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El Sistema de Servicio Selectivo ( SSS ) es una agencia independiente del gobierno de los Estados Unidos que mantiene información sobre aquellos potencialmente sujetos al servicio militar obligatorio (es decir, el reclutamiento ) y lleva a cabo planes de contingencia y preparativos para dos tipos de reclutamiento: un reclutamiento general basado en el registro. listas de hombres de 18 a 25 años, y un borrador de habilidades especiales basado en listas de licencias profesionales de trabajadores en ocupaciones específicas del cuidado de la salud. En el caso de cualquier tipo de reclutamiento, el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo enviaría avisos de iniciación, adjudicaría reclamos de aplazamientos o exenciones y asignaría reclutas clasificados como objetores de conciencia a trabajos de servicios alternativos.[2] Todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses y no ciudadanos inmigrantes que tengan entre 18 y 25 años y sean varones asignados al nacer están obligados por ley a registrarse dentro de los 30 días posteriores a su cumpleaños número 18, [3] [4] y deben notificar al Servicio selectivo dentro de los diez días posteriores a cualquier cambio en la información que proporcionaron en sus tarjetas de registro, como un cambio de dirección. [5] El Sistema de Servicio Selectivo es un mecanismo de contingencia ante la posibilidad de que el servicio militar obligatorio sea necesario.

Se requiere registrarse con el Servicio Selectivo para varios programas y beneficios federales, incluida la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA), préstamos estudiantiles y Becas Pell , capacitación laboral, empleo federal y naturalización . [6]

El Sistema de Servicio Selectivo proporciona los nombres de todos los solicitantes de registro del programa de Investigación y Estudios de Marketing de Publicidad Conjunta ( JAMRS ) para su inclusión en la Base de Datos de Reclutamiento Consolidado de JAMRS. Los nombres se distribuyen a los Servicios con fines de contratación de forma trimestral. [7]

Las regulaciones están codificadas en el Título 32 del Código de Regulaciones Federales , Capítulo XVI. [8]

Historia [ editar ]

El antiguo sello del Sistema de Servicio Selectivo

1917 a 1920 [ editar ]

Tarjeta de reclutamiento de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Esquina inferior izquierda para ser removida por hombres de ascendencia africana para mantener a los militares segregados .

Tras la declaración de guerra de Estados Unidos contra Alemania el 6 de abril, el 65º Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley de Servicio Selectivo de 1917 (40 Stat. 76) el 18 de mayo de 1917, creando el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo. [9] El presidente Woodrow Wilson promulgó la ley después de que el ejército de los Estados Unidos no cumpliera su objetivo de expandirse a 1 millón de hombres después de seis semanas. [10] La ley otorgó al presidente el poder de reclutar hombres para el servicio militar. Todos los hombres de 21 a 30 años debían alistarse para el servicio militar por un período de servicio de 12 meses. A mediados de noviembre de 1917, todos los solicitantes de registro se colocaron en una de las cinco nuevas clasificaciones. Los hombres de la Clase I fueron los primeros en ser reclutados, y los hombres de las clasificaciones más bajas fueron aplazados. Los aplazamientos de dependencia para los inscritos que eran padres o maridos estaban especialmente generalizados. [11] El límite de edad se elevó posteriormente en agosto de 1918 a una edad máxima de 45 años. El reclutamiento militar se suspendió en 1920.

1940 a 1947 [ editar ]

La Ley de Servicio y Entrenamiento Selectivo de 1940 fue aprobada por el Congreso el 16 de septiembre de 1940, estableciendo el primer servicio militar obligatorio en tiempos de paz en la historia de los Estados Unidos. [13] Se requería que todos los hombres entre las edades de 18 y 64 años se registraran en el Servicio Selectivo. Originalmente reclutaba a todos los hombres de 21 a 35 años por un período de servicio de 12 meses. En 1941 el período de servicio militar se amplió a 18 meses; más tarde ese año, el grupo de edad se incrementó para incluir a los hombres de entre 18 y 37 años. Tras el ataque aéreo japonés contra Pearl Harbor el domingo 7 de diciembre de 1941 y las posteriores declaraciones de guerra de los Estados Unidos contra el Imperio de Japóny unos días después contra la Alemania nazi , el período de servicio se extendió posteriormente a principios de 1942 para que durara la duración de la guerra, más un servicio de seis meses en las Reservas Organizadas.

