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Visayans ( Visayan : Mga Bisaya , pronunciación local:  [bisaˈjaʔ] ) o Visayan , son un grupo etnolingüístico filipino nativo de todo Visayas , las islas más al sur de Luzón y muchas partes de Mindanao . Son el grupo étnico más grande en la división geográfica del país cuando se toman como un solo grupo, con unos 33,5 millones. Las Visayas comparten ampliamente una cultura marítima con una fuerte religión católica romana.las tradiciones se fusionaron con elementos culturales a través de siglos de interacción e inter-migraciones principalmente a través de los mares de Visayas , Sibuyan , Camotes , Bohol y Sulu y en algunas áreas aisladas se fusionaron con antiguas influencias animistas-politeístas (es decir , catolicismo popular ). La mayoría de los visayanos son hablantes de uno o más idiomas bisayanos , siendo el cebuano el más hablado , seguido del hiligaynon (ilonggo) y el waray-waray . [2]

Terminología [ editar ]

Kabisay-an se refiere tanto al pueblo de Visayan colectivamente como a las islas que han habitado desde la prehistoria. Eltérmino anglicizado Visayas (a su vez adaptado del Hispanized Bisayas ) se usa comúnmente para referirse a este último.

En el norte de Mindanao , bisayas (Mindanao tanto nativos y migrantes) están también contemplados por el lumad como el Dumagat ( "gente de mar", que no debe confundirse con el Dumagat Aeta ). Esto fue para distinguir a los habitantes de la costa de Visayans de los lumad de las tierras altas y marismas del interior. [3]

Las siguientes regiones y provincias de Filipinas tienen una población de Visayan considerable o predominante:

Según H. Otley Beyer y otros antropólogos, el término Visayan ( español : bisayo ) se aplicó primero solo a la gente de Panay y a sus asentamientos hacia el este en la isla de Negros y hacia el norte en las islas más pequeñas, que ahora componen la provincia de Romblon. De hecho, en la primera parte de la colonialización española de las Filipinas, los españoles usaron el término Visayan solo para estas áreas, [4] mientras que la gente de Cebú, Bohol y Leyte occidental fueron durante mucho tiempo conocidos solo como Pintados . [5]

De izquierda a derecha : [ 1 ] Imágenes del Códice Boxer que ilustran una antigua pareja visayana kadatuan o tumao (clase noble) de Panay, [ 2 ] los Pintados ("Los tatuados"), otro nombre para los visayanos de Cebú y sus islas circundantes según para los primeros exploradores españoles , [ 3 ] posiblemente una pareja tumao (clase noble) o timawa (clase guerrera) de los Pintados, y [ 4 ] una pareja real de Visayans de Panay.

El nombre Visayan se les extendió más tarde a principios del siglo XIX porque, como afirman varios de los primeros escritores (especialmente en los escritos del jesuita Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro publicados en 1801), [6] aunque erróneamente, sus idiomas están estrechamente relacionados al " dialecto " visayano de Panay. La impresión de estas similitudes fue de hecho analizada cuidadosamente por David Zorc, quien, si bien pudo clasificar lingüísticamente la subfamilia austronesia denominada lenguas bisayas , notó sus conexiones generales como un continuo dialectal. Sin embargo, estos no deben confundirse como dialectos, dada la falta de inteligibilidad mutua. [7]

Grabiel Ribera, capitán de la infantería real española en las Islas Filipinas, también distinguió a Panay del resto de las Islas Pintados. En su informe (fechado el 20 de marzo de 1579) sobre una campaña para pacificar a los nativos que viven a lo largo de los ríos de Mindanao (misión que recibió del Dr. Francisco de Sande, gobernador y capitán general del Archipiélago), Ribera mencionó que su objetivo era hacer a los habitantes de esa isla " vasallos del rey Don Felipe ... como lo son todos los nativos de la isla de Panay, las islas Pintados, y los de la isla de Luzón ... " [8]

Historia [ editar ]

Período clásico [ editar ]

Representación del siglo XVII de un karakoa visayano de la Historia de las islas e indios de Bisayas (1668) de Francisco Ignacio Alcina [9]

