Lista de los recurrentes de South Park caracteres

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  (Redirigido desde el Dr. Mephisto )
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La siguiente es una lista de personajes recurrentes en la serie de televisión animada South Park . La lista no incluye a los niños de la escuela , los miembros de la familia o el personal de la escuela .

Al Gore

" Al Gore " (con la voz de Trey Parker en el episodio " ManBearPig " y Matt Stone en el episodio " The Red Badge of Gayness ") es el ex vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos y también intenta alertar a los niños de South Park de un místico criatura llamada "ManBearPig". Constantemente dice "¡Soy super cereal!" y "excelsior!" durante ciertas situaciones; también parece ignorante e inseguro.

Gore también aparece durante la saga Imaginationland, donde se muestra con una capa roja y gritando "¡excelsior!"; también aparece en el videojuego South Park: The Stick of Truth .

Gran Gay Al

Big Gay Al (voz Matt Stone , voz cantante Trey Parker ) es un hombre homosexual estereotipado conocido por su comportamiento extravagante y positivo. Por ejemplo, casi siempre responde al saludo "¿Cómo estás?" con un optimista "¡Soy super! ¡Gracias por preguntar!" En un momento del programa, dirige una granja de animales para animales homosexuales que han sido rechazados por dueños de mascotas homofóbicos. Adoptó temporalmente a Sparky, El perro gay de Stan, que se había escapado de casa. Más adelante en el episodio, su gran refugio se desvanece, pero los diversos animales permanecieron y fueron adoptados por sus antiguos dueños que los habían extrañado mucho. Desde entonces, ha sido un amigo particularmente bueno de Stan, y es una de las pocas personas en South Park que es genuinamente amable.

Tuvo un papel menor en South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut , donde se revela que de hecho es una celebridad (o lo había sido desde su aparición en su primer encuentro con Stan). Fue coanfitrión y animador del espectáculo USO de las tropas, en el que interpretó su propio número musical llamado "I'm Super".

En el episodio " Cripple Fight ", él es el líder de la tropa de Mountain Scout de los niños. Sin embargo, los padres de los niños están incómodos con un líder explorador gay y el club lo despide. Los muchachos se unen para recuperarlo, y Gloria Allred y otros presionan a los Scouts para que lo vuelvan a aceptar, demandando a los Scouts en un caso de la Corte Suprema que ganan. Al rechaza esto, diciendo que sabe que los Scouts siguen siendo buenos hombres, y dado que los Scouts son un club privado, deberían tener el derecho de excluir a las personas si así lo desean, al igual que él tiene derecho a expresarse como un hombre gay. .

Big Gay Al finalmente entra en una relación con Mr. Slave , el ex novio de Mr. Garrison , con quien se casó en " Follow That Egg! ".

Big Gay Al y Mr. Slave aparecieron más tarde en un intento de ayudar a los chicos a cambiar la definición de la palabra maricón en " The F Word ".

Darryl Weathers

Darryl Weathers (con la voz de Trey Parker) es un trabajador del Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Construcción cuyo eslogan consiste en variaciones de la frase "¡Se llevaron nuestros trabajos!", Con "trabajos" pronunciados aproximadamente como " dʒɵbz " o " dʒɵ r bz " y con el tiempo verbal de la frase y el número de sujeto y predicado cambiaron según corresponda al contexto. Su apariencia, inspirada en la de Jeff Foxworthy , presenta un espeso cabello rojo y un gran bigote rojo. Su primera aparición es en " Goobacks ", en la que es anfitrión de una manifestación de muchos hombres de la clase trabajadora molestos por perder sus trabajos a causa de los Goobacks, inmigrantes del futuro que viajan en el tiempo y que trabajan por casi nada.Cuando aparece enEl factor O'Reilly para discutir sus puntos de vista, es presentado por el anfitrión como "Redneck-Conservative de la basura blanca cabreada", y su oponente "Aging-Hippie-Liberal-Douche". Él y los otros hombres deciden "volverse homosexuales" entre sí, teniendo sexo homosexual con la esperanza de que esto evite las futuras generaciones de niños que darán lugar a los Goobacks. Posteriormente aparece brevemente en el acto de apertura de " Smug Alert! ", En el que está enojado con Gerald Broflovski por poner un boleto casero en su automóvil debido al consumo de gasolina. Más tarde aparece en el episodio " Margaritaville " en el que vuelve a perder su trabajo, esta vez por dificultades económicas, y en " WTF", en la que se convierte en un fanático de la liga de lucha libre WTF y repite su eslogan con muchas variaciones como" They Broke His Jaw ".

Dr. Alphonse Mephesto y Kevin

Dr. Alphonse Mephesto (derecha) y Kevin

Dr. Alphonse Mephesto (también deletreado y pronunciado Mephisto [1] mientras que una vez se hizo referencia como "Alfonz Mephesto"; [2] expresado por Trey Parker ) es un científico loco que se especializa en ingeniería genética , y tiene un hijo llamado Terrance (que no debe ser confundido con Terrance de Terrance y Phillip ). El personaje es una referencia a la interpretación de Marlon Brando del Dr. Moreau en la versión cinematográfica de 1996 de La isla del Dr. Moreau . [3] Siempre trata de ayudar a quienes requieren de sus talentos, pero sus experimentos a veces salen mal y ponen en peligro a toda la ciudad.

Al igual que el Dr. Moreau, el Dr. Mephesto crea extrañas criaturas con su talento, como animales con múltiples nalgas. Mephesto cree que es por el bien de la Tierra y que los animales de un solo culo son inútiles y deben ser destruidos. En " Combustión espontánea ", llega incluso a presentar una "tortuga de Galápagos de siete culos" en un intento por ganar un premio Nobel , pero pierde ante la "Teoría unificada de la cosa del pedo" de Randy Marsh . Él empalma genéticamente una ardilla con queso provolone en " Cartman Joins NAMBLA ". También realiza experimentos que van desde simples pruebas de ADN hasta la creación de un clon genético de Stan Marsh para el proyecto científico de su hijo en " An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig".". Mephesto también proporciona servicios de pruebas genéticas normales, como cuando Cartman le pide que determine quién era su padre en" La mamá de Cartman es una puta sucia "y" La mamá de Cartman sigue siendo una puta sucia ". Mephesto tiene un hermano que intenta matarlo cada mes por razones no reveladas, como se menciona en el episodio antes mencionado. Sin embargo, en el episodio 201, se revela que su hermano realmente le disparó en un intento de evitar que se revele al padre de Cartman. Jugando con sus orígenes en el mundo real, es un miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Parecidos a Marlon Brando, un grupo al que no le gusta "ese otro NAMBLA ", como se ve en "Cartman se une a NAMBLA".

Kevin es el compañero silencioso del Dr. Mephesto, descrito como "ese pequeño mono". Es una pequeña criatura que se viste como el Dr. Mephesto y está basada en Majai, un personaje creado para la adaptación cinematográfica de 1996 de La isla del Dr. Moreau . Si bien la naturaleza exacta de Kevin nunca se aborda en el programa, su historia se cuenta en la canción "Mephesto and Kevin" de Primus de Chef Aid: The South Park Album . Aparentemente, fue un intento fallido de crear un cantante pop perfecto, un bebé probeta creado a partir del esperma de Michael Jackson y el óvulo de una donante no especificada, musicalmente talentosa, llevada a término dentro del útero de una llama.