En su discurso sobre el estado de la Unión de 1945 , el presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt solicitó que el borrador se ampliara para incluir enfermeras (entonces no se permitían enfermeras masculinas), para superar una escasez que estaba poniendo en peligro la atención médica militar. Esto inició un debate sobre la redacción de todas las mujeres, que fue derrotado en la Cámara de Representantes. La Cámara aprobó un proyecto de ley para reclutar enfermeras, pero murió sin votación en el Senado. La publicidad hizo que más enfermeras se ofrecieran como voluntarias, las agencias agilizaron el reclutamiento. [14]

El Sistema de Servicio Selectivo creado por la Ley de 1940 fue terminado por la Ley del 31 de marzo de 1947. [15] [16]

1948 a 1969 [ editar ]

La Ley de Servicio Selectivo de 1948 , promulgada en junio de ese año, creó un sistema nuevo y separado, la base del sistema moderno. [dieciséis]Todos los hombres mayores de 18 años debían registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo. Todos los hombres entre las edades de 18 y 25 eran elegibles para ser reclutados para un requisito de servicio de 21 meses. A esto le siguió un compromiso de 12 meses consecutivos de servicio activo o 36 meses consecutivos de servicio en las reservas, con un período legal de servicio militar establecido en un mínimo de cinco años en total. Los reclutas pueden ofrecerse como voluntarios para el servicio militar en el Ejército Regular de los Estados Unidos por un período de cuatro años o en las Reservas Organizadas por un período de seis años. Debido a los profundos recortes presupuestarios de la posguerra, solo se eligieron 100.000 reclutas en 1948. En 1950, el número de reclutas aumentó considerablemente para satisfacer las demandas de la Guerra de Corea (1950-1953).

El estallido de la Guerra de Corea fomentó la creación de la Ley de Servicio y Entrenamiento Militar Universal de 1951. Esto redujo la edad de reclutamiento de 19 a 18 años.+12 , aumentó el tiempo de servicio activo de 21 a 24 meses y fijó el período legal del servicio militar en un mínimo de ocho años. Los estudiantes que asisten a una universidad o un programa de capacitación a tiempo completo pueden solicitar una exención, que se extiende mientras sean estudiantes. Se insertó una cláusula de Entrenamiento Militar Universal que habría obligado a todos los hombres a realizar 12 meses de servicio y entrenamiento militar si la ley fuera enmendada por una legislación posterior. Sin embargo, a pesar de los sucesivos intentos durante los años siguientes, dicha legislación nunca se aprobó.

El presidente John F. Kennedy estableció la Orden Ejecutiva 11119 (firmado el 10 de septiembre de 1963), la concesión de una exención del servicio militar obligatorio para los hombres casados entre las edades de 19 y 26. Su vicepresidente y más tarde sucesor como presidente Lyndon B. Johnson más tarde revocada la exención para hombres casados ​​sin hijos por Orden Ejecutiva 11241 (firmada el 26 de agosto de 1965 y que entra en vigor a la medianoche de esa fecha). Sin embargo, los hombres casados ​​con hijos u otros dependientes y los hombres casados ​​antes de que la Orden Ejecutiva entrara en vigencia todavía estaban exentos. El presidente Ronald Reagan los revocó a ambos con la Orden Ejecutiva 12553 (firmada el 25 de febrero de 1986).

La Ley del Servicio Militar Selectivo de 1967 amplió las edades de reclutamiento a las edades de 18 a 55. Aún concedía aplazamientos a los estudiantes, pero los finalizaba cuando el estudiante completaba un título de cuatro años o cumplía 24 años, lo que ocurriera primero.

