Chris Christie

Christopher James Christie (nacido el 6 de septiembre de 1962) es un político estadounidense, comentarista político, cabildero y exfiscal federal que se desempeñó como 55 ° gobernador de Nueva Jersey de 2010 a 2018.

Christie nació en Newark, Nueva Jersey y se crió en Livingston, Nueva Jersey . Después de graduarse en 1984 de la Universidad de Delaware , obtuvo un doctorado en derecho en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Seton Hall . Christie, republicano, fue elegido diputado del condado (legislador) para el condado de Morris, Nueva Jersey , y sirvió de 1995 a 1998. En 2002, había hecho campaña para los presidentes George HW Bush y George W. Bush ; este último lo nombró Fiscal Federal para Nueva Jersey , cargo que ocupó de 2002 a 2008.

Christie ganó las primarias republicanas de 2009 para gobernador de Nueva Jersey y derrotó al titular demócrata Jon Corzine en las elecciones generales . En su primer mandato, se le atribuyó la reducción de gastos, la limitación del crecimiento de los impuestos a la propiedad y la participación en los esfuerzos de recuperación después del huracán Sandy . Fue reelegido por un amplio margen en 2013 , derrotando a la líder de la mayoría del Senado estatal Barbara Buono . [1] Durante su segundo mandato como gobernador, la posición de Christie fue dañada por el escándalo del cierre de carriles de Fort Lee . Después de ese tiempo, se ubicó entre los gobernadores menos populares de Estados Unidos. Fue sucedido por el demócrata Phil Murphy.

Christie presidió la Asociación de Gobernadores Republicanos durante el ciclo electoral de 2014. El 30 de junio de 2015 anunció su candidatura a la nominación republicana en las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 . Suspendió su candidatura el 10 de febrero de 2016. Más tarde, respaldó al eventual ganador Donald Trump y fue nombrado jefe del equipo de planificación de la transición de Trump . [2] Christie dejó el cargo en 2018 al concluir su segundo mandato como gobernador de Nueva Jersey y se registró como cabildero en junio de 2020. [3]

Christie nació en Newark, Nueva Jersey , de Sondra A. (de soltera Grasso), una recepcionista telefónica, y Wilbur James "Bill" Christie, un contador público certificado que se graduó de Rutgers Business School . [4] [5] [6] Su madre era de ascendencia italiana (siciliana) y su padre es de ascendencia alemana, escocesa e irlandesa. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] La familia de Christie se mudó a Livingston, Nueva Jersey , después de los disturbios de Newark en 1967 , [12] y Christie vivió allí hasta que se graduó de Livingston High School en 1980. [13] En Livingston High School, Christie se desempeñó como presidenta de la clase , jugó como receptor del equipo de béisbol [12] y fue seleccionada como Representante de Nueva Jersey para el Programa Juvenil del Senado de los Estados Unidos .

El padre y la madre de Christie eran republicanos y demócratas, respectivamente. Sin embargo, le ha dado crédito a su madre de tendencia demócrata por convertirlo indirectamente en republicano al animarlo en 1977 a ser voluntario para el candidato a gobernador que se convirtió en su modelo a seguir, Tom Kean . [5] Christie se interesó en Kean después de que el político, entonces legislador estatal, hablara con la clase de secundaria de Christie. [12]

Christie se graduó de la Universidad de Delaware con una licenciatura en ciencias políticas en 1984; mientras estuvo allí, se desempeñó como presidente del cuerpo estudiantil. [14] Se graduó de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Seton Hall con un JD en 1987. Fue admitido en el Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Nueva Jersey y en el Colegio de Abogados del Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos, Distrito de Nueva Jersey , en diciembre de 1987. Fue galardonado Doctorados honoris causa por la Universidad de Rutgers y la Universidad de Monmouth en 2010. [15] [16]


En 1987, Christie se incorporó al bufete de abogados Dughi, Hewit & Palatucci de Cranford, Nueva Jersey . [17] En 1993, fue nombrado socio de la firma. [17] Christie se especializó en derecho de valores , práctica de apelaciones , derecho electoral y asuntos gubernamentales. Es miembro de la Asociación de Abogados de Estados Unidos y de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Nueva Jersey y fue miembro del Comité de Derecho Electoral de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Nueva Jersey. De 1999 a 2001, Christie se registró como cabildero estatal de Dughi y Hewit. [18]

Freeholder del condado de Morris

Christie se ofreció voluntariamente para el presidente George HW Bush 's campaña 1992 de reelección en Nueva Jersey, y se convirtió en cerca de director estatal de Bush, Bill Palatucci . Después de la campaña, Christie decidió postularse para un cargo y se mudó a Mendham Township . En 1993, Christie lanzó un desafío principal contra el líder de la mayoría del Senado de Nueva Jersey , John H. Dorsey . Sin embargo, la campaña de Christie terminó después de que Dorsey desafió con éxito la validez de la petición de Christie de aparecer en la boleta. [12]

En 1994, Christie fue elegido republicano para la Junta de Elegidos Freeholders , o legisladores, para el condado de Morris, Nueva Jersey , después de que él y un compañero de fórmula derrotaron a los titulares de derechos libres en las primarias del partido. Después de las elecciones, los titulares derrotados presentaron una demanda por difamación contra Christie basada en declaraciones hechas durante la campaña primaria. [19] Christie había declarado incorrectamente que los titulares estaban bajo "investigación" por violar ciertas leyes locales. La demanda se resolvió fuera de los tribunales, y Christie reconoció que el fiscal había convocado una "investigación" en lugar de una "investigación", y se disculpó por el error, que dijo que no fue intencional. [20] [21]

Como propietario libre, Christie requirió que el gobierno del condado obtuviera tres cotizaciones de firmas calificadas para todos los contratos. Lideró un esfuerzo exitoso para impedir que los funcionarios del condado aceptaran obsequios de personas y empresas que hacen negocios con el condado. Votó para aumentar el impuesto de espacios abiertos del condado para la preservación de la tierra; sin embargo, los impuestos del condado en general se redujeron en un 6,6% durante su mandato. Presionó con éxito el despido de un arquitecto contratado para diseñar una nueva cárcel, diciendo que el arquitecto estaba costando demasiado dinero a los contribuyentes. Luego, el arquitecto demandó a Christie por difamación por los comentarios que hizo sobre el despido, y finalmente abandonó la demanda sin explicación. [22] [23]

En 1995, Christie anunció una candidatura para un puesto en la Asamblea General de Nueva Jersey ; él y el abogado Rick Merkt se presentaron como boleto contra el asambleísta titular Anthony Bucco y el abogado Michael Patrick Carroll en las primarias republicanas. Christie se postuló como candidata pro elección y partidaria de la prohibición de las armas de asalto . [24] Bucco y Carroll, los candidatos del establishment, derrotaron a los prometedores por un amplio margen. Después de esta derrota, la candidatura de Christie a la nueva nominación a la junta de titulares libres era poco probable, ya que los republicanos descontentos reclutaron a John J. Murphy para competir contra Christie en 1997. Murphy derrotó a Christie en las primarias. [25] Murphy, quien había acusado falsamente a Christie de hacer que el condado pagara sus facturas legales en la demanda del arquitecto, fue demandado por Christie después de las elecciones. Llegaron a un acuerdo extrajudicial con los Freeholders admitiendo irregularidades y disculpándose. [26] La carrera de Christie en la política del condado de Morris terminó en 1998. [25]


