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El Mazda Capella , también conocido como 626 en Norteamérica, es un automóvil de tamaño mediano que fue fabricado por Mazda de 1970 a 2002. Vendido en el mercado interno japonés con el nombre Capella, el vehículo también se conocía comúnmente en otros mercados importantes. como el Mazda 626 . Ford , el socio de Mazda en ese momento, también usaría la plataforma Capella para crear Ford Telstar y Ford Probe . 4.345.279 de los modelos 626 y Telstar se vendieron en todo el mundo.

Diseñado para competir contra incondicionales japoneses de tamaño mediano como el Honda Accord , Toyota Corona y Nissan Bluebird , el Capella sería reemplazado por el Mazda6 (Atenza) en 2002.

El coche lleva el nombre de Capella , la estrella más brillante de la constelación de Auriga , la sexta más brillante del cielo nocturno y la tercera más brillante del hemisferio celeste norte , después de Arcturus y Vega .

Primera generación (1970-1978) [ editar ]

El primer Capella se introdujo en mayo de 1970 y duró hasta 1978, y se introdujo como una alternativa intermedia al Mazda Familia más pequeño y al Mazda Luce más grande . Estaba propulsado por motores de válvulas SOHC de cuatro cilindros que desplazaban 1,5 o 1,6 litros. La salida es 92 o 100 PS (68 o 74 kW), respectivamente; y 144 N⋅m (106 lb⋅ft) de torque para la versión de mayor cilindrada. Todos los primeros modelos tenían faros rectangulares, mientras que los modelos con motor rotativo recibieron faros dobles redondos a partir de octubre de 1971. A partir de 1972, todos los modelos recibieron los faros dobles. El diseño de la luz trasera se cambió repetidamente durante la producción. Esta generación se vendió en los mercados de exportación como Mazda 616.en configuraciones sedán y, para algunos mercados, coupé. También hubo un Mazda 618 vendido brevemente en los Estados Unidos.

Se ofreció un motor opcional Mazda Wankel, conocido como Capella Rotary en Japón o Mazda RX-2 para la exportación. Además del 1.6, se añadió un Capella 1500 en octubre de 1970. [2] El Capella recibió un lavado de cara bastante completo en febrero de 1974. Este lavado de cara incluyó una parte delantera rediseñada (alargada en 110 mm) y un tablero de instrumentos rediseñado. Este modelo recibió un motor opcional de 1.8 litros (1769 cc) para algunos mercados y en Japón se vendió con el sufijo "AP", que significa "anticontaminación". El 1500 ya no estaba disponible. La versión rotativa de estiramiento facial recibió el código de chasis CB12S en lugar de S122A.

En Japón, la instalación de un motor rotativo les dio a los compradores japoneses una ventaja financiera cuando llegó el momento de pagar el impuesto de circulación anual , ya que compraron un automóvil que era más potente que un motor en línea tradicional, pero sin tener la penalización por tener un motor. en el tramo impositivo superior de 1,5 litros. Esta fue la única generación que ofreció el motor rotativo.

El RX-2 fue ensamblado bajo contrato en Nueva Zelanda desde 1972 para Mazda Nueva Zelanda por Motor Industries International en Otahuhu, South Auckland. Fue el primer y único automóvil con motor rotativo que se ensambló en el país y se fabricó como un sedán, con transmisión manual o automática y un coupé solo manual. El 616 también se construyó, pero fue mucho menos popular. En Sudáfrica, donde el Capella fue ensamblado primero por Illings y luego por Sigma , estaba disponible con los motores recíprocos 1600 o 1800, así como con el rotativo. El rotativo reclamó 97 kW (132 PS; 130 hp) SAE en Sudáfrica. La versión de estiramiento facial llegó allí dos años tarde, a mediados de 1976. A finales de ese año, se introdujo el Capella RS, esta versión rebajada con ruedas Rostyle.estaba limitado a 20 coches por mes. La producción sudafricana del Capella Rotary continuó en 1979, ya que Sigma había tomado la decisión de no construir el Capella de segunda generación allí, sino centrarse en el Colt Galant . [3]

El Mazda 616 fue un componente importante de la expansión de Mazda en los Estados Unidos en 1971, habiendo sido precedido por su hermano rotativo , el RX-2, el año anterior. Presentaba el motor de 1.6 litros (1586 cc), que luego se utilizó en el 808 . El American Capella fue actualizado y renombrado el año siguiente: el Mazda 618 1972 tenía un motor VB más grande de 1.8 litros (1796 cc) que solo se usaba en los EE. UU. Y no estaba relacionado con el "VC" de tamaño similar usado en el resto de Estados Unidos. el mundo. Con una duración de solo un año, la placa de identificación 618 no se volvió a utilizar en los Estados Unidos y la única versión federalizada del Capella para 1973 fue el RX-2.

