Gran Hermano (serie británica 11)

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Gran Hermano 2010 , también conocido como Gran Hermano 11 , fue la undécima serie de los británicos televisión de la realidad serie de Gran Hermano , y la serie final de la serie que se emitirá por el canal 4 . El programa siguió a veintiún concursantes, conocidos como compañeros de casa, que estuvieron aislados del mundo exterior durante un período prolongado de tiempo en una casa construida a medida. Cada semana, uno o más de los compañeros de casa fueron desalojados por votación pública. La última compañera de piso restante, Josie Gibson , fue declarada ganadora, ganando un premio en efectivo de £ 100,000 y un lugar como Housemate en Ultimate Big Brother , unaedición All Star de Big Brother.que comenzó inmediatamente después de la conclusión de Gran Hermano 2010

Se lanzó el 9 de junio de 2010 y finalizó el 24 de agosto de 2010, con una duración de 77 días, el período más corto desde la quinta temporada en 2004. Davina McCall regresó como presentadora por undécima y última vez. Catorce compañeros de casa ingresaron la noche del lanzamiento, y siete compañeros de piso adicionales se presentaron en las últimas semanas. La serie fue vista por un promedio de 3 millones de espectadores.

Tras la decisión de Channel 4 en 2009 de no renovar su contrato con Endemol para emitir la serie, Channel 5 compró los derechos de Big Brother en Reino Unido , donde se emitió desde el 18 de agosto de 2011, Big Brother fue despedido de nuevo el 5 de noviembre de 2018.



Las audiciones abiertas para la serie tuvieron lugar en Manchester del 15 al 16 de enero de 2010, en Dublín el 19 de enero de 2010, en Cardiff el 23 de enero de 2010, en Glasgow el 30 de enero de 2010 y en Londres del 6 al 7 de febrero de 2010. [1]


El 10 de mayo, el Gran Hermano 7 página web fue sustituido por un Gran Hermano 11 mini-sitio actualizado con 23 imágenes de Gran Hermano 11 ' s nuevo trailer. El tráiler se emitió en Channel 4 durante The Million Pound Drop Live el 24 de mayo. El tráiler presentaba a 30 excompañeros de las últimas 10 series de Gran Hermano asistiendo a un funeral de la Silla de la Sala del Diario, con el narrador del programa Marcus Bentley como sacerdote.

El 14 de mayo, se anunció en el mini sitio de Gran Hermano que Emma Willis se uniría al actual presentador de El hermano pequeño de Gran Hermano , George Lamb , como coanfitrión de la serie. [2] El 17 de mayo, los parachoques con las flores que caen comenzaron a mostrarse en el Canal 4. Para celebrar la última serie de Gran Hermano , Davina McCall presentó un programa especial, Gran Hermano Gran Entrega de Premios , [3] donde el público británico ha otorgado elogios a los memorables compañeros de casa de la serie anterior. Este especial se emitió en E4 el 22 de mayo. Un programa adicional,Big Brother Exposed: The Inside Story , [4] se emitió el 28 de mayo en E4, trajo a los espectadores lo más destacado de las últimas diez series. El 21 de mayo, Channel 4 dio a conocer el logo del ojo de temática floral para la serie de este verano de Gran Hermano . [5]

El logo, que estaba compuesto por cientos de flores de colores brillantes, fue un tributo a las once series desde su debut en 2000. [6]

Secuencia de títulos

Los títulos tenían un tema de carnaval que incluía engranajes giratorios, un gramófono que explotaba con pétalos de flores, un muñeco de ventrílocuo y un reloj del Gran Hermano girando que daba las 11. También había mensajes recortados durante los títulos, que deletreaban 'Bienvenido' a La "casa loca".


El tema de esta serie fue el carnaval . [7] Como siempre, los compañeros de casa entraban a la casa.sin contacto con el mundo exterior. Cada semana, los compañeros de casa participaban en una tarea obligatoria que determinaba la cantidad de dinero que se les asignaba para gastar en sus compras; si pasaban, recibían un presupuesto de lujo y se les asignaba un presupuesto básico si fallaban. Los compañeros de casa nominaban a dos compañeros de casa para el desalojo cada semana. En un nuevo giro de nominaciones revelado el día 6, a los compañeros de casa nominados se les permitió escapar de las nominaciones con un desafío semanal de Guardar y Reemplazar. El ganador de Save and Replace está exento de nominaciones, sin embargo, debe reemplazarse por otro compañero de casa de su elección para el desalojo. Este giro de nominaciones que se realiza cada semana es similar al Power of Veto de la versión estadounidense de Big Brother .

