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The Office es una serie de televisión estadounidense basada en la comedia televisiva británica del mismo nombre . El formato de la serie es una parodia de latécnica documentalde la mosca en la pared que intercala segmentos de comedia de situación tradicional con entrevistas simuladas con los personajes del programa, brinda a la audiencia acceso a los monólogos interiores en curso para todos los personajes principales, así como ocasionalmente. información sobre otros personajes dentro del programa.

Reparto regular


  1. ^ Hasta el episodio 22 de la temporada 7: " Adiós, Michael "
  2. ^ a b Novak y Kaling son acreditados como estrellas invitadas en el episodio 1 de la temporada 9: " New Guys ", y con el elenco regular en el episodio 24 de la temporada 9: " Finale ".
  3. ^ Promovido a protagonista en el episodio 19 de la temporada 3: " The Negotiation "
  4. ^ Ascendido a Main en el episodio 15 de la temporada 6: " Sabre "
  5. ^ Ascendido a Main en el episodio 2 de la temporada 8: " El incentivo "
  6. ^ Los miembros del reparto protagonizados se acreditan como Main en el episodio de la temporada 5 " Stress Relief " y el episodio de la temporada 9 " Finale ".
  7. ^ Promovido a protagonista en el episodio 14 de la temporada 2: " The Carpet ", hasta el episodio 19 de la temporada 3: " The Negotiation "
  8. ^ Promovido a Protagonizar en la temporada 2 episodio 15: " Niños y niñas ", hasta el episodio 4 de la temporada 5: " Baby Shower "
  9. ^ a b c d e f Promovido a protagonista en el episodio 13 de la temporada 2: " El secreto "
  10. ^ En el episodio 4: " Sex Ed "; entre el episodio 11: " Classy Christmas " y el episodio 22: " Goodbye, Michael "
  11. ^ Del episodio 15 de la temporada 8: " Tallahassee "

Empleados adicionales de Dunder Mifflin / Sabre


David Wallace

David Wallace ( Andy Buckley ) es el director financiero , luego director ejecutivo de Dunder Mifflin . A pesar de su estilo de vida diferente al de los miembros de la sucursal de Scranton, David tolera y comprende las excentricidades y defectos del Gerente Regional Michael Scott , y aprecia a los empleados Jim Halpert y Toby Flenderson . Es despedido en la sexta temporada luego de la absorción de Dunder Mifflin por Saber. Más tarde vende su patente para una aspiradora de juguete, llamada "Suck It", [1] al ejército de los EE. UU. Por $ 20 millones [1] y luego adquiere Dunder Mifflin por una suma de dinero no revelada y se convierte en CEO.en el final de la octava temporada, " Free Family Portrait Studio ".

Deangelo Vickers

Deangelo Jeremitrius Vickers ( Will Ferrell ) fue el reemplazo de Michael como gerente de sucursal durante el final de la séptima temporada, ya que Michael se mudaba a Colorado con su prometida, Holly. Su personaje debutó en un arco argumental que duró cuatro episodios, siendo los tres primeros los últimos tres programas de Steve Carell como miembro principal del reparto y luego el primer episodio posterior a Michael Scott, " The Inner Circle ". En las apariciones del personaje, se muestra que es en gran parte incompetente para ocupar el puesto de Michael, ya que ha demostrado ser un gerente parcial, un vendedor terrible y un mal presentador de la entrega anual de premios Dundies. [2] En " Adiós, Michael", le revela a Andy que no fue contratado por su experiencia comercial, sino porque ayudó a prevenir el robo de uno de los perros del CEO Jo Bennett .

A pesar de su afinidad por el suroeste de Estados Unidos , Deangelo es originario de Maine . Al igual que Toby, cuando era niño, su madre se divorció de su padre y se vio obligado a elegir entre ellos. Él mismo tiene cuatro hijos, incluido al menos un niño, a quien parece resentir por una razón desconocida. Deangelo fue una vez obeso mórbido, hasta que hizo un pacto consigo mismo para ponerse en forma y perdió 203 libras (según Michael en " Michael's Last Dundies "; sin embargo, esto entra en conflicto con la biografía de NBC, que dice que Deangelo perdió 176 libras). [3] A lo largo de " Adiós, Michael", Deangelo comienza a mostrar signos de un ataque de nervios debido a su deseo de comenzar a comer comida chatarra nuevamente. Luego comienza a derrumbarse frente a todo el personal, durante una fiesta de despedida para Michael, metiendo sus manos en el pastel de despedida de Michael, y gritándole airadamente. [4]

En su episodio final, " The Inner Circle ", después de presumir de su habilidad para encestar una pelota de baloncesto, Jim lo llama sobre el asunto, lo que conduce a un accidente que requiere la hospitalización de Deangelo y la salida de Dunder Mifflin. Al final del episodio, se da a entender que ha sufrido daño cerebral, [5] y en el episodio posterior se dice que está en coma. En " Lotto ", se dice que tiene muerte cerebral , pero técnicamente sigue vivo. [6] [7]

Ferrell ha aparecido anteriormente en varias películas con Carell y con muchos otros miembros del elenco de Office , incluido Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy con Carell y David Koechner .

Jo Bennett

Joleen "Jo" Bennett ( Kathy Bates ) es la directora ejecutiva de Sabre, la empresa que compra Dunder Mifflin en la temporada 6. En la temporada 8 renuncia al puesto de directora ejecutiva pero sigue siendo presidenta de la junta. [8] [9] Es una mujer sureña franca y obstinada que ha escrito una autobiografía titulada Take A Good Look . Tiene dos grandes daneses arlequines y un Cadillac Escalade Hybrid blanco ; también es una sobreviviente de cáncer de mama, piloto con licencia y amiga de Nancy Pelosi .

Jo aparece por primera vez en un chat de video en " Sabre " y en persona en " El gerente y el vendedor ", cuando visita la oficina de Scranton por primera vez. En su último día en Scranton en el " Día de San Patricio ", Darryl la impresiona con una idea para mejorar el envío y ella lo recompensa dándole la antigua oficina de Jim. Esa noche, cuando ella todavía está trabajando mientras el resto del personal está desesperado por irse y disfrutar de las vacaciones, muestra su respeto por Michael después de que él le dice que está permitiendo que sus empleados se vayan. En " Whistleblower", el final de temporada, Jo llega a Scranton decidida a averiguar quién filtró información a la prensa sobre las impresoras de Sabre en llamas. Finalmente, se concentra en Michael, quien se niega a hablar y lo lleva a su avión privado para que confiese. , pero en realidad, Jo puede sentir que Michael está pasando por una mala racha y los dos tienen una conversación de corazón a corazón. Durante la conversación, Michael se ofrece como voluntario para aceptar la responsabilidad pública por el escándalo y habla con la prensa. Jo agradece a Michael y dice que si hay algo que él necesita, ella estará feliz de ayudar, lo que llevó a Michael a bromear sobre traer a Holly de regreso a Scranton, a lo que Jo dice "Déjame ver qué puedo hacer" (y Holly regresa en temporada 7).

En la temporada 7, luego de la partida de Michael y su reemplazo Deangelo Vickers, Jo convierte a Dwight en el gerente regional interino en " Dwight K. Schrute, gerente (interino) ", pero lo reemplaza con Creed (el empleado más antiguo de Scranton) después de que Dwight despide accidentalmente. un arma en la oficina. Aparece en el " Comité de Búsqueda " y revela que es una vieja amiga de una de las aspirantes al puesto de gerente, Nellie Bertram. Cuando Jo se entera de los problemas personales actuales de Gabe con respecto a Erin y Andy, decide transferirlo de regreso a la sede de Florida. También le dice al comité que le conceda una entrevista a Dwight, diciendo que le gusta "un poco de locura".

En el estreno de la octava temporada, " The List ", Jim le cuenta al equipo de cámara cómo contrataron a Robert California como gerente de sucursal durante el verano, pero renunció de inmediato, condujo hasta la sede de Sabre en Florida y luego convenció a Jo para que diera él su posición como CEO de la compañía (en realidad, Bates dejó The Office debido a su compromiso con Harry's Law). Sin embargo, Jo permanece como presidente de la junta, y Robert todavía se refiere a Jo como su jefe. Más tarde en la temporada 8, Nellie Bertram reaparece, después de haber sido contratada (fuera de la pantalla) por Jo como Presidenta de Proyectos Especiales de Sabre. Al final de la temporada 8, se anuncia que Jo Bennett vendió Dunder Mifflin a David Wallace. Jo además planea liquidar todos los activos de Sabre, disolviendo así de manera efectiva y permanente la empresa.

Josh Porter

Joshua "Josh" Porter ( Charles Esten ) es el ex gerente regional de Stamford . El personaje se menciona por primera vez en " Pilot " y hace su debut en " Valentine's Day". Durante su tiempo como gerente de Stamford, aparentemente era un jefe más responsable y competente que Michael, aunque algunos episodios habían implicado que la sucursal de Michael es más productiva que la de Josh. Josh más tarde se convirtió en el jefe de Jim, después de que Jim fuera transferido a Stamford. y parecía que pensaba en Josh como un modelo a seguir. De manera similar a su relación con Toby, Michael estaba resentido con Josh, inicialmente porque sentía que Jim prefería la amistad de Josh a la suya propia y, aunque luego se demostró que esto no era cierto, Michael aún conservaba un cierta animosidad hacia él.

En escenas eliminadas del episodio " La Convención ", Josh afirma que una vez pasó un tiempo trabajando en Israel, y también le dice a Dwight que una vez fue miembro de la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos .

En " Cierre de sucursal ", cuando se anunció el cierre de la sucursal de Scranton, a Josh se le ofreció un ascenso para convertirse en gerente de la recién formada región noreste de Dunder Mifflin. Sin embargo, aprovechó la oferta para obtener un trabajo de alta dirección en Staples , lo que hizo que los planes para el cierre de Scranton fueran un caos. Como resultado directo de la decisión de Josh de dejar la empresa, se decidió cerrar la sucursal de Stamford. Disgustado, Jim dice más tarde del doble trato de Josh: "Di lo que quieras sobre Michael Scott, pero él nunca haría eso".

Charles Miner

Charles Miner ( Idris Elba ) aparece en la quinta temporada, como vicepresidente de ventas del noreste de Dunder Mifflin, después de haber asumido el puesto que dejaron vacantes Ryan y Jan. Antes de llegar a Dunder Mifflin, anteriormente fue empleado de Saticoy Steel y llegó con experiencia en contabilidad. Se le presenta en el episodio " New Boss", donde sus habilidades de gestión sensatas chocan con el comportamiento relajado de Michael, y al conocer a Jim, inmediatamente desarrolla una aversión hacia él. Su apariencia atractiva y actitud firme hacen que tanto Angela como Kelly desarrollen una atracción inmediata hacia él, afirmando más tarde que "(él) era consciente del efecto que tenía en las mujeres" y no estaba interesado en perseguir a ninguna de ellas. Charles pronto hace que Michael renuncie después de que Charles cancela una fiesta para celebrar el 15 aniversario de Michael con la compañía. En " Broke", preocupado por la nueva compañía de Michael que está cazando furtivamente a varios clientes, Charles se reúne con David Wallace en la sucursal, y le da la espalda descaradamente a David, lo que Jim se da cuenta. Charles expresa su desdén cuando David le pide a Jim que esté presente en una reunión, como él piensa. Jim como "una decepción", pero pronto descubre, en circunstancias embarazosas con Dwight, que Jim es más inteligente y mucho más profesional de lo que creía. Esto pronto lleva a Charles a recurrir inmediatamente a Jim por Dwight durante las negociaciones con Michael. Charles intenta besar a Wallace nuevamente, Jim lo corrige públicamente frente a su jefe, dejándolo sin palabras. Cuando Michael es recontratado más tarde en el episodio, exige que se despida a Charles, pero David se niega, afirmando que Charles es "valioso ". Charles, sin embargo,dejar Scranton y regresar a la sede corporativa. Tras su partida, intenta decir sus palabras de despedida, pero Michael lo interrumpe, reflejando el trato anterior de Charles hacia él. Charles reaparece en "Company Picnic ", donde nuevamente es condescendiente con Jim y muy competitivo en el juego de voleibol contra la sucursal de Scranton. Sin embargo, también se confirma que Charles ya no tiene ninguna autoridad sobre la oficina de Scranton.

En " The Banker ", Pam afirma que Michael es ahora el empleado de más alto rango en lo que queda de Dunder Mifflin tras la terminación del liderazgo ejecutivo debido a una mala gestión. [10] Si bien esto implica fuertemente que Charles ha perdido su trabajo, esto no se confirma hasta " Viewing Party ", cuando Michael nombra a Charles como uno de los muchos jefes que ha sobrevivido. [11]

Idris Elba fue el segundo ex miembro del elenco del drama de HBO The Wire , después de Amy Ryan , en ser contratado para un papel recurrente en The Office .

Ed Truck

Edward "Ed" Truck ( Ken Howard ) fue el ex gerente regional de la sucursal de Dunder Mifflin Scranton, para quien Michael trabajó hasta que Ed se jubiló. Fue responsable de contratar a Creed, Phyllis y Darryl, así como de poner fin a la edad de jubilación obligatoria que instituyó la empresa, mediante la presentación de una demanda por discriminación por edad. En el episodio " La alfombra ", Michael cree que la materia fecaldejado en la alfombra de su oficina se quedó allí porque sus empleados no le agradan. Engaña a Truck para que se reúna con él (alegando que necesitan hablar sobre su pensión) y le pide su opinión sobre la situación. Como revela Ed, alguien también había defecado en la alfombra de su oficina, y su consejo para Michael es "¿Por qué no puedes dejar que tus trabajadores sean tus trabajadores, tus amigos tus amigos y tu familia tu familia?" (La broma aquí es que Michael no tiene amigos o familiares reales, y sus empleados actúan como sustitutos reacios).

En " Consejería de duelo ", Jan le informa a Michael que Ed ha muerto recientemente. Aunque está sorprendido por la noticia, Michael no parece estar de luto por la muerte de Ed, hasta que Creed le informa de la forma espantosa en que Ed había muerto: aparentemente estaba "borracho como un zorrillo " y conducía por la Ruta 6 , cuando logró irse. bajo un camión de 18 ruedas , decapitando a sí mismo. Michael pronto expresa sentimientos de remordimiento extremo y solicita que se erija una estatua de Ed en su memoria, pero Jan rechaza la sugerencia, afirmando que a la empresa no le gustaría. Como compromiso, hay una placa en su honor, que cuelga entre la oficina de Michael y la sala de conferencias.

Dan Gore

Dan Gore (Dan Cole) es el Gerente Regional de la sucursal de Buffalo . Fue presentado por primera vez en el " Día de San Valentín " asistiendo a la reunión con el nuevo director financiero, David Wallace. También asistió al cóctel de Wallace en " Cócteles ", y fue visto en " Fiesta de lanzamiento " tratando de ver si la cámara de su sucursal estaba funcionando. Él fue uno de los líderes de la compañía que asistió al retiro de Ryan en la naturaleza, junto con Toby (y no el Michael Scott intencionalmente no invitado). En " Company Picnic " se anuncia que la sucursal de Buffalo está cerrando debido a la terrible recesión que golpea la economía estadounidense.


Craig ( Craig Anton ) es el gerente incompetente y grosero de la sucursal de Albany que aparece en "El día de San Valentín ". Le molesta Jan, y su relación con Michael se agrieta cuando discuten sobre sus opiniones sobre Jan. Craig intenta salvar la cara filtrando la relación de Michael entre los dos frente a David Wallace. Michael luego bromea diciendo que Craig "no es la herramienta más afilada en el cobertizo" en un intento de defender a Jan.

En " Survivor Man ", Craig no es invitado al retiro del Gerente Regional de Ryan ni mencionado de otra manera, lo que posiblemente significa que ya no trabaja en ese puesto. En una escena eliminada de " Stress Relief ", se menciona que la sucursal de Albany está cerrando, lo que confirma que Craig ha sido despedido de la empresa.

Troy Underbridge

Troy L. Underbridge ( Noel Petok ) es un ejecutivo corporativo que trabaja en la banca y es conocido por alentar las fiestas y el abuso de cocaína de Ryan . Debido a su baja estatura, Dwight está convencido de que en realidad es un hobbit . Troy aparece por primera vez en " The Deposition " y reaparece, con un papel más fundamental, en el episodio " Night Out ". En una escena eliminada de " Adiós, Toby", llega a la sucursal de Scranton, pero es reacio a revelar por qué vino en lugar de Ryan; Jim está ansioso por entregar un mensaje hostil a Ryan a través de Troy, pero Troy dice que ahora informa a Wallace en lugar de Ryan, y Jim pregunta "¿Qué está pasando?". Después de que se descubre el video de YouTube de Ryan siendo arrestado por fraude, se le pregunta a Troy si tiene alguna información sobre el arresto, pero simplemente dice: "Quizás sí". Más tarde se lo ve en la película de Michael , Threat Level Midnight , en el episodio del mismo nombre , interpretando a uno de los secuaces de Goldenface. La inicial de su segundo nombre se revela en el sitio web Threat Level Midnight , [12] que se supone que se lee como " troll bajo el puente".

