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  (Redirigido de Nativo Americano (EE. UU.) )
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Los nativos americanos , también conocidos como indios americanos , primeros americanos , indígenas americanos y otros términos , son los pueblos indígenas de los Estados Unidos; a veces incluye Hawái y territorios de los Estados Unidos , y otras veces se limita al continente. Hay 574 tribus reconocidas a nivel federal que viven en los EE. UU., Aproximadamente la mitad de las cuales están asociadas con reservas indígenas . Los "nativos americanos" (según la definición del censo de los Estados Unidos ) son tribus indígenas originarias de los Estados Unidos contiguos , junto con los nativos de Alaska..

Los pueblos indígenas de los Estados Unidos que no son indígenas estadounidenses o nativos de Alaska incluyen a los nativos de Hawai , Samoa o Chamorros . El censo de los Estados Unidos agrupa a estos pueblos como " nativos de Hawái y otros habitantes de las islas del Pacífico ".

Los antepasados ​​de los nativos americanos vivos llegaron a lo que hoy es Estados Unidos hace al menos 15.000 años, posiblemente mucho antes, desde Asia a través de Beringia . [3] Posteriormente se desarrolló una gran variedad de pueblos, sociedades y culturas. La colonización europea de las Américas , que comenzó en 1492, resultó en un descenso precipitado de la población nativa americana debido a nuevas enfermedades a las que no tenían inmunidad , guerras , limpieza étnica y esclavitud . [4] [5] [6] [7] Después de su formación, Estados Unidos, como parte de su política de colonialismo de colonos, continuó librando la guerra y perpetró masacres contra muchos pueblos nativos americanos, los sacó de sus tierras ancestrales y los sometió a tratados unilaterales y a políticas gubernamentales discriminatorias, luego centradas en la asimilación forzada , en el siglo XX. [8] [9] [10] Desde la década de 1960, los movimientos de autodeterminación de los nativos americanos han dado como resultado cambios en las vidas de los nativos americanos, aunque todavía hay muchos problemas contemporáneos que enfrentan los nativos americanos . Hoy en día, hay más de cinco millones de nativos americanos en los Estados Unidos, el 78% de los cuales viven fuera de las reservas: California ,Arizona y Oklahoma tienen las poblaciones más grandes de nativos americanos en los Estados Unidos. La mayoría de los nativos americanos viven en áreas rurales o de pueblos pequeños .

Cuando se crearon los Estados Unidos, las tribus nativas americanas establecidas generalmente se consideraban naciones semiindependientes, ya que generalmente vivían en comunidades separadas de los colonos blancos . El gobierno federal firmó tratados a nivel de gobierno a gobierno hasta que la Ley de Asignaciones Indígenas de 1871 puso fin al reconocimiento de las naciones nativas independientes y comenzó a tratarlas como "naciones dependientes nacionales" sujetas a la ley federal. Esta ley preservó los derechos y privilegios acordados en virtud de los tratados, incluido un alto grado de soberanía tribal.. Por esta razón, muchas (pero no todas) las reservas de nativos americanos siguen siendo independientes de la ley estatal y las acciones de los ciudadanos tribales en estas reservas están sujetas únicamente a los tribunales tribales y la ley federal.

La Ley de Ciudadanía India de 1924 otorgó la ciudadanía estadounidense a todos los nativos americanos nacidos en los Estados Unidos que aún no la habían obtenido. Esto vació la categoría de "indios no gravados" establecida por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos , permitió que los nativos votaran en las elecciones estatales y federales y extendió las protecciones de la Decimocuarta Enmienda otorgadas a las personas "sujetas a la jurisdicción" de los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, algunos estados continuaron negando el derecho al voto de los indígenas estadounidenses durante varias décadas. Las protecciones de la Declaración de Derechos no se aplican a los gobiernos tribales, excepto a los exigidos por la Ley de Derechos Civiles Indígenas de 1968 .

Antecedentes [ editar ]

Desde finales del siglo XV, la migración de europeos a las Américas ha llevado a siglos de transferencia y ajuste de población, cultura y agricultura entre las sociedades del Viejo y Nuevo Mundo , un proceso conocido como el intercambio colombino . Como la mayoría de los grupos de nativos americanos habían conservado históricamente sus historias mediante tradiciones orales y obras de arte, las primeras fuentes escritas del contacto fueron escritas por europeos. [11]

Las áreas culturales de la América del Norte precolombina , según Alfred Kroeber

Los etnógrafos comúnmente clasifican a los pueblos indígenas de América del Norte en diez regiones geográficas con rasgos culturales compartidos , llamados áreas culturales. [12] Algunos eruditos combinan las regiones de Plateau y Great Basin en el oeste de Intermontane, algunos pueblos de las praderas separados de los pueblos de las Grandes Llanuras, mientras que algunos separan a las tribus de los Grandes Lagos de los bosques del noreste. Las diez áreas culturales son las siguientes:

  • Ártico , incluidos los pueblos aleut , inuit y yupik
  • Subártico
  • Bosques del noreste
  • Bosques del sureste
  • Grandes llanuras
  • Gran Cuenca
  • Meseta Noroeste
  • Costa noroeste
  • California
  • Suroeste ( Oasisamerica )

En el momento del primer contacto, las culturas indígenas eran bastante diferentes a las de los inmigrantes protoindustriales y en su mayoría cristianos . Algunas culturas del noreste y del suroeste, en particular, eran matrilineales y operaban sobre una base más colectiva que aquella con la que los europeos estaban familiarizados. La mayoría de las tribus indígenas americanas mantuvieron sus terrenos de caza y tierras agrícolas para utilizar a toda la tribu. En ese momento, los europeos tenían culturas que habían desarrollado conceptos de derechos de propiedad individuales.con respecto a tierras que eran extremadamente diferentes. Las diferencias en las culturas entre los nativos americanos establecidos y los europeos inmigrantes y las alianzas cambiantes entre las diferentes naciones en tiempos de guerra causaron una gran tensión política, violencia étnica y trastornos sociales.

Incluso antes de la colonización europea de lo que hoy es Estados Unidos, los nativos americanos sufrieron muchas muertes por contacto con nuevas enfermedades europeas , a las que aún no habían adquirido inmunidad ; las enfermedades eran endémicas de los españoles y otros europeos, y se propagaban por contacto directo y probablemente a través de cerdos que escapaban de las expediciones. [13] Epidemias de viruelase cree que han causado la mayor pérdida de vidas para las poblaciones indígenas. William M. Denevan, destacado autor y profesor emérito de geografía en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison, dijo sobre este tema en su ensayo "El mito prístino: el paisaje de las Américas en 1492"; "El declive de las poblaciones nativas americanas fue rápido y severo, probablemente el mayor desastre demográfico de la historia. Las enfermedades del Viejo Mundo fueron la principal causa de muerte. En muchas regiones, particularmente en las tierras bajas tropicales, las poblaciones se redujeron en un 90 por ciento o más en el primer siglo después del contacto . " [14] [15]

Las estimaciones de la población precolombina de lo que hoy constituye los EE. UU. Varían significativamente, desde los 3,8 millones de William M. Denevan en su obra de 1992 The Native Population of the Americas en 1492 , hasta los 18 millones en Their Number Become Thinned de Henry F. Dobyns. (1983). [13] [14] [16] [17] El trabajo de Henry F. Dobyns, siendo con mucho la estimación puntual más alta dentro del ámbito de la investigación académica profesional sobre el tema, ha sido criticada por tener "motivaciones políticas". [13] Quizás el crítico más vehemente de Dobyns es David Henige, bibliógrafo de Africana en la Universidad de Wisconsin, cuyo libro Numbers From Nowhere (1998) [18]se describe como "un hito en la literatura de fulminación demográfica". [13] "Sospechoso en 1966, no es menos sospechoso hoy en día", escribió Henige sobre el trabajo de Dobyns. "En todo caso, es peor". [13]

Después de que las trece colonias se rebelaron contra Gran Bretaña y establecieron los Estados Unidos, el presidente George Washington y el secretario de Guerra Henry Knox concibieron la idea de "civilizar" a los nativos americanos en preparación para la asimilación como ciudadanos estadounidenses. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] La asimilación (ya sea voluntaria, como con los Choctaw , [24] [25] o forzada ) se convirtió en una política constante a través de las administraciones estadounidenses. Durante el siglo XIX, la ideología del destino manifiestose convirtió en parte integral del movimiento nacionalista estadounidense. La expansión de las poblaciones europeo-estadounidenses hacia el oeste después de la Revolución Americana resultó en una creciente presión sobre las tierras de los nativos americanos, la guerra entre los grupos y el aumento de las tensiones. En 1830, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley de Remoción de Indígenas , que autorizaba al gobierno a trasladar a los nativos americanos de sus países de origen dentro de los estados establecidos a tierras al oeste del río Mississippi , acomodando la expansión europeo-estadounidense. Esto resultó en la limpieza étnica de muchas tribus, con las marchas brutales y forzadas que se conocieron como El Camino de las Lágrimas .

Los nativos americanos contemporáneos tienen una relación única con los Estados Unidos porque pueden ser miembros de naciones, tribus o bandas con soberanía y derechos de tratados en los que se basan la ley indígena federal y una relación de confianza federal indígena. [26] El activismo cultural desde finales de la década de 1960 ha aumentado la participación política y ha llevado a una expansión de los esfuerzos para enseñar y preservar las lenguas indígenas para las generaciones más jóvenes y para establecer una mayor infraestructura cultural: los nativos americanos han fundado periódicos independientes y medios en línea, incluyendo recientemente First Nations Experience , el primer canal de televisión de nativos americanos; [27] estudios de nativos americanos establecidosprogramas, escuelas tribales y universidades , museos y programas de idiomas. La literatura está a la vanguardia de los estudios de los indios americanos en muchos géneros, con la excepción solo de la ficción, que algunos indios americanos tradicionales encuentran realmente insultante debido a los conflictos con las tradiciones orales tribales. [28]

Los términos utilizados para referirse a los nativos americanos han sido en ocasiones controvertidos . Las formas en que los nativos americanos se refieren a sí mismos varían según la región y la generación, y muchos nativos americanos mayores se autoidentifican como "indios" o "indios americanos", mientras que los nativos americanos más jóvenes a menudo se identifican como "indígenas" o "aborígenes". El término "nativo americano" no ha incluido tradicionalmente a los nativos hawaianos o ciertos nativos de Alaska , como los pueblos aleutianos , yup'ik o inuit . En comparación, los pueblos indígenas de Canadá generalmente se conocen como Primeras Naciones . [29]

Historia [ editar ]

Asentamiento de las Américas [ editar ]

Este mapa muestra la ubicación aproximada del corredor libre de hielo y sitios paleoindios específicos ( teoría de Clovis ).

No se sabe definitivamente cómo o cuándo los nativos americanos se establecieron por primera vez en América y los Estados Unidos actuales. La teoría predominante propone que las personas emigraron de Eurasia a través de Beringia , un puente terrestre que conectaba Siberia con la actual Alaska durante el Último Período Glacial , y luego se extendió hacia el sur a través de las Américas durante las generaciones posteriores. La evidencia genética sugiere que al menos tres oleadas de migrantes llegaron de Asia, y la primera ocurrió hace al menos 15.000 años. [30] Es posible que estas migraciones hayan comenzado hace 30.000 años [31]y continuó hasta hace unos 10.000 años, cuando el puente terrestre quedó sumergido por el aumento del nivel del mar al comienzo del período interglacial actual . [32]

Era precolombina [ editar ]

La era precolombina incorpora todas las subdivisiones de la historia y la prehistoria de las Américas antes de la aparición de importantes influencias europeas en los continentes americanos , que abarca desde el asentamiento original en el período Paleolítico superior hasta la colonización europea durante el período moderno temprano . Si bien técnicamente se refiere a la era anterior a la llegada de Cristóbal Colón en 1492 al continente, en la práctica el término generalmente incluye la historia de las culturas indígenas americanas hasta que fueron conquistadas o influenciadas significativamente por los europeos, incluso si esto sucedió décadas, o incluso siglos, después de Colón. 'aterrizaje inicial.

Las culturas nativas americanas no se incluyen normalmente en las caracterizaciones de culturas avanzadas de la Edad de Piedra como " neolíticas ", que es una categoría que más a menudo incluye solo las culturas de Eurasia, África y otras regiones. Los períodos arqueológicos utilizados son las clasificaciones de los períodos arqueológicos y las culturas establecidas en el libro Method and Theory in American Archaeology de Gordon Willey y Philip Phillips de 1958 . Dividieron el registro arqueológico de las Américas en cinco fases . [33]

Etapa lítica [ editar ]

Numerosas culturas paleoindias ocuparon América del Norte, algunas distribuidas alrededor de las Grandes Llanuras y Grandes Lagos de los modernos Estados Unidos y Canadá , así como áreas adyacentes al oeste y suroeste. Según las historias orales de muchos de los pueblos indígenas de las Américas, han estado viviendo en este continente desde su génesis, descrito por una amplia gama de historias de creación tradicional . Otras tribus tienen historias que relatan migraciones a través de grandes extensiones de tierra y un gran río que se cree que es el río Mississippi . [34]Los datos genéticos y lingüísticos conectan a los pueblos indígenas de este continente con los antiguos asiáticos del noreste. Los datos arqueológicos y lingüísticos han permitido a los académicos descubrir algunas de las migraciones dentro de las Américas.

La evidencia arqueológica en el sitio de Gault cerca de Austin, Texas, demuestra que los pueblos anteriores a Clovis se establecieron en Texas hace unos 16.000-20.000 años. También se han encontrado pruebas de culturas anteriores a Clovis en las cuevas de Paisley en el centro-sur de Oregón y huesos de mastodonte masacrados en un sumidero cerca de Tallahassee, Florida. De manera más convincente, pero también controvertida, se ha descubierto otro pre-Clovis en Monte Verde , Chile. [35]

La cultura Clovis , una cultura de caza de megafauna , se identifica principalmente por el uso de puntas de lanza acanaladas . Los artefactos de esta cultura se excavaron por primera vez en 1932 cerca de Clovis, Nuevo México . La cultura Clovis se extendió por gran parte de América del Norte y apareció en América del Sur. La cultura se identifica por la distintiva punta Clovis , una punta de lanza de pedernal en escamas con una flauta con muescas, mediante la cual se insertaba en un eje. La datación de los materiales de Clovis se ha realizado por asociación con huesos de animales y mediante el uso de métodos de datación por carbono . Reexaminaciones recientes de materiales de Clovis utilizando métodos mejorados de datación por carbono produjeron resultados de 11,050 y 10,800 años de radiocarbono AP(aproximadamente 9100 a 8850 a. C.). [36]

Una punta de Folsom por lanza

La Tradición Folsom se caracterizó por el uso de puntas Folsom como puntas de proyectiles y actividades conocidas en los sitios de matanza, donde se realizaba la matanza y la matanza de bisontes . Las herramientas de Folsom se dejaron atrás entre el 9000 a. C. y el 8000 a. C. [37]

Los pueblos de habla na-dené entraron en América del Norte a partir del año 8000 a. C., llegaron al noroeste del Pacífico hacia el 5000 a. C. [38] y desde allí migraron a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico hacia el interior. Lingüistas, antropólogos y arqueólogos creen que sus antepasados ​​formaron una migración separada a América del Norte, posterior a los primeros paleoindios. Emigraron a Alaska y el norte de Canadá, al sur a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico, al interior de Canadá y al sur a las Grandes Llanuras y el suroeste de Estados Unidos. Los pueblos de habla na-dené fueron los primeros antepasados ​​de los pueblos de habla atabasca , incluidos los navajos y apaches actuales e históricos.. Construyeron grandes viviendas multifamiliares en sus aldeas, que se utilizaron estacionalmente. La gente no vivía allí todo el año, sino durante el verano para cazar y pescar, y para recolectar alimentos para el invierno. [39]

Periodo arcaico [ editar ]

Desde la década de 1990, los arqueólogos han explorado y fechado once sitios del Arcaico Medio en las actuales Luisiana y Florida en los que las primeras culturas construyeron complejos con múltiples montículos de tierra ; eran sociedades de cazadores-recolectores y no de agricultores asentados que, según la teoría de la revolución neolítica, creían necesarios para sostener pueblos tan grandes durante períodos prolongados. El mejor ejemplo es Watson Brake en el norte de Louisiana, cuyo complejo de 11 montículos data del 3500 a. C., lo que lo convierte en el sitio más antiguo y fechado de América del Norte para una construcción tan compleja. [ cita requerida ] Tiene casi 2000 años más que elSitio de Poverty Point . La construcción de los montículos continuó durante 500 años hasta que el sitio fue abandonado alrededor del 2800 a. C., probablemente debido a las cambiantes condiciones ambientales. [40]

La gente de la Tradición de Oshara vivió desde 700 hasta 1000 EC. Eran parte de la Tradición Arcaica del Suroeste centrada en el centro-norte de Nuevo México , la Cuenca de San Juan , el Valle del Río Grande , el sur de Colorado y el sureste de Utah . [41]

La cultura Poverty Point es una cultura arqueológica del Arcaico Tardío que habitó el área del valle bajo del Mississippi y la costa del Golfo circundante. La cultura prosperó desde el 2200 a. C. hasta el 700 a. C., durante el período Arcaico Tardío. [42] Se ha encontrado evidencia de esta cultura en más de 100 sitios, desde el complejo principal en Poverty Point, Louisiana (un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO ) a través de un rango de 100 millas (160 km) hasta el sitio de Jaketown cerca de Belzoni, Mississippi .

