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El T-64 es un tanque de batalla principal soviético de segunda generación introducido a principios de la década de 1960. Era una contraparte más avanzada del T-62 : el T-64 servía en divisiones de tanques, mientras que el T-62 apoyaba a la infantería en divisiones de rifles motorizados. Introdujo una serie de características avanzadas que incluyen una armadura compuesta , un motor y una transmisión compactos, y un cañón de ánima lisa de 125 mm equipado con un cargador automático para permitir que la tripulación se reduzca a tres para que el tanque pueda ser más pequeño y liviano. A pesar de estar armado y blindado como un tanque pesado , el T-64 pesaba solo 38 toneladas (42 toneladas cortas ; 37 toneladas largas).

Estas características hicieron que el T-64 fuera costoso de construir, significativamente más que las generaciones anteriores de tanques soviéticos. Esto fue especialmente cierto en el caso del paquete de energía, cuya construcción llevó mucho tiempo y costó el doble que los diseños más convencionales. Se hicieron varias propuestas para mejorar el T-64 con nuevos motores, pero el poder político del diseñador jefe Alexander Morozov en Moscú mantuvo el diseño en producción a pesar de las preocupaciones sobre el precio. Esto llevó a que el T-72 se diseñara como un diseño de emergencia, solo para ser producido en el caso de una guerra, pero su precio 40% más bajo lo llevó a entrar en producción a pesar de las objeciones de Morozov.

En la actualidad, el T-64 está en uso en muy pocas naciones o regiones, pero actualmente se está sometiendo a importantes revisiones de fábrica y modernización en Ucrania . El modelo más nuevo, enormemente actualizado y mejorado de este diseño de 50 años, el T-64BM Bulat , ha aumentado de peso a 45 toneladas y está recibiendo servicio activo en el campo.

Resumen [ editar ]

El T-64 fue concebido en la Oficina de Diseño de Construcción de Máquinas de Kharkiv Morozov en Ucrania ( RSS de Ucrania ), como el tanque de batalla principal de próxima generación por Alexander A. Morozov, el diseñador del T-54 (que, mientras tanto, sería mejorada gradualmente por la oficina Nizhny Tagil de Leonid N. Kartsev, por los modelos T-54A, T-54B, T-55 y T-55A).

Una característica revolucionaria del T-64 es la incorporación de un cargador automático para su cañón de 125 mm, lo que permite omitir la posición de un miembro de la tripulación y ayuda a mantener el tamaño y el peso del tanque bajos. Los soldados de tanques bromearían diciendo que los diseñadores finalmente se habían puesto al día con su himno no oficial, Three Tankers ; la canción había sido escrita para conmemorar a los tripulantes que lucharon en la Batalla de Khalkhin Gol , en tanques BT-5 de 3 hombres en 1939. [3]

El T-64 también fue pionero en otra tecnología de tanques soviéticos: el modelo T-64A de 1967 introdujo el cañón de ánima lisa de 125 mm, y el T-64B de 1976 podría disparar un misil guiado antitanque a través del cañón de su arma. .

El diseño del T-64 fue utilizado como base por LKZ para el tanque de batalla principal T-80 propulsado por turbina de gas . La torreta T-64A se adoptó para los primeros modelos de tanques T-80, con su cañón principal y mecanismo de carga automática, y blindaje mejorado.

El T-64 solo sería utilizado por el ejército soviético y nunca se exportaría, a diferencia del T-54/55. El tanque equipó formaciones de élite y regulares en Europa del Este y en otros lugares, el modelo T-64A se desplegó por primera vez con el Grupo de Fuerzas Soviéticas de Alemania del Este en Alemania (GSFG) en 1976, y algún tiempo después en el Grupo de Fuerzas del Sur de Hungría (SFG). En 1981, el T-64B mejorado comenzó a desplegarse en Alemania Oriental y más tarde en Hungría . Si bien se creía que el T-64 estaba reservado para unidades de élite, también fue utilizado por "formaciones no preparadas" de niveles mucho más bajos, por ejemplo, el 14º Ejército del Distrito Militar de Odessa .

Con la desintegración de la Unión Soviética en 1991, los tanques T-64 permanecieron en los arsenales de Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia y Uzbekistán. A mediados de 2014, poco menos de 2.000 del antiguo inventario soviético de tanques T-64 están en servicio con el ejército de Ucrania y alrededor de 4.000 están fuera de servicio y esperando su destrucción en Rusia. [4]

Historial de desarrollo [ editar ]

Objeto 430 [ editar ]

Prototipo del Objeto 430 en exhibición en el Museo de Tanques de Kubinka en septiembre de 2008

Estudios para el diseño de un nuevo tanque de batalla comenzaron ya en 1951. El equipo de KB-60M se formó en el Kharkiv oficina de diseño de la Kharkiv transporte de la máquina-edificio de la fábrica Nº 75 lleva el nombre de Malyshev ( ruso : конструкторское бюро Харьковского завода транспортного машиностроения №75 им. Малышева ) por ingenieros que regresan de Nizhniy Tagil , con Morozov a la cabeza.

Un proyecto llamado obyekt 430 dio a luz a tres prototipos que fueron probados en Kubinka en 1958. [5] Esos vehículos mostraban características que iban a cambiar radicalmente el diseño de los tanques de batalla en este lado del Telón de Acero . Por primera vez, se utilizó un motor de pistones opuestos extremadamente compacto : el 4TD, diseñado por el equipo de diseño de motores de la planta. El sistema de transmisión constaba de dos engranajes laterales a cada lado del motor. Esas dos innovaciones produjeron un compartimiento del motor muy corto con la abertura ubicada debajo de la torreta. El volumen del compartimiento del motor era casi la mitad que el del T-54.. Se instaló un sistema de refrigeración mejorado y una nueva suspensión ligera, con ruedas metálicas huecas de pequeño diámetro y orugas con juntas de goma.

El tanque estaría armado con el D-54TS y tendría un blindaje frontal de 120 mm. Como no presentaba una clara superioridad en cuanto a características de combate en comparación con el T-55 , que estaba entrando en servicio activo, Morozov decidió que la producción aún no estaba lista dados los inconvenientes del proyecto. Sin embargo, los estudios realizados en el obyekt 430U, con un cañón de 122 mm y 160 mm de blindaje, demostraron que el tanque tenía el potencial de transportar la potencia de fuego y el blindaje de un tanque pesado a un chasis de tanque medio. En consecuencia, se inició un nuevo proyecto, obyekt 432.