Segunda generación (CB; 1978-1982) [ editar ]

Sedán (pre-lavado de cara)
Coupe (pre-lavado de cara)
Sedan (estiramiento facial)
Coupe (estiramiento facial)

El Capella de tracción trasera de segunda generación estuvo disponible entre octubre de 1978 y 1982, tanto en versión sedán como en coupé. [4] Se conocía en los mercados de exportación como el 626, con la excepción del Reino Unido, donde el vehículo se llamaba Mazda Montrose , cuyo nombre se cambió para honrar al concesionario Mazda local en Montrose . El Montrose se ofreció como una alternativa al Ford Cortina , que era popular en ese momento. Fue lanzado en 1978, aunque la introducción del modelo en la mayoría de los mercados se retrasó hasta 1979. Los primeros modelos tenían dos tratamientos frontales ligeramente diferentes, uno con una rejilla inclinada más pronunciada.para indicar algunos modelos, particularmente en el mercado interno japonés. En septiembre de 1980 se llevó a cabo un lavado de cara delantero y trasero más audaz, aunque similar en apariencia, pero este modelo no se vendió en el Reino Unido, donde el estilo del Montrose se mantuvo sin cambios. [5] Sin embargo, se ofreció en el resto de Europa y esta y las generaciones posteriores fueron particularmente populares en Alemania. Este Capella fue diseñado con más preocupación por la aerodinámica y logró un valor Cx de 0.38. [4]

El coupé y el sedán eran mecánicamente idénticos, con puntales MacPherson delanteros y un eje sólido con resortes helicoidales en la parte posterior montados en cuatro enlaces con una varilla Panhard transversal que proporciona una ubicación adicional. Una transmisión manual de cinco velocidades o una automática de tres velocidades y una dirección de bola recirculante completaron la especificación mecánica. [6] El CB también presentaba un asiento trasero plegable dividido. En Japón, el Capella vino con motores de 1.6, 1.8 o 2.0 litros (el 2.0 solo se introdujo a fines de marzo de 1979 [7] ). Todos tenían carburadores de doble barril y producían JIS de 90, 100 y 110 CV (66, 74 u 81 kW). Las versiones más equipadas recibieron los parachoques estadounidenses más grandes y, por lo tanto, fueron algo más largos en general.[8]

La insignia Mazda 626 se utilizó por primera vez en algunos mercados, reemplazando al anterior "616". El 626 generalmente estaba equipado con la versión de 1.6 o 2.0 litros del Mazda F / MA , que producía de 75 a 90 PS (55 a 66 kW). [9] El 626 se renovó en noviembre de 1980, con la actualización que trajo faros empotrados y un nuevo inserto de rejilla . [9] Otros cambios incluyeron luces traseras rediseñadas, un tablero revisado, un nuevo ajuste y una dinámica mejorada. [10] La rejilla se alargó ligeramente para eliminar el espacio del color de la carrocería entre los faros y la rejilla en el modelo original. También se redujo en altura para que la parrilla y los faros formaran una sola "banda" en la parte delantera.

En los Estados Unidos, el lavado de cara apareció para el año modelo 1981 y significó más molduras negras (incluidos los parachoques) y una nueva parrilla y faros delanteros. [11] El motor también recibió un nuevo equipo de emisiones, que consta de dos convertidores catalíticos , una bomba de aire y una válvula de control de aire, que le quitó algo de potencia al 2.0 cuatro. También nuevo para 1981 fue el modelo "Luxury", que contaba con un amplio equipamiento. [11] Toda la gama recibió ajustes de suspensión más suaves para mayor comodidad, pero estos se ajustaron nuevamente durante el año modelo 1982. [12]

Esta generación también se ensambló en Nueva Zelanda en tres versiones: base manual de cuatro velocidades , rango medio automático de tres velocidades y manual de cinco velocidades "Limited". Los modelos de estiramiento facial eran muy parecidos, pero algunos tenían tapicería de terciopelo y vidrios polarizados. En 1982, Mazda Nueva Zelanda ofreció un modelo de edición limitada ensamblado localmente llamado Anniversary para conmemorar los 10 años de construcción local. Basado en el Limited, este modelo tenía parachoques más grandes de estilo estadounidense, luces de conducción adicionales en la rejilla, una radio AM estándar (esto fue un año antes de que se introdujera la radio FM estéreo en Nueva Zelanda), además de llantas de aleación y tapicería de terciopelo única. Este también fue el primer Mazda fabricado localmente en tener un parabrisas laminado de serie.