Periodo post-arcaico [ editar ]

Concepción de los artistas de la cultura Ohio Hopewell Shriver Circle con el Mound City Group a la izquierda
Cahokia , el sitio cultural más grande de Mississippian

Las etapas Formativa, Clásica y Postclásica a veces se incorporan juntas como el período Post-arcaico, que se extiende desde el 1000 a. C. en adelante. [43] Los sitios y culturas incluyen: Adena , Old Copper , Oasisamerica , Woodland , Fort Ancient , la tradición de Hopewell y las culturas de Mississippian .

El período Woodland de las culturas precolombinas de América del Norte se refiere al período de tiempo de aproximadamente 1000 a. C. a 1000 d. C. en la parte oriental de América del Norte. La región cultural de Eastern Woodlands cubre lo que ahora es el este de Canadá al sur de la región subártica , el este de los Estados Unidos , junto al Golfo de México . [44] La tradición Hopewell describe los aspectos comunes de la cultura que floreció a lo largo de los ríos en el noreste y medio oeste de los Estados Unidos desde el año 100 a. C. hasta el 500 d. C., en el período Middle Woodland . La tradición de Hopewell no era una cultura únicao sociedad, sino un conjunto muy disperso de poblaciones relacionadas. Estaban conectados por una red común de rutas comerciales. [45] [46] Este período se considera una etapa de desarrollo sin cambios masivos en un período corto, pero en cambio tiene un desarrollo continuo en herramientas de piedra y hueso, trabajo del cuero, fabricación de textiles, producción de herramientas, cultivo y construcción de refugios. [45]

Los pueblos indígenas de la costa noroeste del Pacífico pertenecían a muchas naciones y afiliaciones tribales, cada una con identidades culturales y políticas distintivas, pero compartían ciertas creencias, tradiciones y prácticas, como la centralidad del salmón como recurso y símbolo espiritual. Su fiesta de entrega de regalos, potlatch , es un evento muy complejo donde la gente se reúne para conmemorar eventos especiales. Estos eventos incluyen el levantamiento de un tótem o el nombramiento o elección de un nuevo jefe. La característica artística más famosa de la cultura es el tótem, con tallas de animales y otros personajes para conmemorar creencias culturales, leyendas y eventos notables.

La cultura de Mississippian fue una civilización nativa americana que construyó montículos, los arqueólogos datan de aproximadamente 800 EC a 1600 EC, variando regionalmente. [47] Estaba compuesto por una serie de asentamientos urbanos y pueblos satélites (suburbios) unidos por una red comercial flexible, [48] la ciudad más grande era Cahokia , que se cree que es un importante centro religioso. La civilización floreció en lo que hoy es el medio oeste , este y sureste de los Estados Unidos . [49] [50]

Numerosas sociedades precolombinas eran sedentarias, como los pueblos Pueblo , Mandan , Hidatsa y otros, y algunas establecieron grandes asentamientos, incluso ciudades, como Cahokia , en lo que hoy es Illinois . La Liga de Naciones Iroquesas o "Gente de la Casa Larga" era una sociedad democrática políticamente avanzada, que algunos historiadores creen que influyó en la Constitución de los Estados Unidos , [51] [52] y el Senado aprobó una resolución a tal efecto. en 1988. [53]Otros historiadores han cuestionado esta interpretación y creen que el impacto fue mínimo, o no existió, señalando numerosas diferencias entre los dos sistemas y los amplios precedentes de la constitución en el pensamiento político europeo. [54] [55] [56]

Exploración y colonización europeas [ editar ]

Descubrimiento del Mississippi por William Henry Powell (1823–1879) es una descripción romántica del explorador español de Soto viendo el río Mississippi por primera vez. Cuelga en la rotonda del Capitolio de los Estados Unidos .

Después de 1492, la exploración y colonización europea de las Américas revolucionó la forma en que el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo se percibían a sí mismos. Muchos de los primeros contactos importantes fueron en Florida y la costa del Golfo por parte de exploradores españoles . [57] Algunos estudiosos han designado este punto de la historia como el comienzo de la "Era del Capital" o el Capitaloceno: una época que abarca la era impulsada por las ganancias que ha llevado al cambio climático, el cambio global de la tierra. [58]

Impacto en las poblaciones nativas [ editar ]

Desde el siglo XVI hasta el XIX, la población de nativos americanos disminuyó drásticamente. [59] La mayoría de los estudiosos convencionales creen que, entre los diversos factores contribuyentes, [60] la enfermedad epidémica fue la causa abrumadora de la disminución de la población de los nativos americanos debido a su falta de inmunidad a las nuevas enfermedades traídas de Europa. [61] [62] [63] [64] Es difícil estimar el número de nativos americanos precolombinos que vivían en lo que hoy es los Estados Unidos de América. [65] Las estimaciones oscilan entre un mínimo de 2,1 millones y un máximo de 18 millones ( Dobyns 1983). [16] [66][67] Para 1800, la población nativa de los Estados Unidos de hoy en día se había reducido a aproximadamente 600,000, y solo quedaban 250,000 nativos americanos en la década de 1890. [68] La varicela y el sarampión , endémicos pero raramente fatales entre los europeos (mucho después de haber sido introducidos desde Asia), a menudo resultaron mortales para los nativos americanos. [69] [70] [71] [72] En los 100 años posteriores a la llegada de los españoles a las Américas, grandes epidemias de enfermedades despoblaron gran parte del este de los Estados Unidos en el siglo XVI. [73]

Hay una serie de casos documentados en los que las enfermedades se propagaron deliberadamente entre los nativos americanos como una forma de guerra biológica . El ejemplo más conocido ocurrió en 1763, cuando Sir Jeffery Amherst , Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas del Ejército Británico , escribió alabando el uso de mantas infectadas con viruela para "extirpar" la raza india. Se entregaron mantas infectadas con viruela a los nativos americanos que asediaban Fort Pitt . La efectividad del intento no está clara. [74] [75] [76]

En 1634, el P. Andrew White de la Compañía de Jesús estableció una misión en lo que ahora es el estado de Maryland , y el propósito de la misión, declarado a través de un intérprete al jefe de una tribu india allí, era "extender la civilización y la instrucción a su raza ignorante y muéstrales el camino al cielo ". [77] P. Los diarios de Andrew informan que hacia 1640, se había fundado una comunidad a la que llamaron St. Mary's, y los indios estaban enviando a sus hijos allí "para que se educaran entre los ingleses". [78] Esto incluía a la hija del jefe indio Piscataway Tayac, que ejemplifica no solo una escuela para indios, sino también una escuela para niñas, o una de las primeras niñas mixtas.colegio. Los mismos registros informan que en 1677, "nuestra Sociedad abrió una escuela de humanidades en el centro de [Maryland], dirigida por dos de los Padres; y la juventud nativa, dedicándose asiduamente al estudio, hizo un buen progreso. Maryland y la escuela recientemente establecida envió a San Omer dos niños que cedieron en habilidades a unos pocos europeos, cuando competían por el honor de ser los primeros en su clase. De modo que ni el oro, ni la plata, ni los demás productos de la tierra solos, sino los hombres también de allí se recogen para llevar esas regiones, que los extranjeros injustamente han llamado feroces, a un estado superior de virtud y cultivo ". [79]

A mediados del siglo XVII, las Guerras de los Castores se libraron por el comercio de pieles entre los iroqueses y los hurones , los algonquinos del norte y sus aliados franceses. Durante la guerra, los iroqueses destruyeron varias grandes confederaciones tribales, incluidas Huron , Neutral , Erie , Susquehannock y Shawnee , y se hicieron dominantes en la región y ampliaron su territorio.

En 1727, las Hermanas de la Orden de Santa Úrsula fundaron la Academia Ursulina en Nueva Orleans , que actualmente es la escuela para niñas más antigua en funcionamiento continuo y la escuela católica más antigua de los Estados Unidos. Desde el momento de su fundación, ofreció las primeras clases para niñas nativas americanas, y luego ofrecería clases para esclavas afroamericanas y mujeres libres de color .

1882 retrato de estudio de los (entonces) últimos guerreros supervivientes de las Seis Naciones que lucharon con los británicos en la guerra de 1812

Entre 1754 y 1763, muchas tribus nativas americanas estuvieron involucradas en la Guerra Francesa e India / Guerra de los Siete Años . Los involucrados en el comercio de pieles tendían a aliarse con las fuerzas francesas contra las milicias coloniales británicas. Los británicos habían hecho menos aliados, pero se le unieron algunas tribus que querían demostrar asimilación y lealtad en apoyo de tratados para preservar sus territorios. A menudo se sintieron decepcionados cuando más tarde se revocaron esos tratados. Las tribus tenían sus propios propósitos, utilizando sus alianzas con las potencias europeas para luchar contra los enemigos nativos tradicionales. Algunos iroqueses que eran leales a los británicos y los ayudaron a luchar en la Revolución Americana huyeron al norte, a Canadá.

Después de que los exploradores europeos llegaran a la costa oeste en la década de 1770, la viruela mató rápidamente al menos al 30% de los nativos americanos de la costa noroeste . Durante los siguientes ochenta o cien años, la viruela y otras enfermedades devastaron las poblaciones nativas de la región. [80] Las poblaciones del área de Puget Sound , una vez estimadas en 37,000 personas, se redujeron a solo 9,000 sobrevivientes cuando los colonos llegaron en masa a mediados del siglo XIX. [81]

Las epidemias de viruela en 1780–82 y 1837–38 trajeron devastación y despoblación drástica entre los indios de las llanuras . [82] [83] En 1832, el gobierno federal estableció un programa de vacunación contra la viruela para los nativos americanos ( Ley de vacunación contra los indios de 1832 ). Fue el primer programa federal creado para abordar un problema de salud de los nativos americanos. [84] [85]

Presentaciones de animales [ editar ]

Con el encuentro de dos mundos, animales, insectos y plantas fueron llevados de uno a otro, tanto deliberadamente como por casualidad, en lo que se llama el Intercambio Colombino . [86] En el siglo XVI, españoles y otros europeos trajeron caballos a México. Algunos de los caballos escaparon y comenzaron a reproducirse y aumentar su número en la naturaleza. A medida que los nativos americanos adoptaron el uso de los animales, comenzaron a cambiar sus culturas de manera sustancial, especialmente al extender sus áreas de distribución nómadas para la caza. La reintroducción del caballo a América del Norte tuvo un profundo impacto en la cultura nativa americana de las Grandes Llanuras .

Territorios tribales de los primeros nativos americanos

Siglo XVII [ editar ]

La guerra del rey Felipe [ editar ]

Guerra del Rey Felipe , también llamado Metacom 's guerra o Metacom de Rebelión, fue el último gran armada [87] conflicto entre los habitantes nativos americanos de la actual sur de Nueva Inglaterra colonos e ingleses y sus aliados nativos americanos desde 1675 a 1676. Continuó en el norte de Nueva Inglaterra (principalmente en la frontera de Maine) incluso después de la muerte del rey Felipe, hasta que se firmó un tratado en Casco Bay en abril de 1678. [88]

Siglo 18 [ editar ]

Sociedad natural [ editar ]

El Tratado de Penn con los indios de Benjamin West , pintado en 1771

Algunos filósofos europeos consideraban que las sociedades nativas americanas eran verdaderamente "naturales" y representativas de una edad de oro que solo conocían en la historia popular. [89]

Revolución americana [ editar ]

Los nativos americanos de Yamacraw Creek se reúnen con el administrador de la colonia de Georgia en Inglaterra, julio de 1734. La pintura muestra a un niño nativo americano (con un abrigo azul) y una mujer (con un vestido rojo) con ropa europea.

Durante la Revolución Americana , los recién proclamados Estados Unidos compitieron con los británicos por la lealtad de las naciones nativas americanas al este del río Mississippi . La mayoría de los nativos americanos que se unieron a la lucha se pusieron del lado de los británicos, basándose tanto en sus relaciones comerciales como en la esperanza de que la derrota colonial resultaría en un alto a una mayor expansión colonial en tierras de los nativos americanos. La primera comunidad nativa en firmar un tratado con el nuevo gobierno de los Estados Unidos fue Lenape .

En 1779 se llevó a cabo la Expedición Sullivan durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos contra los británicos y las cuatro naciones aliadas de los iroqueses. George Washington dio órdenes que dejaban en claro que quería que la amenaza iroquesa fuera completamente eliminada:

La Expedición que estás designado para comandar se dirigirá contra las tribus hostiles de las Seis Naciones de Indios, con sus asociados y adherentes. Los objetivos inmediatos son la destrucción total y la devastación de sus asentamientos y la captura de tantos prisioneros de todas las edades y sexos como sea posible. Será fundamental arruinar sus cultivos ahora en el suelo y evitar que se siembren más. [90]

Los británicos hicieron las paces con los estadounidenses en el Tratado de París (1783) , mediante el cual cedieron vastos territorios de nativos americanos a los Estados Unidos sin informar ni consultar con los nativos americanos.

