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Rugrats es una serie de televisión infantil animada estadounidense creada por Arlene Klasky , Gábor Csupó y Paul Germain para Nickelodeon . El espectáculo se centra en un grupo de niños más prominently- Tommy , Chuckie , gemelos Phil y Lil , y Angelica -y sus vidas día a día, por lo general relacionados con experiencias de vida que se vuelven mucho mayores aventuras en la imaginación de los personajes principales. [5] [6]

La serie se estrenó el 11 de agosto de 1991 como el segundo Nicktoon, después de Doug y antes de The Ren & Stimpy Show . La producción se detuvo inicialmente en 1993 después de 65 episodios que abarcaron tres temporadas, y el último episodio se emitió el 22 de mayo de 1994. De 1995 a 1996, los únicos episodios nuevos transmitidos fueron " A Rugrats Passover " y " A Rugrats Janukah ", dos judíos : episodios temáticos que recibieron elogios de la crítica; Durante este tiempo, después del final de la producción del programa, Rugrats comenzó a recibir un aumento en las calificaciones y la popularidad debido a las constantes repeticiones de Nickelodeon y Nick Rewind .

En 1996, Klasky Csupo Animation comenzó a producir nuevos episodios y la cuarta temporada del programa comenzó en 1997. Como resultado de la popularidad del programa, se estrenó una serie de películas teatrales durante los siguientes cinco años: The Rugrats Movie , que presentó al hermano menor de Tommy. Dil , fue liberado en 1998; Rugrats in Paris: The Movie , que presentó a Kimi, Kira y Fifi , se estrenó en 2000; y Rugrats Go Wild , una película cruzada con otra serie de Klasky Csupo, The Wild Thornberrys , fue lanzada en 2003. El último episodio de televisión se emitió el 1 de agosto de 2004, [7]llevando la serie a un total de 172 episodios en nueve temporadas. La carrera de 13 años (con la pausa de 2 años) vincula a Rugrats con King of the Hill como una de las octavas series de televisión animadas estadounidenses de mayor duración .

El 21 de julio de 2001, Nickelodeon transmitió el especial de televisión " All Growed Up " para celebrar el décimo aniversario del estreno de la serie. El especial fue un piloto de la secuela de Rugrats , All Grown Up! , que se emitió de 2003 a 2008 y narra la vida de los bebés y sus padres después de los 10 años. Una serie derivada , Rugrats Pre-School Daze , se emitió por televisión en 2008, pero solo tuvo cuatro episodios después de que Nickelodeon decidiera centrarse en la serie secuela. Se lanzaron dos especiales directos a video en 2005 y 2006 bajo el título Rugrats: Tales from the Crib . EmpateLos medios de la serie incluyen videojuegos , cómics , juguetes y otros productos .

Rugrats ganó más de 20 premios durante sus 13 años de carrera, incluidos cuatro premios Daytime Emmy , seis premios Kids 'Choice Awards y su propia estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood . La serie se convirtió en un éxito, obtuvo altos índices de audiencia y ancló a Nickelodeon como el programa mejor calificado de la cadena de 1995 a 2001. Fue la caricatura de mayor duración de Nickelodeon, hasta que SpongeBob SquarePants emitió su episodio número 173 en 2012. El programa es el tercer episodio más largo de Nickelodeon. ejecutando series animadas, detrás de SpongeBob SquarePants y The Fairly OddParents .

Un reinicio de la serie que será producido por el equipo creativo original de Klasky, Csupó y Germain está programado para estrenarse en Paramount + en 2021. [8] [9]

Local y escenario [ editar ]