Dado que trabajaba para la oficina corporativa de Dunder Mifflin, se presume que fue despedido de la empresa, junto con todos los demás ejecutivos corporativos, después de que Sabre comprara a Dunder Mifflin. Sin embargo, Troy más tarde reaparece en " Junior Salesman " como uno de los extraños solicitantes de empleo que solicita un puesto de ventas a tiempo parcial en la sucursal de Scranton. Troy exhibe un comportamiento extraño junto con el resto del grupo, como disparar un refresco durante el almuerzo. Más tarde se lo ve en una foto grupal de paintball, levantando el dedo hacia Dwight cuando se revela que la entrevista de Dwight a los solicitantes fue solo una artimaña para evitar que Clark obtuviera el trabajo y se uniera a ellos para hacerle saber a Dwight que lo odiaban permanentemente.


Karen Filippelli

Karen Filippelli ( Rashida Jones ) se presenta como representante de ventas en la sucursal de Stamford de Dunder Mifflin , antes de mudarse a la sucursal de Scranton como parte de una fusión . Durante este tiempo, también sale con Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski ), otro vendedor. En el final de la tercera temporada , ella y Jim viajan a Nueva York para una entrevista para un trabajo en la empresa. Ninguno de los dos consigue el trabajo y ella pronto deja a Jim y Scranton. Más tarde, es vista como gerente regional de Utica.rama donde está embarazada de ocho meses. También se casa con un dermatólogo llamado Dan ( Dan Goor ). Su personaje está basado en Rachel de la versión original de The Office .

En un artículo titulado "Los mejores personajes de la oficina, clasificados" publicado en MSN , Karen ocupó el decimoséptimo lugar. El artículo la describía como "... Empleada inteligente y ambiciosa cuyo único error fue salir con Jim y, por lo tanto, ponerse frente a la imparable locomotora del amor Jim y Pam". [13] Un segundo artículo titulado "La oficina: 5 personajes femeninos que obtuvieron el respeto que merecían (y 5 que no lo hicieron)" publicado en Screen Rant decía "No había nada malo con Karen y, en muchos sentidos, estaba un buen partido para Jim ". [14]

Danny Cordray

Danny Cordray ( Timothy Olyphant ) es un vendedor ambulante de Dunder Mifflin y ex vendedor rival de la empresa. Se le presenta en " The Sting ", donde, después de robar a un cliente potencial, Michael, Dwight y Jim montan una tienda para copiar sus habilidades como vendedor, pero Danny finalmente descubre la operación. Aunque inicialmente está enojado con ellos, decide aceptar la oferta de trabajo de Michael. En " Concurso de disfraces ", impresiona a sus compañeros de trabajo invitándolos a todos a una fiesta de Halloween en una escuela pública., el bar que posee. Cuando Jim descubre que Danny salió brevemente con Pam, mientras él estaba en Stamford, Jim molesta a Danny para que le revele por qué no la devolvió la llamada, y finalmente admite que encontró a Pam "un poco tonta", algo que molesta a Jim más que a él. Pam. Muchos miembros de la oficina lo encuentran muy atractivo, incluida Meredith, que intenta seducirlo. En " Michael's Last Dundies ", gana el Dundie "Hottest in The Office", derrotando al campeón reinante Ryan, y apareció en una escena eliminada, aceptando su premio de imágenes pregrabadas.


AJ ( Rob Huebel ) es un vendedor afable en la sucursal de Nashua que se convierte en el novio de Holly después de que la transfieran allí desde Scranton y rompa su relación con Michael. Michael se encuentra con él en su circuito de conferencias y se siente devastado cuando se entera de que Holly está saliendo con él. Michael grita torpemente a AJ durante su presentación sobre Holly, pero AJ no reacciona. Se le vuelve a ver en el Picnic de la empresa.junto con Holly, con quien todavía está saliendo. AJ le dice a Michael que han comenzado a diseñar una casa para ellos mismos. Michael le hace una serie de insultos en broma a AJ, quien no responde a ellos. Después de la desastrosa presentación de Michael y Holly, junto con el obvio afecto que los dos todavía se tienen, Michael deja que Holly se vaya con AJ con madurez, ya que no va a obligar a que suceda nada entre ellos. Después de que Holly es transferida temporalmente de regreso a Scranton en la séptima temporada, le revela a otras mujeres en la oficina que ella y AJ están pasando por problemas y que está molesta porque él aún no le ha propuesto matrimonio. Cuando AJ sorprende a Holly en la fiesta de Navidad de la oficina en " Classy Christmas", su relación parece sólida, pero poco después le dice a AJ que quiere tomar un descanso entre ellos, termina su relación y comienza a salir con Michael nuevamente.

Ben Nugent

Ben Nugent (con la voz del escritor Lester Lewis ) es el principal vendedor de la sucursal de Utica, a quien Michael llama e intenta sin éxito cazar furtivamente, en el episodio " Branch Wars ". El nombre del personaje se basó en un escritor de la vida real que estaba saliendo con Mindy Kaling cuando se produjo el episodio.

Todd Packer

Todd Packer ( David Koechner ), basado en Chris Finch de la versión británica, es el grosero, alcohólico y sexualmente promiscuo Representante de Ventas Externo, que cuenta chistes obscenos e irrespetuosos, que tienden a ofender a todos excepto a Michael. En el episodio de la temporada 7 " Todd Packer ", solicita un trabajo de escritorio en la sucursal de Scranton, para gran consternación del personal salvo Michael. Jim y Dwight planean deshacerse de él fingiendo que Saber está ofreciendo un trabajo en Tallahassee, Florida, que él acepta. Cuando Michael se entera del engaño, planea decírselo a Packer, pero cuando Packer insulta a Holly, cambia de opinión y finalmente comparte la opinión de los demás de que Packer es "un idiota". En el episodio de la temporada 8 "Tallahassee ", se revela que Packer consiguió un puesto en la oficina de Sabre en Tallahassee, donde trabaja como parte del equipo de proyectos especiales de Nellie Bertram. Sin embargo, fue despedido poco después cuando Jim logró impedir que Dwight presentara el proyecto de la tienda Sabre. a la junta, lo que llevó a Packer a ofrecerse como voluntario para el puesto de vicepresidente, recibiendo la terminación que estaba destinada a Dwight. Hizo una aparición de regreso en la temporada 9 para fingir que estaba enmendando su terrible comportamiento al entregar cupcakes gourmet a su ex compañeros de trabajo, cuando realmente había mezclado las golosinas con una amplia variedad de sustancias nocivas y estaba contento de estar causando graves molestias a las personas que lo despidieron.

Asistentes administrativos

Cathy Simms

Cathy Simms ( Lindsey Broad ) es la joven y atractiva oficinista temporal que estaba reemplazando a Pam mientras estaba de baja por maternidad. Más tarde se revela que su ética es cuestionable. Permaneció empleada en la empresa durante un corto período de tiempo después del regreso de Pam.

Durante su tiempo en la oficina, Cathy mantuvo una presencia bastante discreta, y mientras los miembros del personal que se molestaban en prestarle atención a menudo la difamaban o la burlaban (Dwight en particular), ella pudo encontrar puntos en común con Jim, con con quien desarrolló una relación. Sin embargo, en " Pool Party ", hay sutiles implicaciones que sugieren que sus sentimientos hacia él son más que platónicos. [15] Su enamoramiento por él se confirma finalmente al final de " Proyecto especial ", cuando, después de ser seleccionada para viajar por un viaje de negocios de tres semanas a Florida con Jim y otras cuatro personas, informa en privado a un amigo, a través de su celular. teléfono, de sus intenciones de seducir a Jim, a pesar de su matrimonio e hijos. [dieciséis]En una escena eliminada del mismo episodio, también le preocupa perder su trabajo, ahora que Pam ha regresado, e insinúa que, en el futuro, podría estar lo suficientemente desesperada como para considerar casarse con un hombre que conoce, llamado Doug, solo por el estabilidad financiera que podría proporcionar. [17]

En " After Hours ", Cathy pone en acción su plan para seducir a Jim. Ella aparece en su habitación de hotel, con ropa de ocio bastante escasa, alegando que el equipo de mantenimiento del hotel está trabajando en su habitación. Si bien Jim inicialmente acepta su solicitud de quedarse con él por un tiempo, se siente cada vez más incómodo con su presencia, especialmente después de que ella usa su ducha y reaparece con una bata corta.. Después de que ella le muestra sus piernas, Jim finalmente le dice que está felizmente casado y que no está interesado en ella. En respuesta, Cathy finge estar sorprendida y le dice que no tenía intenciones románticas en absoluto. Avergonzado por aparentemente haber malinterpretado la situación, se disculpa y accede a relajarse. Sin embargo, cuando regresa del baño y la encuentra acostada bajo sus sábanas con la bata en el suelo, exige firmemente que se vaya, a pesar de sus protestas. Luego, Dwight irrumpe con productos químicos para rociar contra las chinches , y Jim le dice que un insecto está siguiendo a Cathy. Dwight procede a perseguirla fuera de la habitación, mientras Jim disfruta de su angustia. [18]

En una escena eliminada del siguiente episodio , ella está molesta porque Jim ahora está actuando de manera incómoda a su alrededor, aunque una entrevista con la cabeza parlante muestra que todavía está bajo la ilusión de que tiene la oportunidad de tener una relación romántica con él. En una entrevista posterior con el objeto de su afecto, Jim le dice al equipo de cámara que cree que ella está "loca". [19] Sin embargo, en " Last Day in Florida ", parece que ya no se preocupa por Jim, ya que se ríe junto con Dwight cuando Dwight lo insulta repetidamente (aunque, también es posible que ella solo estuviera haciendo esto porque Dwight era vicepresidente de Nellie Bertram en ese momento). No se la muestra regresando de Florida con sus compañeros de trabajo [20].y en el siguiente episodio, su escritorio parece estar vacío. [21] El 19 de marzo de 2012, Broad confirmó que Cathy no regresaría, afirmando, a través de un mensaje de Twitter, que "Cathy ha terminado [tentando] en Dunder Mifflin". [22] [23]


Hunter ( Nicholas D'Agosto ) fue el asistente de Jan. Apareció por primera vez en el episodio " The Negotiation ", durante el cual hace que Michael se sienta amenazado por su apariencia juvenil. En " Women's Appreciation ", Hunter escuchó una conversación telefónica sensible entre Michael y Jan, y Jan le dice a Michael que le diga a Hunter si la visitará esa noche, para que pueda comprar más vodka . Se hace otra aparición en " The Job ", en la que se hace incómoda por Michael, cuando se le pide que diga enero que "[Él] quieren [s] para exprimir ellos ". Después de recibir su despido, Jan le desea suerte a Hunter con su banda y le dice: "Don 'No dejes que te cambien ". En"Dinner Party ", se revela que Ryan despidió a Hunter poco después (tal vez por su complicidad en la negligencia de Jan en su trabajo); sin embargo, Hunter ha lanzado un CD con su banda, The Hunted , lo que implica que pudo haber emprendido una carrera. como músico. La letra de una de las canciones, titulada "That One Night", así como el comportamiento de Jan cuando la escucha, parecen implicar que Hunter pudo haber tenido relaciones sexuales con Jan, y posiblemente perdió su virginidad.a ella. En el sitio web de Jan, "", enumera una vela como "Verde cazador" y escribe: "Esta fragancia firme y juvenil te hará la boca agua. Mientras diseñaba esta vela, me sentí como una universitaria de nuevo. Al igual que Eve fue tentado por una manzana decadente, serás tentado por el aroma más erótico de mi colección, 'Hunter Green' ", [24] implicando además una relación sexual entre ellos. En el episodio de la temporada 9 " La ballena ", nos enteramos de que Hunter tenía 17 años cuando trabajaba para Jan.


Rolando ( Adam Jamal Craig ) es el recepcionista de la sucursal de Dunder Mifflin, Utica. Aparece por primera vez en " Branch Wars " y reaparece en " Lecture Circuit ", en el que saluda a Michael y Pam cuando llegan a la sucursal de Utica, y también se burla de la sugerencia de Michael de que los dos recepcionistas tengan una "cita de amigos".


Stephanie (Laurel Coppock) es una amigable recepcionista en la sede de Sabre, que aparece en el episodio de la octava temporada, " Trivia ". Cuando Dwight detiene físicamente a Gabe, porque rechazó burlonamente el lanzamiento de Dwight, Stephanie ignora los gritos de ayuda de Gabe, lo que permite que Dwight continúe acosando a él, sin interrupciones. [25]

Jordan Garfield

Jordan Garfield ( Cody Horn ) fue el nuevo asistente ejecutivo contratado por Deangelo Vickers en " The Inner Circle ", principalmente para demostrarle al personal que no era sexista. No tenía experiencia en negocios y poca experiencia, lo que hizo que sus compañeros de trabajo asumieran que Deangelo la contrató por su apariencia de modelo. [5] En " Dwight K. Schrute, gerente (interino) ", Dwight le informó que sus compañeros de trabajo la ven como una broma porque solo la contrataron por su apariencia; parecía irritada pero no particularmente sorprendida. [6] En una escena eliminada, su comportamiento cuando habla con el equipo de cámara sobre Jim implica que estaba enamorada de él. [26]

Jordan no se ve en la octava temporada, sin explicación de qué fue de ella. Paul Lieberstein luego confirmó que ella no regresaría al programa, pero no explicó por qué. [27]


Ronni ( Dale Raoul ) fue el reemplazo temporal de Pam como recepcionista, contratado cuando Pam fue a la escuela de arte en la ciudad de Nueva York en el episodio " Pérdida de peso ". Durante su corto tiempo en la oficina, Ronni rápidamente se volvió impopular; Michael no la apreciaba abiertamente y, durante una fiesta en la oficina, su pregunta "¿Alguien quiere bailar?" fue recibido con unánime disgusto. Michael más tarde la despidió y la reemplazó con Ryan, en parte porque Michael había sentido que ella era "aburrida". Más tarde hace un cameo en el episodio " Reunión de accionistas ", en un flashback.

Empleados del almacén

Roy Anderson

Roy Anderson (interpretado por David Denman ) es un trabajador portuario de almacén en la sucursal de Scranton del distribuidor de papel ficticio Dunder Mifflin . Estuvo comprometido con la recepcionista de la oficina Pam Beesly durante tres años cuando comienza la serie. También tenía una buena amistad con el capataz del almacén Darryl Philbin, que más tarde se muestra cuando está tomando cervezas con él, Jim Halpert y los otros trabajadores del almacén durante el episodio " Crime Aid ". A menudo comparte el típico humor obrero del almacén. Aunque generalmente escrito como grosero, desconsiderado y egoísta, su personaje es algo menos cruel y verbalmente abusivo que su contraparte del Reino Unido.

Lonny Collins

Lonnis "Lonny" Collins ( Patrice O'Neal ) es un trabajador portuario. Lonny se une a su amigo Darryl en demostraciones abiertas de irritación e intimidación hacia Michael. Se convirtió en un partidario vocal de Darryl al tratar de establecer un sindicato, citando el bajo salario que reciben en comparación con los empleados de oficina. Es mejor conocido por gritarle a Michael después de que Michael destrozó todo el almacén. También insultó a Michael frente al personal durante el seminario de capacitación en seguridad de Darryl, después de que Michael interrumpiera con frecuencia la presentación con su repugnancia y se burlara de Michael nuevamente durante la conferencia de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo del personal de la oficina. Kelly lo insulta, refiriéndose a él como " Sea Monster " porque tiene sobrepeso.