Las Visayas se encontraron por primera vez con la civilización occidental cuando el explorador portugués Fernando de Magallanes llegó a la isla de Homonhon , Samar oriental en 1521. [10] Las Visayas se convirtieron en parte de la colonia española de Filipinas y la historia de Visayas se entrelazó con la historia de Filipinas . Con los tres siglos de contacto con el Imperio español a través de México y Estados Unidos , las islas comparten hoy una cultura [11] ligada al mar [12] desarrollada más tarde a partir de una mezcla debisayas indígenas de tierras bajas , los chinos Han , indio , cultura japonesa , y las influencias americanas.

Colonización española [ editar ]

Una pintura en el Santuario de Magallanes que representa la muerte de Fernando de Magallanes a manos de los guerreros de Lapu-Lapu en la Batalla de Mactan en 1521.

El siglo XVI marca el comienzo de la cristianización del pueblo de Visayan, con el bautismo de Rajah Humabon y alrededor de 800 nativos cebuanos. La cristianización de Visayans y filipinos en general, es conmemorada por el Festival Ati-Atihan de Aklan , el Festival Dinagyang de Iloilo , y el festival Sinulog la fiesta del Santo Niño de Cebu (Santo Niño de Cebu), el moreno Representación del Niño Jesús dada por Magallanes a la esposa de Rajah Humabon, Hara Amihan (bautizada como la Reina Juana). En el siglo XVII, Visayans ya participaba en misiones religiosas. En 1672, Pedro Calungsod, un catequista indígena visayano adolescente y Diego Luis de San Vitores , un fraile español, fueron martirizados en Guam durante su misión de predicar el cristianismo al pueblo chamorro . [13]

Portadores de agua en Iloilo , c. 1899

A finales del siglo XIX, el Imperio español se debilitó tras una serie de guerras con sus territorios americanos . El surgimiento de nuevas ideas del mundo exterior gracias a la liberalización del comercio por parte de la España borbónica fomentó una población de clase media relativamente mayor llamada los Ilustrados o "los Ilustrados ". Esto luego se convirtió en un incentivo para que la nueva generación de visionarios políticos educados cumpliera sus sueños de independencia de tres siglos de dominio colonial. Algunos líderes prominentes de la revolución filipina a finales del siglo XIX eran visayanos. Entre los líderes del movimiento Propaganda estaba Graciano López Jaena , el Ilonggoquien fundó la publicación propagandista La Solidaridad . En el teatro de la Revolución de Visayan, Pantaleón Villegas (más conocido como León Kilat ) lideró la revolución cebuana en la Batalla de Tres de Abril (3 de abril). Uno de sus sucesores, Arcadio Maxilom , es un general prominente en la liberalización de Cebú . [14] A principios de 1897, Aklan luchó contra los españoles con Francisco Castillo y Cándido Iban a la cabeza. Ambos fueron ejecutados tras una ofensiva fallida. [15] Martín Delgado encabezó la rebelión en la vecina Iloilo . A cargo de Juan Aranetacon la ayuda de Aniceto Lacson , Negros Occidental fue liberado mientras que Negros Oriental fue liberado por Diego de la Viña. La primera se llamaría la Revolución de Negros o el Cinco de Noviembre . [16] Los movimientos en Capiz fueron liderados por Esteban Contreras con la ayuda de Alejandro Balgos, Santiago Bellosillo y otros Ilustrados. [17] [18] Mientras tanto, Leandro Locsin Fullon encabezó la liberalización de Antique . [19] La mayoría de estos revolucionarios continuarían su lucha por la independencia hasta la guerra entre Filipinas y Estados Unidos.. También hubo un levantamiento menos escuchado y de corta duración llamado la Revuelta de Igbaong que ocurrió en Igbaong, Antique dirigido por Máximo y Gregorio Palmero. Esta revuelta, sin embargo, fue motivada secularmente, ya que clamaban por una forma de religión más sincrética basada en las tradiciones animistas de Visayan y el cristianismo. [20]

Estado federal de Visayas [ editar ]

Un mapa de Mindanao c. 1900, realizado por el Ejército de los Estados Unidos en Filipinas, que muestra los diferentes grupos étnicos de Mindanao, y sus respectivos Dominios Ancestrales y patria tradicional. La mayor parte de las regiones costeras del norte y del este, así como algunas del sur, han sido patria tradicional de Visayans; Las tribus islamizadas dominan las costas occidental y algunas del sur; y los lumad han estado viviendo en el interior y en las tierras altas.