Objeto 432 [ editar ]

El cañón instalado en este nuevo tanque era un potente D-68 de 115 mm (2A21). Esta fue una decisión potencialmente arriesgada de reemplazar el cargador humano por un sistema automático electrohidráulico, ya que la tecnología era nueva para los diseñadores rusos. La tripulación se redujo a tres, lo que permitió una considerable reducción del volumen interno y de la silueta externa visible, y en consecuencia de peso, de 36 toneladas (obyekt 430) a 30,5 toneladas. La altura bajó 76 mm.

Sin embargo, la llegada del cañón británico L7 de 105 mm y su variante estadounidense M68, instalado en los tanques Centurion y M60 , obligó al equipo a emprender otro audaz estreno , con la adopción de blindaje compuesto. El proceso creado recientemente fue llamado "combinación K" por los ejércitos occidentales: esta protección consistía en una capa de aleación de aluminio [ cita requerida ] entre dos capas de acero de alta resistencia. Como consecuencia, el peso del prototipo se elevó finalmente a 34 toneladas. Pero, como el motor era ahora un 5TDF de 700 hp (515 kW) (también diseñado localmente), su movilidad siguió siendo excelente, muy superior a la del T-62.. El obyekt 432 estuvo listo en septiembre de 1962 y la producción comenzó en octubre de 1963 en la planta de Kharkiv. El 30 de diciembre de 1966 entró en servicio como T-64.

T-64A [ editar ]

Obyekt 447 en el Museo de la Gran Guerra Patria, Kiev , Ucrania
El T-64 tiene una ventilación de escape característica en la parte trasera
T-64AK en el Museo de Historia de Tanques T-34 en Rusia

Incluso cuando los primeros T-64 salían de las líneas de montaje, el equipo de diseño estaba trabajando en una nueva versión, denominada objeto 434, que le permitiría mantener la superioridad de la potencia de fuego. El nuevo y muy potente cañón D-81T de 125 mm, de Permfábrica de armas, se instaló en el tanque. Esta pistola era simplemente una versión ampliada del cañón de ánima lisa de 115 mm del T-62. El tamaño más grande de las municiones de 125 mm significaba que se podía transportar menos dentro del T-64, y con un cuarto cargador de tripulantes ocupando espacio también, el tanque solo tendría una capacidad de 25 rondas. Esto fue inaceptablemente bajo para los diseñadores soviéticos, pero los estrictos parámetros dimensionales les prohibieron agrandar el tanque para aumentar el espacio interior. La solución fue reemplazar el cargador humano con un cargador automático mecánico, reduciendo la tripulación a tres y marcando el primer uso de cargadores automáticos en un MBT soviético. [6]El autocargador 6ETs10 tiene 28 rondas y puede disparar 8 tiros por minuto; el estabilizador, un 2E23, se acopló a la nueva mira TPD-2-1 (1G15-1). La conducción nocturna también se adaptó con el nuevo periscopio TPN-1-43A, que se beneficiaría de la iluminación de un potente proyector de infrarrojos L2G, instalado en el lado izquierdo de la pistola. El blindaje fue mejorado, con fibra de vidrio reemplazando la aleación de aluminio en el blindaje, y pequeñas placas montadas en resortes colocadas a lo largo de los guardabarros (conocidos como faldón Gill ), para cubrir la parte superior de la suspensión y los tanques laterales. Sin embargo, eran extremadamente frágiles y a menudo se retiraban. Se crearon algunos pequeños espacios de almacenamiento a lo largo de la torreta, con un compartimento a la derecha y tres cajas en la parte delantera izquierda. Se montaron esnórquel en la parte trasera de la torreta. ASe instaló un sistema de protección NBC y se ensancharon las escotillas.

Los prototipos se probaron en 1966 y 1967 y, cuando comenzó la producción después del sexagésimo T-64, entró en servicio en el ejército soviético con la designación T-64A. El ingeniero jefe Morozov recibió el premio Lenin por el éxito de este modelo.

Diseñado para tropas de élite, el T-64A se actualizaba constantemente a medida que se mejoraba el equipo disponible. Después de solo tres años en servicio, se produjo una primera modernización, en cuanto a:

  • control de fuego, reemplazando las miras con la mira diurna TPD-2-49 con un telémetro de coincidencia óptica y una mira nocturna TPN-1-49-23, y estabilización mediante el montaje de un sistema 2E26.
  • la radio montando un R-123M
  • visión nocturna con un TBN-4PA para el conductor y un TNP-165A para el líder del tanque. Su puesto de batalla se transformó montando una pequeña torreta estabilizada con una ametralladora antiaérea NSVT de 12,7 mm × 108, guiada eléctricamente a través de una mira óptica PZU-5 y alimentada con 300 rondas. Se podría usar desde el interior del tanque para que el líder del tanque pudiera evitar quedar expuesto (como en los tanques anteriores). También se agregó la posibilidad de montar un sistema antiminas KMT-6.

Al mismo tiempo apareció una versión derivada, diseñada para el oficial al mando y denominada T-64AK. Constaba de una radio R-130M con una antena telescópica de 10 m, que sólo podía utilizarse en una posición estática ya que requería obenques, un círculo de puntería de artillería PAB-2AM y una estación de navegación TNA-3; todos estos podrían ser alimentados por un generador auxiliar de gasolina.

En 1976, se mejoró el sistema de armas montando un D-81TM (2A46-1), estabilizado por un 2E28M2, alimentado por un 6ETs10M automático. La vista nocturna fue reemplazada por un TNPA-65 y el motor podía aceptar diferentes combustibles, incluido el diesel, el queroseno o la gasolina. La producción, que se llevó a cabo por primera vez en la variante B, se detuvo en 1980.

La mayoría de los T-64A se modernizaron aún más después de 1981, al montar un lanzador de granadas de humo de 81 mm 902A a cada lado del arma, y ​​al reemplazar las placas branquiales por un faldón de goma para una vida más larga. Algunos de ellos parecen haber sido equipados con ladrillos reactivos (como el T-64AV) después de 1985, o incluso con telémetros láser TPD-K1 en lugar del telémetro óptico de coincidencia óptica TPD-2-49 (1981). Casi todos los T-64 se modernizaron en T-64R, entre 1977 y 1981, mediante la reorganización del almacenamiento externo y los esnórquel, similar al T-64A.

T-64B [ editar ]

El equipo de diseño continuaba trabajando en nuevas versiones. Se produjeron problemas con la configuración del motor 5TDF ya que se demostró que la capacidad de producción local era insuficiente frente a una producción realizada en tres fábricas (Malyshev en Kharkiv , Kirov en Leningrado y Uralvagonzavod).

A partir de 1961, se estudió una alternativa al obyekt 432, con motor V-45 de 12 cilindros en V: el obyekt 436. En 1966 se probaron tres prototipos en la fábrica de Chelyabinsk . La orden de desarrollar un modelo derivado del 434 con el mismo motor dio como resultado el obyekt 438, posteriormente rebautizado como obyekt 439. En 1969 se construyeron y probaron cuatro tanques de este tipo, que mostraban la misma movilidad que la versión de producción, pero de producción en masa. no se inició. Sin embargo, sirvieron como base para el diseño del compartimiento del motor del T-72 .

A principios de la década de 1970, el equipo de diseño estaba tratando de mejorar aún más el tanque. El estudio T-64A-2M de 1973, con su motor más potente y su torreta reforzada, sirvió de base para dos proyectos:

  • Obyekt 476 con un motor 6TD de 1000 hp (735 kW) que sirvió como modelo para el compartimiento de combate del T-80 .
  • Obyekt 447 que presentaba un nuevo control de fuego con un telémetro láser y que podía disparar misiles a través del arma.

Para este último, se dio la orden de iniciar su producción bajo el nombre T-64B, así como una versión derivada (que compartía el 95% de sus componentes), el obyekt 437, sin el sistema de guía de misiles por razones de costo. Este último se produjo casi el doble bajo la designación T-64B1. El 3 de septiembre de 1976, el T-64B y el T-64B1 fueron declarados buenos para el servicio, con el cañón D-81Tm mejorado (2A46-2) con un estabilizador 2E26M, un cargador 6ETs40 y un control de fuego 1A33, que incluye:

  • una calculadora balística 1V517
  • una mira 1G21 con telemetría láser
  • un sensor de viento cruzado 1B11.

Su capacidad de vado alcanza los 1,8 m sin equipamiento. El T-64B tenía la capacidad de disparar el nuevo misil guiado por radio 9M112 "Kobra" (código OTAN " AT-8 Songster "). El vehículo luego transporta 8 misiles y 28 proyectiles. El sistema de control de misiles está montado frente a la pequeña torreta del líder del tanque y tiene muchos cambios. El T-64B1 lleva solo 37 proyectiles y tiene 2.000 rondas de 7,62 mm, frente a las 1.250 del T-64B.

They were modernised in 1981 by the replacement of the gun by a 2A46M1, the stabiliser by a 2E42, and the mounting of a 902A "Tucha-1" smoke grenade launcher in two groups of four, on each side of the gun. Two command versions are realised, very similar to the T-64AK: the T-64BK and the T-64B1K.

The decision in October 1979 to start production of the 6TD engine, and its great similarity with the 5TDF engine, allowed after some study to fit it in versions B and B1, but also A and AK, yielding the new models T-64AM, T-64AKM, T-64BM and T-64BAM, entering service in 1983.

Production of all versions ended in 1987. Total production reached almost 13,000.

Modernisations in Ukraine[edit]

Ukrainian T-64BM Bulat on parade

After the dissolution of the USSR, Ukraine carried on the development of T-64 modernization, as the original and main factory was in this country. Two different upgrade packages were developed in 1999[7]

  • T-64BM2, with a 57DFM 850-hp (625 kW) engine, a new 1A43U fire control, a new 6ETs43 loader and the possibility to fire the 9M119 missile (NATO code "AT-11 Sniper").
  • T-64U which integrated on top the 1A45 fire control (from the T-80U and T-84), PNK-4SU and TKN-4S optics for the tank commander and PZU-7 for the AA machine gun. The tank leader is then able to drive the tank and to use the gun directly if needed. Kontakt-5 Armor added few prototypes build.[citation needed]

The two variants are also protected by Kontakt-5 modular reactive armour, able to resist to kinetic energy projectiles, as opposed to the first models which were efficient only against HEAT shaped-charge ammunition. Those two variants could also be re-motorised with the 6TDF 1,000 hp (735 kW) engine.[citation needed]

  • T-64BM BULAT Ukrainian army on use modernization, incorporating Nizh (Knife) reactive armor that offers better performance dealing with tandem warheads than the Russian Kontakt-5, new Ukrainian-made 125 mm KBA3 gun, TO1-KO1ER night sight and capability of firing the Ukrainian Kombat [uk; ru] tandem-warhead anti-tank guided missile.

In 2010, the Kharkiv Malyshev Factory upgraded ten T-64B tanks (originally produced in Kharkiv in 1980) to T-64BM Bulat standard, and a further nineteen were delivered in 2011. These twenty-nine tanks are being upgraded under a ₴200 million ($25.1M) contract signed in April 2009. As of October 2011, the Ukrainian Army has 76 T-64BM Bulat in service. According to Malyshev Factory chief engineer Konstantin Isyak, the T-64BM Bulat is armoured to the level of modern tanks. It has Nizh (Knife) reactive armour, and Varta active protection system. The Bulat weighs 45 tonnes (44 long tons), and with its 850 hp (630 kW) 5TDFM multi-fuel diesel engine can travel at 70 km/h (43 mph), with a range of 385 km (239 mi). It retains the 125 mm smoothbore gun with an autoloader for 28 rounds, some of which can be guided missiles. It has a 12.7 mm AA machinegun, and a 7.62 mm coaxial machinegun.[8][9] A 2019 refurbishing program upgraded the fire-control system to model 1A43U and uprated the engine.[10]

  • T-64BV model 2017
T-64BV model 2017 during a rehearsal for the Independence Day parade in Kyiv, August 2018. This version is recognizable by the absence of an infrared searchlight on the left of the main gun.

In 2019, UkrOboronProm reported that the Kharkiv Armored Plant (KhBTZ) had delivered over 100 updated tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.[11] The upgraded tanks included new thermal imaging for all crew, remove Luna infrared searchlight, include TPN-1-TPV Ukrainian night sight in place of TPN1-49-23, Nizh reactive armour modules designed for bolt-on replacement on T-64BV turrets, SN-4215 networked satellite navigation unit, and Lybid K-2RB digital radio (under licence from Motorola) providing secure communications with a 70 km range.[citation needed] In August 2019, UkrOboronProm announced the Lviv Armored Plant (LBTZ) had also started modernizing T-64s to the 2017 standard [12]

Production history[edit]

Different sources differ on the initial production date of the tank that is set between 1963 and 1967. However it is normally agreed that the T-64 formally entered service with the army in 1967 and was publicly revealed in 1970.[13][14] The T-64 was KMDB's high-technology offering, intended to replace the IS-3 and T-10 heavy tanks in independent tank battalions. Meanwhile, the T-72 was intended to supersede the T-55 and T-62 in equipping the bulk of the Soviet tank and mechanized forces, as well as for export partners and east-block satellite states.

