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¡La siguiente es una lista de los personajes principales de la serie de anime y manga Tenchi Muyo! ¡Ryo-Ohki y sus derivados Tenchi Muyo! ¡GXP , Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar , Tenchi Universe , Tenchi en Tokio y Ai Tenchi Muyo. .

Concepto [ editar ]

Masaki Kajishima y Hiroki Hayashi , quienes trabajaron en los OAV de Bubblegum Crisis , ¡citan el programa como la inspiración para Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki . En una entrevista con AIC, Hayashi describió a Bubblegum Crisis como "un anime bastante sombrío. Luchas serias, relaciones humanas complicadas y un Mega Tokio oscuro". Pensaron que sería divertido crear algunos episodios de comedia con ideas como las chicas yendo a las aguas termales, pero los patrocinadores lo rechazaron. También dijo que había una tendencia a tener un montón de personajes de un género y uno solo del otro género, y preguntó si Mackey (el hermano de Sylia) era un personaje principal, invirtiendo el Bubblegum.guión. Esto se convirtió en la base del espectáculo. [1]

Al diseñar Ryoko , Kajishima y Hayashi se inspiraron en la comedia de situación estadounidense I Dream of Jeannie y querían usarla en sus trabajos. En el primer episodio, Tenchi abriría la cueva sellada, que era una referencia a la botella de Jeannie, y una "bruja linda" saltaría. Hayashi dijo que Tenchi está "más o menos" basada en Mackey, y que después de Tenchi y Ryoko, las otras chicas fueron diseñadas para ser personajes para equilibrar la imagen en los primeros conceptos de la serie, y que son personajes originales. [1]

Personajes principales [ editar ]

Tenchi Masaki [ editar ]

¡Tenchi Masaki (柾 木 天地, Masaki Tenchi ) es el personaje principal del Tenchi Muyo! serie. El nombre de Tenchi significa " Cielo y Tierra ". Es lo mismo que "Tenchi" en el mito de la creación sintoísta , detallado en el Kojiki , que contiene algunos de los mitos y leyendas más antiguos de Japón.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki [ editar ]

En las continuidades basadas en OVA , Tenchi es el primer príncipe de Jurai y el nieto de un príncipe de Jurai llamado Yosho y una sacerdotisa de Airaian llamada Airi. Obtiene posesión de una "'Llave maestra" llamada "Tenchi", también conocida como la Espada Tenchi (Tenchi-ken), que puede formar una hoja parecida a un sable de luz . Más tarde recibe un anillo especial de Tsunami.que puede crear un traje de batalla de Juraian para él y actúa como un "Sistema Guardián", protegiéndolo. Tenchi también tiene la habilidad innata de crear kou-ou-yoku ("Light Hawk Wings") (se cree que es la única entidad que no pertenece a la nave capaz de hacerlo hasta que se encuentra con Z en OAV 3), y la habilidad mal definida de Material -Conversión de energía. Tenchi inicialmente vive en la ciudad con su padre para asistir a la escuela y visita el santuario de su abuelo cada verano, donde se entrena para convertirse en sacerdote sintoísta y aprender el estilo especial de manejo de la espada de su familia (que resulta ser particular de los miembros de la Familia Real de Jurai). La casa se reubicará permanentemente junto al santuario después de una batalla entre Ryoko y Ayeka., y Tenchi vive en la casa con las chicas mientras se niega a tener intimidad con ellas. Tenchi ya no asiste a la escuela, después de que la escuela fue diezmada durante el encuentro con Ryoko en OVA 1 (pero reconstruida a partir de OVA 3).

Tenchi sufre una gran cantidad de estrés mientras hace todo lo posible por ser un caballero, mientras que la mayoría de las mujeres de la casa aprovecharán cada oportunidad para mostrar su atracción por él. En la tercera serie de OVA, se descubre que Tenchi está comprometida con Noike (tía madrastra de Ayeka y Sasami ). El arreglo fue realizado por la tatarabuela de Tenchi, mejor conocida como la "Princesa Diablo de Jurai" Seto Kamiki Jurai . Tenchi también descubrió en esta época que tiene una hermana de 80 años llamada Tennyo Masaki , que se parece a su difunta madre, Kiyone. Tenchi luego aprendió de su abuelo, Katsuhito, que dado que la Tierra es una civilización en desarrollo, el clan Masaki debe mantener oculta su verdadera presencia ya que no envejecen al mismo ritmo que los terrícolas, y aquellos que nacen en la familia Masaki también se mantienen alejados de estos secretos hasta que alcanzan la mayoría de edad. que es cuando llegan a la edad adulta. Después de una batalla climática entre las tres diosas, la verdad detrás de todo lo sucedido se vinculó a las tres. Decidieron cambiar la línea de tiempo para reparar el daño que habían hecho, y Tenchi, en su línea de tiempo modificada, no llega a conocer a Noike. Sin embargo, Noike, junto con Fuku, viajaron al pasado y alteraron el mensaje que Mihoshi debía enviar a su familia (el mensaje fue originalmente alterado por Z) para que conociera a Tenchi.

Tenchi es el personaje más poderoso de la serie, pero es demasiado joven e inmaduro para tener un control total sobre sus Light Hawk Wings y otras habilidades. Es un espadachín competente y un artista marcial capaz de realizar hazañas sobrehumanas gracias a su sangre juraiana, pero solo ha mostrado sus talentos más inusuales en situaciones espantosas, como su duelo con Kagato., el escape de un agujero negro y la confrontación final con Z. El alcance total de los poderes de Tenchi es absolutamente infinito, ya que los Choushin lo declararon abiertamente como poderoso en comparación con ellos, quienes crearon todo el resto de la existencia, y fueron clasificados para estar más allá de todo espacio dimensional y definición, como lo son para los seres ordinarios. Cuando comenzó a manifestar su yo superior, casi automáticamente destruyó toda la existencia misma, lo que obligó a las Diosas, y a su propio yo futuro entrenado, a intervenir y prevenir una catástrofe (en la nueva línea de tiempo "alterada", cuando Noike secretamente disparó el El cañón de Choubimaru chocará con la Tierra, nuevamente para preservar su futuro, Tenchi proyecta sus Alas de Halcón Ligero para detenerlo, un total de seis alas, en lugar de las habituales 3 alas que tenía antes del evento).

Tenchi es el avatar humano de una entidad dimensionalmente ilimitada, tan poderosa en comparación con las tres Diosas hiperdimensionales como lo son para los seres ordinarios. Airi señala en GXP (la misma continuidad) que Tenchi tiene varios poderes que aún no han descubierto; algunos ejemplos incluyen su teletransportación instantánea fuera del planeta cuando Z destruye gran parte de la Tierra, su rápida teletransportación a Saturno cuando Z está a punto de cortarlo. con sus Light Hawk Wings y su capacidad para mantenerse al día con su amiga Seina en una carrera a pie, a pesar de que Seina ha mejorado drásticamente su cuerpo y va cuesta abajo en bicicleta. El yo superior de Tenchi es el ser supremo de la continuidad de Tenchi Muyo y todos sus universos paralelos, trasciende insondablemente el infinito según los estándares tridimensionales, y se ha dicho que está arriba, afuera,y más allá incluso de la hiperdimensión que ocupan los Choushin. Fácilmente detuvo a Tenchi casi destruyendo toda la existencia, y de manera similar negó sin esfuerzo al Contraactor, la encarnación de la suma total de la contrafuerza de los experimentos de los Choushins en el multiverso durante billones de años.

Aunque Tenchi no está vinculado a un árbol real, se le considera un contendiente al trono de Jurai (determinado por elección de las cuatro familias reales) debido tanto a su condición de sucesor del Primer Príncipe Yosho (que era un contendiente debido a su condición y 1st Generation Royal Tree) y su habilidad singular entre los Jurai para crear Lighthawk Wings por su cuenta. Sin embargo, Tenchi muestra poco interés en la política de Jurai.

En Kajishima Onsens , [2] una serie de doujinshi del creador de Tenchi Muyo, Masaki Kajishima, se revela que Tenchi tiene varios hijos con varias chicas, sobre todo Ryoko. La hija de Ryoko y Tenchi, ha aparecido en una foto con su media hermana, la hija de Ryo-ohki. En un Doujinshi en particular, Tenchi Muyo -si- [3]Se muestran a Ryoko, Ayeka y Ryo-ohki embarazadas. No hay palabras en este doujin, pero es una historia corta (alrededor de 10 páginas) de las hijas que crecen y su relación en continuo desarrollo con el hijo de Seina, con quien, en la última foto, ambos se casan. Ayeka y Ryoko han desarrollado un vínculo fraternal, ya que ambas se preocupan por el hijo de la otra como si fueran propias y han demostrado ser muy protectoras con sus hijos cuando se enteran del enamoramiento de sus hijas por el hijo de Seina. Ryoko se muestra avergonzada cuando se da cuenta de que es hora de que su hija se ponga un sostén. En otro doujin, Tenchi tiene un hijo que tiene un parecido sorprendente con Washu, aunque la madre del niño nunca se revela explícitamente. Hay varios doujinshi de Masaki Kajishima, pero ninguno ha sido traducido oficialmente al inglés.

Tenchi Muyo! GXP [ editar ]

GXP es una continuación derivada de la tercera serie OVA, pero el propio Tenchi no juega un papel destacado en esta serie. El médico de cabecera intentó reclutar a Tenchi, pero en su lugar consiguieron a Seina. Tenchi no mostró interés en unirse al GP. Solo aparece en un papel hablante en el Episodio 17, en el que su vieja amiga Seina Yamada llega a su casa para ver a Washu Hakubi para hablar sobre el cabbit Fuku.que ella le había dado. Durante su visita, Tenchi puede cocinar una comida para Seina, sin embargo, Seina está de guardia y debe ser recuperada antes de que tenga la oportunidad de comer la comida cocinada de Tenchi. Tenchi también demostró que puede moverse increíblemente rápido durante una carrera con Seina, ya que puede seguirle el ritmo a pesar de que Seina tiene mejoras corporales drásticas y va cuesta abajo en bicicleta. Tenchi, así como las otras chicas, también aparecen en un breve cameo en el Episodio 26 en el que asisten a la boda de Seina.

Universo Tenchi [ editar ]

En la primera serie de televisión, Tenchi Universe , Tenchi es similar en personalidad al Tenchi de la OVA, pero no tiene poderes más allá de la capacidad de usar Tenchi-ken (y, aparentemente, la bendición de sus ancestros reales si decide tomar Jurai trono). La espada Tenchi es solo un arma y no es una llave maestra; no hay árboles reales inteligentes en la serie de televisión. Tenchi asiste a la escuela, pero es un viaje largo para él porque vive en el santuario de su familia en las montañas. Después de descubrir la verdadera identidad de su abuelo y derrotar a Kagato, Tenchi decidió rechazar el trono de Jurai y regresar a la Tierra, después de darse cuenta de que, al igual que su abuelo antes que él, quiere vivir una vida sencilla sin mucha responsabilidad. Aunque Tenchi estaba aburrido de volver a vivir en la Tierra sin las chicas alrededor, se sorprende cuando regresan y Ryoko le recuerda a Tenchi que aunque un carnaval eventualmente se iría, siempre volvería de nuevo.

Tenchi en Tokio [ editar ]

En la segunda serie de televisión, Tenchi en Tokio , la personalidad y los antecedentes de Tenchi son diferentes. No tiene conexiones con Jurai y la espada se crea a partir de siete gemas que heredó de su difunta madre . Ryoko separó las gemas para evitar que la espada volviera a usarse contra ella. Cada una de las seis chicas se llevó una de las gemas como recuerdo. Tenchi se mudó a Tokio para formarse como sacerdote sintoísta con un amigo de su abuelo. Finalmente, Tenchi se cansó de las frecuentes visitas de las chicas y les ordenó que nunca más lo molestaran.

Al final de la serie, Tenchi descubre que su familia son los Guardianes del Planeta cuyo trabajo es proteger al planeta de las fuerzas del mal cuando surge la necesidad. Aunque fue difícil para Tenchi después de enterarse de la verdadera identidad de Sakuya Kumashiro , Tenchi pudo unir las gemas y eligió enfrentar a Yugi solo sintiendo que él era en parte responsable de lo que sucedió. Con un poco de ayuda de Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi y Kiyone, Tenchi alcanzó a Yugi y decidió perdonarla y darle una segunda oportunidad. Tenchi explicó que debería haber venido al Santuario Masaki en primer lugar y hacerse amiga de él y los demás en lugar de revolcarse en la soledad. Después de la batalla final, Tenchi regresó al santuario de Masaki.

Magical Girl Pretty Sammy [ editar ]

En la serie Magical Girl Pretty Sammy OVA, Tenchi Kawai (河 合 天地, Kawai Tenchi ) (como se le conoce en el programa) es el hermano mayor de Sasami y un estudiante de secundaria. Es el centro de atención de sus compañeros de clase, Ryoko Orikasa y Ayeka Takada, hasta el punto de que se pelearían entre sí por su afecto. Cuando Ryoko y Ayeka fueron transformadas por Pixy MisaEn Love Love Monsters, comenzaron a pelear por él por su afecto, hasta que Pretty Sammy intervino. Cuando Pretty Sammy estaba teniendo problemas contra Ryoko y Ayeka Love Love Monsters, Tenchi pudo comunicarse con ellos pidiéndoles disculpas por no elegir entre ellos. Incluso después de que Sammy los devolviera a la normalidad, Tenchi todavía tenía que lidiar con las disputas de Ryoko y Ayeka, ya que todavía no entendía el amor verdadero.

En Magical Project S ( Pretty Samy TV ), solo aparece en el Episodio 12 y es conocido como Tenchi Masaki, director de Blue Sky Cool Rangers , una serie de televisión estilo Super Sentai . Tenchi estaba teniendo problemas con la producción cuando comenzaba como director, hasta que Sasami decidió ayudar como estrella invitada en un episodio de Cool Rangers como Pretty Sammy. Esto ayudó a salvar su carrera. Sasami se enamoró de él, pero le rompió el corazón después de enterarse de que Tenchi ya tiene novia y que se mudaría cuando le ofrecieron un trabajo como director teatral.

¡Ai Tenchi Muyo! [ editar ]

Ryoko Hakubi [ editar ]

¡Ryoko (魎 呼, Ryōko ) es un personaje clave en los diversos Tenchi Muyo! serie de anime de AIC . Si bien los detalles de su personaje difieren entre las distintas series, Ryoko se muestra típicamente como una poderosa pirata espacial atractiva y semi-reformada que está locamente enamorada del personaje principal de la serie, Tenchi Masaki . En las diversas series, Ryoko es retratada como impulsiva, hedonista (con una inclinación por el amor ), de mala educación, a menudo inmodesta, imprudentemente violenta y de mal genio, aunque a veces revela su lado más emocional y vulnerable.

En el anime, Ryoko tiene universalmente una intensa rivalidad con el personaje Ayeka , quien también lucha por el afecto de Tenchi. A menudo, el conflicto entre los dos proviene de sus personalidades decididamente diferentes, con Ryoko siendo el alborotador marimacho y Ayeka siendo el aristócrata educado, pero a menudo presumido. El nivel de la rivalidad puede variar entre ser equitativo, un par de hermanos en disputa o una disputa total.

Si bien el nombre Ryoko es un nombre de pila femenino común en Japón , en este caso está escrito con kanji muy poco común . El nombre de Ryoko se puede traducir como "portador de demonios" y se dice que significa "El Llamador del Diablo" en la serie OVA .


Fue creada por Washu , usando uno de sus óvulos como base, por lo que indirectamente (criada en un tubo sin contacto con Washu) es la hija de Washu. El ADN de Washu se combinó con el de criaturas amorfas llamadas Masu para crear Ryoko. Ella tiene tres gemas rojas que son la fuente de toda su energía, que también provino de Washu cuando las imbuyó con sus poderes divinos en sus primeros años de vida.

Como personaje, Ryoko es muy emocional. Ella se enoja fácilmente y es de mal genio, especialmente con Ayeka . Pero está profundamente enamorada de Tenchi, aunque no admite completamente cuán profundamente hasta los Episodios 5 y 6, cuando le cuenta a Ayeka cómo conoció a Tenchi, y luego cuando ofrece su propia vida en lugar de la de él. Mientras estaba atrapada en la cueva, pudo crear un cuerpo astraly aventurarse a la entrada de la cueva. Vio crecer a Tenchi a lo largo de los años, y deseaba más que nada estar con él y esperaba que ella y Tenchi jugaran juntos. También estaba implícito que Tenchi podía sentir la presencia de Ryoko a pesar de que él no podía verla. Esto posiblemente podría explicar la fascinación del niño por la cueva. Sin embargo, la forma en que se presentó a él fue terriblemente aterradora para Tenchi, por lo que se distanció de ella durante mucho tiempo. Además, cuando se presenta a Washu por primera vez, ella le dice a Ryoko que sabe lo que ella (Ryoko) siente por Tenchi y dice que Ryoko quiere hacer "esto y aquello" con Tenchi.

Ryoko también tiene una relación un poco ambigua con Washu, su madre. Cuando Washu aparece por primera vez, critica el atractivo sexual de su hija y le pide a Ryoko que se refiera a ella como "mami". A medida que avanza la serie, comienza a temer a Washu, especialmente cuando Washu comienza a hacer algunos de sus experimentos con una Ryoko reacia. De hecho, Ryoko se vuelve un poco cautelosa cada vez que Washu la mira con una sonrisa traviesa y ojos intimidantes.

Ryoko, cuando es capturado y electrocutado por Ayeka en el Episodio 2, parece disfrutarlo hasta el punto en que Ayeka usa una fuerza insoportable cuando Ryoko claramente estaba sufriendo. Ayeka la llama masoquista , y Ryoko dice que ella era más sádica . A juzgar por el hecho de que su nave Ryo-Ohki destruyó veintiocho planetas y sesenta y nueve colonias cuando estaba al servicio de Kagato, y por algunas de sus burlas en la pelea con Tenchi, podría no haber estado bromeando. Ryoko también es a veces bastante infantil y puede ser un poco crédulo. Dado que la mayor parte de su vida la pasó esclavizada por Kagato o encerrada dentro de una cueva, no tiene muchas experiencias. También es extremadamente sensible a su edad, y se puso a llorar cuando Ayeka la llamó " mamá ".

Universo Tenchi

En esta serie, Ryoko vuelve a ser una pirata espacial, pero no es esclava de nadie. Ella conoció a Tenchi al aterrizar en la Tierra durante una pelea de perros con Mihoshi . Tenchi la encontró y fue casi amor a primera vista (para ella, por supuesto). No tenemos idea de quiénes son sus padres o cuáles son sus orígenes; esos nunca se revelan.

Ryoko todavía puede convocar una espada de energía y disparar ráfagas de ki, también puede volar, teletransportarse y hacer copias de sí misma, pero ya no puede convocar demonios. Todavía se pueden vislumbrar gemas en sus muñecas, sin embargo, no se menciona que sean su fuente de energía. Ryoko es generalmente menos poderosa que en la OVA, ya que la cazarrecompensas Nagi (que no tiene ningún poder sobrehumano) puede luchar contra ella al menos en igualdad de condiciones.

Una vez más, es muy emocional y descarada, pero no tanto como en la OVA , y disfruta hacer cosas para enojar a Ayeka, lo que incluye coquetear con Tenchi. Sin embargo, al final de la serie, su amor por Tenchi se ha vuelto muy poderoso, hasta el punto de que casi muere por él.

En esta serie, Ryoko todavía tiene a Ryo-Ohki, su mascota (o compañero en el crimen) cabbit (gato / conejo), que puede transformarse en una nave espacial bien armada. También tiene un archirrival, Nagi, que tiene su propio taxista, un hombre llamado Ken-Ohki. Ryo-Ohki y Ken-Ohki se aman, lo que complica la vida de sus amantes.

Cuando Kagato, bajo el nombre de Yosho, asume el trono de Jurai y la arresta, Ayeka y Sasami, es Ryoko quien (correctamente) adivina que hubo un golpe sobre Jurai mientras que Washu, por otro lado, estaba perplejo. Más tarde, Ryoko (de nuevo correctamente) conjetura que el "Yosho" que ha tomado el trono es falso.

Al final, se ve a Tenchi dirigiéndose a la escuela y soñando despierto con la desaparecida Ryoko; luego, para su sorpresa y deleite, el verdadero Ryoko regresa.

Se infiere que Ryoko también fue encarcelado durante 700 años en esta serie durante una escena entre Ryoko y Ayeka donde Ayeka le exclama a Ryoko "Bueno, si tu caso va a juicio, esta vez no te saldrás con la tuya con solo 700 años de prisión. "

Tenchi en Tokio

Una vez más, Ryoko es un pirata espacial en esta serie. Ella y Washu estaban en el proceso de huir con Jurai Lightstone, lo que en consecuencia trae a todos al planeta de Tenchi de una vez. Ella pilota un Sōja rosa, que se ve idéntico al barco de OVA Kagato, excepto por su color.

Su apariencia física es considerablemente diferente en comparación con las otras series debido a la obra de arte, que la hacía parecer más marimacho de lo que solía ser. Su actitud también es muy diferente: es más violenta y grita mucho más, tantas cosas explotan a su alrededor.

La obsesión de Ryoko por Tenchi sigue ahí, pero esa es básicamente la única característica que permanece constante en todas las series. Sin embargo, se desarrolla en mayor medida en esta serie después de que ella tiene una cita con Tenchi y luego lo ve con Sakuya. Sus sentimientos heridos por Tenchi la hicieron incluso abandonar el grupo después de verlo besarse a él y a Sakuya.

Ella todavía conserva la capacidad de convocar una espada de energía y disparar ráfagas de energía, pero Ryo-Ohki no le pertenece. Además, no puede sobrevivir sin oxígeno a diferencia de la serie anterior.

Ryoko se enamora de Tenchi después de una gran batalla entre ella y todos los demás. Desafortunadamente, ella resultó gravemente herida, pero Tenchi permaneció junto a su cama, cuidándola, y como nadie había hecho eso por ella antes, despertó su amor por él allí.

Pretty Sammy

Ryoko aparece en ambas series de Pretty Sammy en papeles muy diferentes. En la serie OVA, Ryoko aparece como una colegiala, Ryoko Orikasa (折 笠 魎 呼, Orikasa Ryōko ) (se le dio el apellido de su actriz de voz japonesa, Ai Orikasa ), una yankii (un término japonés para un delincuente juvenil) . Ella y Ayeka discuten constantemente sobre el afecto de Tenchi Kawai. Ryoko está obsesionada con Tenchi, hasta el punto de que incluso se esconde dentro de su habitación por una noche, e incluso lo secuestra y se lo lleva en contra de su voluntad. Ryoko se transformó brevemente con Ayeka en una de Pixy MisaLove-Love Monsters en el primer episodio y se volvió más obsesivo con Tenchi, hasta que Tenchi pudo comunicarse con Ryoko, lo que le permitió a Pretty Sammy regresarla a la normalidad. Pero incluso después de eso, Ryoko no había cambiado.

En la serie de televisión Pretty Sammy ( Magical Project S ), Ryoko aparece en los últimos episodios comenzando con el episodio 23 como Oryo ... o "Overly Splendid" Oryo (素 晴 ら し す ぎ る お 魎, Subarashi Sugiru Oryō ) , guardaespaldas de Queen Tsunami de Juraihelm. En contraste con la caracterización habitual de Ryoko, Oryo es una guerrera digna y honorable, lista para dar su vida por Tsunami. Su apariencia y poderes siguen siendo aproximadamente los mismos, excepto que Oryo tiene oídos humanos normales. Lucha junto a Pretty Sammy y Pixy Misa contra Romio, el aspirante a usurpador. Apropiadamente, el nombre Oryose puede leer "demonio más honorable". En su primera aparición, se disfrazó de "Cool Red", un personaje de la serie Blue Sky Cool Rangers (una parodia de la serie japonesa Super Sentai de acción en vivo ) y destruyó fácilmente los Lovely Monsters Right and Left de Love-Me Eimy, después de Pretty Sammy había destruido la antena que Romio estaba usando para controlar a Eimi.

Ayeka Masaki Jurai [ editar ]

¡Ayeka Masaki Jurai (柾 木 阿 重 霞 樹 雷, Masaki Aeka Jurai ) es un personaje clave en los diversos Tenchi Muyo! serie de anime de AIC . Si bien los detalles de su personaje difieren entre las distintas series, Ayeka se muestra típicamente como la hermosa primera princesa del planeta Jurai que se ha enamorado del personaje principal, Tenchi Masaki . [7] Ayeka es retratada como modesta, educada, tradicional y aristocrática, pero también puede ser esnob (su acento adecuado es evidencia de su educación aristocrática). También puede ser muy feroz cuando siente que cualquier persona o cosa que le importa está en peligro, como Tenchi o su hermana menor Sasami., de quien ella es muy protectora. [8]

Ayeka es una rival de Ryoko por el afecto de Tenchi. [9] A menudo, el conflicto entre los dos surge de sus personalidades y antecedentes decididamente diferentes, con Ryoko siendo más directa, abierta y sexual en sus intentos de ganarse el amor de Tenchi. El nivel de la rivalidad puede variar entre ser equiparable a un par de hermanos en disputa o una disputa total. Las burlas y los esfuerzos de Ryoko a menudo sacan a relucir algunos de los peores aspectos de Ayeka. Sin embargo, hay momentos en que Ayeka deja de lado su rivalidad cuando Tenchi está en peligro, como la batalla con Kagato .

La romanización de su nombre en las producciones inglesas es "Ayeka" en lugar de "Aeka" para aclarar su pronunciación para los espectadores occidentales (ah-eh-ka). Se cree que su nombre se deriva de aekanaru , que significa "frágil" o "delicado", lo que refleja su comportamiento exterior habitual. Una antigua lectura de aeka es " esbelta " o "requiere la ayuda de un hombre". Se hace referencia al árbol en el "alma del barco" y además se conecta con "primavera" y el "despertar del deseo sexual". En la mitología japonesa, el sauce se conoce como un "repelente de demonios", que representa su relación con Ryoko.

Ayeka no tiene el nivel de poder de Ryoko, pero aún es bastante capaz de enfrentarse a la mayoría de los oponentes, incluido Kagato . Ella es más poderosa que Tenchi en su estado típico, pero una vez transformado, sus poderes Juraianos superan los de ella.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki

Ayeka es la primera princesa de la familia real de Jurai. [10] Durante esta serie, ella estaba buscando a su hermano desaparecido, Yosho (ella y Sasami son las tías abuelas de Tenchi). [11] Cuando su búsqueda la llevó a la Tierra , no encontró a su hermano ni a su nave, pero sí a Ryoko.. La edad aparente de Ayeka es 20, pero su verdadera edad es incierta. Sin embargo, se sabe que estuvo en un estado de animación suspendida durante más de 700 años cuando ella y Sasami llegaron a la Tierra. Su rivalidad con Ryoko comenzó mucho antes de que los dos conocieran a Tenchi; Ryoko y Ryo-ohki atacaron a Jurai, casi mataron a Sasami (sin querer), causaron grandes daños y llevaron a Yosho, su hermano y prometida, a abandonar el planeta en busca del criminal. Como resultado, ¡al comienzo de Tenchi Muyo! , odia todo sobre Ryoko y la considera un monstruo.

Ayeka posee varios poderes sobrehumanos: puede disparar ráfagas de energía, convocar un campo de fuerza muy poderoso , tiene la capacidad de convocar guardianes que también tienen varias habilidades, como poseer electricidad de arco y capturar naves espaciales. Ella también tiene la capacidad de volar a velocidades muy altas y posee una fuerza sobrehumana. En su mayor parte, Ayeka es tímida, recatada y correcta, pero puede volverse tan violenta como Ryoko. Cuando su temperamento se despierta, Ayeka se vuelve muy ruidosa y agresiva, sin tener en cuenta las condiciones actuales. Sin embargo, solo recurre a la agresión física con Ryoko, e incluso estas peleas han disminuido con el tiempo. La nave espacial de Ayeka se llama Ryu-Oh.Desafortunadamente, se daña en un aterrizaje forzoso en la Tierra después de un intento de escape de Ryoko. Se hizo comienzan a regenerarse, pero fue arrastrada por Kagato buque 's, Soja. Sin embargo, gracias a la ayuda de Tsunami , Ayeka recibió una semilla que se convertiría en un nuevo Ryu-Oh .

Ryu-Oh tiene la capacidad de producir tres kō-ō-yoku ("alas de halcón de luz"). Ayeka se había unido a la nave poco antes de que Ryoko y Ryo-ohki atacaran el castillo de Juraian, Tenju. A pesar de las advertencias hechas por los asistentes del castillo, Ayeka, de 14 años, lanzó el barco joven y subdesarrollado para defenderse de los ataques de Ryoko. Según True Tenchi Novels, "Ayeka acababa de terminar la ceremonia de selección y no tenía la llave para ayudarla a conectarse con Ryu-oh . Además, su nave se acababa de equipar, por lo que no estaba completamente sincronizada con la armadura externa, por lo que Ayeka y Ryu-ohno pudo controlar completamente el poder del árbol real. Pero Ayeka no se rindió y continuó la batalla. Sin embargo, no pudo evitar la situación simplemente defendiéndose. Fue solo en virtud del poder del árbol real de segunda generación que pudo contener el ataque, y también fue porque Ryo-ohki y Ryoko solo se burlaban de ella y no peleaban con todo su poder. "Ayeka también pudo usar la luz. -Hawk-wings para atacar (aunque su propósito es la defensa) y fue capaz de golpear a Ryo-ohki, lo que ninguna otra nave pudo hacer. Esta hazaña es notada por Noike cuando habla con Tenchi en OVA 3.

Universo Tenchi

Ayeka sigue siendo una princesa de Jurai en esta serie. Tan tímida y recatada como antes, parece enamorarse de Tenchi el primer día que lo conoce. Ayeka fue atraída a la Tierra por la señal de socorro de Mihoshi, pero una vez más, encuentra a Ryoko allí también y finalmente ocurre una pelea masiva. Aquí, la rivalidad con Ryoko comenzó durante su infancia, que se mostró a través de flashbacks, con Ayeka y Ryoko culpándose mutuamente por sus problemas. Una vez más, Ayeka tiene un barco, Ryu-Oh, que aterriza en la Tierra; sin embargo, se vuelve incapaz de volar cuando comienza a regenerarse, echando raíces a los restos de su vieja nave. Ayeka es un miembro relativamente menor de la familia Jurai, no la hija del Emperador como en la OVA. Aún así, después de ser secuestrada por Kagato y liberada por Tenchi, regresa a Jurai porque debe permanecer con la Familia Imperial a partir de ese momento; pero como concluye la serie, Ayeka elige huir de casa y reunirse con Tenchi en la Tierra. [12]

Tenchi en Tokio

En Tenchi en Tokio , Ayeka es una vez más una princesa de Jurai. Ella se une a la Policía de la Galaxia para capturar al pirata espacial Ryoko y al científico Washu, quienes robaron la Piedra Ligera Jurai. Los poderes de Ayeka siguen siendo similares a los de las otras dos series, excepto que nunca la vemos lanzar explosiones de energía. En cambio, activa su campo de fuerza en muchas ocasiones. En cambio, sus Guardianes, Azaka y Kamidake, asumen un papel más combativo. Después de que aterrizan en la Tierra, Ayeka lucha contra Ryoko, quien cambia el rumbo de la batalla a su favor absorbiendo la piedra de luz ella misma; no es hasta la intervención de Tenchi que Ayeka se salva. Ella es la piloto de Ayesa (como se muestra en los subtítulos de Pioneer), que es idéntica a su Ryu-Oh .