1969 a 1975 [ editar ]

El 26 de noviembre de 1969, el 37 ° presidente Richard Nixon firmó una enmienda a la Ley del Servicio Militar Selectivo de 1967 que estableció el servicio militar obligatorio basado en la selección aleatoria (lotería). [17] El primer sorteo de lotería se celebró el 1 de diciembre de 1969; determinó el orden de convocatoria para la inducción durante el año civil 1970, para los inscritos nacidos entre el 1 de enero de 1944 y el 31 de diciembre de 1950. El número de lotería más alto llamado para la posible inducción fue 195. [18] La segunda lotería, el 1 de julio de 1970, correspondió a hombres nacidos en 1951. El número más alto de lotería solicitado para una posible inducción fue 125. [19]El tercero fue el 5 de agosto de 1971, relativo a hombres nacidos en 1952; el número de lotería más alto llamado fue 95. [20]

En 1971, se enmendó nuevamente la Ley del Servicio Militar Selectivo para hacer obligatorio el registro; todos los hombres debían registrarse en un plazo de 30 días antes y 29 días después de cumplir los 18 años. Los inscritos fueron clasificados 1-A (elegible para el servicio militar), 1-AO ( Objetor de conciencia disponible para el servicio militar no combatiente) y 1-O (Objetor de conciencia disponible para servicio comunitario alternativo). Los aplazamientos de los estudiantes terminaron, a excepción de los estudiantes de teología , que recibieron una clasificación de Servicio Selectivo 2-D . Los hombres que no fueron clasificados como elegibles para el servicio debido a una descalificación fueron clasificados 1-N. Los hombres que son incapaces de servir por incapacidad médica o psicológica se clasifican 4-F . Al finalizar el servicio militar se le asignó la clasificación de 4-A . Las clasificaciones preliminares de 1-A se cambiaron a 1-H(solicitante de registro que actualmente no está sujeto a procesamiento para la inducción) para los hombres que no fueron seleccionados para el servicio después del año calendario en que fueron elegibles para el reclutamiento. (Nota: estas y otras clasificaciones preliminares estaban vigentes mucho antes de 1971). Además, se reformaron los requisitos preliminares de membresía de la junta: la edad mínima de los miembros de la junta se redujo de 30 a 18, los miembros mayores de 65 años o que habían servido en la junta durante Debían jubilarse 20 años o más y la membresía debía reflejar proporcionalmente la composición étnica y cultural de la comunidad local.

On 27 January 1973, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced the creation of an all-volunteer armed forces, negating the need for the military draft.[21] The seventh and final lottery drawing was held on 12 March 1975, pertaining to men born in 1956, who would have been called to report for induction in 1976.[22] But no new draft orders were issued after 1972.[23]

1975 to 1980[edit]

On 29 March 1975, 38th President Gerald R. Ford, whose own son, Steven Ford, had earlier failed to register for the draft as required,[24] signed Proclamation 4360 (Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act), eliminating the registration requirement for all 18- to 25-year-old male citizens.[25]

1980 to present[edit]

On 2 July 1980, 39th President Jimmy Carter signed Proclamation 4771 (Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act) in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the previous year of 1979,[26] retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18- to 26-year-old male citizens born on or after 1 January 1960.[27] As a result, only men born between 29 March 1957, and 31 December 1959, were completely exempt from Selective Service registration.[28]

The first registrations after Proclamation 4771 took place at various post offices across the nation on 21 July 1980, for men born in calendar year 1960. Pursuant to the Presidential proclamation, all those men born in 1960 were required to register that week. Men born in 1961 were required to register the following week. Men born in 1962 were required to register during the week beginning 5 January 1981. Men born in 1963 and after were required to register within 30 days after their 18th birthday.[27]

A bill to abolish the Selective Service System was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on 10 February 2016.[29] H.R. 4523 would (a) end draft registration and eliminate the authority of the President to order anyone to register for the draft, (b) abolish the Selective Service System, and (c) effectively repeal the "Solomon Amendments" making registration for the draft a condition of Federal student aid, jobs, and job training. The bill would leave in place, however, laws in some states making registration for the draft a condition of some state benefits.[30] On 9 June 2016, a similar bill was introduced in the United States Senate, called the "Muhammad Ali Voluntary Service Act".[31]

On 27 April 2016, the House Armed Services Committee voted to add an amendment[32] to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017[33] to extend the authority for draft registration to women. On 12 May 2016, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted to add a similar provision to its version of the bill.[34] If the bill including this provision had been enacted into law, it would have authorized (but not require) the President to order young women as well as young men to register with the Selective Service System.[35]