En Australia, la serie CB se lanzó en diciembre de 1978. [13] Estaba disponible como sedán de cuatro puertas en tres niveles de equipamiento (Estándar, Deluxe y Super Deluxe) y como techo rígido Super Deluxe de dos puertas. [14] El motor era el motor de cuatro en línea de 2.0 litros 63 kW (84 hp) disponible con tres transmisiones (manual de cuatro y cinco velocidades o automática de tres velocidades). [15] El modelo Deluxe agregó asientos de tela, radio con botón pulsador, inserciones de goma en los parachoques, molduras de protección lateral de goma, limpiaparabrisas intermitentes, anillos de rueda cromados, luces de lectura de mapas y bolsillos para mapas en el respaldo de los asientos. El Super Deluxe agregó faros halógenos, tinte de ventana, radio FM, anuladores de parachoques y panel de control de seguridad electrónico. [14]Para el modelo de estiramiento facial de 1980 en Australia, el modelo básico "Estándar" pasó a llamarse "Especial", mientras que el sedán y el techo rígido Super Deluxe recibieron molduras de ruedas únicas (según el nivel de equipamiento y la variante de carrocería). [16] Se agregaron un apoyabrazos trasero plegable, cierre centralizado y techo corredizo al sedán Super Deluxe. [10] Otra actualización menor en 1981 cambió los diseños de las ruedas del Super Deluxe.

Third generation (GC; 1982–1987)[edit]

Hatchback (pre-facelift)
Coupé (pre-facelift)
Short-nosed sedan (pre-facelift, Colombian assembly)
Sedan (facelift)
Hatchback (facelift)
Coupé (facelift)

In September 1982 the third-generation Capella was released using the new front-wheel-drive Mazda GC platform. As before, the international version was named the 626, with this version being named Import Car of the Year by Motor Trend magazine, the Car of the Year Japan award in 1982, and Car of the Year by Wheels magazine for 1983. It came in fifth in the 1984 European Car of the Year, the highest finish so far for a Japanese car.[17] It immediately sold very well across Europe.[18]

Sedan and coupé bodystyles were offered as before, with – due to demand – a five-door hatchback variant added. Inline-four engines displacing 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 liters were offered, with the 2.0-liter also available with a turbo and 145 PS (107 kW).[19] In September 1983 a 2.0-liter diesel was added to the lineup.[19] In other regions including Finland, the 626 offered 101 PS (74 kW) with a twin barrel carburetor. The Swiss market only received a 95 PS (70 kW) 2-liter version, with the lower power a result of different emissions standards. In addition to the commonly seen model, there was also a short-nosed version with smaller headlamps and a larger grille, which necessitated a different bonnet as well. This model was sold in Southeast Asia and Oceania and possibly other markets including the GCC countries. A dealer optional model with the front end and pop-up headlights from the Mazda 929/Cosmo (HB) was also available to special customers in Indonesia.[20]

The rear suspension was now independent, and though the wheelbase remained the same as the previous model, it was an entirely different car. A SOHC non-turbo diesel 2.0-liter RF 66 PS (49 kW) engine was made available; twenty examples were imported officially into Australia from 1983 to 1987. The diesel also benefitted from ventilated brakes up front and a variable ratio steering rack, to minimize the effects of the (slight) additional weight.[21] European markets also received a 1.6-liter F6 80 PS (59 kW) engine.[22] The placement of the power window controls was on the center console, ahead of the gear shift/automatic transmission gear selector, as opposed to the traditional installation of the window switches on the respective doors.

Ford Asia Pacific (FASPAC) also sold the 626 as the Ford Telstar from 1983 (complete with slightly different styling and dashboard) in place of the European-sourced Sierra, although Ford New Zealand did offer the Sierra wagon (in both 1.6- and 2.0-liter versions) from May 1984 after the long best-selling Cortina estate car was discontinued, in lieu of the Mazda's lack of an equivalent model.

Mazda New Zealand initially assembled 626 "short nose" 1.8-liter four-door sedan and a "long nose" 2.0-liter five-door model with a higher trim level including a digital instrument panel. A small number of two-door coupés were imported built-up from Japan. Laminated windscreens were now standard. A midlife facelift for the 1985 model year brought a completely new dashboard with orange digital LCD electronic displays in top models (in place of the earlier luminescent green) and the sedan now had the long nose and 2.0-liter engine. Ford's Telstar received similar changes.

The new 2.0-liter FE engine was up to 83 hp (62 kW) for the North American market, where the car received larger bumpers and sealed-beam headlights as per federal regulations. A 626 GT (also called the Turbo in Canada) was introduced in 1986 using the 120 hp (89 kW) and 150 lb⋅ft (200 N⋅m) FET engine. The rest of the line got a new front clip with dual (rather than quad) headlights and an entirely new interior, and fuel injection on the base engine meant 93 hp (69 kW). A new four-speed automatic was introduced for 1987, the last year of this series.