En lugar de ser completamente tímida y recatada, es similar a Ryoko en términos de emociones explosivas. Ella es mucho más ingenua que en las otras series y ocasionalmente es tonta. Por otro lado, a diferencia de Ryoko, ella acepta de alguna manera que Tenchi puede preferir a Sakuya Kumashiro a ella y a los demás, ya que le confiesa a una mujer llamada Masayo a quien ella y Sasami ayudaron una vez. A diferencia de Ryoko, también ella decide quedarse en la Tierra; ella ayuda a Washu con su investigación sobre Yugi (ella es la que descubre los antecedentes de Yugi) e intenta proteger a Sasami y la casa Masaki, terminando gravemente herida por Matori. Ayeka es la primera en notar que ella y los demás están siendo separados de mala gana por Tenchi, lo que la preocupa mucho. [13]

Pretty Sammy

En la serie Pretty Sammy OAV, Ayeka Takada (高田 阿 重 霞, Takada Aeka ) (se le dio el apellido de su actriz de voz Yumi Takada ) es de una familia rica, es la presidenta de la clase y es experta en artes marciales. Ella está enamorada de Tenchi Kawai. Ayeka envía a sus tres sirvientas, Yuri, Yuka y Yuma, para espiar a Ryoko, quien también está enamorada de Tenchi. Ayeka se transforma brevemente con Ryoko en un Monstruo de Amor-Amor por Pixy Misa , y se vuelve más obsesivo con Tenchi hasta que sus sentimientos llegan a Ayeka, lo que le permite a Pretty Sammy restaurar a Ayeka a su condición normal. Pero incluso después de eso, la rivalidad de Ayeka con Ryoko por el afecto de Tenchi aún continúa.

En Magical Project S ( Pretty Sammy TV ), Ayeka es conocida como Romio (露 美 御, Romio ) , la tercera candidata para ser la reina de Juraihelm. [14] Después de que ella no es seleccionada en el primer episodio, Romio desaparece de la escena por un tiempo, y luego aparece ante Ramia para ayudarla a convertirse en reina después de que Pretty Sammy restableciera el equilibrio entre la Tierra y Juraihelm, con Tsunami a punto de ser coronado. reina. Para las protestas de Rumiya , Ramia aceptó la oferta de Romio y Romio secuestra a Eimi Date (la compañera de clase de Sasami) y la convierte en su propia chica mágica, "Love-Me Eimy", para su plan de drenar Juraihelm y la tierra de toda la magia.

Cuando eso falla, Romio le reveló su verdadero yo a Ramia e intenta drenar la magia de Juraihelm con su Sistema NT y usar el poder mágico robado para enviar tierra al sol. Resulta que Romio fue una vez una niña mágica, pero no pudo arreglar el equilibrio entre la tierra y Juraihelm, y desde entonces ha sentido que la tierra es malvada y quiere destruirla. El plan de Romio es detenido por el poder combinado de Pretty Sammy, Pixy Misa, Ryo-Ohki y Rumiya con la ayuda del profesor Washu, quien desarrolla su propio Sistema NT. Después de que su sistema NT es destruido, Romio es llevado a la distancia por una enojada Ramia. Al final de la serie, a pesar de su derrota, Romio no se ha rendido y ahora lidera a los marcianos contra la Tierra, mientras Pretty Sammy y Pixy Misa se mueven para detenerla.

Sasami Masaki Jurai [ editar ]

Sasami Masaki Jurai (柾 木 砂 沙 美 樹 雷, Masaki Sasami Jurai ) es un personaje ficticio de la serie de anime Tenchi Muyo. y sus diversos derivados.

¡Sasami ha aparecido en todos los Tenchi Muyo! serie, incluidas varias basadas en ella como protagonista central . En casi todas las encarnaciones, su personalidad, antecedentes, atuendos principales, relaciones y habilidades cambian. En algunas encarnaciones, su estilo artístico se modifica más que en otras, aunque su color y estructura básicos siguen siendo los mismos.

Personalidad y papel en la serie En la mayoría de las series, Sasami es la hermana menor de Ayeka y también es una princesa de Jurai. Dentro del grupo familiar, Sasami generalmente asume el doble papel de hermana / madre menor. Ella puede ser la más responsable del grupo y se encarga de todas las tareas de cocina. Sin embargo, tiene una veta traviesa que rara vez se ve en su interior, y se deleita en engañar a las chicas mayores. Ella tiene el pelo de color verde azulado atado en largas coletas con ojos de color rosa melón (aunque, en la mayor parte de la OAV original y la serie de televisión (llamada 'Tenchi Universe'), Sasami tenía el pelo azul).

Sasami tiene una gran base de seguidores en todo el mundo y es la inspiración de lo que el editor de VIZ, Carl Gustav Horn, llamó 'El efecto Sasami', en el sentido de que cualquier jovencita linda dentro de un elenco de personajes inevitablemente se convertirá en la más popular. Posibles ejemplos de esto incluyen el personaje de Sailor Moon, Chibiusa , Takamachi Nanoha de Triangle Heart, además de muchos otros personajes femeninos "jóvenes" en series japonesas, francesas y americanas.

La personalidad de Sasami es más madura en la OVA que en las otras continuidades, y más agresiva en la segunda TV y los spin-offs de Pretty Sammy .

¡OVA Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki En la serie original, Sasami y su hermana Ayeka son las hijas del emperador Masaki Azusa Jurai y la segunda de sus dos esposas, la segunda emperatriz Misaki Masaki Jurai . Por parte de su madre, la abuela de Sasami es Seto Kamiki Jurai y su abuelo es Utsutsumi Kamiki; por parte de su padre, la abuela de Sasami es Masaki Amame de Jurai y su abuelo es Yotsuga Kazuki. Sasami tiene un medio hermano llamado Yosho Masaki Jurai - hijo del emperador Azusa y su primera esposa, Funaho. Poco después de la serie, Sasami y Ayeka comienzan a vivir en la Tierra con la familia de Tenchi (Tenchi, su padre Nobuyuki y el padre de su madre, Yosho, ahora llamado Katsuhito Masaki), junto con la criatura felina Ryo-Ohki y otras tres mujeres que se quedan en el casa. Sasami llegó a la Tierra por "accidente", polizándose en el barco de sus hermanas cuando fue a buscar a Yosho. Rápidamente se hizo amiga cercana de Ryo-Ohki e incluso de Ryoko, a pesar de que Ryoko puso una espada en la garganta de Sasami casi tan pronto como se conocieron.

Sasami guarda un oscuro secreto dentro de su pasado. Hace setecientos años, durante el ataque de Ryoko a Jurai, Sasami estaba jugando en el Royal Arboretum y sufrió una caída muy peligrosa, y como resultado resultó herida de muerte, y creía que había muerto ese día, que ahora era una copia de el Sasami 'real'. La verdad es que Sasami sobrevivió a sus heridas cuando Tsunami-kami-sama, en forma de Tsunami-no-ki, la asimiló. Tsunami-no-ki absorbió y recreó el cuerpo de Sasami para curarla ... y fusionó su espíritu con el de Sasami. De hecho, ahora son un ser con dos almas y, a medida que envejecen, sus espíritus se fusionarán. Esto puede explicar su personalidad en esta serie. Esto también le otorga a Sasami varios poderes que no posee en ninguna otra serie. Ahora comanda la nave más poderosa que existe, Tsunami-fune, y puede convocarla desde el subespacio a voluntad. A través de su vínculo con Tsunami-kami-sama, está vinculada a todos los barcos de Juraian y a sus propietarios, y puede detectar su ubicación y estado. También tiene habilidades precognitivas , pero desafortunadamente estas se manifiestan como pesadillas horribles, perturbadoras y, a veces, incluso sangrientas.

Sasami ocultó su secreto a quienes la rodeaban, incluida ella misma, porque su mayor temor era ser rechazada por aquellos a quienes amaba. Sin embargo, cuando finalmente se reveló, Ayeka dijo que no le importaba y que todavía amaba a Sasami tal como era; Tenchi, Yosho y las otras chicas también aceptaron el hecho.

También debe tenerse en cuenta que, si es necesario, Sasami es una combatiente consumada, probablemente enseñada por su madre, quien es la Comandante Suprema de la Guardia Real, y mejorada por el vínculo con Tsunami-no-ki, derrotando fácilmente a Mashisu Makibi. que era un oficial de policía capacitado de Galaxy. Una de las cintas para el cabello con forma de cereza que usa es capaz de convertirse en un bastón de batalla.

El OVA también contiene el Mihoshi Special . En este episodio único, escrito como un 'piloto' tanto para Tenchi Universe como para Pretty Sammy [ cita requerida ]  , Sasami aparece como ella misma, posiblemente su versión OVA, pero en la historia dice su nombre. y la imagen se utiliza para el papel de un cadete de la Policía Galaxy, y tiene una identidad secreta como Pretty Sammy, junto con su mascota Ryo-Ohki. También es conocida como la mejor tetera del GXP.

Televisión y cine Universo Tenchi En la primera serie de televisión, Sasami sigue siendo la hermana de Ayeka y la princesa de Jurai, pero no se menciona a sus padres, y Yosho (junto con su nieto Tenchi) parece ser solo un pariente lejano. Tsunami no aparece en esta serie, por lo que Sasami no tiene otro alter ego (aparte de Pretty Sammy). Sasami sigue siendo una cocinera consumada. Tiene una perspectiva de la vida mucho más feliz e inocente y no usa ningún poder especial. Ella tiene, o tuvo, su propia nave, pero pronto fue destruida, dejándola varada en la Tierra.. Es una jugadora experta en juegos, especialmente en videojuegos de lucha, y toma a la revivida Azaka como su alumna. Durante los episodios especiales de tres partes 'Time and Space Adventures', que parecen ser homenajes a varios géneros o programas / películas específicos, Sasami generalmente se aleja de la historia principal, excepto, por supuesto, en la suya propia en la que una vez más. interpreta el papel de 'Pretty Sammy'. Vale la pena señalar que incluso en su propia historia comienza como un personaje de fondo, y solo ocupa el centro del escenario una vez que se ha transformado.

Tenchi Muyo in Love 1 & 2 Estas dos películas están ambientadas en la continuidad del Universo y la personalidad de Sasami sigue siendo la misma. ¡Un compañero de manga para la segunda película, Tenchi Muyo! in Love 2: Eternal Memory, muestra lo que supuestamente le estaba sucediendo a Sasami 'fuera de la pantalla' e introduce a Tsunami-kami-sama en la continuidad del Universo, pero se desconoce si esta es una cuenta oficial para ser considerada como teniendo lugar en el mismo. continuidad como la película. El manga implica que Sasami y Tenchi algún día tendrán un hijo llamado Izumi, pero Sasami morirá poco después de su nacimiento. Sin embargo, según la narración de Sasami, ese era solo un futuro posible. Con cada elección que hagan, pueden cambiar su destino. También se dice que Tenchi podría no elegir a Sasami, pero ella ' Seguiré cuidando de Tenchi como siempre.

Tenchi en Tokio Al igual que con la mayoría de los personajes, la personalidad de Sasami se volvió mucho más ruidosa que antes. Su estado de ánimo es más errático, dado a episodios de enfado juvenil y enfurruñamiento. Se hace amiga de Yugi, antes de conocer la verdadera naturaleza de Yugi, pero sigue siendo su amiga hasta el final de la serie. Al final de la serie, Sasami visita todos los días a Yugi, que ahora duerme. Ryo-Ohki también es su mascota en esta serie.

Manga y novelas Novelas de Hasegawa Serie de libros escritos por Naoko Hasegawa , ex guionista de la OVA . Las novelas se ramifican después del episodio 6 de la serie OVA . Sin embargo, estas novelas nunca se tradujeron, por lo que se sabe muy poco sobre el desarrollo del personaje en esta línea de tiempo. En Manatsu no Eve / Daughter of Darkness, la novela de Hasagawa Manatsu no Eve se convirtió en una película, y es el único contacto que la mayoría de los fanáticos no japoneses han tenido con esta continuidad. La conexión de Sasami con Tsunami-kami-sama de la OVA no se menciona en la película. Sasami tiene más tiempo frente a la pantalla ya que se hace amiga de Mayuka, Tenchi y Yuzuha (el antagonistaen esta película) hija modificada genéticamente. Rápidamente desarrolla un fuerte vínculo con Mayuka.

Manga Okuda Hitoshi Okuda ha creado dos series de manga oficiales  : ¡No Need For Tenchi y Shin Tenchi Muyo! (¡también conocido como el nuevo Tenchi Muyo!). Basado en la serie OVA y ramificado después del episodio 13.5. La serie de manga generalmente tiene una actitud más ligera que la serie de anime y las personalidades de los personajes reflejan esto. Sasami tiene una relación mucho más abierta con Tsunami-kami-sama , quien es más alegre que su propia contraparte de OVA , posiblemente debido a la influencia de Sasami, pero más probablemente porque Okuda-sensei quiere escribirle de esa manera. Sasami es la única persona, en el manga.o el anime, al que Tenchi le ha dicho las palabras "Te amo". En el volumen 5 de la segunda serie de manga, la edad de Sasami se da como 709 años; sin embargo, la edad de Sasami volvió a 708 en el volumen 7 de la segunda serie de manga por razones desconocidas. Posiblemente un error de traducción en cualquiera de los volúmenes.

En spin-offs

Sasami Kawai es el personaje principal en el Pretty Sammy OVA y su serie de televisión mágica Proyecto S . Allí, ella es una estudiante de primaria normal que se transforma en una chica mágica, Pretty Sammy.

Sasami Iwakura es el personaje principal de la serie derivada Sasami: Magical Girls Club . En lugar de transformarse en una chica mágica, ya es una que descubre que ella, su mejor amiga Misao, así como algunas de sus otras compañeras de clase, son chicas mágicas.

Tsunami [ editar ]

Tsunami (津 名 魅, trans. Port with a Bewitching Name) es un personaje ficticio en Tenchi Muyo. universo.

¡Tsunami aparece en la versión OVA de la serie de anime Tenchi Muyo! , como sus novelas (¡ True Tenchi Muyo! ) y la serie de manga escrita por Hitoshi Okuda . ¡En Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki y trabajos relacionados, ella es una de las Choushin, tres Diosas-hermanas y seres poderosos en la historia. También aparece en el spin-off Pretty Sammy de la serie . Aquí ella es candidata para convertirse en la próxima reina del reino mágico de Juraihelm.

Versión OVA

Como se señaló anteriormente, Tsunami aparece como uno de los tres Choushin. De hecho, ha aparecido en varios roles diferentes:


El sufijo de -kami-sama puede definirse literalmente como "señor / dama espiritual" y agregarlo a un nombre implica una conexión divina superior; mientras que kami puede significar "dios", kami-sama significa "Dios" (como El Todopoderoso , Kami-sama, en Oh My Goddess! ). Tsunami-kami-sama, junto con sus hermanas Washu -kami-sama y Tokimi-kami-sama, existían antes de que comenzara el tiempo y el espacio, y han pasado al menos billones de años trabajando para localizar a un determinado individuo, un ser que era tan poderoso en comparación con ellos como lo son para los seres ordinarios, presumiblemente los creó como un experimentar, tal como crearon todo el resto de la existencia, y como tal fuera y más grande que incluso el espacio hiperdimensional en el que habitan. De hecho, la suma total de toda la creación fue iniciada por ellos después de un período de tiempo desconocido dedicado a tratar de teorizar la existencia de tal ser. Llegaron a la conclusión de que se necesitaba un enfoque más práctico.

¡A diferencia de nuestro propio espacio tridimensional, hay 22 dimensiones espaciales y temporales que comúnmente se sabe que existen dentro del Tenchi Muyo! Multiverso, debido a que existen 22 Supervisores Dimensionales conocidos, uno a cargo de cada espacio dimensional. La geometría proyectiva establece que cada espacio de dimensiones superiores es un número infinito de veces mayor que el anterior, y la cosmología de Brane establece que un multiverso es de 5 dimensiones, por lo que los supervisores dimensionales que trabajan para Choushin lógicamente al menos exceden la escala multiversal multiplicada por el infinito elevado a el poder de 17.

Cuando se le pide al androide Zero, que tenía acceso a la base de datos científica más grande del universo, enormemente más avanzada que la ciencia humana, que analice el Choushin Tokimi, se afirma que a pesar de poder crear una hipótesis para cualquier forma de vida de alta dimensión , Tokimi registra que no existe en absoluto, y que es imposible crear una hipótesis científica para (incluso un Espacio de Hilbert de dimensión infinita ), debido a que está más allá del espacio dimensional por completo.

Poco se sabe de la historia de Tsunami-kami-samas antes de hace 150.000 años. Se sabe que, debido a ciertas circunstancias extremas, Tsunami-kami-sama fue responsable de aniquilar a la mayoría, si no a todos, de una civilización antigua que existió antes de la raza precursora. Tal devastación masiva puede no parecer típica del Tsunami-kami-sama conocido hoy, pero su sombra tridimensional recientemente se involucró en una pelea menor con Tokimi-kami-sama, que destruyó casi una cuarta parte de nuestra galaxia (todos los daños fueron reparados más tarde). cuando el tiempo se rebobina). Debe recordarse que el poder total del Choushin es mucho mayor de lo que toda la existencia puede contener, y la suma total de todo ello combinado se mostró como una brillante mota de polvo en comparación con el Choushin.

Hace 150.000 años, Tsunami-kami-sama se reunió con el niño que sería el Primer Rey de Jurai y reconoció dentro de él las semillas de lo que ella y sus hermanas estaban buscando. Ella accedió a proporcionarle sus descendientes, Ouke-no-ki o "Árboles de la Familia Imperial". Estos árboles eran seres inteligentes y poderosos que se 'asociaban' con ciertos Juraianos, proporcionándoles un gran poder y una larga vida útil. También eran el núcleo central de las naves de Juraian, actuando como fuente de energía y núcleo de computadora, mucho más poderoso que cualquier otra cosa en ese momento, lo que permitió a Jurai convertirse en una superpotencia galáctica.


El árbol más grande de Jurai, 5.000 metros de altura, el Tenju ("Árbol del Cielo") actúa como el Palacio Real de Jurai, albergando al actual Emperador y su familia, las casas principales de todas las Casas Imperiales y el Arboreto Real. Es aquí donde todos los Ouke-no-ki esperan un compañero con el que se unirán. Cuenta la leyenda que el Tenju fue creado a partir del cuerpo gigante de Tsunami-kami-sama.


Como -kami-sama , -no-ki es un sufijo (esta es una versión formal. Simplemente agregar -ki también es aceptable), esta vez significa que el nombre es para un árbol. Después de crear el Tenju, Tsunami-no-ki nació en la base del Royal Arboretum. Fue a partir de este árbol que Tsunami creó las primeras semillas que se convertirían en la primera generación de Ouke-no-ki. Se cree que se sabe que existen al menos diez semillas de primera generación, dos de las cuales parecen haber sido creadas antes de que ella se convirtiera en Tsunami-no-ki. De estos dos, uno se usó en la creación de un robot de batalla conocido como el 'Ídolo' y el otro pudo haberse dado a alguien de fuera del universo de esta historia. Los detalles de esta época son, en el mejor de los casos, incompletos. Cuando Sasamiresultó herida durante el ataque de Ryoko a Jurai, aterrizó cerca de Tsunami-no-ki y fue aquí donde se asimilaron. Tsunami-no-ki ahora se ha movido para convertirse en el núcleo central de Tsunami-fune.

Aunque muy poderosas, las generaciones posteriores de Ouke-no-ki gradualmente se volvieron menos poderosas a medida que avanzaban desde Tsunami-no-ki. También pierden su 'Voluntad' (es decir, su mente y / o alma) si están arraigados en otro planeta. Se creía que Funaho-no-ki era un ejemplo de esto, pero el árbol no perdió su Voluntad debido a las gemas de Washu en el extremo del pomo de Tenchi-ken, que le daban poder al árbol. Si un árbol pierde su Voluntad, la pareja envejecerá y morirá lentamente.


-divertidose utiliza para los nombres de los barcos (en este caso, naves espaciales, pero también puede utilizarse para otras naves). Se sabe que Tsunami-fune es "el más poderoso de todos los barcos" (cita del episodio 6, '¡Necesitamos Tenchi!). Esta reputación está bien justificada. Por un lado, Tsunami-fune es capaz de controlar todas las Naves de Jurai, ya que de ella se deriva el poder de las Naves. Además, las defensas de Tsunami-fune son 100% impenetrables ante cualquier forma de ataque en nuestras tres dimensiones, debido a su capacidad para generar diez Koh-Oh-Yoku, o "Light-Hawk-Wings". Diez Alas representan la fuerza máxima que se puede generar en cualquier punto de nuestras dimensiones. Más destruiría el multiverso. Tsunami-fune ha demostrado transporte de materia, generación en múltiples entornos, armamento basado en energía y viajes subespaciales.Tsunami-fune figura oficialmente como perteneciente aSasami . Se desconoce exactamente cuándo o cómo se creó Tsunami-fune, pero se estima que fue hace entre 700 y 695 años. Una posibilidad alternativa es que el barco siempre ha existido pero permanece oculto, excepto por períodos seleccionados cuando Tsunami decide que es necesario, aunque considerando la naturaleza de los barcos Jurai, esto es poco probable.


Cuando Sasami tenía unos 3 años, se asimiló a Tsunami (ver la entrada de Sasami) y la conciencia de Tsunami-kami-sama ahora reside dentro de Sasami. En el episodio 9, 'Sasami y Tsunami', Tsunami aparece como una imagen en 3D y dice que su forma es la forma adulta de Sasami. Dado que se sabe que la imagen actual de Tsunami era la misma antes de que naciera Sasami, esto es una coincidencia asombrosa o Tsunami y Sasami estaban conectados antes de que naciera Sasami, lo cual es completamente posible debido a la naturaleza 11D de Tsunami. Las dos 'almas' de Tsunami-kami-sama y Sasami se están fusionando y un día los dos serán un solo ser. En el episodio 19, se establece que las personalidades de los dos son una y la misma; cuando Sasami teme por la seguridad de Tenchi, Tsunami debe actuar,incluso a riesgo de una confrontación conTokimi .

Tsunami no ha pasado de una forma a otra, sino que existe en todas las formas simultáneamente, con la posible excepción del Tenju.

Pretty Sammy

En la serie Pretty Sammy , Tsunami es una de las candidatas para ser la reina de Juraihelm. Después de ser elegida, eligió a Sasami Kawai para que actuara como su representante en la Tierra. Al hacerlo, Sasami se hizo conocida como la chica mágica, Pretty Samy.

En cuanto a la personalidad, Tsunami se parece más a Mihoshi , una persona más despreocupada, relajada e incluso un poco tonta. Por ejemplo, cuando ella y Sasami se conocieron, ella había confundido la música de Mozart con Beethoven . Cuando Ramia usó una muñeca de aspecto cursi para reemplazarla durante el episodio que involucra a Bif Standard , Tsunami realmente pensó que era el artículo genuino.

Tsunami tampoco tiene idea de los esfuerzos de Ramia para descarrilar sus posibilidades de ser reina de Juraihelm. Cuando Ramia había desaparecido después de que una travesura salió mal, Tsunami, que estaba desconsolado, colocó carteles pidiendo el regreso de Ramia.

En Magical Project S ( Pretty Sammy TV ), Tsunami es muy similar a su contraparte de la serie, excepto que ahora tiene un gran amor por las flores; de hecho, uno de sus objetivos como reina de Juraihelm era "plantar flores en toda la galaxia". A pesar de esto, finalmente logró ganar la candidatura.

Mihoshi Kuramitsu [ editar ]

¡Mihoshi Kuramitsu (九 羅密 美 星, Kuramitsu Mihoshi ) es un detective de la Policía Galaxy en el ficticio Tenchi Muyo! series de anime y manga . Su nombre de pila , "Mihoshi" (み ほ し 、 美 星), significa literalmente "Estrella Hermosa", y se deriva de una ciudad en la Prefectura de Okayama antes conocida como Bisei .


En la OVA, Mihoshi es un Seniwan y un miembro de la familia Kuramitsu, cuyo poder es solo superado por la Familia Real Jurai.

Mihoshi es conocida como uno de los mejores oficiales de la Policía de la Galaxia, pero su carrera pronto se topó con un obstáculo importante después de un incidente insinuado en el cuarto episodio del primer OVA y el cuarto episodio del tercero (se ha aludido que el incidente involucró un matrimonio arreglado, que sería un factor en el ataque de Misao más adelante en la serie). Ahora sufre de frecuentes dificultades para concentrarse en una sola pista de pensamiento y, debido a su torpeza, causa muchos daños colaterales durante sus asignaciones, lo que finalmente hace que Mihoshi sea degradada. El escritorio del comandante de la Sección 7 está cubierto de informes de mala conducta y facturas de todos los daños que causa. Como resultado, es asignada a un área especial de la galaxia, el sistema Sol, que es territorio de Juraian, con la vana esperanza de que no cause más problemas.

Sin embargo, cuando Kagato se acercó a esta área, el superior inmediato de Mihoshi, el Capitán Nobeyama, la asignó para monitorear el área e informar si Kagato se acercaba. Sin embargo, Mihoshi malinterpretó esas órdenes y se encargó de capturarlo, lo que asustó a Nobeyama. Pero cuando se acercó a la Tierra, su lanzadera es arrastrada hacia un vórtice de energía causado por un monstruo que Ryoko había creado para atacar a Ayeka . Mihoshi casi termina siendo succionada por el agujero negro que creó la abertura si Tenchi Masaki no la hubiera atrapado. Como resultado, Mihoshi se queda con la familia Masaki. Como todas las otras chicas que viven en la casa de Masaki, eventualmente desarrolla una atracción hacia Tenchi.

Cuando Kagato ataca, el control de la causalidad de Mihoshi hace que Washu sea ​​liberada de su prisión de cristal a bordo del 'universo invertido' de Soja. Cuando los guardias serpientes de Kagato la atacan, Mihoshi usa su cubo de control en un intento de detenerlos y la interferencia que crea de alguna manera libera a Washu. (La función aparente del cubo es similar a la de un cubo de Rubik , y encontrar la combinación correcta para producir el efecto deseado suele ser problemático para Mihoshi).

Mihoshi de alguna manera entra constantemente en el laboratorio subespacial de Washu y rompe cosas (para consternación de Washu, ya que todavía no puede entender cómo Mihoshi de alguna manera puede cambiar accidentalmente las dimensiones y pasar por alto todos los sistemas de seguridad de su laboratorio), duerme a menudo, come como un cerdo ( principalmente en comida chatarra, pero hace ejercicio a menudo), y es la oficial más afortunada de la Policía de la Galaxia (aunque también es bastante competente), aunque su suerte a veces significa desgracia para otros (algunos como su compañera oficial de GXP, Seina Yamada ). Washu tiene un gran respeto por sus vastos atributos de control de la causalidad, y Mihoshi ha sido mencionada repetidamente como el único miembro de la familia que puede derrotarla.

Mihoshi es en realidad la tataranieta de Washu, a través de su hijo Mikumo, aunque esto solo se declara fuera de la serie en sí, y su abuelo Minami Kuramitsu es el Gran Mariscal de la Policía de la Galaxia. Mitoto, la madre de Mihoshi, también trabaja para la Policía Galaxy, como mujer de la limpieza. Ella también tiene un hermano menor, Misao., quien se había casado con Mashisu Makibi. Si su parentesco y su capacidad para eludir constantemente a una de las diosas Choushin es una señal de que ella es otra de las anomalías trascendentales de la serie, no está confirmado en este momento. Sin embargo, es digno de mención que su madre Mitoto tiene una habilidad que recuerda a viajar inconscientemente a grandes distancias interestelares. En este momento, se desconoce si comparte el talento de su hija para controlar la causalidad, pero Minami, Mikami y Misao aparentemente no lo hacen.

Aunque tiende a comer y dormir mucho, Mihoshi se toma muy en serio su trabajo en el médico de cabecera, no le importa ayudar con las tareas domésticas habituales y parece mejor que Ryoko o Ayeka. Aparentemente, es extremadamente observadora, ya que se sabe que escribe informes muy extensos, pero muy desestructurados ... abarrotados de detalles, por lo que a veces a sus superiores les puede llevar mucho tiempo resolverlos. De hecho, debido a que su informe sobre el incidente de Kagato incluía información detallada sobre los árboles reales de Jurai, su informe ahora es TOP SECRET con Jurai Intelligence ( Funaho Jurai una vez le confesó a Washu que a Jurai Intelligence le tomó cuatro días resumir el informe). En su lugar, se presentó un informe duplicado, omitiendo la información sensible.

El nombre de Mihoshi se refiere al planeta "Venus", pero en el sentido occidental como "Pretty Star", no al sentido chino de "estrella de metal".

En OAV 3 (episodios 14-20), parece haber adquirido algunas de las características de las otras series; se vuelve menos competente y parece más confusa de lo habitual (aunque esto puede ser simplemente el resultado de que ella y gran parte del elenco regular tienen menos tiempo frente a la pantalla que en los otros episodios de OVA). Ella es una ex pareja de Noike Jurai y Amane Kaunaq , quienes parecen avergonzados por el comportamiento afectuoso de Mihoshi, pero Noike la maneja gritándola y empujándola (no se sabe cómo Amane manejó a Mihoshi).

Universo Tenchi

En la serie Tenchi Universe , Mihoshi se asoció con Kiyone Makibi , y juntos, son conocidos como "Miho-Kiyo" (un acrónimo de Miho shi y Kiyo ne; fue acuñado por Washu en el episodio 6). Ella está persiguiendo a Ryoko hasta que ambos aterrizan en la Tierra.

A diferencia de su contraparte de OAV, que todavía es dedicada y competente a pesar de su aturdimiento, Mihoshi es el alivio cómico y una " rubia tonta " cuyos constantes torpezas y errores a menudo causarían problemas al grupo (especialmente a Kiyone y Washu). Uno de sus errores clásicos es cuando un solo cabello de su cuero cabelludo pudo transferir su personalidad a Mecha Washu.

Tenchi en Tokio

En Tenchi en Tokio , Mihoshi se asoció una vez más con Kiyone. En una historia de flashback, el dúo Miho-Kiyo trabajó con las fuerzas de Juraian (lideradas por Ayeka) para capturar a Ryoko y Washu para reclamar la Piedra de Luz de Jurai (que robaron). Finalmente, se vieron obligados a realizar un aterrizaje forzoso en la Tierra después de que Washu detectara una gran emisión de energía del planeta.

Ella es más o menos igual que su contraparte del Universo Tenchi , pero tiene algunas de las cualidades de OAV (por ejemplo, su suerte).

Pretty Sammy y Sasami: Mahou Shōjo Club

En Pretty Sammy OAV, Mihoshi Mizutani (水 谷 美 星, Mizutani Mihoshi ) (como se la conoce en ambas series; se le dio el apellido de su actriz de voz japonesa, Yuko Mizutani ) trabaja en el CD de Chihiro Kawai (Sasami y la madre de Tenchi). Tienda de música Vision con Kiyone Yuri. Está matriculada en la universidad.

En Magical Project S ( Pretty Sammy TV ), así como en Sasami: Magical Girls Club , Mihoshi es la maestra de Sasami y Misao. En la serie de televisión Pretty Sammy , desafiaría a la clase de Kiyone en varias actividades escolares. También se dio a entender que ella y Kiyone Amayuri se conocen desde la secundaria, a quien Mihoshi siempre la ha tratado como su mejor amiga.

En las tres adaptaciones, Mihoshi sigue siendo su cabeza hueca habitual.