Estados Unidos [ editar ]

Estados Unidos estaba ansioso por expandirse, desarrollar la agricultura y los asentamientos en nuevas áreas y satisfacer el hambre de tierras de los colonos de Nueva Inglaterra y los nuevos inmigrantes. El gobierno nacional inicialmente buscó comprar tierras de nativos americanos mediante tratados . Los estados y los colonos estaban frecuentemente en desacuerdo con esta política. [91]

La política de Estados Unidos hacia los nativos americanos continuó evolucionando después de la Revolución Americana. George Washington y Henry Knox creían que los nativos americanos eran iguales pero que su sociedad era inferior. Washington formuló una política para alentar el proceso de "civilización". [20] Washington tenía un plan de seis puntos para la civilización que incluía:

  1. justicia imparcial hacia los nativos americanos
  2. compra regulada de tierras nativas americanas
  3. promoción del comercio
  4. promoción de experimentos para civilizar o mejorar la sociedad nativa americana
  5. autoridad presidencial para dar regalos
  6. castigar a quienes violaron los derechos de los nativos americanos. [22]
Benjamin Hawkins , visto aquí en su plantación, enseña a los nativos americanos creek cómo utilizar la tecnología europea, pintado en 1805

A fines del siglo XVIII, los reformadores, comenzando con Washington y Knox, [92] apoyaron la educación de niños y adultos nativos, en un esfuerzo por "civilizar" o asimilar a los nativos americanos en la sociedad en general (en lugar de relegarlos a las reservas ). La Ley del Fondo de Civilización de 1819 promovió esta política de civilización al proporcionar fondos a las sociedades (en su mayoría religiosas) que trabajaron para la mejora de los nativos americanos. [93]

Siglo XIX [ editar ]

La población de indios de California se redujo en un 90% durante el siglo XIX, de más de 200,000 a principios del siglo XIX a aproximadamente 15,000 a fines del siglo, principalmente debido a enfermedades. [94] Las epidemias arrasaron el país indígena de California , como la epidemia de malaria de 1833 . [95]La población entró en declive como consecuencia de que las autoridades españolas obligaron a los nativos californianos a vivir en las misiones donde contrajeron enfermedades de las que tenían poca inmunidad. El Dr. Cook estima que 15,250 o el 45% de la disminución de la población en las Misiones fue causada por enfermedades. Dos epidemias de sarampión, una en 1806 y la otra en 1828, causaron muchas muertes. Las tasas de mortalidad eran tan altas que las misiones dependían constantemente de nuevas conversiones. Durante la Fiebre del Oro de California , muchos nativos fueron asesinados por colonos entrantes, así como por unidades de milicias financiadas y organizadas por el gobierno de California. [96]Algunos académicos sostienen que el financiamiento estatal de estas milicias, así como el papel del gobierno de los Estados Unidos en otras masacres en California, como las masacres Bloody Island y Yontoket , en las que hasta 400 o más nativos fueron asesinados en cada masacre, constituye una campaña. del genocidio contra los nativos de California . [97] [98]

Expansión hacia el oeste [ editar ]

Tecumseh fue el líder Shawnee de la Guerra de Tecumseh que intentó organizar una alianza de tribus nativas americanas en toda América del Norte. [99]

A medida que continuó la expansión estadounidense, los nativos americanos resistieron la invasión de los colonos en varias regiones de la nueva nación (y en territorios no organizados), desde el noroeste hasta el sureste, y luego en el oeste, cuando los colonos se encontraron con las tribus nativas americanas de las Grandes Llanuras . Al este del río Mississippi, un ejército intertribal dirigido por Tecumseh , un jefe Shawnee, luchó contra varios enfrentamientos en el noroeste durante el período 1811–12, conocido como la Guerra de Tecumseh . Durante la Guerra de 1812, Las fuerzas de Tecumseh se aliaron con los británicos. Después de la muerte de Tecumseh, los británicos dejaron de ayudar a los nativos americanos al sur y al oeste del Alto Canadá y la expansión estadounidense procedió con poca resistencia. Los conflictos en el sudeste incluyen la Guerra de los Creek y las Guerras Seminole , tanto antes como después de la Expulsión de indios de la mayoría de los miembros de las Cinco Tribus Civilizadas .

En la década de 1830, el presidente Andrew Jackson firmó la Ley de Remoción de Indígenas de 1830 , una política de reubicación de indios de sus tierras natales en territorios indios y reservas en áreas circundantes para abrir sus tierras a asentamientos no nativos. [100] Esto resultó en el Camino de las Lágrimas .

Fosa común para los muertos Lakota tras la masacre de Wounded Knee de 1890 , que tuvo lugar durante las guerras indias en el siglo XIX.

En julio de 1845, el editor del periódico de Nueva York, John L. O'Sullivan, acuñó la frase " Destino Manifiesto ", como el "diseño de la Providencia" que apoya la expansión territorial de los Estados Unidos. [101] El Destino Manifiesto tuvo serias consecuencias para los nativos americanos, ya que la expansión continental de los EE. UU. Tuvo lugar a costa de sus tierras ocupadas. [102] Una justificación para la política de conquista y subyugación de los pueblos indígenas emanó de las percepciones estereotipadas de todos los nativos americanos como "salvajes indios despiadados" (como se describe en la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos ). [103] Sam Wolfson en The Guardianescribe: "El pasaje de la declaración a menudo se ha citado como un resumen de la actitud deshumanizante hacia los indígenas estadounidenses en la que se fundó Estados Unidos". [104]

La Ley de Apropiaciones Indígenas de 1851 sentó el precedente para las reservas de nativos americanos de hoy en día mediante la asignación de fondos para trasladar a las tribus occidentales a las reservas, ya que no había más tierras disponibles para la reubicación.

Las naciones nativas americanas en las llanuras del oeste continuaron los conflictos armados con los Estados Unidos a lo largo del siglo XIX, a través de lo que se denominó generalmente guerras indias . [105] Los conflictos notables en este período incluyen la Guerra de Dakota , la Gran Guerra de los Sioux , la Guerra de la Serpiente , la Guerra de Colorado y las Guerras de Texas e India . Expresando el sentimiento fronterizo anti-indio, Theodore Roosevelt creía que los indios estaban destinados a desaparecer bajo la presión de la civilización blanca, afirmando en una conferencia de 1886:

No voy tan lejos como para pensar que los únicos indios buenos son los indios muertos, pero creo que nueve de cada diez lo son, y no me gustaría indagar demasiado en el caso del décimo. [106]

El ritual de la Danza de los Fantasmas , que los Lakota creían que reuniría a los vivos con los espíritus de los muertos, provocaría la desaparición de los invasores blancos y traería paz, prosperidad y unidad a los pueblos indios de toda la región.

Uno de los últimos y más notables eventos durante las guerras indias fue la masacre de Wounded Knee en 1890. [107] En los años previos a ella, el gobierno de Estados Unidos había continuado apoderándose de las tierras lakota . Un ritual de Danza de los Fantasmas en la reserva de Lakota del Norte en Wounded Knee, Dakota del Sur , llevó al intento del Ejército de los Estados Unidos de someter a los Lakota. El baile fue parte de un movimiento religioso fundado por el líder espiritual Wovoka del norte de Paiute que habló del regreso del Mesías para aliviar el sufrimiento de los nativos americanos y prometió que si vivirían vidas rectas y realizarían el baile de los fantasmas correctamente, el europeo americanocolonos desaparecerían, el bisonte volvería, y los vivos y los muertos serán reunidos en un Edén mundo ic. [107] El 29 de diciembre en Wounded Knee, estallaron los disparos y los soldados estadounidenses mataron hasta 300 indios, en su mayoría ancianos, mujeres y niños. [107]

Guerra Civil [ editar ]

Ely Parker (del pueblo Séneca ) fue un general de la Guerra Civil de la Unión que redactó los términos de la rendición entre los Estados Unidos y los Estados Confederados de América . [108]

Los nativos americanos sirvieron tanto en la Unión como en el ejército confederado durante la Guerra Civil Americana . Al estallar la guerra, por ejemplo, el partido minoritario de los Cherokees dio su lealtad a la Confederación, mientras que originalmente el partido mayoritario se decantó por el Norte. [109] Los nativos americanos lucharon sabiendo que podrían poner en peligro su independencia, culturas únicas y tierras ancestrales si terminaban en el bando perdedor de la Guerra Civil. [109] [110] 28,693 nativos americanos sirvieron en los ejércitos de la Unión y Confederados durante la Guerra Civil, participando en batallas como Pea Ridge , Second Manassas , Antietam, Spotsylvania , Cold Harbor y en los asaltos federales a Petersburgo . [110] [111] Algunas tribus nativas americanas, como los Creek y los Choctaw, eran propietarios de esclavos y encontraron una comunidad política y económica con la Confederación. [112] El Choctaw poseía más de 2.000 esclavos. [113]

Mudanzas y reservas [ editar ]

En el siglo XIX, la incesante expansión hacia el oeste de los Estados Unidos obligó gradualmente a un gran número de nativos americanos a reubicarse más al oeste, a menudo por la fuerza, casi siempre a regañadientes. Los nativos americanos creían que esta reubicación forzosa era ilegal, dado el Tratado de Hopewell de 1785. Bajo el presidente Andrew Jackson , el Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley de Remoción de Indígenas de 1830, que autorizó al presidente a llevar a cabo tratados para intercambiar tierras nativas americanas al este del río Mississippi por tierras al oeste del río.

Hasta 100.000 nativos americanos se trasladaron a Occidente como resultado de esta política de expulsión de indios . En teoría, se suponía que la reubicación era voluntaria y muchos nativos americanos permanecieron en el este. En la práctica, se ejerció una gran presión sobre los líderes nativos americanos para que firmaran tratados de expulsión. La violación más atroz, el Sendero de las Lágrimas , fue el traslado del Cherokee por el presidente Jackson al territorio indio . [114] La deportación de los navajos en 1864 por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos ocurrió cuando 8.000 navajos fueron forzados a un campo de internamiento en Bosque Redondo, [115]donde, bajo guardias armados, más de 3.500 hombres, mujeres y niños navajos y mescaleros apaches murieron de hambre y enfermedades. [115]

Nativos americanos y ciudadanía estadounidense [ editar ]

En 1817, los Cherokee se convirtieron en los primeros nativos americanos reconocidos como ciudadanos estadounidenses. Según el artículo 8 del tratado Cherokee de 1817, "Más de 300 cherokees (jefes de familia) en la honesta simplicidad de sus almas, hicieron una elección para convertirse en ciudadanos estadounidenses". [25] [116]

Los factores que establecen la ciudadanía incluyen:

  1. Disposición del tratado (como con el Cherokee)
  2. Registro y adjudicación de tierras bajo la Ley Dawes del 8 de febrero de 1887
  3. Emisión de Patente en Tarifa simple
  4. Adoptando hábitos de vida civilizada
  5. Hijos menores de edad
  6. Ciudadanía por nacimiento
  7. Convertirse en soldados y marineros en las Fuerzas Armadas de EE. UU.
  8. Matrimonio con un ciudadano estadounidense
  9. Acta especial del Congreso.

Después de la Guerra Civil Americana, la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1866 establece, "que todas las personas nacidas en los Estados Unidos, y no sujetas a ningún poder extranjero, excluyendo a los indios que no están sujetos a impuestos, por la presente se declaran ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos". [117]

Ley de asignaciones de la India de 1871 [ editar ]

En 1871, el Congreso añadió una cláusula adicional a la Ley de Asignaciones Indígenas , promulgada por el presidente Ulysses S. Grant , que puso fin al reconocimiento de Estados Unidos de tribus nativas americanas adicionales o naciones independientes y prohíbe tratados adicionales. [118]

Educación [ editar ]

Después de las guerras contra los indios a fines del siglo XIX, el gobierno estableció internados para nativos americanos , inicialmente administrados principalmente por misioneros cristianos o afiliados a ellos. [119] En este momento, la sociedad estadounidense pensaba que los niños nativos americanos necesitaban ser aculturados a la sociedad en general. La experiencia del internado fue una inmersión total en la sociedad estadounidense moderna, pero podría resultar traumática para los niños, a quienes se les prohibió hablar sus idiomas nativos . Se les enseñó el cristianismo y no se les permitió practicar sus religiones nativas, y de muchas otras formas se les obligó a abandonar sus identidades nativas americanas. [120] [121] [122]

Antes de la década de 1930, las escuelas de las reservas no ofrecían educación más allá del sexto grado. Para obtener más, generalmente era necesario un internado. [123] Las reservas pequeñas con unos pocos cientos de personas generalmente enviaban a sus hijos a escuelas públicas cercanas. El " New Deal indio " de la década de 1930 cerró muchos de los internados y restó importancia a los objetivos asimilacionistas . La División India del Cuerpo Civil de Conservación operó proyectos de construcción a gran escala en las reservaciones, construyendo miles de nuevas escuelas y edificios comunitarios. Bajo el liderazgo de John Collier, la Oficina de Asuntos Indígenas(BIA) trajo educadores progresistas para remodelar la educación india. La BIA en 1938 enseñó a 30.000 estudiantes en 377 internados y escuelas diurnas, o el 40% de todos los niños indios en la escuela. Los navajos se opusieron en gran medida a la escolarización de cualquier tipo, pero las otras tribus aceptaron el sistema. Ahora había escuelas secundarias en reservas más grandes, que educaban no solo a los adolescentes sino también a un público adulto. No había instalaciones indias para la educación superior. [124] [125] Restaron importancia a los libros de texto, enfatizaron la autoestima y comenzaron a enseñar historia de la India.. Promovieron las artes y artesanías tradicionales del tipo que se podía realizar en las reservas, como la fabricación de joyas. Los reformadores del New Deal encontraron una resistencia significativa por parte de padres y maestros, y obtuvieron resultados mixtos. La Segunda Guerra Mundial puso a los indios más jóvenes en contacto con la sociedad en general a través del servicio militar y el trabajo en las industrias de municiones. El papel de la educación se cambió para centrarse en la educación vocacional para trabajos en las zonas urbanas de Estados Unidos. [126]

Desde el surgimiento de la autodeterminación para los nativos americanos, generalmente han enfatizado la educación de sus hijos en las escuelas cercanas a donde viven. Además, muchas tribus reconocidas a nivel federal se han hecho cargo de las operaciones de tales escuelas y han agregado programas de retención y reactivación del idioma para fortalecer sus culturas. A partir de la década de 1970, las tribus también fundaron universidades en sus reservaciones, controladas y operadas por nativos americanos, para educar a sus jóvenes para los trabajos y para transmitir sus culturas.

Siglo XX [ editar ]

El republicano Charles Curtis , de Kaw , Osage , Potawatomi , de ascendencia francesa y británica de Kansas, fue el 31º vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos, 1929-1933, sirviendo con el republicano Herbert Hoover .

El 29 de agosto de 1911, Ishi , considerado generalmente como el último nativo americano que vivió la mayor parte de su vida sin contacto con la cultura europeo-americana , fue descubierto cerca de Oroville, California . [127] [128] [129]

En 1919, Estados Unidos bajo el presidente Woodrow Wilson otorgó la ciudadanía a todos los nativos americanos que habían servido en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Casi 10,000 hombres se habían alistado y servido, un número alto en relación con su población. [130] A pesar de esto, en muchas áreas los nativos americanos enfrentaron resistencia local cuando intentaron votar y fueron discriminados con barreras para el registro de votantes.

El 2 de junio de 1924, el presidente republicano de los Estados Unidos, Calvin Coolidge, firmó la Ley de ciudadanía india , que convirtió a todos los nativos americanos nacidos en los Estados Unidos y sus territorios en ciudadanos estadounidenses. Antes de la aprobación de la ley, casi dos tercios de los nativos americanos ya eran ciudadanos estadounidenses, a través del matrimonio, el servicio militar o la aceptación de asignaciones de tierras. [131] [132] La ley extendió la ciudadanía a "todos los indios no ciudadanos nacidos dentro de los límites territoriales de los Estados Unidos". [130]

El republicano Charles Curtis , congresista y senador estadounidense de Kansas desde hace mucho tiempo, era de ascendencia Kaw, Osage, Potawatomi y europea. Después de servir como Representante de los Estados Unidos y ser reelegido repetidamente como Senador de los Estados Unidos por Kansas, Curtis se desempeñó como Látigo de la Minoría del Senado durante 10 años y como Líder de la Mayoría del Senado durante cinco años. Fue muy influyente en el Senado. En 1928 se postuló como candidato a vicepresidente con Herbert Hoover para presidente, y sirvió de 1929 a 1933. Fue la primera persona con ascendencia significativa de nativos americanos y la primera persona con ascendencia no europea reconocida en ser elegido para cualquiera de los Oficinas mas altas del terreno.

Los indígenas estadounidenses de hoy en los Estados Unidos tienen todos los derechos garantizados en la Constitución de los Estados Unidos , pueden votar en las elecciones y postularse para cargos políticos. Sigue habiendo controversias sobre la jurisdicción del gobierno federal sobre los asuntos tribales, la soberanía y las prácticas culturales. [133]

A mediados de siglo, la política de despido de indios y la Ley de reubicación de indios de 1956 marcaron una nueva dirección para la asimilación de los nativos americanos a la vida urbana . [134]

El censo contó 332.000 indios en 1930 y 334.000 en 1940, incluidos los que entran y salen de las reservas en los 48 estados. El gasto total en indios promedió $ 38 millones al año a fines de la década de 1920, cayendo a un mínimo de $ 23 millones en 1933 y regresando a $ 38 millones en 1940. [135]

Segunda Guerra Mundial [ editar ]

El general Douglas MacArthur se reúne con Navajo , Pima , Pawnee y otras tropas nativas americanas

Unos 44.000 nativos americanos sirvieron en el ejército de los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial : en ese momento, un tercio de todos los hombres indios sanos entre los dieciocho y los cincuenta años de edad. [136] Descrito como el primer éxodo a gran escala de pueblos indígenas de las reservas desde las destituciones del siglo XIX, el servicio de los hombres con el ejército estadounidense en el conflicto internacional fue un punto de inflexión en la historia de los nativos americanos. La abrumadora mayoría de nativos americanos agradeció la oportunidad de servir; tenían una tasa de alistamiento voluntario que era un 40% más alta que la de los reclutados. [137]

Sus compañeros soldados a menudo los tenían en alta estima, en parte desde que la leyenda del duro guerrero nativo americano se había convertido en parte del tejido de la leyenda histórica estadounidense. Los militares blancos a veces mostraban un respeto despreocupado hacia los camaradas nativos americanos llamándolos "jefes". El aumento resultante en el contacto con el mundo fuera del sistema de reservas trajo cambios profundos a la cultura nativa americana. "La guerra", dijo el comisionado indio estadounidense en 1945, "causó la mayor alteración de la vida indígena desde el comienzo de la era de las reservas", afectando los hábitos, puntos de vista y el bienestar económico de los miembros de la tribu. [138] El más significativo de estos cambios fue la oportunidad, como resultado de la escasez de mano de obra en tiempos de guerra, de encontrar un trabajo bien remunerado en las ciudades, y muchas personas se trasladaron a áreas urbanas, particularmente en la costa oeste con el desarrollo de la industria de defensa.

