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 128–129.
  19. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 129.
  20. ^ a b c d O'Neill 1985, p. 131.
  21. ^ Breen 1992, p. 18.
  22. ^ Breen 1992, p. 21.
  23. ^ Farrar-Hockley 1995, p. 109.
  24. ^ Zhang 1995, p. 145.
  25. ^ Chinese Military Science Academy 2000, pp. 309, 326.
  26. ^ a b c d e f g Coulthard Clark 2001, p. 263.
  27. ^ Chinese Military Science Academy 2000, p. 312.
  28. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 89.
  29. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 133–134.
  30. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 90–91.
  31. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 401.
  32. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 382.
  33. ^ a b c Chae, Chung and Yang 2001, p. 630.
  34. ^ a b c d Horner 2008, p. 69.
  35. ^ a b c d Mossman 1990, p. 402.
  36. ^ a b c d Johnston 2003, p. 91.
  37. ^ a b Zhang 1995, p. 149.
  38. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 91–92.
  39. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 391.
  40. ^ a b Horner 2008, p. 68.
  41. ^ a b c d e f "The Battle of Kapyong, April 1951". The Australian War Memorial. Retrieved 23 January 2010.
  42. ^ Horner 2008, pp. 69–70.
  43. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 94–95.
  44. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 95.
  45. ^ a b c d e Horner 2008, p. 70.
  46. ^ Breen 1992, p. 40.
  47. ^ Chinese Military Science Academy 2000, p. 314.
  48. ^ Breen 1992, p. 25.
  49. ^ a b c d e f Horner 2008, p. 71.
  50. ^ O'Dowd 2000, p. 165.
  51. ^ Breen 1992, pp. 113–114.
  52. ^ a b c "No. 39448". The London Gazette. 25 January 1952. p. 514.
  53. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 142.
  54. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 96.
  55. ^ "No. 39703". The London Gazette. 25 November 1952. p. 6214.
  56. ^ a b c O'Neill 1985, p. 143.
  57. ^ Breen 1992, p. 100.
  58. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 144.
  59. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 145–146.
  60. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 148.
  61. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 146–147.
  62. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 642.
  63. ^ "No. 40665". The London Gazette (Supplement). 27 December 1955. p. 7299.
  64. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 147.
  65. ^ a b c d e f Coulthard-Clark 2001, p. 264.
  66. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 403.
  67. ^ a b Breen 1992, pp. 46–47.
  68. ^ a b c "Out in the Cold: Australia's involvement in the Korean War – Kapyong 23–24 April 1951". The Australian War Memorial. Retrieved 24 January 2010.
  69. ^ Kuring 2004, p. 235.
  70. ^ Breen 1992, p. 119.
  71. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 97–98, 106.
  72. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 149.
  73. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 148–149.
  74. ^ a b c d e O'Neill 1985, p. 150.
  75. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 149–150.
  76. ^ a b c "No. 39312". The London Gazette. 17 August 1951. p. 4382.
  77. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 151.
  78. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 152.
  79. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 152–153.
  80. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 98.
  81. ^ a b c Johnston 2003, p. 99.
  82. ^ Breen 1992, p. 86.
  83. ^ a b c d Johnston 2003, p. 97.
  84. ^ Breen 1992, p. 91.
  85. ^ Breen 1992, p. 92.
  86. ^ a b c Breen 1992, p. 93.
  87. ^ Breen 1992, pp. 95–96.
  88. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 153.
  89. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 153–154.
  90. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 154.
  91. ^ O'Neill 1985, pp. 156–157.
  92. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 155.
  93. ^ a b c d Coulthard-Clark 2001, p. 265.
  94. ^ Chae, Chung & Yang 2001, p. 635.
  95. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 99–100.
  96. ^ a b c Johnston 2003, p. 100.
  97. ^ a b Johnston 2003, p. 102.
  98. ^ a b Johnston 2003, p. 101.
  99. ^ Johnston 2003, pp. 102–103.
  100. ^ a b c Johnston 2003, p. 103.
  101. ^ a b c d Johnston 2003, p 104.
  102. ^ Kuring 2004, p. 237.
  103. ^ Brooke, Michael (20 April 2006). "3 RAR's Priority on Duty". Army News (1142 ed.). Australian Department of Defence. Archived from the original on 4 June 2013. Retrieved 24 January 2010.
  104. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 106.
  105. ^ Rodger 2003, p. 373.
  106. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 436.
  107. ^ Chae, Chung & Yang 2001, p. 636.
  108. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 160.
  109. ^ Millett 2010, p. 434.
  110. ^ Mossman 1990, p. 437.
  111. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 108.
  112. ^ Appleman 1990, pp. 509, 550.
  113. ^ a b O'Neill 1985, p. 166.
  114. ^ Johnston 2003, p. 107.
  115. ^ Grey 1988, pp. 192–195.
  116. ^ Breen 1992, p. 104.
  117. ^ O'Neill 1985, p. 158.