Cuando terminó el puesto de Christie a tiempo parcial como Freeholder Elegido, volvió toda la atención a su bufete de abogados Dughi, Hewit & Palatucci. Junto con su compañero y más tarde, el recaudador de fondos de la campaña para gobernador Bill Palatucci, la firma de Christie abrió una oficina en la capital del estado, Trenton , dedicada principalmente al cabildeo. [27] [28] [29] Entre 1999 y 2001, Christie y Palatucci presionaron en nombre de, entre otros, GPU Energy para la desregulación de la industria eléctrica y del gas de Nueva Jersey; [28] la Asociación de la Industria de Valores para bloquear la inclusión del fraude de valores bajo la Ley de Fraude al Consumidor del estado; El Centro Médico de la Universidad de Hackensack para subvenciones estatales; y la Universidad de Phoenix para una licencia de educación superior de Nueva Jersey. [30] Durante las elecciones presidenciales de 2000 , Christie fue abogado de campaña de George W. Bush para el estado de Nueva Jersey. [12]


El 7 de diciembre de 2001, el presidente George W. Bush nombró a Christie Fiscal Federal para el Distrito de Nueva Jersey . [31] Durante un debate presidencial republicano en agosto de 2015, Christie afirmó falsamente que había sido designado por el presidente Bush el 10 de septiembre de 2001 y que los ataques del 11 de septiembre ocurrieron en su estado al día siguiente. Algunos miembros del Colegio de Abogados de Nueva Jersey expresaron su decepción por la falta de experiencia de Christie. En ese momento, nunca antes había ejercido en un tribunal federal y tenía poca experiencia en derecho penal. Christie recibió el apoyo abrumador del Partido Republicano en Nueva Jersey. Un portavoz del gobernador interino Donald DiFrancesco, quien seleccionó a los nominados para el puesto, dijo que recibió cientos de cartas de apoyo a Christie "de todos, desde el presidente de la Asamblea hasta el nivel del condado, cerca de todos los miembros de la Legislatura y todos los presidentes del condado. . " Christie también fue uno de los principales recaudadores de fondos de la campaña presidencial de Bush de 2000 . Ayudó a recaudar $ 350,000 para Bush, calificándolo como un "Pionero", y también donó a DiFrancesco. [32] [33] Los demócratas aprovecharon el papel desempeñado por el asesor político de Bush, Karl Rove , después de que el socio legal de Christie, William Palatucci, un consultor político republicano y partidario de Bush, se jactara de que había seleccionado un abogado de los Estados Unidos al enviar el currículum de Christie a Recorrer. [34] Según el senador principal de Nueva Jersey, Bob Torricelli , Christie prometió nombrar a un "profesional" con experiencia en tribunales federales como diputado si se confirmaba. Según la tradición del Senado, si el senador principal de un estado se opone a la nominación de un fiscal federal, la nominación está efectivamente muerta, pero la promesa de Christie fue suficiente para que Torricelli diera su bendición a la nominación. [33] Fue confirmado por unanimidad por el Senado de los Estados Unidos el 20 de diciembre de 2001 y asumió el cargo el 17 de enero de 2002.

El hermano del tío de Christie (el segundo marido de su tía), Tino Fiumara , era una figura del crimen organizado ; Según Christie, el FBI supuestamente sabía eso cuando realizaron su verificación de antecedentes. [35] Más tarde, Christie se retiró del caso y comentó sobre lo que había aprendido al crecer con un pariente así: "Me acaba de decir que tomas malas decisiones en la vida y terminas pagando un precio". [35]

Registro de ejecución

Christie, c.  Junio ​​de 2004 , se desempeñó como Fiscal de los Estados Unidos para Nueva Jersey de 2002 a 2008

Christie se desempeñó como Fiscal Federal desde el 17 de enero de 2002 hasta el 1 de diciembre de 2008. Su oficina incluía 137 abogados, con oficinas en Newark , Trenton y Camden . Christie también sirvió en el Comité Asesor de 17 miembros de los Fiscales Federales de los Fiscales Generales John Ashcroft y Alberto Gonzales .

Poco después de asumir el cargo, Christie hizo saber que su oficina haría de la corrupción pública una alta prioridad, solo superada por el terrorismo. [33] Durante su mandato de seis años, recibió elogios por su historial de condenas en casos de corrupción pública. Su oficina condenó o ganó declaraciones de culpabilidad de 130 funcionarios públicos, tanto republicanos como demócratas , a nivel estatal, del condado y local. [36] Las más notables de estas condenas incluyeron las del ejecutivo demócrata del condado de Hudson Robert C. Janiszewski en 2002 por cargos de soborno, [37] el ejecutivo republicano del condado de Essex James W. Treffinger en 2003 por cargos de corrupción, [38] ex demócrata de Nueva Jersey El presidente del Senado , John A. Lynch Jr. , en 2006 por cargos de fraude postal y evasión de impuestos , [39] el senador estatal y ex alcalde demócrata de Newark Sharpe James en 2008 por cargos de fraude, [40] y el senador estatal demócrata Wayne R. Bryant en 2008 por cargos de soborno, fraude postal y fraude electrónico. [41]

Christie negoció siete acuerdos de procesamiento diferido (DPA) durante su mandato, algunos de los cuales fueron controvertidos. [42] Bajo acuerdos como estos, las corporaciones evitan el enjuiciamiento si prometen no solo obedecer la ley o pagar por malos actos, sino que también prometen cambiar de personal, renovar las prácticas comerciales o adoptar nuevos tipos de gobierno corporativo. Por lo general, se utilizan en lugar de enjuiciamiento cuando hay evidencia de mala conducta corporativa particularmente atroz. Desde 2002, este tipo de acuerdos ha aumentado considerablemente entre los fiscales federales, con 23 entre 2002 y 2005, y 66 entre 2006 y 2008. [42] En aproximadamente la mitad de todas las APD se designan supervisores externos para asegurarse de que la las corporaciones cumplen. [42] En un caso, Christie recomendó el nombramiento de The Ashcroft Group , una empresa de consultoría propiedad de su exjefe John Ashcroft , como supervisor externo de Zimmer Holdings, un contrato por valor de hasta $ 52 millones de Zimmer, que era una cantidad en en línea con las estructuras de tarifas en ese momento. [43] [44] En otro caso, la oficina de Christie aplazó el enjuiciamiento penal de la compañía farmacéutica Bristol Myers en un acuerdo que requería que la compañía dedicara $ 5 millones para una cátedra de ética empresarial en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Seton Hall , alma mater de Christie. [45] [46]

Christie defendió el nombramiento de Ashcroft, citando su prominencia y perspicacia legal. [47] y defendió la donación de Seton Hall como una casualidad dado que ya había una cátedra dotada de ética empresarial en la única otra facultad de derecho del estado. [48] Aún así, casos como estos llevaron a nuevas reglas dentro del Departamento de Justicia, [43] [49] y provocaron una audiencia en el Congreso sobre el tema. [42] [50] [51]