It introduced a new autoloader, which is still used on all T-64s currently in service, as well as all variants of the T-80 except the Ukrainian T-84-120. The T-64 prototypes had the same 115 mm smoothbore gun as the T-62, the ones put in full-scale production had the 125 mm gun.

While the T-64 was the superior tank, it was more expensive and physically complex, and was produced in smaller numbers. The T-72 is mechanically simpler and easier to service in the field, while it is not as well protected, and its manufacturing process is correspondingly simpler. In light of Soviet doctrine, the superior T-64s were kept ready and reserved for the most important mission: a potential outbreak of a war in Europe.

In Soviet times, T-64 was mostly in service with units stationed in East Germany opposing the Chieftain-equipped units of the BAOR. No T-64s were exported. Many T-64s ended up in Russian and Ukrainian service after the breakup of the Soviet Union.


  • Ob'yekt 430 (1957) – Prototype with D-10T 100-mm gun, 120 mm armour, 4TPD 580 hp (427 kW) engine, 36 tonnes.
  • Ob'yekt 430U – Project, equipped with a 122-mm gun and 160 mm of armour.
  • T-64 or Ob'yekt 432 (1961) – Prototype with a D-68 115-mm gun, then initial production version with the same features, about 600 tanks produced.
  • T-64R (remontirniy, rebuilt)[15] or Ob'yekt 432R – Redesigned between 1977 and 1981 with external gear from the T-64A but still with the 115-mm gun. T-64 upgraded to T-64A standard. Preserving the 115 mm gun is questionable.
  • T-64A or Ob'yekt 434 – 125-mm gun, "gill" armour skirts, a modified sight, and suspension on the fourth road wheel.
  • T-64T (1963) – Experimental version with a GTD-3TL 700 hp (515 kW) gas turbine.
  • Ob'yekt 436 – Alternative version of Ob'yekt 432 with a V-45 engine. Three built.
  • Ob'yekt 438 and Ob'yekt 439 – Ob'yekt 434 with V-45 diesel engine.
  • T-64AK or Ob'yekt 446 (1972) – Command version, with a R-130M radio and its 10 m (33 ft) telescoping antenna, a TNA-3 navigation system, without antiaircraft machine gun, carrying 38 rounds of main gun ammunition.
  • Ob'yekt 447 – Prototype of the T-64B. Basically a T-64A fitted with the 9K112 "Kobra" system and a1G21 gunsight. This is the "T-64A" displayed in the Kiev museum.
  • T-64B or Ob'yekt 447A (1976) – Fitted with redesigned armour, 1A33 fire control system, 9K112-1 "Kobra" ATGM system (NATO code "AT-8 Songster"), TPN-1-49-23 sight, 2A46-2 gun, 2E26M stabiliser and 6ETs40 loader. Later B/BV models have more modern systems 1A33-1, TPN-3-49, 2E42 and a 2A46M-1 gun. From 1985 the T-64B was fitted with stronger glacis armour; older tanks were upgraded with a 16-mm armour plate. Tanks, equipped with the 1,000 hp 6DT engine are known as T-64BM.
  • T-64BV – Features "Kontakt-1" reactive armour and "Tucha" 81-mm smoke grenade launchers on the left of the turret.
  • T-64BM2 or Ob'yekt 447AM-2 – "Kontakt-5" reactive armour, rubber protection skirts, 1A43U fire control, 6ETs43 loader and able to fire the 9K119 missile (NATO code "AT-11A Sniper"), 5TDFM 850 hp (625 kW) engine.
  • T-64U, T-64BM Bulat, or Ob'yekt 447AM-1 – Ukrainian modernisation, bringing the T-64B to the standard of the T-84. Fitted with Nizh reactive armour, 9K120 Refleks missile (NATO code AT-11 Sniper), 1A45 Irtysh fire control, TKN-4S commander's sight, PZU-7 antiaircraft machine-gun sight, TPN-4E Buran-E night vision, 6TDF 1,000-hp (735 kW) engine. T-64U is one of 2 variants of the modernization program in 1990s, while Bulat is the most recent modernization from 2004.
  • T-64B1 or Ob'yekt 437 – Same as the B without the fire control system and "Kobra", carrying 37 shells.
  • T-64B1M – T-64B1 equipped with the 1,000-hp 6TD engine, redesigned turret and improved armor. Modernization program from 1970s (resulted in T-64AM, AKM, BM and B1M; note that BM is not the same as T-64BM "Bulat" from 2004). Never entered mass production.
  • T-64BK and T-64B1K or Ob'yekt 446B – Command versions, with an R-130M radio and its 10-m telescoping antenna, a TNA-3 navigation system and AB-1P/30 APU, without antiaircraft machine gun, carrying 28 shells.
  • Obyekt 476 – Five prototypes with the 6TDF engine, prototypes for T-80UD development.
  • BREM-64 or Ob'yekt 447T – Armoured recovery vehicle with a light 2.5-tonne crane, dozer blade, tow bars, welding equipment, etc. Only a small number was built.
  • T-55-64 – Heavily upgraded T-55 with the complete hull and chassis of the T-64, fitted with "Kontakt-1" ERA. Prototype.
  • T-Rex - Ukrainian T-64 concept with unmanned turret.[16]



  • 1977–1981 – brought to the T-64R standard, reorganisation of external equipment as on the T-64A.

T-64A, T-64AK

  • 1972 redesign, fire control improvement (TPD-2-49 and TPN-1-49-23), inclusion of the NSVT machine gun on an electrical turret, R-123M radio.
  • 1973 redesigned turret with improved armor protection.
  • 1975 redesign, new 2E28M stabiliser, 6ETs10M loader, multi-fuel engine, 2A46-1 gun and TNPA-65 night vision.
  • 1979 introduced smoke grenade launchers "Tucha".
  • 1980 rubber skirts on the suspension instead of the Gill protection.
  • 1981 redesign, two sets of six 902A smoke grenade launchers.
  • 1983 T-64AM,T-64AKM, some tanks were equipped with the 6TDF engine during maintenance.
  • 1985 installation of ERA "Kontakt-1" during overhaul. Upgraded tanks designated T-64AV. Due to ERA installation, "Tucha" was repositioned from the front of the turret to the left side.

