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La Universidad de Western Ontario ( UWO ), de marca como la Universidad del Oeste a partir de 2012 y comúnmente abreviado como occidental , es un público universidad de investigación en Londres , Ontario , Canadá. El campus principal está ubicado en 455 hectáreas (1,120 acres) de tierra, rodeado de vecindarios residenciales y el río Támesis que divide la parte este del campus en dos. La universidad opera doce facultades y escuelas académicas. Es miembro de la U15 , un grupo de universidades de Canadá de investigación intensiva.

La universidad fue fundada el 7 de marzo de 1878 por el obispo Isaac Hellmuth de la diócesis anglicana de Huron como Western University of London, Ontario . [2] Incorporaba Huron College , que había sido fundado en 1863. Las primeras cuatro facultades fueron Artes, Divinidad, Derecho y Medicina. La universidad se convirtió en no confesional en 1908. A partir de 1919, la universidad se había afiliado a varias universidades denominacionales. La universidad creció sustancialmente en la era posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y se agregaron varias facultades y escuelas.

Occidental es un co-educacional universitario, con más de 24.000 estudiantes y más de 306.000 alumnos que viven en todo el mundo. Los alumnos notables incluyen funcionarios gubernamentales, académicos, líderes empresariales, premios Nobel , becarios Rhodes y distinguidos becarios. Los equipos universitarios de Western, conocidos como Western Mustangs , compiten en la conferencia de atletismo de la Universidad de Ontario de U Sports .

Historia [ editar ]

La universidad fue fundada el 7 de marzo de 1878 por el obispo Isaac Hellmuth de la diócesis anglicana de Huron como la Universidad Occidental de Londres, Ontario, [2] y su primer rector fue el presidente del Tribunal Supremo Richard Martin Meredith . [11] Incorporaba Huron College , que había sido fundado en 1863. [12] Las primeras cuatro facultades fueron Artes, Divinidad, Derecho y Medicina (London Medical College). [13] Originalmente solo había 15 estudiantes cuando comenzaron las clases en 1881. [14] [11]

Aunque la universidad se incorporó en 1878, no fue hasta el 20 de junio de 1881 que recibió el derecho a conferir títulos en Artes, Teología y Medicina. En 1882, el nombre de la universidad se cambió a The Western University and College of London, Ontario. [15] La primera convocatoria de graduados se llevó a cabo el 27 de abril de 1883. [13] Inicialmente afiliada a la Iglesia de Inglaterra , [15] la universidad se convirtió en no confesional en 1908.

En 1916, el sitio actual de la universidad fue comprado a la familia Kingsmill. Hay dos placas conmemorativas de la Primera Guerra Mundial en University College. El primero enumera a los 19 estudiantes y graduados de la Universidad de Western Ontario que perdieron la vida; el segundo honra a los hombres del condado de Middlesex que murieron. [16] [17] Una tercera placa enumera a los que sirvieron en el Hospital General Canadiense No. 10 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la unidad levantada y equipada por UWO. [17]

University College en junio de 1924. Terminado a principios de ese año, fue uno de los primeros edificios terminados en el campus actual.

En 1923, la universidad pasó a llamarse Universidad de Western Ontario. [1] [11] Los dos primeros edificios construidos por el arquitecto John Moore and Co. en el nuevo sitio fueron el Edificio de las Artes (ahora University College) y el Edificio de Ciencias Naturales (ahora el Edificio de Física y Astronomía). [18] Las clases en el sitio actual de la universidad comenzaron en 1924. [19] La torre del University College, una de las características más distintivas de la universidad, recibió el nombre de Middlesex Memorial Tower en honor a los hombres del condado de Middlesex que lucharon en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

En 1919, las Hermanas Ursulinas habían establecido Brescia College como una filial católica romana, y en el mismo año Assumption College en Windsor se afilió a la universidad; evolucionó hasta convertirse en la Universidad de Windsor en 1953. [12] [20] Antes del final de la afiliación, Assumption College era una de las universidades más grandes asociadas con la universidad. De manera similar, Waterloo College of Arts se afilió a Western en 1925; [12] [21] que eventualmente se convirtió en la actualidad, la Universidad Wilfrid Laurier (1960), que enfatiza las artes liberales, y la Universidad de Waterloo , que enfatiza la ingeniería y la ciencia. Seminario de St. Peter's College deLondon, Ontario más tarde se afilió a Western en 1939, y se convirtió en King's College , una escuela de artes. [12] Hoy en día, las universidades King's, Huron y Brescia siguen siendo afiliadas a Western.

