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Roanoke (/ˈrənk/) is an independent city in the U.S. commonwealth of Virginia. At the 2010 census, the population was 97,032,[7] making it the largest city in Virginia west of Richmond. It is located in the Roanoke Valley of the Roanoke Region of Virginia.[8]

Roanoke is the largest municipality in Southwest Virginia, and is the principal municipality of the Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which had a 2010 population of 308,707. It is composed of the independent cities of Roanoke and Salem, and Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Bisected by the Roanoke River, Roanoke is the commercial and cultural hub of much of Southwest Virginia and portions of Southern West Virginia.[9]

Historia [ editar ]

Línea de tiempo [ editar ]

Cronología de Roanoke, Virginia
  • 1835 - Town of Gainesborough incorporated.[10]
  • 1838 - Roanoke County created.[11]
  • 1852 - Big Lick Depot built near Gainesborough; Virginia & Tennessee Railroad begins operating.[12]
  • 1865 - April: Big Lick settlement sacked by Federal forces during American Civil War.[12]
  • 1870 - Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad begins operating.
  • 1874
    • Town of Big Lick incorporated.[13]
    • John Trout becomes mayor.[14]
  • 1878 - Big Lick News begins publication.[14]
  • 1882
    • Big Lick and Old Lick renamed "Roanoke."[13]
    • Roanoke Machine Works in business.[15]
    • Population: 5,276.[15]
  • 1883 - YMCA branch founded.[16]
  • 1884 - City of Roanoke incorporated.[17]
  • 1885 - Municipal market established.[14]
  • 1886 - Roanoke Daily Times newspaper begins publication.[18]
  • 1889 - Evening World newspaper begins publication.[18]
  • 1890
    • Roanoke Hospital founded.[16]
    • Population: 16,159.
  • 1891 - Roanoke Weekly Press newspaper begins publication.[19]
  • 1893 - 20 de septiembre: Ocurre el "motín de Lynch". [12] [19]
  • 1902 - Se forma la congregación Beth Israel . [20]
  • 1903 - Comienza la "Gran Feria de Roanoke" agrícola. [15]
  • 1904 - Se funda la Cámara de Comercio. [15]
  • 1906 - Virginian Railway comienza a operar. [14]
  • 1910
    • Se estableció el Departamento de Salud de la ciudad. [dieciséis]
    • Comienza a funcionar Mill Mountain Incline (funicular). [14]
    • Población: 34.874.
  • 1911 - Teatro Roanoke en funcionamiento. [21]
  • 1913 - Teatro Bijou en funcionamiento. [21]
  • 1914 - Se funda la sucursal de la YWCA . [dieciséis]
  • 1919 - Establecimiento del "Tribunal de menores y relaciones domésticas". [dieciséis]
  • 1920 - Población: 50,842. [dieciséis]
  • 1921
    • Se abre la biblioteca pública. [14]
    • Sucursal del Ku Klux Klan activa (fecha aproximada). [22] [ cita cronológica necesaria ]
  • 1924 - La radio WDBJ comienza a transmitir. [23]
  • 1925 - El hotel Patrick Henry entra en funcionamiento.
  • 1926 - Se abre Memorial Bridge .
  • 1930 - Se forma Big Lick Garden Club. [14]
  • 1933 - El Aeropuerto Municipal de Roanoke comienza a operar.
  • 1936: John William "Bill" Davis abrió la primera planta de Dr. Pepper al este del río Mississippi ; Roanoke pronto se convierte en el Dr. Pepper Capitol of the World [24]
  • 1939 - El periódico Roanoke Tribune comienza a publicarse.
  • 1950 - Población: 91,921.
  • 1952
    • WSLS-TV ( televisión ) comienza a transmitir. [25]
    • Se establece el zoológico de Mill Mountain . [26]
  • 1955 - WDBJ-TV ( televisión ) comienza a transmitir. [25]
  • 1957 - Fundación de la Sociedad Histórica de Roanoke. [27]
  • 1959 - Se construye el templo de la sinagoga Emanuel. [20]
  • 1966 - Se establece el Virginia Western Community College .
  • 1976 - Parte del condado de Roanoke se convierte en parte de la ciudad. [13]
  • 1980 - Población: 100,220.
  • 1985 - Valley View Mall en el negocio.
  • 1992 - David A. Bowers se convierte en alcalde. [28]
  • 1993 - Bob Goodlatte se convierte en representante de Estados Unidos para el sexto distrito del Congreso de Virginia . [29]
  • 2000 - Sitio web de la ciudad en línea (fecha aproximada). [30]
  • 2004 - Se abre el Museo O. Winston Link .
  • 2010 - Población: 97.032. [31]
  • 2016
    • 25 de octubre: ocurre el tiroteo de FreightCar America .
    • Sherman P. Lea se convierte en alcalde. [28]

Incorporación [ editar ]

La primera ciudad llamada Big Lick fue establecida en 1852 y fletada en 1874. Fue nombrada así por un gran afloramiento de sal que atrajo a la vida silvestre al sitio cerca del río Roanoke . [32] En 1882 se convirtió en la ciudad de Roanoke, y en 1884 fue constituida como ciudad independiente de Roanoke. Se dice que el nombre Roanoke se originó a partir de una palabra algonquina para "dinero de concha". [33] El nombre del río fue el utilizado por los hablantes de Algonquian que vivían a 300 millas de distancia donde el río desembocaba en el mar cerca de la isla Roanoke. Los nativos que vivían cerca de donde se fundó la ciudad no hablaban algonquino. Hablaban idiomas Siouan , Tutelo yCatawban . También hubo hablantes de Cherokee en esa área general que lucharon con la gente de Catawba . La ciudad creció con frecuencia a través de la anexión hasta mediados del siglo XX. [34] La última anexión fue en 1976. Desde entonces, la legislatura estatal ha prohibido a las ciudades anexar tierras de condados adyacentes. La ubicación de Roanoke en las montañas Blue Ridge , en el medio del valle de Roanoke entre Maryland y Tennessee , lo convirtió en el centro de transporte del oeste de Virginia y contribuyó a su rápido crecimiento.

