Lista de composiciones de Johann Sebastian Bach

La música vocal de Johann Sebastian Bach incluye cantatas , motetes , misas, magnificats , pasiones , oratorios , corales a cuatro voces , canciones y arias . Su música instrumental incluye conciertos , suites , sonatas , fugas y otras obras para órgano , clavecín, laúd , violín, viola da gamba, violonchelo, flauta, conjunto de cámara y orquesta .

Canon triplex a 6 : impreso por primera vez en 1747 (abajo), aparece en ambas versiones del retrato que Haussmann hizo de Bach (1746, 1748 - arriba). En la edición de Bach Gesellschaft del siglo XIX, el canon se publicó en el Volumen 45 1 , p. 138. En 1950 a la pieza se le asignó el número 1076 en el catálogo de obras de Bach de Schmieder (BWV). La edición de 1998 de ese catálogo (BWV 2a ) menciona las pinturas de Haussmann como fuentes originales de la obra (p. 438), e igualmente el sitio web digital de Bach ofrece una descripción de ambas pinturas como fuentes de la pieza (enlazado desde la página 01262 de la obra digital de Bach) . ).

Hay más de 1000 composiciones conocidas de Bach. Casi todos ellos figuran en el Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV), que es el catálogo más conocido y más utilizado de las composiciones de Bach.

Some of the early biographies of Johann Sebastian Bach contain lists of his compositions. For instance, his obituary contains a list of the instrumental compositions printed during the composer's lifetime, followed by an approximate list of his unpublished work.[1] The first separately published biography of the composer, by Johann Nikolaus Forkel, follows the same approach: its ninth chapter first lists printed works (adding four-part chorales which had been published in the second half of the 18th century), followed by a rough overview of the unpublished ones.[2] In the first half of the 19th century more works were published, so the next biographies (Schauer and Hilgenfeldt in 1850) had more elaborate appendices listing printed works, referring to these works by publisher, and the number or page number given to the works in these publications. So, for example, the Prelude and Fugue in E-flat major can be indicated as "C. F. Peters Vol. III No. 1", or any of the variants ("Griepenkerl and Roitzsch Vol. 3 p. 2", "Peters Book 242 p. 2", "P. S. V., Cah. 3 (242), No. 1", etc.)


The Prelude in F minor of The Well-Tempered Clavier book 1, in the BGA known as Vol. 14, p. 44, over eighty years before it got the number 857 in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis

In the second half of the 19th century the Bach-Gesellschaft (BG) published all of Bach's works in around 50 volumes, the so-called Bach Gesellschaft Ausgabe (BGA).[3] This offered a unique identification of all of Bach's known works, a system that was quickly adopted, for instance by the biographers: Philipp Spitta used it complementarily to the Peters edition numbering for the BG volumes that had appeared when he was writing his Bach-biography in the second half of the 19th century (e.g. "B. G., III., p. 173" for the above-mentioned Prelude in E-flat major), and Terry used it in the third Appendix to his 20th-century translation of Forkel's biography.[4]

But there was still a lot of confusion: some authors preferred to list Bach's works according to Novello's editions, or Augener's, or Schirmer's,... giving rise to various conversion tables at the end of books on Bach's compositions (e.g. Harvey Grace's in a 1922 book on Bach's organ compositions).


In 1900 the BG published its last volume, and dissolved itself, as its primary goal, publishing all of Bach's known works, was accomplished. The BG was succeeded by the Neue Bachgesellschaft (NBG), with a new set of goals (Bach yearbook, Bach festivals, and a Bach museum). Occasionally however the NBG published newly discovered works, or variants not published in the BGA. For instance the 1740s version of O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht was published in NBG XVII1 in 1916 (the 1730s version of the same piece, with a different orchestration, had been published in BG 24, pp. 185–192).[4]


In 1950 the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis was published, allocating a unique number to every known composition by Bach. Wolfgang Schmieder, the editor of that catalogue, grouped the compositions by genre, largely following BG for the collation (e.g. BG cantata number = BWV number of the cantata):[5]

The BWV is a thematic catalogue, thus it identifies every movement of every composition by its first measures, like the opening of BWV 1006, movement 2 (Loure) above.
  1. Kantaten (Cantatas), BWV 1–224
  2. Motetten (Motets), BWV 225–231
  3. Messen, Messensätze, Magnificat (Masses, Mass movements, Magnificat), BWV 232–243
  4. Passionen, Oratorien (Passions, Oratorios), BWV 244–249
  5. Vierstimmige Choräle (Four-part chorales), BWV 250–438
  6. Lieder, Arien, Quodlibet (Songs, Arias and Quodlibet), BWV 439–524
  7. Werke für Orgel (Works for organ), BWV 525–771
  8. Werke für Klavier (Keyboard compositions), BWV 772–994
  9. Werke für Laute (Lute compositions), BWV 995–1000
  10. Kammermusik (Chamber music), BWV 1001–1040
  11. Orchesterwerke (Works for orchestra), BWV 1041–1071, originally in two separate chapters: Concertos (BWV 1041–1065) and Overtures (BWV 1066–1071)
  12. Kanons (Canons), BWV 1072–1078
  13. Musikalisches Opfer, Kunst der Fuge (Musical Offering, Art of the Fugue), BWV 1079–1080

For instance, the Prelude and Fugue in E-flat major now became BWV 552, situated in the range of the works for organ. In contrast to other catalogues such as the Köchel catalogue for Mozart's compositions there is no attempt at chronological organization in the BWV numbering, for instance BWV 992 is an early composition by Bach. Exceptionally BWV numbers are also indicated as Schmieder (S) numbers (e.g. S. 225 = BWV 225).[6]

Another consequence of the ordering principles of the BWV was that it tore known collections apart, for instance Clavier-Übung III was partly in the organ compositions range (BWV 552 and 669–689), with the four duets listed among the keyboard compositions (BWV 802–805).

BWV Anh.

The Anhang (Anh.), i.e. Appendix, of the BWV listed works that were not suitable for the main catalogue, in three sections:

  • I – lost works, or works of which only a tiny fraction had survived (Anh. 1–23)
  • II – works of dubious authenticity (Anh. 24–155)
  • III – works that were once attributed to Bach, but for which it had been established they were not composed by him (Anh. 156–189)

Within each section of the Anhang the works are sorted by genre, following the same sequence of genres as the main catalogue.