En el Edificio de Física y Astronomía se cuelgan dos cuadros de honor conmemorativos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: el primero enumera a los estudiantes y graduados de la UWO que sirvieron en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y el segundo enumera a los que prestaron servicio en el Hospital General Canadiense No. 10 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. la unidad levantada y equipada por UWO. [17]

Aunque la matrícula fue relativamente pequeña durante muchos años, la universidad comenzó a crecer después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Agregó una serie de facultades en el período de posguerra, como la Facultad de Estudios de Posgrado (1947), la Escuela de Administración de Empresas (ahora la Escuela de Negocios Ivey ) (1949), [22] la Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería (ahora la Facultad de Ingeniería) (1957), la Facultad de Derecho (1959) y el Althouse College para estudiantes de educación (ahora la Facultad de Educación) (1963) [ cita requerida ] y la Facultad de Música (1968). [23]

En 2012, la universidad se rebautizó a sí misma como "Universidad Occidental" para darle a la escuela una identidad menos regional o incluso nacional. "Queremos ser internacionales", dijo el presidente Dr. Amit Chakma a The Globe and Mail . El nombre legal de la universidad, sin embargo, sigue siendo "The University of Western Ontario" y se utiliza en expedientes académicos y diplomas. [24]

Campus [ editar ]

La Universidad de Western Ontario se encuentra en la ciudad de London, Ontario, en el extremo suroeste del corredor de la ciudad de Quebec-Windsor . La mayor parte del campus está rodeada de vecindarios residenciales, con el río Támesis dividiendo la parte este del campus. Western Road es la principal arteria de transporte de la universidad y viaja de norte a sur. El campus central, que incluye la mayoría de las residencias de estudiantes y las instalaciones de enseñanza de la Universidad, tiene aproximadamente 170,8 hectáreas (422 acres). [8]

Middlesex College es un edificio gótico colegiado terminado en 1960. Desde 1922 hasta finales de la década de 1960, la mayoría de los edificios terminados en Western utilizaron diseños góticos colegiados.

Las residencias de estudiantes constituyen la mayor parte del área de construcción de Western, con aproximadamente el 31 por ciento de todo el espacio del edificio asignado para uso residencial. Las instalaciones de enseñanza e investigación ocupan la segunda porción más grande del espacio del edificio, con aproximadamente el 28 por ciento de todo el espacio del edificio asignado para ese uso. La mayoría de estas instalaciones se utilizan para la investigación, con el 48 por ciento de todas las instalaciones de enseñanza e investigación asignadas para ese propósito. Aproximadamente el 27 por ciento de todas las instalaciones de enseñanza e investigación está compuesto por aulas, y el 24 por ciento restante está compuesto por laboratorios de instrucción. [25]

El desarrollo del campus actual de Western comenzó en la década de 1920. Muchos de los primeros edificios de la Universidad utilizaron diseños del gótico colegiado , una característica confirmada en el plan maestro de construcción de Western en 1934. [26] A medida que el campus se expandió a fines de la década de 1960, la universidad abandonó los compromisos anteriores con los diseños del gótico colegiado en favor de una arquitectura brutalista y modernista. diseños. [26] En 2000, se reconceptualizó la planificación del campus central de Western, con el núcleo dedicado únicamente a los edificios académicos. El plan consideró a University College Hill como el punto focal, que unía la parte inferior del campus con el Valle Sur [26].El plan maestro del campus de 2006 pedía la protección y un énfasis renovado en los edificios góticos colegiados de Western. [26] La sala de calderas / planta de energía de la Universidad es el edificio más antiguo del campus central de la Universidad, inaugurado en 1922. [27] Los edificios académicos más antiguos dentro del campus central son el University College y el Edificio de Física y Astronomía. El pionero de ambos edificios comenzó en 1922 y ambos se completaron en 1924. [27] El edificio de ingeniería Amit Chakma es el edificio académico más nuevo en el campus, inaugurado en septiembre de 2018. El edificio de investigación interdisciplinaria occidental, o WIRB, es el edificio más nuevo en campus y alberga instalaciones de investigación de última generación para el estudio deneurociencia cognitiva , así como el Brain and Mind Institute, BrainsCAN y el Rotman Institute for Philosophy. [28]

Biblioteca y museos [ editar ]

La biblioteca de Allyn y Betty Taylor es una de las seis sucursales de las bibliotecas occidentales .

El sistema de bibliotecas de la Universidad, Western Libraries , opera seis bibliotecas que albergan más de 2,45 millones de libros a septiembre de 2015 , así como recursos electrónicos que incluyen libros electrónicos, títulos de serie y bases de datos. [29] Las bibliotecas que forman parte del sistema incluyen la biblioteca Allyn y Betty Taylor , la biblioteca CB Johnston, la biblioteca DB Weldon , la biblioteca educativa, la biblioteca de derecho familiar John & Dotsa Bitove y la biblioteca musical. [30] Allyn and Betty Taylor Library atiende principalmente a las facultades de Ingeniería , Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias y la Escuela de Medicina y Odontología Schulich , mientras que la Biblioteca CB Johnston atiende principalmente aEscuela de Negocios Ivey . La Biblioteca DB Weldon sirve principalmente a las facultades de Artes y Humanidades, Estudios de la Información y Medios y Ciencias Sociales . La Biblioteca DB Weldon también alberga el Centro de Colecciones de Investigación y Archivos de la Universidad. [31] Las Bibliotecas occidentales también mantienen el Catálogo de bibliotecas compartidas, que proporciona acceso común a las colecciones de Bibliotecas occidentales, así como a las colecciones de las bibliotecas de las facultades universitarias afiliadas a la Western, como Brescia University College , Huron University College , King's University. Colegio y Seminario de San Pedro. El acceso al Catálogo Universitario Compartido se proporciona a los estudiantes y profesores de Western y las facultades universitarias afiliadas. [32]

McIntosh Gallery es una de las dos galerías de arte ubicadas en su campus.