The GC, locally assembled by Sigma, was released in South Africa in 1983.[23] Due to a local content programme then in force, a facelifted version continued in production by Samcor until 1993.[24] This featured the front end of the GD coupé, but with amber lens indicators and a blanked-off grille, as well as the rear lights from the Ford Telstar, which was not sold locally, Ford still offering the Sierra.[25] The GD was not sold in South Africa, although it was assembled in neighbouring Zimbabwe by Willowvale Motor Industries in both sedan and wagon versions.[26] The 626 L entered production in Colombia with CCA (Compañía Colombiana Automotriz) in May 1984, as a four-door sedan equipped with the 92 PS 1.8-liter engine.[27] The LX (five-door) and GLX (coupé) versions followed in 1985, with the GLX coupé receiving the 102 PS 2.0-liter engine and more luxurious equipment including power steering and windows, as well as digital instrumentation. In the first quarter of 1986 the range was facelifted: the taillights were revised and the hatchback and coupé received new, larger bumpers. The L (sedan) was the only model left with the 1.8 engine as the LX (hatchback) was now a 2-liter, closer to the coupé in its specifications.[27] The GC-series continued to be available until the beginning of 1988, when the next generation 626 replaced it.

Fourth generation (GD/GV; 1987–1992)[edit]

The fourth-generation Capella was released in May 1987.[29] It used the updated GD platform and some versions remained in production in Japan until 1996. Engines were new, though they still emphasized torque rather than outright power. Most of the world received 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, and 2.2 (non-turbo) engines. The GT model had a 2.0-liter FE-DOHC engine that produced 148 (non-cat) or 140 PS (cat). Some models were available with a new 2.0 diesel RFT engine, notable for its use of a pressure wave supercharger (Comprex), that previously could be found in the Mazda Bongo commercial. Diesel models were also exported to Europe, usually with the naturally aspirated engine.[30] By 1990, the 1.6 had been discontinued in most markets, although JDM models intended for commercial use still used the little B6 engine.

The 626 was released in the US for the 1988 model year in 3 trims: DX, LX, and Turbo. Standard equipment included velour upholstery with front bucket seats, Mazda's Twin Trapezoidal Link independent rear suspension, and a fuel injected 2.2-liter SOHC motor. The LX trim offered power door locks and windows, cruise control, and an upgraded sound system with a subwoofer among other things. The Turbo was equipped in similar fashion to the LX, adding an intercooler turbocharger system and 15 inch alloy wheels.

The 626/Capella was available globally as a sedan, station wagon (estate), five-door hatchback, and as a coupé – although the coupé was renamed MX-6 for the North American and Australian markets. In Japan, the five-door was sold as the "Capella CG" (for City Gear) and the coupé as the "Capella C2" (Composite Coupé). There was also a four-door hardtop sedan with unique bodywork, sold only in Japan, called the Mazda Persona.

Sedan (pre-facelift)
Wagon (pre-facelift)
Hatchback (pre-facelift)
Coupe (pre-facelift)

The station wagon version, intended as a true load carrier, was introduced in the northern-hemisphere spring of 1988 on a slightly modified platform (called the GV). The station wagon also had a seven-seat option in some markets. Five-speed manuals and four-speed automatics were offered, with a few export markets also receiving a four-speed manual.[29] Four-wheel drive was introduced in July 1987 for some versions, although it was never made available in the coupé nor in the North American market.[30] Another new option was 4-wheel-steering, introduced in February 1988,[31] with Mazda's system being electronic and more complex than the 4WS system introduced by Honda on their 1988 Prelude. This system was only available in the five-door and the coupé. While not particularly successful in the marketplace, Japanese consumers could choose this option for longer than could export customers. All of the body styles also had optional ABS. The final facelift made a driver's side airbag an option for the buyer.

The 626 line was facelifted for 1990, although mainstream Japanese production ended in 1991. Ford kept building a manual-only GD series sedan, called the Telstar Classic, aimed at fleet customers. The Capella station wagon was still available up until November 1997 (1996 in export markets). As part of a Japanese trend at the time, it was also developed into an "RV", a sporting model with off-road pretensions. The Capella Van version, for commercial use only, actually continued in production until April 1999. It was equipped with the 1.6-liter B6 engine or the naturally aspirated diesel. When the new CG Capella was introduced in August 1994, the "Capella Cargo" received a facelift with a bigger grille and headlights and its name was changed to "Capella Wagon".[32] The last addition to the Japanese lineup was a two-wheel-drive version of the 2.0 GT engine which arrived in June 1996.

UK trim levels were LX (1.8-liter 8v), GLX (1.8-liter 8v /2.0-liter 12v), GLX Executive (2.0-liter 12v) and GT (2.0-liter 16v) GLX Executive 4x4 (2.2-liter 12v) Some early 2.0GT models had four-wheel steering. There was also an estate model with either the 2.0-liter engine in GLX or GT trim, or the GLX Executive 4x4 2.2. The 2.0GT was also available in two-door coupe form. Most European markets received similar lineups, albeit with diesel options in many countries.

