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Valley Forge Military Academy and College ( VFMAC ) es un internado preparatorio para la universidad privada (grados 7-12) y una universidad militar junior en Wayne, Pensilvania . Sigue el formato tradicional de la escuela militar con las tradiciones del Ejército. Aunque militar en tradición y forma, la parte de la escuela secundaria de VFMAC, Valley Forge Military Academy, es una institución de internado preparatoria para la universidad que se especializa en liderazgo estudiantil. La administración de VFMAC está compuesta casi en su totalidad por militares actuales o retirados. El Patronato son casi en su totalidad ex alumnos. Algunos graduados siguen carreras en las fuerzas armadas, y VFMAC se ha graduado con una beca Rhodes.recipiente. La escuela ha establecido una tradición con la monarquía británica y sigue un modelo de academia militar estadounidense y practica la tradición del ejército estadounidense.

VFMAC tiene un Sargento Mayor de Guarnición del Ejército Británico con William 'Billy' Mott , OBE MVO , Guardias de Gales (organizó las Fuerzas Armadas Británicas para la Boda Real del Duque y la Duquesa de Cambridge , El Jubileo de Diamante de Isabel II , Funeral Ceremonial de la Baronesa Thatcher y 13 Trooping the Colors ) como el primer Sargento Mayor de Guarnición designado como personal de VFMAC.

El Cuerpo de Cadetes de Valley Forge, que está completamente dirigido por estudiantes, es la única organización militar estadounidense que mantuvo el rango, los ejercicios, las costumbres y las ceremonias británicas. Todos los cadetes deben aprobar un tablero y obtener un "escudo protector" para ser miembros del Cuerpo de Cadetes. Es el único Cuerpo de Cadetes en los Estados Unidos que todavía tiene un batallón montado tradicional de una tropa de caballería y una batería de artillería. Los uniformes de cadetes universitarios tienen el estilo de la Royal Military Academy Sandhurst . El Sargento Mayor de Regimiento de VFMAC, el Mayor de Tambor y el Mayor de Tambor de Música de Campo viste el uniforme de Guardia de Infantería del Ejército Británico . Los suboficiales cadetes senior llevan un bastón militar británico .

Valley Forge Military College es la única universidad secundaria militar privada en los Estados Unidos. Todos los estudiantes son miembros del Cuerpo de Cadetes. La Academia y el Colegio alguna vez fueron completamente residenciales, pero en los últimos años la academia también ofrece un programa diurno para estudiantes.

Historia [ editar ]

La Academia Militar Valley Forge fue fundada en 1928 por el Teniente General Milton G. Baker, Guardia de Pensilvania (Retirado). [1] Durante los primeros cinco meses de su existencia, la escuela estuvo ubicada en Devon, Pensilvania , en el lado sur de Berkley Road, entre las carreteras Dorset y Waterloo, que está a varias millas de la ubicación actual del campus. [2] Después de que un incendio durante la noche del 17 al 18 de enero de 1929 destruyera el campus original de un solo edificio, el antiguo Devon Park Hotel, la Academia se trasladó a su sitio actual en Wayne, Pensilvania, la antigua Saint Luke's School. [3] La más alta condecoración de la institución, la Orden de Anthony Wayne, se hizo en homenaje al heroísmo del primer Cuerpo de Cadetes la noche en que se incendió el primer campus.

Originalmente, el general Baker ideó un motivo de la Guerra Revolucionaria Estadounidense para la escuela. Los colores de la escuela son ante y azul, los colores de los uniformes del Ejército Continental . Los edificios en el campus de Wayne recibieron el nombre de los líderes de la Guerra Revolucionaria , mientras que los uniformes, el escudo, el Alma Mater y la estructura de rango se inspiraron en los de la Academia Militar de los Estados Unidos en West Point, Nueva York .

Durante el año escolar 1935-1936, Baker amplió la academia para incluir un programa universitario de dos años, y los primeros cadetes universitarios se unieron al cuerpo ese año. Posteriormente, la escuela fue conocida como Valley Forge Military Academy y Junior College . Hoy en día, se conoce como "Academia y Colegio Militar Valley Forge".

A finales de la década de 1940 hasta la de 1950, Baker, un anglófilo , comenzó a cambiar el concepto y modeló muchos de los ejercicios, costumbres y ceremonias de la escuela siguiendo un motivo británico. Los uniformes de gala se basan en los del ejército británico , mientras que otros son aparentemente West Point e híbridos británicos.

El cuerpo se expandió para incluir artillería (y anteriormente ametralladoras) a fines de la década de 1930. El Departamento de Defensa le otorgó a la escuela el estatus de universidad militar junior en algún momento entre las décadas de 1940 y 1960.

Baker se jubiló como superintendente en 1971 y murió en su casa el 31 de julio de 1976, a la edad de 80 años. [1]

La película Taps de 1981 se filmó en la escuela.