Influencia colonial [ editar ]

Durante la época colonial, el sitio de Roanoke fue un importante centro de senderos y caminos. El Great Indian Warpath, que más tarde se fusionó con la colonial Great Wagon Road , una de las carreteras más transitadas de la América del siglo XVIII, iba desde Filadelfia a través del valle de Shenandoah hasta el futuro sitio de la ciudad de Roanoke, por donde pasaba el río Roanoke. el Blue Ridge. La carretera de Carolina se bifurcó en Cloverdale, Virginia a Boones Mill, Virginia , y luego al valle del río Yadkin . La brecha de Roanoke demostró ser una ruta útil para que los inmigrantes se establecieran en la región de Carolina Piedmont. En Roanoke Gap, otra rama de Great Wagon Road, Wilderness Road , continuaba hacia el suroeste hasta Tennessee.

Ferrocarriles y carbón [ editar ]

En la década de 1850, Big Lick se convirtió en una parada del ferrocarril de Virginia y Tennessee (V&T) que unía Lynchburg con Bristol en la frontera entre Virginia y Tennessee.

Después de la Guerra Civil Estadounidense (1861-1865), William Mahone , un ingeniero civil y héroe de la Batalla del cráter , fue la fuerza impulsora en la conexión de tres ferrocarriles, incluido el V&T, a través del nivel sur de Virginia para formar el Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad (AM&O), una nueva línea que se extiende desde Norfolk a Bristol, Virginia en 1870. Sin embargo, el pánico financiero de 1873 arruinó las finanzas de AM&O. Después de varios años de operar en quiebra, el papel de Mahone como constructor de ferrocarriles terminó en 1881 cuando los intereses financieros del norte tomaron el control. En la subasta de ejecución hipotecaria, AM&O fue comprado porEW Clark & ​​Co. , una firma de banca privada en Filadelfia que controlaba el Ferrocarril del Valle de Shenandoah que estaba en construcción en el valle desde Hagerstown , Maryland. El AM&O pasó a llamarse Norfolk and Western Railway (N&W).

Niño trabajador en Roanoke Cotton Mills, 1911. Foto de Lewis Hine .

Frederick J. Kimball , ingeniero civil y socio de la firma Clark, encabezó la nueva línea y el nuevo ferrocarril del Valle de Shenandoah. Para el cruce del valle de Shenandoah y las carreteras de Norfolk y Western, Kimball y su junta directiva seleccionaron la pequeña aldea de Virginia llamada Big Lick, en el río Roanoke . Aunque los ciudadanos agradecidos se ofrecieron a cambiar el nombre de su ciudad "Kimball", a sugerencia suya, acordaron llamarla Roanoke por el río. A medida que N&W trajo gente y puestos de trabajo, la ciudad de Roanoke se convirtió rápidamente en una ciudad independiente en 1884. De hecho, Roanoke se convirtió en una ciudad tan rápidamente que se ganó el apodo de "Ciudad Mágica".

El interés de Kimball en la geología fue fundamental en el desarrollo de las cuencas mineras de Pocahontas en el oeste de Virginia y Virginia Occidental . Empujó las líneas N&W a través de las tierras salvajes de Virginia Occidental, al norte hasta Columbus , Ohio y Cincinnati , Ohio, y al sur hasta Durham, Carolina del Norte y Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte . Esto le dio al ferrocarril la estructura de ruta que iba a utilizar durante más de 60 años.

El Virginian Railway (VGN), una maravilla de la ingeniería de su época, fue concebido y construido por William Nelson Page y Henry Huttleston Rogers . Siguiendo el río Roanoke, el VGN se construyó a través de la ciudad de Roanoke a principios del siglo XX. Se fusionó con N&W en 1959.

La apertura de las minas de carbón hizo que N&W prosperara y que el carbón bituminoso de Pocahontas fuera mundialmente famoso. Transportado por el N&W y el vecino Virginian Railway (VGN), la mitad de las armadas del mundo utilizan carbón local. Hoy alimenta las acerías y las centrales eléctricas de todo el mundo.

El Norfolk & Western era famoso por fabricar locomotoras de vapor internamente. Fueron las tiendas Roanoke de N&W las que hicieron que la empresa fuera conocida en toda la industria por su excelencia en la energía de vapor. Las tiendas de Roanoke, con su fuerza laboral de miles, es donde se diseñaron, construyeron y mantuvieron las famosas locomotoras de las clases A, J e Y6. Allí se construyeron nuevas locomotoras de vapor hasta 1953, mucho después de que la diésel-eléctrica surgiera como la fuerza motriz elegida por la mayoría de los ferrocarriles norteamericanos. Alrededor de 1960, N&W fue el último gran ferrocarril de los Estados Unidos en convertirse de vapor a diesel.

La presencia del ferrocarril también hizo que Roanoke fuera atractivo para los fabricantes. American Viscose abrió una gran planta de rayón en el sureste de Roanoke en octubre de 1917. [35] Esta planta cerró en 1958, dejando a 5.000 trabajadores desempleados. Cuando N&W se convirtió a diesel, se despidió a 2.000 trabajadores ferroviarios. [36]

Gobierno [ editar ]

Roanoke tiene una forma de gobierno de alcalde- administrador de la ciudad débil . El administrador de la ciudad es responsable de las operaciones diarias del gobierno de la ciudad y tiene la autoridad para contratar y despedir a los empleados de la ciudad. El alcalde tiene poca autoridad ejecutiva, si es que tiene alguna, y esencialmente es el "primero entre iguales" en el Ayuntamiento de Roanoke . El alcalde, sin embargo, tiene un púlpito intimidatorioya que los medios de comunicación de Roanoke cubren con frecuencia las apariciones y declaraciones del alcalde. El actual alcalde de Roanoke es Sherman Lea y el actual administrador de la ciudad es Robert S. Cowell. El consejo de la ciudad tiene seis miembros, sin contar al alcalde, todos los cuales son elegidos en general. En 1997, los votantes de Roanoke rechazaron una propuesta para un consejo basado en distritos, en el que el alcalde y el vicealcalde continuarían siendo elegidos en general, pero los defensores del sistema de distritos todavía sostienen que el sistema general da como resultado un número desproporcionado de los miembros del consejo provenientes de vecindarios prósperos y que la elección de algunos o todos los miembros del consejo por barrio resultaría en una representación más equitativa de todas las áreas de la ciudad. Los mandatos de cuatro años de los concejales de la ciudad son escalonados, por lo que hay elecciones bienales.El candidato que recibe la mayor cantidad de votos es designado vicealcalde para los siguientes dos años.

