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Milan ( / m ɪ l æ n / , Estados Unidos también / m ɪ l ɑː n / , [4] Milanese : [miˈlãː] ( escuchar )About this sound ; Italiano : Milano [miˈlaːno] ( escuchar )About this sound ) [5] es una ciudad en el norte de Italia , capital de Lombardía , y la segunda ciudad más poblada propiamente dicha de Italia después de Roma . Es la única ciudad de la Unión Europea con un PIB superior al de su correspondiente capital. Milán fue la capital del Imperio Romano Occidental , el Ducado de Milán y el Reino de Lombardía-Venecia . La ciudad propiamente dicha tiene una población de aproximadamente 1,4 millones [6], mientras que su ciudad metropolitana tiene 3,26 millones de habitantes. [7]Su área urbana continuamente construida , que se extiende mucho más allá de los límites de la ciudad administrativa metropolitana , es la cuarta más grande de la UE con 5,27 millones de habitantes. [8] La población dentro del área metropolitana más amplia de Milán , también conocida como Gran Milán , se estima en 8,2 millones, por lo que es, con mucho, el área metropolitana más grande de Italia y la tercera más grande de la UE . [9] [10]

Milán es considerado un líder alfa ciudad global , [11] con fortalezas en las áreas de arte , el comercio , el diseño , la educación , el entretenimiento , la moda , las finanzas , la salud , los medios de comunicación , los servicios , la investigación y el turismo . Su distrito comercial alberga la bolsa de valores de Italia (en italiano : Borsa Italiana ) y la sede de bancos y empresas nacionales e internacionales. En términos de PIB, tiene la tercera economía más grande entre las ciudades de la UE después de París y Madrid, y es la más rica entre las ciudades no capitales de la UE. [12] [13] Milán es visto como parte del Blue Banana y uno de los " Cuatro Motores para Europa ".

La ciudad ha sido reconocida como una de las cuatro capitales de la moda del mundo [14] gracias a varios eventos y ferias internacionales, incluida la Semana de la Moda de Milán y la Feria del Mueble de Milán , que actualmente se encuentran entre las más grandes del mundo en términos de ingresos, visitantes y crecimiento. [15] [16] [17] Fue sede de la Exposición Universal en 1906 y 2015 . La ciudad alberga numerosas instituciones culturales, academias y universidades, con el 11% del total nacional de estudiantes matriculados. [18]Milán recibió 10 millones de visitantes en 2018, con el mayor número de visitantes extranjeros provenientes de China, Estados Unidos, Francia y Alemania. [19] [20] Los turistas se sienten atraídos por los museos y galerías de arte de Milán que incluyen algunas de las colecciones más importantes del mundo, incluidas las principales obras de Leonardo da Vinci . La ciudad es atendida por muchos hoteles de lujo y es la quinta con más estrellas del mundo por la Guía Michelin . [21] Milán es también el hogar de dos de los equipos de fútbol más exitosos de Europa, el AC Milan y el FC Internazionale , y uno de los principales equipos de baloncesto de Europa, el Olimpia Milano . Milán acogerá los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2026junto con Cortina d'Ampezzo .


Bajorrelieve que representa la scrofa semilanuta en las paredes del Palazzo della Ragione .

La etimología del nombre Milán ( Lombard : Milán [miˈlãː] ) sigue siendo incierto. Una teoría sostiene que elnombre latino Mediolanum proviene de las palabras latinas medio (en el medio) y planus (llano). [22] Sin embargo, algunos estudiosos creen que lanum proviene de laraíz celta lan , que significa un recinto o territorio demarcado (fuente de lapalabra galesa llan , que significa "un santuario o iglesia", en última instancia afín a la tierra inglesa / alemana ) en la que Celtic comunidades utilizadas para construir santuarios. [23] De ahí Mediolanumpodría significar la ciudad central o el santuario de una tribu celta. De hecho, unos sesenta yacimientos galo-romanos en Francia llevaban el nombre de "Mediolanum", por ejemplo: Saintes ( Mediolanum Santonum ) y Évreux ( Mediolanum Aulercorum ). [24] Además, otra teoría vincula el nombre a la cerda de jabalí (el semilanuta Scrofa ) un antiguo emblema de la ciudad, caprichosamente contabilizado de Andrea Alciato 's Emblemata (1584), por debajo de un grabado de la primera elevación de la ciudad paredes, donde se ve un jabalí levantado de la excavación, y la etimología de Mediolanum dada como "media lana", [25]explicado en latín y en francés . Según esta teoría, la fundación de Milán se atribuye a dos pueblos celtas , los Bituriges y los Aedui , que tienen como emblemas un carnero y un jabalí; [26] por lo tanto, "El símbolo de la ciudad es un jabalí con lana, un animal de doble forma, aquí con cerdas afiladas, allá con lana lustrosa". [27] Alciato acredita a Ambrose por su cuenta. [28]


Prehistoria y época romana

Ruinas romanas de Milán: las Columnas de San Lorenzo .
Los restos del anfiteatro de Milán , que se encuentran dentro del parque arqueológico del Antiquarium de Milán.

Los celtas Insubres , los habitantes de la región del norte de Italia llamada Insubria , parecen haber fundado un asentamiento alrededor del año 600 a. C. Según la leyenda relatada por Livio (escrita entre el 27 y el 9 a. C.), el rey galo Ambicato envió a su sobrino Belloveso al norte de Italia a la cabeza de un grupo formado por varias tribus galas; Bellovesus supuestamente fundó el asentamiento en tiempos de la monarquía romana, durante el reinado de Tarquinius Priscus . Tarquino se registra tradicionalmente como reinante desde 616 hasta 579 a. C., según el antiguo historiador romano Tito Livio. [29] Durante la República Romana, los romanos, dirigidos por el cónsulCneo Cornelio Escipión Calvus , luchó contra los Insubres y capturó el asentamiento en 222 a. C. El jefe de los Insubres luego se sometió a Roma, dando a los romanos el control del asentamiento. [30] Eventualmente conquistaron la totalidad de la región, llamando a la nueva provincia " Galia Cisalpina " (en latín : Gallia Cisalpina ) - "Galia a este lado de los Alpes" - y pueden haberle dado al sitio su nombre latinizado de Mediolanum : en galo * medio- significa "medio, centro" y el elemento del nombre -lanon es el equivalente celta del latín -planum "llano",así * Mediolanon(Latinizado como Mediolānum ) significaba "(asentamiento) en medio de la llanura". [31] [32]

En 286, el emperador romano Diocleciano trasladó la capital del Imperio Romano Occidental de Roma a Mediolanum. [33]

El propio Diocleciano decidió residir en Nicomedia en el Imperio de Oriente, dejando a su colega Maximiano en Milán. Maximiano construyó varios monumentos gigantes: el gran circo (470 × 85 metros), las termas o "Termas de Hércules", un gran complejo de palacios imperiales y otros servicios y edificios de los que quedan pocos vestigios visibles. Maximiano aumentó el área de la ciudad a 375 acres rodeándola con un nuevo muro de piedra más grande (aproximadamente 4.5 km de largo) con muchas torres de 24 lados. La zona monumental tenía torres gemelas; uno incluido en el convento de San Maurizio Maggiore permanece 16,6 m de altura.

Desde Mediolanum, el emperador Constantino emitió el Edicto de Milán en el 313 d.C., otorgando tolerancia a todas las religiones dentro del Imperio y allanando así el camino para que el cristianismo se convirtiera en la religión dominante de la Europa romana. Constantino estaba en Mediolanum para celebrar la boda de su hermana con el emperador de Oriente, Licinio . En 402 los visigodos sitiaron la ciudad y el emperador Honorio trasladó la residencia imperial a Rávena . [34] En 452 Atila a su vez sitió Mediolanum, pero la verdadera ruptura con el pasado imperial de la ciudad se produjo en 539, durante la Guerra Gótica , cuandoUraia (sobrino de Witiges , ex rey de los ostrogodos italianos ) arrasó Mediolanum con una gran pérdida de vidas. [35] Los lombardos tomaron Ticinum como su capital en 572 (rebautizándola como Papia , la moderna Pavía ) y dejaron el Milán de la Alta Edad Media al gobierno de sus arzobispos .

Edad Media

El biscione comiéndose a un niño en el escudo de armas de Visconti .
La Porta Ticinese medieval (1100), es una de las tres puertas medievales de la ciudad que aún existen en el Milán moderno.
Ciudad de finales del siglo XVI rodeada por murallas españolas .
Milán durante la plaga de 1630 : carros de plaga llevan a los muertos para el entierro.