The MX-6 was built in Michigan alongside its platform-mate, the Ford Probe at AutoAlliance International, while North American market 626s were still imported from Japan. 626 hatchbacks disappeared after 1991 from the US Mazda model range. The base model now used Mazda's 110 hp (82 kW), 2.2-liter 3-valve SOHC F2 producing just 10 hp (7.5 kW) shy of the old turbocharged engine, and the new turbo was up to 145 hp (108 kW). The 1988 introduction of four-wheel steering to the 626 Turbo liftback, along with Honda's Prelude 4WS, marked the first 4WS systems for the US market. It was later also made available to the MX-6. In 1990, the 626 gained motorized seat belts. Consumer response was strong, and Car and Driver magazine named the 626 and MX-6 in their Ten Best list for 1988.

As for the previous generation, Colombian-built versions were the L (sedan), LX (liftback), and GLX (coupé). They entered local production in the first half of 1988. The L used the 1.8 with 90 PS while the LX and GLX received the 102 PS two-liter - both engines still carburetted, with automatic chokes.[27] This generation is known as "Asahi" in Colombia. The gearing was shorter than for the GC versions, to better suit the mountainous nature of the country.[27]

Mazda New Zealand again assembled a range of four-door sedan and five-door hatchback models, supplemented by the newly available wagon, and imported the coupe and a top five-door version, both with electronically controlled rear-wheel steering. Ford New Zealand's Telstar line was similar, including the wagon and imported rear-wheel steering models, but without the coupe. The wagon's arrival enabled Ford to drop the UK-sourced Sierra wagon from local assembly, simplifying model sourcing.[33] The NZ-specification cars, though imported CKD, shared much of their specifications with uncatalyzed European models including the modified tail lamp assemblies with the mandatory-for-Europe fog light lenses though the bulbs and wiring were not included. This and later generations would also be imported used from Japan in later years, greatly widening the choice of models and specifications available in this market.

After the introduction of the next generation 626 (a rebadged Mazda Cronos), the station wagon continued to be assembled (alongside its slightly lower priced sister, the Telstar GL). Only a 2.0-liter GLX was offered, with the 81 kW (110 PS; 109 hp) uncatalyzed 12-valve engine.[34]

Fifth generation (1991-1997)[edit]

International (GE; 1991–1997)[edit]

Sedan (pre-facelift)
Hatchback (pre-facelift)

For the fifth generation, GE series sedan and hatchback, the Capella name was dropped—although export markets retained the 626 title. In this generation, there was no station wagon version in this line-up. Its nameplate replacements, the Mazda Cronos (sedan) and ɛ̃fini MS-6 (hatchback) that launched in November 1991 were pitched to Japanese customers instead. Both were slightly narrower than the export 626 saloons and hatchbacks to meet Japanese tax restrictions. Built on the GE platform, the hatchback-only MS-6 was launched under the ɛ̃fini brand, as a separate car from the sedan-only Cronos, as Mazda was at the beginning of an ambitious five-brand expansion plan of doubling sales. Including the badge-engineered Ford Telstar (sold at Japanese Ford dealerships called Autorama), the Mazda MX-6 coupe, and the Autozam Clef, a total of five cars were spawned off the same platform, launched under four different brands in Japan over a two-year period.

All of these models ended their production run prematurely, most likely due to the difficulties involved in promoting so many new nameplates as the Japanese economy began to feel the effects of the recession resulting from the Japanese asset price bubble from 1985-1991. While the MS-6 shared the Cronos GE platform, it was marketed as the more sporty of the two. The Capella badge lived on with the wagon/van versions on the previous GV series until 1999. Until 1989, Japanese car taxation used a car's width as a key determinant. The Cronos and its siblings all exceed the critical 1,700 mm (66.9 in) level in width. The series GE platform shared the same width dimension as the luxury brand ɛ̃fini MS-8 and ɛ̃fini MS-6, sharing the 2.5-liter V6. Moving in accord with early-1990s zeitgeist, Mazda considered width a key factor in the Cronos' sales failure, and proceeded to create a narrower stopgap model from the CG platform. This car was introduced in 1994 as the new CG series Capella sedan.


Nonetheless, the GE Cronos and MS-6 continued to be sold as the Mazda 626 in nearly all export markets. European sales of the new 626 began in January 1992. The 626 was again Wheels magazine's Car of the Year for a second time in 1992.

