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Si tuviera que caer, desearía que hubiera sido en las aceras de Nueva York, no en las aceras de New Brunswick, Nueva Jersey.

- Alfred E. Smith a Lew Dockstader en diciembre de 1923 en la caída de Dockstader en lo que ahora es el State Theatre . [21]

New Brunswick es una ciudad en el condado de Middlesex, Nueva Jersey , Estados Unidos. La ciudad es la sede del condado de Middlesex, [22] y es el hogar de la Universidad de Rutgers . La ciudad es tanto un centro comercial regional para la región central de Nueva Jersey como una ciudad de cercanías prominente y creciente para los residentes que viajan diariamente a la ciudad de Nueva York dentro del área metropolitana de Nueva York . New Brunswick se encuentra en la línea ferroviaria del Northeast Corridor , a 27 millas (43 km) al suroeste de Manhattan . La ciudad está ubicada en la orilla sur del río Raritan. en la región del Valle de Raritan.

Para 2019, New Brunswick tenía una población estimada por el censo de 55,676, [12] lo que representa un aumento del 0,9% de las 55,181 personas enumeradas en el censo de los Estados Unidos de 2010 , [9] [10] [11] que a su vez reflejó un aumento de 6.608 (+ 13,6%) de los 48.573 contabilizados en el censo de 2000 . [23] La oficina de censo 's Population Estimates Programa calcula que la población de la ciudad era de 55.676 en 2019, [12] el ranking de la ciudad, el 689o más poblado en el país . [14] Debido a la concentración de instalaciones médicasen el área, incluidos el Hospital Universitario Robert Wood Johnson y el Hospital Universitario Saint Peter , así como Rutgers, la Facultad de Medicina Robert Wood Johnson de la Universidad Estatal de Nueva Jersey , New Brunswick es conocida como Hub City y Healthcare City . [24] [25] Las oficinas centrales corporativas y las instalaciones de producción de varias compañías farmacéuticas globales están situadas en la ciudad, incluidas Johnson & Johnson y Bristol Myers Squibb .

New Brunswick se destaca por su diversidad étnica . En un momento, una cuarta parte de la población húngara de Nueva Jersey residía en la ciudad y en la década de 1930 uno de cada tres residentes de la ciudad era húngaro. [26] La comunidad húngara continúa como una comunidad cohesionada, con 3.200 residentes húngaros que representan el 8% de la población de New Brunswick en 1992. [27] Las comunidades asiáticas e hispanas en crecimiento se han desarrollado alrededor de French Street cerca del Hospital Universitario Robert Wood Johnson.

Historia [ editar ]

Etimología [ editar ]

El área alrededor del actual New Brunswick fue habitada por primera vez por los nativos americanos Lenape , cuyo Sendero Minisink cruzaba el río Raritan y seguía una ruta que sería tomada por caminos coloniales posteriores. [28] El primer asentamiento europeo en el sitio de New Brunswick se hizo en 1681. El asentamiento aquí se llamó Prigmore's Swamp (1681-1697), entonces conocido como Inian's Ferry (1691-1714). [29] En 1714, el asentamiento recibió el nombre de New Brunswick, en honor a la ciudad de Braunschweig ( Brunswick en bajo alemán ), en el estado de Baja Sajonia., que ahora se encuentra en Alemania . Braunschweig era una ciudad influyente y poderosa en la Liga Hanseática y fue una sede administrativa del Ducado de Hannover. Poco después del primer asentamiento de New Brunswick en la Nueva Jersey colonial, George, duque de Brunswick-Lüneburg y elector de Hannover, se convirtió en el rey George I de Gran Bretaña . Alternativamente, la ciudad recibe su nombre del rey Jorge II de Gran Bretaña , el duque de Brunswick-Lüneburg . [30] [31]

Durante los períodos colonial y americano temprano [ editar ]

Con una ubicación central entre la ciudad de Nueva York y Filadelfia, a lo largo de una de las primeras vías conocida como King's Highway y situada a lo largo del río Raritan , New Brunswick se convirtió en un importante centro para los viajeros y comerciantes coloniales. New Brunswick se incorporó como ciudad en 1736 y fue constituida como ciudad en 1784. [32] Se incorporó a una ciudad en 1798 como parte de la Ley del municipio de 1798 . Fue ocupada por los británicos en el invierno de 1776-1777 durante la Guerra de Independencia . [33]

La Declaración de Independencia recibió una de sus primeras lecturas públicas, por parte del coronel John Neilson en New Brunswick el 9 de julio de 1776, en los días posteriores a su promulgación por el Congreso Continental . [34] [35] [36] Una estatua de bronce que marca el evento fue dedicada el 9 de julio de 2017, en Monument Square, frente al Hotel Heldrich. [37]

Los fideicomisarios de Queen's College (ahora Universidad de Rutgers ), fundada en 1766, votaron por un margen de diez a siete en 1771 para ubicar la joven universidad en New Brunswick, seleccionando la ciudad sobre Hackensack , en el condado de Bergen, Nueva Jersey . [38] Las clases comenzaron en 1771 con un instructor, un estudiante de segundo año, Mateo Leydt , y varios estudiantes de primer año en una taberna llamada la 'Señal de la Red Lion' en la esquina de las calles Albany y Neilson (ahora los motivos de la Johnson & Johnson corporativa sede); Leydt se convertiría en el primer graduado de la universidad en 1774, cuando era el único miembro de la promoción. [39]El Signo del León Rojo se compró en nombre del Queens College en 1771 y luego se vendió a la propiedad de Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh en 1791. [40] Las clases se llevaron a cabo durante la Revolución Americana en varias tabernas y pensiones, y en un edificio. conocido como College Hall en George Street, hasta que Old Queens se completó y abrió en 1811. [41] [42] Sigue siendo el edificio más antiguo en el campus de la Universidad de Rutgers. [43] El Queen's College Grammar School (ahora Rutgers Preparatory School ) se estableció también en 1766 y compartió instalaciones con el colegio hasta 1830, cuando se ubicó en un edificio (ahora conocido como Alexander Johnston Hall) al otro lado de College Avenue desde Old Queens. [44] Después de que la Universidad de Rutgers se convirtió en la universidad estatal de Nueva Jersey en 1945, [45] los Fideicomisarios de Rutgers se deshicieron de la Escuela Preparatoria de Rutgers, que se trasladó en 1957 a una propiedad comprada a Colgate-Palmolive Company en Franklin Township en la vecina Somerset. Condado . [46]

El Seminario Teológico de New Brunswick , fundado en 1784 en Nueva York , se trasladó a New Brunswick en 1810, compartiendo sus habitaciones con el incipiente Queen's College. (Queen's cerró de 1810 a 1825 debido a problemas financieros y reabrió en 1825 como Rutgers College.) [47] El Seminario, debido al hacinamiento y las diferencias sobre la misión de Rutgers College como institución secular, se trasladó a una extensión de terreno que cubría 7 acres (2,8 ha) ubicados a menos de 12 milla (0,80 km) al oeste, que todavía ocupa, aunque el terreno ahora está en el medio del campus de College Avenue de la Universidad de Rutgers . [48]

New Brunswick se formó por estatuto real el 30 de diciembre de 1730, dentro de otros municipios en los condados de Middlesex y Somerset y fue reformado por estatuto real con los mismos límites el 12 de febrero de 1763, momento en el que se dividió en distritos norte y sur. New Brunswick se incorporó como ciudad por una ley de la Legislatura de Nueva Jersey el 1 de septiembre de 1784. [32]

  • Old Queens , el edificio más antiguo de la Universidad de Rutgers

  • Construcción de la línea del Tranvía, alrededor de 1885

  • Puente de Albany Street , 1903

  • Vista aérea de New Brunswick, 1910

Comunidad afroamericana [ editar ]

Esclavitud en Nuevo Brunswick [ editar ]

La existencia de una comunidad afroamericana en New Brunswick se remonta al siglo XVIII, cuando la esclavitud racial era parte de la vida en la ciudad y sus alrededores. Los propietarios de esclavos locales compraban y vendían niños, mujeres y hombres afroamericanos en New Brunswick a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. En este período, Market-House fue el centro de la vida comercial de la ciudad. Estaba ubicado en la esquina de Hiram Street y Queen Street (ahora Neilson Street) adyacente al Raritan Wharf. El sitio era un lugar donde los residentes de New Brunswick vendían e intercambiaban sus productos, lo que lo convirtió en una parte integral de la economía de la ciudad. Market-House también sirvió como un sitio para subastas y ventas regulares de esclavos. [49] : 101

A finales del siglo XVIII, New Brunswick se convirtió en un centro de producción y distribución de periódicos. The Fredonian , un periódico popular, estaba ubicado a menos de una cuadra del mencionado Market-House y ayudó a facilitar las transacciones comerciales. Una parte importante de los periódicos locales eran secciones dedicadas a propietarios privados que anunciaban la venta de sus esclavos. La tendencia de anunciar la venta de esclavos en los periódicos muestra que los residentes de New Brunswick normalmente preferían vender y comprar esclavos de forma privada e individual en lugar de en grandes grupos. [49] : 103La mayoría de los anuncios individuales eran de esclavas, y su edad promedio en el momento de la venta era de 20 años, que se consideraba la mejor edad para tener hijos. Los dueños de esclavos obtendrían el mayor beneficio de las mujeres que encajaban en esta categoría porque estas mujeres tenían el potencial de reproducir otra generación de trabajadores esclavizados. Además, en el entorno urbano de New Brunswick, había una gran demanda de trabajo doméstico y se prefería a las trabajadoras para las tareas de cocina y del hogar. [49] : 107

La legislatura de Nueva Jersey aprobó una ley para la abolición gradual de la esclavitud en 1804. [50] Según las disposiciones de esta ley, los niños nacidos de mujeres esclavizadas después del 4 de julio de 1804 servirían a su amo por un período de 21 años (para niñas ) o un plazo de 25 años (para chicos), y después de este plazo, ganarían su libertad. Sin embargo, todos los individuos que fueron esclavizados antes del 4 de julio de 1804, continuarían siendo esclavos de por vida y nunca alcanzarían la libertad bajo esta ley. New Brunswick continuó siendo el hogar de afroamericanos esclavizados junto con una comunidad creciente de personas de color libres. El censo de Estados Unidos de 1810 enumeró 53 negros libres y 164 esclavos en New Brunswick. [51]

Espacios e instituciones afroamericanos a principios del siglo XIX [ editar ]

En la década de 1810, algunos afroamericanos libres vivían en una sección de la ciudad llamada Halfpenny Town, que estaba ubicada a lo largo del río Raritan en el lado este de la ciudad, cerca de Queen (ahora Neilson) Street. Halfpenny Town era un lugar poblado por negros libres y blancos más pobres que no tenían esclavos. Este lugar era conocido como una reunión social para negros libres que no estaba completamente influenciada por el escrutinio blanco y permitía a los negros libres socializar entre ellos. Esto no significa que estaba libre de ojos blancos y todavía estaba bajo los efectos negativos de la era de la esclavitud. [49] : 99En las primeras décadas del siglo XIX, los blancos y los afroamericanos libres o esclavizados compartían muchos de los mismos espacios en New Brunswick, particularmente lugares de culto. La Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana, la Iglesia de Cristo y la Primera Iglesia Reformada eran populares entre blancos y negros, y New Brunswick se destacaba por su falta de espacios donde los afroamericanos pudieran congregarse exclusivamente. La mayor parte del tiempo, los feligreses negros de estas iglesias estaban bajo la vigilancia de los blancos. [49] : 113 Ese fue el caso hasta la creación de la Asociación Africana de New Brunswick en 1817. [49] : 114-115

Tanto los afroamericanos libres como los esclavizados participaron activamente en el establecimiento de la Asociación Africana de New Brunswick, cuyas reuniones se celebraron por primera vez en 1817. [49] : 112La Asociación Africana de New Brunswick celebró una reunión todos los meses, principalmente en los hogares de negros libres. A veces, estas reuniones se llevaron a cabo en la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana. Originalmente pensada para brindar apoyo financiero a la Escuela Africana de New Brunswick, la Asociación Africana se convirtió en un espacio donde los negros podían reunirse y compartir ideas sobre una variedad de temas como la religión, la abolición y la colonización. Los esclavos debían obtener un pase de su dueño para poder asistir a estas reuniones. La Asociación Africana trabajó en estrecha colaboración con los blancos y en general fue favorecida entre los residentes blancos que creían que traería más paz y armonía racial a New Brunswick. [49] : 114-115

La Asociación Africana de New Brunswick estableció la Escuela Africana en 1822. La Escuela Africana se alojó por primera vez en la casa de Caesar Rappleyea en 1823. [49] : 114 La escuela estaba ubicada en el extremo superior de Church Street en el centro de Nueva Brunswick, a unas dos cuadras de la cárcel que albergaba a los esclavos fugitivos. Tanto los negros libres como los esclavizados eran bienvenidos como miembros de la Escuela. [49] : 116 El reverendo Huntington (pastor de la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana ) y varios otros blancos prominentes eran fideicomisarios de la Asociación Africana de New Brunswick. Estos fideicomisarios apoyaron a la Asociación, lo que hizo que algunos propietarios de esclavos se sintieran seguros enviando a sus esclavos allí mediante un proceso de permiso.[49] : 115 La creencia principal de estos partidarios blancos era que los negros todavía no eran aptos para la ciudadanía y residencia estadounidense, y algunos fideicomisarios estaban conectados con la Sociedad de Colonización Estadounidense que abogaba por la migración de afroamericanos libres a África. Los fideicomisarios blancos solo asistieron a algunas de las reuniones de la Asociación Africana, y la Asociación todavía no tenía precedentes como un espacio para que los negros esclavizados y libres se reunieran bajo la mínima supervisión de los blancos. [49] : 116-117

La Asociación Africana parece haberse disuelto después de 1824. Para 1827, los negros libres y esclavizados de la ciudad, incluidos Joseph y Jane Hoagland, se unieron para establecer la Iglesia Episcopal Metodista Africana Mount Zion y compraron un terreno en Division Street para el propósito de erigir un edificio de la iglesia. Esta fue la primera iglesia afroamericana en el condado de Middlesex. La iglesia tenía aproximadamente 30 miembros en sus primeros años. La iglesia todavía está en funcionamiento y actualmente se encuentra en 39 Hildebrand Way. La calle Hildebrand Way lleva el nombre del difunto reverendo Henry Alphonso Hildebrand, quien fue pastor de Mount Zion AME durante 37 años, que es el nombramiento más largo recibido por un pastor en Mount Zion AME. [52]

Los registros del censo de abril de 1828, realizado por el Consejo Común de New Brunswick, indican que New Brunswick estaba poblado con 4.435 residentes blancos y 374 afroamericanos libres. La población esclavizada de New Brunswick en 1828 consistía en 57 esclavos que deben servir de por vida y 127 esclavos elegibles para la manumisión a los 21 o 25 años debido a la Ley de 1804 para la abolición gradual de la esclavitud. Los afroamericanos libres y esclavizados representaban el 11% de la población de New Brunswick en 1828, un porcentaje relativamente alto para New Jersey. [49] : 94 En comparación, a partir del censo de Estados Unidos de 1830 , los afroamericanos constituían aproximadamente el 6,4% de la población total de Nueva Jersey. [53]

Cárcel y toque de queda en el siglo XIX [ editar ]

En 1824, el Consejo Común de New Brunswick adoptó un toque de queda para las personas de color libres. A los afroamericanos libres no se les permitió salir después de las 10 pm del sábado por la noche. El Consejo Común también nombró un comité de residentes blancos que fueron acusados ​​de arrestar y detener a afroamericanos libres que parecían estar fuera de lugar según las autoridades blancas. [49] : 98

New Brunswick se convirtió en una ciudad notoria para los cazadores de esclavos, que buscaban hacer cumplir la Ley de esclavos fugitivos de 1850 . Ubicada estratégicamente en el río Raritan, la ciudad también fue un centro vital para el ferrocarril subterráneo de Nueva Jersey . Para los esclavos fugitivos en Nueva Jersey, sirvió como una ruta favorable para aquellos que se dirigían a Nueva York y Canadá. Cuando los afroamericanos intentaron escapar hacia o desde New Brunswick, tenían una alta probabilidad de ser descubiertos y capturados y enviados a la cárcel de New Brunswick, que estaba ubicada en Prince Street, que ahora se llama Bayard Street. [49] : 96

Comunidad húngara [ editar ]

El Comité de Iglesias y Organizaciones Húngaras de Nuevo Brunswick en conmemoración del aniversario de la Revolución Húngara de 1956

New Brunswick ha sido descrita como la "ciudad más húngara" del país, con inmigrantes húngaros que llegaron a la ciudad ya en 1888 y representaron casi el 20% de la población de la ciudad en 1915. [54] Los húngaros se sintieron atraídos principalmente a la ciudad por el empleo. en las fábricas de Johnson & Johnson ubicadas en la ciudad. [55] Los húngaros se establecieron principalmente en lo que hoy es el Quinto Distrito y las empresas se establecieron para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad húngara que no estaban siendo satisfechas por las empresas principales. [56] La población inmigrante creció hasta el final del boom de la inmigración a principios del siglo XX.

Durante la Guerra Fría , la comunidad fue revitalizada por la decisión de procesar a las decenas de miles de refugiados que llegaron a los Estados Unidos de la fallida Revolución Húngara de 1956 en Camp Kilmer , en las cercanías de Edison . [57] A pesar de que la población húngara ha sido suplantada en gran medida por inmigrantes más nuevos, sigue habiendo un festival húngaro en la ciudad que se celebra en Somerset Street el primer sábado de junio de cada año; el 44º evento anual se celebró en 2019 [58].Muchas instituciones húngaras establecidas por la comunidad permanecen y están activas en el vecindario, incluyendo: Iglesia Reformada Magyar, Iglesia Luterana Ascensión, Iglesia Católica Romana de San Ladislao, Iglesia Católica Bizantina de San José, Club Atlético Húngaro Americano, Preescolar Aprokfalva Montessori, Széchenyi Escuela comunitaria y jardín de infantes húngaros, Teleki Pál Scout Home, Fundación Estadounidense Húngaro, Vers Hangja, Grupo de Poesía Húngara, Serie de Conferencias Bolyai sobre Artes y Ciencias, Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos de Hungría, Programa de Radio Húngara, Asociación Cívica Húngara, Comité de Iglesias y Organizaciones de Nueva Hungría Brunswick y Csűrdöngölő Folk Dance Ensemble.