Además de duplicar el tamaño de la unidad anticorrupción de Nueva Jersey, [52] Christie también procesó otros delitos federales. Por ejemplo, obtuvo condenas de propietarios de burdeles que mantenían a adolescentes mexicanos en esclavitud como prostitutas, condenó a 42 pandilleros del Conjunto Doble II por varios delitos, incluidos más de 25 asesinatos, y condenó al comerciante británico Hemant Lakhani por intentar vender misiles. [53] A pesar de las acusaciones de trampa , [54] Lakhani fue condenado por un jurado en abril de 2005 por intentar proporcionar apoyo material a terroristas, intermediación ilegal de artículos de defensa extranjeros e intentar importar mercancías a los EE. UU. Mediante declaraciones falsas, además de dos cargos de blanqueo de capitales. Fue condenado a 47 años de prisión. [55]

En 2007, Christie procesó a los planificadores del plan de ataque evitado en 2007 en Fort Dix , que ha mencionado con frecuencia como un punto culminante de su carrera. [56]

Christie en una reunión del ayuntamiento en Union City, Nueva Jersey , el 9 de febrero de 2011

Durante el segundo mandato de George W. Bush, surgió una controversia sobre la destitución por parte de la administración de varios fiscales estadounidenses , supuestamente por razones políticas. Cuando se reveló que Christie había estado en una versión preliminar de la lista de blancos, el senador de Nueva York Charles Schumer dijo: "Me sorprendió cuando vi el nombre de Chris Christie en la lista anoche. Solo muestra un departamento [de Justicia] que ha volverse loco." [57] Pat Meehan , el fiscal de Estados Unidos en Filadelfia, dijo: "Entre sus compañeros, Chris se destaca como uno de los más admirados. Si creara una lista de los abogados de Estados Unidos que han tenido el mayor impacto, Chris sería uno de los dos o tres nombres principales que le pondría. Esto desafía toda explicación ". [57]

Los oponentes de Christie afirmaron que se había salido de la lista de blancos de la administración Bush al perseguir al congresista Robert Menéndez ; por ejemplo, el columnista del New York Times Paul Krugman escribió: "Las afirmaciones de persecución de Menéndez ahora parecen bastante plausibles". [57] Christie había emitido una citación con respecto a Menéndez 65 días antes de las elecciones al Senado de 2006 , en las que Menéndez derrotó al republicano Thomas Kean Jr. para convertirse en el senador junior de Nueva Jersey . [12] [58] Los biógrafos de Christie (los periodistas Michael Symons y Bob Ingle) concluyeron que, "El momento de la citación relacionada con Menéndez no se alinea correctamente para apoyar la teoría de los críticos". [57] Los ayudantes de Christie han dicho que la citación fue motivada por un informe periodístico sobre Menéndez, [59] que los fiscales temían que pudiera conducir inminentemente a la destrucción de documentos y otras pruebas. La investigación de Menéndez continuó durante años después de que Christie dejó el cargo como Fiscal Federal, hasta que finalmente Menéndez fue absuelto el 5 de octubre de 2011 [57].

Campaña para gobernador de 2009

El autobús de campaña de Christie se detiene frente a Stainton Square en Ocean City, Nueva Jersey.

Christie se presentó como candidata para el cargo de gobernador el 8 de enero de 2009. [60] El ex gobernador Thomas Kean ayudó a Christie a hacer campaña y a recaudar fondos. [12] En las primarias del 2 de junio, Christie ganó la nominación republicana con el 55% de los votos, derrotando a los oponentes Steve Lonegan y Rick Merkt . [61] Luego eligió a Kimberly Guadagno , alguacil del condado de Monmouth , para completar su boleto de campaña como candidato a vicegobernador . El 3 de noviembre, Christie derrotó a Jon Corzine por un margen del 49% al 45%, y el 6% de los votos fue para el candidato independiente Chris Daggett . [62]

Campaña para gobernador de 2013

En noviembre de 2012, Christie presentó documentos para postularse para un segundo mandato. [63] [64] Christie fue reelegida por un amplio margen el 5 de noviembre de 2013, derrotando a la candidata demócrata Barbara Buono . Los asesores de Christie dijeron que Christie buscó ganar por un amplio margen para posicionarse para las primarias presidenciales y desarrollar un modelo para otros candidatos republicanos. [65] Christie comenzó a construir una red nacional de recaudación de fondos, con la ayuda del hecho de que solo otro estado tenía un concurso de gobernador en 2013, y esos recursos financieros estaban destinados a apoyar un esfuerzo importante de divulgación hacia los negros, los hispanos y las mujeres. [65] También ordenó una elección especial de 25 millones de dólares para ocupar el puesto del difunto senador Frank Lautenberg . Se creía que la medida estaba motivada por el deseo de evitar que el alcalde de Newark, Cory Booker, compartiera un día de elecciones, 20 días después, con Christie, deprimiendo así la participación de votantes negros que de otro modo se esperaba que tendía a votar por los demócratas. [66]


Christie asumió el cargo de gobernador de Nueva Jersey el 19 de enero de 2010. [67] Eligió no trasladar a su familia a Drumthwacket , la mansión oficial del gobernador, y en su lugar residió en una residencia privada del municipio de Mendham, Nueva Jersey . [68]

Durante su mandato como gobernador, Christie desarrolló una imagen pública como un impetuoso, [69] grandilocuente, [70] contundente [71], "tipo duro". [72]

Problemas fiscales

Mientras hacía campaña para gobernador, Christie prometió no aumentar los impuestos. También prometió reducir los impuestos estatales sobre la renta y las empresas, con la salvedad de que esto podría no ocurrir de inmediato. [73]

Como gobernador, Christie afirma que sus presupuestos anuales no aumentaron los impuestos, aunque hizo reducciones en los créditos fiscales , como el crédito del impuesto sobre la renta del trabajo y los programas de desgravación del impuesto a la propiedad , [74] [75] también firmaría una legislación que limita el aumento del impuesto a la propiedad a 2 % anual. [76] Bajo Christie, no hubo aumentos de tasas en los tres principales generadores de ingresos del estado: impuesto sobre la renta , impuesto sobre las ventas e impuesto corporativo . [75]

In February 2010, Christie signed an executive order declaring a "state of fiscal emergency" due to the projected $2.2 billion budget deficit for that fiscal year.[77] Following the order, Christie proposed a new budget which eliminated the New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, which had an upkeep of $1.3 million.[78] In late June 2011, Christie utilized New Jersey's line-item veto to eliminate nearly $1 billion from the proposed budget, signing it into law just hours prior to July 1, 2011, the beginning of the state's fiscal year.[79] That same year, Christie signed into law a payroll tax cut authorizing the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development to reduce payroll deduction for most employees from $148 to $61 per year.[80]

On five separate occasions, Christie vetoed legislation pushed by Democrats to implement a millionaire tax.[81] After Democrat Phil Murphy became governor, Democrats backed off the legislation, with New Jersey Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney stating, "[t]his state is taxed out. If you know anything about New Jersey, they're just weary of the taxes."[81]

During Christie's tenure, New Jersey's credit rating was downgraded nine times (across Standard & Poor, Fitch Ratings, and Moody's Investors Service), leaving only Illinois with a lower rating among U.S. states.[82][83] Christie received a B grade in 2012[84][85] and in 2014[86][87] from the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, in their biennial fiscal policy report on America's governors.