Tras el asedio de la ciudad por parte de los visigodos en 402, la residencia imperial se trasladó a Rávena . Comenzó una época de decadencia que se agravó cuando Atila , rey de los hunos , saqueó y devastó la ciudad en el 452 d. C. En 539 los ostrogodos conquistaron y destruyeron Milán durante la guerra gótica contra bizantino emperador Justiniano I . En el verano de 569 los lombardos (de los que deriva el nombre de la región italiana de Lombardía ) conquistaron Milán, dominando la pequeña guarnición bizantina que quedaba para su defensa. Algunas estructuras romanas permanecieron en uso en Milán bajo el dominio lombardo.[36] Milán se rindió a Carlomagno y los francos en 774.

El siglo XI vio una reacción contra el control de los emperadores del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico . Surgieron ciudades-estado en el norte de Italia, expresión del nuevo poder político de las ciudades y su voluntad de luchar contra todos los poderes feudales. Milán no fue la excepción. Sin embargo, no pasó mucho tiempo para que las ciudades-estado italianas comenzaran a luchar entre sí para tratar de limitar las potencias vecinas. [37] Los milaneses destruyeron Lodi y lucharon continuamente con Pavía, Cremona y Como, quienes a su vez pidieron ayuda a Federico I Barbarroja . En una salida capturaron a la emperatriz Beatriz y la obligaron a montar en burro.hacia atrás por la ciudad hasta salir. Estos trajeron la destrucción de gran parte de Milán en 1162. Un incendio destruyó los almacenes que contenían todo el suministro de alimentos, y en pocos días Milán se vio obligada a rendirse.

Siguió un período de paz y Milán prosperó como centro de comercio debido a su posición geográfica. Durante este tiempo, la ciudad fue considerada una de las ciudades europeas más grandes. [38]

En 1395, Gian Galeazzo Visconti se convirtió en el primer duque de Milán después de recibir el título de Wenceslao, rey de los romanos . En 1447, Filippo Maria Visconti , duque de Milán, murió sin un heredero varón; tras el final de la línea Visconti, se estableció la República Ambrosiana ; tomó su nombre de San Ambrosio, el popular patrón de la ciudad. [39] Tanto la facción Guelph como la Ghibelline trabajaron juntas para lograr la República Ambrosiana en Milán. No obstante, la República se derrumbó cuando, en 1450, Milán fue conquistada por Francesco I de la Casa Sforza , lo que convirtió a Milán en una de las principales ciudades de los italianos.Renacimiento . [39] [40]

Moderno temprano

El último gobernante independiente de Milán, Ludovico il Moro , solicitó la ayuda de Carlos VIII de Francia contra los otros estados italianos , desencadenando finalmente las guerras italianas . El primo del rey, Luis de Orleans , participó en la expedición y se dio cuenta de que la mayor parte de Italia estaba prácticamente indefensa. Esto lo llevó a regresar unos años más tarde, en 1500, y reclamar el Ducado de Milán para sí mismo, ya que su abuela había sido miembro de la familia gobernante Visconti . En ese momento, Milán también fue defendida por mercenarios suizos . Después de la victoria del sucesor de Luis, Francisco I sobre los suizos en la batalla de Marignan, El ducado fue prometido al rey francés Francisco I . Cuando el emperador español de los Habsburgo Carlos V derrotó a Francisco I en la batalla de Pavía en 1525, el norte de Italia , incluido Milán, pasó a la España de los Habsburgo . [41]

Recepción ceremonial del mariscal de campo ruso Alexander Suvorov en Milán, abril de 1799

En 1556, Carlos V abdicó en favor de su hijo Felipe II y su hermano Fernando I . Las posesiones italianas de Carlos, incluida Milán, pasaron a Felipe II y permanecieron con la línea española de los Habsburgo, mientras que la línea austriaca de los Habsburgo de Fernando gobernó el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. La Gran Plaga de Milán en 1629-1631, que se cobró la vida de unas 60.000 personas de una población de 130.000, causó una devastación sin precedentes en la ciudad y fue descrita de manera eficaz por Alessandro Manzoni en su obra maestra " Los prometidos ". Este episodio fue visto por muchos como el símbolo del mal gobierno español y la decadencia y es considerado uno de los últimos brotes de la pandemia de siglos. of plague that began with the Black Death.[42]

En 1700 la línea española de los Habsburgo se extinguió con la muerte de Carlos II . Después de su muerte, la Guerra de Sucesión española comenzó en 1701 con la ocupación de todas las posesiones españolas por las tropas francesas respaldando el reclamo del francés Felipe de Anjou al trono español. En 1706, los franceses fueron derrotados en Ramillies y Turín y se vieron obligados a ceder el norte de Italia a los Habsburgo austríacos . En 1713-1714, los Tratados de Utrecht y Rastatt confirmaron formalmente la soberanía austríaca sobre la mayoría de las posesiones italianas de los Habsburgo, incluidas Lombardía y su capital, Milán.Napoleón invadió Italia en 1796 y Milán fue declarada capital de la República Cisalpina . Más tarde, declaró Milán capital del Reino de Italia y fue coronado Rey de Italia en la catedral . Una vez que terminó la ocupación de Napoleón, el Congreso de Viena devolvió Lombardía y Milán al control austriaco en 1815.

Tardío moderno y contemporáneo

Grabado popular que representa el levantamiento de los " Cinco días " contra el dominio austriaco.

On March 18, 1848 Milan efficaciously rebelled against Austrian rule, during the so-called "Five Days" (Italian: Le Cinque Giornate), that forced Field Marshal Radetzky to temporarily withdraw from the city. The bordering kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia sent troops in order to protect the insurgents and organised a plebiscite that ratified by a huge majority the unification of Lombardy with Piedmont-Sardinia. But just a few months later the Austrians were able to send fresh forces that routed the Piedmontese army at the Battle of Custoza on 24 July and to reassert Austrian control over northern Italy. About ten years later, however, Italian nationalist politicians, officers and intellectuals such as Cavour, Garibaldi and Mazzini were able to gather a huge consensus and to pressure the monarchy to forge an alliance with the new French Empire of Napoleon III in order to defeat Austria and establish a large Italian state in the region. At the Battle of Solferino in 1859 French and Italian troops heavily defeated the Austrians that retreated under the Quadrilateral line.[43] Following this battle, Milan and the rest of Lombardy were incorporated into Piedmont-Sardinia, which then proceeded to annex all the other Italian statlets and proclaim the birth of the Kingdom of Italy on March 17, 1861.

The political unification of Italy enhanced Milan's economic dominance over northern Italy. A dense rail network, whose construction had started under Austrian patronage, was completed in a brief time, making Milan the rail hub of northern Italy and, with the opening of the Gotthard (1882) and Simplon (1906) railway tunnels, the major South European rail hub for goods and passenger transport. Indeed, Milan and Venice were among the main stops of the Orient Expressque comenzó a operar a partir de 1919. Los abundantes recursos hidroeléctricos permitieron el desarrollo de un fuerte sector siderúrgico y textil y, a medida que los bancos milaneses dominaban la esfera financiera de Italia, la ciudad se convirtió en el principal centro financiero del país. La industrialización muy rápida en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX condujo al nacimiento de una clase trabajadora masiva, así como a amargos conflictos sociales. En mayo de 1898, Milán fue sacudida por la masacre de Bava Beccaris , un motín relacionado con el aumento del costo de vida.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II destruida por los bombardeos aliados , 1943.

El dominio económico de Milán en Italia aseguró también un papel de liderazgo para la ciudad en la escena política. Fue en Milán donde Benito Mussolini construyó su carrera política y periodística, y sus camisas negras fascistas se manifestaron por primera vez en la Piazza San Sepolcro de la ciudad ; aquí, el futuro dictador fascista lanzó su Marcha sobre Roma el 28 de octubre de 1922. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las grandes instalaciones industriales y de transporte de Milán sufrieron grandes daños por los bombardeos aliados que a menudo también afectaron distritos residenciales. [44] Cuando Italia se rindió in 1943, German forces occupied and plundered most of northern Italy, fueling the birth of a massive resistance guerrilla movement.[45] On April 29, 1945 the American 1st Armored Division was advancing on Milan but, before it arrived, the Italian resistance seized control of the city and executed Mussolini along with his mistress and several regime officers, that were later hanged and exposed in Piazzale Loreto, where one year before some resistance members had been executed.