Varios hitos de la ciudad también dan testimonio de su herencia húngara. Hay una calle y un parque que llevan el nombre de Lajos Kossuth , uno de los líderes de la Revolución Húngara de 1848 . La esquina de Somerset Street y Plum Street se llama Mindszenty Square, donde se erigió la primera estatua del cardenal József Mindszenty . [27] Cerca se encuentra un monumento de piedra a las víctimas de la Revolución Húngara de 1956. [59]

Comunidad latina [ editar ]

En el censo de 2010, aproximadamente el 50% de la población de New Brunswick se autoidentifica como hispana, el decimocuarto porcentaje más alto entre los municipios de New Jersey. [9] [60] Desde la década de 1960, muchos de los nuevos residentes de New Brunswick han venido de América Latina. Muchos ciudadanos se mudaron de Puerto Rico en la década de 1970. En la década de 1980, muchos emigraron de la República Dominicana y aún más tarde de Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador y México.

Demolición, revitalización y remodelación [ editar ]

El Proyecto Gateway en construcción
College Avenue viejo y nuevo

New Brunswick es una de las nueve ciudades de Nueva Jersey designadas como elegibles para créditos fiscales para centros de tránsito urbano por la Autoridad de Desarrollo Económico del estado . Los desarrolladores que inviertan un mínimo de $ 50 millones dentro de una media milla de una estación de tren son elegibles para un crédito fiscal prorrateado . [61] [62]

New Brunswick contiene varios ejemplos de renovación urbana en los Estados Unidos. En las décadas de 1960 y 1970, el centro de la ciudad se arruinó cuando los residentes de clase media se mudaron a los suburbios más nuevos que rodeaban la ciudad, un ejemplo del fenómeno conocido como " vuelo blanco ". A partir de 1975, la Universidad de Rutgers , Johnson & Johnson y el gobierno de la ciudad colaboraron a través de la Autoridad de Desarrollo Económico de Nueva Jersey para formar la Compañía de Desarrollo de New Brunswick (DevCo), con el objetivo de revitalizar el centro de la ciudad y reconstruir los vecindarios considerados arruinados y peligrosos. (mediante demolición de edificios existentes y construcción de nuevos). [63] [64]Johnson & Johnson anunció en 1978 que permanecerían en New Brunswick e invertirían $ 50 millones para construir un nuevo edificio de la sede mundial en el área entre Albany Street, el corredor noreste de Amtrak, la ruta 18 y George Street, lo que requiere muchos edificios antiguos y carreteras históricas para Ser eliminado. [65] El área de Hiram Market, un distrito histórico que en la década de 1970 se había convertido en un vecindario mayoritariamente puertorriqueño y dominicano-estadounidense , fue demolido para construir un hotel Hyatt y un centro de conferencias y viviendas de lujo. [66] Johnson & Johnson garantizó la inversión realizada por Hyatt Hotels, ya que desconfiaban de construir un hotel de lujo en una zona deteriorada. [ cita requerida ]

Devco, los hospitales y el gobierno de la ciudad han provocado la ira tanto de los conservacionistas históricos , de los que se oponen a la gentrificación [67] como de los preocupados por los abusos del dominio eminente y la reducción de impuestos para los desarrolladores. [68]

New Brunswick es el hogar del campus principal de la Universidad de Rutgers y Johnson and Johnson , que construyó una nueva sede en 1983. [69] [70] [71] Ambos trabajan con Devco en una asociación público-privada para reconstruir el centro de la ciudad, particularmente en lo que respecta al tránsito. -orientado al desarrollo . [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] Boraie Development, una empresa de desarrollo de bienes raíces con sede en New Brunswick, ha desarrollado proyectos utilizando los incentivos proporcionados por Devco y el estado. [ cita requerida ]

Edificios más altos [ editar ]

Christ Church , construida originalmente en 1742, era el edificio más alto en el momento de la construcción. [79] Se añadió un campanario en 1773 y se reemplazó en 1803. [80]

La Primera Iglesia Reformada de seis pisos , construida en 1812, fue durante mucho tiempo la estructura más alta de la ciudad. [81] Uno de los primeros edificios comerciales altos de la ciudad fue el National Bank of New Jersey de ocho pisos de 34,29 m (112,5 pies) construido en 1908. [82] [83] Los cuatro de nueve pisos de 38 m (125 pies) Los edificios del proyecto de viviendas New Brunswick Homes, originalmente construido en 1958, fueron demolidos por implosión en 2000 y reemplazados en gran parte por viviendas de poca altura. [84] [85] [86]

Si bien no hay edificios de más de 100 metros (330 pies) en la ciudad, desde el milenio varios edificios residenciales de gran altura [87] agrupados alrededor de la estación de New Brunswick se han unido a los construidos en la década de 1960 en el horizonte de la ciudad. [88] [89] [90] [91] [92]

En 2008, hubo una propuesta para construir una torre del Centro Cultural New Brunswick de 34 pisos y 142 metros (466 pies), que habría sido el edificio más alto de la ciudad. [93] [94] En 2017 se anunció que se construiría un nuevo edificio que incluiría un centro de artes escénicas en el sitio de George Street Playhouse y Crossroads Theatre e incluiría 25 pisos de espacio residencial y de oficinas. [95] [96] [97] Un nuevo complejo, The Hub, contendrá los edificios más altos de la ciudad una vez finalizado. [76] [98]

New Brunswick, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Ubicación de los cinco edificios más altos de New Brunswick.
Estación de New Brunswick y The Gateway , un desarrollo orientado al tránsito
Primera Iglesia Reformada , construida en 1812, durante mucho tiempo el edificio más alto de la ciudad.
Banco Nacional de Nueva Jersey, 1908

En construcción y propuesto [ editar ]

Geografía [ editar ]

Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos , la ciudad tenía un área total de 14,90 km 2 (5,75 millas cuadradas ), incluidas 13,55 km 2 (5,23 millas cuadradas ) de tierra y 1,35 km 2 (0,52 millas cuadradas ) de agua (9,06%). . [1] [2] New Brunswick está en el lado sur del valle de Raritan junto con Piscataway , Highland Park , Edison y Franklin Township . New Brunswick se encuentra al suroeste de Newark y la ciudad de Nueva York y al noreste de Trenton y Filadelfia.

New Brunswick limita con los municipios de Piscataway, Highland Park y Edison a través del río Raritan al norte por medio de los puentes Donald y Morris Goodkind , y también con North Brunswick al suroeste, East Brunswick al sureste, todo en el condado de Middlesex. ; y por el municipio de Franklin en el condado de Somerset . [156] [157] [158]

Si bien la ciudad no celebra elecciones basadas en un sistema de distritos , ha estado muy dividida. [159] [160] [161] Hay varios vecindarios en la ciudad, que incluyen Fifth Ward, Feaster Park , [162] Lincoln Park , [ cita requerida ] Raritan Gardens y Edgebrook - Westons Mills . [159]

Clima [ editar ]

New Brunswick tiene un clima continental húmedo ( clasificación climática de Köppen Dfa ), caracterizado por veranos húmedos y calurosos e inviernos moderadamente fríos con lluvias de moderadas a considerables durante todo el año. No hay una estación seca o húmeda marcada.

Demografía [ editar ]

Censo 2010 [ editar ]

El censo de Estados Unidos de 2010 contó con 55.181 personas, 14.119 hogares y 7.751 familias en la ciudad. La densidad de población era de 10.556,4 por milla cuadrada (4.075,8 / km 2 ). Había 15.053 unidades de vivienda en una densidad media de 2.879,7 por milla cuadrada (1.111,9 / km 2 ). La composición racial fue 45,43% (25,071) blanca , 16,04% (8,852) negra o afroamericana , 0,90% (498) nativa americana , 7,60% (4,195) asiática , 0,03% (19) de las islas del Pacífico , 25,59% (14,122) de otras razas , y el 4,39% (2.424) de dos o más razas. hispano o latinoDe cualquier raza eran 49,93% (27,553) de la población. [9]

De los 14.119 hogares, el 31,0% tenía hijos menores de 18 años; El 29,2% eran parejas casadas que vivían juntas; El 17,5% tenía una mujer cabeza de familia sin marido presente y el 45,1% no eran familiares. De todos los hogares, el 25,8% se componían de individuos y el 7,2% había alguien que viven solas que fue de 65 años de edad o más. El tamaño promedio del hogar era 3.36 y el tamaño promedio de la familia era 3.91. [9]

El 21,1% de la población eran menores de 18 años, el 33,2% de 18 a 24, el 28,4% de 25 a 44, el 12,2% de 45 a 64 y el 5,2% eran de 65 años de edad o más. La mediana de edad fue de 23,3 años. Por cada 100 mujeres, la población tenía 105,0 hombres. Por cada 100 mujeres mayores de 18 años había 105,3 hombres. [9]

La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense 2006-2010 de la Oficina del Censo mostró que (en dólares ajustados por inflación de 2010 ) el ingreso familiar promedio fue $ 44,543 (con un margen de error de +/- $ 2,356) y el ingreso familiar promedio fue $ 44,455 (+/- $ 3,526). Los hombres tenían un ingreso medio de $ 31,313 (+/- $ 1,265) versus $ 28,858 (+/- $ 1,771) para las mujeres. El ingreso per cápita del municipio fue de $ 16.395 (+/- $ 979). Aproximadamente el 15,5% de las familias y el 25,8% de la población estaban por debajo del umbral de pobreza , incluyendo el 25,4% de los menores de 18 años y el 16,9% de los 65 años o más. [178]

Censo 2000 [ editar ]

Según el censo de Estados Unidos de 2000 , había 48573 personas, 13,057 hogares y 7,207 familias que residían en la ciudad. La densidad de población era de 9.293,5 por milla cuadrada (3.585,9 / km 2 ). Había 13.893 unidades de vivienda en una densidad media de 2.658,1 por milla cuadrada (1.025,6 / km 2 ). La composición racial de la ciudad era 51,7% blanca , 24,5% afroamericana , 1,2% nativa americana , 5,9% asiática , 0,2% isleña del Pacífico , 21,0% de otras razas y 4,2% de dos o más razas. 39,01% de la población eran hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza.[176] [177]

Había 13.057 hogares, de los cuales el 29,1% tenían hijos menores de 18 años que vivían con ellos, el 29,6% eran parejas casadas que vivían juntas, el 18,0% tenían una mujer como cabeza de familia sin marido presente y el 44,8% no eran familias. El 24,3% de todas las familias se componían de personas y el 8,4% había alguien que viven solas que fue de 65 años de edad o más. El tamaño medio del hogar era 3,23 y el tamaño medio de la familia era 3,69. [176] [177]

El 20.1% de la población eran menores de 18 años, el 34.0% de 18 a 24, el 28.1% de 25 a 44, el 11.3% de 45 a 64 y el 6.5% eran mayores de 65 años. La mediana de edad fue de 24 años. Por cada 100 mujeres, hay 98,4 hombres. Por cada 100 mujeres mayores de 18 años, había 96,8 hombres. [176] [177]

La renta mediana de un hogar en la ciudad era $ 36.080 y la renta mediana para una familia era $ 38.222. Los hombres tenían unos ingresos medios de 25.657 dólares frente a los 23.604 dólares de las mujeres. El ingreso per cápita de la ciudad fue de $ 14.308. El 27,0% de la población y el 16,9% de las familias se encontraban por debajo del umbral de pobreza. Del total de personas que viven en la pobreza, el 25,9% eran menores de 18 años y el 13,8% tenían 65 años o más. [176] [177]

Economía [ editar ]

Cuidado de la salud [ editar ]

El Ayuntamiento ha promovido el sobrenombre de "La ciudad del cuidado de la salud " para reflejar la importancia de la industria del cuidado de la salud para su economía. [179] La ciudad alberga la sede mundial de Johnson & Johnson, junto con varias instituciones de investigación y enseñanza médica, incluido el Hospital Universitario de Saint Peter, el Hospital Universitario Robert Wood Johnson y la Escuela de Medicina Robert Wood Johnson, el Instituto del Cáncer de Nueva Jersey , y el Hospital de Niños Bristol-Myers Squibb . [180] Descrito como el primer programa de enseñanza secundaria magnet directamente afiliado a un hospital universitario y una escuela de medicina,La escuela secundaria de tecnología de ciencias de la salud de New Brunswick es una escuela secundaria pública que opera como parte de las escuelas públicas de New Brunswick y se centra en las ciencias de la salud . [181]

Zona empresarial urbana [ editar ]

Partes de la ciudad son parte de una Zona Empresarial Urbana (ZUE), una de las 32 zonas que cubren 37 municipios en todo el estado. New Brunswick fue seleccionado en 2004 como una de las dos zonas agregadas para participar en el programa. [182] Además de otros beneficios para fomentar el empleo y la inversión dentro de la Zona, los compradores pueden aprovechar una tasa de impuesto sobre las ventas reducida del 3.3125% (la mitad de los 6+58 % de tasa cobrada en todo el estado) en comercios elegibles. [183] Establecida en diciembre de 2004, el estatus de Zona Empresarial Urbana de la ciudad expira en diciembre de 2024. [184] [185]

Arte y cultura [ editar ]

Teatro [ editar ]

Tres sedes profesionales vecinas, Crossroads Theatre diseñado por Parsons + Fernandez-Casteleiro Architects de Nueva York. En 1999, el Crossroads Theatre ganó el prestigioso premio Tony al mejor teatro regional. Crossroads es el primer teatro afroamericano en recibir este honor en los 33 años de historia de esta categoría de premios especiales. [186] George Street Playhouse (fundado en 1974) [187] y el State Theatre (construido en 1921 para vodevil y películas mudas) [188] también forman el corazón de la escena teatral local. Crossroad Theatre alberga el American Repertory Ballet y la Princeton Ballet School .[189] La Universidad de Rutgers tiene compañías dirigidas por estudiantes como Cabaret Theatre, The Livingston Theatre Company y College Avenue Players, que interpretan de todo, desde musicales hasta obras dramáticas y sketches cómicos.

Mirando al norte desde la esquina de las calles New y George. El Heldrich Center está a la izquierda.

Periodismo [ editar ]

Debido en parte a la abundancia de graduados de la Universidad de Rutgers, New Brunswick ha desarrollado una rica historia en el periodismo local a lo largo de los años. Un medio de noticias actual es New Brunswick Today, una publicación impresa y digital lanzada en 2011 por el alumno de periodismo de Rutgers, Charlie Kratovil [190], que utiliza el lema "Noticias independientes para la gran comunidad de New Brunswick". La publicación ha cubierto problemas con la empresa de agua de la ciudad, entre otros, y apareció en Full Frontal con Samantha Bee . [191]

Museos [ editar ]

New Brunswick es el sitio del Museo de Arte Zimmerli en la Universidad de Rutgers (fundado en 1966), [192] Albus Cavus y el Museo de Geología de la Universidad de Rutgers (fundado en 1872). [193]

Bellas artes [ editar ]

New Brunswick fue un importante centro de arte de vanguardia en las décadas de 1950 y 1970 con varios artistas como Allan Kaprow , George Segal , George Brecht , Robert Whitman , Robert Watts , Lucas Samaras , Geoffrey Hendricks , Wolf Vostell y Roy Lichtenstein ; algunos de los cuales enseñaron en la Universidad de Rutgers. Este grupo de artistas a veces se conoce como la "Escuela de Nueva Jersey" o la "Escuela de Pintura de New Brunswick". El Festival YAM tuvo lugar el 19 de mayo de 1963, a acciones y Happenings . Para obtener más información, consulte Fluxus en la Universidad de Rutgers .[194] [195]

Camiones de grasa [ editar ]

Los "Camiones de grasa" en el campus de College Avenue de la Universidad de Rutgers

Los " camiones de grasa " eran un grupo de vendedores de alimentos en camiones ubicados en el campus de College Avenue de la Universidad de Rutgers. Eran conocidos por servir " sándwiches gordos " , panecillos que contienen varios ingredientes como bistec, alitas de pollo, papas fritas, falafel, hamburguesas con queso, palitos de mozzarella, carne de gyro, tocino, huevos y salsa marinara. En 2013, los camiones de grasa se retiraron para la construcción de un nuevo edificio de Rutgers y se vieron obligados a trasladarse a otras áreas del campus de Rutgers-New Brunswick. [196]

Música [ editar ]

La escena de bares de New Brunswick ha sido el hogar de muchas bandas de rock originales, incluidas algunas que alcanzaron prominencia nacional como The Smithereens y Bon Jovi , así como un centro para el punk rock local y la música underground. Muchas bandas de rock alternativo se transmitieron en la radio gracias a Matt Pinfield, quien formó parte de la escena musical de New Brunswick durante más de 20 años en la estación de radio WRSU de la Universidad de Rutgers. Los pubs y clubes locales acogieron a muchas bandas locales, incluida la Court Tavern [197] hasta 2012 [198] (desde que reabrió), [199] y el Melody Bar durante las décadas de 1980 y 1990. A medida que la escena del sótano de New Brunswick crece en popularidad, ocupó el puesto número 4 para ver bandas Indie en Nueva Jersey.[200] En marzo de 2017, escribió que "incluso si Asbury Park ha regresado recientemente como el centro neurálgico musical de nuestro estado, con los locales y la infraestructura de ladrillo y mortero para demostrarlo, New Brunswick permanece como la escena de Nueva Jersey sin adulterar , el corazón palpitante." [201]

Gobierno [ editar ]

El Ayuntamiento de New Brunswick , la Biblioteca Pública Gratuita de New Brunswick y la Oficina Principal de Correos de New Brunswick se encuentran en el distrito de gobierno de Civic Square de la ciudad, al igual que muchas otras oficinas de la ciudad, el condado, el estado y el gobierno federal.