Tax credits and incentives

On September 18, 2013, Christie signed legislation to overhaul the state's business tax incentive programs. The legislation reduced the number of tax incentive programs from five to two, raised the caps on tax credits, and allowed smaller companies to qualify. It also increased the credits available for businesses in South Jersey.[88]

Public employee pensions

In March 2010, Christie signed into law three state pension reform bills, which had passed with bipartisan support. The laws decreased pension benefits for future hires and required public employees to contribute 1.5 percent of their salaries toward their health care. The laws prompted a lawsuit by the police and firefighters' unions.[89] In his campaign for governor, Christie opposed any change in pension benefits for firefighters and law enforcement officers, including "current officers, future officers or retirees". He described the pension agreement as "a sacred trust".[90]

Later that year, he called for further cuts, including the elimination of cost-of-living adjustments for all current and future retirees.[91] In June 2011, Christie announced a deal with the Democratic leadership of the legislature on a reform of public employee pensions and benefits. The deal raised public employees' pension contributions, mandated the state to make annual payments into the system, increased public employee contributions toward health insurance premiums, and ended collective bargaining for health benefits. The reform is projected to save the state $120 billion over 30 years.[92]

In June 2013, Christie signed a $33 billion state budget that makes a record $1.7 billion payment to the state's pension fund and also increases school funding by almost $100 million. The budget resulted from negotiations between Christie and Democratic leaders in the state legislature and was the first that Christie has signed as passed, without vetoing any of its provisions.[93]

In May 2014, Christie cut the contributions to New Jersey public workers' pension funds for a 14-month period by nearly $2.5 billion to deal with a revenue shortfall in the state budget of $2.75 billion.[94] The state will instead make a $1.3 billion payment during the period. Christie cited the state constitution's requirement to have a balanced budget for his decision to cut payments to pensions for state workers, and follows Christie's changes to the state's pension formula earlier in 2014 to save $900 million through the end of his term.[95]


Perhaps the most controversial school policy kept alive during Christie's reign as governor of New Jersey was state control of school districts.[96] These school districts contained relatively high numbers of underachieving students, people of color, people who are poor, and people who belonged to the Democratic political party, which was in opposition to Christie.[97][98] In Newark, Christie hired Chris Cerf to replace Cami Anderson to be the state-appointed authority over the school district[99][100] Under Christie, Cerf took the politically unpopular move to overrule the democratically elected school board in Newark.[101] Recent research concluded that the reforms pressed by Christie, Anderson, and Cerf were ineffective at improving outcomes in Newark.[102] The reforms in Newark, of which Christie has claimed success,[103] have also been criticized by the New Yorker Magazine[104] and a popular book titled The Prize.[105]

Another political scandal implicating Christie has been the under-funding of school districts. Reports found that Christie's state government did not follow the School Funding Reform Act and illegally withheld funds from districts throughout New Jersey. A 2017 school funding proposal by Christie was described by education researchers as "one of the least equitable in the country"[106] During Christie's governorship, State Commissioner of Education Chris Cerf came to the defense of the policies that the NJ Supreme Court declared unconstitutional,[107] which contradicted basic education research.[108][109]

Christie, whose own children attend Catholic parochial school, is a strong supporter of the state granting tax credits to parents who send their children to private and parochial schools.[110] He also supports the introduction of state-funded vouchers, which parents of students in failing school districts could use to pay the tuition of private schools, or of public schools in communities other than their own which agree to accept them.[111] Christie supports merit pay for teachers.[112]

On August 25, 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced $400 million in federal Race to the Top education grants to New Jersey would not be funded due to a clerical error in the state's application made by an unidentified mid-level state official. Christie responded by saying that the Obama administration bureaucracy had overstepped its authority and that the error lay in an administration failure to communicate with the New Jersey government.[113] However, information later came to light that the issue had already been raised with Christie's Education Commissioner Bret Schundler, and in response Christie had asked for Schundler's resignation; Schundler initially agreed to resign, but the following morning asked to be fired instead, citing his need to claim unemployment benefits. Schundler maintained that he told Christie the truth and that Christie was misstating what actually occurred.[114]

In January 2011, the Christie administration approved 23 new charter schools, including the state's first independent school for children with autism. The approvals increased the number of charter schools in the state to 96.[115]

On August 6, 2012, Christie signed a law reforming the tenure system for New Jersey public school teachers. Under the new law, teachers will be required to work four years, instead of three, in order to earn tenure. Additionally, teachers will need to earn positive ratings two years in a row before tenure can be awarded. Tenured teachers with poor ratings for two consecutive years will be eligible for dismissal. Finally the law limits the hearing process for appeals related to dismissal of tenured teachers to 105 days.[116]

On March 6, 2013, the Christie administration released proposed regulations to overhaul the process of evaluating public school teachers in New Jersey. Under the proposal, a percentage of teachers' evaluations would be based on student growth on state tests or based on student achievement goals set with principals.[117]

In September 2014, Christie signed a partnership with Mexico on a higher education project to foster economic cooperation. The program will focus on research ventures, cross-border fellowships, student and teacher exchanges and conferences—among other educational opportunities.[118]

Energy and environment

Christie has stated that he believes that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is too big and is "killing business" with permit delays and indiscriminate fines. He announced that, if elected, the agency would be his first target for government reduction: he would reduce its workforce and strip it of its fish and wildlife oversight.[119]

Christie has stated that he intends to simultaneously spur growth in the state's manufacturing sector and increase New Jersey's capability to produce alternative energy. He has proposed a list of policy measures to achieve this, including giving tax credits to businesses that build new wind energy and manufacturing facilities, changing land use rules to allow solar energy on permanently preserved farmland, installing solar farms on closed landfills, setting up a consolidated energy promotion program, and following a five-to-one production to non-production job ratio in the creation of new energy jobs.[120] In August 2010, legislation to encourage the development of wind power in New Jersey was signed by Christie at the Port of Paulsboro. The Offshore Wind Economic Development Act authorized New Jersey Economic Development Authority to provide up to $100 million in tax credits for wind energy facilities.[121] The governor has pledged to ban coal-fired power plants, and to reach 22.5% renewable generation in the state by 2021.[122]

On May 26, 2011, Christie announced he would pull the state out of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.[123] This was challenged in court which ruled in March 2014 that Christie had acted illegally in doing so since state regulations do not permit it.[124] His administration sought to repeal the rules.[125]

Hydraulic fracturing

Christie has rejected permanent bans on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New Jersey and vetoed measures that would ban the process and disposal of hydraulic fracturing waste in the State. New Jersey has few proven shale reserves and the process is not practiced there. Christie argued that the vetoed Senate Bill (S253) was premature because of an ongoing study to be completed in 2014 and would discriminate against other states, a violation of the Dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.[126] Supporters of legislation have said that hydraulic fracturing waste from Pennsylvania makes its way into New Jersey for treatment, although how much is not clear. They also criticized Christie's legal analysis saying that the Office of Legislative Services has said that the bill is constitutional.[126]