La casa de Tommy, el escenario principal de Rugrats

Muchas de las aventuras en las que se encuentran los bebés tienen lugar en la casa de Tommy; los padres generalmente confían en Didi, Stu o el abuelo Lou para cuidar a los niños mientras hacen los recados. Su dirección se revela en una factura en " El primer cumpleaños de Tommy " ( temporada uno , 1991) como 1258 N. Highland, la dirección original de Klasky Csupo en Los Ángeles. [10] Sin embargo, una ciudad o estado específico sin nombre nunca se menciona en el programa. Varios indicadores, como una bandera estatal en una oficina de correos, diseños de matrículas en los vehículos y varios viajes al Gran Cañón , Las Vegas y la playa, ubican a los personajes en algún lugar del sur de California . [11] [12] [13]La ubicación también se insinúa durante " Little Dude " ( temporada uno , 1991) cuando Didi, quien es maestra, lleva a Tommy a su clase en Eucaipah High School, haciendo referencia a la ciudad de Yucaipa, California . [14] Se ha dado a entender que esta ambigüedad se hizo intencionalmente para ayudar a dar la impresión de ver el mundo a través de los ojos de los bebés, que no entenderían el concepto de ubicación. Los DeVilles viven al lado de los Pickles y, al principio de la serie, los Carmichaels se mudan al otro lado de la calle. [2] [15]

Episodios [ editar ]

Personajes [ editar ]

Rugrats luce una amplia gama de personajes secundarios y terciarios.

La serie se centra en las experiencias de un bebé valiente y aventurero de un año llamado Tommy Pickles y su grupo de compañeros de juego: varios otros bebés y niños pequeños, algunos de los cuales debutaron más adelante en la serie. Chuckie, el mejor amigo de Tommy de dos años de edad, cobarde, inseguro y pelirrojo con anteojos; los gemelos Phil y Lil , conocidos por sus repugnantes excentricidades y su amor por cavar y comer insectos y lombrices de tierra ; El hermano pequeño de Tommy, Dil (que nació en The Rugrats Movie ); Angélica, El primo de tres años escandalosamente mimado y egoísta de Tommy y Dil que es un "rival" de sus amigos y el principal antagonista del programa; Kimi, la aventurera y juguetona hermanastra de Chuckie (presentada en Rugrats en París ) (más tarde solo su hermana después de la adopción); y Susie , una vecina de buen corazón de la familia Pickles, compañera de escuela, amiga y "rival" de Angélica, que es más querida por los niños más pequeños y mucho más confiable que Angélica.

Los otros personajes representados en Rugrats incluyen a los padres de los bebés, que se retrata como que a menudo se distraen fácilmente, dejando a sus hijos pequeños libres para emanciparse de restricciones como corrales o cochecitos y aventurarse a explorar. Tales figuras adultas incluyen a Didi y Stu Pickles, la madre y el padre de Tommy y Dil. Didi es una madre dulce, educada y cariñosa que decide regresar a la universidad en un episodio. Stu es un inventor de juguetes a menudo irresponsable cuyos diseños se sabe que fallan o se rompen. Otros padres incluyen a Chas Finster, el padre estereotípicamente nerd y afable de Chuckie, un viudo que luego se vuelve a casar; Kira, la dulce, amable y comprensiva madrastra de Chuckie (más tarde su madre después de la adopción) con quien Chas se casa en Rugrats en París.; Drew Pickles, el padre indulgente y cariñoso de Angélica que mima a su hija en un grado ridículo; Charlotte Pickles, la madre adicta al trabajo de Angélica que consiente en exceso a su hija por igual si a menudo se la ve hablando por teléfono celular con un empleado suyo llamado Jonathan, aunque ninguno de ellos tiene miedo de poner un pie en el suelo cuando sienten que se está saliendo de la línea; Betty DeVille, la amable pero bulliciosa madre feminista de Phil y Lil ; y Howard DeVille, el padre apacible y de voz suave de los gemelos.

Los padres y hermanos mayores de Susie también aparecen en algunos episodios, y otro personaje adulto importante incluye a Lou Pickles, el padre de Drew y Stu y Tommy, Angelica y el abuelo de Dil; un viudo anciano que luego se vuelve a casar con una mujer activa llamada Lulu. Los padres de Didi, inmigrantes judíos llamados Boris y Minka, también aparecen en numerosas ocasiones y sirven como personajes importantes y a menudo se los ve discutiendo. Rugrats también tiene personajes animales, incluido el perro de la familia Pickles, Spike , y el gato mascota de Angelica, Fluffy. Spike jugó un papel importante, pero lo más importante es que siempre estuvo listo para rescatar a Tommy cuando estaba en peligro.