Western también opera dos galerías de arte, la Artlab Gallery y la McIntosh Gallery. Ubicada en el Centro de Artes Visuales John Labatt, la Galería Artlab exhibe aproximadamente 14 proyectos por año, explorando la producción conceptual y experimental a través de una amplia gama de medios. La Galería Artlab también tiene como objetivo ayudar en la investigación y las prácticas de los estudiantes y miembros de la facultad. [33] La McIntosh Gallery es una galería de arte pública con sede en la universidad, abierta desde 1942. La galería es un centro de presentación y difusión para la universidad, así como para la comunidad de Londres, que exhibe prácticas avanzadas e investigación en historia del arte y visual contemporánea. Arte. [34] La galería es la galería de arte universitaria más antigua de la provincia de Ontario, inicialmente abierta como una exposición de pinturas deartistas de guerra de la Galería Nacional de Canadá . [35] 683 obras de la colección de la Galería se exhibieron en todo el campus principal de la Universidad a través del programa ArtShare de la Galería en 2014. [36]

Western también mantiene vínculos académicos y administrativos con el Museo de Arqueología de Ontario . El museo surgió originalmente a partir de una colección de artefactos alojados en varios edificios de Londres, incluidos Western's University College y Middlesex College. Inaugurado formalmente el 28 de febrero de 1978, su creación fue facilitada por el Rector de la Universidad y la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Western. Aunque el museo se incorporó como una organización benéfica independiente, sin la capacidad de compartir capital, sus directores continuaron siendo nombrados por la Junta de Gobernadores de la Universidad. [37]

Vivienda e instalaciones para estudiantes [ editar ]

Sydenham Quad dentro de Medway-Sydenham Hall , una de las nueve residencias de estudiantes en el campus de la universidad

El campus principal de la Universidad de Western Ontario ofrece alojamiento para estudiantes, con nueve residencias para estudiantes que albergan a estudiantes de primer año o estudiantes de último año. En septiembre de 2015, el 23,49 por ciento de la población de estudiantes universitarios vivía en el campus, incluido el 78,69 por ciento de todos los estudiantes de primer año. [29] Cada residencia opera su propio Consejo de Residencias, regido por sus propias constituciones. [38] Los edificios de residencia de estudiantes se dividen entre residencias de estilo tradicional, residencias de estilo suite y residencias de estilo híbrido que incorporan elementos de residencias de estilo tradicional y de suite.

Las residencias de estilo tradicional incluyen Delaware Hall, Medway-Sydenham Hall y Saugeen-Maitland Hall . Las residencias de estilo suite incluyen Alumni House, Elgin Hall, Essex Hall y London Hall. Las residencias de estilo híbrido incluyen Perth Hall y Ontario Hall. [39] Alumni House y London Hall están reservados estrictamente para estudiantes de último año. [40] El edificio residencial más grande de la universidad es Saugeen-Maitland Hall, que alberga a 1.252 estudiantes de primer año. El edificio residencial más pequeño es Alumni House, que alberga a 224 estudiantes de último año. [41] [42]La universidad también opera tres apartamentos en el campus estrictamente para estudiantes de último año y graduados. Los apartamentos de la Universidad consisten en Bayfield Hall, compuesto por 299 unidades de 1 dormitorio, Beaver & Ausable Halls, compuesto por 99 unidades de 2 dormitorios y Lambton Hall, compuesto por 150 unidades de 2 dormitorios. [43] A partir de septiembre de 2021, Lambton Hall se convertirá en una residencia de primer año. [44]

El Centro Comunitario Universitario actúa como el centro de actividades estudiantiles de Western y es el centro de gobierno estudiantil de la Universidad y de actividades sociales, culturales, de entretenimiento y recreativas dirigidas por los estudiantes. El Centro Comunitario Universitario contiene las oficinas de varias organizaciones estudiantiles, incluida la unión de estudiantes de pregrado , el Consejo de Estudiantes Universitarios, así como la unión de estudiantes graduados, la Sociedad de Estudiantes de Posgrado. Además, el University Community Center también ofrece una serie de servicios de venta minorista y de alimentos, así como una variedad de espacios para clubes y salas de estudio. [45]

Instalaciones fuera del campus [ editar ]

Además del campus central de la Universidad de Western Ontario, la universidad posee varias otras propiedades en todo el suroeste de Ontario. Excluyendo el campus central de Western, así como los campus de las universidades afiliadas a Western, Western posee aproximadamente 309,6 hectáreas (765 acres) de tierra. Entre estas propiedades se incluyen varias instalaciones de investigación. Administrado por Western Research Parks, las instalaciones se agrupan en tres parques de investigación . Los tres parques sirven como enlace de investigación entre académicos y corporaciones. [46]

Gibbons Lodge sirve como la residencia oficial del presidente de la universidad. Es una de las varias propiedades de propiedad de la universidad fuera de su campus principal.

