
Sagenista is a group of heterokonts containing the labyrinthulids and Eogyrea, a class of yet uncultured protists. Originally, it contained the Labyrinthulids and bicosoecids. The bicosoecids have been removed, and Eogyrea were added, in order to make the group monophyletic.[2][3][4][5]

Some have a special organelle called a bothrosome (or sagenogenetosome). It is usually found in a marine environments rich in algae and sea grass. It is capable of movement by use of this organelle.[citation needed]

They are generally decomposers. They are cultivated for their active production of Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are used as an approved additive for animal feed.[citation needed]

There is a debate about whether some species of Sagenista contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll C.[citation needed]

They are capable of excreting an extoplasmic net of filaments for cells to glide upon. These tiny filaments provide a network for cells to travel upon to soak up nutrients from the surrounding environment.[citation needed]