The House-Senate conference committee for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 removed the provision of the House version of the bill that would have authorized the President to order women as well as men to register with the Selective Service System, but added a new section to create a "National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service" (NCMNPS). This provision was enacted into law on 23 December 2016 as Subtitle F of Public Law 114–328.[36] The commission is to study and make recommendations by March 2020 on the draft, draft registration, registration of women, and "the feasibility and advisability of modifying the military selective service process in order to obtain for military, national, and public service individuals with skills (such as medical, dental, and nursing skills, language skills, cyber skills, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills) for which the Nation has a critical need, without regard to age or sex". During 2018 and 2019, the Commission held both public and closed-door meetings with members of the public and invited experts and other witnesses.[37]

In February 2019, a challenge to the Military Selective Service Act, which provides for the male-only draft, by the National Coalition for Men, was deemed unconstitutional by Judge Gray H. Miller in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Miller's opinion was based on the Supreme Court's past argument in Rostker v. Goldberg (1981) which had found the male-only draft constitutional because the military then did not allow women to serve. As the Department of Defense has since lifted most restrictions on women in the military, Miller ruled that the justifications no longer apply, and thus the act requiring only men to register would now be considered unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause.[38] The government appealed this decision to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.[39] Oral arguments on the appeal were heard on 3 March 2020.[40] The District Court decision was reversed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.[41] A petition for review was then filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.[42]

In December 2019, a bill to repeal the Military Selective Service Act and abolish the Selective Service System, H.R. 5492, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Rodney Davis (R-IL).[43]

In January 2020, the Selective Service System website crashed following the US airstrike on Baghdad International Airport. An Internet meme about the event being the beginning of World War III began gaining in popularity very quickly, causing an influx of visitors to the Selective Service System website, which was not prepared to handle it.[44][45]

Who must register[edit]

Selective service information available in a local post office in Boston, Massachusetts.

Under current law, all male U.S. citizens between 18 and 25 (inclusive) years of age are required to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. In addition, certain categories of non-US citizen men between 18 and 25 living in the United States must register, particularly permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers, and illegal immigrants.[3] Foreign men lawfully present in the United States who are non-immigrants, such as international students, visitors, and diplomats, are not required to register, so long as they remain in that status.[3] If an alien's non-immigrant status lapses while he is in the United States, he will be required to register.[46] Failure to register as required is grounds for denying a petition for U.S. citizenship. Currently, citizens who are as young as 17 years and 3 months old can pre-register so when they turn 18 their information will automatically be added into the system.

In the current registration system, a man cannot indicate that he is a conscientious objector (CO) to war when registering, but he can make such a claim when being drafted. Some men choose to write on the registration card "I am a conscientious objector to war" to document their conviction, even though the government will not have such a classification until there is a draft.[47] A number of private organizations have programs for conscientious objectors to file a written record stating their beliefs.[48][49][50][51][52]

In 1987, Congress ordered the Selective Service System to put in place a system capable of drafting "persons qualified for practice or employment in a health care occupation" in case such a special-skills draft should be ordered by Congress. In response, the Selective Service published plans for the "Health Care Personnel Delivery System" (HCPDS) in 1989, and has had them ready ever since. The concept underwent a preliminary field exercise in Fiscal Year 1998, followed by a more extensive nationwide readiness exercise in Fiscal Year 1999.[53] The HCPDS plans include women and men age 20–54 in 57 job categories.[54]

Until their 26th birthday, registered men must notify Selective Service within 10 days of any changes to information regarding their status, such as name, current mailing address, permanent residence address, and "all information concerning his status ... which the classifying authority mails him a request therefor".[5][55]


In February 2019, the male-only military draft registry was ruled to be unconstitutional by a federal district judge in National Coalition for Men v. Selective Service System.[56] Following the ruling, Selective Service System attorney Jacob Daniels told reporters: "Things continue here at Selective Service as they have in the past, which is men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register with Selective Service. And at this time, until we receive guidance from either the court or from Congress, women are not required to register for Selective Service."[57] On 13 August 2020, the federal district judge's opinion was unanimously overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. The Court held that male-only military draft registration is constitutional on the basis that "only the Supreme Court may revise its precedent."[58]

The Selective Service System considers the term "male" in the federal law to refer to the sex observed at birth, so trans women are required to register, while trans men are not.[59] Failure to register can cause problems such as denial of Pell Grants, even when registration would not have been allowed.[60] As of 2019, the policy toward allowing service of transgender personnel in the United States military is its own subject of legal dispute. If upheld, under the ban ordered by President Donald Trump, trans women who were required to register with the Selective Service System would not be allowed to serve in the military if drafted or volunteering.

