
Acanthophyllum is a genus of flowering plant in the family Caryophyllaceae with about 75 species, spread in the Irano-Turanian area.[1]

Small, shrubby perennial plants with spiny leaves. Flowers white or pink, sessile in solitary or globose heads. Spiny bracts. Calyx cylindrical, with 5 teeth. Petals 5, entire or retuse. Stamens 20. Capsule ovoid, irregularly dehiscent from base. Reniform seeds.[2]

The genus was described by Carl Anton von Meyer and published in Verzeichness der Pflanzen des Caspischen Meeres 210, 1831.[2] The type species is Acanthophyllum mucronatum C.A.Mey.

Acanthophyllum Bikh in Iran