During the post-war economic boom, the reconstruction effort and the so-called Italian economic miracle attracted a large wave of internal migration (especially from rural areas of southern Italy) to Milan. The population grew from 1.3 million in 1951 to 1.7 million in 1967.[46] During this period, Milan was rapidly rebuilt, with the construction of several innovative and modernist skyscrapers, such as the Torre Velasca and the Pirelli Tower, that soon became the symbols of this new era of prosperity.[47] The economic prosperity was, however, overshadowed in the late 1960s and early 1970s during the so-called Years of Lead, cuando Milán fue testigo de una ola sin precedentes de violencia callejera, huelgas laborales y terrorismo político . La cúspide de este período de agitación se produjo el 12 de diciembre de 1969, cuando una bomba explotó en el Banco Nacional Agrario en Piazza Fontana, matando a 17 personas e hiriendo a 88.

Piazza Castello durante la Expo 2015 .

En la década de 1980, con el éxito internacional de las casas milanesas (como Armani , Versace y Dolce & Gabbana ), Milán se convirtió en una de las capitales mundiales de la moda. La ciudad también experimentó un marcado aumento en el turismo internacional , especialmente de América y Japón, mientras que la bolsa de valores aumentó su capitalización de mercado más de cinco veces. [48] Este período llevó a los medios de comunicación a apodar la metrópoli "Milano da bere" , literalmente "Milán para beber". [49] Sin embargo, en la década de 1990, Milán se vio gravemente afectado por Tangentopoli, un escándalo político en el que muchos políticos y empresarios fueron juzgados por corrupción. La ciudad también se vio afectada por una grave crisis financiera y una disminución constante de la producción de textiles, automóviles y acero. [47] Los proyectos Milano 2 y Milano 3 de Berlusconi fueron los proyectos de vivienda más importantes de los años 80 y 90 en Milán y trajeron a la ciudad nueva energía económica y social.

A principios del siglo XXI, Milán experimentó una serie de remodelaciones radicales en enormes áreas industriales anteriores. [50] Dos nuevos distritos comerciales, Porta Nuova y CityLife , se construyeron en el espacio de una década, cambiando radicalmente el horizonte de la ciudad. Su centro de exposiciones se trasladó a un sitio mucho más grande en Rho . [51] El largo declive de la fabricación tradicional se ha visto ensombrecido por una gran expansión de las publicaciones, las finanzas, la banca, el diseño de moda, la tecnología de la información, la logística y el turismo. [52] La disminución de la población de la ciudad durante décadas parece haberse revertido parcialmente en los últimos años, ya que la comunaganó alrededor de 100.000 nuevos residentes desde el último censo. El exitoso cambio de marca de la ciudad como capital global de la innovación ha sido fundamental en sus ofertas exitosas para albergar grandes eventos internacionales como la Expo 2015 y los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno 2026 .



Imagen de satélite de Milán.
Navigli de noche.

Milan is located in the north-western section of the Po Valley, approximately halfway between the river Po to the south and the foothills of the Alps with the great lakes (Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, Lake Lugano) to the north, the Ticino river to the west and the Adda to the east. The city's land is flat, the highest point being at 122 m (400.26 ft) above sea level.

The administrative comune covers an area of about 181 square kilometres (70 sq mi), with a population, in 2013, of 1,324,169 and a population density of 7,315 inhabitants per square kilometre (18,950/sq mi). The Metropolitan City of Milan covers 1,575 square kilometres (608 sq mi) and in 2015 had a population estimated at 3,196,825, with a resulting density of 2,029 inhabitants per square kilometre (5,260/sq mi).[53] A larger urban area, comprising parts of the provinces of Milan, Monza e Brianza, Como, Lecco and Varese is 1,891 square kilometres (730 sq mi) wide and has a population of 5,270,000 with a density of 2,783 inhabitants per square kilometre (7,210/sq mi).[8]

El diseño concéntrico del centro de la ciudad refleja el Navigli , un antiguo sistema de canales navegables e interconectados, ahora en su mayoría cubiertos. [54] Los suburbios de la ciudad se han expandido principalmente hacia el norte, absorbiendo muchas comunas a lo largo de las carreteras hacia Varese, Como, Lecco y Bérgamo. [55]


Milán presenta un clima subtropical húmedo de cuatro estaciones de latitud media ( Cfa ), según la clasificación climática de Köppen . El clima de Milán es similar al de gran parte de las llanuras del interior del norte de Italia, con veranos cálidos y húmedos e inviernos fríos y brumosos. Los Alpes y los Apeninos forman una barrera natural que protege la ciudad de las principales circulaciones procedentes del norte de Europa y del mar. [56]

During winter, daily average temperatures can fall below freezing (0 °C [32 °F]) and accumulations of snow can occur: the historic average of Milan's area is 25 centimetres (10 in) in the period between 1961 and 1990, with a record of 90 centimetres (35 in) in January 1985. In the suburbs the average can reach 36 centimetres (14 in)[57] The city receives on average seven days of snow per year.[58]

The city is often shrouded in thick cloud or fog during winter, although the removal of rice paddies from the southern neighbourhoods and the urban heat island effect have reduced this occurrence in recent decades. Occasionally, the Foehn winds cause the temperatures to rise unexpectedly: on 22 January 2012 the daily high reached 16 °C (61 °F) while on 22 February 2012 it reached 21 °C (70 °F).[59] Air pollution levels rise significantly in wintertime when cold air clings to the soil, causing Milan to be one of Europe's most polluted cities.[60]

Los veranos en Milán son calurosos y los niveles de humedad son altos, con temperaturas máximas que superan los 35 ° C (95 ° F). Debido a la alta humedad, el efecto del calor urbano y la falta de viento, las noches suelen ser bochornosas durante los meses de verano. [61] Por lo general, el verano disfruta de cielos más despejados con un promedio de más de 13 horas de luz diurna: [62] sin embargo, cuando se producen precipitaciones, es más probable que vayan acompañadas de tormentas eléctricas y granizo . [62] Las primaveras y los otoños son generalmente agradables, con temperaturas que oscilan entre 10 y 20 ° C (50 y 68 ° F); estas temporadas se caracterizan por mayores precipitaciones, especialmente en abril y mayo. [63] Relative humidity typically ranges between 45% (comfortable) and 95% (very humid) throughout the year, rarely dropping below 27% (dry) and reaching as high as 100%[62] Wind is generally absent: over the course of the year typical wind speeds vary from 0 to 14 km/h (0 to 9 mph) (calm to gentle breeze), rarely exceeding 29 km/h (18 mph) (fresh breeze), except during summer thunderstorms when winds can blow strong. In the spring, gale-force windstorms may happen, generated either by Tramontane blowing from the Alps or by Bora-like winds from the north. Due to its geographic location surrounded by mountains on 3 sides, Milan is among the least windy cities in Europe. [62]


Gobierno municipal

Palazzo Marino , Ayuntamiento de Milán
Giuseppe Sala , alcalde desde 2016
Los nueve distritos de la ciudad
Palazzo Lombardia , sede del gobierno regional de Lombardía

The legislative body of the Italian comuni is the City Council (Consiglio Comunale), which in cities with more than one million population is composed by 48 councillors elected every five years with a proportional system, contextually to the mayoral elections. The executive body is the City Committee (Giunta Comunale), composed by 12 assessors, that is nominated and presided over by a directly elected Mayor. The current mayor of Milan is Giuseppe Sala, an independent leading a centre-left alliance led by the Democratic Party.

The municipality of Milan is subdivided into nine administrative Borough Councils (Consigli di Municipio), down from the former twenty districts before the 1999 administrative reform.[69] Each Borough Council is governed by a Council (Consiglio) and a President, elected contextually to the city Mayor. The urban organisation is governed by the Italian Constitution (art. 114), the Municipal Statute[70] and several laws, notably the Legislative Decree 267/2000 or Unified Text on Local Administration (Testo Unico degli Enti Locali).[71] After the 2016 administrative reform, the Borough Councils have the power to advise the Mayor with nonbinding opinions on a large spectrum of topics and are responsible for running most local services, such as schools, social services, waste collection, roads, parks, libraries and local commerce; in addition they are supplied with an autonomous funding in order to finance local activities.