Comenzó a admitir estudiantes mujeres en su escuela secundaria en 2005. [4]

Superintendentes y presidentes [ editar ]

  • Teniente general Milton G. Baker, Guardia de Pensilvania (retirado), 1928-1971
  • Teniente General Milton H. Medenbach, Guardia de Pensilvania (Retirado), 1971
  • General de división Robert W. Strong Jr., Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos (Retirado), 1971–1973
  • Teniente General Willard Pearson , [5] Ejército de los Estados Unidos (Retirado), 1973-1985
  • Teniente General Alexander M. Weyand, Ejército de los Estados Unidos (Retirado) 1985–1989
  • Coronel Harold J. Fraley, Ejército de los Estados Unidos (Retirado), 1989–1990
  • Vicealmirante N. Ronald Thunman , Marina de los Estados Unidos (jubilado), 1990–1993
Título cambiado a presidente en 1992
  • Contralmirante Virgil L. Hill Jr. , Marina de los Estados Unidos (Retirado) 1993–2000
  • Contralmirante Peter AC Long, Marina de los Estados Unidos (Retirado) 2000–2004
  • Charles A. McGeorge [5] 2004-2009
  • William R. Floyd Jr., [6] 2009-2010
  • Coronel David R. Gray, Ejército de los Estados Unidos (Retirado) 2010-2012
  • Coronel James J. Doyle, USMC, (jubilado), presidente interino, 2012-2013
  • Stacey R. Sauchuk, [7] 2013-2016
  • Coronel John C. Church Jr., USMCR (Ret.) 2016–2018
  • General de división Walter T. Lord Ejército de los EE. UU. (Ret.) Clase de 1984 (Universidad) [8] 2018-2019
  • Coronel Stuart B. Helgeson, USMCR (Ret.) 2020-Presente

Cuerpo estudiantil [ editar ]

La escuela tenía, en 2011, 487 estudiantes. [9] Para el año escolar 2017-18, la academia tuvo 213 estudiantes en los grados 7-12. [10]

Para el año académico 2020-2021, la inscripción para la Academia es de 153 cadetes y para la Universidad 91 cadetes.

En junio de 2018, se anunció que una empresa conjunta propuesta con la academia militar cerrada Carson Long daría como resultado que los cadetes de Carson se transfirieran a Valley Forge. [11] Sin embargo, las discusiones para la empresa conjunta propuesta terminaron cuando las dos escuelas no pudieron encontrar términos mutuamente aceptables. [12]

Organización del cuerpo de cadetes, atavíos y símbolos e historia del cuerpo [ editar ]

La organización del Cuerpo, similar al resto de los colegios militares menores de Estados Unidos, es muy diferente que está organizado como un regimiento completo de tres batallones, dos de infantería y uno montado. Otra diferencia está en el sistema de rango utilizado, un híbrido de los rangos militares de los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, y también en las insignias que se utilizan.

Introducción e historia del Cuerpo de Cadetes, la estructura de rango y la insignia [ editar ]

Los cadetes están, a partir de 2014, agrupados en tres batallones, el de Montada y los dos de Infantería. Las compañías que forman los ahora dos Batallones de Infantería son A y B (Academia) y F, G, H e I (Universidad), mientras que el Batallón Montado consiste en Tropa "D", Batería "E", Compañía C se unió en 2018, VFMAC Field Music (anteriormente también el Drum and Bugle Corps) y la VFMAC Regimental Band. Anteriormente, la mayoría de los cadetes universitarios del batallón de infantería estaban asignados a la Compañía "F", pero hoy en día se han dividido en Compañías "G", "H" e "I". La Compañía "I" había sido nombrada Tropa "I" para todos los cadetes universitarios que deseaban participar en la equitación, y una vez se la conoció como Batería "I" para los cadetes universitarios que participaban en artillería.pero ahora se ha trasladado al batallón colegiado de infantería como I Compañía hoy. Actualmente, los cadetes de las clases sexta, quinta y cuarta (grados 7, 8 y 9) están asignados a la empresa "C"; anteriormente, los cadetes de la escuela secundaria (grados 7 y 8) fueron asignados a la batería "E". Durante los años de mayor matrícula, en las décadas de 1960 y 1970, los cadetes de la escuela secundaria fueron asignados a la empresa "H". Durante el año académico 2009-2010, dada la rápida expansión de la matrícula, los cadetes universitarios han sido asignados desde entonces a la empresa "H". La Compañía F, que antes contaba con los cadetes universitarios, fue reformada en 2014 como parte de la Academia.Los cadetes de la escuela secundaria (grados 7 y 8) fueron asignados a la batería "E". Durante los años de mayor matrícula, en las décadas de 1960 y 1970, los cadetes de la escuela secundaria fueron asignados a la empresa "H". Durante el año académico 2009-2010, dada la rápida expansión de la matrícula, los cadetes universitarios han sido asignados desde entonces a la empresa "H". La Compañía F, que antes contaba con los cadetes universitarios, fue reformada en 2014 como parte de la Academia.Los cadetes de la escuela secundaria (grados 7 y 8) fueron asignados a la batería "E". Durante los años de mayor matrícula, en las décadas de 1960 y 1970, los cadetes de la escuela secundaria fueron asignados a la empresa "H". Durante el año académico 2009-2010, dada la rápida expansión de la matrícula, los cadetes universitarios han sido asignados desde entonces a la empresa "H". La Compañía F, que antes contaba con los cadetes universitarios, fue reformada en 2014 como parte de la Academia.fue reformada en 2014 como parte de la Academia.fue reformada en 2014 como parte de la Academia.