Gobierno local [ editar ]


La ciudad de New Brunswick se rige por la Ley Faulkner , conocida formalmente como la Ley de la Carta Municipal Opcional, bajo el sistema de gobierno municipal de alcalde-consejo . La ciudad es uno de los 71 municipios (de los 565) en todo el estado gobernados bajo esta forma. [202] El órgano de gobierno está compuesto por el Alcalde y el Concejo Municipal de cinco miembros, todos los cuales son elegidos en general.sobre una base partidista a mandatos de cuatro años en años pares como parte de las elecciones generales de noviembre. Los cinco miembros del Concejo Municipal son elegidos de forma escalonada, con dos o tres escaños para las elecciones cada dos años y el alcalde se presenta a la elección al mismo tiempo que dos escaños del Concejo están a la votación. Como cuerpo legislativo del gobierno municipal de New Brunswick, el Ayuntamiento es responsable de aprobar el presupuesto anual, ordenanzas y resoluciones, contratos y nombramientos para juntas y comisiones. El Presidente del Consejo es elegido por un período de dos años por los miembros del Consejo en una reunión de reorganización celebrada después de la elección y preside todas las reuniones. [7] [203]

A partir de 2021 , el demócrata James Cahill es el 62º alcalde de New Brunswick ; prestó juramento como alcalde el 1 de enero de 1991 y cumple un mandato que expira el 31 de diciembre de 2022. [3] Los miembros del Concejo Municipal son el presidente del Concejo John A. Andersen (D, 2020), la vicepresidenta del Concejo Suzanne M. Sicora Ludwig (D, 2020), Kevin P. Egan (D, 2022), Rebecca H. Escobar (D, 2022) y Glenn J. Fleming Sr. (D, 2020). [204] [205] [206] [207] [208]

Servicios de emergencia [ editar ]

Departamento de policía [ editar ]

El Departamento de Policía de New Brunswick ha recibido atención por varios incidentes a lo largo de los años. En 1991, el tiroteo fatal de Shaun Potts, un residente negro desarmado, por el sargento Zane Gray provocó múltiples protestas locales. [209] En 1996, el oficial James Consalvo mató a tiros a Carolyn "Sissy" Adams, una prostituta desarmada que lo había mordido. [210] El caso Adams provocó pedidos de reforma en el Departamento de Policía de New Brunswick, y finalmente se resolvió con la familia. [211] Dos oficiales, el sargento. Marco Chinchilla y Det. James Marshall, fueron declarados culpables de dirigir un burdel en 2001. Chinchilla fue sentenciado a tres años y Marshall fue sentenciado a cuatro. [212] En 2011, el oficial Brad Berdel mató a tiros a Barry Deloatch., un hombre negro que se había escapado de la policía (aunque la policía afirma que golpeó a los agentes con un palo); [213] Esto provocó protestas diarias de los residentes. [214]

Después del tiroteo de Deloatch, el sargento Richard Rowe fue acusado formalmente de manejar mal 81 investigaciones de Asuntos Internos; El alcalde Cahill explicó que esto ayudaría a "reconstruir la confianza del público en la aplicación de la ley local". [215]

Departamento de bomberos [ editar ]

El actual departamento de bomberos profesional de la ciudad se estableció en 1914, pero la primera compañía de bomberos voluntarios de la ciudad se remonta a 1764. El departamento opera en tres estaciones, con un total de aproximadamente 80 oficiales y bomberos. [216]

Representación federal, estatal y del condado [ editar ]

New Brunswick se encuentra en el sexto distrito congresional [217] y es parte del decimoséptimo distrito legislativo estatal de Nueva Jersey. [10] [218] [219]

For the 117th United States Congress, New Jersey's Sixth Congressional District is represented by Frank Pallone (D, Long Branch).[220][221] New Jersey is represented in the United States Senate by Democrats Cory Booker (Newark, term ends 2027)[222] and Bob Menendez (Harrison, term ends 2025).[223][224]

For the 2018–2019 session (Senate, General Assembly), the 17th Legislative District of the New Jersey Legislature is represented in the State Senate by Bob Smith (D, Piscataway) and in the General Assembly by Joseph Danielsen (D, Franklin Township, Somerset County) and Joseph V. Egan (D, New Brunswick).[225][226]

Middlesex County is governed by a Board of Chosen Freeholders, whose seven members are elected at-large on a partisan basis to serve three-year terms of office on a staggered basis, with either two or three seats coming up for election each year as part of the November general election. At an annual reorganization meeting held in January, the board selects from among its members a Freeholder Director and Deputy Director. As of 2015, Middlesex County's Freeholders (with party affiliation, term-end year, residence and committee chairmanship listed in parentheses) are Freeholder Director Ronald G. Rios (D, term ends December 31, 2015, Carteret; Ex-officio on all committees),[227]Freeholder Deputy Director Carol Barrett Bellante (D, 2017; Monmouth Junction, South Brunswick Township; County Administration),[228]Kenneth Armwood (D, 2016, Piscataway; Business Development and Education),[229]Charles Kenny ( D, 2016, Woodbridge Township; Finance),[230]H. James Polos (D, 2015, Highland Park; Public Safety and Health),[231]Charles E. Tomaro (D, 2017, Edison; Infrastructure Management)[232] and Blanquita B. Valenti (D, 2016, New Brunswick; Community Services).[233][234] Constitutional officers are County Clerk Elaine M. Flynn (D, Old Bridge Township),[235]Sheriff Mildred S. Scott (D, 2016, Piscataway)[236] and Surrogate Kevin J. Hoagland (D, 2017; New Brunswick).[234][237]


As of March 23, 2011, there were a total of 22,742 registered voters in New Brunswick, of which 8,732 (38.4%) were registered as Democrats, 882 (3.9%) were registered as Republicans and 13,103 (57.6%) were registered as Unaffiliated. There were 25 voters registered to other parties.[238]

In the 2016 presidential election, Democrat Hillary Clinton received 81.9% of the vote (8,779 cast), ahead of Republican Donald Trump with 14.1% (1,516 votes), and other candidates with 4.0% (426 votes), among the 10,721 ballots cast.[243] In the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama received 83.4% of the vote (9,176 cast), ahead of Republican Mitt Romney with 14.3% (1,576 votes), and other candidates with 2.2% (247 votes), among the 11,106 ballots cast by the township's 23,536 registered voters (107 ballots were spoiled), for a turnout of 47.2%.[244][245] In the 2008 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama received 83.3% of the vote (10,717 cast), ahead of Republican John McCain with 14.8% (1,899 votes) and other candidates with 1.1% (140 votes), among the 12,873 ballots cast by the township's 23,533 registered voters, for a turnout of 54.7%.[241] In the 2004 presidential election, Democrat John Kerry received 78.2% of the vote (8,023 ballots cast), outpolling Republican George W. Bush with 19.7% (2,018 votes) and other candidates with 0.7% (143 votes), among the 10,263 ballots cast by the township's 20,734 registered voters, for a turnout percentage of 49.5.[242]

In the 2013 gubernatorial election, Democrat Barbara Buono received 66.5% of the vote (2,604 cast), ahead of Republican Chris Christie with 31.2% (1,220 votes), and other candidates with 2.3% (92 votes), among the 3,991 ballots cast by the township's 23,780 registered voters (75 ballots were spoiled), for a turnout of 16.8%.[250][251] In the 2009 gubernatorial election, Democrat Jon Corzine received 68.2% of the vote (4,281 ballots cast), ahead of Republican Chris Christie with 20.9% (1,314 votes), Independent Chris Daggett with 6.2% (387 votes) and other candidates with 2.0% (128 votes), among the 6,273 ballots cast by the township's 22,534 registered voters, yielding a 27.8% turnout.[248]


Public schools[edit]

The New Brunswick Public Schools serve students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. The district is one of 31 former Abbott districts statewide,[252] which are now referred to as "SDA Districts" based on the requirement for the state to cover all costs for school building and renovation projects in these districts under the supervision of the New Jersey Schools Development Authority.[253][254] The district's nine-member Board of Education is elected at large, with three members up for election on a staggered basis each April to serve three-year terms of office; until 2012, the members of the Board of Education were appointed by the city's mayor.[255]

As of the 2018–19 school year, the district, comprised of 11 schools, had an enrollment of 10,422 students and 781.8 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a student–teacher ratio of 13.3:1.[256] Schools in the district (with 2018–19 enrollment data from the National Center for Education Statistics[257]) are Lincoln Annex School[258] (747 students; in grade 4–8), Lincoln Elementary School[259] (544; K-3), Livingston Elementary School[260] (434; K-5), Lord Stirling Elementary School[261] (560; PreK-5), McKinley Community Elementary School[262] (761; PreK-8), A. Chester Redshaw Elementary School[263] (1,012; PreK-5), Paul Robeson Community School For The Arts[264] (665; K-8), Roosevelt Elementary School[265] (733; K-5), Woodrow Wilson Elementary School[266] (416; PreK-8), New Brunswick Middle School[267] (1,167; 6–8), New Brunswick High School[268] (2,206; 9-12), New Brunswick Health Sciences Technology High School[269] (9-12; NA) and New Brunswick P-TECH[270][271][272][273]

The community is also served by the Greater Brunswick Charter School, a K-8 charter school serving students from New Brunswick, Edison, Highland Park and Milltown.[274] As of the 2017–18 school year, the school, had an enrollment of 395 students and 33.0 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a student–teacher ratio of 12.0:1.[275]

Eighth grade students from all of Middlesex County are eligible to apply to attend the high school programs offered by the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools, a county-wide vocational school district that offers full-time career and technical education at Middlesex County Academy in Edison, the Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences in Woodbridge Township and at its East Brunswick, Perth Amboy and Piscataway technical high schools, with no tuition charged to students for attendance.[276][277]

Higher education[edit]

  • Rutgers University has three campuses in the city: College Avenue Campus (seat of the University), Douglass Campus, and Cook Campus, which extend into surrounding townships. Rutgers has also added several buildings downtown in the last two decades, both academic and residential.[278]
  • New Brunswick is the site to the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a seminary of the Reformed Church in America, that was founded in New York in 1784, then moved to New Brunswick in 1810.[47]
  • Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, part of Rutgers University, is located in New Brunswick and Piscataway.[279]
  • Middlesex County College has some facilities downtown, though its main campus is in Edison.[280]


Roads and highways[edit]

The New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) in New Brunswick

As of May 2010, the city had 73.24 miles (117.87 km) of roadways, of which 56.13 miles (90.33 km) were maintained by the municipality, 8.57 miles (13.79 km) by Middlesex County, 7.85 miles (12.63 km) by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and 0.69 miles (1.11 km) by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.[281]

The city is crisscrossed a wide range of roads and highways.[282] In the city is the intersection of U.S. Route 1[283] and Route 18,[284] and is bisected by Route 27.[285] New Brunswick hosts less than a mile of the New Jersey Turnpike (Interstate 95).[286] A few turnpike ramps are in the city that lead to Exit 9 which is just outside the city limits in East Brunswick.[287]

Other major roads that are nearby include the Garden State Parkway in Woodbridge Township and Interstate 287 in neighboring Edison, Piscataway and Franklin townships.

The New Brunswick Parking Authority manages 14 ground-level and multi-story parking facilities across the city.[288][289] CitiPark manages a downtown parking facility at 2 Albany Street.[290][291]

Public transportation[edit]

Southbound platform of New Brunswick's NJ Transit train station. University Center at Easton Avenue is in the background.
Panorama of New Brunswick station track to New York City

New Brunswick is served by NJ Transit and Amtrak trains on the Northeast Corridor Line.[292] NJ Transit provides frequent service north to Pennsylvania Station, in Midtown Manhattan, and south to Trenton, while Amtrak's Keystone Service and Northeast Regional trains service the New Brunswick station.[293] The Jersey Avenue station is also served by Northeast Corridor trains.[294] For other Amtrak connections, riders can take NJ Transit to Penn Station (New York or Newark), Trenton, or Metropark.

Local bus service is provided by NJ Transit's 810, 811, 814, 815, 818 routes and 980 route.[295][296]

Also available is the extensive Rutgers Campus bus network.[297] Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) shuttles provide service on routes operating across the county,[298] including the M1 route, which operates between Jamesburg and the New Brunswick train station.[299] DASH/CAT buses, operated by Somerset County on the 851 and 852 routes connect New Brunswick and Bound Brook.[300][301]

Suburban Trails offers service to and from New York City on Route 100 between Princeton and the Port Authority Bus Terminal; on Route 500 between New Brunswick and along 42nd Street to the United Nations; and Route 600 between East Windsor and Wall Street in Downtown Manhattan.[302] Studies are being conducted to create the New Brunswick Bus Rapid Transit system.

Intercity bus service from New Brunswick to Columbia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., is offered by OurBus Prime.[303]

New Brunswick was at the eastern terminus of the Delaware and Raritan Canal, of which there are remnants surviving or rebuilt along the river.[304] Until 1936, the city was served by the interurban Newark–Trenton Fast Line, which covered a 72-mile (116 km) route that stopped in New Brunswick as it ran between Jersey City and Trenton.[305]

The Raritan River Railroad ran to New Brunswick, but is now defunct along this part of the line. The track and freight station still remain. Proposals have been made to use the line as a light rail route that would provide an option for commuters now driving in cars on Route 18.[306]

Popular culture[edit]

  • On April 18, 1872, at New Brunswick, William Cameron Coup developed the system of transporting circus equipment, staff and animals from city to city using railroad cars. This system would be adopted by other railroad circuses and used through the golden age of railroad circuses until the 2017 closure of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.[307]
  • The play and movie 1776 (film) discusses the Continental Army under General George Washington being stationed at New Brunswick in June 1776 and being inspected by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Chase of Maryland as members of the War Committee.
  • The 1980s sitcom, Charles in Charge, was set in New Brunswick.[308]
  • The 2004 movie Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle revolves around Harold and Kumar's attempt to get to a White Castle restaurant and includes a stop in a fictionalized New Brunswick.[309]

Points of interest[edit]

The Heldrich in Downtown New Brunswick
  • Albany Street Bridge, a seven-span stone arch bridge dating to 1892 that was used as part of the transcontinental Lincoln Highway. It stretches 595 feet (181 m) across the Raritan River to Highland Park.[310][311]
  • Bishop House, located at 115 College Avenue, is an Italianate architecture mansion built for James Bishop and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.[312]
  • The historic Old Queens Campus and Voorhees Mall at Rutgers University – Old Queens, built in 1809, is the oldest building at Rutgers University. The building's cornerstone was laid in 1809.[43]
  • Buccleuch Mansion in Buccleuch Park. Built in 1739 by Anthony White as part of a working farm and home overlooking Raritan Landing, the house and its adjoining 79 acres (32 ha) of land were deeded to the City of New Brunswick to be used as a park in 1911.[313][314]
  • Christ Church Episcopal Churchyard had its earliest burial in 1754 and includes the grave sites of slaves.[315]
  • The Henry Guest House, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976, is a Georgian stone farmhouse built in 1760 by Henry Guest at Livingston Avenue and Morris Street that was moved in 1924 next to the New Brunswick Free Public Library after plans were made to demolish the building at its original site.[316]
  • William H. Johnson House is an example of Italianate architecture built c. 1870, when New Brunswick experienced a post-Civil War economic boom. Architectural components including the tall narrow windows with arched tops, double bays, cornice brackets and low pitched roofs exemplify the Italianate style.The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in July 2006.[317][318]
  • St. Peter the Apostle Church, built in 1856 based on a designed by Patrick Keeley, is located at 94 Somerset Street.[319]
  • Delaware and Raritan Canal – Completed in 1834, the canal reached its peak in the 1860s and 1870s, when its primary use was to transport coal from Pennsylvania to New York City. Accessing the canal at Bordentown on the Delaware River, the main route covered 44 miles (71 km) to New Brunswick on the Raritan River.[320]
  • Birthplace of poet Joyce Kilmer – Located on Joyce Kilmer Avenue, the building is where the poet and essayist was born on December 6, 1886. Acquired by a local American Legion post, the building and its second-floor memorial to Kilmer was sold to the state in the 1960s, which then transferred it to the ownership of the City of New Brunswick.[321]
  • Site of Johnson & Johnson world headquarters
  • The Willow Grove Cemetery – located behind the Henry Guest House and the New Brunswick Free Public Library, the site of the cemetery was acquired in the late 1840s, the cemetery association was incorporated in 1850 and a state charter was granted the following year.[322]
  • Mary Ellis grave (1750–1828) stands out due to its location in the AMC Theatres parking lot on U.S. Route 1 downriver from downtown New Brunswick.[323]
  • Lawrence Brook, a tributary of the Raritan River has a watershed covering 48 square miles (120 km2) that includes New Brunswick, as well as East Brunswick, Milltown, North Brunswick and South Brunswick.[324]
  • Elmer B. Boyd Park, a park running along the Raritan River, covering 20 acres (8.1 ha) adjacent to Route 18, the park went through an $11-million renovation project and reopened to the public in 1999.[325][326]

Places of worship[edit]

  • Abundant Life Family Worship Church – founded in 1991.[327]
  • Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple (Reform Judaism) – established in 1859.[328]
  • Ascension Lutheran Church – founded in 1908 as The New Brunswick First Magyar Augsburg Evangelical Church.[329]
  • Christ Church, Episcopal – granted a royal charter in 1761.[330]
  • Ebenezer Baptist Church
  • First Baptist Church of New Brunswick, American Baptist
  • First Presbyterian, Presbyterian (PCUSA)
  • First Reformed Reformed (RCA)
  • Kirkpatrick Chapel at Rutgers University (nondenominational)
  • Magyar Reformed, Calvinist
  • Mount Zion AME (African Methodist Episcopal)
  • Mt. Zion Ministries Family Worship Church
  • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
  • Point Community Church
  • Saint Joseph, Byzantine Catholic
  • Saint Ladislaus, Roman Catholic
  • Saint Mary of Mount Virgin Church, Remsen Avenue and Sandford Street, Roman Catholic
  • Sacred Heart Church, Throop Avenue, Roman Catholic
  • Saint Peter the Apostle Church, Somerset Street, Roman Catholic
  • Second Reformed Church, Reformed (RCA)
  • Sharon Baptist Church
  • United Methodist Church at New Brunswick
  • Voorhees Chapel at Rutgers University (nondenominational)

Notable people[edit]

Actor Michael Douglas
Gymnast Laurie Hernandez at the 2016 Summer Olympics
R&B singer Jaheim
Phil Radford, former executive director of Greenpeace USA
Former NFL quarterback Joe Theismann

People who were born in, residents of, or otherwise closely associated with the City of New Brunswick include:

  • David Abeel (1804–1846), Dutch Reformed Church missionary.[331]
  • Garnett Adrain (1815–1878), member of the United States House of Representatives.[332]
  • Charlie Atherton (1874–1934), major league baseball player.[333]
  • Jim Axelrod, national correspondent for CBS News, and reports for the CBS Evening News.[334]
  • Catherine Hayes Bailey (1921–2014), plant geneticist who specialized in fruit breeding.[335]
  • Joe Barzda (1915–1993), race car driver.[336][337]
  • John Bayard (1738–1807), merchant, soldier and statesman who was a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress in 1785 and 1786, and later mayor of New Brunswick.[338]
  • John Bradbury Bennet (1865–1940), United States Army officer and brigadier general active during World War I.[339]
  • James Berardinelli (born 1967), film critic.[340][341]
  • James Bishop (1816–1895), represented New Jersey's 3rd congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1855 to 1857.[342]
  • Charles S. Boggs (1811–1877), Rear Admiral who served in the United States Navy during the Mexican–American War and the American Civil War.[343]
  • PJ Bond, singer-songwriter.[344]
  • Jake Bornheimer (1927–1986), professional basketball player for the Philadelphia Warriors.[345]
  • James Bornheimer (1933–1993), politician who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1972 to 1982 and in the New Jersey Senate from 1982 to 1984.[346]
  • Brett Brackett (born 1987), football tight end.[347]
  • Derrick Drop Braxton (born 1981), record producer and composer.[348]
  • Sherry Britton (1918–2008), burlesque performer and actress.[349]
  • Gary Brokaw (born 1954), former professional basketball player who played most of his NBA career for the Milwaukee Bucks.[350]
  • Jalen Brunson (born 1996), basketball player.[351]
  • William Burdett-Coutts (1851–1921), British Conservative politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1885 to 1921.[352]
  • Darhyl Camper (born 1990), singer-songwriter and record producer.[353]
  • Arthur S. Carpender (1884–1960), United States Navy admiral who commanded the Allied Naval Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II.[354]
  • Jonathan Casillas (born 1987), linebacker for the NFL's New Orleans Saints and University of Wisconsin.[355]
  • Joseph Compton Castner (1869–1946), Army general[356]
  • Andre Dixon (born 1986), former professional football running back.[357]
  • Wheeler Winston Dixon (born 1950), filmmaker, critic, and author.[358][359]
  • Michael Douglas (born 1944), actor.[360]
  • Hasan Piker (born 1991), Twitch streamer and political commentator.[361]
  • Linda Emond (born 1959), actress.[362]
  • Jerome Epstein (born 1937), politician who served in the New Jersey Senate from 1972 to 1974 and later went to federal prison for pirating millions of dollars worth of fuel oil.[363]
  • Anthony Walton White Evans (1817–1886), engineer.[364]
  • Robert Farmar (1717–1778), British Army officer who fought in the Seven Years' War and served as interim governor of British West Florida.[365]
  • Mervin Field (1921–2015), pollster of public opinion.[366]
  • Louis Michael Figueroa (born 1966), arguably the most prolific transcontinental journeyman.[367]
  • Charles Fiske (1868–1942), bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York from 1924 to 1936.[368]
  • Margaret Kemble Gage (1734–1824). wife of General Thomas Gage, who led the British Army in Massachusetts early in the American Revolutionary War and who may have informed the revolutionaries of her husband's strategy.[369]
  • Morris Goodkind (c. 1888–1968), chief bridge engineer for the New Jersey State Highway Department from 1925 to 1955 (now the New Jersey Department of Transportation), responsible for the design of the Pulaski Skyway and 4,000 other bridges.[370]
  • Vera Mae Green (1928–1982), anthropologist, educator and scholar, who made major contributions in the fields of Caribbean studies, interethnic studies, black family studies and the study of poverty and the poor.[371]
  • Alan Guth (born 1947), theoretical physicist and cosmologist best known for his theory of cosmological inflation.[372]
  • All involved in the Hall-Mills Murder case of the 1920s.[373]
  • Augustus A. Hardenbergh (1830–1889), represented New Jersey's 7th congressional district from 1875 to 1879, and again from 1881 to 1883.[374]
  • Mel Harris (born 1956), actress.[375]
  • Mark Helias (born 1950), jazz bassist / composer.[376]
  • Susan Hendricks (born 1973), anchor for HLN and substitute anchor for CNN.[377]
  • Laurie Hernandez (born 2000), artistic gymnast representing Team USA at the 2016 Summer Olympics.[378]
  • Sabah Homasi (born 1988), mixed martial artist who competes in the welterweight division.[379]
  • Christine Moore Howell (1899–1972), hair care product businesswoman who founded Christine Cosmetics.[380]
  • Adam Hyler (1735–1782), privateer during the American Revolutionary War.[381]
  • Jaheim (born 1978, full name Jaheim Hoagland), R&B singer.[382]
  • Dwayne Jarrett (born 1986), wide receiver for the University of Southern California football team 2004 to 2006, current WR drafted by the Carolina Panthers.[383]
  • James P. Johnson (1891–1955), pianist and composer who was one of the original stride piano masters.[384]
  • William H. Johnson (1829–1904), painter and wallpaper hanger, businessman and local crafts person, whose home (c. 1870) was placed on the State of New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places in 2006.[385]
  • Robert Wood Johnson I (1845–1910), businessman who was one of the founders of Johnson & Johnson.[386]
  • Robert Wood Johnson II (1893–1968), businessman who led Johnson & Johnson and served as mayor of Highland Park, New Jersey.[387]
  • Woody Johnson (born 1947), businessman, philanthropist, and diplomat who is currently serving as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom.[388]
  • Mary Lea Johnson Richards (1926–1990), heiress, entrepreneur and Broadway producer, who was the first baby to appear on a Johnson's baby powder label.[389]
  • Frederick Barnett Kilmer (1851–1934), pharmacist, author, public health activist and the director of Scientific Laboratories for Johnson & Johnson from 1889 to 1934.[390]
  • Joyce Kilmer (1886–1918), poet.[391]
  • Littleton Kirkpatrick (1797–1859), represented New Jersey's 4th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1853 to 1855, and was mayor of New Brunswick in 1841 and 1842.[392]
  • Ted Kubiak (born 1942), MLB player for the Kansas City/Oakland Athletics, Milwaukee Brewers, St. Louis Cardinals, Texas Rangers, and the San Diego Padres.[393]
  • Roy Mack (1889–1962), director of film shorts, mostly comedies, with 205 titles to his credit.[394]
  • Floyd Mayweather Jr. (born 1977), multi-division winning boxer, currently with an undefeated record of 50–0; he grew up in the 1980s in the Hiram Square neighborhood.[395]
  • Jim Norton (born 1968), comedian.[396]
  • Robert Pastorelli (1954–2004), actor known primarily for playing the role of the house painter on Murphy Brown.[397]
  • Judith Persichilli (born 1949), nurse and health care executive who has served as the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health.[398]
  • Stephen Porges (born 1945), Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.[399]
  • Franke Previte (born 1946), composer.[400]
  • Phil Radford (born 1976), Greenpeace Executive Director.[citation needed]
  • Miles Ross (1827–1903), Mayor of New Brunswick, U.S. Representative and businessman.[401]
  • Mohamed Sanu (born 1989), American football wide receiver who has played in the NFL for the New England Patriots and San Francisco 49ers.[402]
  • Gabe Saporta (born 1979), musician and frontman of bands Midtown and Cobra Starship.[403]
  • Robert J. Sexton, writer and director[citation needed]
  • Jeff Shaara (born 1952), historical novelist.[404]
  • Dustin Sheppard (born 1980), retired professional soccer player who played in MLS for the MetroStars.[405]
  • Brian D. Sicknick (1978–2021), officer of the United States Capitol Police who died following the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol.[406]
  • George Sebastian Silzer (1870–1940), served as the 38th Governor of New Jersey. Served on the New Brunswick board of aldermen from 1892 to 1896.[407]
  • James H. Simpson (1813–1883), U.S. Army surveyor of western frontier areas.[408]
  • Robert Sklar (1936–2011), historian and author specializing in the history of film.[409]
  • Arthur Space (1908–1983), actor of theatre, film, and television.[410]
  • Larry Stark (born 1932), theater reviewer and creator of Theater Mirror.[411]
  • Matt Taibbi (born 1970), author and journalist.[412]
  • Norman Tanzman (1918–2004), politician who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1962 to 1968 and in the New Jersey Senate from 1968 to 1974.[413]
  • Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal (born 1969), guitarist, musician, composer.[414]
  • Joe Theismann (born 1949), former professional quarterback who played in the NFL for the Washington Redskins and former commentator on ESPN's Monday Night Football.[415]
  • William Henry Vanderbilt (1821–1885), businessman.[416]
  • John Van Dyke (1807–1878), represented New Jersey's 4th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1847 to 1851, and served as Mayor of New Brunswick from 1846 to 1847.[417]
  • Paul Wesley (born 1982), actor, known for his role as "Stefan Salvatore" on The CW show The Vampire Diaries.[418]
  • Rev. Samuel Merrill Woodbridge (1819–1905), minister, author, professor at Rutgers College and New Brunswick Theological Seminary.[419]
  • Eric Young (born 1967), former Major League Baseball player.[420]
  • Eric Young Jr. (born 1985), Major League Baseball player.[421]
  • All members of The Gaslight Anthem[422]
  • All members of Streetlight Manifesto[423]
  • All members of the Bouncing Souls[424]
  • All members of Thursday (band)

Sister cities[edit]

New Brunswick's sister cities are:[425][426]

  • Debrecen, Hungary
  • Fukui, Japan
  • County Limerick, Ireland
  • Tsuruoka, Japan