BWV2 and BWV2a

Minuet in G minor, BWV Anh. 115
"> Play media
Minuet in G minor, BWV Anh. 115
Both Minuets were moved from Anh. II (doubtful works) to Anh. III (spurious works) in BWV 2a, after they were attributed to Christian Petzold.

Schmieder published the BWV's second edition in 1990, with some modifications regarding authenticity discriminations, and more works added to the main catalogue and the Anhang. A strict numerical collation was abandoned to insert additions, or when for another reason compositions were regrouped. For example, BWV 11, formerly listed as a Cantata, was moved to the fourth chapter of the main catalogue as an Oratorio. Rather than renumbering a composition, an arrow indicated where the composition was inserted: "BWV 11/249b→" meaning "BWV 11, inserted after BWV 249b" (4th chapter). Similarly, BWV 1083/243a→ meant BWV 1083, inserted after BWV 243a (3rd chapter). Also authenticity discriminations, based on new research, could lead to such repositionings within the catalogue, e.g. "BWV Anh. II 114" became "Anh. II 114/Anh. III 183→ indicating it was now considered a spurious work.[7]

In 1998 Alfred Dürr and Yoshitake Kobayashi published a small edition of the catalogue, based on the 1990 second edition. This edition, known as BWV2a, contained a few further updates and collation rearrangements.[8]

New additions (Nachträge) to BWV2/BWV2a included:

  • BWV 1081–1126
  • BWV Anh. 190–213

A few exceptions to the principle that compositions weren't renumbered were when a composition from the Anhang could be recovered and/or authenticated as Bach's, so that it deserved a place in the main catalogue, in which case it was given a number above 1080. So, for example, BWV Anh. 205 (BWV2) → BWV 1121 (BWV2a, where it is in section 7 as a work for organ).[9]

Other renumberings and additional numbers involved alternative or earlier versions of basically the same composition, which were indicated by adding a lower case letter to the BWV number. Examples:

  • BWV 243a: 1723 E major version of the 1733 Magnificat in D major BWV 243
  • BWV 1071 renumbered to BWV 1046a (early version of the first Brandenburg Concerto)
  • BWV Anh. 198 renumbered to BWV 149/1a (earlier abandoned version of the opening movement of Cantata BWV 149)

Some versions were completely removed from the catalogue, e.g. BWV 655b and c.

Slashes indicate movements: e.g. BWV 149/1 indicates the first movement of the Cantata BWV 149. Another example: the Agnus Dei of the Mass in B minor can be indicated as BWV 232/22 (22nd movement of the composition), or alternatively as BWV 232IV/4 (BWV 232, fourth movement of Part IV).

21st-century additions

Numbers above BWV 1126 were added in the 21st century.

Reconstructed versions

An upper case R added to a BWV number indicates a reconstructed version, that is a conjectured earlier version of a known composition. One of such reconstructions, the Concerto for oboe and violin, as published in NBA VII/7 (Supplement) p. 75, based on the double harpsichord concerto BWV 1060, is known as BWV 1060R.


As of mid-2018 the Bach digital website started to implement the new numbers of the 3rd edition of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, which has been announced for publication in 2020.[10] For example, the Leipzig version of the Christ lag in Todes Banden cantata used to be BWV 4 in previous versions of the catalogue, and, in BWV3, has become BWV 4.2.[11]


The NBA illustrates its score editions with facsimiles from manuscripts or contemporary editions: for instance NBA Series IV Volume 4 ( Clavier-Übung III) contains a facsimile of the title page of the 1739 first edition of that collection.

In the meantime, the New Bach Edition (Neue Bach-Ausgabe, abbreviated as NBA) was being published,[12][13] offering a new system to refer to Bach's works, e.g. NBA IV/4: 2, 105, which is Series IV, Volume 4, p. 2 (Prelude) and p. 105 (Fugue), for BWV 552.


Some years after the completion of the NBA in 2007 its publisher Bärenreiter joined with the Bach Archive again to publish revised editions of some of Bach's scores. These revised editions, aligning with the NBA editions (format, layout), but outside that group of publications, were published under the name Johann Sebastian Bach: New Edition of the Complete Works – Revised Edition (Johann Sebastian Bach: Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke – Revidierte Edition), in short: New Bach Edition – Revised (Neue Bach-Ausgabe – Revidierte Edition), abbreviated as NBArev. Where the original NBA editions were exclusively in German, the volumes of the Revised series have their introductions both in German and English. Its first volume, NBArev 1, was a new edition of the Mass in B minor, appearing in 2010.[14]


The Bach Compendium (BC), a catalogue covering Bach's vocal works was published in 1985.[15] Occasionally works that have no BWV number can be identified by their BC number, e.g. BC C 8 for "Der Gerechte kömmt um" an arrangement attributed to Bach on stylistic grounds, however unmentioned in the BWV.[16]


Bachs Notenbibliothek (BNB) is a list of works Bach had at his disposition. Works of other composers which were arranged by Bach and/or which he (had) copied for performance usually have a BNB number.[17]


The Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin = SBB) holds an important collection of composition manuscripts relating to Bach. Some versions of works are best known by their principal manuscript in the SBB, for instance BWV 525a = SBB St 345, or according to the abbreviations used at the Bach-digital website D-B Mus. ms. Bach St 345.

By opus number, and chronological lists

Title page of Bach's Opus 1 ( Clavier-Übung I, 1731), the only time he seems to have used an opus number

Apart from indicating his first published keyboard composition as Opus 1, Bach did not use opus numbers. Lists following publication chronologies are for example implied in the first list in Bach's obituary, and BG numbers (within the BGA sequence of publication) – overall lists covering all of Bach's compositions in order of first publication are however not a way Bach's compositions are usually presented.

Listing Bach's works according to their time of composition cannot be done comprehensively: for many works the period in which they were composed is a very wide range. For Bach's larger vocal works (cantatas, Passions,...) research has led to some more or less generally accepted chronologies, covering most of these works: a catalogue in this sense is Philippe (and Gérard) Zwang's list giving a chronological number to the cantatas BWV 1–215 and 248–249.[18] This list was published in 1982 as Guide pratique des cantates de Bach in Paris, ISBN 2-221-00749-2. A revised edition was published in 2005 ( ISBN 2747598888).