En " 200 ", se revisó la prueba de paternidad de ADN de Cartman de "La mamá de Cartman es una puta sucia". Cartman se entera de que los resultados que le dieron fueron alterados. En el siguiente episodio, " 201 ", el Dr. Mephesto le dice a Cartman que su verdadero padre es Jack Tenorman . El personaje ha hecho apariciones de fondo esporádicas desde entonces. [4]

Doctor doctor

El Dr. Doctor , también conocido como Dr. Horatio Gouache , es un médico de South Park visto principalmente durante escenas ambientadas en Hell's Pass Hospital, conocido por hacer diagnósticos médicos inusuales, incluidos casos en los que reifica ideas abstractas o metafóricas como enfermedades o lesiones reales. En " The Biggest Douche in the Universe ", después de que Cartman es ingresado en el hospital luego de que el alma de su amigo fallecido, Kenny McCormick lo poseyera , el diagnóstico del Doctor es "se le acaba el tiempo", y usa esa frase como si fueron un diagnóstico médico literal, explicando que si no recibe un "trasplante de tiempo", morirá. En el episodio " You Got F'd in the A ",que es una parodia de la películaYou Got Served , el Doctor trata a Randy Marsh después de que Randy es "servido" (término del argot para ser derrotado en una competencia de baile) por un grupo de bailarines callejeros, como si "ser servido" constituyera una transgresión física real que incurre en lesiones graves. En " Pre-School ", trata a los niños de South Park después de la intimidación , a pesar de que fueron simplemente víctimas de un abuso leve como el "tornado de tetas de segundo grado". En " El increíble regalo de Cartman ", después de que Cartman es hospitalizado luego de un intento de volar saltando de un techo con alas de cartón, el Doctor le dice a su madre que él es "increíblemente estúpido" y que la estupidez causó la caída.

En los últimos años, South Park ha empleado una serie de personajes médicos recurrentes sin nombre, pero el Dr. Doctor sigue apareciendo ocasionalmente, incluso en " Medicinal Fried Chicken ", donde sus acciones e investigaciones erróneas conducen al regreso de KFC y la re-ilegalización de marijuana.

En la serie, Trey Parker lo ha expresado desde 1997, aunque George Clooney lo expresó en el largometraje de 1999 South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut , en el que su personaje se llamaba Dr. Gouache. Aunque lleva una etiqueta con su nombre que también lo identifica como "Dr. Doctor", fue llamado "Dr. Gouache" en "Cartman's Incredible Gift". En "Medicinal Fried Chicken", su título de médico en la pared se refiere a él como Dr. Horatio Gouache.

Padre Maxi

El padre Maxi (también conocido como el sacerdote Maxi [5] ) (con la voz de Matt Stone) es un sacerdote católico . Su nombre es una obra de teatro con el del cantante británico Maxi Priest . Apareció por primera vez en el episodio de la primera temporada " Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo ". En el episodio " El misterioso fantasma pirata de Korn ", Maxi, en su odio por Halloween, mata a muchos ciudadanos de South Park para convencer a la gente de que Halloween es malvado. En " ¿Van los discapacitados al infierno? ", Afirma que Timmy irá al infierno, ya que las discapacidades mentales de Timmy le imposibilitan confesar sus pecados.

Aunque el padre Maxi es sacerdote y se requiere que sea célibe, no parece practicar esto con regularidad. Como la mayoría de los adultos en South Park, ha tenido relaciones sexuales con la Sra. Cartman en algún momento de su vida y fue sorprendido teniendo sexo con una "Sra. Donovan". En " Cripple Fight ", admitió haber pasado por una fase homosexual en su juventud, pero afirma haber sido reformado. Sin embargo, aparentemente una vez tuvo una relación con un hombre llamado Peterson, de quien se suponía que estaba reformando la homosexualidad.

En " Red Hot Catholic Love ", persigue los casos de abuso sexual católico como el único sacerdote incorrupto en el episodio, y defiende una versión del cristianismo liberal al decir que la Biblia es una colección de parábolas morales destinadas a actuar como una guía ética. y no debe tomarse literalmente. En " Follow That Egg! ", Oficia la boda de Big Gay Al y el Sr. Slave, a pesar de su anterior postura contra la homosexualidad. En " The F Word ", se lo ve afuera de su capilla mostrando un letrero de " Dios odia a los maricones " hacia una desagradable pandilla de motociclistas de Harley-Davidson , que han sido considerados como "maricones" según la ordenanza de la ciudad.


Dios es retratado en South Park como una pequeñacriatura parecida aun hipopótamo con un cuerpo y orejas cubiertos de pelaje marrón, una cabeza verde con una boca ancha, pies verdes y circulares y una cola. Su primera aparición fue en el episodio de la tercera temporada " ¿Estás ahí Dios? Soy yo, Jesús " como parte de las celebraciones del milenio. En lugar de responder a una de las preguntas más profundas de la multitud, responde a la pregunta de Stan de por qué no ha experimentado su primer ciclo menstrual y sus amigos sí. Dios responde que Cartman y Kenny han estado sufriendo de un virus intestinal y Kyle ha estado mintiendo.

Reaparece en la segunda parte de " Probablemente ", en la que le da consejos a Satanás sobre sus problemas de relación. Le advierte a Satanás que su indecisión sobre qué pretendiente elegir se debe al hecho de que nunca ha aprendido a sentirse bien consigo mismo y, por lo tanto, se ha vuelto adicto a las relaciones. Dios le aconseja a Satanás que pase algún tiempo a solas, para encontrar "el equilibrio, el término medio", explicando "Eso es lo que siempre hago porque soy budista " (esto a pesar del hecho de que sólo los mormones pueden entrar al cielo).

En el episodio de la novena temporada " Best Friends Forever ", en respuesta a la menguante población del Cielo y la guerra que el Infierno declara al Cielo, Dios comienza a permitir que otros entren al Cielo, con el fin de construir el ejército del Cielo para proteger el Reino de Dios. Heaven implementa este reclutamiento creando la consola de videojuegos PlayStation Portable , para encontrar un jugador que pueda liderar el ejército de Dios, que resulta ser Kenny.

Dios está incluido como una figura con la figura de acción de Jesús de la serie 3 de South Park de Mezco. Tiene la voz de Trey Parker.


Jesús sobre Jesús y sus amigos

Jesús (expresado por Matt Stone ) es un personaje basado en el Jesús bíblico. En South Park , Jesús tenía su propio programa de televisión por cable de acceso público llamado Jesus and Pals . Murió mientras luchaba contra iraquíes durante un intento de rescatar a Santa en Nochebuena en el episodio " Red Sleigh Down ". Este fue su último papel importante en el programa hasta que resucitó cinco años después en el episodio de la undécima temporada " Fantastic Easter Special ".

Está representado en el pensamiento cristiano , es decir , es el Hijo de Dios, tiene numerosos poderes milagrosos (que incluyen profecía, curación y resurrección), así como la capacidad de volar y habilidades de carpintería experta. La naturaleza exacta de sus habilidades varía de un episodio a otro; por ejemplo, " Super Best Friends " retrata algunos de sus milagros más famosos como farsas, a pesar de que todavía tiene poderes básicos, mientras que en " Fantastic Easter Special ", afirma tener solo su poderes después de ser asesinado y resucitado, por lo que hace que Kyle lo mate para poder salvar al conejito de Pascua.

Por lo general, se describe a Jesús como tranquilo y seguro de sí mismo, amable y pacífico con todos; sin embargo, a menudo actúa de forma más típica de los personajes de South Park . A menudo se le ve, por ejemplo, luchando contra villanos, y aunque es inepto en " Damien ", más tarde se le muestra (" Red Sleigh Down ", " Fantastic Easter Special " y " Imaginationland Episode III ") como muy hábil con las armas. , espadas y una guja (en "Imaginationland III" lidera la batalla de los buenos personajes imaginarios). Hace un cameo como soldado en South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut , lo que implica que está del lado estadounidense.También es miembro de Super Best Friends., un grupo de figuras religiosas que luchan contra las fuerzas del mal (a excepción de Buda , que no cree en el mal).