A congressionally mandated commission recommended in March 2020 that women should be eligible for the draft.[61]

Failure to register[edit]

In 1980, men who knew they were required to register and did not do so could face up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $50,000 or both if convicted. The potential fine was later increased to $250,000. Despite these possible penalties, government records indicate that from 1980 through 1986 there were only twenty indictments, of which nineteen were instigated in part by self-publicized and self-reported non-registration.[62]

A principal element for conviction under the Act is proving a violation of the Act was intentional, i.e. knowing and willful. In the opinion of legal experts, this is almost impossible to prove unless there is evidence of a prospective defendant knowing about his obligation to register and intentionally choosing not to do so. Or, for example, when there is evidence the government at any time provided notice to the prospective defendant to register or report for induction, he was given an opportunity to comply, and the prospective defendant chose not to do so.

The last prosecution for non-registration was in January 1986. In interviews published in U.S. News & World Report in May 2016, current and former Selective Service System officials said that in 1988, the Department of Justice and Selective Service agreed to suspend any further prosecutions of non-registrants.[63] No law since 1980 has required anyone to possess, carry, or show a draft card, and routine checks requiring identification virtually never include a request for a draft card.

As an alternative method of encouraging or coercing registration, Solomon Amendment laws were passed requiring that in order to receive financial aid, federal grants and loans, certain government benefits, eligibility for most federal employment, and (if the person is an immigrant) eligibility for citizenship, a young man had to be registered (or had to have been registered, if they are over 26 but were required to register between 18 and 26) with the Selective Service. Those who were required to register, but failed to do so before they turned 26, are no longer allowed to register, and thus may be permanently barred from federal jobs and other benefits, unless they can show to the Selective Service that their failure was not knowing and willful.[6] There is a procedure to provide an "information letter" to the Selective Service for those in these situations, for example recent citizens who entered the US after their 26th birthday.[64] The federal law requiring Selective Service registration as a condition of federal financial aid for higher education was overridden in December 2020, and the questions about Selective Service registration status on the FAFSA form will be eliminated by July 1, 2023.[65]

Most states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands, have passed laws requiring registration for men 18–25 to be eligible for programs that vary on a per-jurisdiction basis but typically include driver's licenses, state-funded higher education benefits, and state government jobs.[66] Alaska also requires registration to receive an Alaska Permanent Fund dividend.[66] Eight states (California, Connecticut, Indiana, Nebraska, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming) have no such requirements, though Indiana does give men 18–25 the option of registering with Selective Service when obtaining a driver's license or an identification card.[66] The Department of Motor Vehicles of 27 states and 2 territories automatically register young men 18–25 with the Selective Service whenever they apply for driver licenses, learner permits, or non-driver identification cards.[66][67]

There are some third-party organized efforts to compensate financial aid for those students losing benefits, including the Fund for Education and Training (FEAT) and Student Aid Fund for Non-registrants.[68][69]

Alien or dual-national registrant status[edit]

Some registrants are not U.S. citizens, or have dual nationality of the U.S. and another country; they fall instead into one of the following categories:

  • Alien or Dual National (class 4-C): An alien is a person who is not a citizen of the United States. A dual national is a person who is a citizen of the United States and another country. They are defined in four classes.
    • Registrants who have lived in the United States for less than a year are exempt from military training and service, but become eligible after a year of cumulative residence (counting disjoint time periods).
    • A registrant who left the United States before his Order to Report for Induction was issued and whose order has not been canceled. He may be classified in Class 4-C only for the period he resides outside of the United States. Upon his return to the United States, he must report the date of return and his current address to the Selective Service Area Office.
    • A registrant who registered at a time required by Selective Service law and thereafter acquired status within one of its groups of persons exempt from registration. He will be eligible for this class only during the period of his exempt status. To support this claim, the registrant must submit documentation from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he is a subject verifying his exempt status.
    • A registrant, lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined in Paragraph (2) of Section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended (66 Stat. 163, 8 U.S.C. 1101) who, by reason of their occupational status, is subject to adjustment to non-immigrant status under paragraph (15)(A), (15)(E), or (15)(G) or section 101(a). In this case, the person must also have executed a waiver of all rights, privileges, exemptions, and immunities which would otherwise accrue to him as a result of his occupational status.
  • Dual national: The person is a citizen of both the United States and another country at the same time. The country must be one that allows its citizens dual citizenship and the registrant must be able to obtain and produce the proper papers to affirm this status.[70]
  • Treaty alien: Due to a treaty or international arrangement with the alien's country of origin, the registrant can choose to be ineligible for military training and service in the armed forces of the United States. However, once this exemption is taken, he can never apply for U.S. citizenship and may become inadmissible to reenter the U.S. after leaving[71] unless he already served in the Armed Forces of a foreign country of which the alien was a national.[72] Nevertheless, an alien who establishes clear and convincing evidence of certain factors[which?] may still override this kind of bar to naturalization.

Legal issues[edit]

The Selective Service System is authorized by the Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution which says Congress "shall have Power To ... provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union;" The Selective Service Act is the law which established the Selective Service System under these provisions.

The act has been challenged in light of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which prohibits "involuntary servitude".[73] These challenges, however, have not been supported by the courts; as the Supreme Court stated in Butler v. Perry (1916):

The amendment was adopted with reference to conditions existing since the foundation of our government, and the term 'involuntary servitude' was intended to cover those forms of compulsory labor akin to African slavery which, in practical operation, would tend to produce like undesirable results. It introduced no novel doctrine with respect of services always treated as exceptional, and certainly was not intended to interdict enforcement of those duties which individuals owe to the state, such as services in the army, militia, on the jury, etc.[74]

During the First World War, the Supreme Court ruled in Arver v. United States (1918), also known as the Selective Draft Law Cases, that the draft did not violate the Constitution.[75]

Later, during the Vietnam War, a federal appellate court also concluded that the draft was constitutional in Holmes v. United States (1968).[76]

Since the reinstatement of draft registration in 1980, the Supreme Court has heard and decided four cases related to the Military Selective Service Act: Rostker v. Goldberg, 453 U.S. 57 (1981), upholding the constitutionality of requiring men but not women to register for the draft; Selective Service v. Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG), 468 U.S. 841 (1984), upholding the constitutionality of the "Solomon Amendment", which requires applicants for Federal student aid to certify that they have complied with draft registration, either by having registered or by not being required to register; Wayte v. United States, 470 U.S. 598 (1985), upholding the policies and procedures which the Supreme Court thought the government had used to select the "most vocal" non-registrants for prosecution, after the government refused to comply with discovery orders by the trial court to produce documents and witnesses related to the selection of non-registrants for prosecution; and Elgin v. Department of Treasury, 567 U.S. 1 (2012), regarding procedures for judicial review of denial of federal employment for non-registrants.[77]

The case National Coalition for Men v. Selective Service System resulted in the male-only draft being declared unconstitutional by a district court. That decision was reversed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.[78] A petition for review was then filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.[79]

Structure and operation[edit]

The Selective Service System is an independent federal agency within the Executive Branch of the federal government of the United States. The Director of the Selective Service System reports directly to the President of the United States.[80] Starting on the day of the inauguration of President Biden, the Selective Service System was under an Acting Director following the departure of the previous Director, Don Benton, and pending the nomination and confirmation of a new permanent Director. [81] [82]

During peacetime, the agency comprises a National Headquarters, three Regional Headquarters, and a Data Management Center. Even during peacetime, the agency is also aided by 11,000 volunteers serving on local boards and district appeal boards.[83] During a mobilization that required activation of the draft, the agency would greatly expand by activating an additional 56 State Headquarters, 400+ Area Offices, and 40+ Alternative Service Offices.[84]

The agency's budget for the 2015–2016 fiscal year was about $23 million. In early 2016, the agency said that if women were required to register, its budget would need to be increased by about $9 million in the first year, and slightly less in subsequent years.[85] This does not include any budget or expenses for enforcing or attempting to enforce the Military Selective Service Act. Costs of investigating, prosecuting, and imprisoning violators would be included in the budget of the Department of Justice[citation needed].