Tenchi muyo enamorado

En la película Tenchi Muyo in Love, Mihoshi asume un trabajo de profesor mientras permanece encubierto. Se la ve dando una clase de inglés. Su compañera Kiyone acepta un trabajo de limpieza y está molesta o avergonzada por el manierismo tonto de Mihoshi.

Ryo-Ohki [ editar ]

Ryo-Ohki (魎 皇 鬼, Ryō-ōki , literalmente "monstruo fantasma real" , a veces escrito Ryo-Oh-Ki ) , es un personaje ficticio de la serie de anime japonesa Tenchi Muyo. y sus derivados. La apariencia de Ryo-Ohki es similar a un cruce entre un gato y un conejo , y por esta razón, a Ryo-Ohki se le conoce comúnmente como un cabbit . Ryo-Ohki también desempeñó el papel de mascota de Pioneer Entertainment antes de que esa división de Pioneer Corporation se convirtiera en Geneon .

La apariencia de Ryo-Ohki como lo que los fanáticos describen como un "cabbit", el amor por comer zanahorias y la asociación con el personaje Sasami son comunes entre todas las series en las que aparece Ryo-Ohki. Ryo-Ohki suele cambiar de forma, pero las formas, además de la forma "cabbit", varían según la serie. Los antecedentes y otros rasgos de Ryo-Ohki varían considerablemente de una serie a otra.


¡En el Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Original Video Animation (OVA) serie, Ryo-Ohki es una forma de vida artificial única creada por Washu . Inicialmente es la nave espacial y el conducto de energía de Ryoko (ver más abajo), además de ser técnicamente la hermana de Ryoko (ambos son híbridos de Masu). Ella y sasamiSin embargo, rápidamente se unen el uno al otro, y generalmente elige pasar su tiempo con Sasami en lugar de Ryoko. Posee la capacidad de transformarse en una forma de animal pequeño, generalmente conocida como 'cabbit', una contracción de 'gato-conejo', que obtuvo después de que Ryoko se resucitó en el episodio 1. Después de un incidente más adelante en la serie, ella gana la habilidad de cambiar a dos chica gato -como humanoides formas - una forma infantil y una forma adulta. Sin embargo, su forma adulta rara vez se ve, tanto porque tiene la mente de un niño como porque tiene problemas para caminar sobre dos piernas.

La personalidad de Ryo-Ohki es la de un animal amante de las zanahorias. Ella también está un poco enamorada de Tenchi, aunque no es exactamente romántico. Una inmersión en su mente revela que está llena de imágenes de ella y Tenchi cosechando zanahorias. Además, le gusta entretener a la gente, como con su pequeño baile en el episodio 13. Tiene el estado mental de una niña y no parece pensar más allá de su próxima zanahoria o abrazo.

Ryo-Ohki fue creado originalmente por Washu como un medio para que Ryoko acceda y controle el vasto poder contenido dentro de sus gemas, de ahí la pequeña gema engastada en la frente de Ryo-Ohki. Hace setecientos años, el poder combinado de Ryoko y Ryo-Ohki era tan grande como una nave de Juraian 1ª Generación. Otro peligro es que, a pesar de este poder, es completamente posible producir Ryo-Ohkis en masa, lo cual es un gran temor para la Familia Real Juraiana. Además, a diferencia de algunas de las naves de batalla juraianas más avanzadas (como el Chobimaru) que pueden usar una táctica elemental para la defensa o la ofensiva, Ryo-Ohki puede usar hasta tres de cuatro tácticas elementales al mismo tiempo (viento, agua, y fuego).

¡En Tenchi Muyo! GXP , Ryo-Ohki aparece en los episodios 12, 15 y 17. También en la versión de anime en inglés del episodio 12, Ryo-Ohki ha aprendido a hablar el dialecto humano. Ryo-Ohki también ha ganado una especie de hermana menor, en forma de Fuku .


En las dos series de manga de Hitoshi Okuda (generalmente ambientadas en la continuidad de OVA), Ryo-Ohki es muy parecido. Sin embargo, en algunas secuencias se la muestra no tanto como un animal como una niña, ¡especialmente en el más reciente All-New Tenchi Muyo! títulos. En estos, también se muestra como otra rival de Tenchi.afectos, y en una secuencia que juzga a todas las chicas, se la muestra atando a todas con una puntuación de 100 (su puntuación está fuera del marco, pero su muñeca de puntuación se muestra en una pose de alegría como las demás; se la consideró un retador serio y tuve una sesión con Tenchi; no se mencionó que ninguna de las seis mujeres / niñas hubiera sido mostrada como inferior de ninguna manera). Generalmente, Ryo-Ohki prefiere su forma de niño pequeño en estas historias; ella * ha * usado su forma 'adulta' dos veces (una para salir con Tenchi, una vez para ejercitarse).

Ryo-Ohki tiene dos secuencias relativamente inusuales en el manga. ¡En el volumen 3 de The All-New Tenchi Muyo! , una historia corta muestra su reacción a una broma de Ryoko cuando sugiere que las zanahorias la harán engordar. En esta historia, se muestra que es capaz de conversar con Washu claramente y de alguna manera comunicarse con Sasami. Sus pensamientos se muestran en un lenguaje claro.

En el volumen 8, durante la historia que trata sobre el casamentero (y el concurso antes mencionado), se muestra a la secretaria robot del casamentero enamorándose de algo que se asemeja a un peluche o marioneta de Ryo-Ohki, y que finalmente desea casarse con él. Se le conoce como 'Ryo-Ohki', y Washu verifica que puede volar ella misma, aunque la 'real' Ryo-Ohki definitivamente está activa durante esta historia. Esta puede ser una de las 'otras' criaturas parecidas a Ryo-Ohki que se ven en un episodio de la OVA y una historia en el manga, donde se muestran otros "cabbit". No se da ninguna explicación para ellos, o su relación con el "principal" Ryo-Ohki.

Universo Tenchi

En la continuidad del Universo Tenchi , Ryo-Ohki no es único; otro "cabbit", llamado Ken-Ohki (propiedad de Nagi) aparece en la serie, lo que plantea la posibilidad de que existan aún más "cabbit", tal vez una especie entera. Se desconocen sus orígenes. Por lo demás, es similar a su encarnación OAV, sirviendo como compañera y nave espacial de Ryoko y como mascota de Sasami. Como un dispositivo de trama humorístico, Ryo-Ohki y Ken-Ohki se quieren, mientras que sus dueños son enemigos acérrimos. Ryoko sugirió que Ryo-Ohki está enamorado de Ken-Ohki. También "informó" a Sasami en el Episodio 10 que Ken-Ohki es, de hecho, un hombre, mientras que Ryo-Ohki es una mujer.

Tenchi en Tokio

En Tenchi en Tokio , Ryo-Ohki es la mascota y el tutor de Sasami, como Azaka y Kamidake son para Ayeka. Ella todavía se transforma en una nave espacial de vez en cuando, aunque más pequeña que en otras series, pero también puede transformarse en un gigantesco mecha de color rosa , que es pilotado por Sasami o de forma autónoma.

Pretty Sammy

En la serie Pretty Sammy OAV, Ryo-Ohki puede hablar y es un hombre. Sirve como asesor de Sasami, quien se convierte en la chica mágica Pretty Sammy. Esta relación es una referencia a la convención de género de las niñas mágicas del asesor animal; Lo más probable es que pretendiera ser una parodia de la relación entre Sailor Moon y su gata Luna . También tiene una forma humanoide masculina joven .

En la serie de televisión Pretty Sammy (también conocida como Magical Project S ), Ryo-Ohki es un niño de la dimensión mágica de Juraihelm, que toma la forma de un "cabbit" para servir como asesor de Sasami. Al igual que la versión OAV, habla en forma de "cabbit".

Sasami: Mahou Shojo Club

No se sabe mucho sobre Ryo-Ohki en este momento, excepto que es la "mascota" de Washu Kozuka . Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que Washu puede ser cruel con el animal si se adapta a sus necesidades. Es por eso que, al igual que sus contrapartes en otras series de Tenchi, se queda con Sasami.

El cabbit puede cambiar de forma de una manera similar a su yo Tenchi Muyo. En este momento se desconoce si tiene forma humana. También se desconoce si Ryo-Ohki es hombre , mujer o quizás neutro .

Washu Hakubi [ editar ]

Washu Hakubi (白眉 鷲 羽, Hakubi Washū ) , el autoproclamado genio científico más grande del universo, es un personaje ficticio del anime y manga Tenchi Muyo. . Su personaje difiere dependiendo de la continuidad, aunque a veces muestra una serie de poderes innatos que rara vez usa, prefiriendo resolver problemas con la razón o la tecnología. En todas las encarnaciones, Washu también ha demostrado ser algo prudente y generalmente es más difícil de engañar que Tenchi o las otras chicas, lo que hace que sea más difícil para ella caer en una trampa enemiga. En los tres TenchiLa serie Washu también había creado un laboratorio interdimensional en el armario de la casa Masaki, aunque su laboratorio es mucho más grande en la serie OVA que en las dos series de televisión.

El nombre "Washū" es antiguo para Japón ; específicamente, la región alrededor de Osaka . El nombre "Hakubi" se deriva del nombre de una línea de tren, la Línea Hakubi . Cuando se traduce, Washū significa "pluma de águila" y hakubi significa "excelencia". El cabello de Washu se deriva de un disfraz de las obras de teatro de Noh , destinado a parecerse a las patas y garras (generalmente negras) de un cangrejo. Para ella, es un cangrejo rojo, porque es una especialidad gastronómica de Osaka. Como tal, el logotipo del cangrejo rojo aparece en gran parte de su mercancía y ropa diversa.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-oki Washu tiene un papel mucho más importante en el OVA que en cualquiera de las otras series. De hecho, ella es el catalizador, si no está directamente involucrado, en la mayor parte del conflicto de la serie.

¡En Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki , tiene más de 20.000 años como humana, la madre de Ryoko , creadora de Soja y Ryo-Ohki , y una de las tres diosas Choushin junto con Tsunami y Tokimi ( choushin significa " superdeidad ", 超神, pero no se pronuncia chojin para diferenciarla de la otra " superdeidad " ). Pero para resolver el enigma de encontrar una entidad que fuera tan poderosa en comparación con ellos como lo eran ellos con los seres ordinarios, y que presumiblemente los creó como un experimento, tal como habían creado toda la realidad de 22 dimensiones.. Además, crearon un supervisor unidimensional para cada uno de ellos. D3 tiene autoridad absoluta sobre todo el espacio tridimensional, y así sucesivamente hasta D22. Finalmente, Washu-kami-sama decidió sellar sus poderes y recuerdos en las tres gemas (que luego le fueron entregadas a Ryoko) y asumió una forma mortal para analizar los misterios del universo. Estas gemas tienen "la misma calidad y poder" que los árboles de Juraian, y son capaces de mantener la juventud de un Juraian como Yosho.

Washu, during her lifetime, also gave birth naturally to a child of her own; the child, whose name is Mikumo Kuramitsu, is actually Mihoshi Kuramitsu's great-grandfather. However, because the father came from the prestigious Kuramitsu family, both he and the baby were taken away. Out of grief, Washu chose never to deal with these adult issues again and altered her body to that of a pre-adolescent girl, although Washu is able to return to her adult form if she wishes to. Washu was locked away by her assistant, Kagato, for 5,000 years until she was inadvertently freed by Mihoshi.

After Kagato's defeat, Washu moved into the Masaki house and has made Tenchi her love and research project, the latter much to Tenchi's chagrin, while the former was expressed in her offer to only have another baby if it's Tenchi's. Aloof yet down to earth, she balances the household and dispels most of the chaos. She had briefly resumed her form as Washu-kami-sama when Z had threatened the universe by battling Tenchi.

In the OVA Ryoko has generally the same powers as Washu, except Washu uses them to a lesser extent. Washu has the same ability to phase shift through solid objects, convert matter directly to energy with no entropic loss (in the form of an energy saber), and she can duplicate herself. One of her favorite tricks, when captured, is to reappear elsewhere, and point to the "her" that was captured, which is now merely a stuffed doll in her likeness, sometimes with a cute ribbon if she remembers to add it.

Washu is also the creator of Fuku, Ryo-Ohki's sister, in the Tenchi Muyo! GXP series.

In the spinoff Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar, which occurs 15 years after the GXP series, Washu is revealed to have hypnotised Tenchi's half-brother Kenshi Masaki sometime prior to him being sent on a cross-dimensional journey to Geminar. Kenshi briefly refers to her as "Washu-nee" when he talks about the medicine he gives to Ulyte, which means Washu could be one of Kenshi's sisters in law.

Tenchi Universe

In Tenchi Universe, Washu was banished from the Universal Science Academy for producing weapons of mass destruction, and she was sent to Earth, imprisoned in the Masaki Shrine for 700 years, until she was freed during a squabble involving Ryoko and Ayeka. Washu was portrayed as an egotistical mad scientist, with two dolls (named A and B) that pop up on her shoulders to proclaim her greatness and to cheer her on ("Washu, you are a genius!", "You can do it, Washu!", etc.).

She had at one time constructed Mecha Washu; a robotic duplicate of herself to act as an assistant to her scientific work. She had asked Tenchi to help her out in duplicating her mind into the robot, but Mihoshi had also entered the lab, and somehow left a single strand of her hair into the transfer apparatus. As a result, instead of Washu's mind in Mecha Washu, the robot got not only Mihoshi's mind, but also her personality. After Mecha Washu got out of control as a result, it took Kiyone's knowledge of Mihoshi's habits to wrangle the robot to watch Mihoshi's favorite show... Moldiver, where it was shut down safely.

Washu, cerca del final de la serie, habló con Tenchi, quien estaba deprimido porque su abuelo fue derrotado fácilmente por Kagato. Washu pudo convencerlo de que podía ejercer una fuerza mayor de poder de Jurai que su abuelo, y luego ayudó a desactivar una parte de la flota de Jurai en la batalla final con el virus de su supercomputadora. Al final de la serie, Washu fue la presidenta honoraria electa de la Academia de Ciencias Universal, prometiendo usar sus poderes solo para la paz. Fue expulsada un mes después por desarrollar un arma capaz de destruir todo el universo (aunque, como narra Tenchi, nadie se sorprendió). Washu finalmente regresó a la Tierra.

Tenchi en Tokio

In Tenchi in Tokyo, Washu was a renegade scientist who had helped Ryoko steal the Jurai Light Stone, an artifact of the planet, and was pursued by the Juraian forces (led by Ayeka) and the Galaxy Police (led by Mihoshi and Kiyone). During the chase, Washu sensed an unusual energy source emitting from Earth, and after they were forced to crash-land on Earth, Washu sensed that the power came from Tenchi's necklace (an heirloom handed down from his late mother, Achika Masaki). Throughout the series, while researching his necklace, Washu invented various items that would allow the girls to see Tenchi during his time in Tokyo (notably, a dimensional portal); however, her inventions would often malfunction. Personality-wise, she's still a mad scientist, but she is more mellowed-out than her Tenchi Universe incarnation.

When Yugi's plot had scattered the Masaki family, Washu was the only one not fooled by it, and after analyzing Yugi from her previous attack against the Masaki shrine, Washu found out she came from Jurai. With some help from Ayeka, Washu discovered the ruins to which Ayeka had been previously with Tenchi were actually a prison meant to hold Yugi, as she had been imprisoned for nearly destroying Jurai 3,500 years ago. Washu later sent an analysis robot to analyze Sakuya Kumashiro, as she suspected that Sakuya might be some factor in Yugi's plan, which proved to be true when the scan showed that Sakuya was a shadow of Yugi. With her Gem Analysis complete, Washu went with Katsuhito to Tokyo, and she explained everything to Tenchi about Yugi and why she worked so hard to break them up. After that, Washu observed the final battle against Yugi, when she was transported to Yugi's dimension and at the end of the series went to work on a new Dimensional Tunnel by using the power of the gems.

Pretty Sammy

In the Magical Girl Pretty Sammy OVA series, she is an Earth child prodigy known as Washu Kobayashi (小林 鷲羽, Kobayashi Washu), and in Magical Project S (Pretty Samy TV), Washu Fitzgerald Kobayashi (鷲羽 フィッツジェラルド 小林, Washu Fittsujerarudo Kobayashi) (she was given the last name of her voice actress, Yuko Kobayashi). Graduating from M.I.T. at eleven years old, she became the high school science teacher at Raioh Academy. She would help Pretty Sammy on various events, regardless if Pretty Sammy even wanted her help. When she's not following Pretty Sammy around, she works at Sasami's school as her science teacher. She also has moved across the street from Sasami and Tenchi's house and it was never established if she knew Pretty Sammy's secret identity.

Washu is also credited in Pretty Sammy OVA episode 2 as the inventor of the Internet.

In Magical Project S, she is an American and she has a habit of addressing Sasami's father Ginji as Johnny, just as he has a habit of addressing her as Catherine. Washu's role is similar to that of the Pretty Sammy OVA, but with the addition that she is also the first human to be fully aware of Sasami's secret identity as Pretty Sammy and only moved in next door to Sasami's house to keep an eye on Sasami and analyze her magic for research purposes. Later, she discovers that Misao is Pixy Misa. Her most notable appearance in the TV series was that after analyzing Pretty Sammy's magic, she was able to develop her own NT system that was used during Romio's attack on the Earth. Not only did it supply Pretty Sammy, Pixy Misa, Ryo-Ohki, and Rumiya with magic, but it also protected them from Romio's NT system.

Sasami: Magical Girls Club

In the anime Sasami: Magical Girls Club, she is Sasami's cooking teacher, Washu Kozuka (小塚 鷲羽, Kozuka Washu). She is also the mentor/advisor of the secret magical girl club and teaches its members the fundamentals of being a magical girl. She is also Ryo-Ohki's mistress, using the poor cabbit in some of her cooking demonstrations. Although she is the cooking teacher, it was revealed that she (ironically) cannot cook.

Tenchi Muyo! GXP

Washu plays a small part within the series, creating the Kamidake and its A.I., the Cabbit later christened Fuku (similar to Ryo-Ohki). She finally makes an appearance (along with Tenchi and the gang) in the episode "Homecoming" when Seina Yamada returns to Earth with the crew of the Kamidake. Her personality, while similar to, is a bit more mellowed out than her Tenchi Universe counterpart. Her final appearance in the series is at Seina Yamada's wedding.

Kiyone Makibi[edit]

Kiyone Makibi (真備 清音, Makibi Kiyone) is a fictional character of the Tenchi Muyo! series. She is an original creation of first OVA series' co-scriptwriter Naoko Hasegawa, appearing in most Tenchi Muyo! canons with the exception of the official OVA canon accepted by the series creator Masaki Kajishima.

She shares her name with Kiyone Masaki, the character introduced as Tenchi's official canonical mother in the third installment of the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVAs.


Kiyone Makibi is a first class Galaxy Police detective who graduated with the second highest marks her year, and because of her athletic and analytical skill, commitment to police work, and responsible nature was deemed the cream of the GP crop and among the best of the younger generation of Galaxy Police.

Stuck with the bumbling Mihoshi Kuramitsu as a partner, Kiyone's career suffered; she has become somewhat bitter and depressed with her misfortune, hoping that she can earn a promotion and transfer away from Mihoshi, which would ensure much better prospects for the future. But despite the trouble Mihoshi has brought her, Kiyone holds some hidden fondness for her partner, to such a degree that, when she is finally promoted, she continues to stand by her.

Kiyone es un detective excepcional con grandes habilidades de puntería con un GP Blaster, y es capaz de usar cualquier equipo de GP correctamente. Ella también mantiene una afición por el karaoke . Ella también tiene una naturaleza realista y, en muchas representaciones, vive en un apartamento con Mihoshi en lugar de imponerse a Tenchi.

Kiyone no está enamorada de Tenchi como las otras chicas, aparte de las novelas de Hasegawa, pero expresa preocupación y cuidado por él.

Orígenes e introducción del personaje

Kiyone made her debut in the first of Naoko Hasegawa's non-canon spinoff novels, One Visitor After Another: Hexagram Of Love (SenKyaku BanRai: Ai no Hexagram), released in May 1993. The best known of these books would be Manatsu no Eve, adapted into a film by AIC in 1997 and released by Pioneer LDC in the U.S. as Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness. Her character proved very popular and would later be imported with a different background into the Mihoshi Special (where canon Tenchi creator Masaki Kajishima did her character designs), and after gaining a fan-base Kiyone would make future appearances in many Tenchi Muyo! series.

In the Mihoshi Special, Kiyone is assigned to rescue Investigator Tenchi and secure the stolen Ultra Energy Matter from the space pirate Ryoko with her. Accompanying them are Ayeka, the heiress of Jurai plutocrats, and the apprentice detective Sasami. After capturing Ryoko, Kiyone after looking through Ryoko's things found out the infamous Professor Washu was behind Ryoko's actions. But after Mihoshi released Ryoko who kidnapped Tenchi again, Kiyone became very depressed over Mihoshi's actions, feeling her career was now down the toilet. After heading to Washu's hideout Mihoshi, Kiyone and Ayeka were captured. Fortunately, Sasami became Pretty Sammy, y Kiyone pudo evitar que Washu usara su Galaxy Destroyer. Pero debido a la torpeza de Mihoshi, Kiyone se cayó accidentalmente y desapareció. Aunque Mihoshi pensó que Kiyone se había sacrificado por obligación, sin que ella lo supiera, Kiyone todavía estaba viva, sola y flotando a la deriva en el espacio planeando la inminente desaparición de su pareja.

Debido a que Mihoshi considera que esta historia es una exageración, no es parte del canon normal de OVA; sin embargo, Kiyone demostró ser lo suficientemente atractivo como para convertirse en parte del elenco de la serie de televisión. ¡Un juego de PC-FX basado en Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki ( Tenchi Muyo! OVA 9.8: Chocando contra Kiyone ) luego vuelve a presentar a su personaje, ya que se le ordena que revise a su antiguo compañero. Junto a ella se encuentra el oficial de policía polizón Hakua, un "protegido" de Mihoshi a quien le cuesta creer que el antiguo Kiyone nunca estuvo realmente muerto. Sin embargo, es capaz de verificar algunos puntos en la historia de Mihoshi, lo que significa que si bien los detalles fueron exagerados, la travesura de la "Materia Ultraenergética" tiene su base de hecho.

As with many characters in Tenchi Muyo! Kiyone was named after locations in Okayama Prefecture in Japan. The name "Kiyone" is taken from the Kiyone train station on Japan's Hakubi railway line. Kiyone was also the name of the village in Tsukubo District where Kiyone Station is located; the village was merged into the city of Sōja in March 2005. The name "Makibi" is taken from the town of Mabi, which was named after the famous scholar Kibi no Makibi; the town was merged into the city of Kurashiki in August 2005.

Negishi canon

Tenchi Universe

In the first Tenchi television series, Kiyone was assigned to locate her missing partner Mihoshi. But to her disbelief, not only was she alive but she was living with the galaxy's most wanted space pirate Ryoko, the two missing Jurai princesses Ayeka and Sasami, and the galaxy's legendary mad scientist Washu. Kiyone tried to arrest Ryoko with some assistance from Ayeka but failed because of Mihoshi's clumsiness. After contacting headquarters, Kiyone found out that she and Mihoshi had been transferred to patrolling the Solar System, which was very depressing for her. Not wanting to be a burden on Tenchi Masaki, Kiyone decides that she and Mihoshi would move into a low-rent apartment. However, difficulties arise as the officers take part-time jobs due to Mihoshi's incompetence and their GP duties, which often require immediate response (even in the middle of work).

After Ayeka and Sasami are accused of treason on planet Jurai, Kiyone found out that the Galaxy Police were aiding the Jurai military with the task of locating them. Because of Mihoshi, both of them were accused of being accomplices. With little choice, Kiyone joins the others to journey to Jurai to clear their names, using her shuttle the Yagami to travel across space; Washu created an interdimensional invention that allowed the Masaki Home to be put into the Yagami. At the end of the series, after being promoted to the GP's high ranks, Kiyone returns to earth for reasons unknown.

Tenchi Muyo! in Love

At the beginning of the first film, Kiyone and Mihoshi witness Kain's escape from and destruction of the GP headquarters, and are later "volunteered" by Ryoko to go back in time with the group to 1970 to save Tenchi's then-teenaged mother Achika from the criminal. While the others pose as students, teachers, or stay out of the way altogether, Kiyone has the decidedly unglamorous task of going undercover as the school janitor.

Later returned to the present for a brief time by Washu, Kiyone brings information and equipment back with her to help everyone deal with the threat. When a plan to convert spiritual energy from Tokyo's five-color Fudo shrines to generate enough Jurai power to recapture Kain fails, Washu sends the dimensional cannon, a weapon with enough destructive power to raze entire galaxies. Kiyone is charged with operating the machine, and fires just as Achika exits subspace with Kain in close pursuit, killing him and ending the villain's threat to the Masaki family.

Tenchi Forever!

Though Kiyone is not present over the course of most of the final film, the GP detective's role is still an important one; she and Mihoshi break into the Galaxy Academy to hack into their dimension stabilizing system so that Washu will be able to create a gateway to track down the missing Tenchi. Later, the two officers set up energy collectors on all the camellia trees planted by Katsuhito Masaki, thus giving Ryoko and Ayeka access to Haruna's fantasy world.

Tenchi in Tokyo

In Tenchi in Tokyo, Kiyone's character design and personality are quite different from in the previous series. Kiyone acts more along the lines of a manic depressive and is more driven towards being promoted and assigned to the Galaxy Police headquarters than her Tenchi Universe counterpart. She also expresses romantic feelings for Tenchi, feeling that he would be better off with a law abider like herself than with the others, though this may have just been to goad Ryoko to come back to Earth.

Mihoshi and Kiyone were originally part of the Galaxy Police task force assigned to apprehend the space pirate Ryoko and her partner Washu in order to recover the stolen Jurai Light stone. After the incident, Kiyone was unhappy with being assigned to Earth (her crush on Tenchi nonwithstanding) and would stoop to anything to put her life back on track. However, after arresting the criminal Bent Cougar in episode 18, she seems to be pleased with the opportunity for transfer to Pluto and was willing to forget all of her experiences on Earth, even after finding out that Ryoko once again became a space pirate. But after being assigned to infiltrate Ryoko's gang, Kiyone decided to find out why the space pirate returned to her old ways (at Mihoshi's suggestion). However, Yugi's servant Hotsuma, no queriendo que Ryoko se reconectara con sus viejos amigos, incriminó a Kiyone y Mihoshi por avisar a la Policía Galaxy y huyeron.

Kiyone se volvió más estable y menos obsesionada con los asuntos relacionados con su trabajo y promoción, y al final elige la amistad sobre las ambiciones profesionales al regresar a la Tierra con Mihoshi para luchar contra Yugi. Pero su lanzadera fue derribada en ruta por Tsugaru , otro de los asistentes de Yugi. Usando una bala de antimateria experimental, Kiyone pudo matar a Tsuguru después de que Mihoshi la protegió de un ataque; luego ayudó a Tenchi y los demás en la batalla final contra Yugi. Poco después, los dos oficiales de GP están muy contentos de patrullar la Tierra una vez más.

Pretty Sammy

While not seen in the actual series, the whip-wielding Evil Kiyone makes her appearance in the music video for "Pretty Sammy, the Magical Girl", played during the end credits of the Mihoshi Special. This short, originally part of the Tenchi Muyo! Soundfile, marked Pretty Sammy's video debut, with Kiyone serving as the magical girl's first-ever animated foe. With her henchmen in tow (one being Amagasaki), Kiyone interrupts a lover's kiss between Sasami and Tenchi, stealing the boy away with her magical powers and cackling madly as they escape in her bicycle-powered spaceship. By transforming into Pretty Sammy, Sasami is able to stop them cold with the Pretty Coquettish Bomber, saving Tenchi from the ample witch's clutches.

In spite of gaining a small measure of popularity in Tenchi fandom, this Kiyone never makes a second appearance in later incarnations of the series.

During the Pretty Sammy OVAs, Kiyone – as Yuri Kiyone (清音 由梨, Kiyone Yuri) (she was given the first name of her Japanese voice actress, Yuri Amano, while her first name became her family name) – works alongside Mihoshi at CD Vision, the music store owned by Sasami and Tenchi's mother Chihiro Kawai. Kiyone is somewhat depressed, as Mihoshi had made it into college while she had failed her entrance exams.

In Magical Project S (AKA Pretty Sammy TV), Kiyone – as Kiyone Amayuri (雨百合 清音, Amayuri Kiyone) (her last name is a portmanteau of the name of Yuri Amano – Amano Yuri – although using different kanji) – works at Sasami and Misao's school as the teacher of a neighboring class. Kiyone has known fellow teacher Mihoshi Mizutani since junior high and deeply resents her. The noise from Mihoshi's class has a tendency to bother Kiyone incessantly, and she would jump at the chance to prove that she is a better teacher than Mihoshi.

What could have been an arranged marriage to Andou Toyokawa was busted by Pixy Misa and her Love-Love Monster Break-Up Girl, though most likely to the teacher's benefit. Having a rational mind, she finds it impossible to accept things so outside the norm as the events that often transpire at the school, and usually faints dead away when insanity erupts.

Okuda manga

Kiyone makes scant appearances in Hitoshi Okuda's manga, as the comics are based on the continuity of the first OVA, in which Kiyone does not take part. In the rare times she does make an appearance, it is usually for a role that takes place outside of "official" canon (i.e. Tenchi Muyo in Love or Pretty Sammy adaptations), sometimes breaking the fourth wall by begging for a larger part.

The GP officer also cameoed occasionally in Okuda's collection of yonkoma, "Tenchi, Heaven Forbid! G...", though she seems much happier forgotten, as the manga explains – tongue-firmly-in-cheek – Kiyone's whereabouts and just why she isn't a force in Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki.

Characters created for the film and television series[edit]

Main characters introduced in Ryo-Ohki[edit]

The following major characters were introduced in the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVAs.


Dr. Clay (Dr.クレイ, Dokutā Kurei) is the main antagonist from the second Tenchi Muyo! OVA series.

He was a colleague of Washu, before her capture by Kagato, and was highly jealous of her superior intelligence. The two, at one point, competed for the Jurai Science Academy's directors chair, but Washu won out. As a result, Clay had to settle for the post of head of the graduate school. At some point, he came into the employ of a mysterious and powerful extra-dimensional being known as Lady Tokimi, which allowed him to bring Washu to her, in exchange for the rule of a single galaxy. To this end, Clay had his creation Zero replace Ryoko, copying her form, powers, and memories.

He has great tendency of physically labeling or marking his favorite material objects with his own initial "ク" (ku) logo, including his own hat. Having everything of his favorite objects being marked with his own logo is subsequently his own downfall; having Washu finding his logo on Zero's (synthetic) buttocks and revealing the location of his spaceship's womanly bridge. In the end, Clay was arrested by Mihoshi, and the dying Zero was merged with Ryoko. Sometime after his arrest, Tokimi's servant D3 modified the memories of both Clay and Zero (while being merged with Ryoko?) to conceal Tokimi's existence.