En el corto de Jesús contra Frosty que comenzó en South Park , los niños hacen un muñeco de nieve que cobra vida después de que le ponen un sombrero. El muñeco de nieve mata a Cartman y Kenny e incluso se hace pasar por Santa. Stan y Kyle son los únicos que quedan y buscan la ayuda de un niño Jesús que cobra vida de un Belén y le quita el sombrero a Frosty. En Jesús contra Santa , Jesús llega del cielo para buscar retribución. Quiere deshacerse de Santa de una vez por todas, ya que la gente ya no ve la Navidad como el cumpleaños de Jesús. Con la ayuda de Brian Boitano, los niños le dicen a Jesús que Papá Noel mantiene vivo su cumpleaños y le dicen a Papá Noel que si no fuera por Jesús no habría Navidad. En ese momento, tanto Santa como Jesús se disculparon entre sí, y Jesús decidió ofrecerle a Santa un batido de naranja, que le gusta a Santa. Algunas imágenes de este corto se utilizaron en el episodio " A Very Crappy Christmas ".

Antes de su segunda muerte, Jesús presentó un programa de televisión llamado Jesus and Pals en la televisión por cable de acceso público de South Park . Jesús a menudo recibía llamadas al aire de los invitados y se lo mostraba reacio a responder preguntas sobre temas como la homosexualidad , la eutanasia y su propia crucifixión . En el episodio " La rana mexicana del sur de Sri Lanka ", el programa de Jesús entró en una guerra de audiencia con el programa de caza de Jimbo Kern y Ned Gerblansky Huntin 'and Killin'. El productor del programa, en un intento por aumentar los índices de audiencia, fabrica controversia entre los invitados, y Jesús y Pals se convierte en una farsa al estilo Jerry Springer . Durante la producción en vivo del enfrentamiento entre Ned y Jimbo contra los niños en Jesús y amigos, estalla una pelea entre los invitados y la audiencia. Condujo a una gran pelea hasta que Jesús descubrió lo que sucedió y envió a su productor al infierno. En Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut , cuando el Sr. Garrison pregunta "quién aquí no ha tenido relaciones sexuales con la Sra. Cartman", Jesús y el sacerdote Maxi intercambian miradas incómodas, lo que implica que él, como la mayoría de los demás en South Park, ha Point tenía una relación con la madre de Cartman.

En la trilogía de Imaginationland se le describe como "uno de los personajes de ficción más venerados" y miembro del Consejo de los Nueve. Para aumentar la confusión: en episodios anteriores de "South Park", Jesús interactuó en la vida real con otros ciudadanos de South Park, al igual que Santa Claus, que también aparece en los episodios de "Imaginationland" como un personaje de ficción. Otros iconos religiosos famosos como Moisés , Ganesha , Buda , José Smith y Dios también se muestran como ciudadanos de Imaginationland. [6]

A pesar del material temático, la versión de Jesús de South Park estuvo ausente en el episodio " La pasión del judío ", un episodio de la octava temporada que trata de la película de Mel Gibson La pasión de Cristo y las diversas respuestas a la película de los cuatro principales. personajes, así como el resto de la ciudad en sí.

José Smith

Joseph Smith , el fundador del mormonismo, hizo su primera aparición en " Super Best Friends " en el que fue representado como miembro de un grupo de superhéroes compuesto por las figuras centrales de muchas de las religiones de la Tierra. Más tarde apareció en " Todo sobre los mormones ", que describe los eventos de su vida que llevaron a la fundación del mormonismo, y en los episodios de dos partes " 200 " y " 201 ".

Lennart Bedrager (El cazador de trolls)

Lennart Bedrager (conocido en la mayoría de los materiales promocionales como The Troll Hunter ) es el director ejecutivo de una empresa emergente en Dinamarca y el principal antagonista de la segunda mitad de la temporada 20 . Tras el suicidio de una celebridad danesa provocado por el trolling de Gerald Broflovski , Bedrager lidera una guerra contra el trolling de Internet en su conjunto. Él crea un servicio llamado "TrollTrace", que tiene como objetivo permitir que las personas ejecuten publicaciones en Internet a través de su base de datos y las relacionen con un nombre y una ubicación física. Cuando se le pregunta sobre el potencial de uso indebido de TrollTrace, Bedrager simplemente afirma que solo está diseñado para usarse contra trolls. Cuando se lanza TrollTrace en la ciudad de Fort Collins, desciende al caos, lo que requiere que esté aislado del resto del mundo. Bedrager hace un trato con Hillary Clinton para cerrar TrollTrace a cambio de Gerald y otros trolls con los que está asociado. Sin embargo, al capturar a los trolls, Bedrager afirma que sus verdaderas intenciones son enfrentar a los países entre sí y destruir la sociedad para poder crear una nueva "donde todos sean felices, cantan y no tengan secretos. Como Dinamarca". Más tarde, se revela que esto es una farsa, y que Bedrager es en realidad un estadounidense que mintió en su camino hacia el liderazgo en Dinamarca para poder iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial para su propia diversión. Bedrager muere en el final de la temporada 20 cuando Gerald lo arroja a un abismo en el edificio TrollTrace después de que los dos personajes discuten sobre la naturaleza del trolling.

Bedrager tiene la voz de Trey Parker. Su apellido se traduce aproximadamente como "engañador" o "estafador" en inglés, lo que insinúa sus intenciones más oscuras.


Loogie (o Luigi ) hizo su primera aparición en " The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000 ". Cuando los niños intentan ganar dinero arrebatando el dinero del hada de los dientes que queda debajo de las almohadas de otros niños, se encuentran con otro grupo de niños que intentan hacer lo mismo. Estos rivales traen a los chicos de regreso a Loogie, tras lo cual se enteran de que el negocio del Hada de los Dientes es en realidad un sindicato del crimen, y Loogie es retratado como un capo de la mafia juvenil . Viste un traje zoot y su sede es un restaurante italiano en el sótano . En lugar de simplemente vestirse como el hada de los dientes y conseguir el dinero, tiene una línea de montaje completa .de empleados que obtienen los dientes y los inspeccionan para verificar su calidad. Cuando los chicos intentan separarse de su propio sindicato independiente, Loogie interviene y ataca a Kenny para darles una lección (que es una parodia de las prácticas comunes de la mafia). Su voz es principalmente de Richard Belzer , aunque las grabaciones finales fueron realizadas por Trey Parker . [7] Hizo otro cameo en " Professor Chaos ", donde fue uno de los veinte candidatos para reemplazar al entonces fallecido Kenny en el grupo de chicos. Sobrevivió a la primera ronda para convertirse en semifinalista, pero fue uno de los cuatro chicos cortados en la segunda ronda. En este episodio, cuando se gritó su nombre para avanzar a la siguiente ronda, se lo llamó "Luigi".

Hasta la fecha, el programa no ha especificado si el nombre del personaje es en realidad Loogie, de modo que la referencia a "Luigi" es un "asentimiento" o "uso nonce", o si en cambio su nombre de pila es Luigi y la denominación "Loogie" es un apodo (probablemente peyorativo ).

