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El Trofeo Turístico de la Isla de Man 2007 fue la carrera del Centenario que se celebró del 26 de mayo al 8 de junio de 2007. [1]

La carrera Blue Riband de la reunión, Senior TT, fue ganada por John McGuinness y registró la primera vuelta a una velocidad media de 130 mph en el Isle of Man TT Mountain Course . La carrera Superstock TT de la reunión del Centenario fue ganada por Bruce Anstey y la carrera Junior TT de 600cc por Ian Hutchinson . Las carreras Sidecar TT A y B fueron ganadas por la combinación de Dave Molyneux / Rick Long y John McGuinness también completó un doble después de ganar la carrera Superbike TT. Durante la carrera Senior TT, un accidente de carrera resultó en la muerte de un competidor y dos espectadores. [2]Otro accidente de carrera grave ocurrió durante la carrera Post TT con un competidor de la carrera y cuatro espectadores lesionados. [3]

Para las carreras del centenario de 2007, se llevaron a cabo una serie de eventos especiales para conmemorar los 100 años de las carreras de TT de la Isla de Man. Esto incluye una recreación de la carrera Centenary TT, una exhibición del Vuelo conmemorativo de la Batalla de Gran Bretaña sobre la bahía de Douglas [4] y un festival de música con el acto principal del grupo británico The Who . El festival de carreras TT de la Isla de Man de 2007 fue el primer evento en el que se introdujo un flujo de tráfico en un solo sentido en la sección montañosa de la A18 Snaefell Mountain Road entre Ramsey Hairpin y el cruce de carreteras Creg-ny-Baa .

Recreación del centenario [ editar ]

Para celebrar el primer TT de la Isla de Man de 1907, que se llevó a cabo el 28 de mayo de ese año, se llevó a cabo una recreación especial del evento de 1907 [5] en el green del pueblo junto a Tynwald Hill en St. Johns el lunes 28 de mayo de 2007. [ 6] El desfile clásico de 100 motocicletas clásicas [7] para la recreación del centenario de una vuelta en las vías públicas cerradas en el circuito corto original de St. John fue señalado por el ex campeón mundial de motocicletas de la FIM, Geoff Duke . El primero de los participantes en iniciar el desfile de Recreación fue el Dr. George Cohen a bordo del Peugeot-Norton bicilíndrico recientemente restaurado. [8] montado por Rem Fowlerdurante la primera carrera TT de la Isla de Man en 1907. También participaron en la recreación de 2007 ex competidores de TT, incluidos Alan Cathcart, Sammy Miller, Guy Martin, Nick Jefferies y Mick Grant. [9]

Semana de práctica [ editar ]

Los dos primeros competidores en comenzar la práctica para el evento Centenary desde la tribuna TT fueron Steve Plater y Keith Amor en la vuelta de control de velocidad de sus Solo Newcomers, seguida de una sesión de práctica sin tiempo para competidores Solo y tripulaciones de sidecar. [10]

A pesar de que el TT de la Isla de Man 2007 fue la primera práctica y carreras no interrumpidas por el clima desde el evento del Jubileo de Oro de 1957 , después de la cancelación de la práctica del miércoles por la noche. [11] El piloto australiano de TT Cameron Donald se ve obligado a perderse las carreras TT de la Isla de Man de 2007 después de romperse una clavícula mientras competía durante la carrera de Superbikes North West 200 de 2007. [12] Carl Rennie también se vio obligado a perderse las carreras TT de la Isla de Man 2007 incluidas después de romperse una clavícula en las 100 carreras de Cookstown . [13]

Durante la sesión de práctica del lunes por la noche, Ian Hutchinson, que viaja con Honda, registra una velocidad de 192.838 mph a través de la trampa de velocidad en Sulby . [14] También durante la práctica de apertura del lunes, los corredores de TT Steve Pooley y Andy King se resbalaron en el 32º Milestone sufriendo abrasiones leves en manos y brazos. En Laurel Bank , Ian Hutchinson sufre una lesión en un codo. Después de un accidente en Water Works Corner cerca de Ramsey , Marc Ramsbotham es llevado al Hospital Nobles para una radiografía por una presunta lesión. [15]