Los bloques de votantes de clase afroamericana y profesional de la ciudad han convertido al Partido Demócrata en el partido líder de la ciudad en los últimos años.

El candidato independiente David A. Bowers, un ex demócrata, derrotó al actual demócrata Nelson Harris a la alcaldía en las elecciones de mayo de 2008 con el 53% de los votos. Tanto en la elección de 2000, el republicano Ralph K. Smith como en la elección de 2004, Nelson Harris ganó con menos del 40% de los votos en contiendas competitivas a tres bandas.

En las elecciones del concejo de mayo de 2008, los demócratas Court Rosen, Anita Price y Sherman Lea derrotaron a una lista de candidatos independientes al concejo de la ciudad aliados libremente, incluido el titular Brian Wishneff. En las elecciones del consejo de mayo de 2006, una lista de tres ex demócratas que se postulaban en una lista independiente respaldada por Harris derrotó a los candidatos de los partidos demócrata y republicano. Esta elección puso fin al prolongado debate de la ciudad sobre el destino del Victory Stadium .

El 27 de junio de 2016, Sherman P. Lea, Sr. asumió el cargo de alcalde. [37]

Roanoke está representado por dos miembros de la Cámara de Delegados de Virginia , Sam Rasoul (D-11th) y Chris Head (R-17th), y un miembro del Senado de Virginia , John Edwards (D-21st). El ex alcalde de Roanoke, Ralph Smith, ganó las elecciones de 2007 en el vecino distrito 22 del Senado después de derrotar al actual Brandon Bell por la nominación republicana en las elecciones primarias y al demócrata Michael Breiner en las elecciones generales.

La ciudad de Roanoke se encuentra dentro del sexto distrito del Congreso de Virginia , que también incluye Lynchburg y gran parte del Valle de Shenandoah y está representada por el republicano Ben Cline . El noveno distrito del Congreso de Virginia , representado por el republicano Morgan Griffith de la vecina Salem, tradicionalmente ha cubierto el suroeste de Virginia, pero se ha expandido a partes de Salem, el condado de Roanoke y los condados al norte de Roanoke para compensar las pérdidas de población en el resto del distrito. El republicano Bob Good representa gran parte del área al sur y al este de Roanoke, incluido el cercano condado de Franklin, en el quinto distrito del Congreso de Virginia, que también se extiende de norte aCharlottesville .

Política [ editar ]

Roanoke es uno de los pocos bolsillos demócratas en el oeste de Virginia, fuertemente republicano. Ha apoyado a los demócratas a la presidencia en todas las elecciones desde 1988, y en todas menos una desde 1976. En las elecciones estatales, a menudo es una de las pocas áreas al oeste de Charlottesville que vota por los demócratas.


According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 42.9 square miles (111.1 km2), of which 42.5 square miles (110.1 km2) is land and 0.3 square miles (0.8 km2) (0.8%) is water.[39]

Roanoke is located in the valley and ridge province of Virginia immediately west of the Blue Ridge Mountains and east of the Allegheny Mountains.

Within the city limits is Mill Mountain, which stands detached from surrounding ranges. Its summit features the Roanoke Star, Mill Mountain Zoo, the Discovery Center interpretive building, and an overlook of the Roanoke Valley. The Appalachian Trail runs through the northern section of Roanoke County several miles north of the city, while the Blue Ridge Parkway runs just to the south of the city. Carvins Cove, the second-largest municipal park in America at 12,700-acre (51 km2), lies in northeast Roanoke County and southwest Botetourt County.[40] Smith Mountain Lake is several miles southeast of the city. The Jefferson National Forest is nearby. Roanokers and visitors to the area enjoy hiking, mountain biking, cross-country running, canoeing, kayaking, fly fishing and other outdoor pursuits.

The city is located in the North Fork of Roanoke winemaking region. The "North Fork of Roanoke" appellation is a designated American Viticultural Area, recognizing the unique grape growing conditions present in the area. Valhalla Vineyards is located just outside the city limits of Roanoke.

The Roanoke River flows through the city of Roanoke. Some stretches of the river flow through parks and natural settings, while others flow through industrial areas. Several tributaries join the river in the city, most notably Peters Creek, Tinker Creek and Mud Lick Creek.


Though located along the Blue Ridge Mountains at elevations exceeding 900 ft (270 m), Roanoke lies in the humid subtropical climate zone (Köppen Cfa), with four distinct, but generally mild, seasons; it is located in USDA hardiness zone 7b, with the suburbs falling in zone 7a.[41] Extremes in temperature have ranged from 105 °F (41 °C) as recently as August 21, 1983, down to −12 °F (−24 °C) on December 30, 1917, though neither 100 °F (38 °C) nor 0 °F (−18 °C) is reached in most years; the most recent occurrence of each is July 8, 2012 and February 20, 2015.[42] More typically, the area records an average of 7.7 days where the temperature stays at or below freezing and 25 days with 90 °F (32 °C)+ highs annually.[42] The normal monthly mean temperature ranges from 36.6 °F (2.6 °C) in January to 76.7 °F (24.8 °C) in July.[42]

Based on the 1981−2010 period, the city averages 16.6 inches (42 cm) of snow per winter.[43] Roanoke experienced something of a snow drought in the 2000s until December 2009 when 17 inches (43 cm) of snow fell on Roanoke in a single storm.[44] Winter snowfall has ranged from trace amounts in 1918–19 and 1919–20 to 62.7 inches (159 cm) in 1959–60;[42] unofficially, the largest single storm dumped approximately three feet (0.9 m) from December 16−18, 1890.[45]

Flooding is the primary weather-related hazard faced by Roanoke. Heavy rains, most frequently from remnants of a hurricane, drain from surrounding areas to the narrow Roanoke Valley. The most recent significant flood was in the fall of 2004, caused by the remains of Hurricane Ivan. The most severe[46] flooding in the city's history occurred on November 4, 1985, when heavy storms from the remnants of Hurricane Juan stalled over the area. Ten people drowned in the Roanoke Valley and others were saved by rescue personnel.