Madge Madsen

Madge Madsen ( Karly Rothenberg ) es una trabajadora portuaria. Madge es una empleada del almacén que jugó contra el equipo de la oficina durante el juego de " Baloncesto " (lo que llevó a Michael a referirse a ella como "la chica de Alemania del Este "). Cuando Michael llevó a los trabajadores de oficina al almacén por un "tiempo de hombres", Madge se excusó del procedimiento. Al principio, Michael no entendió por qué se iba, lo que indica que no se había dado cuenta de que era una mujer. Michael confundió su nombre llamándola "Pudge" y más tarde "Padge", sin saber su nombre real. Michael y Dwight le robaron el uniforme cuando salían a bromear con la sucursal de Utica durante " Branch Wars", y Jim terminó usándolo durante todo el fiasco. Madge hace una breve aparición en" Heavy Competition "cuando Dwight la confunde con Michael mientras pasaba junto a él. En" Secret Santa ", se revela que los empleados del almacén se refieren a ella como "Garfield" por su afecto por la lasaña. En el " Concurso de disfraces ", después de que los trabajadores del almacén pueden hacer ventas, se dice que Madge había hecho su primera venta. Cuando ella y el resto de los empleados del almacén ganan casi una millones de dólares en un billete de lotería ganador durante " Lotto ", Madge renuncia a su trabajo en el acto.


Glenn (Calvin Tenner) es un trabajador portuario. Aparece por primera vez en " Sexual Harassment ", donde ve un video de acoso sexual enviado desde la empresa, y reaparece en " Boys and Girls ", cuando Michael ofrece un seminario en el almacén para todos los miembros masculinos del personal. En " Grief Counseling ", después de que Michael celebra el funeral de un pájaro fallecido (que, en realidad, representa su dolor por el reciente fallecimiento de su antiguo jefe, Ed Truck), y el " ataúd " improvisado del pájaro se incendia, Dwight ordena Glenn y Phillip para limpiar las cenizas quemadas. En el estreno de la cuarta temporada , participa en Michael's Fun Run for Rabies, y parece haber sido la segunda persona en cruzar la línea de meta. En " Weight Loss , Andy Bernard escupe en su zapato antes del pesaje. En" Secret Santa ", asiste a la fiesta de Navidad de la oficina, y en" St. Patrick's Day ", le dice a Darryl que regrese a su oficina en el Warehouse. En " The Cover Up ", se le ve hablando con Darryl en su oficina, donde Darryl le dice "Mira, ya no estoy allí, así que si los chicos empiezan a burlarse de ti, debes empezar a ponerte de pie por sí mismo". En ' Lotto ', renunció a su trabajo, junto con el resto de la tripulación Almacén, cuando ganan la lotería . él también lunaslos empleados de la sucursal de Scranton cuando el personal de Warehouse se vuelve loco en la oficina después de recibir la noticia de sus ganancias. Tanto él como Hide invierten sus ganancias en una bebida energética para homosexuales asiáticos, que finalmente pierde todo su dinero, lo que hace que los dos le pidan a Darryl que les devuelva sus trabajos en " Free Family Portrait Studio ". Más tarde aparece en "Lice" con su etiqueta con su nombre que ahora dice Glenn.

En sus primeras apariciones, la etiqueta con el nombre del personaje decía Lester , aunque esto se cambió en episodios posteriores.

Jerry DiCanio

Jerry DiCanio ( Matt DeCaro ) es un trabajador portuario mayor. En el episodio " Baloncesto ", Michael, sabiendo que su equipo está ganando, afirma que el golpe con el codo inadvertido de Jerry en la cara de Michael es una falta intencional. Michael luego declara que su juego "amistoso" ha llevado a la violencia, y termina abruptamente el juego, declarando a su equipo ganador. Casi una década después, en el episodio de la novena temporada " Work Bus ", se menciona que Jerry ha muerto.


Phillip (Phillip Pickard) es otro trabajador portuario mayor. Aparece por primera vez en " Basketball ", y luego se lo ve en " The Alliance ". Él está presente cuando Michael lleva a cabo un seminario en el Almacén para todos los miembros masculinos del personal, en " Niños y niñas ", y también está presente en el Almacén durante la " Noche de Casino ". En " Grief Counseling ", después de que Michael celebra un funeral por un pájaro fallecido y el " ataúd " improvisado del pájaro se prende fuego, Dwight ordena a Philip y Glenn que limpien las cenizas quemadas. Más tarde aparece en una escena eliminada en " The Merger ", también está presente en Bob Vance 's despedida de soltero en el almacén en el episodio "Ben Franklin ", y también asiste a la fiesta de inventario en" Back from Vacation ". Phillip es visto por última vez en" Safety Training ", asistiendo a los seminarios de seguridad de almacén y oficina.


Michael (Lamont Ferrell) es un trabajador portuario que una vez llevó a Michael Scott a casa, quedando atascado durante una hora en el tráfico, solo para descubrir que Michael había olvidado su nombre la semana siguiente en " Stress Relief ".


Matt ( Sam Daly ) trabaja en el almacén de Dunder Mifflin. Se presume que comenzó a trabajar allí poco antes de diciembre de 2009. Se revela en " Secret Santa " que Oscar está secretamente enamorado de él, y que Matt también es gay . Pam se pasa toda la fiesta de Navidad tratando de que Oscar y Matt se unan. En el episodio " Happy Hour", Oscar invita al personal del almacén y a la oficina a tomar algo en un esfuerzo por pasar el rato con Matt. La única interacción real entre los dos es cuando Matt invita a Oscar a jugar baloncesto con él, lo que Oscar acepta con gusto a pesar de que es terrible en baloncesto, lo que confirma la impresión precisa de Darryl de que Matt no tiene nada en común con Oscar. Después de ese punto, Matt ya no aparece en el programa.

Hidetoshi Hasagawa

Hidetoshi "Hide" Hasagawa (Hidetoshi Imura) es un trabajador portuario japonés. Se lo ve por primera vez en el episodio de la primera temporada " Basketball ", y posteriormente Darryl lo presenta al equipo de cámara en el episodio de la sexta temporada " Happy Hour ".

Hide afirma que una vez fue un cirujano cardíaco de Japón, y se jacta de ser "el mejor" debido a sus manos firmes. Realizó una cirugía para un jefe de Yakuza , que necesitaba un corazón nuevo . Sin embargo, el jefe de Yakuza murió durante la operación. Hide huyó de la Yakuza, se escondió en un barco de pesca y escapó a América, donde Darryl lo contrató y "le salvó la vida". Hide luego revela que mató al jefe de Yakuza a propósito.

En " Body Language ", con la ayuda de Dwight, solicita el programa de formación ejecutiva de minorías de Sabre , pero pierde el puesto ante Kelly.

En " Lotto " , Hide es uno de los empleados del almacén que comparte un billete de lotería ganador de un millón de dólares. Triunfante, inmediatamente deja su trabajo. Apesadumbrado, Darryl contrata nuevo personal de almacén para reemplazar a los que renuncian, y se pregunta celosamente cómo el antiguo personal de almacén invertirá sus ganancias. Darryl reflexiona que Hide usará su dinero para hacer una bebida para los homosexuales asiáticos.

En " Free Family Portrait Studio ", Hide y Glenn pierden sus ganancias después de que fracasa su inversión en bebidas energéticas, y le ruegan a Darryl por sus trabajos anteriores. En el episodio de la temporada 9 " The Target ", Hide hace una breve aparición mirando con impaciencia y ridiculizando a Pam mientras pinta el mural de su almacén.

Gary Trundell

Antiguo trabajador de almacén que se fue antes del inicio de la serie. Se revela en Branch Closing que aceptó acostarse con Meredith el último día de trabajo.

Val Johnson

Val Johnson ( Ameenah Kaplan ) es una nueva trabajadora del almacén, que apareció por primera vez como candidata en el episodio " Lotto ". En " Doomsday ", tanto Gabe como Darryl se sienten atraídos por ella; cuando Gabe la invita a salir, ella declina cortésmente y le dice que no sale con compañeros de trabajo, lo que hace que Darryl decida no perseguirla como más que una amiga. [28] En " Pam's Replacement ", felicita a Andy, Darryl y la banda de Kevin, y luego les ayuda a darse cuenta de que Robert California y sus amigos los han expulsado de su banda original. [29] En " Deseos de Navidad", Darryl la invita a la fiesta de Navidad de la oficina. Sin embargo, ella llega vestida formalmente, habiendo entendido mal la declaración de Darryl sobre el código de vestimenta. Aunque se siente avergonzada, Darryl la convence de quedarse vistiéndose con un esmoquin . [30] En" Proyecto especial " . ", ella teje un gorro para Darryl para un regalo del Día de San Valentín. Darryl cree que esto es una señal de afecto, pero luego descubre que ella tejió un gorro para todos en el almacén. Más adelante en el episodio, Val le miente a Darryl y trata de convencer le dijo que su madre le había regalado un jarrón de flores, pero Darryl había descubierto antes que fue su novio quien las envió. Esto luego convence a Darryl de que el sombrero es un "gorro de amor". [16] En " After Hours"", Brandon, el novio de Val, llega a la sucursal de Scranton y acusa a Darryl de tener una aventura con su novia, después de haberle leído los mensajes de texto de Darryl. Después de leer sus mensajes de texto en voz alta, todos están de acuerdo en que sus mensajes de texto son sugerentes de Darryl. queriendo estar con Val, pero ambos lo ignoran como ridículo. Sin embargo, cuando están solos, Darryl le dice a Val que una relación potencial no es ridícula, dejándola conmocionada. [18] En el final de la octava temporada, " Estudio de retrato familiar gratuito", Darryl les declara a Val y Brandon que la está persiguiendo oficialmente. Mientras Brandon insulta a Darryl por esto, Val parece impresionada por la bravuconería de Darryl. Más tarde, cuando Darryl se está retratando con su hija, Jada, invita a Val a estar en Ella se une a ellos y agarra cariñosamente la mano de Darryl. [31] Su relación continúa en la temporada 9, con Val acompañando a Darryl a la boda de su ex compañero de trabajo Roy, en la madrugada.

Nate Nickerson

Nate N. Nickerson [32] ( Mark Proksch ) es un trabajador de almacén tonto, pero bien intencionado, que solía ser el manitas de Dwight. Se le presenta en la apertura del episodio de la temporada 7 " Sex Ed ", cuando Dwight lo contrata de un grupo de inmigrantes indocumentados jornaleros y le pide que retire un avispero del estacionamiento de Dunder Mifflin (lo que intenta hacer usando un soplete y luego un bate de béisbol, lo que provocó que le picaran gravemente). Nate responde a Dwight en un español muy entrecortado cuando los dos se conocen por primera vez, aunque más tarde parece haberse vuelto más fluido cuando traduce para Dwight en " Jury Duty ". En " ", ayuda a Dwight a ejecutar la atracción Hay Place en el estacionamiento. En "porcelana", ayuda a Dwight a convertir el papel higiénico de la oficina en media capa como medida de reducción de costos, y lo acompaña a ver el" nuevo edificio "que Pam afirma haber encontrado. En la inauguración de" Classy Christmas ", toma la foto de Navidad del personal. Nate reaparece en el episodio " Lotto " de la temporada 8 , donde solicita un puesto en el almacén con Dunder Mifflin después de que el resto del personal del almacén se retira. En este episodio se revela que tiene un problema de audición. . Se le ve trabajando en el almacén en " Doomsday ". También aparece en varios episodios de la temporada 9, incluido el final de la serie, aunque parte de su actuación en el episodio 9, " Dwight Christmas " fue guardada en la memoria en 2020.[33]


Gideon (Michael Daniel Cassady) es un trabajador portuario a tiempo parcial. Aparece por primera vez en " Lotto ", como solicitante de un puesto en el almacén, para el que finalmente fue contratado, y reaparece en el episodio " Doomsday ". Como se mencionó en su episodio de debut, tiene un doctorado y está estudiando la disminución de la fuerza laboral de cuello azul en América del Norte . Además de su trabajo en Warehouse, también trabaja como profesor.


Bruce (Mike Winfield) es un trabajador portuario muy extravagante . Aparece por primera vez en " Lotto " como solicitante de un puesto en el almacén, para el que finalmente fue contratado, y reaparece en " Doomsday ", donde inquieta a Gabe con un saludo extremadamente entusiasta.


Frank ( Brad William Henke ) es un trabajador de almacén truculento y rebelde, que desfigura el mural de Pam pintando imágenes obscenas en él, en el episodio " VandalismoPam inicialmente trata de ser cortés y hablar con él, junto con Toby y Nellie, pero Frank es muy irrespetuoso con ellos y no se disculpa por lo que hizo, ya que no tienen autoridad sobre él. Luego, Pam y Dwight toman venganza pintando cuadros infantiles en su amada camioneta (aunque con pintura lavable). Frank, indignado por la venganza, luego se enfrenta a Pam en el estacionamiento, donde muestra señales de que la va a agredir físicamente. Antes de tener la oportunidad, sin embargo, Brian, el operador del micrófono boom del equipo del documental, rompe el protocolo e interviene golpeando al empleado del almacén en la cara con su micrófono. Los dos terminan en una pelea, pero Frank es refrenado por otros dos documentalistas. Al final, la audiencia se entera de que tanto Frank como Brian han sido despedidos de Dunder Mifflin y del documental,respectivamente.

Otros empleados

Louanne Kelley

Louanne Kelley trabajó en el anexo junto con Toby y Kelly. Tenía el escritorio cerca de la puerta de la cocina que mira hacia el escritorio de Toby. No tenía líneas y solo se la ve de pasada en las tres primeras temporadas. En la temporada 1, su cabello es rojo, pero en la temporada 2, se la ve con el pelo gris. No participa en reuniones ni en casi ningún otro evento. Nunca se la volvió a ver después del episodio de la temporada 3 Back from Vacation , pero su escritorio y otras pertenencias aparentemente todavía están en uso.

Devon White

Devon White ( Devon Abner ) es empleado de oficina en Relaciones con proveedores. Es un empleado de oficina que se sienta frente a Creed (quien es directamente responsable de hacer que despidan a Devon, para salvar su propio trabajo). Devon (vestido como un vagabundo) es despedido a regañadientes por Michael en " Halloween" , y se lo toma mal, rompiendo una calabaza en el coche de Michael en represalia. El episodio marca su único diálogo frente a la cámara. Cuando Michael recibe más tarde un bono de Navidad de $ 3,000 en " Christmas Party " porque Dunder Mifflin ahorró dinero mediante la reducción de personal, considera llamar a Devon para agradecerle, diciendo que "salió algo bueno".

Devon también es advertido por Dwight en " The Dundies " para que su discurso sea breve. Una escena eliminada del " Día de la diversidad " muestra a Devon con un letrero de "West Nile" en la frente, mientras se escapa del seminario para fumar. Una escena eliminada del " Día de San Valentín " muestra a Michael caminando por la calle en la ciudad de Nueva York, cuando un peatón aparentemente sin hogar parece reconocerlo y luego lo persigue por la calle. En la siguiente escena, Michael revela que era Devon quien lo perseguía, y sin idea refleja que fue agradable volver a ver a Devon y cerrar toda su historia. En el final de la serie, se revela que Devon ha sido recontratado por Dwight porque Dwight siempre pensó que era un buen trabajador, irónicamente para reemplazar a Creed.


Kendall (John Hartmann) es el representante de Recursos Humanos de la empresa. Fue mencionado en el episodio " The Job ", durante la entrevista de Jim, por David Wallace, quien lo llamó "un tipo irritante de recursos humanos", e informó a Jim que Kendall probablemente será la única persona que a Jim no le gustará, reflejando la aversión de Michael. Toby. En " Ética empresarial", cuando Holly se entera de que Meredith está intercambiando favores sexuales por descuentos en suministros, Kendall no solo no está molesta por la noticia, sino que cree que Meredith le está haciendo un buen papel a la compañía, y enojada le dice a Holly que no logró obtener la revisión. formularios firmados y le dice que si no puede hacerlo, necesitarán otra conversación. Dada la autoridad de Kendall sobre Holly, es razonable suponer que él no es solo el representante de RR.HH. de la oficina corporativa, sino un representante de RR.HH. de mayor jerarquía. posiblemente el jefe del departamento.

Kendall hace su primera aparición en pantalla en " Stress Relief " y vuelve a aparecer en " Company Picnic ", en la que él y Toby hablan sobre historias pasadas de Recursos Humanos, mostrando una personalidad similar a Toby. Dado que era el representante corporativo de RR.HH., se presume que perdió su trabajo o fue trasladado fuera de Nueva York a una nueva sucursal de Sabre que necesitaba su propia persona de RR.HH. disponible.


Sadiq ( Omi Vaidya ) ofrece soporte técnico . Apareciendo por primera vez en " Vigilancia del correo electrónico ", la gerencia lo envía para enseñarle a Michael cómo monitorear el correo electrónico de la oficina. Sadiq asiste a la barbacoa de Jim (para consternación de Michael, que no fue invitado y todavía no parece confiar en los motivos de Sadiq). En " Fun Run ", Sadiq limpia un virus informático de la computadora de Pam . Es un sij pero le molesta que solo lo clasifique su religión, y en una reunión durante "Fun Run" le dijo que le gusta escuchar hip hop y la radio pública nacional , y que está restaurando un Corvette de 1967.. Cuando la empresa es adquirida por Sabre, Sadiq presuntamente pierde su trabajo, ya que un nuevo técnico de TI, Nick, toma su lugar. Dwight le dice al furioso sucesor de Sadiq, Nick, que les agradaba Sadiq por dos razones: se mantenía en secreto y tenían miedo de enfadarlo porque pensaban que en realidad podría ser un terrorista.