  1. ^ a b c d e f 2019 Census Gazetteer Files: New Jersey Places, United States Census Bureau. Accessed July 1, 2020.
  2. ^ a b US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990 , United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  3. ^ a b [1], City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 1, 2019.
  4. ^ 2020 New Jersey Mayors Directory, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  5. ^ Administration Staff, City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 11, 2019.
  6. ^ Leslie Zeledón Appointed as New City Clerk City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 11, 2019. "New Brunswick City Council appointed Leslie R. Zeledón as the new City Clerk at its 2019 Reorganization Meeting at City Hall. Zeledón has served as Deputy Clerk for the City of New Brunswick since September 2011. She replaces longtime City Clerk Daniel A. Torrisi, who was appointed by Mayor Cahill to serve as City Administrator."
  7. ^ a b 2012 New Jersey Legislative District Data Book, Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, March 2013, p. 81.
  8. ^ "City of New Brunswick". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey. Retrieved March 8, 2013.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g DP-1 - Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 for New Brunswick city, Middlesex County, New Jersey , United States Census Bureau. Accessed April 18, 2012.
  10. ^ a b c d Municipalities Sorted by 2011-2020 Legislative District, New Jersey Department of State. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  11. ^ a b c Table DP-1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2010 for New Brunswick city Archived 2014-01-17 at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed April 18, 2012.
  12. ^ a b c d QuickFacts for New Brunswick city, New Jersey; Middlesex County, New Jersey; New Jersey from Population estimates, July 1, 2019, (V2019), United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 21, 2020.
  13. ^ a b GCT-PH1 Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2010 - State -- County Subdivision from the 2010 Census Summary File 1 for New Jersey , United States Census Bureau. Accessed November 23, 2012.
  14. ^ a b Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places of 50,000 or More, Ranked by July 1, 2019 Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, United States Census Bureau. Accessed December 1, 2020. Note that townships (including Edison, Lakewood and Woodbridge, all of which have larger populations) are excluded from these rankings.
  15. ^ Look Up a ZIP Code for New Brunswick, NJ, United States Postal Service. Accessed April 18, 2012.
  16. ^ Zip Codes, State of New Jersey. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  17. ^ Area Code Lookup - NPA NXX for New Brunswick, NJ, Accessed October 6, 2014.
  18. ^ U.S. Census website , United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  19. ^ Geographic codes for New Jersey, Missouri Census Data Center. Accessed September 1, 2019.
  20. ^ US Board on Geographic Names, United States Geological Survey. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  21. ^ Staff. "Lew Dockstader, Minstrel, Is Dead. Famous Comedian Succumbs to a Bone Tumor at His Daughter's Home at 68", The New York Times, October 27, 1924. Accessed May 18, 2015.
  22. ^ New Jersey County Map, New Jersey Department of State. Accessed July 10, 2017.
  23. ^ Table 7. Population for the Counties and Municipalities in New Jersey: 1990, 2000 and 2010 Archived August 7, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, February 2011. Accessed November 23, 2012.
  24. ^ "7:30 a.m.—Filling cracks in the health care city", Home News Tribune, September 23, 1999. "With two major hospitals and a medical school, New Brunswick proclaims itself The Healthcare City."
  25. ^ "A wet day in the Hub City", Home News Tribune, September 23, 1999. "A few days short of 60 years, on Wednesday, Sept. 16, a dreary, drizzly day just ahead of the deluge of Hurricane Floyd, the Home News Tribune sent 24 reporters, 9 photographers and one artist into the Hub City, as it is known, to take a peek into life in New Brunswick as it is in 1999."
  26. ^ Weiss, Jennifer. "Redevelopment; As New Brunswick Grows, City's Hungarians Adapt", The New York Times, July 16, 2006. Accessed December 11, 2019. "While the Hungarian community has diminished over the years—in the 1930s it made up a third of New Brunswick's population—much of what it built remains."
  27. ^ a b Zinsmeister, James A. "New Brunswick Journal; Where Hungarian Pride Lives On", The New York Times, June 28, 1992. Accessed December 12, 2019. "On one corner, a statue of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty, the late, beloved primate of Hungary, rises amid flowers before a large blue spruce. Across the way, a small granite monument bears a newly burnished bronze plaque that commemorates the Hungarian revolution.... While it is difficult to determine precisely how many Hungarian-Americans live in New Brunswick, Dr. August Molnar, director of the Hungarian Heritage Center, estimates that 3,200 do. That represents about 8 percent of the city's population, down from nearly 10 percent in 1980."
  28. ^ Brennan, Ray. "Rutgers Historical Background", Rutgers Rarities. Accessed December 12, 2019. "According to Virtual Field Trip, New Brunswick was '...the place where the very important Native American Minisink Trail crossed the Raritan River. This later, as was the case with many other Native American routeways, became one of the most important colonial roads - the main overland route between New York and Philadelphia'"
  29. ^ Staff. "New-Jersey.; Miscellaneous Notes about New-Brunswick.", The New York Times, July 27, 1854. Accessed December 11, 2019. "If the 'desperately hot' weather permit, I purpose to give you a few items of general interest respecting this ancient Dutch settlement. However, with the mercury ranging from 78° to 98° in the shade, during the sixteen hours of sunshine, you will not expect much exertion on my part. Daniel Cooper (says Gordon,) was the first recorded inhabitant of 'Prigmore's Swamp.'"
  30. ^ Hutchinson, Viola L. The Origin of New Jersey Place Names, New Jersey Public Library Commission, May 1945. Accessed September 9, 2015.
  31. ^ Gannett, Henry. The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States, p. 223. United States Government Printing Office, 1905. Accessed September 9, 2015.
  32. ^ a b Snyder, John P. The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606–1968, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 171. Accessed March 26, 2012.
  33. ^ Revolutionary War Sites in New Brunswick, Revolutionary War New Jersey. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  34. ^ Heintze, James R. Declaration of Independence: First Public Readings, American University, backed up by the Internet Archive as of June 15, 2004. Accessed December 11, 2019. "July 9 or 10 – New Brunswick, N.J. Col. John Neilson; Harper's New Monthly Magazine, July 1892, 251."
  35. ^ Lee, Eunice. "Statue of New Brunswick Revolutionary War figure planned", The Star-Ledger, July 31, 2011. Accessed August 18, 2013. "New Brunswick Public Sculpture, a nonprofit, is commissioning a life-size bronze statue of Col. John Neilson, a New Jersey native who gave one of the earliest readings of the Declaration of Independence on July 9, 1776, while standing before a crowd in New Brunswick."
  36. ^ Did You Know Answer 2, City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 11, 2019. "The 3rd public reading of the Declaration of Independence took place outside a tavern on Albany Street on July 9, 1776. The document was en route from Philadelphia to New York when Col. John A. Neilson stood outside a tavern, atop a table, and read it to the townspeople!"
  37. ^ Makin, Cheryl. "Revolutionary moment comes to life, 241 years later", Courier News, July 10, 2017. Accessed December 11, 2019. "Neilson was born March 11, 1745 in the city that now bears a street with his name, in addition to Neilson Hall on the Rutgers University campus and, as of Sunday, a sculpture depicting a defining moment in his life and the country's history. It also is the only statue depicting a reading of the Declaration of Independence in the U.S., Ritter said."
  38. ^ "A Historical Sketch of Rutgers University: Section 1", Rutgers University Libraries. Accessed December 11, 2019. "With an adequate charter obtained and the governing board assembled, the trustees turned to selecting a site for Queen's College. The members were split on whether to locate the college in Hackensack or New Brunswick.... The Reverend John H. Goetschius, an early advocate for the college, claimed that the academy he began in Hackensack served as an advantage for establishing the college in Bergen County. But the supporters of New Brunswick reminded their colleagues that the Reverend John Leydt of New Brunswick had joined with Hardenbergh and other members of that community to establish a Grammar school in 1768. Four years passed before the trustees met in May 1771 to present their subscriptions and choose the location for the college. A vote of ten to seven placed the college in New Brunswick."
  39. ^ Our History, Rutgers University. Accessed December 11, 2019. "1771 – The first class is held A handful of students attend class at a converted tavern, the Sign of the Red Lion, at the corner of Albany and Neilson streets in New Brunswick. Today, original stones from the building are incorporated into a bench near the center of Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue Campus, a 40th reunion gift from the Class of 1939. 1774 – The first commencement Matthew Leydt is the only graduate in the first commencement class."
  40. ^ Benedict, William H. "Early Taverns in New Brunswick", in Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, p. 136. New Jersey Historical Society, 1918, Volume 3, Issue 3. Accessed December 11, 2019.
  41. ^ Paths to Historic Rutgers: A Self-Guided Tour, Rutgers University Libraries. Accessed December 11, 2019. "Old Queen's, the home of the administrative officers of Rutgers University, was originally known as the Queens College building. Designed in 1808–09 by the noted architect, John McComb, who also designed City Hall in New York, the building is one of the finest examples of Federal architecture in the United States. When first occupied in 1811, Old Queens housed the academic work of the College, the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and the Rutgers Preparatory School, then known as the Grammar School."
  42. ^ Fuentes, Marisa; and White, Deborah.Scarlet and Black: Slavery and Dispossession in Rutgers History, Rutgers University Press, 2016, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Accessed December 11, 2019.
  43. ^ a b "Old Queens Reigns at Rutgers for 200 Years The university celebrates the state's oldest, intact higher education building", Rutgers Today, April 27, 2009. Accessed December 12, 2019. "The cornerstone of Old Queens was laid April 27, 1809. The building originally housed the university's preparatory school, college and theological seminary as well as residential units for faculty. Old Queens is now occupied by Rutgers’ central administrative offices."
  44. ^ Paths to Historic Rutgers: A Self-Guided Tour - Alexander Johnston Hall, Rutgers University. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Alexander Johnston Hall was built by Nicholas Wyckoff in 1830 to provide a home for the Rutgers Preparatory School, which had shared space in Old Queens with the College and New Brunswick Theological Seminary since 1811."
  45. ^ History, Rutgers University. Accessed July 13, 2016. "In 1945 and 1956, state legislative acts designated Rutgers as The State University of New Jersey, a public institution."
  46. ^ Rutgers College Grammar School, Rutgers University Common Repository. Accessed August 18, 2013. "The Rutgers Preparatory School remained in New Brunswick until 1957, when it moved to its current location in Somerset, N.J."
  47. ^ a b 2016-17 Academic Catalog, New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Accessed August 29, 2017. "In 1796, the school moved to Brooklyn and in 1810 to New Brunswick, to serve better the church and its candidates for ministry. Since 1856, New Brunswick Seminary has carried on its life and work on its present New Brunswick campus."
  48. ^ Heyboer, Kelly. "New Brunswick Theological Seminary sells part of historic campus to Rutgers for a fresh start", NJ Advance Media for, September 8, 2013, updated March 30, 2019. Accessed December 12, 2019. "In a complex deal that will transform part of downtown New Brunswick, the nation's oldest Protestant seminary is selling most of its hilltop campus to neighboring Rutgers University. The seminary is using the cash to build a new state-of-the-art building at the base of the hill on the corner of College Avenue. New Brunswick Theological Seminary officials say the radical decision to sell and demolish 10 buildings on one of New Jersey's most historic campuses is an answer to their prayers."
  49. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Armstead, Shaun; Sutter, Brenann; Walker, Pamela; Wiesner, Caitlin (2016). ""And I Poor Slave Yet": The Precarity of Black Life in New Brunswick, 1766–1835". In Fuentes, Marisa; White, Deborah Gray (eds.). Scarlet and Black: Slavery and Dispossession in Rutgers History. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. JSTOR j.ctt1k3s9r0.9.
  50. ^ An act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, Rutgers University Libraries. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  51. ^ New Jersey's African American Tour Guide, New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission. Accessed December 17, 2014. "At the southern edge of the Gateway Region is New Brunswick, a town with much culture to offer and African American history to explore. African Americans were living here as far back as 1790, and by 1810, the Census listed 53 free Blacks—and 164 slaves—out of the 469 families then living in town. One of the state's oldest Black churches, Mt. Zion A.M.E., at 25 Division Street, was founded in 1825."
  52. ^ Makin, Cheryl. "AME churches celebrate spirituality, longevity", Courier News, October 27, 2017. Accessed December 12, 2019. "The historic Mount Zion A.M.E. Church-New Brunswick is the oldest African American church in Middlesex County. Now at 39 Hildebrand Way, the church began with a small plot of land on Division Street in 1827. The church was founded by a mix of 'enslaved and free people,' 36 years prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, said Eric Billips, pastor since 2013 at Mount Zion A.M.E. Church-New Brunswick.... In 1827, records show that Joseph and Jane Hoagland, along with other black men and women in the New Brunswick area, were founders of the church."
  53. ^ Wright, Giles R. "Afro-Americans in New Jersey: a short history - Appendix 3, New Jersey Historical Commission, 1989, Trenton, New Jersey. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  54. ^ "New Brunswick Walk, 2003", Rutgers University. Accessed December 12, 2019. "New Brunswick has been called 'the most Hungarian city in the US' because proportionately it once had more Hungarians than any other city. In 1915, out of a total population of 30,013, there were 5,572 Hungarians. The first immigrants came in 1888 and there followed, in the early twentieth century, many skilled workers who found employment in the former cigar factory on Somerset Street and at J and J."
  55. ^ Gurowitz, Margaret. "Hungarian University", Kilmer House, June 19, 2008. Accessed December 12, 2019. "Large numbers of Hungarians settled in New Jersey and especially in New Brunswick, which had lots of industry to provide employment. Besides Johnson & Johnson, there was a cigar box manufacturer (which explains why many of our early medicated plasters were in cigar-box packaging…we bought the boxes from the neighboring factory), a button factory, a wallpaper factory, and more."
  56. ^ "Magyar Bank – New Brunswick, New Jersey", Hungarian Free Press, November 10, 2018. Accessed December 12, 2019. "Magyar Bank has an interesting history. Originally it was founded in 1922 as the Magyar Building and Loan Association by local Hungarian immigrants. Most of these Hungarian Americans settled in the city's Fifth Ward and the bank provided loans for their families."
  57. ^ Coriden, Guy E. "Report on Hungarian Refugees", Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed December 12, 2019. "As of 1 September 1957, approximately 35,000 of these refugees had accepted asylum in the US. In early November 1956, when it became apparent that a massive influx of Hungarians was going to have to be resettled, it was decided that Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, would be the processing center for all of the refugees.... From the arrival of the first refugees on 21 November 1956 until early May 1957, when Camp Kilmer was closed, transportation was provided by 214 MATS flights, 5 military Sea Transport Service (MSTS) ocean voyages, and 133 flights chartered by the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM)."
  58. ^ "40 of the best things to do this weekend in NJ — May 31 - Jun 2", NJ 101.5, May 30, 2019. Accessed December 12, 2019. "44th Annual Hungarian Festival The Hungarian Festival comes to New Brunswick for the 44th year in a row! Experience all things Hungarian as Somerset Street is transformed - enjoy fine Hungarian foods, great Hungarian dances and music."
  59. ^ Hungarian Memorials and Markers in the USA, The American Hungarian Federation. Accessed December 12, 2019. "New Brunswick, NJ - Mindszenty statue and square"
  60. ^ Mascarenhas, Rohan. "Census data shows Hispanics as the largest minority in N.J.", The Star-Ledger, February 3, 2011. Accessed June 24, 2013.
  61. ^ Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Program Approved Projects, New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  62. ^ Middlesex County: New Brunswick - Urban Transit Hub Tax Credits, New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  63. ^ Picard, Joseph. "New Brunswick Plan Debates", The New York Times, June 28, 1987. Accessed December 12, 2019. "Johnson & Johnson, the multinational medical-supplies giant based here since 1886, set the redevelopment in motion in 1973 by calling in consultants to consider its feasibility. One, the American City Corporation of Columbia, Md., has been credited with setting the direction for the revitalization. By 1975, New Brunswick Tomorrow (N.B.T.) and the New Brunswick Development Corporation (Devco) had started up, the former as the revitalization's promotional arm and the latter as its chief developer. They have, from the beginning, shared in and promoted Johnson & Johnson's vision for New Brunswick's future."
  64. ^ "Devco spends $1.6 billion since 1970s", The Daily Targum, January 25, 2006, backed up by the Internet Archive as of March 11, 2007. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  65. ^ Waggoner, Walter H. "Johnson & Johnson Expanding in New Jersey; Planning $50 Million Headquarters in Downtown New Brunswick", The New York Times, April 7, 1978. Accessed December 12, 2019. "Johnson & Johnson Inc. announced today that would construct a new $50 million worldwide corporate headquarters in down town New Brunswick. The medical-supplies company, already, the major taxpayer in this Middlesex County urban center, said it had spurned temptations to move its headquarters to suburban sites and that it was committed to the revitalization of this city of 40,000.... The whole complex will be located just south of Johnson & Johnson's red brick Georgian colonial headquarters structure, bounded by George Street on the east, the Amtrak railroad tracks on the north, Albany Street, or Route 27, on the south, and Peace and Water Streets on the west. "
  66. ^ Rangel, Jesus. "Raids by Housing Inspectors Anger Jersey Neighborhood", The New York Times, March 12, 1988. Accessed December 12, 2019. "When city officials, acting on a tip, found that illegal immigrants were crowding into houses in a poor neighborhood here, they began a campaign to crack down on building-code violations.... But to many residents of Ward 2, particularly its Mexicans, Dominicans, Central Americans and Puerto Ricans, the inspections have been raids aimed at the neighborhood because it lies in the path of New Brunswick's urban-renewal plans.... The site of the hotel and conference center used to be the Hiram Street market area, a predominantly Puerto Rican and Dominican neighborhood."
  67. ^ "Students protest DevCo redevelopment", The Daily Targum, September 15, 1999.
  68. ^ Tenants' place is uncertain, The Daily Targum, November 9, 1999.
  69. ^ a b Courtney, Marian. "Corporate Offices: New State Image", The New York Times October 23, 1983. Accessed December 12, 2019. "When Johnson & Johnson decided to build its new world headquarters in the city where it had been lodged for almost 100 years, it assumed a leadership role in New Brunswick Tomorrow, the government-industry alliance that is rebuilding a deteriorating central business district."
  70. ^ Attrino, Anthony G. "John J. Heldrich, former top executive at Johnson & Johnson and civic leader, dies at 88", NJ Advance Media for, October 28, 2014, updated March 29, 2019. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  71. ^ a b Lane, Alexander. "Time to turn another corner; Next generation of builders has designs on New Brunswick", The Star-Ledger, June 30, 2002, backed up by the Internet Archive as of November 9, 2014. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  72. ^ Peet, Judy. "Private company's redevelopment of New Brunswick could be model for Atlantic City revamp", The Star-Ledger, August 29, 2010, updated April 1, 2019. Accessed December 12, 2019. "Currently in the works are a 632,000-square-foot 'transit village' adjacent to the train station and $165 million research tower. Devco now owns 2 million square feet of space in the city, including the Middlesex County courthouse, according to Devco records. Unlike redevelopment in Newark and Camden, the Devco model didn't try to revitalize multiple neighborhoods with individual projects, but instead concentrated on a small, extremely dense corridor within approximately 10 blocks of the New Brunswick train station."
  73. ^ Narvaez, Alfonso. "Building's Sale Backs New Brunswick Revival", The New York Times, June 17, 1984. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  74. ^ Martin, Antoinette. "At Two Extremes of a Housing Market", The New York Times, March 6, 2005. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  75. ^ Miller, Paige. "In New Brunswick, one development tackles multiple community needs", Smart Growth America, May 7, 2012. Accessed December 13, 2019. "When Smart Growth America's coalition partner New Jersey Future announced its 2012 Smart Growth Award winners in April, it was no surprise that New Brunswick's Gateway Transit Village received the award for Transit-Oriented Development Partnership. The Gateway Transit Village is a new development in downtown New Brunswick that includes parking, retail, office and residential space. Gateway is known as a transit-oriented development because it is located across from a train station, easily connecting the building's tenants and patrons to transit."
  76. ^ a b c Nurin, Tara. "Explainer: How Downtown New Brunswick Has Emerged from Its Doldrums", NJ Spotlight, January 13, 2015. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Now, however, Rutgers, the New Brunswick Development Corp. (Devco), the mayor's office, and influential private firms are redrawing the residential, academic and commercial landscape of the greater downtown area. They're building on the success of earlier urban-renewal projects; Rutgers’ rise in national academic and athletic standings; millennials’ desire for transit-friendly live-work-play destinations; and powerful economic incentives."
  77. ^ a b David Listokin, Dorothea Berkhout, James W. Hughes (2016), New Brunswick, New Jersey: The Decline and Revitalization of Urban America, Rutgers University Press, ISBN 9780813575582CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  78. ^ Garbarine, Rachelle. "In the New York Region: New Jersey; In Montclair and New Brunswick, A Few Drops for the Rental Trickle", The New York Times, September 10, 1989. Accessed December 13, 2019
  79. ^ History of Christ Church, Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Accessed December 13, 2019. "The demand was such that a group gathered in 1742 to construct another church, to be called Christ Church, on the New Brunswick side of the River. Although construction began in 1742, title to the land was not obtained until 1745."