El programa funciona bajo una convención de traducción para charlas de bebés., que se presenta esencialmente como un lenguaje separado que solo otros bebés pueden entender. El diálogo de los bebés se traduce casi universalmente para los espectadores en un diálogo comprensible en inglés, pero los adultos de la serie no pueden entenderlos. Un ejemplo de esta disonancia es cuando Tommy dice "¡Reptar!", (El personaje principal de una popular franquicia infantil en el programa), pero su madre responde que lo escuchó decir "chusma" y que espera que lo esté entendiendo. cerca de decir palabras completas, lo que indica que los personajes adultos todavía escuchan el diálogo de los personajes bebés como balbuceos. El diálogo traducido de los bebés todavía se presenta como un inglés infantil, lo que refleja su comprensión limitada del mundo.Otro punto importante de esta convención de la trama es que los niños pequeños que han aprendido a hablar el idioma de los adultos aún pueden entender el habla de los bebés porque se encuentran en una edad de transición entre los dos. Angélica y Susie pueden entender lo que dicen los personajes del bebé, pero también pueden comunicarse con los adultos, aunque nunca les revelan a los adultos que pueden comprender mensajes complejos de los bebés. Los recién nacidos muy pequeños, como el hermano pequeño de Tommy, aún no pueden comunicarse ni siquiera con el lenguaje infantil, aunque Dil tiene un vocabulario muy limitado que consta de las palabras "poopy" y "mío", que son quizás las únicas palabras que es capaz de decir. Los bebés mayores, como Tommy y Chuckie, son capaces de interpretar lo que Dil intenta comunicar aunque, debido a su propia edad, les resulta difícil.Cuando los bebés mayores se dan cuenta de lo que Dil quiere o necesita, generalmente implica cambiarle el pañal o darle un objeto, para jugar o simplemente para experimentar la alegría de sostenerlo.



Rugrats was formed by the then-husband-and-wife duo of Gábor Csupó and Arlene Klasky, along with Paul Germain in 1989. Klasky Csupo had a major animation firm at the time which also provided services for commercials and music videos. Klasky, Csupó, and Germain were also animating The Simpsons for Matt Groening at the time, which they would continue to do until 1992 when the show's producer James L. Brooks and his company Gracie Films switched domestic production to Film Roman. The trio decided to create their own series in reaction to a proclamation by the children's cable network Nickelodeon that they were to launch their own line of animated shows, which would be later called "Nicktoons". The network's Vice President of Animation Vanessa Coffey approached them to create a pilot for their new series. With the comedic stimulation branching from the antics of Klasky and Csupó's infant children and also pulling inspiration from the Beatles, the 612–minute pilot episode, "Tommy Pickles and the Great White Thing" (never to be aired), was released on DVD by Paramount Home Entertainment in 2001.

Peter Chung, along with Klasky and Csupó, co-designed the characters and directed the series pilot, "Tommy Pickles and the Great White Thing", as well as the opening sequence. In a Decider article, Chung said, "He [Gábor] wanted the babies to be 'strange' instead of 'cute.'"[16] The production was completed in 1990 and they submitted it to Nickelodeon, who tested it with an audience of children. The feedback for the pilot episode was primarily positive. With that, Coffey and the network's then-president Geraldine Laybourne, approved of and bought the series and the series went into production. Chuckie and Angelica were added as characters.

Paul Germain felt that the series needed a bully. Angelica was based on a bully in Germain's childhood, who was a girl. In addition to that, it was Germain who decided that Angelica would be a spoiled brat. Klasky initially did not like Angelica Pickles and also protested the character's actions in episodes like "Barbecue Story", where she throws Tommy's ball over the fence.

In a New Yorker article, Klasky said, "I think she's a bully. I never liked Angelica."[2] She never fully approved of Angelica's character development. Her bullying caused Klasky to disdain her. Angelica started to become a problem for some of the Rugrats staff. In some instances, her voice actress, Cheryl Chase, had problems portraying a mean Angelica. To help Chase out, Steve Viksten, one of the writers, would mention that Angelica was the series' J. R. Ewing.