Alcalde McDaniels

La alcaldesa Mary McDaniels es la alcaldesa de South Park. En un episodio, se la descubre ordenando al oficial Barbrady que le practique sexo oral , y en otro, indica indirectamente que han tenido tratos con la mafia japonesa. [ cita requerida ] Sus ideas cívicas para la ciudad a menudo se hacen sin tener en cuenta las consecuencias futuras, que suelen ser desastrosas. En " Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo ", ella intenta resolver los sentimientos ofendidos hacia la obra de teatro navideña de la escuela pública creando una obra que no hace referencia a ninguna religión o fiesta religiosa, lo que resulta en una producción esotérica que todos los habitantes del pueblo detestan. En "El verano apesta", después de que todos los fuegos artificiales sean declarados ilegales, con la excepción de las serpientes , la ciudad corre peligro de extinción por una serpiente gigante que ella arregla para hacer estallar. Intenta suicidarse en" Die Hippie, Die ", después de un festival de música hippie que firma el permiso para tiene efectos nocivos en la ciudad. En " La mamá de Cartman es una puta sucia ", cuando Garrison pregunta quién no se ha acostado con la Sra. Cartman, ella intercambia miradas incómodas con la directora Victoria .

McDaniels fue concebido porque Trey Parker y Matt Stone querían que la alcaldesa fuera alguien más sofisticado que otros residentes de South Park y creían que ella era mejor que el resto de la ciudad. [8]

Viejo mecánico

The Old Mechanic (también conocido como Old Farmer ) es un personaje sin nombre que viste un sombrero de ala ancha y un mono , y habla con un fuerte acento de Maine . Se parece a la interpretación de Fred Gwynne del personaje de Jud Crandlow en la película Pet Sematary de 1989 , parodiando al personaje de Crandall compartiendo siniestramente historias de terror del pasado y advirtiendo a la gente que no las repita. Mechanic solo aparece en episodios que presentan de forma destacada a la familia Stotch.

Su primera aparición es en " Butters 'Very Own Episode ", en el que dirige a Butters por un camino oscuro hacia South Park, contándole la horrible historia del camino, terminando su discurso con "Yah, mucha historia en ese camino".

Aparece de nuevo en " Asspen " cuando trata de convencer a Stan de que no corra por la K-13 mientras cuenta la terrible historia sobre la carrera y las vidas perdidas en ella, y termina su discurso con "Yah, mucha historia en esa carrera de esquí . "

Se hace una parodia más directa de Pet Sematary en " Marjorine " cuando trata espontáneamente de convencer a Chris Stotch de que no entierre lo que él cree que es el cuerpo de Butters en un cementerio indio (a pesar de que Stotch no había dado ninguna indicación de ser consciente de ese lugar, y mucho menos enterrar a Butters allí), diciendo: "¡No entierres el cuerpo de tu hijo en el cementerio indio, Stotch! El que está justo allí, detrás del granero de los Anderson ...", cerrando con La línea de la firma de Crandall "A veces ... muerto es mejor".

Aparece de nuevo en el episodio de la temporada 16 " Inseguridad ", y les cuenta a los maridos de South Park cómo el lechero local solía tener relaciones sexuales con las esposas de todos, advirtiendo a los maridos que pueden estar sufriendo un destino similar a manos del hombre de UPS e instruyéndoles sin rodeos. ellos para matarlo.

En el episodio de la temporada 23 " Especial de Halloween de Tegridy Farms ", vuelve a hacer un cameo; esta vez trabajando en el Museo de Naturaleza y Ciencia de Denver . Butters, bajo el alias "Arqueólogo Butters", lo encontró mientras buscaba el último sello en su libreta de sellos. El mecánico, junto a la exhibición que busca Butters, advierte a Butters que no ponga el sello en el libro, advirtiendo que "nadie pone ese sello en su libreta de sellos". Butters ignora su consejo y estampa de todos modos. Aparece de nuevo cerca del final del episodio.

Bayas de miembros

Los miembros Berries están hablando de frutas antropomórficas que se asemejan a uvas con caras. Son expresados ​​por Trey Parker y sirven como los principales antagonistas de la primera mitad de la temporada 20 . Ellos traen gratos recuerdos de la infancia para cualquier persona que se los come, actuando como una especie de antidepresivo. Como tal, la mayor parte de su diálogo consiste en preguntar a la gente si "son miembros" de varios elementos de la cultura pop de las décadas de 1980 y 1990 (principalmente Star Warspersonajes y puntos de la trama). Sin embargo, se demuestra que las bayas tienen intenciones siniestras. Además de hacer referencias culturales, también intentan infundir miedo y odio preguntando a las personas si recuerdan cosas como "cuando no había tantos mexicanos", "sentirse seguro" y "cuando el matrimonio era solo entre un hombre". y una mujer ".

Ellos poseen la capacidad de tomar el control de las personas que se alimentan de ellos, que a su vez puede lavar el cerebro a otros por el vómito sus jugos en sus caras (una referencia a John Carpenter 's película ). Se sugiere que JJ Abrams los está utilizando para lavar el cerebro a las personas para que les guste su película de Star Wars , aunque esto aún no se ha confirmado dentro de la serie. Si bien inicialmente se sugirió que era una mente colmena , más tarde se demostró que los miembros Berries son capaces de actuar independientemente unos de otros. Están organizados de una manera similar a la mafia y dirigidos por un anciano " don " berry que planea traer de vuelta a "los verdaderos Stormtroopers".(a diferencia de " esos Stormtroopers" ).

Su historia no se resuelve al final de la temporada, y desaparecen por completo en los dos últimos episodios, salvo por un breve cameo en el final. Más tarde hacen un cameo en la temporada 21, todavía en la Casa Blanca con Garrison.


Moisés , el profeta judío, aparece en " Jewbilee " como el centro de un ritual en el que los judíos hacen dibujos de macarrones, collares de palomitas de maíz y tallas de jabón en un campo de exploración judío. Su apariencia sigue el modelo del Programa de Control Maestro de la película Tron y un gran dreidel flotante brillante. [9] Elantagonista antisemita del episodio, Garth, lo captura en una caracola antes de invocar al personaje bíblico Amán . Kenny McCormick , que había sido desterrado del campo por Moisés por no ser judío, salva el campo rompiendo la caracola con la cabeza.

Moses también aparece en el episodio " Super Best Friends ", en el que actúa como la computadora en la sede de Super Best Friends, y demuestra la capacidad de reproducir una cinta insertándola a través de un puerto en su frente. Además, Moisés aparece en el Salón de los Súper Mejores Amigos en el episodio " 200 ", donde ofrece la opinión de que sería aceptable que el profeta islámico Mahoma apareciera en South Park en un U-Haul , si el U-Haul no tiene ventanas.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is the ruthless boss of the Disney corporation. He appears in The Ring where he forces the Jonas Brothers to continue to wear promise rings against their wishes to preserve the marketability of the band and provide cover for their sex appeal to young girls. In The Pandemic Special, he goes on a drug-fueled escapade with Randy in China and they end up being responsible for the origin of the coronavirus (SARS‑CoV‑2).

