
Amaranthaceae is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the amaranth family, in reference to its type genus Amaranthus. It includes the former goosefoot family Chenopodiaceae and contains about 165 genera and 2,040 species,[2][3] making it the most species-rich lineage within its parent order, Caryophyllales.

Most species in the Amaranthaceae are annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; others are shrubs; very few species are vines or trees. Some species are succulent. Many species have stems with thickened nodes. The wood of the perennial stem has a typical "anomalous" secondary growth; only in subfamily Polycnemoideae is secondary growth normal.[3]

The leaves are simple and mostly alternate, sometimes opposite. They never possess stipules. They are flat or terete, and their shape is extremely variable, with entire or toothed margins. In some species, the leaves are reduced to minute scales. In most cases, neither basal nor terminal aggregations of leaves occur.[3]

The flowers are solitary or aggregated in cymes, spikes, or panicles and typically perfect (bisexual) and actinomorphic. Some species have unisexual flowers. Bracts and bracteoles are either herbaceous or scarious. Flowers are regular with an herbaceous or scarious perianth of (one to) mostly five (rarely to eight) tepals, often joined. One to five stamens are opposite to tepals or alternating, inserting from a hypogynous disc, which may have appendages (pseudostaminodes) in some species. The anthers have two or four pollen sacs (locules). In tribe Caroxyloneae, anthers have vesicular appendages. The pollen grains are spherical with many pores (pantoporate), with pore numbers from a few to 250 (in Froelichia).[4] One to three (rarely six) carpels are fused to a superior ovary with one (rarely two) basal ovule.[3] Idioblasts are found in the tissues.

The diaspores are seeds or fruits (utricles), more often the perianth persists and is modified in fruit for means of dispersal. Sometimes even bracts and bracteoles may belong to the diaspore. More rarely the fruit is a circumscissile capsule or a berry. The horizontal or vertical seed often has a thickened or woody seed coat. The green or white embryo is either spirally (and without perisperm) or annular (rarely straight).[3]

Widespread in the Amaranthaceae is the occurrence of betalain pigments. The former Chenopodiaceae often contain isoflavonoids.[3]

Bassia laniflora (illustration), Camphorosmoideae
Flower of Nitrophila occidentalis, Polycnemoideae
Pollen grains of Halothamnus glaucus
Flower of silver cockscomb, Celosia argentea, in Tirunelveli, India
Cladogram of Amaranthaceae s.l., modified and simplified, based on phylogenetic research of Müller & Borsch 2005, Kadereit et al. 2006, Sanchez del-Pino et al. 2009
Achyranthes splendens, Amaranthoideae
Gomphrena arborescens, Gomphrenoideae
Sugar beet, Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris 'altissima', Betoideae
Grayia spinosa, Chenopodioideae
Salicornia perennis, Salicornioideae
Kali turgidum (Syn. Salsola kali subsp. kali), Salsoloideae
Suaeda nigra, Suaedoideae