  • Appleman, Roy (1990). Ridgway Duels for Korea. Military History Series. Volume 18. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 978-0-89096-432-3. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Breen, Bob (1992). The Battle of Kapyong: 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, Korea 23–24 April 1951. Georges Heights, New South Wales: Headquarters Training Command, Australian Army. ISBN 978-0-642-18222-7.
  • Butler, David; Argent, Alf; Shelton, Jim (2002). The Fight Leaders: Australian Battlefield Leadership: Green, Hassett and Ferguson 3RAR – Korea. Loftus, New South Wales: Australian Military Historical Publications. ISBN 978-1-876439-56-9.
  • Chae, Han Kook; Chung, Suk Kyun; Yang, Yong Cho (2001). Yang, Hee Wan; Lim, Won Hyok; Sims, Thomas Lee; Sims, Laura Marie; Kim, Chong Gu; Millett, Allan R. (eds.). The Korean War. Volume II. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0-8032-7795-3. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Chinese Military Science Academy (2000). History of War to Resist America and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争史) (in Chinese). Volume II. Beijing: Chinese Military Science Academy Publishing House. ISBN 978-7-80137-390-8. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Coulthard-Clark, Chris (2001). The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles (Second ed.). Crows Nest, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-1-86508-634-7.
  • Farrar-Hockley, Anthony (1995). The British Part in the Korean War: An Honourable Discharge. Volume II. London: HMSO. ISBN 978-0-11-630958-7. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Grey, Jeffrey (1988). The Commonwealth Armies and the Korean War: An Alliance Study. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-2770-3.
  • Horner, David, ed. (1990). Duty First: The Royal Australian Regiment in War and Peace (First ed.). North Sydney, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-0-04-442227-3.
  • Horner, David, ed. (2008). Duty First: A History of the Royal Australian Regiment (Second ed.). Crows Nest, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-1-74175-374-5.
  • Hu, Guang Zheng (胡光正); Ma, Shan Ying (马善营) (1987). Chinese People's Volunteer Army Order of Battle (中国人民志愿军序列) (in Chinese). Beijing: Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House. OCLC 298945765.
  • Johnston, William (2003). A War of Patrols: Canadian Army Operations in Korea. Vancouver, British Columbia: UBC Press. ISBN 978-0-7748-1008-1.
  • Kuring, Ian (2004). Redcoats to Cams: A History of Australian Infantry 1788–2001. Loftus, New South Wales: Australian Military Historical Publications. ISBN 978-1-876439-99-6.
  • Millett, Allan R. (2010). The War for Korea, 1950–1951: They Came From the North. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-1709-8.
  • Mossman, Billy C. (1990). United States Army in the Korean War: Ebb and Flow: November 1950 – July 1951. Washington D.C.: Center of Military History, US Army. ISBN 978-1-131-51134-4.
  • O'Dowd, Ben (2000). In Valiant Company: Diggers in Battle – Korea, 1950–51. St Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press. ISBN 978-0-7022-3146-9.
  • O'Neill, Robert (1985). Australia in the Korean War 1950–53: Combat Operations. Volume II. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Australian War Memorial. ISBN 978-0-642-04330-6. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Rodger, Alexander (2003). Battle Honours of the British Empire and Commonwealth Land Forces 1662–1991. Marlborough, United Kingdom: The Crowood Press. ISBN 1-86126-637-5.
  • Varhola, Michael J. (2000). Fire and Ice: The Korean War, 1950–1953. Mason City, Iowa: Da Capo Press. ISBN 978-1-882810-44-4.
  • Zhang, Shu Guang (1995). Mao's Military Romanticism: China and the Korean War, 1950–1953. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-0723-5.

Further reading[edit]

  • Bercuson, David (2001). The Patricias: The Proud History of a Fighting Regiment. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing. ISBN 9780773732988.
  • Forbes, Cameron (2010). The Korean War: Australia in the Giants' Playground. Sydney, New South Wales: Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-405040-01-3.
  • McGibbon, Ian (1996). New Zealand and the Korean War. Combat Operations. Volume II. Auckland, New Zealand: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-558343-4. |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Pears, Maurie (2007). Battlefield Korea: The Korean Battle Honours of the Royal Australian Regiment, 1950–1953. Loftus, New South Wales: Australian Military History Publications. ISBN 9780980379600.
  • Thompson, Peter; Macklin, Robert (2004). Keep off the Skyline: The Story of Ron Cashman and the Diggers in Korea. Milton, Queensland: Wiley. ISBN 1-74031-083-7.

External links[edit]

  • China Intervenes in the Korean War: The Battle of Kapyong, 23–25 April 1951