La práctica de la tarde del martes se lleva a cabo en condiciones ligeramente nubladas y John McGuinness, conduciendo una Honda en la clase Superbike, registra una vuelta a una velocidad promedio de 128.492 mph para liderar la práctica. Los tiempos de práctica para las clases Supersport y Superstock están liderados por el neozelandés Bruce Anstey, que registra tiempos por vuelta de 121,33 mph (Yamaha) y 125,34 mph (Suzuki) respectivamente. [16] La clase de sidecar está dominada por Nick Crowe / Dan Sayle con un equipo Honda de 600 cc que registra una vuelta de 114.208 mph. El sidecar de Dave Molyneux / Rick Long se detuvo en Bray Hill en la primera vuelta de práctica del Sidecar TT con continuos problemas mecánicos. En el Quarterbridge, Karsten Schmidt se resbaló durante la práctica del martes por la noche, William Dunlop y Roger Maher en Waterworks y Conor Cummins y Alan Chamley chocaron en Laurel Bank. [17]

Después de la cancelación de la sesión de práctica del miércoles por la noche debido a la niebla baja en la sección principal de la carretera de montaña A18 del circuito TT, la próxima práctica de la carrera TT se llevó a cabo la noche del jueves 31 de mayo de 2007. La tradicional sesión de práctica del jueves por la tarde se celebró desde 1937 [18] fue trasladado a una sesión de práctica nocturna en línea con el Gran Premio de Manx para aumentar la disponibilidad de jefes de carrera. La sesión de práctica de TT del jueves por la noche fue dominada nuevamente por John McGuinness, quien registró una vuelta con una velocidad promedio de 129.084 mph, que fue un poco más lenta que su récord absoluto de vuelta TT de una velocidad promedio de 129.45 mph. [19] La práctica de Sidecar TT fue dominada nuevamente por la tripulación local de la Isla de Man de Nick Crowe / Dan Sayle con una vuelta a una velocidad promedio de 114.125 mph.[20] En la esquina de Cruickshanks en Ramsey, James Coward sufrió fracturas en la parte inferior de la pierna después de un accidente y John Crellin chocó con una gaviota en la sección de montaña.

Semana centenaria de carreras TT [ editar ]

Carrera TT de Superbike [ editar ]

La carrera de Superbike se retrasó 30 minutos por primera vez debido al aceite derramado en el Bungalow y luego por parches de humedad, niebla baja y fuertes vientos en la sección de montaña del recorrido. [21] La Superbike TT Race se pospone hasta el lunes 4 de junio de 2007 después del deterioro del clima y la controversia sobre las regulaciones de la TT Race que prohíbe el uso de slicks cortados a mano. [22] Como las difíciles condiciones climáticas exigían neumáticos de carreras lisos cortados a mano, se alegó que Honda se retiraría si la carrera de Superbike TT no se posponía o que John McGuinness e Ian Hutchinson comenzarían la carrera con slicks y luego se desviarían del circuito. en Bray Hill y regrese al paddock de carreras. [23]

La carrera reprogramada de Superbike TT se iba a disputar el lunes 4 de junio de 2007 con Michael Rutter montando una ZX 10 Kawasaki de 1000cc, el primer competidor en comenzar las Centenary TT Races. Los primeros abandonos fueron el competidor de la Isla de Man, Nigel Beattie, montando una Yamaha R1 con un mecanismo de transmisión roto en la Tribuna TT . En Crosby, Bruce Anstey también se retiró en la vuelta 1 de la Superbike TT con un amplificador de encendido fallido en su Suzuki de 1000 cc y Michael Rutter con un fallo de motor en la Isla de Man . [24]Después de liderar la carrera por 2 segundos en Glen Helen, John McGuinness registra un tiempo de vuelta de 17 minutos y 42,79 segundos, una velocidad promedio de 127,804 para la vuelta 1 de la carrera de Superbike y lidera a Guy Martin por 4,81 segundos e Ian Hutchinson por 11,79 segundos. ambos conduciendo motocicletas Honda. [25] En Kerrowmoar, cerca de Sulby en la primera vuelta, el competidor local Paul Hunt se resbaló y fue llevado al Hospital Nobles.con heridas leves. En la vuelta 2 y la primera de las paradas en boxes en la Tribuna TT, John McGuinness lidera a Guy Martin en el segundo lugar por 10,55 segundos y da vueltas en 17 minutos y 38,85 segundos a una velocidad promedio de 128,279 mph. Conduciendo una Honda, Ryan Farquhar desplaza a Ian Lougher por el quinto lugar con Martin Finnegan e Ian Hutchinson en el tercer y cuarto lugar respectivamente. También en la vuelta 2, James Edmeades se estrelló en Ballacraine y Mark Parrett en Cruickshanks Corner en Ramsey y ambos resultaron ilesos. [26] A través de la trampa de velocidad en la tribuna TT, John McGuinness registra una velocidad de 172 mph [27]en la vuelta 3 y ahora lidera a Guy Martin por 22,06 segundos ya Ian Hutchinson por 42,75 segundos en el tercer lugar. Además, Ian Lougher retoma el quinto lugar y lidera a Ryan Farquhar por 10,26 segundos. Los parches de humedad en el circuito TT dominaron el resto de la carrera y John McGuinness registra una velocidad promedio en la vuelta 4 de 127.207 mph y 126.513 mph en la vuelta 6 y gana la carrera TT Superbike en 1 hora y 48 minutos, 11.17 segundos en promedio. velocidad de carrera de 125.550 mph. [28] Un final en el décimo lugar a una velocidad promedio de carrera de 119.657 mph produjo un premio de réplica de TT de plata para el novato de TT Steve Plater. [29]