Exxon Mobil environmental contamination lawsuit

Christie's settled a lawsuit with Exxon Mobil by allowing the corporation to pay $225 million in damages for environmental contamination at two sites, less than 3% of the $8.9 billion that the state's lawyers had sought, and extended the compensation to cover other damages not named in the original lawsuit.[127] The settlement was slammed by environmental advocates. David Pringle, state campaign director of Clean Water Action, called it "the biggest corporate subsidy in state history," vowing to overturn it.[128] Jeff Tittel of the Sierra Club called this move "a violation of the public trust."[127] The New Jersey State Senate also condemned the deal, with state Senator Raymond Lesniak and others suggesting the decision was Christie's effort to plug his own budget shortfalls at the expense of taxpayers over the long term.[129][130][131] ExxonMobil had donated $500,000 to the Republican Governors Association while Christie was Chairman, though they have insisted it was unrelated to the ongoing suit.[132] The previous gubernatorial administration, that of Democrat Jon Corzine, had also attempted to settle with Exxon, for $550 million, though this offer was made before a 2009 ruling that strengthened the state's bargaining position.[133]

Supreme Court nominations

Governor Chris Christie speaking at an event in October 2015

By tradition since the 1947 state constitution, the seven-member New Jersey Supreme Court maintains a political balance and is composed of four members of either the Democratic Party or Republican Party and three of the other.[134] Christie broke with the tradition in May 2010 when he chose not to renominate Justice John E. Wallace Jr.[135] While on the campaign trail, Christie had said the court "inappropriately encroached on both the executive and legislative function, and that if elected governor, [he] would take steps . . . to bring back an appropriate constitutional balance to the court."[136] Over the course of his tenure, Christie had been in a major conflict with the New Jersey Legislature over the court's partisan balance.[137][138] The stand-off between the governor and the New Jersey Senate resulted in longstanding vacancies, with temporarily assigned appellate judges filling in.[139][140]

Minimum wage and equal pay for women

In January 2013, Christie vetoed a New Jersey Legislature bill that would have raised the minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50 per hour.[141][142] The following November, the issue was placed on the ballot as a constitutional amendment referendum, passing with 61% of the vote.[143][144]

On September 21, 2012, Christie signed Assembly Bill No. 2647 (A-2647) into law that requires employers to post and distribute notice of employees' rights to gender-equal pay, but conditionally vetoed other gender parity bills, requesting revision.[145]

Farm animal welfare

In June 2013, Christie vetoed S1921, an animal welfare bill introduced by the Humane Society of the United States to prohibit the use of gestation crates on pregnant pigs in the state. The bill had passed in the General Assembly with a vote of 60–5 and the Senate 29–4.[146][147][148] A 2013 survey by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. showed 91% of New Jersey voters supported the legislation.[149] An attempt to override the veto did not come to a vote.[150] In October 2014, a similar bill banning gestation crates, S998, was proposed with a vote in the Senate of 32–1 and in the Assembly of 53–13 (with 9 abstentions)[151][152] While campaigning in Iowa in November, in a conversation with the former president of the Iowa Pork Producers Association, Christie indicated he would veto the bill.[153] He did so on November 27, 2014.[154] The bill's sponsor, Senator Raymond Lesniak, had vowed to override it.[155]

Immigrants and immigration laws

Christie emphasizes the need to secure the border, and believes it is premature to discuss legalization of people who came to the United States unlawfully.[156] While serving as U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, Christie stressed that simply "[b]eing in this country without proper documentation is not a crime," but rather a civil wrong; and that undocumented people are not criminals unless they have re-entered the country after being deported. As such, Christie stated, responsibility for dealing with improperly documented foreign nationals lies with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, not the U.S. Attorney's Office.[157]

Christie has been critical about section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enacted in 1996, which can be used to grant local law enforcement officers power to perform immigration law enforcement functions.[158]

In December 2013, Christie signed legislation allowing unauthorized immigrants who attend high school for at least three years in New Jersey and graduate to be eligible for the resident rates at state college and universities and community colleges.[159]

Homosexuality and same-sex marriage

Governor Chris Christie opposed gay marriage but supported civil unions for same-sex couples.[160] "Christie previously vetoed gay marriage legislation. He has said he supports the state's civil union law, which was enacted to give gay couples the benefits of marriage but not the title."[161] Christie indicated in 2009 that he would veto any bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the state,[73] saying, "I also believe marriage should be exclusively between one man and one woman.... If a bill legalizing same sex marriage came to my desk as Governor, I would veto it."[162] On February 13, 2012, the State Senate passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage by a vote of 24 to 16, and on February 16, the Assembly passed it by a vote of 42 to 33, with three Republicans and one Democrat not voting, and one seat temporarily vacant. In neither house was the bill passed by a veto-proof majority. Governor Christie vetoed the bill the next day and called for a constitutional amendment for same-sex marriage to be presented to the voters as a ballot referendum.[163] He also called for creation of an ombudsman (public advocate) to ensure compliance with the state's existing civil union law.[164]

Christie's veto was overturned in a court decision in the Garden State Equality v. Dow case, in which the judge stated New Jersey was "... violating the mandate of Lewis and the New Jersey Constitution's equal protection guarantee". Following the decision, the Christie administration immediately asked the state Supreme Court to grant a stay of the decision pending appeal, which was denied on October 18, 2013, in a 7–0 decision of the court which stated that it could "find no public interest in depriving a group of New Jersey residents of their constitutional right to equal protection while the appeals process unfolds".[165] Three days later Christie withdrew the state's appeal.[166][167]

Christie believes that homosexuality is innate, having said, "If someone is born that way, it's very difficult to say then that that's a sin."[168] On August 19, 2013, Christie signed a bill outlawing gay conversion therapy for children, making New Jersey the second state to institute such a law.[169] The law was challenged in the courts,[170] with Christie, in his official capacity as governor, named an appellee.[171] In September 2014, a panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the law, saying it did not violate free speech or religious rights.[172]


In his early political career, Christie was pro-choice, stating in an interview that "I would call myself … a kind of a non-thinking pro-choice person, kind of the default position".[173] Later on, in 2009, Christie declared he was anti-abortion."[162] He has stated, with respect to his opposition to abortion, that he would not use the governor's office to "force that down people's throats", but does favor restrictions on abortion such as banning "partial-birth abortion", requiring parental notification, and imposing a 24-hour waiting period.[73] He does support legal access to abortion in cases of rape, incest, or if the woman's life is in danger.[174]

In 2014, campaigning in Alabama for incumbent governor Robert Bentley, Christie stated that he was the first "pro-life governor" elected in New Jersey since Roe v. Wade in 1973.[175] He also stated that he had vetoed funding for Planned Parenthood five times as governor.[175] In March 2015, Christie joined other potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates in endorsing a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.[176]

On August 4, 2015, Christie stated that he has used birth control other than the rhythm method.[177][178][179][180]

Marijuana legalization

The "New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act" was enacted in January 2010 to legalize the medical use of marijuana in New Jersey.[181][182] In August 2013, Christie signed a bill to ease restrictions for children in the program.[183] Christie opposes legalizing the recreational use of marijuana,[184] believing it to be a gateway drug and that taxes from its sale are "blood money".[185] Christie said he would "crack down" on states that have ended the prohibition of cannabis if he were president.[186]


Christie responded to calls by President Obama to prevent the spread of measles by saying that parents should have a choice.[187] The governor's office said that he "believes vaccines are an important public health protection and with a disease like measles there is no question kids should be vaccinated",[188] but that he was unaware of a free national program to provide new parents with a vaccine checklist.[189]