Mobilization (draft) procedures[edit]

The description below is for a general draft under the current Selective Service regulations. Any or all of these procedures could be changed by Congress as part of the same legislation that would authorize inductions, or through separate legislation, so there is no guarantee that this is how any draft would actually work. Different procedures would be followed for a special-skills draft, such as activation of the Health Care Personnel Delivery System (HCPDS).

  1. Congress and the President authorize a draft: The president claims a crisis has occurred which requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply. Congress passes and the President signs legislation which revises the Military Selective Service Act to initiate a draft for military manpower.
  2. The Lottery: A lottery based on birthdays determines the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during the calendar year the induction takes place, followed, if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 19 and 18 year olds (in that order).
  3. All parts of the Selective Service System are activated: The Agency activates and orders its State Directors and Reserve Force Officers to report for duty.
  4. Physical, mental and moral evaluation of registrants: Registrants with low lottery numbers receive examination orders and are ordered to report for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) to determine whether they are fit for military service. Once he is notified of the results of the evaluation, a registrant will be given 10 days to file a claim for exemption, postponement, or deferment.
  5. Local and appeal boards activated and induction notices sent: Local and Appeal Boards will begin processing registrant claims/appeals. Those who passed the military evaluation will receive induction orders. An inductee will have 10 days to report to a local Military Entrance Processing Station for induction.
  6. First draftees are inducted: According to current plans, Selective Service must deliver the first inductees to the military within 193 days from the onset of a crisis.[86]

Lottery procedures[edit]

If the agency were to mobilize and conduct a draft, a lottery would be held in full view of the public. First, all days of the year are placed into a capsule at random. Second, the numbers 1–365 (1–366 for lotteries held with respect to a leap year) are placed into a second capsule. These two capsules are certified for procedure, sealed in a drum, and stored.

In the event of a draft, the drums are taken out of storage and inspected to make sure they have not been tampered with. The lottery then takes place, and each date is paired with a number at random. For example, if 19 January is picked from the "date" capsule and the number 59 picked from the "number" capsule, all men of age 20 born on 19 January will be the 59th group to receive induction notices. This process continues until all dates are matched with a number.

Should all dates be used, the Selective Service will first conscript men at the age of 20, then 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 19, and 18. Once all dates are paired, the dates will be sent to Selective Service System's Data Management Center.[87]




If a draft were authorized by Congress, without any other changes being made in the law, local boards would classify registrants to determine whether they were exempt from military service. According to the Code of Federal Regulations Title 32, Chapter XVI, Sec. 1630.2,[90] men would be sorted into the following categories:


See also[edit]

  • Advanced Service Rating Score, the demobilization points system employed by the US Army at the conclusion of World War II
  • Civilian Public Service
  • Conscription in China, a similar system in China
  • Conscription in the United States
  • Draft-card burning
  • Draft evasion
  • Lodge-Philbin Act
  • Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations


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  72. ^ 8 U.S.C. § 1426
  73. ^ "Butler v Perry (1916)". 21 February 1916. Retrieved 8 April 2011.
  74. ^ Butler v. Perry 240 U.S. 328 (1916)
  75. ^ Arver v. United States 245 U.S. 366 (1918)
  76. ^ Holmes v. United States, 391 U.S. 936 (1968)
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  86. ^ "Selective Service System: Return to the Draft - Sequence of Events". Retrieved 27 April 2017.
  87. ^ "Selective Service System: Selective Service Lottery". Retrieved 27 April 2017.
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  90. ^ "Title 32, Subtitle B, Chapter XVI, Part 1630, Code of Federal Regulations". Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Publishing Office. 1 July 2016. Retrieved 27 April 2017.
  91. ^ "Past Directors Of The Selective Service System". Retrieved 27 April 2017.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Selective Service System in the Federal Register