  80. ^ Christ Church, New Brunswick NJ , Rutgers University, backed up by the Internet Archive as of August 20, 2008. Accessed March 27, 2014. "The original building was 55 feet wide, 45 feet deep, and 20 feet high...A steeple, consisting of a tower and spire, was added in 1773. The steeple design was based on that of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London. At the time it was constructed, the steeple was the highest point in town. Unfortunately, it seems that the original construction of the steeple was not altogether sound as the congregation began taking subscriptions for steeple repair in 1786. Following the first repair job, the steeple was struck by lightning in 1803 and it burned to the ground. It was rebuilt the same year through new subscriptions, and the tower portion of the steeple (as opposed to the spire) still stands."
  81. ^ "History of the First Reformed Church New Brunswick", Rutgers University. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  82. ^ 390 George Street, Emporis. Accessed December 12, 2019.
  83. ^ Rabinowitz, Richard. "George Street Closed Due to Partial Collapse of Historic Building", New Brunswick Today, September 9, 2013. Accessed December 13, 2019. "The historic building at 390 George Street is eight stories tall and was built in 1908, according to Emporis. Originally it was one of the tallest buildings in the city and the home to the National Bank of New Jersey, which left the downtown area in the 1970s."
  84. ^ Buildings in New Brunswick (demolished), Emporis. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  85. ^ Malinconico, Joe. "The Legacy of Hope VI in New Brunswick Some residents say the revitalization of low-income housing has made their neighborhoods safer, but advocates are split on the long term effects of the program.", New Brunswick, NJ Patch, July 14, 2011. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Back then, Gregory said he roamed New Brunswick's notorious Memorial Homes selling cocaine, heroin and PCP. He admits being arrested at the high-rise projects several times. But hustling drugs and ducking police grew tiresome and Gregory said he gave up his criminal ways just before city housing officials knocked down the projects in a blast of dynamite. August will mark the 10-year anniversary of the demolition and Gregory's lifestyle isn't the only thing that's changed in the neighborhood since the Memorial Homes came down."
  86. ^ "Lower George Street Redevelopment Strategy Winner: City of New Brunswick, supporting partners: New Brunswick Development Corporation, New Brunswick Homes Residents Council and the New Brunswick Housing Authority", New Jersey Future. Accessed December 13, 2019. "To date, the four public housing towers have been demolished and Hope Manor, the first construction phase of the work program, is complete. Hope Manor includes 68 homes, 15 of which are rehabilitated existing homes and 53 of which are new construction. Currently under construction is phase two, Riverside, which will consist of 76 homes directly on the site of the New Brunswick Homes towers."
  87. ^ Rabinowitz, Richard. "22-Story Highrise Apartment Complex Approved For New Street", New Brunswick Today, June 1, 2014. Accessed December 13, 2019. "22-story tower is set to rise over New Street, the latest in a neighborhood full of recent housing developments, such as Rockoff Hall, The Heldrich and The George."
  88. ^ New Brunswick, Emporis. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  89. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l New Brunswick, SkyscraperPage. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  90. ^ "New Brunswick, NJ Is America's '5th-Most Exciting Small City'. Why?", Walkable Princeton, January 5, 2014. Accessed December 13, 2019. "The height of the new buildings in New Brunswick (up to 23 levels in the newest luxury tower) would clearly be out-of-scale for Princeton, but for a city like New Brunswick, they offer a way to capture value from desirable locations close to university facilities, downtown amenities and a direct rail connection to New York."
  91. ^ Martin, Antoinette. "A Rising Rental Market in the North", The New York Times November 11, 2011. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  92. ^ Kratovil, Charlie. "New Brunswick 101: Your Source For Facts About The Hub City", New Brunswick Today, June 15, 2015. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  93. ^ Rothman, Carly. "$275 million cultural center planned in New Brunswick", The Star-Ledger, March 12, 2008, updated April 2, 2019. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Rendering of the new New Brunswick Cultural Center project, to be unveiled on 3/12/08. This rendering is an overall look at the project, which will rise 34 stories on the site of what is now the George Street Playhouse, Crossroads Theater and a surface parking lot behind them.... Wednesday night, New Brunswick Mayor Jim Cahill will unveil plans for a New Brunswick Cultural Center – a $275 million project that will connect the historic State Theatre to a new building featuring two state-of-the-art theaters, rehearsal studios and classrooms, 10 floors of office space and a 200-unit condominium tower."
  94. ^ New Brunswick Cultural Center Tower, Emporis. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  95. ^ Lustig, Jay. "Plan unveiled for new performing arts center in New Brunswick", NJ Arts, February 7, 2017. Accessed December 13, 2019. "New Brunswick's Theater Row — the only one of its kind in New Jersey — is getting a major facelift. The side-by-side buildings housing the George Street Playhouse and the Crossroads Theatre Company on Livingston Avenue in downtown New Brunswick will be razed, and a new tower will be built that will be their home, among other things.... 'In 2019, our residents and visitors will be able to enjoy two brand new state-of-the-art theater spaces complete with a new parking facility and a mixed use tower containing 25 floors of office space and residential units,' said New Brunswick mayor James Cahill at a press conference, today at the Crossroads Theatre."
  96. ^ Clark, Adam. "Rutgers to partner with New Brunswick on downtown arts theater", NJ Advance Media for, April 6, 2017, updated January 16, 2019. Accessed December 13, 2019. "In a deal that will allow Rutgers University to launch a new musical theater program, the university plans to contribute $17 million to a performing arts theater in downtown New Brunswick, pending approval from its Board of Governors. The board is scheduled to vote Thursday on a partnership between the university, the New Brunswick Development Corporation and the New Brunswick Cultural Center. If approved, the plan will lead to the long-awaited $60 million, 60,000-square-foot New Brunswick Performing Arts Center opening in 2019."
  97. ^ "Rutgers Enters Partnership to Build Performing Arts Center Board of Governors approves university's investment in center that paves way for expanded programming at Mason Gross School of the Arts", Rutgers Today, April 6, 2017. Accessed December 13, 2019. "The Rutgers Board of Governors today approved the university's investment as a partial owner of the 60,000-square-foot New Brunswick Performing Arts Center. The new facility will be part of a 450,000-square-foot development that also will include office space and residential units on the site of the existing George Street Playhouse and Crossroads Theatre in downtown New Brunswick."
  98. ^ Makin, Cheryl. "New Brunswick redevelopment: Hub City is renewing, reinventing, reinvesting", Courier News, March 23, 2018. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Owned by the city and managed by its nonprofit New Brunswick Development Corp., the site is approved for up to 4 million square feet of commercial development that can complement local residential, retail, and entertainment growth in proximity to corporate, medical, and academic research activity and public transportation. While still years in development, The Hub now is the subject of a planning and implementation study by the state Economic Development Authority, which also has a bioscience incubation station in nearby North Brunswick. Murphy said that the EDA will recruit partners for The Hub."
  99. ^ "High Speed Rail: Los Gallardos-Sorbas section of Mediterranean Railway Corridor – Spain". Louis Berger. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
  100. ^ The Vue, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  101. ^ "New Brunswick Transit Village". Archived from the original on April 25, 2014. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
  102. ^ Martin, Antoinette. "In New Brunswick, a Mixed-Use Project Is Bustling", The New York Times, February 11, 2011. Accessed August 18, 2013. "The 624,000-square-foot building will have a public parking structure at the core of its first 10 stories; that core is to be wrapped in commercial and office space. A glass residential tower 14 stories tall will sit atop the parking structure ... As for the residences – 10 floors of rentals and 4 levels of penthouse condos – they are scheduled to be complete by April 2012."
  103. ^ "One Spring Street – New Jersey Urban Developers". Retrieved June 22, 2019.
  104. ^ One Spring Street, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  105. ^ "Luxury Tower Evaded Safety Inspectors Before Burning a Resident – New Brunswick Today". Retrieved June 28, 2019.
  106. ^ Martin, Antoinette. "At Two Extremes of a Housing Market", The New York Times, March 6, 2005. Accessed December 16, 2019. "Boraie Development, founded by Omar Boraie, an Egyptian immigrant who came to New Brunswick 40 years ago to get his Ph.D. in chemistry before hearing the siren call of real estate, is putting up a New York-style apartment tower at One Spring Street downtown. 'This is going to be super-high-end,' said Wasseem Boraie, one of two Boraie sons who are partners in the company."
  107. ^ Lissner, Caren. "New Brunswick Opens Its $172 Million Performing Arts Center", Jersey Digs, September 9, 2019. Accessed December 16, 2019. "The 23-story New Brunswick Performing Arts Center (NBPAC) complex opened on September 4 with an event drawing 450 guests to celebrate the long-awaited $172 million project, which includes two theaters, office space, and 207 apartments for artists and performers."
  108. ^ New Brunswick Performing Arts Center, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  109. ^ Perry, Jessica (April 4, 2017). "State-of-the-art, 190M arts center coming to New Brunswick". Retrieved June 22, 2019.
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  113. ^ Colony House, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  114. ^ Johnson and Johnson Plaza, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  115. ^ "Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters (New Brunswick, 1982)". Structurae. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
  116. ^ Hackworth, Jason (2013), The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism, Cornell University Press, ISBN 9780801470042
  117. ^ Comm, Caryl. "J&J Worldwide Headquarters Nears CompletionKimmerle Newman Architect Designs Flexible Mobile Workforce Spaces", Morristown, NJ Patch, May 19, 2017. Accessed May 5, 2021. "Kimmerle Group – a Harding-based multifaceted architectural/design organization – announced that Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is currently building out the final two projects in the redesign of its world headquarters in New Brunswick, NJ. The pharmaceutical giant retained Kimmerle Newman Architects (KNA) last year to address its new master plan project at its 449,000-square-foot headquarters located at 1 Johnson & Johnson Plaza through nine separate projects, seven of which are now complete."
  118. ^ Skyline Tower, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  119. ^ "Civic Square Residential Tower and Middlesex County Courthouse Renovation". Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved October 30, 2015.
  120. ^ a b "Source: Pennrose Sold Its Two Hub City Highrises For $35.5 Million - New Brunswick Today". Retrieved June 28, 2019.
  121. ^ John P. Fricano Towers, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
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  126. ^ The Heldrich, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
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  128. ^ Rockoff Hall University Apartments, Emporis. Accessed December 16, 2019.
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  130. ^ Rockoff Hall, Devco. Accessed December 16, 2019. "Year Completed: 2005... Rockoff Hall encompasses 186 apartment suites, a significant street level retail presence with national retailers, and additional space for Rutgers to utilize for student life activities."
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  155. ^
  156. ^ Areas touching New Brunswick, MapIt. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  157. ^ Municipalities, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed December 1, 2019.
  158. ^ New Jersey Municipal Boundaries, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed November 15, 2019.
  159. ^ a b Kratovil, Charlie. "New Brunswick 101: Your Source For Facts About The Hub City; A Comprehensive List of Every Neighborhood, Apartment Building, or Other Development in Hub City", New Brunswick Today, June 15, 2015. Accessed July 13, 2016. "Though New Brunswick does not use a system of neighborhood-based elections (and whether or not it should has been a contentious issue for more than a century), the city is still divided into five political subdivisions known as wards. There is no Third Ward, as most of that area was destroyed and redeveloped into a hotel and corporate headquarters in the 1980s."
  160. ^ Braunstein, Amy. "A Battle for Wards in New Jersey's Hub City", Shelterforce, October 17, 2010. Accessed July 13, 2016.
  161. ^ Keller, Karen. "New Brunswick vote to divide city into wards failed by narrow margin", The Star-Ledger, November 7, 2009. Accessed July 13, 2016. "A ballot initiative to divide New Brunswick into wards for city council elections has failed by a narrow margin, unofficial results show, with 50.8% voters against and 49.2% in favor."
  162. ^ Feaster Park New Brunswick, NJ Neighborhood Profile, NeighborhoodScout. Accessed December 13, 2019.
  163. ^ "NowData – NOAA Online Weather Data". National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved September 7, 2018.
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  165. ^ Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Minor Civil Divisions in New Jersey: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 21, 2020.
  166. ^ Census Estimates for New Jersey April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 21, 2020.
  167. ^ Compendium of censuses 1726–1905: together with the tabulated returns of 1905, New Jersey Department of State, 1906. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  168. ^ Lundy, F. L., et al. Manual of the Legislature of New Jersey, Volume 116, p. 417. J.A. Fitzgerald, 1892. Accessed November 25, 2012.
  169. ^ Raum, John O. The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1, p. 246, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed August 18, 2013. "New Brunswick is divided into six wards. Its population in 1850 was 10,008; in 1860, 11,156; and in 1870, 15,058. It was incorporated as a city in 1784. Rutgers College built of a dark red freestone and finished in 1811 is located here." Census 1850 lists total population of 10,019.
  170. ^ Debow, James Dunwoody Brownson. The Seventh Census of the United States: 1850, p. 137. R. Armstrong, 1853. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  171. ^ Staff. A compendium of the ninth census, 1870, p. 260. United States Census Bureau, 1872. Accessed November 25, 2012.
  172. ^ Porter, Robert Percival. Preliminary Results as Contained in the Eleventh Census Bulletins: Volume III - 51 to 75, p. 98. United States Census Bureau, 1890. Accessed November 25, 2012.
  173. ^ Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910: Population by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890, United States Census Bureau, p. 337. Accessed May 19, 2012.
  174. ^ Fifteenth Census of the United States : 1930 - Population Volume I, United States Census Bureau, p. 711. Accessed May 19, 2012.
  175. ^ Table 6. New Jersey Resident Population by Municipality: 1930 - 1990 Archived May 10, 2015, at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed August 9, 2016.
  176. ^ a b c d e Census 2000 Profiles of Demographic / Social / Economic / Housing Characteristics for New Brunswick city, New Jersey Archived 2012-01-17 at the Wayback Machine, United States Census Bureau. Accessed November 23, 2012.
  177. ^ a b c d e DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 - Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for New Brunswick city, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed November 23, 2012.
  178. ^ DP03: Selected Economic Characteristics from the 2006–2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates for New Brunswick city, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 19, 2012.
  179. ^ Carroll, Dore. "New Brunswick: Medical field at hub of this transformation The county seat in Middlesex is hoping to become America's 'health care city'", The Star-Ledger, August 29, 2004, backed up by the Internet Archive as of May 4, 2007. Accessed December 13, 2009.
  180. ^ We Are the Healthcare City, City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 13, 2019. "To be a distinguished center of medicine, you need the winning combination of the best research, human talent, and teaching. Leading in all three, New Brunswick has earned the reputation of being the region's "Healthcare City." The city has five nationally-recognized hospitals, global biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporations, internationally-recognized medical research facilities, and is part of the country's largest medical school."
  181. ^ Capuzzo, Jill C. "Education; When High School Is Much More", The New York Times, January 21, 2001. Accessed December 13, 2019. "When they are not at the hospital, students are taking classes, many of which integrate health science-related themes, at the modular three-story building down the block. Touted as New Jersey's first 'option school' affiliated with a teaching hospital and medical school, the Health Sciences Technology School, opened last May for New Brunswick high school students interested in exploring careers in health care."
  182. ^ Urban Enterprise Zone Tax Questions and Answers, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, May 2009. Accessed October 28, 2019. "Legislation was amended again in 2004 to include Gloucester City and New Brunswick, creating a total of 32 zones in 37 municipalities."
  183. ^ Urban Enterprise Zone Program, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Accessed October 27, 2019. "Businesses participating in the UEZ Program can charge half the standard sales tax rate on certain purchases, currently 3.3125% effective 1/1/2018"
  184. ^ Urban Enterprise Zone Effective and Expiration Dates, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Accessed January 8, 2018.
  185. ^ Economic Development, City of New Brunswick. Accessed November 19, 2019.
  186. ^ Theatre History, Crossroads Theatre. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Crossroads Theatre Company, recipient of the 1999 Tony Award® for Outstanding Regional Theatre in the United States, is the nation's premiere African American theater. The American Theatre Critics Association together with the American Theatre Wing and the League of Regional Theatres and Producers presented the prestigious Tony Award® to Crossroads in recognition of its 22-year history of artistic accomplishment and excellence. Crossroads is the first African American theater to receive this honor in the 33-year history of this special award category."
  187. ^ Our History and Mission, George Street Playhouse. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Founded in 1974 by former Rutgers faculty member Eric Krebs, George Street Playhouse started life in a repurposed supermarket on George Street in New Brunswick, NJ."
  188. ^ A History of the State Theatre New Jersey, State Theatre, New Brunswick. Accessed December 13, 2019. "The historic State Theatre, a magnificently renovated 1921 vaudeville/silent-film house, was built as a grand movie palace in the heyday of silent film and vaudeville."
  189. ^ History, Missian and Values, American Repertory Ballet and the Princeton Ballet School. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Founded in 1963, ARB's rich history of repertory includes established masterpieces by distinguished American choreographers such as George Balanchine, Gerald Arpino, Alvin Ailey, Paul Taylor and Twyla Tharp... The organization was founded by Audrée Estey in 1954 as the Princeton Ballet Society. At the time, it was only a school – Princeton Ballet School."
  190. ^ Stearns, Josh. "Support Watchdog Reporting in New Brunswick", Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, January 21, 2017. Accessed October 29, 2018.
  191. ^ Mullin, Benjamin. "Samantha Bee's solution for making money on local news? Lottery tickets", Poynter Institute, March 24, 2017. Accessed October 29, 2018.
  192. ^ About the Museum, Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Founded in 1966 as the Rutgers University Art Gallery, the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum was established in 1983 in response to the growth of the permanent collection."
  193. ^ About Us, Rutgers University Geology Museum. Accessed August 29, 2017. "The Rutgers Geology Museum, one of the oldest collegiate geology collections in the United States, was founded by state geologist and Rutgers professor George Hammell Cook in 1872."
  194. ^ Vostell – I disastri della pace/The Disasters of Peace. Varlerio Dehò, Edizioni Charta, Milano 1999, ISBN 88-8158-253-8.
  195. ^ Net, Media Art (September 27, 2018). "Media Art Net – Vostell, Wolf: TV Burying". Retrieved September 27, 2018.
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  197. ^ Jovanovic, Rob. Perfect Sound Forever: The Story of Pavement, Justin, Charles & Co. 2004. ISBN 9781932112078. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  198. ^ Jordan, Chris. "Court Tavern closing marks end of era in New Brunswick", Courier News, February 6, 2012. Accessed March 10, 2013.
  199. ^ Chaux, Giancarlo. "New Brunswick business owner plans to reopen the court tavern", The Daily Targum, April 17, 2012. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  200. ^ Kalet, Hank. "The List: 10 Best Places to See Indie Bands in the Garden State", NJ Spotlight, July 21, 2014. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  201. ^ Olivier, Bobby. "A sweaty New Brunswick basement just hosted the best N.J. concert of 2017 (PHOTOS)", March 27, 2017, updated January 16, 2019. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Even if Asbury Park has recently returned as our state's musical nerve center, with the brick-and-mortar venues and infrastructure to prove it, New Brunswick remains as the New Jersey scene's unadulterated, pounding heart."
  202. ^ Inventory of Municipal Forms of Government in New Jersey, Rutgers University Center for Government Studies, July 1, 2011. Accessed November 18, 2019.
  203. ^ City Council, City of New Brunswick. Accessed December 12, 2019. "The City Council has five members elected at large to staggered four-year terms. The Council President, elected to a 2-year term by the Council presides over all meetings."
  204. ^ Meet the Council Members, City of New Brunswick. Accessed May 11, 2020.
  205. ^ 2019 Municipal Data Sheet, City of New Brunswick. Accessed May 11, 2020.
  206. ^ City of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed May 11, 2020.
  207. ^ November 6, 2018 General Election Official Results, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 1, 2019.
  208. ^ November 8, 2016 General Election Results, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 30, 2017.
  209. ^ via Associated press. "Police Slaying of a Black Man Brings Protest", The New York Times, July 2, 1991. Accessed May 19, 2012.
  210. ^ Lawyers See 'Pattern' of Police Brutality and Legal Abuse in New Brunswick Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine, Empower Our Neighborhoods
