Wikipedia:Non-free use rationale guideline

When non-free media files (images, videos, and audio clips) are used on Wikipedia, a justification for their usage, called a non-free use rationale (or use rationale or fair use rationale), must be presented in the file description page, explaining how the file is used in a way consistent with Wikipedia's non-free content criteria. This justification will help other users determine if the claim of non-free use could apply to a wide variety of uses or a narrow range of uses. It will also help determine if the given claim of non-free use is appropriate for Wikipedia in the first place.

If you are using non-free images or other media files, you must include two things on the file description page:

Be sure to examine the guidelines on non-free content before uploading the file. Wikipedia's policies are more restrictive than United States fair use law in terms of what is and is not allowed.

Note: Non-free media files that do not include both a copyright tag and a use rationale may be deleted after seven days.

Non-free use of copyrighted text does not require a rationale. However, text reuse must fall within our copyright policy, not create copyright violations, and must be properly attributed to avoid plagiarism.

A well-written use rationale must explain how the use of these media meets the Non-free content criteria and should state: