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Las tablas a continuación resumen y comparan el inventario de letras de algunos de los alfabetos de escritura latina . En este artículo, el alcance de la palabra "alfabeto" se amplía para incluir letras con marcas de tono y otros signos diacríticos que se utilizan para representar una amplia gama de tradiciones ortográficas, independientemente de si están secuenciadas en su alfabeto o en la tabla, o cómo lo hacen.

Letras contenidas en el alfabeto latino básico ISO [ editar ]

Alfabetos que contienen todas las letras latinas básicas ISO [ editar ]

El Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (IPA) incluye las 26 letras en minúsculas, aunque g siempre es de un piso ( ɡ ) en el IPA y nunca de dos pisos ( Looptail g.svg).

Entre los alfabetos para lenguas naturales el achomi [68] , afrikáans , [54] aromaniano , vasco , [4] , celta británico , catalán , [6] de Cornualles , checo , [8] danés , [9] holandés , [10] emiliano. -Romagnol , inglés , [36] filipino , [11] finlandés , francés , [12] , alemán , [13] groenlandés, Húngaro , [15] indonesio , javanés , karakalpak , [23] kurdo , latín moderno , luxemburgués , malayo , noruego , [9] oromo [65] , papiamento [63] , polaco [22] , portugués , quechua , rhaeto- Romance , rumano , eslovaco , [24] español , [25] sundanés ,Sueco , tswana , [52] árabe tunecino , [58] uigur , venda , [51] võro , valón , [27] frisón occidental , xhosa , zhuang , zulú incluyen las 26 letras, al menos en su versión más grande.

Entre los alfabetos de las lenguas construidas, los alfabetos idó , interglossa , interlingua y occidental incluyen las 26 letras.

Alfabetos que no contienen todas las letras latinas básicas ISO [ editar ]

Esta lista se basa en definiciones oficiales de cada alfabeto. Sin embargo, es posible que falten letras en palabras prestadas no integradas y nombres de lugares.

La I se usa en dos versiones distintas en idiomas turcos, sin puntos (I ı) y con puntos (İ i) . Se consideran letras diferentes y la conversión de mayúsculas y minúsculas debe tener cuidado para preservar la distinción. El irlandés tradicionalmente no escribe el punto o el título sobre la letra i minúscula , pero el idioma no hace distinción aquí si se muestra un punto, por lo que no se necesita una codificación específica ni una regla de conversión de casos especiales como para los alfabetos turcos.

Estadísticas [ editar ]

La tabla anterior enumera una variedad de alfabetos que no contienen oficialmente las 26 letras del alfabeto latino básico de ISO. En esta lista, todos usan una letra: A. Para cada una de las 26 letras básicas del alfabeto latino ISO, la cantidad de alfabetos en la lista anterior que la usan es la siguiente:

Letras que no están incluidas en el alfabeto latino básico de ISO [ editar ]

Algunos idiomas han extendido el alfabeto latino con ligaduras , letras modificadas o dígrafos . Estos símbolos se enumeran a continuación. Es posible que no todos los caracteres de las siguientes tablas se procesen, según el sistema operativo y la versión del navegador que se utilicen, y la presencia o ausencia de fuentes Unicode .

Letras adicionales por tipo [ editar ]

Letras y ligaduras independientes [ editar ]

Combinaciones de letras y diacríticos: conectadas o superpuestas [ editar ]

Otras letras en orden de clasificación [ editar ]

Las tablas a continuación son un trabajo en progreso. Eventualmente, las celdas de la tabla con sombreado azul claro indicarán formas de letras que no constituyen letras distintas en sus alfabetos asociados. Ayude con esta tarea si tiene los conocimientos lingüísticos y la habilidad de edición técnica necesarios.

Para conocer el orden en que se ordenan los caracteres en cada alfabeto, consulte la secuencia de clasificación .

Letras derivadas de A – H [ editar ]

Letters derived from I–O[edit]

Letters derived from P–Z[edit]


  1. ↑↑↑↑ In classical Latin, the digraphs CH, PH, RH, TH were used in loanwords from Greek, but they were not included in the alphabet. The ligatures Æ, Œ and W, as well as lowercase letters, were added to the alphabet only in Middle Ages. The letters J and U were used as typographical variants of I and V, respectively, roughly until the Enlightenment.
  2. ↑↑↑↑ In Afrikaans, C and Q are only (and X and Z almost only) used in loanwords.
  3. ↑↑↑↑ Albanian officially has the digraphs dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh, which is sufficient to represent the Tosk dialect. The Gheg dialect supplements the official alphabet with 6 nasal vowels, namely â, ê, î, ô, û, ŷ.
  4. ↑↑↑↑ Arbëresh officially has the digraphs dh, gj, hj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh. Arbëresh has the distinctive hj, which is considered as a letter in its own right.
  5. ↑↑ Achomi also has the digraph A'.
  6. ↑↑↑↑ A with diaeresis is used only as a replacement character for schwa if the latter cannot be used (it was replaced by the schwa one year later because it is the most common letter). These cases should be avoided!
  7. ↑↑↑↑ Basque has several digraphs: dd, ll, rr, ts, tt, tx, tz. The ü, which is pronounced as /ø/, is required for various words in its Zuberoan dialect. C, Ç, Q, V, W, Y are used in foreign words, but are officially considered part of the alphabet (except Ç, which is considered a variant of C).
  8. Bambara also has the digraphs: kh(only present in loanwords), sh (also written as ʃ; only present in some dialects). Historically, è was used instead of ɛ, ny was used instead of ɲ, and ò was used instead of ɔ in Mali.
  9. ↑↑↑↑ Belarusian also has several digraphs: ch, dz, dź, dž.
  10. ↑↑↑↑ Bislama also has the digraph ng.
  11. ↑↑↑↑ Breton also has the digraphs ch, c'h, zh. C, Q, X are used in foreign words or digraphs only.
  12. ↑↑↑ Catalan also has a large number of digraphs: dj, gu, gü, ig, ix, ll, l·l, ny, qu, qü, rr, ss, tg, tj, ts, tx, tz. The letters K, Ñ, Q W, and Y are only used in loanwords or the digraphs mentioned.
  13. ↑↑↑ Chamorro also has the digraphs ch, ng. C used only in digraphs.
  14. ↑↑↑↑ Corsican has the trigraphs: chj, ghj.
  15. ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Croatian Gaj's alphabet also has the digraphs: , lj, nj. There are also four tone markers that are sometimes used on vowels to avoid ambiguity in homophones, but this is generally uncommon. Gaj's alphabet has been adopted by the Serbian and Bosnian standards and that it has complete one-to-one congruence with Serbian Cyrillic, where the three digraphs map to Cyrillic letters џ, љ and њ, respectively. Rarely and non-standardly, digraph dj is used instead of đ (like it was previously) (Cyrillic ђ). Montenegrin variant additionally uses Ś and Ź to indicate dialectal pronunciation.
  16. ↑↑ Cypriot Arabic also has the letters Θ and Δ.
  17. ↑↑↑↑ Czech also has the digraph ch, which is considered a separate letter and is sorted between h and i. While á, ď, é, ě, í, ň, ó, ť, ú, ů, and ý are considered separate letters, in collation they are treated merely as letters with diacritics. However, č, ř, š, and ž are actually sorted as separate letters. Q, W, X occur only in loanwords.
  18. Dakelh also contains the letter ', which represents the glottal stop. The letters F, P, R, and V are only used in loanwords.
  19. ↑↑↑↑↑↑ The Norwegian alphabet is currently identical with the Danish alphabet. C is part of both alphabets and is not used in native Danish or Norwegian words (except some proper names), but occurs quite frequently in well-established loanwords in Danish. Norwegian and Danish use é in some words such as én, although é is considered a diacritic mark, while å, æ and ø are letters. Q, W, X, Z are not used except for names and some foreign words.
  20. Dinka also has the digraphs: dh, nh, ny, th. H is only present in these digraphs. Dinka also used the letters Ää, Ëë, Ïï, Öö, Ɛ̈ɛ̈, Ɔ̈ɔ̈ (the last two which do not exist as precomposed characters in Unicode)
  21. ↑↑↑ The status of ij as a letter, ligature or digraph in Dutch is disputed. C (outside the digraph ch) Q, X, and Y occur mostly in foreign words. Letters with grave and letters with circumflex occur only in loanwords.
  22. ↑↑↑ English generally now uses extended Latin letters only in loan words, such as fiancé, fiancée, and résumé. Rare publication guides may still use the dieresis on words, such as "coöperate", rather than the now-more-common "co-operate" (UK) or "cooperate" (US). For a fuller discussion, see articles branching from Lists of English words of international origin, which was used to determine the diacritics needed for more unambiguous English. However, an é or è is sometimes used in poetry to show that a normally silent vowel is to be pronounced, as in "blessèd".
  23. ↑↑↑↑ Filipino also known as Tagalog also uses the digraph ng, even originally with a large tilde that spanned both n and g (as in n͠g) when a vowel follows the digraph. (The use of the tilde over the two letters is now rare). Only ñ is required for everyday use (only in loanwords). The accented vowels are used in dictionaries to indicate pronunciation, and g with tilde is only present in older works.
  24. ↑↑↑ Uppercase diacritics in French are often (incorrectly) thought of as being optional, but the official rules of French orthography designate accents on uppercase letters as obligatory in most cases. Many pairs or triplets are read as digraphs or trigraphs depending on context, but are not treated as such lexicographically: consonants ph, (ng), th, gu/gü, qu, ce, ch/(sh/sch), rh; vocal vowels (ee), ai/ay, ei/ey, eu, au/eau, ou; nasal vowels ain/aim, in/im/ein, un/um/eun, an/am, en/em, om/on; the half-consonant -(i)ll-; half-consonant and vowel pairs oi, oin/ouin, ien, ion. When rules that govern the French orthography are not observed, they are read as separate letters, or using an approximating phonology of a foreign language for loan words, and there are many exceptions. In addition, most final consonants are mute (including those consonants that are part of feminine, plural, and conjugation endings). Y with diaeresis and U with diaeresis are only used in certain geographical names and proper names plus their derivatives, or, in the case of U with diaeresis, newly proposed reforms. E.g. capharnaüm `shambles' is derived from the proper name Capharnaüm. Æ occurs only in Latin or Greek loanwords.
  25. Fula has X as part of the alphabet in all countries except Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (used only in loanwords in these countries). Ɠ, which is used only in loanwords (but still part of the alphabet), is used in Guinea only. Fula also uses the digraphs mb (In Guinea spelled nb), nd, ng, and nj. aa, ee, ii, oo, and uu are part of the alphabet in all countries except Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Ƴ is used in all countries except for Nigeria, where it is written 'y. Ŋ is used in all countries except for Nigeria. Ɲ is used in Guinea, Mali, and Burkina Faso, Ñ is used in Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, and the digraph ny is used in Niger, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. The apostrophe is a letter (representing the glottal stop) in Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Q, V, and Z are only used in loanwords, and are not part of the alphabet.
  26. ↑↑↑↑ Galician. The standard of 1982 set also the digraphs gu, qu (both always before e and i), ch, ll, nh and rr. In addition, the standard of 2003 added the grapheme ao as an alternative writing of ó. Although not marked (or forgotten) in the list of digraphs, they are used to represent the same sound, so the sequence ao should be considered as a digraph. The sequence nh represents a velar nasal (not a palatal as in Portuguese) and is restricted only to three feminine words, being either demonstrative or pronoun: unha ('a' and 'one'), algunha ('some') and ningunha ('not one'). The Galician reintegracionismo movement uses it as in Portuguese. J (outside of the Limia Baixa region), K, W, and Y are only used in loanwords, and are not part of the alphabet.
  27. ↑↑↑↑ German also retains most original letters in French loan words. Swiss German does not use ß any more. The long s (ſ) was in use until the mid-20th century. Sch is usually not treated like a true trigraph, neither are ch, ck, st, sp, th, (ph, rh) and qu digraphs. Q only appears in the sequence qu and in loanwords, while x and y are found almost only in loan words. The capital ß () is almost never used, ß is replaced with SS when writing all-caps. The accented letters (other than the letters ä, ö, ü, and ß) are used only in loanwords.
  28. ↑↑↑↑ Guaraní also uses digraphs ch, mb, nd, ng, nt, rr and the glottal stop '. B, C, and D are only used in these digraphs.
  29. Gwich'in also contains the letter ', which represents the glottal stop. Gwich'in also uses the letters Ą̀, Ę̀, Į̀, Ǫ̀, and Ų̀, which are not available as precomposed characters in Unicode. Gwich'in also uses the digraphs and trigraphs: aa, ąą, àà, ą̀ą̀, ch, ch', ddh, dh, dl, dr, dz, ee, ęę, èè, ę̀ę̀, gh, ghw, gw, ii, įį, ìì, į̀į̀, kh, kw, k', nd, nh, nj, oo, ǫǫ, òò, ǫ̀ǫ̀, rh, sh, shr, th, tl, tl', tr, tr', ts, ts', tth, tth', t', uu, ųų, ùù, ų̀ų̀, zh, zhr. The letter C is only used the digraphs above. The letters B, F, and M are only used in loanwords.
  30. ↑↑↑↑ Hausa has the digraphs: sh, ts. Vowel length and tone are usually not marked. Textbooks usually use macron or doubled vowel to mark the length, grave to mark the low tone and circumflex to mark the falling tone. Therefore, in some systems, it is possible that macron is used in combination with grave or circumflex over a, e, i, o or u. The letter P is only used in loanwords.
  31. ↑↑↑↑ Hungarian also has the digraphs: cs, dz, gy, ly, ny, sz, ty, zs; and the trigraph: dzs. Letters á, é, í, ó, ő, ú, and ű are considered separate letters, but are collated as variants of a, e, i, o, ö, u, and ü.
  32. ↑↑↑↑ Irish formerly used the dot diacritic in ḃ, ċ, ḋ, ḟ, ġ, ṁ, ṗ, ṡ, ṫ. These have been replaced by the digraphs: bh, ch, dh, fh, gh, mh, ph, sh, th except for in formal instances. V only occurs in onomotopoeia, such as vácarnach, vác, or vrác, or in rare alternative spellings víog and vís (usually spelled bíog and bís), or in loanwords. Z only occurs in the West Muskerry dialect in the digraph zs (a rare eclipsis of s, spelled s in other dialects and the language proper) or in loanwords.
  33. Igbo writes Ṅṅ alternatively as N̄n̄. Igbo has the digraphs: ch, gb, gh, gw, kp, kw, nw, ny, sh. C is only used in the digraph before. Also, vowels take a grave accent, an acute accent, or no accent, depending on tone.
  34. ↑↑↑↑ Italian also has the digraphs: ch, gh, gn, gl, sc. J, K, W, X, Y are used in foreign words, and are not part of the alphabet. X is also used for native words derived from Latin and Greek; J is also used for just a few native words, mainly names of persons (as in Jacopo) or of places (as in Jesolo and Jesi), in which is always pronounced as letter I. While it does not occur in ordinary running texts, geographical names on maps are often written only with acute accents. The circumflex is used on an -i ending that was anciently written -ii (or -ji, -ij, -j, etc.) to distinguish homograph plurals and verb forms: e.g. e.g. principî form principi, genî from geni.
  35. Karakalpak also has the digraphs: ch, sh. C, F, V are used in foreign words.
  36. Kazakh also has the digraphs: ia, io, iu. F, H, V and the digraph io are used in foreign words.
  37. ↑↑↑↑ Latvian also has the digraphs: dz, dž, ie. Dz and are occasionally considered separate letters of the alphabet in more archaic examples, which have been published as recently as the 1950s; however, modern alphabets and teachings discourage this due to an ongoing effort to set decisive rules for Latvian and eliminate barbaric words accumulated during the Soviet occupation. The digraph "ie" is never considered a separate letter. Ō, Ŗ, and the digraphs CH (only used in loanwords) and UO are no longer part of the alphabet, but are still used in certain dialects and newspapers that use the old orthography. Y is used only in certain dialects and not in the standard language. F and H are only used in loanwords.
  38. ↑↑↑↑ A nearby language, Pite Sami, uses Lule Sami orthography but also includes the letters Đđ and Ŧŧ, which are not in Lule Sami.
  39. ↑↑↑↑ Lithuanian also has the digraphs: ch, dz, dž, ie, uo. However, these are not considered separate letters of the alphabet. F, H, and the digraph CH are only used in loanwords. Demanding publications such as dictionaries, maps, schoolbooks etc. need additional diacritical marks to differentiate homographs. Using grave accent on A, E, I, O, U, acute accent on all vowels, and tilde accent on all vowels and on L, M, N and R. Small E and I (also with ogonek) must retain the dot when additional accent mark is added to the character; the use of ì and í (with missing dot) is considered unacceptable.
  40. ↑↑↑↑ In Livonian, the letters Ö, Ȫ, Y, Ȳ were used by the older generation, but the younger generation merged these sounds; Around the late 1990s, these letters were removed from the alphabet.
  41. ↑↑↑↑ Marshallese often uses the old orthography (because people did not approve of the new orthography), which writes ļ as l, as m, ņ as n, p as b, as o at the ends of words or in the word yokwe (also spelled iakwe under the old orthography; under the new orthography, spelled io̧kwe), but a[clarification needed] at other places, and d as dr before vowels, or r after vowels. The old orthography writes ā as e in some words, but ā in others; it also writes ū as i between consonants. The old orthography writes geminates and long vowels as two letters instead. Allophones of /ɘ/, written as only e o ō in the new orthography, are also written as i u and very rarely, ū. The letter Y only occurs in the words yokwe or the phrase yokwe yuk (also spelled iakwe iuk in the old orthography or io̧kwe eok in the new orthography).
  42. ↑↑↑↑ Maltese also has the digraphs: ie, għ.
  43. Māori uses g only in ng digraph. Wh is also a digraph.
  44. Some Mohawk speakers use orthographic i in place of the consonant y. The glottal stop is indicated with an apostrophe and long vowels are written with a colon :.
  45. [Na'vi] uses the letter ʼ and the digraphs aw, ay, ew, ey, kx, ll, ng (sometimes written as G), px, rr, ts (sometimes written as C), tx. G (in standard orthography) and X are used only in digraphs.
  46. ↑↑↑ Massachusett also uses the digraphs ch, ee, sh, ty and the letter 8 (which was previously written oo). C is only used in the digraph ch.
  47. Oromo uses the following digraphs: ch, dh, ny, ph, sh. P is only used in the digraph ph and loanwords. V and Z are only used in loanwords.
  48. ↑↑↑↑ Papiamento also has the digraphs: ch, dj, sh, zj. Q and X are only used in loanwords and proper names. J is only used in digraphs, loanwords, and proper names. Papiamentu in Bonaire and Curaçao is different from Papiamento in Aruba in the following ways: Papiamento in Aruba uses a more etymological spelling, so Papiamento uses C in native words outside of the digraph ch, but Papiamentu in Bonaire and Curaçao does not. Papiamentu in Bonaire and Curaçao uses È, Ò, Ù, and Ü for various sounds and Á, É, Í, Ó, and Ú for stress, but Papiamento in Aruba does not use these letters.
  49. Piedmontese also uses the letter n- to indicate a velar nasal N-sound (pronounced as the gerundive termination in going), which usually precedes a vowel, as in lun-a [moon].
  50. ↑↑↑↑ Pinyin has four tone markers that can go on top of any of the six vowels (a, e, i, o, u, ü); e.g.: macron (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, ǖ), acute accent (á, é, í, ó, ú, ǘ), caron (ǎ, ě, ǐ, ǒ, ǔ, ǚ), grave accent (à, è, ì, ò, ù, ǜ). It also uses the digraphs: ch, sh, zh.
  51. ↑↑↑↑ Polish also has the digraphs: ch, cz, dz, dż, dź, sz, rz. Q, V, X occur only in loanwords, and are sometimes not considered as part of the alphabet.