T-64B, T-64B1, T-64BK, T-64B1K

  • 1979 introduced smoke grenade launchers "Tucha".
  • 1980 rubber skirts on the suspension instead of the Gill protection.
  • 1981 redesign, 2 sets of four 902B2 smoke grenade launchers (in fact this is related to the ERA installation since 1985), 2A26M1 gun.
  • 1983 T-64BM,T-64B1M,T-64BMK and T-64B1MK: some tanks were equipped with the 6TDF engine during maintenance.
  • 1985 T-64BV,T-64BV1,T-64BVK and T-64BV1K: with "Kontakt-1" reactive armour, smoke grenade launchers on the left of the turret.
  • BM Bulat – T-64 modernization by the Malyshev Factory in Ukraine (see above).[8][9]
  • 2011 T-64E
  • 2017 T-64BV type 2017: Night sight TPN1-49-23 replaced with TPN-1-TPV from Trimen-Ukraine, added СН-4215 satellite navigation system from Orizon-Navihatsiia, new Lybid-K 2RB digital radio, Luna infrared searchlight removed, and improved reactive armour units.[17][18][19] This upgrade for T-64BV tanks was received by the 14th Mechanized Brigade, participated in Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2017, and over two hundred of these were in service by 2020.[20][21]


BAT-2 combat engineering vehicle
  • BMPV-64 – Heavy infantry fighting vehicle, based on the chassis of the T-64 but with a completely redesigned hull with a single entry hatch in the rear. Armament consists of a remote-controlled 30mm autocannon and 7.62mm machine gun. Combat weight is 34.5 tons. The first prototype was ready in 2005.[22][23]
  • BTRV-64 – Similar APC version.[23]
  • UMBP-64 – Modified version that will serve as the basis for several (planned) specialized vehicles, including a fire support vehicle, an ambulance and an air-defence vehicle.
  • BMPT-K-64 – This variant is not tracked but has a new suspension with 4 axles, similar to the Soviet BTR series. The vehicle is powered by a 5TDF-A/700 engine and has a combat weight of 17.7 tons. It is fitted with a RCWS and can transport 3+8 men. Prototype only.

  • BAT-2 – Fast combat engineering vehicle with the engine, lower hull and "small roadwheels" suspension of the T-64.[24] The 40-ton tractor sports a very large, all axis adjustable V-shaped hydraulic dozer blade at the front, a single soil ripper spike at the rear and a 2-ton crane on the top. The crew compartment holds 8 persons (driver, commander, radio operators plus a five-man sapper squad for dismounted tasks). The highly capable BAT-2 was designed to replace the old T-54/AT-T based BAT-M, but Warsaw Pact allies received only small numbers due to its high price and the old and new vehicles served alongside during the late Cold War.
  • UMR-64 – Ukrainian development using surplus T-64s to create a Heavy APC/IFV design, which in turn is intended as the basis of a new family of combat and support vehicles. The basic conversion includes moving the engine compartment forward, and at the same time removing the turret and normal crew compartment. This allows the installation of any one of 15 different 'functional modules', weighing up to 22 tons. One resulting option is the Heavy IFV, designated BMP-64E, which combines accommodation for up to 10 troops (not including the driver) with a remote weapons system. The Heavy APC version is designated the BTR-64E, and can not only carry more troops (at the cost of the RWS) but comes with large armoured double hatches at the rear for rapid loading and disembarkation. Other options include a universal supplies carrier (UMBP-64), a 'highly secure command and staff car with a weight up to 41 tons', and a 120 mm mortar carrier. The Kharkiv Armor Repair Plant (Zavod 311) is behind the project.[25] Current status of the program is unclear as of early 2014.

Service history[edit]

Cold War[edit]

According to David Isby, the T-64 entered service in 1967 with the 41st Guards Tank Division in the Kiev Military District,[26] the suggestion being that this was prudent due to the proximity of the division to the factory, and significant teething problems during induction into service that required constant presence of factory support personnel with the division during acceptance and initial crew and service personnel training on the new type. It appears that the tank remained secret to the West for some years between its entry into production in the first half of 1960s and the official acceptance in the Soviet Army in 1967.

A Soviet T-64 of the 21st Motor Rifle Division in Perleberg, East Germany, in the 1980s.

The T-64A began deployment to the Soviet Union's western military districts during the 1970s, and was gradually deployed to first line units in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany in East Germany and Soviet troops in neighboring Warsaw Pact states. The first GSFG unit to receive the T-64A was the 14th Guards Motor Rifle Division at Jüterbog, which became the 32nd Guards Tank Division in 1982. When NATO detected the new tank after it was first deployed to East Germany, it was initially misidentified as the T-72. The T-64 mainly served with Soviet tank units in northern East Germany that were part of the 2nd Guards Tank Army, the 3rd Army, and the 20th Guards Army, although it began to be phased out and replaced by the newer T-80BV/T80U before Soviet troops were withdrawn from Germany in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, when the Soviet troops withdrew from Germany, two divisions and the 6th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade still operated the T-64.[27]

In September 1990, the Soviet Union had 3,982 T-64s in service west of the Urals, with 2,091 of these in Ukraine. 1,386 of these were T-64As, 220 T-64AKs, 1,192 T-64Bs, 159 T-64BVs, 420 T-64B1s, 27 T-64B1K/BV1K, and 578 T-64Rs.[27] During the Soviet period, the T-64 was never exported.[28]

It is normally reported that the T-64 was not used in the Soviet–Afghan War since the 40th Soviet Army that was deployed there used T-54/55 and T-62 tanks, possibly due to the limited use of tanks in mountain warfare. A small number of T-64 tanks were tested in Afghanistan[29] during January 1980, but were quickly withdrawn without seeing combat because their engines did not perform well in the high altitude necessary for Afghan operations.[28]

Post-Soviet period[edit]

Ukrainian Army T-64BM during a training exercise

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the new Russian Ground Forces decided to standardize the tank fleet with the T-72 and the T-80, and the T-64s were gradually put in reserve or scrapped.[27]

In June 1992, 18 Russian-manned T-64BV tanks from the Odessa Military District's 59th Guards Motor Rifle Division were taken over by the Transnistrian Army, fighting in the Transnistria War. Two T-64s were disabled during by Moldovan Ground Forces troops near Bender during Transnistrian counterattacks,[30] one of which was knocked out by an MT-12 100mm anti-tank gun. These actions were the first combat use of the tank.[28]

While Russian T-80 tanks participated in the First Chechen War, any use of T-64 in Chechnya is not clearly documented, but it is possible in limited numbers.

The T-64 was finally used in large scale combat in mid 2014 during the War in Donbass, with the Ukrainian Army deploying T-64 tanks as the main battle tank in the offensive against pro-Russian separatists. Also, towards the end of August 2014, over 20 T-64 tanks were documented as being operated by Military forces of Novorossiya.[31] Ukrainian and NATO officials claimed that these T-64s were supplied to the separatists by Russia.[32] By the end of August 2014, over 70 T-64 tanks of various configurations, including at least three T-64 BM Bulat tanks, were documented as destroyed[33] in the war in Donbass.