Metropolitan city

Milan is the capital of the eponymous Metropolitan city. According to the last governmental dispositions concerning administrative reorganisation, the urban area of Milan is one of the 15 Metropolitan municipalities (città metropolitane), new administrative bodies fully operative since 1 January 2015.[72] The new Metro municipalities, giving large urban areas the administrative powers of a province, are conceived for improving the performance of local administrations and to slash local spending by better co-ordinating the municipalities in providing basic services (including transport, school and social programs) and environment protection.[73]En este marco de política, el Alcalde de Milán está designado para ejercer las funciones de alcalde Metropolitano ( Sindaco metropolitano ), presidiendo un Consejo Metropolitano formado por 24 alcaldes de municipios dentro del municipio Metro. La Ciudad Metropolitana de Milán está dirigida por el Alcalde Metropolitano ( Sindaco metropolitano ) y por el Consejo Metropolitano ( Consiglio metropolitano ). Desde el 21 de junio de 2016 Giuseppe Sala , como alcalde de la ciudad capital, es alcalde de la Ciudad Metropolitana.

Gobierno regional

Milan is also the capital of Lombardy, one of the twenty regions of Italy. Lombardy is by far the most populated region of Italy, with more than ten million inhabitants, almost one sixth of the national total. It is governed by a Regional Council, composed of 80 members elected for a five-year term. On 26 March 2018, a list of candidates of the Centre-right coalition, a coalition of centrist and right-wing parties, led by Attilio Fontana, largely won the regional election, defeating a coalition of socialists, liberals and ecologists and a third-party candidate from the populist Five Stars Movement. Los conservadores han gobernado la región casi ininterrumpidamente desde 1970. El consejo regional tiene 48 miembros de la coalición de centro derecha, 18 de la coalición de centro izquierda y 13 del Movimiento Cinco Estrellas. La sede del gobierno regional es el Palazzo Lombardia que, con 161,3 metros (529 pies), [74] es el quinto edificio más alto de Milán.

Paisaje urbano


Horizonte de Porta Nuova desde el techo de la Torre Turati

Dos distritos comerciales dominan el horizonte de Milán: Porta Nuova en el noreste (distritos n ° 9 y 2) y CityLife (distrito n ° 8) en la parte noroeste de la comuna. Los edificios más altos incluyen la Torre Unicredit a 231 m (aunque solo 162 m sin la aguja), y la Torre Allianz de 209 m , una torre de 50 pisos.


La Catedral de Milán es la catedral gótica más grande del mundo.
Torre del Filarete del Castillo Sforza (Castello Sforzesco), una histórica fortaleza medieval.
The Royal Palace of Milan.
Royal Villa of Milan, one of the finest examples of Neoclassical architecture in Lombardy.
Art Deco Central railway station, the 8th busiest in Europe, opened in 1931.
The Cimitero Monumentale, it is noted for the abundance of artistic tombs and monuments.
The Arch of the Peace, 1807.

There are only few remains of the ancient Roman colony, notably the well-preserved Colonne di San Lorenzo. During the second half of the 4th century, Saint Ambrose, as bishop of Milan, had a strong influence on the layout of the city, reshaping the centre (although the cathedral and baptistery built in Roman times are now lost) and building the great basilicas at the city gates: Sant'Ambrogio, San Nazaro in Brolo, San Simpliciano and Sant'Eustorgio, which still stand, refurbished over the centuries, as some of the finest and most important churches in Milan. Milan's Cathedral, construida entre 1386 y 1877, es la quinta catedral más grande del mundo [75] y el ejemplo más importante de arquitectura gótica en Italia. La estatua de bronce dorado de la Virgen María , colocada en 1774 en el pináculo más alto del Duomo, pronto se convirtió en uno de los símbolos más perdurables de Milán. [76]

In the 15th century, when the Sforza ruled the city, an old Viscontean fortress was enlarged and embellished to become the Castello Sforzesco, the seat of an elegant Renaissance court surrounded by a walled hunting park. Notable architects involved in the project included the Florentine Filarete, who was commissioned to build the high central entrance tower, and the military specialist Bartolomeo Gadio.[77] The alliance between Francesco Sforza and Florence's Cosimo de' Medici bore to Milan Tuscan models of Renaissance architecture, apparent in the Ospedale Maggiore and Bramante's work in the city, which includes Santa Maria presso San Satiro (a reconstruction of a small 9th-century church), the tribune of Santa Maria delle Grazie and three cloisters for Sant'Ambrogio.[78] The Counter-Reformation in the 16th to 17th centuries was also the period of Spanish domination and was marked by two powerful figures: Saint Charles Borromeo and his cousin, Cardinal Federico Borromeo. Not only did they impose themselves as moral guides to the people of Milan, but they also gave a great impulse to culture, with the creation of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, in a building designed by Francesco Maria Richini, and the nearby Pinacoteca Ambrosiana. Muchas iglesias notables y mansiones barrocas fueron construidas en la ciudad durante este período por los arquitectos Pellegrino Tibaldi , Galeazzo Alessi y el propio Richini. [79]

Empress Maria Theresa of Austria was responsible for the significant renovations carried out in Milan during the 18th century.[80] This urban and artistic renewal included the establishment of Teatro alla Scala, inaugurated in 1778, and the renovation of the Royal Palace. The late 1700s Palazzo Belgioioso by Giuseppe Piermarini and Royal Villa of Milan by Leopoldo Pollack, later the official residence of Austrian viceroys, are often regarded among the best examples of Neoclassical architecture in Lombardy.[81] The Napoleonic rule of the city in 1805–1814, having established Milan as the capital of a satellite Kingdom of Italy, took steps in order to reshape it accordingly to its new status, with the construction of large boulevards, new squares (Porta Ticinese by Luigi Cagnola and Foro Bonaparte by Giovanni Antonio Antolini) and cultural institutions (Art Gallery and the Academy of Fine Arts).[82] The massive Arch of Peace, situated at the bottom of Corso Sempione, is often compared to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. In the second half of the 19th century, Milan quickly became the main industrial centre of the new Italian nation, drawing inspiration from the great European capitals that were hubs of the Second Industrial Revolution. The great Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, realised by Giuseppe Mengoni between 1865 and 1877 to celebrate Vittorio Emanuele II, is a covered passage with a glass and cast iron roof, inspired by the Burlington Arcade in London. Several other arcades such as the Galleria del Corso, built between 1923 and 1931, complement it. Another late-19th-century eclectic monument in the city is the Cimitero Monumentale graveyard, built in a Neo-Romanesque style between 1863 and 1866.

The tumultuous period of early 20th century brought several, radical innovations in Milanese architecture. Art Nouveau, also known as Liberty in Italy, is recognisable in Palazzo Castiglioni, built by architect Giuseppe Sommaruga between 1901 and 1903.[83] Other examples include Hotel Corso,[83] Casa Guazzoni with its wrought iron and staircase, and Berri-Meregalli house, the latter built in a traditional Milanese Art Nouveau style combined with elements of neo-Romanesque and Gothic revival architecture, regarded as one of the last such types of architecture in the city.[84]Una nueva forma de arquitectura más ecléctica se puede ver en edificios como Castello Cova, construido en la década de 1910 en un estilo neomedieval distintivo, que evoca las tendencias arquitectónicas del pasado. [85] Un ejemplo importante de Art Deco , que fusionó estos estilos con la arquitectura fascista , es la enorme estación central de trenes inaugurada en 1931. [86]

The post–World War II period saw rapid reconstruction and fast economic growth, accompanied by a nearly two-fold increase in population. In the 1950s and 1960s, a strong demand for new residential and commercial areas drove to extreme urban expansion, that has produced some of the major milestones in the city's architectural history, including Gio Ponti's Pirelli Tower (1956–60), Velasca Tower (1956–58), and the creation of brand new residential satellite towns, as well as huge amounts of low quality public housings. In recent years, de-industrialization, urban decay and gentrification led to a vast urban renewal of former industrial areas, that have been transformed into modern residential and financial districts, notably Porta Nuova in downtown Milan and FieraMilano in the suburb of Rho. In addition, the old exhibition area is being completely reshaped according to the Citylife regeneration project, featuring residencial areas, museums, an urban park and three skyscrapers designed by international architects, and after whom they are named: the 202-metre (663-foot) Isozaki Arata—when completed, the tallest building in Italy,[87] the twisted Hadid Tower,[88] and the curved Libeskind Tower.[89]

Parks and gardens

Sempione Park and the Arch of Peace.

