
Somalia,[a] officially the Federal Republic of Somalia[10] (Somali: Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya; Arabic: جمهورية الصومال الفيدرالية), is a country in the Horn of Africa. The country is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti[11] to the northwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Kenya to the southwest. Somalia has the longest coastline on Africa's mainland.[12] Its terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains, and highlands.[1] Hot conditions prevail year-round, with periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall.[13] Somalia has an estimated population of around 15 million,[14][15] of which over 2 million live in the capital and largest city Mogadishu, and has been described as Africa's most culturally homogeneous country.[16][17] Around 85% of its residents are ethnic Somalis,[1] who have historically inhabited the country's north. Ethnic minorities are largely concentrated in the south.[18] The official languages of Somalia are Somali and Arabic.[1] Most people in the country are Muslims,[19] the majority of them Sunni.[20]

In antiquity, Somalia was an important commercial center.[21][22] It is among the most probable locations of the fabled ancient Land of Punt.[23][24][25] During the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade, including the Ajuran Sultanate, the Adal Sultanate, and the Sultanate of the Geledi.

In the late 19th century, Somali Sultanates like the Isaaq Sultanate and the Majeerteen Sultanate were colonized by Italy, Britain and Ethiopia.[26] European colonists merged the tribal territories into two colonies, which were Italian Somaliland and the British Somaliland Protectorate.[27][28] Meanwhile, in the interior, the Dervishes led by Mohammed Abdullah Hassan engaged in a two-decade confrontation against Abyssinia, Italian Somaliland, and British Somaliland and were finally defeated in the 1920 Somaliland Campaign.[29][30][31] Italy acquired full control of the northeastern, central, and southern parts of the area after successfully waging the Campaign of the Sultanates against the ruling Majeerteen Sultanate and Sultanate of Hobyo.[28] In 1960, the two territories united to form the independent Somali Republic under a civilian government.[32]

The Supreme Revolutionary Council seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic, brutally attempting to squash the Somaliland War of Independence in the north of the country.[33] The SRC subsequently collapsed 22 years later, in 1991, with the onset of the Somali Civil War and Somaliland soon declared independence. Somaliland still controls the northwestern portion of Somalia representing just over 27% of its territory.[34] Since this period most regions returned to customary and religious law. In the early 2000s, a number of interim federal administrations were created. The Transitional National Government (TNG) was established in 2000, followed by the formation of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in 2004, which reestablished the Somali Armed Forces.[1][35]

In 2006, with a US backed Ethiopian intervention, the TFG assumed control of most of the nation's southern conflict zones from the newly formed Islamic Courts Union (ICU). The ICU subsequently splintered into more radical groups, such as Al-Shabaab, which battled the TFG and its AMISOM allies for control of the region.[1]

Neolithic rock art at the Laas Geel complex depicting a long-horned cow.
Men from Punt carrying Gifts, Tomb of Rekhmire.
The Beden is a fast, ancient Somali single or double-masted maritime ship.
The Silk Road extending from China to southern Europe, Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Persia, India, and Java.
The Ajuran Sultanate maintained commercial ties with the Ming dynasty and other kingdoms.
Gunpowder wedding of a Prince of Luuq, one of the main cities in the Sultanate of Geledi.
One of the forts of the Majeerteen Sultanate in Hafun.
Mogadishu, capital of Italian Somaliland, with the Catholic Cathedral at the center and the Arch monument in honor of King Umberto I of Italy.
An avenue in downtown Mogadishu in 1963.
Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, Chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Council, meeting with President of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu.
Exhumed skeletal remains of victims of the Isaaq genocide found from a mass grave site located in Berbera, Somaliland.
Map of the sites related to the Isaaq genocide
Prior to the civil war, Mogadishu was known as the "White pearl of the Indian Ocean".[144]
Map showing the ICU at the peak of its influence.
Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
Political and military situation in Somalia as of August 2020
Structure of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.
A map of Somalia's regions.
The Cal Madow mountain range in Somaliland features the nation's highest peak, Shimbiris.
The Jubba River
Somalia's coral reefs, ecological parks and protected areas
The coast south of Mogadishu
Somalia map of Köppen climate classification.
A camel in the northern mountains.
Mohamed Osman Jawari, Former Speaker of the Federal Parliament
Former President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan opening the new terminal of Aden Abdulle International Airport in Mogadishu, Somalia. (25 January 2015)
Turkish embassy in Mogadishu
Instructors from the European Union Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM) take Somali soldiers through training drills at Jazeera Training Camp in Mogadishu.
Air Somalia Tupolev Tu-154 in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Somalia today has several private airlines
A proportional representation of Somalia exports, 2019
Shoppers in Hamarwayne market in Mogadishu
The Port of Bosaso
2022 Somalia 1 oz Silver coin Leopard (100 shillings)
500 Somali shilling banknote
Oil blocks in Puntland
The Hormuud Telecom building in Mogadishu
Ancient cave paintings near Hargeisa
The Aden Adde International Airport
Population per age group
The Kaddare writing script
The Mosque of Islamic Solidarity in Mogadishu is the largest mosque in the Horn region
Life expectancy in Somalia, 1950 to 2019
A Somali boy receiving a polio vaccination.
Mogadishu University's main campus in Mogadishu.
Various types of popular Somali dishes
Abdi Bile, Somalia's most decorated athlete and holder of the most national records.
The Citadel of Gondershe