Kagato (神我人, Kagato) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyō!, serving as the main villain of the original OVAs. A second, alternate incarnation of the character was the antagonist of the initial TM! television series, Tenchi Universe. His name does suggests to be a sentence or a statement of sort, by the kanji 我人, possibly meaning "my people" or the name together roughly translating to "I am God Person"

Tenchi Muyō! Ryō-Ohki

Ruins Buster

Él es el ex alumno de Washu , ayudándola en la creación de su hija, Ryōko , y en la construcción del enorme acorazado, Sōja . Kagato tiene en gran parte las mismas habilidades sobrehumanas que Washū y Ryōko, aunque no está claro si nació con estos poderes o si los logró alterando genéticamente. Kagato se enteró de un artefacto histórico, uno dijo que contiene la "mayor energía del universo". Ambicioso con una curiosidad amoral, encarcela a su mentora dentro de su propia nave, tomando a Sōja como suya y usándola para saquear la galaxia (Washū permanecería en su compañía durante los próximos cinco mil años). Aunque no es un psicópata que mata por matar, Kagatois not concerned with mortals or their feelings, thinking them "worth nothing more than dust"; they have their occasional use as tools, but are overall beneath his notice and not worth killing. However, he will not hesitate to kill should they offend him or if it coincides with a greater purpose; those caught in the collateral damage of his "scientific methods" are similarly out of luck.

Al tener un poderoso control psíquico sobre Ryōko a través de las gemas, Kagato la usa como su marioneta para ejecutar sus órdenes, enviándola a excavaciones arqueológicas mientras recorre el universo en busca de pistas por su cuenta. Una vez observado, un lugar sería arrasado, ya sea que esté poblado o no, para que nadie más repita su investigación. En total, 3.326 ruinas fueron destruidas, con gran pérdida de vidas e innumerables artefactos culturales robados. Fue durante este tiempo que Kagato se ganó el nombre de "Ruins Buster" y un lugar en la parte superior de la Lista de Buscadores Eternos de la Policía Galaxy. Ryōko y Ryō-Ohki, esclavos bajo un despiadado pirata espacial, fueron reconocidos como las principales amenazas.

Eventually, Kagato found the power was linked to Jurai and consequently its royal family bloodline, and Ryōko was sent on an errand to retrieve it. While successful in infiltrating the planet's defenses and causing considerable damage, Ryōko failed, and was pursued away from the planet by the First Prince Yōshō. Their psychic link severed – thanks to Yōshō confiscating the gems into his sword's pommel – Kagato abandons her for dead and commits to the exploration and collection of relics on his own, destroying whatever caught in his wake.

Arrival on Earth

Seven hundred years later, Ryōko is accidentally awakened by Tenchi Masaki, who gives her one of the gems to wear on her left wrist (she had asked for all three) in order to summon Ryō-ohki; the psychic link restored albeit weakened, Kagato sets course for Earth to reclaim his property. Once there he is pleased to find Ryōko has unwittingly collected all that he desires – Jurai's heir (Yōshō) and its royal princesses, (Ayeka Masaki Jurai and Sasami Masaki Jurai). He kidnaps Ryōko from the family onsen and greets the rescue party with mock geniality, sarcastically placing the trouble on Ryōko before Tenchi steps in with his sword. Seeing it as the key to unlocking the great power he'd sought, Kagato warns the boy not to swing around others' property so lightly, telling Tenchi to give up the sword and not his life. He is fascinated when Ryōko intervenes, wondering what she could ever see in the boy. Kagato reasserts his control over Ryōko (Kagato's control manifests itself in Ryōko's eyes; when she possessed all three gems her eyes glowed red, but with only one gem the whites of her eyes became light green, the same color as Kagato's sword) and has her take Tenchi hostage as he interrogates; Ayeka, Mihoshi, and Sasami stand by as Kagato wonders if Tenchi is aware of the sword's power and whether the boy is suitable to unlock it.

Tenchi is able to break free from Ryōko's grasp and attacks, but does nothing but nick Kagato's cheek (which quickly regenerates, but not before drawing greenish blood). Angry, Kagato engages the boy in swordplay to test him, and is sorely disappointed by the result. Reaching out for the sword, he is kept from collecting his treasure by its true owner, Yōshō; the two fight a fairly even match even with the enslaved Ryōko attacking in tandem. After severing Ryōko's left hand, freeing her of her gem and Kagato's control, Yōshō throws the weapon into his royal tree. Thinking his rival has given up, Kagato tries to retrieve it for himself, and is quite literally shocked when he grasps the sword handle: he is not ordained to be its owner. Realizing Tenchi is the sword's successor, Kagato teleports with Ryōko back to his ship, bidding the group to improve their skills as they'll be waiting for them.

He makes good on his word, attacking Ayeka, Tenchi, and Mihoshi from Sōja as they approach in a hybrid of Ryō-Ohki/Ryū-oh, all the while wondering why such fools would throw away their lives for someone as worthless (defective) as Ryōko. During the onslaught, Tenchi attempts to use the ship's Light-Hawk-Wings as a weapon rather than their intended purpose as defense, and it proves costly as they are overwhelmed; the bottom half of the ship is destroyed, with Tenchi caught along with it.

Fight aboard Sōja and aftermath

Ryoko is able to free herself and mounts a last-ditch effort for revenge with the others, not caring if she kills herself so long as Kagato dies with her. She and Ayeka personally engage Kagato, as Mihoshi gets lost along the way and accidentally frees Washu from the reverse side of the ship (though they're unable to get back). Neutralizing the threat, Kagato mentally prods Ayeka before trying to take her blood into himself to learn the secret by force, but finds he is blocked from doing so by the very object of his pursuit – Tsunami, First Ship of Planet Jurai and future incarnation of Sasami. Washu is able to free her daughter from her side of the ship in the meantime, but Ryoko is unable to fight to her full potential due in part to Ayeka's presence.

What everyone did not know at the time was that Tenchi had survived the first attack, although the lower half of his body was destroyed by the blast. The remaining upper half was preserved by a branch of Ryu-Oh and the guardians Azaka and Kamidake until Tsunami arrived. Once aboard her ship, Tsunami was able to fully regenerate Tenchi's body and revived him. She then informed him about the battle with Kagato, for which Tenchi wanted to help. Tsunami agreed, but she also told him she could not accompany him... mostly because she didn't want to endanger Sasami as well.

Hablando cara a cara de nuevo con su mentor después de tantos milenios, Kagato decide mostrarle a Washu algunos trucos nuevos. Extrae poder tanto de Ryoko como de sus gemas y de las a gran escala que había creado a bordo de Sōja , con la intención de causar la destrucción de la Tierra como un experimento para recordar los viejos tiempos. Tsunami vuelve a intervenir para detener la explosión como Kagato ha anticipado, aunque no cuenta con que el disparo se refleje en Sōja en ráfagas, sin pasar por los escudos de la nave. Kagato luego planea matar a Ryoko en el acto para que Sōja use todo el poder de sus gemas .

Tenchi is able to save Ryoko by severing Kagato's arm, though after the initial surprise the young man is beset, with Kagato taking the time to toy with him before invoking the power of the gathered gems into himself. As he draws Tsunami into his ship, Tenchi is despondent over his failure to save everyone, until he is reminded by a past talk with Tsunami to rely not on the sword, but on himself. Thinking him not quite sane, Kagato fires a shot at him directly, and is aghast to find Tenchi not only very much alive when the smoke clears but having produced Light-Hawk-Wings of his own – the only non-ship entity able to do so. Kagato is initially surprised, as the power from Tsunami that allows Light-Hawk-Wings to be created has been cut off from the rest of the universe, but he quickly realises that these Wings come from within Tenchi himself and do not rely on any connection to Tsunami.

As Tenchi is able to ward off all projectile attacks, Kagato engages Tenchi point blank, and their dueling sword strokes hew each other in half. But while Tenchi is able to regenerate, Kagato finds he can not. He maintains his composure in his last moments, intrigued for the last time on how superbly done it all was. With Sōja cut in half as well, Tenchi and the others scramble to escape before it explodes.

The girl Kagato

In the final episode of the third OVA, it was revealed that Kagato was actually a hermaphrodite, having long discarded the female half out of spite for the gender. That gentler female half had resided within Noike Jurai, whereas Dr. Clay had placed a seal on the girl, preventing the female Kagato from completely merge with Noike. This had allowed Z to spy on the family through Noike's eyes while he plotted to kill Tenchi.

Durante la batalla con Z, Tenchi fue cortado a la mitad cuando fue a salvar a Ryoko de un destino similar. Fue durante el breve instante intermedio que Tenchi pudo conocer a la chica Kagato, quien fue encontrada llorando durante una batalla. Tenchi pudo consolar a la niña diciéndole que todo estaba bien. La chica Kagato le preguntó si podía quedarse con él para siempre, a lo que él estuvo de acuerdo. Pero antes de que Tenchi pudiera preguntar sobre algo que ella dijo (durante la batalla, le suplicó, obviamente a su mitad masculina, que ella también era una Kagato), se sintió atraído de nuevo a la batalla con Z, y la chica le suplicó que no la dejara.

After Washu had noted that, before Z's attack that she knew that he was spying on them through Noike, it was found out that the Kagato cells were in her (the cells had Clay's logo on them), Tokimi used her powers to remove the female Kagato from Noike. Soon, Washu was able to remove the seal, and the female Kagato soon fully merged with Noike.

It is never explained, however, exactly how or why the female half of Kagato ended up residing in Noike, or why she was placed there in the first place.

Tenchi Muyo! novels and manga

Las novelas de Masaki Kajishima arrojan un poco más de luz sobre Kagato. Naja Akara era estudiante en la "Academia Imperial Jurai", y al conocer a Washu, los dos se hicieron amigos cercanos. Ambos eran casi iguales en intelecto, con académicos destacados que los clasificaban como élites de su clase o de cualquier otro. De hecho, su diligencia y compromiso con los asuntos de la academia a lo largo de los años fue la razón principal detrás de divorciar la institución del control de los juraianos y restablecerla ellos mismos como la "Academia Galaxy".

Despite her intellect and standing, Naja had a bipolar yet jocular disposition, always trying to surprise her friend with an outstanding party or event (much to Washu's chagrin). For almost 15,000 years, the two would research the power of Washu's gems and ancient archaeological remnants, determined to unlock their full potential. Before their plans could come to fruition, Naja went missing while doing research on planet K-1190 under a pirate attack and was presumed dead (though her body was never found), but before doing so, rescued a number of refugees from the planet... including Ayeka and Sasami's future grandmother Seto, who was at the time orphaned by the attack. Grief-stricken over the loss, Washu attempted to clone Naja as some means of bringing her friend back by combining a lifeform known as El propio ADN de Masu y Naja.

El clon, sin embargo, mostró un comportamiento muy diferente al del Naja real. Una vez que nació el clon, ella y Washu experimentaron en la creación de un ser para controlar el poder de las gemas (investigación que eventualmente conduciría al nacimiento de Ryoko). Durante este tiempo, el clon de Naja poseía espiritualmente un prototipo masculino de Ryoko, y tomó el nombre de "Kagato". Poco después, Kagato selló a Washu y persiguió su propio objetivo de descubrir la teoría del campo unificado.. Después de esto, Kagato, con la ayuda de Ryoko esclavizado, se embarcó en una ola de crímenes de 5.000 años que le valió su reputación. También es la razón por la que Azusa vino a encontrarse con Funaho, ya que había perdido en la batalla contra Kagato y había huido a la Tierra. El mismo Kajishima ha insinuado que Kagato todavía puede estar vivo de alguna forma o forma. Esto posiblemente se refiere a la mitad femenina de Kagato, que presumiblemente es el resultado del clon femenino de Naja que posee el prototipo masculino. (Consulte Noike Jurai para obtener más detalles).

Kagato has also made appearances in Naoko Hasegawa's novels and Hitoshi Okuda's two manga series, but all these books are considered outside "official" canon. In Okuda's manga, Kagato reappears in the form of a clone who holds all the memories of the original, but has a much more submissive personality and acts merely as a subordinate to a former student of the original.

Tenchi Universe

En la primera serie de televisión, Kagato tiene una apariencia y un origen diferente al de su contraparte de OVA, ya que es un gran espadachín conectado con la Familia Real de Jurai (por esa razón, los fanáticos también lo llaman Kagato Jurai ). Habría sido el héroe legendario en lugar de Yosho, pero se obsesionó con el poder, cometiendo innumerables actos destructivos en su búsqueda de más poder. Yosho lo derrotó, y el nombre y la imagen de Kagato fueron borrados de los registros y ciudades de Jurai.

But years later Kagato would return to pose as Yosho, having greatly increased his power having spent his time in the Darkness of the Universe (presumably Hell). Such power granted him, among other things, Eternal Youth and a Master Key of his own (which resembled a dark bastard sword, as opposed to Tenchi-ken's tsurugi-like appearance). By posing as Yosho and displaying a fraction of his great power, he was recognized as Jurai's returning King and Emperor. Kagato then declared Ayeka and Sasami wanted for treason, all a part of his plan to eliminate the rest of Jurai's royal bloodline and to get revenge against his former friend Yosho. This forces the Tenchi family to leave Earth and journey to Jurai to clear their names.

After Katsuhito reveals that he is Yosho, Kagato confronted him at the old Jurai Palace. Although Yosho – and later, Ryoko – was no match for him, when Kagato saw Tenchi, he noticed his resemblance to Yosho and quickly realized that Tenchi is Yosho's descendant.

Llevándose a Ayeka con él y dejando a Yosho y Ryoko gravemente heridos, Kagato le dijo a Tenchi que si llegaba al palacio de Jurai lo desafiaría, usando a Ayeka como palanca para atraer a Tenchi a la pelea. Con la ayuda de sus amigos, Tenchi puede ascender a la sala del trono y luchar directamente contra el falso emperador. Sin embargo, Kagato es demasiado fuerte y hábil para que la pelea sea pareja. En su lugar, decide matar a Ayeka y terminar la pelea a su antojo. Al ver lo que está a punto de suceder, Tenchi puede aprovechar su verdadero potencial. Similar al OVA original, los dos golpes de espada comerciales, y es nuevamente Kagato quien cae. No le reprocha a su asesino en la muerte, recordando cómo perdió ante Yosho y lo similar que fue al final.

Cero [ editar ]

Zero (, rei "zero, 0") is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! anime series.

Zero is a creation of Dr. Clay, and possesses the ability to mimic another being, including that individual's memories. Using this talent, she abducts and temporarily replaces Ryoko.

However, Zero was unable to duplicate Ryoko's gems, despite being endowed this power by Lady Tokimi. Perplexed, Clay has Zero use the originals to make a complete copy. While successful, not only does Zero gain Ryoko's powers but her feelings towards Tenchi as well. She defies Dr. Clay's orders when he ordered her to kill Tenchi when he feared that he was a liability in her mission. Afterwards, Zero was confronted by Washu, who had found out earlier that Zero was a duplicate of Ryoko when she found Dr. Clay's logo on "her" buttocks when they took a bath together. Zero was ready to face her and Ayeka to capture Washu, but it ended when Tenchi showed up during their confrontation and Zero chose to flee in tears, not wanting to face him.

When Zero confronts Clay to ask him to leave Tenchi alone, the doctor uses his ring to short circuit her, but somehow Zero survived. Later, after Dr. Clay was captured, Washu fused Zero with Ryoko, which allowed Ryoko to be more open in her feelings.

Major characters introduced in Tenchi Muyo GXP[edit]

Noike Jurai[edit]

Noike Kamiki Jurai (神木 ノイケ 樹雷, Kamiki Noike Jurai) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! anime series, debuting as a major character in the third OVA series and appearing in a cameo in Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

Noike Kamiki Jurai, or Noike Sakatsu, is the adopted daughter of Seto Kamiki Jurai. She was abandoned by her mother after her mother's fiancé decided that a child would be too much of a bother for them. She spent her childhood in an orphanage, and at some point, ended up in the GP Academy. Not to long after becoming a "1st class detective", Noike would meet with Mikami Kuramitsu, the principal of GP Academy. This meeting was arranged so that Noike might meet with Seto Kamiki Jurai, who would immediately go on to adopt her, bond her with a third-generation tree, arrange her marriage to Tenchi Masaki, and inadvertently introduce her to her new older sister, Misaki Kamiki Jurai.

She was a partner to Mihoshi Kuramitsu. It was during this period that by chance she was reunited with her natural (biological) mother while investigating a traffic accident and confronted her on why she was put up for adoption. Later on, she had been introduced as a fiancé to Tenchi Masaki. Naturally, Ryoko and Ayeka were not happy about the whole situation. Later, she revealed to Ryoko and Ayeka that her role as Tenchi's fiancé was in fact a ruse; she was actually keeping an eye on Tenchi and his household, which—containing Ryoko, Washu, two princesses of Jurai, and Tenchi himself—is perhaps the largest concentration of power in the universe, but she did fall in love with Tenchi.

Also, it seems that Noike was continually suffering from visions of Tenchi rescuing a young girl. She exhibited this problem when she first arrived at the Masaki carrot garden and fainted from the experience. It wasn't until the final episode of the third OVA that the cause of these visions was discovered.

It was eventually discovered, after their encounter with Z that Noike had extra cells in her body, cells which had Dr. Clay's personal logo on them. With Tokimi's help, the cells were removed, and they constituted themselves into the girl in Noike's vision. The girl, it turned out, was the female half of Kagato, which had been discarded by the fiend and is the young girl that Tenchi had saved when his mind had drifted into the past after being injured by Z. Clay had later placed his seal (his personal logo) on the female Kagato, which prevented her from completely merging with Noike, which in turn allowed Z to spy on the Masakis through Noike's eyes. Thanks to Washu, Clay's influence was then removed from her, after which the female Kagato re-fused herself permanently to Noike.

However, it has yet to be explained how or why the female half of Kagato resides within Noike to begin with in the first place.

When Noike first met Tenchi she had long hair, but shortly after she moved in she had it cut because it would get in the way of her work. It turned out that she used to have her hair that way before she was adopted by Lady Seto, but Noike claimed on official occasions she would wear a wig. Noike also helps out Sasami with the household chores and is very good at keeping Mihoshi in line. Noike also has some medical training which she used to help Tenchi when he was bedridden with a fever that she herself had secretly inflicted on Tenchi, perhaps using that as a way of ingratiating herself into the family. Noike even bought a truck to help Tenchi with his work in the field as well as use it for other chores. She also offered to give Ayeka and Ryoko lessons in driving the truck.

As a member of Jurai's royal family, Noike is bonded by a third-generation Juraian tree ship, Kyoko. However, the ship is actually a secret design, giving it the power near that of a second-generation ship. This was in response to Ryoko's attack on Jurai 700 years before, where she easily smashed through Jurai's defense network and no ship lower than a second-generation could defend against her. Also, Kyoko has a 'terminal' body which looks like a little green blob, which acts as a wireless connection to the ship at all times. This blob can act jealously sometimes, especially if someone doesn't pay attention to it. This attitude could be attributed to the fact that Kyoko is a highly guarded secret, so she does not get many visitors.

Seina Yamada[edit]

Seina Yamada (山田 西南, Yamada Seina) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series and serves as the main character of Tenchi Muyo! GXP, a television spinoff from the original OVAs.

Unlucky boy

Seina Yamada is a good friend of Tenchi Masaki and his parents run a small grocery at the beginning of the series. However, aside from Tenchi, Kiriko Masaki and Kiriko's brother Kai, Seina has very few friends; mostly because he has the worst luck in the universe. Minor disasters often occur in his presence, and anyone near him stays a good distance away from him. Seina's usual (lack of) luck almost ends when a spaceship nearly crashlands on his head at the Masaki residence. Its driver, Galaxy Police Detective Second Class Amane Kaunaq, had meant to present Tenchi a pamphlet for joining the G.P., but mistakenly offers Seina the application instead, under the impression that Tenchi was training the boy.

His family persuades him—via forcibly nabbing his signature and thumb print—to fill out the application, with the hope that Seina would win a prize. When he wakes from sleep what he thinks is the following morning, he finds himself aboard a spaceship, recruited to be the newest member of the G.P. Academy. He also meets Mitoto Kuramitsu, the ditzy mother of Mihoshi and cleaning lady extraordinaire, before discovering his friend Kiriko is also a GP officer. From there, Seina is thrown into a plan to stop the Daluma pirate guild from taking over the galaxy.

When Seina's bad luck was found to have an effect of attracting space pirates, the G.P. capitalized on it by placing Seina in command of one of the Decoy Fleet's newest ships, the Kamidake (which included systems designed by Tenchi's sister Tennyo Masaki). However, when the ship was irreparably damaged as a result of a prolonged chase and multiple battles with space pirates (including Tarant Shank, generally regarded as the most evil of all), Seto then presented Seina with a ship designed by Washu Hakubi, which was named the Kamidake II by Seina. The ship consist of the main ship body and a cabbit, similar to Ryo-Ohki, named Fuku by Seina. Fuku differs from Ryo-Ohki in that Fuku serves as a terminal body and more importantly, the power source for the ship, thus is not able to transform into a ship. However, according to Washu Hakubi, it is possible for Fuku to turn into a cabbit girl like Ryo-Ohki... if Fuku wishes for it as she matures.

Later, the ship became a hybrid, when under Seto Kamiki Jurai's supervision, it was fused together with Kiriko's second generation royal tree Mizuki (enabling it to generate Light Hawk Wings for protection). The main pod, which house the royal tree in a Juraian Royal Tree ship, was used for the fusion.

Battles with pirates and resulting revelations

During the time Seina commanded the Kamidake and Kamidake II, he was earning an equivalent to a fleet commander's salary. However, because he was still a cadet, that money was kept in a special account until he graduated and was given what he would normally earn. The interest the money accumulated, however, was forwarded to his family on Earth. It was so much money that the Yamada family used it to build a huge new home, as well as building a huge supermarket in place of their small grocery. While Seina was visiting Tenchi back on Earth, Amane, Kiriko, Ryoko Balta, and Neju, who was visiting at the time, worked at the Yamada's supermarket, where they were worked until exhausted.

It was later in the series when Seina, who was trying to rescue Fuku from rogue elements of the Galaxy Army, was found by a tribe of Wau, who mistake him for their savior and threw him into an ancient mecha, (which bears a striking reselance to Dual!'s Zinv). Somehow, Seina was able to activate the mecha, which he used to save not only Fuku, but also cabbit clones made from Fuku's cells by Tarant, who had allied himself with the rogue G.A. faction. Angered by this, Seina fought Shank and his allies. But in doing this, the mecha was able to integrate itself to the Kamidake II, which was captured with Fuku. And even more startling, the mecha formed Light Hawk Wings, even though it was not bonded with Mizuki.

Afterward, it was revealed by Emperor Azusa and Empresses Funaho and Misaki that the mecha (now known as Idol) had as its power source a first generation Jurai tree seed, with the seed bonding itself with Seina. As a result, Seina is now third-in-line to the Jurai throne, behind Yosho and Tenchi. Thus, a political marriage between Seina, Amane, Kiriko, Ryoko Balta, and Neju was arranged for political reasons. Seina is initially very disposed against what he thinks is an attempt to force the girls into marrying him, but is later persuaded that they are doing so out of their own free wills.

However, before the ceremony could begin, two incidents occurred. First, Shank had broken into Seina's dressing room, hoping to kill the boy. Luckily, Shank's impatience gets the best of him and Seina was able to subdue him. Also, Seto's ladies-in-waiting – Gyokuren, Hakuren, Karen, and Suiren – who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure the Renza Alliance's political bond with the Jurai Royal Family. As a result, the four are included into the marriage as well as the crew of the Kamidake.

Amane Kaunaq[edit]

Amane Kaunaq (雨音・カウナック, Amane Kaunakku) is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.[1]


Originally the galaxy's greatest supermodel, Amane Kaunaq felt disgusted and burned-out from it and left the business to become part of the Galaxy Police. She was very good at her job (even earning the nickname 'the Zero Goddess' because of her avoidance of pirate encounters). Amane was in line to gain a promotion to Detective 1st Class when, after landing her spaceship in the lake outside Tenchi Masaki's home, she gave Seina Yamada an application to the G.P. Academy. Previously, in episode 18 of the third Tenchi OVA, she had contacted Tenchi, through her friend Mihoshi Kuramitsu, about his entering the G.P. Academy. When she saved Seina from drowning, she had erroneously assumed that Tenchi was training Seina, and gave the boy an application to the Academy as well, forgetting a regulation that prohibits citizens of underdeveloped planets from entering (however, Tenchi was considered because of his blood connection with the Jurai Royal Family).

As a result of her mistake, Amane's promotion was placed on-hold and she ended up assigned as an instructor in the G.P. Academy, along with Kiriko Masaki and her old childhood friend Seiryo Tennan. Despite her previous friendly relationship with him as a child, Amane has developed a deep hatred towards Seiryo due to his silly antics and overbearing tenacity and because he tried to flip up her skirt when they were children. Amane has demonstrated that she wants nothing to do with Seiryo, and even beaten him up a few times when Seiryo tried to make a move on her or even slightly annoyed her.

After Seina would receive the body enhancing modifications he needed to keep up with the other students, Seina moved into Amane's private home, along with Kiriko and Erma (secretly, Erma was in fact the space pirate Ryoko Balta, who was spying on Seina).

Amane's life would soon be revolving around Seina as the G.P. utilizes the boy's fantastic amount of bad luck, which seems to attract space pirates, in a plan to bring peace throughout the galaxy.

Though seen as more flirtious of the group, Amane truly cares about Seina. When he was injured by a high flying Seiryo, she immediately ran to Seina. She loves him very much and is one of the few who openly fights for his affection and attention.

Trying to help Seina

Like Kiriko, Ryoko and Neju, Amane was later engaged to wed Seina in a political marriage. However, before the ceremony could begin, Seto's ladies-in-waiting, who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure their non-Galactic Union organization's survival. As a result, the four are apparently included into the marriage, or at least the crew of the Kamidake II.

Family connections

Amane's family happens to be the head of one of the premiere fashion houses in the galaxy. Amane mostly entered the Galaxy Police to spite her tradition-bound father, who still kept in contact with his daughter despite her entry into the G.P.. Amane, later on, would briefly re-enter the modeling business when her family sponsored a G.P. fashion show. It was only after seeing Amane's skill and abilities during a live-fire demonstration of the latest G.P. battle gear that Amane's father conceded that his daughter had made the right choice... but still held out she would return to modeling.

Amane's family is also friends of the powerful Kuramitsu family of planet Seniwa, and Amane is acquainted with both Mihoshi and her brother Misao Kuramitsu. In fact, Amane had trained Misao, and she still refers to the boy as "Rookie".

Kiriko Masaki[edit]

Kiriko Masaki (正木 霧恋, Masaki Kiriko) is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Seina's childhood friend, Kiriko Masaki would often be tending to the many injuries that Seina would suffer from his bad luck. She cares for Seina deeply and would fight to protect him from further harm. Even her younger brother Kai would help out Seina in repairing (or otherwise constructing from new) the bicycles that would be wrecked because of Seina's bad luck.

What was not known about Kiriko was that she actually has blood ties to the Jurai royal family... a small tie, but it exists (she's also older than she appears... she's 33, but looks 21). Even Kai was unaware of their connection and wouldn't find out until Kiriko's wedding.

For a time because of this, Kiriko was one of Seto Kamiki Jurai's ladies-in-waiting, and that connection helped Kiriko to gain a position with the Galaxy Police's immigration department, where she worked when she wasn't on Earth.

Trying to help Seina

It was while Kiriko was working in the G.P.'s immigration department is when she found out that Seina had enrolled in the G.P.. Immediately, she pleaded to the boy without success for him to leave. Soon afterward, she was assigned to the G.P. Academy, along with Amane Kaunaq. During Seina's training, she had moved into Amane's house at the Academy along with Erma, although it was more to keep an eye on Amane and keep her from making a move on Seina.

It was later on in the series that Kiriko began to feel inadequate compared to the other women in Seina's life – Amane, Ryoko Balta, and more recently Neju Na Melmas. It was after an experiment using Seto's ship Mikagami that her life would be changed. In a ceremony witnessed by Seto's husband Utsutsumi and Emperor Azusa, Kiriko was bonded to a second-generation Jurai tree, thus giving her the name Kiriko Masaki Jurai (柾木 霧恋 樹雷, Masaki Kiriko Jurai). The tree's name is Mizuki, and now aided Fuku in powering the Kamidake II, the ship she shared command with Seina and Amane.

Like Amane, Ryoko and Neju, Kiriko was later engaged to wed Seina in a political marriage. However, before the ceremony could begin, Seto's ladies-in-waiting, who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure their non-Galactic Union organization's survival. As a result, the four are apparently included into the marriage, or at least the crew of the Kamidake II.

Through it all, Kiriko loves Seina. She wished for him to return to earth at one point when she was generally worried about Seina being in space. She believes that it is because she sees him as a burden but while talking to Airi, she soon realized that there was a difference between seeing someone as a burden and loving someone to where you would do anything to protect them. Kiriko truly loves Seina.

G.P. training

As a G.P. officer, Kiriko has access to much of the G.P.'s standard complement of weapons and training in their use, as well as her Jurai strength. In one episode, she demonstrated the use of one of these – a bodysuit that featured cloaking technology, which enabled her to attack with complete surprise. Also in the heat of battle, Kiriko tends to concentrate solely on battle and not on the environment around her – which was why when she approached Tarant Shank – covered in the blood of her previous opponents – she became surprised and then saddened to find that Seina was terrified of her.

Ryoko Balta[edit]

Ryoko Balta (リョーコ・バルタ, Ryōko Baruta) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! spinoff series: Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Although she named herself after Ryoko Hakubi, Ryoko Balta is hardly as bloodthirsty as that infamous space pirate was rumored to be. Even though she was a member of the dreaded Daluma pirate guild, Ryoko Balta is the most educated and cultured pirate there was. She is well-versed in many customs from other planets, including the Japanese Tea Ceremony. And her beauty is such that some male Galaxy Police members would be willing to desert their posts in order to join her (it is rumored that there are many "Ryoko Balta Fan Clubs" in some G.P. posts).

Within the pirate guild, however, Ryoko had few friends, and was hostile to Tarant Shank, the guild's vilest member. However, she is also a great friend of another of the guild's members, Kyo Komachi.

Ryoko Balta is also a shape-shifter, and she often used this power to infiltrate Galaxy Police posts to gain information. One of her favorite forms is that of Erma, a Wau Galaxy Police clerk who works for Airi Masaki, the head of the G.P.'s Jurai office and the grandmother of Tenchi Masaki.

Meeting Seina

Ryoko Balta first met Seina Yamada when her ship attacked the transport carrying him to the Galaxy Police Academy. Three of the crew – Alan, Barry and Cohen – forced a surrender when they found out Ryoko was on board. However, when she met Seina, Ryoko was taken in with him and allowed the transport to leave. She even deliberately failed to add Seina's name in the Daluma Guild's enemies list.

Ryoko later met Seina again, only this time in her role as Erma. She, along with Amane Kaunaq and Kiriko Masaki, moved in with Seina at Amane's home at the Academy.

Ryoko's capture

Shank forced Ryoko to participate in a plan of his by imprisoning the families of her crew and threatened to kill them unless she killed Seina Yamada. Using her disguise as Erma, Ryoko accompanied Seina on a shopping trip at the G.P. Academy. But when she finally confronted Seina, the boy gave her a present – a simple star pendant.

Overcome with guilt and shame, Ryoko dropped her disguise and confessed to Seina. She then turned the gun she planned to use to kill Seina on herself. But before she could pull the trigger, Amane Kaunaq and Kiriko Masaki (who were jealously following Ryoko (Erma) and Seina to keep an eye on them) barged in and Seina stopped her. Ryoko was later captured by Airi; it seemed that a short time ago, Airi found out that Erma was really Ryoko but didn't have the evidence to prove it.

At the same time, Kyo Komachi (with secret help from Airi Masaki) managed to free the families of Ryoko's crew. At the same time, the families took with them a second-generation Juraian tree-seed, which the Daluma Guild had procured in the hopes of discovering its secrets.