Other composers

Various catalogues with works by other composers have intersections with collections of works associated with Bach:[19]

BR-WFB (or) BR
Bach-Repertorium numbers for works by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, e.g. BWV 970 = BR A49
Other BRs:
  • BR-CPEB: works by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (for this composer Helm and/or Wotquenne numbers are however more often used)
  • BR-JCFB: works by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Fk (or) F
Falck catalogue numbers for works by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, e.g. BWV 970 = F 25/2
Helm numbers for works by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, e.g. BWV 1036 = H 569
Works by George Frideric Handel, e.g. BWV Anh. 106 = HWV 605
Compositions by Georg Philipp Telemann, e.g. BWV 824 = TWV 32:14
Warb (or) W
Warburton numbers for works by Johann Christian Bach, e.g. BWV Anh. II 131 = W A22 (or: Warb A 22)
Wotquenne numbers for works by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, e.g. BWV 1036 = Wq 145

Obras en catálogos y colecciones de Bach

Hay más de 1500 obras que figuran en un catálogo de obras de Bach, como Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis , y / o en una colección de obras asociadas a Bach (por ejemplo, en uno de los Cuadernos de Anna Magdalena Bach ). De ellas, alrededor de mil son composiciones originales de Bach, es decir, más que una mera copia o transcripción de una obra anterior de él mismo o de otro compositor.

By genre

Cantatas (BWV 1–224)

See #BWV Chapter 1 in the table above

In the 1950 first edition of the BWV the cantatas were largely listed according to their BGA number:

  • BWV 1–200: Church cantatas
  • BWV 201–216: Secular cantatas
  • BWV 217–224: Cantatas with various issues (lost, incomplete, spurious, doubtful)

Additionally Anh. I of the first edition of the BWV started with a list of some 20 lost cantatas, while Anh. III of that edition listed a few cantata (movements) by other composers (Anh. 156–158).

BWV2a added many more lost cantatas (BWV Anh. 190–199 and 209–212) and alternative versions to known works indicating (partially) lost cantatas or cantata versions, e.g. BWV 244a, the music of which was partially preserved in the St Matthew Passion, BWV 244.

Motets (BWV 225–231)

See #BWV Chapter 2 in the table above

There are over a dozen motets attributed to Bach, about half of which are authentic by all accounts:

  • BWV 225–230 are the six compositions that have always been considered motets composed by Bach
  • BWV 231 was later renumbered to BWV 28/2a, a variant of the second movement of cantata BWV 28
  • BWV 118, published as a cantata in the 19th century, was later recategorised as a motet, following Bach's designation on the score.
  • BWV Anh. 159–165 are motets with a doubtful or spurious assignation to Bach, the first of which is however most likely composed by Bach.

Liturgical works in Latin (BWV 232–243)

See #BWV Chapter 3 in the table above

Bach's involvement with Latin church music, as composer, arranger or copyist, includes:

  • BWV 232–242: Masses and Mass movements (Mass in B minor; Kyrie–Gloria Masses; separate Mass movements)
  • BWV 243: Magnificat
  • BWV 1081–1083: later additions to the BWV catalogue
  • BWV Anh. 24–30, 166–168: doubtful and spurious works
  • BNB I/B/48, I/C/1, I/P/2: copies and arrangements

Passions and oratorios (BWV 244–249)

See #BWV Chapter 4 in the table above

Passions and oratorios composed or contributed to by Bach include:

  • BWV 244–247: Passions (St Matthew Passion; St John Passion; St Mark Passion; St Luke Passion)
  • BWV 248–249: Oratorios (Christmas Oratorio; Easter Oratorio)
  • BWV 11: Ascension Oratorio
  • BWV 127/1, 500a, 1084, 1088, deest: St Mark Passion (attributed to Keiser), Weimarer Passion, Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt
  • BWV Anh. 169: passion text by Picander (not set by Bach, apart from using some parts of this text in his St Matthew Passion)

Four-part chorales (BWV 250–438)

See #BWV Chapter 5 in the table above

Bach's chorale settings (usually for SATB choir) are included in:

  • BWV 250–438: separate chorale settings
  • Cantatas (most prominently in the chorale cantatas), motets, passions, oratorios, Second Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
  • BWV 1089, 1122–1126: later additions to the BWV catalogue
  • BWV Anh. 31, 201–204: doubtful and spurious

Songs and arias (BWV 439–524)

See #BWV Chapter 6 in the table above

Songs and (separate) arias by Bach are included in several collections:

  • BWV 439–507: Schemellis Gesangbuch
  • BWV 508–518: Second Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
  • BWV 519–523: D-B Mus. ms. Bach P 802, a manuscript by Johann Ludwig Krebs
  • BWV Anh. 32–39: Deutsche Übersetzungen und Gedichte (doubtful)
  • BWV Anh. 40–41: Singende Muse an der Pleiße (doubtful)

Associated with the Songs and Arias group:

  • BWV 524: (Wedding) Quodlibet for four voices (incomplete)
  • BWV 1127: "Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn" (strophic aria rediscovered in 2005)[103]

Works for organ (BWV 525–771)

See #BWV Chapter 7 in the table above

Bach's organ compositions include:

  • BWV 525–530: Sonatas
  • BWV 531–582: compositions of the type Prelude/Fantasia/Toccata/Adagio/Passacaglia and/or Fugue
  • BWV 583–591: various free organ compositions (Trios/Aria/Canzona/Allabreve/Pastorale/Kleines harmonisches Labyrinth )
  • BWV 592–597: Concertos (transcriptions)
  • BWV 598: Pedal-Exercitium
  • BWV 599–764: Chorale preludes (Orgelbüchlein; Schübler Chorales; Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes or Leipzig Chorales; Chorale preludes from Clavier-Übung III; Kirnberger chorale preludes; other chorale preludes)
  • BWV 765–768: Chorale partitas
  • BWV 769–771: Chorale variations (includes Canonic Variations on "Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her")
  • BWV 1085–1087, 1121, 1128: various later additions to the BWV catalogue
  • BWV 1090–1120: Neumeister Chorales
  • BWV Anh. 42–79, 171–178, 200, 206, 208, 213: lost, doubtful and spurious organ pieces