Nick ( Nelson Franklin ) fue el administrador de TI contratado por la empresa Sabre (sin embargo, Franklin hizo un cameo anterior en " Job Fair " como "Graphic Design Guy"). Reservado pero amable, Michael lo considera un " nerd ", y el resto del personal a menudo lo trataba mal, olvidando su nombre e incluso su ocupación dentro de la oficina. Finalmente, renuncia a su trabajo en la final de la sexta temporada para unirse a Teach for America.en Detroit, pero, después de que los empleados una vez más no recuerdan quién es, y Dwight lo insulta, regaña a todo el personal por el mal trato que le dieron y por no tener la cortesía común de tomarse el tiempo para recordar su nombre. Él revela vengativamente una serie de secretos personales que varios miembros de la oficina han mantenido ocultos en sus computadoras, y les da a todos "el dedo " cuando se va. Nick se menciona más tarde, junto con todos los otros exadministradores de TI, en " ", pero solo se lo conoce como " lentes ", lo que demuestra que, incluso después de su iracundo encuentro final con ellos, los empleados de la sucursal de Scranton aún no pueden para recordar su nombre.

La razón detrás de la partida de Nick se debió a que Franklin dejó el programa para protagonizar la breve serie de televisión Traffic Light , que también protagonizó el veterano de Office David Denman .

Tony Gardner

Tony Gardner (Mike Bruner) era un empleado con gafas y obesidad mórbida en la sucursal de Stamford, y es uno de los seis empleados que fueron transferidos a Scranton durante " The Merger ". Tony también tiene tendencia a quejarse, como se muestra en su primera aparición en el " Diwali", cuando sus patatas fritas se atascan en una máquina expendedora y le pide a Karen que use sus" bracitos delgados "para ayudarlo a sacarlos. Antes incluso de conocer a Tony, Dwight intenta persuadir a Michael de que lo despida el primer día en para asustar directamente a los nuevos empleados. El primer día de Tony, apenas puede soportar las payasadas de Michael, pero llega a su punto de ruptura cuando Michael y Dwight intentaron levantar a su gran persona sobre una mesa para una demostración de orientación (Michael se refiere a su pierna como un "corvejón"). Humillado y enojado, Tony renuncia, admitiendo que no estaba completamente seguro de transferirse para empezar, pero principalmente culpando al estilo de gestión de Michael. Michael está tan enojado que anula la renuncia de Tony y lo despide oficialmente.lo que a su vez enfurece a Jan porque el despido significa que Dunder-Mifflin ahora tiene que pagarle a Tony una gran indemnización. Más tarde "Lecture Circuit" Michael regrets firing him and briefly considers finding him and getting closure, but reconsiders because he is "too fat", calling him "Pepperoni Tony" as Pam looks at him with undisguised disgust. Tony has a cameo appearance in Michael's film Threat Level Midnight (in the episode "Threat Level Midnight") as a pianist. In an Question and Answer discussion, show co-star and executive producer B.J. Novak implied that Michael did end up apologizing to Tony, by offering him a role in the movie.[34]

Martin Nash

Martin Nash (Wayne Wilderson) was the Supplier Relations representative at the Stamford branch, and one of the six employees transferred to Scranton in "The Merger". According to a deleted scene from "The Merger", Martin is 37 years old. Before working at Dunder Mifflin, he served time in prison after getting busted for insider trading (which Kevin says is strangely similar to what he does). However, since he was put in a minimum-security facility, Martin claims his time in prison was just really boring. When he was released, he was hired by Josh through a federal reformed convict employment program, which allows Dunder Mifflin to receive rebate checks. Michael made a bad first impression on Martin, when he told the African-American employee, "I will show you where all the slaves work". He attempted to befriend Stanley, but failed. In "The Convict", when Martin's past is revealed to the office, Michael overly stresses his trust in Martin to everyone, worried that people would see him as a racist for looking at him as an ex-convict. However, since Martin's tales from prison were generally positive, everyone actually envies his experience compared to their jobs, frustrating Michael. Martin is the second employee from the Stamford branch to leave because of Michael's management style, particularly after Michael makes his prison sentence the focal point of one of his seminars.

Hannah Smoterich-Barr

Hannah Smoterich-Barr (Ursula Burton) was an Accountant at the Stamford branch, and was one of the six employees transferred to Scranton. In "The Merger", Hannah had unpleasant encounters with Ryan (who found it impossible to concentrate while she was using a breast milk pump) and Creed (who photographed her left breast and made it his computer's desktop wallpaper; Michael at first thinks it's a squid eye, and when he asks how Creed was able to photograph her breast, he replies, "Right place at the right time.") In "The Convict", she dresses her infant son in pink, claiming it's his "favorite color," and is offended when anyone assumes the child is female. In "A Benihana Christmas", Hannah is one of the only employees to attend Angela's Christmas party. Hannah quits her job while Michael is on vacation at Sandals in Jamaica, after complaining of the hostile environment and claiming harassment, making her the third transferred employee from the Stamford branch to quit at Scranton. The character is very similar to Anne from the British series; both are women who have traditionally been presented as likable and friendly on TV shows (Hannah being a new mom, Anne being pregnant), but Hannah and Anne come across as snippy and unlikable. They also only appeared in a few episodes each, with Anne being told off for her nasty attitude, and Hannah quitting under hostile circumstances.

Scranton Regional Manager applicants

In the season 7 finale "Search Committee: Part 2", Jim, Toby and Gabe interview several applicants for the position that had been held by Michael Scott (and briefly filled by Deangelo Vickers). The applicants included Andy, Dwight, Kelly, and Darryl; Nellie Bertram, who was not hired but was later placed in a different position at Sabre; Robert California, who was offered the position and accepted it, only to immediately quit to become CEO of Sabre; and the following others.

  • Fred Henry (Will Arnett) is a meteorologist and Navy veteran. While being interviewed, he claims that he has a three-step plan to double profits at the branch; however, it becomes clear that he is merely bluffing. However, in an interview with the camera crew, it is shown that he remains confident that he will be hired for the job (even though he does not even remember the name of the company, erroneously believing it is "Vance Refrigeration" after glancing at the building tenants list). Paul Lieberstein said at the time that Arnett would have been a top choice to really take the role, but he had filmed a pilot that was likely to get picked up by NBC after his appearance was filmed (that pilot was for the television series Up All Night).
  • Merv Bronte (Ray Romano) is a sad and somewhat depressed man. When in the lobby, Robert California tries to sabotage him by telling him the office staff act like they are prisoners in a dying industry, leaving Merv to question himself if he even wants the job. While riding in the elevator he has a talking-head interview in which he confides to the cameraman "If I get this job offer, I know I'm gonna take it. And if I take it I know I'm never going to quit, and then 25 years are going to go by and...I'm gonna die here." He sabotages his own interview by acting rude and unpleasant. Confused, Toby asks if they had inadvertently done something to upset him. In another talking-head interview after his job interview, he expresses regret over believing "that weirdo in the lobby" (Robert), saying that the people in the office are the nicest people that he has ever met. He later says he feels like he sabotaged himself because he thinks he's afraid of being happy, and then reveals that he was supposed to start another job on the very day he was interviewed.
  • Finger Lakes guy (Jim Carrey) is a nasally voiced and somewhat strange man, who, according to Jim, was one of the top candidates for the job, along with Darryl and Andy. His real name is never revealed, although he is nicknamed "Finger Lakes guy" because he repeatedly mentioned, during his (unseen) interview, that if he is hired, he will need to have his first two weeks off, in order to travel to the Finger Lakes, because, as he reveals to the documentary film crew, he snuck away from his family while vacationing in the Finger Lakes in order to interview for the job, and needs to return soon, as his family will begin to worry about him, because "People disappear in the Finger Lakes."
  • David Brent (Ricky Gervais) is a former office manager for Wernham Hogg Paper in Slough, England (as seen in the original UK version of the series). He appears at the beginning of the seventh-season episode "The Seminar", in which he meets Michael Scott outside an elevator, trades racist jokes with him, and asks whether there are any openings at Dunder Mifflin. In "Search Committee", he applies for the Regional Manager position via videoconferencing from the UK.
  • Miserly Man (Warren Buffett) is an elderly applicant, who, during his interview, displays a very penny-pinching attitude (which is meant to parody the fact that his portrayer is a billionaire investor) and haggles with the search committee over whether the company would reimburse him for gas costs if he had to do any excessive traveling on business, then cryptically asks if Dunder Mifflin monitors long-distance phone calls.

Family, friends, and loved ones

Pam and Jim's children

  • Cecelia Marie "CeCe" Halpert (portrayed by Mia Cavolic and twins Baily and Sienna Strull) is Jim and Pam's daughter, in real life named after Jenna Fischer's niece. Pam's pregnancy is discovered in the fifth-season finale "Company Picnic", and she gives birth to CeCe in the sixth-season episode, "The Delivery", on March 4, 2010, after 19 hours of labor. Jim jokingly states that CeCe was conceived in a porta-potty at Burning Man. CeCe makes appearances in several episodes throughout the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth seasons.
  • Philip Halpert is Pam and Jim's infant son, named after Pam's grandfather (to Angela's rage, as she wanted Pam to give up the name so she could have it for herself in tribute to her favorite cat). In the eighth-season premiere, Pam is approximately eight months pregnant, and she and Jim reveal to the camera crew that they are expecting a boy. Unlike with his older sister, there was no episode focusing on Philip's birth; it was instead announced on a blog.[35]

Jim's family/loved ones

  • Gerald (Robert Pine) and Betsy Halpert (Perry Smith) are Jim's parents. In "Frame Toby", Jim purchases their house, where he grew up, for him and Pam to live in. They first appear on-screen in "Niagara", where they attend their son's wedding to Pam. During the ceremony, Gerald can be seen wearing a kilt.
  • Thomas (Blake Robbins) and Peter Halpert (Tug Coker) are Jim's obnoxious older brothers who, like him, possess a great love for practical jokes. They first appear in "Employee Transfer", in which they have lunch with their brother and his fiancée. However, unbeknownst to Jim, Pam met with them before lunch to clue them in on a prank she would be playing on him, but Tom and Pete instead decided to make fun of her interest in art, as opposed to Pam's idea of losing her engagement ring. During lunch, they make numerous insults towards her art career, causing Jim to come to her defense. After the argument escalates, Tom and Pete reveal it to be a prank, with Pam awkwardly confirming this. Afterward, Jim receives a text message from them welcoming Pam into the family, and Pam suggests they should "prank" Tom about being bald over Thanksgiving. They later reappear in "Niagara", attending Jim and Pam's wedding, for which they (along with Michael and Dwight) organize to have everyone dance down the aisle in the style of the viral video, JK Wedding Entrance Dance.
  • Katy Moore (Amy Adams) is a handbag saleswoman, who stops by the office in the season one finale, "Hot Girl". Upon seeing her, both Michael and Dwight are instantly attracted to her, with Michael commenting that she is like the "Pam 6.0", and Dwight considering her to be the ideal woman. Michael and Dwight each make a move on her; Michael flirts with her aggressively, and Dwight shows interest in purchasing a handbag. However, she ignores their advances, and begins dating Jim,[36] a relationship that only lasted for a few months. After Pam and Roy decide to set a date for their wedding, a devastated Jim breaks up with Katy in "Booze Cruise", cuando él admite descortésmente que los dos nunca estarán tan profundamente enamorados como Roy y Pam parecen estar al verlos juntos. Junto con Toby, Katy se graduó de Bishop O'Hara High School , donde estaba una animadora . ella bonos con Roy en la bebida crucero, cuando se dan cuenta de que iban a las escuelas secundarias rivales, y se animaron a partidos contra el fútbol equipo de Roy juega en. [37] de acuerdo con una pregunta y discusión con respuesta BJ Novak, originalmente escribió para que ella apareciera en la película de Michael, Threat Level Midnight , como una " fulana" that Michael's character, Michael Scarn, would have unsatisfying sex with and reflect on how much he missed his late, sexually voracious wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones Scarn. Katy would have then appeared in a subsequent talking-head interview, where she would have expressed embarrassment over the role, but also talk about how she had been interested in pursuing an acting career at the time. The character's reappearance was prevented by Adams' lack of availability.

Pam's family/friends

  • Helene Beesly (Shannon Cochran in Season 2, Linda Purl in Seasons 6, 7 and 9) is Pam's mother. Pam gets excited when Helene comes to visit her at work in "Sexual Harassment". Helene appears to get along with Roy very well, but is eager to meet Jim after Pam talked about him in private. In "Stress Relief", it is revealed Helene and Pam's father William are going through a rough patch in their marriage and it eventually ends in divorce after Jim confesses to William his deep and abiding love for Pam, a feeling that William never felt with Helene. In "Niagara", Helene llega a la boda y se molesta cuando William viene con una nueva novia que tiene la mitad de su edad. Helene se apiada de Michael cuando habla de sus relaciones pasadas y lo invita a su habitación después de la boda. En" The Lover " , Michael les confirma a Jim y Pam que está saliendo con Helene, para gran horror y enojo de Pam. Pam mantiene una actitud hostil hacia su relación hasta que salen a almorzar por el cumpleaños de Helene en " Double Date ", donde ve que Helene está feliz. con Michael. Sin embargo, cuando Michael se entera de que Helene está cumpliendo 58 años y que ya ha hecho muchas cosas que Michael aún no ha hecho, rompe con ella delante de Jim y Pam. En " The Delivery", Helene comes to visit Pam at the hospital after she gives birth and has an awkward moment with Michael.
Michael later visits her at a playground in "Sex Ed", where he attempts to discuss their past relationship and see if what they had was genuine. She bitterly points out his skewed sense of memory, to which Michael responds by insulting her and then walking off. Helene appears in three more episodes after that: in "Christening, where she is seen in the background attending CeCe's christening; in "The Search", with a voice-only part where she calls Jim on his cell phone to tell him that she unintentionally locked CeCe in her car (with the keys inside it); and in "Threat Level Midnight", where she is briefly seen in Michael's titular homemade film as a slutty nurse (to Pam's obvious discomfort). Helene now spends her days watching Jim and Pam's children while the two are at work. In "Lice" she inadvertently revealed that Pam, not Meredith (as everyone assumed), was responsible for spreading lice to the office after calling Pam at work to inform her that Cece's school had discovered she had lice.
Shannon Cochran portrayed Helene in "Sexual Harassment", but she was unavailable to return in Season 6 because she was committed to a 12-month stage production tour of August: Osage County, so she was replaced by Linda Purl.
  • William Beesly (Rick Overton) is Pam's father. He first appears in "Stress Relief", where he stays at Pam and Jim's house after an argument with Helene. After a conversation with Jim, William decides to separate from Helene; he later reveals he was motivated by realizing he had never loved her as much as Jim loves Pam.[38] He reappears in "Niagara", attending Jim and Pam's wedding, where he is accompanied by his considerably younger new girlfriend, whom Jim mistakes for his niece.
  • Penny Beesly (Anna Camp) is Pam's sister. She appears in "Niagara", where she is the maid of honor at Pam and Jim's wedding. When Pam introduces her to Oscar and Kevin, she manages to unintentionally offend the former when she mistakes the latter for his ex, Gil. When the ceremony is interrupted by the JK Wedding Entrance Dance recreation, she is apologetic to Pam for allowing it to happen, but Pam encourages her sister to dance down the aisle along with everyone else.
Camp would later go on to star with Mindy Kaling in her show The Mindy Project.
  • Sylvia (Peggy Stewart), known as "Meemaw" to her family, is Pam's conservative grandmother, whom Pam describes as the only elderly woman at her wedding "with no smile wrinkles". She first appears in "Niagara", where she travels to Niagara Falls for Jim and Pam's wedding. But, after Jim inadvertently reveals that Pam is pregnant, she refuses to attend, until Michael is able to convince her to do so by falsely telling her that Jim and Pam will name their baby after her (or "Sylvio", if it is a boy). She reappears in "Christening", where she attends CeCe's christening.
  • Alex ( Rich Sommer ) es un estudiante del Instituto Pratt en la ciudad de Nueva York que rápidamente se hace amigo de Pam durante su pasantía de verano. Los dos comparten un par de bromas sobre dos de los profesores de " Pérdida de peso ". Hace otra aparición en " Customer Survey ", donde intenta convencer a Pam de que no regrese a Scranton, sino que se quede en Nueva York para seguir su carrera en el arte. Se indica que se siente atraído por Pam y que ve a Jim de la misma manera que Jim ve a Roy. En una entrevista con USA Today , Sommer reveló que su personaje originalmente estaba destinado a ser un obstáculo potencial para la relación de Jim y Pam, pero la reacción de los fanáticos a esta historia fue tan abrumadoramente negativa, que los escritores abandonaron la idea.[39]
  • Isabel Poreba (Kelen Coleman) is a dental hygienist who attends Jim and Pam's wedding as a bridesmaid, where she has sex with Dwight. The night before the wedding, she takes a liking to Dwight when he talks about his farm and the two end up having a one-night stand. She develops a crush on Dwight, which shocks Pam. However, Dwight blows her off on the day of the wedding when she tries to talk to him. In "The Delivery", Isabel visits Pam and Jim in the hospital after Pam gives birth, where they find that Pam had breastfed the wrong baby. Isabel leaves to drop some food at Jim and Pam's house where Dwight is fixing their kitchen. Dwight is surprised and asks if he could come in for a cleaning. In "Happy Hour", ella y Dwight comienzan a conocerse mejor ya que los dos comparten intereses similares (los hermanos mayores de Isabel son oficiales de policía o están sirviendo en el USMC ). Dwight decide que Isabel estaría mejor preparada para tener sus hijos que Ángela, con quien él había firmado un contrato para tener un hijo. Cuando Dwight cancela el contrato, Angela se enfrenta a Dwight e Isabel en el estacionamiento. Isabel golpea a Angela en la cabeza y la asusta. Dwight la llama "un espécimen impresionante" y la besa apasionadamente. Se presume que su relación no duró ya que ella no ha sido vista ni mencionada desde entonces.