Formato de desalojo

El formato de desalojo vio una serie de cambios, al comienzo de un programa de desalojo, un resumen de los eventos de la semana, con titulares de periódicos - se mostraría a los espectadores. Esta serie vio el regreso de McCall anunciando el desalojo desde fuera de la casa con los compañeros de casa escuchando a la audiencia en vivo vitoreando, abucheando y cantando. Ocasionalmente, si más de dos compañeros de casa enfrentaban el desalojo, McCall anunciaba qué nominados estarán a salvo, sin embargo, esto solo se hizo unas pocas veces (Semana 1, 2 y 7), tres compañeros de casa enfrentan el desalojo en las Semanas 3, 5. y 8, y cuatro en la Semana 9, donde no se anunció quién estaba a salvo, en la Semana 10, ocho compañeras de casa se enfrentaron al voto público que conduciría al primer desalojo cuádruple, de las cuatro veces que McCall habló en la casa que ella haría. anunciar a un nominado que estaba a salvo y luego anunciar al desalojado que tendría que irse de inmediato. Los anuncios de desalojo se hicieron sin ningún orden en particular (ver Tabla de nominaciones),John James recibió el mayor número de votos de desalojo, seguido por Corin, Sam y Steve, sin embargo, el orden en que abandonaron la casa fue Steve, Corin, Sam y John James.

Otro cambio en el formato de desalojo fue que las mejores partes de los compañeros de casa se mostraban antes de la entrevista en lugar de al final como en todas las demás series, aunque la serie Celebrity anterior adoptó este formato. El formato de panel utilizado en las entrevistas de desalojo del año anterior no regresó, en su lugar McCall entrevistó al desalojado en un formato uno a uno; sin embargo, por primera vez, los espectadores podían llamar con preguntas para hacerle al desalojado. Además, a los desalojados se les mostraron mensajes de despedida que los compañeros de piso les grabaron en caso de su salida, similar al formato utilizado en la versión estadounidense del programa . El nuevo formato de desalojo continuó para Ultimate Big Brother, la única diferencia es que todas las entrevistas se realizaron fuera del estudio.

Características especiales

Árbol de la tentación

Ubicada en el baño había una cómoda creada a partir del Árbol de la Tentación que estuvo presente en la serie de celebridades de 2010 . El Árbol de la Tentación les dio a los compañeros de casa tareas secretas para obtener recompensas para ellos mismos o para otros compañeros de casa. La primera tarea ocurrió el día 1 cuando Mario estaba realizando su "tarea imposible". Esta es la lista de todas las tareas de la serie:

Bob Righter

Bob Righter es una máquina de adivinación que proporciona a los compañeros de casa información (a menudo críptica) sobre las próximas tareas y eventos. Se llama así porque es un anagrama de "Gran Hermano".

La casa

Las primeras fotografías aéreas de la Cámara fueron publicadas por la revista Daily Star [ cita requerida ] a mediados de mayo. El 5 de junio se difundieron fotografías del interior de la casa. Las habitaciones reveladas fueron la entrada, la sala de estar, la cocina, el dormitorio, el baño y el jardín.

La última Casa del Gran Hermano fue la más lujosa y abierta. La casa estaba principalmente amurallada con diseños florales sobre vidrio, similar a la serie 7 . La entrada tenía un tema del cielo, pero se había renovado a una escalera en lugar de las dos escaleras anteriores. La sala del diario estaba escondida en el lado derecho. Al entrar a la sala, había un gran sofá rojo con un tema rojo / negro. En contraste con el efecto moderno de la cocina y el baño, el dormitorio constaba de un diseño de Salvador Dalí en las camas. El jardín mantuvo un tema de carnaval, incluido un carrusel. También se construyó un espacio para que los compañeros de casa se relajen y charlen, y además, una mini piscina / jacuzzi. [22]El día 70, la casa fue evacuada a un lugar temporal debido a graves inundaciones en la sala de estar y el dormitorio. Los compañeros de casa regresaron más tarde y se limitaron a vivir en la sala de tareas. [23]