Los parques más grandes de la zona central de Milán son el Parque Sempione , en el extremo noroeste, y los Jardines Montanelli , situados al noreste de la ciudad. El parque Sempione de estilo inglés, construido en 1890, contiene una arena napoleónica, el acuario de la ciudad de Milán, una torre panorámica de celosía de acero, un centro de exposiciones de arte, un jardín japonés y una biblioteca pública. [90] Los jardines de Montanelli, creados en el siglo XVIII, albergan el Museo de Historia Natural de Milán y un planetario . [91] Ligeramente alejado del centro de la ciudad, en dirección este, el Parque Forlanini se caracteriza por un gran estanque y algunas chozas conservadas que recuerdan el pasado agrícola de la zona. [92] In recent years Milan's authorities pledged to develop its green areas: they planned to create twenty new urban parks and extend the already existing ones, and announced plans to plant three million trees by 2030.[93]

In addition, even though Milan is located in one of the most urbanised regions of Italy, it is surrounded by a belt of green areas and features numerous gardens even in its very centre. Since 1990, the farmlands and woodlands north (Parco Nord Milano) and south (Parco Agricolo Sud Milano) of the urban area have been protected as regional parks. West of the city, the Parco delle Cave (Sand pit park) has been established on a neglected site where gravel and sand used to be extracted, featuring artificial lakes and woods.


The official estimated population of the City of Milan was 1,378,689 as of 31 December 2018, according to ISTAT, the official Italian statistical agency,[95] up by 136,556 from the 2011 census, or a growth of about 11%. At the same date 3,250,315 people lived in Milan province-level municipality.[96] The population of Milan today is lower than its historical peak. With rapid industrialization in post-war years, the population of Milan peaked at 1,743,427 in 1973.[97] Thereafter, during the following decades, about one third of the population moved to the outer belt of suburbs and new satellite settlements that grew around the city proper.

Today, Milan's conurbation extends well beyond the borders of the city proper and of its special-status provincial authority: its contiguous built-up urban area was home to 5,270,000 people in 2015,[8] while its wider metropolitan area, the largest in Italy and fourth largest in the EU, is estimated to have a population of more than 8.2 million.[10]

Foreign residents

Foreign residents as of 2019 [98]

  Italian (80.10%)
  EU area (2.32%)
  Other European (1.50%)
  African (4.47%)
  Asian (8.21%)
  Latin American (3.28%)
  Other (0.12%)

As of 2019, some 277,773 foreign residents lived in the municipality of Milan,[98] representing 19.9% of the total resident population. These figures suggest that the immigrant population has more than doubled in the last 15 years.[99] After World War II, Milan experienced two main waves of immigration: the first, dating from the 1950s to the early 1970s, saw a large influx of migrants from poorer and rural areas within Italy; the second, starting from the late 1980s, has been characterised by the preponderance of foreign-born immigrants.[100]The early period coincided with the so-called Italian economic miracle of postwar years, an era of extraordinary growth based on rapid industrial expansion and great public works, that brought to the city a large influx of over 400,000 people, mainly from rural and underdeveloped Southern Italy.[47] In the last three decades, the foreign born share of the population soared. Immigrants came mainly from Africa (in particular Eritrean, Egyptian, Moroccans, Senegalese, and Nigerian), and the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe (notably Albania, Romania, Ukraine, Macedonia, Moldova, and Russia), in addition to a growing number of Asians (in particular Chinese, Sri Lankans and Filipinos) and Latin Americans (Mainly South Americans). At the beginning of the 1990s, Milan already had a population of foreign-born residents of approximately 58,000 (or 4% of the then population), that rose rapidly to over 117,000 by the end of the decade (about 9% of the total).[101]

Decades of continuing high immigration have made the city the most cosmopolitan and multicultural in Italy. Milan notably hosts the oldest and largest Chinese community in Italy, with almost 21,000 people in 2011.[102] Situated in the 9th district, and centred on Via Paolo Sarpi, an important commercial avenue, the Milanese Chinatown was originally established in the 1920s by immigrants from Wencheng County, in the Zhejiang province, and used to operate small textile and leather workshops.[103] Milan has also a substantial English-speaking community (more than 3,000 American, British and Australian expatriates[102]), and several English schools and language publications, such as Hello Milano, Where Milano and Easy Milano.


Santa Maria delle Grazie, 1497.
St. Ambrose Basilica dates back from AD 379–386.

Milan's population, like that of Italy as a whole, is mostly Catholic.[104][105] It is the seat of the Archdiocese of Milan. Greater Milan is also home to Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist communities.[106][107][108][109][110]

Milan has been a Christian-majority city since the late Roman Empire.[111] Its religious history was marked by the figure of St. Ambrose, whose heritage includes the Ambrosian Rite (Italian: Rito ambrosiano), used by some five million Catholics in the greater part of the Archdiocese of Milan,[112] which consider the largest in Europe.[113] The Rite varies slightly from the canonical Roman Rite liturgy, with differences in the mass, liturgical year (Lent starts four days later than in the Roman Rite), baptism, rite of funerals, priest clothes, and sacred music (use of the Ambrosian chant rather than Gregorian).[114]

In addition, the city is home to the largest Orthodox community in Italy. Lombardy is the seat of at least 78 Orthodox parishes and monasteries, the vast majority of them located in the area of Milan.[115] The main Romanian Orthodox church in Milan is the Catholic church of Our Lady of Victory (Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria), currently granted for use to the local Romanian community.[116] Similarly, the point of reference for the followers of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Catholic church of San Vito in Pasquirolo.[117][118]

The Jewish community of Milan is the second largest in Italy after Rome, with about 10,000 members, mainly Sephardi.[119] The main city synagogue, Hechal David u-Mordechai Temple, was built by architect Luca Beltrami in 1892.

Milan hosts also one of the largest Muslim communities in Italy,[120] and the city saw the construction of the country's first new mosque featuring a dome and minaret, since the destruction of the ancient mosques of Lucera in the year 1300. In 2014 the City Council agreed on the construction of a new mosque amid bitter political debate, since it is strenuously opposed by right-wing parties such as the Northern League.[121]

Currently, accurate statistics on the Hindu and Sikh presence in Milan metro area are not available; however, various sources estimate that about 40% of the total Indian population living in Italy, or about 50,000 individuals, reside in Lombardy,[122][123] where a number of Hindu and Sikh temples exist and where they form the largest such communities in Europe after the ones in Britain.[124]


The skyscrapers of Porta Nuova business district.

Whereas Rome is Italy's political capital, Milan is the country's industrial and financial heart. With a 2014 GDP estimated at €158.9 billion,[125] the province of Milan generates approximately 10% of the national GDP; while the economy of the Lombardy region generates approximately 22% of Italy's GDP (or an estimated €357 billion in 2015,[126] roughly the size of Belgium). The province of Milan is home to about 45% of businesses in the Lombardy region and more than 8 percent of all businesses in Italy, including three Fortune 500 companies.[127]

Milan was the 11th most expensive city in Europe and the 22nd most expensive city in the world in 2019,[128] according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, while the well-known Via Monte Napoleone is Europe's most expensive shopping street according to Global Blue.[129]

Since the late 1800s, the area of Milan has been a major industrial and manufacturing centre. Alfa Romeo automobile company and Falck steel group employed thousands of workers in the city until the closure of their sites in Arese in 2004 and Sesto San Giovanni in 1995. Other global industrial companies, such as Edison, Prysmian Group, Riva Group, Saras, Saipem and Techint, maintain their headquarters and significant employment in the city and its suburbs. Other relevant industries active in metro Milan include chemicals (e.g. Mapei, Versalis, Tamoil Italy), home appliances (e.g. Candy), hospitality (UNA Hotels & Resorts), food & beverages (e.g. Bertolli, Campari), machinery, medical technologies (e.g. Amplifon, Bracco), plastics and textiles. The construction (e.g. Webuild), retail (e.g. Esselunga, La Rinascente) and utilities (e.g. A2A, Edison S.p.A., Snam, Sorgenia) sectors are also large employers in the Greater Milan.