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  215. ^ Bradshaw, Jennifer. "Former New Brunswick Police Sergeant Accused of Mishandling 81 Internal Affairs Investigations; Sgt. Richard Rowe faces a maximum of six and a half years in prison if found guilty.", New Brunswick Patch, October 13, 2011. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  216. ^ NBFD History, City of New Brunswick. Accessed August 26, 2020. "The New Brunswick Fire Department was formally organized in 1764 when the first Bucket Company was put into service.... The paid department was installed on July 1, 1914 which ended volunteer service in New Brunswick after 150 years.... Presently the New Brunswick Fire Department is comprised of 1 Director, 5 Deputy Chiefs, 8 Captains, 8 Lieutenants, 56 Firefighters and 1 secretary. The Fire Prevention Bureau is comprised of 1 Fire Official and 2 Fire Prevention Specialists."
  217. ^ Plan Components Report, New Jersey Redistricting Commission, December 23, 2011. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  218. ^ 2019 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government, New Jersey League of Women Voters. Accessed October 30, 2019.
  219. ^ Districts by Number for 2011–2020, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  220. ^ Directory of Representatives: New Jersey, United States House of Representatives. Accessed January 3, 2019.
  221. ^ Biography, Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. Accessed January 3, 2019. "Frank Pallone, Jr., was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, where he grew up and still resides."
  222. ^ [3], United States Senate. Accessed April 30, 2021. "He now owns a home and lives in Newark's Central Ward community."
  223. ^ Biography of Bob Menendez, United States Senate, January 26, 2015. "Menendez, who started his political career in Union City, moved in September from Paramus to one of Harrison's new apartment buildings near the town's PATH station.."
  224. ^ [4]. United States Senate. Accessed April 30, 2021. "Booker, Cory A. - (D - NJ) Class II; Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ) Class I"
  225. ^ Legislative Roster 2018-2019 Session, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 22, 2018.
  226. ^ District 17 Legislators, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 22, 2018.
  227. ^ Ronald G. Rios, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  228. ^ Carol Barrett Bellante, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  229. ^ Kenneth Armwood, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  230. ^ Charles Kenny, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  231. ^ H. James Polos, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  232. ^ Charles E. Tomaro, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  233. ^ Blanquita B. Valenti, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  234. ^ a b Elected County Officials, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  235. ^ County Clerk Elaine Flynn, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  236. ^ Sheriff Mildred S. Scott, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  237. ^ Surrogate Kevin J. Hoagland, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  238. ^ Voter Registration Summary - Middlesex, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, March 23, 2011. Accessed November 24, 2012.
  239. ^ "Presidential General Election Results – November 8, 2016 – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. Retrieved December 31, 2017.
  240. ^ "Presidential General Election Results – November 6, 2012 – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. March 15, 2013. Retrieved December 23, 2014.
  241. ^ a b 2008 Presidential General Election Results: Middlesex County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 23, 2008. Accessed November 24, 2012.
  242. ^ a b 2004 Presidential Election: Middlesex County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 13, 2004. Accessed November 24, 2012.
  243. ^ Presidential November 8, 2016 General Elections Results Middlesex County, New Jersey Department of State, December 14, 2016. Accessed December 16, 2019.
  244. ^ "Presidential General Election Results – November 6, 2012 – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. March 15, 2013. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  245. ^ "Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast – November 6, 2012 – General Election Results – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. March 15, 2013. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  246. ^ "Governor – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 1, 2018. Retrieved December 31, 2017.
  247. ^ "Governor – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 10, 2015. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  248. ^ a b 2009 Governor: Middlesex County Archived 2012-10-17 at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 31, 2009. Accessed November 24, 2012.
  249. ^ "Governor – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  250. ^ "Governor – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  251. ^ "Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast – November 5, 2013 – General Election Results – Middlesex County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  252. ^ Abbott School Districts, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed March 1, 2020.
  253. ^ What We Do, New Jersey Schools Development Authority. Accessed March 1, 2020.
  254. ^ SDA Districts, New Jersey Schools Development Authority. Accessed March 1, 2020.
  255. ^ Kratovil, Charlie. "Three Seats on New Brunswick School Board Up For Election; Deadline For Candidates to Get on Ballot is February 29, Incumbents Are Running", New Brunswick Today, February 17, 2016. Accessed August 29, 2017. "New Brunswick is the only community in Middlesex County that holds its school elections in April, separate from the partisan political offices elected in November's 'general' election. ... The city switched from a Board of Education (BOE) appointed by the Mayor to an elected school board in 2012, and the annual elections were scheduled in April by default."
  256. ^ District information for New Brunswick School District, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed April 1, 2020.
  257. ^ School Data for the New Brunswick Public Schools, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed April 1, 2020.
  258. ^ Lincoln Annex School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  259. ^ Lincoln Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  260. ^ Livingston Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  261. ^ Lord Stirling Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  262. ^ McKinley Community Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  263. ^ A. Chester Redshaw Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  264. ^ Paul Robeson Community School For The Arts, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  265. ^ Roosevelt Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  266. ^ Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  267. ^ New Brunswick Middle School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  268. ^ New Brunswick High School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  269. ^ Health Sciences Technology High School, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  270. ^ New Brunswick P-TECH New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed August 7, 2019.
  271. ^ Anand, Akash. Warehouse School Will Soon Be Home to P-TECH Pilot Program New Brunswick Today. Accessed August 7, 2019.
  272. ^ School Map, New Brunswick Public Schools. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  273. ^ New Jersey School Directory for the New Brunswick Public Schools, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed December 29, 2016.
  274. ^ About Us, Greater Brunswick Charter School. Accessed December 15, 2019. "The Greater Brunswick Regional Charter School is defined by the broad themes of child-directed learning in the vein of constructivism, Howard Gardner's 'unschooled mind,' and Montessori instruction; multi-age groupings of students; a unique degree of parental and community involvement; and a region of residence serving the entire and contiguous school districts of New Brunswick, Edison, Highland Park, and Milltown."
  275. ^ District information for Greater Brunswick Charter School, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed November 1, 2019.
  276. ^ Heyboer, Kelly. "How to get your kid a seat in one of N.J.'s hardest-to-get-into high schools", NJ Advance Media for, May 2017. Accessed November 18, 2019. "Middlesex County has two stand-alone career academies for high-achieving students: the Academy for Science, Math and Engineering Technology, located on the campus of Middlesex County College in Edison, and the Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences in Woodbridge. How to apply: Students must attend a mandatory information session and submit an application by November of their 8th grade year."
  277. ^ Locations, Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools. Accessed December 2, 2019.
  278. ^ New Brunswick Campus Map, Rutgers University. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  279. ^ History, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  280. ^ New Brunswick Center, Middlesex County College. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  281. ^ Middlesex County Mileage by Municipality and Jurisdiction, New Jersey Department of Transportation, May 2010. Accessed July 18, 2014.
  282. ^ Middlesex County Road Map, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed December 1, 2019.
  283. ^ U.S. Route 1 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated May 2018. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  284. ^ Route 18 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated May 2016. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  285. ^ Route 27 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated May 2018. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  286. ^ Interstate 95 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated August 2014. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  287. ^ Enlarged View 55 (New Brunswick City, North Brunswick Township and East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County), New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated March 2019. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  288. ^ About Us, New Brunswick Parking Authority. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  289. ^ Parking Locator, New Brunswick Parking Authority. Accessed August 18, 2013.
  290. ^ Home Page, CitiPark. Accessed July 13, 2016.
  291. ^ Parking, Hyatt Regency New Brunswick. Accessed July 2, 2016. "Hyatt Regency New Brunswick offers a 450 space garage managed and operated by CitiPark."
  292. ^ Northeast Corridor Line, NJ Transit. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  293. ^ New Brunswick station, NJ Transit. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  294. ^ Jersey Avenue station, NJ Transit. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  295. ^ Middlesex County Bus / Rail Connections, NJ Transit, backed up by the Internet Archive as of August 31, 2009. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  296. ^ Middlesex County Transit Guide 2013 Edition, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed December 3, 2019.
  297. ^ Campus Buses/Shuttle Service, Rutgers University. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  298. ^ Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT), Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed December 5, 2019.
  299. ^ M1 - New Brunswick Train Station and Jamesburg / Exit 8A Schedule, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed December 5, 2019.
  300. ^ County Bus Routes, Ridewise. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  301. ^ DASH 851 & 852 Schedule Serving Bound Brook to New Brunswick, Somerset County, New Jersey, April 2017. Accessed December 5, 2019.
  302. ^ Available Schedules from New Brunswick, NJ to New York, NY., Suburban Trails. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  303. ^ New Bus Service Launches from New Brunswick to D.C., New Brunswick Patch. Accessed May 23, 2017.
  304. ^ General Information Archived 2015-07-06 at the Wayback Machine, Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. Accessed December 17, 2014. "The main canal passes the Port Mercer bridge tender's house, through the charming villages of Kingston and Griggstown to Blackwells Mills, ending up in New Brunswick"
  305. ^ Munoz, Daniel. "The Trolleys and Trains That Made New Brunswick the Hub City", New Brunswick Today, January 4, 2015. Accessed December 16, 2019. "The Public Service Railway operated a number of state-wide projects, including the Newark Public Service Terminal, the Hoboken Inclined Cable Railway, and the Newark-Trenton Fast Line.... The line ended up stretching 72 miles, and connecting Jersey City, Trenton, and many other points along the way including New Brunswick. A round-trip could be completed in 11 hours, or 5.5 hours one way."
  306. ^ Preserving Rail Rights of Way in Middlesex County, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Accessed December 3, 2019. "On this basis the following rail lines may merit future investigation on their feasibility for accommodating a light rail and/or busway type of passenger service. Raritan River Railroad. South Amboy, Sayreville, South River, East Brunswick, Milltown, North Brunswick, New Brunswick – This corridor could address some of the east-west travel needs in the central area of the County providing a transit way that would link the City of South Amboy and the City of New Brunswick. This could also provide a viable commuter travel alternative to the heavily used Route 18 Corridor."
  307. ^ Middleton, William D.; Morgan, Rick; and Diehl, Roberta L. Encyclopedia of North American Railroads, p. 243. Indiana University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780253027993. Accessed December 15, 2019. "W.C. Coup has long been credited with putting the circus on rails. Coup was the first to organize the labor and equipment to move efficiently from town to town and to convince the railroad that the trains must arrive on time so that the show could give its scheduled performances.... On April 18, 1872, the Barnum show, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, made its debut as a railroad show with Pennsylvania Railroad Cars on Pennsy rails."
  308. ^ Charles Be DeMille, Charles in Charge, Season 5, Prod. Michael Jacobs, Dir. Scott Baio, Writers, Jennifer Burton, David Lang, Perf. Scott Baio, Syndication, December 22, 1990. At about 7'35" into the episode, Charles says in a telephone conversation that someone will come "here to New Brunswick" to visit him.
  309. ^ Morris, Wesley. "'Harold & Kumar' aims low, but achieves a high", The Boston Globe, July 30, 2004. Accessed January 11, 2015. "When they can't find a White Castle in their New Brunswick, N.J., neighborhood, a simple jaunt for sliders stretches into a Garden State odyssey that ends up capturing the feeling of being bored and nonwhite in New Jersey."
  310. ^ Richman, Steven M. The Bridges of New Jersey: Portraits of Garden State Crossings, p. 24. Accessed December 15, 2019. "Originally built in 1892, the Albany Street Bridge in New Brunswick was altered in 1924, widened in 1929 and 1954, and fitted with a new deck and railings in 1985.... The seven spans of this 595-foot-long bridge carry Albany Street, with its portion of Route 27 (also known as the Lincoln Highway), through New Brunswick and across the Raritan River to Highland Park."
  311. ^ Hatala, Greg. "Glimpse of History: A crossing spot that spans centuries", The Star-Ledger, February 12, 2012, updated March 30, 2019. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  312. ^ Rabinowitz, Richard. "A History of Bishop House, One of New Brunswick's Most Historic Buildings", New Brunswick Today, May 15, 2014. Accessed December 15, 2019. "Bishop House was built in 1852, but it didn't become property of Rutgers University until 1925. On July 12, 1976, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places."
  313. ^ Buccleuch Mansion, Jersey Blue Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Accessed December 15, 2019. "The house had several owners between 1739 and 1911 when it was deeded to the city of New Brunswick, along with 79 acres of parkland, by its last occupant and owner, Anthony Dey. By designation of Dey, the mansion's contents and furnishings were entrusted to the Jersey Blue Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution."
  314. ^ Buccleuch Mansion History, Jersey Blue Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Accessed December 15, 2019. "Buccleuch Mansion was built circa 1739 by a wealthy Englishman, Anthony White, upon his marriage to Elizabeth Morris, daughter of Lewis Morris, royal governor of New York and New Jersey. To reflect his new bride's social status, the home was named White House Farm and included a working farm and formal garden, ideally situated on a hill overlooking the busy colonial port of Raritan Landing."
  315. ^ Garden and Graveyard Archived December 22, 2019, at the Wayback Machine, Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Accessed December 15, 2019. "The earliest documented burial in the Christ Church graveyard is of Catherine Harrison who died at the age of 2 in 1754. Her well preserved headstone is near the west side of the cloister. The oldest person buried here is Dinah (1760?-1866). She is believed to have been a slave of the Dore family."
  316. ^ The 1760 Henry Guest House, New Brunswick Free Public Library. Accessed December 15, 2019. "Built in 1760 by Henry Guest, one of the city's most prominent early citizens, it bore witness to the American Revolution and was almost demolished in 1924. Since 1925 it has been under the care of the library and has served as a museum, art center and meeting space. In 1976 it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places."
  317. ^ Staff. "Glimpse of History: New Brunswick's William H. Johnson House: Historical treasure and home to many", The Star-Ledger, July 31, 2011, updated March 31, 2019. Accessed December 15, 2019. "Today, the Friends of the William H. Johnson House have been organized to restore, preserve and maintain the building. The home was placed on the State of New Jersey Register of Historic Places in April 2006, and on the National Register of Historic Places in July 2006."
  318. ^ Home Page, Friends of The William H. Johnson House. Accessed December 15, 2019.
  319. ^ Saint Peter the Apostle Church, New Jersey Historic Trust. Accessed December 15, 2019. "St. Peter The Apostle Church in New Brunswick was designed in 1856 by Patrick Keeley, prolific architect of Roman Catholic Churches and known for his design of Albany Cathedral and St. Joseph's Church in Rhode Island. This grand, Gothic-revival, brownstone church, convent (ca.1870), and Greek-revival rectory, face the historic lawn of Rutgers University and Old Queens."
  320. ^ Lawlor, Julia. "No More Barges but Plenty of Beauty", The New York Times, July 29, 2010. Accessed December 16, 2019. "The D&R, as it is commonly known, opened in 1834, nine years after the official debut of the Erie Canal, to speed the transport of coal from northeastern Pennsylvania to New York City. The main canal ran from the Delaware River at Bordentown, N.J., to the Raritan River in New Brunswick, while a feeder canal stretched from Bull's Island, just upriver from Stockton, to the main canal in Trenton. The feeder was built to supply water from the Delaware to the main canal, though it was later used to transport goods as well."
  321. ^ New Brunswick Historical Association. "Visit Joyce Kilmer birthplace Dec. 6", Courier News, December 4, 2014. Accessed December 16, 2019. "The Kilmer birthplace house, on Joyce Kilmer Avenue at its juncture with Welton Street, was acquired by Joyce Kilmer Post #25 of the American Legion in the 1920s, shortly after the war, and used for the post's office and activities, as well as a 2nd-floor shrine to Kilmer. The post sold the building to the state of New Jersey in 1969 for a historic site. The state, in turn, turned the house over to the city for partial use for municipal offices and maintenance of the Kilmer shrine."
  322. ^ History, Willow Grove Cemetery, New Brunswick. Accessed December 16, 2019. "The Willow Grove Cemetery Association at New Brunswick was officially incorporated on April 4, 1850. Special legislation granted a formal Charter to the Association which was approved by the Governor of New Jersey on February 12, 1851. The Majority of the land on which the cemetery is now situated was purchased between 1847 and 1849 from Ann Croes and Ira C. Voorhees."
  323. ^ "Weird NJ: Mary Ellis' final parking place", Asbury Park Press, June 28, 2014. Accessed December 16, 2019. "Stranded high and dry in the market parking lot, Mary's 4-foot-high grave remained adrift in a sea of tarmac and bargain hunter-mobiles. For most of that time, the small, grassy island was enclosed by a chain-link fence and sporadically maintained by Mary's descendants.... The top of the mound offered a panoramic view of the Raritan, which must have been truly magnificent in Mary's day before the Route 1 Bridge was built."
  324. ^ What We Do, Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership. Accessed November 15, 2019. "The Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership, Inc. (LBWP) is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to protect the water in a 48-square-mile area, the Lawrence Brook watershed (USGSHUC code: 02030105130); this area extends over parts of 5 municipalities: New Brunswick, East Brunswick, North Brunswick, South Brunswick, and Milltown; it also covers most of Rutgers University's Cook Campus."
  325. ^ "Welcome to City of New Brunswick, New jersey". Retrieved October 15, 2020.
  326. ^ "Welcome to City of New Brunswick, New jersey". Retrieved October 15, 2020.
  327. ^ About ALFWC, Abundant Life Family Worship Church. Accessed September 9, 2015. "The Abundant Life Family Worship Church was established in February 1991 and has become a place of inspiration and spiritual revitalization for many people in New Brunswick and surrounding communities."
  328. ^ History Archived 2015-09-25 at the Wayback Machine, Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, the fourth Jewish congregation founded in New Jersey, was established in New Brunswick on October 11, 1859."
  329. ^ Varga, Emil, et. al. "History of Ascension Evangelical Lutheran Church" Archived 2015-09-30 at the Wayback Machine, Lutherans Online. Accessed September 9, 2015. "What persistence the original founders of the Hungarian Lutheran Church (now Ascension Lutheran Church) of New Brunswick had, who, in spite of many difficulties in securing a minister to be their pastor kept on having meetings, trying to find ways of making their religious dreams become a reality. They were immigrants from Hungary – most of them quite young- who brought with them their religious faith."
  330. ^ History of the Parish, Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Throughout the early years, Christ Church remained a mission parish. It would not receive a royal charter as an independent parish until 1761."
  331. ^ David Abeel 1804 ~ 1846 Archived 2015-08-05 at the Wayback Machine, Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity. Accessed January 11, 2015. "Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Abeel had begun medical studies when a religious conversion turned him toward the Christian ministry."
  332. ^ "Adrain, Garnett Bowditch, (1815–1878)", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed January 11, 2015. "moved with his parents to New Brunswick, N.J.; attended the public schools; was graduated from Rutgers College, New Brunswick, in 1833"
  333. ^ Charlie Atherton, Accessed January 11, 2015.
  334. ^ Jim Axelrod: CBS Chief White House Correspondent, CBS News. Accessed August 12, 2007.
  335. ^ Catherine Bailey Archived 2014-10-17 at the Wayback Machine, Addison County Independent. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Catherine was born on May 9, 1921, in New Brunswick, N.J., the daughter of H. Gordon and Hettie Bailey."
  336. ^ Joe Barzda, Motor Sport (magazine) database. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  337. ^ via Associated Press. "Van Johnson, Veteran Race Driver, Killed in Grove Crash", The Gettysburg Times, July 20, 1959. Accessed September 9, 2015. "The Indianapolis-type car was rammed from the side by one driven by Joe Barzda of New Brunswick, N. J."