Compañeros de casa

El día 1, ochenta y un aspirantes llegaron a la entrada de la casa, setenta y nueve de los cuales habían sido revelados antes de que comenzara la serie. [24] Sólo catorce compañeros de casa fueron seleccionados para entrar de todos los candidatos. Los primeros trece fueron seleccionados por Gran Hermano, y el decimocuarto compañero (Mario) fue seleccionado por sorteo. [25] Tres nuevos compañeros de casa (Andrew, Keeley y Rachel), cuyas identidades fueron reveladas en el sitio web de Channel 4 el día 30, llegaron a la casa en una nave espacial durante el programa de desalojo del día 31. El día 45, tres nuevos compañeros de casa más (JJ, Jo y Laura) fueron seleccionados para entrar a la casa por los actuales compañeros de casa de una selección de seis. Estos seis estaban entre los que no fueron elegidos para ingresar a la Cámara el día 1. [26] Después de que Laura caminó, Sam, que fue uno de los tres no seleccionados el día 45, ingresó a la casa el día 52 como parte de la tarea "Ignorar lo obvio".


En la noche del lanzamiento, ochenta y un posibles compañeros de casa se pararon cerca de la multitud esperando saber quién entraría a la Casa al ser elegido por Gran Hermano, en vivo. Gran Hermano seleccionó a trece compañeros de casa, mientras que el decimocuarto compañero de casa final fue elegido por un sorteo al azar realizado por Davina. [25] Mario ganó el sorteo aleatorio, sin embargo, Gran Hermano le asignó una "Tarea Imposible" al ingresar. Se vio obligado a trabajar encubierto como topo, interfiriendo con la Casa a discreción forzada durante cuatro días. Si la mayoría de los compañeros de casa sospechaban de él como un topo, Mario recibiría un desalojo inmediato. Entró a la casa con un traje de topo y un letrero que decía "SOY UN TOPO" para atraer a los compañeros de casa a sospechas rápidas. En las últimas horas, Mario tuvo acceso al Mole Hole, su vivienda ubicada en una puerta en el jardín.[27]

Se requirió que Mario completara una serie de tareas para el Árbol de la Tentación. Mario completó con éxito las cuatro misiones secretas, sin embargo, por la noche, Gran Hermano confirmó que había un topo en la casa. Todos los compañeros de casa, incluido Mario, votaron por la persona que pensaban que era el topo. Ben, Caoimhe, Dave, Govan, John James, Josie, Mario, Nathan, Shabby y Steve votaron por Sunshine. Corin e Ife votaron por Mario. Rachael votó por Steve y Sunshine votó por Ben. Como la mayoría no identificó a Mario como el topo, a Mario se le permitió quedarse en la Casa como compañero de piso oficial. [28]

For the first shopping task, set on Day 2, all of the housemates except Sunshine had a meal at a dining table suspended forty metres in the air. Sunshine had to depict five headlines from the previous night's newspapers on a giant note pad in the garden. For every correct answer the housemates at the dining table guessed, the housemates received £100 for next week's shopping budget.[29] Housemates guessed two correctly and won £200 for shopping. Housemates earned the contents of their suitcases on Day 3 by putting on as much of their clothes as they could within four minutes. Any extra clothing was confiscated. Dave, Shabby and Sunshine were nominated for eviction on Day 6, but as Dave won the "Hickory Dickory Dock" task he saved himself and replaced himself with Rachael. The shopping task later in the week had housemates test out three new gameshow pilots to replace Big Brother on Channel 4.[30] Housemates won £200 towards their shopping budget over the two days of the task.[31] On Day 10, housemates won a special World Cup barbecue after seven housemates blew vuvuzelas non-stop for 90 minutes.[32] Later that night, Rachael was evicted from the House.

In the second week, Ben, Dave, Govan and Shabby were originally nominated on Day 13. Shabby saved herself in the task "Scooter Slide", where each nominated housemate had three attempts to ride a scooter through a course without knocking over any markers and replaced herself with Mario.[33] On Day 15, housemates took part in a backwards day shopping task. After undoing a completed key jigsaw, they later had to work out how to put it back together within a time limit.[34] Housemates passed the task but the money earned for the shopping was taken away due to persistent rule breaking and they were placed on basic rations until further notice.[35] On Day 17, Govan was evicted from the House with 72% of the public vote.