The European (E-spec) and Asian (JDM) models had many differences versus the North American (A-spec) models. These include: raised turn signal side markers vs the A-Spec flush mounted side markers, small fog lights with silver bezels vs the A-Spec full fitting fog lights, different interior cloth patterns, projector headlamps (glass lenses), a 1.8-liter FP engine, and a hatchback model. Europe also received a diesel-engined version, using the "Comprex" pressure-wave supercharged RF engine seen in the previous generation JDM Capella. Power in Europe is 75 PS (55 kW) ECE at 4000 rpm, while the Japanese model claims 82 PS (60 kW) JIS at the same engine speed.[36] European models were also available in a model with four-wheel steering until a mid-1994 lineup adjustment. This was only offered in the hatchback with the 2.5-liter V6 and a manual transmission and not many were sold.

For the first time for a Mazda, the 626 began manufacturing in the US at Flat Rock, Michigan on 1 September 1992 for the 1993 model year. The car was originally known as the "626 Cronos" in Canada, but dropped the Cronos for the 1996 model year. Mazda's 2.5-liter V6 engine debuted to rave reviews. Though the 626's manual transmission was highly regarded,[37] U.S.-built four-cylinder 626s from 1994 onwards used the widely used Ford CD4E automatic transmission (designated by Mazda as LA4A-EL), which replaced the 1993 model's Japanese sourced transmission, which continued on in the V6 model. The CD4E was manufactured in Batavia, Ohio under ZF Batavia, a joint venture between Ford and ZF Friedrichshafen AG. In service in the Mazda 626, the transmission was reputed to have a higher failure rate than in other applications.[citation needed] It is widely known to transmission specialists that the CD4E overheats due to a poorly designed valve body and torque converter.[citation needed] Mazda issued relevant Technical Service Bulletins (0400502, 01598, 003/97K, 006/95) regarding the transmission and torque converter. The CD4E was produced until 2008 at Batavia and was never officially recalled in any application. In 1994, a passenger side airbag was added, whilst some models of the 1994 and 1995 Mazda 626 2.0L automatics were outfitted with Ford's EEC-IV diagnostic system. In North America, the V6 spread to the LX trim in addition to the leather ES trim. New for 1996 and 1997 models were a redesigned hood (raised center portion), chrome grille fairing (attached to the hood), and the introduction of the on Board Diagnostics II revision (OBD-II).

In Colombia the car was named 626 Matsuri (Japanese for "holiday") to differentiate from the past version that was sold at the same time.

Mazda New Zealand assembled this generation for four years with few changes. Ford's variants (since 1987 all built in the same Ford-Mazda joint venture Vehicle Assemblers of New Zealand (VANZ) factory in Wiri, South Auckland) had minor styling and equipment differences (the top Telstar hatchback had an electric sunroof) and anti-lock brakes were now standard on some models, for which factory engineers had to build a special test rig at the end of the assembly line. These were also the first 626/Telstar models to have factory fitted air conditioning, though only standard on the top Limited (626) and TX5 XRi (Telstar) five-door hatchbacks.

  • Sedan (facelift)

  • Sedan (facelift)

  • Hatchback (facelift)

  • Mazda 626 Cronos (Canada)

Japan (CG; 1994–1997)[edit]

As explained above, the Capella label in Japan was only used after 1991 for the lingering GV series wagon and van. This changed when the new, more compact CG series Capella launched in August 1994.[32] It was built on the CG platform designed for the upscale Mazda Lantis and Eunos 500. This vehicle lasted only until 1997, and the Capella name returned to the G platform at this time. Available only with a four-door saloon bodywork, it received 1.8- or 2.0-liter I4 engines.

The slightly reduced width dimension of this series was due to the fact that the Japanese Government taxes exterior dimensions and engine displacement that exceed regulations. This factor is a key component in all vehicles sold in Japan, and this generation vehicle was introduced so as to encourage sales of the Capella against rival Japanese products.

Another factor was that Japan was entering an economic recession due to the effects of the "bubble economy", and all Japanese industries were experiencing a decline in manufactured products.

The sporting models of previous Capellas were now sold under other nameplates, and the CG received 115 PS (85 kW) in 1.8 form and 125 PS (92 kW) in the 2.0-liter. Four-wheel drive was available with the larger engine only. Equipment levels were Li-S, Li, and Gi for the 1.8. The 2.0 was sold as the Zi or as the Fi when equipped with four-wheel drive.[32] In August 1997 the Capella was replaced by the new GF model, which was the same as the 626 outside of North America.

Sixth generation (1997-2005)[edit]

International (GF, GW; 1997–2002)[edit]

1997 brought the sixth-generation Capella, now on the GF platform. The Mazda Cronos name was retired and the Capella, 626, and Telstar once again shared a common platform. All-wheel drive was optional in Japan. The hatchback, a popular variant in Australasia and Europe, was not sold in Japan. North American 626's were again built by AutoAlliance International in Flat Rock, Michigan, and had an entirely different body and differing engine options from 626's sold in the rest of the world. Beside sedan and hatchback styles, the station wagon style was returned in the generation. Once again, the station wagon version used a slightly modified, carryover platform (now called GW, released in 1998). The wheelbase was 60 mm (2.4 in) longer than the sedan, and a V6 engine was offered. This time though, the bodywork was the same, minimizing confusion for buyers.