Life after capture

However, as per procedure, Ryoko Balta's DNA was listed in the Galaxy Police's database, and in the process, it was discovered that her DNA was disguised. The reason for this was that, in fact, she was the last heir to the Balta Guild, which stands to become a member of the Galactic Union. With help from Seto, she was released as a subordinate of Seina. After the group made it to Jurai, Seto revealed Ryoko's past to her... and Ryoko even got to meet her grandfather, the ruler of the Balta Guild. But even though she was invited to come back home, Ryoko chose to stay with Seina.

Ryoko then became a member of the newest ship in the Galaxy Police's fleet – the Kamidake II, which was created by Washu Hakubi. Mostly out of love for the boy, Ryoko, along with Amane, Kiriko – and later the childlike former priestess Neju Na Melmas – fought alongside Seina, which included rescuing Seina and Fuku when a rogue faction of the Galaxy Army – who were aiding Shank – tried to gain the secrets to Fuku's power.

Later on, Ryoko, as well as Amane, Kiriko and Neju, were placed in an arranged political marriage with Seina, although they all assured him that this was with their full consent. However, before the ceremony could begin, Seto's ladies-in-waiting, who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure their non-Galactic Union organization's survival. As a result, the four are apparently included into the marriage, or at least the crew of the Kamidake II.

Neju Na Melmas[edit]

Neju Na Melmas (ネージュ・ナ・メルマス, Nēju Na Merumasu) is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Although she looks like a ten-year-old girl, Neju is actually a 3000-year-old high priestess and spiritual leader of her planet. Politically savvy as well as extremely cunning, she had countless assassination attempts thwarted through body doubles and her great powers. Neju is an exceptionally powerful telepath, able to affect movement and persuade others through intimidation.

Meeting Seina

Neju first met Seina Yamada on Jurai, after Seina found out that his ship, the Kamidake, had suffered fatal damage following a battle with Tarant Shank. She had accompanied Seina, Amane Kaunaq, Kiriko Masaki and Ryoko Balta to the G.P. Academy on board their new ship, the Kamidake II, presented by Seto Kamiki Jurai... with strict orders from the G.P. not to use their weaponry along the way.

From the first moment she stepped foot on the ship, Neju was almost inseparable from Seina, which caused quite a bit of jealousy between the girls. She was even present when, during a pirate attack, Fuku was hatched.


It was while the girls were monitoring a visit to the ship's holodeck between Seina, Neju and Fuku that Kiriko discovered the truth. She had seen around Neju's neck a golden necklace which identified her as the high priestess of Melmas. Armed with this knowledge, the girls went to confront Neju, but were partially paralyzed by her as a show of her powers. But everything was patched-up when Neju gave a little encouragement to Fuku when a major pirate attack was launched by the ship.

When the Kamidake II finally arrived at the G.P. Academy, they learned from Seto that the pirate attack were more than likely an assassination attempt against Neju. She went on to explain that Neju was near the point where she has to select her successor and would soon enter a secular life, which would normally require her to remain on Melmas for five years. But since she would still face death by enemies she gained during her tenure, it was decided that Neju should enter the G.P. Academy as a student.

Neju on Earth

During a brief stopover on Earth, the Kamidake II crew was surprised that Neju had showed up at Seina's new home (built from the interest accrued from an account of his pay and sent to his family). She had a body double stand-in for her so that she could travel to Earth, mostly to find out about Seina's life on Earth.

Neju even helped out Amane, Kiriko and Ryoko at the Yamada's new supermarket while Seina and Fuku visited Tenchi, mainly to talk to Washu about Fuku's origins. They had to leave Earth in a hurry when the Daluma Guild launched their "Good Luck" fleet as a counter to Seina's bad luck.

A life with Seina

Like Amane, Kiriko and Ryoko, Neju was engaged to wed Seina in a political marriage after the defeat of a rogue faction of the Galaxy Army (aided by Shank). However, before the ceremony could begin, Seto's ladies-in-waiting, who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure their non-Galactic Union organization's survival. As a result, the four are apparently included into the marriage, or at least the crew of the Kamidake II.

Neju's feelings towards Seina are very ambiguous. On one hand she has stated that she wishes to marry him and also interested in how she would look in a few more years. On the other hand, she was shown to be more as an observer of Seina and how he allowed her to be the girl she could not on Melmas. Either way, Seina has shown tremendous concern and affection for Neju which she seems to reciprocate to a certain degree.

Seiryo Tennan[edit]

Seiryō Tennan (天南 静竜, Tennan Seiryō) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!, first introduced in the second OVA series as a "villainous" annoyance and much later as a main character and general nuisance in the spinoff Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

Tenchi Muyō! Ryō-Ohki

When Juraian Emperor Azusa visits Earth and attempts to bring his daughters Ayeka and Sasami back home, they will have none of it, wanting to remain there with Tenchi. Still sore over Tenchi's grandfather (and the emperor's own son) Yōshō abandoning Jurai to marry an Earthling, Azusa begrudgingly approves, but only if Tenchi could defeat his chosen fiancé for Ayeka in a duel. This "worthy suitor" was Seiryō Tennan, son of one of Jurai's wealthiest families. Flashy with an exaggerated sense of style (he rigs his own light show and cherry blossoms for special effects), Seiryō sees the events from a skewed point of view, believing the princesses to be confined in a dump much worse than a prison cell. He takes it upon himself to "liberate" Ayeka from her forced labor and thereby the barbarous Tenchi, believing it to be his, or rather, "any civilized person's" moral duty.

Boastful, Seiryō thinks it would be a wise idea for Tenchi to concede – not wanting to "bully the weak" – and beseeches him not to worry as he won't be using his full power. Some time before the duel was to begin, the group makes bets on whom they think will win: the majority (including Seiryo's prospective bride and in-laws) side with Tenchi, Azusa favors Seiryō in "less than a minute", and Washū places an unorthodox bet on Mihoshi, who wasn't even present at the time.

Washū emerged as the winner of the bet. Mihoshi's shuttle crash lands in the Masaki family lake before the match begins, swamping the deck of the house and leaving a dazed Seiryō to be washed back into the water- Tenchi, on the other hand, was waterlogged but otherwise unfazed. As a result, Tenchi won by default, Seiryō losing his chance at arranged marriage.

Tenchi Muyo! GXP

His "defeat" would be so humiliating for Seiryō that he would develop a personal hatred for all Earthlings, a grudge which would continue on into Tenchi Muyō! GXP. He holds a teacher's position at the Galaxy Police Academy, and immediately develops a distaste for the human Seina Yamada when he becomes a cadet.

Seina becomes Seiryō's nemesis, constantly foiling his endless idiotic plots for revenge (mostly through Seina's streak of bad luck). Having rebounded from his missed shot at Ayeka, Seiryō becomes infatuated again by childhood acquaintance Amane, despite being frequently and violently rejected; her attachment to Seina only serves to deepen his hatred for the young recruit, so much so that in Episode 6, Seriyō holds up the necessary body augmentation that Seina needed to at least survive life at the academy. However, Mikami Kuramitsu found out, and assigned Seriyō to clean toilets... with her niece Mitoto supervising.

Seiryō is brash and overconfident, often severely embarrassing himself through acts of sheer incompetence. However, he is also an accomplished fighter, and is quite proficient with a lightsword.

After Amane allowed him to be captured by the enemy in Episode 9, Seiryō learns during Episode 18 the Tennan family has signed a supply contract with the Daluma pirate guild. Seiryō follows his father's orders to assist the pirates and becomes the captain of the Daluma guild's anti-Seina Good Luck Fleet. In a stunning display of idiocy, he names his flagship Unko, which could mean "Luck Bringer" in written Japanese ... but also translates as "excrement" or "poop" when spoken aloud.

After fighting the G.P. ship Kamidake II to a standstill twice, Lady Seto decides to resolve the whole situation by issuing a challenge to Seriyō in Seina's name to an official duel. However, during the duel when Seina slips on a piece of candy, his Shock Baton gets caught in Seiryō's belt and loosens it completely, causing Seriyō's pants to fall down and exposing his red fundoshi (loincloth) and costing Seriyō another match via embarrassment.

At the end of the series, Seiryō works as the head waiter at a space station behind Earth's moon, where Seina's wedding was being held, as the station was owned by the Tennan family. While there, he encounters space pirate and former captor Kyō Komachi, and proposes to her after revealing that it was her birthday.

Tarant Shank[edit]

Tarant Shank (タラント・シャンク, Taranto Shanku) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! anime series, and is currently exclusive to Tenchi Muyo! GXP, a television spinoff from the original OVAs.

Never-ending vendetta

Shank is a member of the dreaded Daluma Guild, but the terror the organization holds over the galaxy is nothing compared to that wreaked by Shank. He is bloodthirsty and cruel, feared by both the Galaxy Police and his peers. He is captain of the Daidalos, and no prisoner brought aboard his ship tends to live very long. Though sadistic enough to pass up an easy kill to instill more terror in his prey, Tarant is a survivalist and cowardly at heart, using others (even his own subordinates) as a shield when plans go awry and he has to escape.

Shank has a grudge against GP officer Seina Yamada before ever meeting him, namely because his "incompetent old man" was captured in Seina's first great lure before he actually arrived at the GP Academy, tarnishing the Shank family name. He attacks a destroyer transporting Seina and amuses himself by stalking the boy while killing GP officers. Before Shank can decide what torture to visit upon him, Kiriko Masaki steps in to save him, allowing Seina the chance to stab Shank in the arm and escape. The pirate backs down for now, vowing to hunt down and kill Seina for the shame he's brought himself. His later plans to take Seina's family hostage fail after Tenchi and the others get involved, and Ryoko Balta proves useless when she cares too much for the boy to act as an assassin. The Daidalos then leads a small fleet into a direct confrontation with Seina while en route to Jurai, but Shank is forced to retreat after coming under fire from Ryo-Ohki.

Shank has all passengers aboard a commuter ship killed, leaving a bio-droid as a sole "survivor" to be recovered by Seina's Kamidake II. The infiltration succeeds and the ship's crew is captured, with the K2 being swallowed whole by the whale-like Daidalos. Shank taunts Kiriko and Seina, gloating before returning the boy's knife to him through the chest. However, the setup itself was a ruse by the GP, with the supposed prisoners being holographic dupes created by Washu. Off-balance, the Daidalos is mortally crippled when K2 opens fire from within the docking bay and explodes as its captives break their way out of its hull. Tarant survives the attack, though the upper left portion of his torso and face (including his left eye) are irreparably damaged. Scarred now with numerous metal cybernetic accoutrements, he falls further from grace after a loss to Seiryo with light swords, upending his chances of commanding the newest flagship of the Daluma fleet.

Striking out on his own

Shank was not present when the Daluma Guild was dissolved and incorporated into the Balta Guild, instead forming an alliance with a rogue faction within the Galaxy Army. They abduct Fuku and the Kamidake II in order to learn the ship's secrets, with Tarant growing ever impatient that his scientists can't simply dissect the cabbit instead of producing imperfect clones (it is implied that he tortured the helpless cabitt clones for his own amusement). He's eager to fight Seina again when the boy storms his lab to take Fuku back, but Tarant is ill-prepared for the young man's rage; Yamada's mecha, reacting to Seina's fury, attacks and nearly crushes Shank, who though injured manages to flee.

Bruised but not yet beaten, Shank boards the rebuilt Daidalos, commanding his and the rogue GA fleet to concentrate all firepower towards Seina, conspiring to kill him and obliterate the planet to cover their tracks. The mecha is not destroyed, however, instead blocking the combined firepower and then teleporting in front of the two fleets to continue its own attack. Terrified now, Shank sacrifices his own ships and men to buy time, ordering his crew to jump into hyperspace to escape. The ship successfully warps away just as Seina's mech comes within arm's reach, but as Shank curses the young officer for robbing him of whatever accomplishments and ambitions he might have had, the pirate is horrified to see the mecha's hand (aided with the power of the Light Hawk Wings from the Juraian tree seed powering it) reach into hyperspace to pull the Daidalos back out. The ship is crushed and dissolved to nothingness, seemingly taking its captain along with it.

Shank makes a final attempt on Seina's life on the boy's wedding day, masquerading first as Mitoto Kuramitsu to gain access to the wedding space station and then as a butler to catch him unawares. Half-mad from further cybernetic modification, Shank is fixated only on revenge and moves to slash the GP officer with Seina's own knife, promising to kill Kiriko next. However, his attack with a metallic knee-spike damages the floor and the wiring beneath; Seina activates sealant gel that traps Shank in place, and a powerful super-kick from Seina causes Shank's trapped metallic leg to snap off. The automated devices on board detect the sparks coming from Tarant's damaged leg and envelop the pirate in sealant, and no amount of curses or screams of reprisal can keep him from being fully immobilized and captured.

Main characters introduced in Tenchi Muyo! In Love films[edit]


Kain (禍因, Kain) is a fictional character who is the main villain of the first Tenchi Muyo! movie, Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love. He is an incredibly powerful entity who is considered a Super A-Class criminal by the Galaxy Police.

One hundred years before, Kain was on the loose, destroying hundreds of starships and thousands of lives. It was only after a combined effort with the Galaxy Police and the supreme sacrifice of the Jurai emperor, that Kain was finally captured and locked away in the subspace room of G.P.H.Q.

However, one hundred years later, Kain broke out of the subspace room, destroyed G.P.H.Q. (but not after getting off a warning), and retreated twenty-six years in the past, where he hopes to kill Achika Masaki, which would eliminate Tenchi and affect the futures of Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Ryo-Ohki, Mihoshi, and Kiyone.

Despite being said to be immensely powerful, Kain was sealed up rather easily by one of Washu's creations in a sub-space reality. Though he dragged Achika and Nobuyuki in with him, he was forced to show his draconian face when Tenchi, Ryoko and Ayeka entered his prison-world to save Achika. Though Kain easily overpowered them, he was in turn destroyed when Achika awakened her Jurai powers and used the Tenchi-ken – which became a naginata – to bisect Kain and end his reign of terror. Kain's remains were destroyed by Kiyone with the Dimensional Cannon which destroyed the subspace that Kain was in after Achika barely broke away from Kain during their escape.


Yugi (幽戯, Yūgi) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!, the main antagonist from the television series Tenchi in Tokyo. Her appearance is that of a young blonde girl with a red and black striped headdress and large spiked armor that hovers around her.

Throughout much of the series, her plans remain in shadow, and all the viewer sees of her much of the time is her watching a group of floating crystals which represent the Masaki Family, while commenting on the events of the episodes. She has three henchmen: Hotsuma, Tsugaru, and Matori, who do almost all of her work for her.


Yugi is actually from the planet Jurai. She was a mutant with amazing powers, and was able to create anything with her mind. Yugi was a lonely young girl, and created large demonic friends to play with. While they played, however, they accidentally ravaged Jurai, proving to be an unstoppable destructive force. Finally, Empress Hinase, head of the Jurai royal family, led a force to confront her. They destroyed the creatures as Yugi pleaded for them not to destroy her friends. Finally, she was captured, and imprisoned in a stone tomb. As the doors closed, she cried and screamed that she was afraid of the dark. Empress Hinase pitied the innocent girl, but knew that this was the only choice she had.

The tomb was launched, set to drift in the most remote parts of space. Somehow, it crashed on Earth and was buried, until an earthquake broke it open 3,500 years later. Yugi was released, but she was now a much different person than the innocent child from millennia before. She had become dark and warped, deciding to use her powers to change the earth into a world of her own.

During the series

Her only opposition was Earth's planet guardian, a young boy named Tenchi. His weapon, and the one thing that could stop her, was a large sword created by a small cluster of crystals, which had been given one to each member of the new extended Masaki family. Once Tenchi moves to Tokyo, Yugi creates a new persona, a reflection or shadow of herself at his age, named Sakuya Kumashiro. Sakuya is her main tool as she splits up the girls so that the crystals will be scattered, weakening them and not allowing Tenchi to form the sword.

Her plan changed when she met Sasami. Yugi created another new persona, this one the same as the young girl she once was. This Yugi would play with Sasami, who was the only true friend she ever knew. When Yugi attacked the Masaki shrine, her other side went off playing with Sasami so she didn't have to see the slaughter, which led to Yugi not having the energy to win the battle.

As her plan nears its end, she meets with Sasami, and the two play once more. She asks Sasami to come with her to her home, but Sasami says no, telling Yugi that they're just little girls, and much too young to live on their own. Yugi becomes angry at this rejection, and disappears, a sight which frightens Sasami. Sasami tells her sister Ayeka what happened to her friend Yugi, and Ayeka recognizes the name as the name of the one who attacked the Masaki shrine.

The final fight

Yugi's henchman Matori kidnaps Sasami and traps her in a large crystal just before her plan finally comes to fruition. The world freezes in time, and the only ones safe are the girls and Tenchi, whose crystals protected them. Tenchi goes to stop Yugi, but is suddenly placed in a dream world where he can live with Sakuya forever. Sakuya, however persuades Tenchi to go after Yugi, and he breaks free of the illusion. As he readies to confront Yugi, the others, including Sasami, are instantly transported to him.

Yugi tells Sasami that she is making a world just for them, and, her voice breaking, asks her to join her. Sasami remembers their first meeting, and asks how Yugi could have done such atrocities, rejecting her proposal. Matori tells her to kill them all, but is herself destroyed by the brokenhearted Yugi. In a fit of rage Yugi declares she doesn't need friends or anyone, and puts an end to all of existence with the exception of Tenchi and the girls, who were protected by Ayeka's shield, before withdrawing into her inner sanctum.

Tenchi reunites the crystals and forms his sword, going after Yugi. A panicked Yugi screams that she doesn't want to be buried again and begins sending creatures to stop him, but Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, and Kiyone take out the guards, along with the other obstacles put in Tenchi's way. He makes it to the inner sanctum, finding himself in the room where Yugi spent much of the series. He finds a crying Yugi charging an attack, begging for Tenchi to leave her alone, and not lock her back up in the dark. Tenchi slices her attack in half, and Yugi begins screaming hysterically, which can be heard by all the others.

Suddenly, she is brought back to reality as Tenchi, who having dropped the sword, grabs her and slaps her. He gently lets her down, as her spiked armor falls from her. The two embrace and Yugi, crying, tells him of her fears of being alone. Tenchi tells her that all she needed was to come to the Masaki house, and she'd never worry about being alone again. As he comforts her, her world slips away, and all returns to normal.

Yugi chooses to be put into a sleep until she grows up and can control her powers better. She is put in the cave near the Masaki Shrine, and Sasami visits her every evening, telling her the events of the day. Ryoko hypothesises in the end that, since Sakuya was a reflection of Yugi, Yugi will grow up to be Sakuya, creating a bit more competition for Tenchi's affection.

Supporting characters[edit]

Masaki Family[edit]

Katsuhito Masaki[edit]

Katsuhito Masaki (柾木 勝仁, Masaki Katsuhito) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!.


In the OVA, Katsuhito, also known as Yōshō Masaki Jurai (柾木 遙照 樹雷, Masaki Yōshō Jurai), fled Jurai over 700 years ago to "retire" on Earth. He was once the greatest swordsman on Jurai. Currently Katsuhito is a Shinto priest who is not only training Tenchi to be a Shinto priest but also training him in Jurai swordsmanship. Yōshō had a marriage arranged with half-sister Ayeka, but left. At the time, not all Juraians liked the idea of mixed blood heritages (he is part human, on his mother's side) and he used Ryōko's attack as an excuse to slip away to Earth. In the OVA, he expected that Ayeka was trying to track him down and arranged for Tenchi to fight Ryōko so that his grandson would go in his place to Jurai. Although he had dropped contact with his parents, he was still in touch with Seto (through whom he was able to send Tennyo and Kiriko, among others, into space via the Galaxy Police) although her collusion in his plans is not known. While he appears to be of advanced age, his gray hair and lined face are merely an illusion hiding his true form, which he shows to only a select few (such as his mother).

Yōshō's tree is called Funaho, after his mother. It is a rare first-generation tree spawned directly from Tsunami-no-fune and thus one of the most powerful Juraian tree ships (not including its 0th generation 'mother' Tsunami-no-fune and on par with Azusa's Kirito which is also 1st Generation). It is currently rooted on Earth and so at present cannot take ship form. However, the tree has not lost its power. This was because, during his battle with Ryōko, Yōshō had stolen the three gems originally bonded by Washu and bonded them to the pommel of Tenchi-ken (which was created from the wood of the Tsunami tree). As a result, the gems had supplied power to the tree for over 700 years, countering the usual consequences of a Juraian Space Tree taking root and prolonging his lifespan.

He is in a common law marriage with Airi and has two children from that union called Minaho and Kiyone. He has married one other woman in the past after crashing to Earth (named Kasumi, his cousin and Funaho's niece), and his descendants along that line include Nobuyuki, and Kiriko.

Tenchi Universe

In the Tenchi Universe continuity, Katsuhito is still known as Yōshō and is related to Jurai's royal family and is the greatest swordsman who has ever lived, but is not a close relative to Ayeka or Sasami. While Ayeka and Sasami are from a distant branch family, Yōshō and Tenchi are from the main line. This makes Tenchi the direct heir to the throne of Jurai.

In the movie Tenchi Forever! The Movie (Tenchi in Love 2), it was revealed that, after he defeated Kagato for the first time, he left Jurai along with his lover, Haruna, but tragically, she died upon arriving to Earth. After he arrived, he fell in love with a girl named Itsuki Masaki, who would become Achika Masaki's mother.

Unlike the OVA continuity, where Katsuhito had retained his youthful appearance throughout his seven centuries on earth and simply chooses to appear as an elderly man, Yōshō of the "Tenchi Universe" continuity truly is as elderly as he appears.

Tenchi in Tokyo

In Tenchi in Tokyo, Katsuhito is not part of any line to Jurai's Royal Family. He is just the wise guardian of the Masaki Shrine. He also doesn't display any kind of special powers in the series. Near the finale, when Washu needed to go to Tenchi to warn him about Yugi, Katsuhito went with her. It is there that Katsuhito revealed to Tenchi that the Masaki family are Earth's protectors that secretly battle against any enemy that is a threat to the Earth and the gems that Tenchi received from his late mother are in fact the power that had been granted to them by the gods of the Earth that repels all evil.

Later, after Yugi began to freeze time and after Tenchi went to fight her, Katsuhito explained to Washu that Tenchi won't kill Yugi as he had preferred to be a kindhearted person which is why Washu and the other women from space are allowed to live on Earth in the Masaki Shrine. Katsuhito explained that through this method it enables for Tenchi to be true to himself and be able to fulfill his Planet Guardian duties. This proved to be true when Tenchi chose to spare Yugi.

Pretty Sammy

In Magical Project S (Pretty Samy TV), Katsuhito and Yōshō appear as Genjūrō Hagakure (葉隠 源十郎, Hagakure Genjūrō) and Binpachi Hagakure (葉隠 敏八, Hagakure Binpachi), respectively, in episode 10. Genjūrō Hagakure is the leader of the ninja village theme park and is working to prevent Nobuyuki Onijigoku from turning it to a wild west theme park but had become bedridden. Binpachi is Genjūrō's foolish grandson who had chosen to go over Onijigoku's side as he felt that cowboys were cooler than ninja. At the end, Binpachi chose to go back to his family's side after his grandfather protected him from getting shot by Gunman Girl, and Binpachi responded by distracting Gunman Girl with his Ninja skills until Pretty Sammy destroyed her. Genjūrō then was able to convince a depressed Onijigoku that they could convert the theme park into a mixture of the wild west and ninjas. But to help teach Onijigoku a lesson for what he had tried to do, Genjūrō had him and his assistant bound to the entrance of the wild west park as punishment.

Nobuyuki Masaki[edit]

Nobuyuki Masaki (柾木 信幸, Masaki Nobuyuki) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!.

Nobuyuki Masaki is Tenchi's father, and works in the city as an architect. Although he has shown that he is less responsible than his son, Nobuyuki does care deeply for Tenchi, and after losing his wife, Nobuyuki has worked hard to raise him. He is also a Peeping Tom and tries to encourage Tenchi to be more active and not as shy towards women.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki

In Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, Nobuyuki is only a minor character, a descendant of Yosho (Katsuhito) through his first wife (at one point he refers to Katsuhito as 'grandfather', which would mean that he's also Katsuhito's grandson, but through his first wife, Kasumi (Nobuyuki's real age is revealed as being around 140-years-old, meaning that he may be Katsuhito's youngest grandson through his first wife)). Originally, he and Tenchi lived in the city where he would work and Tenchi would go to school. But after Ryoko was awakened, Nobuyuki saw Tenchi with her and was surprised that Tenchi had a girl in his room. Nobuyuki attempted to record their private session, but then Ayeka arrived and Nobuyuki was miniaturized along with the house by Ryoko while escaping from Ayeka.

Afterwards, the house was permanently relocated next to the Masaki family shrine and Nobuyuki eventually moved back into the city living in an apartment with an old friend of the family, Rea Masaki. He and Rea became engaged and at the end of the series they were married.

Before the ceremony, Tenchi at first was angry when he found out that the story he was told about how his late mother Kiyone died was fictitious. Eventually Tenchi and Nobuyuki talked and Tenchi apologized for his earlier behavior and chose to accept his father's new wife Rea, as she had been more of a mother figure to him than his real mother and having her around won't be any different. Nobuyuki admitted that it was because of that fictitious story that they hesitated to tell him about the truth behind Kiyone's death or that Kiyone was also a prankster.

Due to his Juraian heritage and training (enhancement) at the Galaxy Academy, Nobuyuki has lived longer than any normal human, and is currently around two hundred years of age.

Tenchi Universe

In Tenchi Universe, Nobuyuki is in fact Katsuhito's son-in-law, and he prefers to address Katsuhito as father since Nobuyuki married into the Masaki family and took up the Masaki surname. Nobuyuki's personality is very similar to that of the OVA series. One difference is that since Nobuyuki and Tenchi have always lived with Katsuhito, Nobuyuki constantly complains about the long commute and how he can't catch a break from work with so many development projects. Nobuyuki has also a few times hit on his female secretary and even brought in a Bouquet of flowers for her. Although Nobuyuki had to travel with everyone to Planet Jurai and found out the truth about the mysteries revolving around his son and father-in-law, by the time he had gotten back to Earth, Nobuyuki had not changed at all.

Tenchi Muyo! in Love

In the movie Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love we see another side of Nobuyuki. Back when he and Tenchi's mother Achika (the name of Tenchi's mother in Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo) were in high school, Nobuyuki was very shy and was not the sleazy pervert back then. Nobuyuki used to draw houses as he had a talent for drawing before he got into his job as an architect and also loved to record him and Achika on a video camera, although both of them were too shy to express their feelings towards one another. Although Nobuyuki was trapped with Achika along with Kain in a second dimension, it was watching Nobuyuki getting knocked unconscious by Kain that awakened Achika's dormant Jurai powers. Both were rescued by Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka and then both of their memories were erased so it wouldn't affect the future. Ironically, the dream house that Nobuyuki had drawn for him and Achika is in fact the house that he, Tenchi, and their extended family now live in.

Tenchi Forever!

In the movie Tenchi Forever! The Movie, Nobuyuki only makes a brief cameo at the beginning of the film. After six months since Tenchi had disappeared, Nobuyuki told Katsuhito that after he filed a missing-person report to the police for Tenchi, they had found nothing. Nobuyuki became worried about Tenchi, but Katsuhito reminds Nobuyuki that Tenchi is not a weak man.

Tenchi in Tokyo

Nobuyuki's personality is slightly different in Tenchi in Tokyo. He is not perverted, although he is shown as a smoker in this series. He also deeply cares about Tenchi's best interests and does what he can to help him, including not giving the girls a train ticket to Tokyo. He is frequently tortured for comic relief purposes, along with Ryo-Oh-Ki.

Nobuyuki was also married to Achika in this version.

Magical Project S

Nobuyuki makes a cameo appearance as the character Nobuyuki Onijigoku (鬼地獄 信幸, Onijigoku Nobuyuki) (aka Oni Jigoku in the Pioneer subtitles) in Episode 10 of the Pretty Sammy television series. Onijigoku is the rival of the Hagakure clan and has attempted to force the head of the Hagakure clan, Genjuro Hagakure out of his ninja theme park so he could convert it into a wild-western style theme park. Despite temporarily having the help of both Genjuro's grandson Binpachi, as well as Pixy Misa, Onijigoku no pudo lograr su plan. Sin embargo, Genjuro lo convenció de que el parque temático puede ser un parque temático ninja / del salvaje oeste, pero aún tenía a Onijigoku y su asistente atados a la entrada de su parque temático como castigo por lo que había intentado hacer.

Kiyone Masaki [ editar ]

Kiyone Masaki (que no debe confundirse con Kiyone Makibi ) es la madre de Tenchi y Tennyo Masaki , así como la hermana menor de Minaho Masaki. Aunque era una persona cariñosa, amable y una excelente cocinera (había acogido a Rea Masaki cuando la encontró inconsciente en el bosque y le enseñó a cocinar), también heredó el espíritu juguetón de su madre Airi Masaki , como hacer bromas y hacer las cosas de una manera extravagante; se reveló que, en el momento de su muerte, Kiyone tenía 248 años y padecía senilidad . Antes de su muerte, Kiyone coescribió un guión para una explicación extravagante de su muerte para Tenchi cuando alcanzó la mayoría de edad, titulado "¡Mamá es tan despreocupada!"

Achika Masaki [ editar ]

Achika Masaki (柾 木 阿 知 花, Masaki Achika ) es un personaje ficticio en Tenchi Muyo. serie de anime . Es una creación original de la coguionista de la primera serie OVA, Naoko Hasegawa, y hace su debut animado en la película de 1996 Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love . Ella era la esposa de Nobuyuki , la hija de Katsuhito Masaki (Yosho) y la madre de Tenchi . En la serie Ryo-Ohki OVA no aparece. En esa serie, la madre de Tenchi es Kiyone Masaki, quien solo aparece en un flashback.

Se hizo referencia a ella en el episodio 9 de Tenchi Universe , "No Need for Memories".

Tenchi Muyo! enamorado

¡En Tenchi Muyo! Enamorada , Achika Masaki es la compañera de clase de Nobuyuki, y aunque no lo suficiente como para decirlo, los dos están enamorados el uno del otro. Pero de lo que no se dio cuenta es que ella era el objetivo principal del criminal intergaláctico, Kain , que busca vengarse de la Familia Real Juraiana viajando de regreso a 1970 para matarla, queriendo poner fin a su línea de sangre y un lugar en el poder. Si tuviera éxito, Tenchi nunca habría nacido y dejaría de existir en el presente.

Con la ayuda de Washu , Tenchi y la pandilla viajan en el tiempo para evitar que Kain logre su objetivo. Al final, Achika reconoció la apariencia de su futuro hijo y, liberando su gran poder oculto de Juraian, se involucra en la batalla con Kain. Aunque puede salvar a Tenchi y a su futuro esposo, la inmensa cantidad de energía disipada acortó la vida de Achika. Con sus destinos borrados de la memoria, ella y Nobuyuki pasan el tiempo que tienen felices juntos, hasta que en 1984 Achika fallece, dejando a Tenchi sin madre a la edad de cinco años. Casualmente, la madre de Achika también murió cuando Achika era una adolescente.

Novelas de Hasegawa

A diferencia de su contraparte en la continuidad de Hiroshi Negishi , el pasado de Achika está ambientado en la serie OVA original y carece de la presencia de viajes en el tiempo o Kain. Mostró un gran potencial incluso cuando era joven, capaz de ver espíritus y hablar con Funaho, el árbol real de su padre. Yosho esperaba que ella heredara la espada y el manto de la familia real (como lo haría Tenchi más tarde). Pero estaba enamorada y anhelaba seguir siendo una chica normal sin la carga que el título le supondría.