El parque de investigación más antiguo operado por Western es Discovery Park, adyacente al campus principal de la Universidad. El parque de investigación de 16,2 hectáreas (40 acres) se estableció en 1989, con inquilinos que iban desde laboratorios del gobierno nacional hasta grandes centros de investigación multiindustriales. Discovery Park también incluye un hotel de 48 habitaciones y un centro de conferencias, Windermere Manor. [47] El Advanced Manufacturing Park es otro parque de investigación establecido a través de una asociación entre Western, Fanshawe College y la ciudad de Londres. Advanced Manufacturing Park es un parque de investigación de 52,6 hectáreas (130 acres), construido en un área dividida en zonas para la fabricación a gran escala y la investigación a gran escala. [48] El domo WindEEEes una de las instalaciones construidas en el Parque de Fabricación Avanzada. El WindEEE Dome es el primer túnel de viento hexagonal del mundo , lo que permite a los científicos abordar ciertos desafíos relacionados con el viento. La estructura puede acomodar réplicas de edificios y puentes para probar la integridad estructural en una variedad de condiciones de viento. La instalación puede simular físicamente sistemas de viento de alta intensidad, incluidos tornados , y ráfagas difíciles de replicar en otros túneles de viento. [49] En 2003, Western abrió otro parque de investigación conocido como el parque de investigación Sarnia-Lambton, en una iniciativa conjunta con el condado de Lambton y Sarnia.. El parque de investigación de 32,4 hectáreas (80 acres) se encuentra junto al Lambton College y alberga la incubadora de empresas de tecnología limpia más grande de Canadá . [50]

La universidad también gestiona varias residencias fuera del campus central. La residencia oficial del presidente de la Universidad, Gibbons Lodge , está fuera del campus. Terminada en 1932, la casa de estilo Tudor Revival se encuentra al norte del campus central de Western. Fue adquirida por la universidad en 1960. [51] Además de Gibbons Lodge, la universidad también mantiene Platt's Lane Estates, un complejo de casas y apartamentos al sur del campus de la Universidad. El complejo fue diseñado para albergar a estudiantes de último año, graduados y con familias. [52]

Sostenibilidad [ editar ]

La sostenibilidad del campus en Western es gestionada por el Comité Asesor de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad del Presidente. El mandato del Comité incluye la incorporación de la sostenibilidad en la programación académica, dedicada a la investigación en todas las disciplinas en las cuestiones de la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente, el uso de métodos de jardinería ecológica y la preservación de los espacios verdes y la construcción y renovación de las instalaciones de acuerdo con la eficiencia energética y los principios de sostenibilidad [53] Junto con el Otros miembros del Consejo de Universidades de Ontario , Western había firmado un compromiso en 2009 conocido como Universidades de Ontario Comprometidas con un Mundo más Verde , con el objetivo de transformar su campus en un modelo de responsabilidad ambiental. [54] Western is also a signatory of the Talloires Declaration, a sustainability declaration created for presidents of higher education.[55] The university campus received a B- grade from the Sustainable Endowments Institute on its College Sustainability Report Card for 2011.[56]


The university's governance is conducted through the Board of Governors and the Senate. The Senate was the university's first governing body, created in the university's founding document, An Act to Incorporate the Western University of London, Ontario, 1878.[57] The Board of Governors was later established in An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Western University of London, Ontario, 1892.[58] The Board is responsible for the university's management, including financial matters.[59] Ex officio governors of the Board include the university's chancellor, president, the mayor of London, the warden of Middlesex County and the secretary of the Board of Governors. The Board also consists of 26 other governors either appointed or elected by the members of the university's community and the surrounding community, including elected representatives from the student body.[60]

The Senate is responsible for the university's academic policies.[61] The Senate consists of 20 ex officio positions in the Senate granted to the chancellor, the president, the university's vice-presidents, the senior dean of each faculty, the university librarian and the secretary of the senate. The secretary of the senate is a non-voting ex officio member. The Senate also consists of 46 elected members from the university's faculty, 18 members from the student population, and 9 members from the Western's affiliated colleges, including their principals. The Senate also consists of 9 other members from around the university community. In all, there are 103 members of the Senate, 102 of which may vote and 10–13 official observers of the Senate.[62]

The president and vice-chancellor acts as the university's chief executive officer, accountable to the Board of Governors and the Senate, by supervising and directing the university's academic and administrative work and its teaching and non-teaching staff.[63] Alan Shepard is the tenth president of the university, who began his tenure as president on 1 July 2019.[64] The chancellor of the university acts as the honorary and symbolic head of the university. The position of chancellor is a four-year, non-renewable term.[65] The university's current chancellor is Linda Hasenfratz, who was appointed to the position on 1 July 2019.[66]

Affiliated institutions[edit]

St. Peter's Seminary is an affiliated institution of Western. St. Peter's is the seminary for the local diocese.