The subsidiary of the State Company Ukrspecexport, the State Company Ukroboronservice, concluded the foreign economic contract for major overhaul and supply of 50 main battle tanks T64BV-1. The works will be performed by the State Enterprise Kharkiv plant of armored tanks.[34][35]

The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo received 25 T-64BV from late 2016. They were seen in mid-2017 patrolling in Kasaï during the Kamwina Nsapu rebellion.[36]

Capabilities and limitations[edit]

A rather unconventional design, the T-64 had several features which set it apart not only from previous tanks, but from the visually similar T-72, many related to its higher mechanical complexity:


  • The T-64's hydraulic "Basket" autoloader places the projectiles horizontally at the bottom of the turret facing towards the center, and the propellant charges vertically along the outer rim of the turret race, front-down. By contrast, the T-72's "Cazette" mechanism places the propellant charge on top of the corresponding projectile, also horizontally.
    • Being hydraulic, the Basket-type created a risk of hydraulic fluid fire if damaged in combat. The Cazette, by contrast, is electric.
    • Basket-type folds the projectile cradle upwards off the floor and vertically against the projectile cradle to which it is hinged, moving both pieces into the upper turret. Approaching the gun, the projectile cradle is moved forwards, unfolding both cradles and ammunition pieces to a straight line, ready for insertion. The Cazette's cradles are fixed, stacked propellant on top of projectile, and the two-cradle assembly must raise the propellant part above the gun to load the projectile first, then drawing back the mechanical pusher, lowering the propellant part, and inserting it with a second use of the pusher. This increases the time of loading of the T-72 by approximately one second. Total loading time is thus ~6-13s for T-64/80 against ~7-15 of T-72.
    • Because of greater diameter, Basket-type holds projectile and propellant parts for 6 additional shots over the Cazette of T-72 (28 vs 22).
    • Because of greater diameter of projectile cradle ring of the Basket-type, T-64 and later T-80 have a higher limit to the maximum length of APFSDS projectiles, providing superior anti-armour performance relative to shorter projectiles used by T-72.
    • The automatic loader of T-64 is more reliable, and less sensitive to jolting when running off-road. It also has a "sequence" fire mode that feeds the gun with shells of the same type in less than five seconds. In the modern versions it is also able to turn backwards to keep a good speed at the end of the loading sequence
    • Early versions of the basket autoloader lacked safety features and were dangerous to the tank crews (especially the gunner, who sits nearby): Limbs could be easily caught in the machinery rotating around the crew, leading to injuries and deaths. A sleeve unknowingly snagged on one of the autoloader's moving parts could also drag a crewman into the apparatus upon firing.[6]
  • The tank commander's cupola provides good vision, the antiaircraft machine gun can be operated from inside the turret; the commander can also control the main gun sight if necessary
  • The turret was poorly configured to allow the crew to manually load the gun should the autoloader break. In such situations, rate of fire usually slowed to an abysmal one round per minute as the gunner fumbles with the awkward task of working around the broken machine to load the gun.[6]
  • Although two-piece ammunition allows for fast reloading of the gun in combat, replenishing the autoloader is quite slow.


  • Because of a lower weight than T-72 (by ~3 tonnes), T-64 has slightly superior strategic and operational mobility (less wear and tear on tank transportation equipment, and lower fuel consumption per distance traveled.
  • Driving seems much less exhausting for the crew, thanks to assisted controls and a more flexible suspension.[37]
  • The suspension system featured an entirely new and advanced design, and suffered various failures of unusually high frequency. Due to these problems, teams of civilian mechanics from the T-64 factories were "semi-permanent residents" of Soviet tank units early in the T64's initial adoption phase.[38]
  • The 5TDF opposed-piston engine, while powerful and compact, was very finicky and prone to malfunctions and fires. Russian expert Viktor Murakhovsky, then a battalion commander in Group of Soviet Forces in Germany reflected that in his unit the rate of the engines requiring a major overhaul was close to one per tank in a year. He also noted the difficulty of starting this engine, especially in the damp German winters, and that starting aids used by soldiers, like the high-pressure air and/or oil injection, often caused engine fires.


  • Basket-type autoloader stores, as stated previously, propellant charges vertically, the rear ends almost the same height as the roof of the hull. Combined with greater diameter of the complete autoloader assembly, the overall greater size of this type compared to the cazette significantly increases chance of ammunition being ignited by direct hit of any weapon penetrating into the crew compartment. The problem is largely irrelevant if a full ammunition load outside autoloader is carried, but T-72 carrying only autoloader ammunition is far more survivable than a T-64 in a similar situation thanks to the compact dimensions of Cazette-type ammunition storage.
  • Small and lightly constructed roadwheels of T-64 have been found to be less resistant to antitank mines than the larger roadwheels of T-72 and previous soviet medium tanks.
  • Because of the small-diameter roadwheels and vertical placement of propellant charges in the autoloader, charges are dangerously exposed against hits penetrating the 85mm hull side armour, and are located at such height that they are too high to be protected by the roadwheels, yet too low to be fully protected by the sideskirt armour panels.
  • While many previous tanks used 4 or 5-man crews, T-64 and T-72 have crews of three men. This allows the fourth man to remain in relative safety away from combat and perform other duties until the tank returns for maintenance and resupply. Potentially, he and other would-be loaders can be reassigned to vehicle maintenance and resupply duty to assist the crews of other returning tanks, improving the quality of maintenace as the crew inside the tanks will likely be exhausted after several hours of operation.
  • Because of smaller physical characteristics thanks to the 3-men +autoloader design, T-64 and T-72 have a lower theoretical logistical footprint than tanks of equal number using a human loader. This decreases the chance of the logistics chain being detected and attacked, and decreases potential losses.
  • Counter to the benefit of leaving the fourth crew man in favour of using an automatic loader, this also creates difficulties in immediately replacing an injured crewman while in combat. In comparison with 4-man tanks, there exists a possibility of an injured crewman being dragged from his seat and into the loader's space for immediate treatment of injury while the tank retreats. In more cramped 3-man designs such empty space is not immediately available and moving between the turret and hull may be more difficult in the first place. There is also an argument that a fourth crewman can replace any other of the three in case of injury, however, this possibility can also exist in 3-man designs if redundancy of weapon controls allows for temporary 1-man operation of turret.
  • Because of weight limitations of the powertrain, T-64 had lower overall capacity for improvements which add weight to the tank. Because improvements of armour tend to have a greater cost in weight than, say, replacement of gun optics and turret/gun laying drives with more precise versions, this means T-64 suffers greater limitations in terms of protection improvement than the heavier T-72, which was designed with a more durable powertrain from the start.