Initially, the Corps of Cadets was organized, in the same manner as West Point, as a squadron/battalion of infantry companies with a cavalry troop, under a cadet major, who wore five gold chevrons with an oak leaf. Cadet captains wore four chevrons; cadet lieutenants wore three chevrons, sergeants and corporals three and two, respectively. Rank insignia then mirrored the USMA. Artillery made their debut in the corps (as E Battery) in 1939, formerly in the machine gun role. Later, the Corps was reorganized to three battalions: two infantry battalions and a mounted battalion (squadron) of one to two troops and one to two artillery batteries, thus becoming a full regiment or brigade in the process. The corps was then headed by a cadet lieutenant colonel. The corps and the rank system has since evolved. Cadet officers wear gold rank stars or "pips." Pips are similar in design to the "Order of the Bath" rank stars worn by the British Army and the Royal Marines, except the three crowns have been replaced with an image of George Washington kneeling in the snow, from the painting "The Prayer at Valley Forge" by Henry Brueckner, and the motto "Tria Juncta In Uno" replaced with "Valley Forge Military Academy," as represented in the institutional coat of arms. (Before the design of the school "pips", cadet officers wore the British "pips" design with the crowns.) The rank system is also adapted from those in the British Army, Royal Marines, the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps (only in the Cadet Lance Corporal enlisted rank).

During the 1950s to early 1960s the officer rank structure of the Corps of Cadets, VFMAC was:

  • the cadet lieutenant colonel wore 5 pips on his epaulettes, plus the shoulder knots
  • Cadet majors, 4 pips
  • Cadet captains, 3 pips
  • Cadet first lieutenants, 2 pips
  • Cadet second lieutenants, one pip on the epaulettes

Other ranks wore the chevrons on the sleeve and were ranked accordingly, with a mix of British and U.S. Army and Marine enlisted ranks. The officer ranks used above were briefly reinstated in 2014–2016.

The officer rank system was increased and improved in the 1960s with the introduction of additional Cadet Captain ranks (from Cadet Captain to Cadet 1st Cpt.), thus, the officer ranks used until 2014 and reinstated 2016, but with improved insignia, are from that era, namely

  • the Cadet 1st Captain wears 2 pips and the institutional arms on the epaulettes in between plus the shoulder knots as mentioned below
  • the Cadet 2nd Captain, 1 pip and the institutional arms
  • Cadet 3rd through 8th Captains, 4 pips
  • Cadet Captains, 3 pips
  • Cadet First Lieutenants, 2 pips
  • Cadet Second Lieutenants, one pip on the epaulettes

On the Full Dress Uniforms, Cadet Officers wear rank insignia as on the "School Uniform", except that the Cadet 1st Captain wears braided shoulder knots with a full dress aiguillette in recognition of his role as the Corps Cadet Regimental Commander, who leads the entire Corps. Cadet Sergeants, Corporals and Lance Corporals wear chevrons on the sleeve: red chevrons on grey for the infantry battalions; red chevrons on black for the mounted components and the band. All cadet officers' shoulder boards are dark blue save for the artillery unit which from 2012 now wears red shoulder boards after a long absence of their use. The full dress headdress is the Academy Capshield with the VFMAC institutional arms on it, worn on all full dress uniforms since 1980 replacing a similar shako-styled cap with the arms. The institutional full dress is gray blue with black pants (for the Academy cadets only as of the present) and from 2009 onwards a British-styled all dark blue polo and pants for the college.

On chapel services peaked caps with the arms are used with the full dress (formerly these were on the first full dress blue uniforms) while the school service uniform and the BDU includes the side cap and/or the patrol caps which replaced in 2017 the use of the red (college) or blue (academy) military berets used by the corps, with green berets also formerly worn on certain occasions by the Academy cadets, similar to US Army Green Berets and Royal Marine Commandos. Recently, baseball caps are beginning to be worn during practice drills.

Academically, the school is organized into six classes, plus College Freshmen and College Sophomores. The Academy classes are as follows: First Class: Seniors (12th Grade); Second Class: Juniors (11th Grade); Third Class: Sophomores (10th Grade); Fourth Class: Freshman (9th Grade); Fifth Class: 8th Grade; and Sixth Class: 7th Grade. Thus, the system is somewhat "inverted" from the "Form" system in use at some schools, and more closely parallels that of West Point and the other FSAs.

Faculty and Staff Officers generally wear military uniforms, and generally wear United States Army officer rank insignia save for those who are a part of the United States Air Force, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps and United States Coast Guard and wear their respective rank insignia. Those with Academy Commissions wear the letters "VF" in place of the "U.S." insignia, and school crests as branch insignia and unit crest. Reserve, National Guard, and Retired Officers and NCO's, serving in their respective ranks, wear the rank and accouterments of their respective service arm.

VFMAC also employs several British ex-Military personnel, most of whom wear the uniform and rank insignia of their respective British service. The faculty currently includes Royal Navy, Royal Marines Commandos and Royal Marines Band Service personnel especially in the academy's regimental band, and also as staff and tactical officers.

Ranks used by the VFMAC Corps of Cadets[edit]

This is the full list of ranks used by the Corps of Cadets of the VFMAC. Former, unused and honorary ranks are in italics.