Familiares / seres queridos de Michael

  • Carol Stills (portrayed by Nancy Carell, Steve Carell's wife) is Michael's real estate agent. She has two children. Michael entertained her kids at an ice-skating rink and she was Michael's date to the casino night. In a deleted scene, it is revealed that after "Casino Night," Michael continued seeing her over the three months in between the second and third seasons.[40] Carol rejected Michael's marriage proposal after they had been on nine dates. In "A Benihana Christmas," after Michael gave her an inappropriate Christmas card of them (which was actually a family photo with Michael's face superimposed over Carol's ex-husband) she rejects his Christmas gift of two tickets to Jamaica and breaks up with him. In a deleted scene from that episode, Carol responds to Michael's question on the phone of what he did wrong with a very long list of complaints, and when Michael asks what he did right, she hangs up on him. In the seventh season, in the episode "Sex Ed", Michael tells Carol he has herpes. She doesn't think it's herpes, and when Michael asks her if he romanticizes his relationships, she says that is definitely the case. In "Finale," she is revealed to have been showing Jim and Pam's house for the past two months, Pam having put the house up for sale so she and Jim can move to Austin, Texas to pursue Jim's new career as an entrepreneur.
  • Donna Newton (Amy Pietz) is the manager of the bar "Sid & Dexter". She first appears in "Happy Hour", where she reprimands Michael for his disruptive behavior in her establishment. She asks him to leave, but he refuses, and she eventually gives up on the matter. Michael goes over to talk to her, and they argue at first, but then they engage in a conversation, and begin flirting with one another. She reappears in "Body Language", en el que ella visita la oficina para comprar equipo de oficina. Jim y Pam se unen como sus representantes de ventas, pero su discurso se ve socavado por las interrupciones coquetas de Michael. Michael pronto se hace cargo de la presentación de ventas, pero rápidamente no está seguro de si ella el coqueteo demuestra un interés genuino en él o simplemente una estratagema para obtener un precio más bajo. Después de que Donna sale de la oficina, ella deja un pasador , que Michael le devuelve en el estacionamiento. Michael se disculpa por su comportamiento, solo para descubrir que Donna está realmente interesado en él, y los dos comparten un beso. Sin embargo, en " The Cover-Up", their relationship begins to weaken after Michael suspects that she is cheating on him. Pam later confirms this by showing him pictures that she printed off Donna's Facebook page, which show her and another man kissing. When Michael confronts Donna about this, she reveals that her relationship with Michael is actually an extramarital affair. In the next episode, after hearing of Michael's situation, the office staff tells him that he should break up with her, because she is cheating on her husband, but Michael rejects their pleas. The employees retaliate by showing feelings of disgust toward him for his actions, which causes him to realize the error of his ways, and he officially ends his relationship with Donna, via a text message. In "Sex Ed", after Michael discovers that he may have herpes (but it is simply an ingrown hair, not genital herpes), he contacts all of his past lovers, starting with Donna. He calls her, and while she is initially pleased to hear from him, she is mortified when he reveals his STD to her, as she fears that he may have transmitted it to her.
  • Lucas "Luke" Cooper (Evan Peters) is the son of Michael's half-sister, from whom he had been estranged from 1995 to 2010, as a result of losing Luke in a forest as a child. In order to make amends for the incident, Michael hired him as the new office assistant sometime between the episodes "Whistleblower" and "Nepotism", although he quickly proved himself inept at his new occupation. Luke is particularly disrespectful during a meeting, so Michael loses his temper and roughly spanks Luke, who is humiliated and tearfully leaves the office.

Dwight's family/friends/loved ones

  • Mose Schrute (portrayed by writer Michael Schur) is Dwight's cousin, who lives with Dwight at the Schrute family beet farm. In "The Injury", Michael refers to Mose as Dwight's "weirdo cousin" who is "27 years old [and has] never left the beet farm." Mose wears an Amish-esque beard and clothing, and speaks and behaves in a very naive and childlike manner, at times even appearing mentally unstable and very socially awkward. The source of his mental imbalance was somewhat explained in the episode "St. Patrick's Day", when Dwight explains to the camera crew, "I didn't see my father for the first two years of my life. I thought my mother was my father, and my wet nurse was my mother... Turned out fine for me. But Mose, same story... different ending". In "Money", Dwight informs Jim that Mose has had nightmares ever since "the storm". In the same episode, Mose is also shown, in the background, throwing manure at Dwight in the beet fields. Like Dwight, Mose is a skilled table tennis player, as seen at the end of "The Deposition". In "Did I Stutter?", El organigrama de Dwight muestra que Mose (que ni siquiera está empleado en la oficina) está a cargo de Heindl, Shirley, Vater y Mutter." Vater "y" Mutter "significan en alemán" padre "y" madre ", y Heindl y Shirley son el tío y la tía de Mose. En " Jury Duty ", Dwight dice que a Mose nunca le han enseñado qué es el sexo. En " Tallahassee ", Dwight graba un mensaje para su presunto hijo, Phillip Lipton, y afirma que, si muere, Phillip es el heredero legítimo de Schrute Farms, pero le advierte que mate a Mose, antes de que Mose pueda matarlo.
Mose aparece por primera vez en " Iniciación ", en la que participa en los intentos equivocados de Dwight de confundir a Ryan en Schrute Farms. Después de que Ryan se marcha furioso, Dwight intenta presentarle un tallado que hizo Mose, que tiene la forma de la Venus de Willendorf . Más tarde aparece en " Money ", y en el final de la cuarta temporada, " Goodbye, Toby ", en el que ayuda a Dwight a colocar un mapache en el coche de Holly Flax. También aparece en " The Surplus ", y en el frío abierto de " Koi Pond ". En " Consejería ", se le ve pintando la guardería que Dwight planea abrir en el edificio.También aparece en el episodio de la octava temporada "Garden Party", where, in the role as valet, he forcibly takes Toby's keys and parks the car in a field; he is later shown attempting to jump over a row of cars on a motorbike, in the style of Evel Knievel. In the season 8 finale, "Free Family Portrait Studio", he is used as a distraction to get Angela off of Dwight's tail on his way to the hospital to get the DNA testing of her son's feces, in an attempt to prove that he is indeed the father. In the episode "Junior Salesman", Mose is a candidate for the eponymous position, but flees from the building during his interview when Dwight points out a lie on his resumé that Mose used to work at the Dow Chemical Company. In a prior talking-head interview, Dwight talked about how he believed Mose would be a good fit for the job, as he has papyrophobia (fear of paper), which would motivate him to sell as much paper as he could in order to get rid of it. A comment from his mother, Shirley, in "Moving On", implies that, at one point, he had a sexual relationship with a "lady scarecrow".
  • Fannie Schrute (Majandra Delfino) is Dwight's younger sister, who appeared in the ninth-season episode "The Farm". Described as an attractive and urban, if somewhat pseudo-intellectual, liberal woman with an ironic sense of humor but a great heart,[41] Fannie left Schrute farms in favor of a city life in Boston. She is now divorced, and appears to have full custody of her young son, Cameron, as he stated to Dwight that he has never met his father. While she is the only one of her siblings who is fully opposed to running her aunt Shirley's estate (as Jeb flip-flops between wanting to and not), after she sees that Dwight and Cameron have bonded, she agrees to return to home to run the property with her siblings, though both she and Jeb let Dwight take on the responsibility of managing it.
  • Jeb Schrute (Thomas Middleditch) is Dwight's ne'er-do-well younger brother. After leaving the army, he traveled to northern California, where he purchased a 9-acre pot farm (albeit unknowingly). After the death of his aunt Shirley, he moves back home to Pennsylvania with his siblings in order to care for her estate.
Jeb is first mentioned by his brother in "Dwight Christmas", and appears alongside him via a family photograph from 1982. He made his first live appearance in "The Farm".
  • Cameron Whitman (Blake Garrett Rosenthal) is Fannie's son and Dwight's nerdy and slightly weird 9-year-old nephew. While at first, Dwight is more or less disgusted with him and his city slicker ways, the two later bond when he teaches him how to milk a goat. He appeared in the episode "The Farm".
  • Ziek Schrute (Matt Jones) is Dwight's cousin and Mose's brother, and the self-appointed comedian of the family (since Dwight was the "cool kid" growing up and Mose was "the visionary"). He first appears in the episode "Junior Salesman", interviewing to be Jim's part-time replacement, and reappears in "The Farm".
  • Shirley (Mary Gillis) was Mose's and Zeke's mother and Dwight's aunt, whom he considered to be the closest thing he had to a mom (as his own was very cold and distant, and, ironically, he considered her to be the closest thing he had to an aunt). She makes her first appearance in "Moving On", in which Dwight acquires the help of Angela in order to bathe her. Initially, he wants to merely take his aunt out and spray her with a hose, but Angela talks him into letting her do it in a more dignified manner, and through the process, the two begin to remember their feelings for each other, something that they do not realize they are experiencing mutually until Shirley playfully comments on the chemistry between them. In the subsequent episode, Dwight announces that she has passed on, and, later on, at the funeral, Dwight and his siblings receive a shock when they learn that she willed her estate to them. Their inheritance was to serve as the catalyst for Dwight leaving Dunder Mifflin, in order for Wilson to star in his own spin-off about the character running the farm. Upon review of the episode, however, NBC decided not to pick it up.
  • Heinrich Manheim (Tom Bower) is the Schrute siblings' manipulative, avaricious, malevolent, unhinged and very likely Nazi war criminal great uncle, who was to be a major character in Dwight's spin-off "The Farm".[42] His part was cut from the NBC broadcast of the episode, but he appears in a deleted scene, threatening to kill Dwight unless he relinquishes his inheritance to him, which Dwight fails to take seriously.[43]
  • Henry Bruegger (Allan Havey) is a somewhat stoic neighboring Brussels sprout farmer, who appears in "The Farm", briefly pulling up in his truck to pay his respects at Shirley's funeral. He reappears in the subsequent episode, in which he tries to rope Dwight into co-leasing a tractor with him.
  • Esther Bruegger ( Nora Kirkpatrick ) es una de las cinco hijas de Henry, que aparece en " The Farm ". Ella y Dwight se muestran coqueteando en el funeral de Shirley, y más tarde en el episodio, cuando todo el mundo está fuera en el porche, tocando The Decemberists ' Hijos e Hijas , Dwight deja caer un par de cuervos picos a los pies de Esther - señalando su deseo de cortejarla. Siguiendo la tradición, Esther responde aplastando los picos con su bota. Vuelve a aparecer en " Promociones", visiting Dwight at the office with her sisters and father, the latter of whom tries to get Dwight to co-lease a tractor with him. However, she later explains to Dwight that her father really is trying to take advantage of him, and suggests a better deal he should make, affirming that her feelings for him are genuine and that she was not using him, as Clark had believed and warned the fellow Salesman.
  • Rolf Ahl (James Urbaniak) is introduced in the season 5 finale "Company Picnic" as Dwight's new best friend. Dwight claims to have met him in a shoe store after having heard him "asking for a shoe that could increase his speed and not leave any tracks". Rolf and Dwight appear to share very similar personalities and interests. However, Rolf is much more outspoken than Dwight and at one point during the volleyball game has to be quieted by Dwight after telling David Wallace and Charles Miner from corporate that "You suckers are goin down! They're gonna wipe their asses with your serves! Piss all over your faces!". Dwight is also not happy when Rolf insults Angela for the second time during the volleyball game, by calling her a whore, and he is told by Dwight to "knock it off", a demand to which he (grudgingly) assents. Rolf is also seen again in the episode "The Delivery", where he helps Dwight remodel Jim and Pam's kitchen. Three seasons later, in "Junior Salesman", he interviews for the titular position. Dwight initially believes he would be perfect for the job, however, it soon becomes evident to him that he is not cut out for the paper business. After all of Dwight's applicants leave the office, angry that not one of them were chosen, Rolf warns Dwight not to open any suspicious packages he will be receiving, before backpedaling and telling him to go right ahead, unconvincingly claiming that they are "totally safe". Rolf later appears in the finale at Dwight's bachelor party alongside Mose and Gabor, showing his feud with Dwight was ultimately short-lived.
  • Trevor Bortmen ( Chris Gethard ) es amigo de Dwight. Trabaja como investigador privado autónomo y autónomo y, al igual que Dwight, es un ex alguacil voluntario, después de haber sido despedido de la fuerza por razones desconocidas. Debuta en " The Target", in which Angela hires him to kill Oscar after she finds out about his affair with her husband. While Trevor concedes that her request is "a little crazy", he agrees to the job. However, after Dwight objects to the murder, he convinces Angela to opt for a kneecapping instead. Trevor later arrives at the office, posing as a sandwich delivery man (with the lead pipe he placed in the sandwich being clearly visible), and pursues both Dwight and Oscar after the former rushes the latter out from the building. He manages to ambush the pair outside, but is hesitant once it is time to actually attack Oscar, giving the Accountant the opportunity to take away his weapon, causing Trevor to flee. He later reappears in "Junior Salesman", as one of Dwight's original applicants for the position of being Jim's part-time replacement, however, during his interview, he immediately effaces any confidence Dwight had in him that he would be suitable for the job.
  • Melvina Whitaker [44] ( Beth Grant ) es la ex niñera de Dwight. Ella debuta en " Dinner Party ", en la que actúa como su cita para que el vendedor asista a la cena solo para parejas que organizan Michael y Jan (aunque él sostiene que su relación es puramente carnal). Después de que la tensión entre los dos anfitriones estalla, decide que quiere irse, pero Dwight se niega a llevarla a casa; luego pasa junto a ella en una parada de autobús en un vecindario de aspecto sórdido mientras conduce a Michael a su granja. Ella reaparece años más tarde en la novena temporada, solicitando ser un Vendedor Junior en la oficina, pero finalmente fallece.
  • Ira Glicksberg (Lance Krall) is Dwight's karate sensei, who referees a sparring match between Dwight and Michael, in season 2's "The Fight". He makes a reappearance in the ninth season, interviewing for the position of a junior Salesman, in the episode of the same name. According to his resume released by, he was at one point in his life so obese that he worked as a sumo wrestler.[32]
  • Gabor Csupczyk (Eric Wareheim) is an old friend of Dwight's who was a classmate of his at Chuck Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. According to Dwight, the whole program was actually a con to shanghai the students into doing menial labor, something which Gabor remains oblivious to, believing normal abilities he possesses to be superpowers (e.g. hearing at night and making dogs understand where he points). In his resume, it mentions that he attended Scranton Community College until he was expelled after an accusation that he was using his "psychic powers" to cheat, and that he is the founder (as well as sole member) of The Mutant Fellowship for The Good of All Man Kind.[45]
  • Wolf von Weyler (Will McCormack) is a mentally disturbed friend of Dwight's, who appears as one of his sponsored applicants in "Junior Salesman". He has some homicidal tendencies; Dwight mentioned that Wolf has executed him during their paintball games at point blank range multiple times, even when they were on the same team.