También hubo pérdidas como resultado de la guerra. Por ejemplo, un total de 1.200 hombres Pueblo sirvieron en la Segunda Guerra Mundial; sólo la mitad regresó a casa con vida. Además, muchos más navajos sirvieron como transmisores de códigos para los militares en el Pacífico. El código que hicieron, aunque criptológicamente muy simple, nunca fue descifrado por los japoneses.

Autodeterminación [ editar ]

El servicio militar y la residencia urbana contribuyeron al surgimiento del activismo indígena americano, particularmente después de la década de 1960 y la ocupación de la isla de Alcatraz (1969-1971) por un grupo de estudiantes indígenas de San Francisco . En el mismo período, se fundó el Movimiento Indígena Americano (AIM) en Minneapolis , y se establecieron capítulos en todo el país, donde los indios americanos combinaron el activismo espiritual y político. Las protestas políticas ganaron la atención de los medios nacionales y la simpatía del público estadounidense.

A mediados de la década de 1970, los conflictos entre los gobiernos y los nativos americanos ocasionalmente estallaron en violencia. Un evento notable de finales del siglo XX fue el incidente de Wounded Knee en la reserva india de Pine Ridge . Molestos con el gobierno tribal y las fallas del gobierno federal en hacer cumplir los derechos del tratado, alrededor de 300 activistas de Oglala Lakota y AIM tomaron el control de Wounded Knee el 27 de febrero de 1973. [139]

Activistas indios de todo el país se unieron a ellos en Pine Ridge, y la ocupación se convirtió en un símbolo de la creciente identidad y poder de los indios americanos. Los funcionarios federales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley y la Guardia Nacional acordonaron la ciudad, y las dos partes tuvieron un enfrentamiento durante 71 días. Durante muchos disparos, un mariscal de los Estados Unidos resultó herido y paralizado. A finales de abril, un cherokee y un hombre lakota local murieron por disparos; los ancianos Lakota pusieron fin a la ocupación para asegurarse de que no se perdieran más vidas. [139]

En junio de 1975, dos agentes del FBI que buscaban realizar un arresto por robo a mano armada en la reserva Pine Ridge resultaron heridos en un tiroteo y murieron a quemarropa. El activista de AIM Leonard Peltier fue sentenciado en 1976 a dos cadenas perpetuas consecutivas por las muertes del FBI. [140]

En 1968, el gobierno promulgó la Ley de Derechos Civiles de los Indios . Esto les dio a los miembros tribales la mayoría de las protecciones contra los abusos de los gobiernos tribales que la Declaración de Derechos otorga a todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses con respecto al gobierno federal. [141] En 1975, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley de Asistencia para la Educación y la Autodeterminación de los Indios , que marca la culminación de quince años de cambios en las políticas. Fue el resultado del activismo indígena americano, el Movimiento de Derechos Civiles y aspectos de desarrollo comunitario del presidente Lyndon Johnson.programas sociales de los años sesenta. La ley reconoció el derecho y la necesidad de los nativos americanos de autodeterminación. Marcó el alejamiento del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de la política de la década de 1950 de poner fin a la relación entre las tribus y el gobierno. El gobierno de Estados Unidos alentó los esfuerzos de los nativos americanos por autogobernarse y determinar su futuro. Las tribus han desarrollado organizaciones para administrar sus propios programas sociales, de bienestar y vivienda, por ejemplo. La autodeterminación tribal ha creado tensión con respecto a la histórica obligación de fideicomiso del gobierno federal de cuidar a los indígenas; sin embargo, la Oficina de Asuntos Indígenas nunca ha estado a la altura de esa responsabilidad. [142]

Colegios tribales [ editar ]

Un hombre Navajo a caballo en Monument Valley , Arizona , Estados Unidos

Navajo Community College, ahora llamado Diné College , el primer colegio tribal, fue fundado en Tsaile, Arizona, en 1968 y acreditado en 1979. Inmediatamente surgieron tensiones entre dos filosofías: una de que los colegios tribales deberían tener los mismos criterios, plan de estudios y procedimientos para calidad educativa como universidades convencionales, la otra que la facultad y el plan de estudios deben adaptarse estrechamente a la cultura histórica particular de la tribu. Hubo una gran rotación, agravada por presupuestos muy ajustados. [143] En 1994, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó una legislación que reconocía a las universidades tribales como universidades con concesión de tierras , lo que brindaba oportunidades para la financiación a gran escala. Treinta y dos universidades tribales en los Estados Unidos pertenecen a laConsorcio de Educación Superior Indígena Estadounidense . A principios del siglo XXI, las naciones tribales también habían establecido numerosos programas de reactivación del idioma en sus escuelas.

Además, el activismo de los nativos americanos ha llevado a las principales universidades de todo el país a establecer programas y departamentos de estudios de los nativos americanos , aumentando la conciencia sobre las fortalezas de las culturas indígenas, brindando oportunidades para los académicos y profundizando la investigación sobre la historia y las culturas en los Estados Unidos. Los nativos americanos han ingresado a la academia; periodismo y medios de comunicación; política a nivel local, estatal y federal; y el servicio público, por ejemplo, que influye en la investigación y las políticas médicas para identificar problemas relacionados con los indios americanos.

Siglo XXI [ editar ]

Byron Mallott , un nativo de Alaska , fue el vicegobernador de Alaska .

En 2009, se incluyó una "disculpa a los pueblos nativos de los Estados Unidos" en la Ley de asignaciones de defensa. Afirmó que Estados Unidos "pide disculpas en nombre del pueblo de Estados Unidos a todos los pueblos indígenas por los muchos casos de violencia, maltrato y negligencia infligidos a los pueblos indígenas por ciudadanos de Estados Unidos". [144]

En 2013, la jurisdicción sobre personas que no eran miembros de una tribu en virtud de la Ley de Violencia contra la Mujer se extendió al país indio. Esto cerró una brecha que impedía el arresto o el enjuiciamiento por parte de la policía tribal o los tribunales de las parejas abusivas de miembros de la tribu que no eran nativos o de otra tribu. [145] [146]

La migración a las áreas urbanas continuó creciendo con el 70% de los nativos americanos viviendo en áreas urbanas en 2012, en comparación con el 45% en 1970 y el 8% en 1940. Las áreas urbanas con poblaciones significativas de nativos americanos incluyen Phoenix, Tulsa, Minneapolis, Denver, Albuquerque, Tucson, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Houston, Nueva York, Los Ángeles y Rapid City. Muchos viven en la pobreza. El racismo, el desempleo, las drogas y las pandillas eran problemas comunes que las organizaciones de servicios sociales indios, como el complejo de viviendas Little Earth en Minneapolis, intentan abordar. [147] También se han realizado esfuerzos de base para apoyar a las poblaciones indígenas urbanas, como en el caso de Bringing the Circle Together en Los Ángeles.

Demografía [ editar ]

El censo de 2010 mostró que la población de EE. UU. El 1 de abril de 2010 era de 308,7 millones. [148] De la población total de los Estados Unidos, 2,9 millones de personas, o el 0,9 por ciento, reportaron indios americanos o nativos de Alaska solamente. Además, 2,3 millones de personas, u otro 0,7 por ciento, informaron de indios americanos o nativos de Alaska en combinación con una o más razas. Juntos, estos dos grupos sumaron 5,2 millones de personas. Por lo tanto, el 1,7 por ciento de todas las personas en los Estados Unidos se identificaron como indígenas estadounidenses o nativos de Alaska, ya sea solos o en combinación con una o más razas. [148]

La definición de indio americano o nativo de Alaska utilizada en el censo de 2010:

Según la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto, "indio americano o nativo de Alaska" se refiere a una persona que tiene orígenes en cualquiera de los pueblos originales de América del Norte y del Sur (incluida América Central) y que mantiene una afiliación tribal o un vínculo comunitario. [148]

El censo de 2010 permitió a los encuestados identificarse a sí mismos como pertenecientes a una o más razas. La autoidentificación data del censo de 1960; antes de eso, la raza del encuestado fue determinada por la opinión del encuestador. La opción de seleccionar más de una raza se introdujo en 2000. [149] Si se seleccionaba indio americano o nativo de Alaska, el formulario solicitaba que la persona proporcionara el nombre de la "tribu inscrita o principal".

Población desde 1890 [ editar ]

El censo contó 248,000 nativos americanos en 1890, 332,000 en 1930 y 334,000 en 1940, incluidos los que entran y salen de las reservas en los 48 estados. El gasto total en los nativos americanos promedió $ 38 millones al año a fines de la década de 1920, cayendo a un mínimo de $ 23 millones en 1933 y regresando a $ 38 millones en 1940. [135]

Distribución de la población [ editar ]

Este mapa de la Oficina del Censo muestra las ubicaciones de los diferentes grupos de nativos americanos, incluidas las reservas indígenas , a partir de 2000. Tenga en cuenta la concentración (azul) en la actual Oklahoma en el suroeste, que una vez fue designado como un territorio indio antes de convertirse en estado en 1907.

El 78% de los nativos americanos viven fuera de una reserva. Los individuos de sangre pura tienen más probabilidades de vivir en una reserva que los individuos de sangre mixta. Los navajos , con 286.000 individuos de sangre completa, es la tribu más grande si solo se cuentan los individuos de sangre completa; los navajos son la tribu con la mayor proporción de individuos de sangre pura, 86,3%. Los Cherokee tienen una historia diferente; es la tribu más grande con 819.000 individuos y 284.000 individuos de sangre completa. [153]

Migración urbana [ editar ]

A partir de 2012, el 70% de los nativos americanos viven en áreas urbanas, frente al 45% en 1970 y el 8% en 1940. Las áreas urbanas con poblaciones de nativos americanos importantes incluyen Minneapolis, Denver, Phoenix, Tucson, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Houston, Nueva York y Los Ángeles. Muchos viven en la pobreza. El racismo, el desempleo, las drogas y las pandillas son problemas comunes que las organizaciones de servicios sociales indios como el complejo de viviendas Little Earth en Minneapolis intentan abordar. [147]

Distribución por estado de EE. UU. [ Editar ]

Según estimaciones de la Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos de 2003 , un poco más de un tercio de los 2,786,652 nativos americanos en los Estados Unidos viven en tres estados: California (413,382), Arizona (294,137) y Oklahoma (279,559). [154]

En 2010, la Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. Estimó que aproximadamente el 0,8% de la población de EE. UU. Era de ascendencia indígena estadounidense o nativa de Alaska . Esta población está distribuida de manera desigual en todo el país. [155] A continuación, los cincuenta estados, así como el Distrito de Columbia y Puerto Rico, se enumeran por la proporción de residentes que citan ascendencia indígena estadounidense o nativa de Alaska, según el Censo de los Estados Unidos de 2010 . [156]

Población por agrupación tribal [ editar ]

A continuación se muestran los números de los ciudadanos estadounidenses que se identifican a sí mismos en grupos tribales seleccionados, según el censo estadounidense de 2010. [157]

Soberanía tribal [ editar ]

Reservas indias en los Estados Unidos continentales

There are 573 federally recognized tribal governments[159] and 326 Indian reservations [160] in the United States. These tribes possess the right to form their own governments, to enforce laws (both civil and criminal) within their lands, to tax, to establish requirements for membership, to license and regulate activities, to zone, and to exclude persons from tribal territories. Limitations on tribal powers of self-government include the same limitations applicable to states; for example, neither tribes nor states have the power to make war, engage in foreign relations, or coin money (this includes paper currency).[161] In addition, there are a number of tribes that are recognized by individual states, but not by the federal government. The rights and benefits associated with state recognition vary from state to state.

Many Native Americans and advocates of Native American rights point out that the U.S. federal government's claim to recognize the "sovereignty" of Native American peoples falls short, given that the United States wishes to govern Native American peoples and treat them as subject to U.S. law.[162] Such advocates contend that full respect for Native American sovereignty would require the U.S. government to deal with Native American peoples in the same manner as any other sovereign nation, handling matters related to relations with Native Americans through the Secretary of State, rather than the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Bureau of Indian Affairs reports on its website that its "responsibility is the administration and management of 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives".[163] Many Native Americans and advocates of Native American rights believe that it is condescending for such lands to be considered "held in trust" and regulated in any fashion by other than their own tribes, whether the U.S. or Canadian governments, or any other non-Native American authority.

Some tribal groups have been unable to document the cultural continuity required for federal recognition. To achieve federal recognition and its benefits, tribes must prove continuous existence since 1900. The federal government has maintained this requirement, in part because through participation on councils and committees, federally recognized tribes have been adamant about groups' satisfying the same requirements as they did.[164] The Muwekma Ohlone of the San Francisco Bay Area are pursuing litigation in the federal court system to establish recognition.[165] Many of the smaller eastern tribes, long considered remnants of extinct peoples, have been trying to gain official recognition of their tribal status. Several tribes in Virginia and North Carolina have gained state recognition. Federal recognition confers some benefits, including the right to label arts and crafts as Native American and permission to apply for grants that are specifically reserved for Native Americans. But gaining federal recognition as a tribe is extremely difficult; to be established as a tribal group, members have to submit extensive genealogical proof of tribal descent and continuity of the tribe as a culture.

Native peoples are concerned about the effects of abandoned uranium mines on or near their lands.

In July 2000, the Washington State Republican Party adopted a resolution recommending that the federal and legislative branches of the U.S. government terminate tribal governments.[166] In 2007, a group of Democratic Party congressmen and congresswomen introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives to "terminate" the Cherokee Nation.[167] This was related to their voting to exclude Cherokee Freedmen as members of the tribe unless they had a Cherokee ancestor on the Dawes Rolls, although all Cherokee Freedmen and their descendants had been members since 1866.

As of 2004, various Native Americans are wary of attempts by others to gain control of their reservation lands for natural resources, such as coal and uranium in the West.[168][169]

In the state of Virginia, Native Americans face a unique problem. Until 2017 Virginia previously had no federally recognized tribes but the state had recognized eight. This is related historically to the greater impact of disease and warfare on the Virginia Indian populations, as well as their intermarriage with Europeans and Africans. Some people confused ancestry with culture, but groups of Virginia Indians maintained their cultural continuity. Most of their early reservations were ended under the pressure of early European settlement.

Some historians also note the problems of Virginia Indians in establishing documented continuity of identity, due to the work of Walter Ashby Plecker (1912–1946). As registrar of the state's Bureau of Vital Statistics, he applied his own interpretation of the one-drop rule, enacted in law in 1924 as the state's Racial Integrity Act. It recognized only two races: "white" and "colored".