Sidecar TT Race 'A' [ editar ]

La segunda carrera de las Centenary TT Races fue la Sidecar TT Race 'A' en 3 vueltas (113.00 millas) del Isle of Man TT Mountain Course. La carrera de Sidecar produjo un evento muy disputado con los competidores locales de la Isla de Man Nick Crowe / Dan Sayle liderando desde el principio y pasando rápidamente a los favoritos de la carrera Dave Molyneux / Rick Long en la carretera en el 11 ° Hito en la vuelta 1. La pareja austriaca de Klaus Klaffenblock / Christian Parzer se jubila en Ballacraineen la vuelta 1 y esto fue seguido rápidamente por los líderes de carrera Nick Crowe / Dan Sayle en Sulby Crossroads con problemas en la caja de cambios. Esto dejó al equipo de poder de Suzuki de John Holden / Andrew Winkle para liderar la vuelta 1 de la Carrera TT con Sidecar 'A' en 20 minutos 19.56 minutos a una velocidad promedio de carrera de 111.374 por 8.81 segundos desde el equipo de sidecar de Dave Molyneux / Rick Long en segundo lugar y por 10.05 segundos del equipo del tercer lugar de Simon Neary / Stuart Bond. La combinación de John Holden y Andrew Winkle aumentó la ventaja a más de 12 segundos en Glen Helen en la vuelta 2. [30]Esta ventaja fue reducida a 3,78 segundos por Dave Molyneux / Rick Long en el segundo lugar en el Bungalow en la vuelta 2 y a 1,86 segundos en la Tribuna TT al final de la vuelta. A pesar de los problemas técnicos durante los entrenamientos y el regreso a las carreras de un grave accidente de práctica en Rhencullen durante el TT de la Isla de Man 2006 , la tercera vuelta de la Carrera TT Sidecar 'A' produjo la vuelta más rápida de la carrera en 20 minutos y 4.83 segundos por el equipo de sidecar de Dave Molyneux / Rick Long una velocidad promedio de 112.738 mph. Después de liderar la carrera de Sidecar durante 2 vueltas, a pesar de rodar a una velocidad promedio de 111.959 mph, John Holden / Andrew Winkle solo estaban por detrás de los líderes por 3.8 segundos en el punto de cronometraje oficial en Ramsey Hairpin.en la última vuelta. Después de una carrera dramática, Dave Molyneux y Rick Long ganaron la Carrera TT de Sidecar 'A' por 6.5 segundos de John Holden y Andrew Winkle en 1 hora y 49.6 segundos a una velocidad promedio de carrera de 111.688 mph. Después de la carrera, Dave Molyneux dijo que "hubiera estado contento con el sexto lugar. Realmente corrí con el corazón y nunca me había comprometido tanto en las curvas". [31]

Carrera TT Superstock [ editar ]