Aún así, Achika no deseaba decepcionar a su padre, y con este conflicto en su corazón tomó el ritual de unión con Funaho ... y falló, siendo gravemente herida. El hombre que había amado la abandonó mientras se recuperaba, lo que hizo que los esfuerzos de Achika fueran en vano y su corazón se rompiera. Un año después, Achika se recuperó, pero estaba mucho más débil que en sus días de juventud, y se dio cuenta y se casó con Nobuyuki, mucho mayor, debido a su parecido con su padre (ambos eran descendientes de Yosho).

Después de que pasó otro año, Achika dio a luz a Tenchi, y todo parecía estar bien. Sin embargo, a los cinco años de edad, los poderes latentes en el niño emergieron, y en malas condiciones e incapaz de defenderse, Achika fue fatalmente herida por las Alas de Halcón de Luz. En su lecho de muerte, le pide a su padre que continúe entrenando a Tenchi, ya que su lugar estaba ahora con la diosa Tsunami .

Otras apariciones

Achika aparece en un cameo en el episodio 10 de Magical Project S ( Pretty Samy TV ) como Shinobi Hagakure (葉 隠 し の び, Hagakure Shinobi ) , la nieta de Genjuro Hagakure . Ella es un poco torpe, pero se dedica a ayudar a proteger el parque temático de su familia y fue la única que pudo protegerlo, ya que su abuelo estaba postrado en cama y su hermano, Binpachi , había desertado al lado de Nobuyuki Onijigoku . Eso es, hasta que Sasami Kawai y su padre Ginji llegaron para ayudarlos durante las vacaciones de verano de Sasami.

También aparece en Tenchi en Tokio en escenas de flashback en los episodios 7, 12 y 17 (en el episodio 7, de alguna manera en la versión en inglés, se la conoció como la abuela de Tenchi, pero en japonés, ella es su madre). En esta versión, ella todavía era la madre de Tenchi y la esposa de Nobuyuki. Antes de su muerte, Achika le dio a Tenchi su collar de cristal como una reliquia y un recuerdo de ella, que jugaría un papel crucial a lo largo de la serie.

Una versión abreviada de su cuento en Tenchi Muyo in Love! se cuenta en el séptimo libro de Hitoshi Okuda No Need for Tenchi! novela gráfica, única en su propio canon dentro de la serie. La mayoría de los temas son similares a la película, excepto que Achika no se transforma y lucha contra Kain solo. En cambio, libera toda su fuerza interior de una sola vez, y ella y su hijo matan al villano juntos. Curiosamente, mientras que ella no se muestra en su estado Juraian durante la adaptación real que se presentó como tal en la portada del libro.

Tennyo Masaki [ editar ]

Tennyo Masaki (柾 木 天 女, Masaki Ten'nyo ) es la hermana mayor de Tenchi Masaki y un personaje ficticio en el anime Tenchi Muyo. , haciendo su primera aparición en la tercera serie de OVA .

Tennyo es un doble exacto para Kiyone Masaki , Tenchi y su madre en los OVA. A pesar de su apariencia juvenil, Tennyo tiene 80 años y, al igual que su abuelo Katsuhito (Yosho), a menudo usa una apariencia mayor entre otros. Debido a su similitud con Kiyone Masaki, Tennyo a menudo intercambiaba lugares con ella y cuidaba a Tenchi cuando era un bebé. Se fue justo después de la muerte de su madre, solo para reaparecer cuando llegó el momento de presentar a Noike .

Una vez que había regresado a la Tierra, se suponía que su padre Nobuyuki Masaki pretendía que Tennyo era Kiyone. Sin embargo, cuando sobreactivó su papel, Tennyo se vio obligado a noquearlo. Tennyo explicó que dado que tiene 80 años, habría causado un alboroto si se hubiera quedado con Tenchi, ya que algunos de sus antiguos compañeros de clase todavía estaban por ahí. Más tarde, Katsuhito le explicó a Tenchi que se debe a que la familia Masaki tiene prohibido revelar su verdadera identidad a la gente de la Tierra, ya que la civilización de la Tierra aún se encuentra en la etapa de desarrollo, que es la razón principal por la que Tennyo tuvo que irse antes.

Después de eso, Tennyo se fue para un último viaje junto con sus antiguos compañeros de clase a Hawai , con su abuela Airi Masaki y regresó justo antes de que su padre Nobuyuki se casara con Rea Masaki y luego asistió a la boda.

A juzgar por la información de los doujins de Kajishima-sensei, Tennyo trabaja en la Policía Galaxy o para Airi. Ella también diseñó el armamento del Kamidake original (el barco de Seina Yamada ).

Airi Masaki [ editar ]

¡Airi Masaki (柾 木 ア イ リ, Masaki Airi ) es un personaje ficticio del anime Tenchi Muyo! , haciendo su primera aparición animada en la tercera parte de la serie OVA y su spin-off, Tenchi Muyo! GXP .

Oriunda del planeta Airai, Airi es la esposa actual de Yosho . Conoció a Yosho cuando fue a estudiar a la Academia de Policía Galaxy. Antes de enamorarse de Yosho, iba a casarse con un miembro de una de las casas reales de Juraian para que algún día pudiera ascender al trono. Esto se debió a que los habitantes de Aira querían apoderarse de Tsunami , ya que creían que Tsunami era una de "las tres vidas", las tres diosas conocidas como Chousin (para las otras dos Chousin, ver Tokimi y Washu ).

Más tarde canceló el compromiso cuando se enamoró de Yosho y estaba embarazada de su hijo. Luego le extirparon quirúrgicamente el feto y lo pusieron en estasis hasta algún tiempo después. Más tarde, el niño fue devuelto al útero, nació y se llamó Minaho. Más tarde tuvo otro hijo con Yosho que se llamó Kiyone Masaki. ( La madre de Tenchi ), lo que la convierte en la abuela de Tenchi. Sin embargo, cualquiera que mencione el hecho de que es abuela, es mejor que aprenda a correr rápido ... a ella nunca le gusta escuchar que lo es. a grandmother. Not even Tenchi dares to call her 'Grandma'. Conversively, he can't even call her Airi, lest he be affectionately smothered due to how he says it (In Japanese, use of another's given name without honorifics is considered very familiar). In the end, as per suggestion, he simply sticks with the formal Ms. Airi (Airi-san).

She is currently head of the Jurai sector office of the Galaxy Police.

Tenchi originally met Airi in the second episode of the third OVA, when she travelled to Earth to introduce Tenchi's arranged bride Noike to Tenchi and the girls. But while waiting for Tennyo Masaki to give the word to transport down, Noike ran off.

Airi also works as the chairwoman for the Galaxy Police Academy, and works closely with the Academy's headmistress Mikami Kuramitsu. Although Airi has a minor part thus far in the OVA's, she has a larger role to play in GXP.

Airi is also a master of the Neo-Academy fighting style, a martial art often employed during discussions and negotiation. The techniques involved consisted of mainly slapping the offending party silly, as well as employing a cold, hard stare. Airi had used this fighting style on Ryoko when she referred to Airi as 'a middle-aged flusie' and 'a crusty-old hag', with great success. She also has a joker attitude and loves to play practical jokes... whenever she can get away with it. She had even co-wrote the explanation of her daughter Kiyone's death (with help from Kiyone), for which it was to be told to Tenchi. Her older daughter Minaho, however, does not have this trait.

She also has a love for cooking, and would be found in one of the G.P. Academy's restaurants practicing her love. Seina Yamada found out about this when, as a joke committed by Amane Kaunaq, he referred to Airi as 'Granny' when her back was turned to Seina. When Seina found out, he was terrified (mostly because Airi was holding a chef's knife at the time). However, she demonstrates some affection for Seina (feeling jealous of Seto for being able to hang around with Seina while she (Airi) is stuck doing paperwork and crying out for Seina to come back to regular GP duty when she gets overwhelmed by the mountains of paperwork) and shows respect for his being able to take Tarant Shank down and out by himself.

Rea Masaki[edit]

Rea Masaki (正木 玲亜, Masaki Reia) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series and is only a character in the OVA continuity.

Rea Masaki is Nobuyuki Masaki's second wife, having been raised as a ward of the Masaki family, after having been found (in her early preteens) and taken-in as an adoptive younger sister by the late Kiyone Masaki, Nobuyuki's late first wife. Rea had also been taught cooking by Kiyone, so even though she does have her favorite recipes, her cooking style is virtually identical to Kiyone's.

On the day of Kiyone's funeral rites, she was checking on Tenchi Masaki when she noticed the boy had disappeared. Everyone present searched around for Tenchi but couldn't find him. It was during this search that Rea thought of something. Taking Nobuyuki with her, they found Tenchi asleep at the entrance to the cave where Ryoko Hakubi was imprisoned. Tenchi was forbidden to go to the cave by his grandfather Katsuhito Masaki, but always went there anyway. Rea remembered this.

Rea would end up cooking and cleaning house for the Masaki, even though she was a high school student at the time. Sometime later, she would move in with Nobuyuki at an apartment near the site of the house that Nobuyuki designed during Kiyone's lifetime (that house would be moved near the family shrine, destroyed when Mihoshi crashed into it, and rebuilt at the same site). When the school which Tenchi attended was destroyed by fire, not to mention the Great Seto Bridge's destruction, she and Katsuhito were called to Tokyo to explain what had happened, at the Japanese Imperial Palace no less. At the last minute, Katsuhito backed out and Rea had to make the report herself. Months later, she revealed this fact to Tenchi when he came over for a visit, but when he asked her why, she said it was a secret.

At the last episode of the third OVA, Rea and Nobuyuki were married. Among the guests present were the Masaki clan, Airi Masaki, Minaho Masaki, and Tokimi. In Tenchi Muyo! GXP, she is shown to be pregnant. Her son, Kenshi Masaki, is the principal character of Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar[15] and Rea's mysterious connection to the world of Geminar (part of the reason why Kenshi is sent to Geminar) is revealed in that series.

Akie Masaki[edit]

First appearing in OVA 1 episode 4, she is the owner and manager of an Onsen (regularly visited by members of the Masaki family/village), and Tenchi's great-aunt on his father's side (making her also a descendant of Yosho's through his first wife, Kasumi (a niece of his mother, the Empress Funaho, not to be mistaken with Tenchi's cousin Kasumi, Taro's mother, who was named for her)). Her name was revealed in OVA 4.


Azaka and Kamidake[edit]

Azaka (阿座化, Azaka) and Kamidake (火美猛, Kamidake) are fictional characters in the manga and anime series Tenchi Muyo!

Azaka and Kamidake, Ayeka's guardians, in the form of floating logs. They can generate a barrier that allows them to protect Ayeka and paralyze their target, though their powers pale in comparison to the power held by the Royal Trees of Jurai.

Tenchi Muyo! OVA'sIn the Tenchi Muyo! OVA's they are minor characters and serve as doorposts to the Masaki home whenever they are not needed. In the third OVA, their lack of mobility had led to them growing moss and seedlings on them.

Tenchi UniverseIn the Tenchi Universe storyline, the personalities of two legendary Jurai knights with the same names have been downloaded into them. Near the end of the series, the original Azaka and Kamidake are resurrected when Yosho uses his energy to draw the energies from the two guardians Azaka and Kamidake and transfer them into the original knights in order to resurrect them. The two knights then help Tenchi Masaki get to the Jurai throne room to face Kagato while they face the Dark Jurai knights that serve Kagato.

After the battle, Washu is able to reactivate the guardians Azaka and Kamidake. Both the knights have a cameo in the movie Tenchi Muyo in Love 2 which is also set in the same continuity.

Tenchi in TokyoAzaka and Kamidake also appear in Tenchi in Tokyo in log form. The only difference they have in this continuity is that they have hidden blasters behind their log shells which they use to attack their enemies with. Other than that they follow Ayeka's orders no matter what the consequences may be.

Pretty SammyAzaka and Kamidake's log forms make a brief appearance in the final episode of Magical Project S (Pretty Sammy TV) as the barrier system that protects Romio's NT System. They were destroyed when Pretty Sammy used the energy from Washu's NT system for her Full Power, Pretty Attack.

Azusa Jurai[edit]

Azusa Masaki Jurai (柾木 阿主沙 樹雷, Masaki Azusa Jurai) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, emperor of the planet Jurai.

Episode appearances

Azusa only appears in OVA episode 13 and briefly in two episodes of Tenchi Muyo! GXP. Azusa is the father of Yosho, Ayeka, and Sasami. He strongly disapproves of Ayeka's interest in Tenchi, and also greatly underestimates Tenchi's abilities. He is the head of House Masaki, though Funaho rules the house while he is on the throne of Jurai.

In Chapter 1 ("Omen") of Volume 7 ("Picture Book") of Hitoshi Okuda's The All-New Tenchi Muyo! manga, Azusa, Funaho and Misaki visit the Masaki family shrine to participate in the New Year festivities. While he scores "father points" with Sasami courtesy of otoshidama (a traditional gift of money in a decorated envelope), he is nearly drowned courtesy of one of Washu's special fortunes ("LESSER BAD LUCK: You will meet with a flood and be unable to escape"). When Ayeka gets too cosy with Tenchi (after she drinks some sake), he challenges Tenchi to a duel but loses thanks to Ryo-Ohki's drawing a GREATER GOOD LUCK fortune ("A song will save the one you love") and getting hit by lightning after Ryo-Ohki sings a song during the fight. in the end, he joins everyone else in praying before the shrine (praying that Ayeka and Sasami would return home).

In Tenchi Muyo! GXP, Azusa, along with his close friend and Seto's husband Utsutsumi Kamiki, was present at Kiriko Masaki's bonding ceremony. He also appears with his wives Funaho and Misaki when it was revealed that Seina Yamada had become part of Jurai's royal line; Azusa was clearly unhappy about it, muttering about Seina's being under Seto's thumb.

True Tenchi novels

Azusa has the only first generation tree ship in the fleet at this moment, Kirito (Yosho's tree Funaho is also first generation, but at the moment it is currently rooted on Earth, while Tsunami-Fume, which belongs to Sasami, is 0th Generation). Being a first generation ship, it is blessed with enormous power, although not invulnerable. When Azusa fought Kagato his ship was matched against the giant Sōja, and to Azusa's chagrin he found that Kagato was a match for him in power.

Kagato calls upon Ryo-Ohki to attack, and her attack slices through Kirito's Lighthawk wings. Ryo-Ohki's power through its gems could counteract that of the Royal Trees, since both took their strength from the Chousin (Washu and Tsunami, respectively). The clash of energy was considerable, causing a rip in space which Tsunami herself was forced to repair.

Defeated, Kirito was then transported away from Sōja and put near Earth by Tsunami. While there, Azusa saves a young woman from bandits and she helps him recoup from his injuries received from Kagato. Her name was Funaho, the Earthling he would later court and take back to Jurai to be his first wife.

Funaho Jurai[edit]

Funaho Masaki Jurai (柾木 船穂 樹雷, Masaki Funaho Jurai) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!, an empress of the planet Jurai. She is canon to the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVAs, also appearing in its television spinoff Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

Funaho is Azusa Masaki Jurai's first wife, and the mother of Yosho. She also serves as Jurai's Minister of Intelligence, and sees right through Yosho's "Katsuhito" disguise. She is a distant descendant of Masaki, the sister of the first ruler of Jurai, but considers herself to be human since she was born on Earth.

Her main reason for coming to Earth, in OVA Episode 13, other than to see Yosho and to check up on Ayeka and Sasami, was to ask Washu if she would assist Jurai by mass producing Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki for their defenses. However, Washu already knew about this reason and refused because, to Washu, not only would she not betray Tenchi's trust by accepting the offer, she also felt there should only be one Ryoko and Ryo-ohki. Washu then assured a worried Funaho that she won't mass produce Ryoko or Ryo-ohki for any of Jurai's enemies, because she has no interest in helping anyone. (Washu does eventually create a "sister" of Ryo-ohki named Fuku.)

Funaho is paired with the second-generation tree Mizuho, a twin of 2nd Empress Misaki's Karin, both ships have the ability to join together as well, the relationship being a parallel to Funaho and Misaki being married to the same husband.

In Volume 6 ("Dream A Little Scheme") of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series No Need for Tenchi, Funaho and Misaki jointly command the Jurain fleet that goes to retrieve the stolen Royal Tree Bizen (see "Yume" below). At the moment of crisis when Tenchi rallies everyone, Funaho looks on with pride. After Tsumani stabilizes the rogue Bizen, Funaho intimates to Washu that no charges will be brought against Yume, claiming that she and Misaki "just came to see [their] daughters.".

In Volume 9 ("The Quest for More Money") of No Need for Tenchi, both Funaho and Misaki work together and use reverse psychology to get Azusa to send money to help the Masaki family with their dwindling finances after Ayeka swallows her pride and asks her father for help. They pretend to agree with his original decision not to help, but the moment they leave (or pretend to), he starts dialing the Masaki number as they enjoy his being "an old softie".

In Volume 10 ("Mother Planet") of No Need for Tenchi, both Funaho and Misaki come to the Masaki household for a visit. In the story "Cordiality", Funaho asks Tenchi to show her around Kurashiki City, and he lends her his mother's kimono to wear. While Tenchi is searching for a sandal strap (hers had broken while being saved by Tenchi from a runaway car), she is attacked by a mysterious assassin, but she easily defeats and captures him. When Tenchi returns, she asks him to look after Ayeka and Sasami, but he replies (to her amusement) that it's they who seem to be looking after him.

Funaho appears in the story "A Carrot A Day" (Volume 1: "Alien Nation" of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series The All-New Tenchi Muyo!), where she appears in Ayeka's flashback to the time shortly after Yosho left Jurai to chase Ryoko and all contact had been lost. Ayeka had been so upset that she had refused to eat, and only Sasami making her a carrot cake had snapped her out of her depression (Ayeka normally doesn't like carrots, but she [like everyone else] regards Sasami's carrot cake as special). Funaho is shown with Misaki worrying about Ayeka and later watching from Ayeka's bedroom doorway as Sasami gets Ayeka to finally eat.

In Chapters 2 ("Suspicion") and 3 ("Sacrifice") of Volume 6 ("Pet Peeves") of The All-New Tenchi Muyo!, Washu consults with Funaho about the little creature Mitsu whom Ayeka has adopted as a pet. Funaho informs Washu, Katsuhito and Tenchi that the Mitsu are the natural enemy of the Juraian Royal Trees and that this particular Mitsu has been genetically mutated by religious extremists from the planet Airai who are hostile to Jurai. The mutation eventually turns Mitsu into a monster and Ayeka (much to her grief, but with Mitsu's own consent) ends Mitsu's life herself rather than let anyone else take on the burden.

In Chapter 1 ("Omen") of Volume 7 ("Picture Book") of The All-New Tenchi Muyo!, Funaho, Azusa and Misaki visit the Masaki family shrine to participate in the New Year festivities. She not only gets Azusa to behave himself, but her dressing in temple maiden robes causes him to really stop and stare. When everyone prays at the shrine, she prays for "good health for [her] family".

In Tenchi Muyo! GXP, she along with Azusa and Misaki were present when it was revealed that Seina was third in line for the throne of Jurai and was clearly not happy about Airi's informal addressing Azusa as "Father".

Misaki Jurai[edit]

Misaki Masaki Jurai (柾木 美砂樹 樹雷, Masaki Misaki Jurai) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!, an empress of the planet Jurai. She is canon to the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVAs, also appearing in its television spinoff Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

Misaki is Azusa's second wife, and the mother of Ayeka and Sasami. She possesses immense physical strength and is the supreme commander of Jurai's royal bodyguards. She is from House Kamiki of the Royal Family, her mother being Seto Jurai and her adopted sister Noike Kamiki Jurai. She also gets along pretty well with Azusa's first wife, Funaho Jurai (in fact, they make a perfect team when manipulating Emperor Azusa on Tenchi and Ayeka's behalf), and refers to her as Oneesama ("older sister").

In episode 19, it was revealed that Misaki is-or perhaps will become- some sort of god-like being that Z refers to as the "counter-actor", and will have powers surpassing that of the Chousin. ("Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru", a recent doujinshi from Masaki Kajishima, confirmed that this is indeed the real Misaki, not just a being assuming her form). When Misaki attacked and nearly strangled Tokimi to death, Tenchi appears in a glowing form to calm her down, and the two of them kiss and disappear from view. Earlier on, Kajishima's Tenchi novel "Jurai" foretold her future long before her third OVA appearance, reading that someday "the galaxy will know the true terror of Misaki" and that "only Tenchi could stop her". There is little or no explanation regarding the purpose of the "counter-actor", how she received her powers, or why she commits the actions she does.

Misaki is known for having her two daughters address her in a certain way, and is very overprotective of them; in episode 13, Ayeka cried out to Misaki, calling her "Okaa-sama!" ("Mommy!" in the dubbed version) in a high-pitched voice. Ryoko thought this was hilarious, but she regrets saying that as Misaki got mad at her and stretches Ryoko's face. Ayeka wasn't sympathetic to Ryoko, since she warned her not to say anything to begin with. The only way Ryoko got out of this was reading a sign that Sasami written, which said, "I'm sorry, pretty young lady". This was also why Ryoko didn't answer the door in episode 14, thinking Misaki was there, when in fact it was Tenchi's sister Tennyo.

Misaki is paired with the second-generation tree Karin, a twin of 1st Empress Funaho's Mizuho. Both ships have the ability to join together as well. The relationship being a parallel to Funaho and Misaki considering each other sisters married to the same husband.

In Volume 6 ("Dream A Little Scheme") of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series No Need for Tenchi, Misaki and Funaho jointly command the Jurain fleet that goes to reteieve the stolen Royal Tree Bizen (see "Yume" below); she eagerly anticipates visiting Earth after Bizen is recovered to see Sasami and the gang (with her arms loaded down with presents). After Tsumani stabilizes the rogue Bizen, Misaki gives both Minagi and Asahi her trademark bear-hug and line "She's so cute!" and stretches Ryoko's mouth again for referring to her as an "old woman".

In Volume 9 ("The Quest for More Money") of No Need for Tenchi, both Funaho and Misaki work together and use reverse psychology to get Azusa to send money to help the Masaki family with their dwindling finances after Ayeka swallows her pride and asks her father for help. They pretend to agree with his original decision not to help, but the moment they leave (or pretend to), he starts dialing the Masaki number as they enjoy his being "an old softie".

In Volume 10 ("Mother Planet"), both Funaho and Misaki come to the Masaki household for a visit, causing both Ryoko and Ayeka to try and beat a hasty retreat before the mothers arrive (they fail, naturally). In the story "Reliability", the capture of a small monkey (whom Sasami names "Saru-chan") leads both Sasami and Misaki to investigate why a band of monkeys have come down from the mountain to steal food. They learn that unseasonable weather has been preventing the monkeys' supply of nuts and acorns from ripening, and Mizuki calls upon the twin Juraian trees Karin and Mizuho to help revitalize the mountain itself. A bumper crop of acorns and chestnuts immediately sprouts, the monkeys' food supply is assured for at least another ten years and Misaki is hailed by the monkeys as a Goddess.

Misaki has an appearance in the story "A Carrot A Day" (Volume 1: "Alien Nation" of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series The All-New Tenchi Muyo!), where she appears in Ayeka's flashback to the time shortly after Yosho left Jurai to chase Ryoko and all contact had been lost. Ayeka had been so upset that she had refused to eat, and only Sasani's making her a carrot cake had snapped her out of her depression (Ayeka normally doesn't like carrots, but she [like everyone else] regards Sasami's carrot cake as special). Misaki is shown with Funaho worrying about Ayeka and later watching from Ayeka's bedroom doorway as Sasami gets Ayeka to finally eat.

In Chapter 1 ("Omen") of Volume 7 ("Picture Book") of Hitoshi Okuda's The All-New Tenchi Muyo manga, Misaki, Funaho and Azusa visit the Masaki family shrine to participate in the New Year festivities.

In Tenchi Muyo! GXP she, Azusa, and Funaho were present when it was revealed that Seina was third in line for the throne of Jurai and was clearly not happy about Airi's addressing Azusa informally as "Father".

Seto Kamiki Jurai[edit]

Seto Kamiki Jurai (神木 瀬戸 樹雷, Kamiki Seto Jurai) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series, as well as a brief part in Hitoshi Okuda's The All-New Tenchi Muyo! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media.

Seto is the mother of Empress Misaki and the adopted mother of Noike Jurai (grandmother of Ayeka and Sasami), and is a very powerful 'behind the scenes' figure in Jurai politics. Among the royal family. A survivor of the pirate raid of the Jurai Royal Science Academy post on planet K-1190 over 5,000 years prior to GXP, Seto was adopted by the Kamiki family, and retains an intense hatred of pirates. She is married to the Kamiki clan's head, Utsutsumi Kamiki.

Her treeship, Mikagami, is known for her special attack, The Triple Z (AKA the "Genocide Dance"), which literally causes all enemies to stop in their tracks; either due to an Electromagnetic Pulse or some other mechanism, though the effect of this is left to the viewer's imagination.

Because of her political craftiness, and occasionally violent temper, she has been referred to as the "Devil Princess of Jurai".

Seto has a cameo appearance in the story "A Carrot A Day" (Volume 1: "Alien Nation" of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series The All-New Tenchi Muyo), where she appears in Ayeka's flashback to the time shortly after Yosho left Jurai to chase Ryoko and all contact had been lost. Ayeka had been so upset that she had refused to eat, and only Sasani's making her a carrot cake had snapped her out of her depression (Ayeka normally doesn't like carrots, but she [like everyone else] regards Sasami's carrot cake as special). Seto is shown with Sasami in the kitchen and later watching from Ayeka's bedroom doorway as Sasami gets Ayeka to finally eat. She is also mentioned in Chapter 1 ("Longings") of Volume 6 ("Pet Peeves") of The All-New Tenchi Muyo! when Azusa goes to great lengths to make sure a note is delivered personally to Ayeka, not wanting Seto to find out about it as she might make fun of him.

Seto had a small but significant part in the third OVA series (she commented that she had once held Tenchi when he was a baby) and it was also revealed that she already knew that Yosho had fled to Earth because he had secretly contacted her after he left Jurai. She had borrowed Tsunami-fune and used it to throw a party in hopes of bring Misao Kuramitsu and Mashisu Makibi together (which included the rare fruit wine Shinju sake, made from the fruit of Jurai's royal trees). Seto also presided over the meeting to punish those involved in the Choubimaru incident and offered to adopt Mashisu Makibi so she could marry into the Kuramitsu family until Misao's mother Mitoto arrived and announced that Mashisu had the Kuramitsu family council's support.

However Seto had a bigger and more influential role in Tenchi Muyo! GXP. Seto has a particular dislike for space pirates. Seto first met Seina Yamada when his transport ship was under attack by pirates. Seeing how Seina's bad luck could be useful not only for the GP but for herself, she agrees to support Seina and have him made an exception to enter the GP Academy although he comes from an underdeveloped world (feeling like the academy could use a little chaos once in a while). Seto had also requested to Mikami Kuramitsu to have Kiriko Masaki reassigned as an instructor at the Academy in order to train Seina to become a man.

Later, when the Daluma pirate guild brought out their good luck fleet and succeed in escaping from the Mikagami, Seto had Seina deal with them. But when Seiryo Tennan was made the captain of the luckiest ship in the Daluma fleet, the Unko, knowing the Kamidake II was no match for it in its current state and that it would take too long for Fuku the cabbit, who is the power source for the Kamidake II, to mature, Seto decided to have Kiriko go through her tree bonding ceremony to merge her new tree Miyuki with the Kamidake II in order to give it the power it needs to bring down the Unko. After using her Mikagami as a test subject for this, the ceremony was performed (with her husband Utsutsumi and Emperor Azusa as witnesses) and then the plan was executed. Seto later arranged a duel between Seiryo and Seina in order to have Seiryo surrender.

Near the end of the series, after Seina brought back the mecha that he found on the Wau planet, Seto held a meeting on the Mikagami alongside Jurai Emperor Azusa and the empresses Misaki and Funaho to discuss their findings on the mecha with Seina. Seto reported that Tsunami had told her that the first generation Juraian seed which is used as the mecha's power source is actually one of the two seeds that Tsunami had given to a person that had visited Jurai long ago. Seto also announced that Seina was now part of the Jurai royal family since the seed had bonded with Seina and third in line for the throne.

Seto, has a reputation as an unofficial "matchmaker" in the Jurai empire. She has been known to arrange marriages, either to cement alliances or just to see happens for her own amusement.

Galaxy Police[edit]

Seina Yamada[edit]

Seina Yamada (山田 西南, Yamada Seina (lit. "Southwest Mountain Field")) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series and serves as the main character of Tenchi Muyo! GXP, a television spinoff from the original OVAs.

Unlucky boySeina Yamada is a good friend of Tenchi Masaki (whom he addresses as "Sempai"), and his parents run a small local grocery store at the beginning of the series (due to the strong resemblance between Seina, Tenchi & Kenshi Masaki, Seina is likely a distant cousin of theirs, but none-the-less does not carry the 'Masaki' family name (though after the events of episode 26 of GXP, this may have changed)). He also has a similar personality and temperament to Tenchi's, though even more simple and humble (though ep. 24 reveals that he strong views against Animal Cruelty). However, aside from Tenchi, Kiriko Masaki and Kiriko's brother Kai (Tenchi's cousins), Seina has very few friends; mostly because he has the worst luck in the universe; minor disasters often occur in his presence, through no fault of his own, and anyone near him will stay a good distance away from him. Seina's usual (lack of) luck almost ends when a spaceship nearly crashlands on his head at the Masaki residence. Its driver, Galaxy Police Detective Second Class, Amane Kaunaq, had meant to present Tenchi Masaki with an application pamphlet for joining the G.P., but mistakenly offers Seina the application instead, under the impression that Tenchi was personally-training the boy.

His family persuades him (read, forcibly nabbing his signature and thumb print) to fill out the application, with the hope that Seina would win a prize, thinking it was for a lottery. When he wakes from sleep what he thinks is the following morning, he finds himself aboard a spaceship, recruited to be the newest member of the G.P. Academy. He also meets Mitoto Kuramitsu, the ditzy mother of Mihoshi and cleaning lady extraordinaire, before discovering his friend, Kiriko Masaki, is also a GP officer. From there, Seina is thrown into a plan to stop the Daluma pirate guild from plaguing the galaxy.

When Seina's bad luck was found to have an effect of attracting space pirates, the G.P. capitalized on it by placing Seina in command of one of the Decoy Fleet's newest ships, the Kamidake (which included systems designed by Tenchi's sister Tennyo Masaki). However, when the ship was irreparably damaged as a result of a prolonged chase and multiple battles with space pirates (including Tarant Shank, generally regarded as the most evil of all), Seto then presented Seina with a ship designed by Washu Hakubi, which was named the Kamidake II by Seina. The ship consist of the main ship body and a cabbit, similar to Ryo-Ohki, named Fuku by Seina. Fuku differs from Ryo-Ohki in that Fuku serves as a terminal body and more importantly, the power source for the ship, thus is not able to transform into a ship. However, according to Washu Hakubi, it is possible for Fuku to turn into a cabbit girl like Ryo-Ohki... if Fuku wishes for it as she matures.

Later, the ship became a hybrid, when under Seto Kamiki Jurai's supervision, it was fused together with Kiriko's second generation royal tree, Mizuki (enabling it to generate Light Hawk Wings for protection). The main pod, which house the royal tree in a Juraian Royal Tree ship, was used for the fusion.