In December 2010, Christie commuted the seven-year sentence of Brian Aitken, who had been convicted of transporting three guns within the state; as a result, Aitken was released from prison.[190]

Christie has said that each state has the right to determine firearms laws without federal interference.[191] When announcing his candidacy in 2009 he said he supported aggressive enforcement of the state's current gun laws.[73] In 2013, he chose not to defend a legal challenge to a New Jersey law requiring individuals to prove an urgent threat of violence before getting permits to carry handguns.[192][193] In July 2014, Christie vetoed legislation that would have reduced the allowed legal size of ammunition magazines. Instead he re-wrote it, proposing a new standard for involuntary commitment of people who are not necessarily deemed dangerous "but whose mental illness, if untreated, could deteriorate to the point of harm" as well as other forms of involuntary mental health treatments.[194] Christie had previously vetoed proposed legislation that would bar the state pension fund from investing in companies that manufacture or sell assault firearms for civilian use and a bill to prohibit the sale of .50-caliber rifles to civilians.[195] In July 2015, Christie vetoed a bill passed by the Assembly, 74–0 (six abstentions), and the Senate by a 38–0 (2 abstentions) which would require anyone seeking to have their mental health records expunged to purchase a firearm to notify the State Police, their county prosecutor and their local police department when petitioning the court.[196] In October 2015, the New Jersey Senate voted to override Christie's veto.[197]

In January 2018, during his final days as Governor of New Jersey, Christie signed legislation making bump stocks illegal in the state.[198]


Christie has raised tolls and fares ("user fees") on the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, Hudson River crossings and NJ Transit buses and trains during his administration to fund projects throughout the state.[199] In 2014, Christie authorized the increase of numerous other fees charged by the state for various licensing and administrative fees.[200][201]

In 2010, Christie cancelled the Access to the Region's Core project, which would have constructed two new tunnels under the Hudson River and a new terminal station in New York City for NJ Transit commuter trains. Christopher O. Ward advocated for the tunnel on behalf of the Port Authority.[202] He cited escalating costs and possible further overruns as the reason for his decision.[203] Proponents of the project said it would have created 6,000 construction jobs per year and 45,000 secondary jobs once complete.[204] After the cancellation, New Jersey had to return $95 million to the federal government, and used $1.8 billion of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey money from the project budget to pay for repairs to the Pulaski Skyway, since the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund that should fund such maintenance is effectively bankrupt.[205] The termination of the project has made the need for increased rail capacity under the Hudson River more urgent, and Amtrak's Gateway Project to bore new tunnels is currently unfunded.[206]

Hurricane Sandy

"> Play media
'Chris Christie On Post-Sandy Obama Meet- 'I Would Do It Again video from MSNBC in 2017 in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

On December 28, 2012, the U.S. Senate approved $60.4 billion aid package for Hurricane Sandy disaster relief.[207] The House did not vote until the next session on January 3. On January 2, Christie criticized the delay as "selfishness and duplicity" and blamed the House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership.[208] A bill for relief was passed in the House on January 15.[209]

In 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice opened an inquiry into allegations that Christie made state grants of Hurricane Sandy relief funds to New Jersey cities conditional on support for other projects.[210][211]

Visit to the Middle East

Continuing the tradition of earlier New Jersey governors since the 1980s, Christie traveled to Israel in April 2012.[212][213][214] During the visit, which included meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, Christie commented that "Jerusalem has never been better or freer than under Israeli control."[215] Christie took a helicopter tour of the West Bank and cautioned against Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, Jerusalem or the Golan Heights.[216] The official title given to the trip was "Jersey to Jerusalem Trade Mission: Economic Growth, Diplomacy, Observance".[217] The visit to Israel was Christie's first official overseas trip since taking office.[218] From Israel, Christie continued with his family to Jordan, as guests of King Abdullah II.[219]

Fort Lee lane closure

George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River, looking west from Manhattan to Fort Lee and the Palisades

From September 9 through September 13, 2013, two of the three traffic lanes in Fort Lee normally open to access the George Washington Bridge and New York City were closed on orders from a senior Christie aide and a Christie administration appointee. The lane closures in the morning rush hour resulted in massive traffic back-ups on the local streets for five days.[220][221]

One common theory as to why the lanes were closed is that it was political retribution against Democratic Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not supporting Christie in the 2013 gubernatorial election.[222][223] Another possible motive involves a major real estate development project, which was a top priority for Sokolich, that was under way at the Fort Lee bridge access point.[223][224]

Several of Christie's appointees and aides resigned, and Christie fired others, as investigations into the closures intensified.[225][226] In a radio interview on February 3, 2014, Christie indicated that he "unequivocally" had no knowledge of, did not approve, and did not authorize plans to close the toll lanes, and stated that he first found out about the traffic jams from a story in The Wall Street Journal after the lanes had been reopened.[227] In an interview on ABC, Christie reiterated that he was shocked by the actions of his former aides, stating that "Sometimes, people do inexplicably stupid things."[228]

Other investigations were conducted by the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, the New Jersey Legislature, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. On September 18, 2014, WNBC reported that unnamed federal sources said the US Attorney investigation had found no evidence that Christie had prior knowledge of or directed the closures.[229][230] An interim report by the NJ legislative committee investigating the closures was released in December 2014.[231] The committee had been unable to determine if Christie had advance knowledge since it was asked by the US Attorney to postpone interviewing certain key witnesses.[232] At a press conference on May 1, 2015, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman stated that, based upon the evidence that was available, his office would not bring any more charges in the case.[233] However, in September 2016, federal prosecutors in a trial of two New Jersey government officials over their involvement in "Bridgegate" said that a defendant and a witness boasted about their actions to the governor at the time, confirming what Donald Trump had said in December 2015 while opposing Christie for the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election.[234]

On October 13, 2016, a complaint of official misconduct that alleges that the governor knew of the closures of access lanes while they were ongoing but failed to act to reopen them was allowed to proceed.[235][236] In response to the complaint filed by a local citizen, Bergen County Municipal Presiding Judge Roy McGeady said "I'm satisfied that there's probable cause to believe that an event of official misconduct was caused by Governor Christie. I'm going to issue the summons."[237] In January 2017, Bergen County prosecutors said they would not seek criminal charges against Christie in connection with the scandal.[238][239]

On November 4, 2016, a federal jury convicted former top Christie aides Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly of all charges.[240][241] In March 2017, Baroni was sentenced to two years in prison and Kelly to 18 months in prison.[242] The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the convictions on May 7, 2020.[243]

Island Beach State Park incident

In July 2017 during a budget shutdown and partial closing of state government services and facilities, the governor and his family were photographed from an airplane vacationing at Island Beach State Park alone on the beach. The beach which was closed to the public as a result of the shutdown, and Christie commuted to the beach from Trenton via state helicopter while his family was staying at the official governor's residence there. His spokesman said that he didn't "get any sun" because he was wearing a baseball cap at the time of the photo.[244] When asked in an interview about people being upset that he was at the beach when they were unable to visit the beach, Christie responded, "'I’m sorry they’re not the governor'".[245]

Approval ratings

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and his response to it, Christie's approval rating saw a high of 77%.[246] In August 2014, his approval rating had dropped to 49% with disapproval estimated at 47%.[247] In the aftermath of his campaign for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, a Rutgers-Eagleton survey found the governor's approval rating had dropped to 26%. A similar result was again found by the Institute in September 2016.[248]