Plecker, a segregationist, believed that the state's Native Americans had been "mongrelized" by intermarriage with African Americans; to him, ancestry determined identity, rather than culture. He thought that some people of partial black ancestry were trying to "pass" as Native Americans. Plecker thought that anyone with any African heritage had to be classified as colored, regardless of appearance, amount of European or Native American ancestry, and cultural/community identification. Plecker pressured local governments into reclassifying all Native Americans in the state as "colored" and gave them lists of family surnames to examine for reclassification based on his interpretation of data and the law. This led to the state's destruction of accurate records related to families and communities who identified as Native American (as in church records and daily life). By his actions, sometimes different members of the same family were split by being classified as "white" or "colored". He did not allow people to enter their primary identification as Native American in state records.[164] In 2009, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee endorsed a bill that would grant federal recognition to tribes in Virginia.[170]

As of 2000, the largest groups in the United States by population were Navajo, Cherokee, Choctaw, Sioux, Chippewa, Apache, Blackfeet, Iroquois, and Pueblo. In 2000, eight of ten Americans with Native American ancestry were of mixed ancestry. It is estimated that by 2100 that figure will rise to nine out of ten.[171]

Civil rights movement[edit]

National Indian Youth Council demonstrations, Bureau of Indian Affairs Office

The civil rights movement was a very significant moment for the rights of Native Americans and other people of color. Native Americans faced racism and prejudice for hundreds of years, and this increased after the American Civil War. Native Americans, like African Americans, were subjected to the Jim Crow Laws and segregation in the Deep South especially after they were made citizens through the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. As a body of law, Jim Crow institutionalized economic, educational, and social disadvantages for Native Americans, and other people of color living in the south.[172][173][174] Native American identity was especially targeted by a system that only wanted to recognize white or colored, and the government began to question the legitimacy of some tribes because they had intermarried with African Americans.[172][173] Native Americans were also discriminated and discouraged from voting in the southern and western states.[174]

In the south segregation was a major problem for Native Americans seeking education, but the NAACP's legal strategy would later change this.[175] Movements such as Brown v. Board of Education was a major victory for the Civil Rights Movement headed by the NAACP, and inspired Native Americans to start participating in the Civil Rights Movement.[176][177] Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began assisting Native Americans in the south in the late 1950s after they reached out to him.[177] At that time the remaining Creek in Alabama were trying to completely desegregate schools in their area. In this case, light-complexioned Native children were allowed to ride school buses to previously all white schools, while dark-skinned Native children from the same band were barred from riding the same buses.[177] Tribal leaders, upon hearing of King's desegregation campaign in Birmingham, Alabama, contacted him for assistance. He promptly responded and, through his intervention, the problem was quickly resolved.[177] Dr. King would later make trips to Arizona visiting Native Americans on reservations, and in churches encouraging them to be involved in the Civil Rights Movement.[178] In King's book "Why We Can't Wait" he writes:

Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shores, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the sixteenth century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade. Indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or to feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalt it.[179]

Native Americans would then actively participate and support the NAACP, and the civil rights movement.[180] The National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) would soon rise in 1961 to fight for Native American rights during the Civil Rights Movement, and were strong supporters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.[181][182] During the 1963 March on Washington there was a sizable Native American contingent, including many from South Dakota, and many from the Navajo nation.[177][183] Native Americans also participated the Poor People's Campaign in 1968.[181] The NIYC were very active supporters of the Poor People's Campaign unlike the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI); the NIYC and other Native organizations met with King in March 1968 but the NCAI disagreed on how to approach the anti-poverty campaign; the NCAI decided against participating in the march.[182] The NCAI wished to pursue their battles in the courts and with Congress, unlike the NIYC.[181][182] The NAACP also inspired the creation of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) which was patterned after the NAACP's Legal Defense and Education Fund.[177] Furthermore, the NAACP continued to organize to stop mass incarceration and end the criminalization of Native Americans and other communities of people of color.[184] The following is an excerpt from a statement from Mel Thom on May 1, 1968, during a meeting with Secretary of State Dean Rusk:[182] (It was written by members of the Workshop on American Indian Affairs and the NIYC)

We have joined the Poor People's Campaign because most of our families, tribes, and communities number among those suffering most in this country. We are not begging. We are demanding what is rightfully ours. This is no more than the right to have a decent life in our own communities. We need guaranteed jobs, guaranteed income, housing, schools, economic development, but most important- we want them on our own terms. Our chief spokesman in the federal government, the Department of Interior, has failed us. In fact it began failing us from its very beginning. The Interior Department began failing us because it was built upon and operates under a racist, immoral, paternalistic and colonialistic system. There is no way to improve upon racism, immorality and colonialism; it can only be done away with. The system and power structure serving Indian peoples is a sickness which has grown to epidemic proportions. The Indian system is sick. Paternalism is the virus and the secretary of the Interior is the carrier.

Contemporary issues[edit]

Native American struggles amid poverty to maintain life on the reservation or in larger society have resulted in a variety of health issues, some related to nutrition and health practices. The community suffers a vulnerability to and disproportionately high rate of alcoholism.[185]

It has long been recognized that Native Americans are dying of diabetes, alcoholism, tuberculosis, suicide, and other health conditions at shocking rates. Beyond disturbingly high mortality rates, Native Americans also suffer a significantly lower health status and disproportionate rates of disease compared with all other Americans.

— U.S. Commission on Civil Rights[186] (September 2004)

Recent studies also point to rising rates of stroke,[187] heart disease,[188] and diabetes[189] in the Native American population.

Societal discrimination and racism[edit]

A discriminatory sign posted above a bar. Birney, Montana, 1941
Chief Plenty Coups and seven Crow prisoners under guard at Crow agency, Montana, 1887

In a study conducted in 2006–2007, non-Native Americans admitted they rarely encountered Native Americans in their daily lives. While sympathetic toward Native Americans and expressing regret over the past, most people had only a vague understanding of the problems facing Native Americans today. For their part, Native Americans told researchers that they believed they continued to face prejudice, mistreatment, and inequality in the broader society.[190]

Affirmative action issues[edit]

Federal contractors and subcontractors, such as businesses and educational institutions, are legally required to adopt equal opportunity employment and affirmative action measures intended to prevent discrimination against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of "color, religion, sex, or national origin".[191][192] For this purpose, a Native American is defined as "A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment". The passing of the Indian Relocation Act saw a 56% increase in Native American city dwellers over 40 years.[193] The Native American urban poverty rate exceeds that of reservation poverty rates due to discrimination in hiring processes.[193] However, self-reporting is permitted: "Educational institutions and other recipients should allow students and staff to self-identify their race and ethnicity unless self-identification is not practicable or feasible."[194]

Self-reporting opens the door to "box checking" by people who, despite not having a substantial relationship to Native American culture, innocently or fraudulently check the box for Native American.[195]

The difficulties that Native Americans face in the workforce, for example, a lack of promotions and wrongful terminations are attributed to racial stereotypes and implicit biases. Native American business owners are seldom offered auxiliary resources that are crucial for entrepreneurial success.[193]

Native American mascots in sports[edit]

Protest against the name of the Washington Redskins in Minneapolis, November 2014

American Indian activists in the United States and Canada have criticized the use of Native American mascots in sports, as perpetuating stereotypes. This is considered cultural appropriation. There has been a steady decline in the number of secondary school and college teams using such names, images, and mascots. Some tribal team names have been approved by the tribe in question, such as the Seminole Tribe of Florida's approving use of their name for the teams of Florida State University.[196][197]

Among professional teams, the NBA's Golden State Warriors discontinued use of Native American-themed logos in 1971. The NFL's Washington Redskins, whose name was considered to be a racial slur,[198] has recently been removed. They are currently now known as the Washington Football Team. MLB's Cleveland Indians, whose usage of a caricature called Chief Wahoo has also faced protest.[199][200] Starting in 2019, Chief Wahoo ceased to be a logo for Cleveland Indians, though Chief Wahoo merchandise could still be sold in the Cleveland-area.[201][202][203][204]

On December 13, 2020 The New York Times reported that Cleveland would be officially changing their name, set to take effect likely following the 2021 season.[205]

Historical depictions in art[edit]

Secotan Indians' dance in North Carolina. Watercolor by John White, 1585

Native Americans have been depicted by American artists in various ways at different periods. A number of 19th- and 20th-century United States and Canadian painters, often motivated by a desire to document and preserve Native culture, specialized in Native American subjects. Among the most prominent of these were Elbridge Ayer Burbank, George Catlin, Seth Eastman, Paul Kane, W. Langdon Kihn, Charles Bird King, Joseph Henry Sharp, and John Mix Stanley.

In the 20th century, early portrayals of Native Americans in movies and television roles were first performed by European Americans dressed in mock traditional attire. Examples included The Last of the Mohicans (1920), Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans (1957), and F Troop (1965–67). In later decades, Native American actors such as Jay Silverheels in The Lone Ranger television series (1949–57) came to prominence. The roles of Native Americans were limited and not reflective of Native American culture. By the 1970s some Native American film roles began to show more complexity, such as those in Little Big Man (1970), Billy Jack (1971), and The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), which depicted Native Americans in minor supporting roles.

For years, Native people on U.S. television were relegated to secondary, subordinate roles. During the years of the series Bonanza (1959–1973), no major or secondary Native characters appeared on a consistent basis. The series The Lone Ranger (1949–1957), Cheyenne (1955–1963), and Law of the Plainsman (1959–1963) had Native characters who were essentially aides to the central white characters. This continued in such series as How the West Was Won. These programs resembled the "sympathetic" yet contradictory film Dances With Wolves of 1990, in which, according to Ella Shohat and Robert Stam, the narrative choice was to relate the Lakota story as told through a Euro-American voice, for wider impact among a general audience.[206]Like the 1992 remake of The Last of the Mohicans and Geronimo: An American Legend (1993), Dances with Wolves employed a number of Native American actors, and made an effort to portray Indigenous languages. In 1996, Plains Cree actor Michael Greyeyes would play renowned Native American warrior Crazy Horse in the 1996 television film Crazy Horse,[207] and would also later play renowned Sioux chief Sitting Bull in the 2017 movie Woman Walks Ahead.[208]

The 1998 film Smoke Signals, which was set on the Coeur D'Alene Reservation and discussed hardships of present-day American Indian families living on reservations, featured numerous Native American actors as well.[209] The film was the first feature film to be produced and directed by Native Americans, and was also the first feature to include an exclusive Native American cast.[209] At the annual Sundance Film Festival, Smoke Signals would win the Audience Award and it's producer Chris Eyre, an enrolled member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, would win the Filmmaker's Trophy.[210] In 2009, We Shall Remain (2009), a television documentary by Ric Burns and part of the American Experience series, presented a five-episode series "from a Native American perspective". It represented "an unprecedented collaboration between Native and non-Native filmmakers and involves Native advisors and scholars at all levels of the project".[211] The five episodes explore the impact of King Philip's War on the northeastern tribes, the "Native American confederacy" of Tecumseh's War, the U.S.-forced relocation of Southeastern tribes known as the Trail of Tears, the pursuit and capture of Geronimo and the Apache Wars, and concludes with the Wounded Knee incident, participation by the American Indian Movement, and the increasing resurgence of modern Native cultures since.

Terminology differences[edit]

Common usage in the United States[edit]

The term Native American was introduced in the United States in preference to the older term Indian to distinguish the indigenous peoples of the Americas from the people of India.

During World War II, the draft board classified American Indians from Virginia as Negroes.[212][213]

In 1995, a plurality of indigenous Americans, however, preferred the term American Indian[214] and many tribes include the word Indian in their formal title.

Criticism of the neologism Native American comes from diverse sources. Russell Means, an Oglala Lakota activist, opposed the term Native American because he believed it was imposed by the government without the consent of Native people. He has also argued that the use of the word Indian derives not from a confusion with India but from a Spanish expression en Dios meaning "in God"[215][verification needed] (and a near-homophone of the Spanish word for "Indians", indios).

A 1995 U.S. Census Bureau survey found that more Native Americans in the United States preferred American Indian to Native American.[214] Most American Indians are comfortable with Indian, American Indian, and Native American.[216] That term is reflected in the name chosen for the National Museum of the American Indian, which opened in 2004 on the Mall in Washington, DC.

Gambling industry[edit]

Sandia Casino, owned by the Sandia Pueblo of New Mexico

Gambling has become a leading industry. Casinos operated by many Native American governments in the United States are creating a stream of gambling revenue that some communities are beginning to leverage to build diversified economies.[217][clarification needed] Although many Native American tribes have casinos, the impact of Native American gaming is widely debated. Some tribes, such as the Winnemem Wintu of Redding, California, feel that casinos and their proceeds destroy culture from the inside out. These tribes refuse to participate in the gambling industry.

Financial services[edit]

Numerous tribes around the country have entered the financial services market including the Otoe-Missouria, Tunica-Biloxi, and the Rosebud Sioux. Because of the challenges involved in starting a financial services business from scratch, many tribes hire outside consultants and vendors to help them launch these businesses and manage the regulatory issues involved. Similar to the tribal sovereignty debates that occurred when tribes first entered the gaming industry, the tribes, states, and federal government are currently in disagreement regarding who possesses the authority to regulate these e-commerce business entities.[218]

Crime on reservations[edit]

Prosecution of serious crime, historically endemic on reservations,[219][220] was required by the 1885 Major Crimes Act,[221] 18 U.S.C. §§1153, 3242, and court decisions to be investigated by the federal government, usually the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and prosecuted by United States Attorneys of the United States federal judicial district in which the reservation lies.[222][223][224][225][226]

A December 13, 2009 New York Times article about growing gang violence on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation estimated that there were 39 gangs with 5,000 members on that reservation alone.[227] Navajo country recently reported 225 gangs in its territory.[228]

As of 2012, a high incidence of rape continued to impact Native American women and Alaskan native women. According to the Department of Justice, 1 in 3 Native women have suffered rape or attempted rape, more than twice the national rate.[229] About 46 percent of Native American women have been raped, beaten, or stalked by an intimate partner, according to a 2010 study by the Centers for Disease Control.[230] According to Professor N. Bruce Duthu, "More than 80 percent of Indian victims identify their attacker as non-Indian".[231][232]

Barriers to economic development[edit]

Today, other than tribes successfully running casinos, many tribes struggle, as they are often located on reservations isolated from the main economic centers of the country. The estimated 2.1 million Native Americans are the most impoverished of all ethnic groups. According to the 2000 Census, an estimated 400,000 Native Americans reside on reservation land. While some tribes have had success with gaming, only 40% of the 562 federally recognized tribes operate casinos.[233] According to a 2007 survey by the U.S. Small Business Administration, only 1% of Native Americans own and operate a business.[234]

The barriers to economic development on Native American reservations have been identified by Joseph Kalt[235] and Stephen Cornell[236] of the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development at Harvard University, in their report: What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development (2008),[237] are summarized as follows:

  • Lack of access to capital
  • Lack of human capital (education, skills, technical expertise) and the means to develop it
  • Reservations lack effective planning
  • Reservations are poor in natural resources
  • Reservations have natural resources but lack sufficient control over them
  • Reservations are disadvantaged by their distance from markets and the high costs of transportation
    Teacher with picture cards giving English instruction to Navajo day school students
  • Tribes cannot persuade investors to locate on reservations because of intense competition from non-Native American communities
  • The Bureau of Indian Affairs is inept, corrupt or uninterested in reservation development
  • Tribal politicians and bureaucrats are inept or corrupt
  • On-reservation factionalism destroys stability in tribal decisions
  • The instability of tribal government keeps outsiders from investing. The lack of international recognition Native American tribal sovereignty weakens their political-economic legitimacy.[238] (Many tribes adopted constitutions by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act model, with two-year terms for elected positions of chief and council members deemed too short by the authors for getting things done)
  • Entrepreneurial skills and experience are scarce

A major barrier to development is the lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and experience within Indian reservations. "A general lack of education and experience about business is a significant challenge to prospective entrepreneurs", was the report on Native American entrepreneurship by the Northwest Area Foundation in 2004. "Native American communities that lack entrepreneurial traditions and recent experiences typically do not provide the support that entrepreneurs need to thrive. Consequently, experiential entrepreneurship education needs to be embedded into school curriculum and after-school and other community activities. This would allow students to learn the essential elements of entrepreneurship from a young age and encourage them to apply these elements throughout life".[239] Rez Biz magazine addresses these issues.