  52. ↑↑↑↑ Portuguese also uses the digraphs ch, lh, nh, rr, ss. The trema on ü was used in Brazilian Portuguese before 2009, and in Portuguese in Portugal before 1990. The grave accent was used on e, i, o, and u, until 1973. The letters èand ò are used in geographical names outside Europe and not part of the language proper. The now abandoned practice was to indicate underlying stress in words ending in -mente—sòmente, ùltimamente etc. Neither the digraphs nor accented letters are considered part of the alphabet. K, W, and Y occur only in loanwords, and were not letters of the alphabet until 2009, but these letters were used before 1911.
  53. Romanian normally uses a comma diacritic below the letters s and t (ș, ț), but it is frequently replaced with an attached cedilla below these letters (ş, ţ) due to past lack of standardization. K, Q, W, X, and Y occur only in loanwords.
  54. ↑↑↑↑ Romani has the digraphs: čh, dž, kh, ph, th.
  55. ↑↑↑ Slovak also has the digraphs dz, dž, and ch, which are considered separate letters. While á, ä, ď, é, í, ĺ, ň, ó, ô, ŕ, ť, ú, and ý are considered separate letters, in collation they are treated merely as letters with diacritics. However, č, ľ, š, and ž, as well as the digraphs, are actually sorted as separate letters. Q, W, X, Ö, Ü occur only in loanwords.
  56. ↑↑↑↑↑ Sorbian also uses the digraphs: ch, . Ř is only used in Upper Sorbian, and Ŕ, Ś, and Ź (outside the digraph ) are only used in Lower Sorbian.
  57. ↑↑↑ Spanish uses several digraphs to represent single sounds: ch, gu (preceding e or i), ll, qu, rr; of these, the digraphs ch and ll were traditionally considered individual letters with their own name (che, elle) and place in the alphabet (after c and l, respectively), but in order to facilitate international compatibility the Royal Spanish Academy decided to cease this practice in 1994 and all digraphs are now collated as combinations of two separate characters. While cedilla is etymologically Spanish diminutive of ceda (z) and Sancho Pança is the original form in Cervantes books, C with cedilla ç is now completely displaced by z in contemporary language. In poetry, the diaeresis may be used to break a diphthong into separate vowels. Regarding that usage, Ortografía de la lengua española states that "diaeresis is usually placed over the closed vowel [i.e. 'i' or 'u'] and, when both are closed, generally over the first"[citation needed]. In this context, the use of ï is rare, but part of the normative orthography.
  58. Swedish uses é in well integrated loan words like idé and armé, although é is considered a modified e, while å, ä, ö are letters. á and à are rarely used words. W and z are used in some integrated words like webb and zon. Q, ü, è, and ë are used for names only, but exist in Swedish names. For foreign names ó, ç, ñ and more are sometimes used, but usually not. Swedish has many digraphs and some trigraphs. ch, dj, lj, rl, rn, rs, sj, sk, si, ti, sch, skj, stj and others are usually pronounced as one sound.
  59. ↑↑↑↑↑ Tunisian Arabic also uses the letters Ā̀, Ḕ, Ī̀, Ū̀ for stress and the letters Đ̣đ̣ and Ṃṃ for emphatic consonants. Usually Tunisian Arabic is written in the Arabic script; this Latin alphabet was not created until 2015, and was revised several times, most recently in 2017.
  60. ↑↑↑↑ Tswana also has the digraphs: kg, kh, ng, ph, th, tl, tlh, ts, tsh, tš, tšh. The letters C, Q, and X only appear in onomotopeia and loanwords. The letters V and Z only appear in loanwords.
  61. ↑↑↑↑ Turkmen had a slightly different alphabet in 1993–1995 (which used some unusual letters) Ýý was written as ¥ÿ, Ňň was written as Ññ, and Şş was written as , and Žž was written £⌠ (so that all characters were available in Code page 437). In the new alphabet, all characters are available in ISO/IEC 8859-2.
  62. ↑↑↑ Ulithian also has the digraphs: ch, l', mw, ng. C is used only in digraphs.
  63. Uzbek also has the digraphs: ch, ng, sh considered as letters. C is used only in digraphs. G', O' and apostrophe (') are considered as letters. These letters have preferred typographical variants: Gʻ, Oʻ and ʼ respectively.