The University of Western Ontario is affiliated to three university colleges. Brescia University College is an all-women's Catholic-based university college, the only remaining women's college in Canada.[67] Founded by the Ursulines in 1919, an affiliation agreement with Western was arranged shortly after its founding, with Brescia campus moving adjacent to Western's central campus in 1925.[68] Huron University College was founded in 1863, originally established as Huron College, and renamed Huron University College in 2000.[69] Huron's affiliation with Western was authorized in Western's first provincial charter, in 1878. Both Huron and Western share the same progenitor in Bishop Issac Hellmuth. Huron moved to its present location, adjacent to Western's central campus, in 1951.[69] King's University College was founded in 1954, as a Catholic-based liberal arts college.[70] Founded as Christ the King's College, it changed its name to King's College in 1966, and King's University College in 2004.[71] Regardless of the university college's religious affiliation, enrolment in the those institutions is not restricted based on the student's religious beliefs.[70][67]

In addition to the three university colleges, Western also maintains an affiliation with St. Peter's Seminary through its affiliation with King's University College.[72] Founded in 1912, St. Peters was opened as the seminary for the Roman Catholic Diocese of London.[73] The campuses of King's University College and St. Peter's Seminary are east of Richmond Street and the University's central campus.

Students registered with an affiliated university colleges has access to all of Western's facilities, the University's sports and recreation services, and its club system. Graduates of the affiliated university colleges also receive their degrees from Western.[74][75] The resources of Western Libraries, the three libraries of the affiliated university colleges, and the library of St. Peter's Seminary is shared among the students of Western, and its affiliated institutions through the Shared Library Catalogue.[32] The affiliated institutions maintain their own campuses, residences, as well as academic faculties. However, enrolment in courses offered by Western, or an affiliated institutions remains open to all students registered with either the university, or one of its affiliated institutions.


The Spencer Engineering Building is primarily used by Western's Faculty of Engineering. The faculty is one of eleven faculties at the university.

Western is a publicly funded research university, and a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.[76] The full-time undergraduate programs comprise the majority of the school's enrolment, made up of 30,665 full-time, part-time undergraduate students and concurrent education students. The graduate student population is 5,297, including full-time students, part-time students and post-graduate medical residents.[7] The university conferred 4,504 bachelor's degrees, 207 doctoral degrees, 1,427 master's degrees, and 1,180 second entry professional degrees in 2008–2009.[77] Students may apply for financial aid such as the Ontario Student Assistance Program and Canada Student Loans and Grants through the federal and provincial governments. The financial aid may come in loans, grants, bursaries, scholarships, fellowships, debt reduction, interest relief, and work programs.[78]

The university is divided into 11 faculties and schools including the Don Wright Faculty of Music, the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Science, Ivey School of Business, and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.[79] In September 2016, most undergraduates at Western was enrolled in the Faculty of Social Sciences, with 7,114 full-time and part-time undergraduate students in enrolled in one of their programs.[80][81] In the same year, the Faculty of Health Science held the highest enrolment among graduate students at Western, with 821 full-time and part-time graduate students enrolled in the faculty.[82] The School Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is the university's central administrative unit of graduate education.[83] However, it is not considered its own faculty or academic school.

Admission requirements at Western differ depending upon the education system where the applicant originates from, due to the lack of uniformity in marking schemes.[84] In September 2012 secondary school average for full-time first-year students at Western was 89.3 percent.[85] For admission in the fall of 2013, there were 45,000 applications for 4,900 spaces.[86]

The university also offers students the opportunity to earn credits while studying abroad, through student exchange programs, and internship, faculty-led international excursions, and clinical placements.[87]


The University of Western Ontario has consistently ranked in international university rankings. In the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities rankings, the university ranked 201–300 in the world and 10–12 in Canada.[88] The 2021 QS World University Rankings ranked the university 203rd in the world and eighth in Canada.[89] The 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked Western 201–250 in the world, and 9–10 in Canada.[90] In U.S. News & World Report 2021 global university rankings, the university placed 287th in the world, and tenth in Canada.[91] In Maclean's 2021 rankings, Western placed eighth in both their Medical-Doctoral university category, and their reputation ranking for Canadian universities; tying with the University of Calgary and the University of Ottawa for the former category.[92][94]

The university has also placed in a number of rankings that evaluated the employment prospects of its graduates. In QS's 2019 graduate employability ranking, the university ranked 141–150 in the world, or seventh in Canada.[95]


Robarts Research Institute is a medical research facility at Western's campus. More than 600 people conduct basic and clinical research at the facility.