Concerns of 3-man & 4-man maintenance.[edit]

  • While having smaller tank crews (three vs. the usual four) is advantageous since more tanks can theoretically be fielded using the same number of soldiers, there are also serious downsides. Tanks require frequent maintenance and refueling, and much of this is physically demanding work that several people must work together to accomplish. Most of the time, these duties are also performed at the end of a long day of operations, when everyone in the tank is exhausted. Having one less crewman for these tasks increases the strain on the remaining three men and increases the frequency of botched or skipped maintenance. This problem worsens if the tank's commander is also an officer who must often perform other duties such as higher-level meetings, leaving only two men to attend to the tank.[39] All of this means that tanks with three-man crews are more likely to suffer from performance-degrading human exhaustion, and mechanical failures that take longer to fix and that keep the tank from reaching the battlefield. These problems are exacerbated during prolonged time periods of operations.


Map of T-64 operators in blue with former operators in red

Current operators[edit]

  •  Democratic Republic of the Congo – 25 T-64BV-1 tanks received from Ukraine in 2016.[40][41]
  • Transnistria – 18 T-64BVs are in service.
  •  Ukraine – 2,345 were in service as of 1995, 2,277 as of 2000 and 2,215 as of 2005.[42] Currently, around 600 are in service, 1000+ in storage and over 100 from those that are in active service are modernized to T-64BM Bulat. By August 2019, Ukraine's Kharkiv Armoured-Vehicle Factory (KhBTZ) had upgraded over 150 T-64BV to the new Model 2017 standard, and the Lviv Armoured -Vehicle Factory (LBTZ) had started delivering them too.[43] In 2020, Ukraine had 720 T-64 and T-64BV/BM in service, and 578 T-64 in storage.[44]
    • Donetsk People's Republic – multiple T-64B, T-64BV and T-64BM in service as of 2017.[45]
    • Luhansk People's Republic – multiple T-64B, T-64BV and T-64BM in service as of 2017.[45]
  •  Uzbekistan – 100 in service as of 2017.[46]

Former operators[edit]

  •  Soviet Union – Passed on to successor states.
  •  Belarus – Unknown number in 1990s. All have been scrapped since.
  •  Kazakhstan Approx. 50 in 2011.[47] All have been scrapped since.
  •  Russia – Approx. 4,000 in 1995. In 2014, Russia had approximately 2,000 which it had phased out of service and slated for destruction,[4] according to NATO[48] and the United States Department of State.[49]

T-64BV technical information[edit]



  • Length (gun to the front): 9.225 m[50]
  • Length (without the gun): 6.54 m
  • Breadth: 3.6 m[50]
  • Height: 2.17 m[50]
  • Weight: 42.5 t[50]


Three men:

  • commander
  • driver
  • gunner


  • Engine: 5TDF multifuel (diesel, kerosene and petrol) with 5 opposed cylinders, 10 piston, 13.6 L. Developing 700 hp (515 kW) at 2,800 rpm, consumption of 170 to 200 litres per 100 km.
  • Transmission: two lateral gearboxes with seven forward and one backward gear.
  • Three internal tanks for a 740 litres fuel capacity, two on the mudguards with 140 litres and two droppable 200 litres tanks on the aft end of the chassis.


  • Max. road speed: 60.5 km/h.
  • Max off-road speed: 35 km/h.
  • Power-to-weight ratio: 16.2 hp/t (11.9 kW/t).
  • Range: 500 km, 700 km with additional tanks.
  • Ground pressure: 0.9 kgf/cm2 (88 kPa, 12.8 psi).
  • Able to ford in 1.8 m of water without preparation and 5 m with snorkels.
  • Crosses a 2.8 m wide trench.
  • Crosses a 0.8 m high obstacle.
  • Max. slope 30°.


  • 125 mm smoothbore 2A46M-1 gun (D-81TM) with carousel 6ETs40 loader, 28 shots, fire rate 8 shots per minute, 36 embedded shots (8 x 9M112M "Kobra" (NATO code "AT-8 Songster"), 28 shells). Available shells are all fin-stabilised:
    • anti-personnel (APERS) version of the 3UOF-36, 3OVF-22, with several perforating abilities.
    • armour-piercing shells (APFSDS) 3UBM-17 or 3UBM-19 or older ones with a supplementary charge giving them an initial speed of about 1800 m/s.
    • hollow charge shells, 3VUK-25 or 3UBK-21.
  • coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm PKT with 1,250 rounds.
  • remote-controlled air-defence machine gun 12.7 mm NSVT "Utyos" with 300 rounds.
  • 4+4 (T-64B) or 6+6 (T-64A) 81 mm smoke mortars 902B "Tucha-2".


  • The 1A33 fire control system, with:
    • Radio control of the 9K112 "Kobra" missiles (NATO code "AT-8 Songster") launched from the gun.
    • The 2E28M hydraulic stabiliser (vertical range −5°20' to +15°15')
    • The gunner day sight 1G42 with embedded laser telemeter.
    • The TPN-1-49-23 active IR night sight.
    • The L2G IR projector left of the gun for illumination.
    • The 1V517 ballistic calculator.
    • The 1B11 anemometric gauge.
  • The tank commander's cupola is equipped with:
    • The PKN-4S combined day and night sight which allows a 360° vision and to fire the main weapons.
    • The PZU-6 AA sight.
    • The 2Z20 2-axis electrical stabiliser (vertical range −3° to +70°).
  • The TPN-3-49 or TPN-4 and TVN-4 night vision for the driver.
  • A R-173M radio.
  • An CBRN protection, with radiation detectors and global compartment overpressure.
  • Two snorkels for crossing rivers with a depth up to 5 m.
  • A KMT-6 mine clearing plough can be fitted at the front.