Works for keyboard (BWV 772–994)

See #BWV Chapter 8 in the table above

Bach's works for harpsichord, clavichord and other keyboard instruments include:

  • BWV 772–801: Inventions and Sinfonias
  • BWV 802–805: Duets from Clavier-Übung III
  • BWV 806–845: Suites and suite movements (English Suites; French Suites; Partitas = Clavier-Übung I; Overture in the French style from Clavier-Übung II; etc.)
  • BWV 846–893: The Well-Tempered Clavier (book I, book II)
  • BWV 894–962: compositions of the type Prelude/Fantasia/Concerto/Toccata and/or Fugue/Fughetta (includes Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, Six Little Preludes, several parts of the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, etc.)
  • BWV 963–970: Sonatas and sonata movements
  • BWV 971–987: Concertos (includes Italian Concerto from Clavier-Übung II and various concerto transcriptions)
  • BWV 988–991: Variations (includes Goldberg Variations = Clavier-Übung IV and Aria variata alla maniera italiana)
  • BWV 992–994: Capriccios and Applicatio (includes Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother)

Works for solo lute (BWV 995–1000)

See #BWV Chapter 9 in the table above

Bach's compositions for lute and/or lute-harpsichord (Lautenwerck) include:

  • BWV 995–1000 suites and separate movements for lute and/or lute-harpsichord
  • BWV 1006a: transcription of BWV 1006

Chamber music (BWV 1001–1040)

See #BWV Chapter 10 in the table above

Bach wrote chamber music for solo violin, cello or flute, sonatas for harpsichord and an instrumental soloist, and Trio sonatas:

  • BWV 1001–1006: Sonatas and partitas for solo violin
  • BWV 1007–1012: Cello Suites
  • BWV 1013: Partita for solo flute
  • BWV 1014–1026: works for accompanied violin (sonatas, suite, fugue for violin and harpsichord; sonatas for violin and basso continuo)
  • BWV 1027–1029: sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord
  • BWV 1030–1035: sonatas for accompanied flute (sonatas for flute and harpsichord; sonatas for flute and basso continuo)
  • BWV 1036–1040: trio sonatas

Orchestral works (BWV 1041–1071)

See #BWV Chapter 11 in the table above

Bach wrote concertos and orchestral suites:

  • BWV 1041–1045: Violin concertos (in A minor, in E major, Double Concerto); Triple Concerto; Concerto movement/Sinfonia fragment
  • BWV 1046–1051: Brandenburg Concertos
  • BWV 1052–1065: Harpsichord concertos
  • BWV 1066–1071: Orchestral suites and Sinfonia (early version of BWV 1046)

Canons (BWV 1072–1078)

See #BWV Chapter 12 in the table above

Separate canons by Bach are listed in the 12th chapter of the BWV:

  • BWV 1072–1078: canons
  • BWV 1086–1087: later additions

Late contrapuntal works (BWV 1079–1080)

See #BWV Chapter 13 in the table above

The list of late contrapuntal works contains only two items:

  • BWV 1079: The Musical Offering
  • BWV 1080: The Art of Fugue

20th-century additions to the BWV catalogue and Anhang

Additions as published in BWV2a

Additions to the main catalogue (BWV 1081–1126)

  • BWV 1081 – Credo in unum Deum in F major (for choir), included in Chapter 3 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1082 – Suscepit Israel by Antonio Caldara (for choir), as copied by Bach;[270] Included in Chapter 3 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1083 – Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden (motet, "parody", i.e., reworked version, of Pergolesi's Stabat Mater), included in Chapter 3 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1084 – O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (chorale from Bach's Leipzig versions of the St Mark Passion attributed to Keiser), included in Chapter 5 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1085 – O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (chorale prelude), included in Chapter 7 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1086 – Canon Concordia discors, included in Chapter 12 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1087 – 14 canons on the First Eight Notes of Goldberg Variations Ground (discovered 1974), included in Chapter 12 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1088 – "So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf" (arioso for bass), No. 20 in Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt (pasticcio Passion oratorio);[271] Included in Chapter 4 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1089 – Da Jesus an dem Kreutze stund (four-part chorale), included in Chapter 5 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1090–1120 – 31 chorale preludes for organ from the Neumeister Collection, discovered in 1985 in the archives of the Yale University library; Included in Chapter 7 in BWV2a, except for BWV 1096, attributed to Johann Pachelbel,[272][273] which was moved to Anh. III (spurious works).
  • BWV 1121, previously Anh. 205 – Fantasie in C minor (organ), included in Chapter 7 in BWV2a
  • BWV 1122–1126 – five four-part chorales,[274] moved to Chapter 5 in BWV2a

Additions to the Anhang (BWV Anh. 190–213)

BWV Anh. 190–213 were added between the 1950 and 1990s editions of the catalogue

  • BWV Anh. 190–197 – Cantatas added to Anh. I (music lost); see also List of Bach cantatas
  • BWV Anh. 198 – Abandoned sketch of a cantata opening, renumbered to BWV 149/1a and added to Chapter 1 in BWV2a
  • BWV Anh. 199 – Cantata added to Anh. I (music lost); see also List of Bach cantatas
  • BWV Anh. 200 – Fragment of a chorale prelude O Traurigkeit, o herzeleid, added to Anh. I (unused sketch for the Orgelbüchlein)
  • BWV Anh. 201–204 – Four-part chorales added to Anh. II (doubtful)
  • BWV Anh. 205 – Fantasia in C minor, authenticated as BWV 1121 and added to Chapter 7 in BWV2a
  • BWV Anh. 206 – Doubtful chorale prelude, added to Anh. II
  • BWV Anh. 207 – Doubtful keyboard fugue, added to Anh. II
  • BWV Anh. 208 – Spurious organ fugue, added to Anh. III
  • BWV Anh. 209–212 – Lost cantatas added to Anh. I; see also List of Bach cantatas
  • BWV Anh. 213 – Lost arrangement for organ of an unidentified Telemann concerto, added to Anh. I

21st-century additions to the BWV catalogue (BWV 1127 and higher)

See also #BWV Later in the table above

BWV numbers assigned after the publication of BWV2a:

  • BWV 1127: strophic aria "Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn" (discovered June 2005)[103]
  • BWV Anh. 71, renumbered to BWV 1128: chorale fantasia for organ "Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält" (BWV Anh. II 71 was authenticated as a composition by Bach after Wilhelm Rust's 1877 copy was recovered in March 2008)[275][105]
  • BWV 1129 and higher: BWV3 numbers, see BWV#Numbers above BWV 1126

There is not much system in the way works derived from Bach's compositions are listed. The "R" addition to the BWV number is only well-established for the reconstructions included in NBA VII/7 (e.g. solo violin reconstructions of BWV 565 are not usually indicated as BWV 565R, neither is the system used for reconstructed vocal works). For some series of transcriptions and arrangements works catalogues of these transcribers/arrangers may hold sublists with works derived from compositions by Bach.