Mr. Hankey

Mr. Hankey the "Christmas Poo", voiced by Trey Parker, is a sentient, talking piece of feces. He first appeared in the first-season episode "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo". He emerges from the toilet bowl on Christmas Eve and brings presents to good boys and girls whose diets have been high in fiber. He is especially close to Kyle, consoling him during his Christmas–Hanukkah depression and generally appears to help the boys out with something or gives them advice. Mr. Hankey has appeared in various Christmas episodes, and inspired an actual retail CD Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics in which he has his own theme song. In his first appearance, he appeared anthropomorphic only to Kyle and Chef, although he often leaves a trail behind that is attributed by the adults to antisocial behavior by Kyle. Due to his physical state, he can only emerge from the sewers during the Christmas season or he will dry up and die. In "The Problem with a Poo" Mr. Hankey begins sending angry tweets after being fired from his job of Christmas pageant director for his offensive behavior, a reference to a then-recent scandal involving actress Roseanne Barr.[10] Mr. Hankey leaves town, in search of a place that still accepts objectionable, racist beings like him. He arrives in the fictional town of Springfield, the setting of the animated TV series The Simpsons, where the characters native to that show, in particular Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, welcome him with open arms.[11]

The Mr. Hankey character was based on an idea Trey Parker's father created when he was potty-training Trey as a child.[12] Parker said he refused to flush the toilet at age three or four, so his father told him if he did not flush the stool, which he called "Mr. Hankey", it would come to life and kill him.[13] Parker said he planned to incorporate Mr. Hankey into South Park, but did not decide right away to make him a Christmas figure; previously, Parker envisioned the character simply as a talking stool and drew him with a sailor's hat, not a Christmas hat.[14] John Kricfalusi, the creator of The Ren and Stimpy Show, said the Mr. Hankey concept was stolen from Kricfalusi's cartoon short "Nutty the Friendly Dump",[12] and even discussed taking legal action against the show.[15] Parker and Stone denied the allegation and said they were not fans of Ren & Stimpy.[16] The Fox Broadcasting Company and its corporate sibling 20th Century Fox Television also previously denied consideration to Parker and Stone of acquiring the rights to South Park unless Mr. Hankey was removed; the co-creators refused and took the show to Comedy Central instead.[17]

Mr. Kitty

Mr. Kitty is a grey housecat owned by Cartman, prone to showing interest in Cartman's food, to which Cartman usually responds, "No, Mr. Kitty, that's mine! That's a bad kitty!", but Cartman doesn't know that his cat is actually a girl. Her first appearance was in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". In the episode "Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut", she was voiced by Jay Leno. In the episode "Spookyfish", a kindhearted and generous Cartman from a parallel universe arrives and is friendly to Kitty, much to our universe's Cartman's irritation. Kitty's most prominent role was in the season 3 episode "Cat Orgy". Mr. Kitty was mentioned in "The Death of Eric Cartman" as being part of the list of beings to whom Cartman needed to apologize in order to reach Heaven. Although Mr. Kitty is indicated to be female in "Cat Orgy", in the season 12 episode "Major Boobage", the children experiment with Mr. Kitty's urine after learning that the urine of male cats can cause intoxication.

Ned Gerblansky

Ned Gerblansky (voiced by Trey Parker) and his best friend Jimbo Kern represent South Park's large population of stereotypical "rednecks". They are obsessed with large trucks, beer, guns, explosions, and killing animals. They detest liberals and circumvent hunting regulations, which they refer to as anti-hunting laws, by yelling, "it's coming right for us!" before shooting any animal, thereby justifying the kill as self-defense. After a court ruling, they are seen shooting animals so as to "thin out their numbers", despite the fact that they are shown shooting at endangered species while shouting, "it's coming right for us!"

Jimbo and Ned met while in the Vietnam War, where Jimbo was a helicopter pilot. During the war, Ned lost his right arm when a hand grenade exploded in his hand. Ned also lost his formerly mellifluous voice due to cancer, apparently caused by cigarette smoking, and is forced to speak with an electric voice-box. Despite the fact that Ned lost one of his arms, he can still wield two-handed weapons, such as a flamethrower, and even an M249 SAW in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. It was revealed in the episode "Summer Sucks" that Ned has an ex-wife, though her name is never mentioned. He is attacked by ManBearPig in "Time to Get Cereal", and is not seen again until "Bike Parade", where he is shown alive, but heavily injured.

Ned and Jimbo were inspired by characters Trey Parker used to draw during high school.[8]

Nellie and Thomas McElroy

Nellie and Thomas McElroy are the parents of Chef and are voiced by Trey Parker and Matt Stone respectively. They first appear in the episode "The Succubus", when they come to South Park for Chef's wedding. They appear later in the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" when Chef takes Cartman and his mother to his parents' manor house in Scotland. They perform a shaman-esque ritual to exorcize Kenny's soul from Cartman's body. In "Red Sleigh Down", they are seen in a crowd during the town's Christmas celebration. They are not seen at Chef's funeral in "The Return of Chef".

The McElroys' main subject of conversation is their supposed encounters with the Loch Ness Monster. They repeatedly claim that they have seen him on multiple occasions, and are constantly harassed by him, as he tries to swindle them out of $3.50 ("tree fiddy"). According to Thomas, the monster has pretended to be a Girl Scout, an alien, and Chef's imaginary friend from childhood.

Officer Barbrady

Officer Barbrady (voiced by Trey Parker) is a South Park city police officer who is extremely incompetent at what he does and is generally a bumbling oaf, incapable of solving any of the crimes he is charged to investigate. He even unintentionally helped Mr. Garrison try to kill Kathie Lee Gifford. Mayor McDaniels still often summons him, as he actually does keep the peace in South Park, as shown in "Chickenlover" when shortly after he quits, the city falls into chaos. Officer Barbrady does not drink coffee, as seen in episode "Gnomes"; he instead prefers to get hit in the face by a cat swung by the tail. He is slightly overweight and talks louder than he should, most likely because of his hearing aid.

Barbrady was illiterate until season two's "Chickenlover". After his illiteracy was exposed, Barbrady was ordered to learn how to read by the Mayor. Chickenlover made him learn to read by leaving the notes at the crime scenes describing where he would strike next. Barbrady was thankful at first to Chickenlover, but arrested him nonetheless for his crimes. Chickenlover then gave him the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, which Barbrady thought was such an awful book that he vowed never to read anything ever again.

In "Chickenlover" and "Spookyfish" Barbrady claims to have a wife. However, she has never appeared on the show. In other episodes, it has been implied that he and Mayor McDaniels are in a relationship, despite her general disdain for him.

In the season seven episode "Toilet Paper", Barbrady claims, while being interrogated by Hannibal Lecter-like character Josh, that he was beaten with a belt by his uncle and that his father forced him to wear a dress and sit on all of his uncles' laps on poker night. Josh interjects that this is the reason he became a police officer in the first place; to protect himself.

Parker's voice for Officer Barbrady was inspired by Dennis Prager, a syndicated radio talk show host, who Parker said he and Stone liked to make fun of for his "big, bombastic, stupid voice".[8]

In "Chickenlover", it was established that Barbrady was the only police officer in town. In later seasons, he was phased out in favor of an actual police force, led by the equally incompetent Sgt. Harrison Yates. Barbrady's role in the series has decreased as a result, but he still appears regularly, such as in "200" while protecting the town, and was considered a possible father for Eric Cartman, having been in the room on the day of the DNA test; however, this was ruled out when the true identity of Eric Cartman's father was revealed in "201". He also played a very prominent role in the 2015 episode "Naughty Ninjas" . In which we see him without his trademark Sunglasses and his home interior, along with an ageing dog that requires medication.

Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein is depicted with appearance and mannerisms that differ dramatically from the real Saddam Hussein. Matt Stone performs his voice even though he is credited as himself in the credits of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. He first appeared in the season 2 episode Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus, and later in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut as the film's main antagonist, in which he is revealed to be residing in Hell as Satan's lover. Though Satan eventually kills him in the film, he returns to Hell in the series, and remains a recurring character until "It's Christmas in Canada".

Saddam Hussein's body is made in the usual South Park style (resembling construction paper), but his head is a photograph cutout, a technique also used with appearance by Mel Gibson and Ben Affleck (in his appearance in "How to Eat with Your Butt").[18] His head is cut into two pieces, which come apart like a Canadian when he talks, instead of having a conventionally articulated mouth.

While Saddam on South Park is based on the real-life Saddam, he has a very high-pitched voice, is homosexual, speaks English and often calmly uses Canadian slang, as when he says, "relax guy". He was so emotionally abusive to Satan during their relationship that Satan ultimately exiles him to Heaven. Saddam attempts to conquer Canada in "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus" and "It's Christmas in Canada".