Many residents complain that they are prone to allergies because of pollen from trees in the surrounding mountains. Most famously, the family of Wayne Newton moved from Roanoke to the dry climate of Phoenix, Arizona, because of his childhood asthma and allergies.[47] However, there have not been clinical studies to establish that these conditions are more prevalent in Roanoke than in other cities with similar vegetation and climate.


Within its boundaries, Roanoke is divided into 49 individually defined neighborhoods.



Interstate 581 is the primary north-south roadway through the city. It is also the only interstate highway as Interstate 81 passes north of the city limits. Interstate 581 is a concurrency with U.S. Route 220, which continues as the Roy L. Webber Expressway from downtown Roanoke, where the I-581 designation ends, south to State Route 419. Route 220 connects Roanoke to Martinsville, Virginia and Greensboro, North Carolina. The proposed Interstate 73 would generally parallel Route 220 between Roanoke and Greensboro and would likely be a concurrency with I-581 through the city. The primary east-west roadway is U.S. Route 460, named Melrose Avenue and Orange Avenue. Route 460 connects Roanoke to Lynchburg. U.S. Route 11 passes through the city, primarily as Brandon Avenue and Williamson Road, which was a center of automotive-based commercial development after World War II. Other major roads include U.S. Route 221, State Route 117 (known as Peters Creek Road) and State Route 101 (known as Hershberger Road). The Blue Ridge Parkway also briefly runs adjacent to the city border.[49]

Roanoke is divided into four quadrants: Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), Southwest (SW) and Southeast (SE). The mailing address for locations in Roanoke includes the two letter quadrant abbreviation after the street name. For example, the Center in the Square[50] complex in downtown Roanoke has the address "1 Market Square SE".


Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport terminal building

The Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport is located in the northern part of the city and is the primary passenger and cargo airport for Southwest Virginia.


The city was known for its rail history. Into the 1960s the Norfolk and Western and Southern Railway ran three trains a day toward New York City; the trains went to different destinations to the west and south: Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans. From October 1, 1979, to October 31, 2017, Roanoke did not have passenger rail service.[51] In August 2013, it was announced that Amtrak service as part of their Northeast Regional would be extended from Lynchburg to Roanoke by 2017. Construction of a platform for this new service began in fall 2016.[52] On October 31, 2017, after nearly 40 years without passenger rail service, Amtrak resumed service to Roanoke.[53] Before passenger rail service resumed, a bus service, the Smart Way Connector, aligned with the Amtrak schedule to connect riders to the Kemper Street Station in Lynchburg.

Roanoke is a major hub in Norfolk Southern's freight rail system. In 2006, the railroad announced plans to construct an intermodal rail yard in the community of Lafayette, Virginia of neighboring Montgomery County; however, opposition by local residents prompted Norfolk Southern to consider other potential sites. In 2007, the former Roanoke mayor David A. Bowers urged Roanoke to offer a site for the yard. Shortly thereafter, neighboring Salem proposed a site in an industrial area of the city. In 2008, Norfolk Southern determined that the Lafayette location was the only practical site. The Commonwealth of Virginia may also upgrade Norfolk Southern's rail line parallel to Interstate 81 from Roanoke through the Shenandoah Valley to encourage more freight to be shipped by rail.


The Valley Metro bus system serves the city of Roanoke and surrounding areas. Nearly all routes originate or terminate at the Campbell Court bus station in downtown Roanoke, which is also served by Greyhound. Valley Metro also offers bus service to Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Lynchburg and Virginia Tech via the Smart Way and Smart Way Connector services. In addition, several free shuttles connect local colleges to Downtown Roanoke. The Ferrum Express runs between Ferrum College in nearby Rocky Mount and downtown Roanoke, while the Hollins Express connects to Hollins University in Roanoke County.

Transportation demand management[edit]

Roanoke City is served by RIDE Solutions, a regional transportation demand management agency that provides carpool matching, bicycle advocacy, transit assistance and telework assistance to businesses and citizens in the region.


At the 2000 census,[58] there were 94,911 people, 42,003 households and 24,235 families residing in the city. The population density was 2,213.2 per square mile (854.6/km2). There were 45,257 housing units at an average density of 1,055.3 per square mile (407.5/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 69.38% White, 26.74% African American, 0.20% Native American, 1.15% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.72% from other races, and 1.78% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.48% of the population.

There were 42,003 households, of which 25.5% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 37.1% were married couples living together, 16.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 42.3% were non-families. 35.9% of all households were made up of individuals, and 12.8% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.20 and the average family size was 2.86.

22.6% of the population were under the age of 18, 8.2% from 18 to 24, 30.5% from 25 to 44, 22.3% from 45 to 64, and 16.4% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 38 years. For every 100 females, there were 88.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.3 males.

The median household income was $30,719 and the median family income was $37,826. Males had a median income of $28,465 and females $21,591. The per capita income was $18,468. About 12.9% of families and 15.9% of the population were below the poverty line, including 24.4% of those under age 18 and 11.3% of those age 65 or over.


The local public school division is Roanoke City Public Schools. The two general enrollment public high schools in Roanoke City are Patrick Henry High School, located in the Raleigh Court area, and William Fleming High School, located in Northwest Roanoke. The six public middle schools in Roanoke City are Woodrow Wilson, James Madison Middle School and John P. Fishwick[59] that feed into Patrick Henry High School, and Lucy Addison, William Ruffner and James Breckinridge, that feed into William Fleming High School.[60] The Noel C. Taylor learning academy is a combined middle and high school that serves students with individual educational needs.[citation needed]

Private non-parochial schools in Roanoke City include Community High School, that provides classes from ninth to 12th grade, and New Vista Montessori, that provides classes from third to ninth grade.[61] Private non-parochial schools outside of Roanoke City, but in the Roanoke Metropolitan Area, include North Cross School,[62] which provides education from pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade.[63]

Private parochial schools in Roanoke City include North Cross and Roanoke Catholic,[64] that provide classes from kindergarten to twelfth grade, and Roanoke Adventist Preparatory, that provides classes from kindergarten to eighth grade.[65] Private parochial schools outside of Roanoke City, but in the Roanoke Metropolitan Area, include Roanoke Valley Christian Schools, Faith Christian School, Mineral Springs Christian School, Parkway Christian Academy and Life Academy, all in Roanoke County.