On Day 18, housemates won a penalty shootout against the housemates in the German Big Brother House and won the opportunity to see the England v Germany game in the first knockout stage of the World Cup.[36] To win a birthday party for Steve, housemates had to talk through puppets of themselves for a period of time on Day 19.[37] Dave, Shabby and Sunshine were nominated on Day 20, but Dave saved himself by winning the task "Your Face on TV", where they had to slide the pieces of a jumbled up picture of their face so as to unjumble them. Dave replaced himself with Caoimhe.[38] Housemates celebrated International Joke Day for their shopping task by taking on various joke stereotypes, including a dumb blonde and an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. Ben also exited the House for 90 seconds on eviction night to do a stand-up routine for the eviction crowd.[39] Housemates passed the task on Day 24, with Sunshine being evicted that night.

In the fourth week, on Day 26, housemates took part in a wheelchair basketball task, which ended up with Corin, Ife, John James, Nathan and Steve being rewarded with a party.[40] Shabby walked from the House on Day 27,[41] with Caoimhe and John James being nominated for eviction soon after.[42] However, after winning the "Stay on TV" task, Caoimhe replaced herself with Nathan.[43] For the weekly shopping task, Big BroBot took over the Big Brother House and housemates completed a series of Man v Machine tasks against Titan. Any housemate who lost a task was made into a robot and the housemates who were humans at the end of the task played against "Bigger Brother" in a game similar to Robot Wars (Bigger Brother competed in Robot Wars, notably finishing second in series 5). Housemates failed the task as they were defeated by Bigger Brother. On Day 31, Nathan was evicted with 89% of the public vote. After the eviction, Andrew, Keeley and Rachel entered the House by spaceship in the garden.

In Week 5, Caoimhe, Corin and Ife were nominated for eviction, but Caoimhe won the Save and Replace task – a paintball duel – and replaced herself with Mario.[44] In the weekly shopping task, the male housemates were kidnapped by the Uber Cougar and had to live in the Uber Cougar's Lair. The female housemates became superheroes and completed tasks to released the men.[45] The housemates passed the task as all of the males except Andrew and Dave were released over the time of the task. The mechanical parrot in the living room was part of a task on Day 38. The parrot repeated a quote by a housemate in the House and the housemate who said the quote had to put a coin in Bob Righter to receive an individual prize.[46] Later that night, Ife became the fifth housemate to evicted from the House.

Housemates joined the Glee club of "BB High" in Week 6 and auditioned for roles in their own version of "Don't Stop Believin'". They filmed a music video with the help of Pineapple Dance Studios' Andrew Stone which had to get 100,000 views on the Channel 4 website. Andrew and Corin also had to go out of the House and sing "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" in front of the eviction crowd.[47] Housemates passed both parts of the task and won a luxury shopping budget. Caoimhe and Rachel were nominated for eviction on Day 41, but Caoimhe walked on Day 42.[48] At the Save and Replace task on Day 42 (between Corin, Keeley and Rachel), Keeley fractured her ankle and was forced to leave the House for treatment. Keeley chose not to return to the House and the eviction scheduled for Day 45 was cancelled.[49] Housemates then had to choose 3 new housemates from 6 potential housemates – JJ, Jo, Joel, Laura, Megan and Sam. They chose JJ, Jo and Laura to enter the House.

Week 7's nominations saw Ben, Dave, John James and Steve face eviction but Steve saved himself in the "Battle of the Brides" task.[50] Laura decided to leave the House on Day 50.[51] In this week's shopping task, housemates took part in an "Ignore the Obvious" task, in which they had to ignore various distractions in the house such as a brass band, an estate agent showing potential buyers through the House, tourists walking around the House taking pictures, Marcus Bentley conducting his narrations from within the House, Davina McCall hosting part of the eviction show from in the House, a performance from Jedward and new housemate Sam entering the house. Housemates were allowed 88 fails over the three days of the task and passed the task with 86 fails.[52] On Day 52, Ben became the 6th person to be evicted with 52 percent of the public vote.