Western has four primary fields of research: life sciences and the human condition, culture analysis and values, the human and physical environments, and social trends, public policy, and economic activity.[96] In Research Infosource's 2018 ranking of Canadian research universities, Western was ranked 10th; with a sponsored research income (external funding) of $249.669 million in 2017.[97] In 2017, members of Western's faculty averaged a sponsored research income of $166,100, while graduate students averaged a sponsored research income $41,600.[97] The federal government is the largest source of funding providing 46 percent of Western's research budget, primarily through grants. Private corporations contribute 10 per cent of Western's research budget.[98]

Western's research performance has been noted several bibliometric university rankings, which uses citation analysis to evaluates the impact a university has on academic publications. In 2019, the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities ranked Western 197th in the world, and ninth in Canada,[99] whereas the University Ranking by Academic Performance 2018–19 rankings placed the university 187th in the world, and ninth in Canada.[100]

Research regarding the human brain has also become a major focus at the university. The Brain and Mind Institute focuses on research in cognitive neuroscience at Western.[101] In 2011, the Institute discovered the blind may perform echolocation by using the visual cortex of the brain.[102] Another 2011 study at Western suggested people who are deaf from birth may be able to reassign the area of their brain used for hearing to boost their sight.[103]

In 2014, the university unveiled plans for a 4,200-square-foot facility for research in medicine, science and technology, in the study of HIV and other complex human pathogens. Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry's Department of Microbiology and Immunology is globally recognized, in large part due to the groundbreaking discoveries of Dr. Chil-Yong Kang, a Western researcher clinically testing a preventive HIV/AIDS vaccine.[104] SAV001-H is the first and only preventive HIV vaccine based on a genetically modified killed whole HIV-1 virus. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Phase I clinical trial was completed in August 2013[105] and reported no serious adverse effects while boosting antibodies in the volunteers. The vaccine SAV001-H holds tremendous promise, having already proven to stimulate strong immune responses in preliminary toxicology tests. It is the only HIV vaccine under development in Canada, and one of only a few in the world.[106]

Student life[edit]

The two main student unions on administrative and policy issues is the University Students' Council for all undergraduate students and the Society of Graduate Students for graduate students.[110][111] The University Students' Council recognizes more than 180 student organizations and clubs, in which more than 19,500 people are a member.[112] These clubs and organizations cover a wide range of interests such as academics, culture, religion, social issues, and recreation.[113] The University Students' Council also provides additional services such as the campus movie theatre (Western Film), pub/restaurant (The Spoke & Rim Tavern), clothing store (The Purple Store) and print shop.[114] These facilities can all be found in the University Community Centre.

O-week at Western is a week of activities to orient and welcome new students.

There are a number of fraternities and sororities existing throughout the student community. There are five international sororities at Western, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta & Pi Beta Phi.[115] There are also ten fraternities existing at Western, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Chi, Zeta Psi, and Kappa Alpha Society.[116][117][118][119][120][121][122]


Athletics at Western is managed by Sports & Recreation Services, a division of the Faculty of Health Sciences.[123] The university's varsity teams compete in the Ontario University Athletics conference of U Sports. The varsity teams are known as the Western Mustangs. As is mandatory for all members of U Sports, Western does not provide full-ride athletic scholarships.[124] Western's varsity teams have been highly successful. In particular, the football team has won 32 provincial championships, appeared in 16 national championship finals and won 7 Vanier Cup championships as well as 3 earlier Churchill Bowl championships as national champions. Basketball has won 24 provincial championships and rowing has won 23 provincial championships. The squash team has won two NCAA championship titles.

The university has a number of athletic facilities open to their varsity teams and their students. The Western Student Recreation Centre, opened in January 2009, is home to Western's group fitness, drop in recreation, registered massage therapy, sport psychology, drop in recreation, intramural sports and clubs. Better known as the WSRC or the Rec Centre, this facility has an 8-lane, 50-metre pool facility. Overlooking the pool is a 3-tiered concrete viewing area. A 1-metre diving board is also available. There is over 19,000 square feet of weight, cardio, and stretching space within the WSRC. There are three gyms on the first floor, and two more on the upper level. Outside the lower gyms is the 1st floor games and activity lounge for table tennis, while outside of the upper gym spaces is cardio space as well as the destination for spin bike programming. Also on the 4th floor are two large studio spaces where the drop in fitness, clubs and dance courses take place.[125]

The Western Mustangs compete in a number of sports, including Canadian football.