Reconstructed concertos

See also #Reconstructions in the table above

Each reconstructed concerto is created after the harpsichord concerto for the presumed original instrument. Such reconstructions are commonly referred to as, for example, BWV 1052R (where the R stands for 'reconstructed'). Other reconstructions and completions of for instance BWV 1059 have been indicated as BWV 1059,[276] or BWV 1059a.[277]


Transcriptions and arrangements in the catalogues of works by other composers include:

Ferruccio Busoni
Catalogue numbers BV B 20 to B 46 are arrangements of works by Bach, many of which published in the Bach-Busoni Editions.

  • List of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach printed during his lifetime
  • List of fugal works by Johann Sebastian Bach

For abbreviations used in the references see also Bibliography at

  1. ^ Bach & Agricola 1754, pp. 167–169.
  2. ^ Forkel & Terry 1920, "Chapter IX: Bach's Compositions" pp. 114–142.
  3. ^ a b Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe, .../Prefaces, .../Thematic Catalogue: documentation and facsimiles at the International Music Score Library Project
  4. ^ a b Forkel & Terry 1920, "Appendix III" pp. 225–286.
  5. ^ Schmieder 1950.
  6. ^ OCLC 18856743
  7. ^ Schmieder 1990.
  8. ^ Dürr & Kobayashi 1998.
  9. ^ "Fantasia, c BWV 1121 [BWV 1998]; BWV Anh. 205 / Anh. II 45→". Bach Digital. Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al. 14 May 2019.
  10. ^ Blanken 2019.
  11. ^ "Christ lag in Todes Banden (Leipzig version) BWV 4.2; BWV 4". Bach Digital. Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al. 11 March 2019.
  12. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): New Edition of the Complete Works at the Bärenreiter website.
  13. ^ a b Neue Bach-Ausgabe: documentation at the International Music Score Library Project
  14. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach: New Edition of the Complete Works – Revised Edition at the Bärenreiter website.
  15. ^ Hans-Joachim Schulze and Christoph Wolff. Bach Compendium: Analytisch-bibliographisches Repertorium der Werke Johann Sebastian Bachs, Vol. 1 (Part 1–4). Leipzig 1985ff.
  16. ^ "Der Gerechte kömmt um ... BWV deest (BC C 8)". Bach Digital. Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al. 25 May 2019.
  17. ^ Kirsten Beißwenger (1992). Johann Sebastian Bachs Notenbibliothek. Kassel: Bärenreiter. ISBN 3-7618-1036-9
  18. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach: Correspondance Catalogues Zwang — Schmeider at
  19. ^ Works Catalogues at
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i Melamed 1995, p. 102.
  21. ^ BWV 281 at Luke Dahn's website (2018).
  22. ^ Zahn 1889–1893, III, p. 131.
  23. ^ l. u. (1885), "Moller, Heinrich von", Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) (in German), 22, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 758–759
  24. ^ a b Platen 1976, pp. 53–54.
  25. ^ a b c d Schulze 1983, pp. 81ff.
  26. ^ Leaver, Robin A., ed. (2016). The Routledge Research Companion to Johann Sebastian Bach. Routledge Research Companion. Taylor & Francis. pp. 153–154. ISBN 9781315452807.
  27. ^ Pietrzak, Ewa (2014). "Schlesier in den deutschen Sprachgesellschaften des 17. Jahrhunderts" [Silesians in the German-speaking communities of the 17th century]. In Garber, Klaus; Wismann, Heinz; Siebers, Winfried (eds.). Europäische Sozietätsbewegung und demokratische Tradition: Die europäischen Akademien der Frühen Neuzeit zwischen Frührenaissance und Spätaufklärung. Frühe Neuzeit (in German). 26–27. Walter de Gruyter. p. 1296. ISBN 9783110963243.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj US-NHub Music Deposit 31 (Klavierbüchlein für W. F. Bach) at Bach Digital.
  29. ^ RISM No. 467300920
  30. ^ RISM No. 467300939
  31. ^ Philipp Spitta. Musikgeschichtliche Aufsätze. Berlin (1894), 117f
  32. ^ Talbot, Michael (2011). The Vivaldi Compendium. Boydell Press. p. 54. ISBN 9781843836704.
  33. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerti nach Vivaldi u.a. – III at
  34. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach, edited by Hermann Scherchen, preface by Charles van den Borren. Facsimile of BR Bruxelles II. 4805, appendix in Musica viva, Vol. III. Brussels (1936)
  35. ^ a b Johann Sebastian Bach, edited by E. Capriani. "Documenti storici" in Opere per Liuto, Vol. III. Rovereto (1977)
  36. ^ MB Lpz III. 11. 3
  37. ^ a b c d Johann Sebastian Bach, introduction by Hans-Joachim Schulze. Drei Lautenkompositionen in zeitgenössischer Tabulatur (BWV 995, 997, 1000). Leipzig (1975)
  38. ^ Artzt. "The third Lute Suite by Bach: Three Manuscripts and their Implications" in Journal of the Lute Society of America (1968), pp. 9ff