Week 8 was focussed on the arrival of Sam. He was not given his proper suitcase and instead had to wear flamboyant clothes provided by Big Brother. The housemates were given a playground endurance task, which Andrew won. For the weekly shopping task, housemates had to portray characters from Charles Dickens novels. As part of this, John James and Rachel had to sit in a dining room in chairs for 24 hours portraying Great Expectations character Miss Havisham. John James quit, claiming he didn't want to wear a dress and heels and spend the day with Rachel. Corin had to portray Scrooge and give out coins when the others begged, the others had to perform Consider Yourself from Oliver Twist and for the video to be viewed on the Big Brother website at least 100,000 times, which was reached. John James, Mario and Rachel were nominated for eviction, Mario won Save and Replace and choose Dave in his place. On Day 59, Rachel became the seventh housemate to be evicted, receiving 58.5% of the public vote.

In Week 9, Housemates nominated by pouring buckets of custard, mud, baked beans and tinned spaghetti or Big Brother's special sauce over the person they wished to nominate. They were not required to give any reason for nomination. Dave was punished for attempting to influence Andrew to nominate him by not being allowed to take part in the Save and Replace challenge. Mario won the save and replace task and replaced himself with Sam. For the weekly shopping task, housemates competed to become the ultimate pantomime housemate. JJ and John James won and competed in the annual pantomime horse race at Sandown Park Race Course. They won a £300 shopping budget for finishing third. On Day 66, Jo became the eighth person to be evicted with 39.2% of the public vote.

In Week 10, after Jo's eviction, housemates had to choose a fellow housemate to be given a ticket to the final. They chose Josie; all other housemates faced a quadruple eviction. For the week's shopping task, Bob Righter predicted 15 things about the housemates. The housemates did not know what the predictions were and the individual tasks that Bob Righter set had nothing to do with the task. On Day 71, ex-housemates Ben, Nathan and Rachael returned to the house as part of a task. On Day 73, Steve (9.8% of the public vote), Corin (20.6% of the public vote), Sam (14.6% of the public vote) and John James (34.2% of the public vote) left the house in a quadruple eviction.

In the final week, Andrew was given a task by the Tree of Temptation – he had to answer every question that he was asked with the word 'yes'. Adding to his humiliation, his fellow housemates Dave, JJ, Josie and Mario, were told in turn of Andrew's task so they could have fun manipulating him. As the housemates passed their task, they were awarded with a 'Perfect Day' the next day consisting of: Housemates being served breakfast in bed by ex-Celebrity Big Brother housemate Anthea Turner, Housemates being treated to a pampering session, Housemates being treated to having their hair done by professional stylist Lee Stafford and his assistant Jo, Housemates having a three-course meal cooked for them by Nancy Lam and housemates being treated to an exclusive performance by Simon Webbe, singing his new single 'Casanova'.

Andrew finished in fifth place to cheers and the song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, followed by JJ who also received a warm reaction. Mario was evicted in third place with his prize 'butterfly jacket'. The final result was announced that Josie had won with over 77% of the public's vote, Dave being runner-up. After her interview, Josie re-entered the house for the final series: Ultimate Big Brother.

House flood

On the evening of Day 70 the house suffered from a freak rainstorm, resulting in the evacuation of the housemates to a nearby location in the Big Brother compound, due to severe flooding which caused leaks in the bedroom and living room from the roof.[53] After several hours, the housemates returned to the house.[54] For the remainder of Day 70 and the majority of Day 71, housemates only had access to the large task room (in the form of a makeshift bedroom), the garden, the garden toilet and small task room located off of this (formerly the mole hole, acting as a replacement small task room for the one located off the diary room) and the nest (in the form of a makeshift diary room). To prevent conversations in the nest ("diary room") with Big Brother from being overheard by other housemates, when a housemate wished to use the nest ("diary room"), the others had to move to the large task room ("bedroom").

At 8:33pm on Day 71, the housemates were allowed access to the whole house.[55]

On Big Brother's Little Brother on Day 71, George Lamb interviewed the creative director of Big Brother, Phil Edgar-Jones. George asked what caused the leak, and Phil replied "Some of the housemates were throwing socks up onto the roof, the socks got stuck in the gutter and because of that the water couldn't drain, so it collected on the roof."[56] Phil also highlighted the extent of the flooding by showing that approximately six inches of water had accumulated in the housemates' beds.