  338. ^ John Bubenheim Bayard (1738–1807) Archived 2018-04-23 at the Wayback Machine, University of Pennsylvania. Accessed September 8, 2015. "After the Revolutionary War, Bayard became influential as a Federalist, living in Philadelphia and then New Brunswick."
  339. ^ The National cyclopaedia of American biography: being the history of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the thought of the present time, Volume 22, p. 386. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Bennet, John Bradbury, soldier, was born in New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 6, 1865, son of Hiram Pitt and Sarah (McCabe) Bennet."
  340. ^ James Berardinelli profile, Rotten Tomatoes. Accessed March 17, 2007. "I was born in September 1967 in the town of New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA)."
  341. ^ Schneider, Dan. "The Dan Schneider Interview 16: James Berardinelli",, December 12, 2008. Accessed July 14, 2016. "I was born in New Brunswick, lived in Old Bridge for a year, then spent my childhood in Morristown and my teenage years in Cherry Hill."
  342. ^ James Bishop, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed September 1, 2007.
  343. ^ Boggs, Charles S., Naval History & Heritage Command. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Charles Stuart Boggs was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on 28 January 1811."
  344. ^ "Where PJ Feels At Home: An Interview With PJ Bond Part 2", Define the Meaning, January 7, 2011. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Once Out Smarting Simon stopped touring I started to live in New Brunswick permanently. It wasn't until 2008–2009 that I actually moved out of New Brunswick. I was pretty much there for about ten years on and off. That to me is why I call it home."
  345. ^ Jake Bornheimer Archived 2018-10-05 at the Wayback Machine, Hoya Basketball. Accessed August 31, 2015.
  346. ^ Fitzgerald's Legislative Manual, 1984, p. 219. J.A. Fitzgerald, 1984. Accessed April 19, 2020. "James W. Bornheimer, Dem., East Brunswick - Senator Bornheimer was born in New Brunswick Oct. 19, 1933."
  347. ^ Torres, Andrea. "Miami Dolphins sign three new players; Miami Dolphins shuffles roster", WPLG, August 6, 2014. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Brackett, 26, was born in New Brunswick, N.J. He joined the NFL after graduating from Penn State University."
  348. ^ Makin, Bob. "Hub City Music Fest commissions '48 Hour Musicals'", Courier News, April 5, 2015. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Producer-DJ Derrick 'Drop' Braxton, a New Brunswick native and lifelong resident, not only has created several songs within 48 hours with Red Giant partner, Chelsea 'Foxanne' Gohd, but also with nationally known Chicago rapper Lupe Fiasco."
  349. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. "Sherry Britton, 89, a Star of the Burlesque Stage, Dies", The New York Times, April 3, 2008. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Born Edith Zack in New Brunswick, N.J., Ms. Britton was the daughter of Charles and Esther Dansky Zack; the family name was later changed to Britton."
  350. ^ Gary Brokaw, Accessed September 17, 2007.
  351. ^ Tynes, Tyler. "Villanova recruit Jalen Brunson has basketball in his blood", SB Nation, April 3, 2015. Accessed September 9, 2015. "The Brunsons' level of winning isn't restricted to the hardwoods of Lincolnshire, Illinois, or the mean streets of New Brunswick, New Jersey, where Jalen was born, but their triumphs in athletics do tell part of their story."
  352. ^ Wilson, James Grant; Fiske, John, eds. "Bartlett, William Lehman Ashmeas Burdett-Coutts", p. 186. Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography, Volume 1. D. Appleton, 1888. Accessed September 9, 2015. "Bartlett, William Lehman Ashmead Burdett-Coutts, b. in New Brunswick, N. J., in 1851."
  353. ^ Jackson, Vincent. "Former Mays Landing resident earned first Grammy Award statue in February", The Press of Atlantic City, March 3, 2019. Accessed July 22, 2020. "Darhyl 'DJ' Camper Jr., who has had multiple Grammy nominations over the years, has met many starry-eyed teenagers who want to have a career as a recording artist.... Camper, who moved last year to New Brunswick, Middlesex County, was back in Ventnor recently for the first time since winning his Grammy."
  354. ^ Carpender, Arthur S. (1884–1960), U. S. naval officer Archived 2017-01-18 at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Historical Society. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Letters; commissions; biographical sketches of Carpender; airlog, 1942–46, kept by this career naval officer from New Brunswick as a rear admiral"
  355. ^ Fly, Colin. "Once special teams whiz, Casillas now face of No. 7 Badgers LBs", USA Today, September 13, 2007. Accessed February 26, 2011. "But it starts with Casillas, the self-proclaimed family man from New Brunswick, N.J., who was the Badgers' leading returning tackler from last season and is often called into pass coverage."
  356. ^ Stevenson, Kenyon (1919). The official history of the Fifth division, U. S. A.: during the period of its organization and of its operations in the European world war, 1917–1919. The Red diamond (Meuse) division (Public domain ed.). The Society of the Fifth division. pp. 23–.
  357. ^ Andre Dixon, UConn Huskies football. Accessed June 28, 2019. "Hometown: New Brunswick, N.J. High School: New Brunswick"
  358. ^ Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey "Community, Loss, and Regeneration: An Interview with Wheeler Winston Dixon" Archived 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine, Senses of Cinema. Accessed August 2, 2007.
  359. ^ "From Kindergarten Cutup to Big-Screen Actor at 9", The New York Times, March 2, 2008. Accessed January 11, 2015.
  360. ^ 'Acting 'Runs In The Family', CBS News, April 15, 2003. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Born Michael Kirk Douglas in New Brunswick, N.J., Sept. 25, 1944"
  361. ^ "Talent –". Retrieved February 25, 2021.
  362. ^ Reich, Ronni. "Even a modern spouse can understand Linda Loman's fears in Death of a Salesman", The Star-Ledger, March 11, 2012. Accessed June 4, 2017. "A 52-year-old New Brunswick native, Emond has been described by one critic as a 'secret weapon' of the New York stage who has taken turns from the Broadway musical 1776 to new plays such as Tony Kushner's Homebody/Kabul."
  363. ^ Fitzgerald, Thomas F. Fitzgerald's Legislative Manual, State of New Jersey, 1971, p. 379. J.A. Fitzgerald, 1971. Accessed November 12, 2017. "Jerome M. Epstein (Rep., Scotch Plains) – Senator Epstein was born in New Brunswick on March 15, 1987."
  364. ^ A. Walton White Evans Family Papers, 1709–1891 Archived August 16, 2019, at the Wayback Machine, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Anthony Walton White Evans was born in New Brunswick, NJ October 31, 1817, the son of Thomas M. Evans and Eliza M. White."
  365. ^ Robert Farmar, Encyclopedia of Alabama. Accessed December 13, 2019. "Farmar was the sixth of 12 children born to Thomas and Anne Farmar in 1717 in New Brunswick in the colony of New Jersey."
  366. ^ Halstead, Richard. "Mervin Field parlayed poker winnings into respected opinion research firm", Marin Independent Journal, October 10, 2012. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Field was born in New Brunswick, N.J. on March 11, 1921, the son of a cabinetmaker who emigrated from Russia. His parents died when he was young and he lived with an aunt and uncle in Princeton until they left New Jersey in his sophomore year of high school."
  367. ^ Howard, Cory. The Man Who Inspired The Words Of Forrest Gump Walks Across The Country ... Again" Archived 2018-11-18 at the Wayback Machine, KHQ-TV, September 11, 2010. Accessed November 15, 2012. "To give Bobby hope, Louis promised he would run across America for him. In 1982, the teenager set out from New Brunswick, New Jersey for San Francisco, raising money and awareness along the way for the American Cancer Society. Sixty days later, he became the fastest and youngest runner to run across America."
  368. ^ "Bishop Flake Dies", p. 3. The Living Church, January 21, 1942. Accessed December 1, 2020. "Bishop Fiske, son of William H. and Mary Houghton Fiske, was born in New Brunswick, N. J. in 1868."
  369. ^ Uhlar, Janet. Liberty's Martyr: The Story of Dr. Joseph Warren, p. 320. Dog Ear Publishing, 2009. ISBN 9781608440122. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Margaret Kemble Gage was born and reared in New Brunswick, New Jersey. After marrying British General Thomas Gage, she found her loyalties to be divided. Though no evidence exists that she informed Joseph Warren of her husband's plans the night of April 18, 1775, circumstantial evidence points to her indiscretion."
  370. ^ Staff. "Morris Goodkind, Engineer, 80, Dies; Designer of Pulaski Skyway Built Burma Road Bridges", The New York Times, September 7, 1968. Accessed January 23, 2018. "New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 6--Morris Goodkind, former director and chief bridge engineer for the New Jersey State Highway Department, died last night at Middlesex General Hospital. He was 80 years old and lived at 140 Livingston Avenue."
  371. ^ "Dr. Vera Mae Green", The New York Times, January 18, 1982. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Dr. Vera Mae Green, an associate professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, died Saturday at the Princeton (N.J.) Medical Center after a long illness. She was 53 years old and lived in New Brunswick, N.J."
  372. ^ 1992 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Recipient – Alan H. Guth, American Physical Society. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Professor Alan Guth was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in 1947. He grew up and attended the public schools in Highland Park, NJ, but skipped his senior year of high school to begin studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology."
  373. ^ Bovsun, Mara. "A 90-year mystery: Who killed the pastor and the choir singer?", New York Daily News, September 16, 2012. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  374. ^ Augustus Albert Hardenbergh, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed August 13, 2007.
  375. ^ Lawler, Sylvia. "Mel Harris Mindful Of What's Meaningful", The Morning Call, September 27, 1992. Accessed January 11, 2015. "She told me she was Mary Ellen Donegan ('very Irish'); that she'd left Bethlehem when she was six months old and was raised in New Brunswick, N.J., but that she still got back to Bethlehem because she had nearly a dozen cousins there."
  376. ^ Raritan River Environmental Festival 2006 Musical Performances, accessed April 23, 2007. "Composer and bassist Mark Helias was born and raised in New Brunswick."
  377. ^ Susan Hendricks, CNN. Accessed May 11, 2020. "Raised in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Hendricks attended the Hun School of Princeton and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from Arizona State University."
  378. ^ Echegaray, Luis Miguel. "Laurie Hernandez: The US Latina gymnast with dreams of Olympic glory; The New Jersey native can become the first US-born Hispanic female gymnast to make the US Olympic squad in more than 30 years at this weekend's trials in San Jose", The Guardian, July 8, 2016. Accessed July 11, 2016. "Lauren Hernandez was born on 9 June 2000 in New Brunswick, New Jersey."
  379. ^ Feitl, Steve. "UFC 218 fighter Sabah Homasi got athletic start in East Brunswick", Asbury Park Press, November 30, 2017. Accessed January 22, 2018. "While Sabah Homasi only spent the first decade of his life in East Brunswick, he has vivid memories of growing up in the Garden State. ... The New Brunswick-born Homasi will be in Detroit on Saturday, competing for the Ultimate Fighting Championship in a preliminary bout on the UFC 218 event in the Motor City."
  380. ^ Lawson, Edward. "In the News Columns", p. 119 in Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life, Volumes 17-18. Accessed January 23, 2018. "When Governor A. Harry Moore of New Jersey recently reappointed Mrs. Christine Moore Howell of New Brunswick as one of the five commissioners on the State Board of Cosmetology, he paid tribute to a woman whose tireless energy and keen business acumen have won for her a unique place in American life."
  381. ^ "Lossing's Field Book of the Revolution, Vol. II., Supplement I.", accessed April 23, 2007. "On the arrival of the British the following summer, Captains Adam Hyler and Wm. Marriner, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, annoyed them so much, that an armed force was sent to destroy their boats."
  382. ^ "Jaheim returns with new CD, 'Ghetto Classics' and talks about his musical heroes" Archived 2008-10-25 at the Wayback Machine, Jet (magazine), April 10, 2006, accessed April 23, 2007. "Born Jaheim Hoagland in the housing projects of New Brunswick, NJ, he was inspired to sing by his grandfather."
  383. ^ via Associated Press. "USC losing a receiver, not its coach", The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 11, 2007. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Jarrett, a 6-foot-5, 215-pounder from New Brunswick, N.J., ends his college career with 216 catches for 3,138 yards and a Pac-10-record 41 touchdowns in 38 games."
  384. ^ IJS Receives Archives of Composer/Pianist James P. Johnson, press release date July 29, 2004, accessed April 23, 2007. Renowned worldwide as the "Father of Stride Piano," Johnson was born in New Brunswick in 1894."
  385. ^ Home Page, Friends of the William H. Johnson House. Accessed January 11, 2015. "William H. Johnson was a prosperous New Brunswick businessman who owned a wallpaper hanging and house painting company, with business addresses on Church Street and Morris Street in New Brunswick."
  386. ^ Staff. "Obituary: Robert Wood Johnson", p. 145. National Druggist, Volume 40. Accessed June 25, 2015. "Robert Wood Johnson, one of the founders and president of the well-known firm of Johnson & Johnson died after a brief illness at his home in New Brunswick, N. J., February 7, 1910."
  387. ^ Staff. "Robert Wood 'Johnson, 74, Dies; Chairman of Johnson & Johnson; Founder's Son Led Company Until 1963 – No. 2 Man on War Production Board", The New York Times, January 31, 1968. Accessed August 29, 2017. "On April 4, 1893, Mr. Johnson was born in New Brunswick, N.J., where Johnson & Johnson maintained its headquarters."
  388. ^ Straehle, Steve. "Ambassador to the United Kingdom: Who Is Woody Johnson?",, February 15, 2017. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Johnson was born April 12, 1947, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, son of Robert Wood "Bobby" and Betty Johnson, and one of five children."
  389. ^ Margolick, David. "Mary Lea Johnson Richards, 63, Founder of Production Company", The New York Times, May 4, 1990. Accessed January 23, 2018. "Mrs. Richards was born on Aug. 20, 1926, in New Brunswick, N.J. She was the oldest daughter of J. Seward Johnson, an heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune, and his first wife, Ruth Dill Johnson."
  390. ^ Scientific Director Frederick B. Kilmer, Johnson & Johnson. Accessed July 21, 2020. "Over the course of his prolific career at the company, Frederick Barnett Kilmer defined Johnson & Johnson, influencing virtually every aspect of the business. Before joining the company, he was a retail pharmacist, scientist, writer, and public health pioneer who moved to New Brunswick, New Jersey, in 1879."
  391. ^ Joyce Kilmer Birthplace Open House Archived 2018-03-08 at the Wayback Machine, City of New Brunswick, December 6, 2016. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Alfred Joyce Kilmer, author of the well-known poem 'Trees,' was born in New Brunswick on December 6, 1886, 130 years ago."
  392. ^ Littleton Kirkpatrick, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed September 1, 2007.
  393. ^ Ted Kubiak, Baseball-Reference. Accessed June 18, 2009.
  394. ^ Baltin, Will. "Roy Mack - Another New Brunswick Boy Who Has Made Good", The Central Jersey Home News, May 23, 1937. Accessed August 10, 2020, via "Folks don't know him as Leroy McClure in the entertainment world, but rather as Roy Mack.... But few know that Roy is a New Brunswick boy who has really accomplished much in the world of make-believe."
  395. ^ Politi, Steve. "Is Floyd Mayweather a Jersey guy? Tracing his roots to a New Brunswick block", NJ Advance Media for, May 1, 2015. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Hiram Square in New Brunswick as it looked in the mid 1970s. Floyd Mayweather lived on the street with his mother in the mid 1980s."
  396. ^ Cronick, Scott. "Comedian Jim Norton Insensitive, Vulgar", The Press of Atlantic City, July 30, 2002. Accessed October 26, 2011. "The 33-year-old New Brunswick native sold out two shows at the Shell at Trump Marina Hotel Casino on Saturday night, leaving other fans outside looking for tickets. The only question is: Who is Jim Norton?"
  397. ^ 'Murphy Brown' Housepainter Dies: Actor Robert Pastorelli Dead At 49, May Have Been Drug Overdose, CBS News, March 9, 2004. Accessed August 29, 2017. "Pastorelli, born in New Brunswick, N.J., was an aspiring boxer in his youth. But a near-fatal car crash on his 19th birthday ended his dreams of a pro sports career."
  398. ^ "Bishop O'Connell to present papal honors during Sept. 8 prayer service", The Monitor, August 30, 2011. Accessed July 18, 2019. "Judith M. Persichilli was born March 4, 1949, in New Brunswick."
  399. ^ Rechcigl, Miloslav Jr. "%22 Czech American Timeline: Chronology of Milestones in the History of Czechs in America, p. 394. Author House, 2013. ISBN 9781481757065. Accessed June 25, 2015. "Stephen Porges (1945- ), b. New Brunswick, NJ, of Bohemian ancestry, a psychiatrist, proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the autonomic nervous system to the emergence of social behavior."
  400. ^ Stravelli, Gloria. "The right song at the right time in the right movie: Doors of Hollywood swung open for musician after 1987 Academy Award" Archived 2018-11-19 at the Wayback Machine, Atlanticville, April 11, 2002. Accessed August 29, 2017. "'There was always music at home,' Previte recalled about his boyhood in New Brunswick."
  401. ^ Miles Ross, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed March 18, 2011.
  402. ^ Mohammed Sanu, Accessed October 22, 2019. "Born: August 22, 1989 (Age: 30-061d) in New Brunswick, NJ"
  403. ^ Olivier, Bobby. "Midtown reunion just part of NJ revival at Skate and Surf this weekend", NJ Advance Media for, May 16, 2014. Accessed June 25, 2015. "Gabe Saporta could only dodge the discussion for so long. For years, the singer and his former bandmates were asked to reunite Midtown, their daring New Brunswick foursome that burned alongside pop-punk's brightest incendiaries in the early 2000s, only to smolder and disband in 2005."
  404. ^ About Jeff Shaara; Author of The Last Full Measure, Random House. Accessed May 11, 2013. "Jeff Shaara was born in 1952, in New Brunswick, New Jersey."
  405. ^ Dustin Sheppard, Major League Soccer. Accessed November 26, 2019. "Birthplace: New Brunswick, NJ"
  406. ^ Brian David Sicknick, Demaine Funeral Home. Accessed January 31, 2021. "Brian David Sicknick was born on July 30, 1978, in New Brunswick, NJ, the youngest of three sons to Gladys and Charles Sicknick."
  407. ^ New Jersey Governor George Sebastian Silzer, National Governors Association. Accessed August 29, 2017.
  408. ^ James H. Simpson, Cullum's Register, 679. Accessed March 18, 2011.
  409. ^ Grimes, William. "Robert Sklar, Film Scholar, Is Dead at 74", The New York Times, July 6, 2011. Accessed May 20, 2021. "Robert Anthony Sklar, known as Bob, was born on Dec. 3, 1936, in New Brunswick, N.J. and attended Princeton, where he was the chairman of the editorial board of The Daily Princetonian."
  410. ^ Aaker, Everett. Encyclopedia of early television crime fighters:all regular cast members in American crime and mystery series, 1948–1959, McFarland & Company, 2006. ISBN 0-7864-2476-1. Accessed March 24, 2013. "Arthur Space was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey on October 12, 1908."
  411. ^ Schelly, Bill. Founders of Comic Fandom: Profiles of 90 Publishers, Dealers, Collectors, Writers, Artists and Other Luminaries of the 1950s and 1960s, p. 124. McFarland & Company, 2010. ISBN 0-7864-4347-2. Accessed November 13, 2015. "Larry Stark was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in August 1932."
  412. ^ Purcell, John. "Matt Taibbi, author of Griftopia, answers Ten Terrifying Questions", Booktopia, November 10, 2010. Accessed September 15, 2019. "I was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, a college town not far from New York; my parents were 19 year-old students."
  413. ^ "Norman Tanzman, 85, once Middlesex state senator". Home News Tribune, June 7, 2004. Accessed March 1, 2021, via "Born in New York City, Mr. Tanzman moved to New Brunswick when he was 4, and then to Highland Park."
  414. ^ Bosso, Joe. "Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal on DIY music distribution, Guns N' Roses and more",, April 22, 2011. Accessed March 24, 2013. "As a member of Guns N' Roses, Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal has spent the better part of two years crisscrossing the globe on the Chinese Democracy tour and playing to packed enormodomes. But, for time being, the New Jersey resident, who has called the city of New Brunswick his home for the past 12 years, is enjoying a bit of normalcy in the Garden State."
  415. ^ Joe Theismann, Accessed March 24, 2013.
  416. ^ Staff. "The Story of His Life", The New York Times, December 9, 1885. Accessed March 24, 2013. "William H. Vanderbilt was the eldest son of Commodore Vanderbilt. He was born in New-Brunswick, N.J., in the old house where the Commodore lived a good part of his time at that period of his life, on May 8, 1821."
  417. ^ John Van Dyke, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Accessed September 1, 2007.
  418. ^ Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore Archived 2010-08-15 at the Wayback Machine, The Vampire Diaries. Accessed March 18, 2011. "Born and raised in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Wesley currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where The Vampire Diaries films, and Los Angeles, California.".
  419. ^ Leonard, John William; and Marquis, Albert Nelson. Who's who in America, Volumes 2-4, p. 1260. Marquis Who's Who, 1901. Accessed June 25, 2015. "Woodbridge, Samuel Merrill ... Address: New Brunswick, N. J."
  420. ^ "Young signs with Rangers", The Star-Ledger, August 12, 2006. "Young, out of Rutgers and New Brunswick, has played in 15 major- league seasons, including 2004 for the Rangers when they were in contention for the AL West title until the final week of the regular season."
  421. ^ Miller, Randy. "Angels' Eric Young Jr., shares sad story of losing his 'angel'", NJ Advance Media for, June 9, 2017. Accessed July 5, 2017. "Shortly after joining the club in an Aug. 31, trade, the Yankees were in Baltimore for a Labor Day weekend series when the New Brunswick native and Piscataway High alum learned he was going to be a first-time father."
  422. ^ McCall, Tris. "N.J. band Gaslight Anthem growing with roots firmly intact", The Star-Ledger, June 13, 2010, updated January 30, 2014. Accessed June 25, 2015. "'Our connection to New Brunswick is something that will never go away,' says Gaslight bassist Alex Levine, who, like the rest of the band members, has recently moved elsewhere."
  423. ^ Massa, Krysten. "Streetlight Manifesto finally makes it to the Brook", The Statesman (Stony Brook), April 21, 2015. Accessed June 25, 2015. "Streetlight Manifesto is from New Brunswick, New Jersey and one of its first headlining shows was at Rutgers University."
  424. ^ Olliver, Bobby. "The Bouncing Souls' guitarist talks return to New Brunswick ahead of Court Tavern show",, Sept. 10, 2014.
  425. ^ 2018 Annual Impact Report / 2019 Membership Directory, Sister Cities International. Accessed May 5, 2021. "New Brunswick: Debrecen, Hungary; Limerick City and County, Ireland; Fukui, Japan; Tsuruoka, Japan"
  426. ^ Sister Cities, City of New Brunswick. Accessed May 5, 2021.

External links[edit]

  • City of New Brunswick official website
  • New Brunswick Information
  • Historical maps of New Jersey including New Brunswick
  • "The Park System of New Brunswick, New Jersey" (PDF). The Trust for Public Land. August 2011.