La retrasada Superstock TT Race se llevó a cabo hasta el martes 5 de junio de 2007 y fue de más de 4 vueltas (150,92 millas) del circuito de montaña TT de la Isla de Man . A pesar de las condiciones de viento, el favorito de la carrera Bruce Anstey, que conducía una motocicleta Suzuki, estableció una ventaja de 5 segundos en Glen Helen en la vuelta 1 y rompió el récord de vuelta de la carrera desde parado, con 17 minutos y 38,70 segundos de promedio. velocidad de 128,29 mph. [32]El rápido ritmo de carrera y las tempestuosas condiciones de viento hicieron que tanto Ryan Farquhar como Guy Martin se quedaran sin combustible en la vuelta 2 y Bruce Anstey aumentó el ritmo para producir otro récord de vuelta en Superstock en 17 minutos 37.85 segundos, una velocidad promedio de 128.400 mph y una ventaja de 23,15 segundos. Los compañeros de Honda de John McGuinness e Ian Hutchinson ocuparon el segundo y tercer lugar, Martin Finnegan en el cuarto lugar conduciendo una motocicleta MV Agusta y el quinto lugar Conor Cummins, quien ahora ostentaba el récord del competidor local más rápido de la Isla de Man después de rodar en 18 minutos y 10,78 segundos desde una salida desde parado en la vuelta 1 de la Superstock Race 2007. [33]A pesar de un ritmo de carrera reducido que produjo vueltas a una velocidad promedio de 121.299 mph y 125.771 mph en la tercera y cuarta vueltas, el neozelandés Bruce Anstey ganó la Superstock TT Race 2007 en 1 hora, 11 minutos y 56.29 segundos a una velocidad promedio de carrera. de 125.875 mph. El margen de la victoria fue de 40,3 segundos sobre el segundo lugar, John McGuinness declaró que: “… Bruce ha llevado las carreras de Superstock a un nuevo nivel. Nos bajó los pantalones en la primera vuelta y eso fue todo ". [34] En Union Mills, en la última vuelta, el ex ganador del TT de Nueva Zelanda, Shaun Harris, se estrelló mientras estaba en el puesto 13 y fue trasladado al Hospital Nobles con lesiones críticas [35] . ]

Carrera Supersport TT [ editar ]

The 4 lap (150.92 miles) Supersport Junior TT race for 600cc motor-cycles,[36] the New Zealander, Bruce Anstey initially led the Junior TT race on lap 1 at Glen Helen by 1.8 seconds from the Honda teammates of John McGuinness and Ian Hutchinson. Increasing his lead to 3 seconds at the official timing-point at Ballaugh Bridge on the first lap[37] Bruce Anstey led John McGuinness and Guy Martin also riding a Honda replaced Ian Hutchinson for 3rd place. At Ramsey Hairpin on lap 1, Bruce Anstey riding for Suzuki had increased the lead to 3.4 seconds and completed lap 1 in 18 minutes, 14.90 seconds at an average speed of 124.055 breaking the previous lap record held by Ryan Farquhar for the 600cc Junior TT Supersport class. At Glen Helen on lap 2, Anstey increased the lead over John McGuinness to 4.47 and Guy Martin led Ian Hutchinson at the Bungalow timing-point by the small margin of three-tenths of a second.[38] After setting a new lap record of 18 minutes, 6.27 seconds an average speed of 125.041 on lap 2, Bruce Anstey lost 23 seconds and the race lead after having to be pushed down the pit-lane after a refuelling stop by team mechanics after the Suzuki motor-cycle refused to restart immediately. Although John McGuinness led initially on lap 3, it was Honda team-mate Ian Hutchinson at Glen Helen replaced him as race leader by one-third of second and gradually pulled-out a lead of 5.03 seconds by the end of lap 3. During last lap, John McGuinness reduced the lead to 2.84 seconds at the Bungalow and Ian Hutchinson managed to hang-on to become a first-time Isle of Man TT winner in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 29.11 seconds at an average race speed of 123.225 mph. In second place was Honda teammate John McGuinness who said that “....I really enjoyed the race....but I seemed to have bad run with the back markers. I also lost one of my knee-sliders and every time I put my knee down it scraped the road".[39] Completing a Honda 1–2–3 was Guy Martin in third place and also set a new lap record for the Supersport TT race of 18 minutes, 5.23 seconds at an average speed of 125.161 mph. Eventually finishing in 4th place was the early race leader Bruce Anstey in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 38.27 at an average race speed of 122.969 mph.

Sidecar TT Race 'B'[edit]