Milan is Italy's largest financial hub. The main national insurance companies and banking groups (for a total of 198 companies) and over forty foreign insurance and banking companies are located in the city,[130] as well as a number of asset management companies, including Anima SGR, Azimut Holding, ARCA SGR, and Eurizon Capital. The Associazione Bancaria Italiana representing the Italian banking system, and Milan Stock Exchange (225 companies listed on the stock exchange) are both located in the city. Porta Nuova, the main business district of Milan and one of the most important in Europe, hosts the Italian headquarters of numerous global companies, such as Accenture, AXA, Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Celgene, China Construction Bank, Finanza & Futuro Banca, FM Global, Herbalife, HSBC, KPMG, Maire Tecnimont, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Panasonic, Pirelli, Samsung, Shire, Tata Consultancy Services, Telecom Italia, UniCredit, UnipolSai. Other large multinational service companies, such as Allianz, Generali, Alleanza Assicurazioni and PricewaterhouseCoopers, have their headquarters in the CityLife business district, a new 900-acre-wide (3.6 km2) development project designed by prominent modernist architects Zaha Hadid, Daniel Liebskind and Arata Isozaki.

The city is home to numerous media and advertising agencies, national newspapers and telecommunication companies, including both the public service broadcaster RAI and private television companies like Mediaset and Sky Italia. In addition, it hosts the headquarters of the largest Italian publishing companies, such as Feltrinelli, Mondadori, RCS Media Group, Messaggerie Italiane, and Giunti Editore. Milan has also seen a rapid increase in the presence of IT companies, with both domestic and international companies such as Altavista, Google, Italtel, Lycos, Microsoft,[131] Virgilio and Yahoo! establishing their Italian operations in the city.

Milan is one of the fashion capitals of the world, where the sector can count on 12,000 companies, 800 show rooms, and 6,000 sales outlets; the city hosts the headquarters of global fashion houses such as Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Luxottica, Prada, Versace, Valentino, Zegna and four weeks a year are dedicated to fashion events.[130] The city is also a global hub for event management and trade fairs. FieraMilano operates the world's fourth largest[132] exhibition hall in Rho, were international exhibitions like Milan Furniture Fair, EICMA, EMO take place on 400,000 square metres of exhibition areas with more than 4 million visitors in 2018.[133]

Tourism is an increasingly important part of the city's economy: with 8.81 million registered international arrivals in 2018 (up 9.92% on the previous year), Milan ranked as the world's 15th-most visited city.[134]


Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Museums and art galleries

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, together with the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Museo del Novecento displays the world's largest collection of Futurist art.[135]
The Pinacoteca di Brera.
The Triennale, design and art museum.
The San Carlo al Corso.

Milan is home to many cultural institutions, museums and art galleries, that account for about a tenth of the national total of visitors and receipts.[136] The Pinacoteca di Brera is one of Milan's most important art galleries. It contains one of the foremost collections of Italian painting, including masterpieces such as the Brera Madonna by Piero della Francesca. The Castello Sforzesco hosts numerous art collections and exhibitions, especially statues, ancient arms and furnitures, as well as the Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesco, with an art collection including Michelangelo's last sculpture, the Rondanini Pietà, Andrea Mantegna's Trivulzio Madonna and Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Trivulzianus manuscript. The Castello complex also includes The Museum of Ancient Art, The Furniture Museum, The Museum of Musical Instruments and the Applied Arts Collection, The Egyptian and Prehistoric sections of the Archaeological Museum and the Achille Bertarelli Print Collection.

Milan's figurative art flourished in the Middle Ages, and with the Visconti family being major patrons of the arts, the city became an important centre of Gothic art and architecture (Milan Cathedral being the city's most formidable work of Gothic architecture). Leonardo worked in Milan from 1482 until 1499. He was commissioned to paint the Virgin of the Rocks for the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception and The Last Supper for the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie.[137]

The city was affected by the Baroque in the 17th and 18th centuries, and hosted numerous formidable artists, architects and painters of that period, such as Caravaggio and Francesco Hayez, which several important works are hosted in Brera Academy. The Museum of Risorgimento is specialised on the history of Italian unification Its collections include iconic paintings like Baldassare Verazzi's Episode from the Five Days and Francesco Hayez's 1840 Portrait of Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria. The Triennale is a design museum and events venue located in Palazzo dell'Arte, in Sempione Park. It hosts exhibitions and events highlighting contemporary Italian design, urban planning, architecture, music, and media arts, emphasising the relationship between art and industry.

Milan in the 20th century was the epicentre of the Futurist artistic movement. Filippo Marinetti, the founder of Italian Futurism wrote in his 1909 "Manifesto of Futurism" (in Italian, Manifesto Futuristico), that Milan was "grande...tradizionale e futurista" ("grand...traditional and futuristic", in English). Umberto Boccioni was also an important Futurism artist who worked in the city. Today, Milan remains a major international hub of modern and contemporary art, with numerous modern art galleries. The Modern Art Gallery, situated in the Royal Villa, hosts collections of Italian and European painting from the 18th to the early 20th centuries.[138][139][140]The Museo del Novecento, situated in the Palazzo dell'Arengario, is one of the most important art galleries in Italy about 20th-century art; of particular relevance are the sections dedicated to Futurism, Spatialism and Arte povera. In the early 1990s architect David Chipperfield was invited to convert the premises of the former Ansaldo Factory into a Museum. Museo delle Culture (MUDEC) opened in April 2015.[141]The Gallerie di Piazza Scala, a modern and contemporary museum located in Piazza della Scala in the Palazzo Brentani and the Palazzo Anguissola, hosts 195 artworks from the collections of Fondazione Cariplo with a strong representation of nineteenth-century Lombard painters and sculptors, including Antonio Canova and Umberto Boccioni. A new section was opened in the Palazzo della Banca Commerciale Italiana in 2012. Other private ventures dedicated to contemporary art include the exhibiting spaces of the Prada Foundation and HangarBicocca. The Nicola Trussardi Foundation is renewed for organising temporary exhibition in venues around the city. Milan is also home to many public art projects, with a variety of works that range from sculptures to murals to pieces by internationally renowned artists, including Arman, Kengiro Azuma, Francesco Barzaghi, Alberto Burri, Pietro Cascella, Maurizio Cattelan, Leonardo Da Vinci, Giorgio de Chirico, Kris Ruhs, Emilio Isgrò, Fausto Melotti, Joan Miró, Carlo Mo, Claes Oldenburg, Igor Mitoraj, Gianfranco Pardi, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Carlo Ramous, Aldo Rossi, Aligi Sassu, Giuseppe Spagnulo and Domenico Trentacoste.


Founded in 1778, La Scala is the world's most famous opera house.[142]
The Teatro dei Filodrammatici.

Milan is a major national and international centre of the performing arts, most notably opera. The city hosts La Scala operahouse, considered one of the world's most prestigious,[143] having throughout history witnessed the premieres of numerous operas, such as Nabucco by Giuseppe Verdi in 1842, La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchielli, Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini in 1904, Turandot by Puccini in 1926, and more recently Teneke, by Fabio Vacchi in 2007. Other major theatres in Milan include the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, Teatro Dal Verme, Teatro Lirico and formerly the Teatro Regio Ducale. The city is also the seat of a renowned symphony orchestra and musical conservatory, and has been, throughout history, a major centre for musical composition: numerous famous composers and musicians such as Gioseppe Caimo, Simon Boyleau, Hoste da Reggio, Verdi, Giulio Gatti-Casazza, Paolo Cherici and Alice Edun lived and worked in Milan. The city is also the birthplace of many modern ensembles and bands, including Camaleonti, Camerata Mediolanense, Gli Spioni, Dynamis Ensemble, Elio e le Storie Tese, Krisma, Premiata Forneria Marconi, Quartetto Cetra, Stormy Six and Le Vibrazioni.

Fashion and design

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is one of the city's largest shopping centres.

Milan is widely regarded as a global capital in industrial design, fashion and architecture.[144] In the 1950s and 60s, as the main industrial centre of Italy and one of Europe's most dynamic cities, Milan became a world capital of design and architecture. There was such a revolutionary change that Milan's fashion exports accounted for US$726 million in 1952, and by 1955 that number grew to US$72.5 billion.[145] Modern skyscrapers, such as the Pirelli Tower and the Torre Velasca were built, and artists such as Bruno Munari, Lucio Fontana, Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni gathered in the city.[146] Today, Milan is still particularly well known for its high-quality furniture and interior design industry. The city is home to FieraMilano, Europe's largest permanent trade exhibition, and Salone Internazionale del Mobile, one of the most prestigious international furniture and design fairs.[147]

Milan is also regarded as one of the fashion capitals of the world, along with New York City, Paris, and London.[148] Milan is synonymous with the Italian prêt-à-porter industry,[149] as many of the most famous Italian fashion brands, such as Valentino, Gucci, Versace, Prada, Armani and Dolce & Gabbana, are headquartered in the city. Numerous international fashion labels also operate shops in Milan. Furthermore, the city hosts the Milan Fashion Week twice a year, one of the most important events in the international fashion system.[150] Milan's main upscale fashion district, quadrilatero della moda, is home to the city's most prestigious shopping streets (Via Monte Napoleone, Via della Spiga, Via Sant'Andrea, Via Manzoni and Corso Venezia), in addition to Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, one of the world's oldest shopping malls.[151]

Languages and literature

Monument to Alessandro Manzoni.