After the episode "The Trial", Klasky complained that the Rugrats were starting to act too old for their age. Csupó often acted as a mediator in arguments between Klasky and the writers, with the writers often winning. Some of the offscreen tensions ultimately found their way into the scripts and into the show. In 1994, before Nick premiered the last of the original 65, production of new episodes went on hiatus, and most of the Rugrats writing team (including Germain) left Klasky-Csupo.[17] After the first-run days were over, Nickelodeon had enough episodes to show every day, and did just that, scheduling the show in the early evening, when both kids and parents would be watching, among multiple other times in the day; in 1996, Rugrats episodes had aired 655 times over the course of the calendar year, and despite (or perhaps because of) the saturation it remained one of cable television's most-watched series that year.[18] The show resumed production in 1996. However, the tensions between Klasky-Csupo and their former writers still existed.

After The Rugrats Movie and seeing the "new" Angelica in the film, Klasky changed her tune: "I think she's great for the show; I love Angelica."[19]


Rugrats was Nickelodeon's second Nicktoon, debuting on the same day as Doug (which premiered before it) and The Ren & Stimpy Show (which debuted after). The first run of the series was produced from 1990 to 1993 before production went on a hiatus (episodes that had not yet been released at that point continued to be released through 1994). Between 1995 and 1996, only two Jewish-themed specials premiered, and the rest of the series aired in reruns. Production on new episodes restarted in 1996 and the show aired in Nickelodeon's SNICK block from 1997 to 2001. From 1994 until 2012, Rugrats was the longest-running Nickelodeon animated series, with 172 episodes produced across its 13-year run. It was surpassed in 2012 by SpongeBob SquarePants with the episode "Squiditis/Demolition Doofus" that year.[20]

On July 21, 2001, Rugrats celebrated its 10th anniversary; the special/TV movie "All Growed Up" was produced for the occasion. After the show, a special retrospective look-back aired, entitled "Rugrats: Still Babies After All These Years". It was narrated by Amanda Bynes. Nickelodeon approved of its ratings and popularity so much, they eventually commissioned a full series, All Grown Up, which ran from 2003 to 2008.

Rugrats ended in 2004, along with fellow Nicktoons Hey Arnold!, The Wild Thornberrys, and Rocket Power. After the run, two fairytale-themed direct-to-video films based on the original series, under the title Rugrats: Tales from the Crib, were produced and then released separately in 2005 and 2006.

Nick Jr.[edit]

When production was put on hiatus the series was put on reruns both on Nick Jr. (the block) and regular Nickelodeon. As of 2013, Rugrats was also on Nick Jr.'s nighttime block NickMom for a brief time, before subsequently airing on the main Nick Jr. channel on July 11, 2014.

Voice actors[edit]

Through its full run, Rugrats occupied several main voice actors. E. G. Daily provided the voice of Tommy Pickles, except in the unaired pilot where Tami Holbrook provided the voice; Christine Cavanaugh was the original voice of Chuckie Finster, but left the show for personal reasons and was subsequently replaced by Nancy Cartwright in 2002. The fraternal twins, Phil and Lil (as well as their mother, Betty) were voiced by Kath Soucie; Dil Pickles and Timmy McNulty were voiced by Tara Strong. Cheryl Chase initially auditioned for the role of Tommy, but was passed up. When the show came to series, she was brought on board to be cast as the voice of Angelica Pickles. Dionne Quan was the voice of Kimi Finster. Susie was primarily voiced by Cree Summer, though in two episodes where she could not be in attendance E. G. Daily filled in.[21] Other regular voice actors included Melanie Chartoff as Didi Pickles, Jack Riley was the voice of Stu Pickles, Tress MacNeille as Charlotte Pickles, and Michael Bell as Drew Pickles and Chas Finster, Julia Kato as Kira Finster, David Doyle provided the voice of Grandpa Lou Pickles until his death in 1997,[22] when Joe Alaskey took over until the end of the series. In 2000, Debbie Reynolds joined the cast as Lulu Pickles, Lou's second wife, and remained until the series' end.

