Toro rojo

Red Bull es una marca de bebidas energéticas creada y propiedad de la empresa austriaca Red Bull GmbH . Con una cuota de mercado del 43%, es la marca de bebidas energéticas más popular en 2020, [8] y la tercera marca de refrescos más valiosa , detrás de Coca-Cola y Pepsi . [9] Desde su lanzamiento en 1987, se han vendido más de 100 mil millones de latas de Red Bull en todo el mundo, [10] incluidas más de 11,5 mil millones en 2022. [11]

Originalmente disponible solo en un único sabor anodino vendido en una lata alta y delgada de color azul plateado, llamada Red Bull Energy Drink , la bebida agregó numerosas variantes con el tiempo. Su lema, "Red Bull te da alas", [12] es considerado uno de los lemas publicitarios más populares y memorables del mundo. [13] En lugar de seguir un enfoque de marketing tradicional, Red Bull ha generado conciencia y creado un "mito de marca" [14] [15] a través de series patentadas de eventos de deportes extremos como Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series , Red Bull Air Race , Red Bull Bull Crashed Ice y acrobacias destacadas como el proyecto de buceo espacial Stratos . [16] Además de las series deportivas, su marketing incluye la propiedad de múltiples equipos deportivos ; el apoyo de celebridades ; y música, a través de su sello Red Bull Records . [17]

Red Bull was first derived from a similar drink called Krating Daeng which originated in Thailand and was introduced by the pharmacist Chaleo Yoovidhya. While doing business in Thailand, Dietrich Mateschitz purchased a can of Krating Daeng and claimed it cured his jet lag. Mateschitz sought to create a partnership with Yoovidhya and formulated a product that would suit the tastes of Westerners, such as by carbonating the drink.[18] In 1984, the two founded Red Bull GmbH in Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria.[19] When branding their new product, Mateschitz referenced Krating Daeng's name: in Thai, daeng means red, and a krating (known in English as a gaur or Indian bison) is a large species of wild bovine native to the Indian subcontinent. In 1987, the company sold its first can of Red Bull in Austria. In 1996, Red Bull began operation in the United States, and has seen steady growth ever since.[20] Both Red Bull and Kraeting Daeng use the same red bull on yellow sun logo while continuing to market their drinks separately in the Thai and Western markets.

In 1976, Chaleo Yoovidhya introduced a drink called Krating Daeng in Thailand,[21] which means "red gaur" in English. It was popular among Thai truck drivers and labourers. While working for German manufacturer Blendax (later acquired by Procter & Gamble) in 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz travelled to Thailand and met Chaleo, owner of T.C. Pharmaceutical. During his visit, Mateschitz discovered that Krating Daeng helped cure his jet lag.[22] In 1984, Mateschitz co-founded Red Bull GmbH with Yoovidhya and turned it into an international brand. Each partner invested US$500,000 of savings to fund the company. Yoovidhya and Mateschitz each held a 49 percent share of the new company. They gave the remaining two percent to Yoovidhya's son, Chalerm, but it was agreed that Mateschitz would run the company.[23] The product was first launched in Austria on 1 April 1987.[24]

En Tailandia, las bebidas energéticas son más populares entre los trabajadores manuales . Red Bull reposicionó la bebida como una bebida de moda y exclusiva, introduciéndola por primera vez en las estaciones de esquí de Austria . [25] El precio fue un diferenciador clave, con Red Bull posicionado como una bebida premium [26] [27] y Krating Daeng como un artículo de menor costo. En muchos países, ambas bebidas están disponibles y dominan ambos extremos del espectro de precios. [25] El aromatizante utilizado para Red Bull todavía se produce en Bangkok y se exporta a todo el mundo. [25]