  64. ↑↑↑↑ Venda also has the digraphs and trigraphs: bv, bw, dz, dzh, dzw, fh, hw, kh, khw, ng, ny, nz, ṅw, ph, pf, pfh, sh, sw, th, ts, tsh, tsw, ty, ṱh, vh, zh, zw. C, J, Q are used in foreign words.
  65. ↑↑↑↑ Vietnamese has seven additional base letters: ă â đ ê ô ơ ư. It uses five tone markers that can go on top (or below) any of the 12 vowels (a, ă, â, e, ê, i, o, ô, ơ, u, ư, y); e.g.: grave accent (à, ằ, ầ, è, ề, ì, ò, ồ, ờ, ù, ừ, ỳ), hook above (ả, ẳ, ẩ, ẻ, ể, ỉ, ỏ, ổ, ở, ủ, ử, ỷ), tilde (ã, ẵ, ẫ, ẽ, ễ, ĩ, õ, ỗ, ỡ, ũ, ữ, ỹ), acute accent (á, ắ, ấ, é, ế, í, ó, ố, ớ, ú, ứ, ý), and dot below (ạ, ặ, ậ, ẹ, ệ, ị, ọ, ộ, ợ, ụ, ự, ỵ). It also uses several digraphs and trigraphs – ch, gh, gi, kh, ng, ngh, nh, ph, th, tr – but they are no longer considered letters.
  66. ↑↑↑↑ Walloon has the digraphs and trigraphs: ae, ch, dj, ea, jh, oe, oen, oi, sch, sh, tch, xh. The letter X outside the digraph xh is in some orthographies, but not the default two. The letter Q is in some orthographies (including one default orthography), but not in the other default orthography. Also in some orthographies are À, Ì, Ù, Ö, and even (which is not available as a precomposed character in Unicode, so Ë is used as a substitute)
  67. ↑↑↑↑ Welsh has the digraphs ch, dd, ff, ng, ll, ph, rh, th. Each of these digraphs is collated as a separate letter, and ng comes immediately after g in the alphabet. It also frequently uses circumflexes, and occasionally uses diaereses, acute accents and grave accents, on its seven vowels (a, e, i, o, u, w, y), but accented characters are not regarded as separate letters of the alphabet.
  68. ↑↑↑↑ Xhosa has a large number of digraphs, trigraphs, and even one tetragraph are used to represent various phonemes: bh, ch, dl, dy, dz, gc, gq, gr, gx, hh, hl, kh, kr, lh, mb, mf, mh, nc, ndl, ndz, ng, ng', ngc, ngh, ngq, ngx, nh, nkc, nkq, nkx, nq, nx, ntl, ny, nyh, ph, qh, rh, sh, th, ths, thsh, ts, tsh, ty, tyh, wh, xh, yh, zh. It also occasionally uses acute accents, grave accents, circumflexes, and diaereses on its five vowels (a, e, i, o, u), but accented characters are not regarded as separate letters of the alphabet.
  69. ↑↑↑ Yapese has the digraphs and trigraphs: aa, ae, ch, ea, ee, ii, k', l', m', n', ng, ng', oe, oo, p', t', th, th', uu, w', y'. Q, representing the glottal stop, is not always used. Often an apostrophe is used to represent the glottal stop instead. C is used only in digraphs. H is used only in digraphs and loanwords. J is used only in loanwords.
  70. ↑↑↑↑ Yoruba uses the digraph gb. Also, vowels take a grave accent, an acute accent, or no accent, depending on tone. Although the "dot below" diacritic is widely used, purists prefer a short vertical underbar (Unicode COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW U+0329) - this resembles the IPA notation for a syllabic consonant, attached to the base of the letter (E, O or S). The seven Yoruba vowels (A, E, E underbar, I, O, O underbar, U) can be uttered in three different tones: high (acute accent); middle (no accent) and low (grave accent). The letters M and N, when written without diacritics, indicate nasalisation of the preceding vowel. M and N also occur as syllabics - in these circumstances, they take acute or grave tonal diacritics, like the vowels. Middle tone is marked with a macron to differentiate it from the unmarked nasalising consonants. A tilde was used in older orthography (still occasionally used) to indicate a double vowel. This is tonally ambiguous, and has now been replaced by showing the paired vowels, each marked with the appropriate tones. However, where a double vowel has the tonal sequence high-low or low-high, it may optionally be replaced by a single vowel with a circumflex (high-low) or caron (low-high), e.g. á + à = â; à + á = ǎ.
  71. ↑↑ Zuni contains the glottal stop ' and the digraph: ch; C is only used in that digraph. The other digraphs kw, sh, and ts are not part of the alphabet.