En el apogeo de la revolución filipina , las insurgencias anticoloniales surgieron desde Luzón hasta las Visayas . A pesar del apoyo militar de la República de Tagalo encabezada por Emilio Aguinaldo, los líderes revolucionarios de Visayan se mostraron escépticos con respecto a los verdaderos motivos de los tagalos . [21] Tal animosidad étnica fue notable hasta el punto que los líderes locales de Visayan exigieron fuerzas enviadas desde el norte para entregar sus armamentos y se les prohibió abandonar las bases revolucionarias. Además, esta aprehensión llevó a la declaración completa del Estado Federal de Visayas el 12 de diciembre de 1898. [22] Este gobierno federal de corta duración, con sede en Iloilo, fue una acumulación de movimientos revolucionarios en Panay y Negros . Los siguientes fueron los funcionarios electos cuatro días antes de la declaración: [23]

La federación se formó inmediatamente tras la fusión del Gobierno Cantonal de Negros, [24] el Gobierno Cantonal de Bohol y el Gobierno Provisional del Distrito de Visayas (con sede en Panay ) que incluía a Romblon . Se decía que se basaba en el federalismo estadounidense y la confederación suiza. A pesar de su escepticismo hacia Malolos, el gobierno de Visayan proclamó su lealtad a la república con sede en Luzón mientras mantenía su propio gobierno, recaudación de impuestos y ejército. Apolinario Mabini , entonces primer ministro de la república de Malolos, convenció a los líderes de Visayan de que la Constitución de Malolos era solo provisional y que a los gobiernos de Visayas y Mindanao se les prometió el poder de ratificarla.[25] [26]

Colonización americana [ editar ]

Las mujeres de Visayan se presume que son parte de la Reserva de Filipinas durante la Feria Mundial de St. Louis de 1904

Después del Tratado de París de 1898 , el gobierno colonial estadounidense vio la parte integral de las élites indígenas, particularmente en Negros, en los asuntos locales. Este fue un movimiento diferente en comparación con los imperialistas españoles anteriores que crearon una distinción racial entre mestizos y austronesios nativos ( indios ). Como tal, esto allanó el camino para un concepto homogéneo de filipino, aunque inicialmente basado en el poder financiero y político. Estas dichas élites eran los hacienderoso la clase terrateniente capitalista burguesa concentrada en la industria de la caña de azúcar de Negros. La creencia de los estadounidenses de que estos hacienderos serían elementos estratégicos en su control político dentro de la colonia recién adquirida reforzó la redacción de una constitución colonial separada por y para las élites de la industria azucarera. Esta constitución también estableció el Gobierno Cantonal de Negros. Esto aseguró que la isla de Negros estaría gobernada por un gobierno civil indígena en contraste con el resto de áreas controladas por colonos gobernadas por la Comisión Filipina dominada por Estados Unidos . [27]

Durante este período, las islas orientales de Samar , Leyte y Biliran (incluida Marinduque ) fueron gobernadas directamente por la República de Malolos a través de Vicente Lukban y más tarde por Ambrosio Mojica. [28] Mientras tanto, antes de la abolición total del gobierno federal el 12 de noviembre de 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo nombró a Martín Delgado como gobernador civil y militar de Iloilo el 28 de abril de 1899 tras la invasión estadounidense de Antique . El gobierno federal, para gran rechazo de los líderes cebuanos que apoyaban la causa de Katipunan , se disolvió tras la unión voluntaria de los líderes de Iloilo con la recién formada Primera República de Filipinas .[29] Other factors which led to Aguinaldo forcing the Visayans to dissolve their government was due to the federation's resistance from reorganizing its army and forwarding taxes to Malolos.[30]


Present-day Cebu City, the "Queen City of the South;" Metro Cebu is the de facto economic center of Central Philippines

Since Philippine independence from the United States, there have been three Philippine Presidents from the Visayan regions: the Cebuano Sergio Osmeña, the Capiznon Manuel Roxas and the Boholano Carlos P. García.