  39. ^ Grossman. "Der Intavolator als Interpret: Johann Sebastian Bachs Lautensuite g-moll, BWV 995, im Autograph und in zeitgenössischer Tabulatur" in Basler Jahrbuch (1986), pp. 223–244
  40. ^ a b c d e f g h Henning 1987.
  41. ^ a b Junghänel. "Bach und die zeitgenössische Lautenpraxis" in Bericht Duisburg
  42. ^ a b c d e f g h Radke. Fs Engel, pp. 271ff
  43. ^ a b c d e f g h i Schulze, Dok III
  44. ^ Schulze. Mf 1968, pp. 203f
  45. ^ Schulze. "«Monsieur Schouster» – ein vergessener Zeitgenosse Johann Sebastian Bachs" in Fs Dürr, pp. 243ff
  46. ^ Schulze. St
  47. ^ a b c d Schulze. "Wer intavolierte Johann Sebastian Bachs Lautentabulaturen?" in Mf 1966, pp. 32ff
  48. ^ a b c d e f Siegele Diss
  49. ^ Beißwenger, Acht Präl: 27
  50. ^ Dömling/Kohlhase, AcM 1971: 108f
  51. ^ a b c d e Schulze St
  52. ^ a b c d Spitta I: 768; II: 646
  53. ^ Wiemer, BJ 1987: 29ff
  54. ^ a b c Dreyfus Cont Gr
  55. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach with an introduction by Hiroshi Hoshino. "The Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Prelude, Fugue and Allegro for Lute or Harpsichord, E-flat major (BWV 998), in the Possession of Ueno Gakuen" (contains facsimile of Prelude pour la Luth. ò Cembal. par J. S. Bach.) in Fs for Ueno Gakuen. Tokyo (1974), pp. 171ff
  56. ^ Dombois. "The Allegro from J. S. Bachs Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-flat major" in Lute Society Journal (1972), pp. 25ff, 51ff
  57. ^ a b c d Kobayashi Chr
  58. ^ Neemann 1931.
  59. ^ Badura-Skoda
  60. ^ Spitta I: 663
  61. ^ Kilian, Mf 1961: 323 (regarding BWV 539)
  62. ^ a b Dadelsen TBSt 4/5
  63. ^ Hofmann, Fs Scheide: 14~154
  64. ^ Spitta I: 707
  65. ^ Zingel. "Bach auf der Harfe" in Schweizerische Musikzeitung (1964), pp. 286ff
  66. ^ a b Forkel & Terry 1920, p. 137 (footnote 4), pp. 234–235 and p. 242.
  67. ^ BWV 1045 at
  68. ^ BWV 1045 at
  69. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Abhandlung von der Fuge Vol. 2. Berlin (1754), TAB XXXVII
  70. ^ Herz BQA
  71. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok I, Nr. 147
  72. ^ a b c d e Schulze. "Johann Sebastian Bachs Kanonwidmungen" in BJ 1967, pp. 82ff
  73. ^ Spitta I: 386
  74. ^ Wolff, Mf 1973: 217ff
  75. ^ Georg Philipp Telemann. Der getreue Music-Meister. Hamburg (1728), p. 68
  76. ^ Johann Mattheson. Der vollkommene Capellmeister. Hamburg (1739), p. 412
  77. ^ Lorenz Christoph Mizler. Neu eröffnete musikalische Bibliothek Vol. III. Leipzig (1747), p. 482ff
  78. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Abhandlung von der Fuge nach den Grundsätzen und Exemplen der besten deutschen und ausländischen Meister entworfen ... Vol. 2. Berlin (1754), TAB XXXIII, Fig. 2–3
  79. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok I, Nr. 158; Dok II, Nr. 325, 564
  80. ^ Spitta II: p. 478 / 798
  81. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach. Canon triplex à 6 Voc:. Leipzig (1747)
  82. ^ C. L. Hilgenfeldt. Johann Sebastian Bach's Leben, Wirken und Werke: ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister (1850), p. 212
  83. ^ Clement
  84. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok II, Nr. 559
  85. ^ Smend. Johann Sebastian Bach bei seinem Namen gerufen: Eine Noteninschrift und ihre Deutung. Kassel (1950). Reprint in: Smend Bach-St: 176ff
  86. ^ Nowak. "Ein Bach-Fund" in Fontes artis musicae (1966), pp. 95ff
  87. ^ Spitta II, p. 506 / p. 747
  88. ^ a b Wolff Stile antico
  89. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok I, Nr. 174
  90. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok I, Nr. 177
  91. ^ Spitta Vol. II, pp. 717ff / Anh. p. 19
  92. ^ NBA VIII/1 Krit. Bericht: 36f
  93. ^ Neumann/Schulze, Dok II, Nr. 602, 603
  94. ^ Reich. "Johann Sebastian Bach und Johann Gottfried Müthel – zwei unbekannte Kanons" in Mf 1960, pp. 449f
  95. ^ Stam, Mf 1968: 317ff, bes. 319
  96. ^ BN Paris Ms. 17669, Bl. 18v at
  97. ^ Alain. "Un supplément inédit aux Variations Goldberg de J. S. Bach" in Revue de Musicologie (1975), pp. 244ff
  98. ^ Gárdonyi. "Zu einigen Kanons von J. S. Bach" in Studia Musicologica: Academiae Seientiarum Hungaricae Vol. 28 (1986), pp. 321–324
  99. ^ Kennyon. "A newly discovered Group of Canons by Bach" in MT (1976), pp. 391ff
  100. ^ Wolff. "Bach's Handexemplar of the Goldberg Variations" in JAMS (1976), pp. 224ff
  101. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach. Musicalisches Opfer. Leipzig, 7 July 1747.
  102. ^ Johann Sebastian Bach. Die Kunst der Fuge, edited by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Leipzig, c. 1751.
  103. ^ a b c Maul 2005.
  104. ^ Kuznik 2008.
  105. ^ a b Blaut & Schulze 2008.