  • Africa Alphabet
  • African reference alphabet
  • Beghilos
  • Dinka alphabet
  • Gaj's Latin alphabet, is the only script of the Croatian and Bosnian standard languages in current use, and one of the two scripts of the Serbian standard language.
  • Hawaiian alphabet
  • Initial Teaching Alphabet
  • International Phonetic Alphabet
  • Łatynka for Ukrainian
  • Leet (1337 alphabet)
  • Romanization schemes
  • Romany alphabet for most Romany languages
  • Sámi Latin alphabet
  • Standard Alphabet by Lepsius
  • Tatar alphabet, similar to Turkish alphabet and Jaꞑalif as a part of Uniform Turkic alphabet
  • Uralic Phonetic Alphabet

See also[edit]

  • Diacritic
  • Latin-script alphabet
  • Latin-script multigraph
  • Latin characters in Unicode
  • List of Latin letters
  • List of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode
  • Romanization
  • Typographical ligature
  • Writing systems of Africa
  • Letters with diacritics
  • Latin-script ligatures
  • Phonetic transcription symbols


  1. ^ As defined in ISO/IEC 646 based on ASCII, which was based on the 26 letters of the English alphabet and previous telecommunications standards, and used in later ISO standards, see Latin characters in Unicode.
  2. ^ [1]

External links[edit]

  • Michael Everson's Alphabets of Europe
  • Information on Central European typography and typesetting
  • Letter database of the Institute of Estonian Language
  • Unicode language coverage tables
  • Diacritics Project – All you need to design a font with correct accents