Visayans from Bohol in traditional kimona and patadyong dancing tinikling

In addition, the Visayas has produced three Vice-Presidents, four Senate Presidents, eight Speakers of the House, six Chief Justices, and five Presidential Spouses including Imelda Marcos, a Waray. The then-president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is also half Cebuano. Current president Rodrigo Duterte, who is of Visayan ethnicity, also has Leyteño roots. In international diplomacy the Visayas has produced a United Nations Undersecretary general, the Negros Occidental native Rafael M. Salas who served as the Head of the UNFPA. In the lines of religion, there have been two Visayan Cardinals, namely Julio Rosales from Samar and Jaime Sin from Aklan. The first Visayan and second Filipino that was canonized is Pedro Calungsod.[31]

Throughout centuries, non-Visayan groups, most notably foreigners such as the Chinese, have settled in predominantly-Visayan cities in Visayas like Iloilo, Bacolod, Dumaguete and Cebu and Mindanao such as Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, Davao and General Santos.[32][33] These Filipino-Chinese have been assimilated to mainstream society. One factor would be the limited number of Chinese schools in the Visayas which help maintain the Chinese identity and a stronger sense of a distinct community.[34] Many of them, particularly the younger generation, have been de-cultured from Chinese traditions, share values about family and friends with other Filipinos, and do not write or speak Chinese well.[35][36]

Meanwhile, Negritos, locally called Ati, have also been assimilated into mainstream Visayan society.

Visayans have likewise migrated to other parts of the Philippines, especially Metro Manila and Mindanao. The Visayans have also followed the pattern of migration of Filipinos abroad and some have migrated to other parts of the world starting from the Spanish and American period and after World War II. Most are migrants or working as overseas contract workers.


Map of the Philippines showing the locations of Visayas, Mindanao and Luzon divisions. Note that the culturally and linguistically Visayan provinces of Masbate, Palawan and Romblon are not usually geographically included in common literature due to the fact that the former is under Bicol Region and the latter two are under Mimaropa, both Luzon-associated administrative regions, respectively.
Geographic extent of Visayan languages based on Ethnologue and the National Statistics Office 2000 Census of Population and Housing
  Southern Sorsogon
  Northern Sorsogon
  Widespread/L2 use of Cebuano
  Widespread/L2 use of Hiligaynon

Ethnic Visayans predominantly speak at least one of the Bisayan languages, most of which are commonly referred as Binisaya or Bisaya. The table below lists the Philippine languages classified as Bisayan languages by the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Although all of the languages indicated below are classified as "Bisayan" by linguistic terminology, not all speakers identify themselves as ethnically or culturally Visayan. The Tausūg, a Moro ethnic group, only use Bisaya to refer to the predominantly Christian lowland natives which Visayans are popularly recognized as.[37] This is a similar case to the Ati, who delineate Visayans from fellow Negritos. Conversely, the Visayans of Capul in Northern Samar speak Abaknon, a Sama–Bajaw language, as their native tongue.

1 Philippines only.
2 Philippines only; 1,022,000 worldwide.



When Spanish Explorers discovered the Philippines, they remarked on the Native's bodies in which it was covered in beautiful intricate lines and shapes that resembled them to those of lizards and crocodiles and thus they were named Pintados. Tattooing one's bodies were akin to Medals of Honors in the modern day with the location of the tattoo being indicative of the warrior's strength. It was customary for the tattoos to start from the legs, and then progressing into the ankles and ending at the waist. Tattoos on the abdomen were only awarded to those who have seen further battle and tattoos on the face were reserved for those who have truly gained the right to be called as one of the best.

Women were also tattooed and their tattoos resembled those of Damask and Embroidery, usually located on their hand/s.

