
A girlfriend is a female friend, acquaintance or partner, usually a female companion with whom one is platonically, romantically or sexually involved.[1][2]

In a romantic context this normally signifies a committed relationship where the individuals are not married. Other titles for example "wife" or "partner" usually signify that the individuals are legally married or otherwise in a form of wedlock.

In the context of a platonic relationship the term is usually used to refer to female-female relationships; and the two word variation "girl friend" may be used to avoid implying a romantic or sexual relationship between the individuals.

Partners in committed relationships are also sometimes described as a "significant others" or simply "partner", especially if the individuals are cohabiting.[4]

"Girlfriend" and "partner" mean different things to different people and the distinctions between the terms are subjective. How the term is used will ultimately be determined by personal preference.[5][6]

In 2005, a study was conducted of 115 people ages 21 to 35 who were either living with or had lived with a romantic partner. It notes that the lack of proper terms often leads to awkward situations, such as someone becoming upset over not being introduced in a social situation to avoid the question of their relationship .[7]