TD Stadium has been the university's main stadium since it opened in 2000, with a seating capacity of over 8,000 spectators. The stadium is home to the university's varsity football team, and has hosted a number of events including the World Lacrosse Championships and the Canada Games.[126] The Thompson Recreation & Athletic Centre which houses a number of athletic venues, including an ice rink, tennis facilities and a track, is home to the varsity ice hockey teams and the varsity track and field teams.[127] Another athletic facility at the university is Alumni Hall, which is a multipurpose venue for sports such as basketball, volleyball and other indoor events.[128]

Many Western students take part in intramural sport leagues and tournaments.[129] Opportunities are offered at multiple skill levels and across a variety of sports. Sports offered include traditional sports like volleyball, basketball and soccer, as well as less traditional events like dodgeball and inner tube water polo. Western also hosts secondary school football games at TD Stadium.[130] Western has several fight songs and school songs that may be heard at varsity games, including the official school song, "Western". Written in 1930, it is most notably played at football games and other athletic events by the Western Mustang Band.[131]


The Don Wright Faculty of Music offers almost 400 performances, masterclasses and recitals each year, most of which are open to the public. The Western University Symphony Orchestra and the Western University Chamber Orchestra perform regularly under conductor Alain Trudel. UWOpera, under the direction of Theodore Baerg, performs a wide variety of repertoire ranging from operetta to full operatic works in the Paul Davenport Theatre (refurbished and renamed in 2009 from Talbot Theatre).[132]

Theatre Western produces a season that includes an annual musical revue of modern and classic Broadway, Purple Shorts (Western's One-Act Play Festival,) and a major musical production each spring. The Huron Underground Dramatic Society (HUDS) is a student run drama group that puts on several shows per year.


The University Community Centre is a student centre that houses a number of student-run organizations, including a campus radio station, and a student newspaper

The university's student population operates a number of media outlets throughout the campus environment. The University Students' Council owns and operates the campus radio station CHRW-FM (94.9 FM).[133] The first campus radio to operate at Western was in 1971, although the present day station CHRW-FM, was not established until 1979, one year after the closure of the Western's first campus radio station.[134]

The University Students' Council previously operated a closed-circuit television station known as The station began broadcasting in 1994,[135] and was discontinued by the student union in 2010 after being cut from the University Students' Council's operating budget.[136]


The Gazette, sometimes called the Western Gazette, is a student newspaper which has been in publication since 1906.[137] The Gazette publishes online daily and in print on Tuesdays during the academic year.[138][139] The Gazette has its roots as a hand-written literature newspaper called In Cap And Gown, which began in 1902.[140] The In Cap And Gown was first produced in newsprint in November 1906, but changed its name to The Gazette in 1908.[140] The Gazette ceased publishing in the spring of 1916 due to World War 1 but was revived in its old form in 1919. In 1930, 7 years after Western University changed its name to the University of Western Ontario, the paper changed its name to the University of Western Ontario Gazette. It is now known simply as The Gazette, its affiliation with Western variously recognized in its print edition as "Western University's official student newspaper."[citation needed] The Gazette started as monthly but in its early years appeared weekly and twice weekly.[141] It started publishing four times a week in 1991 and returned to the twice-weekly format in 2015. The change in print publication schedule was accompanied by a major digital transformation. The newspaper has moved towards a digital-first philosophy and focuses on multimedia and online-only content on a daily basis.[142] In 2017, the Gazette began printing only once a week.[citation needed] The Western Gazette absorbed the assets of Western TV in 2016. Western TV was formally the Big Purple Couch and TV Western.

The Gazette has spawned several other publications in its history. One was Occidentalia, which had its roots in special convocation issues of the Gazette which included pictures of the graduating class.[143] "Oxy" as it was known became the University's year book and it provided "an interesting record of the year's activities in all Faculties and Schools."[141] The paper is owned and published by the University Students' Council (USC). The paper has editorial autonomy from the USC.[139] The publications committee consists of mainly professional journalists who advise the full-time staff on editorial decisions and financial management of the paper, as well as offer an intermediary between the sometimes contentious relationship between the student politicians who are reported on by the Gazette.[144] The paper is one of the founding members of the National University Wire.[145]

Student life programs[edit]

Leadership education[edit]

The Leadership Education Program is designed to teach students how to become effective leaders, both individually and in teams. The program is split into three tiers: individual leadership, group leadership, and community leadership. To successfully complete a tier an individual must complete at least five of its seven modules.[146] Upon completion, students receive a Letter of Accomplishment signed by the dean of the university.

Student exchange[edit]

The University of Western Ontario offers a student exchange program to study abroad with several other partner institutions. Almost four hundred students come to Western each year as exchange students from all over the world, with even more students coming to Western as international undergraduate or exchange students. The Western International Exchange Program offers its students the opportunity to study at more than 85 different institutions in 25 countries.[147]

Notable people[edit]

  • John Robarts, 17th Premier of Ontario

  • Sir Frederick Banting, awarded the Nobel Prize for the first use of insulin on humans

  • Margaret Chan, 7th Director General of the World Health Organization

  • J. Carson Mark, mathematician and member of the Manhattan Project

  • Kevin O'Leary, president of The Learning Company and television personality

  • Galen Weston, chairman of George Weston Limited

  • Prem Watsa, founder and chairman of Fairfax Financial

  • Roberta Bondar, CSA astronaut and the first Canadian female in space

As of November 2007, the University of Western Ontario has over 220,000 alumni residing in over 100 countries.[148] Throughout Western's history, faculty, alumni, and former students have played prominent roles in many different fields and have won the Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize and other awards such as the Rhodes Scholarship.[149][150] Former faculty member Frederick Banting received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of insulin.[151] Alice Munro, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013, studied in the university's English department for two years under a scholarship and returned to Western in 1974–75, when she held the post of writer-in-residence. She was later awarded an honorary degree.[152] Two graduates from Western have also travelled in space, namely Bjarni Tryggvason and Roberta Bondar.[153][154]