Each tattoo was different from person to person, in which it would indicate what Island you came from, which Datu you served, and how strong you are.

In recent times, the practice of tattooing has been frowned upon due to the general indoctrination that if one is tattooed, their skin is dirty and will thus be unable to enter Heaven. This is indicated by Lev. 19:28, “‘You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord.”

However, the practice has seen some revival amongst Visayan Millenials as a way of expression and to further deepen their connection to their own culture.



A tenegre sword from Panay with a bakunawa head hilt

Prior to the arrival of Catholicism, precolonial Visayans adhered to a complex Hindu-Buddhist and animist system where spirits in nature were believed to govern all existing life. Similar to other ethnic groups in the Philippines such as the Tagalogs who believed in a pantheon of gods, the Visayans also adhered to deities led by a supreme being. Such belief, on the other hand, was misinterpreted by arriving Spaniards such as Jesuit historian Pedro Chirino to be a form of monotheism.[38] There are Kaptan and Magwayan, supreme god of the sky and goddess of the sea and death, respectively. They in turn bore two children, Lihangin, god of wind, and Lidagat, goddess of the sea. Both aforementioned gods had four children, namely Likabutan, the god of the world, Liadlaw, the god of the sun, Libulan, the god of the moon, and Lisuga, the goddess of the stars.[39] People believed that life transpires amidst the will of and reverence towards gods and spirits. These deities who dwell within nature were collectively called the diwata.[40] Meanwhile, spirits were referred to as umalagad (called anito in Luzon).[41] These refer to ancestors, past leaders or heroes also transfigured within nature. Beside idols symbolizing the umalagad were food, drinks, clothing, precious valuables or even a sacrificial animal offered for protection of life or property. Such practice was a form of ancestor worship. Furthermore, these rituals surrounding the diwata and umalagad were mediated by the babaylan who were highly revered in society as spiritual leaders. These intercessors were equivalent to shamans, and were predominantly women or were required to have strong female attributes such as hermaphrodites and homosexuals. Old men were also allowed to become one.[42] One notable example is Dios Buhawi who ruled a politico-religious revolt in Negros Oriental at the beginning of the Philippine Revolution.[27]


According to 2000 survey, 86.53% of the population of Western Visayas professed Roman Catholicism. Aglipayan (4.01%) and Evangelicals (1.48%) were the next largest groups, while 7.71% identified with other religious affiliations.[43]

The same survey showed that 92% of household populations in Central Visayas were Catholics, followed by Aglipayans (2%) and Evangelicals (1%). The remaining 5% belonged to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Iglesia ni Cristo, various Protestant denominations or other religions.[1]

For Eastern Visayas, 93% of the total household population were Catholics, while 2% identified as "Aglipayan", and 1% as "Evangelical". The remaining 5% belonged to other Protestant denominations (including the Iglesia ni Cristo, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and various Baptist churches) or identified with Islam and other religions.[44]

The Tausugs of Sulu do not or identified themselves less as "Bisaya" (Visayan) despite their language being classified as Visayan, owing to their distinct culture and profession of Islamic faith. The Tausug term "bisaya" is only referred to their Christian Visayan neighbors. Tausugs are overwhelmingly Muslims, particularly in their home provinces of Sulu and Tawi-tawi, while those who migrated to and lived in predominantly Christian cities or provinces already professed Catholic Christianity or "Born-Again" Christianity.


Visayans are known in the Philippines for their festivities such as the Ati-Atihan, Dinagyang,[45] Pintados-Kasadyaan, Sangyaw, Sinulog festivals. Most Visayan festivals have a strong association with Roman Catholicism despite apparent integration of ancient Hindu-Buddhist-Animist folklore particularly the tradition of dances and the idols in the image of the Child Jesus commonly named as the Santo Niño. The oldest Catholic religious image in the islands still existing today is the Santo Niño de Cebú.