Discourse in Native American economic development[edit]

Some scholars argue that the existing theories and practices of economic development are not suitable for Native American communities—given the lifestyle, economic, and cultural differences, as well as the unique history of Native American-U.S. relations.[238] Little economic development research has been conducted on Native American communities. The federal government fails to consider place-based issues of American Indian poverty by generalizing the demographic.[238][240] In addition, the concept of economic development threatens to upend the multidimensionality of Native American culture.[238] The dominance of federal government involvement in indigenous developmental activities perpetuates and exacerbates the salvage paradigm.[238]

Landownership challenges[edit]

Native land owned by individual Native Americans sometimes cannot be developed because of fractionalization. Fractionalization occurs when a landowner dies, and their land is inherited by their children, but not subdivided. This means that one parcel might be owned by 50 different individuals. A majority of those holding interest must agree to any proposal to develop the land, and establishing this consent is time-consuming, cumbersome, and sometimes impossible. Another landownership issue on reservations is checkerboarding, where Tribal land is interspersed with land owned by the federal government on behalf of Natives, individually owned plots, and land owned by non-Native individuals. This prevents Tribal governments from securing plots of land large enough for economic development or agricultural uses.[241]Because reservation land is owned "in trust" by the federal government, individuals living on reservations cannot build equity in their homes. This bars Native Americans from getting loans, as there is nothing that a bank can collect if the loan is not paid. Past efforts to encourage land ownership (such as the Dawes Act) resulted in a net loss of Tribal land. After they were familiarized with their smallholder status, Native American landowners were lifted of trust restrictions and their land would get transferred back to them, contingent on a transactional fee to the federal government. The transfer fee discouraged Native American land ownership, with 65% of tribal-owned land being sold to non-Native Americans by the 1920s.[242] Activists against property rights point to historical evidence of communal ownership of land and resources by tribes. They claim that because of this history, property rights are foreign to Natives and have no place in the modern reservation system. Those in favor of property rights cite examples of tribes negotiating with colonial communities or other tribes about fishing and hunting rights in an area.[243] Land ownership was also a challenge because of the different definitions of land that the Natives and the Europeans had.[244] Most Native American tribes thought of property rights more as "borrowing" the land, while those from Europe thought of land as individual property.[245]

Land ownership and bureaucratic challenges in historical context[edit]

State-level efforts such as the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act were attempts to contain tribal land in Native American hands. However, more bureaucratic decisions only expanded the size of the bureaucracy. The knowledge disconnect between the decision-making bureaucracy and Native American stakeholders resulted in ineffective development efforts.[240][242]

Traditional Native American entrepreneurship does not prioritize profit maximization, rather, business transactions must have align with their social and cultural values.[246] In response to indigenous business philosophy, the federal government created policies that aimed to formalize their business practices, which undermined the Native American status quo.[242] Additionally, legal disputes interfered with tribal land leasing, which were settled with the verdict against tribal sovereignty.[247]

Often, bureaucratic overseers of development are far removed from Native American communities and lack the knowledge and understanding to develop plans or make resource allocation decisions.[240] The top-down heavy involvement in developmental operations corrupts bureaucrats into further self-serving agenda. Such incidences include fabricated reports that exaggerate results.[240]

Geographic poverty[edit]

While Native American urban poverty is attributed to hiring and workplace discrimination in a heterogeneous setting,[193] reservation and trust land poverty rates are endogenous to deserted opportunities in isolated regions.[248]


Historical trauma[edit]

Historical trauma is described as collective emotional and psychological damage throughout a person's lifetime and across multiple generations.[249] Examples of historical trauma can be seen through the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890, where over 200 unarmed Lakota were killed,[250] and the Dawes Allotment Act of 1887, when American Indians lost four-fifths of their land.[251]

Impacts of intergenerational trauma[edit]

American Indian youth have higher rates of substance and alcohol use deaths than the general population.[252] Many American Indians can trace the beginning of their substance and alcohol use to a traumatic event related to their offender's own substance use.[253] A person's substance use can be described as a defense mechanism against the user's emotions and trauma.[254] For American Indians alcoholism is a symptom of trauma passed from generation to generation and influenced by oppressive behaviors and policies by the dominant Euro-American society.[255] Boarding schools were made to "Kill the Indian, Save the man".[256] Shame among American Indians can be attributed to the hundreds of years of discrimination.[254]

Society, language, and culture[edit]

Three Native American women in Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Wasco County, Oregon (1902)

The culture of Pre-Columbian North America is usually defined by the concept of the culture area, namely a geographical region where shared cultural traits occur. The northwest culture area, for example, shared common traits such as salmon fishing, woodworking, and large villages or towns and a hierarchical social structure.[257] Ethnographers generally classify the indigenous peoples of North America into ten cultural areas based on geographical region.

Though cultural features, language, clothing, and customs vary enormously from one tribe to another, there are certain elements which are encountered frequently and shared by many tribes. Early European American scholars described the Native Americans as having a society dominated by clans.[258]

European colonization of the Americas had a major impact on Native American cultures through what is known as the Columbian exchange. The Columbian exchange, also known as the Columbian interchange, was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas and Eurasia (the Old World) in the 15th and 16th centuries, following Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage.[259] The Columbian exchange generally had a destructive impact on Native American cultures through disease, and a 'clash of cultures',[260] whereby European values of private land ownership, the family, and division of labor, led to conflict, appropriation of traditional communal lands and changed how the indigenous tribes practiced slavery.[260]

Geronimo, Chiricahua Apache leader. Photograph by Frank A. Rinehart (1898).

The impact of the Columbian exchange was not entirely negative, however. For example, the re-introduction of the horse to North America allowed the Plains Indian to revolutionize their ways of life by making hunting, trading, and warfare far more effective, and to greatly improve their ability to transport possessions and move their settlements.[261]

The Great Plains tribes were still hunting the bison when they first encountered the Europeans. The Spanish reintroduction of the horse to North America in the 17th century and Native Americans' learning to use them greatly altered the Native Americans' cultures, including changing the way in which they hunted large game. Horses became such a valuable, central element of Native lives that they were counted as a measure of wealth by many tribes.[citation needed]

In the early years, as Native peoples encountered European explorers and settlers and engaged in trade, they exchanged food, crafts, and furs for blankets, iron and steel implements, horses, trinkets, firearms, and alcoholic beverages.

Ethno-linguistic classification[edit]

Pre-contact: distribution of North American language families, including northern Mexico

The Na-Dené, Algic, and Uto-Aztecan families are the largest in terms of the number of languages. Uto-Aztecan has the most speakers (1.95 million) if the languages in Mexico are considered (mostly due to 1.5 million speakers of Nahuatl); Na-Dené comes in second with approximately 200,000 speakers (nearly 180,000 of these are speakers of Navajo), and Algic in third with about 180,000 speakers (mainly Cree and Ojibwe). Na-Dené and Algic have the widest geographic distributions: Algic currently spans from northeastern Canada across much of the continent down to northeastern Mexico (due to later migrations of the Kickapoo) with two outliers in California (Yurok and Wiyot); Na-Dené spans from Alaska and western Canada through Washington, Oregon, and California to the U.S. Southwest and northern Mexico (with one outlier in the Plains). Several families consist of only 2 or 3 languages. Demonstrating genetic relationships has proved difficult due to the great linguistic diversity present in North America. Two large (super-) family proposals, Penutian and Hokan, look particularly promising. However, even after decades of research, a large number of families remain.[citation needed]

A number of words used in English have been derived from Native American languages.

Language education[edit]

Oklahoma Cherokee language immersion school student writing in the Cherokee syllabary
The Cherokee language taught to preschoolers as a first language, at New Kituwah Academy

To counteract a shift to English, some Native American tribes have initiated language immersion schools for children, where an Indigenous American language is the medium of instruction. For example, the Cherokee Nation initiated a 10-year language preservation plan that involved raising new fluent speakers of the Cherokee language from childhood on up through school immersion programs as well as a collaborative community effort to continue to use the language at home.[262] This plan was part of an ambitious goal that, in 50 years, will result in 80% or more of the Cherokee people being fluent in the language.[263] The Cherokee Preservation Foundation has invested $3 million in opening schools, training teachers, and developing curricula for language education, as well as initiating community gatherings where the language can be actively used.[263] Formed in 2006, the Kituwah Preservation & Education Program (KPEP) on the Qualla Boundary focuses on language immersion programs for children from birth to fifth grade, developing cultural resources for the general public and community language programs to foster the Cherokee language among adults.[264]

There is also a Cherokee language immersion school in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, that educates students from pre-school through eighth grade.[265] Because Oklahoma's official language is English, Cherokee immersion students are hindered when taking state-mandated tests because they have little competence in English.[266] The Department of Education of Oklahoma said that in 2012 state tests: 11% of the school's sixth-graders showed proficiency in math, and 25% showed proficiency in reading; 31% of the seventh-graders showed proficiency in math, and 87% showed proficiency in reading; 50% of the eighth-graders showed proficiency in math, and 78% showed proficiency in reading.[266] The Oklahoma Department of Education listed the charter school as a Targeted Intervention school, meaning the school was identified as a low-performing school but has not so that it was a Priority School.[266] Ultimately, the school made a C, or a 2.33 grade point average on the state's A-F report card system.[266] The report card shows the school getting an F in mathematics achievement and mathematics growth, a C in social studies achievement, a D in reading achievement, and an A in reading growth and student attendance.[266] "The C we made is tremendous", said school principal Holly Davis, "[t]here is no English instruction in our school's younger grades, and we gave them this test in English."[266] She said she had anticipated the low grade because it was the school's first year as a state-funded charter school, and many students had difficulty with English.[266] Eighth graders who graduate from the Tahlequah immersion school are fluent speakers of the language, and they usually go on to attend Sequoyah High School where classes are taught in both English and Cherokee.

Indigenous foodways[edit]

Maize grown by Native Americans
Ojibwe baby waits on a cradleboard while parents tend wild rice crops (Minnesota, 1940).

Historical diets of Native Americans differed dramatically from region to region. Different peoples might have relied more heavily on agriculture, horticulture, hunting, fishing, or gathering wild plants and fungi. Tribes developed diets best suited to their environments.

Iñupiat, Yupiit, Unangan, and fellow Alaska Natives fished, hunted, and harvested wild plants, but did not rely on agriculture. Coastal peoples relied more heavily on sea mammals, fish, and fish eggs, while inland peoples hunted caribou and moose.[267] Alaskan Natives prepared and preserved dried and smoked meat and fish.

Pacific Northwest tribes crafted seafaring dugouts 40–50 feet (12–15 m) long for fishing.

In the Eastern Woodlands, early peoples independently invented agricultural and by 1800 BCE developed the crops of the Eastern Agricultural Complex, which include squash (Cucurbita pepo ssp. ovifera), sunflower (Helianthus annuus var. macrocarpus), goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri), and marsh elder (Iva annua var. macrocarpa).[268][269]

The Sonoran desert region including parts of Arizona and California, part of a region known as Aridoamerica, relied heavily on the tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) as a staple crop. This and other desert crops, mesquite bead pods, tunas (prickly pear fruit), cholla buds, saguaro cactus fruit, and acorns are being actively promoted today by Tohono O'odham Community Action.[270] In the Southwest, some communities developed irrigation techniques while others, such as the Hopi dry-farmed. They filled storehouses with grain as protection against the area's frequent droughts.

Maize or corn, first cultivated in what is now Mexico was traded north into Aridoamerica and Oasisamerica, southwest. From there, maize cultivation spread throughout the Great Plains and Eastern Woodlands by 200 CE. Native farmers practiced polycropping maize, beans, and squash; these crops are known as the Three Sisters. The beans would replace the nitrogen, which the maize leached from the ground, as well as using corn stalks for support for climbing.

The agriculture gender roles of the Native Americans varied from region to region. In the Southwest area, men prepared the soil with hoes. The women were in charge of planting, weeding, and harvesting the crops. In most other regions, the women were in charge of most agriculture, including clearing the land. Clearing the land was an immense chore since the Native Americans rotated fields.

Europeans in the eastern part of the continent observed that Native Americans cleared large areas for cropland. Their fields in New England sometimes covered hundreds of acres. Colonists in Virginia noted thousands of acres under cultivation by Native Americans.[271]

Makah Native Americans and a whale, The King of the Seas in the Hands of the Makahs, 1910 photograph by Asahel Curtis

Early farmers commonly used tools such as the hoe, maul, and dibber. The hoe was the main tool used to till the land and prepare it for planting; then it was used for weeding. The first versions were made out of wood and stone. When the settlers brought iron, Native Americans switched to iron hoes and hatchets. The dibber was a digging stick, used to plant the seed. Once the plants were harvested, women prepared the produce for eating. They used the maul to grind the corn into a mash. It was cooked and eaten that way or baked as cornbread.[272]


Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the patron of ecologists, exiles, and orphans, was canonized by the Catholic Church.
Baptism of Pocahontas was painted in 1840 by John Gadsby Chapman, who depicts Pocahontas, wearing white, being baptized Rebecca by Anglican minister Alexander Whiteaker (left) in Jamestown, Virginia. This event is believed to have taken place either in 1613 or 1614.

Native American religious practices, beliefs, and philosophies differ widely across tribes. These spiritualities, practices, beliefs, and philosophies may accompany adherence to another faith or can represent a person's primary religious, faith, spiritual or philosophical identity. Much Native American spirituality exists in a tribal-cultural continuum, and as such cannot be easily separated from tribal identity itself.

Cultural spiritual, philosophical, and faith ways differ from tribe to tribe and person to person. Some tribes include the use of sacred leaves and herbs such as tobacco, sweetgrass or sage. Many Plains tribes have sweatlodge ceremonies, though the specifics of the ceremony vary among tribes. Fasting, singing and prayer in the ancient languages of their people, and sometimes drumming are also common.[273][citation needed]

The Midewiwin Lodge is a medicine society inspired by the oral history and prophesies of the Ojibwa (Chippewa) and related tribes.

Another significant religious body among Native peoples is known as the Native American Church. It is a syncretistic church incorporating elements of Native spiritual practice from a number of different tribes as well as symbolic elements from Christianity. Its main rite is the peyote ceremony. Prior to 1890, traditional religious beliefs included Wakan Tanka. In the American Southwest, especially New Mexico, a syncretism between the Catholicism brought by Spanish missionaries and the native religion is common; the religious drums, chants, and dances of the Pueblo people are regularly part of Masses at Santa Fe's Saint Francis Cathedral.[274] Native American-Catholic syncretism is also found elsewhere in the United States. (e.g., the National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine in Fonda, New York, and the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York).

The eagle feather law (Title 50 Part 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations) stipulates that only individuals of certifiable Native American ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally authorized to obtain eagle feathers for religious or spiritual use. The law does not allow Native Americans to give eagle feathers to non-Native Americans.

Gender roles[edit]

Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first Native American woman to become a physician in the United States.

Gender roles are differentiated in many Native American tribes. Many Natives have retained traditional expectations of sexuality and gender, and continue to do so in contemporary life despite continued and on-going colonial pressures.[275]

Whether a particular tribe is predominantly matrilineal or patrilineal, often both sexes have some degree of decision-making power within the tribe. Many Nations, such as the Haudenosaunee Five Nations and the Southeast Muskogean tribes, have matrilineal or Clan Mother systems, in which property and hereditary leadership are controlled by and passed through the maternal lines.[276] In these Nations, the children are considered to belong to the mother's clan. In Cherokee culture, women own the family property. When traditional young women marry, their husbands may join them in their mother's household.

Matrilineal structures enable young women to have assistance in childbirth and rearing and protect them in case of conflicts between the couple. If a couple separates or the man dies, the woman has her family to assist her. In matrilineal cultures the mother's brothers are usually the leading male figures in her children's lives; fathers have no standing in their wife and children's clan, as they still belong to their own mother's clan. Hereditary clan chief positions pass through the mother's line and chiefs have historically been selected on the recommendations of women elders, who could also disapprove of a chief.[276]

In the patrilineal tribes, such as the Omaha, Osage, Ponca, and Lakota, hereditary leadership passes through the male line, and children are considered to belong to the father and his clan. In patrilineal tribes, if a woman marries a non-Native, she is no longer considered part of the tribe, and her children are considered to share the ethnicity and culture of their father.[277]

In patriarchal tribes, gender roles tend to be rigid. Men have historically hunted, traded and made war while, as life-givers, women have primary responsibility for the survival and welfare of the families (and future of the tribe). Women usually gather and cultivate plants, use plants and herbs to treat illnesses, care for the young and the elderly, make all the clothing and instruments, and process and cure meat and skins from the game. Some mothers use cradleboards to carry an infant while working or traveling.[278] In matriarchal and egalitarian nations, the gender roles are usually not so clear-cut and are even less so in the modern era.[275]

At least several dozen tribes allowed polygyny to sisters, with procedural and economic limits.[258]

Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota girls are encouraged to learn to ride, hunt and fight.[279] Though fighting in war has mostly been left to the boys and men, occasionally women have fought as well – both in battles and in defense of the home – especially if the tribe was severely threatened.[280]


Jim Thorpe—gold medalist at the 1912 Olympics, in the pentathlon and decathlon events

Native American leisure time led to competitive individual and team sports. Jim Thorpe, Joe Hipp, Notah Begay III, Chris Wondolowski, Jacoby Ellsbury, Joba Chamberlain, Kyle Lohse, Sam Bradford, Jack Brisco, Tommy Morrison, Billy Mills, Angel Goodrich, Shoni Schimmel, and Kyrie Irving are well known professional athletes.