Battles with pirates and resulting revelations

During the time Seina commanded the Kamidake and Kamidake II, he was earning an equivalent to a fleet commander's salary. However, because he was still a cadet, that money was kept in a special account until he graduated and was given what he would normally earn. A portion of the interest the money accumulated, however, was forwarded to his family on Earth; it was so much money that the Yamada family used it to build a huge new home, as well as building a huge new supermarket in places of their small home and grocery store. While Seina was visiting Tenchi back on Earth, Amane, Kiriko and Ryoko Balta, who had accompanied him, volunteered to help out at the Yamada's supermarket, where they were worked until exhausted.

It was later in the series when Seina, who was trying to rescue Fuku from rogue elements of the Galaxy Army, was found by a tribe of Wau, who correctly-mistake him for their savior and threw him into an ancient mecha, (which bears a striking reselance to Dual!'s Zinv). Somehow, Seina was able to activate the mecha, which he used to save not only Fuku, but also five cabbit clones made from Fuku's cells by Tarant, who had allied himself with the rogue G.A. faction. Angered by this, Seina fought Shank and his allies. But in doing this, the mecha was able to integrate itself to the Kamidake II, which was captured with Fuku. And even more startling, the mecha formed Light Hawk Wings, even though it was not bonded with Mizuki.

Afterward, it was revealed by Emperor Azusa and Empresses Funaho and Misaki that the mecha (now known as Jinbu (神偶, Jinbu (lit. "Idol"))) had as its power source a first generation Jurai tree seed, with the seed bonding itself with Seina. As a result, Seina is now third-in-line to the Jurai throne, behind Crown Prince Yosho and Tenchi. Thus, a political marriage between Seina, Amane, Kiriko, Ryoko Balta, and Neju was arranged for political reasons. Seina is initially very disposed against what he thinks is an attempt to force the girls into marrying him, but is later persuaded that they are doing so out of their own free wills.

However, before the ceremony could begin, two incidents occurred. First, Shank had broken into Seina's dressing room, hoping to kill the boy. Luckily, Shank's impatience gets the best of him and Seina was able to subdue and capture him. Also, Seto's ladies-in-waiting - Gyokuren, Hakuren, Karen, and Suiren - who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and, when the Kamidake II catches them, began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure the Renza Alliance's political bond with the Jurai Royal Family. As a result, the four are included into the marriage as well as the crew of the Kamidake.

Minami Kuramitsu[edit]

Minami Kuramitsu (九羅密 美瀾, Kuramitsu Minami) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series and is only a character in the OVA continuity.

Minami Kuramitsu is the father of Mitoto Kuramitsu, as well as the grandfather of Mihoshi Kuramitsu and Misao Kuramitsu and the Grand Marshal of the Galaxy Police. The Kuramitsu family is one of the most powerful families on the planet Seniwa, and is very dominant in the Galaxy Police.

Minami first appeared briefly in the first OVA series, where he reported to the GP commander that the criminal Kagato had returned. After that, the commander found the only officer close by is the Marshall's granddaughter Mihoshi, much to his dismay. Her superior officer Nobeyama then tried unsuccessfully to tell her to not engage Kagato, to avoid the Marshall's wrath if he were to find out that Mihoshi were in danger.

In the third OVA series, it is shown that since Minami loves his granddaughter greatly, so much so that when he received a letter (altered by Z), saying that she was being abused by Tenchi Masaki, Minami quickly dispatched her younger brother Misao aboard the Choubimaru, a huge ship owned by the Kuramitsu family, to rescue Mihoshi, and destroy the Earth to kill Tenchi. Minami went through with this plan, despite a warning from the military officer Nakita, that since the Earth is an undeveloped world, he would risk having the Earthings see it. Nakita also delivered a message from Minami's sister Mikami, that she will sell one of his gardening planets to Lady Seto should the Choubimaru be damaged in the attack, much to Minami's dismay.

In the final episode of the third OVA series during the meeting to pass judgement on those involved in the Choubimaru incident, by Mikami's judgement, Minami is demoted to the position of The Head of Maintenance at the GP spaceship dock as his punishment. When Misao had decided to marry his assistant Mashisu Makibi, at first Minami protested that she was unworthy of marrying into the Kuramitsu family, but was shocked when Mitoto had announced her support and that she was able to get the family council's approval for the wedding.

Minami has also made a few cameo appearances in Tenchi Muyo! GXP, where he not only welcomed Seina Yamada to the Galaxy Police, but he and his maintenance crew had also serviced Seina's ship the Kamidake a few times.

Misao Kuramitsu[edit]

Misao Kuramitsu (九羅密 美咲生, Kuramitsu Misao) is a fictional character from the anime Tenchi Muyo! in the official Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki continuity, appearing in both the third OVA series, as well as its spin-off the Tenchi Muyo! GXP series.

Misao is the younger brother of Mihoshi Kuramitsu. In the third OVA series Misao had received a letter from Mihoshi, which said that Mihoshi was doing all these things with Tenchi Masaki. Remembering that he once heard that Tenchi is surrounded by women, Misao interpreted that Mihoshi was in a harem and was being abused by Tenchi (the letter was altered by Z originally, and later by Fuku). Because of his concern that Mihoshi would suffer a repeat of what had happened before (which wasn't elaborated in detail), Misao decided he had to kill Tenchi to save his sister.

In order to accomplish this, his grandfather the Grand Marshal Minami Kuramitsu had given Misao command of the Kuramitsu's family's newest ship, the Choubimaru, which had the capability to destroy an entire planet. The plan was lure to Mihoshi and Tenchi to the Choubimaru for a banquet, and to avoid having Mihoshi hate him, Misao would make Tenchi's death look like an accident. Misao would then accidentally destroy the Earth during their fight with Ryoko to avoid the general panic on Earth that the Choubimaru would cause when the Earthlings see the Choubimaru. When Misao had contacted Mihoshi to invite her and Tenchi on the Choubimaru, Mihoshi didn't remember that she had a brother, until Misao displayed one of his old photographs which was when Mihoshi immediately recognized him. Misao then made his invitation, but before Tenchi and Mihoshi could go, Mihoshi had gotten a call from her friend Amane Kaunaq, who wanted to find out Tenchi's intentions on joining the Galaxy Police. Since an interference field was deployed around the Masaki house (deployed to make the capture of Ayeka, Ryoko and Washu easier) made the call a problem, Tenchi and Mihoshi went into Washu's lab so that they could get better reception.

Although Misao was a competent officer, he's insecure and unsure of himself. His is also easily intimidated, as evident when Mashisu Makibi spanked him for calling her a lowly servant. He was also unaware that Mashisu was in love with him. But Misao became aware of this when Mashisu helped snap him back to his senses when he was prepared to go down with the Choubimaru during Ryoko's attack and she had shielded him with her body during an explosion.

It was then Mashisu, who had apparently suffered a fatal injury, reminded Misao that they originally met, when Misao had accidentally hit her with a tennis ball and he admitted that he had apologized for what he did back then, although she was too lovestruck to have heard it and that she was happy to have been introduced to Misao's family. Misao realized that he couldn't forgive himself if Mashisu had died because she was important to him. Luckily, the destroyed section of the Choubimaru, as well as Mashisu's injuries, were an illusion created by Washu on Tsunami-fune, which was borrowed by Seto to show Misao that it is Mashisu and not Mihoshi that he should protect. When Mashisu ran off in embarrassment, Misao was convinced by Noike, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu and Seto to go after her, but Misao accidentally stepped on Mihoshi's face by mistake when he went after her.

After the Choubimaru incident, Misao, along with grandfather Minami and Mashisu, were brought before his great aunt Mikami, and got a punishment of ten years service in one of the family's ventures. Misao accepted his punishment gracefully, but not wanting to be separated from his beloved Mashisu had asked her to marry him. Minami at first objected to this, saying that Mashisu was unworthy, but Misao married her when Misao's mother Mitoto brought the announcement of the family council's support for their wedding, as well as Seto's offer to adopt Mashisu, so that she could be worthy of marrying Misao.

Misao also made an appearance in GXP episodes 23 and 24. By then, Misao's punishment was modified and he became an officer in the Galaxy Army. Misao had also had gained greater confidence in his abilities. After Seina Yamada was accused of stealing the Kamidake II, when he was ordered to turn it over to the Galaxy Army, Misao with his unit had detained his former teacher Amane Kaunaq (Amane had trained Misao and still refers to him as "Rookie"), as well as Kiriko Masaki, Ryoko Balta and Neju Ne Melmas, under the charge that they were accomplices. But unknown to them, Misao was secretly working undercover for Mikami to expose a rogue faction of the G.A. that was aiding the space pirate Tarant Shank, to learn the secret of Fuku, the cabbit that powered the Kamidake II. This showed when Misao allowed the girls to stay in a castle owned by the Kuramitsu family on planet Seniwa that had a computer which they could use to solve the case.

Right after Seina had defeated Tarant, Misao went to report back to his corrupt G.A. superiors, but had actually brought Mikami and an armed escort of G.A. officers to arrest them.


Operative A (Sabato) (冴羽人, Sabato) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series, exclusive to the 1996 movie Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love.

Sabato is a special operative within the Galaxy Police, assigned to deal with serious criminals. He was a survivor when Kain broke free of his bonds and destroyed the GP Headquarters, drawn back to 1970 with Kain by the fugitive's energy. Aware of Kain's vendetta against those with the Jurai power - namely Achika Masaki and her father Yosho - he watches the former more out of feelings of retribution than her own well-being, waiting for Kain to make his move so he may kill the criminal himself.

Posing in a human disguise to hide his Wau features, Sabato was keeping an eye on Achika by posing as a student in her class. When Ryoko noticed what he was doing, she eventually confronted him and Sabato revealed his true identity to her by identifying that he knew her criminal status. After explaining everything to Ryoko, Sabato then pointed out that he will catch her after he is done with Kain. Sabato made a vain attempt to kill Kain during his attack on Achika at Tokyo Tower, and he was easily killed by him.

Sabato possessed a cybernetic left arm, which could be modified, depending on what opponent he faced. When he confronted Ryoko, it was a simple blaster easily disguised as a normal hand. However, when he faced Kain, Sabato had a more powerful laser cannon mounted to it.

Mashisu Makibi[edit]

Mashisu Makibi is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, as well as Episode 17 of Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Mashisu Makibi first appeared in Episode 16 of the third Tenchi OVA as Misao Kuramitsu's assistant on board the Kuramitsu family's newest starship, the Choubimaru, which had the capacity to destroy an entire planet. But Mashisu was not Misao's first choice for second-in-command: he had requested Noike Kamiki Jurai for that post, but at the last second, Mikami Kuramitsu had Mashisu fill-in.

Mashisu deeply wishes for Misao not to go through with his terrible plan, which was to use the Choubimaru to rescue Mihoshi Kuramitsu and the Jurai Royal Family from Tenchi Masaki's clutches (as Misao saw it), then in a battle with Ryoko, the ship's main battery would 'malfunction' and blow up Earth and killing Tenchi in the process. Mashisu, knowing that the early civilization residents of Earth were liable to go into a panic seeing a spaceship the size of Earth's moon approaching the planet (in actuality, the letter which informed Misao of Mihoshi's "plight" was altered by Z, in the hopes this incident would occur), tried to reason with Misao to modify his plans, if not for himself, but to spare the pain of having Mihoshi resent Misao because of Tenchi's death. She even went as far as spanking Misao, mostly to spare him the embarrassment of being seen by his crew with a black eye.

Unable to dissuade Misao from his plans, Mashisu secretly came up with an alternate plan by framing Ryoko Hakubi for the destruction of the Choubimaru. What it involved was that she, along with her subordinates Baguma, Fujimasa, and Sorunaru, would cause the ship's destruction by provoking Ryoko (using some minor offenses still on her record as a justification; her major crimes were deleted) to attack it. During the battle, the ship's core would accidentally overload and explode. This way, she could avoid having to destroy the Earth, not to mention avoid hurting both Misao and Mihoshi over Tenchi's death. Baguma, Fujimasa and Sorunaru were then dispatched to handle Ryoko, Ayeka, and Washu, while Mashisu would go after Sasami.

A plan gone wrong

However, Ryoko, Ayeka (with Ryo-Ohki's help) and Washu were easily able to handle Fujimasa, Sorunaru and Baguma respectively, while Sasami easily defeated Mashisu with skills that Mashisu was ill-equipped to handle, and helped her notice that she is in love with Misao. The group was then taken on board Sasami's ship, Tsunami-fune. It was on board Tsunami-fune that Seto Jurai treated the five to an impromptu party, which involved plenty of the rare libation Shinju sake

However, when Ryoko began attacking the Choubimaru in a drunken rage (she had consumed an entire barrel of sake after her battle with Fujimasa, and the Choubimaru was no match for Ryo-Ohki anyway), Mashisu became so concerned about Misao's safety that she rushed back to his side. Mashisu confronted Misao on the Choubimaru's bridge, and was able to help him come to his senses and order the crew to abandon ship. However, it took a little longer for Mashisu to persuade Misao to join the crew... which resulted in Misao trying to shield Mashisu from an explosion.

Apparently injured fatally by the blast, Mashisu helped Misao remember the day they had first met and she fainted admitting that she is in love with Misao. On that day, Misao had accidentally hit Mashisu on the head with a tennis ball. Although Misao had appoligized for the incident, Mashisu was so enrapured with the young boy she didn't hear the apology, and gave Misao a vicious headlock as a result. But afterward, Misao had invited Mashisu to lunch with his family, where she met Mihoshi. She also made mention of an unknown incident (possibly the one that caused Mihoshi's downfall within the Galaxy Police) which caused Misao to mature.

However Mashisu's injuries were actually an illusion created by Washu on Tsunami-fune, to help Misao understand the importance of who he should protect. Mashisu, as well as Misao, were surprised to find that the 'explosion' was actually a transport beam, and Mashisu was embarrassed that everyone had heard them and her confession to Misao.

A future with the Kuramitsu family

After a modified resolution to the Z incident, Mashisu was punished by Mikami Kuramitsu with six months of toilet cleaning in the G.P. headquarters for her part in the Choubimaru incident. When Misao wanted to have Mashisu with him for his portion of the punishment (ten years working in one of the family's ventures, however only one's spouse is allowed to go to the family venture), she was dismissed by Mikami's brother Minami Kuramitsu as "unworthy". However, Seto, who was also present, offered to adopt Mashisu so that she could marry Misao. This part was confirmed when Misao and Mihoshi's mother Mitoto (mop in hand) showed up and informed everyone that she got the Kuramitsu Family's counsel to accept the marriage.

Mashisu also appears in GXP episode 15. After her punishment for the Choubimaru incident had ended, she married Misao and became Mashisu Kuramitsu. Apparently as a wedding present, Mashisu was given command of the Choubimaru, with Misao going to the Galaxy Army. She was able to help out when Fuku had taken command of the Kamidake II when she ran away to Earth. Mashisu was enraged when the Kamidake II was attacked by pirates of the Daluma guild, frightening Fuku to tears. Mashisu, along with help from Fuku's big sister Ryo-Ohki, chased off the pirates.

Mitoto Kuramitsu[edit]

Mitoto Kuramitsu (九羅密 美兎跳, Kuramitsu Mitoto) is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Unfailing cheerful, Mitoto Kuramitsu is the daughter of Minami Kuramitsu, as well as the mother of Mihoshi and Misao Kuramitsu. Mitoto works as sanitation engineer (read: cleaning lady) for the Galaxy Police. She met Seina Yamada when he was first taken from Earth to the G.P. Academy, and was taken by Seina's crew-cut, which she constantly pets. Since then, Mitoto would be occasionally popping into Seina's life from time-to-time, often helping him out during certain events in the boy's life (like the time Seiryo Tennan held up Seina's body enhancements so that the boy could wash-out, where she supervised Seiryo in cleaning toilets as part of his punishment).

Mitoto shares certain traits with her daughter Mihoshi, namely her odd luck and carefree, yet clueless attitude. Also, Mitoto seems to have the odd habit of appearing in places where you least expect her to be; sometimes on a G.P. battle cruiser or a pirate ship, where she would be cleaning away without a care in the world; she even appears for a moment on board the original Kamidake, but is taken for an illusion brought on because at that time the crew are starving for lack of food.

There is a running joke that she knows almost everyone in the galaxy because she cleans for them. She has even been in General Daluma's "secret" fortress, and remarked on the cleanliness of its floors.

Other than appearing in the GXP series, Mitoto also made a brief appearance in the final episode of the third Tenchi Muyo OVA series, when she approved of Misao's proposal to Mashisu Makibi and had convinced the Kuramitsu family council to approve of the wedding.


Fuku () is a fictional character in the anime series Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Galaxy Police Transporter.


Fuku first appeared in the episode "Neju Who?". She is a cabbit, a small, rabbit-like creature that hatched from an egg in the Kamidake II, Seina Yamada's ship and was given her name by Seina himself. She is the younger sister of Ryo-Ohki, the daughter of Washu. Like Ryo-Ohki she is the biological computer-unit and, at first, the principle power source of the Kamidake II, which can fluctuate depending upon the mood of Fuku. Her appearance is identical to her sister's when she first hatched in the 3rd episode of the OVA. One characteristic that distinguishes her from Ryo-Ohki is the small bell on her neck which she received from Seina. She later shared this responsibility when Kiriko Masaki Jurai was bonded to the second-generation tree Miyuki, which gave Fuku help in powering the Kamidake II to battle against the Unko of the Good Luck Fleet.

Fuku is deeply devoted to Seina, and that devotion is clearly demonstrated by her willingness to help him, despite the fact that sometimes she can be easily frightened. Seina was also the first one to truly care for her by paying attention to her and demonstrating his faith in her, and Fuku also has a good relationship with Neju Na Melmas and hangs around with her when she is not with Seina. She also shares her big sister's love of carrots. Washu also explained to Seina that although Fuku is incapable of transforming into a human-like form like Ryo-Ohki could, Fuku could with the proper raising be able to gain this ability as well.

Fuku, as well as the Kamidake II, were also briefly taken away by a corrupt faction of the Galaxy Army that were aiding Tarant Shank in order to analyze her for their own personal desires and placed Fuku into a stasis field. The G.A. scientists attempted to clone Fuku, but could only produce imperfect clones. Eventually Seina was able to rescue Fuku, as well as the clones.

Fuku also made a brief appearance in Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, when at the end of the nineteenth episode, she accompanies Noike Jurai, who alters the message to Mihoshi's family (that Z had originally altered) in order to keep the timeline in correct order, so Noike would be able to meet Tenchi and Fuku (who also didn't want the timeline adversely affected) would eventually meet Seina.

One thing to note, is that the cabbit appearance Ryo-Ohki adopted resulted from Ryoko integrating the remains of Neko-chan, a little cat she had been keeping alive after it had died before Tenchi released her. So while Ryo-Ohki's appearance is a side-effect of the integration, Fuku's own was modeled after the integrated Ryo-Ohki.

Manga Only[edit]

Dark Washu[edit]

Dark Washu (闇の鷲羽, Yami-no-Washū) is a fictional character in Tenchi Muyo!, a recurring character in Hitoshi Okuda's The All-New Tenchi Muyō! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media.


Dark Washu began her life as the "Dark Crystal", a device which Washū Hakubi created approximately 5,000 years prior to the events of Tenchi Muyō! Ryō-Ohki. The Dark Crystal was a self-evolving artificial intelligence program with the rather unusual purpose of attacking its own creator by any means it could devise, in order to provide a worthy opponent to test the "perfect" security system that Washū was attempting to create. When Washū was sealed away by Kagato, the Dark Crystal had not yet been activated. However, it was discovered by Washū's jealous colleague Doctor Clay, who subverted the system to pursue his own grudge against her. When his attempt to abduct Washū on behalf of Tokimi was thwarted, just before being delivered to a Galaxy Police prison, he activated the Dark Crystal with orders to kill Washū. Shortly after its activation, the Dark Crystal reconfigured itself into an android copy of Washū, except with dark skin, purple eyes, and pale purple hair. This gave her most if not all of Washū's superhuman powers, theoretically allowing for an even contest. She also claimed that her personality was a copy of Washū's.

Rather than attempting to attack Washū in secret, "Dark Washu" (as it called itself) instead openly announced her presence and intent. She followed this up almost immediately by attempting to kill Washū with a garrote, and then with a hand-held energy cannon. After being physically assaulted by Ryōko for the second attack (which if successful would have killed Tenchi as well), Dark Washū concluded that a continuation of direct attacks would soon destroy the Earth, and instead proposed a best of five competition between herself (and four duplicates) and Washū's "team", with the type of contest in each round being randomly determined. The first round, a cooking contest, was easily won by Sasami, but Dark Washu cheated to defeat Ayeka and Ryōko in a shōjo manga trivia contest and a foot race, respectively. Mihoshi tied the competition in a contest of drawing lots, leading to the final round: hand to hand combat between Washū and Dark Washū. Dark Washū used deceptive tactics, such wearing boxing gloves to present the impression of a boxing match and then using kicks, but was still defeated by her creator. She then conceded defeat and exposed a shut-off switch to Washū.

However, at this point an orbital satellite left behind by Doctor Clay fired on Washū, and while it was promptly destroyed by Ryōko, the satellite placed a more sinister personality, a copy of Clay contained within his removed left eye, in control of Dark Washū's body. Clay told Washū that he would continue attacking the entire Masaki household unless she would erase their memories and confront Dark Washū alone on Europa. Though Washū obeyed this demand, Minagi arrived on Earth shortly afterward and was able to get Tenchi, Ryōko, and Mihoshi to remember Washū's existence. They arrived on Europa just in time to prevent Dark Washū from inflicting a killing blow. Afterward, Dark Washū's true personality was able to reassert itself, weakening Clay's hold, and Washū defeated her with a German suplex. Clay's copy attempted to retaliate with a proton bomb, but Washū had already disarmed it. Minagi then destroyed Clay's eye, eliminating the copy forever. When Washū expressed reluctance to deactivate Dark Washū, the android grabbed her hand and forced her to do so.


Following Dark Washū's defeat, Washū repaired and reprogrammed her as Tama () to serve as a lab assistant. Tama appeared to be a smaller, more childlike version of Dark Washū and wore a red and white maid's outfit. When questioned as to why she had restored the former villain, Washū responded that "cute characters don't grow on trees", implying that this was done largely on a whim. This was supported by the fact that she installed a very powerful self-destruct device in Tama-chan because "it seemed amusing".

Tama-chan generally got along well with the other members of the Masaki household, but behaved antagonistically toward Ryōko, seeming to mimic Ryōko's own behavior toward Ayeka. Ryōko challenged Tama-chan to a fight, with the loser being required to leave forever. However, Tama's self-destruct device was accidentally activated, causing her to forfeit the fight and flee into deep space. Upon realizing the reason for Tama's actions, Ryōko pursued her and sliced Tama-chan in half, leaving behind her lower body (which contained the bomb) and bringing back her head and upper body to be repaired by Washū. Though Ryōko was still annoyed by Tama's attempts to steal her food, she no longer objected to the girl's presence. Tama-chan has since played a minimal role in the story.


Garyu is a brief villain in the No Need for Tenchi graphic novel series by Hitoshi Okuda. He appears in the volumes Ayeka's Heart and No Need for Endings. Garyu is the prince of the distant planet called Oku II. Garyu kidnapped Ayeka from Earth through hyperspace and the Tenchi gang began their search for their beloved Ayeka.

The motive for this kidnapping is that Garyu has a burning passion for Ayeka, the origins of this come from when he visits Jurai on a diplomatic trip. Garyu criticizes that Jurains are foolish to keep trees and plants for aesthetics and oxygen saying they take up too much space. Two children were playing with their pet bird nearby and the bird flew towards Garyu. Garyu without hesitation smashes the bird to the ground. Ayeka sees this and demands Garyu to apologize. Garyu senses Ayeka's strength and presence intrigues him but he refuses to apologize. Ayeka furious walks up to him and slaps him in the face. This was the first time he had ever been hit. Everyone had always feared his power and ability but not Ayeka. He has never stopped thinking of Ayeka ever since and his passion for her brings him to kidnap her and brainwash her to love him.

Mikamo and Yataka[edit]

Mikamo (箕鳧) and Yataka (耶鷹) are fictional characters in the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, currently exclusive to Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media

An unequal partnership

Yataka is officially a "space pirate", though it might be more fitting to refer to him as a "space hijacker" - a crook among crooks who scavenges others' quarry after they've done the lay-work for him. While he puts on fierce airs, Yataka is not truly cut out for the pirating business, as while he is a liar and a thief he's on occasion too timid to kill in fear of the attention it might draw from the Galaxy Police or the Jurai Royal Family. Despite all this, he has an inflated opinion of himself and his abilities, and is quick to belittle others and suffer for his underestimations.

Mikamo is his traveling companion, a sentient robot who acts as A.I. of their spaceship. Yataka likes to think of himself and the machine as partners, but Mikamo has his own agenda: he agrees to play along with the pirate, their deal being "Yataka takes as many things as he wants and Mikamo will enjoy its little hobbies"... that being torture and dissection. Though Yataka poses as the group's spokesperson, Mikamo is the real power behind the scenes, having the thief completely at his mercy.

Business arrangements

They intercept Ryoko and the others as they journey through space, Mikamo uncovering that they're after an awesome treasure - a Juraian Royal Tree she failed to acquire eight hundred years ago when she was under Kagato's control (Ryoko's only known failure aside from her raid on Jurai). Though blasted by Ryo-Ohki, a transmitter placed on the ship leads them to an uncharted planet shielded from outside tampering and discovery. Mikamo fires on Tenchi and the others from above as Yataka makes good his plan to steal the tree, only to meet up with the tree's guardian Ibara. The pirate's ridicule of others based on first impressions gets him in trouble again, and he flees when he see his technology is helpless against a "piece of stick".

His partner has substantially better luck: Mikamo cloaks itself as Sasami and feigns distress to draw the girl's sister Ayeka into striking distance. Its foul play gaining them a hostage, Mikamo orders Yataka to tell the group they have three hours to hand over the treasure for the princess, elsewise the robot might appease its sick urges. However, Mikamo schemes to have its fun even after obtaining the prize, going so far as threatening Yataka at knifepoint for suggesting otherwise.

Before either can go back on the bargain, Washu devises a way to neutralize their ship's shield, allowing Ryoko to teleport inside. Mikamo takes a cheap shot to try to atomize both women as she and Ayeka quibble over the rescue, before at last bristling over Yataka mewling there was no reason to do such a thing. "Tired of baby-sitting poser criminals", Mikamo decides to slaughter his "useless partner" but is blasted mid-stance by Ryoko, blowing a hole through the A.I. and the side of the ship.

Last resorts

Mikamo grows increasingly enraged as he fires repeatedly from orbit, his attempts at reprisal blocked by Tenchi and his Light-Hawk Wings. When Ayeka, Ryoko and Ibara take out his gun torrents the machine grows even more adamant, choosing to sacrifice itself and the ship by bringing it down on his enemies' heads. Through the power of the Light-Hawk Wings working in tandem with Ryoko and her gems, their combined strength halts Mikamo's kamikaze effort, able to stop even the mass of the falling starship.

Unrelenting, the vengeful A.I. chooses to take itself down and drag Tenchi and the others to hell with him, initiating the ship's self-destruct sequence. Taking his frustrations out on Yataka (long past ready to throw in the towel), Mikamo screams at his uselessness as a pawn, although he's quick to stop in the face of something even more maddening - Tenchi wanting to put an end to the fighting by daring to show him mercy.

The countdown reaches zero, and as the ship explodes Ryoko and Tenchi take the full brunt of the impact. Collectively they're able to smash the extraordinary amount of mass into harmless particles instantaneously, saving the planet and everyone on it. Still functional, the machine makes one final play for murder but is ultimately destroyed by Ryoko, as "some guys just don't know when to quit".

His eminence, "Lord Yataka", survives the ordeal, though after being betrayed, losing his ship, and getting blown up and taken into custody hardly gets off easy.


Minagi (巫薙) is a fictional character in Tenchi Muyo!, a recurring character in Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! and The All-New Tenchi Muyo! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media.

Minagi's name is taken from the Minagi railway station in Japan.[citation needed]


Minagi looks almost exactly like Ryoko (with the exception of two crescent-shaped scars across her cheeks), and for good reason - from a genetic standpoint she could be considered the space pirate's daughter. However, she considers herself more a younger sister than anything else. Minagi was created artificially when Yakage, an apprentice of Washu, stole a sample of Ryoko's DNA and spliced it with his own. While similar in both appearance and abilities to her "mother", the two couldn't be any more different in personality: Minagi is highly enthusiastic, polite to a fault, and shows no interest in alcohol. They do share one important quality, however; both women are devoted to those they love unto death.

She acts as Yakage's protégé and servant, confronting Tenchi and the others shortly after their battle with Kagato at her master's behest. She suffers from amnesia after a tussle with Ryoko as a result, but while recuperating befriends the entire group. She and Sasami share a particularly close bond. Minagi regains her memory while fighting Yakage, wanting to keep her newfound friends out of danger and remember her past. While very hurt she doesn't mind dying at her master's hand, pleased to have done what she could to help her father create the perfect sword (unknowingly, one Yakage meant for Minagi to wield).

She survives the encounter, and now decides to follow in Ryoko's footsteps as a space pirate while still living by Yakage's teachings. However, her activities are more akin to the stories of Zorro or Robin Hood than to Ryoko's former career, targeting "bad cargo ships and government officers" (sic).

Space pirate?

Unfortunately, Minagi is still often mistaken for her notorious sister, with a case of mistaken identity with Asahi Takebe getting her involved in an issue with Yume and The Shima Brothers. Yakage had come into possession of one of the three Hielzen-S swords ("Kageba, the Shadow Blade"), but the sword was taken from him by Hishima, who had threatened Minagi's life lest it was handed over. Upon trying to retrieve it, the current owner Yume was unsympathetic to the past wishes of a dead man, ordering Hishima to dissuade Minagi by force. Though she survived the incident she is severely hurt trying to save Asahi's ship, but is well enough to recover under Washu's care (with the generous "donations" of blood and marrow from Ryoko helping matters further).

Minagi later captures an animal smuggler who was en route to deliver a Mitsu, and also helps the gang remember Washu, who under the orders of the Dr. Clay controlled Dark Washu had sealed their memories of her to cause her distress. Following Ryo-Ohki's signal to Europa, they eventually confront Dark Washu together, and after Washu defeats her robot copy, the missing left eye of Clay that acted as his back-up breaks away, only to be destroyed by Minagi for the harm its caused her friends.

Other versions

Clones of Ryoko have popped up several times in Tenchi Muyo! animation and literature over the years. The original OVA series Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki later used the concept for Zero. In 1997, an American comic published by Pioneer wrote of a more sinister offshoot named "Inferno".

The Shima Brothers[edit]

The Shima Brothers are a fictional trio of villains in the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, featured in Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! and The All-New Tenchi Muyo! manga series, licensed and distributed in the U.S. by VIZ Media.


They are henchmen in the service of Yume, an old classmate and rival of Washu's during her academy days. The Shimas owe their existence to Yume, having been bio-engineered by the scientist to serve her purposes; and so are utterly devoted to their master and her goals. Together they initiated a series of events to acquire the fabled Jurai Book of Secrets, manipulating the Tree Sculptor of Jurai's Royal Family Tatetsuki's strings from behind the scenes and using his authority to their advantage. They are as committed to each other as they are to Yume, and are able to pass on their core units (devices recording their past experiences and skills) in death. Each brother is completely cloaked, save for a mask and their hands when they attack.


Mushima is the oldest of the three and wears a dark green cloak to distinguish himself from his kin. His body is thin, with exposed wires running across his bladed fingers and a mask that only reveals his right eye (left in the flipped English manga). While comparatively squat by his siblings' standards (roughly the size of an adult human), Mushima's arms have extraordinary reach for his frame, as he uses them to slash opponents with great speed with his claws.