Santa Claus

Santa Claus (voiced by Trey Parker) lives at the North Pole in his Fortress of Solitude, aided two months out of the year by the Underpants Gnomes. Santa is often shown with South Park's other Christmas-related characters, Mr. Hankey and Jesus. His relationship with the latter has been rocky. In the animated short, "Jesus vs. Santa", Jesus and Santa had a fight to determine what the true meaning of Christmas was—giving or Jesus' birth. With some advice from Brian Boitano, the boys told Jesus that Santa keeps the spirit of Christmas alive, and then told Santa that if it wasn't for Jesus there would be no Christmas at all. The two reconciled, though they would later fight again in "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics", when Santa felt unhappy that there are more Jesus-related Christmas songs than ones about him. Nevertheless, they made up again, and Jesus later lost his life to save Santa from Iraqis in "Red Sleigh Down". To commemorate his good friend, Santa declares that in every Christmas, everyone should remember Jesus.


From left to right: Saddam, Satan and Chris

Satan is a recurring character, based on the Abrahamic figure of the same name, voiced by Trey Parker. He presides over Hell and is constantly at war with God, but is often depicted as a sensitive and emotionally vulnerable person who has suffered from dependence on relationships.

Many of Satan's appearances on South Park (as well as his role in the film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut) focus on his romantic attachments, all of which so far have been homosexual. In the film, he and his lover, Saddam Hussein, plot to take over Earth by fulfilling an ancient prophecy. However, as a result of Saddam's abusive treatment of Satan, the latter has a change of heart by the end of the film. Satan calls off his attack upon Earth. Satan subsequently has two other partners, Chris and Kevin (see below). Satan also has a son named Damien, who, while never specifically labeled as the Antichrist, is based on the character from The Omen.

According to the audio commentary for the episode "Damien", South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone came up with the idea of Satan and Saddam Hussein being lovers on the set of BASEketball, where they would attempt to impress girls by improvising scenes between the two characters, one assuming the role of Satan and one of Saddam. Parker also mentions on the same commentary track that he and Stone were inspired to make Satan a wimp by the character of Pinhead in Hellraiser 3.

Satan has tried three times so far in the course of South Park's run to take over Earth: in the episodes "Damien" and "Best Friends Forever", and also in the feature film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. All three attempts failed, with the last also leading to Satan's breakup and out-of-anger murder of his then-boyfriend Saddam Hussein, although his attempt in "Damien" was fake—the real reason he did it was to get rich on the money that the townsfolk had bet on him.

Satan has been depicted in three romantic relationships. His most significant relationship was with Saddam Hussein in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. However, Saddam was emotionally abusive to the meek and emotionally dependent Satan, and was interested in Satan solely for sex and world domination than out of love. With some prompting from Kenny, Satan stands up to Saddam, casts him back down into hell, impaling him on a stalagmite, and calls off his invasion of Earth.

Saddam is seen again in "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?". By this time Satan has a new boyfriend named Chris, a passive milquetoast who avoids conflict and confrontation. Saddam asserts to Satan that Chris is not fit for Satan, who truly prefers rebellious troublemakers like Saddam himself, and after inviting Saddam to his hotel room, the conflicted Satan spends the night with him. Subsequently, Chris and Saddam began to kill each other over and over again—appearing alive in Hell the next day—until Satan seeks God's advice. God points out to Satan that Satan is too dependent on relationships, and needs to learn to develop his own sense of independence and self-worth, rather than choose partners who are bad for him. Satan decides to break up with both Saddam and Chris, and when Saddam refuses to acknowledge Satan's wishes, Satan banishes Saddam to Heaven, which is populated entirely by Mormons.

In the 2005 episode "Best Friends Forever", Satan has another boyfriend named Kevin, who acts as his advisor, and urges Satan along in his attempts to conquer the universe; however, when it is clear the battle is lost for them and the figure continues to press him, Satan breaks up with Kevin and dispatches him.

In the Season 18 episode "Freemium Isn't Free", Satan is summoned to explain the evils of the Freemium pricing model to Stan, who has been spending exorbitant amounts of money in the Terrance and Phillip game app. He then realizes the culprit, and temporarily takes over Stan's soul to fight the Canadian devil.

In the Season 22 episode "Time to Get Cereal" Satan is summoned by Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Kyle, and Al Gore to provide information on ManBearPig, and instructs them to go to the library. In “Nobody Got Cereal?” Cartman convinces Satan to defeat ManBearPig. Satan engages in a brutal fight with ManBearPig, ending in Satan's death and subsequent ascension to Heaven.

Scott the Dick

Scott is Canadian where he is a television critic for magazines and is known by most Canadians as being obnoxious and "a dick", as evidenced by his nickname. He is uptight and short-tempered, especially with Terrance and Phillip's toilet humour (as a result he wishes that Terrence and Phillip had cancer) and almost all the rest of his Canadian ilk though he has patriotism for his country and expresses special contempt for Americans and ethnic hatred towards the Inuit people. Scott was also Saddam Hussein's advisor twice, first in "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus" and then to the new Prime Minister of Canada in "It's Christmas in Canada", who turned out to be Saddam in disguise.

Scott's first appearance was in "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus", where he was shown to be the nemesis of Terrance and Phillip. He then appeared in "real life" during "It's Christmas in Canada", attempting to stop the boys from getting Kyle Broflovski's brother Ike back. Scott returned in the season 15 episode "Royal Pudding", labeled as "The Giant" due to radiation poisoning in Ottawa causing him to grow to slightly larger in size. After being wrongly accused of abducting the Princess of Canada, Scott helps in her rescue from Tooth Decay and is awarded the Canadian Medal of Courage.

Harrison Yates

Sgt. Harrison "Harris" Yates (sometimes shortened to Detective Harris[19] and called Lou in "Cartman's Incredible Gift"), voiced by Trey Parker, is a police sergeant and the top detective with the Park County Police Department. He is often depicted as either incompetent or corrupt, but nonetheless dedicated to his job, though prone to excessive violence and often racism. Yates has a supportive but rarely-seen wife named Maggie,[20] and an unseen son mentioned in "Cartman's Incredible Gift". The Park County Police Department was first seen with a similar character named Lieutenant Dawson in "Lil' Crime Stoppers", also voiced by Parker with a similar design, voice, and role, while Yates was first shown working for the FBI in "Christian Rock Hard" in a similar building. Yates was briefly shown working for the older South Park Police Department in "Casa Bonita". Though the character has since been firmly established as a detective in South Park, occasionally he is still seen elsewhere - in "Free Willzyx" he and his men were investigating the theft of an orca whale in Denver.

In "The Jeffersons", he is first introduced as South Park's police sergeant when he learns that a wealthy black man named Mr. Jefferson has moved into South Park, he leads a police conspiracy to frame the man for a crime he did not commit, but aborts the plan when he actually sees the light-skinned Mr. Jefferson, and becomes disillusioned with the long-time police tradition of framing wealthy black men for crimes they didn't commit. (In actuality, Mr. Jefferson was an incognito Michael Jackson). In "Cartman's Incredible Gift", when a serial killer strikes South Park, Yates becomes enamored with the idea that Cartman has psychic powers that can capture the killer, and dismisses proven criminal science such as fingerprinting and blood analysis as "hocus pocus". As a result, he arrests and even kills a number of innocent people based on Cartman's alleged "psychic visions", failing to identify the killer as such when he first investigates him, despite an overabundance of evidence, and nearly letting him go free.