Ball players from the Choctaw and Lakota tribe in a 19th-century lithograph by George Catlin

Team sports[edit]

Native American ball sports, sometimes referred to as lacrosse, stickball, or baggataway, were often used to settle disputes, rather than going to war, as a civil way to settle potential conflict. The Choctaw called it isitoboli ("Little Brother of War");[281] the Onondaga name was dehuntshigwa'es ("men hit a rounded object"). There are three basic versions, classified as Great Lakes, Iroquoian, and Southern.[282]

The game is played with one or two rackets or sticks and one ball. The object of the game is to land the ball in the opposing team's goal (either a single post or net) to score and to prevent the opposing team from scoring on your goal. The game involves as few as 20 or as many as 300 players with no height or weight restrictions and no protective gear. The goals could be from around 200 feet (61 m) apart to about 2 miles (3.2 km); in lacrosse the field is 110 yards (100 m).

Individual sports[edit]

Chunkey was a game that consisted of a stone-shaped disk that was about 1–2 inches in diameter. The disk was thrown down a 200-foot (61 m) corridor so that it could roll past the players at great speed. The disk would roll down the corridor, and players would throw wooden shafts at the moving disk. The object of the game was to strike the disk or prevent your opponents from hitting it.

Billy Mills crosses the finish line at the end of the 10,000-meter race at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

U.S. Olympics[edit]

Jim Thorpe, a Sauk and Fox Native American, was an all-around athlete playing football and baseball in the early 20th century. Future President Dwight Eisenhower injured his knee while trying to tackle the young Thorpe. In a 1961 speech, Eisenhower recalled Thorpe: "Here and there, there are some people who are supremely endowed. My memory goes back to Jim Thorpe. He never practiced in his life, and he could do anything better than any other football player I ever saw."[283]

In the 1912 Olympics, Thorpe could run the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds flat, the 220 in 21.8 seconds, the 440 in 51.8 seconds, the 880 in 1:57, the mile in 4:35, the 120-yard high hurdles in 15 seconds, and the 220-yard low hurdles in 24 seconds.[284] He could long jump 23 ft 6 in and high-jump 6 ft 5 in.[284] He could pole vault 11 feet (3.4 m), put the shot 47 ft 9 in (14.55 m), throw the javelin 163 feet (50 m), and throw the discus 136 feet (41 m).[284] Thorpe entered the U.S. Olympic trials for the pentathlon and the decathlon.

Louis Tewanima, Hopi people, was an American two-time Olympic distance runner and silver medalist in the 10,000-meter run in 1912. He ran for the Carlisle Indian School where he was a teammate of Jim Thorpe. His silver medal in 1912 remained the best U.S. achievement in this event until another Indian, Billy Mills, won the gold medal in 1964. Tewanima also competed at the 1908 Olympics, where he finished in ninth place in the marathon.[1]

Ellison Brown, of the Narragansett people from Rhode Island, better known as "Tarzan" Brown, won two Boston Marathons (1936, 1939) and competed on the United States Olympic team in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, but did not finish due to injury. He qualified for the 1940 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, but the games were canceled due to the outbreak of World War II.

Billy Mills, a Lakota and USMC officer, won the gold medal in the 10,000-meter run at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. He was the only American ever to win the Olympic gold in this event. An unknown before the Olympics, Mills finished second in the U.S. Olympic trials.

Billy Kidd, part Abenaki from Vermont, became the first American male to medal in alpine skiing in the Olympics, taking silver at age 20 in the slalom in the 1964 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria. Six years later at the 1970 World Championships, Kidd won the gold medal in the combined event and took the bronze medal in the slalom.

Ashton Locklear (Lumbee), an uneven bars specialist was an alternate for the 2016 Summer Olympics U.S. gymnastics team, the Final Five.[285] In 2016, Kyrie Irving (Sioux) also helped Team USA win the gold medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics. With the win, he became just the fourth member of Team USA to capture the NBA championship and an Olympic gold medal in the same year, joining LeBron James, Michael Jordan, and Scottie Pippen.[286]


Fancy Dancer at the Seafair Indian Days Pow-Wow, Daybreak Star Cultural Center, Seattle, Washington
Jake Fragua, Jemez Pueblo from New Mexico

Traditional Native American music is almost entirely monophonic, but there are notable exceptions. Native American music often includes drumming or the playing of rattles or other percussion instruments but little other instrumentation. Flutes and whistles made of wood, cane, or bone are also played, generally by individuals, but in former times also by large ensembles (as noted by Spanish conquistador de Soto). The tuning of modern flutes is typically pentatonic.

Performers with Native American parentage have occasionally appeared in American popular music such as Rita Coolidge, Wayne Newton, Gene Clark, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Blackfoot, and Redbone (members are also of Mexican descent). Some, such as John Trudell, have used music to comment on life in Native America. Other musicians such as R. Carlos Nakai, Joanne Shenandoah and Robert "Tree" Cody integrate traditional sounds with modern sounds in instrumental recordings, whereas the music by artist Charles Littleleaf is derived from ancestral heritage as well as nature. A variety of small and medium-sized recording companies offer an abundance of recent music by Native American performers young and old, ranging from pow-wow drum music to hard-driving rock-and-roll and rap. In the International world of ballet dancing Maria Tallchief was considered America's first major prima ballerina,[287] and was the first person of Native American descent to hold the rank.[288] along with her sister Marjorie Tallchief both became star ballerinas.

The most widely practiced public musical form among Native Americans in the United States is that of the pow-wow. At pow-wows, such as the annual Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque, New Mexico, members of drum groups sit in a circle around a large drum. Drum groups play in unison while they sing in a native language and dancers in colorful regalia dance clockwise around the drum groups in the center. Familiar pow-wow songs include honor songs, intertribal songs, crow-hops, sneak-up songs, grass-dances, two-steps, welcome songs, going-home songs, and war songs. Most indigenous communities in the United States also maintain traditional songs and ceremonies, some of which are shared and practiced exclusively within the community.[289]


The Iroquois, living around the Great Lakes and extending east and north, used strings or belts called wampum that served a dual function: the knots and beaded designs mnemonically chronicled tribal stories and legends, and further served as a medium of exchange and a unit of measure. The keepers of the articles were seen as tribal dignitaries.[290]

Pueblo peoples crafted impressive items associated with their religious ceremonies. Kachina dancers wore elaborately painted and decorated masks as they ritually impersonated various ancestral spirits.[291]Pueblo people are particularly noted for their traditional high-quality pottery, often with geometric designs and floral, animal and bird motifs.[292] Sculpture was not highly developed, but carved stone and wood fetishes were made for religious use. Superior weaving, embroidered decorations, and rich dyes characterized the textile arts. Both turquoise and shell jewelry were created, as were formalized pictorial arts.[293]

Navajo spirituality focused on the maintenance of a harmonious relationship with the spirit world, often achieved by ceremonial acts, usually incorporating sandpainting. For the Navajo, the sand painting is not merely a representational object, but a dynamic spiritual entity with a life of its own, which helped the patient at the center of the ceremony re-establish a connection with the life force. These vivid, intricate, and colorful sand creations were erased at the end of the healing ceremony.[294]

The Native American arts and crafts industry brings in more than a billion in gross sales annually.[295]

Native American art comprises a major category in the world art collection. Native American contributions include pottery, paintings, jewellery, weavings, sculpture, basketry, and carvings. Franklin Gritts was a Cherokee artist who taught students from many tribes at Haskell Institute (now Haskell Indian Nations University) in the 1940s, the Golden Age of Native American painters. The integrity of certain Native American artworks is protected by the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, which prohibits the representation of art as Native American when it is not the product of an enrolled Native American artist. Attorney Gail Sheffield and others claim that this law has had "the unintended consequence of sanctioning discrimination against Native Americans whose tribal affiliation was not officially recognized".[296] Native artists such as Jeanne Rorex Bridges (Echota Cherokee) who was not enrolled ran the risk of fines or imprisonment if they continued to sell their art while affirming their Indian heritage.[297][298][299]

Interracial relations[edit]

Lillian Gross, described as a "Mixed Blood" by the Smithsonian source, was of Cherokee and European-American heritage. She identified with the Cherokee culture in which she was raised.

Interracial relations between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans is a complex issue that has been mostly neglected with "few in-depth studies on interracial relationships".[300][301] Some of the first documented cases of European/Native American intermarriage and contact were recorded in Post-Columbian Mexico. One case is that of Gonzalo Guerrero, a European from Spain, who was shipwrecked along the Yucatan Peninsula, and fathered three Mestizo children with a Mayan noblewoman. Another is the case of Hernán Cortés and his mistress La Malinche, who gave birth to another of the first multi-racial people in the Americas.[302]


European impact was immediate, widespread, and profound already during the early years of colonization and the creation of the countries which currently exist in the Americas. Europeans living among Native Americans were often called "white indians". They "lived in native communities for years, learned native languages fluently, attended native councils, and often fought alongside their native companions".[303]

Early contact was often charged with tension and emotion, but also had moments of friendship, cooperation, and intimacy.[304] Marriages took place in English, Spanish, French, and Russian colonies between Native Americans and Europeans though Native American women were also the victims of rape.[305]

There was fear on both sides, as the different peoples realized how different their societies were.[304] Many whites regarded Native people as "savages" because the Native people were not Protestant or Roman Catholic and therefore the Native people were not considered to be human beings. Orthodox Christians never viewed Native people as savages or sub-human.[304] The Native American author, Andrew J. Blackbird, wrote in his History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan (1897), that white settlers introduced some immoralities into Native American tribes. Many Native Americans suffered because the Europeans introduced alcohol. Many Native people do not break down alcohol in the same way as people of Eurasian background. Many Native people were learning what their body could tolerate of this new substance and died as a result of imbibing too much.[304]

Blackbird wrote:

The Ottawas and Chippewas were quite virtuous in their primitive state, as there were no illegitimate children reported in our old traditions. But very lately this evil came to exist among the Ottawas-so lately that the second case among the Ottawas of 'Arbor Croche' is yet living in 1897. And from that time this evil came to be quite frequent, for immorality has been introduced among these people by evil white persons who bring their vices into the tribes.[304]

The 1725 return of an Osage bride from a trip to Paris, France. The Osage woman was married to a French soldier.
Five Indians and a Captive, painted by Carl Wimar, 1855

The U.S. government had two purposes when making land agreements with Native Americans: to open up more land for white settlement,[304] and to "ease tensions" (in other words assimilate Native people to Eurasian social ways) between whites and Native Americans by forcing the Native Americans to use the land in the same way as did the whites—for subsistence farms.[304] The government used a variety of strategies to achieve these goals; many treaties required Native Americans to become farmers in order to keep their land.[304] Government officials often did not translate the documents which Native Americans were forced to sign, and native chiefs often had little or no idea what they were signing.[304]

Charles Eastman was one of the first Native Americans to become certified as a medical doctor, after he graduated from Boston University.[306][307]

For a Native American man to marry a white woman, he had to get consent of her parents, as long as "he can prove to support her as a white woman in a good home".[308] In the early 19th century, the Shawnee Tecumseh and blonde hair, blue-eyed Rebbecca Galloway had an interracial affair. In the late 19th century, three European-American middle-class women teachers at Hampton Institute married Native American men whom they had met as students.[309]

As European-American women started working independently at missions and Indian schools in the western states, there were more opportunities for their meeting and developing relationships with Native American men. For instance, Charles Eastman, a man of European and Lakota origin whose father sent both his sons to Dartmouth College, got his medical degree at Boston University and returned to the West to practice. He married Elaine Goodale, whom he met in South Dakota. He was the grandson of Seth Eastman, a military officer from Maine, and a chief's daughter. Goodale was a young European-American teacher from Massachusetts and a reformer, who was appointed as the U.S. superintendent of Native American education for the reservations in the Dakota Territory. They had six children together.

European enslavement[edit]

The majority of Native American tribes did practice some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America, but none exploited slave labor on a large scale. Most Native American tribes did not barter captives in the pre-colonial era, although they sometimes exchanged enslaved individuals with other tribes in peace gestures or in exchange for their own members.[310] When Europeans arrived as colonists in North America, Native Americans changed their practice of slavery dramatically. Native Americans began selling war captives to Europeans rather than integrating them into their own societies as they had done before. As the demand for labor in the West Indies grew with the cultivation of sugar cane, Europeans enslaved Native Americans for the Thirteen Colonies, and some were exported to the "sugar islands". The British settlers, especially those in the southern colonies, purchased or captured Native Americans to use as forced labor in cultivating tobacco, rice, and indigo. Accurate records of the numbers enslaved do not exist because vital statistics and census reports were at best infrequent.[311] Scholars estimate tens to hundreds of thousands of Native Americans may have been enslaved by the Europeans, being sold by Native Americans themselves or Europeans.[312][313]Slaves became a caste of people who were foreign to the English (Native Americans, Africans and their descendants) and non-Christians. The Virginia General Assembly defined some terms of slavery in 1705:

All servants imported and brought into the Country ... who were not Christians in their native Country ... shall be accounted and be slaves. All Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves within this dominion ... shall be held to be real estate. If any slave resists his master ... correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction ... the master shall be free of all punishment ... as if such accident never happened.

— Virginia General Assembly declaration, 1705[314]

The slave trade of Native Americans lasted only until around 1750. It gave rise to a series of devastating wars among the tribes, including the Yamasee War. The Indian Wars of the early 18th century, combined with the increasing importation of African slaves, effectively ended the Native American slave trade by 1750. Colonists found that Native American slaves could easily escape, as they knew the country. The wars cost the lives of numerous colonial slave traders and disrupted their early societies. The remaining Native American groups banded together to face the Europeans from a position of strength. Many surviving Native American peoples of the southeast strengthened their loose coalitions of language groups and joined confederacies such as the Choctaw, the Creek, and the Catawba for protection. Even after the Indian Slave Trade ended in 1750, the enslavement of Native Americans continued (mostly through kidnappings) in the west and in the Southern states.[315][316] Both Native American and African enslaved women suffered rape and sexual harassment by male slaveholders and other white men.[305]

Native American and African relations[edit]

African and Native Americans have interacted for centuries. The earliest record of Native American and African contact occurred in April 1502, when Spanish colonists transported the first Africans to Hispaniola to serve as slaves.[317]

Buffalo Soldiers, 1890. The nickname was given to the "Black Cavalry" by the Native American tribes they fought.