Cadet Enlisted and NCO's
  • Cadet Private (no insignia)
  • Cadet Lance Corporal
  • Cadet Corporal
  • Cadet Corporal Colors
  • Cadet Sergeant
  • Cadet Sergeant Colors
  • Cadet Staff Sergeant
  • Cadet Staff Sergeant, Guide
  • Cadet Staff Sergeant Colors
  • Cadet Sergeant First Class
  • Cadet Sergeant First Class Colors
  • Cadet Color Sergeant
  • Cadet Master Sergeant
  • Cadet First Sergeant
  • Cadet Battalion Supply Sergeant
  • Cadet Regimental Supply Sergeant
  • Cadet Battalion Sergeant Major
  • Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major (British Army Foot Guards Uniform)
Cadet Officers
  • Cadet Second Lieutenant
  • Cadet First Lieutenant
  • Cadet Captain (Company Commander, Battalion Executive Officer)
  • Cadet Eighth Captain (Regimental Quartermaster)
  • Cadet Seventh Captain (Provost Marshal)
  • Cadet Sixth Captain (Regimental Training Officer)
  • Cadet Fifth Captain (Regimental Adjutant)
  • Cadet Fourth Captain (Academy Battalion Commander)
  • Cadet Third Captain (College Battalion Commander)
  • Cadet Second Captain (Regimental Executive Officer)
  • Cadet First Captain (Regimental Commander) (the highest officer rank of the COC, rank reintroduced 2016)

Component units of the Corps of Cadets[edit]

Former units and assignments indicated in italics.

  • A Company (Academy)
  • B Company (Academy)
  • C Company (Academy)
  • D Troop (Academy and College combined cavalry unit, formerly depends on branch, reformed in 2009) (Disbanded in 2020)
  • E Battery (Formerly E Company and later the Machine Gun Company under Academy, transformed to artillery battery in 1940 school year)
  • F Company (Formerly Academy [1930's] and College, reformed in 2014 under the Academy)
  • G Company (College)
  • H Company (College)
  • I Company (College) (Formerly I Troop and I Battery, reformed in 2005)
  • VFMAC Regimental Band
  • VFMAC Field Music (Formerly the Drum and Bugle Corps, established in 1956)
  • Headquarters Company
  • Machine Gun Company (1939 school year, Academy only)


VFMAC is a popular school for various royal families. It graduated King Simeon II of Bulgaria. The school serves as Honor Guard to the British Royal Family on State Visits to Philadelphia. Selected cadets also participate in the annual The Versailles Foundation Inc. / Claude Monet-Giverny Dinner.

British military traditions in VFMAC[edit]

British style drill was practiced at VFMAC until early 2014, but returned in 2017. Many Tactical Officers and staff have been serving, including Command Sergeants Major, Bandmasters and Commandants and retired members of the British Armed Forces from the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Marines. Events such as the Military Tattoo, Regimental Dining In and Vespers reflects British traditions. Even the Regimental Band reflects this practice in recent years, having been now patterned in the style of the Royal Marines Band Service and British Army line infantry bands. Field Music is a direct reflection of the British military volunteer Corps of Drums.

Valley Forge Military College Cadets wear a Royal Military Academy Sandhurst style uniform.

Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major and Band and Field Music Drum Major wears British Army Foot Guard uniforms.

Cadet senior NCOs carry British Army pace sticks.

The British Officers Club of Philadelphia is based out of the VFMAC.

The Household Division has a long-standing tradition of sending senior NCOs, Sergeants Majors, Warrant Officers and Officers as short term and temporary secondment and appointments.

Select VF cadets are granted privilege by the leadership and staff of the Duke of York's Royal Military School in the United Kingdom for exchange studies in their campus.

Coat of arms[edit]

LTG Baker, the founder, designed the coat of arms in 1928. "It consists of a emblem borne on a shield and surmounted by a crest. The shield is of red and white vertical stripes with a blue field containing thirteen stars, one for each of the original states. the crest comprises an eagle with wings displayed and a scroll bearing the motto 'Courage, Honor, Conquer.' The emblem consists of a representation of General George Washington kneeling in prayer in the snow at Valley Forge, over crossed cavalry sabres and surrounded with a circular margin bearing the words 'Valley Forge Military Academy.'" — "The Guidon"[clarification needed] Valley Forge Military Academy and College

Academics and student life[edit]

The Academy's Head of School is Dr.Paul Lea (class of 87 and 89C) and Maureen Malone is the Dean of the college. VFMAC's Commandant of Cadets is Col. J.J. Rivera, USMCR.[13]

Similar to most other American boarding schools, academics at the Academy and College are demanding and highly competitive, and there is a mandatory two-hour "study hall" period from 7:30pm to 9:30pm each night in the students' barracks buildings.