Many former students have gained local and national prominence for serving in government, such as James Bartleman, who served as Lieutenant Governor of Ontario from 2002 to 2007, and Sheila Copps who served as Deputy Prime Minister of Canada.[155] Western's alumni also include a number of provincial premiers, including former premiers of Ontario John Robarts and David Peterson,[156] and the former premier of Alberta, Don Getty.[157] A number of graduates have also served prominent positions on the international level. Examples include Glenn Stevens,[158] the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia and Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the World Health Organization.[159]

A significant number of prominent leaders in business and economics have also studied at Western. Examples include: Stephen Poloz, Governor, Bank of Canada,[160] Thomas H. Bailey, founder and former chairman of Janus Capital Group,[161] Geoff Beattie, president of The Woodbridge Company and chairman of CTVglobemedia,[162] George Cope, president and CEO of Bell Canada Enterprise,[163] Joseph Muncaster, president of Canadian Tire,[164] Edward Rogers III, deputy chairman of Rogers Communications, and former president of Rogers Cable,[165] Arkadi Kuhlmann, chairman of ING Direct,[166] Rob McEwen, founder, chairman and former CEO of Goldcorp Inc.,[167] John Thompson, former chairman of Toronto-Dominion Bank and chancellor of Western,[168] Prem Watsa, chairman, CEO of Fairfax Financial,[169] Lee Seng Wee, former chairman of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation,[170] Galen Weston, chairman and president of George Weston Limited,[171] Howard Lindzon, author and founder of StockTwits,[172] businesswoman Margaret Heng, CEO of Shatec, a Singapore-based hospitality training institution,[173] and Kevin O'Leary, television personality, venture capitalist, and former president of The Learning Company.[174]

See also[edit]

  • 15025 Uwontario
  • Old Four
  • St. Peter's Seminary (Diocese of London, Ontario)
  • Western Mustang Band


  1. ^ The university's main campus is located on 1151 Richmond Street in London, Ontario. However, in addition to its main campus the university also operates other facilities throughout southwestern Ontario.
  2. ^ The following includes full-time, and part-time students enrolled at the university. The following figures do not include students enrolled with an affiliate institutions of Western, including Bresica, King, and Huron university colleges.
  3. ^ The following includes students enrolled in a first professional degree program.


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  157. ^ Lisac, Mark (2004). "Don Getty". In Bradford J. Rennie (ed.). Alberta Premiers of the Twentieth Century. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. pp. 231–232. ISBN 0-88977-151-0.
  158. ^ "Glenn Stevens". Reserve Bank of Australia. 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
  159. ^ "Dr Margaret Chan: Biography". World Health Organization. 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
  160. ^ "Stephen S. Poloz". Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  161. ^ "Thomas Bailey - 322". Forbes. 21 September 2006. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  162. ^ "W. Geoffrey Beattie". Forbes. 12 June 2009. Archived from the original on 26 April 2011. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  163. ^ "George Cope". BCE Inc. 24 March 2011. Retrieved 24 October 2011.
  164. ^ "Corporate Viewpoints—Interviews with Top Managers: Interview with Dean Muncaster". Interfaces. 4 (3): 12–22. 1974. doi:10.1287/inte.4.3.12.
  165. ^ "Edward S. Rogers". Rogers Communications. 2011. Retrieved 24 October 2011.
  166. ^ "Our board of directors". ING Bank of Canada. Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  167. ^ "Robert R. McEwen BA, MBA". Bloomberg LP. 2011. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  168. ^ "John M. Thompson named new Chancellor of Western". Western News. University of Western Ontario. 19 March 2008. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  169. ^ "Advisory Board". Richard Ivey School of Business. 2006. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  170. ^ "#224 Lee Seng Wee & family". Forbes. 2010. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  171. ^ "Galen Weston & family". Forbes. March 2011. Retrieved 19 July 2011.
  172. ^ Fillion, Rubina Madan (8 March 2013). "The Best Tweets for Your Money". Barron's. Retrieved 8 May 2013.
  173. ^ Tan, Hsueh Yun (20 May 2013). "Training for success". The Straits Times. p. C4.
  174. ^ "T. Kevin O'Leary". Archived from the original on 27 September 2013.

Further reading[edit]

  • Barr, Murray Llewellyn (1977). A Century of Medicine at Western: A Centennial History of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario. University of Western Ontario.
  • Gwynne-Timothy, John RW (1978). Western's First Century. University of Western Ontario.
  • Talman, Ruth Davis (1925). The Beginnings and Development of the University of Western Ontario, 1878–1924 (MA thesis). University of Western Ontario.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Official athletics website