In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", he initially takes no action when it is reported that Ike Broflovski's kindergarten teacher is having sex with him, because he finds the idea of a female teacher having sex with a male student alluring. In the season 13 episode "Butters' Bottom Bitch", Yates goes undercover as a (female) prostitute to try and crack down on prostitution in South Park—and insists on going through various sexual acts (including oral sex and a gang bang) before arresting the clients. The character also appears in the season 18 episode "Cock Magic", leading his men in a personal vendetta against illegal sports, but is referred to as Detective Harris,[21] a name that has been used in scripts for a number of years,[22][23] and was re-used in "#HappyHolograms". It was briefly considered his official name by Comedy Central and South Park Studios[19] though many fans continued to render his name as Sergeant Yates, or consider 'Harris' a nickname based on 'Harrison'. He was once again referred to as Harrison Yates by his wife in the season 19 episode "You're Not Yelping", seeming to confirm Harris as a nickname.

Yates was often seen with his gray-haired partner Detective Mitch Murphey, voiced by Matt Stone. Murphey, along with the rest of the Park County Police Department, is generally shown to be more sensible and less corrupt than Yates, often following his example reluctantly, although they are still prone to the typical incompetence seen in the show's adults. Murphey has also been referred to by the name Harris ("The Jeffersons" and "Free Willzyx") but the name Murphey is used in scripts and he has been known as Mitch ("Eek, a Penis!" and "The China Probrem"). Yates has referred to other officers as 'Mitch' on occasion as well, most of which have been voiced by Matt Stone.

While other members of the police force have been named and identified, only Yates and Barbrady have remained recurring characters with consistent personalities, though the relationship between the two is largely unexplored. The two can be seen dining together in "The City Part of Town".[24]


Skeeter is an ill-tempered red-haired townsperson often seen at the local bar. He has a southern accent, and is typically portrayed as a redneck. He first appeared in the episode "Sexual Harassment Panda", where he greets newcomers by saying, "Hey! We don't take kindly to your types in here!" This is generally followed by the bartender interjecting, "Now, calm down, Skeeter, he ain't hurtin' nobody". The bar has since come under his ownership, having been renamed Skeeter's Bar during the eleventh season, and he is portrayed as the owner in the video game "South Park: The Stick of Truth", where he urges the player to help deal with a rodent problem and mentions taking therapy for his anger problems.

He is also shown leading various mobs in different episodes, or otherwise appears as a background character or regular townee. His most notable appearances include leading the campaign to "Free Hat McCullough" in "Free Hat", and as a war supporter who excoriates anti-war protesters in the episode "I'm a Little Bit Country". He also briefly appears in the "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" episode. He has a daughter, Red, as indicated near the end of "Good Times with Weapons".

Sparky the Dog

Sparky (voiced by George Clooney)[25] is Stan's dog. He first appeared in "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" in which it was revealed that he is gay. Stan was very upset that Sparky was gay, provoking Sparky to run away to "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Animal Sanctuary", where he would live with other gay animals. He, along with all of the other animals, returned to their owners after the people of South Park learned to become more accepting of homosexuality in animals.

He has been seen in "Proper Condom Use" where Stan beats him off but gets caught by his parents at a book club meeting, and "Good Times with Weapons", in which his fur was used to disguise Butters as a dog. Sparky also makes a cameo in "Woodland Critter Christmas", and was briefly seen in the episode "Spookyfish". He is included as a figure with the South Park series 2 Stan action figure by Mezco.

Terrance and Phillip

Terrance and Phillip are a comedy duo from Canada who appear on The Terrance and Phillip Show, which is frequently watched by Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. Terrance Henry Stoot of Toronto (voiced by Matt Stone) has black hair and wears a red shirt with a letter "T", while Phillip Niles Argyle of Montreal (voiced by Trey Parker) has blonde hair, diabetes, and a blue shirt with a "P". Terrance and Phillip have small beady eyes and disconnected heads which flap up and down whenever they speak, as do the majority of Canadians featured on the show.

The characters were inspired by the number of complaints about fart jokes in South Park. In commentary by Matt Stone and Trey Parker during the first episode in which Terrance and Phillip appeared, Death, they complained of many people claiming that South Park was poorly animated and just all fart jokes. In response, the creators invented Terrance and Phillip to demonstrate just what a show that was indeed all fart jokes would be, and made it even more poorly animated. The duo can also partly be seen as a spoof of Beavis and Butt-head, which itself was often accused of being "poorly animated" and full of "fart jokes".

Originally it was suggested that Terrance and Phillip were animations within the context of the series; later it is shown that they are 'live' actors. It is revealed in the episode "Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow" that Terrance and Phillip met at the "Canadian School for Gifted Babies" (a school with students who bear uncanny resemblances to Kyle's brother Ike). The duo briefly separate in this episode, with Phillip having a "serious job" as an actor in "Canadian Shakespeare" plays. Terrance also becomes obese in this episode.

In the 1999 movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, American mothers' outrage at the duo's vulgar act leads to their arrest, and a war between Canada and the United States ensues. Their deaths at the hands of Kyle's mother, Sheila, causes the upwelling of Satan and his partner-in-evil, Saddam Hussein, from the underworld. However, they are resurrected at the end of the movie by Kenny McCormick's wish that everything should return to normal.

They married their girlfriends in a double wedding at the end of the episode "Eat, Pray, Queef".



Towelie, voiced by Vernon Chatman, is a talking "RG-400 Smart Towel" introduced in the fifth-season episode "Towelie". The exact details of his creation are comically confused, but he was apparently genetically engineered to be an alien spying weapon, and was stolen by a paramilitary group before he simply "got high and just sort of wandered off" to South Park. He speaks in a high-pitched voice, and is usually seen either giving towel-related advice to the citizens of South Park or, more often, getting high on cannabis and voicing his permanent confusion.

After Kenny's death, the boys went searching for a replacement friend in the sixth-season episode "Professor Chaos". Towelie, a possible candidate, was said to be "high all the time" and therefore unreliable. This episode also stated that Towelie is 17 years old in towel years. He also makes brief appearances in "Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants" and "Red Man's Greed". He starred as the main character in "A Million Little Fibers", a parody of the controversy that surrounded James Frey's memoir A Million Little Pieces on The Oprah Winfrey Show, after it was discovered to have been partially fabricated.

By the episode "Crippled Summer", Towelie's addictions, which have come to include heroin and crystal meth, are addressed by his friends in an intervention, as a parody of the A&E documentary TV series Intervention.[26][27][28]

In the episode "Tegridy Farms" he made appearance as an agricultural inspector, personally sampling various varieties of marijuana produced by Marsh family on their farm. In following episodes, he apparently worked for Randy.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone explained on the DVD commentary for "Towelie" that the character was conceived as a joking reference to the over-marketing of characters in the wake of the series' success. Eric Cartman, partially breaking the fourth wall, delivers the penultimate line of Towelie's eponymous episode: "You're the worst character ever, Towelie", to which Towelie responds, "I know."

In Butters' Very Own Episode, on the frontpage of a newspaper that Stephen Stotch is reading is written, "Towelie ban lifted", a callback to a "Taliban" pun Towelie had made in a last-ditch effort to impress the boys.

Tuong Lu Kim

Tuong Lu Kim, also known as the City Wok Guy (voiced by Trey Parker), is a stereotypical Chinese character who unbeknownst to the people of South Park, fools the town for many years and is actually a white male known as Dr. Janus with dissociative identity disorder.[29] He is prone to mispronouncing the word "city" as "shitty," and thus he often refers to his dishes in a way that sounds like "Shitty Chicken," "Shitty Beef," "Shitty Pork," etc. Lu Kim first appeared in the episode "Jared Has Aides," though his name was not given until "Child Abduction Is Not Funny." According to the DVD commentary on "Jared Has Aides," Tuong is based on an actual person. While doing sound mixing on their film Orgazmo, Parker and Matt Stone would phone a real life City Wok just to hear the man's voice.