The school day generally begins with "First Call" followed by "Reveille," at which time all cadets arise and prepare for formation. Calls are played by buglers. "First Mess" or breakfast is followed by cleaning details and room preparation. "School Call" is followed by academic classes until lunch, or "Second Mess." After Second Mess, cadets attend academic classes until mid afternoon. After classes, cadets participate in athletics and extracurricular activities. Cadets may also receive extra instruction during this time. At one time, there were daily formal "Guard Mount" and "Retreat" formations. Owing to the increased tempo of cadet life, and requirements of athletics and co-curricular activities needed to have cadets competitively vie for college admission, highly formal Retreat formations are no longer routinely held. After "Third Mess" or the evening meal, cadets return to their barracks for study hall. Study Hall, supervised by faculty officers in rotation, is mandatory for most cadets from Sunday through Thursday. After "Recall" from Study Hall comes the Break, at which time cadets use the telephone, shine shoes, and prepare for the next day. The Break is ended by "Call to Quarters" "Tattoo" and "Taps." At Taps, all cadets, except those granted "Late Lights" to study and cadets of the college, are required to be in bed.

On selected weekends, Cadets are permitted leave at home. Cadets who achieve, academically and in personal efficiency and leadership, are permitted additional leaves and local leaves into Wayne and to the King of Prussia mall.

New Cadets at Valley Forge Military Academy and College endure a 4-12 week adjustment period, known as "plebe training," upon entering the institution. During this period, students are trained in the customs and traditions of the school, a modified version British military drill, and ceremonies, and are given an opportunity to acclimate to the overall campus environment. The conclusion of this period occurs when the students complete the traditional requirement of earning their "Capshield", the brass crest that adorns the uniform cap.[14]

Valley Forge Military Academy and College does not offer extracurricular activities to the College Corps and the Academy Corps has limited events to include a drill team, a rifle team, and a regimental band.

Character Education program and chapel[edit]

All cadets attend religious services at The Alumni Memorial Chapel of St. Cornelius the Centurion on Sunday morning as a part of the Character Education program. The service, which was developed by General Baker, is rooted in the Episcopal or Anglican "Book of Common Prayer" and is Christian in nature. It is, however, non-sectarian in practice, as the address, which focuses on character and leadership, is given by distinguished military, civil, and academic leaders. Brigadier General Alfred A. Sanelli, Class of 1939, B.A., M.A., Pennsylvania Guard (Retired) [Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army (Retired)] (1921–2005), was the long-serving Chaplain and Director of Character Education, after serving as Dean of the Academy, Dean of the college, Professor of Military Science, and in other staff positions over many years. He was succeeded as Chaplain by Colonel[clarification needed] John E. Steele Jr., Valley Forge Military Academy and College. Effective June 22, 2010, Capt. Gerald Hale, USCG (Ret.) was named the Chaplain and Director of Character Development.

The Chapel contains a 1961 M. P. Moller Pipe Organ donated by the Richard King Mellon family. The organ was dedicated in May 1965, by the Alumni, to Constance Prosser Mellon, wife of Lieutenant General R.K. Mellon.


The singing of school songs are a tradition at VFMAC. The main songs, among others, are "VFMAC Alma Mater" and "the Line of Gray" and "Spirit of the Forge" and the "Army Song". Typically, only the first and last verses of the Alma Mater are sung.

The Valley Forge Military Academy Regimental Band[edit]

VFMA Regimental Band on Parade, circa 1970

The Valley Forge Military Academy and College Regimental Band is world-famous[clarification needed][citation needed] and has traveled to Europe many times in recent years to perform.[15]

Additionally, some students in the school's band perform regularly on and off-campus on the school's Coronation Heraldic Fanfare Trumpets. The Herald Fanfare Trumpets were brought to Valley Forge in 1953 by Colonel[clarification needed] D. Keith Feltham, Valley Forge Military Academy and College, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. who served as Bandmaster and Director of Music from September 1949 to June 1976.[16] (Bandmaster Dudley Keith Feltham served as Bandmaster of the 1st Battalion, the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry from 1938 to 1949.[17] Colonel Feltham also introduced the British "Slow March" in approximately 1961.) The unique complement of trumpets are regularly used to perform at the Academy's weekly chapel services, and are frequently booked for off-campus events, both domestic and abroad. Today the collection consists of the full complement of voices, which consists of six B-flat soprano[citation needed] trumpets, six B-flat tenor trumpets, two G-bass trumpets, and two E-flat soprano[citation needed] trumpets. The original eight heraldic fanfare trumpets have been used on numerous ceremonial occasions associated with royalty: at Westminster Abbey to herald the coronation of King George VI in 1937, at St Paul's Cathedral to herald the Royal Silver Wedding Ceremony,[when?] at the wedding of then-Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh in 1947, and at Westminster Abbey for the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953.

In January 1970, the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Eugene Ormandy, and the Valley Forge Military Academy Band under the leadership of Colonel D. Keith Feltham, performed the "1812 Overture" (full title: Festival Overture "The Year 1812", op. 49); by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky live at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. The concert was attended by United States President Richard Nixon. After the rousing performance, Ormandy heralded the cadets as the "Philadelphia Orchestra of Military Bands" and was inspired to produce an updated recording of the overture. In the fall of 1970, the VFMA recorded their tracks of the production in Columbia Studios in New York City. In addition to the VFMA Band, the recording prominently featured the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Richard P. Condie.[18][19]

The current[when?] Bandmaster is Warrant Officer (II) Phil Evans, Royal Marines Band Service (Retired).[20]

VFMAC Field Music[edit]

Established in 1956, VFMAC Field Music is a separate unit of the Corps of Cadets and has its own officers and share the same barracks and tactical officer. This unit is a reflection of the British volunteer Corps of Drums tradition. It continues the long heritage of US military field music through the years of the nation's existence and so too of its armed forces. It also has a Drum and Bugle Corps legacy (through the use of brass instruments) and starting from AY 2011-2012 it also has a fife player in its rosters. Aside from its regular participation in school events, parades and on and off campus formations and other events, it has a storied history of appearances in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and has been assigned the honor of being the City of Philadelphia's honor guard for distinguished visitors to the city.