Nominations table


  • ^Note 1 : As new housemates, Andrew, Keeley and Rachel could not nominate and could not be nominated by their fellow housemates. During that week, they also could not be replaced in the Save and Replace task.
  • ^Note 2 : As punishment for discussing nominations, Caoimhe was banned from nominating and Keeley's nominations were voided. Caoimhe later walked from the house, meaning Corin, Keeley and Rachel were up for eviction. Had this not happened then Caoimhe and Rachel would have been up for eviction. The Save and Replace task was abandoned due to Keeley being injured during the task. Keeley was taken to hospital on Day 42 and Week 6's eviction was cancelled shortly after. On Day 45 Keeley decided to recuperate further at home and not return to the House.
  • ^Note 3 : As new housemates, JJ, Jo and Laura could not nominate and could not be nominated by their fellow housemates. During that week, they also could not be replaced in the Save and Replace task. As punishment for discussing nominations, Dave was banned from nominating and automatically faced eviction, along with the two or more housemates who received the most nominations.
  • ^Note 4 : As a new housemate, Sam could not nominate and could not be nominated by his fellow housemates. During that week, he also could not be replaced in the Save and Replace task.
  • ^Note 5 : As punishment for talking about nominating Sam, Dave, John James, and Josie were banned from nominating him that week. However, they could have still replaced themselves with Sam if they had been nominated and won the Save and Replace task. Housemates nominated face-to-face in "Nasty Nominations" in the garden, in which housemates had to pour horrible substances over the two housemates they chose to nominate. As punishment for discussing nominations, Dave could not participate in the Save and Replace task.
  • ^Note 6 : On Day 66, housemates had one minute to decide together whom to give a ticket to the final. They chose Josie, therefore saving her from eviction. The rest of the housemates faced eviction. Had nominations taken place, Sam would have been banned from nominating for discussing nominations. That week, the four housemates with the most votes were evicted in no particular order.
  • ^Note 7 : For the final four days, the public were voting for who they wanted to win, rather than evict.


These viewing figures are taken from BARB and include Channel 4 +1.[64]


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  30. ^ "Shopping Task Revealed". Channel 4. Archived from the original on 19 June 2010. Retrieved 5 July 2010.
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  33. ^ "Shabby Safe, Mario Nominated". InsideBigBrother. Archived from the original on 29 June 2010. Retrieved 5 July 2010.
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  37. ^ "Puppet Masters". Channel 4.
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  39. ^ "New Shopping Task Revealed". Channel 4.
  40. ^ "Housemates complete wheelchair basketball task". Digital Spy.
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  49. ^ "Breaking News: Eviction is Cancelled!". Channel 4. Archived from the original on 25 July 2010. Retrieved 30 July 2010.
  50. ^ "Battle of the Brides". Inside Big Brother. Archived from the original on 1 August 2010. Retrieved 30 July 2010.
  51. ^ "Laura leaves through the back door". BBSpy. Archived from the original on 1 August 2010. Retrieved 30 July 2010.
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  56. ^ "Clogged gutters blamed for flood". Archived from the original on 22 August 2010. Retrieved 18 August 2010.
  57. ^ "Rachael is Evicted!". Channel 4. 18 June 2010. Archived from the original on 21 June 2010. Retrieved 20 June 2010.
  58. ^ SUNSHINE is Evicted! – Big Brother – – Sunshine Evicted eviction. Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  59. ^ Nathan Has Been Evicted! – Big Brother – – bb11, big brother, channel 4, nathan, evicted. Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  60. ^ Watch video – Ife's Eviction – Big Brother – – video, clip, big brother, BB, house, latest, videos, clips, BB11, 11, final, series. Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  61. ^ Exclusive! Caoimhe has Left the House – Big Brother – – bigbrother, big brother, Big Brother, BigBrother, BB11, bb11, Channel 4. (20 July 2010). Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  62. ^ Breaking News: Eviction is Cancelled! – Big Brother. (21 July 2010). Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  63. ^ Ben Duncan is evicted from Big Brother 2010 @ Unreality TV Archived 3 August 2010 at the Wayback Machine. (30 July 2010). Retrieved on 10 December 2010.
  64. ^ "Weekly Viewing Summary (see relevant week)". BARB. Retrieved 29 March 2013.

External links

  • Official website
  • Big Brother at IMDb

Coordinates: 51°39′23″N 0°16′02″W / 51.65639°N 0.26722°W / 51.65639; -0.26722

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