Episode production[edit]

Episodes took up to a year in advance to produce. First, the story had to get written and then approved. The next phase consisted of voice recording, storyboarding, pre-eliminating animation, overseas production, overseas delivery, followed by editing and polishing. All of that had to happen even before Klasky-Csupo sent the master tapes to Nick. In addition, fine animation took time to make. During the first six seasons of Rugrats, shows were primarily divided into two eleven-minute episodes. After the second movie, during season seven, Rugrats made a change with a different format that consisted of three episodes per show, though it returned to its original two-episode-per-show format in the final two seasons.[23]

Animation for the series was done at Wang Film Productions, Shanghai Morning Sun Animation and Anivision.


Rugrats visualizes ordinary, everyday activities through the eyes of a group of toddlers. Using their imaginations, the babies transform routine tasks into surprising adventures. The show plays with baby talk, having the group constantly mispronounce words and use improper grammar. Challenges often emerge because the babies misinterpret the adults, usually caused by Angelica's deceptive translations. The grown-ups of Rugrats are simultaneously quirky, over-cautious, and oblivious. The series portrays adults as mysterious eccentrics. Episodes usually center on a moral lesson that the babies learn during their imaginative explorations.


Home media[edit]

Nickelodeon and struck a deal to produce DVDs of new and old Nickelodeon shows, through the CreateSpace service. Using a concept similar to print on demand, Amazon made the discs, cover art, and disc art itself. The first and second seasons of Rugrats were released on June 2, 2009, along with the first and second seasons of The Fairly OddParents (although the Rugrats Season 2 was released in a "Best of" collection).[24] Season 3 and 4 were released on September 23, 2011, through the CreateSpace program.[25] Season 5 was released shortly after on October 4.[26] On October 6, 2011, the complete Seasons 6–8 were released through CreateSpace, and Season 9 was released in a "Best of" collection.[27] Amazon re-released seasons 2 & 9 as complete seasons on May 9, 2014.[28] As of February 2017, the releases have been discontinued.[29] In May 2017, Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Media Distribution released Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD.[30] In February 2018, Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Media Distribution released Seasons 3 and 4 on DVD.[31] Rugrats: The Complete Series DVD from Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Media Distribution has been announced for release on May 18, 2021 in North America.[32]

In Australia, all seasons have been released by Beyond Home Entertainment.

UK VHS releases[edit]


As of March 4, 2021, all seasons of the show are available on Hulu and Paramount+.[36]


Critical reception and legacy[edit]

Since its debut in 1991, Rugrats has generally received positive reviews from critics and fans. In a 1995 interview, Steven Spielberg (who, at the time, was producing several competing animated series for Warner Bros.) referred to the show as one of several shows that were the best children's programming at the time. Spielberg described Rugrats as "sort of a TV Peanuts of our time".[37] It was named the 92nd-best animated series by IGN.[38] Rugrats was also considered a strong point in Nickelodeon's rise in the 1990s.[39][40][41][42] In a press release celebrating the show's 10th anniversary, Cyma Zarghami stated, "During the past decade, Rugrats has evolved from a ratings powerhouse, being the number one children's show on TV, to pop icon status. It has secured a place in the hearts of both kids and adults, who see it from their own point of view".[43] According to Nickelodeon producers, this show made them the number-one cable channel in the 1990s.[44] Jeff Jarvis reviewed Rugrats and stated, "When The Simpsons was a segment on The Tracey Ullman Show, it was just a belch joke with hip pretensions. As a series, it grew flesh and guts. It was my favorite cartoon. until I discovered Nickelodeon's Rugrats, a sardonic, sly, kid's eye view of the world that skewers thirty-something parents and Cosby kids."[45] In 2017, James Charisma of Paste (magazine) ranked the show's opening sequence #11 on a list of The 75 Best TV Title Sequences of All Time.[46]


Rugrats was noteworthy among contemporary children's television for depicting observant, identifiable Jewish families.[47] Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious groups gave the show high praises for their special holiday episodes. Nonetheless, at one point the Anti-Defamation League and The Washington Post editorial page castigated the series for its depiction of Tommy Pickles' maternal grandparents, accusing their character designs of resembling Nazi-era depictions of Jews.[47]

Awards and nominations[edit]


The Rugrats received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in a ceremony on June 28, 2001, commemorating the show's 10th anniversary.