In the late 18th century, and throughout the 19th, Milan was an important centre for intellectual discussion and literary creativity. The Enlightenment found here a fertile ground. Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria, with his famous Dei delitti e delle pene, and Count Pietro Verri, with the periodical Il Caffè were able to exert a considerable influence over the new middle-class culture, thanks also to an open-minded Austrian administration.

In the first years of the 19th century, the ideals of the Romantic movement made their impact on the cultural life of the city and its major writers debated the primacy of Classical versus Romantic poetry. Here, too, Giuseppe Parini, and Ugo Foscolo published their most important works, and were admired by younger poets as masters of ethics, as well as of literary craftsmanship. Foscolo's poem Dei sepolcri was inspired by a Napoleonic law that—against the will of many of its inhabitants—was being extended to the city.

In the third decade of the 19th century, Alessandro Manzoni wrote his novel I Promessi Sposi, considered the manifesto of Italian Romanticism, which found in Milan its centre; in the same period Carlo Porta, reputed the most renowned local vernacular poet, wrote his poems in Lombard Language. The periodical Il Conciliatore published articles by Silvio Pellico, Giovanni Berchet, Ludovico di Breme, who were both Romantic in poetry and patriotic in politics.

After the Unification of Italy in 1861, Milan lost its political importance; nevertheless it retained a sort of central position in cultural debates. New ideas and movements from other countries of Europe were accepted and discussed: thus Realism and Naturalism gave birth to an Italian movement, Verismo. The greatest verista novelist, Giovanni Verga, was born in Sicily but wrote his most important books in Milan.

In addition to Italian, approximately 2 million people in the Milan metropolitan area can speak the Milanese dialect or one of its Western Lombard variations.[152]


Milan is an important national and international media centre. Corriere della Sera, founded in 1876, is one of the oldest Italian newspapers, and it is published by Rizzoli, as well as La Gazzetta dello Sport, a daily dedicated to coverage of various sports and currently considered the most widely read daily newspaper in Italy. Other local dailies are the general broadsheets Il Giorno, Il Giornale, the Catholic newspaper Avvenire, and Il Sole 24 Ore, a daily business newspaper owned by Confindustria (the Italian employers' federation). Free daily newspapers include Leggo and Metro. Milan is also home to many architecture, art, and fashion periodicals, including Abitare, Casabella, Domus, Flash Art, Gioia, Grazia, and Vogue Italia. Panorama and Oggi, two of Italy's most important weekly news magazines, are also published in Milan.

Several commercial broadcast television networks have their national headquarters in the Milan conurbation, including Mediaset Group (owner of Canale 5, Italia 1, Iris and Rete 4), Telelombardia and MTV Italy. National radio stations based in Milan include Radio Deejay, Radio 105 Network, R101 (Italy), Radio Popolare, RTL 102.5, Radio Capital and Virgin Radio Italia.


Risotto alla Milanese.
Cotoletta alla Milanese.

Like most cities in Italy, Milan has developed its own local culinary tradition, which, as it is typical for North Italian cuisines, uses more frequently rice than pasta, butter than vegetable oil and features almost no tomato or fish. Milanese traditional dishes includes cotoletta alla milanese, a breaded veal (pork and turkey can be used) cutlet pan-fried in butter (similar to Viennese Wiener Schnitzel). Other typical dishes are cassoeula (stewed pork rib chops and sausage with Savoy cabbage), ossobuco (braised veal shank served with a condiment called gremolata), risotto alla milanese (with saffron and beef marrow), busecca (stewed tripe with beans), and brasato (stewed beef or pork with wine and potatoes).

Season-related pastries include chiacchiere (flat fritters dusted with sugar) and tortelli (fried spherical cookies) for Carnival, colomba (glazed cake shaped as a dove) for Easter, pane dei morti ("bread of the (Day of the ) Dead", cookies flavoured with cinnamon) for All Souls' Day and panettone for Christmas. The salame Milano, a salami with a very fine grain, is widespread throughout Italy. Renowned Milanese cheeses are gorgonzola (from the namesake village nearby), mascarpone, used in pastry-making, taleggio and quartirolo.

Milan is well known for its world-class restaurants and cafés, characterised by innovative cuisine and design.[153] As of 2014, Milan has 157 Michelin-selected places, including three 2-Michelin-starred restaurants;[154] these include Cracco, Sadler and il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia.[155] Many historical restaurants and bars are found in the historic centre, the Brera and Navigli districts. One of the city's oldest surviving cafés, Caffè Cova, was established in 1817.[156] In total, Milan has 15 cafés, bars and restaurants registered among the Historical Places of Italy, continuously operating for at least 70 years.[157]


San Siro Stadium, home of A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, has a capacity of 80,000. It is Italy's biggest stadium.
Mediolanum Forum, home of Olimpia Milano.
The Monza Formula One circuit is located near the city, inside a suburban park.

Milan hosted matches at the FIFA World Cup in 1934 and 1990 and the UEFA European Championship in 1980, and more recently held the 2003 World Rowing Championships, the 2009 World Boxing Championships, and some games of the Men's Volleyball World Championship in 2010 and the final games of the Women's Volleyball World Championship in 2014. In 2018, Milan hosted the World Figure Skating Championships. Milan will host the 2026 Winter Olympics as well as the 2026 Winter Paralympics jointly with Cortina d'Ampezzo.

Milan is the only city in Europe that is home to two European Cup/Champions League winning teams: Serie A football clubs Milan and Inter. They are two of the most successful clubs in the world of football in terms of international trophies. Both teams have also won the FIFA Club World Cup (formerly the Intercontinental Cup). With a combined ten Champions League titles, Milan is only second to Madrid as the city with the most European Cups. Both teams play at the UEFA 5-star-rated Giuseppe Meazza Stadium, more commonly known as the San Siro, that is one of the biggest stadiums in Europe, with a seating capacity of over 80,000.[158] The Meazza Stadium has hosted four European Cup/Champions League finals, most recently in 2016, when Real Madrid defeated Atlético Madrid 5–3 in a penalty shoot-out. A third team, Brera Calcio, plays in Prima Categoria, the seventh tier of Italian football.[159] Another team, Milano City F.C. (a successor of Bustese Calcio),[160] plays in Serie D, the fourth level.

Milan is one of the host cities of the EuroBasket 2022. There are currently four professional Lega Basket clubs in Milan: Olimpia Milano, Pallacanestro Milano 1958, Società Canottieri Milano and A.S.S.I. Milano. Olimpia is the most decorated basketball club in Italy, having won 27 Italian League championships, six Italian National Cups, one Italian Super Cup, three European Champions Cups, one FIBA Intercontinental Cup, three FIBA Saporta Cups, two FIBA Korać Cups and many junior titles. The team play at the Mediolanum Forum, with a capacity of 12,700, where it has been hosted the final of the 2013–14 Euroleague. In some cases the team also plays at the PalaDesio, with a capacity of 6,700.

Milan is also home to Italy's oldest American football team: Rhinos Milano, who have won five Italian Super Bowls. The team plays at the Velodromo Vigorelli, with a capacity of 8,000. Milan has also two cricket teams: Milano Fiori, currently competing in the second division, and Kingsgrove Milan, who won the Serie A championship in 2014. Amatori Rugby Milano, the most decorated rugby team in Italy, was founded in Milan in 1927. The Monza Formula One circuit is located near the city, inside a suburban park. It is one of the world's oldest car racing circuits. The capacity for the F1 races is currently over 113,000. It has hosted an F1 race nearly every year since the first year of competition, with the exception of 1980.

In road cycling, Milan hosts the start of the annual Milan–San Remo classic one-day race and the annual Milano–Torino one day race. Milan is also the traditional finish for the final stage of the Giro d'Italia, which, along with the Tour de France and the Vuelta a Espana, is one of cycling's three Grand Tours.