In May 2016, the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute found 64% of voters disapproved of the job Christie was doing, compared to 29% percent who approved.[249]

In June 2016, a Monmouth University Polling Institute survey found that just 27% of New Jersey adults approved of Christie's job performance, with 63% disapproving. The poll found that 79% of New Jersey adults say that Christie was more concerned with his political future than with governing the state.[250]

In January 2017, another Quinnipiac poll found a 2% decrease on his approval rating, estimating 17% approval with an accompanying 78% disapproval rating, making it one of its lowest approval rating for a state governor (both in New Jersey and in the U.S.) in nearly 20 years.[251] By April of that same year, another poll suggested that Christie was the least popular governor in the U.S., with a 71% disapproval rating.[252]

In June 2017, a Quinnipiac poll of New Jersey voters found that 15% approved of Christie, and 81% disapproved. This was the lowest recorded approval rating of a New Jersey governor in history, and the lowest approval rating found by Quinnipiac for any governor in any state in more than two decades.[253] In a response, Christie said he didn't care about approval ratings because he was not running for office.[254]

Open records battles

During his administration's eight years, the governor's office spent more than $1 million fighting New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests. On his way out, the governor, in an official letter to the State Archives, dictated how his office's records be handled. This came to light in May 2018, as the State Archives' release of electronic records relating to business by Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, were denied by his personal lawyer; Kushner's real estate company received $33 million in state tax breaks.[255] Open records experts challenged Christie's "disturbing" actions.[256]

Governor Chris Christie campaigning with Arizona gubernatorial candidate Doug Ducey in 2014

In November 2013, Christie was elected chairman of the Republican Governors Association, succeeding Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.[257] Christie campaigned extensively on behalf of Republican governors running for re-election.[258] In the first three months of 2014, the RGA raised a record sum for the first quarter of a mid-term election year, and almost doubled the amount raised by the Democratic Governors Association during the same period.[259]

Christie presided over net gains in Republican governorships in the 2014 elections, including for Republican gubernatorial candidates in three largely Democratic states: Bruce Rauner in Illinois, Larry Hogan in Maryland and Charlie Baker in Massachusetts.[260]

Chris Christie speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference

2012 presidential election

There was ongoing speculation that Christie would attempt a run for President of the United States in 2012 by competing in the Republican primaries. In September 2011, a number of press stories cited unnamed sources indicating Christie was reconsidering his decision to stay out of the race. An Associated Press story dated September 30 indicated a decision on whether he would run for president in 2012 would be made "soon".[261] In a late September speech at the Reagan Library, he had again said he was not a candidate for president, but the speech also coincided with his "reconsideration" of the negative decision. The Koch brothers (David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch), Kenneth Langone, and retired General Electric CEO Jack Welch expressed support for a potential Christie candidacy.[262][263][264] In October 2011, Christie said that he had reconsidered his decision but had again decided not to run for president,[265][266] stating at a press conference: "New Jersey, whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me."[267] Christie endorsed Mitt Romney for president a few days later.[268]

Political commentators debated whether Christie's weight would or should affect his viability as a 2012 presidential candidate, either for medical or social reasons.[269] The Obesity Society, a nonprofit scientific group, released a statement asserting, "To suggest that Governor Christie's body weight discounts and discredits his ability to be an effective political candidate is inappropriate, unjust, and wrong."[270]

The New York Post has cited anonymous sources as saying Christie was not willing to give up the governorship to be Romney's running mate because he had doubts about their ability to win. The Romney campaign was reported to have asked him to resign his governorship if he became the vice-presidential nominee because "pay to play" laws restrict campaign contributions from financial corporation executives to governors running for federal office when the companies do business with the governor's state.[271] A memo from the campaign attributed Romney's decision not to choose Christie as his running mate, in part, to unanswered questions during the vetting process regarding a defamation lawsuit following Christie's initial campaign for Morris County Freeholder, a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of Christie's brother, as well as his weight.[272][273]

President Barack Obama and Governor Chris Christie talk with local residents in Brigantine, New Jersey

Christie gave the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in August 2012.[274] On October 30, 2012, during a press conference to discuss the impact of Hurricane Sandy, Christie praised the disaster relief efforts of President Barack Obama.[275][276][277]

Christie stated he still supported Mitt Romney and was opposed to many of Obama's policies, but thought Obama deserved credit for his help in the disaster relief in New Jersey.[278] Christie faced significant backlash before and after the election from conservative Republicans who accused him of acting to bolster his own personal political standing at the expense of Romney and the party.[279][280]

Governor Chris Christie speaking at the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland

In the aftermath of the election, Christie maintained his national profile and continued to clash with conservatives in his party by strongly criticizing House Speaker John Boehner regarding aid for Hurricane Sandy[281] and then the National Rifle Association for their ad that mentioned President Obama's children.[282] Christie was subsequently not invited to speak at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which is largely seen as a stepping-stone for Republicans running for president. The CPAC chair explained that Christie was not invited "for decisions that he made", but that "hopefully next year he's back on the right track and being a conservative."[283]

2016 presidential election

In January 2015, Christie took his first formal step towards a presidential candidacy by forming a political action committee (PAC)[284] in order to raise funds and prepare for a likely 2016 presidential bid.[285] On June 27, 2015, Christie launched his presidential campaign website. He formally announced his candidacy on June 30, 2015.[286][287][288][289]

Christie dropped out of the race on February 10, 2016, after the New Hampshire primary following a poor showing and low poll numbers. He received 7.4% of the overall vote in the New Hampshire primary.[290]

Christie speaking at the 2016 Republican National Convention

Despite having criticized Donald Trump prior to leaving the race,[291] he endorsed Trump on February 26, 2016.[292] On May 9, 2016, Trump named Christie to head a transition team in the event of a Trump presidency.[293] He soon emerged as a major power with the Trump campaign.[294]

Trump considered Christie as a potential vice-presidential running mate, and he was on the shortlist alongside former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Indiana Governor Mike Pence.[295][296] Trump passed over Christie and selected Pence.[297] The subject's transition list for likely candidates for Trump's National Security Adviser did not include Michael Flynn, but rather, Peter Pace and William H. McRaven.[298]

In September 2016, Christie acknowledged that the Fort Lee lane closure scandal, also known as Bridgegate, was a factor in his being denied the nomination. Trump had said earlier that Christie knew about the closures, which Christie denies.[299][300] Following the release of Trump's tape-recorded comments on an Access Hollywood bus, Christie called Trump's comments "completely indefensible", but also added "I don't think it's the only way you should make a judgment."[301]

After calls for his impeachment as governor and felony convictions in U.S. federal court of high-ranking members of his staff in the Bridgegate scandal, Christie was dropped by Trump as leader of the transition team, in favor of Pence.[302][303] On the same day, Christie's close associates Richard Bagger and Bill Palatucci were both removed by Trump from the transition team.[302][303][304] Former Congressman Mike Rogers, a national security expert on the Trump transition team, was additionally another close associate of Chris Christie who was also removed a few days after Christie's departure.[305][306][307]