Lu Kim's is the owner of City Wok, South Park's only Chinese restaurant, which where he is seen in most episodes in which he appears. In "It's Christmas in Canada", he is shown to also operate a small, low-cost airline service City Airlines.[30] Keeping with Chinese stereotypes, Tuong is depicted in the episode "Child Abduction Is Not Funny" as an expert at building walls, and displays anti-Mongolian[31] and anti-Japanese sentiments.[32] In the episode "Wing", he appears as the husband of the titular character, a Chinese-New Zealand singer guest starring as herself.

Lu Kim's actual identity, Dr. William Janus, first appears in the season 15 episode "City Sushi". In the episode's two plotlines, Dr. Janus falsely diagnoses Butters with multiple personality disorder before being revealed to suffer from the disorder himself, while Lu Kim plots to murder his new Japanese rival, Junichi Takayama. In a twist, Dr. Janus and Kim are revealed to be one and the same after Butters enters Dr. Janus' mansion, and sees images of City Sushi flyers and Junichi Takayama, labelled with the words 'kill', 'die' and 'x' in red texta. Although Kim's actual identity is revealed to the people of South Park (leading Takayama to commit suicide in disgrace), the police decide not to help him with his condition, so that the town will still have an Asian restaurant. Lu Kim thus remains unaware of his true self.[29]

Dr. Janus was likely named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, who is usually depicted with two heads facing opposite directions.[29][33]

Ugly Bob

Bob's first appearance was in "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus". He is called "Ugly Bob" by Terrance and Phillip due to his hideous appearance, despite the fact that he looks very much like them and other Canadians. Because of his looks, Terrance and Phillip encourage him to wear a paper bag over his head. Later, he reappears as the boyfriend of Terrance's ex-wife Celine Dion, who is pregnant with Bob's child. Bob told Celine his name was "Handsome Bob"; Dion leaves him when she sees his face.

He returned in the season 15 episode "Royal Pudding", meeting Ike on a bus back to Canada to save the Princess. Bob joins Ike, Scott and an Inuit duo to rescue the Princess from her kidnapper, Tooth Decay. Tooth Decay is killed when Ike removes Bob's paper bag mask, the sight of Bob turning Tooth Decay to stone. For his actions, Bob was awarded the Canadian Medal of Courage.


Lemmiwinks is the school's gerbil. He first appears in "The Death Camp of Tolerance" and reappears in "Bass to Mouth". In the former episode, he is stuffed into Mr. Slave's rectum by Mr. Garrison in an effort by the latter to get himself fired over such exaggerated acts of sexual depravity, and inside is greeted by a series of animal spirits, apparent previous victims of Slave's rectal-swallowing habits, who guide him in his journey to escape the gay man's ass, which is musically narrated in a parody of songs from Rankin/Bass's The Hobbit. Upon exiting through Mr. Slave's mouth, Lemmiwinks is congratulated by the three animal spirits, who are now also free from his body, and told that he is in fact the "Gerbil King", and destined to have many more adventures. One such adventure is witnessed in "Bass to Mouth", where Lemmiwinks is called upon to battle and kill his evil, gossip-spreading brother "WikiLeaks", again with music parodying The Hobbit.


  1. ^ Mephesto, South Park Character Guide, South Park Studios, accessed April 22, 2011.
  2. ^ Season 3 episode "Spontaneous Combustion"
  3. ^ "FAQ - South Park Studios". 4 April 2008. Archived from the original on 4 April 2008.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  4. ^ Season 19 episode "The City Part of Town"
  5. ^ He is referred to as such at the end of "Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery".
  6. ^ "South Park: Imaginationland". Retrieved 2010-06-02.
  7. ^ On the DVD Commentary, Parker and Stone mention that this was because Belzer could not be at the recording studio at 4am.
  8. ^ a b c Trey Parker, Matt Stone (2003). South Park: The Complete First Season: "Weight Gain 4000" (Audio commentary) |format= requires |url= (help) (CD). Comedy Central.
  9. ^ "FAQ: February 2008". 2008-02-05. Archived from the original on 2008-08-22. Retrieved 2009-07-07.
  10. ^ Parker, Ryan (October 10, 2018). "'South Park' Goes After Roseanne Barr, 'Simpsons' Apu Character". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved October 11, 2018.
  11. ^ Joho, Jess. "Why the latest season of 'South Park' feels like a total game-changer". Mashable. Archived from the original on October 13, 2018. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  12. ^ a b Houston, David (1997-12-22). "South Park". City News Service. Los Angeles.
  13. ^ Collins, James; Ressner, Jeffrey (1998-03-23). "Gross and Grosser". Time. Los Angeles. p. 74.
  14. ^ Trey Parker, Matt Stone (2003). South Park: The Complete First Season: "Damien" (Audio commentary) |format= requires |url= (help) (CD). Comedy Central.
  15. ^ Richmond, Ray (1997-12-22). ""Park" ploy poohed-poohed". Daily Variety. p. 31.
  16. ^ "Parker & Stone: A candid conversation with the outrageous duo behind South Park about corrupt studios, evil celebrities and why we should all see Tom Cruise's weenie". Playboy. 2000-06-01. p. 65.
  17. ^ "Fox Refused to Take 'South Park' in 1997 Because of One Character, and Something Else as well". Glamour Fame. September 18, 2019. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  18. ^ "Ben Assfleck".
  19. ^ a b @SouthPark (3 December 2014). "Detective Harris is called "Sergeant Yates" in previous seasons. Probably another undercover alias…like "Yolanda"" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  20. ^ @SouthPark (28 May 2014). "Sergeant Yates wife, Maggie, debuted back in Season 8's "The Jeffersons". #SouthParkHistory" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  21. ^ Caffrey, Dan (November 19, 2014). "Review: South Park: "Cock Magic"". The A.V. Club. Retrieved November 20, 2014.
  22. ^ @SouthPark (28 May 2014). "#BehindTheScenes This was the first scene that was written for #ButtersBottomBitch:" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  23. ^ @SouthPark (23 October 2013). "#BehindTheScenes Although his name is officially Sergeant Yates, in every script he's referred to as Detective Harris" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  24. ^ Caffrey, Dan (October 1, 2015). "Review: South Park: "The City Part of Town"". The A.V. Club. Retrieved October 17, 2015.
  25. ^ " FAQ Saturday, October 27, 2001". Archived from the original on March 30, 2008. Retrieved 2009-01-25.
  26. ^ "Crippled Summer". South Park. Season 14. Episode 7. April 28, 2010. Comedy Central.
  27. ^ Isler, Ramsey (April 29, 2010). "South Park: "Crippled Summer"". IGN. Retrieved May 3, 2010.
  28. ^ Miller, Julie (April 29, 2010). "South Park Casualty Count: Shark Rape and Crack-Addicted Towels". Movieline.
  29. ^ a b c Ramsey Isler (June 2, 2011). "South Park: 'City Wok' Review". IGN. Retrieved June 3, 2011.
  30. ^ Parker, Trey (writer) (2003-12-17). "It's Christmas in Canada". South Park. Season 7. Episode 111. Comedy Central.
  31. ^ Parker, Trey (July 24, 2002). "Child Abduction Is Not Funny". South Park. Season 6. Episode 90. Comedy Central.
  32. ^ Parker, Trey (June 1, 2011). "City Sushi". South Park. Season 15. Episode 215. Comedy Central.
  33. ^ O'Neal, Sean (June 2, 2011). "City Sushi". The A.V. Club. Retrieved June 4, 2011.
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