Two four-year private institutions are situated in neighboring localities – Roanoke College in the city of Salem, and Hollins University in Roanoke County. Virginia Tech and Radford University's main campuses are located the nearby New River Valley, but Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute opened in 2007 and Tech also operates a satellite campus for higher education in downtown Roanoke. The medical school is in cooperation with Carilion Clinic, the regional non-profit health care organization based in Roanoke.[66] Virginia Western Community College is located in the city of Roanoke, as is the Jefferson College of Health Sciences.


Grandin Village

Roanoke's economy developed around the Norfolk and Western Railroad, with a strong emphasis on manufacturing. Roanoke's economic history also includes Sun Belt characteristics as it was once a center for the garment industry. Surrounding areas have relied on traditional industries of the rural South such as textiles and furniture manufacturing, which have lost jobs to offshore outsourcing. Despite Virginia's being a right to work state, unions have traditionally represented workers at many large employers in the Roanoke area and southwest Virginia.[citation needed]

Roanoke was formerly the headquarters of Norfolk and Western Railway until its merger with the Southern Railway created the Norfolk Southern Railway in 1982. Norfolk Southern continues to operate maintenance facilities and a rail yard in Roanoke but moved its marketing department out and closed its downtown office building in 2015.[67] Wachovia Bank, then known as First Union, acquired Roanoke-based Dominion Bank in 1993 and maintains an operations and customer service center in Roanoke. Other firms have been acquired by companies headquartered elsewhere, including such as Roanoke Electric Steel and architectural and engineering firm Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern, (HSMM) which has been acquired by the multi-national conglomerate AECOM. Roanoke's rates of economic and population growth have been less than the state and national averages since the 1960s. The immediate Roanoke area has a low unemployment rate, but a brain drain of workers unable to find satisfactory employment and underemployment are sometimes cited as explanations.[68]

The City of Roanoke has created initiatives to address the brain drain of the region such as a database to match job seekers who wish to reside in the Roanoke area with employers looking for candidates. Additionally, a career and lifestyle fair has been held shortly after Christmas in recent years to show the professional and social opportunities in the area to those visiting family for the holidays. Also, organizations of young professionals such as Valley Forward and Newva Connects have emerged.[citation needed]

Roanoke's economy has areas of strength. The city is the health care and retail hub of a large area, driving the expansion of Carilion Health System and Valley View Mall. Advance Auto Parts is headquartered in Roanoke and has expanded through the acquisition of other chains to become one of the largest auto parts retailers in the country. Norfolk Southern remains a major employer. FreightCar America hired several hundred persons to assemble rail cars in shops leased from Norfolk Southern and has closed a plant in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in part because of the lower costs for the Roanoke facility. Recently though, the company laid off its Roanoke employees and said it plans to temporarily close the plant.[69] The corporate offices of Virginia Transformer Corporation and utility company RGC Resources are situated in this city. General Electric and TMEIC manufacture large drive systems for electrical generation stations and factories at their joint facility in Salem. ITT manufactures night vision goggles at its plant in Roanoke County, and some of its employees have started other firms such as Optical Cable Corporation. The proximity of automotive assembly plants in the South has attracted manufacturers including Dynax, Koyo, Metalsa and Yokohama, formerly Mohawk Tire. Roanoke's location allows for delivery within one day to most markets in the southeast, northeast, mid-atlantic, and Ohio Valley, which has made it a distribution center for such companies as Orvis, Elizabeth Arden, and Hanover Direct. United Parcel Service (UPS) maintains a major facility at the Roanoke Regional Airport. While the city of Roanoke has lost population, suburbs in Roanoke County, southern Botetourt County, and areas of Bedford County and Franklin County near Smith Mountain Lake have grown.[citation needed]

Kroger operates its Mid-Atlantic regional offices at 3631 Peter's Creek Road NW in Roanoke.[70]

Top employers[edit]

According to Roanoke's 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,[71] the top employers in the city are:



Roanoke is the media hub for much of Southwestern Virginia and parts of Southern West Virginia.

The city's daily newspaper, The Roanoke Times, has been published for 120 years and edited for many years in the 20th century by famed editor John W. Eure. The newspaper's current owner is Berkshire Hathaway. Weekday circulation averages a little over 90,000 with Sunday circulation around 103,000. In 2002, it was designated the best-read daily newspaper in the country, according to the 2002 Scarborough Report. Of 162 newspapers in top US metropolitan areas, The Roanoke Times ranked first in the percentage of adults who read their daily newspaper. It ranked first again in 2006.[72] The Roanoke Times established a web site in 1995 and has developed a web portal at

The Roanoke Times formerly published Blue Ridge Business Journal which served the business community in Roanoke and the surrounding region. However, it ceased freestanding publication in 2010[73] and was folded into the newspaper's Sunday Business Publication as The Ticker. Valley Business Front is a monthly publication that targets the business community in the region. The weekly Roanoke Tribune was founded in 1939 by Fleming Alexander and covers the city's African-American community. Main Street Newspapers publishes weekly newspapers for surrounding communities such as Salem, Vinton, southwest Roanoke County and Botetourt County. Play by Play is a monthly publication dedicated to local and regional sports.

The Roanoke Star-Sentinel is a weekly newspaper which covers the city of Roanoke. The South Roanoke Circle is an independent monthly newspaper for the neighborhood of South Roanoke.

The Roanoker is the area's bi-monthly lifestyle magazine and is published by Leisure Publishing, which also publishes the bi-monthly Blue Ridge Country magazine.



Roanoke and Lynchburg are grouped in the same television market, which currently ranks #67 in the United States with 440,398 households. There are affiliates for all networks as well as independent stations.

Other stations in the market include Fox affiliate WFXR Fox 21/27 in Roanoke, PBS affiliate WBRA-15 in Roanoke, MyNetworkTV affiliates WZBJ-CD-24 in Lynchburg and WZBJ-24 in Danville, and ION Television affiliate WPXR-38 in Roanoke.


The following is a partial list of radio stations in the Roanoke-Lynchburg market, which has a population of 412,300 and is ranked #115 in the US.