  106. ^ Texte / Zur Leipziger / Kirchen-Music, / Auf den andern, dritten, vierdten Sonntage / nach der Erscheinung Christi, / Das Fest Mariä Reinigung, / Und die Sonntage / Septuagesimae, Sexagesimae, / Esto mihi, / Ingleichen / Auf das Fest / der Verkündigung Mariä. Leipzig: Immanuel Tietzen (1724)
  107. ^ Hobohm, BJ 1973: 5ff
  108. ^ Neumann BT: 159, 427
  109. ^ Hofmann, BJ 1982: 51ff
  110. ^ Christine Blanken. "A Cantata-Text Cycle of 1728 from Nuremberg: a Preliminary Report on a Discovery relating to J. S. Bach's so-called 'Third Annual Cantata Cycle'", pp. 9–30 in Understanding Bach, Vol. 10, 2015
  111. ^ Häfner, BJ 1975: 99ff
  112. ^ Brinkmann. "Neues über J. S. Bach in Mühlhausen" in Mühihäuser Geschichtsblätter Vol. 31 (1932): 242ff
  113. ^ a b c d e Geiringer JSB 1971
  114. ^ a b Picander (=Christian Friedrich Henrici). Ernst-Schertzhaffte und Satyrische Gedichte, Volume III. Leipzig: Joh. Theod. Boetii Tochter (1732); 2nd printing 1737
  115. ^ Neumann, Werner (1962). "Eine verschollene Ratswechselkantate J. S. Bachs" [A lost council change cantata by J. S. Bach]. In Dürr, Alfred; Neumann, Werner (eds.). Bach-Jahrbuch 1961 [Bach Yearbook 1961]. Bach-Jahrbuch (in German). 48. Neue Bachgesellschaft. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. pp. 52–57. doi:10.13141/bjb.v1961.
  116. ^ Nützliche Nachrichten Von Denen Bemühen derer Gelehrten und andern Begebenheiten in Leipzig (in German). Leipzig: Johann Christian Langenheim. 1740. pp. 82ff.
  117. ^ Hudson, NBA I/33, Krit. Bericht: 31ff
  118. ^ BC: Werk [B 12]
  119. ^ Schaumburg-Lippische Hofbibliothek Bückeburg, V 100 F, No. 31
  120. ^ a b Tiggemann, BJ 1994: 7–22
  121. ^ a b c d Picander (=Christian Friedrich Henrici). Ernst-Schertzhaffte und Satyrische Gedichte, Volume IV. Leipzig: Friedrich Matthias Friesen (1737).
  122. ^ Schaumburg-Lippische Hofbibliothek Bückeburg, Cb 76 II, Nr. 214
  123. ^ Smend Köthen: 27f, 169, 184f
  124. ^ Breitkopf-Werke, 1. Ausgabe: 33
  125. ^ Neumann BT: 184
  126. ^ Verzeichniß der von dem verstorbenen Doctor und Musikdirector Forkel in Göttingen nachgelassenen Bücher und Musikalien. Göttingen (1819), Nr. 94
  127. ^ Neumann, NBA I/4, Krit. Bericht: 118
  128. ^ Dürr, NBA I/35, Krit. Bericht: 117
  129. ^ Smend Köthen: 27, 69, 195–198
  130. ^ Dürr, NBA I/35, Krit. Bericht: 120, 275f
  131. ^ Dürr, NBA I/35, Krit. Bericht: 118f
  132. ^ Smend Köthen: 27, 69, 199ff
  133. ^ Wäschke. "Die Zerbster Hofkapelle unter Fasch" in Zerbster Jahrbuch II (1906): 47ff
  134. ^ Wäschke. "Eine noch unbekannte Komposition J. S. Bachs" in SIMG 10 (1908/09): 633f
  135. ^ Leipziger Post-Zeitungen (10 August 1723)
  136. ^ Neumann, NBA I/38, Krit. Bericht: 10
  137. ^ Christoph Ernst Sicul. Das frohlockende Leipzig. Leipzig (1727), pp. 3ff
  138. ^ Neumann, NBA I/36, Krit. Bericht: 11ff
  139. ^ Schulze, BJ 1985; 166ff
  140. ^ Neumann, NBA I/36, Krit. Bericht: 20ff
  141. ^ Neumann, NBA I/36, Krit. Bericht: 24ff
  142. ^ Neumann, NBA I/39, Krit. Bericht: 42
  143. ^ Dürr, Bericht Duisburg
  144. ^ Neumann, NBA I/37, Krit. Bericht: 97ff
  145. ^ Wolff, Bericht Duisburg
  146. ^ Als die / von / E. Hoch=Edlen / und / Hoch=Weisen Rathe / der Stadt Leipzig / neugebauete und eingerichtete / Schule zu S. Thomae / den 5. Jun. durch etliche Reden eingeweyhet wurde, / ward folgende / CANTATA / dabey verfertiget und aufgeführet / von / Joh. Sebastian Bach, / Fürstl. Sächs. Weissfels. Capellmeister, und besagter Schulen Cantore / und / M. Johann Heinrich Winckler, / Collega IV Leipzig: Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf (1732)
  147. ^ Dürr, Gs Albrecht: 121ff
  148. ^ Neumann, NBA I/39, Krit. Bericht: 14f
  149. ^ Christoph Gottsched. Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst vor die Deutschen ... Leipzig (1730): 371ff
  150. ^ Neumann, NBA I/40, Krit. Bericht: 22ff
  151. ^ Smend, Bach-Gs 1950: 42ff
  152. ^ Peter Freiherr von Hohenthal at
  153. ^ Melamed 1988.
  154. ^ a b c d e Wilfried Fischer. Verschollene Solokonzerte in Rekonstruktionen: Fünf Konzerte nach BWV 1052, 1055, 1056, 1060, 1064 (NBA VII/7 Supplement). Bärenreiter 1970.
  155. ^ Pfau 2008, p. 99.
  156. ^ Hoffmann 1738.
  157. ^ Zahn 1889–1893, I, p. 513.
  158. ^ Hofmann 1987.
  159. ^ Dürr & Jones 2006, p. 871.
  160. ^ Spitta 1899, I, pp. 343–344.
  161. ^ Dadelsen 1957, p. 39.
  162. ^ Beißwenger 1991, pp. 150–151.
  163. ^ David 1961.
  164. ^ Schicht 1805.
  165. ^ Spitta 1899, Vol. III, p. 28.
  166. ^ Wollny 2015, p. 132.
  167. ^ RISM No. 467019500
  168. ^ Thielemann 2012.
  169. ^ Torri 2013, p. 4.
  170. ^ Schneider 1912.
  171. ^ Vetter 1713, No. 35.
  172. ^ Vetter 1713, No. 29.
  173. ^ Vetter 1713, No. 20.
  174. ^ Vetter 1713, No. 5.
  175. ^ a b c d e f g h Landmann 1907.
  176. ^ a b Spitta 1894.
  177. ^ Scholze 1736, pp. 33–34.
  178. ^ Buhle 1909, pp. XVIII–XXI, 52.
  179. ^ Scholze 1736, p. 48.
  180. ^ Buhle 1909, pp. XVIII–XXI, 34–35.