Angela's family

  • Robert Lipton (Jack Coleman), often referred to as "The Senator" by Angela, is a Republican Pennsylvania state senator who resides in Scranton. He first appears in "", where he meets Angela at Dwight's hay festival. The two begin dating shortly after that, and Lipton eventually proposes to her in the seventh-season finale. At the start of the eighth season, they are now married, and she is pregnant with his child, whom she gives birth to in "Jury Duty".
Lipton is a widower, mentioning in his debut episode that his wife has been deceased for a few years. He is also shown to have a young son. However, despite his previous marriage, it was strongly implied in various episodes that Lipton was actually a closeted homosexual, with Oscar several times pointing this out to the cameras. The episode "Fundraiser" hinted that he had become attracted to Oscar, which is later confirmed in "Free Family Portrait Studio", when he asks him why he did not call him after the event, and heavily alludes to his supposed homosexuality.
The two later begin an affair throughout the ninth season, which Angela discovers in "The Whale", briefly causing a rift between Angela and Oscar. The episode "Vandalism" establishes that she has remained with him, although only as a trophy wife.
When the TV series documentary about the Scranton branch is being publicized, Angela and Oscar realize that the senator will be outed as his and Oscar's affair was also documented. Angela later speaks with the senator, who agrees to hold a press conference, and leaves Angela with the impression that they'll suppress any news of his affair with Oscar. However, the senator comes out of the closet live on the press conference to Angela's shock. The senator publicly thanks Oscar for coming to terms with his sexuality, only to blindside Oscar when it's discovered that the senator is in love with his Chief of Staff. As a result, Angela divorces the senator and ends up in a bad living situation thereafter.
  • Phillip Halsted Schrute is Angela's infant son, whom she named after her favorite cat. She gives birth to him in the episode "Jury Duty". However, despite Angela's claim that he was born prematurely, Phillip weighs 9 lb 7 oz (4.3 kg). Angela eventually admits to Oscar that she is lying about the date of conception, as Phillip was conceived out of wedlock. After Dwight is informed of this information, he privately confronts Angela that it is highly probable that he is Phillip's biological father, as he and Angela had sex around the time Phillip was conceived. In "Tallahassee", Dwight reveals that, after he dies, Phillip will inherit Schrute Farms. In the season eight finale, Dwight steals one of Phillip's soiled diapersy lo lleva a un hospital para hacerle la prueba de ADN , para saber si es el padre del niño. En el estreno de la novena temporada, " New Guys ", se revela que no lo es. (Un hecho que confundió a los fanáticos debido al hecho de que NBC eliminó una escena en la que Dwight reflexiona si accidentalmente robó el pañal de Philip Halpert). Cuando el senador sale del armario, él y Angela se divorcian, lo que llevó a Angela y Philip a mudarse a un Apartamento de estudio. En AARM , cuando Dwight cuida a Phillip, comienza a tener sospechas una vez más, sin embargo, Angela lo niega. Sin embargo, cuando Dwight le propone matrimonio a Angela al final del episodio, se revela que Dwight es de hecho el padre de Phillip, como lo confirmó Angela.
  • Bandit, formerly named "Garbage" by Mose (due to the animal's habit of eating garbage), is one of Angela's cats. He first appears in "Dunder Mifflin Infinity", where, after Dwight captures the feral animal from his barn, he presents him to Angela, in an attempt to make up for mercy-killing her cat, Sprinkles. However, Angela declines the gift, and Dwight gets rid of Bandit by releasing him into Bob Vance's office. Andy later captures the cat in the Warehouse, in the episode "Money", and gives him to Angela, which, this time, she accepts. Bandit later reappears in "Stress Relief", when Dwight sets the office on fire, and Angela grabs the cat (who was sleeping in a desk drawer) and yells to Oscar, who is climbing in the ceiling, to save her pet. Unfortunately, when she throws him up to Oscar, Oscar fails to catch him, and Bandit falls through the ceiling. While it was unknown if Bandit had survived the fall, he is later confirmed to be alive, when he makes a cameo in "Two Weeks", chewing on a copier cord. He makes another cameo in "The Delivery", when Jim, proving to the camera crew that he can put a diaper on anything, does so to Bandit, angering Angela. In the ninth-season episode Paper Airplanes, it is implied that Bandit died sometime between them, as she has a cat named Bandit 2.

Angela's sister, "Rachel," also makes an appearance in the finale for Angela's bachelorette party.

Andy's family/loved ones/friends

  • Walter Bernard, Sr. ( Stephen Collins ) y Ellen Bernard ( Dee Wallace ) son los padres ricos, lujosos y fastidiosos de Andy, que ven a Andy como una decepción y, como tal, lo tratan con desdén. Los dos debutaron en " Goodbye, Toby ", donde asistieron a la fiesta de despedida de Toby, y también presenciaron la propuesta de Andy a Angela (aunque, en este episodio, son interpretados por diferentes actores no acreditados, y Walter se llama "Andrew", al igual que su hijo mayor). Varios años después, reaparecen en el episodio " Garden Party ", donde asisten a la fiesta en el jardín de Andy. at Schrute Farms, along with Walter, Jr. After Andy becomes frustrated with his father and brother, Walter confronts Andy about his "obnoxious attitude", which he turns into a browbeating, as he tells Andy to stop seeking his approval, because he is not impressed that he is the "manager of some rinky dink branch". During "Angry Andy", Andy calls his father and tells him of Nellie Bertram stealing his job. It is implied that Walter refers to the job as a demotion to Andy, who is visibly defensive. However, shortly after this, Andy has an anger outburst, and picks the phone and finally stands up to his father, yelling "Dad, go to hell, I'm taller than you!" before hanging up on him. In the ninth season, Walter, Sr. bankrupts his family when he takes all of their money and flees to Argentina with his mistress, which forces Andy to sell many of the family's heirlooms so that Ellen can support herself.
  • Walter Bernard, Jr. (Josh Groban) is Andy's successful, talented younger brother, who is the favored child of Walter, Sr. and Ellen. He is first mentioned in "The Delivery", and later appears in "Garden Party", where he attends Andy's garden party at Schrute Farms, although his presence quickly makes Andy feel insecure and upstaged. However, he does seem to treat Andy with more respect than their parents do. In "After Hours", Andy mentions that his brother has gotten a boat. He returns in the episode "The Boat", where he has since become an alcoholic after his father took all of the family's money and left them in shambles. Andy discovers him passed out in the liquor closet of the family's boat (as Junior wanted to get the first relapse out of the way before checking into rehab), and then invites him on his trip to the Caribbean, as a way to sober him up and also spend some quality time with him.
  • Jessica (Eleanor Seigler) is an assistant cross country coach at Bryn Mawr College, and Andy's ex-girlfriend. She is first mentioned in "Spooked", with Andy confiding in Erin that, while she has never come by the office, as per his request, as he believes it would make Erin uncomfortable, he is now worried that she is not calling him. Andy admits that things are "serious" between them, the two having gone on 31 dates.[46] In "Christmas Wishes", Andy invites her to the office Christmas party. An emotionally confused Erin tries to be nice to Jessica, but ends up drinking too much at the party. In a drunken stupor, she tells Andy that her Christmas wish is for Jessica to die. Offended, he tells her to get over their breakup before storming off.[47] In "Pool Party", Andy states in a talking-head interview, that his parents met Jessica, and were extremely impressed with her. So much so, that they gave Andy a Bernard family ring for him to use to propose to her with (although, Ellen took out the main diamond, as she felt it would be better suited for Walter, Jr.). Later, Andy brings Jessica to CEO Robert California's pool party at his mansion.[48] In a deleted scene from that episode, she tells the camera crew that she and her brother were the "chicken fight champions" of their swimming club, and reveals that she grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut.[49] She has a cameo in the episode "Special Project", where she and Andy are seen happily carpooling together, and in "Tallahassee", she calls him after quitting time at the office. However, in "Last Day in Florida", upon learning that Erin is not returning to Scranton, Andy realizes that he is, indeed, still in love with Erin, and not with Jessica. In "Get the Girl", Andy drives down to Florida to win Erin back, and the two rekindle their former relationship. The aftermath of this is addressed in the subsequent episode, "Welcome Party", in which Erin and Andy travel to Jessica's family's log cabin in order for him to break up with Jessica, but they are surprised to encounter Jessica and her friends having a bachelorette party. To make the break up less awkward, Andy initially tells Jessica that he is gay, but he later returns with Erin and tells the party that he and Erin are together, despite his earlier claim to Jessica that Erin was not "relationship material."[50]
  • Here Comes Treble is a Cornell college a cappella group, of which Andy was a member of and makes frequent references to. The group members, besides Andy (who was nicknamed "Boner Champ"), were "Carl 1" and "Carl 2" (who have not spoken to one another since their civil union ended), "Jingle Jangle", "Sandwich", "Doobie" (who now works as a bus driver), "Pubey Lewis & the News", "Sparerib", "Hopscotch", "Lunchbox", and "Broccoli Rob" Blatt. In the show's final Halloween episode, Andy becomes angry with Rob (portrayed by Stephen Colbert, via Skype) when he learns from the latest roster of Here Comes Treble (who he invited to perform for the office during the Halloween party) that he told the new group his nickname was "Boner Champ" and that his signature song was George Michael's "Faith", both of which were actually Andy's.

Erin's family/friends

  • Reed (Sean Davis) is Erin's foster brother. The two lived together in an orphanage, from ages 10–12 and 15–18, and now share a house. He appears in "St. Patrick's Day", in which he interrupts Erin and Andy's date, and his behavior around his foster sister makes Andy feel uncomfortable.[51]
  • Irene (Georgia Engel) is a kind, elderly woman, who resides in Tallahassee. She first appears in "Test the Store", in which she befriends Erin, after Erin was ordered to remove a group of senior citizens from the Sabre store,[52] and in "Last Day in Florida", it is revealed that Irene has hired her as a live-in maid, although Erin quickly proves herself to be fairly incompetent at this new occupation, a fact which Irene soon becomes painfully aware of.[20] In her final appearance, Andy travels from Scranton to her home, in an attempt to win back Erin, and stays for a while. While Irene initially treats Andy with disdain, after Erin informs him that she does not love him and will not be coming with him, Irene privately tells Erin that she is making a mistake, and that she should go with him. Erin is surprised at this, since Irene acted so coldly to him, but she tells Erin that she was merely trying to protect her, and that she now realizes that Andy is a decent guy.[21]
A subtle recurring gag is that, despite her age, Irene has been shown to be fairly intelligent when it comes to electronics, a trait that her grandson, Glenn, also seems to possess.
  • Glenn (Brad Morris) is Irene's lethargic, middle-aged, unkempt and complaining grandson, who, as of "Get the Girl", is living with Irene, because he has run out of money. Glenn first appears in a deleted scene from "Last Day in Florida" (in which he is considerably more polite and immaculate), where Irene introduces Erin to him, and he asks her out on a date, which Erin accepts.[53] However, it did not develop into a relationship, although the two appear to remain on good terms. When Erin decides to go back to Scranton, she worries about Irene and Glenn's well-being, but Irene assures her that they will be fine, and informs Erin that Glenn is going to sue Home Depot, because he somehow managed to get his foreskin caught on some of their lawn furniture.[21]

Darryl's family

  • Jada Philbin (Taylar Hollomon) is Darryl's daughter, to whom he makes several references throughout the earlier seasons of the show, with Darryl referring to her as the most important person in his life. Jada is officially introduced in "Classy Christmas" with Darryl trying to make the office Christmas party fun for her, which initially becomes disastrous. Jada wants to meet Santa Claus to tell him what she wants for Christmas. With Darryl's help, the two buy up all the snack chip bags in the vending machine and pass them out as gifts to the rest of the staff. Although Michael accidentally ruins Santa Claus by providing his own take on it, he later makes amends and dresses as the traditional Santa and has Jada tell him her list. She later appears in "Search Committee" when Darryl tries to make an impression on Jim by having Jada hug him in front of the staff, as a bid to get Darryl hired as the regional branch manager.
  • Justine (Erica Vittina Phillips) is Darryl's ex-wife, whom he had been on bad terms with, even speaking crudely and poorly of her to Kevin, who repeats his remarks verbatim at a staff meeting. The two are parents to Jada. Their relationship seems to be initially terrible, with the two seemingly at odds with each other in "Classy Christmas", when Darryl blames Justine for not letting his daughter spend time with him on Christmas. However, the two seem to reconnect in "The Incentive", and begin dating, bringing joy to Darryl. But the relationship is short-lived when during "Lotto", Justine calls Darryl to personally congratulate a former warehouse employee working under Darryl. It's indicated that Justine was dating him before after having his number in her old cell phone, and asks Darryl for his number again. An offended Darryl hangs up on her. In "Spooked", it is confirmed that the two have split up yet again.
  • Gwyneth Philbin (Jahmilla Jackson) es la hermana menor de Darryl, que se le parece mucho. Ella hace su debut en el episodio " The Meeting ", en el que Dwight y Toby, que están vigilando la casa de Darryl para investigar si realmente está en muletas y no puede trabajar, la ven caminando y asumen que es Darryl. Toby luego lo llama "gilipollas", lo que hace que Gwyneth se dé la vuelta y los dos se den cuenta de que no es Darryl. Más tarde, ella y su hermano se enfrentan a la pareja en la oficina, y Darryl exclama que está presentando una denuncia contra ellos. Hace un cameo en " Training Day ", donde Darryl le pide que le compre un vaquero. attire and deliver it to him in the parking lot, after he learns that new branch manager Deangelo likes the Southwest.

Kevin's loved ones

  • Stacey (Trish Gates) was Kevin's frequently mentioned, but rarely seen, fiancée. She was the fourth woman to whom Kevin proposed, but the first to accept. He was very happy about the outcome, although he secretly considered her a second choice to one of the other women, Melissa Riley.[54] Stacey has one daughter, named Abby (portrayed by Greg Daniels' daughter, Haley Daniels), whom Kevin brings to the office, in the episode "Take Your Daughter to Work Day".
Stacey first appears in "The Dundies", attending the event of the same name, alongside Kevin. She later appears in the episodes "E-mail Surveillance", in which she attends Jim's barbecue party, and in "Phyllis' Wedding", in which she attends Phyllis' wedding. In "Valentine's Day", Kevin indicates that he and Stacey are beginning to have problems in their relationship, and admits that she will, at times, leave Scranton without telling him where she is going. Later, in the episode "Cocktails", Kevin claims that they have set a date for their wedding, but when Kelly asks him when the date is, he states that "It's complicated", and becomes very defensive about the subject. In "Chair Model", Kevin reveals that Stacey broke up with him, and that the two are on bad terms. In "Blood Drive", he reveals how Stacey ended their relationship: Kevin had casually told her that he believed that the Philadelphia Eagles could win the NFC East, and she abruptly stated "we're done".
  • Lynn ( Lisa K. Wyatt ) es el interés amoroso de Kevin en la quinta temporada. Aparece por primera vez en " Blood Drive ", asistiendo al mezclador de singles que organiza Michael. Kevin se siente atraído por ella poco después de conocerse, pero se siente incómodo al hablar con ella. Más tarde se disculpa, afirmando que se pone nervioso con las "chicas guapas", lo que la halaga, y ella le da su dirección de correo electrónico . En " Golden Ticket ", Kevin recibe consejos muy dispares sobre cómo cortejarla, pero finalmente lo logra cuando la invita a cenar y al cine. En " Cafe Disco ", se ve a Lynn besándolo apasionadamente; sin embargo, en una escena eliminada, Kevin le dice al equipo de cámara que él y Lynn se separaron.Más tarde se la menciona en "The Delivery", when Kevin declares that, compared to Erin, "Lynn was way hotter".

Oscar's loved ones

  • Gil (Tom Chick) is Oscar's former boyfriend. He first appears in the episode, "The Secret", when Dwight goes to Oscar's house to see if Oscar really is sick with the flu. Even though Oscar and Gil are obviously in a relationship, Dwight is oblivious to this.[55] He reappears in "Gay Witch Hunt", during which, even though Michael had discovered that Oscar was gay, Michael believes that Gil is just Oscar's roommate. In order to make sure that Oscar does not sue the company after Michael reveals his sexuality to the staff, Jan gives Oscar a three-month paid vacation, and Oscar tells the camera crew that he and Gil will be traveling to Europe. Gil is later seen in "A Benihana Christmas", in which he and Oscar return to the office, but, upon seeing what the Christmas party is like, decide that it is "too soon" to return, and quietly leave, unnoticed by the staff. In "Business School", Gil and Oscar attend Pam's art show, but Gil expresses his disdain for her art, unaware that Pam is standing right behind him.[56]
In "Beach Games", Oscar reveals that he is planning to end his relationship with Gil.[57] Gil is not mentioned again until "Niagara", when Pam's sister, Penny, mistakes Kevin for him. The episode "Get the Girl" also implies that Oscar may regret his decision to break up with Gil, as he wistfully reminisces about the time when he and Gil were still together, and then sadly states that they "were so happy then".

