Wikipedia:Help Project

The help pages of Wikipedia are a rabbit warren of various types of pages, written to differing levels of technical expertise and in widely varying styles. The effect can be quite overwhelming! The help system has also become bloated, and continues to grow: in redundancy, in wordiness, and via instruction creep.

This WikiProject provides an oasis of order amidst the chaos - a place where editors can meet up, share opinions, and support each other with the mammoth task of help cleanup. Many of the help pages have few, if any regular maintainers, so having a place to record ideas can ensure that good ideas endure.

Please join. We can use all the help we can get. (Pun intended). See also Wikipedia:Help desk patrol

Our overall goal is to improve the help pages for readers, new editors and experienced editors alike.

Note that Wikipedia:Department directory lists Wikipedia's operational (task-oriented) pages, but itself could be considered a help page.

Pages requiring some work or further thought listed on this page (which also lists completed missions).