  • 3-layer composite armour (K formula), with a thickness between 450 and 20 mm:
    • Front: 120 mm steel, 105 mm glass fibre, 40 mm steel.
    • Sides: 80 mm steel.
    • Front of the turret: 150 mm steel, 150 mm glass fibre, 40 mm steel
  • Lateral rubber skirts protecting the top of the suspension.
  • Kontakt-1 reactive bricks covering:
    • The front and the side of the turret
    • The glacis
    • The lateral skirts

See also[edit]

  • List of tanks
  • List of Soviet tanks
  • T-80
  • T-90
  • T-95
  • 125 mm Smoothbore Rounds

Tanks of comparable role and era[edit]

  • Chieftain Mk. 10: Approximate British equivalent
  • M60A3: Approximate American eqivalent


  1. ^ Soviet Tank Programs Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine page 12 published by the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act
  2. ^ T-64A Main Battle Tank Archived 2015-02-09 at the Wayback Machine Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building
  3. ^ Три танкиста Archived 2011-07-19 at the Wayback Machine (Three Tankers)
  4. ^ a b Adrian Croft (14 June 2014). "NATO says images raise suspicions that Russia moved tanks into Ukraine". Reuters. Archived from the original on 14 June 2014. Retrieved 14 June 2014. phased out of service and were slated for destruction
  5. ^ "Основной боевой танк Т-64". Archived from the original on 2009-09-19. Retrieved 2010-04-22. Main battle tank T-64 (Основной боевой танк Т-64)
  6. ^ a b c Perrett 1987:42
  7. ^ "KMDB - Armoured Vehicle Upgrade Projects". Archived from the original on 14 May 2011. Retrieved 25 October 2014.
  8. ^ a b Украинская армия получила десять модернизированных Т-64, 28 October 2010 Archived 7 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ a b "Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau Main Characteristics of the Upgraded BM Bulat Battle Tank". Archived from the original on 19 October 2004. Retrieved 15 November 2014.
  10. ^ "'Завод імені Малишева' відновив чергову партію 'Булатів' для українського війська" [Malyshev Factory refurbished the next batch of Bulats for the Ukrainian army]. UkrOboronProm (in Ukrainian). 2019-05-03. Retrieved 2019-07-22.
  11. ^ "Модернізований Т-64 зразка 2017 року від ДП "Харківський бронетанковий завод" - нові бойові можливості серійної бойової машини" [Modernized T-64 Model 2017 from DP Kharkiv Armour Factory: New Combat Capabilities of a Serial-Production Fighting Vehicle]. UkrOboronProm (in Ukrainian). 2019-02-11. Retrieved 2019-07-22.
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  13. ^ ARG. "T-64 Main Battle Tank |". Archived from the original on 17 October 2014. Retrieved 25 October 2014.
  14. ^ "T64 Tank". Archived from the original on 19 October 2014. Retrieved 25 October 2014.
  15. ^ Sewell, Stephen, CW2 (rtd). "Why Three Tanks?" (Armor, July–August 1998), p. 45.
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  17. ^ "Нова модернізація Т-64 пройде Хрещатиком" [A new T-64 modernization will parade on Khreshchatyk]. MIL.IN.UA (in Ukrainian). 2018-08-20. Archived from the original on 2019-04-14. Retrieved 2019-04-14.
  18. ^ "Модернізація танку Т-64БВ з тепловійзійним прицілом, GPS навігацією та іншими опціями почала надходити до Збройних Сил України" [T-64BV tank modernization with thermal-vision sight, GPS navigation, and other options began deliveries to the Ukrainian Armed Forces]. MIL.IN.UA (in Ukrainian). 2017-05-02. Archived from the original on 2019-01-18. Retrieved 2019-04-14.
  19. ^ "Модернізований Т-64 зразка 2017 року від ДП "Харківський бронетанковий завод" - нові бойові можливості серійної бойової машини". Ukroboronprom (in Ukrainian). 2019-02-11. Archived from the original on 2019-04-14. Retrieved 2019-04-14.
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  21. ^
  22. ^ "BMPV-64 Prototype Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier |". Archived from the original on 2012-04-23.
  23. ^ a b Т-64: Чи піде «під ніж» унікальна техніка? Archived 2017-12-01 at the Wayback Machine (T-64: Will Unique Technology go "Under the Knife"?) at Військо України (Ukrainian Army)
  24. ^ "KMDB - Vehicles Based on the MT-T Prime Mover Chassis". Archived from the original on 13 September 2012. Retrieved 25 October 2014.
  25. ^ Armoured Ukraine: results, potential prospects … Results for the 15 years of "independence" Archived 2007-11-27 at Wikiwix [2006 article] Tank capacity – Steel and Fire: modern and future tanks (Article is in Russian) Accessed 8th of April 2014
  26. ^ p. 13, Isby, per Victor Suvorov
  27. ^ a b c Zaloga 2015, pp. 42–43.
  28. ^ a b c Zaloga 2015, pp. 43–44.
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  36. ^ "Procurement: The T-64 Tragicomedy In Congo". 12 August 2017.
  37. ^ Perrett 1987:43
  38. ^ Perrett 1987:43-44
  39. ^ Perrett 1987:42-43
  40. ^ "DRC reportedly receiving T-64 tanks". Defence Web. 20 February 2014. Archived from the original on 1 August 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
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  42. ^ John Pike. "Ground Forces Equipment – Ukraine". Archived from the original on 7 July 2017. Retrieved 15 November 2014.
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  44. ^ "The Military Balance 2020". IISS. Routledge. p. 212. doi:10.1080/04597222.2020.1707966. Retrieved 2020-03-21.
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  46. ^ "The Military Balance 2017, page 232". Archived from the original on 4 November 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
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  48. ^ "NATO Releases Imagery: Raises Questions on Russia's Role in Providing Tanks to Ukraine". SHAPE Public Affairs Office. 14 June 2014. Archived from the original on 2 February 2016. Retrieved 27 June 2014.
  49. ^ "Daily Press Briefing: June 20, 2014". U.S. Department of State. 20 June 2014. Archived from the original on 12 August 2017. Retrieved 27 June 2014.
  50. ^ a b c d T-64BV Main Battle Tank Archived 2015-02-09 at the Wayback Machine at KMDB.


  • Isby, D.C. (1988). Ten million bayonets: inside the armies of the Soviet Union, Arms and Armour Press, London. ISBN 978-0-85368-774-0
  • Perrett, Bryan (1987). Soviet Armour Since 1945. London: Blandford Press. ISBN 0-7137-1735-1.
  • Saenko, M., V. Chobitok (2002). Osnovnoj boevoj tank T-64, Moscow: Eksprint. ISBN 5-94038-022-0.
  • Sewell, Stephen 'Cookie' (1998). "Why Three Tanks?" Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine in Armor vol. 108, no. 4, p. 21. Fort Knox, KY: US Army Armor Center. ISSN 0004-2420. (PDF format)
  • Zaloga, Steven (1992), T-64 and T-80, Hong Kong: Concord, ISBN 962-361-031-9.
  • Zaloga, Steven (2015). T-64 Battle Tank: The Cold War's Most Secret Tank. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 9781472806307.
  • "Russian expert says about Ukrainian T-64 tank superiority over T-72B3". 15 February 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Ukrspets on T-64 upgrades
  • Kampfpanzer T-64 (in German)
  • T-64 and Bulat at KMDB (manufacturer's site)