By now, Ford had decided to reintroduce European models in Australasia so the Mondeo replaced the Telstar in most markets though the latter was still sold in Japan. The Capella was lightly updated in 1999 with a new interior and exterior, cabin air filtration, an available turbodiesel engine, a new Activematic manually operated automatic transmission, and available EBD and DSC.

The Mazda 626 GLX is a European and Asian only trim level of the Mazda 626 not produced or sold in North America. It is Japanese-made, with a 2.0-liter four-cylinder DOHC-engine (FS) and a four-speed automatic transmission, which produces 125 hp (93 kW) at 6,000 rpm and 133 lb·ft (180 N·m) at 4,000 rpm. The 2.0-liter turbo diesel version was added to European market versions beginning in fall of 1998.[38] The European trim levels are LXI, GXI, GSI, GXI SPORT, Atlantis, GXI SE, GSI SE. The European 626 was available with two different 2.0 engines, a 115 PS engine was available from 1998 to 2002 in all models except for the GSI SE and Sport models, which have the 136 PS FS engine.

In 2000, Mazda built the 626 MPS (Mazda Performance Series) concept sedan model. It debuted at the 2000 Geneva motor show as a concept car and only a few were ever produced. It would have included a new 2.5L 280 horsepower twin turbo re-design of the KL-ZE engine mated with a 5-speed manual transmission. However, the 626 MPS was never realized as the next generation of the 626, with the Mazda 6 MPS being introduced instead.

  • Sedan (pre-facelift)

  • Hatchback (pre-facelift)

  • Wagon (pre-facelift)

  • Sedan (facelift)

  • Sedan (facelift)

  • Hatchback (facelift)

North America (1997–2002)[edit]

The North American market 626, introduced in 1997 for the 1998 model year was different from those sold in other countries. The Michigan-built 626 resembled its predecessor, lacking the aggression which could be seen in the 626/Capella as built for the rest of the world. It was also considerably larger and heavier. LX and ES models were available, with both 2.0L and 2.5L V6 engines. Unusual amongst its competitors, the V6 was available with a manual transmission.[40]

From 1998 through 1999 the 626 was given an engine overhaul to give it better pedal feel. However, as most car reviews attested, it is a bland vehicle with softer handling and fewer features than the 1993–1997 version. Here is one such quote from Edmunds: "A bland, bread-and-butter sedan that's not big enough for families and not sporty enough for enthusiasts."[40] Along with a nearly invisible facelift, front side airbags were new options for 2000, as were larger wheels, four-wheel discs, and rear heat ducts. The four-cylinder engine was also upgraded by 5 hp (3.7 kW).

The final Mazda 626 rolled off the Flat Rock, Michigan assembly plant on 30 August 2002 but in Colombia they were still being produced until 2006.