Sinulog Festival of Cebu
MassKara Festival of Bacolod

The Sandugo Festival of Tagbilaran, Bohol is a celebration of one of the most significant parts of pre-Philippine history. This festival revolves around the theme of the reenactment of the blood compact between the island's monarch, Datu Sikatuna, and the Spanish explorer, Miguel López de Legazpi, which is known among Filipinos as the Sandugo (lit. unified/one blood). The arrival of the ten Bornean datus as mentioned in the legend of Maragtas is celebrated in Binirayan Festival in Antique.[46]

The MassKara Festival of Bacolod, Negros Occidental explores more on the distinct cultural identity of the city. Since Bacolod is tagged as the City of Smiles due to its fun-loving and enduring people, the city government inaugurated the festival in 1980 after tragedy struck the region.[47][48]


Some of the earliest known works were documented by a Spanish Jesuit named Ignacio Francisco Alzina during the Spanish colonial Philippines. Among these literary pieces from ancient Eastern Visayas were candu, haya, ambahan, canogon, bical, balac, siday and awit which are predominantly in Waray. There were also narratives called susmaton and posong. It was also described that theater played a central role in performing poetry, rituals and dances.[49] The Western Visayans also shared nearly the same literary forms with the rest of the islands. Among their pre-Hispanic works were called the bangianay, hurobaton, paktakun, sugidanun and amba. These were all found to be in Old Kinaray-a. Some of the widely known and the only existing literature describing ancient Visayan society are as the Hinilawod and the Maragtas which was in a combination of Kinaray-a and Hiligaynon.[50][51] The Aginid: Bayok sa Atong Tawarik is an epic retelling a portion of ancient Cebu history where the Chola dynasty minor prince Sri Lumay of Sumatra founded and ruled the Rajahnate of Cebu.[52] It also has accounts of Rajah Humabon and Lapu-Lapu.[53]

It was found by Filipino polymath José Rizal in Antonio de Morga's Sucesos delas islas Filipinas that one of the first known native poet in much of pre-Philippines known to Europeans was a Visayan named Karyapa.[54] During the golden age of native Philippine languages at the onset of Japanese occupation, numerous Visayan names rose to literary prominence. Acclaimed modern Visayan writers in their respective native languages are Marcel Navarra, the father of modern Cebuano literature, Magdalena Jalandoni, Ramon Muzones, Iluminado Lucente, Francisco Alvardo, Eduardo Makabenta, Norberto Romuáldez, Antonio Abad, Augurio Abeto, Diosdado Alesna, Maragtas S. V. Amante, Epifanio Alfafara, Jose Yap, Leoncio P. Deriada, Conrado Norada, John Iremil Teodoro and Peter Solis Nery.

Don Ramon Roces of Roces Publishing, Inc. is credited for the promulgation of Visayan languages in publications through Hiligaynon and Bisaya.[55]

Cinema, television and theatre[edit]

Visayan films, particularly Cebuano-language ones, experienced a boom between the 1940s and the 1970s. In the mid 1940s alone, a total of 50 Visayan productions were completed, while nearly 80 movies were filmed in the following decade.[citation needed] This wave of success has been bolstered by Gloria Sevilla, billed as the "Queen of Visayan Movies",[56] who won the prestigious Best Actress award from the 1969 FAMAS for the film Badlis sa Kinabuhi and the 1974 Gimingaw Ako.[57] Caridad Sanchez, Lorna Mirasol, Chanda Romero, Pilar Pilapil and Suzette Ranillo are some of the industry's veterans who gained recognition from working on Visayan films.

The national film and television industries are also supported by actors who have strong Visayan roots such as Joel Torre, Jackie Lou Blanco, Edu Manzano, Manilyn Reynes, Dwight Gaston, Vina Morales, Sheryl Reyes, and Cesar Montano, who starred in the 1999 biographical film Rizal and multi-awarded 2004 movie Panaghoy sa Suba.[58] Younger actors and actress of Visayan origin or ancestry include Isabel Oli, Kim Chiu, Enrique Gil, Shaina Magdayao, Carla Abellana, Erich Gonzales and Matteo Guidicelli.

Award-winning director Peque Gallaga of Bacolod has garnered acclaim from his most successful movie Oro, Plata, Mata which depicted Negros Island and its people during World War II. Among his other works and contributions are classic Shake, Rattle & Roll horror film series, Scorpio Nights and Batang X.