The 3 lap (113.00 miles) Sidecar TT Race 'B,’ the race start was delayed by 15 minutes due to a stray dog on the TT Course at the Glen Lough campsite near to the Ballagarey Corner in Crosby. The delay allowed Dave Molyneux the winner of the first sidecar TT race of the week to replace the ECU dashboard unit after his sidecar outfit suffered electrical failure while warming the engine shortly before the start of the Sidecar TT Race.[40] It was the sidecar outfit of Nick Crowe/Dan Sayle that repeated their initial race pace from Sidecar Race 'A' and led by 14.7 seconds on lap 1 from Dave Molyneux/Rick Long and by 17 seconds from the 3rd place outfit of the Suzuki of John Holden/Andrew Winkle. The 2nd lap of the Sidecar TT race 'B' the lead for Holden /Winkle had increased to about 25 seconds and the sidecar pair of Nick Crowe/Dan Sayle also produced the fastest lap of the race in 19 minutes 24.24 seconds an average speed of 116.667 mph breaking the Sidecar TT record.[41] On lap 3, Nick Crowe/Dan Sayle suffering engine failure at the top of the Ballahutchin Hill just outside Union Mills, followed by Klaus Klaffenblock/Christian Parzer outfit also suffering engine failure in the same area on the last lap. This handed the lead to Dave Molyneux/Rick Long to complete his 13th Sidecar TT win in 59 minutes and 39.11 seconds at an average speed of 113.851 mph. As for the initial 15 minute race delay, Dave Molyneux said that;- "It gave me just the breathing space I needed to fit the new dashboard and get the bike restarted, which it did perfectly....I’m not a big animal lover, but if I could find that dog I’d love it for life".[42]

Senior TT Race[edit]

John McGuinness with the Senior Tourist Trophy

The Blue Riband event of the Isle of Man Centenary TT Race week was the Senior TT race over 6 lap (226.38 miles) of the TT Course. The first lap quickly produced retirements for three of the race favourites with Ryan Farquhar retiring at the Hawthorn near to Greeba Bridge, Martin Finnegan at Ballig and the winner of the 2007 Superstock TT Race when Bruce Anstey retired at the TT Grandstand at the end of lap 1 with handling problems. Despite cement dust on the road at Guthrie's Memorial and at Sarah's Cottage and also some low cloud on the higher sections of the Mountain Section of the course, John McGuinness completed lap 1 in a time of 17 minutes 25.77 seconds at an average speed of 129.883 mph of the 2007 Isle of Man Senior TT race and led Guy Martin in 2nd place, also riding a Honda by 10 seconds and in 3rd place Ian Hutchinson with an average speed of 128.414 mph. Although the time for lap 1 of the Senior TT was only 4.5 seconds short of an average speed of 130 mph, John McGuinness completed the second lap at a faster pace and lapped in 17 minutes, 21.99 seconds at an average speed of 130.354 mph to finally break the 130 mph speed barrier setting a new class and TT Course outright lap record.

With a pit stop at the end of lap 2, John McGuinness extended his lead over Guy Martin to 20.5 seconds at Glen Helen on lap 3. For the rest of the race, John McGuinness produced a further 3 laps of average speed of 129.296 mph, 122.867 mph and 128.207 mph to win the 2007 Centenary Senior TT Race in 1 hour, 46 minutes and 44.23 seconds at an average speed of 127.255 mph. The Senior TT Race was also completed a Honda 1–2–3 clean sweep with Guy Martin in 2nd place, 32.73 behind the winner and Ian Hutchinson in 3rd place. The Senior TT win was described by John McGuinness as;- "Absolutely amazing....If there was going to be a time to crack the 130. I knew this was it with a rolling start and just about perfect conditions.[43]

The 2007 Senior TT Race was followed by a TT Centenary Parade of Champions which included former world motor-cycle champions, Giacomo Agostini, John Surtees and Jim Redman. The parade was also completed by World Superbike champions Carl Fogarty and Neil Hodgson and fellow superbike rider Noriyuki Haga also finishing the TT Centenary lap. After the Parade of Champions it was announced by the Isle of Man TT Race organisers that on lap 5 of the 2007 Senior TT Race that a serious incident had occurred at the 26th Milestone. As a result of an accident involving a race competitor, Marc Ramsbotham riding a Suzuki was killed along with two spectators Dean Jacob and Gregory Kenzig. The accident also resulted in injuries to TT Race marshals, Hilary Musson and Janice Phillips.[44]

Further events[edit]

The Isle of Man Constabulary investigating the deaths of a race competitor and two spectators at the 26th Milestone during the 2007 Senior TT race arrested a marshal on suspicion of manslaughter, although the individual was later released without charge.[45] Further safety work was carried-out at the 26th Milestone for the 2007 Manx Grand Prix with the removal of part of a grass bank on the eastern-side road embankment and a new race-marshal lay-by and shelter on the western side road of the roadway.[46]

The acting Manx Grand Prix press officer, Geoff Cannell a former Member of the House of Keys (MHK), sports broadcaster, journalist and former lead Manx Radio Isle of Man TT race commentator[47] died on 24 September 2007 after a short illness.[48] The Manx Motor Cycle Club (MMCC) resigned on 27 September 2007 as organiser of the TT races after contractual difficulties and problems with 2007 Isle of Man TT races, a shortage of marshals at the 2007 Manx Grand Prix and the cancellation of the subsequent 2007 Senior Manx Grand Prix.

