Iglesia de San Brothen, Llanfrothen

La Iglesia de San Brothen, Llanfrothen , es una iglesia redundante en el borde del pueblo de Llanfrothen , Gwynedd , Gales. Está designado por Cadw como un edificio catalogado de Grado I [1] porque es "una hermosa iglesia medieval que conserva gran parte del interés exterior e interior". [1] Está bajo el cuidado de Friends of Friendless Churches . [2]

According to tradition, the church is built on a site founded in the late 6th century by Saint Brothen, reputedly one of the seven sons of the legendary Helig ap Glanawg. Most of the fabric of the present church dates from the 13th century. It was re-roofed in the 15th century, and the south porch and the bellcote were probably added in the 17th century. The church was restored in 1844, and a further restoration took place later in the same century when new windows were installed in the nave and the floor was tiled.[1] It was vested with the charity the Friends of Friendless Churches in 2002, who hold a 999-year leasea partir del 1 de enero de 2005. [3]

El cementerio es el lugar de descanso de Richard Humphreys y Margaret Wynn, padres de Humphrey Humphreys , quien fue obispo de Bangor y luego de Hereford . [4]

La iglesia de San Brothen está construida en un sitio que se inclina de oeste a este, y el piso de la iglesia se inclina correspondientemente. Está construido en piedra de la zona, con tejado de pizarra . La planta de la iglesia consta de un simple rectángulo que forma la nave y la cabecera , y tiene un pórtico sur. [1] Mide 66 pies (20 m) de largo por 20 pies (6 m) de ancho. [5] En el hastial oeste hay un campanario doble . La ventana este es de triple lanceta , siendo la ventana central más grande que las otras; la ventana oeste es una sola lanceta. En el muro norte hay una puerta bloqueada. [1]

Inside the church are old-fashioned box pews, some of which date from the 19th-century restoration, while others were reconstructed at that time from 17th and 18th-century box pews. The floor is tiled with red and black Victorian quarry tiles. The octagonal stone font dates from the 15th century and is in English Gothic Perpendicular style. The oak pulpit is also octagonal, simple in design, and dates from the 17th century. Also in oak is the reading desk, dated 1671. Behind the 15th-century altar is a reredos consisting of a curved beam supported by two medieval newel posts. Between the nave and the chancel is a rood screen, también en roble, con un hueco central y cuatro huecos más a cada lado. [1] La datación por anillos de árboles ha demostrado que la madera utilizada para su fabricación procedía de árboles talados entre 1496 y 1506. [6]