  181. ^ Dömling & Kohlhase 1971.
  182. ^ Dirksen 2016, pp. 20, 146–147.
  183. ^ Keller 1937, pp. 63–64.
  184. ^ Keller 1937, pp. 70–71.
  185. ^ Williams 2003, pp. 176–178.
  186. ^ Williams 2003, p. 182.
  187. ^ Spitta 1899, I, pp. 455–456.
  188. ^ Williams 2003, pp. 56, 59.
  189. ^ Williams 2003, pp. 101–102, 105–106.
  190. ^ Schulenberg 2013, p. 13; online appendix 2.
  191. ^ a b c d e f g h Tittel 1966, pp. 114–123.
  192. ^ a b c d e f g h Dürr 1987.
  193. ^ Dirksen 2010, p. 28; online appendix 6.
  194. ^ Dirksen 2010, p. 21; online appendix 3–5.
  195. ^ Spitta 1899, II, p. 43; III, p. 206.
  196. ^ Wright 2000.
  197. ^ Feder 1958, p. 78.
  198. ^ Perreault 2004, pp. 187–188.
  199. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 47–49.
  200. ^ a b Eichberg 1976, pp. 8–11.
  201. ^ Kretzschmar 1910, p. 71.
  202. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 18–19.
  203. ^ a b c Eichberg 1976, pp. 20–29.
  204. ^ Morana 1993, p. 26.
  205. ^ a b Koska 2011.
  206. ^ a b Eichberg 1976, p. 45.
  207. ^ a b Kobayashi 1978, p. 51.
  208. ^ Schulze 1984, pp. 80–81.
  209. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 8–25.
  210. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 7–17.
  211. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 17–19.
  212. ^ a b c Feder 1958, p. 77.
  213. ^ a b Eichberg 1976, pp. 29–42.
  214. ^ Eichberg 1976, pp. 42–47.
  215. ^ Eppstein 1966, p. 187.
  216. ^ Kobayashi 1978, pp. 52–53.
  217. ^ a b c d Leisinger & Wollny 1993, pp. 192–196.
  218. ^ a b Eppstein 1966, p. 181.
  219. ^ van Leyden 1956.
  220. ^ Siegele 1957.
  221. ^ Eppstein 1982, p. 77.
  222. ^ Eppstein 1982, p. 84.
  223. ^ Hellmann 1965.
  224. ^ Hofmann 1999, pp. 72–75.
  225. ^ Spitta 1899, III, p. 143.
  226. ^ Kenyon 2011, p. 352.
  227. ^ Schulenberg 2010, p. 54.
  228. ^ Dürr 1952, p. 42.
  229. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 40f.
  230. ^ Scheide 1960, pp. 66ff.
  231. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 31–36.
  232. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 37f.
  233. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 35ff.
  234. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 38f.
  235. ^ Dürr 1952, pp. 39f.
  236. ^ Hofmann 1983, p. 126.
  237. ^ Kobayashi 1978, pp. 46–50.
  238. ^ Glöckner 1983.
  239. ^ Henrici 1725.
  240. ^ Vetter 1713, No. 91.
  241. ^ a b Platen 1976, p. 51.
  242. ^ So how many Bach four–part chorales are there? at Luke Dahn's (2018)
  243. ^ Platen 1976.
  244. ^ Kobayashi 1978, p. 46.
  245. ^ Dirksen 1998.
  246. ^ a b Feder 1958, p. 76.
  247. ^ Tittel 1966, p. 106.
  248. ^ Williams 2003, p. 549.
  249. ^ Perreault 2004, p. 56.
  250. ^ Williams 2003, pp. 526–527.
  251. ^ Perreault 2004, pp. 197–198.
  252. ^ Perreault 2004, p. 53.
  253. ^ a b Eichberg 1976, p. 12.
  254. ^ Ahlgrimm 1969, p. 67.
  255. ^ Kobayashi 1978, p. 44.
  256. ^ Kirnberger 1774.
  257. ^ Kirnberger 1780.
  258. ^ a b Schulze 1980, pp. 54–58, 64.
  259. ^ Schulze 1980, p. 50.
  260. ^ Schulze 1980, pp. 45ff.
  261. ^ Schneider 1907, p. 159.
  262. ^ Heinichen 1728, pp. 885–895.
  263. ^ Dürr 1954.
  264. ^ Bonporti 1712, No. 2.
  265. ^ Bonporti 1712, No. 5.
  266. ^ Bonporti 1712, No. 6.
  267. ^ Bonporti 1712, No. 7.
  268. ^ Zuccari c. 1747.
  269. ^ D-B Mus. ms. 1160 at
  270. ^ Kirsten Beißwenger (ed.) Werke zweifelhafter Echtheit, Bearbeitungen fremder Kompositionen (Volume 9 of Series II: Masses, Passions, Oratorios from the New Bach Edition). Bärenreiter, 2000.
  271. ^ Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt by Johann Christoph Altnikol et al.: Scores at the International Music Score Library Project
  272. ^ Williams 2003, p. 549.
  273. ^ Perreault 2004, p. 56.
  274. ^ Marx, Wolfgang (2000). Bach: Chorales, Motet BWV 118, Quodlibet, Notenbüchlein for A.M. Bach (Bach 2000, Vol. 87) (Media notes). Koopman, Gritton, et al. Teldec Classics. p. 8.
  275. ^ "Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält BWV 1128; BWV Anh. 71; Emans 195". Bach Digital. Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al. 14 February 2019.
  276. ^ Igor Kipnis, The London Strings, Neville Marriner. Bach: The Harpsichord Concertos. CBS 1989
  277. ^ André Isoir, Le Parlement de Musique, Martin Gester. Johann Sebastian Bach: L'oeuvre pour orgue et orchestre. Calliope 1993


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  • Authority file (Wikidata): Q375345
  • List of works by Johann Sebastian Bach: Scores at the International Music Score Library Project
  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Systematisch-chronologisches Werkverzeichnis at (in German)
  • Works of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) at Muziekweb website