He is originally stationed on Ryuten, a sister planet to Jurai, the world that governs the universe. Mushima pleads permission from his brother Hishima to go on assignment to capture Asahi Takebe; a young woman who would prove useful as a bargaining chip to wring information out of her father. Given leave so long as Asahi's brought back alive and unhurt, Mushima is all too happy to go: while nauseated by the "stink" of the tree-planet, he hopes to gain enough favor in completing the mission to eventually usurp control.

Tracking Asahi's ship Mimasaka's co-ordinates to Earth, Mushima curses the waste of talent like his on such a backwater planet. But after being made a fool of by Katsuhito Masaki while trying to ascertain Asahi's whereabouts, Mushima reveals the last wrinkle in his genetic make-up - his body is host to two personalities, one a scheming, disreputable dirt-bag, and the other that of an honorable warrior who enjoys fighting those superior to himself. His right arm is severed in the ensuing fight, though Mushima leaves without incident - he compliments Katsuhito on his skill and hopes one day their paths and blades will cross again.

Mushima finally tracks down his quarry in space, before long backhanding Asahi in a shot meant for Ayeka. As he chortles to himself on how he's gone against orders, the act draws the wrath of the monk Gohgei, who transforms to reveal himself as a Gagutian, a nearly extinct bestial race of great speed and power. Shifting back to his second persona, Mushima swears to leave the group alone in peace should he fail; it's long been his life's dream to trade blows with a Gagutian.

Ultimately, Mushima falls. Though at first insulted, Gohgei assures the creature he means him no slight by not finishing the job; had Mushima's arm been in top condition, the outcome might have been different. Conceding total defeat, Mushima asks forgiveness for having raised a hand against the ladies, and Gohgei asks they meet and fight once more when they are both in top physical condition.

Grievously injured from scrapes with two accomplished warriors in so short a time, Mushima uses the last of his strength to return to his brothers. He refuses repair, as "a shattered weapon, no matter how completely restored, has flaws that will eventually reveal themselves", instead sinking his claw deep within his chest and pulling out his core. He asks Hishima to accept it into his own, and thus, satisfied, leaps to his death on Ryuten. His younger brother swears that, through him, Mushima will fight again.


Hishima is at the center in both age and height, but out strides all others in terms of power. He is visibly humanoid, clad in red with a mask that only reveals his left eye (right in the flipped English manga). His true lineage is kept under wraps until the final battle of their story arc. Hishima has a personal code of ethics he always tries to hold to, so long it doesn't interfere with his master Yume's wishes: he has strong feelings of honor and fair play, avoids killing if at all possible, and believes in keeping one's word and not attacking the helpless or the weak. However, should his master give an order that differs with his usual guideline they will be dropped, as requests from Yume are absolute.

While Yume slept within Bizen, Hishima headed preparations for her takeover of Jurai. He first acquires one of the three legendary Hielzen-S swords (weapons forged with a will) from the scientist Yakage, who had wanted to research "The Shadow Blade Kageba" to help reach his own aspirations. Yakage's daughter Minagi blames herself for its loss, as the swordsmith hands it over to facilitate her safety after Hishima threatens her life. He then finds the perfect foil for obtaining the Juraian files in Tatesuki, a man resentful of Nomori Takebe being given the title of Royal Tree Sculptor other than himself. By exploiting Tatetsuki's jealousy, Hishima uses hypnosis to control him like a puppet: Nomori is framed for the previous sculptor's death and locked away until he divulges the hidden files' location. Attempts are made to track down and seize Takebe's daughter Asahi as a hostage, while all traffic from Ryuten is closed off from Jurai, a second Shima, Mushimas takes on the task of finding the girl personally.

Hishima maintains order until Mushima returns, fatally wounded over the course of battle. At his brother's request, Hishima takes his core into himself, inheriting his soul, speed, and thirst for another battle with Gohgei. Finally, Asahi comes into their keeping when she is caught unawares when Tenchi and the others attempt a rescue. Nomori admits the secrets are kept within his daughter's spaceship Mimasaka under duress, as Hishima only observes Gohgei - the circumstances are hardly conducive to a fair contest. On board, Tatesuki uses the last of his reason to fight off Hishima's mental hold and keep from breaking the seals that bind them, forcing the creature to get physical and plunge his finger into the back of the pawn's head, now asserting total control.

Their captives escape in the resulting commotion, but Hishima has Takashima leave them be - the violence is unnecessary; they've got what they came for. Shortly thereafter, Yume awakes, but rather than being grateful for her underlings' work in her absence she's cold, belittling their efforts in the face of her own abilities, not their own. Minagi confronts them and asks they return her late master's sword, a request Yume is unwilling to acquiesce. The command is then given to Hishima to attack. The creatures asks that she reconsider, to forget the sword and go: "to end your life over an obligation to the dead -- it's a meaningless act". However, Hishima can't disobey orders, and when Minagi refuses to give in ("fighting for someone important to you is never meaningless!") he's forced to strike her down, hoping to one day be forgiven.

Hishima finally gets permission to settle accounts with Gohgei when Washu and Yume agree to a physical contest to resolve their age-old bet. His true nature is unveiled as to why he is Yume's masterwork - Hishima is a walking war machine based on the Gagutian life form. He is able to take the abilities of his opponents and make them his own, and - as a self-evolving mechanism with Mushima's added agility and skills - Hishima enhances those techniques as such where they always surpass the original.

Tenchi stands to shield Gohgei from a final attack, and on seeing the heir to Jurai Hishima recalls one like him through Hishima - Katsuhito. He accepts Gohgei's concession of defeat - as the monk now means to protect the person important to him, Asahi, regardless of the disgrace - as noble, and fights Tenchi in his stead. Despite his strength, Hishima is unable to duplicate the Light Hawk Wings, and the warrior is consequently thrown into Bizen, causing the tree to cave and its systems to malfunction. He works together with the others to help right his and Yume's wrongs and save the galaxy from what could have been total collapse as a result. After seeing the death of Takashima and how Hishima cares for her, Yume relents on her past doings, realizing how lonely she truly was. He is no longer treated as just another disposable minion, but as an equal and valued friend.

He and Yume make several other appearances in the series, first invited to an onsen by Washu. Hishima informs his master on the finer points of the "cleansing ritual" at a hot spring, though he himself is baffled on why someone proper like Ayeka would be averse to seeing him in the buff, writing off his lumps as just another part of the bathing ceremony. Later, the two gather intelligence and help to oppose Sara, an A.I. who became a threat to Washu and the others.


Takashima is the youngest and tallest of the Shimas. He drapes a blue cloak over his bulky, cybernetic build, with a mask that reveals no facial features, not even his eyes. He is mostly silent and a follower, communicating only via unintelligible shouts of "glah".

He accompanies Hishima throughout their task on Ryuten, doing what he can to procure the secret files of the Jurai Royal Family for his master. It is Takashima who rips the information free of its place on Mimasaka, allowing Yume the ability to control the royal tree Bizen. Later, he shocks both his brother and creator by showing he can speak, stepping in to avenge the late Mushima by fighting Gohgei. But the latter has grown even stronger since then, and Takashima is quickly dispatched, knocked aside with one blow.

Damning her fallen creation for shaming her, Yume plants a kick to the scruff of the "worthless bucket of bolts" neck, calling him little more than a pawn and pile of rubbish. Even so, when Bizen is toppled during the climactic scuffle between Hishima and Tenchi, Takashima rises to save Yume, taking all the weight of the falling tree on his neck and back. Before they give out (a result of the prior kick), Takashima shoves Yume to safety, sacrificing himself for her protection. Yume is distraught over the loss: she had never meant for anyone to give their lives for hers.


Yakage (矢蔭) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! franchise and the first major antagonist of Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media.

SwordsmithHe is a Juraian scientist who specialized in swords and swordplay, and even designed the energy sword used by Ryoko. Like Kagato, Yakage studied under Washu as one of her personal assistants at the Galactic Academy, but possessed a greater sense of honor and loyalty than the future "Ruins Buster". Despite this, he was not without ambition or obsession, and Yakage became immersed into creating a sword of immense power, one that would be strong enough to even overcome the Lighthawk Wings.

To reach that goal, Yakage abandons Washu, stealing some of Ryoko's DNA and mixing it with his own. He began raising and training his Ryoko, named Minagi, to be a superior warrior, planning for her to be the wielder of this "ultimate sword". Though harsh - and on occasion, brutal - in his teachings, Yakage genuinely cares for Minagi, only wanting his daughter to be prepared for whatever trials she might face in the future. The full extents of his research are still unknown, but he did discover many powerful blades, some so valuable they were sought by others themselves (and subsequently taken from his possession). The culmination of his work was a dual-bladed, artificial Lighthawk Sword.

Yakage managed to stay for thousands of years to further his studies by cloning himself each time he was near death, training Minagi in the ways of swordsmanship all the while. However, the cloning wasn't perfect, making each version of the scientist weaker than the last. Cell degeneration had set in, and with Yakage growing sickly - bad off enough to suffer spurts of coughing up blood at points - Minagi confronted Tenchi and the others on Earth. She attacks them knowing that they were the one who defeated Kagato, thinking research on Tenchi's sword would help her master achieve his greatest wish. However, Minagi was beaten by Ryoko, and was stricken with amnesia as a result.

New test subjects

His protégé missing, Yakage comes to earth along with his two guardians, Kuze and Hakkou, interested in seeing the power of the Lighthawk Sword. During this encounter, Kuze and Hakkou easily dispatched Tenchi, and Yakage, lecturing the boy about his lack of focus, took Ayeka prisoner in order to entice Tenchi into facing him with his full force. Though Yakage is mindful of taking the girl (as she is First Princess of Jurai), as a scientist he must use whatever means are necessary to carry out his research.

Ryoko failed in her attempt to defeat Yakage alone (to keep Tenchi from having to fight him), so Tenchi and the others quickly headed off to Yakage's ship to take him down. Through fighting with him, Minagi's memories gradually return, and after seeing the scar on his face - something Yakage kept as a memento of the first time Minagi bested him in combat - she remembers everything. Minagi allows herself to be cut down by Yakage's final strike, desiring to help achieve his dreams and make her father happy. Yakage had never told her that he only wanted to prove the sword's abilities in combat so he could give it as a gift to her.

Final analysis

Still unwilling to waver with Minagi's sacrifice, Yakage refused to quit until he and Tenchi have a final match, for the sake of both his research and his daughter. The scientist tries to goad the boy into battle by threatening Ayeka and Ryoko's lives, as a shield surrounding them will eventually kill them unless Yakage himself dies first. As they fight, Washu reveals that this Yakage is a copy, as he's been repeating himself millennium after millennium, overwriting his knowledge and appearance until his body could no longer withstand the constant degeneration.

Not wanting to kill Yakage - despite knowing the scientist's life was nearly at its end - Tenchi and his friends were put into serious jeopardy themselves. Ryoko breaks free of her bonds to save Tenchi from Yakage's deathblow, but it's not until the scientist levels his weapon at Ryoko that Tenchi shows his true power. The two then trade sword strokes, with Yakage cleaved in two by the inferiority of his artificial sword against the genuine article. Having done his best as a scientist and warrior, Yakage's only regret is that he won't be able to pass the sword along to Minagi, as he bids the group a final farewell.


Yume () is a fictional character in Tenchi Muyo!, a recurring character in Hitoshi Okuda's The All-New Tenchi Muyo! manga series, published in the U.S. by VIZ Media.

Yume attended the Jurai Science Academy at the same time as Washu Hakubi. Yume graduated second in their class, with Washu ranked first. Unlike Doctor Clay, Yume was actually considered by Washu to be a legitimate rival whose intelligence was worthy of respect.

In addition to their intellectual competitions, Yume also engaged in drinking contests with Washu at a bar near the Academy. After one of these contests shortly before Washu's capture by Kagato, the highly inebriated geniuses agreed on a contest to see who could conquer the Jurai Empire first, with the loser becoming the winner's slave. While Washu passed out afterward and promptly forgot about this wager, Yume dedicated herself entirely to winning the competition. She created three powerful warriors, the Shima Brothers, to carry out her plan, and stole the 2nd-generation Jurai royal tree Bizen. Yume then placed herself in suspended animation to wait for them to acquire the Jurai Book of Secrets, which contained information she needed to control Bizen's powers.

When the Shima Brothers finally awakened Yume, she was angry that they had taken 7200 hours longer than she had predicted. Yume also declared herself to be "the greatest scientific genius in the universe", a title which Washu also frequently claims. She proceeded with her plans, using information from the Book of Secrets to activate Bizen and launch the enormous tree into space. Mihoshi's spaceship Yukinojo, which had secretly followed her to the planet Ryuten, was the first to encounter Bizen, and was quickly overcome by the tree's Light Hawk Wings. Yume left Yukinojo intact so that Bizen's appearance would become known to Jurai.

In response, Jurai's queens Funaho and Misaki deployed the entire Jurai fleet to recover the stolen tree. However, Washu was able to locate Yume first, and challenges Yume with a new wager: a fighting competition where if Washu wins the previous contest is cancelled, while if Yume wins Washu will become her slave. Instead of fighting herself, as Washu had hoped, Yume instead sent Takashima and Hishima to fight on her behalf. Tenchi and the monk Gohgei volunteered to represent Washu. While Gohgei easily defeated Takashima, he proved no match for Hishima. Tenchi then stepped up to fight Hishima, but their battle was interrupted by the arrival of the Jurai fleet. Yume used Bizen to seize control of the Jurai warships, but Tenchi resumed the fight with Hishima to force her to give up. With his Light Hawk Wings, Tenchi was able to defeat Hishima, causing a large branch from Bizen to fall toward Yume. At the last moment, Takashima sacrificed himself to save his master, leaving Yume distraught, as she had never wanted anyone to die for her.

The damage to Bizen caused the tree to completely lose control, initiating a chain reaction that could potentially destroy the entire universe by detonating itself and all the other royal trees of Jurai. Yume worked together with Washu in an attempt to avert this crisis, and they realized that the only way to stop the chain reaction is to kill Bizen. However, before they could complete their task, an enormous extradimensional energy distortion, resembling a black hole, formed around Bizen. However, at that point Tsunami appeared and averted the crisis. Washu convinced the Jurai queens to allow Yume to go free, and later she and Hishima visited an outdoor onsen on Earth at Washu's invitation (resulting in the onsen being destroyed and rebuilt twice).

Yume and Hishima returned in Volume 8 ("Brain Drain") of The All-New Tenchi Muyo! when they brought a group of Academy underclassmen to meet Washu. Among them was an 18-year-old named Sara, an apparent klutz who immediately challenged Washu to a duel in the Virtual Arena with the condition that the loser would serve the winner. Sara lost and moved into the Masaki house to become Washu's new assistant (displacing Tama). However, Yume became suspicious and investigated Sara, learning that the real Sara had died 1,000 years previously but had been absorbed by a being composed of accumulated data and that the current Sara had a secret agenda involving merging with Washu to obtain the power of a god. Yume transported Tenchi and Ryoko into the Virtual Arena to rescue Washu where they had to battle duplicates of themselves; Washu, bolstered by Tenchi and Ryoko's courage and determination, also fought back against Sara's control. Sara was overwhelmed by emotions left over from the original Sara and allowed her consciousness to be deleted, sending Tenchi, Washo and Ryoko back to the real world. Later, Yume found what was left of the data entity in a corner of Washu's lab.


Asahi Takebe[edit]

Asahi Takebe (建部 旭, Takebe Asahi) is a fictional character from the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, a girl with past ties to Juraian princesses Ayeka and Sasami in Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! manga.

Past and personalityAsahi is the only daughter of Nomori Takebe, a wood sculptor from Ryuten, one of the sister planets to Jurai. Aside from being a luxurious planetary resort, Ryuten is the sole proprietor of the giant trees used by Jurai's royal family. Craftspeople of the planet shape and carve the wood for use as prodigious spacecraft, with the master sculptor given the highest seat of authority.

She first met Ayeka and Sasami when the two princesses visited to the vacation spot, and they all became close friends (with Sasami loving her like a little sister). Always a fool for skilled craftsmanship, Asahi is ready to carve at the drop of the hat, with a veritable barrage of sculpting tools on her person at all times. She's especially attached to Mimasaki, a sentient A.I. and spaceship that she fawns over at all times. Culinary-wise, Asahi in the kitchen is something to be feared, as her dishes tend to be on the nuclear side (five tubes of wasabi a dish for "tang"). Aside from the cook herself, the only person who can stomach Asahi's cuisine is Gohgei, a young monk who watched over her as a child.

Gohgei is actually the only boy her father let Asahi associate with growing up. Nomori smothers her in a way; after her mother died his daughter is all he has in life. To dissuade her from striking up a relationship, he spins yarns on how "all men -- aside from me -- change into scary monsters and eat little girls up!" While she knows it's not true ("since at least a year ago!") Asahi has a psychosomatic allergy as a result, and will pass out if so much as touched by a guy.

Escape from RyutenHer father was imprisoned by a rival named Tatesuki, over jealousy in not being named royal sculptor in lieu of Nomori after the previous master's death. She's unable to seek help from Jurai after Tatesuki has all traffic to the area closed, and Asahi is sought as leverage to make her father speak by three strange men. Making a break for it, the young girl runs into a snag when she mistakes the "space pirate" Minagi for her more notorious sibling, and she and Mimasaki crashland on Tenchi Masaki's front doorstep.

During the surprising reunion, Asahi fills Ayeka and Sasami in on the current goings-on on Ryuten, and eager to assist, Tenchi and the others set off to free her father from imprisonment. The journey is not without incident, though; Mimasaka is put into a drunken binge by Mihoshi halfway to their destination, forcing an unscheduled stop on Yatsuka (a mining planet in the Jurai Empire). Gohgei is picked up there while the group is detained, and after six hundred years apart the monk and Asahi fall for each other, though neither acts on their crush (Asahi is worried she'll never viewed as anything but a "little sister"/Gohgei is concerned over the age difference and the girl's feelings). Matters are compounded when Mushima tracks them down - though Asahi seems more upset over the scratching of her "pretty ship" than capture - and lashes out towards Ayeka. Asahi pushes the princess out of the way, taking the full force of the creature's backhand. While she's unconscious, Gohgei jumps to her defense, unveiling himself as a beast-like Gagutian.

Curious curesThough saved from Mushima, Asahi is eventually caught and used as collateral to expunge the location on Jurai's secret files from her father. Nomori begrudgingly cooperates, admitting the book is hidden deep within his daughter's ship. Once the files are obtained, she and the others are able to escape, though Mimasaka is left with the Shimas on Ryuten. Minagi, understanding what it's like to lose something precious to you, puts herself in danger to retrieve it, even as the A.I. concerns itself for her safety.

Thankful for all the sacrifices made by her friends, Asahi decides to stay with Gohgei and do her part to stop Yume, an old acquaintance of Washu's, from taking over the Jurai Empire. Feeling being beside Gohgei was the best protection, she supports everyone even after her father's rescue. During Gohgei's fight with Hishima, the girl wonders why Gohgei doesn't transform, revealing she understood all along ("Oh, don't tell me you didn't know!") allowing the monk to fight to his full potential without fretting how Asahi will hate him.

She is unknowingly cured of her allergy when rushing to Gohgei's aid, and after matters with Yume are finished the couple settles down on Ryuten. She succeeds in her career as a professional carver, with her and Gohgei due to be married in the near-future.

Sakuya Kumashiro[edit]

Sakuya Kumashiro (神代 佐久耶, Kumashiro Sakuya) is a character from Tenchi in Tokyo / Shin Tenchi Muyo.


Sakuya Kumashiro has been rated 3 on Temangu High's "Must Have List" by her male classmates. However, it is newcomer Tenchi Masaki that gets her attention. On one of his first days, she chooses to sit next to him at lunch, much to the envy of the other guys. Over the course of the series, the two become closer, culminating in the school carnival, where the two share a kiss while Ryoko is watching, causing Ryoko to run away for much of the series' remaining episodes.

Sakuya has strong feelings for Tenchi, and, in the end, her love becomes so strong that she cannot bear to be without him. This only gets stronger when Sakuya has a great realization near the end of the series. Yugi keeps a close eye on her, and Sakuya seems to be involved in her plans.

Sakuya goes through a big change when, in a later episode, Tenchi realizes that Sakuya has never spoken about her home, her parents or anything about her past. Sakuya brushes off the question like always, but this time she becomes aware of the fact that she cannot remember anything about herself. In her life, all that has mattered is Tenchi, and she has not thought of any of it.

Sakuya begins breaking down, and clings to Tenchi even tighter. The two spend a great deal of time together, and Sakuya tells Tenchi she loves him, asking him if he loves her. He is unable to answer for the time being and wants longer to think about it.

He does not get much time, though. Yugi, who has been watching her, keeps saying that she does not understand her. The little child cannot comprehend the romantic feelings of the older girl, and the actions it causes. Yugi destroys the crystal in her inner sanctum that represents Sakuya, and Tenchi finds that his school friends have no idea who she is. Tenchi runs off in search of her, but cannot find a trace of her anywhere.

Tenchi returns home and receives a phone call from Sakuya, who has been walking in the city, feeling empty and alone. The two spend the day together in the beach, sharing a kiss there, and Tenchi returns home to find Washu and his grandfather Katsuhito waiting for him. They explain that Washu has made a discovery about Sakuya: she is another persona of Yugi, a shadow or reflection of her as a young woman that she created (although her actions and Yugi's confusion by them shows that Sakuya has a mind of her own). Tenchi refuses to believe it at first, but after Washu shows him her data which is a definitive proof, he runs to Sakuya's house. When he makes it there, he finds Yugi, who had moments before taken Sakuya back into herself after revealing the truth to her.

When Tenchi confronts Yugi, Yugi places him in a dream world, where he can be with Sakuya forever. Distraught upon the loss of Sakuya and his guilt upon confronting the other girls after their fight at the carnival, Tenchi goes along with this after the Sakuya of this world, which is supposedly nothing but Yugi's puppet, speaks to him alternately with Yugi's voice and then her own, and he finds himself unable to hurt Sakuya.

The two share some time together, and Tenchi finally gives Sakuya the answer to the question she had asked earlier: taking her into her arms, he tells her that he's thought about it and realized that he loves her too. They kiss, but this makes Sakuya break free of Yugi's mind control, so she tells Tenchi that he has to go back to the real world and save everyone. Then, Sakuya says she will never be alone anymore since Tenchi gave her memories to hold on, so she willingly fades away into nothingness and sets him free so that he can restore everything to the way it once was.

Ryoko has hypothesized at the end of the series that, since Sakuya is Yugi's shadow, the now sleeping Yugi might grow up to be Sakuya when she wakes up. However, some fans have hypothesized that she would not grow into Sakuya, but could use her powers to bring Sakuya back instead. If either of these does happen, it will certainly make the competition for Tenchi's heart that much more heated.[citation needed]


Mayuka (麻由華, Mayuka) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! series, appearing in the 1997 movie "Tenchi Muyo! Manatsu no Eve", released by Pioneer in the U.S. as "Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness.

Mayuka was created by the Juraian demoness, Yuzuha, using her and Tenchi's DNA, and was sent to the present time, posing as Tenchi's future daughter. Upon Mayuka's arrival, Ayeka and Ryoko took an immediate dislike towards her, but Sasami begins to like her, and even promised her that they would celebrate Christmas together. Mayuka began to develop her emotions at this point, much to Yuzuha's disgust. Yuzuha began to manipulate her to resume her old mission of kidnapping Tenchi. Curiously, she has the ability to project either an actual Lighthawk Wing or a similarly powerful plane of energy as a weapon, as shown when Ryoko tried to interrogate her.

Once Mayuka's true nature was revealed, Yuzuha ordered Mayuka to kidnap Sasami, forcing Tenchi and Ryoko to go after her (Yuzuha) instead. She battled Tenchi and Ryoko, cutting Tenchi up with her claws whilst Yuzuha watched, but in the end, Sasami got through to her. Mayuka managed to break free of Yuzuha's control and attacked her, clawing out her right eye and saying that she didn't want to fight. She was "killed" by Yuzuha in retaliation for her disobedience, but after he defeated Yuzuha Tenchi brought Mayuka's crystal to Washu, and they all agreed to revive her as an infant, thus allowing her to celebrate Christmas with the gang (with Ryoko, with whom Mayuka had previously clashed, vowing to train Mayuka up right).

Hiwa Takahashi[edit]

Hiwa Takahashi (高梁 日羽, Takahashi Hiwa) is a fictional character in the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, a close acquaintance of the title character who makes an appearance in Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! manga.

Unexpected visitorHiwa and Tenchi are old friends, almost inseparable from the time they were six years old. They spent most evenings having fun and playing games together (even "Doctor"), going so far as adopting a little injured bird they named Ukan. Unfortunately, Hiwa's father moved to Osaka, and being so young with no income of her own Hiwa was obliged to follow. However, she never stopped caring about Tenchi, and years later shows up on the Masaki's doorstep looking to continue their relationship and even marry him, as she had promised when she was a little girl.

Unfortunately, things aren't so clear-cut as they seem: Hiwa is not quite herself, not in the flesh anyway. After some cajoling from Washu, she explains that two days earlier she had been hit by a speeding car, left bruised and broken on the side of the road. The first thing Hiwa sees afterwards is herself laying on a hospital bed, with the doctor telling her parents the girl only had days to live. Somehow Ukan, the bird she and Tenchi had taken care of and Hiwa still looked after, was able to lend its body as an avatar to Hiwa's spirit and brought her to Tenchi. She arrived to be pleased yet also extremely saddened to see Tenchi surrounded by people who loved him. Unfortunately, Hiwa is too far gone for Washu to heal her, causing the scientist to scoff how the "greatest genius in the universe" can't even save a single girl.

The test

Knowing she won't have much time left, Hiwa wanted to test Ayeka and Ryoko to see if their love for Tenchi was true by subjecting them to illusions generated by one of Washu's inventions. The final test for Ayeka was being told Tenchi wasn't really family and being threatened to lose her title of princess unless she returned to Jurai; meanwhile Ryoko broke up her dream date with Tenchi and decided to help a pregnant woman she had met make it to the hospital by using her powers, expressly against Tenchi's wishes. Both made the right choice, and now knowing their love for Tenchi was sincere Hiwa departs an angel, thankful to know there were those who would love and care for him as she did once she was gone.

Unable to accept that Hiwa is gone, Tenchi has an idea of someone who could save their friend where Washu could not. Sasami is able to use her power as Tsunami to bring back Hiwa, restarting her heart moments after death. Doctors and nurses are shocked by her recovery as Hiwa is embraced by her parents while white feathers still fall from the sky.

Kazuma Kagato[edit]

Kazuma Kagato (加賀戸 カズマ, Kagato Kazuma) is a fictional character in Tenchi Muyo!, specifically Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! manga series, published in the United States by Viz Media.

Master chefThough he is the spitting image of the space pirate Kagato, Kazuma has little to do with the criminal outside of looks. He is the two-time reigning champion of the highly regarded "Viva with Cooking!" game show, and intends to extend that streak even with Sasami as his primary competition. His father, Mr. Kagato, is set on Kazuma taking over the family business, a famous restaurant in Ginza the Kagatos have run for four generations. But his son only cooks to gain his dad's attention and has no interest in becoming a professional chef, and unknown to his father has a "Retire from Cooking Announcement Plan", set to be implemented once Kazuma wins three times in a row.

Tome, the second cook of the restaurant, goes to Sasami with a request; throw the match, as Kazuma might be used as a puppet by his dad for the rest of his life otherwise. After talking to Washu, she decides against it, as not only would it be bad to lose on purpose, but it'd be rude to Kazuma as well.

The three-part competition begins, and while she has a brief moment of doubt Sasami decides to do her best, no matter the outcome. The two exchange wins in the opening rounds, with Sasami edging out Kazuma in dishwashing and the boy scoring a buzzer-beating victory in a cooking quiz. Seeing his son's chances at a third championship in jeopardy, Mr. Kagato decides the fix should be in, sabotaging Sasami's ingredients by injecting a carrot with "the dreaded MSG". "It's better to cheat than lose", after all.

Final rounds and decisions

The championship is a two-hour stir-fried vegetable cook-off, the outcome deciding the ultimate winner. Kazuma has a slim lead going into the final round, Sasami and a boy named Asari the only remaining challengers. Though tipped off to the outside interference by Ryo-Ohki, Sasami refuses to believe Kazuma would ever cheat. While she's preoccupied, Asari - ashamed to be losing to an eight-year-old girl - does some damage of his own, intentionally knocking Sasami over and causing her to chip her cutting knife. Kazuma sees the trick and confronts Asari, demanding the boy apologize to Sasami for his cheating, much to Mr. Kagato's chagrin.

A helping hand (literally) from Ryoko allows the match to continue, and at the end of the day Kazuma loses a close contest to Sasami, losing his title. Kazuma's father is ashamed, and becomes especially irate over his son's wishes not to succeed him as chief chef at their restaurant. Calling Kazuma a "failure", his father insists on deciding his future for him, just as that life path was thrust on him twenty years ago. The trade talk is interrupted by Washu, who with a well-placed picture and the discarded syringe reveals the elder Kagato's ploy to Toma and Kazuma.

Kazuma and Sasami leave on good terms, looking forward to cooking together again. As they drive back to the restaurant, the boy tells his father (somewhat cowed by the whole experience) how impressive he thought Sasami was, particularly in the face of all the rigorous training they've gone through. Choosing his own destiny for the first time, Kazuma wants to study even harder to give Sasami the best match he can when next they meet. Proud of his son and finally realizing children aren't puppets on their parents' strings, the two leave to practice cooking together.

See also[edit]

  •  Anime and manga portal


  1. ^ a b "Interview with Hiroki Hayashi". AIC Anime English Website. Anime International Company. February 2011. Archived from the original on July 5, 2011.
  2. ^ "Tenchi Muyo: GXP and OAV Doujinshi Scans". Retrieved 2015-02-25.
  3. ^ Astro Nerd Boy. "Comiket 85 & Kajishima-sensei Doujinshi". Tenchi Muyo! FAQ.
  4. ^ Mateo, Alex (August 7, 2020). "Sawako Hata Narrates 5th Tenchi Muyo! OVA Season's Promo Video". Anime News Network. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  5. ^ Ashford, Sage (March 27, 2020). "Tenchi Muyo: 10 Things True Fans Know About Ayeka". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  6. ^ Ugwa, Godswill (April 23, 2018). "Ai Tenchi Muyo! – English Cast Announcement". Funimation. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  7. ^ Ashford, Sage (March 25, 2020). "10 Things You Didn't Know About The Tenchi Muyo Multiverse". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  8. ^ Moldharia, mahmadSohel (October 22, 2019). "10 Most Popular Siblings Pairs In Anime And Manga". Otakukart News. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  9. ^ Luster, Joseph (June 1, 2020). "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Season 4 is Coming to Crunchyroll". Crunchyroll. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  10. ^ Riebe, Cody (November 6, 2020). "What To Watch Before Starting Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Season Five". Game Rant. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  11. ^ Ashford, Sage (April 22, 2020). "5 Reasons Why Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki Is The Best Tenchi Show (& 5 Reasons Why It's Tenchi Universe)". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  12. ^ Bruno, Travis (October 15, 2012). "Tenchi Muyo! Universe Complete Series Review". Capsule Computers. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  13. ^ Marc (September 14, 2020). "Tenchi in Tokyo: Anime Reviews". Anime World. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  14. ^ "Magical Project S - Romio Attacks (Sub.VHS 7 of 8)". Anime News Network. February 20, 2009. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  15. ^ Tenchi Spinoff Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari Confirmed