Christie was considered for a role in the Trump administration,[308] but said he would serve out his term as governor, which ended in January 2018.[309] On December 11, it was reported that Christie turned down offers to become Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of Veterans Affairs, because he wanted to be Attorney General.[310] An 18-page report outlining questions and possible concerns about Christie joining the administration[311] was released in June 2019.[312]

2020 presidential election

In 2020, Christie offered to help Trump win re-election. One of his roles was helping the president to prepare for his first debate with challenger Joe Biden on September 29, 2020. He visited the White House repeatedly during the four days preceding the debate. He said the prep sessions involved five or six people in total, none of whom wore facial coverings despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He added that he tested negative for the virus each time he entered the White House and saw no-one exhibiting symptoms.[313] On October 3 he tested positive and was hospitalized, calling it a precautionary measure.[314] He was released from the hospital on October 10.[315]

In March 2017, Trump picked Christie to chair the Opioid and Drug Abuse Commission, an advisory committee on the opioid epidemic in the United States.[316][317]

Christie said that New Jersey would be spending $500 million on the epidemic, and in his last few months as governor promoted the Reach NJ Campaign.,[318][319] which included television ads in which he appeared.[320][321]

In May 2019, Santa Monica, California, tech firm WeRecover announced that Christie had joined their team as Senior Advisor on Strategy and Public Policy.[322][323] Upon joining Christie said, "As the chairman of the opioid task force, I was honored to shape our federal government's efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. But this isn't a problem government alone can solve. This is the worst epidemic we've ever faced, and we need the kind of innovation that can only come from the private sector. In WeRecover, I've found a team of some of the best and brightest people in tech, fully committed to broadening access to care through data, design and technology."[323]

In January 2018, Christie joined ABC News as a regular network contributor.[324][325] In November 2018, it was reported that he was being considered for the role of Attorney General[326] by the Trump Administration, although William Barr was ultimately selected. After meeting with Trump into December 2018, Christie said he did not want to be considered for the job of Chief of Staff.[327][328]

Christie published a book titled Let Me Finish in January 2019.[329] Also that year, he was selected for the Sports Betting Hall of Fame in recognition of his role in New Jersey's successful effort to overturn the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, the U.S. federal law banning single-game sports betting outside Nevada.[330]

In May 2020, Christie stated that measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States should be lifted for economic reasons. "Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can – but the question is, towards what end, ultimately? ... Are there ways that we can ... thread the middle here to allow that there are going to be deaths, and there are going to be deaths no matter what?"[331]

Christie registered as a lobbyist in June 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic he was paid $240,000 for lobbying on behalf of a Tennessee-based chain of addiction treatment centers and three New Jersey hospital systems seeking federal funding.[3]

In March 2021, Christie joined the board of directors of the New York Mets front office.[332]

In 1986, Christie married Mary Pat Foster, a fellow student at the University of Delaware. After marrying, they shared a studio apartment in Summit, New Jersey.[333] Mary Pat Christie pursued a career in investment banking and eventually worked at the Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald; she left the firm in 2001 following the September 11 attacks.[5] Through April 2015 she was a managing director at the Wall Street investment firm Angelo, Gordon & Co.[334]

Christie and Mary Pat have two sons and two daughters.[335] The family resides in Mendham Township.[336][337]

Christie's hobbies have included coaching Little League, watching the New York Mets, and attending Bruce Springsteen concerts (141 of them).[338][339] Christie's other favorite sports teams are the New York Knicks, New York Rangers, and Dallas Cowboys.[340]


In 2011, columnist Eugene Robinson applied the term "extremely obese" to Christie, citing medical guidelines established by the National Institutes of Health. Christie himself was reportedly concerned about his weight and its implications for his health, describing himself as relatively healthy overall.[341] Christie underwent lap-band stomach surgery in February 2013 and disclosed the surgery to the New York Post in May of that year.[342]

On October 3, 2020, Christie tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to the Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey the same day, citing asthma as an underlying health concern.[343][344] On October 10, Christie was released from the hospital.[345]

  • Electoral history of Chris Christie

  1. ^ Mindock, Clark (August 8, 2015). "Chris Christie Sandy Recovery: As Presidential Campaign Falters, New Jersey Governor Slammed For Hurricane Response". International Business Times. Retrieved January 26, 2017.
  2. ^ Jeremy Diamond; Jake Tapper; Phil Mattingly; Stephen Collinson (February 26, 2016). "Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump". CNN. Retrieved February 27, 2016.
  3. ^ a b Meyer, Theodoric; Cancryn, Adam (July 23, 2020). "Chris Christie cashes in on coronavirus lobbying". Politico. Retrieved July 24, 2020.
  4. ^ "Times Topics: Christopher J. Christie", The New York Times, February 12, 2008.
  5. ^ a b c Martin, John P. (May 23, 2009). "Christie: A need to lead, honed by family and success". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved May 24, 2009.
  6. ^ "Sondra A. Christie Obituary", The Star Ledger, May 3, 2004.
  7. ^ Ingle, B.; Symons, M.G. (2012). Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power. St. Martin's Press. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-250-00836-7. Retrieved February 7, 2015.
  8. ^ Christie, Chris (May 19, 2010), "Governor Christie: Style" on YouTube
  9. ^ "Governor Christie Today Show Profile" on YouTube, October 20, 2010.
  10. ^ "Partial Genealogy of the Christies" (PDF). Retrieved July 27, 2013.
  11. ^ "Chris Christie ancestry". Archived from the original on February 8, 2016. Retrieved July 27, 2013.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g Lizza, Ryan (April 14, 2014). "CROSSING CHRISTIE". The New Yorker. Retrieved April 20, 2014.
  13. ^ "Gov. Chris Christie heads home to Livingston to talk taxes". The Trentonian. Associated Press. December 8, 2010. Retrieved February 24, 2011. "Gov. Chris Christie hosts his 16th town hall in his hometown of Livingston Wednesday to talk about proposals to help New Jersey towns control property taxes".
  14. ^ "Where Chris Christie Found His Political Calling".
  15. ^ "Rutgers University graduates largest class, gives N.J. Gov. Chris Christie traditional honorary degree". The Star-Ledger; May 16, 2010.
  16. ^ "Monmouth University graduates, alumni protest Gov. Chris Christie as graduation speaker". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved February 25, 2014.
  17. ^ a b "Here's a look at the life of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie", CNN (February 17, 2013).
  18. ^ Rispoli, Michael (August 25, 2009). "Gov. Corzine, Chris Christie trade barbs about lobbying histories". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved June 28, 2014.
  19. ^ Nuzzi, Olivia. "Portrait of the Governor as a Young Man". Politico. Retrieved February 19, 2014.
  20. ^ Symons, Michael and Ingle, Bob. Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power, pp. 48–49 (Macmillan 2013).
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  • Ingle, Bob and Symons, Michael. Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power. Macmillan, 2012. ISBN 1-250-00586-8.
  • Manzo, Louis Michael. Ruthless Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie. Trine Day, 2014. ISBN 1-937584-89-5.
  • Matt Katz. American Governor: Chris Christie's Bridge to Redemption.
  • Chris Christie (September 27, 2011). Real American Exceptionalism (Speech). Simi Valley, California.

  • Official 2016 Presidential Campaign website (last updated February 11, 2016)
  • Chris Christie at Curlie
  • Appearances on C-SPAN