Kelly's loved ones

  • Ravi ( Sendhil Ramamurthy ) es pediatra y novio de Kelly. Su primera aparición es en el episodio de la octava temporada " Angry Andy ", donde Pam le dice al equipo de cámara que ella preparó a Ravi y Kelly, con la esperanza de ayudar a Kelly a olvidarse de Ryan. A lo largo del episodio, Ryan hace varios intentos para recuperar a Kelly, y finalmente alquila un caballo y proclama su amor por Kelly. Ella responde diciendo que está enamorada de Ravi, pero espera seguir siendo amigos. Se despiden con un abrazo, pero empiezan a besarse apasionadamente. Sin embargo, a pesar de esto, en " Free Family Portrait Studio ", se revela que ella todavía está saliendo con Ravi, en lugar de Ryan. En el estreno de la novena temporada, " New Guys", Toby reveals to the film crew that Kelly and Ravi are now engaged and have moved to Ohio, after Ravi got a job as a pediatrics professor at Miami University. He returns in the series final as Kelly's fiancé, but she leaves him for Ryan, who distracts Ravi by giving his baby an allergic reaction. He later gives the baby to Kevin while he calls Child Services.

Stanley's family/loved ones

  • Melissa Hudson ( Jazz Raycole ) es la hija adolescente de Stanley de su primer matrimonio. Su personaje se ve por primera vez en " Sexual Harassment ", cuando Michael se refiere erróneamente a una foto de Melissa en el escritorio de Stanley como una "página central en el atuendo de colegiala católica". [58] En " Día de llevar a tu hija al trabajo ", Stanley la lleva a la oficina. Ella se enamora de Ryan, lo que hace que Kelly se ponga celosa. Kelly alerta a Stanley, quien le grita al aterrorizado Ryan sobre sus "motivos". [59] Melissa aparece en una escena eliminada de " Cócteles", where she comes to "Poor Richard's" and strikes up a conversation with Ryan, but he does not recognize her. Once Stanley notices the two talking, he begins yelling at Ryan.[60]
  • Terri Hudson (Joanne Carlsen) was Stanley's second and now ex-wife, who works as an interior decorator. In "The Dundies", Michael assumes that she is not Stanley's wife because she is white. In "Booze Cruise", she accompanies Stanley on the Booze Cruise boat. In "Phyllis' Wedding", she attends the wedding with Stanley. In "Stress Relief", she attends Michael's roast. "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" implies that Terri that she does not have a good relationship with her stepdaughter; When Pam mistakenly refers to Terri as her mother, Melissa becomes hostile and sharply corrects Pam.
In the sixth season premiere, Michael discovers that Stanley has been cheating on Terri with a woman named Cynthia. At the end of the episode, Michael talks to Terri on the phone and accidentally calls her Cynthia, which confirms her suspicions that Stanley is having an affair. It is presumed that she leaves him, as Stanley smashes Michael's car in anger; their separation is confirmed in later episodes, when he begins to date Cynthia publicly.
  • Cynthia (Algerita Wynn Lewis) is the woman with whom Stanley has an affair. Originally, she was his nurse during his rehabilitation, but the two eventually developed a romance, despite their marriages. Soon after their affair is discovered, in "Gossip", Stanley decides to end their relationship, as he did not want to cheat on his wife any longer, but after Terri leaves him, he stays with Cynthia. She makes her first appearance in "Niagara", where she and Stanley attend Jim and Pam's wedding and both join in the dance down the aisle, and later reappears in "Andy's Play", attending a local production of Sweeney Todd, that Andy is performing in. In a deleted scene from the episode, she unintentionally makes Phyllis jealous by quickly forming a friendly relationship with Bob Vance, leading Phyllis to call her a "home-wrecking slut" in a talking-head interview.[61] Cynthia also appears with Stanley in the episodes "Christening" and "Garden Party".

Phyllis' family

  • Robert "Bob" Vance (Robert R. Shafer) is Phyllis Lapin-Vance's husband and the owner of Vance Refrigeration, a neighboring tenant in the office park. He often introduces himself as "Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration" in order to plug his business. He is seen for the first time in "Christmas Party" and introduces himself to Kevin, Stanley, and Ryan in exactly that manner individually even though they were all standing next to each other. This leads Ryan to jokingly ask "So...what line of work are you in, Bob?" On Valentine's Day, he sent a number of gifts to Phyllis at the office -- signed "Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration". He also supplied a mini-fridge as a "Casino Night"premio. En" Iniciación ", se refirió a Michael y Stanley como" un par de Marys "después de que le ordenaron a Phyllis que llegara al final de la fila de pretzel, en lugar de dejar que ella interviniera con Bob. Él es un amable y servicial vecino de Dunder Mifflin, incluida la oferta de volver a llenar de aire las llantas de los automóviles de los empleados después de que Michael las aplastara en un intento de crear camaradería en la oficina en " The Merger ". Cuando se corre la voz de que la sucursal de Scranton está cerrando, Bob ofrece para comprar el almacén de Dunder Mifflin, permitiendo así que todos los trabajadores conserven sus puestos de trabajo. En " Ben Franklin " se celebra una despedida de soltero para él en el almacén de Dunder Mifflin antes de su boda,pero se niega a ser entretenido por la stripper que Michael contrata. Se casa con Phyllis en "Phyllis 'Wedding ", a la que están invitados todos sus compañeros de trabajo, y echa a Michael después de un brindis vergonzoso. En una escena eliminada de" Women's Appreciation ", él viene a la oficina de Dunder Mifflin para consolar a Phyllis después de que ella se muestra, luego la lleva a dar un paseo para calmar sus nervios.
He drives a GMC Yukon and is a Unitarian ("Fun Run"). He is portrayed as an attentive and dedicated husband who is deeply in love with Phyllis. During the wedding episode, Phyllis mentions "baby mama drama" because Bob's other family from Ho Chi Minh City is coming in, but this has not been mentioned otherwise. In the 2nd episode of the Outburst webisodes, Oscar mentioned that Bob had been indicted by a grand jury. However, Phyllis states that all the charges were dropped after none of the witnesses showed up. In the episode "Chair Model" Bob and three other members of "The Five Families," W.B. Jones, Bill Cress and Paul Faust convene to resolve a dispute over the parking lot brought before them by Kevin and Andy. In "Goodbye, Toby" Bob attends the going away party for Toby and in a deleted scene is shown giving Phyllis a large sum of cash so that her debut as head of the Party Planning Committee will be a success. In "Crime Aid," Bob attends Michael's auction intent on winning the Bruce Springsteen tickets, but after a spirited bidding war with Dwight, ends up buying a hug from Phyllis for $1000. In "Blood Drive", he refers to Michael, Dwight, and Andy as "that jackass", "that other jackass" and "that new jackass" respectively. In "Secret Santa", Phyllis threatens to "get Bob involved" to resolve her Santa role rivalry with Michael. Jim is confused about what Bob would do at first, but appears mildly alarmed when Phyllis recants, "Never mind, I shouldn't have said that".
  • Elbert Lapin (Hansford Rowe) is Phyllis' elderly, wheelchair-bound father. He appears in "Phyllis' Wedding", where he attends his daughter's wedding ceremony, and manages to build up the strength to walk Phyllis down the aisle, something which makes Michael feel upstaged, as he was pushing Elbert's wheelchair.

Uncle Al is Phyllis' uncle who appears in "Phyllis' Wedding", in which Dwight mistakes him for a wedding crasher.

Meredith's family

  • Jake Palmer (portrayed by Spencer Daniels) is Meredith's disrespectful and trouble-making son, whom she brings to the office in "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", after he is suspended from his school. During his time at the office, he is very rude to the staff, particularly Dwight, whom he addresses as "Mr. Poop". In order to demonstrate to Angela that he capable of enforcing discipline, Dwight is finally stern with Jake, calling him "a horrible little latchkey kid", something which upsets the child. Near the end of the episode, he appears to be somewhat humbled by Dwight's insult, and he bonds with Pam, declaring that her job as receptionist is "awesome". He is later mentioned in "Fun Run", when, after it is discovered Meredith has rabies, Dwight suggests that, instead of spending their money on a ceremony for Michael's fun run to raise awareness of the disease, they should instead put together a college fund for Jake. Michael then replies "Have you met that kid? He's not going to college". Jake reappears in a deleted scene from "Company Picnic", where Meredith brings him to the Dunder Mifflin company picnic, and, after he insults her, she locks him in her car for the remainder of the day. In "Get the Girl", Meredith reveals that Jake, at some point between the fifth and eighth seasons, has gotten a face tattoo. A now-adult Jake (now seen with Chinese symbols tattooed on his face and neck) makes a cameo in "Free Family Portrait Studio", taking a family portrait with Meredith. He angrily asks Meredith to just smile for the picture, but she snaps back that she does not want to. In the series finale, it's revealed that Jake has become a male stripper and performs at Angela's bachelorette party, which everyone but Meredith finds awkward.

Toby's family

  • Sasha Flenderson (Delaney Ruth Farrell) is Toby's daughter, whom he often mentions. In "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", Toby brings her to the office, and she and Michael quickly bond.[59] In "Moroccan Christmas", her voice is heard over the phone when Toby calls and asks her if she has ever heard of the "Princess Unicorn" doll.[62] In a deleted scene from "", a now-teenage Sasha appears in a web chat with her father, during which she unintentionally upsets him by revealing that her mother has a new boyfriend.[63] Sasha later makes a cameo in "Free Family Portrait Studio", taking a family portrait with her father.
  • Rory Flenderson (portrayed by writer and producer Warren Lieberstein, Paul Lieberstein's real life brother) is Toby's brother, who resides in Boulder, Colorado. He appears in "Goodbye, Michael", dressed similarly to his brother, in which he talks to Toby, via video chat, and gets excited about Michael moving to Colorado, after Toby tells him that he thinks, rather implausibly, the two would "hit it off, in an odd way".
  • Kathy Becker is implied to be Toby's ex-wife. She never appears in the show. In "Counseling", Toby said he was in the seminary and dropped out so he could have sex with a woman named Kathy. They married, had a daughter, eventually divorcing before the start of the series. While she is rarely referenced by name, Michael often pokes fun at the fact that Toby is a divorced man.

Jan's family

  • Art Gould is Jan's ex-husband. Their separation is revealed in "The Client", with Jan eventually admitting that it was due to her desire to have children and his desire not to. In a deleted scene from "Performance Review", Michael calls Gould for advice on his "relationship" with Jan, but Gould is offended that Michael would call him about such an issue.
  • Astrid Levinson, nicknamed "Assy" by her mother, is Jan's daughter, with whom she became impregnated from an artificial insemination via a sperm bank. Astrid is first seen when Jan brings her to the office in the episode "Baby Shower". In a deleted scene from the episode, Jan discovers that Kevin donated sperm to the same sperm bank she went to and is horrified at the possibility that he might be Astrid's biological father. Astrid is seen again in "Sex Ed", although she is considerably older than she was in her previous appearance.

Roy's family

  • Kenny Anderson (Michael Patrick McGill) is Roy's brother. He is first mentioned in "The Client", when Pam reveals that he accompanied his brother on Roy and Pam's first date. He makes his first appearance in "Business School", attending Pam's art show, alongside Roy, and reappears in "Cocktails", in which he accompanies Roy to "Poor Richard's" for a night of drinking with Pam and her co-workers. When Pam confesses to Roy that Jim kissed her (in the episode "Casino Night"), Roy becomes enraged, and he and Kenny start wrecking the bar. To dissuade the owners from calling the police, Kenny pays them off with money he got from selling his Jet Skis. Años más tarde, Kenny aparece en " La boda de Roy ", donde le dice a su hermano que "deje de perder el tiempo" hablando con Jim (a quien se refiere como "Corte de pelo"), y frota el éxito de Roy en la cara de Jim al mencionar que ahora tiene un coche deportivo de cincuenta mil dólares .
  • Lara (Sara Chase) is Roy's wife. The two married exactly a year after they met, in the episode "Roy's Wedding". In Roy's wedding toast, he reveals that when he first met Lara, he believed her to be his waitress, but three weeks later, she revealed to him that she was actually the owner of the establishment where he had been eating. In honor of her being his "beautiful mystery girl", he surprises her by revealing that he has learned to play piano, and performs "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel for her.

Karen's family

  • Dan (portrayed by Dan Goor)[64] is Karen's husband, who works as a dermatologist. The two met in a bar, and they later married after Karen was transferred to the Utica branch. By the time of the episode "Lecture Circuit", Karen is already eight months pregnant with his child. Dan later makes a cameo in the episode "Threat Level Midnight"; he can be seen very briefly in the background during Karen's talking-head interview.

Holly's family

  • Mr. and Mrs. Flax (voiced by uncredited actors) are Holly's parents, who reside in Boulder, Colorado. Mr. Flax is also the reason that Holly and Michael move to Colorado, as, during a phone conversation, she notices that he seems mentally disoriented.

David Wallace's family

  • Rachel Wallace (Jean Villepique) is David Wallace's wife. She first appears in "Cocktails", in which she is forced to deal with Michael and Dwight's antics, and later reappears in "Sabre", in which it is implied that her relationship with David has been strained since he was fired from Dunder Mifflin.
  • Teddy Wallace (portrayed by Greg Daniels's son, Owen Daniels), is David and Rachel's young son. He makes his first appearance in "Cocktails", and later reappears in "Sabre", in which he loudly plays his drum set during Michael's visit to David's house.

Robert California's family

  • Susan California (Maura Tierney) is Robert's third and now ex-wife. She appears in the episode "Mrs. California", in which she arrives at the office, looking for a job. However, unbeknownst to her, Robert secretly orders Andy not to hire her. After she requests a job as an Accountant, Andy claims that the office is already fully staffed, but, in contrast to his previous request, Robert insists that she be given a job, which Andy does, much to Robert's dismay. Later, she eventually realizes that Robert did not want her working at the office, and the two end up in a discussion about his dishonesty. Later, after work, she meets Andy in the parking lot, and, to his surprise, she asks him out on a date. In the subsequent episode, "Pool Party", it is revealed that Susan and Robert are getting divorced. In her debut episode, Susan notes in an interview that she met Robert when she was a secretary at a company he acquired, and that he cheated on his second wife when they began seeing each other.
  • Bert California (David Mazouz) is Robert's adolescent son, who shares some of his father's peculiar personality traits. He appears in "Spooked", in which he accompanies Robert to the office Halloween party, and soon bonds with Dwight, due to their similar interests and opinions.

Other characters

Hank Tate

Hank Tate ( Hugh Dane ), también conocido como Hank el guardia de seguridad , es el jefe de seguridad en el parque de oficinas . Hank es tranquilo y severo, y realiza sus deberes sin entusiasmo desde su escritorio en la puerta principal del parque de oficinas. Desde que Dwight compró el edificio, las tareas de Hank se han ampliado para incluir el funcionamiento del destartalado mostrador de café que se instaló en el vestíbulo. Se le ve por primera vez sentado en su escritorio cuando Michael sale del edificio al final de " Halloween ". En " Pruebas de drogas ", Michael "mueve algunos hilos" y convierte a Dwight en supervisor de seguridad oficial de la sucursal de Dunder Mifflin Scranton. En " Night Out", Jim forgets to let Hank know that the office workers would be working late and Hank locks them and their cars behind the parking lot's gate. Unsure of Hank's name, Jim calls Hank's number on Toby's cell phone to ask him to come and unlock the gate. The other office workers realize that they never tipped Hank last Christmas (Jim forgot to collect it) and Hank will probably not come help them. Later, the Scranton Business Park cleaning crew arrives to unlock the gate, and Hank arrives some time later to find everyone had left without notifying him. When Toby Flenderson leaves the office at the end of Season 4, Michael brings Hank to escort him out, to Toby's annoyance. He plays the guitar in "Crime Aid" while selling CD's to help repay for the robbery; he uses the stage name "Hank Doyle". Hank is also called upon by Michael to decide what the Dunder Mifflin staff should do with extra money in "The Surplus" but is abruptly dismissed after not being able to make a quick decision. During "Two Weeks", Hank is ordered by Charles Miner to physically remove Michael from the office, which becomes slightly awkward for Hank. He also owns a 1/8 share of a rental property in Pittson, of which Dwight is 1/8 proud. During the Finale Table Read on the Season 9 DVD, Hank's last name is said to be "Doyle."