Arts, history and culture[edit]

EventZone was created in 2003 by the merger of various existing event organizers. EventZone is charged with assisting in the creation of new festivals and activities in the Downtown Roanoke "event zone", defined as bounded by Williamson Road, 6th Street, SW, the Roanoke Civic Center and Rivers Edge Park.

Roanoke's festivals and cultural events include the Chili Cook-Off, Festival in the Park, Local Colors Festival, Henry Street Festival, Big Lick Blues Festival, Strawberry Festival, and the large red, white, and blue illuminated Mill Mountain Star (formerly illuminated in red following drunk driving fatalities in the Roanoke Valley; temporarily illuminated in white on April 22, 2007, in remembrance of the Virginia Tech Massacre of April 16, 2007) on Mill Mountain, which is visible from many points in the city and surrounding valley.


Center in the Square was opened in downtown Roanoke on December 9, 1983, near the city market as part of the city's downtown revitalization effort. The Center, a converted warehouse, houses the History Museum of Western Virginia, which contains exhibits and artifacts related to the area's history and has a library of materials available to scholars and the public. The Center also houses the Science Museum of Western Virginia and the Hopkins Planetarium. The Science Museum maintains a permanent installation of neon sign art featuring the work of local Mark Jamison, the subject of Slash Coleman's PBS special "The Neon Man and Me".[citation needed][74]

The Taubman Museum of Art

Formerly housed in Center in the Square, the Taubman Museum of Art has now vacated the Center and opened a new facility at 110 Salem Avenue SE. The art museum features 19th and 20th century American art, contemporary and modern art, decorative arts, and works on paper, and presents exhibitions of both regional and national significance. The new 75,000-square-foot (7,000 m2) facility was designed by Los Angeles-based architect Randall Stout, who earlier in his career worked under Frank Gehry. The new space opened on November 8, 2008. The facility's design sparked debate in the community between those who feel it is a bold, refreshing addition to Roanoke and those who feel its unusual, irregular design featuring sharp angles contrasts too strongly with the existing buildings. Some are also concerned about the facility's cost at a time when many Roanoke area artistic organizations face financial challenges. The Taubman Family, which established Advance Auto Parts contributed $15.2 million to the project. As a result, the museum was renamed The Taubman Museum of Art.

The Virginia Museum of Transportation houses many locomotives that were built in Roanoke, including the Norfolk and Western J class#611 and Norfolk & Western 1218 steam engines, and other locomotives and rolling stock. The museum also houses exhibits covering aviation, automobiles and buses.

Roanoke's landmark former passenger rail station hosts the O. Winston Link Museum dedicated to the late steam-era railroad photography of O. Winston Link since 2004.

The Harrison Museum of African-American Culture is dedicated to the history and culture of Roanoke's African-American community and is currently located at a former school in the Gainsboro section of Roanoke. Gainsboro, originally Gainesborough for founder Major Kemp Gaines, was originally a separate community that petitioned for township status in 1835.[75] The Harrison Museum will move to Center in the Square after the Center's remodeling is completed.


Berglund Center (originally called the Roanoke Civic Center) auditorium and newly renovated theatre, now known as the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre, host concerts, touring Broadway theatre performances, the Miss Virginia pageant, and other events. The city's first permanent artwork funded by the Percent for Art ordinance stands before the theater. Dedicated in 2008, the 30-foot (9.1 m) stainless steel sculpture, "In My Hands", by Baltimore artist Rodney Carroll is one of more than 100 works in the city's public art catalogue.

The Shaftman Performance Hall, which opened in May 2001 and is located at the Jefferson Center, has become a prominent part of Roanoke's performing arts scene. Shaftman Hall hosts a regular season of concerts and other performances from the fall through the spring as well as other entertainment events and lectures. The Jefferson Center formerly served Roanoke as Jefferson High School and now also houses offices and display spaces for cultural organizations.

In November 2006, the former Dumas Hotel was reopened as the Dumas Center for Artistic and Cultural Development. The hotel is located on a segment of First Street NW commonly known as Henry Street. Located literally across the railroad tracks from the center of downtown Roanoke, Henry Street served as the commercial and cultural center of Roanoke's African American community prior to desegregation. The Dumas Hotel hosted such guests as Louis Armstrong, Ethel Waters, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and Nat King Cole when they performed in Roanoke. The renovated Dumas Center houses an auditorium with more than 180 seats, the Downtown Music Lab: a recording studio and music education center for teens, the Dumas Drama Guild and the offices of Opera Roanoke.[citation needed]

Virginia's Theater City[edit]

The Roanoke Times wrote, "Between Staunton, Virginia and Abingdon, Virginia, and most especially in the Roanoke Valley, we have an unusual amount of live theater happening at the same time — with an unusual variety. This essentially feels like the live-theater version of The Crooked Road, Virginia — which makes us wonder why someone doesn't try to market it that way. From time to time, Roanoke has been billed as 'Virginia's Music City.' We are also, arguably, 'Virginia's Theater City.'"[76]

Roanoke Children's Theatre is Roanoke's professional children's theatre. It can be found within the new Taubman Museum of Art in downtown Roanoke. The theatre delivers four shows a year that are geared towards a family audience. The theatre extends their programming in various arts outreach programs throughout the valley and surrounding areas.

Mill Mountain Theatre, a regional theatre, is located on the first floor of Center in the Square. As the name implies, the theatre was originally located on Mill Mountain from 1964 until 1976 when its original facility was destroyed by fire. The theatre has both a main stage for mainstream performances and a smaller black box theatre called Waldron Stage which hosts both newer and more experimental plays along with other live events.

The Grandin Theatre in the Grandin Village of Southwest Roanoke regularly screens art house films, family features, and mainstream movies. The Grandin Theatre was the home of Mill Mountain Theatre from 1976 until 1983.

Virginia Western Theatre has performances in Whitman Auditorium at Virginia Western Community College, and has been performing original and well known theatrical productions since 1968.

Roanoke has also been home to the Showtimers Community Theatre[77] since 1951. Showtimers was formed in the summer of 1950, by a group of people who wanted to present a summer season of amateur productions. Over the years, Showtimers has produced over 300 different shows, from standard, classic theatre pieces to the modern and avant-garde; from comedies designed solely to entertain to serious 'think pieces' on social issues; from small, intimate musicals to large shows made famous on Broadway. Showtimers presents six shows per year.