Sometimes Native Americans resented the presence of African Americans.[318] The "Catawaba tribe in 1752 showed great anger and bitter resentment when an African American came among them as a trader".[318] To gain favor with Europeans, the Cherokee exhibited the strongest color prejudice of all Native Americans.[318] Because of European fears of a unified revolt of Native Americans and African Americans, the colonists tried to encourage hostility between the ethnic groups: "Whites sought to convince Native Americans that African Americans worked against their best interests."[319] In 1751, South Carolina law stated:

The carrying of Negroes among the Indians has all along been thought detrimental, as an intimacy ought to be avoided.[320]

In addition, in 1758 the governor of South Carolina James Glen wrote:

it has always been the policy of this government to create an aversion in them [Indians] to Negroes.[321]

Europeans considered both races inferior and made efforts to make both Native Americans and Africans enemies.[322] Native Americans were rewarded if they returned escaped slaves, and African Americans were rewarded for fighting in the late 19th-century Indian Wars.[322][323][324]

"Native Americans, during the transitional period of Africans becoming the primary race enslaved, were enslaved at the same time and shared a common experience of enslavement. They worked together, lived together in communal quarters, produced collective recipes for food, shared herbal remedies, myths and legends, and in the end they intermarried."[325][326] Because of a shortage of men due to warfare, many tribes encouraged marriage between the two groups, to create stronger, healthier children from the unions.[327]

In the 18th century, many Native American women married freed or runaway African men due to a decrease in the population of men in Native American villages.[322] Records show that many Native American women bought African men but, unknown to the European sellers, the women freed and married the men into their tribe.[322] When African men married or had children by a Native American woman, their children were born free, because the mother was free (according to the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, which the colonists incorporated into law).[322]

While numerous tribes used captive enemies as servants and slaves, they also often adopted younger captives into their tribes to replace members who had died. In the Southeast, a few Native American tribes began to adopt a slavery system similar to that of the American colonists, buying African American slaves, especially the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Creek. Though less than 3% of Native Americans owned slaves, divisions grew among the Native Americans over slavery.[328] Among the Cherokee, records show that slaveholders in the tribe were largely the children of European men who had shown their children the economics of slavery.[323] As European colonists took slaves into frontier areas, there were more opportunities for relationships between African and Native American peoples.[322]

Racial identity[edit]

Ben Nighthorse Campbell, one of only four Native Americans elected to the U.S. Senate
Sharice Davids became one of the first two Native American women elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Deb Haaland became one of the first two Native American women elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Yvette Herrell became the first Cherokee woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Ada E. Brown, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation with African-American heritage, nominated by President Donald Trump in 2019 to be a federal judge in Texas

In the 2010 Census, nearly 3 million people indicated that their race was Native American (including Alaska Native).[329] Of these, more than 27% specifically indicated "Cherokee" as their ethnic origin.[330][331] Many of the First Families of Virginia claim descent from Pocahontas or some other "Indian princess". This phenomenon has been dubbed the "Cherokee Syndrome".[332] Across the US, numerous individuals cultivate an opportunistic ethnic identity as Native American, sometimes through Cherokee heritage groups or Indian Wedding Blessings.[333]

Some tribes (particularly some in the Eastern United States) are primarily made up of individuals with an unambiguous Native American identity, despite having a large number of mixed-race citizens with prominent non-Native ancestry. More than 75% of those enrolled in the Cherokee Nation have less than one-quarter Cherokee blood,[334] and the former Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Bill John Baker, is 1/32 Cherokee, amounting to about 3%.

Historically, numerous Native Americans assimilated into colonial and later American society, e.g. through adopting English and converting to Christianity. In many cases, this process occurred through forced assimilation of children sent off to special boarding schools far from their families. Those who could pass for white had the advantage of white privilege.[333] With the enforcement of blood quantum laws, Indian blood could be diluted over generations through interbreeding with non-Native populations, as well as intermarrying with tribes that were not recognized by the United States government.[335] "Kill the Indian, save the man" was a mantra of nineteenth-century U.S. assimilation policies.[336]

Native Americans are more likely than any other racial group to practice interracial marriage, resulting in an ever-declining proportion of indigenous blood among those who claim a Native American identity.[337] Some tribes will even resort to disenrollment of tribal members unable to provide scientific "proof" of Native ancestry, usually through a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood. Disenrollment has become a contentious issue in Native American reservation politics.[338][339]

Admixture and genetics[edit]

Members of the Creek (Muscogee) Nation in Oklahoma around 1877; they include men with some European and African ancestry.[340]

Intertribal mixing was common among many Native American tribes prior to European contact, as they would adopt captives taken in warfare. Individuals often had ancestry from more than one tribe, particularly after tribes lost so many members from disease in the colonial era and after.[60] Bands or entire tribes occasionally split or merged to form more viable groups in reaction to the pressures of climate, disease and warfare.[341]

A number of tribes traditionally adopted captives into their group to replace members who had been captured or killed in battle. Such captives were from rival tribes and later were taken from raids on European settlements. Some tribes also sheltered or adopted white traders and runaway slaves, and others owned slaves of their own. Tribes with long trading histories with Europeans show a higher rate of European admixture, reflecting years of intermarriage between Native American women and European men, often seen as advantageous to both sides.[341] A number of paths to genetic and ethnic diversity among Native Americans have occurred.

In recent years, genetic genealogists have been able to determine the proportion of Native American ancestry carried by the African-American population. The literary and history scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr., had experts on his TV programs who discussed African-American ancestry. They stated that 5% of African Americans have at least 12.5% Native American ancestry, or the equivalent to one great-grandparent, which may represent more than one distant ancestor. A greater percentage could have a smaller proportion of Indian ancestry, but their conclusions show that popular estimates of Native American admixture may have been too high.[342] More recent genetic testing research of 2015, have found varied ancestries which show different tendencies by region and sex of ancestors. Though DNA testing is limited these studies found that on average, African Americans have 73.2–82.1% West African, 16.7%–29% European, and 0.8–2% Native American genetic ancestry, with large variation between individuals.[343][344][345][346]

DNA testing is not sufficient to qualify a person for specific tribal membership, as it cannot distinguish among Native American tribes; however some tribes such as the Meskwaki Nation require a DNA test in order to enroll in the tribe.[347]

In Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science, Kim Tallbear states that a person, "… could have up to two Native American grandparents and show no sign of Native American ancestry. For example, a genetic male could have a maternal grandfather (from whom he did not inherit his Y chromosome) and a paternal grandmother (from whom he did not inherit his mtDNA) who were descended from Native American founders, but mtDNA and Y-chromosome analyses would not detect them."[336]

Native American identity has historically been based on culture, not just biology, as many American Indian peoples adopted captives from their enemies and assimilated them into their tribes. The Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism (IPCB) notes that:

"Native American markers" are not found solely among Native Americans. While they occur more frequently among Native Americans, they are also found in people in other parts of the world.[348]

Geneticists state:

Not all Native Americans have been tested; especially with the large number of deaths due to disease such as smallpox, it is unlikely that Native Americans only have the genetic markers they have identified [so far], even when their maternal or paternal bloodline does not include a [known] non-Native American.[349][350]

Tribal membership[edit]

To receive tribal services, a Native American must be a certified (or enrolled) member of a federally recognized tribal organization. Each tribal government makes its own rules for the eligibility of citizens or tribal members. Among tribes, qualification for enrollment may be based upon a required percentage of Native American "blood" (or the "blood quantum") of an individual seeking recognition, or documented descent from an ancestor on the Dawes Rolls or other registers. But, the federal government has its own standards related to who qualifies for services available to certified Native Americans. For instance, federal scholarships for Native Americans require the student both to be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe and to be of at least one-quarter Native American descent (equivalent to one grandparent), attested to by a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) card issued by the federal government.

Some tribes have begun requiring genealogical DNA testing of individuals' applying for membership, but this is usually related to an individual's proving parentage or direct descent from a certified member.[351] Requirements for tribal membership vary widely by tribe. The Cherokee require documented direct genealogical descent from a Native American listed in the early 1906 Dawes Rolls. Tribal rules regarding the recognition of members who have heritage from multiple tribes are equally diverse and complex. Federally recognized tribes do not accept genetic-ancestry results as appropriate documentation for enrollment and do not advise applicants to submit such documentation.[336]

Tribal membership conflicts have led to a number of legal disputes, court cases, and the formation of activist groups. One example of this is the Cherokee Freedmen. Today, they include descendants of African Americans once enslaved by the Cherokees, who were granted, by federal treaty, citizenship in the historic Cherokee Nation as freedmen after the Civil War. The modern Cherokee Nation, in the early 1980s, passed a law to require that all members must prove descent from a Cherokee Native American (not Cherokee Freedmen) listed on the Dawes Rolls, resulting in the exclusion of some individuals and families who had been active in Cherokee culture for years.

Increased self-identification[edit]

Since the 2000 United States Census, people may identify as being of more than one race.[148] Since the 1960s, the number of people claiming Native American ancestry has grown significantly and, by the 2000 census, the number had more than doubled. Sociologists attribute this dramatic change to "ethnic shifting" or "ethnic shopping"; they believe that it reflects a willingness of people to question their birth identities and adopt new ethnicities which they find more compatible.

The author Jack Hitt writes:

The reaction from lifelong Indians runs the gamut. It is easy to find Native Americans who denounce many of these new Indians as members of the wannabe tribe. But it is also easy to find Indians like Clem Iron Wing, an elder among the Lakota, who sees this flood of new ethnic claims as magnificent, a surge of Indians 'trying to come home.' Those Indians who ridicule Iron Wing's lax sense of tribal membership have retrofitted the old genocidal system of blood quantum—measuring racial purity by blood—into the new standard for real Indianness, a choice rich with paradox.[149]

The journalist Mary Annette Pember notes that identifying with Native American culture may be a result of a person's increased interest in genealogy, the romanticization of the lifestyle, and a family tradition of Native American ancestors in the distant past. There are different issues if a person wants to pursue enrollment as a member of a tribe. Different tribes have different requirements for tribal membership; in some cases persons are reluctant to enroll, seeing it as a method of control initiated by the federal government; and there are individuals who are 100% Native American but, because of their mixed tribal heritage, do not qualify to belong to any individual tribe. Pember concludes:

The subjects of genuine American Indian blood, cultural connection and recognition by the community are extremely contentious issues, hotly debated throughout Indian country and beyond. The whole situation, some say, is ripe for misinterpretation, confusion and, ultimately, exploitation.[352]


The genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas primarily focuses on human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups and human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. "Y-DNA" is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while "mtDNA" is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material.[353] Autosomal "atDNA" markers are also used, but differ from mtDNA or Y-DNA in that they overlap significantly.[354] Autosomal DNA is generally used to measure the average continent-of-ancestry genetic admixture in the entire human genome and related isolated populations.[354] Within mtDNA, genetic scientists have found specific nucleotide sequences classified as "Native American markers" because the sequences are understood to have been inherited through the generations of genetic females within populations that first settled the "New World". There are five primary Native American mtDNA haplogroups in which there are clusters of closely linked markers inherited together. All five haplogroups have been identified by researchers as "prehistoric Native North American samples", and it is commonly asserted that the majority of living Native Americans possess one of the common five mtDNA haplogroup markers.[336]

The genetic pattern indicates Indigenous Americans experienced two very distinctive genetic episodes; first with the initial-peopling of the Americas, and secondly with European colonization of the Americas.[355][356][357] The former is the determinant factor for the number of gene lineages, zygosity mutations and founding haplotypes present in today's Indigenous Amerindian populations.[356]

Human settlement of the New World occurred in stages from the Bering sea coast line, with an initial 15,000 to 20,000-year layover on Beringia for the small founding population.[355][358][359] The micro-satellite diversity and distributions of the Y lineage specific to South America indicates that certain Amerindian populations have been isolated since the initial colonization of the region.[360] The Na-Dené, Inuit and Indigenous Alaskan populations exhibit haplogroup Q-M242 (Y-DNA) mutations, however, that are distinct from other indigenous Amerindians, and that have various mtDNA and atDNA mutations.[361][362][363] This suggests that the paleo-Indian migrants into the northern extremes of North America and Greenland were descended from a later, independent migrant population.[364][365]

Genetic analyses of HLA I and HLA II genes as well as HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 gene frequencies links the Ainu people of northern Japan and southeastern Russia to some Indigenous peoples of the Americas, especially to populations on the Pacific Northwest Coast such as Tlingit. Scientists suggest that the main ancestor of the Ainu and of some Native American groups can be traced back to Paleolithic groups in Southern Siberia.[366]

See also[edit]

  • Alcohol and Native Americans
  • Indian Actors Association
  • List of Alaska Native tribal entities
  • List of historical Indian reservations in the United States
  • List of Indian reservations in the United States
  • List of Native American firsts
  • List of Native Americans of the United States (notable Native Americans)
  • List of writers from peoples indigenous to the Americas
  • Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
  • Native American civil rights
  • Native American Heritage Sites (National Park Service)
  • Native Americans in popular culture
  • Native Americans in United States elections
  • Outline of United States federal Indian law and policy
  • Sexual victimization of Native American women
  • Suicide among Native Americans in the United States


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Further reading[edit]

  • Adams, David Wallace. Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience 1875–1928, University Press of Kansas, 1975. ISBN 0-7006-0735-8 (hbk); ISBN 0-7006-0838-9 (pbk).
  • Anderson, Owanah. Jamestown Commitment: the Episcopal Church [i.e. the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.] and the American Indian. Cincinnati, Ohio: Forward Movement Publications, 1988. 170 p. ISBN 0-88028-082-4
  • Barak, Gregg, Paul Leighton, and Jeanne Flavin. Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Realities of Justice in America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010. ISBN 978-0-7425-9969-7.
  • Bierhorst, John. A Cry from the Earth: Music of North American Indians. ISBN 0-941270-53-X.
  • Deloria, Vine. 1969. Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan.
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne (September 2014). An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne (February 2015). "Native Land and African Bodies, the Source of U.S. Capitalism", in Monthly Review, Volume 66, Number 9. Book review of Walter Johnson, River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2013)
  • Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries Part 22-Eagle permits "Electronic Code of Federal Regulations". February 27, 2007. Archived from the original on June 10, 2007. Retrieved August 22, 2010.
  • Hirschfelder, Arlene B.; Byler, Mary G.; & Dorris, Michael. Guide to research on North American Indians. American Library Association (1983). ISBN 0-8389-0353-3.
  • Jones, Peter N. Respect for the Ancestors: American Indian Cultural Affiliation in the American West. Boulder, CO: Bauu Press (2005). ISBN 0-9721349-2-1.
  • Kroeber, Alfred L. (1939). Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology.
  • Nabokov, Peter, "The Intent Was Genocide" (review of Jeffrey Ostler, Surviving Genocide: Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas, Yale University Press, 533 pp.), The New York Review of Books, vol. LXVII, no. 11 (2 July 2020), pp. 51–52. Writes Nabokov (p. 52): "[D]uring the formative years of our republic and beyond, there was a mounting, merciless, uncoordinated but aggressively consistent crusade to eliminate [a recurring word is "extirpate"] the native residents of the United States from their homelands by any means necessary – and those homelands were everywhere."
  • Nichols, Roger L. Indians in the United States & Canada, A Comparative History. University of Nebraska Press (1998). ISBN 0-8032-8377-6.
  • Pohl, Frances K. (2002). Framing America: A Social History of American Art. New York: Thames & Hudson. pp. 54–56, 105–106 & 110–111. ISBN 978-0-500-23792-2.
  • Shanley, Kathryn Winona (1997). "The Indians America Loves to Love and Read: American Indian Identity and Cultural Appropriation". American Indian Quarterly. 21 (4): 675–702. doi:10.2307/1185719. JSTOR 1185719. Archived from the original on March 15, 2011.
  • Shanley, Kathryn Winona (2004). "The Paradox of Native American Indian Intellectualism and Literature". Melus. 29 (3/4): 273–292. doi:10.2307/4141855. JSTOR 4141855.
  • Shohat, Ella; Stam, Robert (1994). Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-06324-1.
  • Sletcher, Michael, "North American Indians", in Will Kaufman and Heidi Macpherson, eds., Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, 2 vols.
  • Snipp, C.M. (1989). American Indians: The first of this land. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. ISBN 978-0-87154-822-1.
  • Sturtevant, William C. (Ed.). Handbook of North American Indians (Vol. 1–20). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. (Vols. 1–3, 16, 18–20 not yet published), (1978–present).
  • Tiller, Veronica E. (Ed.). Discover Indian Reservations USA: A Visitors' Welcome Guide. Foreword by Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Denver, CO: Council Publications, 1992. ISBN 0-9632580-0-1.
  • Washburn, Wilcomb E. The Indian in America (1975)

External links[edit]

  • Official website of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, part of the U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Official website of the National Congress of American Indians
  • American Indian Records from the National Archives and Records Administration
  • Official website of the National Museum of the American Indian, part of the Smithsonian Institution
  • National Indian Law Library of the Native American Rights Fund – a law library of federal Indian and tribal law