The University of Milan headquarters
Bocconi University is a leading institution for economics, management and related disciplines in Europe.[161]
University of Milan Bicocca, the city's newest university, ranks as the 82nd best young college on over 300 institutions in the 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.[162]

Milan is a major global centre of higher education teaching and research and has the second largest concentration of higher education institutes in Italy after Rome. Milan's higher education system includes 7 universities, 48 faculties and 142 departments, with 185,000 university students enrolled in 2011 (approximately 11 percent of the national total)[18] and the largest number of university graduates and postgraduate students (34,000 and more than 5,000, respectively) in Italy.[163]

The Polytechnic University of Milan is the city's oldest university, founded in 1863. With over 40,000 students, it is the largest technical university in Italy.[164]

The University of Milan, founded in 1923, is the largest public teaching and research university in the city.[165] The University of Milan is the sixth-largest university in Italy, with approximately 60,000 enrolled students and a teaching staff of 2,500.[166]

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is the largest Catholic university in the world with 42,000 enrolled students.[167]

Bocconi University is a private management and finance school established in 1902, ranking as the sixth best business school in Europe as of 2018.[168] Bocconi University also ranks as the 5th best 1 year MBA course in the world, according to the Forbes 2017 ranking.[169]

University of Milan Bicocca is the city's newest high education institution, founded in 1998 in an effort to alleviate pressure on the overcrowded University of Milan. Bicocca, built over abandoned industrial estates, today enrolls more than 30,000 students and ranks high in international rankings on young universities;[170]

IULM University of Milan was established in 1968 as the first Italian tertiary institution offering courses on public relations; later it became a point of reference also for business communication; media and advertising; interpreting; communication in culture and arts markets, tourism and fashion.[171]

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University is a medical university linked to the San Raffaele Hospital.[172]

Milan is also well known for its fine arts and music schools. The Milan Academy of Fine Arts (Brera Academy) is a public academic institution founded in 1776 by Empress Maria Theresa of Austria; the New Academy of Fine Arts is the largest private art and design university in Italy;[173] the European Institute of Design is a private university specialised in fashion, industrial and interior design, audio/visual design including photography, advertising and marketing and business communication; the Marangoni Institute, is a fashion institute with campuses in Milan, London, and Paris; the Domus Academy is a private postgraduate institution of design, fashion, architecture, interior design and management; the Pontifical Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music, a college of music founded in 1931 by the blessed cardinal A.I. Schuster, archbishop of Milan, and raised according to the rules by the Holy See in 1940, is—similarly to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, which is consociated with—an Institute "ad instar facultatis" and is authorised to confer university qualifications with canonical validity[174] and the Milan Conservatory, a college of music established in 1807, currently Italy's largest with more than 1,700 students and 240 music teachers.[175]


Milano Centrale railway station
Typical trams operated by ATM
Milan Metro is Italy's longest rapid transit system.
Sharen'go cars in Piazza Duca d'Aosta
Malpensa Airport

Milan is one of the key transport nodes of Italy and southern Europe. Its central railway station is Italy's second and Europe's eighth busiest.[176][177] The Malpensa, Linate and Orio al Serio airports serve the Greater Milan, the largest metropolitan area in Italy.

Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM) is the Milanese municipal transport company; it operates 4 metro lines, 18 tram lines, 131 bus lines, 4 trolleybus lines, and 1 people mover line, carrying about 776 million passengers in 2018.[178] Overall the network covers nearly 1,500 km (932 mi) reaching 46 municipalities.[179] Besides public transport, ATM manages the interchange parking lots and other transport services including bike sharing and carsharing systems.[180]



The Milan Metro is the rapid transit system serving the city and surrounding municipalities. The network consists of 4 lines (plus one under construction), with a total network length of 101 kilometres (63 mi), and a total of 113 stations, mostly underground.[181] It has a daily ridership of 1.15 million,[182] the largest in Italy as well as one of the largest in Europe.


The Milan suburban railway service, operated by Trenord, comprises 12 S lines connecting the metropolitan area with the city center, with possible transfers to all the metro lines. Most S lines run through the Milan Passerby railway, commonly referred to as "il Passante" and served by double-decker trains every 4/8 minutes in the central underground section.[183]

National and international trains

Milan Central station, with 120 million passengers per year, is the largest and eighth busiest railway station in Europe and the second busiest in Italy after Rome.[176] Milano Cadorna and Milano Porta Garibaldi stations are respectively the seventh and the eleventh busiest stations in Italy.[176] Since the end of 2009, two high-speed train lines link Milan to Rome, Naples and Turin, considerably shortening travel times with other major cities in Italy. Further high-speed lines are under construction towards Genoa and Verona. Milan is served by direct international trains to Nice, Marseille, Lyon, Paris, Lugano, Geneva, Bern, Basel, Zurich and Frankfurt, and by overnight sleeper services to Paris and Dijon (Thello), Munich and Vienna (ÖBB).[184]

Milan is also the core of Lombardy's regional train network. Regional trains were operated on two different systems by LeNord (departing from Milano Cadorna) and Trenitalia (departing from Milan Centrale and Milano Porta Garibaldi). Since 2011, a new company, Trenord, operates both Trenitalia and LeNord regional trains in Lombardy, carrying over 750,000 passengers on more than 50 routes every day.[185][186]

Buses and trams

The city tram network consists of approximately 160 kilometres (99 mi) of track and 18 lines, and is Europe's most advanced light rail system.[187] Bus lines cover over 1,070 km (665 mi). Milan has also taxi services operated by private companies and licensed by the City council of Milan. The city is also a key node for the national road network, being served by all the major highways of Northern Italy. Numerous long-distance bus lines link Milan with many other cities and towns in Lombardy and throughout Italy.[188]


The Milan metropolitan area is served by three international airports, with a grand total of about 47 million passengers served in 2018.[189]

  • Malpensa Airport is Italy's second-busiest airport with 24.7 million passengers served in 2018 and Italy's busiest for freight and cargo, handling about 600,000 tons of international freight in 2018. Malpensa lays 45 km (28 mi) from downtown Milan and is connected to the city by the Malpensa Express railway service.[190]
  • Linate Airport is Milan's city airport, and is now mainly used for domestic and short-haul international flights, serving 9.2 million passengers in 2018. Linate Airport is the second largest base for Italy's national flag carrier, Alitalia.[191]
  • Orio al Serio Airport, located some 50 km (31 mi) away, near the town of Bergamo, mainly serves the low-cost traffic of Milan and it is the main base of Ryanair (12.9 million passengers served in 2018).[192]

Lastly, Bresso Airfield is a general aviation airport, operated by Aero Club Milano.[193]

International relations

Twin towns – sister cities

Milan has fifteen official sister cities as reported on the city's website.[194] The date column indicates the year in which the relationship was established. São Paulo was Milan's first sister city.

  • São Paulo, Brazil, since 1961
  • Chicago, United States, since 1962
  • Lyon, France, since 1967
  • Frankfurt, Germany since 1969
  • Birmingham, United Kingdom since 1974
  • Dakar, Senegal, since 1974
  • Shanghai, China, since 1979
  • Osaka, Japan, since 1981
  • Tel Aviv, Israel, since 1997
  • Bethlehem, Palestine, since 2000
  • Toronto, Canada, since 2003
  • Kraków,[195] Poland, since 2003
  • Melbourne, Australia, since 2004
  • Guadalajara, Mexico, since 2004[196]
  • Daegu,[197] South Korea, since 2015

The partnership with the city of St. Petersburg, Russia, that started in 1967, was suspended in 2012 (a decision taken by the city of Milan), because of the prohibition of the Russian government on "homosexual propaganda".[198]

Other relations

Milan has the following collaborations:[199]

  • Algiers, Algeria
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Bilbao, Spain
  • Chengdu, China
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Guangzhou, China
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Moscow, Russia
  • New York, United States
  • Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
  • Saitama Prefecture, Japan
  • Tegucigalpa, Honduras
  • Tehran, Iran


Honorary citizens

People awarded the honorary citizenship of Milan are:

See also

  • List of cities in the European Union by population within city limits
  • Outline of Italy
  • Outline of Milan
  • Biscione


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External links

  • City of Milan
  • ATM—Milan's Transportation Company[permanent dead link]
  • Rete Metropolitana di Milano (in Italian)
  • Videotour in Milan
  • Photo gallery made by a UNESCO photographer