The Star City Playhouse is well known in Roanoke. "The owners have over 50 years of combined experience working in and around theater on Broadway in New York and maintain an impressive array of costumes and extensive set pieces that have been donated over the years through Marlow's contacts from New York."[78]


Opera Roanoke was founded in 1976 as the Southwest Virginia Opera Society, Opera Roanoke has collaborated with the finest talent in our region, across the state and from cultural centers around the nation. Under the direction of Victoria Bond, Craig Fields, Steven White and Scott Williamson, Opera Roanoke has maintained a reputation for presenting outstanding productions featuring some of the finest singers in the opera world. Metropolitan Opera stars Eleanor Steber and Irene Dalis were among the company's earliest artistic advisors. Although they did not perform, they mentored many young artists in the company's fledgling years as a community organization.[citation needed]

The Roanoke Symphony Orchestra (RSO) was established in 1952. It has special youth and student activities. The Roanoke Youth Symphony has three ensembles: The Roanoke Youth Symphony Orchestra (RYSO); the String Ensemble and the Flute Ensemble. The Roanoke Symphony Chorus was established in 1999 under the direction of Dr. John Hugo. There was a previous organization called the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, mentioned in the Roanoke Times in February 1942: "Something unique in theatrical circles of the nation is the Civic Theatre of Roanoke, formed from five organizations — Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera company, the Academy Players, the Civic Chorus, the Community's Children's Theatre and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra — for the purpose of the better production of entirely local plays and concerts."[citation needed]



The 1971–1972 Virginia Squires of the ABA were the only major league sports team to regularly play home games in Roanoke. During the 1971–1972 season, the Squires split home games between Richmond, Norfolk, Hampton Roads and Roanoke.[79] Julius Erving played his professional rookie season with the Squires in 1971–1972.

Minor league baseball has been more successful in building and maintaining a fan base than have the Roanoke Valley's other minor league sports teams. In the 1940s and early 1950s, Roanoke was home to a class B farm team of the Boston Red Sox. Since 1955, neighboring Salem has hosted the local minor league baseball team, currently the Salem Red Sox of the high Class A Carolina League. The team had previously been affiliated with the Houston Astros and Colorado Rockies and known as the Avalanche until becoming an affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, whose ownership group purchased the Avalanche in 2007, for the 2009 season.

Minor league hockey has a history in the Roanoke Valley dating to the 1960s. It reached a zenith of popularity in the mid- to late-1990s with the Roanoke Express of the ECHL. The team's attendance declined due to a lack of post-season success and management turmoil. The Express folded after the 2003–04 season.

The 2005–06 revival by the UHL's Roanoke Valley Vipers failed after one season. The team had a losing record and the midwestern-based league was unable to rekindle the interest of the local fanbase. The team was formed to provide a travel partner for a UHL franchise in Richmond which also folded after the 2005–06 season.

In 2016, professional ice hockey returned to Roanoke after ten years when the Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs of the Southern Professional Hockey League began play.

The Roanoke Dazzle of the National Basketball Development League (NBDL) and the Roanoke Steam of the af2 (arena football) folded after never developing consistent followings. The Dazzle's attendance was similar to other inaugural franchises in the league. It was one of the last two teams to remain in its original city. Over the years, Roanoke has also had teams in soccer and men's and women's semi-professional football.



For a number of years, Roanoke, with Richmond and Norfolk, was one of the nominally neutral sites for the annual basketball game between the Virginia Cavaliers and Virginia Tech Hokies. During most of the 1970s and 1990s, the University of Virginia dominated the rivalry and as such tended to have significantly greater fan representation, despite Roanoke's closer proximity to Virginia Tech's home in Blacksburg. In the late 1990s, the schools started holding these games in their own campus facilities.

Roanoke served as the home for the Big South Conference Men's Basketball Tournament and Women's Basketball Tournament in 2001 and 2002.

The Virginia Tech Hokies ice hockey team has used the Roanoke Civic Center as its regular season home venue, from 2006 to the present season.[80] In 2010, the Roanoke College ice hockey team began using the Roanoke Civic Center as its home venue as well.[81]

From the 1940s to the late 1960s, Roanoke's Victory Stadium hosted an annual Thanksgiving Day game between Virginia Tech and the Virginia Military Institute and other high-profile college football games. From 1946 to 1950, Victory Stadium also hosted the South's Oldest Rivalry between the University of Virginia and the University of North Carolina.


Patrick Henry High School is a member of the AAA Western Valley District. The Patriots won Group AAA state titles in men's basketball in 1988 and 1992, football in 1973, and men's tennis in 2004. George Lynch and Curtis Staples are among the athletes who have attended the school.

William Fleming High School is also a member of the AAA Western Valley District. The Colonels have established strong programs in men's basketball and football with a Group AA state championship in men's basketball in 2007 and two state runner-up seasons in both sports over the last 15 years.[when?] Lee Suggs graduated from Fleming.

Roanoke Catholic High School is a member of the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association. The Celtics won a VISAA football state championship in 1994 and have recently fielded strong men's basketball teams, often with foreign players, and have produced college players such as Virginia's J.R. Reynolds. The Celtics have won three VIS Basketball championships in the past years.

North Cross School is also a member of the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association. The Raiders won a VISAA soccer state championship in 2007, a VISAA football state championship in 2008, and a VISAA wrestling state championship in 2009. The Raiders have won three basketball championships, four football championships, and many other state awards in the past years.

The city has constructed separate on-campus football stadiums at the schools to replace Victory Stadium, which was demolished in summer 2006. Patriot Stadium was opened for the 2007 season and another stadium on the William Fleming campus opened for the 2008 season. The field at Patriot Stadium was named after Merrill Gainer, who coached Patrick Henry to the 1973 state championship.

Individual sports[edit]

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club was formed in 1947 in Roanoke, and is the oldest continuing chess club in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The club has served to bring and sustain chess activities to the region, and holds regular events. These events include United States Chess Federation Grand Prix tournaments. The club also holds volunteer annual outreach events during Roanoke's Festival in the Park, Grandin Court Block Party, Tons of Fun, and more.