Academic and military preparatory programs[edit]

Valley Forge Military College degree programs[edit]

The Academic Program at VFMC leads to an Associate of Arts, an Associate of Science, or an Associate in Business Administration degree. The strong core curriculum, developed on the basis of careful analysis of the general education requirements of competitive colleges and universities, is the heart of the degree programs. Together with the courses require in the academic fields of study, the core programs provide the foundation for successful transfer to a four-year college and long-term academic success.

There are three degree programs at the college. They are Justice and Security Studies, Liberal Arts, and Pre-Engineering and Physical Sciences.

  • Associate of Arts in Justice and Security Studies (Criminal Justice and Security Studies Concentrations, Cybersecurity Certificate)
    • The Associate of Arts in Justice and Security Studies program provides students with a comprehensive background in local, state, national, and international security considerations. With an emphasis on both theoretical perspectives and practical concerns, the VFMC Justice and Security Studies program develops an interdisciplinary understanding of the fundamentals of security whether in law enforcement, information security, or national and global security. The concentrations allow students to tailor their course of study to individual interests while maintaining transferability to four-year institutions. Students who complete the program will be prepared to enter the workforce as a low-level security professional, or are able to transfer to a four-year baccalaureate program. Possible careers with this degree include business intelligence analyst, intelligence analyst, law enforcement officer, military professional, emergency management personnel as well as any security-related position that requires research and analysis.
  • Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts (History, Political Science, and Humanities Concentrations)
    • The Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts program offers students the opportunity to explore an array of disciplinary fields that provide a solid foundation in Liberal Studies. This program includes courses that span the disciplines of Humanities, History, and Political Science, preparing students to continue their academic and career interests in a wide range of fields that include law, medicine, education, international relations, human services, literature and cultures, diplomacy and administration. As they pursue the broad-based educational foundation afforded by the VFMC Liberal Arts program, students develop analytical training, communicative skills and a sound disciplinary foundation, which will allow them to evaluate issues and formulate collaborative and practical solutions to the complex and challenging problems of interaction in human society and to prepare them to take their places as citizen leaders in an increasingly global society.
  • Associate of Science in Pre-Engineering and Physical Sciences
    • The Associate of Science in Physical Sciences program provides students with a solid foundation in the scientific method and knowledge of the principles that govern the workings of the physical world. Students in this program can choose one of two tracks based on their interest: research in Physics, Bio-Physics, Geophysics, Industrial Tech, or Pre-Engineering. The pre-engineering track is structured for those students planning to transfer into an engineering program and requires students to take specific courses in calculus and engineering statics.

Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps and Early Commissioning Program[edit]

VFMC offers the Army ROTC Early Commissioning Program (ECP). Successful completion of this two-year program results in a cadet earning a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army upon graduating as a sophomore from VFMC.[21] Graduates who are commissioned serve in the reserve components (Army Reserve or Army National Guard) while completing their bachelor's degrees. Those who desire active service may compete for a position and serve in the active component of the Army after earning their bachelor's degree. Those selected enter active duty as a first lieutenant, with earned longevity. Those who desire to remain in the Reserve Components after completing their bachelor's degree still have two years of leadership experience and, in addition to a full-time career in the private sector, and will have continued leadership opportunities in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard. ECP Lieutenants are obligated to serve for a total of eight years upon commissioning: the initial two years are served in the Reserve Components (Army Reserve or Army National Guard), and the additional six years are served in either the Reserve Components or the Active Component, dependent upon the needs of the Army.

Early Commissioning Program eligibility[edit]

Basic ECP eligibility and entrance requirements include a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (2.5 for scholarship); a minimum SAT score of 850 (Math and Verbal sections only) or ACT score of 17 (920 / 19 for scholarship); pass a Department of Defense Medical Examination (arranged by Army ROTC); pass the Army height/weight and physical fitness standards; have U.S. citizenship (original naturalization document issued by INS or state issued birth certificate); and be between 17 and 27 years of age and of good moral character.

Cadets may also take the first two years of Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps while attending VFMC. VFMA does not offer the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) program.

Valley Forge Military College Service Academy Preparatory Program[edit]

The Valley Forge Military College Service Academy Preparation Program (SAP) has as its mission the preparation of qualified college and academy cadets, who have achieved excellence both academically and tactically, for nomination to one of the five United States service academies. These young men and women work together and support each other with the goal of gaining admission to the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Coast Guard Academy and the United States Merchant Marine Academy. VFMC's SAP Program is guided by each academy's particular need. It works closely with each of the federal academies. The hallmark of the program is a personalized curriculum to ensure each cadet is fully prepared for the rigorous academic, physical fitness, moral-ethical issues, and leadership challenges.


VFMA is a member of the PIAA and competes in 13 inter-school sports teams and VFMC is a member of the NJCAA, Region 19, with 11 men's and women's sports.