During October 2007 the Isle of Man Department of Transport began road widening and creation of a roundabout at Braddan Bridge on the Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

After the MMCC had anticipated a renegotiation of the terms of the contract with the Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure to organise the 2008 TT races, they were surprised to discover that the contract was awarded to ACU Events Ltd, a subsidiary of the Auto-Cycle Union (ACU).[49] It was also announced by the Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure that a second 600 cc Supersport Junior TT race would be an addition to the schedule for the 2008 Isle of Man TT races, and the return of the Ultra-Lightweight TT and Lightweight TT events to be held at the Post-TT Races on the Billown circuit in Castletown.[50]

The Isle of Man TT race Clerk of the Course, Neil Hanson, resigned on 17 January 2008 ending a 40-year involvement as a committee member of the Manx Motor Cycle Club (MMCC). The new organisers of the Isle of Man TT races had been unable to offer him a position and the ACU Events Ltd felt that a change was needed.[51] The official press launch for the 2008 Isle of Man TT races was held on 18 February 2008 attended by regular competitors, Ian Lougher, Bruce Anstey, Ryan Farquhar, Martin Finnegan and John McGuinness. It was also announced that BSB competitor Sean Emmett and former 250 cc British Champion Jamie Robinson would compete.[52]

The Isle of Man Department of Transport started building a new section of road for the TT Course with a link road from the Nook to Governor's Bridge using the pre-existing A18 Bemahague Road. This road widening scheme and creation of a roundabout began in February 2008[53] with removal of trees on the former Bemahague farm estate which includes Government House, the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man.

An inquest held by Coroner Michael Moyle gave a verdict of misadventure into the deaths of race competitor Marc Ramsbotham and spectators Dean Adrian Jacob and Gregory John Kenzig at the 26th Milestone during lap 5 of the 2007 Senior TT Race. The verdict given on 20 March 2008 by Coroner Michael Moyle is described as a "blistering attack on TT Race Management."[54] A working group was announced on 26 March 2008 by Isle of Man Chief Minister Tony Brown to oversee lines of responsibility and TT Course improvements in response to criticism in the coroner's report.[55] The Chief Sector Marshall for Sector 9, which included the 26th Milestone, resigned their position on 31 March 2007 due to criticism in the Coroners report.[56] This was followed on 9 April 2008 by the Chief Course Marshal, Roger Hurst who also resigned from his position in the Isle of Man TT Marshals Association.[57] The Minister for the Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure, Adrian Earnshaw MHK, made a statement that the Isle of Man TT races have a "sound future" and "....everything possible will be done...."[58] to address the points made in the Coroners report.

It was announced by ACU Events Ltd. on 3 April 2008 that a contract for the official course vehicles had been awarded to Audi UK in a 3-year deal to celebrate the win by the pre-war Audi satellite company DKW ridden by Ewald Kluge in the 1938 Isle of Man TT.[59] This was followed by the resignation by the MMCC official course driver. A further contract was awarded to Yamaha UK to provide motor-cycles and support for the Isle of Man TT Travelling Marshals.[60] The former British Superbike competitor Sean Emmett withdrew from the 2008 Isle of Man TT races after general comments made by Coroner Michael Moyle encouraging potential competitors to consider carefully their position.

The Isle of Man TT competitor Martin Finnegan was killed while racing at the Tandragee 100 Races on 3 May 2008[61] and this was followed by former Isle of Man TT and Manx Grand Prix winner Robert Dunlop who died in an accident on 16 May 2008[62] at Mather's Cross during practice for the 2008 North West 200 races.

Practice Times[edit]

Superbike/Senior TT Leaderboard and Practice Times[edit]

Fastest Practice Laps Superbike TT/Senior TT[63]

Race results[edit]

2007 Superbike TT final standings.[edit]

4 June 2007 6 Laps (236.38 Miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest Lap: John McGuinness – 128.279 mph (206.445 km/h) (18' 38.35) on lap 2.[64]

Sidecar TT Race 'A' final standings[edit]

4 June 2007 3 laps (113.00 miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest Lap: Dave Molyneux/Rick Long  – 112.736 mph (181.431 km/h) (20' 04.83) on lap 3.[65]