On June 28, 2001, in commemoration of their tenth anniversary, Rugrats received a star on the fabled Hollywood Walk of Fame, making it Nickelodeon's first series to receive a star. It was placed at 6600 W. Hollywood Blvd., near Cherokee Ave., outside a toy and costume shop.[51]

In the October 2001 issue of Wizard Magazine, a leading magazine for comic book fans, they released the results of the "100 Greatest Toons ever", as selected by their readers; Rugrats ranked at No. 35. Three other Nicktoons—SpongeBob SquarePants, Invader Zim, and Ren and Stimpy—also placed on the list.[52]

In a list of TV Land's "The 2000 Best Things About Television", ranking the all-time TV shows, channels, commercials, people, catch phrases, etc., Rugrats is ranked No. 699.[53]

Angelica Pickles placed seventh in TV Guide's list of "Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time" in 2002.[54]

On September 24, 2013, in honor of their 60th anniversary, Rugrats earned a spot on TV Guide's "60 Greatest Cartoons of All Time" list.[55]


In 1998, The Rugrats Movie was released, which introduced baby Dil, Tommy's little brother, to the show. Its worldwide gross was $140.9 million against a $24 million budget, though it received mixed reviews from critics. In 2000 a sequel, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, was released, with three new characters introduced, Kimi, Kira, and Fifi. Kimi would become Chuckie's sister and Kira would become his new mother, after marrying his father. Fifi would become Spike's new mate and Chuckie's new dog. It too was a box office success and also received a more positive critical reception. In 2003, Rugrats Go Wild was released. It was a crossover between the Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys.[56] It was the least successful Rugrats film both critically and commercially. The Rugrats film trilogy has grossed $299.6 million.[citation needed] In July 2018, Paramount announced that Rugrats would release a live-action movie on January 29, 2021. However, in November 2019, Paramount decided to pull the movie from its schedule with no explanation given.[57]

Spin-offs and revival[edit]

Rugrats Pre-School Daze, also known as Angelica and Susie's School Daze, is a spin-off that follows revolves around Angelica Pickles and Susie Carmichael as preschool students. Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain were its creators and executive producers.[58] It was announced in 2001 as the first spin-off for Rugrats, and initially received a 13-episode order.[59] Even though it was reportedly a "highly-anticipated" part of the March 2002 upfront presentation,[58] the show was reduced to four television specials.[60] This decision was reached after Nickelodeon shifted its focus to the All Grown Up! spin-off following the rating success of "All Growed Up".[60] Rugrats Pre-School Daze was first shown in the United States between November 2008 and December 2008.[61] The series carried a TV-Y parental rating, meaning that it was judged as "designed to be appropriate for all children".[62]

In 2005, Paramount Home Entertainment released all four episodes of Rugrats Pre-School Daze on the DVDs for the Rugrats: Tales from the Crib movies. The first two were released on the Snow White DVD,[63] while the last two were on the one for Three Jacks and a Beanstalk.[64] The series was once available on the iTunes Store and Amazon Instant Video,[61][65] but the episodes were later removed from both platforms.[61][65] All episodes are available on Hulu. Variety's Brian Steinberg felt that the show's concept could be retooled as part of a Rugrats reboot, where the baby protagonists would be shown in preschool and Angelica in kindergarten.[66]

In 2001, a spin-off centered on Susie Carmichael and her family was also proposed. It would have focused on the Carmichaels moving to Atlanta, Georgia, to help their grandmother run the family restaurant.[67]

On July 16, 2018, it was announced that Nickelodeon had given a series order to a 26-episode revival of the series, executive produced by Klasky, Csupó, and Germain. It was further announced that Paramount Pictures had greenlit a live-action/CGI hybrid feature film which was last set for a January 29, 2021 release date.[57] Originally, it had been set for a November 13, 2020 release, and then was pushed back, with Clifford the Big Red Dog taking its old slot.[68][69] But on November 12, 2019, the live-action/CGI hybrid film was removed from Paramount's release schedule.[57] On May 14, 2020, it was announced that the revival series was delayed until 2021.[70] In May 2021, it was announced that the reboot is scheduled to premiere on Paramount+ on May 27, 2021.[71]

Other media[edit]