During the Fall 2019 semester, it was announced that the College Athletic Program would be discontinued at the end of the 2019–2020 school year.

In popular culture[edit]

Much of the movie Taps (1981), starring George C. Scott and Timothy Hutton, was filmed on the academy's campus. Many of its young stars, including Hutton, Sean Penn, and Tom Cruise, participated in a 45-day period of orientation with the students of the academy to learn to drill properly as cadets.[22] While most of the actors enjoyed and excelled at their orientation, Cruise opted to leave the training for the comforts of a nearby hotel until filming began, reportedly to isolate himself and "get into the mindset" of his psychopathic character, Cadet Captain David Shawn.[22] Although Taps was presented as depicting core values in a positive light, including honor and loyalty, after the filming, LTG Pearson felt that there was an anti-military tone within the plot of the film. A note in the end credits says the events in the film are not meant to reflect "the educational philosophy or teachings" of then-Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College.[23]

Notable alumni[edit]


  • Aaron Beasley – professional football player, NFL (Jacksonville Jaguars, New York Jets, Atlanta Falcons)
  • George Deiderich – consensus All-American, professional football player, CFL (Montreal Alouettes, Ottawa Rough Riders)
  • Chris Doleman – retired professional football player and Pro Football Hall of Famer
  • Larry Fitzgerald – professional football player, NFL (Arizona Cardinals) (also attended Academy of Holy Angels in Richfield, Minnesota)[24]
  • Karl Hankton – professional football player, NFL (Carolina Panthers)
  • Jeff Otah – professional football player, NFL (Carolina Panthers)
  • Julian Peterson – professional football player, NFL (Seattle Seahawks, San Francisco 49ers, Detroit Lions)
  • Gary Stills – professional football player, NFL (Kansas City Chiefs, Baltimore Ravens)
  • Larry Smith – professional football player, 2nd round draft pick (Florida State) NFL Jacksonville-Green Bay


  • William R. ("Bill") Tiefel – Chairman of the Board of CarMax, Inc.; retired chairman of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, vice chairman of Marriott International, and director of Bulgari hotels and resorts.[25][26][27]
  • Moritz Hunzinger, CEO Cashcloud SA (Luxemburg), Executive Board Member Gemballa SE (Leonberg), CEO Emeritus (1979–2004) of infas Holding AG – previously Hunzinger Information AG, Media Entrepreneur, Professor of Public Relations and Communication, graduated 1977 from VFMA.


  • Steve Agee – actor/comedian/writer: The Sarah Silverman Program, Jimmy Kimmel Live!
  • Jimmy Sturr – musician: 14-time Grammy winner
  • Barry Sandrew, Ph.D. – neuroscientist, inventor, serial entrepreneur, and pioneering filmmaker who invented colorization and 3-D conversion of feature films
  • Kristian Bruun – actor: Notable Canadian actor known for roles in Orphan Black, Carter, The Handmaid's Tale and Madea Takes Manhattan.


  • Paul E. Galanti – Commander, United States Navy (Retired); veterans' advocate
  • Walter T. Lord – Major General, United States Army[28]
  • Herbert Raymond "H.R." McMaster – former National Security Advisor; Lieutenant General, United States Army; historian, author, and former commander of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment during Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Harry J. "Jack" Mier Jr. – major general, Army National Guard of the United States (Retired), Former Adjutant General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,[29] Former Commander, 157th Infantry Brigade
  • Harry E. Miller Jr. – major general who commanded the 42nd Infantry Division[30]
  • Brendan W. O'Connor – Master Sergeant, United States Army: Distinguished Service Cross — Afghanistan
  • Gustave F. Perna – General, United States Army: Commanding General of the United States Army Materiel Command.
  • Gary Roughead – Admiral, United States Navy (Retired): Chief of Naval Operations
  • Alfred A. Sanelli – Brigadier General, Pennsylvania Guard (1921–2005): one of the first cadets, Professor of Military Science, Dean of the Academy, Dean of the Junior College, and Chaplain, Valley Forge Military Academy and College, until his death
  • H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. – General, United States Army (Retired), CENTCOM Commander, Operation Desert Storm
  • Robert W. Strong Jr. – Major General, United States Air Force (Retired) (1917–2006): Chief of Staff, Eighth Air Force (1966–1970); Third Superintendent, Valley Forge Military Academy and College[31]
  • Kevin R. Wendel – major general, United States Army: Commander, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosives Command, First Army Division East, First United States Army, Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan.[32]
  • Eric Fisher Wood Jr. – first lieutenant, United States Army (1919–1945): Distinguished Service Cross, World War II[33][34][35]
  • John J. Yeosock – lieutenant general, United States Army (retired), commander, Third Army, Operation Desert Storm.
  • Peter Huchthausen – captain in the United States Navy and the author of several maritime books


  • Steve Chiongbian Solon – Governor of the province of Sarangani in the Philippines
  • Rafael Hernández Colón – fourth Governor, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
  • Bryan R. Lentz – Democratic politician: State Representative, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 161st Legislative District
  • Bob Mensch – Republican state senator: Pennsylvania State Senate, 24th Senate District
  • Warren Rudman – New Hampshire Republican United States Senator from 1980 to 1993, and New Hampshire Attorney General from 1970 to 1976.
  • Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – King Simeon II of Bulgaria
  • Prince Hermann Friedrich of Leiningen
  • Laurentino Cortizo Choen – Panamá President