2007 Superstock TT final standings[edit]

5 June 2007 4 Laps (150.73 Miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest Lap: Bruce Anstey – 128.400 mph (206.640 km/h) (17' 37.85) on lap 2.[66]

2007 Supersport Junior TT final standings[edit]

6 June 2007 4 Laps (150.73 Miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest Lap: Guy Martin – 125.161 mph (201.427 km/h) (18' 05.23) on lap 4.[67]

Sidecar TT Race 'B' final standings[edit]

6 June 2007 3 laps (113.00 miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest lap: Nick Crowe/Daniel Sayle – 116.667 mph (187.757 km/h) (19' 24.24) on lap 2.[68]

2007 Senior TT final standings[edit]

8 June 2007 6 Laps (236.38 Miles) Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

Fastest Lap and New Outright Course Record: John McGuinness – 130.354 mph (209.784 km/h) (17' 21.99) on lap 2.[69]


  1. ^ Daily Express page 101 Saturday 2nd June 2007 Northern and Shell Media "McGuinness quickly into party spirit...."
  2. ^ Sunday Express page 121 Sunday 10 June Northern and Shell Media "THE THRILL THAT KILLS Marc Ramsbotham who lost his life along with two spectators after accepting the challenge of the TT races...."
  3. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 4 page 6 6 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  4. ^ Isle of Man Courier page 16 31 May 2007 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing
  5. ^ Isle of Man Centenary TT – ACU/MMCC Official Race Guide pp6 Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure (2007) Mannin Media Group Ltd
  6. ^ Manx Independent page 17 Thursday 25 May 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers (2007) Johnson Press PublishingISSN 1358-4391
  7. ^ Motor Cycle News pages 14–15 6 June 2007 EMAP Publications Ltd
  8. ^ Manx Independent page 17 Thursday 25 May 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  9. ^ Manx Independent page 18 & 19 Thursday 1 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  10. ^ TT Centenary News 2007 – Preview Edition page 4 & 5 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  11. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 18 5 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd ISSN 1358-4383
  12. ^ [1] Cameron Donald breaks collar-bone. Retrieved 22 May 2007
  13. ^ Manx Independent pp 54 dated 25 May 2007 – Isle of Man Newspaper Group
  14. ^ [2] Hutchy records 192 through speed trap. Retrieved 29 May 2007
  15. ^ [3][permanent dead link] McGuinness sets pace in Monday TT practice. Retrieved 29 May 2007
  16. ^ [4] McGuinness increases pace at TT. Retrieved 30 May 2007
  17. ^ [5] Tuesday Practice Report. Retrieved 30 May 2007
  18. ^ TT 2003 Race Guide. Pag 199 Motor-Cycle News EMAP Publication.
  19. ^ [6][permanent dead link] Records tumble in Thursday practice session. Retrieved 1 June 2007
  20. ^ [7] Thursday Practice Report
  21. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 18 Tuesday 5 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383
  22. ^ Motor Cycle News page 58 Wednesday 6 June 2007 EMAP Publications Ltd
  23. ^ Motor Cycle News pages 58–59 Wednesday 6 June 2007 EMAP Publications Ltd
  24. ^ Motor Cycle News page 58 Wednesday 6 June 2007 EMAP Publications Ltd
  25. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 4 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  26. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 4 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  27. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 4 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  28. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 6 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  29. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 7 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  30. ^ Isle of Man Courier page 55 7 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  31. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 2 page 19 4 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  32. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 3 page 18 6 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  33. ^ Manx Independent page 43 Thursday 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  34. ^ Manx Independent page 43 Thursday 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  35. ^ Manx Independent page 1 Thursday 22 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  36. ^ Isle of Man Centenary TT – ACU/MMCC Official Race Guide page 45 Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure (2007) Mannin Media Group Ltd
  37. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 3 page 4 dated 6 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  38. ^ Manx Independent page 44 dated 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  39. ^ Manx Independent page 45 dated 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  40. ^ Manx Independent page 52 Thursday 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  41. ^ TT Centenary News – Issue 3 pp11 dated 6 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1471-7905
  42. ^ Manx Independent page 52 Thursday 8 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391
  43. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 18 Monday 12 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383
  44. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 1 Monday 12 June 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd ISSN 1358-4383
  45. ^ Manx Independent page 1 TT DEATHS POLICE MAKE AN ARREST Friday 3 August 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johns Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391 "A person is understood to have been arrested earlier this week on suspicion of manslaughter in connection with the 26th milestone tragedy during this year's senior TT race."