Hank apareció en gran medida en una apertura en frío eliminada destinada al final de la serie. [65] La escena, que fue cortada debido a su longitud, ve a Hank interpretar a "Dorpheus" en una elaborada broma de Jim y Pam para engañar a Dwight haciéndole creer que Matrix es real. Sin embargo, el plan fracasa cuando Dwight elige tomar la píldora azul en lugar de la roja, como esperaba Jim. La escena completa y eliminada se lanzó en YouTube el 1 de enero de 2021 y presenta una dedicación a Hugh Dane al final. [66]

Billy Merchant

William "Billy" Merchant (Marcus A. York) is the property manager of Scranton Business Park, the office park in which the Dunder-Mifflin Scranton branch office is located. Billy is physically disabled, and has used a wheelchair since the age of four. Throughout his appearances, he is seen as a calm and professional man, and seems to disregard Michael's immaturity and rudeness, while still extending generosity to him. He first appears in "The Injury", in which Michael, after having burned his foot on a George Foreman Grill, invites Billy to the office to speak about being disabled. While there, Michael's remarks offend Billy, causing him to leave, and while departing, he informs Jim that Dwight might have a serious concussion. Billy reappears in the episode "Casino Night", attending the event of the same name, with his girlfriend, whom Michael mistakes for his nurse. In "Initiation", it is revealed that, once a year, Billy arranges for a pretzel cart to be brought into the lobby of the Scranton Business Park to give away free pretzels, "as a thank-you for [the] loyal tenants". In "Fun Run", he participates in Michael's fun run, and eventually passes Michael, later in the race. In "Dream Team", he assists Michael in setting up an office (which is essentially a janitorial closet) for his new paper company. Billy is neither mentioned nor seen after Dwight purchased the building at end of Season 6. Billy shares his last name with original series co-creator Stephen Merchant.

Leo and Gino

Leo y Gino (interpretados por los escritores Gene Stupnitsky y Lee Eisenberg , respectivamente) son repartidores de Vance Refrigeration. Los dos aparecen por primera vez en una escena eliminada de " Halloween ", en la que intentan llamar la atención del equipo de cámara, mientras viajan en un ascensor con Michael, [67] y reaparecen en " Día de San Valentín ", entregando los regalos del Día de San Valentín de Phyllis. de Bob Vance, [68] y, en una escena eliminada, coqueteando con Pam. [69] En una escena eliminada de " Prueba de drogas", it is revealed that Leo and Gino were responsible for smoking the joint that was found in the parking lot.[70] In "Goodbye, Toby", the two assist Phyllis in organizing Toby's farewell party. In "Frame Toby", they con Michael out of 500 dollars by selling him what he believes to be marijuana, but is actually a bag of Caprese salad.[71] In "Cafe Disco", when Kelly and Erin start dancing in Michael's Cafe Disco, Leo and Gino are shown to be eager to dance with them.[72] Gino also makes a cameo appearance in "Threat Level Midnight", acting in Michael's movie of the same name, portraying a bar patron.

Brenda Matlowe

Brenda Matlowe (Brenda Withers) is a corporate trainer, who is sent to the Scranton branch to evaluate Michael's "Leadership Training Exercise", in the episode "Booze Cruise". In "The Carpet", Jim leaves her a voicemail, in which he asks her out on a date. In a deleted scene from "Drug Testing", she calls Jim back. However, as he is jinxed by Pam, he cannot answer. In a talking-head interview, he writes on a piece of paper, "She'll call back". Brenda was not referenced again for the remainder of the show.


Vikram (Ranjit Chowdhry) is a sales representative who worked with Michael at the Lipophedrine diet pill telemarketing company. Vikram is Indian and claims he was a surgeon back in India. He is a wise and diligent worker, seen winning the sales bonus at the telemarketing company and concerned about losing prime selling hours during his brief membership in the Michael Scott Paper Company. He is first seen in the episode "Money" when Michael tries telemarketing at night to earn extra income. He is friendly towards Michael, sharing his dinners and giving him good advice. Michael later recruits Vikram to work in his own company in "Dream Team" only to have Vikram give up on the idea and return to his job after finding out how ill-conceived Michael's plan was.

Al Brown

Al Brown[a] (played by producer/writer Larry Wilmore) is a consultant sent by corporate to mediate a healthy discussion of diversity issues with the office staff after receiving complaints about Michael's inflammatory impersonation of a Chris Rock speech, in the episode "Diversity Day". Mr. Brown is later seen in "Gay Witch Hunt", giving the Stamford branch the same diversity training he gave the Scranton Branch; he alludes to incidents at the Scranton branch as the reason he is in Stamford.


Elizabeth (Jackie Debatin) is a stripper whom Dwight hired to be the "entertainment" at Bob Vance's bachelor party in "Ben Franklin". After both Bob and Michael refuse to accept lap dances from her, Dwight has her sit at Oscar's vacant desk to answer phones for the day. When Michael feels bad about betraying Jan, he asks Elizabeth (referring to her as "stripper") whether he should tell her. She replies, "Secret secrets are no fun, secret secrets hurt someone". When the office needs a medical person to receive a check for the proceeds of their fund-raiser, Elizabeth is hired to come back dressed as a "nurse" and receive Michael's check to help cure rabies during the Season 4 opener, "Fun Run". She is later seen flirting with Darryl. She returns in the series finale as the stripper at Dwight's bachelor party, and Dwight confuses her for a waitress.

Fern Widgale

Fern Widgale (portrayed by Office showrunner, writer and series developer Greg Daniels) is Michael's snippety neighbor who resides in a condominium near Michael's former one. He appears in a deleted scene from the episode "Office Olympics", in which he encounters Michael and Dwight, and is perturbed by Michael's personality. When asked what his profession is, he replies that he sells yarn, something that Michael and Dwight cannot help laughing at.[73]

In a 2008 Office Comic Con panel, it was revealed that Fern is gay, and writer Lester Lewis stated that he portrayed the character's boyfriend, but that his part was cut.[74]

There is a child actor in Threat Level Midnight with a similar name (Ferd Winkdale).

The Prince Family

The Prince Family, consisting of members Roger Prince, Sr. (Dan Desmond), who started the company after returning from the Vietnam War; his wife Linda (Sharon Blackwood); their son Roger Jr. (Dan Bakkedahl), and Roger Jr.'s young daughter Rebecca (Emily Rae Argenti), operate a rival paper company somewhere near the Scranton region. In "Prince Family Paper", David Wallace le pide a Michael que investigue Prince Paper; cuando Michael visita la empresa, haciéndose pasar por un cliente potencial, la familia extraordinariamente amable y demasiado confiada le da una lista de sus mejores clientes para usar como referencia, que Dwight finalmente obliga a Michael a enviar a David Wallace. [75] En " Two Weeks ", Michael llama a Prince Paper, y es recibido con una grabación de correo de voz que revela que la empresa ha cerrado. [76]


Brandon (Jerry Minor) is Val's boyfriend. Brandon owns his own restaurant, and is prone to extreme agitation and jealously if he thinks someone is attempting to court Val. He is first introduced in "Special Project", when he calls Darryl asking for the address of the Warehouse, so that he may send flowers to his girlfriend. However, Val later tells Darryl that the flowers were from her mother, despite him pointing out the caller had had a deep voice and said his name was Brandon, possibly indicating that Val is interested in Darryl. Brandon makes his first appearance in "After Hours", in which he arrives at the office and accuses Darryl of having an affair with Val, after having read Darryl's text messages to her, although Val eventually convinces him there is nothing going on between her and Darryl. Brandon reappears in "Free Family Portrait Studio", in which he visits Val at the Warehouse, and overhears Darryl talking positively about her. Once again, he accuses him of being interested in her, but this time, Darryl admits to pursuing her. Later in the episode, Val joins Darryl and his daughter when they are having their family portrait taken, and she takes his hand in hers, suggesting that she is leaving Brandon for him. This is confirmed in the subsequent season, during which she is shown to be dating Darryl.

Justin Spitzer

Justin Spitzer (Stephen Saux) is a character first seen on a date at the Hibachi table in the episode "A Benihana Christmas". In "Crime Aid", Justin bids in the warehouse auction and he can also be seen in "Goodbye, Michael", exiting the elevator with a delivery man as Michael leaves the office for the last time. This character was named after The Office writer Justin Spitzer, who went on to create and produce the NBC sitcom Superstore.


Megan (Elvy Yost) is a high school student, who appears in a deleted scene from the episode "Job Fair", where she is interested in an internship at Dunder Mifflin, but turned away by Oscar, who is attempting to spare her from the presumed misery she would endure by working at the office.[77] She later reappears in "Gossip", as one of the three summer interns at the Scranton branch, where, true to Oscar's prediction, she, along with her fellow interns, suffers from the antics of the staff.[78]

Deborah Shoshlefski

Deborah Shoshlefski (April Eden) was a model, with whom Michael became enamored, in the episode "Chair Model", after seeing her in an office supply catalog. Dwight tracks her down for him, but discovers that she is now deceased, having crashed her car into an airplane hangar while under the influence of cannabis. Michael is devastated by the news, and, wanting closure, later visits her gravesite along with Dwight (which culminates with the two singing American Pie together throughout the night and unintentionally dancing on her grave).

According to her tombstone, she was born in 1966, and died in 2003.[79]

Tom Witochkin

Tom Witochkin (Greg Tuculescu) is a former childhood friend of Jim's. He appears in "The Seminar", attending Andy's seminar on starting a small business, where his presence causes Jim, who was originally one of the guest speakers, to abruptly pull out and spend all day outside of the office. Pam later forces him to explain why he is acting so strange, and he reveals Tom's past friendship with him, and that he and Tom were placed in separate reading groups in school, with Jim being in the superior one. After his mother told him to spend time with his "smart" friends, Jim told Tom that his mother "thinks [he's] too dumb to hang out with". Jim eventually bumps into him in the break room, and attempts to laugh off their history, but Tom mocks Jim for not being as successful as his superior intellect would have indicated, using the snarky remark, "Where's your jet pack, Zuckerberg?".

The Scranton Strangler

George Howard Skub, nicknamed "The Scranton Strangler" by the media, is a serial killer who, as his moniker would suggest, strangles his victims. Although never seen on-screen, he has been referred to several times, starting with the sixth season episode "The Delivery", in which a newspaper headline reads "The Scranton Strangler Strikes Again". In a deleted scene from "Happy Hour", Michael tries to impersonate the Scranton Strangler to impress Pam's friend. In "Body Language", Dwight talks to Kelly about the best possible move to fight the Scranton Strangler. In the seventh season episode "Costume Contest", Dwight dresses like the Strangler for Halloween. In the opening of "Viewing Party", the office staff are watching a live broadcast of a police chase of the Scranton Strangler, and they get excited when the cars pass by on the road in front of the office building. In "Classy Christmas", Toby is chosen as a juror for the Scranton Strangler's trial, which forces him to take a leave of absence and results in Holly Flax being appointed his temporary replacement. In "Michael's Last Dundies", Toby states that the man he helped convict as the Scranton Strangler has been sentenced to the death penalty, but that Toby is starting to have second thoughts about whether or not the man was actually guilty. The Strangler is not mentioned again until the ninth season Christmas episode "Dwight Christmas", in which Toby reveals the name of the convicted murderer, whom he still believes to be innocent. A few episodes later, however, in "Moving On", after Nellie tells Toby to either do something about it or stop talking, he goes to see Skub in prison, and is nearly strangled, finally putting to rest the mystery of whether the right man was convicted.

The documentary film crew

The documentary film crew is a camera crew that has been filming the lives of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch employees since the beginning of the series. Their presence has been met with widely different reactions and levels of comfort from the people they film, although, over the course of the series, the staff has gradually grown to accept the crew's presence as a part of their environment.

The crew often intrudes on the personal lives of the office workers, such as filming at social or private events, and have been known to take rather extreme measures in order to capture footage, sometimes secretly filming the employees, even if they tell the crew that they do not want to be on camera. While they mainly observe the action around them, the camera operators have, on occasion, intervened, such as when Pam asks one to alert her if they see any indications to suggest that Dwight and Angela are in a relationship, which the camera operator does,[80] or when the crew shows Jim and Pam recent footage of the two kissing, in order to elicit an explanation from them.[81] However, they have also done the exact opposite, even in critical situations, such as when Dwight tricks his co-workers into believing that the building is on fire, and the crew neglects to inform everyone that it is just a "safety drill" (even though it results in a massive panic, and a member of the crew even gets trampled by the staff).[82]

While they remain mostly unseen, the crew members have appeared in the background from time to time, most noticeably in the episodes "Health Care", "Office Olympics", "The Fire", "The Fight", "The Secret", "Branch Wars","Survivor Man", and "Customer Survey". The ninth-season premiere marked the first time the audience has heard one of them speak, as when Pam and Jim finish their interview outlining their summer, Pam brings up the crew's lengthy stay at the office, asking the cameraman "Don't you guys have everything? I mean, it's just a paper company", to which the interviewer (voiced by David Rogers) responde "Bueno, los seguimos más a ustedes, para ver cómo les va".

Durante una sesión de preguntas y respuestas de Writer's Block en 2007 en The Office Convention, los escritores sugirieron medio en broma que la razón original por la que el equipo de cámara filmaba las vidas del personal era ver cómo la sucursal de Dunder Mifflin Scranton manejó el suicidio de un compañero de trabajo ( ese empleado es Tom Peets), pero el equipo cambió su enfoque al darse cuenta de que los eventos diarios en la oficina harían un documental más cautivador. [83]


Brian ( Chris Diamantopoulos ) era el operador de boom del equipo de filmación. Él (presumiblemente) ha estado con ellos desde que comenzaron a filmar, pero no fue visto hasta el episodio " Customer Loyalty ", en el que consuela a una Pam llorosa después de una pelea con Jim, ordenando que se apaguen las cámaras mientras lo hace. En el episodio posterior , Pam le pide disculpas, ya que sus acciones hicieron que sus superiores lo reprendieran, aunque él le dice que no se sienta culpable por ello. En " Vandalismo", Brian is fired from the documentary after breaking protocol and intervening by hitting the Warehouse worker Frank across the face with his mic when it appears that he is going to physically assault Pam. Shortly after his termination, he tells Pam that, should she ever need anything, to just let him know, leaving her grateful, but confused. In "Couples Discount", the Halperts plan to have lunch with Brian and his wife, Alyssa, to thank him for protecting Pam from Frank. When they arrive, they are surprised to be meeting only with Brian, who reveals that he is getting a divorce. He reveals that he and his wife had been fighting for a while, but they realized it was over for them when they finally stopped. Tension is then created between Jim and Pam when the latter's emotional breakdown from a few weeks back is revealed to the former after Brian begins to get misty-eyed and Pam comforts him, leading to him to joke about the two having to stop tearing up in front of one another. In "Promos", Pam visits Brian at his apartment, and tells him that upon seeing the old footage she thinks Jim's feelings for her have largely faded, and Brian agrees. When she asks about what the crew filmed, he tells her that every important moment was captured even when not wearing their microphones. Realizing the extent to which their privacy has been violated, Pam storms out of Brian's house. On re-watching the promo, Pam decides she is glad that the history of her relationship with Jim has been captured.


  1. ^ Mr. Brown’s first name is Al. In "Diversity Day", Michael says "Hey, Al, can I help you out in there?"


  1. ^ a b Daniels, Greg (Creator) & Ellickson, Owen ( writer), "Fundraiser." The Office, NBC. Episode 22, Season 8. Aired on April 26, 2012.
  2. ^ "Michael's Last Dundies". The Office. NBC.
  3. ^ Like The Office (May 16, 2012). "Deangelo Vickers". Archived from the original on November 2, 2012. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  4. ^ "Goodbye, Michael". The Office. NBC.
  5. ^ a b "The Inner Circle". The Office. NBC.
  6. ^ a b "Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager". The Office. NBC.
  7. ^ "Lotto". The Office. NBC.
  8. ^ Hibberd, James (August 15, 2011). "'The Office' scoop! James Spader, showrunner reveal season 8 details – EXCLUSIVE". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 15, 2011.
  9. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. "Catherine Tate Returns To NBC's 'The Office'". Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  10. ^ Episode "The Banker"
  11. ^ Episode "Viewing Party"
  12. ^ "Threat Level Midnight". Threat Level Midnight. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  13. ^ "The Office's Best Characters, Ranked". MSN. Retrieved September 16, 2020.
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