  1. ^ Alfan, Charis. "Mazda 616 Capella" (in Indonesian). Mobil Motor Lama.
  2. ^ a b '70s Car Archives, p. 97
  3. ^ Wapenaar, Piet (June 1979). "Editorial Grapevine". SA Auto. Vol. 1 no. 10. Pretoria, South Africa. p. 10.
  4. ^ a b '70s Car Archives, p. 98
  5. ^ Mazda Montrose GLS Coupé Road Test, Autocar, 29 November 1980
  6. ^ "Mazda 626 CB Series 1". Unique Cars and Parts Australia. Retrieved 21 October 2019.
  7. ^ "自動車ガイドブック [Japanese Motor Vehicles Guide Book 1979/1980]" (in Japanese). 26. Japan: Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. 1 November 1979: 114. 053-790026-3400. Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  8. ^ a b c Lösch, Annamaria, ed. (1982). World Cars 1982. Pelham, NY: L'Editrice dell'Automobile LEA/Herald Books. pp. 347–348. ISBN 0-910714-14-2.
  9. ^ a b c Costa, André & Georges-Michel Fraichard, ed. (September 1981). "Salon 1981: Toutes les Voitures du Monde". L'Auto Journal (in French). Paris: Homme N°1 (14 & 15): 1.
  10. ^ a b "Mazda 626 (CB Series II)". GoAuto. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  11. ^ a b Hogg, Tony (ed.). "1981 Buyer's Guide". Road & Track's Road Test Annual & Buyer's Guide 1981 (January–February 1981): 106.
  12. ^ Hall, Bob (19 October 1981). "'82 Mazdas get modest changes". Autoweek. Vol. 31 no. 42. Keith E. Crain. p. 4. ISSN 0192-9674.
  13. ^ "Mazda 626 - Used Car Research". GoAuto. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  14. ^ a b "Mazda 626 brochure (Australia)". Toyo Kogyo. 1978. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  15. ^ "Mazda 626 (CB)". GoAuto. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  16. ^ "Mazda 626 brochure (Australia)" (PDF). Toyo Kogyo. 1980. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  17. ^ de Jong, Nico (24 December 1983). "Fiat Uno: Auto van het Jaar 1984" [Car of the Year 1984]. Autovisie (in Dutch). Hilversum, Netherlands: Folio Groep B.V. 28 (26): 9.
  18. ^ Jongeneel, Jeroen (24 December 1983). "TestBalans". Autovisie (in Dutch). Hilversum, Netherlands: Folio Groep B.V. 28 (26): 26.
  19. ^ a b Mastrostefano, Raffaele, ed. (1985). Quattroruote: Tutte le Auto del Mondo 1985 (in Italian). Milano: Editoriale Domus S.p.A. p. 552. ISBN 88-7212-012-8.
  20. ^ "Mazda 626 Kebo GC" [Mazda 626 "Buffalo" GC]. Mobilmotorlama (in Indonesian). 30 January 2017.
  21. ^ McCarthy, Mike (June 1984). "Mazda's diesel debut". Wheels. Sydney, Australia: Murray Publishers: 92.
  22. ^ "1983 Mazda 626 1.6 Hatchback Automatic: technical specifications". Retrieved 8 August 2011.
  23. ^ Financial Mail, Volume 90, part 1, 1983, page 99
  24. ^ A century of cars, Fred Schnetler, Tafelberg, 1997, page 115
  25. ^ 1990 MAZDA 626 2.0 M/T Auto For Sale On Auto Trader South Africa
  26. ^ AED: Africa Economic Digest, Volume 11, Issues 26-50, page 16
  27. ^ a b c d Santos Morales, Fernando (10 March 2017). "Historia del Mazda 626 en Colombia y en el mundo" [History of the Mazda 626 in Colombia and across the world]. Carros y Clásicos (in Spanish).
  28. ^ Büschi, Hans-Ulrich, ed. (3 March 1989). Automobil Revue 1988 (in German and French). 83. Berne, Switzerland: Hallwag AG. p. 360. ISBN 3-444-00469-9.
  29. ^ a b Büschi, Hans-Ulrich, ed. (8 March 1990). Automobil Revue 1990 (in German and French). 85. Berne, Switzerland: Hallwag AG. p. 387. ISBN 3-444-00495-8.
  30. ^ a b Automobil Revue 1990, pp. 388–389
  31. ^ '80s Car Archives, p. 181
  32. ^ a b c "カペラ(マツダ CAPELLA)スペック情報・1994年8月" [Mazda Capella specifications, August 1994]. Goo-net. Retrieved 12 June 2013.
  33. ^ McPherson, Scott (19 December 2014). "My Unintentional COAL: 1989 Ford Sierra 2.9i Ghia 4×4 – Tales Of Sierras Past And How A 17-Year Dream Came True!". Curbside Classics. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
  34. ^ Anderson, Donn (March 1993). "Fleet/business car". New Zealand Car. Auckland, New Zealand: Accent Publishing Cnr. 7 (5): 66–67. ISSN 0113-0196.
  35. ^ "カペラ(マツダ CAPELLA)SGサルーン(1989年6月)のカタログ・スペック情報" [Mazda Capella SG Saloon specifications, June 1989]. Goo-net. Retrieved 12 June 2013.
  36. ^ Büschi, Hans-Ulrich, ed. (10 March 1994). Automobil Revue 1994 (in German and French). 89. Berne, Switzerland: Hallwag AG. p. 359. ISBN 3-444-00584-9.
  37. ^ The Spokesman-Review, Page D3, 17 August 1996
  38. ^ Åhman, Michael, ed. (1998). Bilkatalogen 1999 (Swedish edition of German Auto Katalog) (in Swedish). 13. Solna, Sweden: Auto Motor & Sport Sverige AB. p. 100.
  39. ^ a b Bilkatalogen 1999, p. 210
  40. ^ a b "2001 Mazda 626 Review". Edmunds. Retrieved 12 June 2013.


  • 別冊CG: 自動車アーカイヴ 70年代の日本 [Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 5, '70s Japanese Cars] (in Japanese). Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. ISBN 978-4-544-09175-5.
  • 別冊CG: 自動車アーカイヴ 80年代の日本 [Car Graphic: Car Archives Vol. 11, '80s Japanese Cars] (in Japanese). Tokyo: Nigensha. 2007. ISBN 978-4-544-91018-6.