Roanoke and surrounding communities host the annual Commonwealth Games of Virginia, an Olympic-style amateur sports festival. Beginning in 2010, the Blue Ridge Marathon on the Parkway is scheduled to be held in the city.[82]


The Roanoke Star is the origin of the city's nickname Star City

Many businesses and organizations adopted "Star City" in their names, after the Mill Mountain Star. The older "Magic City"[83] is still used, most prominently by Roanoke's Ford dealership.[84] The city's original name of "Big Lick" is often used in whimsical contexts.

Roanoke's status as the largest city in a mountainous area led to the nickname "Capital of the Blue Ridge".[85]

Sister cities[edit]

Roanoke has seven sister cities:[86]

  • Florianópolis, Brazil
  • Kisumu, Kenya
  • Lijiang, China
  • Opole, Poland
  • Pskov, Russia
  • Saint-Lô, France
  • Wonju, South Korea

Notable people[edit]

Born in Roanoke:

  • Tony Atlas, wrestler
  • Ronde Barber, NFL player
  • Tiki Barber, NFL player
  • Beth A. Brown, NASA astrophysicist
  • George E. Bushnell, Michigan Supreme Court justice
  • Tai Collins, model and actress
  • Henry H. Fowler, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
  • Antoinette Hale, painter
  • Jim Harrell, professional wrestler
  • K. J. Hippensteel, tennis player
  • Louis A. Johnson, United States Secretary of Defense
  • Danny Karbassiyoon, Arsenal FC soccer player
  • Henrietta Lacks, medical patient
  • George Lynch, NBA player
  • John C. Mather, Astrophysicist and Nobel laureate
  • John Alan Maxwell, artist
  • Walter Muir, International Master of Correspondence Chess
  • John Payne, actor
  • Don Pullen, jazz pianist
  • Billy Sample, MLB outfielder
  • John St. Clair, NFL player
  • Curtis Staples, basketball player
  • Lee Suggs, NFL player
  • Nicholas F. Taubman, United States Ambassador to Romania
  • Lois Weaver, artist, activist, writer, director and Professor of Contemporary Performance at Queen Mary University of London
  • Eric Weinrich, NHL defenseman

Raised in Roanoke:

  • George Canale, MLB player
  • Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association
  • John McAfee, founder of McAfee
  • Wayne Newton, singer
  • J. J. Redick, NBA player

One-time resident:

  • Fleming Alexander, minister, businessman and publisher of the Roanoke Tribune
  • Nelson S. Bond, author
  • Whitney Cummings, comedian and actress
  • Nidal Hasan, shooter in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting
  • Oliver Hill, civil rights attorney
  • Kermit Hunter, playwright
  • Johan Kriek, tennis player
  • Samuel W. Martien, Louisiana cotton planter and politician
  • Oscar Micheaux, early 20th century filmmaker
  • John Forbes Nash, Mathematician and Nobel laureate
  • Harry Penn, dentist and civic rights activist
  • John Henry Pinkard, businessman, banker and herb doctor
  • Curtis Turner, NASCAR legend, pioneer and Hall of Famer
  • Bill White, neo-Nazi, American National Socialist Workers' Party Commander

Landmarks and points of interest[edit]

Roanoke's Historical Fire Station#1: The Firehouse opened in 1907 and is the oldest operating Firehouse in Virginia.
  • Blue Ridge Parkway
  • Grandin Village
  • Historical Fire Station#1
  • Hollins University
  • Hotel Roanoke
  • Mill Mountain Zoo
  • O. Winston Link Museum
  • Roanoke Star
  • St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, State and National Landmark
  • Taubman Museum of Art
  • Texas Tavern restaurant
  • Virginia's Explore Park

See also[edit]

  • National Register of Historic Places listings in Roanoke, Virginia


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  • Chisholm, Hugh (1910), "Roanoke", Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.), New York, OCLC 14782424
  • George S. Jack; E.B. Jacobs (1912). History of Roanoke County; History of Roanoke City. Archived from the original on August 25, 2017. Retrieved August 25, 2017.
  • Frank William Hoffer (1928), Public and Private Welfare, Roanoke, Virginia, Roanoke City Planning and Zoning Commissions, archived from the original on August 25, 2017, retrieved August 25, 2017 (Fulltext)
  • Federal Writers' Project (1941), "Roanoke", Virginia: a Guide to the Old Dominion, American Guide Series, Oxford University Press, pp. 301–306, ISBN 9780403021956 – via Google Books
  • "Journal of the Roanoke Historical Society", Journal of the Roanoke Valley Historical Society, ISSN 0278-2936 circa 1964-
  • Ory Mazar Nergal, ed. (1980), "Roanoke, VA", Encyclopedia of American Cities, New York: E.P. Dutton, OL 4120668M
  • Mary Bishop (January 29, 1995), "Street by Street, Block by Block: How Urban Renewal Uprooted Black Roanoke", Roanoke Times, archived from the original on March 17, 2017, retrieved August 25, 2017 – via Roanoke Public Libraries (Fulltext)
  • Paul T. Hellmann (2006). "Virginia: Roanoke". Historical Gazetteer of the United States. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 1-135-94859-3.
  • Rand Dotson (2008). Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912: Magic City of the New South. University of Tennessee Press. ISBN 978-1-57233-643-8.

External links[edit]

  • AIR Temporary Exhibition
  • The History of the Roanoke Fire Department in progress from the 1880s to present, with current news and links
  • Old Roanoke – A photographic history of Roanoke Virginia[permanent dead link]
  • Center in the Square
  • Brief history and modern panoramic photos from the Roanoke Civil War Round Table
  • Taubman Museum of Art
  • "City of Roanoke". County and City Records. Richmond: Library of Virginia.
  • Items related to Roanoke, Virginia, various dates (via Digital Public Library of America)
  • Roanoke Public Libraries. "Virginia Room". City of Roanoke. Archived from the original on August 25, 2017. Retrieved August 25, 2017. (Local history collection)
  • Lendy's. Long gone '50s era Roanoke based drive-in chain[permanent dead link]
  • Kenney's Drive-In. Defunct '60s Roanoke based chain of hamburger restaurants who once dominated fast food in the city.[permanent dead link]

Coordinates: 37°16′N 79°56′W / 37.267°N 79.933°W / 37.267; -79.933