GMA Network's 2011 period drama teleserye Amaya as well as its 2013 series Indio, featured the politics and culture of ancient and colonial Visayan societies, respectively.


Traditional Visayan folk music were known to many such as Dandansoy originally in Hiligaynon and is now commonly sang in other Bisayan languages. Another, although originally written in Tagalog, is Waray-Waray, which speaks of the common stereotypes and positive characteristics of the Waray people. American jazz singer Eartha Kitt also had a rendition of the song in her live performances.[59] A very popular Filipino Christmas carol Ang Pasko ay Sumapit translated by Levi Celerio to Tagalog was originally a Cebuano song entitled Kasadya Ning Taknaa popularized by Ruben Tagalog.[60]

Tinikling, which presumably originated from the Samar-Leyte area in Eastern Visayas.

Contemporary Philippine music was highly influenced and molded through the contributions of many Visayan artists. Many of them are platinum recorder Jose Mari Chan, Pilita Corrales, Dulce, Verni Varga, Susan Fuentes, Jaya and Kuh Ledesma who enjoyed acclaim around the 1960s to the early 1990s. Newer singers are Jed Madela, Sheryn Regis and Sitti Navarro.

Yoyoy Villame, a Boholano, is dubbed as the Father of Filipino novelty songs with his Butsekik as the most popular. Villame often collaborated with fellow singer, Max Surban. Joey Ayala, Grace Nono and Bayang Barrios are some of the front-runners of a branching musical subgenre called Neotraditional which involved traditional Filipino instruments with modern rhythm and melody.

Rock emerged into dominance within the Philippine music scene in the 1980s. Among the bands from Visayas are Urbandub and Junior Kilat. Another subgenre also sprung a few years later called BisRock which is a portmanteau of Bisaya and rock.


Ethnic dances from the region are common in any traditional Filipino setting. Curacha or kuratsa (not to be confused with the Zamboangueño dish) is a popular Waray dance. Its Cebuano counterparts are kuradang and la berde.[61] There is the liki from Negros Occidental[62] and the well-known tinikling of Leyte.[63][64] Other Hiligaynon dances are the harito, balitaw, liay, lalong kalong, imbong, inay-inay and binanog.[65]

Visual arts[edit]

The only Boholano and the youngest to receive the National Artist of the Philippines award for visual arts is Napoleon Abueva. He is also tagged as the Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture. Among his works are Kaganapan (1953), the Transfiguration (1979) and the 14 Stations of the Cross around the EDSA Shrine.[66] He is also responsible for the sculpture of the Sandugo monument at Tagbilaran City to give homage to his roots.

A renowned figure in architecture is Leandro Locsin of Silay, Negros Occidental. He was proclaimed as National Artist of the Philippines for architecture in 1990. Locsin worked on many of the buildings in many campuses of the University of the Philippines System. He also designed the main building or the Tanghalang Pambansa of the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the Ayala Tower One & Exchange Plaza housing the Philippine Stock Exchange at Makati.

See also[edit]

  • Bisaya (Borneo), a similarly-named ethnic group in Borneo
  • Pintados
  • Visayas
  • Luções
  • Rajahnate of Cebu
  • Timawa
  • Malay world
  • Bisaya (genus)
  • Boxer Codex
  • Tagalog people
  • Kapampangan people
  • Ilocano people
  • Ivatan people
  • Igorot people
  • Pangasinan people
  • Bicolano people
  • Negrito
  • Lumad
  • Moro people


  1. ^ a b "Central Visayas: Three in Every Five Households had Electricity (Results from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, NSO)". National Statistics Office, Republic of the Philippines. July 15, 2003. Archived from the original on February 21, 2012. Retrieved September 4, 2012.
  2. ^ Lifshey, A. (2012), The Magellan Fallacy: Globalization and the Emergence of Asian and African Literature in Spanish, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press
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External links[edit]

  • Visayan Languages
  • Visayan
  • The issues on the use of the word 'Bisaya' by Henry Funtecha, PhD The News Today. August 28, 2009 Iloilo City, Philippines.