From 1998 to 2003, Nick produced a Rugrats comic strip, which was distributed through Creators Syndicate. Initially written by show-writer Scott Gray and drawn by comic book artist Steve Crespo, with Rob Armstrong as editor. Will Blyberg came on board shortly after as inker. By the end of 1998, Lee Nordling, who had joined as a contributing gag writer, took over as editor. Nordling hired extra writers, including Gordon Kent, Scott Roberts, Chuck Kim, J. Torres, Marc Bilgrey, and John Zakour, as well as new artists including Gary Fields, Tim Harkins, Vince Giaranno, and Scott Roberts. Stu Chaifetz colored the Sunday strips. The Rugrats strip started out in many papers, but as often happens with spin-off strips, soon slowed down. It is still seen in some papers in re-runs. Two paperback collections were published by Andrews McMeel It's a Jungle-Gym Out There and A Baby's Work Is Never Done.

During this time, Nickelodeon also published 30 issues of an all Rugrats comic magazine. Most of these were edited by Frank Pittarese and Dave Roman, and featured stories and art by the comic strip creators and others. The last nine issues featured cover art by Scott Roberts, who wrote and drew many of the stories. Other writers included Roman, Chris Duffy, Patrick M. O'Connell, Joyce Mann, and Jim Spivey. Other artists included Joe Staton and Ernie Colón. The magazine also included short stories, many by Pittarese, and games, as well as reprints from an earlier, UK produced Rugrats comic.

Nick produced a special, 50-page comic magazine retelling of the film Rugrats in Paris, edited by Pittarese and Roman, written by Scott Gray, pencils by Scott Roberts, and inks by Adam DeKraker.

On October 18, 2017, Boom! Studios began publishing a new Rugrats comic book series.[72]

Video games[edit]

Nineteen video games based on the series have been released. Notably, Rugrats: Search for Reptar became one of the bestselling PlayStation games. Tommy and Angelica appear as guest characters in Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue. They appear again as playable characters in Nickelodeon Party Blast and Nicktoons Racing. Tommy later appears in Nicktoons Basketball in his All Grown Up! form. Rugrats characters make non-playable appearances in Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots and Nicktoons MLB. Tommy, Angelica, and Reptar are playable characters in the official mobile game Nickelodeon Super Brawl Universe. Tommy, Angelica, and Reptar appear as playable characters in Nickelodeon Kart Racers. These same characters, along with Chuckie, are playable in Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix.

Live performances[edit]

Rugrats – A Live Adventure was a show about Angelica's constant attempts to scare Chuckie. To help Chuckie combat his wide range of fears, Tommy invents a magic wand called the "People-ator" to make Chuckie brave. Angelica, however, wants Chuckie to stay scared, so she steals Tommy's wand. The Rugrats try to get it back but to no avail. Angelica becomes Princess of the World. Eventually, Chuckie becomes brave thanks to the help of Susie, Mr. Flashlight and the audience.[73] Many songs were included in the play, including the theme song. Despite some criticism, the show was well received.[74] The show had two 40-minute acts, with a 20-minute intermission (or a commercial break).


Merchandise that was based on Rugrats varied from video games, toothpaste, Kellogg's cereal to slippers, puzzles, pajamas, jewelry, wrapping paper, Fruit Snacks, Inflatable balls, watches, pencils, markers, cookie jars, key rings, action figures, My First Uno games, and bubblegum. The show also managed to spawn a popular merchandise line at Walmart, Kmart, Target, eBay, Hot Topic, J. C. Penney, Toys "R" Us, Mattel, Barnes & Noble, and Basic Fun.[75] By March 1999, the franchise had generated an estimated $1.4 billion in merchandise sales.[76]

The Rugrats had their own cereal made by Post called Reptar Crunch Cereal. The Rugrats and Reptar were predominantly featured on the front, there's a board game on the back and a special $3 rebate for Runaway Reptar on the side. This cereal was released for a limited time only, sold at US supermarkets 8/1/99 to 9/15/99 only, and not all supermarkets carried the cereal. To memorialize the movie, Rugrats in Paris, another Rugrats-based cereal came out in October 2000. Simply called the Rugrats in Paris Cereal, it has a similar appearance to Trix; it's a sweetened, multi-grain cereal with small-round bits in plain, red, purple and green. Small Eiffel Towers could also be seen.[77] In 2017, entertainment retail store chain FYE began selling Reptar Cereal, as well as Reptar Bars, both based on fictional products within the show. Reptar Cereal is very similar to Froot Loops, and Reptar Bars are chocolate bars filled with green frosting, a reference to the show in which the bars would turn the tongues of whoever ate it green.