  • J. D. Salinger – author: The Catcher in the Rye[36]
  • Westley W.O. Moore – United States Army: Rhodes Scholar, White House Fellow, author of The Other Wes Moore, youth advocate
  • Robert M. Devonshire – author: Gergy the Leprechaun


  1. ^ a b The Military Order of World Wars. Turner Publishing Company. 1995. p. 71. ISBN 9781563111846.
  2. ^ Goshorn, Bob (July 1983). "When the Valley Forge Military Academy was Located in Devon". History Quarterly Digital Archives. Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society. 21 (3): 97–102. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  3. ^ Patterson, Emma C. (March 21, 1952). "1929 Devon Inn fire, 1st home of Valley Forge Military Academy in 1928 by Major Baker, St. Luke's School". Radnor Historical Society. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  4. ^ Grant, Tim (October 30, 2005). "Valley Forge no longer a males-only military college". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved June 26, 2019.
  5. ^ a b [1] Archived January 26, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ "Valley Forge Military Academy leader steps down". Retrieved December 20, 2009.[dead link]
  7. ^ "Valley Forge Military Academy and College names first female president, Stacey R. Sauchuk". Main Line Media News. April 10, 2013. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  8. ^ "President of Valley Forge Military Academy resigns suddenly". Philadelphia Inquirer. March 8, 2019. Retrieved March 8, 2019.
  9. ^ Rawlins, John (April 11, 2013). "First female president of Valley Forge Military Academy and College". Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  10. ^ "Search for Private Schools – School Detail for Valley Forge Military Academy". National Center for Education Statistics. Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved September 22, 2019.
  11. ^ Wood, Robert C. (June 20, 2018). "Carson Long Announces Joint Venture with Valley Forge Military Academy & College" (Press release). Carson Long Military Academy. Archived from the original on June 22, 2018 – via Valley Forge Military Academy & College.
  12. ^ Washington, Stephen L; Wood, Robert C. (June 28, 2018). "Joint Venture Between Carson Long and Valley Forge Military Academy No Longer a Viable Option". Carson Long Military Academy (Press release).
  13. ^ "Leadership at Valley Forge Military Academy and College". VFMAC. 2019. Retrieved August 21, 2019.
  14. ^ "VFMA&C Plebe System Demystified". YouTube. September 3, 2008. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  15. ^[dead link]
  16. ^ [2] Archived April 3, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ "Bandmasters, 1st Battalion, Royal Green Jackets". Retrieved February 25, 2011.
  18. ^ Tchaikovsky: "1812" Overture / Serenade For Strings, (1971 - Eugene Ormandy; Philadelphia Orchestra; Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Valley Forge Military Academy Band; Cannons And Russian Church Bells Columbia MT30447 30447/Sony 46334)
  19. ^ "Re: VF 2006 Holiday Band Concert". YouTube. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  20. ^ "The Phoenix - Pa. Symphonic Wind Band playing Sunday to help VFMA Marching Band". September 25, 2008. Retrieved August 13, 2010.[permanent dead link]
  21. ^ "Army ROTC: Teaching The Leaders of Tomorrow". US Army. 2015. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  22. ^ a b "The #1 Tom Cruise Resource » Taps". December 26, 2008. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  23. ^ Canby, Vincent (December 9, 1981). "Taps (1981) - Scott as General in 'Taps'". The New York Times. New York: The New York Times Company. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  24. ^ Sommers, Kent (August 3, 2015). "Cardinals star Larry Fitzgerald lives in Arizona, but like most transplants, 'home' is somewhere else". AZ Central. Glendale, Arizona. Retrieved August 10, 2015. Fitzgerald didn't meet NCAA requirements to play as a freshman, so he spent a year at Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania.
  25. ^ "Tiefel, William: Brief biography". 2015. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  26. ^ "William R. Tiefel". Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  27. ^ "Bill Tiefel". Retrieved February 25, 2011.
  28. ^ "Brigadier General Walter T. Lord". 2014. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  29. ^ "General Officers List". PNG Military Museum. Archived from the original on November 28, 2010. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  30. ^ Shaloup, Dean (November 14, 2012). "Nashua Guardsman to lead NY-based 42nd Infantry Division". Nashua Telegraph. Nashua, New Hampshire.
  31. ^ "Major General Robert William Strong Jr". Archived from the original on June 4, 2011. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  32. ^ Rhodes, Lisa R. (April 1, 2011). "Division commander settles into new job". Washington, DC.
  33. ^ Saturday Evening Post, December 20, 1947 by R. Ernest Dupuy, Col. USA, Ret.
  34. ^ [3] Archived September 1, 2006, at the Wayback Machine
  35. ^ "Wood, Eric Fisher, Jr". Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  36. ^ Lauer-Williams, Kathy (January 29, 2010). "J.D. Salinger's Pennsylvania ties". The Morning Call. Allentown, Pennsylvania. Retrieved February 2, 2015.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

Coordinates: 40°03′15″N 75°23′01″W / 40.0542°N 75.3835°W / 40.0542; -75.3835