  46. ^ Manx Independent page 3 Safety Work at the 26th Milestone Friday 3 August 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johns Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391 "Straw bales will be placed at the 26th milestone for the Manx Grand Prix....At the request of the Manx Motor Cycle Club, DoT workers have also been carrying out work on the opposite side of the road to create room for a marshals' shelter."
  47. ^ 1990 Isle of Man TT Official Souvenir Programme page 44-46 40 YEARS AT THE TT by Geoff Cannell (Manx Radio) Isle of Department of Tourism and Leisure (1990) The Auto Cycle Union, Executive Publications Ltd, Braddan "....From then on, though Manx Radio duty, first as a timekeeper at Ballacraine (commentator Jack Cretney) in 1968 and 1969, then commentator at the Bungalow for the 1969 Manx. In 1970 Jack's voice expired just before the Senior, so I abandoned the stopwatch and took over the TT mike....."
  48. ^ Manx Independent page 3 Friday 28 September 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391 "THE VOICE OF THE TT IS MOURNED 'Sad loss of a Manxman dedicated to his Island.' The sudden death of well-known TT commentator Geoff Cannell at age of 65 has shocked the community.
  49. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 1 Tuesday 20 November 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "TT shock: Manx Motor Cycle Club was taken by surprise. Local officials will remain involved in running of the TT despite major changes to the organisation of the event, it has been pledged."
  50. ^ Manx Independent page 48 Friday 23 November 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383
  51. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 3 Tuesday 15 April 2008 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383
  52. ^ Manx Independent page 52 2008 TT LAUNCH Friday 23 February 2008 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391 "More new talent set to make TT Impact. "
  53. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 5 Tuesday 5 February 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383
  54. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 3 SIGNIFICANT MOMENTS DURING ONE OF THE TT'S TOUGHEST YEARS Tuesday 15 April 2007 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "20 March 2008 Corner Michael Moyle delivers a blistering attack on TT race management as he gives verdicts of misadventure at the inquests into the three killed at the 26th Milestone."
  55. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 2 'Draconian' restrictions ruled out' Tuesday 1 April 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383"Chief Minister Tony Brown – who has set up a working group to examine communication and review Mr Moyle's recommendations."
  56. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 2 Chief Sector Marshal Resigns. Tuesday 1 April 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "The Chief Sector marshal for the 26th Milestone has resigned."
  57. ^ Manx Independent page 1 & 3 Friday 11 April 2007 – Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "FORCED TO QUIT THE TT Chief marshal Roger Hurst has quit – becoming the latest casualty of the fallout after the inquest..."
  58. ^ Manx Independent page 3 MINISTER BACKS TT Friday 4 April 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2007) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4391 "Mr Moyle highlighted some issues with the marshalling and we addressing concerns about communication and information was available to them. 'It has come on in leaps and bounds in the last 15 years...' "
  59. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 1 Audi wins TT contract Tuesday 8 April 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "Family's 60-year link providing course cars for racing festival ends in acrimony. The boss of a Man family that has supplied TT course cars for generations has resigned as an official roads opening driver after the contact was awarded to Audi....the new Audi TT, originally named in honour of the TT races, has been chosen as the official course car of the 2008 event."
  60. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 10 New bike deal for travelling marshals in TT. Tuesday 13 May 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "A New deal with Yamaha this year will see the TT travelling marshals riding new Yamaha R1 for the races and practice sessions."
  61. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 2 Finnegan dies in Tandragee crash Tuesday 6 May 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383"Finnegan, 27, from Lusk in County Dublin had just won the open race when he was fatally injured in the Supersort 600 race which it is believed, also left three spectators hurt."
  62. ^ Isle of Man Examiner page 1&2 Monday 20 May 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers Ltd (2008) Johnson Press Publishing ISSN 1358-4383 "A RACING LEGEND. Tributes have been paid to Irish road racer Robert Dunlop who died after an accident in the North West 200 on Thursday night...."
  63. ^ TT 2007 – Senior TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1, 2 & 3 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  64. ^ TT 2007 – Superbike TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  65. ^ TT 2007 – Sidecar TT Race 'A' Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  66. ^ TT 2007 – Superstock TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  67. ^ TT 2007 – Supersport TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  68. ^ TT 2007 – Sidecar Race 'B' TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure
  69. ^ TT 2007 – Senior TT Provisional Race Result Sheet pages 1 & 2 Clerk of the Course – Neil Hanson Manx Motor-Cycle Club (MMCC Ltd) (2007) Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure

External links[edit]