Rugrats made fast-food appearances as well, with the most appearances being on Burger King. In 1994, the Hardee's fast-food chain offered a collection of Nicktoons toys as premiums that were included with kids' meals at their restaurants. All 4 Nicktoons at that time were featured — Doug, Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, and Rocko's Modern Life. Other food items that feature Rugrats were Fruit Snacks, Macaroni and Cheese, Bubble Gum and Campbell's Rugrats Pasta with Chicken and Broth.[78]

In their first tie-in with Burger King, 5 Rugrats toys were offered with their Kids Club meals, a different one with each meal. Each toy came with a 12-page (including covers) miniature version of Nickelodeon Magazine, which featured the toy's instructions, word search, picture puzzle, "Say What?", a scrambled word puzzle, a coupon for Oral-B Rugrats toothpaste and toothbrush, and entry blanks to subscribe to Rugrats Comic Adventures, Nick Magazine, and the Kids Club. From 1998 until 2004, Rugrats based-products included watches and various toys.[79]


  1. ^ Known as Games Animation for the first four seasons.
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  12. ^ "Vacation". Rugrats. Season 4. Episode 3. July 8, 1997. Nickelodeon.
  13. ^ "No Bones About It/Beach Babies". Rugrats. Season 2. Episode 9. November 1, 1992. Nickelodeon.
  14. ^ "Baby Commercial/Little Dude". Rugrats. Season 1. Episode 4. September 8, 1991. Nickelodeon.
  15. ^ "Meet the Carmichaels/The Box". Rugrats. Season 2. Episode 18. January 10, 1993. Nickelodeon.
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  63. ^ Rugrats. Tales from the crib : snow white. WorldCat. OCLC 606038354.
  64. ^ Rugrats, tales from the crib. Three Jacks & a beanstalk. WorldCat. OCLC 68967938.
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  67. ^ DeMott, Rick (July 15, 2001). "Nick Announces Rugrats Spin-Off". Animation World Network. Archived from the original on August 10, 2016.
  68. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (July 16, 2018). "'Rugrats' Revived at Viacom With New Nickelodeon Series, Feature Film". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 16, 2018.
  69. ^ Andreeva, Nellie; Petski, Denise (July 16, 2018). "'Rugrats' Returns With Nickelodeon Series Revival & Live-Action Paramount Movie". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved July 16, 2018.
  70. ^ Mary Anne Butler (May 14, 2020). "That NickelodeonRugrats Revival Delayed til 2021". Nerdbot. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
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  73. ^ "Rugrats—A live Adventure". Rugrats Online. Archived from the original on March 12, 2013. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  74. ^ "Rugrats Hit the Road by Ron Mac Farlane".
  75. ^ "Rugrats For Sale". Rugrats Online. Archived from the original on March 14, 2012. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  76. ^ Michael, Stroud (March 8, 1999). "Rugrats romp and roll" (PDF). Broadcasting & Cable. p. 46. Retrieved March 4, 2017.
  77. ^ "Breakfast with Rugrats: The kids On The Cereal Box". Rugrats Online. Archived from the original on March 14, 2012. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  78. ^ "Rugrats Foods". Rugrats Online. Archived from the original on December 26, 2012. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  79. ^ ""Burger King Rules", And So Does Rugrats". Rugrats Online. Archived from the original on September 4, 2012. Retrieved August 20, 2017.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Rugrats at IMDb
  • Rugrats daily comic strip at Creators Syndicate
  • Rugrats at the Big Cartoon DataBase
  • Rugrats at Don Markstein's Toonopedia. Archived from the original on February 9, 2017.
  • 2016 Decider's Oral History of "Nicktoons" interviews with cast and crew